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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Gracejoy on January 10, 2023, 05:21:21 PM

Title: Do you believe religion is a setback in African development?
Post by: Gracejoy on January 10, 2023, 05:21:21 PM
Religion has been a part of African history for centuries. For many people, it has been a source of guidance, comfort, and community. Yet, there are some who believe that religion is a major setback in the development of African nations. This is an excellent topic that merits discussion.

On the one hand, there is no denying that religion has been used to oppress people, especially women and other marginalized groups. Religious beliefs have been used to justify discrimination, and many people feel that certain religious tenets are outdated and no longer applicable. On the other hand, religion can also be a powerful force for good in African societies. It can provide comfort to people in difficult times and bring communities together.

Ultimately, whether religion is a setback in African development is up to the individual. Some may see it as a hinderance, while others may view it as a source of strength and hope. Ultimately, it is up to each person to decide for themselves how to view religion and its impact on African development.

Title: Re: Do you believe religion is a setback in African development?
Post by: BADecker on January 10, 2023, 06:52:33 PM
Are you wanting to start a "United States of Africa?" Africa is a very large place. In Ethiopia alone there are loads of variations on religion, every tribe having its own denomiation. Some of these religions are forceful and violent. Others are loving and kind. Determining the best religion for Africa is going to be as difficult as for any other country.


Title: Re: Do you believe religion is a setback in African development?
Post by: OgNasty on January 10, 2023, 07:25:49 PM
Are you wanting to start a "United States of Africa?" Africa is a very large place. In Ethiopia alone there are loads of variations on religion, every tribe having its own denomiation. Some of these religions are forceful and violent. Others are loving and kind. Determining the best religion for Africa is going to be as difficult as for any other country.


This is along the lines of what I was thinking.  Africa is such an enormous continent, it would be difficult to get so many people in such a wide geographic area to all believe the same thing.  More likely, they will eventually find freedom of religion (I'd like to believe every place will someday) and there won't be a single organized religion that all of the people take part in.  I'll admit I have no idea what religions in Africa look like currently, but I believe there are probably many tribes with their own way to practice religion that aren't really concerned with what outsiders are trying to push on them.

Title: Re: Do you believe religion is a setback in African development?
Post by: Spaceman1000$ on January 10, 2023, 08:42:26 PM
Religion as described by Karl Marx, "is the opium of Man", from what I have found out, religion in Africa has been used as one of the tool used to keep the people impoverished, to make them believe in a system that there is an afterlife  of enjoyment, where they will be living in paradise, when the current life they are living is filled with nauseating poverty, unemployment, underdevelopment, high level corruption of theirs leaders etc. so they are made to fast and pray for basic things, like jobs, electricity, housing, when ordinarily they are supposed to protest, and continuesly seek for equity and justice for all. So I believe religion has contributed in bringing underdevelopment to Africa coupled with other factors.

Title: Re: Do you believe religion is a setback in African development?
Post by: uchegod-21 on January 10, 2023, 09:09:56 PM

Ultimately, whether religion is a setback in African development is up to the individual. Some may see it as a hinderance, while others may view it as a source of strength and hope. Ultimately, it is up to each person to decide for themselves how to view religion and its impact on African development.

I am an African from Nigeria and I can say that religion has set Africa (Nigeria as a case study) back more than it has set it forward if it ever did.
In Nigeria we have 3 major religions namely;
1. Muslim
2. Christianity
3. Traditional beliefs.
Apart from Traditional religion which is part of Africa that originated from Africa which is fast fading away, the other two religions that was taught us was used to scam us and rob us of our natural resources.

The version of Christianity that was taught us is not the version that the owners of Christianity practice.
They taught us not to fight or war that the God of Israel will fight for us but Israel has all the ammunitions fighting for themselves.
All these inconsistencies weakened our reasoning power and now many criminals are in suit scamming us and calling themselves pastors. Asking us to sow seed (give them all our monies ) and go sleep, that the God of Israel will replenish the money.

Title: Re: Do you believe religion is a setback in African development?
Post by: o48o on January 10, 2023, 09:17:25 PM
Religion has been a part of African history for centuries. For many people, it has been a source of guidance, comfort, and community. Yet, there are some who believe that religion is a major setback in the development of African nations. This is an excellent topic that merits discussion.

On the one hand, there is no denying that religion has been used to oppress people, especially women and other marginalized groups. Religious beliefs have been used to justify discrimination, and many people feel that certain religious tenets are outdated and no longer applicable. On the other hand, religion can also be a powerful force for good in African societies. It can provide comfort to people in difficult times and bring communities together.

Ultimately, whether religion is a setback in African development is up to the individual. Some may see it as a hinderance, while others may view it as a source of strength and hope. Ultimately, it is up to each person to decide for themselves how to view religion and its impact on African development.
I am an atheist but i don't see religions themselves other then tools. Tools that in best cases can provide comfort and community and on the other hand this tool can be used and often s being used for discrimination like you said. Disctimination doesn't however need religion to thrive. It's just one vessel to spread it with.

When you talk about religion, i am guessing you are talking about some specific religion in Africa. Is it christianity? And if so, what kind of christianity? There are lot's of diversity on religions in africa and i am guessing you are not suggesting that religious diversity is the cause of problems.

Title: Re: Do you believe religion is a setback in African development?
Post by: BADecker on January 10, 2023, 09:40:43 PM
Religion has been a part of African history for centuries. For many people, it has been a source of guidance, comfort, and community. Yet, there are some who believe that religion is a major setback in the development of African nations. This is an excellent topic that merits discussion.

On the one hand, there is no denying that religion has been used to oppress people, especially women and other marginalized groups. Religious beliefs have been used to justify discrimination, and many people feel that certain religious tenets are outdated and no longer applicable. On the other hand, religion can also be a powerful force for good in African societies. It can provide comfort to people in difficult times and bring communities together.

Ultimately, whether religion is a setback in African development is up to the individual. Some may see it as a hinderance, while others may view it as a source of strength and hope. Ultimately, it is up to each person to decide for themselves how to view religion and its impact on African development.
I am an atheist but i don't see religions themselves other then tools. Tools that in best cases can provide comfort and community and on the other hand this tool can be used and often s being used for discrimination like you said. Disctimination doesn't however need religion to thrive. It's just one vessel to spread it with.

When you talk about religion, i am guessing you are talking about some specific religion in Africa. Is it christianity? And if so, what kind of christianity? There are lot's of diversity on religions in africa and i am guessing you are not suggesting that religious diversity is the cause of problems.

The religion of atheism is a tool. How? By the way it is often used to bypass religious moral principles, and steal from and rape the people of a country.

Claiming to be followers of a formal religion doesn't make the claim to NOT be a lie. It's only when the followers of a religion live it that the religion counts.

The Christian religion has ONE major goal... eternal life for the believers. Living a good Christian life  is part of what makes it attractive so that unbelievers will want to convert, and receive eternal life.


Title: Re: Do you believe religion is a setback in African development?
Post by: Hispo on January 11, 2023, 12:48:48 AM
It is not about religion, it is about superstition.
In my personal opinion, there is nothing wrong about following a religion. Actually, Christianity for example usually teaches about the value of working hard and living a peaceful life.

However, it is different when people opt for practices which could be categorized as "magic", they expect to success in life just because some alleged shaman or witch medic told them to partake in a ritual or consume a certain kind of plant. Africa does not need cults and idols, it needs work and solve social problems and that can be reached with the proper religious values for those who need spiritual guidance.   

Title: Re: Do you believe religion is a setback in African development?
Post by: Die_empty on January 11, 2023, 02:42:05 AM
Are you wanting to start a "United States of Africa?" Africa is a very large place. In Ethiopia alone there are loads of variations on religion, every tribe having its own denomiation. Some of these religions are forceful and violent. Others are loving and kind. Determining the best religion for Africa is going to be as difficult as for any other country.


This is along the lines of what I was thinking.  Africa is such an enormous continent, it would be difficult to get so many people in such a wide geographic area to all believe the same thing.  More likely, they will eventually find freedom of religion (I'd like to believe every place will someday) and there won't be a single organized religion that all of the people take part in.  I'll admit I have no idea what religions in Africa look like currently, but I believe there are probably many tribes with their own way to practice religion that aren't concerned with what outsiders are trying to push on them.
Currently, Africa has two major religions, Christianity and Islam. The population of Traditional religion practitioners is reducing drastically because of civilization. The problem Africa has is not the religion but the application of the teachings of the religion. Because many Africans are not educated, and hence cannot read the Holy Books of some of these religions, this has allowed many religious leaders or teachers to use religion as a manipulative tool. Africans are no longer controlled or influenced by the teachings of the Holy Bible or Koran but by the words of these influential teachers that are sometimes selfish and corrupt. They have always used religion to manipulate people socially, economically, and politically.

Title: Re: Do you believe religion is a setback in African development?
Post by: o48o on January 11, 2023, 05:31:55 AM
The religion of atheism is a tool. How? By the way it is often used to bypass religious moral principles, and steal from and rape the people of a country.

Claiming to be followers of a formal religion doesn't make the claim to NOT be a lie. It's only when the followers of a religion live it that the religion counts.
The Christian religion has ONE major goal... eternal life for the believers.
Well this is just a bunch of incoherent nonsense without any point.

Living a good Christian life  is part of what makes it attractive so that unbelievers will want to convert, and receive eternal life.
Spot on, i feel it's the only reason for the christianity to exist, people can't handle their mortality and invent a religion to comfort them. Few people like the idea of mortality and lot's of people feel the need of having alternative made up reality where their lives make sense and have some sort of bigger purpose where some divine being is interested about their lives. I am guessing this in many cases replaces ther absent father figure.

It is not about religion, it is about superstition.
In my personal opinion, there is nothing wrong about following a religion. Actually, Christianity for example usually teaches about the value of working hard and living a peaceful life.
However, it is different when people opt for practices which could be categorized as "magic", they expect to success in life just because some alleged shaman or witch medic told them to partake in a ritual or consume a certain kind of plant. Africa does not need cults and idols, it needs work and solve social problems and that can be reached with the proper religious values for those who need spiritual guidance.  
Religion doesn't really differ from this "magic" you speak about. Religion is just heavily organized superstition.

Title: Re: Do you believe religion is a setback in African development?
Post by: Maestro75 on January 11, 2023, 06:15:12 AM

Religion has done more harm in Africa, especially my country Nigeria. Whichever form it takes, whether islam, christianity or the native traditional religion they have all made Nigeria backward. Leaders of this are merchants who exploit their people and hide the truth from them. Everything we do in Nigeria now is based falsely on religion. Someone comes to you and presents himself as a christian or moslem but will end up scamming or harming you. Those who follow this religious sects also do it blindly without studying and understanding what is written in their religious books. Our politicians are either christians or moslems but they are mostly dishonest people.

Title: Re: Do you believe religion is a setback in African development?
Post by: rahmad2nd on January 11, 2023, 06:47:49 PM
I am not african.

But believe me without religion humans still have morals, still have conscience and can also be empathetic to each other even to all living things that exist on this earth. in my country, religion becomes opium, becomes a tool of propaganda even if it's one belief but if they have different understandings, then they will be alienated. religion makes people compartmentalize between other religions, making it a faction and divided group. really irony, with what happened in my country. especially when religion is used as a tool, yes, a political tool, to sell identity in order to gain more votes and not even hesitate to indoctrinate to elect leaders who share the same religion.

I do not hate religion, in fact I also believe in it. religion is love, religion is a container to make humans more civilized. but, nowadays religion is getting obsolete. obsolete damaged by people who have an interest in it, whether it's their own interests, groups or classes. I really don't like it when religion is used as a deviant tool, indoctrinating with wrong understandings.

and in the end, 50 or 100 years later, religion will likely become part of an ancient tradition that is slowly being abandoned by its adherents.

Title: Re: Do you believe religion is a setback in African development?
Post by: Merit.s on January 11, 2023, 10:05:29 PM
People have hide at the back of religion to do so many evil in my country,religion is a means in which people use to scam or deprive the right people to be in authority. It all depends on every individual on how they understand their religious faith,sometime people are been brainwashed from the right thing in other for them not to know the truth. Religion is suppose to put love peace and harmony between the people to live a better life for the development of the country but religion has lost his value and people uses religion to enrich themselves and forget about the needy.

Title: Re: Do you believe religion is a setback in African development?
Post by: Hispo on January 12, 2023, 01:11:25 AM
Religion doesn't really differ from this "magic" you speak about. Religion is just heavily organized superstition.

I won't turn this thread into an argument about Atheism vs Theism.
Even from the atheist point of view, there are teachings and values from major religions which can be beneficial to a country or community in general. Atheism can also be good if does not lead to nihilism. The point is getting people to work, improve and living the best life possible in an honest way.

When I was child for example, it was usual for our grandparents to tell us to work hard an study so God will bless us.
An atheist family could encourage their children to work and study because other obvious reasons.

Title: Re: Do you believe religion is a setback in African development?
Post by: o48o on January 12, 2023, 06:17:49 AM
Religion doesn't really differ from this "magic" you speak about. Religion is just heavily organized superstition.
I won't turn this thread into an argument about Atheism vs Theism.
Yet you immediately did so i will respond.

Even from the atheist point of view, there are teachings and values from major religions which can be beneficial to a country or community in general. Atheism can also be good if does not lead to nihilism. The point is getting people to work, improve and living the best life possible in an honest way.
I am always baffled how people think any good values must come from religion, yet religions often have horrible values and history of brushing their crimes horrible crimes under a mat.
Nihilism has nothing to do with believing one less god then someone else.

When I was child for example, it was usual for our grandparents to tell us to work hard an study so God will bless us.
An atheist family could encourage their children to work and study because other obvious reasons.
Yes i am well aware that some parents want to outsource their responsibility and parenting to some all seeing god. I was a victim of that too.

Title: Re: Do you believe religion is a setback in African development?
Post by: zaki12 on January 12, 2023, 09:17:55 AM
Religion is not the cause of decline in development in Africa. In my opinion, conflicts of interest are the main cause, so that the stability of the country is disturbed. If the stability of the country is disturbed, there will be no development that can be carried out. This is where we learn the lesson, that without the stability of a country, there will be no progress of a nation and state and even setbacks and poverty will occur. Africa can progress if:
1. There is a settlement of the existing political conflict
2. Long-term investment in the economy and education
3. Reduce dependence on foreign aid budgets
4. Changing the economic system into an intrusive system, which means that everyone has equal opportunities to compete in the market.

Title: Re: Do you believe religion is a setback in African development?
Post by: Lordhermes on January 12, 2023, 11:29:17 AM
Religion has brought so many sad events in Africa, from crises and sentiment. Africa is in sorry state because of religion. We have much churches and Muslims than companies in Africa. Yet immortality is at high rate in Africa, poor educational system, poor health care,poor infrastructures and many more issues facing Africa, as a result of religion practices. The people of are uses five days in a week for religion activities, infact they place their fortune and misfortune on their gods.

Developed countries place less empathize on religion, they tend to use their hands to create things for themselves, to improve in Their immediate environment.

Africa,needs to shift more attention on religion matters and focus on reality

Title: Re: Do you believe religion is a setback in African development?
Post by: Freeveto on January 12, 2023, 12:49:14 PM
Yes, Religion has been one of the major setbacks in African development . More especially in west Africa. Religion has caused division among Africans, Blacks hating and discriminating fellow blacks because of Religion, Africans killing each other on the basis of religious crises, properties destroyed, Businesses destroyed, our land most times is no longer safe because of religious killings and crises thereby causing an unsafe environment for development and business.
Some of our religious heads inculcating hatred into their followers, Africans can’t vote competent leaders without considering someone who shares same religion and beliefs with them. Religion is a serious setback to African development.

Title: Re: Do you believe religion is a setback in African development?
Post by: BADecker on January 12, 2023, 02:46:39 PM
^^^ Note that all setbacks or advancements in Africa are personal as well as being societal.

Everybody dies, both the religious and the non-religious.

Without religion, personal setbacks are great. Why? because there is no hope of eternal life in Heaven. Without religion, there can only be eternal life in Hell... though many people without religion don't realize this.

With the right religion there will be life in Heaven after death (after the Resurrection). So, there is at least advancement rather than setback for some.

Advancement for Africans in this life, with no religion at all, means setback for eternal life for all Africans. Keep the religions, because some will be saved that way.


Title: Re: Do you believe religion is a setback in African development?
Post by: Dewchim on January 12, 2023, 04:14:15 PM
Religion is a big setback in Africa, especially in my country, Nigeria. Churches are major factory you will see in Nigeria now; even the owners have private jets and own schools, but the average member of the church can't pay the school fees. But this school has been built with offerings from the church.

Title: Re: Do you believe religion is a setback in African development?
Post by: o48o on January 12, 2023, 04:15:05 PM
^^^ Note that all setbacks or advancements in Africa are personal as well as being societal.

Everybody dies, both the religious and the non-religious.

Without religion, personal setbacks are great. Why? because there is no hope of eternal life in Heaven. Without religion, there can only be eternal life in Hell... though many people without religion don't realize this.

With the right religion there will be life in Heaven after death (after the Resurrection). So, there is at least advancement rather than setback for some.

Advancement for Africans in this life, with no religion at all, means setback for eternal life for all Africans. Keep the religions, because some will be saved that way.
This is such a lame excuse. And what if you have chosen the wrong religion? Or what if your specific sect of countless different christian sects is wrong? What if there's an afterlife but only atheists get in?

But wait, you have a point, you are right, i see the light now. I now regret my atheist views and choose a to be religious instead. My religion of choice will be a Satanist as that's closest to my heart.
Thanks for opening my eyes. It's great to share a religion with you. Except you are on the side of Lord's sheeps am i am on side with a rebels that think themselves.

That was sarcasm if it was unclear.

Title: Re: Do you believe religion is a setback in African development?
Post by: BADecker on January 12, 2023, 05:21:17 PM
^^^ Note that all setbacks or advancements in Africa are personal as well as being societal.

Everybody dies, both the religious and the non-religious.

Without religion, personal setbacks are great. Why? because there is no hope of eternal life in Heaven. Without religion, there can only be eternal life in Hell... though many people without religion don't realize this.

With the right religion there will be life in Heaven after death (after the Resurrection). So, there is at least advancement rather than setback for some.

Advancement for Africans in this life, with no religion at all, means setback for eternal life for all Africans. Keep the religions, because some will be saved that way.
This is such a lame excuse. And what if you have chosen the wrong religion? Or what if your specific sect of countless different christian sects is wrong? What if there's an afterlife but only atheists get in?

But wait, you have a point, you are right, i see the light now. I now regret my atheist views and choose a to be religious instead. My religion of choice will be a Satanist as that's closest to my heart.
Thanks for opening my eyes. It's great to share a religion with you. Except you are on the side of Lord's sheeps am i am on side with a rebels that think themselves.

That was sarcasm if it was unclear.

When you get into the definitions of 'religion', you will find that 'religion' also means 'personal religion'... the things a person believes that are different than those of anyone else. So, your religion of atheism is acceptable as a religion, even if its doctrines aren't expressed clearly and concisely anywhere. But if they are, it is even a stronger religion.

One of the strongest points for recognizing that there might be truth to eternal life is, recognizing that all people are religious beings, and have a religion going for themselves no matter what they believe.

Some of the luckiest Africans are those who were brought up from childhood in the true religion that really does give eternal life in Heaven for following it. Why are they lucky? Because it's easy to teach a child, indoctrinating him into whatever religion. Since the religion meant here is the true religion that truly gives eternal life, that's why they are lucky.

Of course this doesn't mean that they CAN'T be tempted to some other religion, one that is only beneficial for this life. But at least they have a head start with childhood training in the eternal-life religion. Why? They last forever with that religion, even if they have to die here for a while.

Just because the religion of someone else says that such eternal-life religion is false, that doesn't necessarily make it false. After all, when the things of a particular religion are proven to be real, the religion starts to come out of the designation of religion, and into the laws of nature and physics, or simple living.


Title: Re: Do you believe religion is a setback in African development?
Post by: Marykeller on January 12, 2023, 06:20:21 PM
Religion that was brought into African countries has significantly influenced her culture and civilization.

Religious practices and beliefs have both been a source of strength and solidarity for societies as well as a barrier to development and progress in some cases in African countries. The influence of religion on African nations is complicated and can vary depending on some factors of the religious and traditional practices involved.

Our primary religion as Africans particularly as Nigerians is a traditional belief, while other religions like Christianity and Islam have been introduced to African nations.

The harm and division that religion has brought about in African nations are unimaginable to her growth.

Title: Re: Do you believe religion is a setback in African development?
Post by: BADecker on January 12, 2023, 11:01:10 PM
Religion that was brought into African countries has significantly influenced her culture and civilization.

Religious practices and beliefs have both been a source of strength and solidarity for societies as well as a barrier to development and progress in some cases in African countries. The influence of religion on African nations is complicated and can vary depending on some factors of the religious and traditional practices involved.

Our primary religion as Africans particularly as Nigerians is a traditional belief, while other religions like Christianity and Islam have been introduced to African nations.

The harm and division that religion has brought about in African nations are unimaginable to her growth.

Again, the point you bring up is only a surface point. It is certainly a notable point, but it isn't the most important point. The important point has to do with which traditional belief, and if it ultimately gives eternal life. If it doesn't provide eternal life, it isn't the best.

In Axum, in Ethiopia (Africa), there is a 'church' that houses what they believe to be the sacred Ark of the Covenant from Ancient Israel. If this is the traditional religion you are speaking about, you are in the right direction, sort of.


According to their research the Ark was taken out of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem during the reign of Manasseh where it was first taken to a Jewish colony on Elephantine Island in Egypt.


Other traditions say that this was only a copy, made by Solomon, to keep the real one from falling into the hands of kingdoms that were fighting against Israel.

Whatever traditional religions are in Africa, Judaism (which became Christianity for some people) has been African religion for over 3,000 years (Formal Judaism started with Moses in Egypt.), and is the oldest religion of any significant size in Africa... considering that the Christian religion bases itself on Judaism.


Title: Re: Do you believe religion is a setback in African development?
Post by: Hispo on January 13, 2023, 01:10:04 AM
Religion doesn't really differ from this "magic" you speak about. Religion is just heavily organized superstition.
I won't turn this thread into an argument about Atheism vs Theism.
Yet you immediately did so i will respond.

Even from the atheist point of view, there are teachings and values from major religions which can be beneficial to a country or community in general. Atheism can also be good if does not lead to nihilism. The point is getting people to work, improve and living the best life possible in an honest way.
I am always baffled how people think any good values must come from religion, yet religions often have horrible values and history of brushing their crimes horrible crimes under a mat.
Nihilism has nothing to do with believing one less god then someone else.

When I was child for example, it was usual for our grandparents to tell us to work hard an study so God will bless us.
An atheist family could encourage their children to work and study because other obvious reasons.
Yes i am well aware that some parents want to outsource their responsibility and parenting to some all seeing god. I was a victim of that too.

In no way shape or form I would dare to deny the massacres and executions carried out against innocent people by the Church.
There were thousands of people who died just because their pursue for scientific knowledge and other even minor things.

People of religion can be aware of those horrible things and yet to practice the values of their church, the important thing is not exclude or harm anyone just because they are different, which goes against the teaching of Jesus, if I remember correctly.

Also, here (specially in the 2000s) part of good parenting was to talk about religion to children. I mean, I had to take religion classes in school and yet i have got no problem with friends who are LGBT or atheist. We simply respect each other.

Title: Re: Do you believe religion is a setback in African development?
Post by: DanWalker on January 13, 2023, 05:20:52 AM
It is not about religion, it is about superstition.
In my personal opinion, there is nothing wrong about following a religion. Actually, Christianity for example usually teaches about the value of working hard and living a peaceful life.

However, it is different when people opt for practices which could be categorized as "magic", they expect to success in life just because some alleged shaman or witch medic told them to partake in a ritual or consume a certain kind of plant. Africa does not need cults and idols, it needs work and solve social problems and that can be reached with the proper religious values for those who need spiritual guidance.   

I'm not from Africa so I don't really know what religion exists there, but I was really confused when I heard that religion is an obstacle for Africa. All regions of the world have at least 2 to 3 religions, and like in my country there are Christianity, Buddhism, and Islam...all direct people to good deeds, to peace... so there is no reason to say that religion is an obstacle. Are they confusing superstition with religion as you say? And possibly due to the ignorance of the people, many have taken advantage of it to spread falsehoods that are not of the orthodox religion.

Title: Re: Do you believe religion is a setback in African development?
Post by: BADecker on January 13, 2023, 02:40:08 PM

Yes i am well aware that some parents want to outsource their responsibility and parenting to some all seeing god. I was a victim of that too.

In no way shape or form I would dare to deny the massacres and executions carried out against innocent people by the Church.
There were thousands of people who died just because their pursue for scientific knowledge and other even minor things.

People of religion can be aware of those horrible things and yet to practice the values of their church, the important thing is not exclude or harm anyone just because they are different, which goes against the teaching of Jesus, if I remember correctly.

Also, here (specially in the 2000s) part of good parenting was to talk about religion to children. I mean, I had to take religion classes in school and yet i have got no problem with friends who are LGBT or atheist. We simply respect each other.

Much of science is science theory. When science theory is believed to be true even though it's theory, it's a religion for the scientists who believe... churches in their universities and corporations.

Do you see the big guns and missiles in Ukraine and Russia? They came about through science, scientific investigation. So, the church of science is responsible for way more deaths than other religions.

Also, regarding LGBT. It is a religion that has been around forever, even though it wasn't prominent, and even though it wasn't called by that name. Getting along with them means that you have a tolerance-of-evil religion rather than the formal religion your school tried to bring you up in.

A person in the free countries of the world doesn't have to be violent when he protests against the religions that are bad or wrong or evil. All he has to do is stop associating with the people of those religions when they won't change.


Title: Re: Do you believe religion is a setback in African development?
Post by: Gozie51 on January 13, 2023, 04:21:54 PM

On the one hand, there is no denying that religion has been used to oppress people, especially women and other marginalized groups.

Talking in relation to women, I don't agree that it is religion that has oppressed women, no it is the society at large that has done that especially in African society. African society is majorly patrilineal and that is oppressive already but do we even say it is oppressive if that is the people's way of life. Culture is the way that people life, organise and do their own stuff so it is already settled that is the way they live.

Religious beliefs have been used to justify discrimination, and many people feel that certain religious tenets are outdated and no longer applicable.

I think the custodians and interpreters are the culprits in this. The way they present what is written in the scriptures is the issue and followers follow sheepishly.

Title: Re: Do you believe religion is a setback in African development?
Post by: Gyfts on January 13, 2023, 09:46:20 PM

Modern society is drifting a bit far from religion and replacing it with a dogma that's toxic and politically driven -- that being said, most modern religious interpretations are not the same interpretations as they were even some centuries ago so I'm personally not an advocate for traditionalist values explicitly written in religious books. The values within these books have caused the greatest amounts of violence in human history. Modern interpretations of religion are entirety different.

African countries probably have not had this modernization of thought yet, but realistically that isn't the reason why Africa is lagging behind in the world on social justice.

Title: Re: Do you believe religion is a setback in African development?
Post by: Freeveto on January 13, 2023, 11:02:12 PM
Religion doesn't really differ from this "magic" you speak about. Religion is just heavily organized superstition.

Religion is a mere illusion, some of the things people believes and hold very tight in various religions doesn’t exist. They keep practicing and believing in what that doesn’t exist and they call it “Faith”  Even in one religion, they still have differs beliefs like Christianity, one Bible, one God but different churches that don’t agree together.

Title: Re: Do you believe religion is a setback in African development?
Post by: BADecker on January 14, 2023, 02:05:38 AM
Religion doesn't really differ from this "magic" you speak about. Religion is just heavily organized superstition.

Religion is a mere illusion, some of the things people believes and hold very tight in various religions doesn’t exist. They keep practicing and believing in what that doesn’t exist and they call it “Faith”  Even in one religion, they still have differs beliefs like Christianity, one Bible, one God but different churches that don’t agree together.

But you don't really believe what you said. How do we know? You misquoted what I said at that post of mine that you quoted.

The difference between your religion of something like 'non-religion' is, God exists as the Leader of true Christianity, and any religions that practice true Christianity.

Why don't you change right now. You have a chance. You are being invited. Become a Christian and join us in the hope of eternal life.

Consider this. Nobody knows how the complexity of life works. Nobody knows the gigantic amount of complexity that is involved in life. All we know is that there is a lot there. In fact, there is so much complexity in life that it's impossible for life to have come about in the first place... except, of course, that it is here. I mean, if life wasn't all that complex, doctors and researchers would have figured out how to keep us alive for hundreds or thousands of years, long ago.

Since the complexity happened once, why would anyone think that it can't happen a second time, in the Resurrection?

Join us, for eternal life in Heaven.


Title: Re: Do you believe religion is a setback in African development?
Post by: SmartCharpa on January 15, 2023, 06:44:11 AM
Religion is a big setback in Africa, especially in my country, Nigeria. Churches are major factory you will see in Nigeria now; even the owners have private jets and own schools, but the average member of the church can't pay the school fees. But this school has been built with offerings from the church.

You are correct. The majority of schools are established by church members, and there may be an agreement amongst them that their children can pay half of the school fees or nothing at all.
Most schools are built by churches and have one person as the proprietor, which is why some church members no longer have to pay school fees.

Title: Re: Do you believe religion is a setback in African development?
Post by: BADecker on January 15, 2023, 04:09:40 PM
Religion is a big setback in Africa, especially in my country, Nigeria. Churches are major factory you will see in Nigeria now; even the owners have private jets and own schools, but the average member of the church can't pay the school fees. But this school has been built with offerings from the church.

You are correct. The majority of schools are established by church members, and there may be an agreement amongst them that their children can pay half of the school fees or nothing at all.
Most schools are built by churches and have one person as the proprietor, which is why some church members no longer have to pay school fees.

But the big question about schools remains. Are they schools that teach knowledge, or are they indoctrination centers? There might be good indoctrination, but who determines this.


Title: Re: Do you believe religion is a setback in African development?
Post by: SmartCharpa on January 15, 2023, 06:19:07 PM
But the big question about schools remains. Are they schools that teach knowledge, or are they indoctrination centers? There might be good indoctrination, but who determines this.

The school will continue to be a place where knowledge is taught, and all rules established by the school will be followed. Church members may make decisions as long as they agree with them.
But the reality is that some parents do not adhere to the rules, and when their children fail the school assessment, they do complain that they own the school.

Title: Re: Do you believe religion is a setback in African development?
Post by: Alisha-k on January 16, 2023, 10:42:47 AM
Religion is not really the problem with Africa but the individuals who practice this various religions. In every religion there are those who are core extremists and those who don't understand what the religion is all about but trust a particular person in the place of priest or what ever their religion refers to them as for directions and guidance. If African understood humanity is the top priority in every religion it would have been one of the best places in the world.

Title: Re: Do you believe religion is a setback in African development?
Post by: Volimack on January 16, 2023, 11:00:52 AM
Religion isn't a hedge the country is backward in all aspects due to underdevelopment and racism is more in africa than other countries. The constitution of the country gives all the citizens the right to exercise their religion freely. Every religion in africa can be said to be the happiest nonage in the world. They enjoy a degree of religious freedom in africa that's unconceivable in numerous countries profitable substance, political influence andnon sectarian social system all together can be called rich land of the country.

Title: Re: Do you believe religion is a setback in African development?
Post by: Queentoshi on January 16, 2023, 12:17:53 PM
In a society where you have more religious people than practical and logical thinking people it is normal to expect that religion becomes a setback to certain development and growth and this is a problem with Africa where they are more religious people who are following religion with a blind eye, than practical and logical thinking people. It is a setback. Religion is good but not to follow blindly. Not everything is spiritual, some things actually require effort to achieve, and growth is one of them. For there to be development, it  requires logical and practical thinking individuals who are not afraid to make an effort.

Title: Re: Do you believe religion is a setback in African development?
Post by: worldofcoins on January 17, 2023, 10:16:33 AM
Religion has been a part of African history for centuries. For many people, it has been a source of guidance, comfort, and community. Yet, there are some who believe that religion is a major setback in the development of African nations. This is an excellent topic that merits discussion.

On the one hand, there is no denying that religion has been used to oppress people, especially women and other marginalized groups. Religious beliefs have been used to justify discrimination, and many people feel that certain religious tenets are outdated and no longer applicable. On the other hand, religion can also be a powerful force for good in African societies. It can provide comfort to people in difficult times and bring communities together.

Ultimately, whether religion is a setback in African development is up to the individual. Some may see it as a hinderance, while others may view it as a source of strength and hope. Ultimately, it is up to each person to decide for themselves how to view religion and its impact on African development.

I don't believe religion is a setback in Africa's (or any other country's) development. No religion teaches violence toward anyone. These are guidelines of life and living criteria and the people's faith. So we cannot blame religion as a setback in development.

Title: Re: Do you believe religion is a setback in African development?
Post by: Asiska02 on January 17, 2023, 12:26:19 PM
Religion has been a part of African history for centuries. For many people, it has been a source of guidance, comfort, and community. Yet, there are some who believe that religion is a major setback in the development of African nations. This is an excellent topic that merits discussion.

This indeed calls for discussion. Religions that I know are a source of guidance and a way of life one should follow in order to attain grace and prosperity from their Lord that they worship. But in today’s world, using African continent as a case study, it’s being used as a manipulative tool to convince the people, mislead the people, and deny them of their legal rights blindly without having the privilege to voice out anything. Our leaders in Africa have taken advantage of religion and used it against us, causing significant setbacks for the continent.

We can’t protest at the face of injustice we face by our political leaders because our religious leaders make us believe that the Lord we worship will intervene for everyone at the right time. This been said and not peculiar to only the ignorant ones, the educated ones also believe in this as it draws back to the level of faith they’ve for their religion and believe for what their religious leaders says about it. However, the inability to practice what religion teaches is what is affecting Africa, because all religion teaches positivity always.

Title: Re: Do you believe religion is a setback in African development?
Post by: BADecker on January 17, 2023, 03:46:20 PM
True religion is people helping people who need help. There is never a time when true religion is a bad thing.

Evil people will always use what they call religion to do their evil deeds. People will recognize them for what they are, by what they are doing.

The problem is how to get rid of the bad parts of religion, and keep the good.


Title: Re: Do you believe religion is a setback in African development?
Post by: Lordhermes on January 19, 2023, 07:28:16 AM
True religion is people helping people who need help. There is never a time when true religion is a bad thing.

Evil people will always use what they call religion to do their evil deeds. People will recognize them for what they are, by what they are doing.

The problem is how to get rid of the bad parts of religion, and keep the good.

Religion was to build moral and honour the creator, but the way Africa practice it makes people feel that the setback of Africa development are cause by religion. In Africa, we have more religion worship centre than Company. In Africa, people practice religion from Monday to Friday without going to work, hoping on God to do miracle for them.
I think, that's the cause of poverty in Africa. We believe that is only God that can liberate us developing continent to  developed one. Africa failed to understand that our Destiny is in our hands.

However, evil people using Religion to execute their evils Will, just to fustrate people. But that wasn't the core mandate of religion.

Title: Re: Do you believe religion is a setback in African development?
Post by: Fiatless on January 19, 2023, 10:21:10 AM
Religion has been a part of African history for centuries. For many people, it has been a source of guidance, comfort, and community. Yet, there are some who believe that religion is a major setback in the development of African nations. This is an excellent topic that merits discussion.

On the one hand, there is no denying that religion has been used to oppress people, especially women and other marginalized groups. Religious beliefs have been used to justify discrimination, and many people feel that certain religious tenets are outdated and no longer applicable. On the other hand, religion can also be a powerful force for good in African societies. It can provide comfort to people in difficult times and bring communities together.

Ultimately, whether religion is a setback in African development is up to the individual. Some may see it as a hinderance, while others may view it as a source of strength and hope. Ultimately, it is up to each person to decide for themselves how to view religion and its impact on African development.

Christianity and Islam has contributed to the development of Africa. It was these Europeans and Arabians that introduced education, technology and other positive innovation to the  African society. But these religious institutions also engaged or introduced some negative activities. Slave trade, exploitation, and discrimination are also products of religion. But currently, religion in Africa is causing more harm than good. Some African countries are fighting against jihadists and religious fanaticism. Religion has also caused violence or even wars that have led to the large-scale destruction of lives and properties. Without religion Africa wouldn't have been developed to this extent.