Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Wind_FURY on February 06, 2023, 11:53:53 AM

Title: Bitcoin History, Philosophy, And Prehistory
Post by: Wind_FURY on February 06, 2023, 11:53:53 AM
The site is probably maintained thanks to Chad Saylor,

Plus I believe that informational material about Bitcoin's history and prehistory should be pinned by the Admins everywhere in the forum for everyone to be encouraged to read the facts, be educated/understand/get the context, and be more learned about what Bitcoin is truly about.

Those early Linux users who were supportive of the Open Source movement/GPL would probably be the people who could associate themselves with early Bitcoin users.

Title: Re: Bitcoin History, Philosophy, And Prehistory
Post by: franky1 on February 06, 2023, 12:08:09 PM
bitcoin was made by someone(post latest millennium) who patched lots of idea's together(from prior-to-millennium idea's) along with his own(post-millennium) idea's

but this does not mean "bitcoin" was a 60 year project
just like a car was not a 6000 year project started by the somarians making the first wheel

tesla motors electric car was not a project started in 4000BC

someone after this latest millennium (less than 23 years ago) had the idea of bringing different technologies together to make a tesla car

yes its good to know all the different idea's origins that were patched together.

but lets not go that step further (like certain people want to) to make out that bitcoin was not invented in 2009 by "satoshi" just to rebrand it to a different 'creator' by highlighting one of those patches is patented by some other person previously

EG certain groups would happily also pretend tesla was not elons invention but some somarian in the iron age who was the true(in rebrand fashion) "iron man" of electric vehicles

Title: Re: Bitcoin History, Philosophy, And Prehistory
Post by: kryptqnick on February 06, 2023, 03:25:04 PM
I've looked through the course, and it seems pretty cool for people who are relatively new to Bitcoin. It's short enough for many people to get involved, and also covering very general useful topics, instead of focusing just on one aspect and diving deeply into it.
I've looked into the website, and it seems that Saylor Academy is a product of Michael Saylor (, so if the op means him as Chad, that's probably true.
But this guy is a billionaire, so he probably doesn't need a hand in making his course popular, and he is also weird and not consistently pro-Bitcoin. While he is pro-Bitcoin now, it seems he was very wrong about Bitcoin in 2013 ( (as well as about online gambling, btw).

Title: Re: Bitcoin History, Philosophy, And Prehistory
Post by: Wind_FURY on February 07, 2023, 05:16:05 AM
bitcoin was made by someone(post latest millennium) who patched lots of idea's together(from prior-to-millennium idea's) along with his own(post-millennium) idea's

but this does not mean "bitcoin" was a 60 year project

No one is claiming that, franky. But if technologies like Adam Back's HashCash, Hellman-Merkle-Diffie's Public Key Cryptography, Wei Dai's B-Money, and Nick Szabo's BitGold were not invented, we can confidently say that Satoshi's Bitcoin would also not be invented, OR it probably will be invented decades later if we're lucky.

Newbies, plebs, EVERYONE should read the course.




Title: Re: Bitcoin History, Philosophy, And Prehistory
Post by: UchihaSarada on February 07, 2023, 07:20:01 AM
Bitcoin was developed by Satoshi Nakamoto but years before 2009, many foundations for Bitcoin were done from cryptography as well as failed projects.

Bitcoin Prehistory (
Bitcoin Prehistory Tree (
Satoshi Nakamoto and the origins of Bitcoin (

Title: Re: Bitcoin History, Philosophy, And Prehistory
Post by: NotATether on February 07, 2023, 07:33:41 AM
Plus I believe that informational material about Bitcoin's history and prehistory should be pinned by the Admins everywhere in the forum for everyone to be encouraged to read the facts, be educated/understand/get the context, and be more learned about what Bitcoin is truly about.

The problem is that the forum's audience is not "everyone", it's a small subset of the crypto community (and it has been like that for a very long time now). So some website that already ranks on Google would be a better candidate because the links to this info will be in a more prominent place.

Title: Re: Bitcoin History, Philosophy, And Prehistory
Post by: franky1 on February 07, 2023, 09:09:06 PM
side note to all. to explain the version of history that winfury is subtly pushing

windfury is enrolled/recruited into a social drama group that sides with the blockstream group that want to pretend they are the sole arbitors of bitcoin rule
where any other brand is treated as opposition which neds to be f**ked off if/when it comes to new rule decision..  

blockstream is founded by adam back which windfury is trying to promote, hype up and defend as the god mode of bitcoin... and defend actions by adams employees/co-founders

and now windfurys motives of casting shadows of satoshis importance to bitcoins creation, while sublty(but too obviously) trying to say bitcoin wont exist if it wasnt for his idols adam back and such

yet adam back did not write bitcoin code adam back stayed uninvolved until setting up a company in ~2014 to employee developers under brand "core" who then are now the dominant controlling central point of failure of bitcoin which windfury wants to defend and protect from anyone that is not core

Title: Re: Bitcoin History, Philosophy, And Prehistory
Post by: Wind_FURY on February 09, 2023, 10:03:40 AM


This troll comes in the topic, he tries to derail it, starts being a drama-queen, then starts the franky-101 misinformation/disinformation/gaslighting campaign. Don't believe me? Look at who actually gave him a negative trust rating, and read what they wrote about him, and he's called an "anti-hero"? He's a villain, and he has always been anti-Bitcoin.

He uses sentences like, "to explain the version of history that winfury is subtly pushing". A version I'm pushing? Hahaha. Those are the FACTS, not lies. Bitcoin's Prehistory, and history. BUT if you want to learn the hard way, learn everything from franky-101.

I'll post THE FACTS again.





Title: Re: Bitcoin History, Philosophy, And Prehistory
Post by: Wind_FURY on May 22, 2023, 06:35:03 AM
Aaron van Wirdum, one of Bitcoin's most trustworthy Bitcoin researchers/journalists, has shared his Google Drive containing his research on Bitcoin's prehistory - Projects based on cryptography that were built before Bitcoin, which marshalled the path towards its invention.

If there's something to learn about Bitcoin, it's that the implementation of Adam Back's HashCash, and the incentivization for providing Proofs Of Work is at the center if it all.

Title: Re: Bitcoin History, Philosophy, And Prehistory
Post by: tranthidung on May 22, 2023, 02:54:51 PM
  • Bitcoin 2008/09-2022 History Paperback/Hardcover Book (
    • Preview of draft pages:
  • Bitcoin and the rise of the Cypherpunks (

Title: Re: Bitcoin History, Philosophy, And Prehistory
Post by: hannahB4 on May 22, 2023, 05:42:42 PM
I don't see the essence of pinning the history and all when the search bar is already provided on the forum. Many subjects are being added every day on things you need to know, yours is just to provide the time and search.

Title: Re: Bitcoin History, Philosophy, And Prehistory
Post by: BaileyJakob on May 23, 2023, 04:31:41 AM
Regarding Bitcoin's pre-history and legacy - a few months ago, I created The Bitcoin Legacy Project ( - the most comprehensive timeline of significant Bitcoin events that have occurred from pre-inception to today via an interactive timeline.

I hope people find this useful and educational  :D

Title: Re: Bitcoin History, Philosophy, And Prehistory
Post by: thecodebear on May 23, 2023, 05:24:35 AM
Nice links to the Saylor stuff Wind_Fury.

All inventions are of course built on things previously built. It's nice to see the things that led up to Bitcoin shown and described together like that. That'd be a great piece of education for anyone interested in Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Bitcoin History, Philosophy, And Prehistory
Post by: thecodebear on May 23, 2023, 05:36:28 AM
Regarding Bitcoin's pre-history and legacy - a few months ago, I created The Bitcoin Legacy Project ( - the most comprehensive timeline of significant Bitcoin events that have occurred from pre-inception to today via an interactive timeline.

I hope people find this useful and educational  :D

Thats a cool website!

Title: Re: Bitcoin History, Philosophy, And Prehistory
Post by: nutildah on May 23, 2023, 08:28:10 AM
Nice timeline, a must read for anyone who considers themselves interested in the pre-history of Bitcoin.

I would have also referenced the launch of the Tor Network (,free%20and%20open%20software%20license.) in October 2002.

Regarding Bitcoin's pre-history and legacy - a few months ago, I created The Bitcoin Legacy Project ( - the most comprehensive timeline of significant Bitcoin events that have occurred from pre-inception to today via an interactive timeline.

I hope people find this useful and educational  :D

Its quite comprehensive, well done. Maybe just a touch too much talk about Ordinals at the end  :D I do understand how its tempting to include tho given its currently all the rage in Bitcoin.

side note to all. to explain the version of history that winfury is subtly pushing

I don't know whether the Alex Jones tinfoil hat gif or the James Harden eyeroll gif works better for a response to this. Satoshi referenced Adam Back in the Bitcoin whitepaper, deal with it.

Title: Re: Bitcoin History, Philosophy, And Prehistory
Post by: BaileyJakob on May 23, 2023, 09:12:36 AM
Its quite comprehensive, well done. Maybe just a touch too much talk about Ordinals at the end  :D I do understand how its tempting to include tho given its currently all the rage in Bitcoin.
Haha - trust me, I was not trilled at mentioning Ordinals, but whether positive or not, it is now part of Bitcoin's history and gets included  :D

Title: Re: Bitcoin History, Philosophy, And Prehistory
Post by: Minhxx on May 28, 2023, 03:31:42 AM
Is Satoshi from Japan? The founder of bitcoin is still a question mark ???.

Title: Re: Bitcoin History, Philosophy, And Prehistory
Post by: Wind_FURY on May 29, 2023, 02:51:31 PM
Nice timeline, a must read for anyone who considers themselves interested in the pre-history of Bitcoin.

I would have also referenced the launch of the Tor Network (,free%20and%20open%20software%20license.) in October 2002.

Or the other more general/extensive movements that helped form Bitcoin's ethos and philosophy, like the Open Source Software and the Copyleft/GPL movements, which both fight for the same principles as Bitcoin.

In fact, there's a thesis that explains one of Bitcoin's most practical principles. I believe anyone who truly understands it would consider this thesis a candidate for a Nobel Prize for Economics.


Title: Re: Bitcoin History, Philosophy, And Prehistory
Post by: dragonvslinux on May 29, 2023, 03:24:38 PM
bitcoin was made by someone(post latest millennium) who patched lots of idea's together(from prior-to-millennium idea's) along with his own(post-millennium) idea's

but this does not mean "bitcoin" was a 60 year project
just like a car was not a 6000 year project started by the somarians making the first wheel

tesla motors electric car was not a project started in 4000BC

Nobody's saying that Bitcoin was created any earlier than 2009, it's quite clearly labelled as "pre-history". This means prior to history, not Bitcoin's actual or direct history.

So it's not like saying the motor car was a project with a 6000 year history, because the first wheel was invested then. But it would be true that the pre-history to the motor car includes when the first wheel was invented. Because without the wheel being invented creating a car would more or less be impossible (at least at present). So yes, Bitcoin's pre-history can include anything relevant to what made Bitcoin possible.

Anything from maths, tcp ip, sha256, cryptography, distributed networks, digital currency. Basically anything related to it. Unless you think Bitcoin was created without any consideration of any developments prior to it? For example, Satoshi created Bitcoin without any consideration of the development of mathematics or cryptography? Obviously this is complete nonsense, Bitcoin's creation depended on various other factors.