Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Susano on January 24, 2023, 08:55:38 AM

Title: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Susano on January 24, 2023, 08:55:38 AM

Is money the real root of all evil in today's society
I do not think so, it’s like saying we don’t need money, but money sustains life. It will always depend on how you used your money. There are many meaningful things you can use the money for; e.g., building hospitals, feeding the homeless, building schools, a fund to teach people, charity workhelpingelp technologsupportingort the government in enhancing its citizen's way of living, and other many things you can do with worthwhile money. I have read about “the love of money”, it talks about every behavior of an individual, not money itself that as the source of all different types of evil and distress. Money is ethically neutral; I believe there is naught wrong with money or the ownership of wealth. But, once the money starts to control a person that is when the trouble began. People being controlled by money will feel superior and takes pride in power which leads to greediness and obsessions of an individual. He or She will enjoy the luxury of life, they will use their money to dictate and control other people for his or her will. Money is a necessity that is why people do fraud, insult, kill, and do bad things to have it. Hence, it is not “the money” but “the love of it” that is the root of all evil.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: bnbstorm on January 24, 2023, 07:07:14 PM

Is money the real root of all evil in today's society
I do not think so, it’s like saying we don’t need money, but money sustains life. It will always depend on how you used your money. There are many meaningful things you can use the money for; e.g., building hospitals, feeding the homeless, building schools, a fund to teach people, charity workhelpingelp technologsupportingort the government in enhancing its citizen's way of living, and other many things you can do with worthwhile money. I have read about “the love of money”, it talks about every behavior of an individual, not money itself that as the source of all different types of evil and distress. Money is ethically neutral; I believe there is naught wrong with money or the ownership of wealth. But, once the money starts to control a person that is when the trouble began. People being controlled by money will feel superior and takes pride in power which leads to greediness and obsessions of an individual. He or She will enjoy the luxury of life, they will use their money to dictate and control other people for his or her will. Money is a necessity that is why people do fraud, insult, kill, and do bad things to have it. Hence, it is not “the money” but “the love of it” that is the root of all evil.

You cannot say money is evil as it is necessary for trading. You can say that unequal distribution of money is evil. People in power have printed a lot of money for them and now poor people are losing their purchasing power causing a lot of problems including theft, corruption, dishonesty etc.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Hydrogen on January 24, 2023, 11:14:16 PM
"For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs."

-1 Timothy 6:10

The money being a root of evil, could be a 2,000 year old view derived from the christian bible.

Its illustrated by King David being moral and just as a shepherd. Later after having become king he attains wealth, power and fame. This changes his behavior completely. He murders men and steals their wives. The story of King David is meant to illustrate how money and wealth can change people for the worse. How power and money can have a corruptive influence.

On a broader scale, how might the behavior and tendencies of ruling elites be defined across all of human history. Is the behavior of the wealthy and powerful today, different from their peers in previous eras?
If people have money and power they naturally trend towards abusing it. This precedent might define the behavior of ruling elites in all eras of human history. Whether its Top G flaunting pics of women and bugattis on social media. Or more sinister things. Having wealth and power would appear to change the way people behave and how they see the world.

In recent times, we adopted the urban myth of the "benevolent billionaire" who uses his wealth primarily for charitable and humanitarian causes. We have a paradigm shift in our views of the wealthy and powerful which could contrast with past eras.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: zaki12 on January 25, 2023, 08:13:32 AM

Is money the real root of all evil in today's society
If according to my conclusion that money does not cause evil, what causes evil is from the way of thinking that actually uses money and the heart of the user of money itself. Because money can be someone can give orders, want to be ordered to commit a crime can and can be ordered to do the right thing too. So what is wrong is not money or money is not the source of crime. The money wasn't wrong. What's wrong is the person using it.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: browsiek on January 25, 2023, 08:37:58 AM

Is money the real root of all evil in today's society

in fact money controls everything, believe it or not when we don't have money it feels like we can't live, restless, restless, lots of pressure, that's why everyone needs money because they can meet their needs, from clothing, food, vehicles to self-satisfaction, everyone uses money.  You could say the most powerful factor of crime is money, there is even a saying that "Money is everything".

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Zlantann on January 25, 2023, 09:02:40 AM

Is money the real root of all evil in today's society
If according to my conclusion that money does not cause evil, what causes evil is from the way of thinking that actually uses money and the heart of the user of money itself. Because money can be someone can give orders, want to be ordered to commit a crime can and can be ordered to do the right thing too. So what is wrong is not money or money is not the source of crime. The money wasn't wrong. What's wrong is the person using it.

Greed is the root of all evil and not money. When men want to satisfy their uncontrollable desire for luxury and other material things, they become evil. Money didn't teach people how to steal, kill, defraud or become corrupt, people intentionally chose to act negatively to get money. The case of corruption in the government of Ukraine is a clear example of what people have become because of the quest to get rich quick. How will a sane person be benefiting from blood money without remorse? Ukrainians are suffering and dying, while some corrupt government officials are stealing from their predicament. Even in the face of war, some are going on luxurious vacations with stolen funds. It is not money that is caused these evil but selfish humans.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Aanuoluwatofunmi on January 25, 2023, 09:04:01 AM
We shouldn't use money as a covering because it's not the root of all evil but we that are humans are, you will discover a man when he's yet to arrived in life living a good life worthy of emulation but immediately he got into riches he becomes uncontrollable and pride begin to het allover him, that is when he begins to emancipate new characters that's strange from people knows him to be, money should help give our life a meaningful existence and a force to help us through fulfilling ambitions and not in using it against others.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Argoo on January 25, 2023, 09:10:00 AM
Money is only the equivalent of the value of certain material values. It is only a tool of trade in the hands of man. Therefore, money cannot be evil or good. It's like fire: it can warm and help cook food, or it can burn and incinerate, depending on what it is directed at by human hands. Money gives a person material wealth and convenience. You just don't need to strive for enrichment at any cost. Here the material comes into contact with the spiritual.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: karabiber on January 25, 2023, 09:21:41 AM
Some argue that evil is a natural part of people's instincts, while others argue that it can be explained by social and cultural factors. However, the causes of evil are often complex and multifaceted and under the influence of many factors. In this case, i do not think that money will cause evil, on the contrary, i think it is necessary for the realization of good. While looking for reasons for evil, money is always put in the foreground and they try to make money look bad. How you use the money, what you do to reach the money is important.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Poker Player on January 25, 2023, 12:33:26 PM
That money is the cause of all evils is said by people who want to keep you poor, want you to have a victim mentality and to be grateful for having to depend on a politician, usually a socialist or worse, to make ends meet.

Money is nothing more than a means, and as such a means it is neither good nor bad, and if you believe statements like that, you are usually going to live worse than if you believe that fate is largely in your hands, even though you cannot control certain circumstances.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: rat03gopoh on January 25, 2023, 01:00:34 PM
Probably so, but I believe that there is a more ambitious desire for crime to make money. I think the root of evil is power, the feeling of greed will develop evil goals that were originally just a need to become a desire. Today's example is, with improper power, the economy becomes lame. So crime happens everywhere.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Davian144 on January 25, 2023, 01:06:33 PM
Is money the real root of all evil in today's society
Fundamentally, money is a means of payment and is not the root of any crime in this world, because money is not wrong in any way and does not deserve to be linked to crime. Although those who commit crimes are generally paid with money.

If according to my conclusion that money does not cause evil, what causes evil is from the way of thinking that actually uses money and the heart of the user of money itself. Because money can be someone can give orders, want to be ordered to commit a crime can and can be ordered to do the right thing too. So what is wrong is not money or money is not the source of crime. The money wasn't wrong. What's wrong is the person using it.
That's right, a means of payment such as money cannot be blamed even though the existence of money around us can always solve many jobs and problems including solving crimes. So, in this case, you are right that the one to blame is the owner of the money or the user of the money who uses his mind and money for bad things so that the root of the problem is in the brain of the owner of the money.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Jody.Drummer on January 25, 2023, 02:05:58 PM
For most types of crime, yes I said that money is the source of the crime, but it is lack of morality that causes them to commit it.
I will give one example, just like corrupt people, do they lack money? They actually have a lot of money. Are they thirsty for power, so they dare to take rights from others? People who commit corruption are people who have power, whether it's in a narrow environment or even in their country. So in conclusion, it is possible that money is a factor that causes crime, but not all crimes are mentored by money, sometimes it is their morals that encourage them to commit these crimes.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Bitstar_coin on January 25, 2023, 05:15:39 PM
90% of it yes, you can not believe what people do to earn money especially with the current state of the economy. Inflation and high cost of living has made the situation worse. Some people are comfortable committing crimes with the excuse of making money. Even though money is not to blame for people's actions but it is the reason why so many bad things are happening.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: bitzizzix on January 25, 2023, 05:42:13 PM
It should be, "the love of money is the root of all evil" not that money is the real root of all evil.
Money is neutral and we all need money. But it is the love of money that is so dangerous because the love of money equals greed. And justify any means to make money, no matter who the victims are, even your family, even your own health. That's what makes crime and injustice appear everywhere.
and many people commit crimes because they don't have money because they don't want to work or look for it in a lawful way, and also because of greed which is never satisfied with what they get so they commit crimes to get money.
and with gratitude the money we have is felt to be sufficient even though it is a little and we still give charity, and people who are ungrateful and do not give charity will always feel deprived and if faith is weak bad things will happen.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Woodie on January 25, 2023, 05:54:18 PM
Is money the real root of all evil in today's society
I do not think so, it’s like saying we don’t need money, but money sustains life. It will always depend on how you used your money. There are many meaningful things you can use the money for; e.g., building hospitals, feeding the homeless, building schools, a fund to teach people, charity workhelpingelp technologsupportingort the government in enhancing its citizen's way of living, and other many things you can do with worthwhile money.
Money is like a coin with 2 sides, which are the good side and the bad side... And with this kind of setup one side will always be dominant than the other and here the bad will always  be the loudest which is why mostly people quote this saying most of the times. But I do agree, money Hass done great things for people, used to get needed surgeries, helped the homeless etc.

Is money the real root of all evil in today's society
The thing is most of us believe that it's only money that can solve whatever problems we have and this is 85% true, and when someone can't get it the resort to evil ways of getting it like crime and the alike hence the reason for saying that "money is the root of all evils. "

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: el kaka22 on January 25, 2023, 06:58:03 PM
Well, it is not the money, but more like corruption FOR money. It's humans that cause the trouble. Long long time ago we realized that if we are talking about resources, there is enough resources in the world to make sure everyone has one home, and enough good food, and clothes, for EVERYONE in the world.

But then we said we can't find any ideology that would both give everyone bare bottom those, and then anything above would be fine, capitalist in nature for rich, but socialist for the poorest, and unfortunately we couldn't figure out a way for that. This is why we are dealing with a bit of a trouble and it's causing everyone to be either super rich and evil, or poor.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: iv4n on January 25, 2023, 10:01:42 PM
We all know that without money there is nothing! And we all know that many do not have enough money even for basic needs. We are all just slaves to money... Whoever creates it and regulates the market is the one who is the true master.

Simply put, if you don't want to do something for a certain amount of money, someone else will! It doesn't even matter what needs to be done, there are always too many candidates. So money is the real root of evil... if you don't have it, but you desperately need it, you are ready to do unimaginable! And unfortunately, there are too many people who are in such situations.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Quidat on January 25, 2023, 10:04:59 PM
We all know that without money there is nothing! And we all know that many do not have enough money even for basic needs. We are all just slaves to money... Whoever creates it and regulates the market is the one who is the true master.

Simply put, if you don't want to do something for a certain amount of money, someone else will! It doesn't even matter what needs to be done, there are always too many candidates. So money is the real root of evil... if you don't have it, but you desperately need it, you are ready to do unimaginable! And unfortunately, there are too many people who are in such situations.
Evil or not but we cant just ignore out that we should really thrive or do our best on acquiring or earning it, because if not then we would be fucked up and would even the hard time on surviving ourselves on daily living which is something that we dont really like to happen. People wouldn't mind on what would others be saying because we do know on how to handle ourselves when it comes to spending.
The only way that money would be evil is on the time that you do make use of it on the bad way or something not that ethical and this would really varies out into a certain
individual and we do know that not all would really be like this.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Davidvictorson on January 25, 2023, 10:40:02 PM
Money, in my opinion, is not the root of all evil, nor is love for it. Everyday people make the choice whether to be good or bad, whether to be honest or dishonest, whether to be scammers, thieves, or saints. They give in to their greed, their lust, their envy, and their jealousy. They allow it to drive their intentions and motivations. And before you know it, they destroy their own lives as a result of poor life choices and then blame it on money. This is not so. Money is not the root of all evil; people and their decisions are.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: BigBos on January 26, 2023, 11:51:05 AM
it all doesn't happen because of money, you miscalculated it, although there are some because money doesn't make all crimes because of money, because crimes can be triggered by being offended or unintentional in behavior, causing conflict.
It's also not because the love of money that gives rise to many crimes makes everyone do everything for money, I think you give a negative connotation to money, the position of money is just a tool which can be obtained and used according to the owner's wishes. But indeed there are some people who do everything they can without seeing whether it is good or bad to get money, it's just a matter of themselves.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Wong Gendheng on January 26, 2023, 01:46:46 PM
Sometimes bad cases that occur make us think that money is the root or source of crime, money is like magic that makes anyone want to do anything even kill or rob, and the current trend in my country is that many people continue to compete to make money even a corruptor can get a light punishment because of the power of money.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Maestro75 on January 26, 2023, 02:09:18 PM

Money is universal and whatever thought towards it is also universal, it does not matter the society or country or people. That statement is a biblical instruction which has now been distorted to sound different. The bible does not caution against having money but against the LOVE for money. We can find that in the book of 1st Timothy 6:10. This is because anyone who loves money will be tempted to do unthinkable bad things just to make money.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: livingfree on January 26, 2023, 02:28:08 PM
Hence, it is not “the money” but “the love of it” that is the root of all evil.
I do always get these articles or statements that saying, the love of money is the root of all evil. This is wrong, the exact words are from the bible verse from the book of 1 Timothy 6:10.

Yeah, it says much of what I've quoted that it's the love of it and there will be some supporting verse that you can't serve two masters, you can't serve God and mammon(money) - this is from the book of Matthew 6:24.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: philipma1957 on January 26, 2023, 02:40:21 PM
It should be, "the love of money is the root of all evil" not that money is the real root of all evil.
Money is neutral and we all need money. But it is the love of money that is so dangerous because the love of money equals greed. And justify any means to make money, no matter who the victims are, even your family, even your own health. That's what makes crime and injustice appear everywhere.
and many people commit crimes because they don't have money because they don't want to work or look for it in a lawful way, and also because of greed which is never satisfied with what they get so they commit crimes to get money.
and with gratitude the money we have is felt to be sufficient even though it is a little and we still give charity, and people who are ungrateful and do not give charity will always feel deprived and if faith is weak bad things will happen.

Thank you for correcting all the posters above.

To the op. Money is a tool needed to survive in the current world. Like all tools you can use it correctly or evilly.

So to answer your improperly worded question the answer is maybe.

to answer the properly worded question the answer is  yes.

Just like a hammer

use it to build a house = good.

use it to smash a skull = evil

Off topic this question has been asked at least in 3 threads and every one is not worded properly.

 the love of money is the root of all evil.
bible quote is below

1 Timothy 6:10 “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”

King James Version (KJV) < Previous Verse Next Verse > ▲ View Chapter 1 Timothy 6:10 Context

All bibles I have read include " for the love of money..."

this one is a bit different then King James

1 Timothy 6:10
New International Version

10  For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.

Read full chapter
1 Timothy 6:10 in all English translations.

Once you word in "the love of money" it is easy to see it is a bad way to think about money

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: maydna on January 26, 2023, 04:27:28 PM
Money is like a double-edged sword that we can use for many things. If we use the money well, it can help us in many ways and vice versa. And the OP already gave examples on the money and it does have a point. So money depends on how we use it well so that we are not crazy just to chase money.

But in real life, many people chase money just to fulfill what they want and think that only money can solve every problem.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: virasisog on January 26, 2023, 05:06:00 PM
We can't blame money alone for all the crimes and frauds that are happening around us because the root of all these are greediness and selfishness of those who can't find legal ways to earn. Some people want to earn more regardless of how their greediness would affect others.
In our country, people still commit crimes to steal money because of their laziness and wrong mindsets. During the inflation crisis, if we will not look for legal ways to grind, we should not commit evil things just to sustain our living.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Z390 on January 26, 2023, 07:00:51 PM
Money is not the root of all evil, people are saying this because money is the first priority for all humans to have a good life, we need money to take care of our families and acquire more wealth too but I believe that lack of money is the root of all evil, the lack of not having money is why someone would decide to go and rob a bank or steal from someone else or do other evil things to achieve what they want.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: dothebeats on January 26, 2023, 10:19:09 PM
Money surely pushes a lot of good people to do bad things. Here in our country, money reigns supreme, and as long as you have the money, you have the pass to do everything that you want, and that includes getting your own way with justice. People will never be contented with the amount of money that they have, and will surely find ways to make more of it even if it means doing bad things to other people and just being an asshole. Though there are some people who are truly good natured, the majority just hides behind a facade and show their true colors when opportunities show their way.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: dansus021 on January 27, 2023, 02:35:13 AM
I have said a bunch of times in this forum that everything has two sides  ;D there is nothing is perfect including money as well.  there is some person talk in quora Does money change a person or does it simply highlight the true nature of the person? what do you think the answer is, Money magnifies your good or bad qualities.
If you were nice before becoming rich you will be a giving kind hearted millionaire.
But if you were an asshole before becoming rich then you will be an arrogant prick millionaire.

Money show the true form of you

Favorite quote “Money is a tool.
Used properly it makes
something beautiful;
used wrong,
it makes a mess!”

— Bradley Vinson

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: xSkylarx on January 27, 2023, 03:49:58 AM
Money is not the root of all evil, people are saying this because money is the first priority for all humans to have a good life, we need money to take care of our families and acquire more wealth too but I believe that lack of money is the root of all evil, the lack of not having money is why someone would decide to go and rob a bank or steal from someone else or do other evil things to achieve what they want.

Still lacking of money or having money is still root of evil as what youve said you are thinking of robbing a bank meaning you are still after money. Also if you have money and get rich but lonely you still do things that is bad. Whether what it is still it is the root of evil that is why others stays at the middle but there are still few people that are good hearted even though they are rich. I am hoping really on the humanity to be humane right now and dont always think of money

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Raceonsucced on January 27, 2023, 04:26:37 AM
Actually, money is not a bad thing if it is used wisely and usefully. Depends on how to wear it. Like a knife, if it is used for cooking it is good, but if it is used for killing it is very bad. Money is the same, has 2 sides.

 Loving money too much will only lead you to endless evil and greed. When a person's love for money has grown, he will be willing to sacrifice anything to get money. And what he got was not calm but anxiety.

All crimes are bad, but not all start with money.
Money can be used for evil but money can also be used for good.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Strongkored on January 27, 2023, 05:33:59 AM

Is money the real root of all evil in today's society
You've said it all, money becomes a source of trouble when people who have it don't know how to use it wisely and prefer to use it to satisfy lust only. You can see this man, he prefers to use his income to build his poor village rather than satisfy himself with all the luxuries, helping his community is more important than anything else.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: adaseb on January 27, 2023, 05:42:25 AM
Money was the root of all evil since the beginning. Doesn’t matter what country you are from. Before paper money it was probably gold which was considered the root of all evil.

Look how many crime is committed due to money. Look how much hardship people have with little money. You guys billionaires blowing money left and right and you got kids starving in many parts of the world.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: KiaKia on January 27, 2023, 08:17:49 AM
Money was the root of all evil since the beginning. Doesn’t matter what country you are from. Before paper money it was probably gold which was considered the root of all evil.

Look how many crime is committed due to money. Look how much hardship people have with little money. You guys billionaires blowing money left and right and you got kids starving in many parts of the world.
I couldn't agree more, wherever there is Gold blood always flow, it makes sense to say that money is the root of all evil, but I have never seen someone driving a Bentley pack in front of a Bank and robbing a Bank, it's always those who don't have and choose the wrong way to acquire wealth, it's the same reason why powerful people loves trampling on the poor, they lack money and they will do anything for money. 

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: monineklutak on January 27, 2023, 09:05:09 AM
Money was the root of all evil since the beginning. Doesn’t matter what country you are from. Before paper money it was probably gold which was considered the root of all evil.

Look how many crime is committed due to money. Look how much hardship people have with little money. You guys billionaires blowing money left and right and you got kids starving in many parts of the world.
Money is like a double-edged sword, on the one hand, it has many benefits, but it must also be recognized that on the other hand, money can also cause problems,
I guess it all depends on how we use it,
hopefully in the future you can use money wisely even though it looks trivial but it's not easy.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: AicecreaME on January 27, 2023, 09:31:56 AM
Money is the root of evil because of people that doesn't get the privilege that others have. Those people that's always been fooled by the politicians that promised them a helping hand on the time of their campaigns, but at the end they always ended up hanging on those broken promises. So those people doesn't have any choice but to commit crimes because they don't have any idea how to put food in their growling stomachs, especially if they have families.

There's a lot of things why money is considered to be the root of all evil, corrupted politicians, greedy business owners, and so on.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: rby on January 27, 2023, 10:05:26 AM
To draw my conclusions in this very topic I would like to ask two questions.
Have you ever seen a good poor man who turned to be evil when he became rich? Or
Have you also seen an evil woman who became good as soon as I had the money?
While I live you to ponder with the questions, I still want you to tell me how people like Bill Gates will begin to plan evil against their neighbours who wants to succeed in getting money. There is a level of wealth you will attend you won't even care if someone insults you

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Joshapat on January 27, 2023, 11:09:06 AM
It is very sad to see the current social trend, people are busy making money, many state officials are busy enriching themselves by making rules such as big salary increases, benefits and so on which of course really hurts the hearts of the people, and in social life social values and mutual assistance are increasingly gone, everything has to be related to money so it can be said that money is a very important thing in my country.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: ethereumhunter on January 27, 2023, 12:40:21 PM
It is very sad to see the current social trend, people are busy making money, many state officials are busy enriching themselves by making rules such as big salary increases, benefits and so on which of course really hurts the hearts of the people, and in social life social values and mutual assistance are increasingly gone, everything has to be related to money so it can be said that money is a very important thing in my country.
That's normal because nowadays, people think money can help them solve many problems. With money, business owners can bribe state officials to smoothen their business and legalize it or even allow it to operate. And also, with money, people abuse their position by trading it for people who also want to experience it. That is why money is considered the root of evil when money is neutral, depending on how we use it. If used for good, money can be good and vice versa.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: nara1892 on January 27, 2023, 01:07:16 PM
We cannot arbitrarily conclude that money is a source of crime, we must look at other factors why people commit crimes that are far from the norms of life. I prefer to say that money is "one" of the causes of crime. Yes, indeed, not all crimes are committed by perpetrators with money motives.
Indeed, I do not deny that now, in this day and age people are blind and do things to get a piece of money. Yes, that's because their economy is difficult, and even people who have enough still commit crimes because they want money.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: paxmao on January 27, 2023, 01:16:33 PM
The root of evil is people, money is just a tool. Like an iron bar, you can build with it or hit someone, but that is about you, not about the iron bar. I think that evil (sociopaths) are innevitable, we just have to build a society that generates as little as possible of them and make sure they are early detected an treated to avoid damaging others.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: coolcoinz on January 27, 2023, 01:55:31 PM
Money as a form of payment is not evil, just like a knife isn't evil, it's just a tool. In the hands of a chef it helps to make tasty food and in the hands of an assassin it's a tool used to murder people.
Money can be used to pay for murder, but it can also be used to pay for your child's hospital treatment.

That said, bitcoin is a better form of money, as it's yours. I've said it a number of times already that by using fiat money you agree to all current and future laws that the owners of the money establish. I say owners, because you're only a user, you're not the owner. The USA is the owner of the dollar and its central bank is the issuer. You're only a user that can be at any moment cut off from the system and denied the right to use this payment method.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: glendall on January 27, 2023, 02:25:39 PM

Is money the real root of all evil in today's society

I think it's not money that is the root of crime but cunning brains as the root of evil because here the use of money is only as a means of payment not as a tool of crime

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Rockstarguy on January 27, 2023, 02:39:07 PM

Is money the real root of all evil in today's society
If according to my conclusion that money does not cause evil, what causes evil is from the way of thinking that actually uses money and the heart of the user of money itself. Because money can be someone can give orders, want to be ordered to commit a crime can and can be ordered to do the right thing too. So what is wrong is not money or money is not the source of crime. The money wasn't wrong. What's wrong is the person using it.

Greed is the root of all evil and not money. When men want to satisfy their uncontrollable desire for luxury and other material things, they become evil. Money didn't teach people how to steal, kill, defraud or become corrupt, people intentionally chose to act negatively to get money. The case of corruption in the government of Ukraine is a clear example of what people have become because of the quest to get rich quick. How will a sane person be benefiting from blood money without remorse? Ukrainians are suffering and dying, while some corrupt government officials are stealing from their predicament. Even in the face of war, some are going on luxurious vacations with stolen funds. It is not money that is caused these evil but selfish humans.

Of course money is not evil, money is just a good thing which people put blames on that it is the root of evil. A clear mind that lacks greed and that is contented and see the money available as enough will never do anything evil to acquire money. I think money is never the problem but greed, the selfish interests that wants to acquire riches by all means. So I think the blame should go to greed by saying greed is the root of evil. Money is just a paper that does not have any say but the heart of men to do evil to get money.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: doomloop on January 27, 2023, 03:01:32 PM
Money was the root of all evil since the beginning. Doesn’t matter what country you are from. Before paper money it was probably gold which was considered the root of all evil.

Look how many crime is committed due to money. Look how much hardship people have with little money. You guys billionaires blowing money left and right and you got kids starving in many parts of the world.
This ↑. But, I think the desire for the people to do crimes only to earn much money have been increasing overtime especially on poorer countries. Gold came first than money so yes it was the first to be the root of all evil but even up until now, people are still greedy about it because the rates of it are much higher than fiats. We shouldn't be jealous about those rich people.

They can spend their money all what they want because they also work hard to earn it. It's not their fault on why we are poor but it can be the fault of our ancestors, yet we shouldn't heavily blame them. We still can do something in order to improve our lives but it must be done in a legal way.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: FanEagle on January 27, 2023, 05:04:32 PM
I would say that money is not the root of all evil, but there are some issues with how it is managed. In my nation politicians end up taking too much taxes, and not really do anything for us, and we have no idea where that money went to, and absolutely not getting even half of it back.

If it was on blockchain, we would be able to see where our money went to, but there are not enough transparency which means that we pay taxes and can't even learn where it went to. That's not really good and it really causes a lot of trouble. Sometimes they publish it for fake, but it just says "went to scholarship" and turns out it was millions of dollars worth scholarship to just one person. That's why we can never learn truly where it went to. If that stopped, money would be plenty for everyone in the nation.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: isaac_clarke22 on January 27, 2023, 05:08:49 PM
It's the humans that are naturally evil. Pretty sure that even in stone age, people were still fighting over resources just to survive. Money is like just a medium of people to do evil, but it is not necessary to call it the "root of evil". That's like a boomer sayings back in the days and it is a stale saying now these days.

I guess because on how people are desperate into getting power through money, that saying becomes like the norm.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: RockBell on January 27, 2023, 06:07:43 PM
Money plays a very important role in our lives, so no matter how we label it, it is something we can not do without so the better we accept everything the way it is. If money were the source of all evil, then you wouldn't need it, but as it is important, some people are greedy and people can do anything because money can kill and kidnap especially in my country, other crimes when it comes to money.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Cookdata on January 27, 2023, 08:05:07 PM
Money is the root of all evil at this century? Give me all those money, I have the super power that quench those evils away  ;D

On a serious note, that clause is an adage that describe the level people go to look for money and the peer pressure from the society has made it  worse. I will use my environment as an example, an average boy that is supposed to be concentrating his head on college and how to graduate with a first class or second class upper division is worried that his clan are already making it, bought cars and houses but he hasn't made any and meanwhile he doesn't know what they do for a living and before you know, he has indulge into cyber crime, this is how money becomes the root of evil.

Money makes people to do evil because they want to earn it legally or illegally, people who don't have access to money may decide to kidnapp, rob a bank, steal from people, these are the various ways people do bad things to get money which are all evil things to consider.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: justdimin on January 27, 2023, 08:52:52 PM
I think the desire for the people to do crimes only to earn much money have been increasing overtime especially on poorer countries. Gold came first than money so yes it was the first to be the root of all evil but even up until now, people are still greedy about it because the rates of it are much higher than fiats. We shouldn't be jealous about those rich people.

They can spend their money all what they want because they also work hard to earn it. It's not their fault on why we are poor but it can be the fault of our ancestors, yet we shouldn't heavily blame them. We still can do something in order to improve our lives but it must be done in a legal way.
I do not think that it is true for "every" nation. Even though there are plenty of nations with corruption, we could say that there are some nations who have managed to successfully put law above all the powerful people. Meaning, even if the president of that nation, usually called the most powerful person, could still get punished if they do not follow the law and with a few examples in the past, they managed to beat the corruption.

This is why I believe that they did not caused any trouble further along and they just managed to keep money not being an issue. Because if you can't be corrupt, then why would you rule a nation badly? You might as well do a good job and actually help people because you can't just profit yourself.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Cantsay on January 27, 2023, 09:04:27 PM
I won't say money itself is the root of all evil but the love of money. The love that people have towards money is what actually drive them to do some unthinkable things, some things that you would abraptly refuse when it's brought to you but today you see so many individuals donig it without even having to think of the repercussions. At that point all they could think of is money.

And one thing again; if all the money is removed from this world will that make the world be free from evil? Or will evil still persist? And if the latter is the case why would it continue when the roots has been cut off?

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: rahmad2nd on January 27, 2023, 09:12:36 PM

Is money the real root of all evil in today's society

Often, we scapegoat money. in fact, it is we who create money as a medium of exchange rate. not infrequently, money is always the cause of all incidents of crime that occur on this earth. once again I say, money is always blamed because humans always define that money is the root of evil. money is symbolized as strength, glory, even money is blamed for controlling humans.

sometimes it's a little funny. Humans tend to find fault with everything that happens on this earth, including blaming money. in fact, it is man who is the root of all evil on this earth. not infrequently, money is only used as an intermediary for the root causes of all existing crimes. before money was created, evil existed on this earth.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Raflesia on January 27, 2023, 09:16:07 PM
The root of evil is people, money is just a tool. Like an iron bar, you can build with it or hit someone, but that is about you, not about the iron bar. I think that evil (sociopaths) are innevitable, we just have to build a society that generates as little as possible of them and make sure they are early detected an treated to avoid damaging others.
This is the same as bitcoin which is considered a scam because there are lots of scams in it but in the end they are still just tools that cannot be fully blamed.
Situations like this return to our true thinking because as you said we cannot avoid things like this because the intentions in everyone's mind are clearly different, there are those who do the job in the right way and there are also those who make it appear that crimes like this are normal for as long as they can make money.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: serjent05 on January 27, 2023, 11:28:39 PM

Is money the real root of all evil in today's society

It is the love for money that a person will do anything evil just to have it.  Money is just a tool to spend and purchasing.  Money doesn't have any thought or intention.  It is the owner and the reciver that has the malice to use money for evil.  In short, money can be used in evil and good things. 

Money can be used to help people in need, is that evil?
Money can give you power to buy foods you need, is that evil?
Money can make your love one happy, is that evil?

As I stated, money being evil depends on the person who uses it and to the person's method of acquiring it.  It is not money that is evil but the love for money

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
1 Timothy 6:10 (King James Bible)

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Hispo on January 28, 2023, 01:07:02 AM
Here in my South American country, the root of evil in my opinion is the selfishness, lack of humanity and patriot duty those in power suffer from.
Money is one of the things that move the world, but it is not necessarily something which is evil from its conception, we can do good things with money, after all.

It is like saying fire is evil because it is responsible of burning down a house, while on the other hand, it help us to power our society.
I guess an example using the atomic energy would have been more suitable, though.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: 19Nov16 on January 28, 2023, 01:51:47 AM
I live in a developing country with a low per capita income of around $7500 per year, the biggest problem today is corruption and the sale of assets to foreign countries so that it makes my country's economy very difficult, the regulations that are made are always in the interests of entrepreneurs even though they harm the people a lot, this is because many state officials who accept bribes from businessmen to protect their business interests.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Xampeuu on January 28, 2023, 03:06:29 AM
becomes human nature that has desires and ambitions, at first money is a medium of exchange, but at times like this everything needs money, so that humans think that happiness is synonymous with money, because they can buy everything they want, humans will never have enough even though their desire has been achieved, of course they want something higher, and so on until they get greedier. for those who find it difficult to get money, especially to eat is difficult, so many of them use shortcuts, namely crime

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Marvell1 on January 28, 2023, 03:31:07 AM
We cannot arbitrarily conclude that money is a source of crime, we must look at other factors why people commit crimes that are far from the norms of life. I prefer to say that money is "one" of the causes of crime. Yes, indeed, not all crimes are committed by perpetrators with money motives.
Indeed, I do not deny that now, in this day and age people are blind and do things to get a piece of money. Yes, that's because their economy is difficult, and even people who have enough still commit crimes because they want money.

Everything you say comes from human behavior, so it can be said that human greed and envy are the root of evil, not money. Money is just a product created by humans, it is inanimate and only serves human purposes, some people use it for good purposes, but there are also people who use it for evil purposes. Therefore, it can be asserted that evil is man-made and not caused by something else.

But also have to admit, money is man-made, but the magic power of money is really too great, it can make people change just because of money.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: ivankoh on January 28, 2023, 04:30:23 AM
Is money the real root of all evil in today's society
It seems to be a transmission from the bible.  I think that's not entirely true either.  There are evils that have nothing to do with money such as committing crimes because of competing for beauty, because of wrong love, due to personal hatred, due to the impact of the social environment, leading to deviations in personality and morality... there are many problems related to evil, why do this? It is a common aspect and money is only one of the main reasons, not quite the root of evil things.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: michellee on January 28, 2023, 06:54:32 AM
Money is neutral. Those who can use the money well will not make money a tool for doing bad things. Anda for that, money is not the root of all evil. But if a person is controlled by money because he wants to get money from anywhere. Money has become the root of all evil.

Money is a tool. If you don't have money, you will cry because you can't survive. If you don't have money, you can't buy the necessities of life, but if you have money, don't waste it buying unnecessary things. Use money properly so that money is not the root of all evil.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Mauser on January 28, 2023, 07:15:19 AM
Money is a necessity that is why people do fraud, insult, kill, and do bad things to have it. Hence, it is not “the money” but “the love of it” that is the root of all evil.

In my opinion money is only a tool to make life easier. Before people were using money to buy and sell things all trading was done with goods directly or by using precious metals in between. I don't see today's world functioning without money, there are thousands of different goods which would need to be traded somehow. People are not graving for the money itself but rather the goods they can buy with that money and the freedom it gives. Would a country without money really? I don't think so, who would make sure that everybody gets what he needs and not takes things from others? As long as there is evil in the world it will be hard to live without laws and rules that protect private property and income.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: bettercrypto on January 28, 2023, 09:13:33 AM

Is money the real root of all evil in today's society
I do not think so, it’s like saying we don’t need money, but money sustains life. It will always depend on how you used your money. There are many meaningful things you can use the money for; e.g., building hospitals, feeding the homeless, building schools, a fund to teach people, charity workhelpingelp technologsupportingort the government in enhancing its citizen's way of living, and other many things you can do with worthwhile money. I have read about “the love of money”, it talks about every behavior of an individual, not money itself that as the source of all different types of evil and distress. Money is ethically neutral; I believe there is naught wrong with money or the ownership of wealth. But, once the money starts to control a person that is when the trouble began. People being controlled by money will feel superior and takes pride in power which leads to greediness and obsessions of an individual. He or She will enjoy the luxury of life, they will use their money to dictate and control other people for his or her will. Money is a necessity that is why people do fraud, insult, kill, and do bad things to have it. Hence, it is not “the money” but “the love of it” that is the root of all evil.

 Money is not bad, it is part of the need we want to get, but the bad way to get money is the beginning of the root of evil, such as embezzlement, bank robbery, fraud or scammer are just a few of the reasons why people do bad things.

    But trading on the stock market or crypto trading is not bad, rather it is a way for us to earn and have money. In short, this is an opportunity for everyone to have money that can be lost or increase the capital of an investor because of the risk it has.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: gabbie2010 on January 28, 2023, 05:24:46 PM
Money shouldn't be the real root of evil unfortunately some people uses their influence of being rich with money to cause evil with it either to fellow individuals or people who rob to earn money causes evil to fellow human being, of course money is necessary for our daily upkeeps or for investment purposes, therefore it is necessary to work and earn money legitimately than in a bid to earn money in a fraudulent way to cause evil or harm, it's a pity some unscrupulous individuals wouldn't mind any bad consequences to colleagues just to earn money this is very common in our society especially scammers.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Cling18 on January 28, 2023, 07:58:35 PM
Money becomes the root of all evil because of greedy people who are doing illegalities involving it. It creates the worst sins like corruption and crime. Money alone isn't evil but people are making sins because of aiming for it. The purpose of money is for people to survive life but others are committing sins because they can't earn money the right way and some people are too greedy and focus on earning more regardless of how to earn it. It's fine to focus on earning money but we have to earn it without violating anything.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: fullhdpixel on January 28, 2023, 08:32:04 PM
Is money the real root of all evil in today's society
The real evil is in the inside of a person that comes out when he gets in power. I have seen people turning from extremely good when poor to extremely bad when getting rich or getting into powerful positions. And I've seen the opposite as well where a person is found to have the same values and respect for others even after becoming rich. So basically, it is all in one's mind that makes him do good or evil and money only gives them the power to be able to do the bad stuff that they have always had in their minds.

When people value money as an asset then they may not change their character even after becoming rich. Bitcoin is that kind of money because you will afraid to spend it as it may value more tomorrow which means even after you become rich, you will not lose your character as you will never realize the true potential of your holding.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: BIT-BENDER on January 28, 2023, 08:51:00 PM
Well it’s not all about in my country it’s at this point my mentality and I don’t believe that money is the root of all evil. Because if money was the root of all evil then we all are evil.

Everyone right now are either rich or are searching for ways to get rich so definitely it would mean everyone is evil or trying to be evil. I would rather put it that lack or poor finance is the root of all evil.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: alastantiger on January 28, 2023, 09:27:18 PM

Is money the real root of all evil in today's society
I do not think so, it’s like saying we don’t need money, but money sustains life. It will always depend on how you used your money. There are many meaningful things you can use the money for; e.g., building hospitals, feeding the homeless, building schools, a fund to teach people, charity workhelpingelp technologsupportingort the government in enhancing its citizen's way of living, and other many things you can do with worthwhile money. I have read about “the love of money”, it talks about every behavior of an individual, not money itself that as the source of all different types of evil and distress. Money is ethically neutral; I believe there is naught wrong with money or the ownership of wealth. But, once the money starts to control a person that is when the trouble began. People being controlled by money will feel superior and takes pride in power which leads to greediness and obsessions of an individual. He or She will enjoy the luxury of life, they will use their money to dictate and control other people for his or her will. Money is a necessity that is why people do fraud, insult, kill, and do bad things to have it. Hence, it is not “the money” but “the love of it” that is the root of all evil.
Only if the seed that was sown was bad can there be evil roots ( There are as many roots of evil as you decide to plant for yourself; there isn't just one. If you decide to plant seeds of development, sustenance, and faith instead, there are just as many places where those roots can be found. It's time to replant fresh ideas in your head.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Johnyz on January 28, 2023, 09:39:14 PM
Money causes a lot of negative emotions to many and it triggers a lot of negative attitude, and I can say that many proves that money is the root of all evil because they tend to fall on that trap and doing things that is not supposed to be. No matter where you came from, you can still fall into this trap so make sure to be more responsible and treat money as your partner to success and not on negative things.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: goaldigger on January 28, 2023, 09:48:20 PM
Money causes a lot of negative emotions to many and it triggers a lot of negative attitude, and I can say that many proves that money is the root of all evil because they tend to fall on that trap and doing things that is not supposed to be. No matter where you came from, you can still fall into this trap so make sure to be more responsible and treat money as your partner to success and not on negative things.
Greed and addiction might be the reason why money causes this, but we also need to consider the needs to have money, and many left with no option but to do everything as long as they can provide the money to their family and for their needs. I’m in a third world country, and you can see a lot of this in the news, too bad that minors are also doing the bad things just for the sake of money, they are being influenced for sure.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Wakate on January 28, 2023, 11:58:37 PM

Is money the real root of all evil in today's society
I do not think so, it’s like saying we don’t need money, but money sustains life. It will always depend on how you used your money. There are many meaningful things you can use the money for; e.g., building hospitals, feeding the homeless, building schools, a fund to teach people, charity workhelpingelp technologsupportingort the government in enhancing its citizen's way of living, and other many things you can do with worthwhile money. I have read about “the love of money”, it talks about every behavior of an individual, not money itself that as the source of all different types of evil and distress. Money is ethically neutral; I believe there is naught wrong with money or the ownership of wealth. But, once the money starts to control a person that is when the trouble began. People being controlled by money will feel superior and takes pride in power which leads to greediness and obsessions of an individual. He or She will enjoy the luxury of life, they will use their money to dictate and control other people for his or her will. Money is a necessity that is why people do fraud, insult, kill, and do bad things to have it. Hence, it is not “the money” but “the love of it” that is the root of all evil.
If you might have heard that money is the root of all evil, does that means that you will not hustle well to make money. I think what this really means is that many people are doing the wrong thing to make money which is very wrong and people need to correct that. Everyone now is running after money. They want to make more money whether they are taking a wrong step or the wrong one. If others are doing the wrong thing to make money then let them continue but that should not make us to ever think or going through dubious ways to become rich and healthy.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Vaskiy on January 28, 2023, 11:59:09 PM
Money causes a lot of negative emotions to many and it triggers a lot of negative attitude, and I can say that many proves that money is the root of all evil because they tend to fall on that trap and doing things that is not supposed to be. No matter where you came from, you can still fall into this trap so make sure to be more responsible and treat money as your partner to success and not on negative things.
Everywhere money is the big problem. When someone is in need of money they are into illegal and criminal activities. The root cause for money in most of the countries were the poverty. These days governments take adequate measures to protect people from poverty which have lowered the crime in different countries. Growing inflation is another reason which needs to be considered by the government. Creating job opportunities is another thing that needs more importance. Anyway compared to the past years more crime have decreased as a result of better governance and technology like surveillance all around.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: autumnleaf on January 29, 2023, 01:33:38 AM
Money is not the source of evil; rather, it is human minds. Humans are ungrateful because we never seem to be satisfied with our money and assets. Money is a tool that people use to exert power over their surroundings, yet everything is actually caused by the mind.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: uneng on January 29, 2023, 03:18:15 AM
Money is not the source of evil; rather, it is human minds. Humans are ungrateful because we never seem to be satisfied with our money and assets. Money is a tool that people use to exert power over their surroundings, yet everything is actually caused by the mind.
The corruption of human's nature leads the world to the moral, ethical and spiritual ruin since the beginning of the times. People have the wrong impression money causes people to be evil, but money has actually nothing to do with this. I believe people have that concept because the ones who are at the top and key positions in the world act in disgusting ways, so they think the elites are evil because money corrupted them, otherwise they wouldn't be successful. In fact, the elites would be evil anyway. If they didn't use money, they certainly would have another tool under their disposal to reach their goals.

Unfortunatelly, it makes some sense to say that the most unscrupulous ones are more skilled in accumulating fortune. At same time it shouldn't mean people who twalk through an honest path can't thrive in life.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Chainsmokers on January 29, 2023, 03:34:00 AM
Money causes a lot of negative emotions to many and it triggers a lot of negative attitude, and I can say that many proves that money is the root of all evil because they tend to fall on that trap and doing things that is not supposed to be. No matter where you came from, you can still fall into this trap so make sure to be more responsible and treat money as your partner to success and not on negative things.
Everywhere money is the big problem. When someone is in need of money they are into illegal and criminal activities. The root cause for money in most of the countries were the poverty. These days governments take adequate measures to protect people from poverty which have lowered the crime in different countries. Growing inflation is another reason which needs to be considered by the government. Creating job opportunities is another thing that needs more importance. Anyway compared to the past years more crime have decreased as a result of better governance and technology like surveillance all around.
It's true that poverty is the beginning of problems that occur whether it's in cases of theft, murder or whatever it is,
but not all of them are due to poverty, even so what we have to do is support the steps taken by the government to deal with this problem,
for me actually the crime is increasing and it's really terrible.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Pejoh Asu on January 29, 2023, 06:17:36 AM
Can be said money is the root of evils, it is very sad to see the current social conditions in my country, everyone only thinks of money, it can even be said that money is the most important factor, there are people who sell religion or holy verses for money, besides that many state officials are corrupt, those who have money can easily not subject to criminal law even though he committed serious crimes such as evicting landowners or other criminal acts.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Adbitco on January 29, 2023, 09:25:07 AM
Money not the root of all evil but the misused of money causes evil. Yes we all know that money is good and is important key aspect of life for man to live as a living being, correct me if I am wrong. Without money I don't think man have or has any value in this life because it's what we need to carry out our day to day activities.
That's why those who don't have money today are subjected to beg to live and without them begging they can't sustain their life to at least have the basic thing of live which is feeding (food).

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: ethereumhunter on January 29, 2023, 10:13:12 AM
Can be said money is the root of evils, it is very sad to see the current social conditions in my country, everyone only thinks of money, it can even be said that money is the most important factor, there are people who sell religion or holy verses for money, besides that many state officials are corrupt, those who have money can easily not subject to criminal law even though he committed serious crimes such as evicting landowners or other criminal acts.
It also happens in other countries and not only in your country because it is related to the economic situation of each country. Many people make money as something they can use as a crime tool, while many people wish they had money to survive. This is very sad because people who use money as a tool for a crime never think about the fate of people who don't have money to survive. People who commit crimes using money should be punished as severely as possible to be used as examples for people who want to do the same thing.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: HajiBagi on January 29, 2023, 07:48:33 PM
Money is the real root of evil, money has caused a lot of things you can't imagine, like killing of people, friends, brothers, even the separation of families, money is used to control everything in this world whether good or bad, I don't think there is anything to challenge in any place where there is money because money has won all the human heart, so for me here is that money is the real root of evils.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: TheUltraElite on January 30, 2023, 08:44:54 AM
Money is never the root cause of evil even if many people might be saying the same.

Evil stems from human nature and that worsens with poor economic conditions. These things are attempted to be corrected by coercion, religion and support from neighbouring countries but in reality if a country is in such a location that it's not producing anything worth export nor is it having an advantage over others, then it will suffer in the long term and so will it's people.

I still believe that even in a poor country, hope is always there for betterment and economic improvement.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Bananington on January 30, 2023, 10:54:50 AM
Hence, it is not “the money” but “the love of it” that is the root of all evil.
But can anyone say that they really do not love money, can they empty their bank accounts and not car about it simply because they have no love for money? I do not think so. Because of the position and how important money has made itself to be in our society, it is difficult to not love money. To have money, you must love it. The danger is to try not love it too much that you are willing to do evil to get it.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: S A KHAIR on January 30, 2023, 12:15:43 PM
Human nature is the root of all evil in this world, human greed, everyone wants a lot of money, so he is willing to do anything to get it. Money is just a tool for us to use, don't blame it when our behavior is the cause of it all. Money is created by people, and people kill each other to get their hands on money.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Negotiation on January 30, 2023, 12:58:49 PM
The real cause of evil is greed and envy almost everything can be bought with money but the feelings of the world beyond the material things like respect love beneficence motherhood friendship etc. are never available in exchange of money is definitely needed in life. Money can't buy you happiness directly, but money can buy things that will make you happy we must avoid greed.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Sexylizzy2813 on January 30, 2023, 03:17:51 PM
Sometimes what we want to use the money for can make it seem to be the root of evil even how we get the money, our mindset on how to get the money can be the cause of it too. If we have everything in life I see no reason why we should look for a different way of getting money to satisfy our need, if you're broke you can have the mindset of going into stealing or maybe using someone for money ritual, you can as well cheat to get a bigger share of money too, so for me is how we think that makes it look like money is the root of all evil.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Nhazwrath on January 30, 2023, 05:40:17 PM
Money has Never, ever, been the root of all Evil.

People are the root of all Evil.   

Get that in to your head right now.   There is No "Thing" that is the cause.  Except for humans.   We are the cause.   

We are also the solution. 

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: ultrloa on January 31, 2023, 11:14:24 PM
Money has Never, ever, been the root of all Evil.

People are the root of all Evil.   

Get that in to your head right now.   There is No "Thing" that is the cause.  Except for humans.   We are the cause.   

We are also the solution. 

Peoples greediness to get more money is the reason why they became evil since they are willing to do all just to earn that money and money is just a tool to anyone its just they mis concept  and blame this for other who became evil due to this reasons.If people thinks fairly and afraid of consequences of their actions for sure they will not commit any money related crime.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: odunybiz on February 04, 2023, 03:20:13 PM

Is money the real root of all evil in today's society

I think I will support this with the present situation of my country. Due to the rate of poverty here, everybody including the young ones are in search of money in all ways. Some are ready to do anything because of money. Imagine pastors involving in crime just for money. It is also said that ones true character is not known when you are poor. In some cases, when you have much money, you behave as if you are the only person in the world.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: crwth on February 04, 2023, 03:28:39 PM
If we're talking about the people running the country, the government, they are evil because they are pocketing the nation's money. That's obvious because there is a lot of luxurious stuff that a government official with a salary cannot afford, and many people have bribed the government to let things "slide"; hence the money came from to buy stuff.

The evil part is where people are addicted to money, or the love of money, in this case, causing the "evil actions." It's important to know that money isn't an evil thing; it's people who do the evil deeds.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: molsewid on February 04, 2023, 04:54:46 PM
If we're talking about the people running the country, the government, they are evil because they are pocketing the nation's money. That's obvious because there is a lot of luxurious stuff that a government official with a salary cannot afford, and many people have bribed the government to let things "slide"; hence the money came from to buy stuff.

The evil part is where people are addicted to money, or the love of money, in this case, causing the "evil actions." It's important to know that money isn't an evil thing; it's people who do the evil deeds.
The one who uses the money is the real evil for me. But sometimes I agree that money if everything, if you want power you need money. This is based on what we are experiencing here in our country. If you don't have money you are nothing to the society, justice is nothing only rich people can have justice. It is quite frustrating sometimes that these people especially government can help people by using the government money the people's money but then they are using it to use with their own personal purposes.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: erep on February 04, 2023, 09:42:13 PM
The one who uses the money is the real evil for me. But sometimes I agree that money if everything, if you want power you need money. This is based on what we are experiencing here in our country. If you don't have money you are nothing to the society, justice is nothing only rich people can have justice. It is quite frustrating sometimes that these people especially government can help people by using the government money the people's money but then they are using it to use with their own personal purposes.
Money can affect everything, even money can turn corruption prisoners free out of prison to watch sports matches abroad, so money will be dangerous if it is trusted by greedy managers of wealth, especially corruptors from the government because they cannot buy luxury homes, cars and much more from salary except for corruptors from the tax money charged to the people. But if the money belongs to a philanthropist then whoever works for him will be given a high salary because they care about your welfare so you get a decent salary for your monthly income, I have experienced that we need more philanthropists to reduce poverty

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Yatsan on February 04, 2023, 11:00:08 PM
If we're talking about the people running the country, the government, they are evil because they are pocketing the nation's money. That's obvious because there is a lot of luxurious stuff that a government official with a salary cannot afford, and many people have bribed the government to let things "slide"; hence the money came from to buy stuff.

The evil part is where people are addicted to money, or the love of money, in this case, causing the "evil actions." It's important to know that money isn't an evil thing; it's people who do the evil deeds.
The extent of how people are fascinated with the POWER of money, is what creates evil, in my opinion. Everyone is a good person but there are just factors which makes them not and that includes money; greed, selfishness, frustration, grudge and the likes. Mentioned emotions creates actions of how an individual will satisfy a certain emotion. Needy individuals would make way to fill their tummy, in any way possible. Rich ones would continue desiring to be more reach because they are aware of what they can do with more money. But if it is a general question whether money is the root of ll evil, it is people I guess. We are all different.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Chrlie95 on February 04, 2023, 11:10:11 PM
As Dave Ramsey says, the money will make you more of what you already are. If depressed, you will become more depressed. If you are an alcoholic, guess what? But if you have a big good heart, you can even change the world. So it's not the money that's the problem, it's people's intentions and values that drive their actions with money.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: BitDane on February 04, 2023, 11:37:07 PM
As Dave Ramsey says, the money will make you more of what you already are. If depressed, you will become more depressed. If you are an alcoholic, guess what? But if you have a big good heart, you can even change the world. So it's not the money that's the problem, it's people's intentions and values that drive their actions with money.

I hiighly agree, it all depends on the heart of who is holding that money.  It is the person's intention on what to do with the money.  It was stated that it is the love for money that makes people wicked and do dirty things to acquire them.  Money is just a tool, the evil one is the person using that tool.

This is highly misunderstood verse from the Bible because people tends to cut phrases and forgot the lines before it or don't even bother to understand at all.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Swordsoffreedom on February 05, 2023, 03:50:48 AM

Is money the real root of all evil in today's society

I think I will support this with the present situation of my country. Due to the rate of poverty here, everybody including the young ones are in search of money in all ways. Some are ready to do anything because of money. Imagine pastors involving in crime just for money. It is also said that ones true character is not known when you are poor. In some cases, when you have much money, you behave as if you are the only person in the world.

What's happening in your country is happening to all the other countries, it's all the same because it all comes from people. I won't blame money, but human behavior. It is greed, the growing selfishness of people, that has created the distance, the distinction is measured in money. Thereby making everyone think that to be respected by others, you must have more money than them. The root of evil is the human heart, not money or inanimate things created by humans.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: wxa7115 on February 05, 2023, 04:39:14 AM

Is money the real root of all evil in today's society

I think I will support this with the present situation of my country. Due to the rate of poverty here, everybody including the young ones are in search of money in all ways. Some are ready to do anything because of money. Imagine pastors involving in crime just for money. It is also said that ones true character is not known when you are poor. In some cases, when you have much money, you behave as if you are the only person in the world.
Blaming money is the easy way out, if money was so bad as to be the source of all the antisocial behaviors exhibited by humans, if we banned money would those people stop their criminal behavior?

And we do not have to go through the trouble of banning money to know the answer, money is a recent invention and those behaviors have always been there, what we need to do as a society is to give more opportunities to the poor and during the last decades the rate of extreme poverty decreased, but the pandemic increased this number again and we have yet to recover from it.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: bestcoins1 on February 05, 2023, 06:28:11 AM
As Dave Ramsey says, the money will make you more of what you already are. If depressed, you will become more depressed. If you are an alcoholic, guess what? But if you have a big good heart, you can even change the world. So it's not the money that's the problem, it's people's intentions and values that drive their actions with money.
Without even being told by Dave Ramsey, money does not create any problems in this world and is also not the source of any problems in this world. Because all the problems that occur in this world are based on the intentions and desires of people who live in this world with various goals in their hearts, including for the purpose of adding wealth by accumulating more money.

So the first trigger for every problem is human beings with myriad desires, not money. Because money was created to be a medium of exchange or a means of payment even though it can be used to solve every problem in this world. So in general I also agree with what Dave Ramsey said about money.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Jawhead999 on February 05, 2023, 06:51:00 AM
Blaming money is the easy way out, if money was so bad as to be the source of all the antisocial behaviors exhibited by humans, if we banned money would those people stop their criminal behavior?

If you ban money or fiat, people will use gold to store their wealth. Next we will see many people will blame gold is the root of evil.

If you ban gold, people will use house, land, garden and animal to store their wealth. A rich people will have many houses and land, also they have a long yard full of garden and animal to consume for their daily life.

What do you think the poor people who only have small yard and don't know how to expand their garden? they will become a criminal by steal the vegetable and animal from the rich.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: slapper on February 05, 2023, 07:24:00 AM
If we're talking about the people running the country, the government, they are evil because they are pocketing the nation's money. That's obvious because there is a lot of luxurious stuff that a government official with a salary cannot afford, and many people have bribed the government to let things "slide"; hence the money came from to buy stuff.

The evil part is where people are addicted to money, or the love of money, in this case, causing the "evil actions." It's important to know that money isn't an evil thing; it's people who do the evil deeds.
I get it. It's really annoying when those in authority use their position for their personal benefit. It's not only politicians that engage in this behavior; major organizations and corporations may be just as corrupt.

A lack of ethics and principles seems to be at the heart of the problem, since these individuals appear to look out just for themselves. That's why it's crucial for people to be informed about politics and demand accountability from their leaders. We need to be morally grounded and willing to challenge convention when doing so is necessary.

However, it must be kept in mind that not all people in authority are corrupt. Numerous individuals do their best to improve their neighborhoods because they care deeply about such places. Just that the actions of those who don't tend to eclipse those of those who do.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: DrBeer on February 05, 2023, 12:56:50 PM

Is money the real root of all evil in today's society
I do not think so, it’s like saying we don’t need money, but money sustains life. It will always depend on how you used your money. There are many meaningful things you can use the money for; e.g., building hospitals, feeding the homeless, building schools, a fund to teach people, charity workhelpingelp technologsupportingort the government in enhancing its citizen's way of living, and other many things you can do with worthwhile money. I have read about “the love of money”, it talks about every behavior of an individual, not money itself that as the source of all different types of evil and distress. Money is ethically neutral; I believe there is naught wrong with money or the ownership of wealth. But, once the money starts to control a person that is when the trouble began. People being controlled by money will feel superior and takes pride in power which leads to greediness and obsessions of an individual. He or She will enjoy the luxury of life, they will use their money to dictate and control other people for his or her will. Money is a necessity that is why people do fraud, insult, kill, and do bad things to have it. Hence, it is not “the money” but “the love of it” that is the root of all evil.

The inept use of certain means always leads to sad consequences.
A kitchen knife is a murder weapon. Weapon for defense - becomes a weapon for murder. Money is used for illegal purposes and deeds... And so it is with everything. Money is not evil! evil when they are used by criminals!
And all these fairy tales "money is evil." Before money, gold was evil, before that - breeding stallions, and even earlier skins and pieces of iron. Any object or entity turns into evil only by the person himself!
PS I always laugh heartily when priests of the Russian Orthodox Church, dressed from head to toe in gold and driving the most expensive cars, tell the parishioners of their churches that "prosperity and wealth is evil" :)))

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: uche6215 on February 05, 2023, 01:24:53 PM

Is money the real root of all evil in today's society
If according to my conclusion that money does not cause evil, what causes evil is from the way of thinking that actually uses money and the heart of the user of money itself. Because money can be someone can give orders, want to be ordered to commit a crime can and can be ordered to do the right thing too. So what is wrong is not money or money is not the source of crime. The money wasn't wrong. What's wrong is the person using it.

In my own opinion, I think money is not he root of all evil.

But the love of money is the root of all  evil.

Most people will have money but they don't no what they want to use it for and they might be using it to intimidate others who don't have.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Frankolala on February 05, 2023, 01:27:33 PM
The love of money is the root of all evil,some people have allowed money to control their senses and take over them,this is the reason for these set of people to go at any length to get money. Such people can kill their own brother in order to get rich. If you put money first,you will not have a meek heart to consider other people.

We are seeing it in the society today,where some persons that are entrusted with public funds,will embezzle the funds and use for his own selfish desires. Money is very necessary for us to carter for our daily needs, and used for investment in order to secure our future. The illegal and crooked way of making money becomes bad in the sense that,you put money first before your life. So many persons have died in the process of carrying out their evil deeds for money.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: fuguebtc on February 05, 2023, 01:43:09 PM
If we're talking about the people running the country, the government, they are evil because they are pocketing the nation's money. That's obvious because there is a lot of luxurious stuff that a government official with a salary cannot afford, and many people have bribed the government to let things "slide"; hence the money came from to buy stuff.

The evil part is where people are addicted to money, or the love of money, in this case, causing the "evil actions." It's important to know that money isn't an evil thing; it's people who do the evil deeds.
I get it. It's really annoying when those in authority use their position for their personal benefit. It's not only politicians that engage in this behavior; major organizations and corporations may be just as corrupt.

A lack of ethics and principles seems to be at the heart of the problem, since these individuals appear to look out just for themselves. That's why it's crucial for people to be informed about politics and demand accountability from their leaders. We need to be morally grounded and willing to challenge convention when doing so is necessary.

However, it must be kept in mind that not all people in authority are corrupt. Numerous individuals do their best to improve their neighborhoods because they care deeply about such places. Just that the actions of those who don't tend to eclipse those of those who do.

I don't think so, I think all authority are corrupt simply because they are human too, they also need to eat delicious food and use branded goods, and no one does not want those things. But some people are not too greedy, they know when to stop, so after corrupting everything they need, they will pretend to be a good leader.

Although I am also very upset when I see the leaders of a country corrupt, I do not want to blame or curse them because I believe that if we were in their position, we would also be corrupt like them. We get jealous because we don't get what they have.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: DOH! on February 05, 2023, 02:14:08 PM
The love of money is the root of all evil
I can agree with this!  but is it too unfair to see money as the root of all evil?  Viewed objectively, money can also do good things such as charity, donations to the needy, natural disasters, floods... Everything has two sides, after all, money is just a tool.  Is it a stimulant?  and how people are addicted to money, depending on their own actions and thoughts, they will decide to do good or bad. Countless people become cruel because of money, but there are also countless people who have money but still do good deeds, live ethically… The problem is with people themselves.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: ginsan on February 05, 2023, 08:50:36 PM
Hard to answer. The biggest root problem in life is an economic problem which is a hidden problem for a person in society. but besides that there are several important factors that must be understood in the Op's question because your question can be answered with thousands of answers in any way and any problem, meaning in all fields is money and money.

So the important point in the country's growth is in the money sector and that is the root of all fields that are currently running. crime is triggered by other things not because of money and that's why I say it all depends on someone who has money how his mindset is to use the money he has in good deeds.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Fortify on February 05, 2023, 09:04:26 PM

Is money the real root of all evil in today's society
I do not think so, it’s like saying we don’t need money, but money sustains life. It will always depend on how you used your money. There are many meaningful things you can use the money for; e.g., building hospitals, feeding the homeless, building schools, a fund to teach people, charity workhelpingelp technologsupportingort the government in enhancing its citizen's way of living, and other many things you can do with worthwhile money. I have read about “the love of money”, it talks about every behavior of an individual, not money itself that as the source of all different types of evil and distress. Money is ethically neutral; I believe there is naught wrong with money or the ownership of wealth. But, once the money starts to control a person that is when the trouble began. People being controlled by money will feel superior and takes pride in power which leads to greediness and obsessions of an individual. He or She will enjoy the luxury of life, they will use their money to dictate and control other people for his or her will. Money is a necessity that is why people do fraud, insult, kill, and do bad things to have it. Hence, it is not “the money” but “the love of it” that is the root of all evil.

No, money is often blamed but it is the people who control it that end up causing unnecessary hurt and misery. We have many billionaires out there who are hoarding so much wealth that could be helping millions of people every day, yet they will never use anywhere near the amount of money that they've accrued. They often just end up passing it down their family to often undeserving generations who squander it further. I don't know the answer, because capitalism seems like the best system, but ensuring redistribution of wealth seems only fair and making sure they cannot use their massive bank accounts to lobby (often simple bribery) for changes to the law to further favor their empires.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Cryptock on February 06, 2023, 08:27:29 AM
The love of money is the root of all evil
I can agree with this!  but is it too unfair to see money as the root of all evil?  Viewed objectively, money can also do good things such as charity, donations to the needy, natural disasters, floods... Everything has two sides, after all, money is just a tool.  Is it a stimulant?  and how people are addicted to money, depending on their own actions and thoughts, they will decide to do good or bad. Countless people become cruel because of money, but there are also countless people who have money but still do good deeds, live ethically… The problem is with people themselves.
I would add one more word to it- The lust for the money is the root cause of all the evil.
SOme people have so evil nature - that they would do anything to get the money from other peoples pocket.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: stadus on February 06, 2023, 08:58:24 AM
Money is very influential and much more if you are in politics. Rich people can manipulate someone to do evil things. But I don't think this applies to all rich people, becoming evil is an individual behavior, and we can't generalize it. Of course, I will agree that money can change a person and extend his/her power but if you really have good deeds, I don't think it will work.

Greediness - I was certain of this. A person who carries such things in their lives will lead to committing evil things - criminal and illegal activities just to reach their ambition.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Cryptmuster on February 06, 2023, 09:13:07 AM
No, money is often blamed but it is the people who control it that end up causing unnecessary hurt and misery. We have many billionaires out there who are hoarding so much wealth that could be helping millions of people every day, yet they will never use anywhere near the amount of money that they've accrued. They often just end up passing it down their family to often undeserving generations who squander it further. I don't know the answer, because capitalism seems like the best system, but ensuring redistribution of wealth seems only fair and making sure they cannot use their massive bank accounts to lobby (often simple bribery) for changes to the law to further favor their empires.

If you had a great fortune, you would also want to pass it on to your next generations, and perhaps you would give some part to charity, but most likely it was an insignificant part of your fortune. Money is neutral, it only matters in which hands it is good or bad. Money is needed for development to improve living standards and for many other godly purposes, but if it falls into the wrong hands, it can also be used for military aggression against other countries and this is terrible.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Bholutefe on February 06, 2023, 11:27:58 PM
Every human being desire and pray to have money, no one ever wants to live without a good reason to live well or fulfill expectations financially without money, some people naturally are evil, while we also have the good ones among we humans, doing bad deeds, committing crimes against humanity and killing innocent people all in the name of making money shouldn’t be an excuse that money has caused all of these. A bad human being is a bad human being while a good human being is also a good human being, we have several poor people that are very nice and kind hearted, while we have alot of rich people that are not nice. In this kind of instance, should we say that money has made the rich ones evil? The answer is No. Because evil dwells in the heart of a man not in money, what you do is the function of what is running in your heart and not money. Money is not the one controlling we humans, we are the one controlling it, we can choose to be evil if we wants to and we can as well choose to be kind of we wants to. It doesn’t matter if you have money or not, if you’re a good and kind-hearted person, no amount of money can make you evil, money shouldn’t be an instrument of an evil act and excuses.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: shinratensei_ on February 06, 2023, 11:45:56 PM
I'd blame the greed instead, you know when you always try to buy some expensive things like hermes bags, LV's and the likes you're definitely gonna never become sufficient and grateful with your money doesn't matter how much money you could make you'd always seeks for more, I'd say if people could stop being so greedy things will be better but I think it's just our nature so I guess there's nothing much we can do honestly.
the only way you could win in this life and having good quality life is through money so it can't be denied that people are just gonna seeks for more and more money because they feel security in having more.
however, the thing that becomes the problem is when people try to earn money through scams, trickery, etc it affects other.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: EdenHazard on February 06, 2023, 11:58:49 PM
I'd blame the greed instead, you know when you always try to buy some expensive things like hermes bags, LV's and the likes you're definitely gonna never become sufficient and grateful with your money doesn't matter how much money you could make you'd always seeks for more, I'd say if people could stop being so greedy things will be better but I think it's just our nature so I guess there's nothing much we can do honestly.
the only way you could win in this life and having good quality life is through money so it can't be denied that people are just gonna seeks for more and more money because they feel security in having more.
however, the thing that becomes the problem is when people try to earn money through scams, trickery, etc it affects other.
People put too much focus on something subjective by calling money is the root pf evil, while actually it's you. Only you can decide whether even the most dangerous stuff like a samurai that clearly most of the times used to fight , used to evil things ... just like a gun or some other dangerous stuff.

But in the right hands , those dangerous stuff could help people , save lives and far from evil things. So let's be objective and then talk.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Cryptock on February 09, 2023, 08:35:03 PM
I'd blame the greed instead, you know when you always try to buy some expensive things like hermes bags, LV's and the likes you're definitely gonna never become sufficient and grateful with your money doesn't matter how much money you could make you'd always seeks for more, I'd say if people could stop being so greedy things will be better but I think it's just our nature so I guess there's nothing much we can do honestly.
the only way you could win in this life and having good quality life is through money so it can't be denied that people are just gonna seeks for more and more money because they feel security in having more.
however, the thing that becomes the problem is when people try to earn money through scams, trickery, etc it affects other.
People put too much focus on something subjective by calling money is the root pf evil, while actually it's you. Only you can decide whether even the most dangerous stuff like a samurai that clearly most of the times used to fight , used to evil things ... just like a gun or some other dangerous stuff.

But in the right hands , those dangerous stuff could help people , save lives and far from evil things. So let's be objective and then talk.
I read in one of the forums - a member said - money is not evil our intentions are
It is our intention which makes money evil - so hold your expenses and hold your intentions and you will not harm yourself and others 

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Lanatsa on February 09, 2023, 08:44:33 PM
I'd blame the greed instead, you know when you always try to buy some expensive things like hermes bags, LV's and the likes you're definitely gonna never become sufficient and grateful with your money doesn't matter how much money you could make you'd always seeks for more, I'd say if people could stop being so greedy things will be better but I think it's just our nature so I guess there's nothing much we can do honestly.
the only way you could win in this life and having good quality life is through money so it can't be denied that people are just gonna seeks for more and more money because they feel security in having more.
however, the thing that becomes the problem is when people try to earn money through scams, trickery, etc it affects other.
People put too much focus on something subjective by calling money is the root pf evil, while actually it's you. Only you can decide whether even the most dangerous stuff like a samurai that clearly most of the times used to fight , used to evil things ... just like a gun or some other dangerous stuff.

But in the right hands , those dangerous stuff could help people , save lives and far from evil things. So let's be objective and then talk.
I read in one of the forums - a member said - money is not evil our intentions are
It is our intention which makes money evil - so hold your expenses and hold your intentions and you will not harm yourself and others 
I definitely agree into this one on which peoples intention is on what makes money to be evil and we know that it is really just a  tool for us to make use on buying up things which we know that it is really that

mainly needed for us to survive.Buying up some wants then its understandable since we are just humans and we do really need up to buy something.Going further in related on making more income it isnt that
bad.Who doesnt really want on being rich?
It is really just that there are people who do go into that extreme desperation and this is why they do commit out crimes and illegal activities already.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Alisha-k on February 10, 2023, 07:19:07 AM
Your acceptance and use of money is what defines the money for you.
Money is a very essential commodity that should be owned by practically everyone for survival.
If it is abused by the holder, then it is evil to such person and not everyone.
Hold your money rightly and don't be conformed by society pressure to live an extravagant and careless lifestyle.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Wong Gendheng on February 10, 2023, 03:00:21 PM
For now it can be said that the source of problems and crime is money, factors and magic money do make anyone beworthy, news on TV, online media, social media and so on only tells about money and luxury so that it makes anything can be purchased with money, even in My country is easily mocked if we have money.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Pesona1 on February 10, 2023, 03:25:05 PM
For now it can be said that the source of problems and crime is money, factors and magic money do make anyone beworthy, news on TV, online media, social media and so on only tells about money and luxury so that it makes anything can be purchased with money, even in My country is easily mocked if we have money.
Many things can indeed trigger a crime to occur even trivial things can have an effect on the occurrence of a major crime, but of all the existing sources of crime of course money or the economy is the biggest trigger for the occurrence of crimes, many people gamble, steal, rob and kill just for a sheet $100 money, besides that greed for money also triggers many rich people to commit crimes such as corruption, fraud and others.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Aliosky on February 10, 2023, 08:21:23 PM
Money, in my opinion, is not the root of all evil, nor is love for it. Everyday people make the choice whether to be good or bad, whether to be honest or dishonest, whether to be scammers, thieves, or saints. They give in to their greed, their lust, their envy, and their jealousy. They allow it to drive their intentions and motivations. And before you know it, they destroy their own lives as a result of poor life choices and then blame it on money. This is not so. Money is not the root of all evil; people and their decisions are.
It's true that a person's love of money can have a detrimental impact on their decisions, but it all depends on how intense that love is. In my own nation, it's commonplace these days to witness people acting dishonestly for financial gain. Everyone wants to get money quickly and easily without having to work hard for it.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Cryptock on February 12, 2023, 07:57:20 PM
Money, in my opinion, is not the root of all evil, nor is love for it. Everyday people make the choice whether to be good or bad, whether to be honest or dishonest, whether to be scammers, thieves, or saints. They give in to their greed, their lust, their envy, and their jealousy. They allow it to drive their intentions and motivations. And before you know it, they destroy their own lives as a result of poor life choices and then blame it on money. This is not so. Money is not the root of all evil; people and their decisions are.
It's true that a person's love of money can have a detrimental impact on their decisions, but it all depends on how intense that love is. In my own nation, it's commonplace these days to witness people acting dishonestly for financial gain. Everyone wants to get money quickly and easily without having to work hard for it.
we all love money - but there comes a time in our lives when the money doesn't help you anyway.
I fear so much after the recent earthquake in Turkey when money means nothing and when food and shelter is the only thing needed.
We should be thankful to God for having roof over our head and for having warm blanket over us.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: yohananaomi on February 13, 2023, 10:07:45 PM
For now it can be said that the source of problems and crime is money, factors and magic money do make anyone beworthy, news on TV, online media, social media and so on only tells about money and luxury so that it makes anything can be purchased with money, even in My country is easily mocked if we have money.
it seems that what you are talking about is something that has become commonplace and natural for almost all developing countries, this incident is something that has become habitual and is easily exposed on available social media. money has become a pioneer and a necessity, even more sinister is determining the policy of all what will be done, without money then everything cannot be done, money has become king for all the necessities of life.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: boyptc on February 13, 2023, 10:33:59 PM
Money is a tool to do the things that we love.

We shouldn't love it but we gotta use it so that we're doing the appropriate thing which is to spend and use it for certain things that will make us happy.

Today's time is dangerous that people will do everything for the money. As they've explain, it's not the money that's the root of evil but when you love it more than yourself.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Desmong on February 13, 2023, 10:56:19 PM
If we say money is the root of all evil then those people that claim to be righteous are not supposed to spend money. It is generally accepted that money can lewd one into doing the wrong thing but that is fine. Money had so much power and influence so we need to be very careful on how we sote for money or else things might get wrong.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Lubang Bawah on February 14, 2023, 02:08:24 AM
Money, of course, has 2 different sides, it can be a devil or an angel, but for now what is happening in my country is more of a devil, this is because many people do anything because of money, the poor can rob money, the rich can bribe the government to commit crimes such as clearing land, burning forests, and so on, nowadays many people are not ashamed when they are caught in corruption cases, when they have money then the law can be easily bought.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: cafee_orange on February 14, 2023, 08:47:34 AM

Is money the real root of all evil in today's society
I do not think so, it’s like saying we don’t need money, but money sustains life. It will always depend on how you used your money. There are many meaningful things you can use the money for; e.g., building hospitals, feeding the homeless, building schools, a fund to teach people, charity workhelpingelp technologsupportingort the government in enhancing its citizen's way of living, and other many things you can do with worthwhile money. I have read about “the love of money”, it talks about every behavior of an individual, not money itself that as the source of all different types of evil and distress. Money is ethically neutral; I believe there is naught wrong with money or the ownership of wealth. But, once the money starts to control a person that is when the trouble began. People being controlled by money will feel superior and takes pride in power which leads to greediness and obsessions of an individual. He or She will enjoy the luxury of life, they will use their money to dictate and control other people for his or her will. Money is a necessity that is why people do fraud, insult, kill, and do bad things to have it. Hence, it is not “the money” but “the love of it” that is the root of all evil.

I think the discussion you convey is very interesting to read and can be used as learning before we have a lot of money. maybe tomorrow or the day after tomorrow we will have a lot of money and hopefully we will really become good people in managing our money.
I would like to respond a little that money is not the root of any dynamics that are currently being faced, both in terms of evil and good, but what is wrong is how to manage money and where the money is directed. without a lot of money we can also live this life. I think like that

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: yohananaomi on February 14, 2023, 09:23:11 PM
Money, of course, has 2 different sides, it can be a devil or an angel, but for now what is happening in my country is more of a devil, this is because many people do anything because of money, the poor can rob money, the rich can bribe the government to commit crimes such as clearing land, burning forests, and so on, nowadays many people are not ashamed when they are caught in corruption cases, when they have money then the law can be easily bought.
as I said in the previous comment, the obvious dilemma is that in countries that are still developing and the poorest, money can always be the main ingredient to be able to solve all problems, even money has become a god.
what you say is real, friend, it's not easy to change character like that because it takes human resources who already understand the true meaning of life through education that can be evenly accepted by society.
Of course the role of the government is to continue to educate and to be able to change the standard of living, at least to be sufficient for everyday life. If you can be prosperous, of course it will be better by providing jobs for all those who really should start working, so that they can at least afford their living.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Hypnosis00 on February 14, 2023, 09:41:11 PM
Money, of course, has 2 different sides, it can be a devil or an angel, but for now what is happening in my country is more of a devil, this is because many people do anything because of money, the poor can rob money, the rich can bribe the government to commit crimes such as clearing land, burning forests, and so on, nowadays many people are not ashamed when they are caught in corruption cases, when they have money then the law can be easily bought.
Some people had used their money to extend their power and that is a problem in my country, Yes, it was indeed used for bribery and able to control politicians and authorities which I see it should not be but somehow, it has been a common practice in our place (and it might also happen in other countries).

Not all are having this way, some had used their money for good and for helping poor people but I say that due to greediness of power, many people had changed because of money and they'll turn different from being good to have a bad attitude.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: blockman on February 14, 2023, 09:48:41 PM
Money, of course, has 2 different sides, it can be a devil or an angel, but for now what is happening in my country is more of a devil, this is because many people do anything because of money, the poor can rob money, the rich can bribe the government to commit crimes such as clearing land, burning forests, and so on, nowadays many people are not ashamed when they are caught in corruption cases, when they have money then the law can be easily bought.
It is not money that has two sides but it is the person that uses it. And that's why there are corrupt people because they're thinking of something evil for which they'll use the money for that purpose.
We're using the money for things that we need and if that's the purpose and use of it then we'll not see a bad use of it. But as I've said, the two sides of it is going to depend to the person's intention of using it.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Lanatsa on February 14, 2023, 10:59:38 PM
Money, of course, has 2 different sides, it can be a devil or an angel, but for now what is happening in my country is more of a devil, this is because many people do anything because of money, the poor can rob money, the rich can bribe the government to commit crimes such as clearing land, burning forests, and so on, nowadays many people are not ashamed when they are caught in corruption cases, when they have money then the law can be easily bought.
It is not money that has two sides but it is the person that uses it. And that's why there are corrupt people because they're thinking of something evil for which they'll use the money for that purpose.
We're using the money for things that we need and if that's the purpose and use of it then we'll not see a bad use of it. But as I've said, the two sides of it is going to depend to the person's intention of using it.
Its the person who uses the money and this is where intents could be applied and money had been blamed up all the way which is really very wrong.Money could be evil if its been used on the bad way but we

do know that it is really just a tool on which we've been using for us to live and make spending.Its been used on daily transactions but there are people who do make this transaction into those evil deeds and doings
which it turns out that it do took the blame.

Temptation because of greediness is common.Who doesnt love money? None. but when you are on the situation where you are aiming for more and do go past up with limitation
then it is already that wrong.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: blockman on February 14, 2023, 11:28:45 PM
It is not money that has two sides but it is the person that uses it. And that's why there are corrupt people because they're thinking of something evil for which they'll use the money for that purpose.
We're using the money for things that we need and if that's the purpose and use of it then we'll not see a bad use of it. But as I've said, the two sides of it is going to depend to the person's intention of using it.
Its the person who uses the money and this is where intents could be applied and money had been blamed up all the way which is really very wrong.Money could be evil if its been used on the bad way but we

do know that it is really just a tool on which we've been using for us to live and make spending.Its been used on daily transactions but there are people who do make this transaction into those evil deeds and doings
which it turns out that it do took the blame.

Temptation because of greediness is common.Who doesnt love money? None. but when you are on the situation where you are aiming for more and do go past up with limitation
then it is already that wrong.
Greediness is there and that temptation should be avoided when you know what's best for yourself. It's not going to bring you any good and having it as a habit will change you a lot from your personality.
Experiencing the good and bad things in life will certainly hit you badly and you might be ending up with the conclusion that it's one of the solutions that yo have to come up with. But when you've been past with years of life, you'll see the importance that someone has to come up and find their happiness in life and it's not just all about money although we admit the importance of it as we can't buy our necessities without it.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: lalabotax on February 14, 2023, 11:36:23 PM
Is money the real root of all evil in today's society
We can't deny that this is probably true. Although money doesn't guarantee anything, in fact, everything needs money. People meed money to life, whatever they say, they will need money. We can also see sometimes in several places, money becomes the measurement of the financial and society ranks, so this will influence all aspects. Money can buy anything, not only daily needs but also the justice and law, sometimes in certain areas.
Many people will do whatever to ensure they got money./ We can see how goring the criminals because they need money. Money is the rot of evil, yes it may be. Because everything needs money

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Renampun on February 15, 2023, 01:35:36 AM
"For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs."

-1 Timothy 6:10

The money being a root of evil, could be a 2,000 year old view derived from the christian bible.

Its illustrated by King David being moral and just as a shepherd. Later after having become king he attains wealth, power and fame. This changes his behavior completely. He murders men and steals their wives. The story of King David is meant to illustrate how money and wealth can change people for the worse. How power and money can have a corruptive influence.

On a broader scale, how might the behavior and tendencies of ruling elites be defined across all of human history. Is the behavior of the wealthy and powerful today, different from their peers in previous eras?
In recent times, we adopted the urban myth of the "benevolent billionaire" who uses his wealth primarily for charitable and humanitarian causes. We have a paradigm shift in our views of the wealthy and powerful which could contrast with past eras.

I also heard several times the story of King David who became hard-hearted and forgot God when he already had everything, in contrast to the story of the prophet Ayub who was not arrogant with everything he owned but had a bad family even though God finally returned all his wealth multiplied. it's good if we still have a role model of a philanthropist billionaire, then the paradigm of the rich is criminals, shifts a little.

I would add one more word to it- The lust for the money is the root cause of all the evil.
SOme people have so evil nature - that they would do anything to get the money from other peoples pocket.

There really are people of this type who are very evil, even when they are in a state of poverty, their greed for money is very big, even to the point of stealing - robbing - deceiving other people.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: fuer44 on February 15, 2023, 03:17:01 AM
There has been no official survey from journalists or media compatible with that. However, from the news that appears in various media, money the real root of all evil, such as corruption, theft, tax evasion, money laundering, bribery, hoarding of goods in order to obtain more profit, still occur frequently and can be categorized as money the real root of all evil or by goal is to earn more money.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Henrobakkara on February 15, 2023, 12:23:57 PM

Is money the real root of all evil in today's society
I do not think so, it’s like saying we don’t need money, but money sustains life. It will always depend on how you used your money. There are many meaningful things you can use the money for; e.g., building hospitals, feeding the homeless, building schools, a fund to teach people, charity workhelpingelp technologsupportingort the government in enhancing its citizen's way of living, and other many things you can do with worthwhile money. I have read about “the love of money”, it talks about every behavior of an individual, not money itself that as the source of all different types of evil and distress. Money is ethically neutral; I believe there is naught wrong with money or the ownership of wealth. But, once the money starts to control a person that is when the trouble began. People being controlled by money will feel superior and takes pride in power which leads to greediness and obsessions of an individual. He or She will enjoy the luxury of life, they will use their money to dictate and control other people for his or her will. Money is a necessity that is why people do fraud, insult, kill, and do bad things to have it. Hence, it is not “the money” but “the love of it” that is the root of all evil.

You cannot say money is evil as it is necessary for trading. You can say that unequal distribution of money is evil. People in power have printed a lot of money for them and now poor people are losing their purchasing power causing a lot of problems including theft, corruption, dishonesty etc.
How ever both of you try to justify it, Money is the main Action point here. There is no way you can spin the discussion without ending up mentioning money. Even if you are saying
unequal distribution of money is evil
the love of it
it is however money that is the issue. Most times you don't know the true character of your close family/friends until they have money.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: fadhilz123 on February 15, 2023, 01:08:39 PM
There has been no official survey from journalists or media compatible with that. However, from the news that appears in various media, money the real root of all evil, such as corruption, theft, tax evasion, money laundering, bribery, hoarding of goods in order to obtain more profit, still occur frequently and can be categorized as money the real root of all evil or by goal is to earn more money.
That's just the goal of some people who maybe they still feel they are poor so they dare to commit crimes to get more money in bad ways. Even though there are still many good ways they can do to get money by continuing to take advantage of the opportunities that exist and not make it an opportunity to commit crimes just to get money.

So if you think money is the root of all evil, it means that all people who are looking for money in this world are looking for evil or are committing crimes. I think that's really not true, because there are many people in this world who are looking for money but are not considered a crime because they do it in a better way. So don't blame money in this case by assuming money is the root, because you yourself are still looking for money at this time, but you will not be considered a criminal as long as you know how best to make money.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Obari on February 15, 2023, 04:47:08 PM
@Op your message wasn't really clear to me but I also disagree with people who think money is the root of all evil because even the holy book we're referencing never said such about money but rather it said that "the LOVE of money is the root of all evil".
This very phrase is basically referring to toxicity of money
That is a situation of letting the pleasures money brings taking control of us and this case is very familiar with people who just hits some good money maybe from the blues and tends to live their imaginary lives without minding what the next person might feel

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Spontaneous on February 15, 2023, 11:45:12 PM
   Ahm just my opinion I think is not the money why the reason our world become cruel, I think the reason is only people who are eaten by the systematically their self and their power they had to control the money  an they abused it, the claims everything. Until Low people class will definitely think to create a way in bad way to sustain Thier families. They steal, kill, and everything an that's we could money involved.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Cantsay on February 16, 2023, 01:11:07 AM

Is money the real root of all evil in today's society
I do not think so, it’s like saying we don’t need money, but money sustains life. It will always depend on how you used your money. There are many meaningful things you can use the money for; e.g., building hospitals, feeding the homeless, building schools, a fund to teach people, charity workhelpingelp technologsupportingort the government in enhancing its citizen's way of living, and other many things you can do with worthwhile money. I have read about “the love of money”, it talks about every behavior of an individual, not money itself that as the source of all different types of evil and distress. Money is ethically neutral; I believe there is naught wrong with money or the ownership of wealth. But, once the money starts to control a person that is when the trouble began. People being controlled by money will feel superior and takes pride in power which leads to greediness and obsessions of an individual. He or She will enjoy the luxury of life, they will use their money to dictate and control other people for his or her will. Money is a necessity that is why people do fraud, insult, kill, and do bad things to have it. Hence, it is not “the money” but “the love of it” that is the root of all evil.

You cannot say money is evil as it is necessary for trading. You can say that unequal distribution of money is evil. People in power have printed a lot of money for them and now poor people are losing their purchasing power causing a lot of problems including theft, corruption, dishonesty etc.

Not money itself but the love for the money that's the root of all evil. Like for the example you used, those in power at one point all had the good of the people in mind but when they finally gained the power they have always desire the love and desire to become more rich diverted their attention from their main purpose in power into something else.

If you analyze things that takes place in our society today you'll notice that most of the evils done are ways people are using to make money so everyday new methods are created; from scamming to human rituals all these things occur because of People's despiration.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Godday on February 16, 2023, 06:47:31 AM
I think money is not the root of satan.  And yes of course nowadays there are so many problems in this world that are caused by money.  Inflation that makes many people suffer and fall into poverty is something that has been produced by money.  But if I look at it from the positive side, the basic idea of ​​creating fiat currency is to make trading easier.  Because it will be so difficult if there are differences in how to trade between one place and another.  I think it's good for us to prepare ourselves to face the world as it is today.  Maybe a little advice, you can invest your money not in the form of paper currency but in the form of investment instruments such as property, gold or crypto currency.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Qiubell5 on February 16, 2023, 08:22:39 AM
Yes, money is used according to its owner. Money does have its good and bad sides. Too much love for money can make a person difficult to control his lust. He will do anything as long as the money is in his hands. Too much love for money is indeed dangerous, especially if it is used for things that are not good. And will be able to plunge people into bad things. So, yeah a lot of people commit crimes for money, maybe it's because they need money or they love money too much.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Remiscoin5 on February 16, 2023, 08:35:34 AM
Money was supposed to be there for us to be using but people are using it for evil. Without money our children can't go to school without money how can we pay our rent and feed our children money was made to provide our need we all need money. Let's just imagine the situation of the country right now if there is no money the corruption and crime will be more than before

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Aanuoluwatofunmi on February 16, 2023, 09:09:43 AM
Using money for evil deeds is not a location or country base whereby some people where believed to be attributed to such acts while some were not, it can be found anywhere and regardless of the country people where thesame in all ethnicity distributional level, corruption is from the mind, people choose to live a corrupt life when they feels no one can see or monitors their way of behavioural attitude in things they do, they also lack being disciplined enough to exercise caution in some areas they were meant to display such, this now advances to the level of them being corrupt and it's becomes their habit.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: Davian144 on February 16, 2023, 09:16:31 AM
   Ahm just my opinion I think is not the money why the reason our world become cruel, I think the reason is only people who are eaten by the systematically their self and their power they had to control the money  an they abused it, the claims everything. Until Low people class will definitely think to create a way in bad way to sustain Thier families. They steal, kill, and everything an that's we could money involved.
Those who dare to steal, kill and everything that involves money, is because they don't have money and they are very hungry so they act like crazy people. And what needs to be known here is that any mistake never lies in an object like money, because money cannot run without a human moving it. So those who make mistakes such as stealing, killing, and everything involving money are human parties who are hungry and also greedy for money so that their minds no longer think well and also often commit new crimes.

Title: Re: In your country, today is money the real root of all evil?
Post by: DrBeer on February 17, 2023, 12:43:15 PM
The root of evil is not money. Not their value, not their name. It's all about the human being. A person has learned to turn into evil, in fact, all useful decisions that were originally made for the benefit of people! Look - for what not to take, everywhere a person put his hand in order to use everything for violence, murder, power ... From money to faith! All this has become a tool for influencing the masses, manipulating the consciousness of mankind. Money instead of a convenient mechanism for assessing the cost of goods, services, work - has become the goal of many people's lives, gaining power over people, obtaining the status of "master on earth." A weapon for defense has become a weapon for violence. Faith - instead of spirituality, has become a tool for fooling people and committing crimes with their hands to solve someone's problems, hiding behind the words of faith .... Man - that's the real problem