Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Nt013 on January 09, 2023, 02:28:42 AM

Title: Don't be rude yutes. How i can generate my private key.
Post by: Nt013 on January 09, 2023, 02:28:42 AM
Im new to bitcoin and it's all confusing me still, but will get there, and don't act rude just because yall forgot how u behaved at the very beginning let's say.. SO i have my private key in hex, but i can't import it, i can validate the adress thru it, from one site. As far i understand after im trying full 8 hours to do it, i see couple sha 256 codes, i tried encryption something close come out but not fully... Any advices how I can do it to get the root key or whatever it is called, that's all i have private key, couple sha256 and i want to finnaly import them into my other wallet. Thanks in advance.

I simply have no idea how to encrypt exactly this hashes, should i encrypt them one by one, then add the whole sha for encryption or i should do copy paste them all, then encrypt? And should i encrypt the encrypted sha? Im tired honestly

Title: Re: Don't be rude yutes. How i can generate my private key.
Post by: franky1 on January 09, 2023, 02:49:59 AM
new versions of bitcoin software do not use the "importkey" command
you have to use their silly new "descriptor" features/commands

yes they totally went head to the wall headache method of just trying to import a simple privkey and turned it into some elaborate game theory you have to play with a wallet now

yep they seemingly dont want to make things easy/straightforward. they think if they can get users to need a user manual. then it shows they are smarter then their users.. rather than actually being smart and making it easier for users

whatever software you are using there is usually a guide
some software dont use the exact "import descriptor" command. so check out your softwares features/commands list

Title: Re: Don't be rude yutes. How i can generate my private key.
Post by: Nt013 on January 09, 2023, 03:01:20 AM
Brother im copy pasting these 3 different sha hashes 4th one is riped hash 160, with prefix and checksum, and im using some sait that encrypt them, i just dont know anything and usually I think im smart not untill now, its 5 am, and me still trying to just put my funds in safepal, after 100th time seeing it's incorrect im getting amused...
new versions of bitcoin software do not use the "importkey" command
you have to use their silly new "descriptor" features/commands

yes they totally went head to the wall headache method of just trying to import a simple privkey and turned it into some elaborate game theory you have to play with a wallet now

yep they seemingly dont want to make things easy/straightforward. they think if they can get users to need a user manual. then it shows they are smarter then their users.. rather than actually being smart and making it easier for users

whatever software you are using there is usually a guide
some software dont use the exact "import descriptor" command. so check out your softwares features/commands list

Title: Re: Don't be rude yutes. How i can generate my private key.
Post by: franky1 on January 09, 2023, 03:09:02 AM
Brother im copy pasting these 3 different sha hashes 4th one is riped hash 160, with prefix and checksum, and im using some sait that encrypt them, i just dont know anything and usually I think im smart not untill now, its 5 am, and me still trying to just put my funds in safepal, after 100th time seeing it's incorrect im getting amused...
new versions of bitcoin software do not use the "importkey" command
you have to use their silly new "descriptor" features/commands

yes they totally went head to the wall headache method of just trying to import a simple privkey and turned it into some elaborate game theory you have to play with a wallet now

yep they seemingly dont want to make things easy/straightforward. they think if they can get users to need a user manual. then it shows they are smarter then their users.. rather than actually being smart and making it easier for users

whatever software you are using there is usually a guide
some software dont use the exact "import descriptor" command. so check out your softwares features/commands list

if its rip160.. your not using a private key thats the public key
adding salt is not "encryption" its just messing around changing the key. thus getting an error if the checksums dont match

a bitcoin private key (before seeds) starts with a 5, L or K

Title: Re: Don't be rude yutes. How i can generate my private key.
Post by: BlackBoss_ on January 09, 2023, 03:10:13 AM
You made two posts continuously and rule does not allow it.
32. Posting multiple posts in a row (excluding bumps and reserved posts by the thread starter) is not allowed.
Please merge them in one post.

Im new to bitcoin and it's all confusing me still, but will get there, and don't act rude just because yall forgot how u behaved at the very beginning let's say.. SO i have my private key in hex, but i can't import it, i can validate the adress thru it, from one site. As far i understand after im trying full 8 hours to do it, i see couple sha 256 codes, i tried encryption something close come out but not fully... Any advices how I can do it to get the root key or whatever it is called, that's all i have private key, couple sha256 and i want to finnaly import them into my other wallet. Thanks in advance

I simply have no idea how to encrypt exactly this hashes, should i encrypt them one by one, then add the whole sha for encryption or i should do copy paste them all, then encrypt? And should i encrypt the encrypted sha? Im tired honestly

Importing list of Hexadecimal (64 characters) Private Keys (
How Bitcoin Addresses are generated? Understand the Math behind Bitcoin (

You have to convert HEX to WIF compressed and WIF uncompressed keys then import those keys to have your public addresses.

With same keys, you have different formats in HEX, WIF compressed, WIF uncompressed. Mastering Bitcoin: Key, Address (table 3) (

Title: Re: Don't be rude yutes. How i can generate my private key.
Post by: Nt013 on January 09, 2023, 03:19:15 AM
Brother im copy pasting these 3 different sha hashes 4th one is riped hash 160, with prefix and checksum, and im using some sait that encrypt them, i just dont know anything and usually I think im smart not untill now, its 5 am, and me still trying to just put my funds in safepal, after 100th time seeing it's incorrect im getting amused...
new versions of bitcoin software do not use the "importkey" command
you have to use their silly new "descriptor" features/commands

yes they totally went head to the wall headache method of just trying to import a simple privkey and turned it into some elaborate game theory you have to play with a wallet now

yep they seemingly dont want to make things easy/straightforward. they think if they can get users to need a user manual. then it shows they are smarter then their users.. rather than actually being smart and making it easier for users

whatever software you are using there is usually a guide
some software dont use the exact "import descriptor" command. so check out your softwares features/commands list

if its rip160.. your not using a private key thats the public key
adding salt is not "encryption" its just messing around changing the key. thus getting an error if the checksums dont match

a bitcoin private key (before seeds) starts with a 5, L or K

No its hexed 66 length private adress, if it validates my compressed adress i think so its private seed or semen idk lol.. So simply just to not add this riped hash to the other which are 64 lengths? Just the site display it i didnt know much

Title: Re: Don't be rude yutes. How i can generate my private key.
Post by: Nt013 on January 09, 2023, 03:25:51 AM
You made two posts continuously and rule does not allow it.
32. Posting multiple posts in a row (excluding bumps and reserved posts by the thread starter) is not allowed.
Please merge them in one post.

Im new to bitcoin and it's all confusing me still, but will get there, and don't act rude just because yall forgot how u behaved at the very beginning let's say.. SO i have my private key in hex, but i can't import it, i can validate the adress thru it, from one site. As far i understand after im trying full 8 hours to do it, i see couple sha 256 codes, i tried encryption something close come out but not fully... Any advices how I can do it to get the root key or whatever it is called, that's all i have private key, couple sha256 and i want to finnaly import them into my other wallet. Thanks in advance

I simply have no idea how to encrypt exactly this hashes, should i encrypt them one by one, then add the whole sha for encryption or i should do copy paste them all, then encrypt? And should i encrypt the encrypted sha? Im tired honestly

Importing list of Hexadecimal (64 characters) Private Keys (
How Bitcoin Addresses are generated? Understand the Math behind Bitcoin (

You have to convert HEX to WIF compressed and WIF uncompressed keys then import those keys to have your public addresses.

With same keys, you have different formats in HEX, WIF compressed, WIF uncompressed. Mastering Bitcoin: Key, Address (table 3) (

But first i need to convert this hex pkey, from the 3 256 hashes right?
So longg so amusing, i will keep on tryin finnaly will local sell it all for half of the amount in it..

Title: Re: Don't be rude yutes. How i can generate my private key.
Post by: franky1 on January 09, 2023, 03:57:14 AM

so your trying to say.. you have funds on a multisig address of 3 keys

where your software is not understanding the 3 keys

first convert each sha from hex to wif..
import each key (new wallet software use "descriptors" not "importkey")
(find user guide of software for specific importkey/importdescriptor method)

without us knowing the wallet software you want to import into. details of how to import are different/difficult to explain

then once in wallet software. THEN combine them to the multisig to get the end result address

Title: Re: Don't be rude yutes. How i can generate my private key.
Post by: Nt013 on January 09, 2023, 04:11:32 AM

so your trying to say.. you have funds on a multisig address of 3 keys

where your software is not understanding the 3 keys

first convert each sha from hex to wif..
import each key (new wallet software use "descriptors" not "importkey")
(find user guide of software for specific importkey/importdescriptor method)

without us knowing the wallet software you want to import into. details of how to import are different/difficult to explain

then once in wallet software. THEN combine them to the multisig to get the end result address

Im trying to import them into safepal wallet, and this whole process is simply makin me to sell all i have and never touch a btc chain again, no wonder why so many people got their wallet wiped off, disgusting process and im pissed off now have to light me a baseball bat and sit back to relax... Bcs of the wallet i need to do it separately in some sites idk even how they exist but how wont they, look at the process..

Man, honestly from all this trying without knowing fully what am i doing i do really start to forgot what I'm doing its morning already, been trying to educate me but i lose the plot now, can you answer me so if this hex validate my compressed adress starting with 1 is the seed aka private key? If i did and this not right i go sleep

Title: Re: Don't be rude yutes. How i can generate my private key.
Post by: franky1 on January 09, 2023, 04:32:03 AM
im guessing there is a language/jargon/translation barrier

are you saying the 3 hex based keys:
a. join to make a single public address(we call multisig)
if so it appears safepal does not support merging them into a multisig once importing keys separately..
.. so find a different wallet that supports multisig
b. funds are spread over 3 addresses (1 address per key) and you are having difficulty converting "hex into wif" for each key for safepal to understand

there could be a possibility that the "hex" you have.. came from something else
EG most wallets dont dumpprivkey into hex format. so its strange that you are handling hex keys as your private key

maybe try to go back to your old wallet and see if you exported/'dumped private key'(s) correctly

if you have 3 x sha256.. then end result (converting to wif(starts 5,l k))
3 private keys with either:
prefix 5 is uncomressed(most accepted by most wallets
prefix K or L is compressed, not as accepted by most wallets

if its a true bitcoin keypair(s) would be those wif keys(prefix 6 k or l) would convert to public addresses of:
3x legacy addresses (three addresses beginning with 1(one address per hex))
1x multisig (a single address beginning with 3 or bc1q) where all three keys joined to make the multisig

Title: Re: Don't be rude yutes. How i can generate my private key.
Post by: Nt013 on January 09, 2023, 04:37:53 AM
im guessing there is a language/jargon/translation barrier

are you saying the 3 hex based keys:
a. join to make a single public address(we call multisig)
if so it appears safepal does not support merging them into a multisig once importing keys separately..
.. so find a different wallet that supports multisig
b. funds are spread over 3 addresses (1 address per key) and you are having difficulty converting "hex into wif" for each key for safepal to understand

I found a site wont say the name i dont know if it fits the rules, where when i type this hex seed, it shows me 3 different types of hash 256, shows me also the compressed adress, shows also the riped hssh but can't calculate the riped one, it just shows it. My funds are in 1 adress, starting with 1, what should i do?  ;D  which one of the 3 hash 256 to encrypt or turn to wif, or only the compressed hex pkey i dont know no more. If you want write me a message i will give u the key to check it and tell me where I'm wrong, im willing to pay u, it ain't much, but i could make more by the timme im trying this new formats and segwits ettc

Title: Re: Don't be rude yutes. How i can generate my private key.
Post by: franky1 on January 09, 2023, 04:52:53 AM
without showing me anything

does the (separate) converter site give you a result where
typing in one hex length of text at a time:
where part of the conversion process per attempt start with a result where there is a prefix of 5, k or L?

and then later show a 1 prefix that matches your required address

if you can get to a point of one address resulting in the public (1 prefix) address you want and see above it a private key(wif) starting 5, k or l.. then import the string of the 5,k or l prefix text

i would not recommend you telling strangers your private keys or methods that could establish your private keys.. best option is to try and find guides to the services you use. including whatever wallet you had previously to see if you exported keys wrongly to end up with a hex

Title: Re: Don't be rude yutes. How i can generate my private key.
Post by: Nt013 on January 09, 2023, 05:01:29 AM
without showing me anything

does the (separate) converter site give you a result where
typing in one hex length of text at a time:
where part of the conversion process per attempt start with a result where there is a prefix of 5, k or L?

and then later show a 1 prefix that matches your required address

if you can get to a point of one address resulting in the public (1 prefix) address you want and see above it a private key(wif) starting 5, k or l.. then import the string of the 5,k or l prefix text

i would not recommend you telling strangers your private keys or methods that could establish your private keys.. best option is to try and find guides to the services you use. including whatever wallet you had previously to see if you exported keys wrongly to end up with a hex

So when i write the compressed hex, it shows my adress, the wifs are in L type the compressed ones. But not the real adress got imported into safepal, this leads me to think its me who do it wrong.. Idk if i should call it hex, its compressed key for me, like normal, but the adress is very old

Title: Re: Don't be rude yutes. How i can generate my private key.
Post by: franky1 on January 09, 2023, 05:08:06 AM
using a well publicly known keypair

this hex

results in
1HZwkjkeaoZfTSaJxDw6aKkxp45agDiEzN  (uncompressed)
1F3sAm6ZtwLAUnj7d38pGFxtP3RVEvtsbV (compressed)

try that hex to see if your convert shows similar results and see if your converter also shows a stage where it reveals a output that looks like it starts with a 5 k or l (wif private key)

L4rK1yDtCWekvXuE6oXD9jCYfFNV2cWRpVuPLBcCU2z8TrisoyY1 (compressed)
5KYZdUEo39z3FPrtuX2QbbwGnNP5zTd7yyr2SC1j299sBCnWjss (uncompressed)

if you can see the results with the details example i gave in the converter you used then the converter is doing as it should.

your best bet is finding a converter that converts from hex to uncompressed(prefix 5) and maybe you will see the end result bitcoin address you want. and then import the uncompressed wif(prefix 5)

Title: Re: Don't be rude yutes. How i can generate my private key.
Post by: Nt013 on January 09, 2023, 05:19:09 AM
using a well publicly known keypair

this hex

results in
1HZwkjkeaoZfTSaJxDw6aKkxp45agDiEzN  (uncompressed)
1F3sAm6ZtwLAUnj7d38pGFxtP3RVEvtsbV (compressed)

try that hex to see if your convert shows similar results and see if your converter also shows a stage where it reveals a output that looks like it starts with a 5 k or l (wif private key)

L4rK1yDtCWekvXuE6oXD9jCYfFNV2cWRpVuPLBcCU2z8TrisoyY1 (compressed)
5KYZdUEo39z3FPrtuX2QbbwGnNP5zTd7yyr2SC1j299sBCnWjss (uncompressed)

if you can see the results with the details example i gave in the converter you used then the converter is doing as it should.

Yes it does them same way, btw i found the public key to mine adress, so for sure im doing something wrong but what really is what im asking my self, what wallet to download or what other more easier way to find and acces the little bit coin i have inside, it ls very old adress, found it inside the google drive on a phone i used to go to school with, back then i bought for 50 cents what is now 500 dollars around now.. I know it ain't much nor less, but better with them than without them innit

Title: Re: Don't be rude yutes. How i can generate my private key.
Post by: BlackBoss_ on January 09, 2023, 05:25:42 AM
So when i write the compressed hex, it shows my adress, the wifs are in L type the compressed ones. But not the real adress got imported into safepal, this leads me to think its me who do it wrong.. Idk if i should call it hex, its compressed key for me, like normal, but the adress is very old
After you convert hex to WIF keys, you can import it to Electrum wallet ( and have your addresses.

Importing your private keys into Electrum (

Create new wallet
Import Bitcoin addresses or private keys

What does "very old address" mean?

it ls very old adress, found it inside the google drive on a phone i used to go to school with, back then i bought for 50 cents what is now 500 dollars around now.. I know it ain't much nor less, but better with them than without them innit
You stored it in Google drive?

If you succeed to access your bitcoin, you must move it to a new wallet and NEVER store your keys in Google Drive.

Title: Re: Don't be rude yutes. How i can generate my private key.
Post by: franky1 on January 09, 2023, 05:32:35 AM
very old address = legacy (starts with a 1) also known as PKH(public key hash) if rip160hash
just PK(public key) of non rip160hash

im guessing he has coins on  a PK and not a PKH

Title: Re: Don't be rude yutes. How i can generate my private key.
Post by: Nt013 on January 09, 2023, 05:38:44 AM
very old address = legacy (starts with a 1) also known as PKH(public key hash) if rip160hash
just PK(public key) of non rip160hash
im guessing he has coins on  a PK and not a PKH
You're right, i wonder how's stil out there and even me can't acces me wallet

So when i write the compressed hex, it shows my adress, the wifs are in L type the compressed ones. But not the real adress got imported into safepal, this leads me to think its me who do it wrong.. Idk if i should call it hex, its compressed key for me, like normal, but the adress is very old
After you convert hex to WIF keys, you can import it to Electrum wallet ( and have your addresses.

Importing your private keys into Electrum (

Create new wallet
Import Bitcoin addresses or private keys

What does "very old address" mean?

it ls very old adress, found it inside the google drive on a phone i used to go to school with, back then i bought for 50 cents what is now 500 dollars around now.. I know it ain't much nor less, but better with them than without them innit
You stored it in Google drive?

If you succeed to access your bitcoin, you must move it to a new wallet and NEVER store your keys in Google Drive.
I have doge coin pkeys and maybe around 10 other btc keys that I found i dont even know from where they got there, rsa keys it says, dudes, me was young chasing money never thought someone gonna steal from me, especially living in Eastern Europe, also i was heavy gambling as a kid/teen, and probably i hit something big for me and thought to myself screw this crypto, cash in hand, but look at me now chasing a quarter btc for 50 cents bought, now over 500..

Title: Re: Don't be rude yutes. How i can generate my private key.
Post by: BlackBoss_ on January 09, 2023, 06:02:23 AM
I have doge coin pkeys and maybe around 10 other btc keys that I found i dont even know from where they got there, rsa keys it says, dudes, me was young chasing money never thought someone gonna steal from me, especially living in Eastern Europe, also i was heavy gambling as a kid/teen, and probably i hit something big for me and thought to myself screw this crypto, cash in hand, but look at me now chasing a quarter btc for 50 cents bought, now over 500..
Now you don't have much money but if you don't realize your bad practice (storing private keys or seed, passwords or identity photos for KYC on Google Drive), you will continue that practice.

Later when you store your big money and its key in Google Drive, imagine?

Title: Re: Don't be rude yutes. How i can generate my private key.
Post by: digaran on January 09, 2023, 10:20:04 AM
OP doesn't even know how to import a private key or even what an address is and they are explaining the algos used to generate private keys. lol.

@Op before hurting yourself, click on this ( and learn.

Title: Re: Don't be rude yutes. How i can generate my private key.
Post by: witcher_sense on January 09, 2023, 11:35:46 AM
So when i write the compressed hex, it shows my adress, the wifs are in L type the compressed ones. But not the real adress got imported into safepal, this leads me to think its me who do it wrong.. Idk if i should call it hex, its compressed key for me, like normal, but the adress is very old
Please follow this guide to import a single private key into your wallet. I tried it with a self-generated private key and can confirm it works as intended (at least with Legacy addresses starting with 1). As for manipulations with private keys: don't do it on a computer connected to the Internet because it will likely lead to accidental leakage of sensitive information. I personally prefer simple python scripts when it comes to one-time key conversion, but it is still not as secure as using hardware wallets. Alternatively, you can download an offline copy of, go to the 'Wallet Details' tab and convert your hex private key to whatever format you want. But if you already did that, then it is advisable to import it to Safepal, and then move your funds to another address you control, because your current key may have already been compromised after all these manipulations and conversions.

Title: Re: Don't be rude yutes. How i can generate my private key.
Post by: Nt013 on January 09, 2023, 12:07:30 PM
OP doesn't even know how to import a private key or even what an address is and they are explaining the algos used to generate private keys. lol.

@Op before hurting yourself, click on this ( and learn.

I can sense ur fakenes my dony, your negativity doesn't bother me, its funny to observe jokemans like u. Wasteman bro, go get busy or sum hah

Title: Re: Don't be rude yutes. How i can generate my private key.
Post by: Carlton Banks on January 09, 2023, 02:54:40 PM
1. don't give the key to anyone, not in a DM, not anywhere. if you get robbed, there's nothing you can do about it.
2. same as no 1
3. also same as no 1 :D

4. sleep on it. if it's been safe on a phone for years, there's no point staying up til 5 am torturing yourself, the chance you'll make some dumb mistake (delete the wrong file etc) is not small

5. backup the file
6. backup the file
7. backup the file

Title: Re: Don't be rude yutes. How i can generate my private key.
Post by: Nt013 on January 09, 2023, 03:44:25 PM
1. don't give the key to anyone, not in a DM, not anywhere. if you get robbed, there's nothing you can do about it.
2. same as no 1
3. also same as no 1 :D

4. sleep on it. if it's been safe on a phone for years, there's no point staying up til 5 am torturing yourself, the chance you'll make some dumb mistake (delete the wrong file etc) is not small

5. backup the file
6. backup the file
7. backup the file

Haha true can't lie, i made maybe 200 notes of the same thing because I wasn't sure is it the same thing. But still will see how i can collect all my "garbage" to clean the chain, it is hell lot, deeper i go thru my drives, more i find, maybe most are wiped out, but have like 2 3 to 4 btc worth in the chains, i need some luck only tho and maybe just maybe i can collect them. Find it amazing how i have spent 4 dollars before years and now they worth thousands.. Pure example that if u even never made a transaction you can end up wealthy. Tbh my narrative changed, had over 20k txid for 2 months, still made some change, but the taxes ate em xd

Title: Re: Don't be rude yutes. How i can generate my private key.
Post by: Gnanadev on January 10, 2023, 09:59:45 AM
A private key is a secret code that is used to access and manage your cryptocurrency assets, it is a long string of letters and numbers that is unique to your wallet.

Here's how you can generate your own private key:

Use a Secure Random Number Generator: A private key should be generated using a secure random number generator, which is a mathematical function that produces a random output. A popular open-source library to generate private keys is "crypto" in Node.js.

Use a Wallet Software: Many crypto wallets software offer an option to generate a new private key. These wallets will typically handle the secure random number generation for you and provide you with a new private key.

Use a Paper Wallet generator: You can also use a paper wallet generator website or software to generate your private key and its corresponding public address. These generators typically use a secure random number generator to generate the private key and then allow you to print or save the key in a secure location.

Use a Hardware Wallet: There are various hardware wallets like Trezor or Ledger, that come with a private key generation feature in them. They are considered more secure than software wallets as they are not connected to the internet.

It's very important to keep your private key safe, as anyone with access to it can also access your assets. You can store your private key in a password-protected digital file, a hardware wallet, or even write it down and store it in a secure place, away from the internet and anyone that could potentially steal it.

It's also a good practice to create a backup of your private key and store it in a different location. In case you lose access to your private key or your device, you can still regain access to your assets.

Title: Re: Don't be rude yutes. How i can generate my private key.
Post by: FanEagle on January 10, 2023, 03:20:29 PM
OP, it would be wise to check the Beginners & Help in this forum, it has so many things that helped me, I had absolutely no idea to do so many things, I was like a fish out of water and did not know anything and boy did that part helped me. Plus I got to ask many questions there first, both about bitcoin and about crypto as well, or even about the forum itself as well.

I wouldn't be this aggressive, you have a tone that is very rude towards people from the start, I would tone that down a bit, but I can promise you that newbies and beginners part of this forum is a gold mine for anyone who starts for the first time, it has everything you could ever need, amazing place.