Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Marcellin9 on February 15, 2023, 03:06:00 AM

Title: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Marcellin9 on February 15, 2023, 03:06:00 AM

Most of us are born in a normal family. By normal, I mean we are nurtured and raised by healthy parents and they are still active when we graduate from college and start working. In many countries where economy has been hit by the COVID and affliated incidents, life has been harder than before and many have to choose to live with or at least ask help from their parents. From parents pespective, I believe as long as they are able to help, most likely they will be willing to help, because they love you. From children's perspective, I think this may solve some realistic problems in the short term, but in the long run, this will damage the creativity and motivation to face life challenges and harm the ability to manage finances, especially if you are a man. I say this because a lot of the friends from my generation are struggling financially now because they have been dependent on their parents and even after getting married and establishing a new family, they took a regular amount of money from their parents to pay off mortgages or cover other expenses. They've never thought about having another stream of income or one day their parents may not be making money and instead need money and care from them. A lof of hidden problems are there but just ignored. In my opinion, the earlier you become independent financially, the more likely you will be living a comfortable life with your finances. Better to know this and be prepared, if you are young.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: fuer44 on February 15, 2023, 03:37:49 AM
In economics, we really have to be independent since we graduated from school, whether it's school or college education. we are forced to have to work and save in preparation for our mature future, especially at the age of 25-27. Not a few also start their own business with the hope of success at the age of 30-40.

But that's all just theory, in practice in the real world it sometimes doesn't work out like that because sometimes there are boy who are already independent at the age of 20 or even 17 years, sometimes there are also those who are late by the age of 30 and are only independent. And our parents also don't force us to do it all, even though we are already successful, our parents will still want to give us because it is instinct.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Darker45 on February 15, 2023, 04:01:30 AM
Asking for help from parents when the need arises is normal. But staying financially dependent on them even in adulthood is simply irresponsible. The parents could also take part of the blame. Some parents cannot take it that their adult children are having a hard time. They willingly continue to support them. As a result, their children's behavior is reinforced. Parents instantly coming to their children's aid all the time may sound good, but it could also be dangerous as their children might not grow independent. They might not be able to try find ways to survive.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Die_empty on February 15, 2023, 05:35:38 AM
Asking for help from parents when the need arises is normal. But staying financially dependent on them even in adulthood is simply irresponsible. The parents could also take part of the blame. Some parents cannot take it that their adult children are having a hard time. They willingly continue to support them. As a result, their children's behavior is reinforced. Parents instantly coming to their children's aid all the time may sound good, but it could also be dangerous as their children might not grow independent. They might not be able to try find ways to survive.
There was a time I had to fall back on my parents for help and this was when I was not paid a salary for six months. I had to do so many odd jobs to survive until I couldn't cope anymore. And that was the first and last time it ever happened.
Parents are always willing to help but taking advantage of this privilege is a sign of irresponsibility. Based on our culture, Immediately you leave school and get a job, your parents expect you to be independent and even support them.

Parents should also learn to allow their children to face the world no matter how tough the situation might be. If these children always get the financial support they need, if their parents become broke or die, they might end up becoming beggars or even criminals. Children must be raised to embrace hard work, patience, and endurance.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: TheUltraElite on February 15, 2023, 05:53:21 AM
From children's perspective, I think this may solve some realistic problems in the short term, but in the long run, this will damage the creativity and motivation to face life challenges and harm the ability to manage finances, especially if you are a man.
Very tunnel vision sort of thinking there. Parents often teach their children on how to face problems and challenges. It is incorrect and biased to assume to that home grown children are in any way inferior to the ones living on their own or in a boarding.

I say this because a lot of the friends from my generation are struggling financially now because they have been dependent on their parents and even after getting married and establishing a new family, they took a regular amount of money from their parents to pay off mortgages or cover other expenses.
Taking mortgages in such young age would mean that there were financial problems in the family and they have had to take the money in dire situations. If a child does not know to manage the finance then they have not be taught properly. Also setting up a family is a new thing for every person, it will differ how they face it individually.

They've never thought about having another stream of income or one day their parents may not be making money and instead need money and care from them. A lof of hidden problems are there but just ignored. In my opinion, the earlier you become independent financially, the more likely you will be living a comfortable life with your finances. Better to know this and be prepared, if you are young.
Truly financial independence is a myth though and even if bitcoin brings us close to it, most countries in this world does not have the technical infrastructure to allow quick and easy bitcoin use. They are all stuck with fiat and hence the point does out of question.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: wxa7115 on February 15, 2023, 06:35:46 AM
Asking for help from parents when the need arises is normal. But staying financially dependent on them even in adulthood is simply irresponsible. The parents could also take part of the blame. Some parents cannot take it that their adult children are having a hard time. They willingly continue to support them. As a result, their children's behavior is reinforced. Parents instantly coming to their children's aid all the time may sound good, but it could also be dangerous as their children might not grow independent. They might not be able to try find ways to survive.
Sometimes the correct thing to do may seem to go against our common sense but you are right, parents on their desire to help their children offer them financial help, and while this could be fine if there is a justification for it, we also know this could become a pattern unless an effort is made to break it.

And in many occasions this starts and ends with the parents, which need to stop giving to their kids so much assistance as this will help them understand they cannot keep pushing their economic problem to their parents all the time.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Fesatmas on February 15, 2023, 06:51:40 AM
Parents will always do whatever we need, as long as they are able they will definitely help. But here is our duty to get out of that zone and try to solve problems on our own, especially in financial matters. We cannot forever rely on help from parents or anyone. Maybe things like this will be fine when our parents still have the ability to help us, but life is not always there, sometimes we have to experience difficulties.
I see this kind of thing in my surroundings, yes I have acquaintances who can be said to be good because their parents are still capable and tell them whatever they want, but when their parents are no longer able to do that, people I know tell me how sorry they are for not being able to grow independently and not taking advantage of opportunities to do business when he still had the money to do so.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Jawhead999 on February 15, 2023, 07:06:28 AM
I say this because a lot of the friends from my generation are struggling financially now because they have been dependent on their parents and even after getting married and establishing a new family, they took a regular amount of money from their parents to pay off mortgages or cover other expenses.
Do you know what? it's a mistake from their parents because they're willing to help anything when their kids ask for money, even though they're already matured and getting married or in short their parents spoiled them too much.

Any parents need to know when your kids already graduated from high school, you're not responsible to cover and pay the whole expenses from your kids, you can kick him from your house and force them to live alone. They will learn how hard this life, increase their critical thinking, know how to manage money etc which not been taught in their school.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Marcellin9 on February 15, 2023, 07:26:29 AM
From children's perspective, I think this may solve some realistic problems in the short term, but in the long run, this will damage the creativity and motivation to face life challenges and harm the ability to manage finances, especially if you are a man.
Very tunnel vision sort of thinking there. Parents often teach their children on how to face problems and challenges. It is incorrect and biased to assume to that home grown children are in any way inferior to the ones living on their own or in a boarding.

I say this because a lot of the friends from my generation are struggling financially now because they have been dependent on their parents and even after getting married and establishing a new family, they took a regular amount of money from their parents to pay off mortgages or cover other expenses.
Taking mortgages in such young age would mean that there were financial problems in the family and they have had to take the money in dire situations. If a child does not know to manage the finance then they have not be taught properly. Also setting up a family is a new thing for every person, it will differ how they face it individually.

They've never thought about having another stream of income or one day their parents may not be making money and instead need money and care from them. A lof of hidden problems are there but just ignored. In my opinion, the earlier you become independent financially, the more likely you will be living a comfortable life with your finances. Better to know this and be prepared, if you are young.
Truly financial independence is a myth though and even if bitcoin brings us close to it, most countries in this world does not have the technical infrastructure to allow quick and easy bitcoin use. They are all stuck with fiat and hence the point does out of question.

I am afraid you tried to generalize or conclude something but unfortunately failed. Let me explain. "Very tunnel a boarding", put my topic aside and let me try to explain your point in another way. Your point is exactly like saying" it is incorrect and biased to believe people who exercise on a daily basis are physically healthier than those who never take a walk". See what your problem is ? You are simply trying to disagree with some common sense by not providing any evidence.

"Taking mortgages in such young age would..." OMG, late thirties and early forties is such young age ? Where does it come from for saying that ?  In your comment, you are sending a message very strongly: that a child(actually an adult) is not doing fine is because his/her parents are not teaching them well. Yet, when you say "Parents often teach children on how to face problems and challenges", then later you also mention that "Also setting up a will differ how they face it individually." Execuse me, they are contradictory.

"Truly financial independence is a myth though...out of question." This is even worse. How come you cut all reaons and logic and say "truly financial independence is a myth"?  Whether this is a generalized or an individual expression, it is inappropriate. I feel like you are trying to dismiss something that can be concrete while trying to judge something that is supposed to be subject and personal.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on February 15, 2023, 09:35:58 AM
Every person's life comes to a point when he must admit to himself that he has matured and that all the chores that his parents were doing should now be on him. It makes no difference whether you are a man or a woman; as long as you are a student, you can earn extra money. Young people are in high demand in fast food places, many courier jobs, and eventually online jobs.
The fact that parents constantly help their children is a disservice on their part.
When we bring up children, from childhood we must prepare them for such a way of life that if suddenly something happens to their parents, and a person is mortal, the children can take care of themselves.
Parents make a big mistake by keeping their children around and helping them regularly, making them defenseless and spoiled.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Coin Gorilla on February 15, 2023, 09:42:31 AM
Parents make a big mistake by keeping their children around and helping them regularly, making them defenseless and spoiled.

Multiple acquaintances of mine are stuck in these positions (mostly millennials). This is now slowly trickling down to Gen Z, and they seem to be even more incapable of living on their own as is, and I'm not talking here about providing for themselves, but just regular day-to-day stuff. It's a bit baffling, especially when information is at a reach of your fingertips.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Coyster on February 15, 2023, 09:51:08 AM
Even the prodigal son had to return to his father when he could no longer survive on his own, he would have prolly died if he didn't return, and i think we can all agree that ones parent would prefer their children return to them for help that to run into trouble, or to steal to survive or die whilst trying to make ends meet all on their own.

Having said that, there is a difference between completely depending on ones parent for survival and requesting for financial aid so you could stand on your own feet, whilst the former is bad because you would turn out to be dependent and lazy, i don't see anything wrong with the latter, if your parents are capable of 'bailing' you out, then by every means you should allow them do so, rather than you doing something evil to survive or pay off debts.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Ucy on February 15, 2023, 09:55:10 AM
This wouldn't work well for Nomads or mobile people who could be living with whoever they need to, at anytime, without depending on them. I would rather advise people to contribute or provide for the family  or community they live with more than they consume from them. Your contributions should be enough, good and useful for them and they will never be burdened by your staying or see you as a burden to them, even to the extent of not wanting you to leave.
The contributions don't necessarily have to be financial. Help them and your own family solve their problems properly without spending any money. People should be learning how to live comfortably without money.

And always make sure you are not staying with them because you have no other place to stay or people to help you. You should be with them because it' part of your role or job.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Gozie51 on February 15, 2023, 10:22:28 AM
Such dependency is mostly in a system where the government is not performing. The government is to be blamed in the scenario that you have made because if government was taking care of people's need then they would provide jobs or other means that the youths can be independent. I'm going to be thinking that you are referring to African countries and that is one of the reasons I'm yet blaming government. In African countries, no proper data capturing and biometrics are all forged, so you see old men who are suppose to have retired for younger brains to fill up those positions with progressive and innovative acumen but that is not done. This is the major reason for youth high unemployment rate and what choice do they have when they need to get married and take care of homes at a certain age.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Darker45 on February 15, 2023, 11:03:36 AM
There was a time I had to fall back on my parents for help and this was when I was not paid a salary for six months. I had to do so many odd jobs to survive until I couldn't cope anymore. And that was the first and last time it ever happened.
Parents are always willing to help but taking advantage of this privilege is a sign of irresponsibility. Based on our culture, Immediately you leave school and get a job, your parents expect you to be independent and even support them.

Where I am, the culture is different. It is common here in my country for children not to leave their parents even when they already graduated and land on a job. As a matter of fact, it is common for a household to have an extended family. This has both good and bad consequences. Among the bad is that children can easily continue to depend on their parents even in adulthood.

And in many occasions this starts and ends with the parents, which need to stop giving to their kids so much assistance as this will help them understand they cannot keep pushing their economic problem to their parents all the time.

I absolutely agree. However, it is unfortunate here in my country because the setup is more or less cultural. It is even very much acceptable for a young couple to have the grandparents take care of their children while they do their thing. That doesn't seem good to me, but such practice strongly persists until today.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Aanuoluwatofunmi on February 15, 2023, 11:31:10 AM
We have to be realistic here, one will love to make such decision if he only thinks the family he had does not have good financial stand or bouyancy, if they were the rich caliber then it's not a common thing to see someone despise the family especially because of the financial responsibilities, individuals know very well that they've got alot of benefits to inherit from the family finances than when the family has nothing than to be a liability on them always demanding for money, but should money be the source or determinant of our love for the family, how will one feels when it happens that the family cut ties with him due to his lack of being concentrated in his financial circumstances.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Iroh on February 15, 2023, 11:36:21 AM
Such dependency is mostly in a system where the government is not performing. The government is to be blamed in the scenario that you have made because if government was taking care of people's need then they would provide jobs or other means that the youths can be independent. I'm going to be thinking that you are referring to African countries and that is one of the reasons I'm yet blaming government. In African countries, no proper data capturing and biometrics are all forged, so you see old men who are suppose to have retired for younger brains to fill up those positions with progressive and innovative acumen but that is not done. This is the major reason for youth high unemployment rate and what choice do they have when they need to get married and take care of homes at a certain age.

While the government has certain roles to play to make the life of its citizens more comfortable and generally increase their standard of living, the government is not to be blamed when a young adult, perhaps starting out on his own constantly relies on his parents to help him with some bailout money. This scenario happens all over the world and not just in some African countries where the government cannot be relied upon.

I know the government should at least provide the environment in which economic growth and development would grow and thrive and that in turn would increase the number of jobs. While the bulk of the problem rests on the government, we should note that there are individuals that, having been born with a silver spoon, haven’t had to work a day in their lives. When starting out on their own, they would be forced to rely on grants from their parents to survive. The government isn’t to blame for that. Right?

There are also real lazy folks out there that hate the idea of working and can’t hold a job for long. Those folks most times also fall back to their family and friends for bailout money.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: o48o on February 15, 2023, 03:15:09 PM
I don't see it as simple as that. Ability to ask for help in the time of trouble is a skill not everyone has and is something should be abolished because of shaming that you are irresponsible if you are asking money from your parents.

If situation continues and child keeps on asking for more, parents should sit down with their children and have a talk. Maybe plan a budget with then and teach how to spend money more efficiently. Because someone who is depending their parents all the time clearly lack something, either it's not taking responsibility, some personal issues, addiction, or could be that they just lack the skills, or that they are on the spectrum and require different kind of solutions to their problems. But clearly they need help to change their situation. It doesn't have to be money the rest of their days but until the instant threat of getting rest of their lifes ruined by some stupid debts.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: maydna on February 15, 2023, 03:22:37 PM
It was fine for the youngsters to live with their parents while setting up the plan, and it would save them living expenses if they lived separately from their parents. Well, many say that living separately from their parents can teach them to live independently, and maybe that's true too. But that will also depend on how you get along with your friends because I see this factor from friends can change your perspective from being on the "right track" to changing into "the wrong path". Young people get out of control and tend to do what they want and not what they must do to achieve their plans.

If they stayed with their parents, they could seek advice if they were having problems, but this would come back to the young child. If he can focus on his plans while living with his parents, this can build an emotional bond between the two.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: YOSHIE on February 15, 2023, 03:44:02 PM
Don't know what you're saying here, you're repeating the same words, looping from beginning to end.
Your topic says.
To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run.
What is that, confused me to understand.

Fill in your topic, taking parents' money what the hell.

Dude, if you want to be financially independent and financially, to make your parents proud in the future, work and work or do business, self-employed or entering the military and working in government, there are many ways that can make you financially independent, not dependent on parents, many of us here are successful without financial support from their parents.

You can do what is legal to be independent, depending on your will and belief to try to be independent and successful.

what if your parents are not financially capable, what do you take and expect to be independent.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: jrrsparkles on February 15, 2023, 05:47:39 PM
So you are talking about your friends who are dependent on their parents after covid? If the son or daughter can't survive then how their old parents did and I am asking you because you said normal family which I assume middle class.

First of all parent need to teach about importance of money and savings from their early stages itself then they will not be such ignorant who are in need of money from parent when they have their own wife and kids and I wonder how they are still married if they don't have money? Or, are we talking about rich kid here?

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: bitzizzix on February 15, 2023, 06:12:00 PM
If you are married and ask your parents for help, maybe because there is no other choice, I think it's okay, but it all depends on the financial condition of your parents.
if your parents are financially incapable, you shouldn't do it because it will become a burden on your parents' minds which will make them sick because they also can't do anything.
I am private and I am married and I have never troubled them even in difficult circumstances and as much as possible my parents just know that I am happy in every way. And no matter how difficult it is, and also because of any factor, I will find as many solutions as possible, as long as I keep looking for it and also keep trying and have the will there will definitely be a way out. And without bothering the real parents, we have to give and make them happy.
and indeed it is very important to save and also invest from a young age and for future provisions if something unexpected happens, like what happened yesterday with Covid-19 which in my opinion everyone is affected including parents.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: naira on February 15, 2023, 06:21:38 PM
A person's maturity becomes a benchmark if they don't try to live independently and only depend on their parents' finances, then they will never learn how to survive. Usually, these people have wealth inherited from their parents, but not a few of them force their parents' finances to continue to flow even in conditions where their parents are poor. Actually, it's about independence and readiness to live a new life by building a family. But when he is still dependent on his parents' money, then in general he is never ready for new things. He is still a child and will not be able to survive in the harshness of life.

Asking for help from parents when the need arises is normal. But staying financially dependent on them even in adulthood is simply irresponsible. The parents could also take part of the blame. Some parents cannot take it that their adult children are having a hard time. They willingly continue to support them. As a result, their children's behavior is reinforced. Parents instantly coming to their children's aid all the time may sound good, but it could also be dangerous as their children might not grow independent. They might not be able to try find ways to survive.
In cases like this, parenting also plays an important role in how children grow and develop. Usually, children are made spoiled and are not taught how to start life from scratch. Parents are still parents, who are open-hearted and can't bear to see their children starve. But on the contrary, children always have the heart to let their parents starve. Financially, children who grow up without learning the rigors of life still have nothing to learn to live independently. So the role and upbringing of parents also play an important role in shaping the character of children when they grow up. Moreover, building a family where the responsibility is very big. When he decides to have a life partner, it means he is ready for the sweetness and bitterness of family life.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: cabron on February 15, 2023, 06:26:10 PM

Every country has a different approach to this. Close family ties are better because they all help each other, especially in India where even your older brother of yours still lives under one roof with your parents. The parents also like this situation because it helps them guide the family.

But in the real world like the rat race, a person should also start to be independent especially when they got married already. Live separately also and they have to start paying their own mortgage or else they will not be independent.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: MusaPk on February 15, 2023, 06:26:56 PM
Asking for help from parents when the need arises is normal. But staying financially dependent on them even in adulthood is simply irresponsible. The parents could also take part of the blame. Some parents cannot take it that their adult children are having a hard time. They willingly continue to support them. As a result, their children's behavior is reinforced. Parents instantly coming to their children's aid all the time may sound good, but it could also be dangerous as their children might not grow independent. They might not be able to try find ways to survive.

Parents must keep in mind that they won't be there forever to help there kids (in crisis)and the best way parents can help there child is by teaching them how to earn and live on there own. We have to admit that life is tough and we have to take it serious in order to get success later on.  
I do agree with what you say that parents instantly coming and helping there kids is not a help rather a fatal damage to there future.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Fortify on February 15, 2023, 07:16:30 PM

Most of us are born in a normal family. By normal, I mean we are nurtured and raised by healthy parents and they are still active when we graduate from college and start working. In many countries where economy has been hit by the COVID and affliated incidents, life has been harder than before and many have to choose to live with or at least ask help from their parents. From parents pespective, I believe as long as they are able to help, most likely they will be willing to help, because they love you. From children's perspective, I think this may solve some realistic problems in the short term, but in the long run, this will damage the creativity and motivation to face life challenges and harm the ability to manage finances, especially if you are a man. I say this because a lot of the friends from my generation are struggling financially now because they have been dependent on their parents and even after getting married and establishing a new family, they took a regular amount of money from their parents to pay off mortgages or cover other expenses. They've never thought about having another stream of income or one day their parents may not be making money and instead need money and care from them. A lof of hidden problems are there but just ignored. In my opinion, the earlier you become independent financially, the more likely you will be living a comfortable life with your finances. Better to know this and be prepared, if you are young.

That seems like a very odd situation you pose, but it may be true in certain situations I guess. You're right that staying "at home" with parents can definitely be stifling to growth because it limits the freedom and activities you can participate in, while also keeping you somewhat in a bubble from certain bills that you might be expected to pay while renting or paying for a house. However no reasonable mortgage provider would lend on the basis that the person cannot fund their own payments each month, so in that sense something went wrong with the financial checks. There is definitely a degree of independence that will never be learned until someone can live fully apart from their parents.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Bananington on February 15, 2023, 07:22:56 PM
I say this because a lot of the friends from my generation are struggling financially now because they have been dependent on their parents and even after getting married and establishing a new family, they took a regular amount of money from their parents to pay off mortgages or cover other expenses.
The parents have accomodated the behaviour that is why your friends still do it. They are supposed to be giving back to their parents and not taking any more.

If the parents give them just because they have enough and still just want to, it is more understandable than a situation where they are the ones that still make those demands from their elderly parents.

In my opinion, the earlier you become independent financially, the more likely you will be living a comfortable life with your finances.
There is no guarantee to this, but the earlier you become independent financially the faster people see you as a responsible individual and they will take your opinions more seriously.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Captain Corporate on February 15, 2023, 07:25:58 PM
I have to say that is both true and not true at the same time. I haven't had a single financial help from my family since I was 23 years old, which should mean that I need to be a bit more independent from my family and have responsibilities and be a financially wise person at the very least, or at least be forced to work and provide for my family, which is true but that doesn't make me any better man, I still do not live a rich life. I get that I have some responsibilities and have to work harder and get that chance, but that doesn't make any person who lives with their parents any lesser, they are just as good as me, it changes from person to person, not situation to situation.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: ginsan on February 15, 2023, 07:28:23 PM
In theory if you want to be independent, you must first have a steady job and that is one of the factors you will be able to cut off financial ties with your parents which you can do gradually before you have your own wife or family. if you are single or alone, of course your parents will take part in controlling your finances because they are worried that you have not been able to form proper financial management. Indeed, if you have passive income, you can slowly manage your financial land for the long term, whether you apply it to investments.

parents will always try their best for their children even among them maybe they provide initial capital so that their children can be financially independent.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on February 15, 2023, 08:53:56 PM
OP, most times I blame some parents; they are sometimes the cause of some financial issues their children face, and that's because they failed to educate their children on how to create wealth, manage it consistently, and also how to manage financial and economic situations. That's probably because they are rich parents, and they feel their wealth could see their children through life, but sometimes in the future, they become less rich, and it becomes a challenge for the children who are fully dependent on their parent. How ever, it's also necessary for a young guy to grow up and remember that they are not going to be the daddy's boy or girl for ever because they will definitely have their own homes one day and also children who will depend on them too. I have seen some rich kids, but after the death of their dad, they all became poor because they could not manage the wealth nor could they create more wealth; all they were doing was fully depending on their dad.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Oilacris on February 15, 2023, 09:32:46 PM

Most of us are born in a normal family. By normal, I mean we are nurtured and raised by healthy parents and they are still active when we graduate from college and start working. In many countries where economy has been hit by the COVID and affliated incidents, life has been harder than before and many have to choose to live with or at least ask help from their parents. From parents pespective, I believe as long as they are able to help, most likely they will be willing to help, because they love you. From children's perspective, I think this may solve some realistic problems in the short term, but in the long run, this will damage the creativity and motivation to face life challenges and harm the ability to manage finances, especially if you are a man. I say this because a lot of the friends from my generation are struggling financially now because they have been dependent on their parents and even after getting married and establishing a new family, they took a regular amount of money from their parents to pay off mortgages or cover other expenses. They've never thought about having another stream of income or one day their parents may not be making money and instead need money and care from them. A lof of hidden problems are there but just ignored. In my opinion, the earlier you become independent financially, the more likely you will be living a comfortable life with your finances. Better to know this and be prepared, if you are young.
Early or late you would be still end up on the same path which is really that able to realize on how hard would be living specially when you do have your own family on which you would really be needing to

be that thinking independently.Its normal that when we are still young and havent finished schooling then we are really that an obligation by our parents on which it would be normal that they would really

be nurturing us until we do become independent.Somehow those points above are really indeed true and should really be happening in reality but of course its impossible
that you wont really be making some self realizations.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Yatsan on February 15, 2023, 10:41:54 PM
Depends of toxicity exist. In some instances, financial ties is beneficial perhaps you are married and in times of emergency, there is a family to somehow give you assistance. But I do get the point of burden to some instances wherein there is an unwritten responsibility that you should do the other way around. On my end I just consider it as gratitude. Depends on your family culture as well. But as I've mentioned, it is an unrwitten responsibility so if time gets rough, you may only give an amount you just can afford and should not be forced to give more. This is applicable to both parties of child and parents. It is just dependency which makes a big deal out of this, wherein there should not be.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: livingfree on February 15, 2023, 10:49:06 PM
It's up to you whether you want to cut ties with your family so that you can enjoy your life. Every country has a different culture towards family ties.

As much as you want to be with them, it's normal in some countries until you grow old and be with them. There are children that don't really want to be far from their parents because they really love them and they're not getting any younger anymore.

Those that leave their family, either chose to live independently or their family is having toxicity that they can't attain anymore.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Ludmilla_rose1995 on February 16, 2023, 06:40:17 AM
Most of us are born in a normal family. By normal, I mean we are nurtured and raised by healthy parents and they are still active when we graduate from college and start working. In many countries where economy has been hit by the COVID and affliated incidents, life has been harder than before and many have to choose to live with or at least ask help from their parents. From parents pespective, I believe as long as they are able to help, most likely they will be willing to help, because they love you. From children's perspective, I think this may solve some realistic problems in the short term, but in the long run, this will damage the creativity and motivation to face life challenges and harm the ability to manage finances, especially if you are a man. I say this because a lot of the friends from my generation are struggling financially now because they have been dependent on their parents and even after getting married and establishing a new family, they took a regular amount of money from their parents to pay off mortgages or cover other expenses. They've never thought about having another stream of income or one day their parents may not be making money and instead need money and care from them. A lof of hidden problems are there but just ignored. In my opinion, the earlier you become independent financially, the more likely you will be living a comfortable life with your finances. Better to know this and be prepared, if you are young.
what you are doing is very true, I really like it, why in the past were many rich people created, it was because they had the courage to take risks at a young age to live independently and even build their own business. I am currently overseas, I know it is difficult but I realize that it is impossible for me to continue to depend on my parents forever, they have been good enough to raise me, don't let me make their life difficult.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Kakmakr on February 16, 2023, 06:54:42 AM
Yes, the days are long gone where property prices were cheap and work opportunities abundant... now the younger generation has to deal with high inflation and high interest rates and exorbitant property prices. 

I have no problem with those kids that are staying at home to study and to prepare themselves for the difficult task to find a job... I do have a problem with those kids that wants to use their parents for free food and housing, while they are having a care free life. I started working a month after I left school.... and I am still working since that day.  ::)

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on February 16, 2023, 07:26:05 AM
Obviously, this forum is not the place where those children who regularly milk their parents hang out. Coming here, we see people who are ready to learn, which means they understand very well the responsibility for their lives and their livelihoods.
At the same time, I frequently see those golden boys who get up at noon and spend their nights out in bars and clubs.
I am sure that everything we advise here will not reach such people, simply because they will not come here.
And only when something happens to people different from their usual way of life do they begin to look for and think about how to exist separately from their parents.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Razmirraz on February 16, 2023, 09:06:03 AM
Parents always do anything to help their children, including giving some money when their children are having difficulties. Asking your parents for money would be the safest option, because you don't have to think about huge interest.
Explain to them the reason you are borrowing money, even if the second party is your own parents, don't think that the money is given for free because they also have personal needs. Parents will help their children if they have cold money, you as a child have an obligation to pay it because anything related to debt is very sensitive.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: rat03gopoh on February 16, 2023, 09:48:06 AM
Living together or separately doesn't matter, and I know even within one country the culture differs in every region. Everything just depends on the awareness and support of both parties, parents and children. A difficult condition to decide, you wanna live separately but your parents dont support you because of worries about their old age. Or your parents want you to live independently, but you need more time until you're really ready.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Henrobakkara on February 16, 2023, 11:52:41 AM
Asking for help from parents when the need arises is normal. But staying financially dependent on them even in adulthood is simply irresponsible. The parents could also take part of the blame. Some parents cannot take it that their adult children are having a hard time. They willingly continue to support them. As a result, their children's behavior is reinforced. Parents instantly coming to their children's aid all the time may sound good, but it could also be dangerous as their children might not grow independent. They might not be able to try find ways to survive.
There was a time I had to fall back on my parents for help and this was when I was not paid a salary for six months. I had to do so many odd jobs to survive until I couldn't cope anymore. And that was the first and last time it ever happened.
Parents are always willing to help but taking advantage of this privilege is a sign of irresponsibility. Based on our culture, Immediately you leave school and get a job, your parents expect you to be independent and even support them.

Parents should also learn to allow their children to face the world no matter how tough the situation might be. If these children always get the financial support they need, if their parents become broke or die, they might end up becoming beggars or even criminals. Children must be raised to embrace hard work, patience, and endurance.
You are right but sometimes, Some of our parents can not bear to see their children in that position, and if they are in a position to help will always want to do so until the child gets back on their feet however this does not mean the child shouldn't find a way to sustain his or herself cos we know some will take advantage of that too. I don't think most children would want to rely on their parents but sometimes if situations can become tough then both parties have no choice.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: ethereumhunter on February 16, 2023, 12:24:40 PM
It's okay if you still depend on your parents, even after you get married because your parents will understand it and be able to accept it because some parents also experienced the same thing. Parents understand how someone starts a household life where people who get married need adjustments because their lives have changed. But as young people who still depend on their parents, we shouldn't just depend on our parents without doing anything but instead, we have to try our hardest so that we can be independent and can even help our parents in their old days. Maybe they can't do anything later and we as children, have to help them in return for our services to those who have cared for us.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: CageMabok on February 16, 2023, 12:31:41 PM
You are right but sometimes, Some of our parents can not bear to see their children in that position, and if they are in a position to help will always want to do so until the child gets back on their feet however this does not mean the child shouldn't find a way to sustain his or herself cos we know some will take advantage of that too. I don't think most children would want to rely on their parents but sometimes if situations can become tough then both parties have no choice.
Every parent would be happy if their children could live independently without depending on them anymore. But this is clearly not intended for children who are still in school or who are still learning many things and are still attached to their campus.

Because independent things are always aimed at children who have grown up and it is also time to build their own future in this world. So everyone must also look at this based on the child's age to become independent, because it is not very good if parents force a child who is still in school to become independent in his life.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Flexystar on February 16, 2023, 12:49:29 PM
I say this because a lot of the friends from my generation are struggling financially now because they have been dependent on their parents and even after getting married and establishing a new family, they took a regular amount of money from their parents to pay off mortgages or cover other expenses. They've never thought about having another stream of income or one day their parents may not be making money and instead need money and care from them.

Yup, makes lot of sense when we start earning way early than the normal life cycle. I can relate this to my own situation. I started my part time job as early as I was 17 yrs old! This made me realize how important it is to be surrounded by financial goals and do your own chores. My parents are well settled at the current age (obvious thing) but when I was very young they used to be struggling with various A to Z stuff. Whether it is my school fees, bus passes, or my clothing everything was their responsibility.

It made me realize how they might be splitting lot of money in between their children and their own expenses. Let us not forget they did have bill expenses and much more to take care of in day to day life.

One thing is sure, in your life chasing your own dreams and surviving the whole family has got different expenses that you need to take care of! Compromising is not an option here because you live once in your life and it has to be fullest.

I usually work 2-3 jobs at the same time. Whether it is the forum income, my real job and odd jobs that I keep doing elsewhere based on my skill set, I am trying to increase that number in my bank account all the time. In addition to this learning "accounting" is vital and its good sign of financial management. With the time it can really help you prosper since you would not spending your money just anything that you see.

Giving heads up to important things like: Having your own office, business space or having better promotions at your job is something as much important.

It's okay if you still depend on your parents, even after you get married because your parents will understand it and be able to accept it because some parents also experienced the same thing. Parents understand how someone starts a household life where people who get married need adjustments because their lives have changed. But as young people who still depend on their parents, we shouldn't just depend on our parents without doing anything but instead, we have to try our hardest so that we can be independent and can even help our parents in their old days. Maybe they can't do anything later and we as children, have to help them in return for our services to those who have cared for us.

That is entirely true. However, what we should be focusing on is, how to increase the whole family income and thus take care of each other. I am not much experienced but one of the documentary from Indian and Chinese culture shows that, they live in joint families. By that I mean, all brothers and their wives, parents everyone live under the same roof and manage the entire house with their combined income.

Just imagine how excellent management they might be doing. The kitchen must be running almost 12 hours a day to feed everyone and have all the personal space even after that much crowd.

I think it is lot to learn from different cultures and countries on how to manage yourself financial. Some may be living at low wages and be happy while some of them might be earning lot more but may not be happy.

It is just how you manage it :)

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: BigBos on February 16, 2023, 01:44:18 PM

Most of us are born in a normal family. By normal, I mean we are nurtured and raised by healthy parents and they are still active when we graduate from college and start working. In many countries where economy has been hit by the COVID and affliated incidents, life has been harder than before and many have to choose to live with or at least ask help from their parents. From parents pespective, I believe as long as they are able to help, most likely they will be willing to help, because they love you. From children's perspective, I think this may solve some realistic problems in the short term, but in the long run, this will damage the creativity and motivation to face life challenges and harm the ability to manage finances, especially if you are a man. I say this because a lot of the friends from my generation are struggling financially now because they have been dependent on their parents and even after getting married and establishing a new family, they took a regular amount of money from their parents to pay off mortgages or cover other expenses. They've never thought about having another stream of income or one day their parents may not be making money and instead need money and care from them. A lof of hidden problems are there but just ignored. In my opinion, the earlier you become independent financially, the more likely you will be living a comfortable life with your finances. Better to know this and be prepared, if you are young.
Being financially independent at a young age is everyone's dream, not only men but also women, I think many people think of success at a young age, including myself, but every time you do business there is no guarantee of success in it unless you do it seriously and with discipline. even doing it doesn't necessarily guarantee success, sometimes there's still a lot that we don't know about what we're doing right now, especially when we just graduated from school or college, in this case, there are people who can get success quickly, and there are also people who may achieve success longer. depending on how he develops his business and the capacity he has.

Asking parents for help is sometimes a prestige in my opinion especially men who have a greater sense of responsibility they will always feel awkward asking, but that is not a prohibition, on the other hand when parents hear their children asking for help they will always help if they are as capable as you say because for them as great as you are now, how mature now and how successful you are now they are and however your current condition will always think you are a child who often cries and asks for chocolate when he comes home from work.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Wong Gendheng on February 16, 2023, 01:46:04 PM
Most rich people in this planet has been used to difficult things and independently since childhood, when they can finance themselves and even help parents, they will be easier to succeed, but most people are too comfortable with the conditions they have, all costs are sufficient Old even when working they are still assisted by parents and the salary they get is used for their pleasure.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: browsiek on February 16, 2023, 03:07:40 PM
it is true that when we decide to be independent from an early age life will be much better, it does not mean there are no problems, but we become used to dealing with existing problems.  I have not asked my parents for help for more than 2 years because while I can do it myself I abstain from asking, even with life as a young generation there are times when I want to give something valuable or memorable to my parents and those around me.  prepare financially mature while still able to work to make money, because dependence makes us forget about the obligations we have.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: ethereumhunter on February 17, 2023, 04:48:16 AM
It's okay if you still depend on your parents, even after you get married because your parents will understand it and be able to accept it because some parents also experienced the same thing. Parents understand how someone starts a household life where people who get married need adjustments because their lives have changed. But as young people who still depend on their parents, we shouldn't just depend on our parents without doing anything but instead, we have to try our hardest so that we can be independent and can even help our parents in their old days. Maybe they can't do anything later and we as children, have to help them in return for our services to those who have cared for us.

That is entirely true. However, what we should be focusing on is, how to increase the whole family income and thus take care of each other. I am not much experienced but one of the documentary from Indian and Chinese culture shows that, they live in joint families. By that I mean, all brothers and their wives, parents everyone live under the same roof and manage the entire house with their combined income.

Just imagine how excellent management they might be doing. The kitchen must be running almost 12 hours a day to feed everyone and have all the personal space even after that much crowd.

I think it is lot to learn from different cultures and countries on how to manage yourself financial. Some may be living at low wages and be happy while some of them might be earning lot more but may not be happy.

It is just how you manage it :)
I have also seen the life of a family where parents live with their children and maybe their grandchildren and they all take care of each other. This illustrates that communication between all goes well and can manage a large family in one house.

But it all depends on each person because many young people want to live alone outside their parents' house. They want to experience independent living while working and managing their own expenses. But many of them have difficulty living independently because they still need to manage their own lives so that they will be better later.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Wexnident on February 17, 2023, 02:03:25 PM
I think being financially independent doesn't mean needing to leave the home of your parents. I mean I'm still living in mine, the only thing different is that I have my own set of responsibilities now that I take when it comes to, but not limited to finances, though I guess it differs from the cultures of family in each country, at least in mine (Asian), there's no absolute need to.

I guess for people having a really hard time, as long as you were able to graduate I reckon you'd be able to find a pretty good job to stabilize yourself, if not then there are a few online courses afaik that could probably help you land a job, maybe ask some help temporarily, maybe even make it a loan if needed.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: DanWalker on February 17, 2023, 02:55:29 PM
It's okay if you still depend on your parents, even after you get married because your parents will understand it and be able to accept it because some parents also experienced the same thing. Parents understand how someone starts a household life where people who get married need adjustments because their lives have changed. But as young people who still depend on their parents, we shouldn't just depend on our parents without doing anything but instead, we have to try our hardest so that we can be independent and can even help our parents in their old days. Maybe they can't do anything later and we as children, have to help them in return for our services to those who have cared for us.

Parents' love for their children is boundless, no parent abandons us even though we have families. But if we keep thinking shallowly and relying on our parents, our life will never improve. What if our parents are gone? They can't stay with us forever.
We should be independent as soon as possible and think that our parents can raise us, and get married for us. Then we can do the same thing without the help of our parents. Moreover, only when we are independent, we have enough experience to teach our children the same things.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: lionheart78 on February 17, 2023, 05:04:32 PM
I say this because a lot of the friends from my generation are struggling financially now because they have been dependent on their parents and even after getting married and establishing a new family, they took a regular amount of money from their parents to pay off mortgages or cover other expenses.
Do you know what? it's a mistake from their parents because they're willing to help anything when their kids ask for money, even though they're already matured and getting married or in short their parents spoiled them too much.

You can't help it parents love their kids too much that they are willing to support them even with their last coin.  I won't blame parents for the love they have for their kids.  It is the kids err of taking advantage of their parent's love to be irresponsible.

Any parents need to know when your kids already graduated from high school, you're not responsible to cover and pay the whole expenses from your kids, you can kick him from your house and force them to live alone. They will learn how hard this life, increase their critical thinking, know how to manage money etc which not been taught in their school.

True at the end when the parents gone old and not capable of feeding themselves, they will be sent to an institution for the aged, instead of taking good care of them because they did not set an example of taking good care when their kids are starting out.

This is commonly seen in my place, children and parents are still living together even though the childrens are already married.  They share financial responsibilities and are helping each other in time of need.  Parents never abandoned their children during hardship, in return when the parents don't have the capability to feed themselves, the children take care of them until the the last day of their parents.  That is what we called a family bond.

I think there is always pros and cons to everything.  Parents abandon their child when they turned to legal age to teach them how to be independent, in return children does not care when the parents gone old and often sent to home for the aged.

I think being financially independent doesn't mean needing to leave the home of your parents. I mean I'm still living in mine, the only thing different is that I have my own set of responsibilities now that I take when it comes to, but not limited to finances, though I guess it differs from the cultures of family in each country, at least in mine (Asian), there's no absolute need to.

I agree, I am still living with my parents too, and I take care of all the expenses in our house. Yes, when I am in financial trouble, I often ask them for assistance but when I am financially capable, I make sure that they won't spend a single dime from their savings and even return the money they gave me in my troubled times.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Razmirraz on February 20, 2023, 06:45:05 AM
I think being financially independent doesn't mean needing to leave the home of your parents. I mean I'm still living in mine, the only thing different is that I have my own set of responsibilities now that I take when it comes to, but not limited to finances, though I guess it differs from the cultures of family in each country, at least in mine (Asian), there's no absolute need to.

I agree, I am still living with my parents too, and I take care of all the expenses in our house. Yes, when I am in financial trouble, I often ask them for assistance but when I am financially capable, I make sure that they won't spend a single dime from their savings and even return the money they gave me in my troubled times.
Parents have spent a lot of money to raise us, it is appropriate for us as children to make them happy when we are financially able. Everyone has experienced difficult times in their life, when it is difficult to get loans from close friends, relatives or other third parties, parents are always the last destination for help.
Parents never take into account how much money has been spent on their children, as a child they have an obligation to pay for it in their own way. One of them like you have done.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: minime0105 on February 20, 2023, 08:52:48 AM
Parents will always do whatever we need, as long as they are able they will definitely help. But here is our duty to get out of that zone and try to solve problems on our own, especially in financial matters. We cannot forever rely on help from parents or anyone. Maybe things like this will be fine when our parents still have the ability to help us, but life is not always there, sometimes we have to experience difficulties.
I see this kind of thing in my surroundings, yes I have acquaintances who can be said to be good because their parents are still capable and tell them whatever they want, but when their parents are no longer able to do that, people I know tell me how sorry they are for not being able to grow independently and not taking advantage of opportunities to do business when he still had the money to do so.
It's true that in some extent we depart from parents and also help our self, we don't need to rely on parents every day or in every occasions, what i see that we have to do during when we are with parents is that, to be loyal and and grab whatever we want to explore, and it's understandable that a child theirs a time it will reach a child will sponsoring the the parents, that's what we fruit of their labour, a child will began to make provisions to the parents.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: lixer on February 20, 2023, 03:02:49 PM
I think being financially independent doesn't mean needing to leave the home of your parents. I mean I'm still living in mine, the only thing different is that I have my own set of responsibilities now that I take when it comes to, but not limited to finances, though I guess it differs from the cultures of family in each country, at least in mine (Asian), there's no absolute need to.
I agree, I am still living with my parents too, and I take care of all the expenses in our house. Yes, when I am in financial trouble, I often ask them for assistance but when I am financially capable, I make sure that they won't spend a single dime from their savings and even return the money they gave me in my troubled times.
Parents have spent a lot of money to raise us, it is appropriate for us as children to make them happy when we are financially able. Everyone has experienced difficult times in their life, when it is difficult to get loans from close friends, relatives or other third parties, parents are always the last destination for help.
Parents never take into account how much money has been spent on their children, as a child they have an obligation to pay for it in their own way. One of them like you have done.
What if you grow in a budget oriented family? If yes then I don't think they spend so much money on raising you but whatever the total amount it cost, we must still be thankful for them for their effort. This is why many kids are now returning the favour to their parents by the time they graduated from school and find a decent job.

Our parents is the first one that we approach once we have a problem, if they can't help us in terms of finances then that is the time we seek for others. Our parents is responsible for us because they created us but there are some parents who are forcing their children to repay them. This looks inappropriate but I won't be totally agree with them. I will still do it even though they won't remind me.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Renampun on February 20, 2023, 04:01:25 PM
From children's perspective, I think this may solve some realistic problems in the short term, but in the long run, this will damage the creativity and motivation to face life challenges and harm the ability to manage finances, especially if you are a man. I say this because a lot of the friends from my generation are struggling financially now because they have been dependent on their parents and even after getting married and establishing a new family, they took a regular amount of money from their parents to pay off mortgages or cover other expenses.

parenting in some countries is getting weaker and weaker, even many children are indirectly taught by their parents to depend on them for life. I know how parents really love their children because I personally have felt that, if I could give my child the moon then I would give them that but I realized that it was not good, every child must be independent in everything so that in old age not burden their parents.

In my opinion, the earlier you become independent financially, the more likely you will be living a comfortable life with your finances. Better to know this and be prepared, if you are young.

my parents taught me to be financially independent when I got my first job, they said don't be wasteful and buy important things, and to be honest, what did they teach me, I always remember until now, it's been many years I never ask them for money, even I send them $70 per month, as my responsibility to them in old age, and my partner agrees with what I do.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: xSkylarx on February 20, 2023, 04:50:59 PM
At an early age, I became independent already, as we came from a poor family. I would say there is nothing wrong if you ask for help from your parents if there is a problem (lucky on you if you can ask for help mostly financially as we are poor so still my parents can't support me also) as they will be going to help you, but the best example for me is getting into marriage and all of the expenses are coming to your both parents even if both of you don't have any money, then I think it was a bad move. Though I understand they are here to help, marriage is the first step to get independence, if you are still relying on your parents for it, which is not good. It is really best if you have your own house or rent to be more independent because your parents have not unlimited lives. How would you take care of yourself if they had left you?

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Casdinyard on February 20, 2023, 05:32:09 PM
In economics, we really have to be independent since we graduated from school, whether it's school or college education. we are forced to have to work and save in preparation for our mature future, especially at the age of 25-27. Not a few also start their own business with the hope of success at the age of 30-40.

But that's all just theory, in practice in the real world it sometimes doesn't work out like that because sometimes there are boy who are already independent at the age of 20 or even 17 years, sometimes there are also those who are late by the age of 30 and are only independent. And our parents also don't force us to do it all, even though we are already successful, our parents will still want to give us because it is instinct.
As a second-generation Asian that is borderline forced by my relatives and family members to stay together whatever the situation may be, I found the appeal in the western approach of child-rearing and raising, especially in the aspect of forcing your kid to be independent by the time they can have jobs legally, which I think is one of the reasons why a lot of westerners are a little on the independent side and are most definitely self-made. In any case, it's been noted that the less people you have to feed, the more money you can save, thus the logic behind leaving your family behind to focus on growing your personal financial stability is a concept that has been looked upon and observed in a lot of cultures, particularly the westerners as I mentioned.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: dzonikg28 on February 20, 2023, 05:52:57 PM
Asking for help from parents when the need arises is normal. But staying financially dependent on them even in adulthood is simply irresponsible. The parents could also take part of the blame. Some parents cannot take it that their adult children are having a hard time. They willingly continue to support them. As a result, their children's behavior is reinforced. Parents instantly coming to their children's aid all the time may sound good, but it could also be dangerous as their children might not grow independent. They might not be able to try find ways to survive.

It can also be the other way around. Some parents are of the opinion that the more you bleed, the better because the more are you going to thrive for success. But that is just not correct. Both the children and the parents have some responsibility to make the best out of it. Too much from one thing is never good as the saying goes. I can tell from my own experience that some parents can be incredibly demanding, thereby putting a burden onto your shoulders that gives a disadvantage in the every day competition with those who do not have to carry that burden.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: freedomgo on February 20, 2023, 06:39:30 PM
Asking for help from parents when the need arises is normal. But staying financially dependent on them even in adulthood is simply irresponsible. The parents could also take part of the blame. Some parents cannot take it that their adult children are having a hard time. They willingly continue to support them. As a result, their children's behavior is reinforced. Parents instantly coming to their children's aid all the time may sound good, but it could also be dangerous as their children might not grow independent. They might not be able to try find ways to survive.
That’s the reason why most adults never know how to value their work or jobs because they know that even if they don’t have the jobs, they can still rely financial aid from their parents even if they have their own family already. I feel pity for those women who have husbands who never know how to make their own living, and everything they need they just ask them from their parents. Parents also who always tolerate their sons, are not really helping but they are pushing their sons to become more lazy and dependent when it comes to their financial needs.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Mr.right85 on February 20, 2023, 06:55:47 PM

I just might fall into your categorisation of normalcy for a family or not but, one thing I would like to point out is that, its all about the training. The ability of a parent to instill in there children through which ever means, perhaps home taught morals or through the institutions they are enrolled in, a ward might just be able to learn what's the essence of what they are been given and how to survive.

In fact, its more dangerous for those in struggling g family than those from rich or the normal family like you've tagged it. Children from poor homes ought to be smart as they put there situation before whatever they are doing and always check back to see where they are coming from with a hope to change that. U fortunately, most don't follow that lane for a change. They succumb to peer or societal pressure and become a menace to society.

It's really about the up bringing.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: ivankoh on February 20, 2023, 11:06:23 PM
I think this is almost a self-realization.  Obviously as you get older - Parents get older.  I see some friends who have formed the habit of relying on their Parents whenever financial difficulties even though it is a small amount.  At the very least, each person has to find the positive, motivate themselves to change their dependence on their own conditions.  When you have a family, that angle is even bigger.  Being independent is a good way to get motivated, hard work.  change yourself every day.  After all, I think when I separate myself from my parents' financial dependence/dependence, that's a good thing, I'm not sure in all other people's circumstances, but for me, I figured  early independence.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: romero121 on February 20, 2023, 11:14:10 PM
I think this is almost a self-realization.  Obviously as you get older - Parents get older.  I see some friends who have formed the habit of relying on their Parents whenever financial difficulties even though it is a small amount.  At the very least, each person has to find the positive, motivate themselves to change their dependence on their own conditions.  When you have a family, that angle is even bigger.  Being independent is a good way to get motivated, hard work.  change yourself every day.  After all, I think when I separate myself from my parents' financial dependence/dependence, that's a good thing, I'm not sure in all other people's circumstances, but for me, I figured  early independence.
Agreed, it is our responsibility to keep ourselves independent in finance. When we want to do what we prefer after certain age, but looking for the money from the parents for the same is unfair. At some circumstances requesting parents for help is quite Ok, but the same shouldn't continue forever. Inheriting what belongs to them after their life is our sole right. Before that depending on them for financial needs is kind of downgrading ourselves. As suggested, we need to make ourselves motivated and move on facing the challenges.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: wxa7115 on February 21, 2023, 03:57:50 AM
I think this is almost a self-realization.  Obviously as you get older - Parents get older.  I see some friends who have formed the habit of relying on their Parents whenever financial difficulties even though it is a small amount.  At the very least, each person has to find the positive, motivate themselves to change their dependence on their own conditions.  When you have a family, that angle is even bigger.  Being independent is a good way to get motivated, hard work.  change yourself every day.  After all, I think when I separate myself from my parents' financial dependence/dependence, that's a good thing, I'm not sure in all other people's circumstances, but for me, I figured  early independence.
Agreed, it is our responsibility to keep ourselves independent in finance. When we want to do what we prefer after certain age, but looking for the money from the parents for the same is unfair. At some circumstances requesting parents for help is quite Ok, but the same shouldn't continue forever. Inheriting what belongs to them after their life is our sole right. Before that depending on them for financial needs is kind of downgrading ourselves. As suggested, we need to make ourselves motivated and move on facing the challenges.
To sustain yourself should always be the goal, it is true there could be moments in which this is not possible, as it could be the case if you suffer an accident and you require some financial help to pay for the hospital bills.

But this should be the exception, however for what I can see around me it seems this ideal is not pursued with the same kind of enthusiasm as in the past, as I see many young adults and even couples which depend financially on their parents.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: xSkylarx on February 21, 2023, 06:20:16 AM
I think this is almost a self-realization.  Obviously as you get older - Parents get older.  I see some friends who have formed the habit of relying on their Parents whenever financial difficulties even though it is a small amount.  At the very least, each person has to find the positive, motivate themselves to change their dependence on their own conditions.  When you have a family, that angle is even bigger.  Being independent is a good way to get motivated, hard work.  change yourself every day.  After all, I think when I separate myself from my parents' financial dependence/dependence, that's a good thing, I'm not sure in all other people's circumstances, but for me, I figured  early independence.
Agreed, it is our responsibility to keep ourselves independent in finance. When we want to do what we prefer after certain age, but looking for the money from the parents for the same is unfair. At some circumstances requesting parents for help is quite Ok, but the same shouldn't continue forever. Inheriting what belongs to them after their life is our sole right. Before that depending on them for financial needs is kind of downgrading ourselves. As suggested, we need to make ourselves motivated and move on facing the challenges.
To sustain yourself should always be the goal, it is true there could be moments in which this is not possible, as it could be the case if you suffer an accident and you require some financial help to pay for the hospital bills.

But this should be the exception, however for what I can see around me it seems this ideal is not pursued with the same kind of enthusiasm as in the past, as I see many young adults and even couples which depend financially on their parents.

But it is still better that you have your own emergency savings when this happens. The best goal really is that you can now help your parents financially, and for sure you'll be independent. I also noticed right now that there are people who have already had a child at a young age and are still living with their parents, and their parents are buying those needs of the child, like milk and diapers, as well as their food. It is like their parents are starting over again as they struggle to make a living as they need to feed those young couples as well as their child. I am hoping that those kinds of people will strive more, find a job, and be independent, as they already have families.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Plaguedeath on February 21, 2023, 07:38:25 AM
But it is still better that you have your own emergency savings when this happens. The best goal really is that you can now help your parents financially, and for sure you'll be independent. I also noticed right now that there are people who have already had a child at a young age and are still living with their parents, and their parents are buying those needs of the child, like milk and diapers, as well as their food. It is like their parents are starting over again as they struggle to make a living as they need to feed those young couples as well as their child. I am hoping that those kinds of people will strive more, find a job, and be independent, as they already have families.
You can't hope they will change their behavior, they will become independent after their parents died and there's no one give them money, so they will do anything in order to earn money. Usually those people will either become construction laborer, busker, dustman and any other low salary jobs. The worst case they become beggar or criminal because they're forced to make more money due to daily needs. This is why poor people never ends and it's keep repeated on their child due to bad mindset.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Mauser on February 21, 2023, 08:03:00 AM
They've never thought about having another stream of income or one day their parents may not be making money and instead need money and care from them. A lof of hidden problems are there but just ignored. In my opinion, the earlier you become independent financially, the more likely you will be living a comfortable life with your finances. Better to know this and be prepared, if you are young.

It's good to be financially independent as much as possible, but there can always be hard times around the corner. What if we become sick, get fried from our job, or face a lot of maintenance repairs in our apartment? From my point of view family is there to help each other in times of need. This doesn't mean that we should always rely on our parents to provide for us, but if we really need the help they will be there. Only when I got older I realised how hard the life for my parents was and they needed a lot of help from my grand parents. Without their support we could have never went on summer vacation, or get Christmas gifts. So if things are getting bad I am glad I can get at least some help from my parents. Who else would be there for us if we really need it?

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Iroh on February 21, 2023, 11:43:06 AM
It's good to be financially independent as much as possible, but there can always be hard times around the corner. What if we become sick, get fried from our job, or face a lot of maintenance repairs in our apartment? From my point of view family is there to help each other in times of need. This doesn't mean that we should always rely on our parents to provide for us, but if we really need the help they will be there. Only when I got older I realised how hard the life for my parents was and they needed a lot of help from my grand parents. Without their support we could have never went on summer vacation, or get Christmas gifts. So if things are getting bad I am glad I can get at least some help from my parents. Who else would be there for us if we really need it?

It’s not just good to be financially independent, it feels great also. Of course there would always be problems that would pop up here and there, but you don’t need to fall back to your parents or family for help. That’s what being financially independent is all about.
Parents also need money themselves and also need to be taken care of more. They definitely need money to relax more in their retirement and not having to bail out their kids whoever they come crying.

I also think if someone is having a difficult financial situation, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to cut costs and put a pause on summer vacations.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: GideonGono on February 21, 2023, 01:17:30 PM

Most of us are born in a normal family. By normal, I mean we are nurtured and raised by healthy parents and they are still active when we graduate from college and start working. In many countries where economy has been hit by the COVID and affliated incidents, life has been harder than before and many have to choose to live with or at least ask help from their parents. From parents pespective, I believe as long as they are able to help, most likely they will be willing to help, because they love you. From children's perspective, I think this may solve some realistic problems in the short term, but in the long run, this will damage the creativity and motivation to face life challenges and harm the ability to manage finances, especially if you are a man. I say this because a lot of the friends from my generation are struggling financially now because they have been dependent on their parents and even after getting married and establishing a new family, they took a regular amount of money from their parents to pay off mortgages or cover other expenses. They've never thought about having another stream of income or one day their parents may not be making money and instead need money and care from them. A lof of hidden problems are there but just ignored. In my opinion, the earlier you become independent financially, the more likely you will be living a comfortable life with your finances. Better to know this and be prepared, if you are young.
I think it depends on the family most of the families here in the Philippines is exactly the opposite of what you mention.
It is the parents who depends on their children they raise them as a retirement fund their son or daughter would work and most of the time they are obliged to support their parents.
I am not saying that this is done by all but I am sure most people in the Philippines experience it.
It isn't bad thing if their kids are willing to help but the problem is some of them are forced because of some parents who would compute how much they've spend raising their kids and all of their sacrifice.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Majestic-milf on February 21, 2023, 02:45:47 PM
 It's not a bad idea to fall back to your folks when you are financially constrained as a man, because no one can expect some curve balls life throws but where it becomes questionable is when it becomes a norm.
 As humans, there's always the tendency to slack when we notice that our needs are being provided for us and just like a poster observed, it makes the individual (especially the man) lose focus on his role to play as a provider and can become a liability as he has lost sight of what he ought to do simply because he has gotten used to finances being handed to him.
 Also, one would want to fault such a behavior on the parents but I think life places one with choices, so if such an individual wants to carry on, it's his choice.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Doan9269 on February 21, 2023, 03:19:48 PM
It's not a bad idea to fall back to your folks when you are financially constrained as a man, because no one can expect some curve balls life throws but where it becomes questionable is when it becomes a norm.
 As humans, there's always the tendency to slack when we notice that our needs are being provided for us and just like a poster observed, it makes the individual (especially the man) lose focus on his role to play as a provider and can become a liability as he has lost sight of what he ought to do simply because he has gotten used to finances being handed to him.
 Also, one would want to fault such a behavior on the parents but I think life places one with choices, so if such an individual wants to carry on, it's his choice.

I have seen a live experience with people who have left the family alone after which they make it in life and have acquired enough money for a good and long time sustainability, to the funny aspect, when they have squandered the whole wealth and the game got fade away like the grasses cut away to withers, then they remember they have families from which they belong and begin to look for assistance around when they have lived a waste life, fun and bitches aren't the first or recommendable investments to build, investments and family should be a first line in action because we need a place to fall back at later in life, some people have gone so wrong that they can't appear before their family due to shame and guilty conscience.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Davidvictorson on February 21, 2023, 05:20:27 PM
The world will live in it's not what it used to be. So many things have changed. In the past, when you graduated college, you were at least sure of a well-paying job. You also knew that there was going to be job security, and if you worked hard enough at your job, you'd be able to afford a house of your own, a car, and a vacation. This is not how it is anymore; it is tough, and it seems like our parents lived in the best of times. The unemployment rate has skyrocketed, the inflation rate is on the rise,  and it is becoming increasingly difficult to become financially independent.

Personally I blame the government and our educational system.  Or educational system doesn't teach us how to become independent rather they give us old knowledge and expect us to go into the world looking like zombies. Most young folks  who have attained financial independence we are able to think outside the box,  find a need or a problem and solve it. Cutting  ties with one's family is not the best option you need your family and your family needs you. What I would say is for you to ask for help in terms of initial capital investment to start a business if your parents are willing to help. At least they wouldn't request for a higher stake in the company.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: passwordnow on February 21, 2023, 05:40:49 PM
If you're still single and you struggle financially, your parents will want you to be there. But if you're married and you are still under the roof with your parents and your spouse, that's something else.
However, there are parents that don't want to see their children suffer and they want to be of help as much as they can no matter what is the situation that you're dealing with. And that's why they are the ones that wanting their children to stay on their wing even if they're old enough.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: virasisog on February 21, 2023, 07:49:45 PM
We can seek help but we can't rely on them forever. Some people don't want to get out of their comfort zones and are contented with having complete meals under the same roof as their parents. Lacking motivation could affect us in the long run. Our parents will not live forever and we must also give them time to relax and enjoy their lives by also giving them a comfortable life.
Relying on them only makes them suffer though we might not hear them complaining. We should also need to grind and live our own lives and be sure to have our own permanent incomes.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: dunfida on February 21, 2023, 08:59:26 PM
We can seek help but we can't rely on them forever. Some people don't want to get out of their comfort zones and are contented with having complete meals under the same roof as their parents. Lacking motivation could affect us in the long run. Our parents will not live forever and we must also give them time to relax and enjoy their lives by also giving them a comfortable life.
Relying on them only makes them suffer though we might not hear them complaining. We should also need to grind and live our own lives and be sure to have our own permanent incomes.
Whether we do like it or not then we should really be that accepting on whats the real deal of this life on which we should really need ourselves to be that independent.Its true that we cant really stick to them in all of

our lives.They dont really become that younger anymore as the years passing which it would really be just right as a child of your parents to live a life which is free of those sufferings and sacrifices.

Just make a goal or plan into your life on having your own family and wont really be still that dependent even on your adulthood which it is really just right that you should
mind off about their sacrifices that they had done.Dont make things even more harder for them since they are getting old.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: beerlover on February 21, 2023, 09:08:09 PM
To sustain yourself should always be the goal, it is true there could be moments in which this is not possible, as it could be the case if you suffer an accident and you require some financial help to pay for the hospital bills.

But this should be the exception, however for what I can see around me it seems this ideal is not pursued with the same kind of enthusiasm as in the past, as I see many young adults and even couples which depend financially on their parents.
Those bad periods where you are financially in so much trouble that you have absolutely no idea how you can get out of it is the real reason why so many people succeed in their future. Obviously there are so many people who are poor and can't get out of poverty, but if you are there just for once, and then manage to get out, then you will know what to look for in the future.

I have been there, had hard time and had troubling times, but I worked hard to get out and I know that unless something super major happens in my life, like for example I can't work due to illness or injury, then I won't be going back again because I know how to get out no matter what. I would be working at the lowest of jobs and still not be in poverty if I can prevent it.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Sanitough on February 21, 2023, 09:29:13 PM
Asking for help from parents when the need arises is normal. But staying financially dependent on them even in adulthood is simply irresponsible. The parents could also take part of the blame. Some parents cannot take it that their adult children are having a hard time. They willingly continue to support them. As a result, their children's behavior is reinforced. Parents instantly coming to their children's aid all the time may sound good, but it could also be dangerous as their children might not grow independent. They might not be able to try find ways to survive.
Parents become the best provider for their children not because they are obliged to do that, but because they want to give the best for their children and protect them all the time. But when these children have grown into adults, it’s time for the parents to give way to their grown up children so they can become independent not only physically, but also financially. That’s why adults should have their own means of living so they can provide for their own family, and not to stay dependent on their parents. And as parents, they should guide their children to develop the best they can be, so they can survive on their own and build their own family without relying from the income of their parents.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Marcellin9 on February 22, 2023, 06:11:31 AM
It's not a bad idea to fall back to your folks when you are financially constrained as a man, because no one can expect some curve balls life throws but where it becomes questionable is when it becomes a norm.
 As humans, there's always the tendency to slack when we notice that our needs are being provided for us and just like a poster observed, it makes the individual (especially the man) lose focus on his role to play as a provider and can become a liability as he has lost sight of what he ought to do simply because he has gotten used to finances being handed to him.
 Also, one would want to fault such a behavior on the parents but I think life places one with choices, so if such an individual wants to carry on, it's his choice.

Indeed. You have done a great job explaining your point well. When I saw Mr. Mauser's comment before yours, I wanted to make a reply but hesitated, simply because I guess his mindset has not come to the stage of knowing a man's responsibility. Then I saw your comment and what a perfect answer to Mr. Mauser's question ! Due all due respect to him, I firmly believe that a man should never think "take it easy" on life, other people like his family and friends may do this to him, but he should never take actions less and think less. As a family man, it is dangerous to think you always have your parents to fall back on. I know this can only be understood by a few people and may cause criticism but I insist on speaking up the truth.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Finestream on February 22, 2023, 09:22:43 AM
Asking for help from parents when the need arises is normal. But staying financially dependent on them even in adulthood is simply irresponsible. The parents could also take part of the blame. Some parents cannot take it that their adult children are having a hard time. They willingly continue to support them. As a result, their children's behavior is reinforced. Parents instantly coming to their children's aid all the time may sound good, but it could also be dangerous as their children might not grow independent. They might not be able to try find ways to survive.
There was a time I had to fall back on my parents for help and this was when I was not paid a salary for six months. I had to do so many odd jobs to survive until I couldn't cope anymore. And that was the first and last time it ever happened.
Parents are always willing to help but taking advantage of this privilege is a sign of irresponsibility. Based on our culture, Immediately you leave school and get a job, your parents expect you to be independent and even support them.

Parents should also learn to allow their children to face the world no matter how tough the situation might be. If these children always get the financial support they need, if their parents become broke or die, they might end up becoming beggars or even criminals. Children must be raised to embrace hard work, patience, and endurance.
Parents would always want the best for their children, that even sometimes they still go beyond their limits and become stage parents, even if their children are already building their own family. Maybe at first, it could be an advantage on part of the son/daughter, but eventually it won’t be helpful in the long run since it will pave way to develop negative attitude like laziness to get his own job, and being dependent most of the time. Also, parents should hone their children to become future responsible parents to their children, and not to become an irresponsible and jobless person who will only depend on his wife to provide for the family.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: xSkylarx on February 22, 2023, 10:25:16 AM
If you're still single and you struggle financially, your parents will want you to be there. But if you're married and you are still under the roof with your parents and your spouse, that's something else.
However, there are parents that don't want to see their children suffer and they want to be of help as much as they can no matter what is the situation that you're dealing with. And that's why they are the ones that wanting their children to stay on their wing even if they're old enough.

Parents are very emotionally attached to their children because, since birth, they have taken care of you, and they just do it for good. It would be nice to talk with your parents if they are still doing this since you can't stand up with your own feet if they are still there helping you. Though there are still people who rely on their parents and don't want to go to work even if they are married, I couldn't understand why they are still doing that and not going out of their comfort zone.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Marvell1 on February 22, 2023, 01:58:33 PM
They've never thought about having another stream of income or one day their parents may not be making money and instead need money and care from them. A lof of hidden problems are there but just ignored. In my opinion, the earlier you become independent financially, the more likely you will be living a comfortable life with your finances. Better to know this and be prepared, if you are young.

It's good to be financially independent as much as possible, but there can always be hard times around the corner. What if we become sick, get fried from our job, or face a lot of maintenance repairs in our apartment? From my point of view family is there to help each other in times of need. This doesn't mean that we should always rely on our parents to provide for us, but if we really need the help they will be there. Only when I got older I realised how hard the life for my parents was and they needed a lot of help from my grand parents. Without their support we could have never went on summer vacation, or get Christmas gifts. So if things are getting bad I am glad I can get at least some help from my parents. Who else would be there for us if we really need it?

Yes, family is to help each other, but think about it, our parents sacrificed their youth to raise us to be human. We are still very young, have a lot of health, and have a lot of time to live in this world, but our parents are not like that, I mean, try while we can, don't be too dependent on our parents. Think about a future without parents and how we will overcome that difficulty. I believe that everything has a solution, it's just that we always think that we still have parents, so we never try our best.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: passwordnow on February 22, 2023, 07:45:48 PM
If you're still single and you struggle financially, your parents will want you to be there. But if you're married and you are still under the roof with your parents and your spouse, that's something else.
However, there are parents that don't want to see their children suffer and they want to be of help as much as they can no matter what is the situation that you're dealing with. And that's why they are the ones that wanting their children to stay on their wing even if they're old enough.

Parents are very emotionally attached to their children because, since birth, they have taken care of you, and they just do it for good. It would be nice to talk with your parents if they are still doing this since you can't stand up with your own feet if they are still there helping you. Though there are still people who rely on their parents and don't want to go to work even if they are married, I couldn't understand why they are still doing that and not going out of their comfort zone.
Those that don't want to work and are married already, they're too dependent on their parents. It's okay to their parents but in the eyes of society, it's all wrong.
They are already grown up and they can go to work and have themselves grind with any career that they may choose since they're older now. But being still dependent on their parents while building another family, there will be various reactions to that kind of setup. Because those working and independent people will have that thought that it's a wrong setup but, it's understandable if it's just temporary.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Mahanton on February 22, 2023, 07:51:43 PM
If you're still single and you struggle financially, your parents will want you to be there. But if you're married and you are still under the roof with your parents and your spouse, that's something else.
However, there are parents that don't want to see their children suffer and they want to be of help as much as they can no matter what is the situation that you're dealing with. And that's why they are the ones that wanting their children to stay on their wing even if they're old enough.

Parents are very emotionally attached to their children because, since birth, they have taken care of you, and they just do it for good. It would be nice to talk with your parents if they are still doing this since you can't stand up with your own feet if they are still there helping you. Though there are still people who rely on their parents and don't want to go to work even if they are married, I couldn't understand why they are still doing that and not going out of their comfort zone.
Those that don't want to work and are married already, they're too dependent on their parents. It's okay to their parents but in the eyes of society, it's all wrong.
They are already grown up and they can go to work and have themselves grind with any career that they may choose since they're older now. But being still dependent on their parents while building another family, there will be various reactions to that kind of setup. Because those working and independent people will have that thought that it's a wrong setup but, it's understandable if it's just temporary.
Only a few parents would really be still continuing to support their child even on their marriage life but majority would really be sharing up on the same opinion about on letting your child to be independent already since he had been starting on building his own family.Being that reliant into your parents support does really show that you arent really that prepared on having one.As an individual then you should really make yourself that
independent and you should be thinking that its not your family or parents responsibility on raising up your own family.This is why on the time that you are deciding on creating one then it
is really just right that you should be thinking up this way.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: macson on February 22, 2023, 09:18:35 PM
economically and financially independent (not dependent on business and family inheritance) is a must and i started it when i graduated from college.  Times are changing very quickly and competition is getting tougher, people who only rely on privileges and the family inheritance will be far behind and only create dependence.  my parents are very strict and wise in educating their children, we were educated to do things that are more independent and brave, and that upbringing is the most valuable I think compared to the legacy that they left for me.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Russlenat on February 22, 2023, 09:32:55 PM
Asking for help from parents when the need arises is normal. But staying financially dependent on them even in adulthood is simply irresponsible. The parents could also take part of the blame. Some parents cannot take it that their adult children are having a hard time. They willingly continue to support them. As a result, their children's behavior is reinforced. Parents instantly coming to their children's aid all the time may sound good, but it could also be dangerous as their children might not grow independent. They might not be able to try find ways to survive.
It’s normal for parents to extend help to their children whenever they see them hardly surviving, but taking advantage of their help would not be good at all. Instead, these children only end up still very dependent to their parents, not thinking that any time of the day their parents will be gone so they should have to start being independent by now and have their own source of income so they can provide for their family, with or without the help from parents or other people.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Vaculin on February 22, 2023, 09:59:10 PM
But it is still better that you have your own emergency savings when this happens. The best goal really is that you can now help your parents financially, and for sure you'll be independent. I also noticed right now that there are people who have already had a child at a young age and are still living with their parents, and their parents are buying those needs of the child, like milk and diapers, as well as their food. It is like their parents are starting over again as they struggle to make a living as they need to feed those young couples as well as their child. I am hoping that those kinds of people will strive more, find a job, and be independent, as they already have families.
You can't hope they will change their behavior, they will become independent after their parents died and there's no one give them money, so they will do anything in order to earn money. Usually those people will either become construction laborer, busker, dustman and any other low salary jobs. The worst case they become beggar or criminal because they're forced to make more money due to daily needs. This is why poor people never ends and it's keep repeated on their child due to bad mindset.
Well, as long as they have someone to depend on, they will never learn to become independent and thrive to find job on their own so that they can raise their family. This is a very wrong mindset, that’s why while it’s early, parents should also teach their children on how to stand on their own feet by living separately from their parents. This is to prepare them to be strong enough when their parents are already not around.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: erep on February 22, 2023, 09:59:22 PM
It’s normal for parents to extend help to their children whenever they see them hardly surviving, but taking advantage of their help would not be good at all. Instead, these children only end up still very dependent to their parents, not thinking that any time of the day their parents will be gone so they should have to start being independent by now and have their own source of income so they can provide for their family, with or without the help from parents or other people.
We have an age limit not to depend on help from our parents, we must be independent as adults and must work hard to get a job for the main income. we hope to repay our parents before we get married, I have great hope that I will make my parents happy for the first time before my partner. At least if we can't make them happy now then we should never add a burden to them, they just want to live quietly in their old age and hopefully we are given a long life to gather together with their extended family and hope they can see their grandchildren.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Oceat on February 22, 2023, 10:35:23 PM
This is kinda common in Asia I guess and it's not just the kids though since parents were expecting you to help them after you graduated from school and get a job. But in your topic these people who still keep on asking for their parents money is really a sign of irresponsibility that they should rather be doing it since they choose that life. But unfortunately, some parents can't let them children to struggle in order to learn and experience what is life. This is like raising a spoiled brat that in the end they will still cling to their parents to ask money if they want something.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: dunfida on February 22, 2023, 11:59:32 PM
This is kinda common in Asia I guess and it's not just the kids though since parents were expecting you to help them after you graduated from school and get a job. But in your topic these people who still keep on asking for their parents money is really a sign of irresponsibility that they should rather be doing it since they choose that life. But unfortunately, some parents can't let them children to struggle in order to learn and experience what is life. This is like raising a spoiled brat that in the end they will still cling to their parents to ask money if they want something.
Being a parent then its not really that bad to have this kind of handling out on your kids even if they are already that married.If you do see that they do still need up some support on some things then do it.

It is really just that we cant ignore out our children to be in difficulties and even myself cant really just afford on seeing them on a hardship on whatever they are facing out.

Just really have that kind of limit which you do see that it is really that too much for them ending up on getting spoiled even on those marriage life.
Its not bad to support but set out a limit line or border on how far you could only go.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Marcellin9 on February 23, 2023, 01:17:00 AM
This is kinda common in Asia I guess and it's not just the kids though since parents were expecting you to help them after you graduated from school and get a job. But in your topic these people who still keep on asking for their parents money is really a sign of irresponsibility that they should rather be doing it since they choose that life. But unfortunately, some parents can't let them children to struggle in order to learn and experience what is life. This is like raising a spoiled brat that in the end they will still cling to their parents to ask money if they want something.
Being a parent then its not really that bad to have this kind of handling out on your kids even if they are already that married.If you do see that they do still need up some support on some things then do it.

It is really just that we cant ignore out our children to be in difficulties and even myself cant really just afford on seeing them on a hardship on whatever they are facing out.

Just really have that kind of limit which you do see that it is really that too much for them ending up on getting spoiled even on those marriage life.
Its not bad to support but set out a limit line or border on how far you could only go.

With all due respect, the sentimental mindset you mentioned seems like good to children but this is the exact cause why a lot of children can never be truly independent. "It's not bad to support but set out a limit line or border on how far you could only go", in reality, this never works and will make things worse. The reason is very simple that we are all humans and for spoilled childrens, if you have done a million good things to satisfy their needs but only one thing you can not do for them, they will remember this one thing and "hate" you. You may call this greed, selfish or anything but the point is that there is no way to set out a limit line or border for your children because they have taken things you have done for granted for so many years and they won't change their mindset. I myself am also a parent and the sentimental part of me fully understands your point but the rational part of me stands out to speak this out.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: passwordnow on February 23, 2023, 10:26:40 AM
Those that don't want to work and are married already, they're too dependent on their parents. It's okay to their parents but in the eyes of society, it's all wrong.
They are already grown up and they can go to work and have themselves grind with any career that they may choose since they're older now. But being still dependent on their parents while building another family, there will be various reactions to that kind of setup. Because those working and independent people will have that thought that it's a wrong setup but, it's understandable if it's just temporary.
Only a few parents would really be still continuing to support their child even on their marriage life but majority would really be sharing up on the same opinion about on letting your child to be independent already since he had been starting on building his own family.Being that reliant into your parents support does really show that you arent really that prepared on having one.As an individual then you should really make yourself that
independent and you should be thinking that its not your family or parents responsibility on raising up your own family.This is why on the time that you are deciding on creating one then it
is really just right that you should be thinking up this way.
It depends on the culture of the country but I think, no parent would want to see their children suffer even if they already have a married life. As much as they want their children to settle in good, if there are problems they want to be there and be of great help to their children so that their relationship and dealing with new chapters of their life would be easy. That's what parents are but, I know also that there are parents that want their children to learn things on their own and deal with their own hardships.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Oceat on February 23, 2023, 06:52:06 PM
Wait a minute, with all due respect, you don't have to be harsh with your child/children when they were still young. You have to teach them properly on how to become independent by themselves and not just leave them alone and figure everything out on their own. I know parenting is hard but it's the way how you treat your children that matters even if you made a mistake. Once you show/tell them why you did it to them it's because they have to know the right or wrong.

I don't get it why you have to push the hateful thought when they couldn't get what they want they would hate you for not doing what they want? That sounded like a spoiled brat to me that doesn't have a good ass whooping for them to behave and listen to their parents.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Viscore on February 23, 2023, 09:16:25 PM
It's not a bad idea to fall back to your folks when you are financially constrained as a man, because no one can expect some curve balls life throws but where it becomes questionable is when it becomes a norm.
 As humans, there's always the tendency to slack when we notice that our needs are being provided for us and just like a poster observed, it makes the individual (especially the man) lose focus on his role to play as a provider and can become a liability as he has lost sight of what he ought to do simply because he has gotten used to finances being handed to him.
 Also, one would want to fault such a behavior on the parents but I think life places one with choices, so if such an individual wants to carry on, it's his choice.
It’s not bad actually receiving help from parents or siblings, but if you rely on it consistently, you will lost the essence of hardwork. Go get your own job and work on it so you will be compensated, that way you can provide the needs of your family without asking help from your parents. And as for parents, let your children become independent by not providing them the whole time, let them work so they can get what they want. That way, you are preparing your children to face the realities in this world.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Marcellin9 on February 24, 2023, 07:04:03 AM
Wait a minute, with all due respect, you don't have to be harsh with your child/children when they were still young. You have to teach them properly on how to become independent by themselves and not just leave them alone and figure everything out on their own. I know parenting is hard but it's the way how you treat your children that matters even if you made a mistake. Once you show/tell them why you did it to them it's because they have to know the right or wrong.

I don't get it why you have to push the hateful thought when they couldn't get what they want they would hate you for not doing what they want? That sounded like a spoiled brat to me that doesn't have a good ass whooping for them to behave and listen to their parents.

We don't get it why you have to say "hafeful thought" and I was wondering if you are a robot. 'when they couldn't get what they want they would hate you for not doing what they want ?" .. Excuse me, this does not only apply to spoiled children but also to human nature in general. You are definitely not a real person or a normal person that lives in reality, with all due respect.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Synchronice on February 24, 2023, 09:02:17 AM
From children's perspective, I think this may solve some realistic problems in the short term, but in the long run, this will damage the creativity and motivation to face life challenges and harm the ability to manage finances, especially if you are a man. I say this because a lot of the friends from my generation are struggling financially now because they have been dependent on their parents and even after getting married and establishing a new family, they took a regular amount of money from their parents to pay off mortgages or cover other expenses. They've never thought about having another stream of income or one day their parents may not be making money and instead need money and care from them. A lof of hidden problems are there but just ignored. In my opinion, the earlier you become independent financially, the more likely you will be living a comfortable life with your finances. Better to know this and be prepared, if you are young.
There are a lot of people who were born in poor families but have zero motivation to escape the poverty. When I see people like Cristiano Ronaldo and Conor McGregor, I always think that you are either born with it or not. These are the people who were chasing money and luxury life because they were poor and couldn't afford what they wanted. When you chase it, when you fight for it, when you have right mentality for it, then you do whatever dream your mind can imagine.
The reason behind why I mention these two people is that to my mind, Cristiano Ronaldo isn't talented footballer (Messi is a true talent), but instead, he is a very dedicated and hard worker person, this is what made him successful, his mindset, his dedication and willpower.
And Conor McGregor, while is acts a bit cocky, it's true that he earned himself his fame, money, everything. He made UFC more famous and interesting. While he certainly is not the best fighter, he is the best seller of the show, the highest-paid athlete in UFC. He made it, he made others to earn money too.

When it comes to family, I don't think that help from family makes you poor. Well, if you are from rich family, then this can make your more unmotivated but if you come from average family, I don't see why a little help from parents can make you poor. Instead, it's necessary, cause help from them will give you time to get more dedicated on what you want to do.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: AicecreaME on February 24, 2023, 02:01:04 PM
Asking for help from parents when the need arises is normal. But staying financially dependent on them even in adulthood is simply irresponsible. The parents could also take part of the blame. Some parents cannot take it that their adult children are having a hard time. They willingly continue to support them. As a result, their children's behavior is reinforced. Parents instantly coming to their children's aid all the time may sound good, but it could also be dangerous as their children might not grow independent. They might not be able to try find ways to survive.

I definitely agree with this.

Sometimes their daughters and sons are the problem, sometimes it is the parents. It is either the kid was spoiled so he grew up as a spoiled brat doing whatever he wants because he knew his parents would always back him up or the parents made a lot of children to make it as their investment plan, like they are all obligated to give their salaries to their parents after they graduated in college and got a job. This kind of cycle never ends, it needs to be stop by those kind of families and kids.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: AnonBitCoiner on February 24, 2023, 02:52:07 PM
yes it is right that children should not be dependent on parents for financial purposes. But it is not a good idea to engage students in finance before the completion of study because it will waste the time of his study.

If a parent wants their children to be able to engage in financial planning then they should invest some part of money in crypto trading and then teach their children about it  so in this case they will be able to invest some money as well as to also continue their studies.

Parents do each and everything for the happiness of their children so whenever the children completed their study then now it is the right of children to do something better for their parents because they did so many sacrifices for them. After study completion parents should get rid of their duty to fulfil their needs because now the time come when children are able to make income by themselves.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Swordsoffreedom on February 24, 2023, 03:18:41 PM
yes it is right that children should not be dependent on parents for financial purposes. But it is not a good idea to engage students in finance before the completion of study because it will waste the time of his study.

If a parent wants their children to be able to engage in financial planning then they should invest some part of money in crypto trading and then teach their children about it  so in this case they will be able to invest some money as well as to also continue their studies.

Parents do each and everything for the happiness of their children so whenever the children completed their study then now it is the right of children to do something better for their parents because they did so many sacrifices for them. After study completion parents should get rid of their duty to fulfil their needs because now the time come when children are able to make income by themselves.

If it were me, I would only support my children financially until they graduate from school and get a job after they graduate from college. I will not use my money to invest in cryptocurrencies and teach them how to invest. If we do that only makes them depend on us more, and they think we have a lot of money.

I will teach them about finance and investing but if they want to invest, they should earn their own money and save to start investing. Only then are they really determined to learn and focus on investing.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: xSkylarx on February 24, 2023, 05:00:59 PM
Asking for help from parents when the need arises is normal. But staying financially dependent on them even in adulthood is simply irresponsible. The parents could also take part of the blame. Some parents cannot take it that their adult children are having a hard time. They willingly continue to support them. As a result, their children's behavior is reinforced. Parents instantly coming to their children's aid all the time may sound good, but it could also be dangerous as their children might not grow independent. They might not be able to try find ways to survive.

I definitely agree with this.

Sometimes their daughters and sons are the problem, sometimes it is the parents. It is either the kid was spoiled so he grew up as a spoiled brat doing whatever he wants because he knew his parents would always back him up or the parents made a lot of children to make it as their investment plan, like they are all obligated to give their salaries to their parents after they graduated in college and got a job. This kind of cycle never ends, it needs to be stop by those kind of families and kids.

There are really parents that are demanding their children to support them when they graduate, which is really bad, but as a child of your parents, you should support them with or without demands from them, as they have taken good care of you ever since you were still in the tummy of your mom and also made a ton of sacrifices for you, so you should support them mostly because they were old at that time and couldn't take care of them. But again, this is not forcing you to support them as there are still children that will have their own families, but at least remember to support them emotionally if you can't support them financially.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Cling18 on February 24, 2023, 05:31:34 PM
Parents will always do everything for their children and they will never turn their back on us but if we are already at the right age, we should not take advantage of them but rather find ways to survive on our own. When we are old enough to sustain our living, that will be the best time to return all the favor and things that they have done to us when we were younger. Depending on them when we already have our own families is a sign of immaturity. Once we get married, we are advised to leave and cleave so we can stand on our own withour depending on our parents.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Fiatless on February 24, 2023, 06:04:40 PM
I have to say that is both true and not true at the same time. I haven't had a single financial help from my family since I was 23 years old, which should mean that I need to be a bit more independent from my family and have responsibilities and be a financially wise person at the very least, or at least be forced to work and provide for my family, which is true but that doesn't make me any better man, I still do not live a rich life. I get that I have some responsibilities and have to work harder and get that chance, but that doesn't make any person who lives with their parents any lesser, they are just as good as me, it changes from person to person, not situation to situation.
The economy of the country also affects the independence or dependence of most youths. An economy that has high rate of unemployment will make youths to depend on their parents for longer period. A parent will not just watch his child that have graduated and is ready to work but are employed starve. They will always support them financially until they get a job.

But some countries that have a good economy will encourage young people to become independent fast because they can get jobs easily immediately after graduation or skill acquisition. I don't always blame these unfortunate youths because their dependence on their parents is not their fault.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: tygeade on February 24, 2023, 06:09:09 PM
With all due respect, the sentimental mindset you mentioned seems like good to children but this is the exact cause why a lot of children can never be truly independent. "It's not bad to support but set out a limit line or border on how far you could only go", in reality, this never works and will make things worse. The reason is very simple that we are all humans and for spoilled childrens, if you have done a million good things to satisfy their needs but only one thing you can not do for them, they will remember this one thing and "hate" you. You may call this greed, selfish or anything but the point is that there is no way to set out a limit line or border for your children because they have taken things you have done for granted for so many years and they won't change their mindset. I myself am also a parent and the sentimental part of me fully understands your point but the rational part of me stands out to speak this out.
I do not understand why there is a need to be independent to begin with. I always supported that if you want to help people, help them, and if they can't make it their own without your help, then keep helping as long as you want to or able to. If you ever fail to do that, they will have to learn the hard way to become independent anyway, and if they can, that's great, if they can't then they will be forced to live a worse life.

Your job for your children is to give them a great 22 year preferably, 18 years in some nations, but after that if you can keep supporting them, it would be still fine. As a person who is old enough, I would support my children as long as I possibly can. Thanks to bitcoin, possibly all their life.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Kasabus on February 24, 2023, 06:47:50 PM
It's not a bad idea to fall back to your folks when you are financially constrained as a man, because no one can expect some curve balls life throws but where it becomes questionable is when it becomes a norm.
 As humans, there's always the tendency to slack when we notice that our needs are being provided for us and just like a poster observed, it makes the individual (especially the man) lose focus on his role to play as a provider and can become a liability as he has lost sight of what he ought to do simply because he has gotten used to finances being handed to him.
 Also, one would want to fault such a behavior on the parents but I think life places one with choices, so if such an individual wants to carry on, it's his choice.
Blaming the parents for one’s behavior may be somehow valid too, but definitely since we are adults already, it’s probably we did it because it’s our choice, to become more dependent and forget the reality that we should also work on our own and make a living so that we can be responsible providers especially for breadwinners  or family man. Otherwise, if we keep relying on our parents or from other people, our lives will not improve, and when they eventually die, we would end up struggling for survival as we are not used on working to provide our own needs or to provide for the family needs.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Ultegra134 on February 24, 2023, 07:08:29 PM
With all due respect, the sentimental mindset you mentioned seems like good to children but this is the exact cause why a lot of children can never be truly independent. "It's not bad to support but set out a limit line or border on how far you could only go", in reality, this never works and will make things worse. The reason is very simple that we are all humans and for spoilled childrens, if you have done a million good things to satisfy their needs but only one thing you can not do for them, they will remember this one thing and "hate" you. You may call this greed, selfish or anything but the point is that there is no way to set out a limit line or border for your children because they have taken things you have done for granted for so many years and they won't change their mindset. I myself am also a parent and the sentimental part of me fully understands your point but the rational part of me stands out to speak this out.
I do not understand why there is a need to be independent to begin with. I always supported that if you want to help people, help them, and if they can't make it their own without your help, then keep helping as long as you want to or able to. If you ever fail to do that, they will have to learn the hard way to become independent anyway, and if they can, that's great, if they can't then they will be forced to live a worse life.

Your job for your children is to give them a great 22 year preferably, 18 years in some nations, but after that if you can keep supporting them, it would be still fine. As a person who is old enough, I would support my children as long as I possibly can. Thanks to bitcoin, possibly all their life.
There's a difference between supporting someone and pampering them. Providing a helping hand throughout the first years of their independence isn't unpleasant. Just because your children are now adults doesn't mean that they automatically don't need your support. I've been living on my own since I was 18. As a university student, my parents supported me for most of these years, but after the second year that I found a job, they simply limited their financial support because I didn't need as much, so I wasn't completely independent. As you've already mentioned, providing doesn't stop when you turn 18. Currently, I'm 25 years old, and I consider myself independent enough to not ask for any support, but my parents will occasionally help me out with some stuff.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: molsewid on February 24, 2023, 08:22:38 PM
In economics, we really have to be independent since we graduated from school, whether it's school or college education. we are forced to have to work and save in preparation for our mature future, especially at the age of 25-27. Not a few also start their own business with the hope of success at the age of 30-40.

But that's all just theory, in practice in the real world it sometimes doesn't work out like that because sometimes there are boy who are already independent at the age of 20 or even 17 years, sometimes there are also those who are late by the age of 30 and are only independent. And our parents also don't force us to do it all, even though we are already successful, our parents will still want to give us because it is instinct.
But sometimes it will depends to the culture they are born as well, for example here in Asia we value strong family ties that's why most of the people here even though they will get in that age they still live with their parents but then the only thing that I can see that will be the problem is in terms of finances, it is good if their parents doesn't make them like atm or investment in the future.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Distinctin on February 24, 2023, 08:54:14 PM
Asking for help from parents when the need arises is normal. But staying financially dependent on them even in adulthood is simply irresponsible. The parents could also take part of the blame. Some parents cannot take it that their adult children are having a hard time. They willingly continue to support them. As a result, their children's behavior is reinforced. Parents instantly coming to their children's aid all the time may sound good, but it could also be dangerous as their children might not grow independent. They might not be able to try find ways to survive.
It’s normal for parents to extend help to their children whenever they see them hardly surviving, but taking advantage of their help would not be good at all. Instead, these children only end up still very dependent to their parents, not thinking that any time of the day their parents will be gone so they should have to start being independent by now and have their own source of income so they can provide for their family, with or without the help from parents or other people.
Well, parents will do everything just to make us live life at its best. But the moment we enter into marriage and build our own family, then we should refrain too from asking assistance from our parents because if we keep on doing that, we will not learn to stand on our own feet and strive hard so we can be good providers to our children. Parents will never stop from helping us if we keep on asking them for help, but for us to be more mature and responsible adults, then we should let them enjoy their lives first without making them obliged for our own family needs.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: panganib999 on February 24, 2023, 09:00:24 PM
As an Asian, it's very hard to live alone given the facr that expenses are much higher here and living with relatives will almost always guarantee that you save up on rent too, which is why it's also a little hard to cut financial ties because you'd guilt yourself into thinking you owe them big time for letting you live. In any case, as long as it's something you can afford and they don't really extort you out of your salary to the point that they are already depending on your pay, you should be fine and dandy.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Fatunad on February 24, 2023, 10:55:03 PM
As an Asian, it's very hard to live alone given the facr that expenses are much higher here and living with relatives will almost always guarantee that you save up on rent too, which is why it's also a little hard to cut financial ties because you'd guilt yourself into thinking you owe them big time for letting you live. In any case, as long as it's something you can afford and they don't really extort you out of your salary to the point that they are already depending on your pay, you should be fine and dandy.
Only a few would really be having this kind of condition or situation of someone who wont really be that sued out or been asked out to have some contributions at least specially if you do live with relatives.
If not, then its impossible that you wont really be feeling out some guilt and wont really be making out some contributions and this is why you should really be that sensible in towards on whats happening around.
If we do speak about financial ties with original family then we do know that not forever we would really be relying into them on which time would come that you would really be needing
to stand on your own.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: MoonOfLife on February 25, 2023, 03:53:07 AM
As an Asian, it's very hard to live alone given the facr that expenses are much higher here and living with relatives will almost always guarantee that you save up on rent too, which is why it's also a little hard to cut financial ties because you'd guilt yourself into thinking you owe them big time for letting you live. In any case, as long as it's something you can afford and they don't really extort you out of your salary to the point that they are already depending on your pay, you should be fine and dandy.

The standard of living in Asia is much lower than in Europe or countries like the US. Whether you want to live alone is up to you, don't blame the cost of living or the environment. Ask yourself why so many people do it and you can't. I'm also Asian and I've lived independently since I was a child, now I don't have too much money but I never have to think about lack of money.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Fakhrulenclix on February 25, 2023, 05:22:55 AM
As an Asian, it's very hard to live alone given the facr that expenses are much higher here and living with relatives will almost always guarantee that you save up on rent too, which is why it's also a little hard to cut financial ties because you'd guilt yourself into thinking you owe them big time for letting you live. In any case, as long as it's something you can afford and they don't really extort you out of your salary to the point that they are already depending on your pay, you should be fine and dandy.

The standard of living in Asia is much lower than in Europe or countries like the US. Whether you want to live alone is up to you, don't blame the cost of living or the environment. Ask yourself why so many people do it and you can't. I'm also Asian and I've lived independently since I was a child, now I don't have too much money but I never have to think about lack of money.
regardless of the lower income and cost of living in Asia, I think that living alone or with a family is everyone's choice and if you reflect on the many people who have lived it, of course, everyone is capable and able, even though they live in a makeshift way, but the reasons for people to stay being with family is moral and compassion apart from financial factors.
family life is mutual assistance and it goes like there are unwritten rules in a relationship but everyone does it voluntarily.

So far I have never thought of breaking off financial ties with my family because I think it's like a debt of gratitude, before when I didn't earn I enjoyed the results of my family so now is the time for me to do the same.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Bialke on February 25, 2023, 05:55:38 AM
In my country (Germany) fathers have to pay a minimum of ~75.000 Euro child support (until the child is 27 years) to the mother/child. If the father cannot pay, the state is paying. But when the father is able to pay again, he has to pay back was the state was paying upfront.

Ok, two parents = 150.000 Euro to pay for the state, if both parents cannot provide money to the child (until age 27).

But the real deal is:

The state get a 814.000 Euro tax expectation, when the child is born. So if you take a bank credit and you expect 800.000 Euro for the next 20 years of work, maybe you get a 250.000 credit for buying a house.

But the state has a tax expectation of around 1.000.000 new born in the year in Germany. So 1.000.000 x 814.000 = 814.000.000.000 Euro tax expectation. Trust me, you get a much much bigger credit for that. And you can do good business with that to pay child support for your citizens.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: MoonOfLife on February 26, 2023, 12:57:42 PM
As an Asian, it's very hard to live alone given the facr that expenses are much higher here and living with relatives will almost always guarantee that you save up on rent too, which is why it's also a little hard to cut financial ties because you'd guilt yourself into thinking you owe them big time for letting you live. In any case, as long as it's something you can afford and they don't really extort you out of your salary to the point that they are already depending on your pay, you should be fine and dandy.

The standard of living in Asia is much lower than in Europe or countries like the US. Whether you want to live alone is up to you, don't blame the cost of living or the environment. Ask yourself why so many people do it and you can't. I'm also Asian and I've lived independently since I was a child, now I don't have too much money but I never have to think about lack of money.
regardless of the lower income and cost of living in Asia, I think that living alone or with a family is everyone's choice and if you reflect on the many people who have lived it, of course, everyone is capable and able, even though they live in a makeshift way, but the reasons for people to stay being with family is moral and compassion apart from financial factors.
family life is mutual assistance and it goes like there are unwritten rules in a relationship but everyone does it voluntarily.

So far I have never thought of breaking off financial ties with my family because I think it's like a debt of gratitude, before when I didn't earn I enjoyed the results of my family so now is the time for me to do the same.

Cutting financial ties here means that we should not be too dependent on our parents, we will earn money and take care of ourselves. When we earn money, it's time to return to take care of our parents. It is not a complete severance of ties and is no longer associated with the family. I was independent from a young age and when I earned money, my parents were the first people I had to take care of.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: xSkylarx on February 26, 2023, 01:36:52 PM
Asking for help from parents when the need arises is normal. But staying financially dependent on them even in adulthood is simply irresponsible. The parents could also take part of the blame. Some parents cannot take it that their adult children are having a hard time. They willingly continue to support them. As a result, their children's behavior is reinforced. Parents instantly coming to their children's aid all the time may sound good, but it could also be dangerous as their children might not grow independent. They might not be able to try find ways to survive.
It’s normal for parents to extend help to their children whenever they see them hardly surviving, but taking advantage of their help would not be good at all. Instead, these children only end up still very dependent to their parents, not thinking that any time of the day their parents will be gone so they should have to start being independent by now and have their own source of income so they can provide for their family, with or without the help from parents or other people.
Well, parents will do everything just to make us live life at its best. But the moment we enter into marriage and build our own family, then we should refrain too from asking assistance from our parents because if we keep on doing that, we will not learn to stand on our own feet and strive hard so we can be good providers to our children. Parents will never stop from helping us if we keep on asking them for help, but for us to be more mature and responsible adults, then we should let them enjoy their lives first without making them obliged for our own family needs.

That is why I salute those people who are not coming from a privileged family like they stand on their own two feet without inheriting the wealth of their parents. I respect those people who got into marriage without any financial support from their parents in their wedding, as most of my friends and what I saw online that they got married but were supported financially by their parents. Though it doesn't mean that we now refrain from asking for help from our parents, we do so only in emergencies and don't rely on them.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: solehdavid on February 27, 2023, 04:17:48 PM
As someone who still lives here with his family, I can write the following

First of all, absolutely every person after the age of 18 should try to take financial independence into his/her own hands (when he/she can achieve this depends on his/her business acumen or the path he/she follows), but of course some help can be received from the family when necessary, but one should not get used to it and act as if he/she will never receive any help.

Another way of looking at it is that joining forces financially with the family will always strengthen your hand and you will be able to generate more income. in short, you should always have financial independence, but you should not ignore the possibility of increasing your income and theirs by cooperating with your family.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Ryu_Ar1 on February 27, 2023, 07:08:01 PM
Actually, for teenagers and children, this is still normal because we are still within the scope of parental responsibility and indeed such a thing is something that cannot be changed.
But the story is different when we are adults and still depend on our parents. Even though parents are not too demanding in some cases, on the other hand, we also have to have thoughts or feel a little embarrassed.
We can live independently, so we should try to be there for our parents, even though it's still far away, at least we don't have to burden them with our needs.

But that doesn't mean that when we are adults we can't be there and ask our parents for help because sometimes there are conditions where what we plan doesn't go well. Even though we really don't want to be too much of a hassle but when it's the only way I don't think it's too much of a problem if you don't do things like that too often.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: South Park on February 28, 2023, 08:42:16 PM
That is why I salute those people who are not coming from a privileged family like they stand on their own two feet without inheriting the wealth of their parents. I respect those people who got into marriage without any financial support from their parents in their wedding, as most of my friends and what I saw online that they got married but were supported financially by their parents. Though it doesn't mean that we now refrain from asking for help from our parents, we do so only in emergencies and don't rely on them.
The truth is that it is becoming more difficult for the young to make their own path as the price of everything is always going up and the price of real estate is really high, so it makes sense that their families decide to help them to ease the transition from being completely dependent on them to becoming independent, but unfortunately many are failing during this process and they are not reaching the financial independence they are looking for.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Marcellin9 on March 01, 2023, 01:29:17 AM
That is why I salute those people who are not coming from a privileged family like they stand on their own two feet without inheriting the wealth of their parents. I respect those people who got into marriage without any financial support from their parents in their wedding, as most of my friends and what I saw online that they got married but were supported financially by their parents. Though it doesn't mean that we now refrain from asking for help from our parents, we do so only in emergencies and don't rely on them.
The truth is that it is becoming more difficult for the young to make their own path as the price of everything is always going up and the price of real estate is really high, so it makes sense that their families decide to help them to ease the transition from being completely dependent on them to becoming independent, but unfortunately many are failing during this process and they are not reaching the financial independence they are looking for.

I thought about this as well and couldn't figure out why so many people were/are failing the being independent process. Many people blame external factors such as government, society and many other blame the parenting style and lack of education. Of course it is not appropriate to say any of these has led to the problem while it is a combination of factors. The primary reason, in my opinion, is anyone who can not realize the importance of independence and automatically avoid or abandon the awareness over their course of life. By the time all problems come at an elder age, there would be no chance of changes left. I have seen a lot of folks from my parents' generation end up in a miserable life. As we are relatively young now, this is definitely one of the things we should avoid.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: slapper on March 01, 2023, 05:57:56 AM
Actually, for teenagers and children, this is still normal because we are still within the scope of parental responsibility and indeed such a thing is something that cannot be changed.
But the story is different when we are adults and still depend on our parents. Even though parents are not too demanding in some cases, on the other hand, we also have to have thoughts or feel a little embarrassed.
We can live independently, so we should try to be there for our parents, even though it's still far away, at least we don't have to burden them with our needs.

But that doesn't mean that when we are adults we can't be there and ask our parents for help because sometimes there are conditions where what we plan doesn't go well. Even though we really don't want to be too much of a hassle but when it's the only way I don't think it's too much of a problem if you don't do things like that too often.
It is an intricate scenario to be in - yearning for independence while simultaneously avoiding disappointing our parents. However, do you not agree that sometimes seeking assistance is acceptable? While we may believe that we possess the capability to handle everything autonomously, life has a habit of throwing us unforeseen challenges.

Maintaining equilibrium appears to be the most crucial aspect of this situation. We must neither be excessively reliant on our parents nor completely cut them off. As we progress through adulthood, we should bear in mind that we are all in this together. Life does not have to be faced alone, and that includes our parents.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Ryu_Ar1 on March 01, 2023, 07:12:21 AM
Actually, for teenagers and children, this is still normal because we are still within the scope of parental responsibility and indeed such a thing is something that cannot be changed.
But the story is different when we are adults and still depend on our parents. Even though parents are not too demanding in some cases, on the other hand, we also have to have thoughts or feel a little embarrassed.
We can live independently, so we should try to be there for our parents, even though it's still far away, at least we don't have to burden them with our needs.

But that doesn't mean that when we are adults we can't be there and ask our parents for help because sometimes there are conditions where what we plan doesn't go well. Even though we really don't want to be too much of a hassle but when it's the only way I don't think it's too much of a problem if you don't do things like that too often.
It is an intricate scenario to be in - yearning for independence while simultaneously avoiding disappointing our parents. However, do you not agree that sometimes seeking assistance is acceptable? While we may believe that we possess the capability to handle everything autonomously, life has a habit of throwing us unforeseen challenges.

Maintaining equilibrium appears to be the most crucial aspect of this situation. We must neither be excessively reliant on our parents nor completely cut them off. As we progress through adulthood, we should bear in mind that we are all in this together. Life does not have to be faced alone, and that includes our parents.
As long as we have a condition of self-confidence through existing obstacles, there is no need to seek the help of others because this is also one of the factors to make our maturation and make us live more independently but the problem is that sometimes there are some conditions where we cannot alone solve existing problems because we need a helping hand to make us stand taller. We cannot be naive by always believing when in fact we are still unable to do so.

Maybe some of us have also felt this condition as well as me because sometimes there are problems that can come much bigger than imagined and we cannot withstand this problem alone.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: Marcellin9 on March 09, 2023, 07:52:28 AM
Actually, for teenagers and children, this is still normal because we are still within the scope of parental responsibility and indeed such a thing is something that cannot be changed.
But the story is different when we are adults and still depend on our parents. Even though parents are not too demanding in some cases, on the other hand, we also have to have thoughts or feel a little embarrassed.
We can live independently, so we should try to be there for our parents, even though it's still far away, at least we don't have to burden them with our needs.

But that doesn't mean that when we are adults we can't be there and ask our parents for help because sometimes there are conditions where what we plan doesn't go well. Even though we really don't want to be too much of a hassle but when it's the only way I don't think it's too much of a problem if you don't do things like that too often.
It is an intricate scenario to be in - yearning for independence while simultaneously avoiding disappointing our parents. However, do you not agree that sometimes seeking assistance is acceptable? While we may believe that we possess the capability to handle everything autonomously, life has a habit of throwing us unforeseen challenges.

Maintaining equilibrium appears to be the most crucial aspect of this situation. We must neither be excessively reliant on our parents nor completely cut them off. As we progress through adulthood, we should bear in mind that we are all in this together. Life does not have to be faced alone, and that includes our parents.

Very good point and I can prove this. I have been financially independent from my parents for many years and we live separately. Yesterday was my father's birthday so I went to dinner with him in his apartment. Well, I did not officially buy a birthday present cause I have never done that before. I randomly bought some food that my father loves and went to dinner. A few minutes after I entered his apartment, I said to him that I had not prepared a present but I would simply send him an envelope of cash, which is very usual and popular in my culture. Usually he would refuse any money from me but to my surprise, he did accept that envelope last night. I suddenly reaize that our father-son relationship is not that simple but truly an intricate scenario that I had not realized before. To be honest, my father is living a very comfortable life and does not need my money at all. Last night's acceptance is a gusture of recognizing my independence from him and respecting me, his son, as a real man. I was so deeply moved and I am happy to be where I am now.

Title: Re: To cut financial ties with original family benefits you in the long run
Post by: speedy963 on March 09, 2023, 01:57:02 PM
I don't know and I also don't think it is applicable to every country in this world, coz to be honest, here in my country, financial independence from the family is difficult. First and foremost, because of the tradionally filial piety we inherit, our parents become a liablity in a long run. I'm not saying it is a bad thing, but it could be a wall that prevents us from financial independence.

From middle class to higher class families, we all follow the same set of traditions. This is why sometimes it will take almost double the amount of time to build up the career to become successful. In the end it really depends upon the person although you could think that it is really a hustle to achieve what you to become successful.