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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Merit.s on December 30, 2022, 03:46:43 PM

Title: Family is the bedrock of the society
Post by: Merit.s on December 30, 2022, 03:46:43 PM
A family comprises of two,three or more person depending on the type of family. There there must be the father and mother. It is good that we should know how to relate with our family members well in other for easy corrections and advices, so that a good moral and God fearing life can be practiced. Children learn from what they see their parents do at home,than what their parents tell them. For instance,if a man always tells his 15yrs old son to always be at home at 6.00pm and the father comes back home at 10.00pm, how will this boy not stay late nights when he becomes an adult.
The home is the first place where the child starts learning from toddler stage till youth stage, and every character displayed by parents in the house will affect their children positively or negatively. That is why as parents we should always try our best to live in unity and love and be of good example to our children. We shouldn't over pamper them and think that we are giving them much love, instead you are making them useless and being nuisance to the society. If these kind of pampered children are given power or leaders in the society they will mess the whole thing up due to the spoilt way,they were brought up. They will also be the ones who will be doing all sort of evils in the society because they were not cautioned by their parents.
It is good that the moment your child misbehaved,you should caution and correct him immediately, so that he will live to grow with the right morals and to be a good leader in the society,they will also be of good behavior and add value to the society.
Majority of atrocities that are happening in the society today are children whose parent didn't correct them or put them through in life,by living a good life as an example for them to emulate. Parents should have time with their children and correct them when they are going wrong so that they will be able to add value to the society by displaying what they have learnt from their parents. So many homes are broken or some parents don't even see their children for more than a month or two all in the excuse of work, how will you be able to see the wrongs of your child and make correction. The society will end up training your child in the way he will be useless in life. We should try to help this little ones who are vulnerable to attacks to have good morals and character, because that was why God gave them to us,it is not just to give birth to them and leave them alone due to our selfish intention. This will help them  add positive impact to the society ,and this will help to tackle some evil deeds in the society because family is the bedrock of the society.

Title: Re: Family is the bedrock of the society
Post by: Gyfts on December 31, 2022, 09:26:58 AM
Nuclear family is central to a stable society and it's been that way for all of human history -- it seems to me family values are eroding away and uncoincidentally suicidal ideations, drug abuse, porn addiction are all rising at accelerated rates with marriage and birth rates down.

Usually nuclear families can be maintained through religious bonds and cultural homogeneity but it doesn't necessarily require that. I'm not the biggest fan of religion myself though it does help maintain stable social structure. Take religion out and put children through unstable family structures, they end up being another statistic: someone less likely to get an education, more likely to commit crime, more likely to have a child out of wedlock, more likely to enter a cycle of poverty, etc.

Title: Re: Family is the bedrock of the society
Post by: Doan9269 on December 31, 2022, 09:44:53 AM
Every society start emancipation from the family, that is why it has always been the foundation to every strong and vibrant community today, the family is were we all begin our livelihood before we got exposed to the open world and got advanced in life, if a family failed then the community is failing gradually because each family constitute the growth and development of the society, this makes the family as important as the growth of the society

Title: Re: Family is the bedrock of the society
Post by: Spaceman1000$ on December 31, 2022, 10:39:18 AM
I think government should do more in reorienting parents about the children upbringing, because the society will definitely be affected when a child is not properly brought up, recently a 15 years boy gun down another person in Stockholm Sweden. Parents no longer shoulder any obligation, They desire personal time for themselves. I never requested any personal time as my kids are growing up, because I'm constantly aware of their where abouts and who they were with. In order to ensure that the children receive assistance quickly and before their wrongdoing progressed too far, the school is the first to notice when a student is moving in the wrong direction and must alert the neighborhood and the police.

Title: Re: Family is the bedrock of the society
Post by: White pawn on December 31, 2022, 10:58:44 AM
I think government should do more in reorienting parents about the children upbringing, because the society will definitely be affected when a child is not properly brought up, recently a 15 years boy gun down another person in Stockholm Sweden. Parents no longer shoulder any obligation, They desire personal time for themselves. I never requested any personal time as my kids are growing up, because I'm constantly aware of their where abouts and who they were with. In order to ensure that the children receive assistance quickly and before their wrongdoing progressed too far, the school is the first to notice when a student is moving in the wrong direction and must alert the neighborhood and the police.

The government should be the last body to orientate any parent on the upbringing of their wards. The government is not the determinant of what’s right and wrong and should not have any business in how parents raise their wards.
Obviously, there are laws that’s put in place by the government that somewhat dictates on how parents should bring up their children. Those laws are out in place for the general welfare of the child. Aside those laws guaranteeing the rights of the child, the government has no say in how the child is brought up. It all dwells on the parents.

Everyone knows the difference between right and wrong and parents no matter how they try to shield away from responsibilities, are the root cause if their child goes astray.

Title: Re: Family is the bedrock of the society
Post by: Cecilia Joytwin on December 31, 2022, 11:06:20 AM
Every day that goes by, homes separate themselves more and more. Unfortunately, this lack of connection between couples, parent-child relationships, and siblings can lead to resentment, especially when parents stop paying attention to their kids' regular activities. As a result of these dysfunctional family settings, the majority of recorded cases of domestic violence, child molestation, kidnapping of girls, and inadequate schooling have occurred.Since busy schedules sometimes make it difficult to slow down and spend time with families, parents must make every effort to instill in their children good morals. In turn, children must be honorable AMBASSADORS of their family tree.

Title: Re: Family is the bedrock of the society
Post by: Swordsoffreedom on December 31, 2022, 04:01:49 PM
I am a married person with children, I am going through what you say, so I agree entirely with you, family is the most important bedrock. Children are a blank page, and that blank page will become a beautiful song, a beautiful picture, or will be just a scribbled page, that's for us to decide. My 2 children, always follow my every action and word. If I get angry and swear, they will repeat the same thing, they have absolutely no idea what they just said, they are just copying from me. I can say who they will be in the future is up to me and my wife to decide.

Title: Re: Family is the bedrock of the society
Post by: OgNasty on December 31, 2022, 07:38:44 PM
The problem is that not everybody has a stable family and it isn't their fault.  You can be born into all sorts of situation through no fault of your own.  In our society, you aren't allowed to have "good luck" because it makes other people feel bad who weren't given the same opportunities.  This is why we're seeing attacks against family and religion by the political left.  Instead of being happy for people with great families and nice lives, they hate them and think they're the reason that not everybody has such things.  These types of people who think things are a zero sum game are dangerous and will be the downfall of society. 

Title: Re: Family is the bedrock of the society
Post by: Frankolala on January 01, 2023, 11:58:01 AM
Some families have lost the family value in them,father don't take care of his responsibilities due to his reckless life style,mother do try her best but it is not good enough,and you see these children disrespecting their parents,talking back at them and even use abuses words on their parents because the parents couldn't fend for them.

The society comprises of different families,which everybody will show the public how they do live their various lives in their different houses by their characters. If you child does something good,call her cheer him up and encourage him to do more,but if he does something wrong, call him and let him know what he did was wrong and tell him the implications of his actions or words,so that he would not do it anymore. A little scorning can help,if children are not corrected, they will feel that they are doing the right thing

Title: Re: Family is the bedrock of the society
Post by: Lordhermes on January 02, 2023, 06:52:28 AM
I share the same belief with you, on this topic. Family is truly the bedrock of the society, and not Education to me, Family was the first buildup of the state, the Orine of state can be best trance to the family.
The family is the very first class of the child, where they learnt both inform and knowledge of the society.
The family should be hold responsible if the society goes wrong, the parents should be blame for any wrong behaviour in the society and if there is a change and peace in the society the parents should be given the accolades.

Title: Re: Family is the bedrock of the society
Post by: yazher on January 02, 2023, 10:02:15 AM
Every society start emancipation from the family, that is why it has always been the foundation to every strong and vibrant community today, the family is were we all begin our livelihood before we got exposed to the open world and got advanced in life, if a family failed then the community is failing gradually because each family constitute the growth and development of the society, this makes the family as important as the growth of the society

The thing is, this foundation starts with how mothers teach their children well, and just like how the famous saying says, "Good Women can make a whole community good as well." that's because, when the father is at work, mothers will take care of the children and they will teach them the right manners to be a good person and it will be like a domino effect because, after their mother, they will also teaching their children and so on so forth.

Title: Re: Family is the bedrock of the society
Post by: Zlantann on January 02, 2023, 06:44:10 PM
The problem is that not everybody has a stable family and it isn't their fault.  You can be born into all sorts of situation through no fault of your own.  In our society, you aren't allowed to have "good luck" because it makes other people feel bad who weren't given the same opportunities.  This is why we're seeing attacks against family and religion by the political left.  Instead of being happy for people with great families and nice lives, they hate them and think they're the reason that not everybody has such things.  These types of people who think things are a zero sum game are dangerous and will be the downfall of society. 

You just opened my understanding to another aspect of our societal problems. No child chooses his family because you can't select your parents. Some children are born into homes that are headed by drug addict, criminals and child molester. They end up imbibing what they learn from their parents and become a challenge to the society. These children would still grow up to have their own children that might still inculcate the same abnormal behaviors.

For us as parents we must ensure that we give the best to our children. Providing their physical need is not enough because emotional and psychological needs are also very important. We must not be too harsh or too soft to our children. The wife and the husband should be friendly to the children so that they can open up and tell them their problems.

Recently, my 10year old son told my wife that our neighbors daughter was touching his private part and he is having an urge he cannot explain. And he told her not to tell me because I might be very angry with him. This event just taught me that I must be more friendly with him so that he can also seek advice from me too.

Title: Re: Family is the bedrock of the society
Post by: Lordhermes on January 03, 2023, 09:53:36 AM
The family has the power to improve society and make it a better place to live. If there is ever a crisis in our society, we must hold the parents accountable because every abnormal behavior that is practiced in our society today began in the home. Therefore, if parents observe any odd behavior in their children, they should warn it right away to stop it.

Title: Re: Family is the bedrock of the society
Post by: Bananington on January 03, 2023, 01:47:04 PM
I share the same belief with you, on this topic. Family is truly the bedrock of the society, and not Education to me,
Some agreed that it was Education that was the Bedrock, now we discussing about how the family is also the bedrock of society, It means that there is not just one thing that can be agreed to as the bedrock of the society, but a couple of things, and out of the list, Education and Family have been identified as part of it. But of the two, Family that is the people you spent the early stages of your life with and grew up with is more important because you are thought how to act respectfully, that is you are thought morals. An uneducated child with good morals will not be a problem to the society, but an educated child with bad morals is more likely to a nuisance to society.

Title: Re: Family is the bedrock of the society
Post by: worldofcoins on January 04, 2023, 03:27:03 PM
Nuclear family is central to a stable society and it's been that way for all of human history -- it seems to me family values are eroding away and uncoincidentally suicidal ideations, drug abuse, porn addiction are all rising at accelerated rates with marriage and birth rates down.

Usually nuclear families can be maintained through religious bonds and cultural homogeneity but it doesn't necessarily require that. I'm not the biggest fan of religion myself though it does help maintain stable social structure. Take religion out and put children through unstable family structures, they end up being another statistic: someone less likely to get an education, more likely to commit crime, more likely to have a child out of wedlock, more likely to enter a cycle of poverty, etc.

Strongly agree with your post. The family is the primary place where a person can learn the way and conduct of life; all this learning directly impacts any person's life. Therefore, the fortress family system plays a vital role in a strong society.

Title: Re: Family is the bedrock of the society
Post by: Qiubell5 on April 23, 2023, 07:45:40 AM
Many in today's society, their children lack the love of their parents, scolding their children without knowing what wrong the children have done. Sometimes such a child is always looking for affection outside the home. Like promiscuity that makes them do bad things. Therefore, many crimes are committed by teenagers today. And overly spoiled children are also not good. Parents must be able to balance between work and family, so that the family is always harmonious. And everything is very influential when the child is in society.

Title: Re: Family is the bedrock of the society
Post by: Lordhermes on April 23, 2023, 12:26:50 PM
Family is the most important part of the society, nothing can grow with the society. Because the society origin started from  family first, then compound ,then it form the larger community, then the society we're in if one wants to achieve social change in the society,he or her must first get it right from the family level. If it works in the family, then it will work in the society.

Title: Re: Family is the bedrock of the society
Post by: Belarge on April 23, 2023, 01:55:54 PM
You are right, it's everything duty of parents to look after their children and correct them when ever they are going astray, parents should also try to live by example so their children can see and copy from them too, because parents are always the reprocical of their children's behavior, and a good parents should know that their child (children) is always their children and they should be always be treated like one no matter their age.
As for me even at my age, my parents always talk and give me a parental advice and always give me that acknowledgement that they know more than irrespective of my age, so I urge all parents to do same too,

When a child(children)is a nuisance in the community or society, the accusing fingers are always pointed to their family ( parents) that they didn't train their children very well, same applies when the child (children) is well behave in the society, the appraiser goes the family (parents) and that's the More reason why parents should direct their children on the right path....

Title: Re: Family is the bedrock of the society
Post by: Hispo on April 23, 2023, 02:07:11 PM
Many in today's society, their children lack the love of their parents, scolding their children without knowing what wrong the children have done. Sometimes such a child is always looking for affection outside the home. Like promiscuity that makes them do bad things. Therefore, many crimes are committed by teenagers today. And overly spoiled children are also not good. Parents must be able to balance between work and family, so that the family is always harmonious. And everything is very influential when the child is in society.

They do not only look for affection and attention outside home, but also look for proper parent figures on TV and on the internet. That is when all goes south, if you ask me. Many things can go wrong with a teen who does not find discipline and a model to follow when starts to learn from influencers from Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. Those people are fake and would only share what is worth for them to share: parties, women, alcohol abuse, gambling, etc. 

The teen would eventually believe that is what a "winner" looks like and try to pursue to get a life of eternal party into his own life. It is even worse when the people followed on social media are cruel, greedy, mistreats women, etc.

Social media and easy access to internet for children are the anti thesis of proper parenting.  ::)

Title: Re: Family is the bedrock of the society
Post by: Newlifebtc on April 24, 2023, 10:17:18 PM
I share the same belief with you, on this topic. Family is truly the bedrock of the society, and not Education to me, Family was the first buildup of the state, the Orine of state can be best trance to the family.
The family is the very first class of the child, where they learnt both inform and knowledge of the society.
The family should be hold responsible if the society goes wrong, the parents should be blame for any wrong behaviour in the society and if there is a change and peace in the society the parents should be given the accolades.
in your statement you are contradicting everything and nobody knows exactly what happened is all about so I try to understand your point but I could not fish anything out reasonable from the trend I would like advice you to make sure that you read and understand what a writer is saying before you respond to it please don't be offended with my observation towards your write-up

Title: Re: Family is the bedrock of the society
Post by: Septex on April 25, 2023, 10:14:41 AM
Family is the foundation of our society. A society is gradually formed through the family. Therefore, we must be very aware of the formation of the family in order to build the society in a beautiful way. The biggest obstacle to family formation in our society today is extramarital affairs. Families are weakened by having these extramarital affairs. And due to the weakening of these families, immorality, religious values ​​and other anarchies have arisen in the society. So for our family formation I personally think family formation is of immense importance for us to be strong socially. Religion plays an important role in this.  We can see that family bonds are much stronger if we follow religious precepts. This is my personal opinion though.  Our society will be beautiful only if every single family is built well. Harmony will be created among people. Each other can live beautifully. They can move forward through each other's grief. And they can enjoy each other's happiness during happy times.

Title: Re: Family is the bedrock of the society
Post by: brother brother on April 26, 2023, 08:29:57 PM
I agree with this that family is the bedrock of the society, family seems to be the first social institution or as the first socialization of every children, the family will depend the life style, moral, attitude, behavior and other observable characters of the children, so the parents have lots of roles to play on the life of the children so that the children will become discipline and useful in the family and society, undisciplined children seems to be regrets to the family and also serve as problem to the society.

Title: Re: Family is the bedrock of the society
Post by: Promocodeudo on April 27, 2023, 09:53:36 PM
I strongly accept this notion because the family is where the society itself emanates from, for instance if a particular family is disciplined they are expected to passed it to their younger generation as so doing the society becomes a good place but if nothing is been done in other to maintain what the family is known for, then the society will be porous with different indecent character.

Title: Re: Family is the bedrock of the society
Post by: Alpha Marine on May 01, 2023, 10:05:02 PM
The best way to raise children as parents is to have a relationship with the child. Telling the child what to do and what not to do doesn't work. There's no point in being hard on your child when he/she is wrong. It will only scare the child and further push the child away from you the parents
The relationship between parents and children should be like a friendship kind of relationship. A relationship where the child can tell his parents anything and can ask anything. They shouldn't be like a master and a servant where the father just gives orders and laws for the child to follow.
When there is a relationship between parents and children, it becomes very easy for the child to listen to what the parents tell him because it's from someone they trust.
Even if that child does something wrong, the first person he will tell is his parents, even if he knows they will be disappointed, they will do it with love and care. This will make the child not want to disappoint his parents. It's not pampering, it's raising the child with love.

I always use the example of two young teenage girls that get pregnant. One would say "My mom is going to kill me" Then she will go look for a solution by herself and hide the whole thing from the mother. The other would say "I have to tell my mom"
It's not like the mom of the second girl won't be disappointed, but she's like a friend to the daughter. They have chemistry, they have a relationship, so they share everything and trust each other. It will be way easier for the second girl to learn from her mother compared to the first girl.

Title: Re: Family is the bedrock of the society
Post by: Newlifebtc on May 01, 2023, 10:21:54 PM
I strongly accept this notion because the family is where the society itself emanates from, for instance if a particular family is disciplined they are expected to passed it to their younger generation as so doing the society becomes a good place but if nothing is been done in other to maintain what the family is known for, then the society will be porous with different indecent character.
It is very clear and understandable that a family is where Society start from because without family Society cannot the established does everything that is happening or everything that is happening in a religion started from there family even the politics will play today we play all these things in the family before coming outside

Title: Re: Family is the bedrock of the society
Post by: Iadegbola34 on May 03, 2023, 10:26:02 PM
It is true that children learn from what they see their parents do rather than just what they say. Therefore, it is crucial that parents act as good role models for their children and lead by example in their daily lives. It's not enough to just give them love and material things, we also need to discipline them when necessary and teach them the importance of respecting others.

I strongly believe that if we want to build a better society, we need to start by building stronger families. This means spending quality time with our children, being there for them when they need us, and correcting them when they go wrong. We also need to work on our own character and behavior, so that we can set a good example for our children to follow.

It's unfortunate that many parents are so busy with work that they neglect their responsibilities as parents. This can have a negative impact on their children's lives, and ultimately, on society as a whole. We need to prioritize our families and make time for them, so that we can raise well-rounded individuals who will make positive contributions to society.

I believe that every child has the potential to be a good leader in the society, but it's up to us as parents to nurture and guide them towards that path. By instilling good morals and values in our children, we can help create a better future for everyone.

Title: Re: Family is the bedrock of the society
Post by: Kelward on May 04, 2023, 09:24:45 PM
You are unarguably right. No body came into this world as an adult, we all come from a family, so the family becomes a bedrock for a better society. Your family members are the first people that you know. The first language that you know is thought to you by your family and to a large extent your character is a product of your upbringing.

Therefore the effect of someone's character in the society is a product of the person's family upbringing. So parents should teach values to their children and also practice what they teach.

Title: Re: Family is the bedrock of the society
Post by: Raceonsucced on May 10, 2023, 10:55:16 AM
It is true that the family is the foundation of society. Because in essence the family acts as a container and guidance for each of its members. And that becomes an important role is in the formation of children's morals. Because when they grow up, they will play an important role in society

Title: Re: Family is the bedrock of the society
Post by: collinscoinz on May 10, 2023, 11:33:03 AM
The family is said to be a comprises of two or more members in a house depending on the type,the family is the first school as long as am concern were the child or the children start learning some moral behaviour from the toddler stage till youth stage,& every behaviour displayed by the parent also will definetly influence the child,so no much peting or pamper should be given to them, it is good that the moment the child misbehaved you caution & correct it immediatly,so that he or she will live to grow with the right morals & to be a good leader and a good parent also to the society and to her worl,if not the society will end up training them & by that road he or she will go out of track.

Title: Re: Family is the bedrock of the society
Post by: Popkon6 on May 11, 2023, 07:00:38 PM
As an example of what a family is, consider a baby bird. From infancy to adulthood, the mother bird educates her young self-sufficiently. It may be different in the next country. In this case, we should consider how our father nurtures us. We grow up in the society according to the education style of the family so every parent educates his child properly. In some cases parents spoil their child by giving too much love to their child and fail to provide proper education. Therefore, children should not be shown excessive love and greed for wealth during childhood, otherwise the child is greedy and cannot acquire education as a result of which he is called as a sinful person in the society.

Title: Re: Family is the bedrock of the society
Post by: uchegod-21 on May 12, 2023, 09:44:48 AM
As an example of what a family is, consider a baby bird. From infancy to adulthood, the mother bird educates her young self-sufficiently. It may be different in the next country. In this case, we should consider how our father nurtures us. We grow up in the society according to the education style of the family so every parent educates his child properly. In some cases parents spoil their child by giving too much love to their child and fail to provide proper education. Therefore, children should not be shown excessive love and greed for wealth during childhood, otherwise the child is greedy and cannot acquire education as a result of which he is called as a sinful person in the society.
A child's upbringing is very important and especially from.the ages of 3 to 5. Whatever they grap from this age is what they will grow with. If they are over pampered at this age, they will rotten in character and it will affect the society at large.
However, the environment where a child grows up is another big factor that influences the child. This is because a child will not only stay with the parents, at a time the child will relate with the peer group and there they learn many things that the parents cannot even imagine.

Title: Re: Family is the bedrock of the society
Post by: Strongkored on May 13, 2023, 03:05:29 AM
Parents cannot tell their children that smoking will harm their health so that their children do not smoke while smoking, but that is precisely what is being done in today's society.
Parents can only prohibit but cannot explain properly why it is prohibited, parents cannot only try to discipline their children but they themselves break the rules, and children will emulate their parents well when parents can establish good communication every time. day is not when parents have time.
So sometimes parents' busyness makes them have no time for their children so they will replace it with money and give what the child asks for because of guilt and the child grows into a spoiled person, so setting an example is not just words but real actions.

Title: Re: Family is the bedrock of the society
Post by: Victorybit1 on May 16, 2023, 01:00:11 PM
Indeed family is the bedrock of society. If the family can instill good values and norms, it will create a good behavioral pattern in the world. Learning how to communicate, and manners which are crucial in the world are all learned from the family first.
People are dealing with the problem of mental health, some persons lack emotional intelligence because most families don't know the value of love and care even a sense of belonging which could have been instilled in their children before exposing them to society.

Title: Re: Family is the bedrock of the society
Post by: Doan9269 on May 16, 2023, 04:45:25 PM
Many in today's society, their children lack the love of their parents, scolding their children without knowing what wrong the children have done. Sometimes such a child is always looking for affection outside the home. Like promiscuity that makes them do bad things. Therefore, many crimes are committed by teenagers today. And overly spoiled children are also not good. Parents must be able to balance between work and family, so that the family is always harmonious. And everything is very influential when the child is in society.

We are all whom we are today as a result of the kind of family we all came out from, the family is the basic unit structure that build the society into what it has today as a big community where people live together, as parents, we need to take good care of our children in the righr way that will help them discover their potentials and whom they were in the society, a child that lacks good upbringing today will be a threat to the family and the society tomorrow.

Title: Re: Family is the bedrock of the society
Post by: Iadegbola34 on May 17, 2023, 05:08:16 PM
OP has emphasized the importance of parental influence in shaping children's behavior and values. He highlights the need for parents to set a good example, provide guidance, and correct their children promptly. By prioritizing strong family bonds and actively parenting, we can raise children who contribute positively to society.

Title: Re: Family is the bedrock of the society
Post by: Youngkhngdiddy on May 23, 2023, 12:43:50 PM
Yes, family is the bedrock of a society, I agree with this topic reasons being that, it plays a vital role in social development, most times often things people learn from their family is what they apply to their lifestyle, let's use for example, poor home training, according to the bible it says train up a child in a way he should grow and when he grows it would never depart from him, when a child lacks home training, he/she would become a negative impact to the society, for instance in a case whereby a boy child sees his parents always fighting could end up growing with such mentality that fighting with his wife or hitting other women is normal.

Title: Re: Family is the bedrock of the society
Post by: Doan9269 on May 23, 2023, 03:34:24 PM
OP has emphasized the importance of parental influence in shaping children's behavior and values. He highlights the need for parents to set a good example, provide guidance, and correct their children promptly. By prioritizing strong family bonds and actively parenting, we can raise children who contribute positively to society.

Our parents have acted their own part, now left for me and you to choose on what we want, where we want and how we want to go through the whole process in life, we also cannot undermine the role of our family in our lives because they are the ones that stand for us in times of trouble when friends and other people have left us alone into agony, what they will enjoy with us are the good moments but run away when things turn around bad situation for us.

Title: Re: Family is the bedrock of the society
Post by: Zlantann on May 23, 2023, 08:37:41 PM
I agree with this that family is the bedrock of the society, family seems to be the first social institution or as the first socialization of every children, the family will depend the life style, moral, attitude, behavior and other observable characters of the children, so the parents have lots of roles to play on the life of the children so that the children will become discipline and useful in the family and society, undisciplined children seems to be regrets to the family and also serve as problem to the society.

The current economic problems some countries are facing are affecting families negatively. Most parents have to work many hours to afford the basic needs of life. Our children are now left to inexperienced nannies and relatives to raise. This is because both parents need to work hard to raise funds for the family. This has made many children not to be well groomed because they were trained by the wrong people. I have heard and seen cases of house help molesting and bullying, young children.

Our children are now forced to learn from friends and social media because we the parents are not always around. These parents do not have time to monitor their children's behavior because of thier unending absence from home. But we parents should know that childraising is a sacrifice. Whatever it will take us to inculcate sound character and education standing should be done because our children are more important than than riches. We must create time to observe, communicate and guide them because good moral is as important as a sound education.

Title: Re: Family is the bedrock of the society
Post by: OgNasty on May 23, 2023, 09:01:29 PM
OP has emphasized the importance of parental influence in shaping children's behavior and values. He highlights the need for parents to set a good example, provide guidance, and correct their children promptly. By prioritizing strong family bonds and actively parenting, we can raise children who contribute positively to society.

Sounds like a ChatGPT response.  LOL

More seriously...  I've always wondered why it was said that the Democratic Party wanted to destroy the family unit, but after a few decades of watching their political base change it appears that's exactly what they were going for and have had great success.  Now they're trying to blur the lines between genders for some strange reason.  It's almost like they want a society of children suffering from mental health with no positive role models for some reason.