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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: odunybiz on December 26, 2022, 04:23:29 AM

Title: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: odunybiz on December 26, 2022, 04:23:29 AM
Everybody makes mistakes. It’s part of life. In fact, it’s through our mistakes and failures that we acquire the experiences and insight that allow us to succeed. Some people have a hard time admitting it when they make a mistake. However, successful people recognize when they’ve made a blunder. They learn from it, grow and then move on.

In order to help you avoid total failure, one have to avoid making mistakes repeatedly. Here are the some biggest mistakes successful people may make once, but not twice.

👉Ignoring your gut instinct.
Sometimes we just sense something is off without being able to explain why. It’s easy to discount these instincts, perhaps because we’re not really sure if we should trust a hunch over our rational mind. But successful people only make that mistake once before they realize that their gut instincts should never be ignored. Taking your instincts into account will give you a broader perception of what’s going on and make you more confident of your decisions.

👉Not asking tough questions.
Sometimes we’re uncomfortable prying into every detail because we fear being intrusive. But there are times when you have to ask the tough questions. Successful people may fail to do that once, but when they get burned, they’ll ignore the awkwardness and make sure they have all the information they need.

👉Playing it safe.
If you constantly play it safe in life, you’re probably hoping to avoid making mistakes by going along with the herd. But this is one of the biggest mistakes of all, because sweeping success only comes to those who are courageous enough to strike out on their own. Successful people may initially allow themselves to fall into this trap, but something in them propels them to take risks. They would rather try something new and fail than take a safe bet and lead a boring life.

👉Believing in perfection.
It’s easy to fall for a promise of something that seems like a wonderful opportunity. It’s easy to believe in someone who seems to have charisma and charm. But if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. No one is perfect. Successful people may be duped once, but they will be sure to remain skeptical and objective in the future.

👉Blaming others.
Failing to take responsibility for your mistakes and trying to blame others instead is incredibly destructive to yourself and those around you. Yet it is among our most human tendencies because we don’t like to admit the part we played in failure. Successful people are accountable, and this earns them the respect of others. They take responsibility for their mistakes and subsequently grow beyond them.

👉Letting emotions drive decision making.
Emotions sometimes have a way of taking over, even if in the back of our minds we realize we should step back. Negative emotions like jealousy, doubt and anger can plague even the most logical people, clouding their judgment and leading to poor decision making. Successful people don’t allow themselves to fall into this trap more than once.

👉Hitting burnout.
No one achieves their dreams and becomes successful without a lot of hard work and persistence. But successful people quickly learn they need to find balance in life. Becoming a workaholic will only lead to long-term stress and ultimately burnout. Take time to recharge and relax -- it will pay off when you go back to work.

👉Taking a shortcut.
There are no fast passes in business or in life. Trying to cut the line or jump ahead will likely result in failure, or at the very least less-than-optimal results. Successful people may try to take a shortcut once, but when that blows up, they’ll learn the hard way that you can’t skip the line.

👉Trying to please everyone.
We all seek approval from others, and we all want to be well liked. But successful people learn early on that it’s impossible to make everyone happy. Everyone has an opinion and some people will never be pleased, no matter how hard you try. Successful people know that trying to please everyone makes them less effective at their job. They focus on their core customers and have clearly defined targets.

👉Refusing to change your mind.
Tenacity is crucial to gaining success, but there can be a fine line between being determined and having a hard-nosed, unyielding outlook. Persistence will help you reach your goals. Being obstinate and refusing to change your mind or see the reality of a situation will cause you to fail. Successful people would never become successful if they kept making this mistake.

👉Opting for instant gratification.
Delaying gratification is hard for a lot of people. After all, we live in a world where waiting any length of time for something we want seems absurd and unnecessary. But achieving any major goal in life takes hard work and persistence. Successful people learn the value of delayed gratification early on, and their determination to succeed is greater than any instant pleasure they could have.

👉Doing something you’re not passionate about.
It’s true that even successful people may not love every part of their job, but they’re certainly deeply committed and passionate about their ultimate goals and dreams. Successful people may have once found themselves stuck in a dead-end job or doing something they hated, but they would never go back, no matter how big the paycheck.

We (hopefully) all know that honesty is the best policy, but sometimes even good people make bad choices. Sometimes successful people slip, but they won’t do it again because they value their reputation and understand that no price is worth destroying their respectability and trustworthiness.

👉Not setting boundaries.
Setting boundaries with others is all about asserting your ability to say no and pushing back when need be. Without healthy boundaries, you’re at the mercy of others and you’ll be spending time and energy doing things you really don’t want to do. Successful people know what their limits are, and they politely but clearly let others know where the line is drawn.

👉Trying to be someone you aren’t.
It’s tempting to want to mold yourself in an image you believe others will like. But successful people quickly learn that when you try to come off as someone you aren’t, it’s apt to end badly. Trying to be someone other than who you are will come off as inauthentic and disingenuous.

👉Having a victim mentality.
Successful people may fall into the trap of playing the victim and allow themselves to wallow in self-pity once. But they will quickly realize that having a victim mentality means giving up control in favor of gaining attention and sympathy from others and avoiding responsibility. Successful people aren’t going to wallow in perceived wrongs or helplessness. They’re going to overcome and prevail against the odds.

👉Over-promising and under-delivering.
One of the golden rules for any business is to under-promise and over-deliver. That way you’re always exceeding client or customer expectations. But even successful people have at one point found themselves making grandiose promises they were unable to keep. This major blunder will come back to bite you, and successful people make sure to never do it again. Your word is your bond. If you’ve made a commitment, make sure you can meet that expectation.

👉Not asking for help.
No one becomes wildly successful without the help of others, and yet so often we seem to want to do it all on our own. Initially, successful people may be stubborn to the point of not allowing anyone to help them. However, they soon learn the lesson that we all need a helping hand, and we all need to be willing to help others as well.

👉Losing sight of the big picture.
It’s easy to get lost in the daily hustle and bustle of life; to lose sight of the big picture and your main goals. But successful people quickly course correct. They understand they have to keep their primary goals at the forefront of their minds at all times. They set daily priorities and ensure they are making headway toward those overarching goals.

👉Thinking competitors are your enemies.
One of the most common mistakes we make in business and in life is focusing our energy on “beating” the competition. Successful people know that the real key to winning is to focus on making your customers happy. Yes, you need to pay attention to industry trends, but when you stop seeing your competitors as enemies, you can start focusing on better understanding and improving your weaknesses.

👉Trying to fix what’s irreparably broken.
You’ve invested a lot of time, energy and money into something, and you’re determined to see it through. The only problem is that the thing, whatever it is, is irreparably broken. You’re hanging on because you don’t want to “lose” what you’ve already invested. This is called a sunk-cost fallacy. Successful people learn to let go when the writing is on the wall, no matter how painful it might be. The sooner you can move on, the less you will continue to waste resources on something that’s not going anywhere.

👉Not sticking to a budget.
Financial blunders are common, and even successful people make money mistakes. But anyone destined to succeed will also quickly learn the value of having a budget and sticking to it. Whether it’s having their personal finances squared away, or making sure their business has a solid operating budget, successful people have a financial plan based on income and expenditures.

👉Putting other people’s priorities ahead of your own.
It’s one thing to be helpful and support those around you when they need it. It’s another to constantly put everyone else’s priorities ahead of your own. Successful people understand they have to invest in themselves and make sure they aren’t constantly coming in second. It’s important to stand up for yourself and your priorities.


CONCLUSION: No one is perfect. We are born to make mistakes in our journey of life but making same mistakes often results to a total failure. We should always learn to avoid making repeated mistakes and also learn from our previous mistakes to correct our journey in life.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Upgrade00 on December 26, 2022, 07:18:03 AM
Playing it safe.
If you constantly play it safe in life, you’re probably hoping to avoid making mistakes by going along with the herd. But this is one of the biggest mistakes of all, because sweeping success only comes to those who are courageous enough to strike out on their own. Successful people may initially allow themselves to fall into this trap, but something in them propels them to take risks. They would rather try something new and fail than take a safe bet and lead a boring life.
It is alright to have a courageous approach to life and the different niches we find ourselves in. But in investments, playing it safe is one of the best advices one can get

It takes time to grow a portfolio and build your profit margin, inorder to last the test of time, one needs to take low, calculated risks, to successfully manage their investments. When you've gotten more profits, you have the freedom to take more risks, but definitely not when you're just starting out with an asset.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Moneyprism on December 26, 2022, 08:27:28 AM
👉Not asking for help.
No one becomes wildly successful without the help of others, and yet so often we seem to want to do it all on our own. Initially, successful people may be stubborn to the point of not allowing anyone to help them. However, they soon learn the lesson that we all need a helping hand, and we all need to be willing to help others as well.

true,, sometimes lowering our ego and asking others for help will make us a better person and make our efforts smoother,, because we can see that everyone is successful with the help of others .. even at the level of Elon Musk himself, he got help from some of his friends, such as the CEO of Google and some of his other friends when he started his business at the beginning .. so asking for help from others is a very good decision and there is nothing wrong with that

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: franky1 on December 26, 2022, 08:27:32 AM
👉Ignoring your gut instinct.
👉Not asking tough questions.
👉Letting emotions drive decision making.
👉Taking a shortcut.
👉Opting for instant gratification.
👉Not setting boundaries.
👉Not sticking to a budget.
we see these select attributes in plenty of traders. this is what is defined as the "greed" mentality.

if you are a greedy trader looking to change. this is the priority of change

👉stick to a budget.
👉set boundaries.
👉Take the logical route, not shortcut.
👉Opt for patient reward, not instant gratification.
👉ask tough questions.
👉listen to your gut instinct.
👉don't let emotions drive decision making.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: boyptc on December 26, 2022, 09:29:24 AM
Experience will always be the best teacher and if that experience is a failure, you'll sure to get ahead of others and you'll get the idea why successful people will say that it's okay to fail.

Sometimes when we're believing a lot in ourselves, that's stopping us to get some help. It's true that you're good and you have a unique idea that can make you successful.

But taking others advice and help is certainly a big help that everybody would like to have.

That's why having a network with different people and have a connection with them contributes to someone's success.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: stadus on December 26, 2022, 11:05:15 AM

CONCLUSION: No one is perfect. We are born to make mistakes in our journey of life but making same mistakes often results to a total failure. We should always learn to avoid making repeated mistakes and also learn from our previous mistakes to correct our journey in life.
No matter what we do, even if we are too careful of our decisions, mistakes will come without noticing until the results come out, and then started to figure out the mistakes we did. Oh yes, learning from the mistakes we did in the past leads our way to success but we can't deny that many people still commit mistakes because it was not just we learn from our mistakes, it is also how we change our mindset and be serious about doing it.

It is very important to listen to some useful advice from other people, otherwise.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Merit.s on December 26, 2022, 11:56:19 AM
I accept with you about everything you have listed,if you are successful in your business doesn't mean that you are the best in that field,and if your business fails doesn't mean that you are the worst in that business. People don't have the proper knowledge about the business they are establishing, sometimes they feel because  Mr A is into transport business and he is progressing,therefore, Mr B will be envious of Mr A progress and decide to go into transport business, there is higher probability that the business might fail since he is not well knowledgeable on the whole business thing. Not listening to people's advice is the worst because for you to be successful, you must listen to people's suggestions and complains to have a good customer relationship

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: bestcoins1 on December 26, 2022, 12:07:25 PM
true,, sometimes lowering our ego and asking others for help will make us a better person and make our efforts smoother,, because we can see that everyone is successful with the help of others .. even at the level of Elon Musk himself, he got help from some of his friends, such as the CEO of Google and some of his other friends when he started his business at the beginning .. so asking for help from others is a very good decision and there is nothing wrong with that
Obviously there's nothing wrong with that, because everyone who wants to be successful in anything definitely needs other people so that their goals can be realized. After all, it is impossible for someone to be successful without involving other people in this world.

For example, as you said, where Elon Musk is a businessman who needs customers to market the products of his business. Likewise with people who make advertisements and any campaigns with the hope that many people will see and follow them so that the products being marketed are in demand and used by many people.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Moneyprism on December 26, 2022, 12:39:26 PM
true,, sometimes lowering our ego and asking others for help will make us a better person and make our efforts smoother,, because we can see that everyone is successful with the help of others .. even at the level of Elon Musk himself, he got help from some of his friends, such as the CEO of Google and some of his other friends when he started his business at the beginning .. so asking for help from others is a very good decision and there is nothing wrong with that
Obviously there's nothing wrong with that, because everyone who wants to be successful in anything definitely needs other people so that their goals can be realized. After all, it is impossible for someone to be successful without involving other people in this world.

For example, as you said, where Elon Musk is a businessman who needs customers to market the products of his business. Likewise with people who make advertisements and any campaigns with the hope that many people will see and follow them so that the products being marketed are in demand and used by many people.

but what mostly happens in our modern society today is that people seem to be individuals and have very high egos so they are reluctant to ask for help from others because they think that other people are below their standards.. and it happened to many people around me .. therefore we shouldn't be surprised that many people nowadays live alone and work 24/7 and are reluctant to socialize because they think that other people are not too important in their life

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Zilon on December 26, 2022, 01:31:37 PM
👉Trying to fix what’s irreparably broken.
You’ve invested a lot of time, energy and money into something, and you’re determined to see it through. The only problem is that the thing, whatever it is, is irreparably broken. You’re hanging on because you don’t want to “lose” what you’ve already invested. This is called a sunk-cost fallacy. Successful people learn to let go when the writing is on the wall, no matter how painful it might be. The sooner you can move on, the less you will continue to waste resources on something that’s not going anywhere.
This depends on what was invested, if it is an innovation or a new project with good prospects there is nothing bad sticking longer has long the vision for the task is still clear and valid. It is only in shit coins investment that one need to move on without looking back. Imagine investing in Bitcoin for example and the price keeps going dipper the investor won't just give up no matter how long it will take for the market to recover same applies to ideas and innovations with a clear vision no matter how long it takes to actualize the dream the vision bearer needs to be consistent in the pursuit and one day it will click.

👉Not sticking to a budget.
Financial blunders are common, and even successful people make money mistakes. But anyone destined to succeed will also quickly learn the value of having a budget and sticking to it. Whether it’s having their personal finances squared away, or making sure their business has a solid operating budget, successful people have a financial plan based on income and expenditures.
This also depends on the kind of business. Some businesses are capital intensive, so sticking to one's budget might not be applicable here except for volatile investments like crypto generally where the certainty of the market moving bullish is not feasible. But for businesses with little or no volatility like the physical businesses, one can work above their budget by taking up loans to make profit and pay back within the stipulated time.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Zlantann on December 26, 2022, 02:12:06 PM
Everybody makes mistakes. It’s part of life. In fact, it’s through our mistakes and failures that we acquire the experiences and insight that allow us to succeed. Some people have a hard time admitting it when they make a mistake. However, successful people recognize when they’ve made a blunder. They learn from it, grow and then move on.

In order to help you avoid total failure, one have to avoid making mistakes repeatedly. Here are the some biggest mistakes successful people may make once, but not twice.

Almost all the points OP raised are valid mistakes that everyone that aspires to be successful should avoid. I just want to add that successful people avoid bad company because having the wrong people around can lead to disastrous decisions. Immediately a successful person perceives that a friend or business partner lacks integrity or has other character problems, they cut off such a relationship. An example is the case of Sam Bankman-Fried who surrounded himself with the wrong advisers and friends who couldn't warn him that his actions would destroy FTX. They assisted him in bringing down a promising company and now some of them are coming up with what SBF did wrong and what he failed to do correctly. But they never told him when there was still an opportunity to save the company. His friends would be testifying against but they were also instrumental to his downfall.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: mu_enrico on December 26, 2022, 02:48:28 PM
The problem with this kind of article, that successful people do xyz, is survivorship bias. I bet unsuccessful people also never make some of these mistakes twice, but they still failed nonetheless. I'll also predict that both successful and unsuccessful people have no statistical difference in terms of their knowledge of these "biggest mistakes." So what really separates them? It's a combination of work, skill, talent, and luck.

Also, it's not good to focus only on mistakes (lesser developed skill/talent) but it's better to train your best talent/skill to be your ultimate spear.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: ajiz138 on December 26, 2022, 02:57:21 PM
But I think there are some people who are successful but they don't make mistakes twice but several times but in the end they can be successful because of their persistence to take risks in their learning.

Everyone is different in their success path, no matter how many times they fail but in the end it will be sweet because they have succeeded in building a good business because they dare to take that step regardless of the risks they will face, even though with some of the points above are very valid but not everyone can go the same way, I too in the crypto industry have failed several times including investing, trading and managing it but with that bold step that made me realize the importance of experience and change to a new scheme that saved me more from adversity but until now it can be said that it has succeeded in proper management in the crypto business.

True, from that mistake we can correct what has been done after that we can correct it properly and we can continue well.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Theones on December 26, 2022, 04:35:41 PM
But I think there are some people who are successful but they don't make mistakes twice but several times but in the end they can be successful because of their persistence to take risks in their learning.

Everyone is different in their success path, no matter how many times they fail but in the end it will be sweet because they have succeeded in building a good business because they dare to take that step regardless of the risks they will face, even though with some of the points above are very valid but not everyone can go the same way, I too in the crypto industry have failed several times including investing, trading and managing it but with that bold step that made me realize the importance of experience and change to a new scheme that saved me more from adversity but until now it can be said that it has succeeded in proper management in the crypto business.

True, from that mistake we can correct what has been done after that we can correct it properly and we can continue well.
the point which say 'please everyone' Rich people don't try to please everyone.
I failed in my life because I tried to please everyone - now I live my life and do not try to do this. Life seems better. Hope I would have started this practice earlier. A bit earlier

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Flexystar on December 26, 2022, 04:46:51 PM
Yeah, when you are actually trading things always go south. The thing is we never play with such rules because situation is always tensed while we place a bet on trading. It’s real battleground when we start with it and our heart pumps the adrenaline parallel to how the trading candles are going up and down. Lolz.

But yes, whatever OP has mentioned is something worth reading. At least as new trader one should brain wash these rules on their minds so that they will apply at least 50-60% of those set of rules. Good efforts by OP for putting them up here.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Rruchi man on December 26, 2022, 04:52:53 PM
In summary, successful people are good at learning from every experience they have. It is because of this successful habit of learning quickly and avoiding such mistakes again is what distinguishes the successful from the unsuccessful.

Learning quickly from your experience not to remake the mistake is applicable to every aspect of life, in economics, in trading, in the society, and even in securing and HODLing your bitcoins.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: cabron on December 26, 2022, 05:05:00 PM
Playing it safe.
If you constantly play it safe in life, you’re probably hoping to avoid making mistakes by going along with the herd. But this is one of the biggest mistakes of all, because sweeping success only comes to those who are courageous enough to strike out on their own. Successful people may initially allow themselves to fall into this trap, but something in them propels them to take risks. They would rather try something new and fail than take a safe bet and lead a boring life.
It is alright to have a courageous approach to life and the different niches we find ourselves in. But in investments, playing it safe is one of the best advices one can get

It takes time to grow a portfolio and build your profit margin, inorder to last the test of time, one needs to take low, calculated risks, to successfully manage their investments. When you've gotten more profits, you have the freedom to take more risks, but definitely not when you're just starting out with an asset.

Fortune favors the bold. Taking a risk will always get you greater rewards. I can say Bitcoin investors are risk takers also especially since they know its price can dive below 70% in the bear market. But investing in it will still be favorable for them in the next cycle.

Taking risks doesn't just apply to investing or trading. It applies to many aspects of life. Asking a girl on a date takes courage too.
Or fighting back against a bully that had tormented you since will need courage. Be bold in your approach and the bully will respect you.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: bangjoe on December 27, 2022, 05:54:33 PM
Everybody makes mistakes. It’s part of life. In fact, it’s through our mistakes and failures that we acquire the experiences and insight that allow us to succeed. Some people have a hard time admitting it when they make a mistake. However, successful people recognize when they’ve made a blunder. They learn from it, grow and then move on.

In order to help you avoid total failure, one have to avoid making mistakes repeatedly. Here are the some biggest mistakes successful people may make once, but not twice.

CONCLUSION: No one is perfect. We are born to make mistakes in our journey of life but making same mistakes often results to a total failure. We should always learn to avoid making repeated mistakes and also learn from our previous mistakes to correct our journey in life.

In my opinion, the steps attached here are a path to success, not something to be avoided, use your logic, almost all the richest people in the world must have gone through all of this, they didn't avoid it, but they fought and went through it. The things that make them strong are because of this in thought and mentally. if you avoid it, you will actually feel fear of what is prohibited by yourself, because basically mentality is built by circumstances, not from information from other people. the taste of what we experience will be very different from what other people import about crossing obstacles. The important point in mistakes is how to solve them for what we do, which makes it a valuable lesson.

Successful people must have experienced it, they have lied, followed instincts, played it safe and so on, of course, this must also be felt by those of us who want to be successful.
But the point is, to fight the problem and don't run away, be aware of the situation, think optimistically, then learn from it and most importantly don't make the same mistakes so that everything you go through will form the mental steel, that most successful people have.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Leviathan.007 on December 27, 2022, 07:58:25 PM

👉Refusing to change your mind.

When other people suggest you other things to do, I'm not sure it's the best decision to not change your mind because they are just telling you what mistakes you might make, so sometimes it's necessary to change your mind unless you are sure you are on the right path.

👉Blaming others.

The key is taking responsibility for everything you do, and sometimes for every mistake you make, because if you accept your errors, you can learn from them, unless you just follow the wrong path.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: tjtonmoy on December 27, 2022, 08:23:48 PM
Success in life often requires persistence and a willingness to learn from mistakes. It is important to recognize that making mistakes is a natural part of the learning and growth process, and it is through overcoming challenges and setbacks that we can ultimately achieve success. To truly succeed, it is necessary to not only learn from our mistakes but also actively work to improve ourselves and our approach to challenges. This requires a willingness to take risks and embrace new experiences, even when there is a risk of failure. By embracing a growth mindset and continually seeking out opportunities to learn and improve, we can set ourselves up for long-term success.
So making mistakes is not that bad if you see it from a different angle

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Dunamisx on December 27, 2022, 08:33:22 PM
Another mistake any successful person will never risk to make again is to return back being poor, no one will ever be poor and got rich and pray to yet involved in a costly mistake that will return him back to his starting point, yet so many rich opportuned fellows always forget that it takes grace and wisdom to maintain wealth or riches from fading away, some people cannot retain it because they find it as sweet as it will always be, but never thought of chances for change of situations because nothing in life is permanent except we by ourselves choose to make it.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: South Park on December 27, 2022, 08:50:18 PM
Another mistake any successful person will never risk to make again is to return back being poor, no one will ever be poor and got rich and pray to yet involved in a costly mistake that will return him back to his starting point, yet so many rich opportuned fellows always forget that it takes grace and wisdom to maintain wealth or riches from fading away, some people cannot retain it because they find it as sweet as it will always be, but never thought of chances for change of situations because nothing in life is permanent except we by ourselves choose to make it.
And this is common because there is a difference between getting the skills necessary to become wealthy and having the skills to remain wealthy, we may think they are the same but this is not completely true, there are people out there which are great at making money, but they spend it as quickly as they get it, so any economic crisis is enough to bring them down and have to start all over again, so once people develop their skills to make money they also need to learn how to keep it as it can be very difficult to achieve your dream only to lose it all in a heartbeat.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Hamphser on December 27, 2022, 09:21:21 PM

CONCLUSION: No one is perfect. We are born to make mistakes in our journey of life but making same mistakes often results to a total failure. We should always learn to avoid making repeated mistakes and also learn from our previous mistakes to correct our journey in life.
We are just humans and we are really that prone to those mistakes but its true that having some bad experiences from those mistakes should really be suppressed or should be avoided as much as possible.
People do become more wiser on next time they do encounter on the same scenario or situations which it is really just that normal that we humans do really easily adapt and remember on what happened
back in the past and this is where you would really be basing up with your future actions that you would be making on.This is why its really just a normal reaction or action to be made by someone
who do have those bittersweet experience that we do have.This is applicable in all things and not really just good for some situation or scenarios but rather in overall concept and
possible things that might happen ahead.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Cryptomultiplier on December 27, 2022, 09:45:22 PM
These so called successful people know that it is in making mistakes that one can most times have and learn lessons from the experience. They are wise in being able to understand with right analysis, what, why and how things didn't pan out as hoped.
So when I see a successful person I know he/she is wise and have made certain mistakes that even without trying cannot be repeated.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Smartvirus on December 27, 2022, 10:00:36 PM
Obviously there's nothing wrong with that, because everyone who wants to be successful in anything definitely needs other people so that their goals can be realized. After all, it is impossible for someone to be successful without involving other people in this world.

For example, as you said, where Elon Musk is a businessman who needs customers to market the products of his business. Likewise with people who make advertisements and any campaigns with the hope that many people will see and follow them so that the products being marketed are in demand and used by many people.
The definitely in your statement is where I don't quote agree well with. Success is contextual and so also could your perception of the definitive need of other individuals to succeed.

Perhaps it could be in the sense of having the resources but not the labour force or the brains to transform your ideas into a metaphysical existence and more of those. There the context of other individuals could apply.

The context at which you've used it as in producer and customers, I don't really feel it should bethat way as, there always should and would be the receiving phase of a production or service for the chain to be complete. Where we consider the other individuals helping is in the production/developmental phase.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Hydrogen on December 27, 2022, 10:42:59 PM
I don't know if its hard to be successful.

The definition of success could simply be doing things others do not want to.

-Warren Buffett did long term value investing, others did not want to. Other investors focused on fast money and short term gains with higher risk. Which is why Buffett ended up one of the wealthiest, while short term investors couldn't hope to match his success.

-Bill Gates did nerdy PC development people avoided. No one foresaw the computing industry and silicon valley blowing up to become household trends. Culturally, it was all about being the quarterback on the football team. Being a geek or a nerd was thought to hold little future promise, much less wealth.

-Elon Musk built electric cars that conventional automakers decided not to build for decades. No one wanted to build an electric car, no one thought they had a future.

It takes time and effort to develop knowledge, skill and value. Most simply do not want to do it. The path along things people do not want to do, is however often aligned with progress.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: AndySt on December 27, 2022, 11:59:41 PM
These so called successful people know that it is in making mistakes that one can most times have and learn lessons from the experience. They are wise in being able to understand with right analysis, what, why and how things didn't pan out as hoped.
So when I see a successful person I know he/she is wise and have made certain mistakes that even without trying cannot be repeated.
In principle, this is what experience is for, to try not to repeat your own mistakes and the most important thing in such mistakes is when a person makes these mistakes himself, because there is nothing more effective for assimilation. Another question is, not everything is so clear and what was a mistake last time will not necessarily be a mistake next time. Therefore, there are a lot of successful people who nevertheless acted contrary to all the rules and broke the bank, unlike those who, having burned themselves last time, no longer began to take risks next time, and risk is also the basis of success.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: palle11 on December 28, 2022, 11:27:33 AM
Blaming others is what I think the successful people don't do. They own up to their mistakes and work over it not to repeat it again and when you don't repeat mistakes you are likely to get things right. Because successful people are not susceptible to such mistakes, they say it is the wise that learns from people's mistake therefore it is a very good think not to keep making mistakes but if we do , we should learn to rise fast.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Hypnosis00 on December 28, 2022, 12:57:41 PM
We succeed not only because we correct our mistakes in the past, it just happens that we did things that would open our minds and lead us to the right path.
Honestly, there is no way to become perfect, even though we think about it several times and it is because we are born with that structure. We don't need to be afraid of committing mistakes but rather consider this as a way to become mature when it comes to decision-making. If we commit mistakes today, definitely we commit the same mistakes again. We can avoid them somehow unless we memorize them all.

Sometimes, too much success might tempt you to feel invincible, proud and even unrealistic. Making mistakes will always bring you that humble feeling that will make you realise that you are just human at the end of the day.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: rby on December 28, 2022, 01:57:59 PM
We succeed not only because we correct our mistakes in the past, it just happens that we did things that would open our minds and lead us to the right path.
Honestly, there is no way to become perfect, even though we think about it several times and it is because we are born with that structure. We don't need to be afraid of committing mistakes but rather consider this as a way to become mature when it comes to decision-making. If we commit mistakes today, definitely we commit the same mistakes again. We can avoid them somehow unless we memorize them all.

Sometimes, too much success might tempt you to feel invincible, proud and even unrealistic. Making mistakes will always bring you that humble feeling that will make you realise that you are just human at the end of the day.

Being afraid to make mistakes make one afraid to try new ideas and new things. Successful people are always optimistic but when the reverse becomes the case, they take responsibility, take the blame and forge ahead.
Successful people don't dwell on the past and they are never afraid of the worse.
Too much success doesn't necessarily make one feel invincible, rather it makes one's confidence level to be very high about little forces of distractions.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: lizarder on December 28, 2022, 02:09:34 PM
I don't know if its hard to be successful.

The definition of success could simply be doing things others do not want to.
Most definitions of success are always associated with the amount of wealth, how many companies are being run, how many cars and houses they have. The general definition and often people mention, but some people forget that the definition of success is not only limited to things like that.

-Warren Buffett did long term value investing, others did not want to. Other investors focused on fast money and short term gains with higher risk. Which is why Buffett ended up one of the wealthiest, while short term investors couldn't hope to match his success.
Everyone is different in setting investment concepts and not everyone will get wealth from what they plan to do, many people experience ups and downs in building a business or investment.

-Bill Gates did nerdy PC development people avoided. No one foresaw the computing industry and silicon valley blowing up to become household trends. Culturally, it was all about being the quarterback on the football team. Being a geek or a nerd was thought to hold little future promise, much less wealth.
This human being is able to see opportunities in the future, thus setting the standard in developing Microsoft Corporation. At this time, almost no one does not have their product at home, because with the times the need to use Microsoft is getting bigger.

-Elon Musk built electric cars that conventional automakers decided not to build for decades. No one wanted to build an electric car, no one thought they had a future.
Everyone has big plans in life, some people are busy planning but not implemented, Elon Musk is a businessman and owns several companies and currently he has also acquired Twitter and the Indonesian local stock exchange Tokocrypto. Successful people always live in risk and feel comfortable enjoying the risk.

It takes time and effort to develop knowledge, skill and value. Most simply do not want to do it. The path along things people do not want to do, is however often aligned with progress.
The main concept of courage, persistence, skill and consistency!!!

Everyone has knowledge in running something, because this field can be learned if someone has the desire. The three people you gave the example of above were people who took risks, so a few failures didn't stop them from moving on.

This ability is not possessed by many people, so when some failures will make them stop, knowledge can basically be learned according to the abilities we have, unfortunately many people are too afraid to get out of their comfort zone.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Fesatmas on December 29, 2022, 03:20:17 PM
Blaming others is what I think the successful people don't do. They own up to their mistakes and work over it not to repeat it again and when you don't repeat mistakes you are likely to get things right. Because successful people are not susceptible to such mistakes, they say it is the wise that learns from people's mistake therefore it is a very good think not to keep making mistakes but if we do , we should learn to rise fast.
They also don't give up easily just because of failure, they will keep on trying until they know what was their mistake that caused something they did to end in failure. This is actually something we should be able to do, because seeing from other people and even myself, sometimes we give up when our path reaches a dead end, even though if we don't give up maybe we will find another way to achieve success. The point is don't accept failure, because behind that failure there will definitely be something that will make us smile.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Fortify on December 29, 2022, 03:56:46 PM
Everybody makes mistakes. It’s part of life. In fact, it’s through our mistakes and failures that we acquire the experiences and insight that allow us to succeed. Some people have a hard time admitting it when they make a mistake. However, successful people recognize when they’ve made a blunder. They learn from it, grow and then move on.

In order to help you avoid total failure, one have to avoid making mistakes repeatedly. Here are the some biggest mistakes successful people may make once, but not twice.

CONCLUSION: No one is perfect. We are born to make mistakes in our journey of life but making same mistakes often results to a total failure. We should always learn to avoid making repeated mistakes and also learn from our previous mistakes to correct our journey in life.

Do you even have permission to republish someone elses article here in full? They make money from advertising on their own website, but they would not be making money if you just steal the whole thing and post it here - even with a link included that they gain almost nothing from. If you wanted to be fair, you could have maybe posted 5-10 random thoughts from there and directed people to read the rest at their website, but you are just plagiarizing as it stands. The main two things that successful business people do is experiment with lots of different ideas in order to figure out what works and then extracting as much value out of working ideas as possible.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: harapan on December 29, 2022, 07:14:47 PM
We succeed not only because we correct our mistakes in the past, it just happens that we did things that would open our minds and lead us to the right path.
Honestly, there is no way to become perfect, even though we think about it several times and it is because we are born with that structure. We don't need to be afraid of committing mistakes but rather consider this as a way to become mature when it comes to decision-making. If we commit mistakes today, definitely we commit the same mistakes again. We can avoid them somehow unless we memorize them all.

Sometimes, too much success might tempt you to feel invincible, proud and even unrealistic. Making mistakes will always bring you that humble feeling that will make you realise that you are just human at the end of the day.

Being afraid to make mistakes make one afraid to try new ideas and new things. Successful people are always optimistic but when the reverse becomes the case, they take responsibility, take the blame and forge ahead.
Successful people don't dwell on the past and they are never afraid of the worse.
Too much success doesn't necessarily make one feel invincible, rather it makes one's confidence level to be very high about little forces of distractions.

Taking responsibility is also good successfully recognize people take that every time

In the end learning from every failed step is essential as it's us the best ways to learn and grow
It has never been a bad decisions to fail but successfully recognize people rise up back to try another challenge

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Mahanton on December 29, 2022, 11:41:54 PM
👉Letting emotions drive decision making.

This is something that i cant get rid off with on which i do have lots of bad experiences and this do still keeps on coming back due to have
that my emotion do really give that huge effect and ends up basing on what i have felt and made out decision towards that.
Its true that mistakes could make you learn but this is something that there are things which are repeating despite of those learnings.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: ChiBitCTy on December 30, 2022, 12:34:57 AM
The crazy thing is that when you ask people why we study history, many can't give you a great answer.  The study of history is all about making sure that we learn from the past so that we don't make the same mistakes in the future.  That's literally what studying history is all about.

Tony Stark/Iron Man is a good movie to watch about learning from your mistakes.  Each new movie he kept updating his suit and fixing issues that came up in the old suites. He's a genius ( fictional of course) but being a genius you can really learn from their ways and his was all about never making a mistake twice..hence why he was always so successful.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: paxmao on December 30, 2022, 01:15:29 AM
Oh well, the usual set of well-intentioned advice that has little practical value for most people. Generalisations that do not give anything that you can really act upon and are written in the cheapest self-improvement books out there. See, easy as:

- Do not spend more money than you make.
- Do not anger people for no particular reason.
- Be good to mommy and daddy.
- Thou shall not steal.

And I could go on forever without helping anyone at all.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: kro55 on December 30, 2022, 02:59:22 AM
Blaming others is what I think the successful people don't do. They own up to their mistakes and work over it not to repeat it again and when you don't repeat mistakes you are likely to get things right. Because successful people are not susceptible to such mistakes, they say it is the wise that learns from people's mistake therefore it is a very good think not to keep making mistakes but if we do , we should learn to rise fast.

Blaming others is something I see a lot in the crypto market. The collapse of Luna or FTX has caused a lot of people to lose money, and they have repeatedly blamed greedy and fraudulent developers. But the bottom line is that if they are not greedy and invest in projects that promise high ROI in a short time, they will never lose money or scam. I am not saying I'm rich or successful, but I think we lose money because we are greedy, unable to control ourselves, and then get caught up in scams. Let's draw our own lessons and avoid them instead of blaming others for our failures.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Sophiya on December 30, 2022, 04:32:19 PM
Experience gained from your own mistakes is the best basis for further development. The main thing is to be able to learn a lesson from your failures, and not to stand stubbornly on your own. However, it seems to me that there are no rules for success. To achieve some peaks, you have to be yourself, not try to reshape your essence, hypocrisy, but it does not mean that you have to stand still. Expand your horizons, learn something new all the time, improve your skills in a certain area and the reward will find you.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: lionheart78 on December 30, 2022, 06:27:21 PM
CONCLUSION: No one is perfect. We are born to make mistakes in our journey of life but making same mistakes often results to a total failure. We should always learn to avoid making repeated mistakes and also learn from our previous mistakes to correct our journey in life.

I disagree that committing a mistake twice will result in total failure.  As long as the person never gives up, learns from his mistakes multiple times, and stands up every time he falls, eventually, he will grasp the essence of why he keeps on failing.  People have different levels of absorbing, analyzing, and rate of learning things.  So the subject that easily learned by person A is possibly too difficult to learn by person B.   I believe the key factor to success is never to give up so I don't think successful people only do mistakes once.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: crzy on December 30, 2022, 06:45:35 PM
CONCLUSION: No one is perfect. We are born to make mistakes in our journey of life but making same mistakes often results to a total failure. We should always learn to avoid making repeated mistakes and also learn from our previous mistakes to correct our journey in life.

I disagree that committing a mistake twice will result in total failure.  As long as the person never gives up, learns from his mistakes multiple times, and stands up every time he falls, eventually, he will grasp the essence of why he keeps on failing.  People have different levels of absorbing, analyzing, and rate of learning things.  So the subject that easily learned by person A is possibly too difficult to learn by person B.   I believe the key factor to success is never to give up so I don't think successful people only do mistakes once.
Definitely, there’s no assurance that you will be better for your second try and seriously most of the rich people today experienced a lot of failure in the past and made a lot of mistakes as well, I believe with those experience it helps them to become better and wiser. We should not be afraid to make mistakes, just continue to learn and don’t give up easily because life is very challenging and those who continue to grow will always succeed in the long run.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Cookdata on December 30, 2022, 06:51:50 PM
CONCLUSION: No one is perfect. We are born to make mistakes in our journey of life but making same mistakes often results to a total failure. We should always learn to avoid making repeated mistakes and also learn from our previous mistakes to correct our journey in life.

This appears to be a guide for a perfect person since these are the characteristics of people and it is impossible to find someone who does not have one or two of the highlights, it is what makes us unique. Life has a way of limiting our path to success through most of these things; it is natural. I can even vouch for myself that at some point in life, I have to make mistakes, and when I learn from those mistakes, my comeback always gives me extensions because I make sure it doesn't repeat itself, only a fool is beaten twice.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Raflesia on December 30, 2022, 07:16:10 PM
CONCLUSION: No one is perfect. We are born to make mistakes in our journey of life but making same mistakes often results to a total failure. We should always learn to avoid making repeated mistakes and also learn from our previous mistakes to correct our journey in life.
The fact is that when we live, of course we will not be free from mistakes and it is precisely those mistakes that make us stronger, but on the other hand I have a different opinion about when someone makes the same mistake it often results in total failure. Because in this case we know that even though we have prepared a plan that is quite mature, we also cannot ensure that there are no mistakes, even if we have made mistakes, even though things like this can still be minimized, we must also pay attention to the worst conditions and of course we have to try again and again if it fails.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: milewilda on December 30, 2022, 07:43:20 PM
CONCLUSION: No one is perfect. We are born to make mistakes in our journey of life but making same mistakes often results to a total failure. We should always learn to avoid making repeated mistakes and also learn from our previous mistakes to correct our journey in life.

I disagree that committing a mistake twice will result in total failure.  As long as the person never gives up, learns from his mistakes multiple times, and stands up every time he falls, eventually, he will grasp the essence of why he keeps on failing.  People have different levels of absorbing, analyzing, and rate of learning things.  So the subject that easily learned by person A is possibly too difficult to learn by person B.   I believe the key factor to success is never to give up so I don't think successful people only do mistakes once.
Definitely, there’s no assurance that you will be better for your second try and seriously most of the rich people today experienced a lot of failure in the past and made a lot of mistakes as well, I believe with those experience it helps them to become better and wiser. We should not be afraid to make mistakes, just continue to learn and don’t give up easily because life is very challenging and those who continue to grow will always succeed in the long run.
There's no one would really be that perfect no matter how many times you do experience up those mistakes or failures yet considering that its a never ending challenge and trials that we do really face on.
There's no such thing about you wont really be able to experience some stuffs and other things yet it would continue.Thing here is that you do know on what you should gonna do, even if you do failed up again
then you would be having on mind on testing it out again or try and if it succeeds then you would be sticking into that.We know that there are various ways or lots of possible
situations that you might be able to face on.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Emitdama on December 30, 2022, 08:24:42 PM
Definitely, there’s no assurance that you will be better for your second try and seriously most of the rich people today experienced a lot of failure in the past and made a lot of mistakes as well, I believe with those experience it helps them to become better and wiser. We should not be afraid to make mistakes, just continue to learn and don’t give up easily because life is very challenging and those who continue to grow will always succeed in the long run.
I think it depends on the people and to the thing that they are doing. There are people who are smart and easy to adapt on what they are doing but there are just things which are not easy so we may experience a lot of trials and errors before we master them.

Mastering something in your second try is impressive already but if not then it's fine, you can always try again for the third, fourth and so on. I believe that successful people can still make some of the mistakes that the OP listed because they are not a god. No one is perfect here but it does not mean that they will collapse or will fail easily. Most successful people already build a strong foundation.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Ryu_Ar1 on December 30, 2022, 10:25:41 PM
Everyone makes mistakes and that is an undeniable fact but it is precisely what makes us better than we were before.
Most successful people always learn where they went wrong so they don't do the same thing in the future. this is an important thing because regardless of anything we must also be grateful for the mistakes we made before because mistakes can be more learning so that we become perfect.

I remember the words of Robert Zoellick who said that
All of us make mistakes. The key is to acknowledge them, learn, and move on. The real sin is ignoring mistakes, or worse, seeking to hide them.

In this case I agree because admitting mistakes is something important that must be done but the problem is that there are so many who don't see that and keep trying to be selfish that it's not a mistake that complicates them.
To be successful we have to be more mature and try to admit all mistakes so that later we can change things because mistakes are the most real human shortcoming but learning from mistakes is the strength we have so that life becomes better.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Fredomago on December 30, 2022, 11:39:07 PM
Definitely, there’s no assurance that you will be better for your second try and seriously most of the rich people today experienced a lot of failure in the past and made a lot of mistakes as well, I believe with those experience it helps them to become better and wiser. We should not be afraid to make mistakes, just continue to learn and don’t give up easily because life is very challenging and those who continue to grow will always succeed in the long run.
I think it depends on the people and to the thing that they are doing. There are people who are smart and easy to adapt on what they are doing but there are just things which are not easy so we may experience a lot of trials and errors before we master them.

Mastering something in your second try is impressive already but if not then it's fine, you can always try again for the third, fourth and so on. I believe that successful people can still make some of the mistakes that the OP listed because they are not a god. No one is perfect here but it does not mean that they will collapse or will fail easily. Most successful people already build a strong foundation.

Indeed, attempting to make a better success is not on the numbers of try but with the outcome that you produce, I see your point and to value your eagerness in finding your success always count when you are trying to develop your skills, keep trying and keep learning there's no wrong if you suffer or experienced mistake and failures, the best thing is you are open to learn and to adopt, and your willingness to adjust if it's needed will be the key factor of your success in the long run.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: S A KHAIR on December 31, 2022, 12:13:18 AM
Everyone has a way to succeed, no one is the same, so there is no need to follow the rich to become rich, it may be good for them but it may not work for you. So we don't have to do exactly what successful people do. Do what suits us best. Sometimes their mistakes are what will make us successful. There is no specific formula for success.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Lida93 on December 31, 2022, 01:50:16 AM

👉Playing it safe.
If you constantly play it safe in life, you’re probably hoping to avoid making mistakes by going along with the herd. But this is one of the biggest mistakes of all, because sweeping success only comes to those who are courageous enough to strike out on their own. Successful people may initially allow themselves to fall into this trap, but something in them propels them to take risks. They would rather try something new and fail than take a safe bet and lead a boring life.

We (hopefully) all know that honesty is the best policy, but sometimes even good people make bad choices. Sometimes successful people slip, but they won’t do it again because they value their reputation and understand that no price is worth destroying their respectability and trustworthiness.

To be successful in the business environment in our world today as a businessman you need to dare to engage in new things earlier than your business rivals does else you will always find yourself at the ebb and flow in the business line and perhaps end up being knocked out of business cause you choose to play safe when others are taking the bull by the horn.

It's true every business needs to earn a good policy and reputation but there are certain situations that need to be handled with diplomacy which outrightly the response or act might be viewed as a lie but it's the only option to keep business atmosphere stable cause there a moment's in business that the truth may not be the right decision or response to give out.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Theones on December 31, 2022, 04:38:34 AM

👉Playing it safe.
If you constantly play it safe in life, you’re probably hoping to avoid making mistakes by going along with the herd. But this is one of the biggest mistakes of all, because sweeping success only comes to those who are courageous enough to strike out on their own. Successful people may initially allow themselves to fall into this trap, but something in them propels them to take risks. They would rather try something new and fail than take a safe bet and lead a boring life.

We (hopefully) all know that honesty is the best policy, but sometimes even good people make bad choices. Sometimes successful people slip, but they won’t do it again because they value their reputation and understand that no price is worth destroying their respectability and trustworthiness.

To be successful in the business environment in our world today as a businessman you need to dare to engage in new things earlier than your business rivals does else you will always find yourself at the ebb and flow in the business line and perhaps end up being knocked out of business cause you choose to play safe when others are taking the bull by the horn.

It's true every business needs to earn a good policy and reputation but there are certain situations that need to be handled with diplomacy which outrightly the response or act might be viewed as a lie but it's the only option to keep business atmosphere stable cause there a moment's in business that the truth may not be the right decision or response to give out.
To be successful in life - we need to be honest to yourself and to the other people around us.
Be polite to the customer and to  employee too. This is the basic rule of the success! 

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: ethereumhunter on December 31, 2022, 06:46:03 AM
Everyone has a way to succeed, no one is the same, so there is no need to follow the rich to become rich, it may be good for them but it may not work for you. So we don't have to do exactly what successful people do. Do what suits us best. Sometimes their mistakes are what will make us successful. There is no specific formula for success.
That's why we have to find a way to help us achieve success and that way will be different from other people's. And if we accidentally make mistakes, we should be able to learn from those mistakes so they don't happen again. This goal is to improve our capabilities so that our opportunities to get more benefits can be more open. We must also be able to learn from their mistakes to avoid the same mistakes and know how to anticipate them if we are in almost the same position as them. Success belongs to everyone but it depends on whether we want to try to achieve it or whether we will stay silent.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Cryptmuster on December 31, 2022, 09:18:24 AM
Definitely, there’s no assurance that you will be better for your second try and seriously most of the rich people today experienced a lot of failure in the past and made a lot of mistakes as well, I believe with those experience it helps them to become better and wiser. We should not be afraid to make mistakes, just continue to learn and don’t give up easily because life is very challenging and those who continue to grow will always succeed in the long run.

This is the problem of the educational system, at school we are taught that mistakes are bad, we get bad grades for mistakes made. But in life, everything is the opposite, the more mistakes we make, the more chances we will have to develop in the area in which we work. There is no need to be afraid to make mistakes, but you need to avoid repeating the same mistake, because if there is such a tendency, then a person cannot learn a lesson from this mistake, and without this there will be no growth and further progress.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: oaz7t on December 31, 2022, 10:10:42 AM
All these inspirations are cool and everything until you end up with the practical approach of investments. Unfortunately, reading has to be one part and applying the rules in the real world is another chapter of it. With the time we learn, we make mistakes, we learn more from it and then we become successful in the goal that we want to achieve from it. We can not avoid our mistakes because they are always uncertain. Honestly, no one is really perfect so I dont know, just jump into it and keep investing all the time. Have good plans and strategies behind it so that we can see success soon.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Wildwest on December 31, 2022, 12:04:40 PM
Of the many mistakes we have made the thing that we generally often do is Not asking for help from others we often do things without direction, after we get stuck then that is where we just look for people who know the problem better, even though this is a big mistake in drawing a conclusion in doing something, we need teachers even though the way we do it is already there are tutorials but there is something that does need guidance from others who understand better, then we must know in this life success needs the help of others and so do other problems.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: _BlackStar on December 31, 2022, 04:14:42 PM
Success belongs to everyone but it depends on whether we want to try to achieve it or whether we will stay silent.
Of all the ideas, I like your point this one. But in the end not everyone will succeed even if they try, and we are destined for that.

People always say that effort doesn't betray results, but that's not the case because we also see people fail and keep failing even though they have tried well. But of course, we need to pick up success itself even though we have failed many times. We just need to avoid making the same mistakes because only donkeys will fall into the same hole.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: ethereumhunter on January 01, 2023, 07:08:20 AM
Success belongs to everyone but it depends on whether we want to try to achieve it or whether we will stay silent.
Of all the ideas, I like your point this one. But in the end not everyone will succeed even if they try, and we are destined for that.

People always say that effort doesn't betray results, but that's not the case because we also see people fail and keep failing even though they have tried well. But of course, we need to pick up success itself even though we have failed many times. We just need to avoid making the same mistakes because only donkeys will fall into the same hole.
Indeed, not everyone will succeed, but at least there is little or much that can change in their lives. I'm sure their lives will improve because they can rearrange their way of life to get back on the right track.

Efforts do not betray results and that's true. I've seen it happen to many people but many don't get it because they finally give up in the middle of the journey. This is why we must keep our spirits up so that we are not influenced by something that is unimportant and can cause us to fail to achieve it.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: og kush420 on January 01, 2023, 07:34:49 AM
Success belongs to everyone but it depends on whether we want to try to achieve it or whether we will stay silent.
Of all the ideas, I like your point this one. But in the end not everyone will succeed even if they try, and we are destined for that.

People always say that effort doesn't betray results, but that's not the case because we also see people fail and keep failing even though they have tried well. But of course, we need to pick up success itself even though we have failed many times. We just need to avoid making the same mistakes because only donkeys will fall into the same hole.
Indeed, not everyone will succeed, but at least there is little or much that can change in their lives. I'm sure their lives will improve because they can rearrange their way of life to get back on the right track.

Efforts do not betray results and that's true. I've seen it happen to many people but many don't get it because they finally give up in the middle of the journey. This is why we must keep our spirits up so that we are not influenced by something that is unimportant and can cause us to fail to achieve it.
the second point they have mentioned which says - not asking tough questions is a very valid point.
It's better not to ask people anything - rather than doing it and embarrassing and getting embarrassed on your own.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: isaac_clarke22 on January 01, 2023, 07:47:28 PM
To be successful in the business environment in our world today as a businessman you need to dare to engage in new things earlier than your business rivals does else you will always find yourself at the ebb and flow in the business line and perhaps end up being knocked out of business cause you choose to play safe when others are taking the bull by the horn.
Yeah I can see sometimes why having business is also another 9-5 work since you would usually do some research on what is the current trend. I can even recall when me and my significant other is currently deciding what color should we choose on our stock in our clothing business and good thing we were early than the other larger business out there.
And then that's that, we manage to earn a lot in December since buyers were anticipating the colors as well, not to mention that luck played a role as well.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: darewaller on January 01, 2023, 08:44:26 PM
Blaming others is something I see a lot in the crypto market. The collapse of Luna or FTX has caused a lot of people to lose money, and they have repeatedly blamed greedy and fraudulent developers. But the bottom line is that if they are not greedy and invest in projects that promise high ROI in a short time, they will never lose money or scam. I am not saying I'm rich or successful, but I think we lose money because we are greedy, unable to control ourselves, and then get caught up in scams. Let's draw our own lessons and avoid them instead of blaming others for our failures.
I feel like I am exactly at your point as well. I have seen a million scams or failures in crypto and I have never invested in any of them myself. I have seen friends who got rich thanks to doing silly stuff and that's understandable, at the end of the day we are talking about something that is dangerous but also risk/reward ratio is high, you either lose all your money most of the time because it turns out to be a scam, but on rare occasions you become rich.

But I never did that, and yet I still made a good income, not rich in any means but I did managed to make a good profit. That means if you do not take chances and stick with big coins then you will make a good profit anyway, and you won't get scammed.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Cryptock on January 01, 2023, 09:52:13 PM
Blaming others is something I see a lot in the crypto market. The collapse of Luna or FTX has caused a lot of people to lose money, and they have repeatedly blamed greedy and fraudulent developers. But the bottom line is that if they are not greedy and invest in projects that promise high ROI in a short time, they will never lose money or scam. I am not saying I'm rich or successful, but I think we lose money because we are greedy, unable to control ourselves, and then get caught up in scams. Let's draw our own lessons and avoid them instead of blaming others for our failures.
I feel like I am exactly at your point as well. I have seen a million scams or failures in crypto and I have never invested in any of them myself. I have seen friends who got rich thanks to doing silly stuff and that's understandable, at the end of the day we are talking about something that is dangerous but also risk/reward ratio is high, you either lose all your money most of the time because it turns out to be a scam, but on rare occasions you become rich.

But I never did that, and yet I still made a good income, not rich in any means but I did managed to make a good profit. That means if you do not take chances and stick with big coins then you will make a good profit anyway, and you won't get scammed.
i really like the last point where they have mentioned to put other people priorities before you
I am a complete failure because I do that.
I wish people learn and correct themselves timely

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: BitDane on January 01, 2023, 10:38:18 PM
i really like the last point where they have mentioned to put other people priorities before you
I am a complete failure because I do that.
I wish people learn and correct themselves timely 

I think this is dependent on the situation.  I agree that not all the time we must prioritized other people if it will become bothersome for us.  At the end of the day you cannot be successful in life if you always put other people than your priorities.  Remember in a business establishment, if they implement this kind of attitude towards all people, the business will goes bankrupt because different people have different demands, so the company is selective on which one they will prioritize, the one that will contribute to the success of the company, and mostly will ignore things that will cause the downfall of a company.
So I think when it comes to priority, it must be selective, sometimes we need to give some meet to get the bone.  Meaning we need to selectively give way to other in order to get the others trust and compassion specially when they are beneficial to our goals.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: CageMabok on January 01, 2023, 11:26:38 PM
To be successful in life - we need to be honest to yourself and to the other people around us.
Be polite to the customer and to  employee too. This is the basic rule of the success! 
Apart from that, liking to help people around our environment when they are facing a disaster can also be a consideration for success, although other basic things such as trying to keep working or carrying out daily work are the most important things that must always be considered and never discontinued, because that is the basic way apart from being honest and generous in our respective lives.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Smack That Ace on January 02, 2023, 01:13:49 AM
To be successful in life - we need to be honest to yourself and to the other people around us.
Be polite to the customer and to  employee too. This is the basic rule of the success! 
Apart from that, liking to help people around our environment when they are facing a disaster can also be a consideration for success, although other basic things such as trying to keep working or carrying out daily work are the most important things that must always be considered and never discontinued, because that is the basic way apart from being honest and generous in our respective lives.

These are the most basic things that most people ignore, people just try to do big things, big things to quickly succeed and they forget that we need to be honest with everyone, helping people when we can.

To be successful we need a lot of factors, and no one succeeds according to any one formula, it will depend on each person's circumstances. Sometimes success comes very unexpectedly, sometimes you try hard and never succeed, but sometimes with just a little help from someone you can change your life, the people you have helped in the past. Life is full of exciting things and surprises, don't live by stereotypes or have to imitate someone to be successful.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: reagansimms on January 02, 2023, 03:15:54 AM
To be successful in life - we need to be honest to yourself and to the other people around us.
Be polite to the customer and to  employee too. This is the basic rule of the success! 
Apart from that, liking to help people around our environment when they are facing a disaster can also be a consideration for success, although other basic things such as trying to keep working or carrying out daily work are the most important things that must always be considered and never discontinued, because that is the basic way apart from being honest and generous in our respective lives.
Success is not judged by how much wealth has been collected, but success has no limits and can still be achieved in any way. Helping others is an inner success that is difficult to describe, when your life is useful for others and the people around you live it is a success that cannot be achieved by everyone. It's about awareness, we can't live alone without the help of others. The cycle of human life cannot be separated from needing each other.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: ethereumhunter on January 02, 2023, 05:57:08 AM
Success belongs to everyone but it depends on whether we want to try to achieve it or whether we will stay silent.
Of all the ideas, I like your point this one. But in the end not everyone will succeed even if they try, and we are destined for that.

People always say that effort doesn't betray results, but that's not the case because we also see people fail and keep failing even though they have tried well. But of course, we need to pick up success itself even though we have failed many times. We just need to avoid making the same mistakes because only donkeys will fall into the same hole.
Indeed, not everyone will succeed, but at least there is little or much that can change in their lives. I'm sure their lives will improve because they can rearrange their way of life to get back on the right track.

Efforts do not betray results and that's true. I've seen it happen to many people but many don't get it because they finally give up in the middle of the journey. This is why we must keep our spirits up so that we are not influenced by something that is unimportant and can cause us to fail to achieve it.
the second point they have mentioned which says - not asking tough questions is a very valid point.
It's better not to ask people anything - rather than doing it and embarrassing and getting embarrassed on your own.
At least, you can ask something to people who might later be able to help you achieve what you want. As long as we do something good, we may experience difficulties in carrying it out so we have to ask other people who are more experienced than us. It's not embarrassing because we really don't know what to do and look to us for guidance from those with more experience.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Outhue on January 02, 2023, 08:03:12 AM
What will be will be.

Even if you are so careful in this crypto space and you understand every rightful and wrongful things, what will fail will fail and you will still make some mistakes.

We are humans after all and there are many things we can't control, I could have become a crypto millionaire a few times before and I missed those opportunities after every thing I knew about crypto, if the time is not right for you things won't go your way.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: MarjorieZimmermanGinger on January 02, 2023, 08:29:51 AM
Success is not judged by how much wealth has been collected, but success has no limits and can still be achieved in any way.
To identify a success there are several benchmarks that need to be considered, these qualifications usually have several dimensions that have different meanings, for me success is broad and not only limited to the ability to wealth. There are at least three qualifications that are often cited for success?

1. Success in career
2. Success of assets (material & financial)
3. Other successes that are social, cultural and others.

It is this dimension that is often revolved and debated by many people, so that there is no standard standard that needs to be set regarding success, different people have different levels of success achieved and this problem is never the same as the laws of mathematics which have the same results in determining results.

Helping others is an inner success that is difficult to describe, when your life is useful for others and the people around you live it is a success that cannot be achieved by everyone. It's about awareness, we can't live alone without the help of others. The cycle of human life cannot be separated from needing each other.
This success is included in the category of social values, concern for others is a far greater sensitivity than financial success, successful and wealthy people do not necessarily have social values that are implemented towards the social function of living in harmony and culture.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: og kush420 on January 02, 2023, 05:57:02 PM
Success is not judged by how much wealth has been collected, but success has no limits and can still be achieved in any way.
To identify a success there are several benchmarks that need to be considered, these qualifications usually have several dimensions that have different meanings, for me success is broad and not only limited to the ability to wealth. There are at least three qualifications that are often cited for success?

1. Success in career
2. Success of assets (material & financial)
3. Other successes that are social, cultural and others.

It is this dimension that is often revolved and debated by many people, so that there is no standard standard that needs to be set regarding success, different people have different levels of success achieved and this problem is never the same as the laws of mathematics which have the same results in determining results.

Helping others is an inner success that is difficult to describe, when your life is useful for others and the people around you live it is a success that cannot be achieved by everyone. It's about awareness, we can't live alone without the help of others. The cycle of human life cannot be separated from needing each other.
This success is included in the category of social values, concern for others is a far greater sensitivity than financial success, successful and wealthy people do not necessarily have social values that are implemented towards the social function of living in harmony and culture.
there are many valid points the OP has mentioned - I was not well the other day and I took time in reading all the points again and again
and I realized that I fail because I have made so many mistakes. And most of the time I don't follow what is mentioned there.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Cryptock on January 02, 2023, 07:06:28 PM
Success is not judged by how much wealth has been collected, but success has no limits and can still be achieved in any way.
To identify a success there are several benchmarks that need to be considered, these qualifications usually have several dimensions that have different meanings, for me success is broad and not only limited to the ability to wealth. There are at least three qualifications that are often cited for success?

1. Success in career
2. Success of assets (material & financial)
3. Other successes that are social, cultural and others.

It is this dimension that is often revolved and debated by many people, so that there is no standard standard that needs to be set regarding success, different people have different levels of success achieved and this problem is never the same as the laws of mathematics which have the same results in determining results.

Helping others is an inner success that is difficult to describe, when your life is useful for others and the people around you live it is a success that cannot be achieved by everyone. It's about awareness, we can't live alone without the help of others. The cycle of human life cannot be separated from needing each other.
This success is included in the category of social values, concern for others is a far greater sensitivity than financial success, successful and wealthy people do not necessarily have social values that are implemented towards the social function of living in harmony and culture.
there is a point OP mentioned - which is "thinking competition is your enemy" I think that is the wrong approach
for every person God has good plans  - we must work hard and leave the rest on God and he always has a good plans for us

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Viscore on January 02, 2023, 07:15:16 PM

CONCLUSION: No one is perfect. We are born to make mistakes in our journey of life but making same mistakes often results to a total failure. We should always learn to avoid making repeated mistakes and also learn from our previous mistakes to correct our journey in life.
No matter what we do, even if we are too careful of our decisions, mistakes will come without noticing until the results come out, and then started to figure out the mistakes we did. Oh yes, learning from the mistakes we did in the past leads our way to success but we can't deny that many people still commit mistakes because it was not just we learn from our mistakes, it is also how we change our mindset and be serious about doing it.

It is very important to listen to some useful advice from other people, otherwise.
Mistakes are part of the process, and that we should always learn from our mistakes  and not committing the same mistakes again and again, otherwise, mistakes will eventually make us doom and lead into failure. However, yes even if we always tend to be so much careful, there will always be inevitable mistakes that are unavoidable, but the good thing is we tend to become stronger and even more brainy from facing all these mistakes and challenges in life.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: carlfebz2 on January 02, 2023, 07:24:31 PM
What will be will be.

Even if you are so careful in this crypto space and you understand every rightful and wrongful things, what will fail will fail and you will still make some mistakes.

We are humans after all and there are many things we can't control, I could have become a crypto millionaire a few times before and I missed those opportunities after every thing I knew about crypto, if the time is not right for you things won't go your way.
Mistakes are indeed inevitable which it would really be just normal to be part whether you are involving yourself into an investment or into those traditional things which needing up that decision to be made.
With some factors and other things which would really be affecting your decisions and which would really be missing out those opportunities which it cant really be helped nor really be that avoided.
All the thing we do is to learn up from those things and would really be that aware on how things should be dealt with. It does really depend on how you would be making yourself
that versatile and making out adjustments basing into that.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: bitgov on January 02, 2023, 07:26:16 PM
What will be will be.

Even if you are so careful in this crypto space and you understand every rightful and wrongful things, what will fail will fail and you will still make some mistakes.

We are humans after all and there are many things we can't control, I could have become a crypto millionaire a few times before and I missed those opportunities after every thing I knew about crypto, if the time is not right for you things won't go your way.
Que Sara Sara
What will be will be. point well mentioned. WE make plans and GOd disapproved them.
That is how the life Goes - - But OP has mentioned very valid points - I like the one which says one should always ask for help - - but without bothering others

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: STT on January 02, 2023, 08:21:44 PM
Some good points to revise and respect.   Pretty much all of these deserve reflection, could save thousands in lost efforts for going in the wrong direction etc.   always easier said then done, we do alot of things without consciously thinking but thats why its worth the special effort to avoid common mistakes.  The worst mistakes are the ones we repeat of course.

👉Thinking competitors are your enemies.

This one is a big one for me, the amount of time and trouble people put into just beating someone running the same race when you are limiting your vision to another person who in themselves also is just as flawed as yourself.  Its a waste when the real race is vs the larger obstacle, the innate problem in whatever you are combating or competing is the true enemy to defeat if anything the competitors are often closer to companions along the way.  People can become bitter and lost by just fighting people, people are quite limited, they are gone far quicker then the actual larger problem that is to be beaten so in the end being bitter about losing to someone else is a phantom;  it will miss the point of where you actually failed in the larger fight imo.
  I agree with this one alot, people focus too much on just defeating another imperfect person; this is a low bar so be stronger then that.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Theones on January 02, 2023, 10:14:32 PM
Some good points to revise and respect.   Pretty much all of these deserve reflection, could save thousands in lost efforts for going in the wrong direction etc.   always easier said then done, we do alot of things without consciously thinking but thats why its worth the special effort to avoid common mistakes.  The worst mistakes are the ones we repeat of course.

👉Thinking competitors are your enemies.

This one is a big one for me, the amount of time and trouble people put into just beating someone running the same race when you are limiting your vision to another person who in themselves also is just as flawed as yourself.  Its a waste when the real race is vs the larger obstacle, the innate problem in whatever you are combating or competing is the true enemy to defeat if anything the competitors are often closer to companions along the way.  People can become bitter and lost by just fighting people, people are quite limited, they are gone far quicker then the actual larger problem that is to be beaten so in the end being bitter about losing to someone else is a phantom;  it will miss the point of where you actually failed in the larger fight imo.
  I agree with this one alot, people focus too much on just defeating another imperfect person; this is a low bar so be stronger then that.
there are very good points OP has mentioned but most of the time we learn them with the passage of time.
and most of the after being deceived and betrayed by other. I want to add maintain distance in everything be it work or friendship.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: on January 03, 2023, 12:47:14 AM
there are very good points OP has mentioned but most of the time we learn them with the passage of time.
and most of the after being deceived and betrayed by other. I want to add maintain distance in everything be it work or friendship.
Keeping distance from people who have betrayed you in the past, I don't think it's really wrong for you to do, because often someone who wants to betray always pretends to be friends first which will then destroy us. And fraud is also often born from a friend because he actually already knows where our weaknesses are, so keeping some people away is not a wrong thing to do because it is for our own good and to protect us from being betrayed by other people we just met.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: tygeade on January 03, 2023, 06:32:22 AM
Realizing that if you are making 100k a year in dollars which is a lot of money and means you are a great worker, you still couldn't afford many things, life is still locked to you in many cases, assets and items that you may want to buy, most of them are not available to you at all.

However, if you end up investing smartly and not just buy others assets, like stocks, but you end up investing into a business as a whole and buy like half of it, then you could ride the wave and make a lot of money and millions of dollars will unlock that world to you and there won't be anything that you want to buy and can't afford anymore. You should not trust just a single salary, and invest.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: MarjorieZimmermanGinger on January 03, 2023, 06:44:26 AM
there are many valid points the OP has mentioned - I was not well the other day and I took time in reading all the points again and again
and I realized that I fail because I have made so many mistakes. And most of the time I don't follow what is mentioned there.
We never say the points mentioned by OP are wrong, there are many dimensions to judge success and that's when we need to make analysis and try to identify problems to make big changes going forward.

Mistakes: Most people make mistakes in their life, but that doesn't mean there aren't second and third chances to correct them.
Failed: How many successful people have started from failure, but consistency, perseverance and never giving up are the capital to move on and fix failures to become more successful.

If the case of success that you think involves these two points, then giving up with circumstances is a setback. Successful people are exposed to failure many times, but they never give up to keep getting up.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: BigBos on January 03, 2023, 07:27:01 AM
👉Putting other people’s priorities ahead of your own.
It’s one thing to be helpful and support those around you when they need it. It’s another to constantly put everyone else’s priorities ahead of your own. Successful people understand they have to invest in themselves and make sure they aren’t constantly coming in second. It’s important to stand up for yourself and your priorities.
Sometimes the opportunity for success is due to caring for other people, just like the inventor of mobile phones to make it easier for other people to interact/send news even though they have different positions, shipbuilders, aeroplane manufacturers and even social media makers always put the interests of others first. They think about how people can get together, share opinions and make things easier and business quickly. Why am I talking like that because basically when we provide benefits to other people it will create an open mindset and see many opportunities, just like Satoshi he feels uneasy seeing people who are controlled by his money bankers so he wants to decentralize the payment system from any third party.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Strongkored on January 03, 2023, 07:48:35 AM
In order to help you avoid total failure, one have to avoid making mistakes repeatedly. Here are the some biggest mistakes successful people may make once, but not twice.
I am sure that there is no one in this world who only makes one mistake in his life, there is a big chance to repeat it and for me it is not a problem as long as we don't give up from mistakes and try not to repeat it but if we make mistakes again, it does not need to make us stressed because mistakes are part of humans to eventually become wiser people, sometimes new success will be achieved when we have made lots of mistakes.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: traderethereum on January 03, 2023, 05:01:37 PM
In order to help you avoid total failure, one have to avoid making mistakes repeatedly. Here are the some biggest mistakes successful people may make once, but not twice.
I am sure that there is no one in this world who only makes one mistake in his life, there is a big chance to repeat it and for me it is not a problem as long as we don't give up from mistakes and try not to repeat it but if we make mistakes again, it does not need to make us stressed because mistakes are part of humans to eventually become wiser people, sometimes new success will be achieved when we have made lots of mistakes.
Making mistakes in learning and always trying to learn what his mistakes are and trying to avoid the same mistakes will make him develop better.
This is why we must always learn from mistakes to progress in the learning process.
But most people will think that those mistakes are blocking them from moving forward and they forget to learn what they made mistakes and how to avoid them.
Achieving success is the desire of many people but getting there is not easy because there must be lots of tests and only people who don't give up will be able to achieve it.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Larvea on January 03, 2023, 05:21:39 PM
That one about shortcuts hit hard. Whenever I took some type of shortcut it would always backfire one way or the other :)))

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Cryptock on January 03, 2023, 06:27:19 PM
In order to help you avoid total failure, one have to avoid making mistakes repeatedly. Here are the some biggest mistakes successful people may make once, but not twice.
I am sure that there is no one in this world who only makes one mistake in his life, there is a big chance to repeat it and for me it is not a problem as long as we don't give up from mistakes and try not to repeat it but if we make mistakes again, it does not need to make us stressed because mistakes are part of humans to eventually become wiser people, sometimes new success will be achieved when we have made lots of mistakes.
Making mistakes in learning and always trying to learn what his mistakes are and trying to avoid the same mistakes will make him develop better.
This is why we must always learn from mistakes to progress in the learning process.
But most people will think that those mistakes are blocking them from moving forward and they forget to learn what they made mistakes and how to avoid them.
Achieving success is the desire of many people but getting there is not easy because there must be lots of tests and only people who don't give up will be able to achieve it.
sometime even the successful people to make so many mistakes - the bad time does not comes uninvited.
and the luck too comes suddenly - may God keep us protected and gives us wisdom

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Oilacris on January 03, 2023, 08:54:44 PM
That one about shortcuts hit hard. Whenever I took some type of shortcut it would always backfire one way or the other :)))
Dont make yourself be always mindful about shortcuts on which its never been that recommendable.If you dont like on getting frustrated or being annoyed with the results then its better not to rush up

yourself because things arent supposed to be done on that way but rather you should really be that careful on every steps that you do make.Dont make yourself in a hurry on learning up things

Although mistakes are inevitable or something that cant be avoided but to mind off that these are stepping stones on making yourself way more better than
on yesterday.You would make yourself good as on the time that you are gaining experience.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: GeorgeJohn on January 03, 2023, 10:31:25 PM
Let say this with a past experiences, a human creation doesn't like to go back to know what contribute for their failure on investment, so before somebody or someone became successful, it will be the situation whereby people whosoever that failed should trace to know what makes him to fail. The only thing that ressurect or make someone to be successful in business is the ability to identify it's fault or error.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Chainsmokers on January 03, 2023, 10:34:09 PM
In order to help you avoid total failure, one have to avoid making mistakes repeatedly. Here are the some biggest mistakes successful people may make once, but not twice.
I am sure that there is no one in this world who only makes one mistake in his life, there is a big chance to repeat it and for me it is not a problem as long as we don't give up from mistakes and try not to repeat it but if we make mistakes again, it does not need to make us stressed because mistakes are part of humans to eventually become wiser people, sometimes new success will be achieved when we have made lots of mistakes.
Making mistakes in learning and always trying to learn what his mistakes are and trying to avoid the same mistakes will make him develop better.
This is why we must always learn from mistakes to progress in the learning process.
But most people will think that those mistakes are blocking them from moving forward and they forget to learn what they made mistakes and how to avoid them.
Achieving success is the desire of many people but getting there is not easy because there must be lots of tests and only people who don't give up will be able to achieve it.
sometime even the successful people to make so many mistakes - the bad time does not comes uninvited.
and the luck too comes suddenly - may God keep us protected and gives us wisdom
Successful people do not mean they are completely free from mistakes because basically mistakes will make them continue to learn and that is certainly something positive.
the most important thing is that we have to do our best and that's what can be done because luck or whatever it is is not up to us to decide

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Fredomago on January 04, 2023, 10:56:39 AM
That one about shortcuts hit hard. Whenever I took some type of shortcut it would always backfire one way or the other :)))
Dont make yourself be always mindful about shortcuts on which its never been that recommendable.If you dont like on getting frustrated or being annoyed with the results then its better not to rush up

yourself because things arent supposed to be done on that way but rather you should really be that careful on every steps that you do make.Dont make yourself in a hurry on learning up things

Although mistakes are inevitable or something that cant be avoided but to mind off that these are stepping stones on making yourself way more better than
on yesterday.You would make yourself good as on the time that you are gaining experience.

It's understandable that sometimes you really wanted to take that shortcut, you are aiming for quick benefits and you think that with short-term trade you will be able to make decent, but due to volatility or unpredicted market changes, that shortcut also bring mistake to how you decide your next step, a short dump will lead you in fear which most of the time leads investors and traders in losing their investment.

You need to work well in not to make a quick decision. Every market run has opportunities that bring to your investment. Make sure to take that chance if you see things are in your favor.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Cling18 on January 04, 2023, 05:16:08 PM
That one about shortcuts hit hard. Whenever I took some type of shortcut it would always backfire one way or the other :)))
Dont make yourself be always mindful about shortcuts on which its never been that recommendable.If you dont like on getting frustrated or being annoyed with the results then its better not to rush up

yourself because things arent supposed to be done on that way but rather you should really be that careful on every steps that you do make.Dont make yourself in a hurry on learning up things

Although mistakes are inevitable or something that cant be avoided but to mind off that these are stepping stones on making yourself way more better than
on yesterday.You would make yourself good as on the time that you are gaining experience.

It's understandable that sometimes you really wanted to take that shortcut, you are aiming for quick benefits and you think that with short-term trade you will be able to make decent, but due to volatility or unpredicted market changes, that shortcut also bring the mistake to how you decide your next step, a short dump will lead you in fear which most of the time leads investors and traders in losing their investment.

You need to work well in not to make a quick decision. Every market run has opportunities that bring to your investment. Make sure to take that chance if you see things are in your favor.

Quick benefits and aiming for huge profit in just a short period has a huge risk that you have to deal with. It's better to take small steps at a time but you'll have assurance rather than lossing everything you have because of greed and too much expectations. Sometimes, we lose more when we rush things out so we should think twice or more when making an investment or trading decision.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: isaac_clarke22 on January 04, 2023, 08:36:24 PM
Let say this with a past experiences, a human creation doesn't like to go back to know what contribute for their failure on investment, so before somebody or someone became successful, it will be the situation whereby people whosoever that failed should trace to know what makes him to fail. The only thing that ressurect or make someone to be successful in business is the ability to identify it's fault or error.
Sometimes people just move on and forget where is the fault or the error they made and keep going and most of the times they're just going to be stuck in a loop of mistake which is kinda depressing. This was one of my biggest realization when I was freelancing when nothing just worked out and turns out I was writing to clients in the wrong way that's why they did not bother reading my cover letter/proposals for their project.
Good thing I took a step back and looked where I was wrong.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Mahanton on January 04, 2023, 10:06:08 PM
Let say this with a past experiences, a human creation doesn't like to go back to know what contribute for their failure on investment, so before somebody or someone became successful, it will be the situation whereby people whosoever that failed should trace to know what makes him to fail. The only thing that ressurect or make someone to be successful in business is the ability to identify it's fault or error.
Sometimes people just move on and forget where is the fault or the error they made and keep going and most of the times they're just going to be stuck in a loop of mistake which is kinda depressing. This was one of my biggest realization when I was freelancing when nothing just worked out and turns out I was writing to clients in the wrong way that's why they did not bother reading my cover letter/proposals for their project.
Good thing I took a step back and looked where I was wrong.
If you do see or notice up somethings not just right then it would really be just part of human instinct on trying out to go back and look on things that causes up mistakes and errors which is really that very subjective.
There are people who are really mindful with their errors and there are ones who do just simply let it go and forget it after they had encountered it.Its true that mistakes arent really just good on once to be
committed because its true that there are people who do move on and forget and commit on the same errors again and again and you could tell that they do never ever learn.
People should never tolerate that kind of mindset and behavior.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Fredomago on January 05, 2023, 07:32:26 AM
That one about shortcuts hit hard. Whenever I took some type of shortcut it would always backfire one way or the other :)))
Dont make yourself be always mindful about shortcuts on which its never been that recommendable.If you dont like on getting frustrated or being annoyed with the results then its better not to rush up

yourself because things arent supposed to be done on that way but rather you should really be that careful on every steps that you do make.Dont make yourself in a hurry on learning up things

Although mistakes are inevitable or something that cant be avoided but to mind off that these are stepping stones on making yourself way more better than
on yesterday.You would make yourself good as on the time that you are gaining experience.

It's understandable that sometimes you really wanted to take that shortcut, you are aiming for quick benefits and you think that with short-term trade you will be able to make decent, but due to volatility or unpredicted market changes, that shortcut also bring the mistake to how you decide your next step, a short dump will lead you in fear which most of the time leads investors and traders in losing their investment.

You need to work well in not to make a quick decision. Every market run has opportunities that bring to your investment. Make sure to take that chance if you see things are in your favor.

Quick benefits and aiming for huge profit in just a short period has a huge risk that you have to deal with. It's better to take small steps at a time but you'll have assurance rather than lossing everything you have because of greed and too much expectations. Sometimes, we lose more when we rush things out so we should think twice or more when making an investment or trading decision.

Good point. Take time to go deeper and learn the principle in order to make things better with your investment. If you think that trading is easy access to earn money, then you need to think twice. There's always good if you are keen on learning the proper expectations. Quick benefits are achievable if you already know how to anticipate the next market movement.

Risk is what you need to overcome if you wanted to deal with trading, mistake can be done but you really need to work things to favor you.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: fadhilz123 on January 05, 2023, 10:36:48 AM
Successful people do not mean they are completely free from mistakes because basically mistakes will make them continue to learn and that is certainly something positive.
the most important thing is that we have to do our best and that's what can be done because luck or whatever it is is not up to us to decide
Success is achieved through the persistence of each individual in their work and continuing to try new things even though sometimes there are wrong directions and need to be corrected. Because only people who never complain and make bitter experience one of the keys to continuing to achieve success will get what they want (success).

Whereas those who often complain and never want to try new things, don't need to dream of becoming successful because it will never come to them at any time. So work as hard as possible and as persistent as possible so that success can come more quickly to those of us who are struggling, because that's all that everyone can do.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Jatiluhung on January 05, 2023, 10:54:41 AM
Making mistakes in life is normal we encounter in everyday life. However, very few people are able to realize and learn from these mistakes. And a mistake sometimes gets us into a problem. and trying to solve the problem and find a solution is a valuable lesson in life. which we will not encounter from a lesson that is only theoretical. We must not be afraid to try again. fix errors, find solutions to each problem and gain valuable experience and try again until it works. Only in this way can we achieve success. and successful people make many mistakes and failures before they are successful. but he did not give up and continued to learn and learn. he evaluates every step taken, he looks for a solution to every problem, and if there is still an error then he reviews the steps taken again and finds out the reasons that led to the error. that's a successful person.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Natalim on January 05, 2023, 01:33:11 PM
Making mistakes in life is normal we encounter in everyday life. However, very few people are able to realize and learn from these mistakes. And a mistake sometimes gets us into a problem. and trying to solve the problem and find a solution is a valuable lesson in life. which we will not encounter from a lesson that is only theoretical. We must not be afraid to try again. fix errors, find solutions to each problem and gain valuable experience and try again until it works. Only in this way can we achieve success. and successful people make many mistakes and failures before they are successful. but he did not give up and continued to learn and learn. he evaluates every step taken, he looks for a solution to every problem, and if there is still an error then he reviews the steps taken again and finds out the reasons that led to the error. that's a successful person.
Indeed, we can see we become successful in one thing if we surpass all the obstacles and difficulties we face along the journey, and then grow up and matured. Honestly, a person who is always afraid to commit mistakes will never go far because perfection is not the solution nor it helps us a lot but this will loss of self-confidence and immaturity.
We fall and we rise...if inside our mind is negative, I'm sure we can never see the positive one and close the door for our improvement.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: zaki12 on January 05, 2023, 01:48:42 PM
CONCLUSION: No one is perfect. We are born to make mistakes in our journey of life but making same mistakes often results to a total failure. We should always learn to avoid making repeated mistakes and also learn from our previous mistakes to correct our journey in life.
My conclusion is that successful people besides never making mistakes twice also have a lot of positive energy, and people who fail have a lot of negative energy.

The point is 7 habits of successful people - fail

1. Looking for part of the answer - so the cause of trouble
2. always want to learn - feel already smart
3. always see opportunities - only see problems in every opportunity
4. make commitments - only make promises
5. proactive - throwing responsibility
6. like to help others - bring others down
7. admit his mistake - blame others

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Xiaomie A1 on January 05, 2023, 02:22:52 PM
👉Not asking for help.
No one becomes wildly successful without the help of others, and yet so often we seem to want to do it all on our own. Initially, successful people may be stubborn to the point of not allowing anyone to help them. However, they soon learn the lesson that we all need a helping hand, and we all need to be willing to help others as well.
This point is very important. No one becomes very successful without the help of others. In addition to needing other people, successful people certainly don't refuse any information if it conflicts with their thoughts.

Successful people will receive all information even if there is something that contradicts their thoughts, to increase their knowledge and broaden their mindset, so they can make better decisions and steps in living life.

Little of what I think
The real mistake/failure is giving up.
If you make a mistake/fail but still want to get up, that's a person who will be successful.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: mvdheuvel1983 on January 05, 2023, 03:49:29 PM
These are great points. Just to add, from observing successful people one can easily see that once you betray their trust, they will most likely cut you off forever and will never have anything to do with you again.
I have noticed that they like to give people the benefit of the doubt no matter what others may have said. Once the individual doesn't deliver on their promise or breaks their trust, it can never be regained. On the hand, once deliver and keep to your word you gain a level of respect from them. And then they will let you in on a lot of things.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: isaac_clarke22 on January 05, 2023, 04:11:43 PM
I recalled a friend of mine back in high school that just keeps on buying stuffs online and keep on money dumping all over the place without realizing that he is about to be in trouble of having no more allowance. Told him already a lot of times that he should cut off his unnecessary expenses even if he is still just in a young age.

How did it end? He ended up without an allowance for a week almost. My story might not be related to crypto but the application should still be be somehow.....relevant.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Altryist on January 05, 2023, 05:17:23 PM
 Sometimes a mistake can be made again, I don’t think that successful people are so categorical, because we are all people. But it is true that we need to learn from the mistakes made. On the one hand, mistakes are good, because we are learning something new, on the other hand, it is bad if we repeat the same mistake many times, this indicates that we have not learned the lesson.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Genemind on January 05, 2023, 05:45:37 PM
👉Putting other people’s priorities ahead of your own.
It’s one thing to be helpful and support those around you when they need it. It’s another to constantly put everyone else’s priorities ahead of your own. Successful people understand they have to invest in themselves and make sure they aren’t constantly coming in second. It’s important to stand up for yourself and your priorities.

I experience this myself, my family was wealthy and we have an established business when I was in high school. However, my parents chose to help everyone in our family since they think it's part of their obligation since we are all family. In my own opinion, people are always scared of what others may think if they ignore family members who are in need. However, it's never always the case. What I've learned is you should always focus on your goal and invest in yourself. Your family will see you depending on your achievement and success no matter how you help them.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Crypto Library on January 05, 2023, 06:21:43 PM
I think the title should be like that "successful people never give up".
I think in order to be successful in every sector you have to keep trying all the time if you made mistakes then you have to try again and again don't accept the failure.
And I think successful traders learn from mistakes i.e. repeated mistakes they never give up after making mistakes. So in my opinion, if we  make mistakes again and again then we should learn from those mistakes and move forward.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: og kush420 on January 05, 2023, 06:38:17 PM
I think the title should be like that "successful people never give up".
I think in order to be successful in every sector you have to keep trying all the time if you made mistakes then you have to try again and again don't accept the failure.
And I think successful traders learn from mistakes i.e. repeated mistakes they never give up after making mistakes. So in my opinion, if we  make mistakes again and again then we should learn from those mistakes and move forward.
There are many people who don't give up and they are struggling all the time but they are neither rich nor successful they are hard worker and die maaking their ends meet.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: virasisog on January 05, 2023, 06:58:11 PM
I think the title should be like that "successful people never give up".
I think in order to be successful in every sector you have to keep trying all the time if you made mistakes then you have to try again and again don't accept the failure.
And I think successful traders learn from mistakes i.e. repeated mistakes they never give up after making mistakes. So in my opinion, if we  make mistakes again and again then we should learn from those mistakes and move forward.
There are many people who don't give up and they are struggling all the time but they are neither rich nor successful they are hard worker and die maaking their ends meet.

Never giving up and standing firm during the hardships and challenges that life might throw at us is a gold character regardless of our financial status. Rich or poor should have this characteristic because it has to do with our success. Giving up is a sign of weakness and we will not achieve our target goal if we easily quit. Success is a long process and we can't achieve it without going through all the challenges and tests but everything will still be worth it in the end.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: jaberwock on January 05, 2023, 09:18:52 PM
Take time to go deeper and learn the principle in order to make things better with your investment. If you think that trading is easy access to earn money, then you need to think twice. There's always good if you are keen on learning the proper expectations. Quick benefits are achievable if you already know how to anticipate the next market movement.

Risk is what you need to overcome if you wanted to deal with trading, mistake can be done but you really need to work things to favor you.
Super rich people got there by either working hard or working smart, usually both of them together. Nobody invested into a few things and got rich overnight, that type of wealth doesn't exist. Sure in the crypto world, we have seen a few people who invested just a few thousand dollars into stupid shitcoin and it went up 1000x and they got lucky and got out at the right time. But that's very rare, like one in a million, and you won't be that one.

It's better to grind hard, work, save, put it in bitcoin and do this for many years if you really want to get rich. I know it's not going to be easy but it could potentially happen and would be great if people realize "get rich quick" doesn't exist.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Raflesia on January 05, 2023, 09:35:52 PM
Take time to go deeper and learn the principle in order to make things better with your investment. If you think that trading is easy access to earn money, then you need to think twice. There's always good if you are keen on learning the proper expectations. Quick benefits are achievable if you already know how to anticipate the next market movement.

Risk is what you need to overcome if you wanted to deal with trading, mistake can be done but you really need to work things to favor you.
Super rich people got there by either working hard or working smart, usually both of them together. Nobody invested into a few things and got rich overnight, that type of wealth doesn't exist. Sure in the crypto world, we have seen a few people who invested just a few thousand dollars into stupid shitcoin and it went up 1000x and they got lucky and got out at the right time. But that's very rare, like one in a million, and you won't be that one.

It's better to grind hard, work, save, put it in bitcoin and do this for many years if you really want to get rich. I know it's not going to be easy but it could potentially happen and would be great if people realize "get rich quick" doesn't exist.
Agree with what you said, because basically regardless of anything Crypto is a great thing to get rich but it's not going to get quick because basically the get rich overnight thing only happens for fiction not for the real world.
We need a process to do something and of course this takes time. as for some investments that really make you rich because you are in shitcoin, I think the chances are a little difficult, moreover, it could only happen to a few people because the fact that being in shitcoin is even more brain draining and I think only people who are very brave to lose are there because the chance itself is very small.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Chrlie95 on January 05, 2023, 10:16:02 PM
Take time to go deeper and learn the principle in order to make things better with your investment. If you think that trading is easy access to earn money, then you need to think twice. There's always good if you are keen on learning the proper expectations. Quick benefits are achievable if you already know how to anticipate the next market movement.

Risk is what you need to overcome if you wanted to deal with trading, mistake can be done but you really need to work things to favor you.
Super rich people got there by either working hard or working smart, usually both of them together. Nobody invested into a few things and got rich overnight, that type of wealth doesn't exist. Sure in the crypto world, we have seen a few people who invested just a few thousand dollars into stupid shitcoin and it went up 1000x and they got lucky and got out at the right time. But that's very rare, like one in a million, and you won't be that one.

It's better to grind hard, work, save, put it in bitcoin and do this for many years if you really want to get rich. I know it's not going to be easy but it could potentially happen and would be great if people realize "get rich quick" doesn't exist.
Agree with what you said, because basically regardless of anything Crypto is a great thing to get rich but it's not going to get quick because basically the get rich overnight thing only happens for fiction not for the real world.
We need a process to do something and of course this takes time. as for some investments that really make you rich because you are in shitcoin, I think the chances are a little difficult, moreover, it could only happen to a few people because the fact that being in shitcoin is even more brain draining and I think only people who are very brave to lose are there because the chance itself is very small.

Good points. I always inspect the projects that I want to invest in, read their whitepaper do a lot of research myself. This, I think, is hardworking + working smart.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: blockman on January 05, 2023, 10:20:41 PM
There are many people who don't give up and they are struggling all the time but they are neither rich nor successful they are hard worker and die maaking their ends meet.
This is the reality of life, whether you're in first or third-world countries, there are people and workers that are in this situation. They're struggling in life and they have to work daily just to survive and make ends meet.
But to those that are sick and want to get out of the situation, they're changing their routine and looking for better opportunities because it is draining that you're in the same situation again and again until you've grown older and you've got nothing because the salary you're receiving are all just going to bills and needs and you've got nothing left anymore.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: My ThuiHa on January 06, 2023, 07:45:39 AM
"People make the same mistakes all the time."

Some people say: "Mistakes" are actually a "mental activity" formed by the interference of two intentions. One intention is that you have to do this (disturbed intention), and the other intention is that you actually don't want to do it. thing (interfering intent).
It is very important that we can analyze the reasons for the mistakes more and avoid making mistakes again. Some people make the same mistake many times because of their own habits, leading to the same choice. Think about the problem from multiple perspectives. Success actually depends on an opportunity, but opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Cookdata on January 06, 2023, 05:35:32 PM
There are many people who don't give up and they are struggling all the time but they are neither rich nor successful they are hard worker and die maaking their ends meet.
This is the reality of life, whether you're in first or third-world countries, there are people and workers that are in this situation. They're struggling in life and they have to work daily just to survive and make ends meet.
But to those that are sick and want to get out of the situation, they're changing their routine and looking for better opportunities because it is draining that you're in the same situation again and again until you've grown older and you've got nothing because the salary you're receiving are all just going to bills and needs and you've got nothing left anymore.

These set of people are usually referred as middle class people, they don’t have in excess and neither do they lack what they need to eat, shelter and roof but the society has made them want to look for more, they are often the type of people that make use of any opportunities that comes to their way and are always smart, it doesn’t matter where they come from, that’s how the nature taught them.

Sickness also has a way it humble people either rich, poor or middle class, we all can’t run a way from it, we all have a way we get sick but it differs too because some are generational/genetic from parent and some are within our environment.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: MoonOfLife on January 06, 2023, 05:47:17 PM
We always take the advice of successful people and apply it to ourselves, and I would like to ask if anyone here has become as rich as them thanks to their formula. For me, everyone's success is not the same, we should experience and draw lessons for ourselves instead of looking at others. There are many ways to succeed, our job is to find our own recipe for success, not copy someone else's.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Cryptock on January 07, 2023, 05:39:48 PM
We always take the advice of successful people and apply it to ourselves, and I would like to ask if anyone here has become as rich as them thanks to their formula. For me, everyone's success is not the same, we should experience and draw lessons for ourselves instead of looking at others. There are many ways to succeed, our job is to find our own recipe for success, not copy someone else's.
For this we need to take care of ourselves and take time out to admire and appreciate the good around us.
I know we want to be like a successful people but we don't want to work hard and go an extra mile 

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: bitgov on January 07, 2023, 06:52:21 PM
We always take the advice of successful people and apply it to ourselves, and I would like to ask if anyone here has become as rich as them thanks to their formula. For me, everyone's success is not the same, we should experience and draw lessons for ourselves instead of looking at others. There are many ways to succeed, our job is to find our own recipe for success, not copy someone else's.
that is so true - we want to listen to them - and we are motivated for a day of two and then we come back to our routine.
Life is not about listening and forgetting all what has people done to seek success. Life is the name of continuous struggle and hard work!

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Theones on January 07, 2023, 07:05:04 PM
There are many people who don't give up and they are struggling all the time but they are neither rich nor successful they are hard worker and die maaking their ends meet.
This is the reality of life, whether you're in first or third-world countries, there are people and workers that are in this situation. They're struggling in life and they have to work daily just to survive and make ends meet.
But to those that are sick and want to get out of the situation, they're changing their routine and looking for better opportunities because it is draining that you're in the same situation again and again until you've grown older and you've got nothing because the salary you're receiving are all just going to bills and needs and you've got nothing left anymore.
I am struggling class - and I kept struggling through out my life.
I think i am a complete failure - be in personal or professional life. Nothing has changed in my life in past 10 years

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: og kush420 on January 07, 2023, 08:10:05 PM
There are many people who don't give up and they are struggling all the time but they are neither rich nor successful they are hard worker and die maaking their ends meet.
This is the reality of life, whether you're in first or third-world countries, there are people and workers that are in this situation. They're struggling in life and they have to work daily just to survive and make ends meet.
But to those that are sick and want to get out of the situation, they're changing their routine and looking for better opportunities because it is draining that you're in the same situation again and again until you've grown older and you've got nothing because the salary you're receiving are all just going to bills and needs and you've got nothing left anymore.

These set of people are usually referred as middle class people, they don’t have in excess and neither do they lack what they need to eat, shelter and roof but the society has made them want to look for more, they are often the type of people that make use of any opportunities that comes to their way and are always smart, it doesn’t matter where they come from, that’s how the nature taught them.

Sickness also has a way it humble people either rich, poor or middle class, we all can’t run a way from it, we all have a way we get sick but it differs too because some are generational/genetic from parent and some are within our environment.
and there is a set of people who are called the struggling class and I am that one.
The last year has been the worse year of my life and I wish that time never come in my life again

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Chripto on January 08, 2023, 10:07:17 AM
Going through your list, I thought about habbits of success. Back in the days, I read an article on pokerstars forum which stated the following (no guarantee of completeness):

1. They set clear goals and prioritize their tasks. Successful people know what they want to achieve and they focus on the tasks that will help them reach their goals.

2. They are disciplined and self-motivated. Successful people have the discipline to follow through on their tasks and the self-motivation to keep going, even when things get tough.

3. They are continuous learners. Successful people are always looking to improve themselves and learn new things. They are curious and seek out new experiences and knowledge.

4. They are resilient and able to bounce back from setbacks. Successful people don't let setbacks and failures get them down. They learn from their mistakes and keep moving forward.

5. They have a positive attitude and mindset. Successful people have a can-do attitude and believe in their ability to achieve their goals. They maintain a positive outlook and look for the good in every situation.

6. They are proactive and take initiative. Successful people don't wait for things to happen, they make them happen. They are proactive and take the initiative to get things done.

7. They are good at time management. Successful people are able to manage their time effectively and make the most of every day. They prioritize their tasks and focus on what's important.

8. They surround themselves with other successful people. Successful people seek out and surround themselves with other successful people, as they know that they can learn from and be inspired by them.

I thought this might fit this subject :)

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Cryptock on January 08, 2023, 09:54:19 PM
Going through your list, I thought about habbits of success. Back in the days, I read an article on pokerstars forum which stated the following (no guarantee of completeness):

1. They set clear goals and prioritize their tasks. Successful people know what they want to achieve and they focus on the tasks that will help them reach their goals.

2. They are disciplined and self-motivated. Successful people have the discipline to follow through on their tasks and the self-motivation to keep going, even when things get tough.

3. They are continuous learners. Successful people are always looking to improve themselves and learn new things. They are curious and seek out new experiences and knowledge.

4. They are resilient and able to bounce back from setbacks. Successful people don't let setbacks and failures get them down. They learn from their mistakes and keep moving forward.

5. They have a positive attitude and mindset. Successful people have a can-do attitude and believe in their ability to achieve their goals. They maintain a positive outlook and look for the good in every situation.

6. They are proactive and take initiative. Successful people don't wait for things to happen, they make them happen. They are proactive and take the initiative to get things done.

7. They are good at time management. Successful people are able to manage their time effectively and make the most of every day. They prioritize their tasks and focus on what's important.

8. They surround themselves with other successful people. Successful people seek out and surround themselves with other successful people, as they know that they can learn from and be inspired by them.

I thought this might fit this subject :)
The seventh point you have mentioned is very valid - they are good time manager.
I our country we don't value time - getting late is a common thing.
I like and admire Japan and Japanese people for valuing time and working so hard. 

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: bitgov on January 08, 2023, 11:49:01 PM
In order to help you avoid total failure, one have to avoid making mistakes repeatedly. Here are the some biggest mistakes successful people may make once, but not twice.
I am sure that there is no one in this world who only makes one mistake in his life, there is a big chance to repeat it and for me it is not a problem as long as we don't give up from mistakes and try not to repeat it but if we make mistakes again, it does not need to make us stressed because mistakes are part of humans to eventually become wiser people, sometimes new success will be achieved when we have made lots of mistakes.
Making mistakes in learning and always trying to learn what his mistakes are and trying to avoid the same mistakes will make him develop better.
This is why we must always learn from mistakes to progress in the learning process.
But most people will think that those mistakes are blocking them from moving forward and they forget to learn what they made mistakes and how to avoid them.
Achieving success is the desire of many people but getting there is not easy because there must be lots of tests and only people who don't give up will be able to achieve it.
You are right - but repeating the same mistake twice is a blunder and i have made so many blunders in my life.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Theones on January 09, 2023, 12:00:56 AM
There are many people who don't give up and they are struggling all the time but they are neither rich nor successful they are hard worker and die maaking their ends meet.
This is the reality of life, whether you're in first or third-world countries, there are people and workers that are in this situation. They're struggling in life and they have to work daily just to survive and make ends meet.
But to those that are sick and want to get out of the situation, they're changing their routine and looking for better opportunities because it is draining that you're in the same situation again and again until you've grown older and you've got nothing because the salary you're receiving are all just going to bills and needs and you've got nothing left anymore.
That's basically my dad, he worked hard all his life, worked insanely hard and lived a life of just mediocre life. He is happy with what he has, one house, but that's about it. I am 32 years old and I know this is a terrible thing to say but I already have a house and a beautiful car, a car worth as much as his house, let alone how much my house worths. Am I better in some way than my father? Of course not, but I took the risks and he didn't.

That's what he thought me, you could be the best worker ever in a company, you could get up earlier than you should, go to work earlier than you should, never make a mistake, work 30 years for the same company and be poorer than some 32 year old kid with a computer.
That is how the life goes on - at the end what we need is contentment and satisfaction and happiness - if you are happy you are successful!
I liked your success story! Congrats and keep up the good work!

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: btc78 on January 09, 2023, 12:59:35 AM
a great read here mate, copying this to save in lat reading , thank you for this good post.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: og kush420 on January 09, 2023, 01:25:35 AM
There are many people who don't give up and they are struggling all the time but they are neither rich nor successful they are hard worker and die maaking their ends meet.
This is the reality of life, whether you're in first or third-world countries, there are people and workers that are in this situation. They're struggling in life and they have to work daily just to survive and make ends meet.
But to those that are sick and want to get out of the situation, they're changing their routine and looking for better opportunities because it is draining that you're in the same situation again and again until you've grown older and you've got nothing because the salary you're receiving are all just going to bills and needs and you've got nothing left anymore.
That's basically my dad, he worked hard all his life, worked insanely hard and lived a life of just mediocre life. He is happy with what he has, one house, but that's about it. I am 32 years old and I know this is a terrible thing to say but I already have a house and a beautiful car, a car worth as much as his house, let alone how much my house worths. Am I better in some way than my father? Of course not, but I took the risks and he didn't.

That's what he thought me, you could be the best worker ever in a company, you could get up earlier than you should, go to work earlier than you should, never make a mistake, work 30 years for the same company and be poorer than some 32 year old kid with a computer.
My dad was a struggler too - whole of his life he kept struggling to make both ends meet. And to make people happy
when he was taking his last breaths - he repented for spending so much on other people.
One should learn to say No - that is the most important rule of life.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: KupaCrypto on January 09, 2023, 03:00:26 PM
I think mistakes successful people never make twice is trusting the wrong people twice, Because once you become successful, fake people will be all around you seeking what they will gain from you.
So if as a successful person you noticed someone close to you is only after what he or she will gain from you then trusting that person the way you trusted him him before now becomes more complicated and an issue for concern.
Once you notice those kind of people around you then what you have to do is give them some distance even if you will still be in good terms with them but not that close as you guys were before.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Theones on January 09, 2023, 05:09:03 PM
I think mistakes successful people never make twice is trusting the wrong people twice, Because once you become successful, fake people will be all around you seeking what they will gain from you.
So if as a successful person you noticed someone close to you is only after what he or she will gain from you then trusting that person the way you trusted him him before now becomes more complicated and an issue for concern.
Once you notice those kind of people around you then what you have to do is give them some distance even if you will still be in good terms with them but not that close as you guys were before.
That is so true. Successful people don't trust wrong people twice.
One should have a stronger heart - - and a strong mind for making the right decision I am not a good decision maker and I make mistake of trusting people blindly

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: og kush420 on January 09, 2023, 05:28:12 PM
I think mistakes successful people never make twice is trusting the wrong people twice, Because once you become successful, fake people will be all around you seeking what they will gain from you.
So if as a successful person you noticed someone close to you is only after what he or she will gain from you then trusting that person the way you trusted him him before now becomes more complicated and an issue for concern.
Once you notice those kind of people around you then what you have to do is give them some distance even if you will still be in good terms with them but not that close as you guys were before.
successful people are successful because they have a luck element with them. They are Good decision maker and they care less about the society
Which is the best this they do to achieve their goal. I have seen people caring much about other people and not their goal.
So I think one should focus on oneself more than anything else.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Chripto on January 09, 2023, 07:43:15 PM
The seventh point you have mentioned is very valid - they are good time manager.
I our country we don't value time - getting late is a common thing.
I like and admire Japan and Japanese people for valuing time and working so hard. 

I‘ve been to japan and these folks are for real! Everyone - no matter how ‚trivial‘ their job might be - is giving 100% all the time. Politeness, respect and honour are values every culture should include into their values.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: og kush420 on January 14, 2023, 08:15:14 AM
The seventh point you have mentioned is very valid - they are good time manager.
I our country we don't value time - getting late is a common thing.
I like and admire Japan and Japanese people for valuing time and working so hard. 

I‘ve been to japan and these folks are for real! Everyone - no matter how ‚trivial‘ their job might be - is giving 100% all the time. Politeness, respect and honour are values every culture should include into their values.

That is so true - I witness that during Qatar FIFA world cup - the players even cleared their dressing rooms. The fans cleared the stadium. These people are so amazing and that is one of the reasons of their success.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Cryptock on January 14, 2023, 08:59:17 AM
I think mistakes successful people never make twice is trusting the wrong people twice, Because once you become successful, fake people will be all around you seeking what they will gain from you.
So if as a successful person you noticed someone close to you is only after what he or she will gain from you then trusting that person the way you trusted him him before now becomes more complicated and an issue for concern.
Once you notice those kind of people around you then what you have to do is give them some distance even if you will still be in good terms with them but not that close as you guys were before.
today i was watching an interview of one of our celebrity and she said she has lost 40 thousd dollars - while she was starting her own business on youtube channel and then - she again lost money for two years.. I think it is not only us but everyone who got scammed and robbed some way or other.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: bitgov on January 14, 2023, 03:24:57 PM
We always take the advice of successful people and apply it to ourselves, and I would like to ask if anyone here has become as rich as them thanks to their formula. For me, everyone's success is not the same, we should experience and draw lessons for ourselves instead of looking at others. There are many ways to succeed, our job is to find our own recipe for success, not copy someone else's.
We should try having a balanced life - work of ourselves - for our growth.
The best thing is as you have mentioned - that we should take advice from the successful people and work hard for our growth - this is so important.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: keyscore44 on January 14, 2023, 09:40:10 PM
Playing it safe.
If you constantly play it safe in life, you’re probably hoping to avoid making mistakes by going along with the herd. But this is one of the biggest mistakes of all, because sweeping success only comes to those who are courageous enough to strike out on their own. Successful people may initially allow themselves to fall into this trap, but something in them propels them to take risks. They would rather try something new and fail than take a safe bet and lead a boring life.
It is alright to have a courageous approach to life and the different niches we find ourselves in. But in investments, playing it safe is one of the best advices one can get

It takes time to grow a portfolio and build your profit margin, inorder to last the test of time, one needs to take low, calculated risks, to successfully manage their investments. When you've gotten more profits, you have the freedom to take more risks, but definitely not when you're just starting out with an asset.
there is a point mentioned above by OP which states - the rich people don't pretend to be someone else.
This is the best thing they do and the other very important point is taking time to decide and stick to their decision.

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: bitgov on January 16, 2023, 01:53:04 PM
"People make the same mistakes all the time."

Some people say: "Mistakes" are actually a "mental activity" formed by the interference of two intentions. One intention is that you have to do this (disturbed intention), and the other intention is that you actually don't want to do it. thing (interfering intent).
It is very important that we can analyze the reasons for the mistakes more and avoid making mistakes again. Some people make the same mistake many times because of their own habits, leading to the same choice. Think about the problem from multiple perspectives. Success actually depends on an opportunity, but opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared.
successful people are humans too and they too make so many mistakes. But they learn from their mistakes and stand up tall

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: og kush420 on January 16, 2023, 09:02:33 PM

We need a process to do something and of course this takes time. as for some investments that really make you rich because you are in shitcoin, I think the chances are a little difficult, moreover, it could only happen to a few people because the fact that being in shitcoin is even more brain draining and I think only people who are very brave to lose are there because the chance itself is very small.
the rich people are rich because they are good at keeping the money and not spending them .. Some of the rich people knows how to say No and to whom
and most importantly - they don't overspend their money even during their life event.
I wish to have a rich mindset to have at least a good emergency fund. Sooner

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: Cryptock on January 22, 2023, 07:49:31 PM
The seventh point you have mentioned is very valid - they are good time manager.
I our country we don't value time - getting late is a common thing.
I like and admire Japan and Japanese people for valuing time and working so hard. 

I‘ve been to japan and these folks are for real! Everyone - no matter how ‚trivial‘ their job might be - is giving 100% all the time. Politeness, respect and honour are values every culture should include into their values.

these people have patience they value time and other people - I am not sure what is the crime rate there.
But the manner and good things are taught from the early age and the teachers are highly paid profession there - in my conutry - when someone does not find a job they become teacher and ruin the lives of children

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: KupaCrypto on January 28, 2023, 04:39:10 PM
Another mistake you don't make twice is using the same business approach that didn't work well with the previous business, every business is meant to have its approach or plan unless the previous one worked out for you then you will be tempted to use it in another hoping it yields the same result with the other, but if it fails in the first one then no need trying it with the second one,

Title: Re: Mistakes Successful People Never Make Twice
Post by: yusrime on January 28, 2023, 08:26:01 PM
wow what a nice post here on off-topic