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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: BADecker on January 01, 2023, 05:52:17 PM

Title: World's brightest x-rays reveal COVID-19's damage to the body
Post by: BADecker on January 01, 2023, 05:52:17 PM
We finally get to see the details of how bad some of the Covid is. My personal question is, Would the lungs of a vaxxed person look worse?

World's brightest x-rays reveal COVID-19's damage to the body (
This is the greatest imaging revolution yet.  We can finally get down to scale for micro capillaries.  We have now discovered that COV19 is a vascular disease. and hugely awful.  At best it will cause deep scarring and if you survive, the body will need to rebuild the vascular system itself and this obviously takes a lot of time.  

I am completely convinced that my vitimin C saturation strategy has held this monster at bay.  I also do not think i was so lucky as to avoid contact.  the nasty may well have been lodged in my sinus for around four months until it disapated.  Anything that got away was stopped by the vitimin C which is every cells first line of defense.

as we all get older, we suffer from low level scurvy which we do not even notice, but is the prime cause of circulatory disease.  Now tell me I am wrong.  doctors heading for Wuhan all packed plenty of vitimin C, but likely not enough.  Since i want saturation i consume six or more grams every day with no side effects.

This also explains the early onset of skin wrinkling.


When Paul Tafforeau saw his first experimental scans of a COVID-19 victim's lung, he thought he had failed. A paleontologist by training, Tafforeau had been laboring with a team strewn across Europe for months to turn a particle accelerator in the French Alps into a revolutionary medical scanning tool. It was the end of May 2020, and scientists were anxious for a better view of the ways human organs were being ravaged by COVID-19. Tafforeau had been tasked with developing a technique that could make use of the powerful x-rays generated at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble, France. He'd pushed boundaries on high-resolution x-rays of rock-hard fossils and desiccated mummies as an ESRF staff scientist. Now, he was dismayed by a lump of soft, squishy tissue.
... (


Title: Re: World's brightest x-rays reveal COVID-19's damage to the body
Post by: OgNasty on January 01, 2023, 06:42:55 PM
I am completely convinced that my vitimin C saturation strategy has held this monster at bay.  I also do not think i was so lucky as to avoid contact.  the nasty may well have been lodged in my sinus for around four months until it disapated.  Anything that got away was stopped by the vitimin C which is every cells first line of defense.

as we all get older, we suffer from low level scurvy which we do not even notice, but is the prime cause of circulatory disease.  Now tell me I am wrong.  doctors heading for Wuhan all packed plenty of vitimin C, but likely not enough.  Since i want saturation i consume six or more grams every day with no side effects.

I'm starting to see more and more people talking about large doses of vitamin C, but I admittedly haven't taken the time to read about it at all.  It seems like there is definitely some discussion around vitamin C playing a large role in the recovery and protection from Covid.  I guess it makes sense because I've always heard that taking vitamin C will help keep the flu away, but it sounds like it's having a larger impact than most would anticipate.  Maybe I'll get myself some vitamin C pills, as I can't remember the last time I took anything like that.  Probably good for your general health.  6 grams a day seems a bit excessive though.  I think after a certain point it would just be wasteful.

Title: Re: World's brightest x-rays reveal COVID-19's damage to the body
Post by: Theones on January 01, 2023, 10:26:09 PM
I am completely convinced that my vitimin C saturation strategy has held this monster at bay.  I also do not think i was so lucky as to avoid contact.  the nasty may well have been lodged in my sinus for around four months until it disapated.  Anything that got away was stopped by the vitimin C which is every cells first line of defense.

as we all get older, we suffer from low level scurvy which we do not even notice, but is the prime cause of circulatory disease.  Now tell me I am wrong.  doctors heading for Wuhan all packed plenty of vitimin C, but likely not enough.  Since i want saturation i consume six or more grams every day with no side effects.

I'm starting to see more and more people talking about large doses of vitamin C, but I admittedly haven't taken the time to read about it at all.  It seems like there is definitely some discussion around vitamin C playing a large role in the recovery and protection from Covid.  I guess it makes sense because I've always heard that taking vitamin C will help keep the flu away, but it sounds like it's having a larger impact than most would anticipate.  Maybe I'll get myself some vitamin C pills, as I can't remember the last time I took anything like that.  Probably good for your general health.  6 grams a day seems a bit excessive though.  I think after a certain point it would just be wasteful.
I think there is a lot of propaganda involved
The biggest foolish thing I heard was they are going to insert the chip in vaccanine and there are huge towers of 5g being installed while we are all being trapped in side. . lol

Title: Re: World's brightest x-rays reveal COVID-19's damage to the body
Post by: BADecker on January 02, 2023, 02:30:12 PM
I am completely convinced that my vitimin C saturation strategy has held this monster at bay.  I also do not think i was so lucky as to avoid contact.  the nasty may well have been lodged in my sinus for around four months until it disapated.  Anything that got away was stopped by the vitimin C which is every cells first line of defense.

as we all get older, we suffer from low level scurvy which we do not even notice, but is the prime cause of circulatory disease.  Now tell me I am wrong.  doctors heading for Wuhan all packed plenty of vitimin C, but likely not enough.  Since i want saturation i consume six or more grams every day with no side effects.

I'm starting to see more and more people talking about large doses of vitamin C, but I admittedly haven't taken the time to read about it at all.  It seems like there is definitely some discussion around vitamin C playing a large role in the recovery and protection from Covid.  I guess it makes sense because I've always heard that taking vitamin C will help keep the flu away, but it sounds like it's having a larger impact than most would anticipate.  Maybe I'll get myself some vitamin C pills, as I can't remember the last time I took anything like that.  Probably good for your general health.  6 grams a day seems a bit excessive though.  I think after a certain point it would just be wasteful.
I think there is a lot of propaganda involved
The biggest foolish thing I heard was they are going to insert the chip in vaccanine and there are huge towers of 5g being installed while we are all being trapped in side. . lol

That's the needle in the haystack they use.

I mean, if you wanted to do something like take over the world, or depopulate the planet... and you knew that most people wouldn't like you at all if they found out... wouldn't it be reasonable to start a haystack of really good propaganda/conspiracy-theories? Then hide your needle of the one you are using inside this haystack.

If we are led to focus on the chip-in-the-vaccine theory, we might miss the idea of the vaccine, itself, causing our bodies to make all kinds of chips. The blood clots from the vaccines are not blood. They are something else - all kinds of 'stuff' - that our bodies are induced to produce by the kick the mRNA vaccine gave them. Some of this stuff is similar to microchips in some ways.

What it is, or why we are being pushed so strongly into getting these vaccines, is a big question. The vaccines were developed, and a month later they were being distributed. That's no way to test a vaccine... or is it... test it on us? Lots of stuff to think about there.


Title: Re: World's brightest x-rays reveal COVID-19's damage to the body
Post by: Beparanf on January 02, 2023, 03:06:50 PM
What it is, or why we are being pushed so strongly into getting these vaccines, is a big question. The vaccines were developed, and a month later they were being distributed. That's no way to test a vaccine... or is it... test it on us? Lots of stuff to think about there.

I agree with this. I’m from a 3rd world country which our health expert is just following WHO recommendation. They new that vaccines is still in trial that’s why they are requiring us to sign a waiver before they will inject the vaccine. There’s still a lot of unvaccinated here but the Covid-19 cases is already being ignored since people is not paying much important on it.

If this scenario which people can freely go outside without vaccine is possible why they are still pushing to create more vaccine and booster shot to inject on all people? They are ignoring the natural immunity for this trial vaccine. I completed my dose but I never get booster shot because I don’t have sick for more than year even though I’m always in the public. Sometimes I get some cold but it go away in few days with a regular paracetamol. I really believe that WHO and other big people is doing shit behind.

Title: Re: World's brightest x-rays reveal COVID-19's damage to the body
Post by: montaga on January 04, 2023, 07:48:27 AM (

Title: Re: World's brightest x-rays reveal COVID-19's damage to the body
Post by: tvbcof on January 04, 2023, 02:20:46 PM

I think there is a lot of propaganda involved
The biggest foolish thing I heard was they are going to insert the chip in vaccanine and there are huge towers of 5g being installed while we are all being trapped in side. . lol

That's the needle in the haystack they use.

I mean, if you wanted to do something like take over the world, or depopulate the planet... and you knew that most people wouldn't like you at all if they found out... wouldn't it be reasonable to start a haystack of really good propaganda/conspiracy-theories? Then hide your needle of the one you are using inside this haystack.

If we are led to focus on the chip-in-the-vaccine theory, we might miss the idea of the vaccine, itself, causing our bodies to make all kinds of chips. The blood clots from the vaccines are not blood. They are something else - all kinds of 'stuff' - that our bodies are induced to produce by the kick the mRNA vaccine gave them. Some of this stuff is similar to microchips in some ways.

What it is, or why we are being pushed so strongly into getting these vaccines, is a big question. The vaccines were developed, and a month later they were being distributed. That's no way to test a vaccine... or is it... test it on us? Lots of stuff to think about there.

Yup.  Hydras, graphene oxide, razor blades, snake venom, microchips, etc, etc.

I'm not ruling anything out, but I AM categorizing most of them as spam, and the proponents of one (or more) of said as spammers.  Probably willing spammers rather than simple dupes in many cases.  I consider this likely mostly because this kind of spam choked situation is EXACTLY what I would engineer if I were (evil and hired) to cover for a de-pop shot program.

What I do consider most likely to be a real thing are the odd 'calamari-like' blood clots that coroners are claiming to be finding.  They seem to be amyloid based substance, and it is quite possible that an assortment of fragments of genetic material are coding for semi-random proteins and contributing to this condition in some people.  You can think of the spike protein genetics to be like a recipe.  If you tear up a bunch of recipes and give them to the cooks, you will get a bunch of weird results (proteins) back.  Some of the injections contain only 50% 'pure' spike protein genetics with a random assortment of sequences as the remainder.

As for the development time, the injections date pretty directly back to DARPA's 'synthetic biology' program of a decade ago or more.  Moderna was one of the main contractors.  The whole operation has been, and is to the present time, a military operation.  The CDC and FDA have no real authority over any of it and are legally obligated to follow the orders (actions, secrecy, etc) as directed by their superiors.  It's 'national security'.  That is a hypothesis (and a focus of research) that has enough explanatory power for me to consider it very possibly on-track.

I agree with this. I’m from a 3rd world country which our health expert is just following WHO recommendation. They new that vaccines is still in trial that’s why they are requiring us to sign a waiver before they will inject the vaccine. There’s still a lot of unvaccinated here but the Covid-19 cases is already being ignored since people is not paying much important on it.

If this scenario which people can freely go outside without vaccine is possible why they are still pushing to create more vaccine and booster shot to inject on all people? They are ignoring the natural immunity for this trial vaccine. I completed my dose but I never get booster shot because I don’t have sick for more than year even though I’m always in the public. Sometimes I get some cold but it go away in few days with a regular paracetamol. I really believe that WHO and other big people is doing shit behind.

Sounds like The Philippines.  Note that after only a mere three years the 'state of calamity' over so-called 'covid-19' it is going to both expire and perhaps not get re-upped this time (though I expect the prez to fold.)  The DOH is in a panic because they need the 'state of calamity' to make sure both the pharma companies and the state are legally indemnified (off the hook) for anyone who gets maimed or killed by the injections.  To my knowledge everyone in this country who got the gene therapy signed a paper taking personal responsibility to being trial subjects, and again, that is not possible absent the 'state of calamity'.  The injections won't even be shipped from Gates' workshop to the country without the paper.  The DOH is in a mad scramble to figure out work-arounds, and one presumes that a lot of slush fund working capital will cease if they don't get something figured out.

Note to all:  'martial law' is defined roughly by allowing constitutional and legislative laws to be put away in deference to a the wills and whims of selected bureaucrats.  The 'state of calamity' type constructs are exactly this.  The WHO is making a big power grab in the form of a 'treaty' to have governments hand over this authority for 'medical martial law' to them so that national politicians don't have to undergo the embarrassment (and risk) of imposing it themselves.  We all better hope and pray (and maybe even to a little work toward) this NOT happening.  It would/will be a very bad thing.  Worth paying attention to.

Title: Re: World's brightest x-rays reveal COVID-19's damage to the body
Post by: montaga on January 04, 2023, 04:35:21 PM (

Title: Re: World's brightest x-rays reveal COVID-19's damage to the body
Post by: BADecker on January 07, 2023, 06:35:06 PM (

Now let's do our own research and see what we find.     8)

Title: Re: World's brightest x-rays reveal COVID-19's damage to the body
Post by: montaga on January 08, 2023, 09:04:57 AM

Now let's do our own research and see what we find.     8)

Genocide funny as hell.
"I want less souls on the planet"  Blood clot causing ALC-0315 will do the trick.

Title: Re: World's brightest x-rays reveal COVID-19's damage to the body
Post by: BADecker on January 08, 2023, 05:56:25 PM
The point is, of course, the things being revealed about Covid. The question in the OP has to do with the total fact. In other words, were the lungs examined from before or after the vaxx? And if lungs of a vaxxed person were examined, what would the results be? Why do I ask? The below article shows that some of the most widespread info about how bad Covid was, was lies. Twitter revelation.

BUSTED: Those ‘ER doctors’ on Twitter who claimed hordes of patients were dying from COVID every day were FAKE (
The advent of social media has become the bane of modern society, as it has created a world that literally does not exist, for the most part.

Gone are the days of “MySpace” and the early years of Facebook, when users simply posted status updates, photos from places they visited, recipes, and other things to keep in touch with family and friends.

Today’s version of social media exists to foist lies, propaganda, and false narratives on tens of millions of people by the minute, used by government and some in the private sector for non-stop psychological warfare, as Twitter boss Elon Musk has recently revealed with his dumps of “Twitter Files.”

Now, we learn that Twitter was used to spread massive lies about the COVID-19 pandemic in order to scare the public into complying with one tyrannical mandate after another.

As Revolver News reports, a pair of ‘E.R. doctors’ who claimed that they witnessed dozens of COVID deaths per shift were not even real people:

If you were on Twitter back when the COVID “fear mongering” was at its peak, you’ll likely remember the “Twitter doctors” who popped up, seemingly out of thin air, claiming they were losing hordes of patients to COVID every single day.

These so-called “doctors” whipped everyone into a fear frenzy. Their tweets would get tens of thousands of retweets and engagement daily.

The “doctors” posed as ER physicians and were part of the LGBTQ community in some way. They created this hellish/apocalyptic scenario that made it sound as if bodies were piling up in the streets.

Well, this probably won’t come as a huge surprise to you, but those popular “ER doctors” were fake.

The site quoted a bombshell report in the San Francisco Standard (, which revealed the false flag operation.

... (


Title: Re: World's brightest x-rays reveal COVID-19's damage to the body
Post by: worldofcoins on January 11, 2023, 11:37:44 AM
Usage of Vitamin C is undoubtedly a good remedy against flu and many other issues, and yes, it is affected by Covid-19 to some extent. But as far as this post is concerned, I think there are a lot of controversies and propaganda involved for covid and its vaccination. 

Title: Re: World's brightest x-rays reveal COVID-19's damage to the body
Post by: montaga on January 11, 2023, 12:17:14 PM
Vitamin C
Few if any with over 50 ng/ml Vitamin D level died of COVID. 99% who died had Vitamin D deficiency or even severe deficient with less then  20 ng/ml. Same goes for the flu. (

Title: Re: World's brightest x-rays reveal COVID-19's damage to the body
Post by: BADecker on January 14, 2023, 10:34:39 PM
^^^ We're talking about as much as 10 grams of vitamin C per day + zinc. This together with 50,000 IU of vitamin D does astonishing things to the body, and most of them good.

But cut back after a couple months of this.


Title: Re: World's brightest x-rays reveal COVID-19's damage to the body
Post by: Gyfts on January 15, 2023, 03:19:57 AM

Vitamin C helps strengthen the immune system so it may or may not help with preventing a COVID-19 severe illness. When they were studying whether Vitamin C had any effect on COVID mortality, they would take Vitamin C and intravenously inject patients who were already sick and monitor for improved outcome. Of course by the time someone is severely ill, the efficacy of all treatments goes down.

I would look at Vitamin C the same way as D and use it as preventative care, not just for COVID. Even if you don't need the supplement it's not going to hurt you as long as you don't exceed safe dosage.