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Other => Archival => Topic started by: alastantiger on January 01, 2023, 01:43:41 PM

Title: New Year Goals, New Year Resolutions: My Thoughts
Post by: alastantiger on January 01, 2023, 01:43:41 PM
Many people, in my experience, set new year's goals and resolutions while abandoning their goals and resolution from 2022. I'm here to tell you that you don't actually need a new year's goal(s) and resolutions. You can have a continuation of last year's goals or a continuation of last year's resolution. I believe you shouldn't throw away your old goals for a new goal until you are positive that it cannot be accomplished beyond a shadow of a doubt. Avoid the trend of abandoning your old still achievable goals for a new one.
Your opinion please?

Title: Re: New Year Goals, New Year Resolutions: My Thoughts
Post by: cryptoaddictchie on January 01, 2023, 02:26:30 PM
Got a point and a resolution is impose on yourself. Once you set it, you must try your best to make it happen. Actually its not like you are required to do that, but can be view as a challenge to yourself to accomplish it within the year. Thats how resolution works. If ever didnt do it then its fine, cause not all can do or completed it.

Title: Re: New Year Goals, New Year Resolutions: My Thoughts
Post by: sheenshane on January 01, 2023, 03:40:08 PM
Actually, there are categories in which your new year's resolution will fall.
  • Start a new goal
  • Stopping an ineffective way of being or abandoning
  • Continuing as you've said the last new year's resolution or just stuff that has been still working for you.

Might most of us choose the last one because IMO, you'll need to learn from the past and correct it in the future which is your new year's resolution?  If you invested in crypto and get easily panic and get FUD.  It should be no more FUD in the future because you've learned it and avoided possible mistakes.

Title: Re: New Year Goals, New Year Resolutions: My Thoughts
Post by: Rruchi man on January 01, 2023, 03:50:43 PM
I agree with you, Instead of rushing to set new goals and resolutions, the new year should be a time for reevaluation of the goals, resolutions and plans you made for yourself the previous year. Reevaluation is to assess the commitment you had towards achieving that goal and to know if your priority changed with time and if it has affected achieving the goals you set. The goals you were close to achieving last year should be the goals you plan to start with achieving this year before action to achieve the new goals.

Title: Re: New Year Goals, New Year Resolutions: My Thoughts
Post by: Merit.s on January 01, 2023, 08:44:43 PM
If you have a goal,you must keep on chasing it until the goal has been achieved, to abandon your goal because it is a new year means the goal is not important in your life,if not you will stay focus on achieving your goal, no matter how long it takes. OP, i thought when a new year resolution is made,it is on things you were doing as a habit that you don't like to continue with,for instance,this year 2023,I will not go to work late or something. Anyway its all the same habit or goal.

Title: Re: New Year Goals, New Year Resolutions: My Thoughts
Post by: BitcoinPanther on January 01, 2023, 09:47:47 PM
Many people, in my experience, set new year's goals and resolutions while abandoning their goals and resolution from 2022. I'm here to tell you that you don't actually need a new year's goal(s) and resolutions. You can have a continuation of last year's goals or a continuation of last year's resolution. I believe you shouldn't throw away your old goals for a new goal until you are positive that it cannot be accomplished beyond a shadow of a doubt. Avoid the trend of abandoning your old still achievable goals for a new one.
Your opinion please?

Indeed there is no need but, I believe it is still best to list the to do things and plans  for the year 2023.  Nothing beats recording important matters so that it can remind us if somehow we got derailed along the way.  

Having all the plans listed serve as guide in completing tasks on the to do lists.  It also help us motivated and keep us on track.  Let us say, by doing so, it enable us to do our plan in an organized way.

Title: Re: New Year Goals, New Year Resolutions: My Thoughts
Post by: Obari on January 01, 2023, 10:33:12 PM
Do people really follow and do the things in their new years resolution?
The answer to me is not precise without being bias, most times people make new year resolutions but end up not doing the things they listed out as the new years resolution because if the following reasons listed below and this reasons are merely from my own point of view and they include,
~Lack of finance: this very one can't be over emphasized as without money, definitely most of the resolutions listed might not be met, hence money is very vital to achieving what so ever listed resolution.
~Health condition: Health is another very essential factor of human that determines the activities of one
And just as old saying that health is wealth.
~Emotional instability: I personally think this very issues is been over looked as per regards to human productivity which emotional affairs plays a major role on.
These are but few to mention.

Title: Re: New Year Goals, New Year Resolutions: My Thoughts
Post by: nurilham on January 01, 2023, 10:54:39 PM
Indeed there is no need but, I believe it is still best to list the to do things and plans  for the year 2023.  Nothing beats recording important matters so that it can remind us if somehow we got derailed along the way.  

Having all the plans listed serve as guide in completing tasks on the to do lists.  It also help us motivated and keep us on track.  Let us say, by doing so, it enable us to do our plan in an organized way.
Agree. To have a list of our goals in 2023 is a good idea, it will be a guide and a reminder.
However, there is no need to list everything, just list the main goals/targets. I also have many goals but I usually list the main or the big goals only.

Sure, having a plan is a must. How we can achieve the goals/targets in 2023 if we have no plans?
We also need to determine the minimum targets, it is necessary to motivate us to do harder efforts. If we have no minimum targets, we sometimes never think to optimize the efforts.

Title: Re: New Year Goals, New Year Resolutions: My Thoughts
Post by: Smartvirus on January 01, 2023, 11:04:40 PM
It's som mentality we've got and sometimes, it makes one feel, time was stopped and reset but in actual, time never stopped, just a different calender year, a continuation so, why would you discard goals that weren't met but yet possible. You try again next year, that's what it should he other than, discarding them for a new one and the trend continues...

It's best you lay your approach in a pattern that allows you to check what were the factors that hindered your archiving of last years goals, resolve that and you just might attain that goal while, you set the course for another.

A feeling of accomplishment always puts the mind in a mood that would definitely bring you closer to future goals.

Title: Re: New Year Goals, New Year Resolutions: My Thoughts
Post by: Cryptomultiplier on January 02, 2023, 04:02:06 PM
For me, I think goals should be a lifestyle rather than tagging it to calendar days or having to categorize it under what we call a 'New Year Resolution'.
I for one aim for enlightenment and growth or better put, change from within. To shed weight, remain focused on getting the best and contributing my quota in the right proportion to this forum and to all pertaining to my life in general. I really gained a lot here and have tried to inculcate some of the lessons in my financial management as well.
Healthy daily habits will lead one to great achievements.
Cheers to a new year and to new improved goals!

Title: Re: New Year Goals, New Year Resolutions: My Thoughts
Post by: AakZaki on January 02, 2023, 09:38:29 PM
Indeed there is no need but, I believe it is still best to list the to do things and plans  for the year 2023.  Nothing beats recording important matters so that it can remind us if somehow we got derailed along the way.  

Having all the plans listed serve as guide in completing tasks on the to do lists.  It also help us motivated and keep us on track.  Let us say, by doing so, it enable us to do our plan in an organized way.
A good way to record every activity to be carried out or something to be achieved. it is also a reminder as well as motivation in 2023 that there are goals that need to be achieved. Make it stay on the path that has been set so it doesn't deviate in the other direction.

I also have my list in 2023 that needs to be achieved. For now I still have a goal of collecting bitcoins until it reaches 1 BTC, maybe this will be achieved in 2023.