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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: dbc23 on February 15, 2023, 07:20:13 AM

Title: Hunger and insecurity
Post by: dbc23 on February 15, 2023, 07:20:13 AM
There is this saying a hungry man is an angry man. There might be other factors that contribute to insecurity in our society but all revolves around hunger. When one is hungry the can do the unthinkable just for survival. It is also proven that people tend to fall for peer pressure, environmental and societal pressure more when the cannot afford their basic amenities.

One can endure bad governance, unemployment and inflation but when it comes to hunger one can engage in diverse criminal act just to survive. Out of the numerous factors that can push people into criminal acts hunger has the highest reasons. Everyone wants to survive in a society where hunger persist and it is either done by a trick or by crook or by a legal way.

Title: Re: Hunger and insecurity
Post by: yazher on February 15, 2023, 11:02:26 AM
In some cases, you are allowed to do the things that have less evil because when you are suffering from severe hunger, it means you are about to die, and to make your life easier, you can eat some grasses instead of quickly killing people. I believe there was a time when a plane crashed in the middle of the snowy continent and some of the passengers are dead but some has survive the impact, in order for the survivor to prolong their lives until the rescuer comes, they ate those people that are dead instead of killing the other survivors. There are always some options but most people don't really want to choose the hard way instead they forget they are human and they commit heinous crimes.

Title: Re: Hunger and insecurity
Post by: sunsilk on February 15, 2023, 12:48:01 PM
There is this saying a hungry man is an angry man. There might be other factors that contribute to insecurity in our society but all revolves around hunger. When one is hungry the can do the unthinkable just for survival. It is also proven that people tend to fall for peer pressure, environmental and societal pressure more when the cannot afford their basic amenities.

One can endure bad governance, unemployment and inflation but when it comes to hunger one can engage in diverse criminal act just to survive. Out of the numerous factors that can push people into criminal acts hunger has the highest reasons. Everyone wants to survive in a society where hunger persist and it is either done by a trick or by crook or by a legal way.
Personally, when my stomach is empty it's hard to think and that results to being angry even if there's nothing to be angry about. Hunger is a big problem that's been there years ago that many countries and societies are dealing with.

It is true that we're like in the wild looking to survive and that's how we're dealing with our daily lives. But it's a different survivability for those that are actually experiencing it not just ones but almost everyday of their lives.

Title: Re: Hunger and insecurity
Post by: o48o on February 15, 2023, 01:11:41 PM
There is this saying a hungry man is an angry man. There might be other factors that contribute to insecurity in our society but all revolves around hunger. When one is hungry the can do the unthinkable just for survival. It is also proven that people tend to fall for peer pressure, environmental and societal pressure more when the cannot afford their basic amenities.

One can endure bad governance, unemployment and inflation but when it comes to hunger one can engage in diverse criminal act just to survive. Out of the numerous factors that can push people into criminal acts hunger has the highest reasons. Everyone wants to survive in a society where hunger persist and it is either done by a trick or by crook or by a legal way.
I am not sure if you are just stating this or if you are asking a solution for a problem?

There's also a saying that varies depending who said it:
No man was ever more than about nine meals away from crime or suicide. (Eric Sevareid)

And it's not only lack of food. It can be fear of lack of food for anyone who has been ever really hungry and poor. Or for a rich people who don't know how they could handle not being able to afford something they are used to, like food, housing, paying debts or lifestyle in general. People are often are miser when they is afraid of losing something, and generous when they see other persons losing something if they are able to feel sympathy and empathy.

Title: Re: Hunger and insecurity
Post by: BADecker on February 15, 2023, 01:54:38 PM
Overweight people are like a miser^^. They don't want to lose it, but at the same time they are hungry for a slender shape. This conflict in their lives produces insecurity.


Title: Re: Hunger and insecurity
Post by: Fiatless on February 15, 2023, 03:20:26 PM
There is this saying a hungry man is an angry man. There might be other factors that contribute to insecurity in our society but all revolves around hunger. When one is hungry the can do the unthinkable just for survival. It is also proven that people tend to fall for peer pressure, environmental and societal pressure more when the cannot afford their basic amenities.

One can endure bad governance, unemployment and inflation but when it comes to hunger one can engage in diverse criminal act just to survive. Out of the numerous factors that can push people into criminal acts hunger has the highest reasons. Everyone wants to survive in a society where hunger persist and it is either done by a trick or by crook or by a legal way.
Even the Holy Bible acknowaedgles crime ignited by hunger and stipulates lesser punishment. An hungry man can loose his sense of reasoning. I would not blame a man that steals because he is hunger. If a thief come to someones house and goes straight to the kitchen and start eating and packing food, I dont think it will be ideal to call the cops if he does that without harming anybody.
Hunger might not be the only reason for insecurity because other factors like greed also contributes, but it is one of the main cause of insecurity. This is why most countries that experience a high rate of crime is likely suffering from unemployment and hunger.

Title: Re: Hunger and insecurity
Post by: alastantiger on February 17, 2023, 12:23:45 PM
There are two sides to every coin, including hunger and rage. Hunger frequently causes insecurity. A person who has enough to eat for himself and his family would prefer to consider rational ways to better both his life and the lives of people around him than to consider engaging in any illegal activity that will increase their level of insecurity.
Similar to how every man wakes up in the morning and considers what the family will eat, the government of every community or nation should put the welfare of its people first. A man who is starving will do whatever "illegal" to survive.

Title: Re: Hunger and insecurity
Post by: Doan9269 on February 17, 2023, 02:57:04 PM
Hunger and insecurities are two major disaster that can make a settlements unsettled because there will also be an unrest and fear of what may come as an outcome each day, striving for survival comes with a huge challenge on people especially finding ends to meet, while the addition of insecurities is the worst plaque that could encourage people for migration to other places for better settlement, we also need to carter for others in our own little way of rendering assistance for them to have a good living and feels secured having us around them.

Title: Re: Hunger and insecurity
Post by: Belarge on February 17, 2023, 03:34:26 PM
The problem is not hunger, because hunger is a natural thing, if you stay a day without been hungry then you should not there's something wrong with your body system,

The problem is been hungry and you can't afford food for yourself, that's where comes the problem, and what causes this situation is that term (poverty) and the process of been poor is caused by lack of job in the society.

But I don't see hunger as a reason why people engage in crime, because I know of so many people that can afford food for themselves but yet they commit crimes on daily basis, so to me hunger is not a reason why someone should engage in crime, cause if you are caught, you will be punished for it and hunger won't be accepted as your excuse..

Yes I know the country is hard, no jobs, insecurities, bad governance, but I will simply advice, if you are hungry, look for a mini job you can do to provide food for yourself, or better still ask people on the street for help, don't engage in crimes because you are hungry else you will be dealt with thoroughly....

Title: Re: Hunger and insecurity
Post by: Queentoshi on February 19, 2023, 07:16:23 PM
Hunger and insecurities are two major disaster that can make a settlements unsettled because there will also be an unrest and fear of what may come as an outcome each day, striving for survival comes with a huge challenge on people especially finding ends to meet, while the addition of insecurities is the worst plaque that could encourage people for migration to other places for better settlement, we also need to carter for others in our own little way of rendering assistance for them to have a good living and feels secured having us around them.
When a  man is hungry different things comes to his mind, when there is hunger there comes insecurity, because when you look at it, when a man is hungry is ready to do anything just for him to be able to put food on his table, so the main reason people do evil things that make a society unstable is because of what they are passing through. And there is also the aspect of the kind of leaders we have, when the leaders are not doing well for the citizens there will be a lot of crime and insecurity in that country.

Title: Re: Hunger and insecurity
Post by: bosede1 on March 27, 2023, 06:12:34 PM
Many people who tend to rob and involved in bad acts majorly as a result of hunger. There is an adage in my language that says if food is removed from all expenses incurred then all is well, this is because the majority of the money incurred is spent on food.

Title: Re: Hunger and insecurity
Post by: Chukzy1992 on March 27, 2023, 08:35:09 PM
There is this saying a hungry man is an angry man. There might be other factors that contribute to insecurity in our society but all revolves around hunger. When one is hungry the can do the unthinkable just for survival. It is also proven that people tend to fall for peer pressure, environmental and societal pressure more when the cannot afford their basic amenities.

One can endure bad governance, unemployment and inflation but when it comes to hunger one can engage in diverse criminal act just to survive. Out of the numerous factors that can push people into criminal acts hunger has the highest reasons. Everyone wants to survive in a society where hunger persist and it is either done by a trick or by crook or by a legal way.
foremost what is the legal definition of hunger;is a feeling of discomfort and weakness, what causes the discomfort and weakness is lack of food, that is to say food is life and life is food, food is very vital, for example you have all the money on earth and you don't value food, that is not possible, what are the causes of food insecurity
*low income
*lack of affordable housing.What are the remedy to food insecurity, giving more people benefits through nutrition assistance programs, increasing benefits amounts and addressing unemployment.

Title: Re: Hunger and insecurity
Post by: Hispo on March 29, 2023, 01:22:42 AM
I mostly agree with the idea hunger can push people to do criminal things, I would also add Health.
Both Health and Hunger and the basic things we need to take care of in order to continue existing in this world, and since not doing so certainly translate to death; people are more afraid of death than jail or justice.

I can tell, because here in my country, we have seen economical periods when people were struggling so hard that many of them had to move onto a grey market of re-selling fuel or gold-mining.

If hunger and health were not problems in the world, I also believe people could focus in electing actual politicians instead demagogues who take advantage of other's desperation.

Title: Re: Hunger and insecurity
Post by: Doan9269 on March 31, 2023, 03:56:33 PM
There is this saying a hungry man is an angry man.

You're right about what you just said, if a child is hungry, he may be tempted to steal, if we want to tackle insecurities in the society today, then we have to begin with the consideration of the less privilege first, the poor and the needy, we need to create an avenue for several opportunities for the people to participate in one enterprise or the other, the government and individuals make take it a determination in helping others in need, these people got frustrated and were left with no option than to partake in illegal measn for a living sustainability, but that shouldn't be an excuse although, we all take full responsibility for how we lived our life.

Title: Re: Hunger and insecurity
Post by: Asiska02 on March 31, 2023, 08:59:37 PM
One can endure bad governance, unemployment and inflation but when it comes to hunger one can engage in diverse criminal act just to survive. Out of the numerous factors that can push people into criminal acts hunger has the highest reasons. Everyone wants to survive in a society where hunger persist and it is either done by a trick or by crook or by a legal way.

Poor governance, unemployment, and inflation are all factors that contribute to the emergence of hunger. They all lead to hunger, which in turn leads to insecurity in the country. A country that lacks control over the factors that cause hunger will eventually produce criminals, and criminal activity will persist in the country. One of the most viable ways to stop all of this is to address the former before they escalate; escalation is extremely dangerous, and this is an example of what we see in countries where there are too many criminal cases.

Title: Re: Hunger and insecurity
Post by: Klima Dorres on April 03, 2023, 04:03:24 PM
For me, hungry people are not just limited to starving due to lack of food. However, it also lacks basic necessities that a person needs for their own survival and that of their family, such as clean water, shelter, medicine, and climate-appropriate clothing.

For some reasons and usually, When a person is hungry they may commit criminal acts just to survive because hunger is a basic need that everyone wants to fulfill in a society where hunger exists.

However, criminals are still criminals. And these actions in any country are still against the law and certainly arrested.

Perhaps the consequences of hunger can lead to hopelessness and people can fall under peer pressure, environmental and social pressure even more when they cannot afford their basic amenities.

Title: Re: Hunger and insecurity
Post by: Raceonsucced on April 04, 2023, 10:41:00 AM
Food is a basic need in human life. if there is no food, people will starve and die. thus, if a person has no food, they tend to do anything to survive. hunger is torturous. everyone would want a long life. so definitely food is the main thing in life. and maybe hunger can make a person angry and restless if not controlled.

Title: Re: Hunger and insecurity
Post by: rby on April 04, 2023, 12:04:06 PM
I believe there was a time when a plane crashed in the middle of the snowy continent and some of the passengers are dead but some has survive the impact, in order for the survivor to prolong their lives until the rescuer comes, they ate those people that are dead instead of killing the other survivors.
Is this an idiomatic expression or it is an event that actually happenwd. I mean how long would a plane crashthat the survivors could not survive the hunger even if it is for two to three days before the rescue will come. I do not see myself eating my fellow human being whether smoked, cooked or raw. In order to survive, I would rather have to starve to death than eat my fellow human. I don't know if there is some part of the world were eating human being is legal or morally acceptable atleast.

I also think that your reply was off the context, because Op is indirectly depicting a poor government or unemployment countries and not surviving in terms of emergency.

Title: Re: Hunger and insecurity
Post by: mu_enrico on April 04, 2023, 04:26:06 PM
One can endure bad governance, unemployment and inflation but when it comes to hunger one can engage in diverse criminal act just to survive. Out of the numerous factors that can push people into criminal acts hunger has the highest reasons.
I think it depends on what type of criminal activity, most likely poverty will lead to stealing, robbery, environmental destruction, or something related to the means of making money or for survival.

However, for murder and genocide which are more serious than just theft. These are driven mostly because of ideological beliefs and/or racism.

Title: Re: Hunger and insecurity
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on April 04, 2023, 06:34:05 PM
but when it comes to hunger one can engage in diverse criminal act just to survive. Out of the numerous factors that can push people into criminal acts hunger has the highest reasons.

I agree with your fact, OPs; really, a hungry man is an angry man. Generally, humans can endure a lot of unfair situations, but hunger can cause a person to commit an act they never meant to. My friend told me what he witnessed in his house on a Sunday day last year. When he returned from church that Sunday, he noticed someone had broken into his house. He checked around his house, but everything was in place and nothing was stolen. It was only after he entered his kitchen that he realized his soup, stew, rice and beverages were gone. In fact, his refrigerator had been emptied. Due to hunger, humans can agree to do things like become hired killers or become suicide bombers.

In most countries, the government takes advantage of these kinds of situations to get people to do their dirty jobs.

Title: Re: Hunger and insecurity
Post by: Wiwo on April 04, 2023, 07:10:57 PM
There is no doubt about the interconnectedness of hunger and crime and most of the crime is committed to meet the demand of uncontrollable hunger that leaves the individual with no choice but to engage in petty thieves and criminals, but then again any crime that could hurt the feelings of another person should not be ascribed to hundreds.

:Take kidnapping and other hostage-taking crimes, most of those criminals always confess that it was hunger that led them into the crime, but in reality that is not true because I matter what the level of hunger it shouldn't be an excuse to go into crime there is no connection between the two.

:there is no doubt that hunger has a high level of physical and emotional effect and when one is hungry he will not act right or in his right senses,  that is why many people believe that a hungry man is an agree man and at that, we should try as much as possible to protect ourselves against severe hunger because there is nothing a hungry person can do since the first motivation of a man is his basic needs.

Title: Re: Hunger and insecurity
Post by: Jamala on April 10, 2023, 08:24:48 AM
The causes of insecurity are numerous, ranging from hunger, unemployment, racism, ethnicism, class difference etc. And even developed countries still battle with bouts of it. Drug abuse too can be linked to it as notorious criminals rely on drugs to numb their sense in their arts.

Title: Re: Hunger and insecurity
Post by: Jet Cash on April 10, 2023, 02:38:48 PM
You can only be hungry if you live in the city. Once you move into the countryside, you are surrounded by healthy food, and it is all free.

Title: Re: Hunger and insecurity
Post by: Obari on April 12, 2023, 06:09:57 PM
Hunger is something that changes your emotions and this can also change the person in your imagine living alone without a job or maybe you have younger sibling that are relying on you and it is a your duty to care for them what would be your reaction?
I think the ones who are not patient enough will involve in crime because of the way they feel inside. Not only hunger but alot of things to be considered which has risen insecurity in our society today people  no longer move freely because they are afraid they will be abducted by kidnappers and this has reduced the level of social life in our nation today

Title: Re: Hunger and insecurity
Post by: brother brother on May 07, 2023, 01:44:07 PM
Hunger is lack of what to eat or starving because there is no food at the given particular time or appropriate time needed, The issue of hunger and insecurity are mostly common in African countries they experience war, political conflicts, inter tribal conflicts, ethno religious conflicts e.t.c.

High right of corruption has taken the day, every sectors are into the corrupted system but only few are free in the practice. The security agencies are also corrupted and do not carry out their duties deligently. We can see different high rates of crime like, robbery, kiddnaping, arm bandit, raiot, political crises, cyber crime e.t.c . Some children and families are homeless due to these insecurity, many children, wife, husband, and relatives have been killed as victims of these insecurity.

Title: Re: Hunger and insecurity
Post by: Rockstarguy on May 12, 2023, 07:25:41 PM

One can endure bad governance, unemployment and inflation but when it comes to hunger one can engage in diverse criminal act just to survive. Out of the numerous factors that can push people into criminal acts hunger has the highest reasons. Everyone wants to survive in a society where hunger persist and it is either done by a trick or by crook or by a legal way.
What you have just mentioned is the major problem that cause insecurity in the society,  bad governance and unemployment.  When their is no employment for young people to get work that will keep them busy,  they think of how to create calm. Unemployment is a disaster that can destroy the society just as earthquake.  If you do research of nations with high unemployment rate , insecurity is on the high side. When their is no job for young people to work they will think  of the easiest way to make a living through crime. Unemployment has a serious effect in the society.

Title: Re: Hunger and insecurity
Post by: Promocodeudo on May 14, 2023, 10:23:20 AM
Hunger as it implies is a strong emotional state of wanting to eat and this is accompanied with somany things and if this feeling is not attended to or quenched it might lead to individual doing everything thats possible within his or her reach in other to get satisfied at that moment an this in turn may lead to insecurity. Hunger can make a good person to become bad in pursuit to eat because at this moment he or she is not stable until the needful is done, in the case of a jobless person with little or no hope of eating whenever he or she is hungry anything can be an option and who knows what the option will be at that moment. Hunger portrays a high level of insecurity in the society where by causing the person involved to indulge in criminal activities to either get food or money to buy it and as so doing causing instability and fear among dwellers in such environment. So to me hunger encourages insecurity if not handled well.

Title: Re: Hunger and insecurity
Post by: Majestic-milf on May 14, 2023, 12:13:21 PM
 Except the op is limiting the hunger to just food, I'd say lack in general can cause insecurity because when you are not comfortable with what you have, you tend to envy the next person and to some who do not have self control, tend to involve in crazy things to fill that void.
 If you ask me, I think for some, hunger and insecurity walk hand in hand because there has to an absence of something before you experience that emotion.

Title: Re: Hunger and insecurity
Post by: Youngkhngdiddy on May 23, 2023, 12:15:53 PM
From my own idea, hunger can cause a very big menace to our society and lead to insecurity,  there's a saying "a hungry man is an angry man" and we all know that when humans are angry most times what comes into our thoughts are bad ideas.
 There are many factors whereby Hunger can cause insecurity in our society such as.

1, Financial instability in a family.
2, lack of contentment: in a case where a child is from a family where they get little or nothing to eat, it can lead the child to steal from friends or get food from strangers.
3, lack of knowledge in terms of providing food, which can also lead to stealing.
4, Poor governance: lack of basic amenities or job creation by the government can lead to a poor society, thereby causing theft, and robbery.
5, Natural Disaster: a community affected by natural would experience shortage of food that can lead to hunger, forcing them to steal or make illegal migrations to the neighbouring countries or communities.