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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: Jennifer Walters on January 06, 2023, 01:26:12 AM

Title: NFL player has cardiac arrest on field
Post by: Jennifer Walters on January 06, 2023, 01:26:12 AM
This is hard to watch an healthy athlete just collapses on the field  :'(. Let us hope he will be ok

Title: Re: NFL player has cardiac arrest on field
Post by: mich on January 09, 2023, 05:03:56 AM
Well, my first thought was that a NFL player is in very good shape so what caused this? Then there were gossip on the internet that it was because of the covid vaccine but I was not sure if that was true.
It looks like now we know it was a cardiac arrest, I also am reading he is doing much better so I hope he will be ok. Being so young, at twenty-four should have to be afraid from playing a sport.
We never know how healthy we are regardless of your age, there can be underlying causes in medical history in our genes that we do not know about. I am curious if he can be given that chance after his medical examinations and the recovery period.
This young man is having been given a second chance to live and I do hope that he continues to live on with his NFL Career.

Title: Re: NFL player has cardiac arrest on field
Post by: DeathAngel on January 10, 2023, 02:09:45 PM
Seems to be a record number of young, fit people suffering from cardiac issues & blood clots in recent times. I’m not a conspiracy theorist but it’s highly likely that these issues can be explained by the mass rollout of the experimental covid vaccine.

I’m glad I stayed strong & refused to have it. Always be mindful of what you put in your body. It’s not even technically a vaccine, it doesn’t stop you from getting the virus & it doesn’t stop you spreading it which is what vaccination does by the very definition.

I hope the NFL player makes & full recovery to lead a long a healthy life.