Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Project Development => Topic started by: Tuxavant on December 12, 2011, 04:22:49 AM

Title: B^4: Bitcoin-Bernankie Beer Barter
Post by: Tuxavant on December 12, 2011, 04:22:49 AM
Has a friend ever offered to buy your drinks? Do you enjoy a "You buy this time, I'll buy next time" relationship?

Perhaps this is the perfect opportunity to teach your friend a thing or two about Bitcoin.

While you're sharing your liquid grains, on your friend's tab, convince them to flip on their phone and download a wallet on their phone or point point their browser to Instawallet. Pay your tab you owe them right then and there with Bitcoins.

They've already agreed to be "out" the bernankies this time around. They'll have some Bitcoins to ponder for awhile and time to play around with them. If they doesn't find them useful or at least novel (WHATEVER), then just have him send them back next time you meet up and give him the cash for the beer. Slate is clean and you can end the friendship. lol Just kidding. But at least you tried promoting it and someone new got a chance to truly experience Bitcoin.

But if it all works out, you've extended the "Bitcoin accepted here" network and the new guy will be that much more likely to accept them and even use them with someone else!

Viva la Bitcoin!