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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Remiscoin5 on February 19, 2023, 09:23:50 PM

Title: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Remiscoin5 on February 19, 2023, 09:23:50 PM
We all want a good relationship with our spouses or soulmates too .

So what are the risks we should take
1 _when a marriage is about falling ,think about the kids and how divorce will make things wrong and difficult for them
I have grown up as a young girl and has never leaved with both parents till last year when I started living with my dad ,don't you think I might have gone through alot ?? Without both parents by my side ,

If you wanna give your kids the best in life you have to endure certain attitude Ms from both ur wife/husband ,when a home is seperated only one parent can't be able to take care of all the kids even if there is supplus money and second wife or husband ,when a single mother is set to take care of all the kids because she cought her husband cheating or what have you , she leaves ,she can't be fanacially stable to take care of all ,what if na 25 kids what's gonna happen?? The kids will start sleeping outside to care for them own selves ,how can a mother of 25 take such abilities all to her self ???

More to talk about ,let's talk

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: bbigtart on February 19, 2023, 09:38:34 PM
My mother's father divorced when I was a toddler, in mother's arms.
And I was raised by step grandparents.
My memory is still sharp enough to remember that sad time.
Mother's father already has another partner as well as another child..
My life is tossing and turning without direction
Jealous of my friends and the happiness of a small child, invites the sadness back..
Father and mother, I just need your love, like my friend.
So far, I've never gotten it.
Now my father is gone forever, look at your son, father, now I am an adult and can find food for myself without your love.
Without you I can be independent, now my father has gone forever back to God's side.
But hatred for you makes me furious and I want to destroy everything around me.

And now, from the experience above, I always try to avoid divorce because it will affect the child's mentality.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: yazher on February 20, 2023, 05:38:10 AM
Marriage is something you need to know before you get to it and you need to understand that your life will never be the same when you will marry the girl you love because when that happens, you gonna do everything to make her happy and comfortable. You just need to consider looking for the right spouse before thinking about marriage and you need to learn what are the criteria to become the right wife for your children. Because if you marry randomly without taking any considerations to do the tips above, then you are risking your marriage and your children's future because you might marry the wrong Man or Woman who will not care about you or your children or maybe they are abusive and you only found that out when you already married.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Queentoshi on February 20, 2023, 07:43:58 PM
Marriage is something you need to know before you get to it and you need to understand that your life will never be the same when you will marry the girl you love because when that happens, you gonna do everything to make her happy and comfortable.
The risk in marriage is getting married to the wrong person, most people nowadays get married for the wrong purpose not love, is either because of money, beauty and so on. Which it will come to a time when those things might not be what you need anymore. Marriage is a beautiful thing, one just have to choose his or her partner wisely, because marriage comes with a lot of responsibilities, one just have to be prepared all round.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Die_empty on February 20, 2023, 07:57:46 PM
Parents should indeed consider their children before they start nursing the idea of divorcing because it would have some negative effects on their children. But some marriages are so toxic and abusive that it would be better that both parties go their separate ways. I don't think a woman should remain in a home where she is beaten and molested.

Another problem in society now is the high rate of infidelity. Most men and women are not committed emotionally to their partners. They find satisfaction in having erotic relationships outside the marriage. Most people might not be able to cope with this abnormal behavior. Some might be scared because their partner can infect them with STDs due to their promiscuity.

Yes, it is not too good to divorce at least for the sake of the children, but you won't die because you want to keep a marriage that is killing you.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Frankolala on February 20, 2023, 08:12:27 PM
Marriage is a mystery,let's imagine two imperfect people came together to live as one. If there is no tolerance and sacrifice in marriage, even if you get married to the right person,the marriage might still crash when nobody wants to sacrifice for love. In my country there is a say that 'marriage is a school that you can't graduate from'.

Most marriages lack love and understanding, initially when the both parents come together,they think of sex and after that, pregnancy comes in. After giving birth to a child,the couples might begin to show their ugly character that might be unbearable by each other and before you know it,divorce is the case. It baffles me that these couples has forgotten that there is a child involved, which they don't care about that and put their own selfish desires from first. After divorce,the child ends up suffering the actions of their parent which might have a negative impact on the child.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Desmong on February 20, 2023, 09:50:38 PM
There are so many things we need to bear in marriage so it is not always about the kids buy about our family and how it is going to affects the children so they will learn from us on how to live a good life even with pressures on there side. Divorcing a woman or a man is not the a good alternative to end the marriage but enduring for as long as the marriage still hold.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Newlifebtc on February 20, 2023, 10:19:29 PM
This particular topic has been treated here before the many people has been giving different kind of raisins why marriage is not difficult or risk measure so it depends on everyone's understanding concerning marriage and the person quickly eat on basic understanding of marriage redefine marriage with a thunder standing but from my own way of life marriage is not risk measure in any way

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: o48o on February 20, 2023, 10:24:48 PM
1 _when a marriage is about falling ,think about the kids and how divorce will make things wrong and difficult for them
If the other option is constant fighting and threat of violence, divorce is way better option for kids. And if kids are lucky parents still both want to participate to raising them, even if that happens bi-weekly in seperate addresses. And usually they do. It just depends on the situation if they can do that.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Newlifebtc on February 20, 2023, 10:33:53 PM
There are so many things we need to bear in marriage so it is not always about the kids buy about our family and how it is going to affects the children so they will learn from us on how to live a good life even with pressures on there side. Divorcing a woman or a man is not the a good alternative to end the marriage but enduring for as long as the marriage still hold.
Sometimes when you take a marriage that is being separated you will notice that default of that family 100% will you come from them female gender so women always happens to be the problem of separation in any household, since separation is a threading means marriage life, so children of today will like to follow the steps

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: GideonGono on February 23, 2023, 10:48:42 PM
We all want a good relationship with our spouses or soulmates too .

So what are the risks we should take
1 _when a marriage is about falling ,think about the kids and how divorce will make things wrong and difficult for them
I have grown up as a young girl and has never leaved with both parents till last year when I started living with my dad ,don't you think I might have gone through alot ?? Without both parents by my side ,

If you wanna give your kids the best in life you have to endure certain attitude Ms from both ur wife/husband ,when a home is seperated only one parent can't be able to take care of all the kids even if there is supplus money and second wife or husband ,when a single mother is set to take care of all the kids because she cought her husband cheating or what have you , she leaves ,she can't be fanacially stable to take care of all ,what if na 25 kids what's gonna happen?? The kids will start sleeping outside to care for them own selves ,how can a mother of 25 take such abilities all to her self ???

More to talk about ,let's talk
There are times that it is better to be separated than to continue on holding on to it, for example those who constantly fight in front of their kids, I am not just talking about physical but also verbal.
It is draining both physical and mental for both of you then you should learn to take some rest and think if it would still be worth it to continue or is it better to just stop it.
And for those who choose to be single parents you should also know how to communicate with your ex for your kids sake.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: yhiaali3 on February 24, 2023, 05:09:55 AM
Divorce problems are endless and the biggest victim are children.

Therefore, parents should think a lot about their children and their future before making the decision to divorce. They should avoid selfishness and think about whether this decision is good or bad about determining the fate of their children in the future.

But at the same time, there are cases in which divorce is the best solution, because if the problems of the parents are many and they occur in front of their children, they will leave a great negative impact on their upbringing.

The constant problems between parents leave a very bad effect on the children's psyche and behavior, and in this case divorce is better for the children's future.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Tony116 on February 24, 2023, 09:14:59 AM
Divorce problems are endless and the biggest victim are children.

Therefore, parents should think a lot about their children and their future before making the decision to divorce. They should avoid selfishness and think about whether this decision is good or bad about determining the fate of their children in the future.

But at the same time, there are cases in which divorce is the best solution, because if the problems of the parents are many and they occur in front of their children, they will leave a great negative impact on their upbringing.

The constant problems between parents leave a very bad effect on the children's psyche and behavior, and in this case divorce is better for the children's future.
If both of us really think about our children, we will never argue or fight in front of our children, it's all just our selfishness. When we get married, we need to know that then we are no longer living for ourselves but for our family and children.

I also have a family, we also argued many times and thought about divorce. But like I said, if you think about your children's future, you know what's right, divorce is never a good thing for our children.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Doan9269 on February 24, 2023, 01:25:52 PM
One of the risk we don't all want to participate in taking is the risk of being responsible for marriage challenges, we must know that it's a lifetime of for better for worse and for richer or poorer, we need to understand that no condition is parmanent, therefore we must be ready to take our partners burden along with ours in facing marriage challenges a d tackle them one after the other, especially being the man who is the head of the house.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Belarge on February 24, 2023, 03:39:01 PM
At first I will say I feel sorry for you if you didn't really have the opportunity to grow up in the hands of your both parents, it really hurts, I know how it feels,
Sincerely I don't really support divorce, but is better someone should divorce than dieing all in the name of marriage, I don't really think cheating is a major reason why couples divorce this days, because sincerely there are many married women and men(mostly men) that cheats this days, but yet their wives are still live  and be coping with their cheating attitudes, as long you provide their needs and the needs of the children..

There are more to what people see in marriage that can lead to divorce rather than cheating, some spouse are really deadly and heartless, see I'm saying this out of experience, I know of a man that nearly killed his wife and the kids spiritually, all just because he's an occultic man, and in his coven they demanded for a family member if not God's intervention the woman and her kids would have died, so the woman has to divorce and leave the marriage.
I know it will be so difficult for her now, taking care of their four kids and otherwise but I believe God will always see her through, because it's only who has life, that would have hope...

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Fiatless on February 24, 2023, 06:36:58 PM
One of the risk we don't all want to participate in taking is the risk of being responsible for marriage challenges, we must know that it's a lifetime of for better for worse and for richer or poorer, we need to understand that no condition is parmanent, therefore we must be ready to take our partners burden along with ours in facing marriage challenges a d tackle them one after the other, especially being the man who is the head of the house.

It is true that marriage is meant to be forever until death. You are also right that marriage is for better for worst, sickness and health, richer and poorer, etc, but some marriages has subjected people to physically, psychological and mental torture. Some spouse are not marriageable because of their bad behaviors. Nobody will cope with an adulterous woman and no woman will love to live with a man that spends all his income on drugs, gambling or alcohol. There are some conditions that people can not cope with and the only option will be to seek divorce.

Before I used to preach against divorce and I discriminated against divorcees but I have recently learned that the failure of their marriages might not be their fault. They might have tried all the could to sustain the marriage but their spouse was not marriageable.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Remiscoin5 on February 24, 2023, 10:13:06 PM
My mother's father divorced when I was a toddler, in mother's arms.
And I was raised by step grandparents.
My memory is still sharp enough to remember that sad time.
Mother's father already has another partner as well as another child..
My life is tossing and turning without direction
Jealous of my friends and the happiness of a small child, invites the sadness back..
Father and mother, I just need your love, like my friend.
So far, I've never gotten it.
Now my father is gone forever, look at your son, father, now I am an adult and can find food for myself without your love.
Without you I can be independent, now my father has gone forever back to God's side.
But hatred for you makes me furious and I want to destroy everything around me.

And now, from the experience above, I always try to avoid divorce because it will affect the child's mentality.
yeah you're right these are one of the risk we should take , because of experience and it's good you took that decision decisions , because we aren't going to treat our kids and wife's or husband's the way we were treated too,

Marriage is something you need to know before you get to it and you need to understand that your life will never be the same when you will marry the girl you love because when that happens, you gonna do everything to make her happy and comfortable. You just need to consider looking for the right spouse before thinking about marriage and you need to learn what are the criteria to become the right wife for your children. Because if you marry randomly without taking any considerations to do the tips above, then you are risking your marriage and your children's future because you might marry the wrong Man or Woman who will not care about you or your children or maybe they are abusive and you only found that out when you already married.
you're right ,marriage isn't just a mare play like other primary relationships ,its a big step people should take ,but some don't care , expectially women ,some are just too desperate to get married,and prayers should be involved too, because it's till death do us appart they always say ,it's a very serious decision to take

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Newlifebtc on February 27, 2023, 10:56:51 PM
The risk in marriage I will analyse based on my own understanding is when someone is incapable of getting married and they happened to Mary without making a proper foundation for itself so that is where I will say that the marriage is at stake because the marriage have no root anything can crush the marriage so it is very good for someone to build up its survey relationship and knowing the implication of marriage before both of them come together

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Desmong on February 27, 2023, 11:15:25 PM
All I know is that marriage is hard and we should not go into it if we know that we do not have the power or the strength to endure as much as we can. Everything about marriage is endurance so we need to make sure that we are fully ready to accept whatever we see before we think of going into marriage. Some persons enters marriage without you understanding.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Raceonsucced on February 28, 2023, 10:36:24 AM
Marriage must have a high tolerance for partners. Must love each other in times of trouble and joy. Accept your partner for who they are. Because marriage is full of struggles, loving each other, accepting each other. No human is perfect in this world, all complement each other (in pairs) and remind each other.

 I see many children who lack love from their parents, so they feel lonely and sad when their parents don't pay attention to their children. Actually what is the cause of all this?

Family should be a place where we feel safe and peaceful in it. But, yes, we go back to the beginning that everything has risks and tests that make us sway in it. That's where the sense of family loyalty must exist.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: misterrtwisterr on February 28, 2023, 10:42:47 AM
Marriage must have a high tolerance for partners. Must love each other in times of trouble and joy. Accept your partner for who they are.

This is one of the keys. I have a feeling people are much less tolerant than before. Things got worse after the 70's when women started to work and got their financial independence. This is proved by divorce rate statistics, and you can see a sharp increase of divorces starting somewhere around late 60's.

Marriage takes a lot of patience, understanding and compromises. Even more when you get kids.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: uchegod-21 on March 02, 2023, 08:30:31 PM
All I know is that marriage is hard and we should not go into it if we know that we do not have the power or the strength to endure as much as we can. Everything about marriage is endurance so we need to make sure that we are fully ready to accept whatever we see before we think of going into marriage. Some persons enters marriage without you understanding.

This is wrong. Marriage is not a war, you do not need power or strength to be in a marriage, unless you are planning to kill.yoir spouse.
Again, marriage is not all about endurance. Don't go into marriage to endure rubbish. When your spouse puts up annoying character, call their attention to it and forgive them. When they do same again, forgive them for the second time and warn them that it will be the last. If they try it again, consider divorce. The most important thing to you should be peace of mind and not to endure rubbish in the name of marriage.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: BADecker on March 02, 2023, 10:55:45 PM
Maybe marriage is about sex, kids and cheaper living.

I mean, if you get married for sex and that's all, great. You don't even have to live in the same apartment or house.

But if you want to live in the same house for money savings, great. Have your own separate rooms, and a special room for love making... unless you really want to share the same room.

If there is any chance at all that kids will come along, talk about it ahead of time. And write up an agreement as to who does what in the event you get some kids. Make it legally binding so that there are no questions later.

I mean, you don't have to share your ideals in marriage, right? Just your bodies... and the kids of course, right?


Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Ojima-ojo on March 03, 2023, 07:05:03 AM
My mother's father divorced when I was a toddler, in mother's arms.
And I was raised by step grandparents.
My memory is still sharp enough to remember that sad time.
Mother's father already has another partner as well as another child..
My life is tossing and turning without direction
Jealous of my friends and the happiness of a small child, invites the sadness back.
Father and mother, I just need your love, like my friend.
So far, I've never gotten it.
Now my father is gone forever, look at your son, father, now I am an adult and can find food for myself without your love.
Without you I can be independent, now my father has gone forever back to God's side.
But hatred for you makes me furious and I want to destroy everything around me.

And now, from the experience above, I always try to avoid divorce because it will affect the child's mentality.
I understand how you feel mate even though I may have not experienced a similarly bad situation to yours but trust me we all have gone through a hard time growing up, and some of us have some of the worst experiences.

But above all, divorce is not an option most especially when there are kids in the marriage.

I think our judicial systems and the marriage registrar should include a separate column and law too, divorce law for parents with kids and those without kids.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Justtoons on March 03, 2023, 07:52:08 AM
Growing up without parental care is one of the worst thing a child can experience. All my life as a little man up till now, my only prayers was God should keep my parents alive for me. I never wanted to imagine my self living without those two people. Sometimes I look at them out of pitty and say to my self these people have tried a lot in bringing me and my siblings up as men and women and I will do better for my own children. Being a parent is not easy, as you will have to think, calculate and provide every possible care for your children. I know one day I will also be a parent and I hope I become a good one and also be there for my children. ;D

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Minecache on March 03, 2023, 09:25:06 AM
All I know is that marriage is hard and we should not go into it if we know that we do not have the power or the strength to endure as much as we can. Everything about marriage is endurance so we need to make sure that we are fully ready to accept whatever we see before we think of going into marriage. Some persons enters marriage without you understanding.

This is wrong. Marriage is not a war, you do not need power or strength to be in a marriage, unless you are planning to kill.yoir spouse.
Again, marriage is not all about endurance. Don't go into marriage to endure rubbish. When your spouse puts up annoying character, call their attention to it and forgive them. When they do same again, forgive them for the second time and warn them that it will be the last. If they try it again, consider divorce. The most important thing to you should be peace of mind and not to endure rubbish in the name of marriage.

Marriage only takes place when both agree to love and care for each other for the rest of their lives, everything is voluntary, not forced, marriage is something sacred, not to endure rubbish. In life, we will face a lot of troubles, and in marriage too. Whether the marriage is stable or not is due to our behavior, not anyone's fault, if the marriage fails, don't rush to blame your partner, but try to think that you have also fulfilled your obligations.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Flydolphine on March 03, 2023, 11:56:18 AM
The emotional scar associated with divorce in marriage can never be erased.the couple often undergo series of decrease in levels of happiness and emotional problems.the effect of divorce spills unto the children too,in their academics, behavior and avoid these learn to love your spouse in the way he/ she wants to be loved and remain faithful amongst others.....learn lessons from the mistakes of your parents in their marriage and make yours work

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: @forxample on March 03, 2023, 05:23:10 PM
Marriage is something you need to know before you get to it and you need to understand that your life will never be the same when you will marry the girl you love because when that happens, you gonna do everything to make her happy and comfortable. You just need to consider looking for the right spouse before thinking about marriage and you need to learn what are the criteria to become the right wife for your children. Because if you marry randomly without taking any considerations to do the tips above, then you are risking your marriage and your children's future because you might marry the wrong Man or Woman who will not care about you or your children or maybe they are abusive and you only found that outWe as the Indonesian people must be grateful, with the existence of such advanced technology, so that we can be able to compete with other countries. especially with bitcoin really helping, we get knowledge, insight, know about investment, how to regulate, money management. when you already married.
Relationships in every household must be based on a sense of responsibility, a sense of belonging, respect for one another, especially when they have children. the responsibility is very big. a father, mother. must be a role model for their children at home, the children's main teacher is, both parents. new to school. Children have rights and obligations from their parents
1. the right to get a proper education.
2. The right to be treated fairly.
3. get, protection, affection.
Duties, parents
1. to provide protection, comfort, etc.
the role of parents is very influential on their children, especially in many cases of children being bullied, due to lack of supervision, especially brokenhom children, cases of divorce of their parents.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Sexylizzy2813 on March 04, 2023, 11:10:46 PM
Talking about marriage, is something we need to get much details before jumping into it, firstly we need to know that is a life time communion between both parties, ones you're in you're in and is not like relationship that you just work in and out mostly for the sex aspect without thinking about the damages it will cause. Before you get married you have to be sure that this is what you want or this is the person I want to spend the rest of my life with, sometimes we find our self happy at some point but before you know it we ain't happy with our spouse. My question is, why do we feel that way and end up having a divorce? Is it something natural or there's a curse in marriage or is there a virus in "marriage"?

Even at some point what we see or hear causes a lot of damages in marriages and I'll say 85% of these are dearly responsible, so my advice to those who are in it or about to engage themselves in marriage is, if you find someone you say or think you love and want to spend your life with just know that you are going to be responsible for any actions you take after you're married.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Hispo on March 05, 2023, 04:39:28 PM
...just know that you are going to be responsible for any actions you take after you're married.

You make it sound as if a marriage was only about the actions of only one person, which is false. In fact, one could be a good spouse and get things done to provide the relationship what it needs, but the other person may have some trouble with any situation within marriage. In that case, it would be unfair to assume the obstacles or problems going on are fully our responsibility. 

Blaming oneself for everything in a relationship of any sort can only lead to toxicity, in my opinion.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Sexylizzy2813 on March 06, 2023, 07:07:21 AM
You make it sound as if a marriage was only about the actions of only one person, which is false.

Nope, don't get me wrong on this, if you noticed some people play along in making decisions together as partner but one thing would make either the male or the female involved as the case maybe to fall off the line, what am saying is that, there will be a time when they don't take decisions together maybe because of pressure, that's when trust is being flushed down the drill, bad energy comes in too, and you hear something like "why didn't you tell me sooner"? So that's what I was driving at.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Lordhermes on March 06, 2023, 07:13:03 AM
You make it sound as if a marriage was only about the actions of only one person, which is false.

Nope, don't get me wrong on this, if you noticed some people play along in making decisions together as partner but one thing would make either the male or the female involved as the case maybe to fall off the line, what am saying is that, there will be a time when they don't take decisions together maybe because of pressure, that's when trust is being flushed down the drill, bad energy comes in too, and you hear something like "why didn't you tell me sooner"? So that's what I was driving at.
yes marriage is an action of one person, is the man that will decide who he wants to marry. Woman can't go on the street and decide the man she wants to be with. Because is the man that pay the pride price not the woman. So it's a sole decision of one person.
On the other side, marriage is a two side coins, both parties must know they want before they go into it. You must marry your friend and spec.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: BADecker on March 06, 2023, 04:02:06 PM
Basically, there is one major reason for marriage. It's for security of the children.

Women can have, and are having, children all over the place outside of marriage. In fact, sex outside of marriage is probably the cause of the most murder in the world... abortion... even though there is some abortion within marriage.

Certainly there are many other advantages to marriage, like all kinds of stability for the parents besides the children. But marriage is for the children first.


Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Sexylizzy2813 on March 06, 2023, 05:37:01 PM
is the man that will decide who he wants to marry. Woman can't go on the street and decide the man she wants to be with. Because is the man that pay the pride price not the woman. So it's a sole decision of one person.

In marriage is not only the man who gets to make the call on who to get married to, what if the woman says she's not interested in getting married to the man (if is only the man who gets to decide) from what you said? Huh..?
Is not only about the men who gets to choose who he wants to marry or not, they both (man and woman) need to come to an agreement before "marriage" takes place. If is how you see it then you're equally saying a woman has no say in marriage, IMO both parties have the decision to make and not just one person.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Hispo on March 06, 2023, 05:54:15 PM
You make it sound as if a marriage was only about the actions of only one person, which is false.

Nope, don't get me wrong on this, if you noticed some people play along in making decisions together as partner but one thing would make either the male or the female involved as the case maybe to fall off the line, what am saying is that, there will be a time when they don't take decisions together maybe because of pressure, that's when trust is being flushed down the drill, bad energy comes in too, and you hear something like "why didn't you tell me sooner"? So that's what I was driving at.
yes marriage is an action of one person, is the man that will decide who he wants to marry. Woman can't go on the street and decide the man she wants to be with. Because is the man that pay the pride price not the woman. So it's a sole decision of one person.
On the other side, marriage is a two side coins, both parties must know they want before they go into it. You must marry your friend and spec.

What are you talking about?
Women decide who to marry. I do not know what country you are from but there in the west, if you have been dating a woman and you both decide to start a relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend, she can perfectly reject any marriage proposal from you, for whatever reason, even after years or being together.

Haven't you heard that women even can choose not to appear at their wedding, since they have decided not to get married?  ::)
That is a funny way of thinking you got there.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Ebede on March 06, 2023, 09:57:27 PM
Every man or woman want a good relationship and i believe that it's the reason why some people ends up in marriage or marrying their girlfriends as a wife, it's because of long term relationship of them, that's why it's good not to make  mistake in marriage, so i supprt people who been into relationship before getting married

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: BADecker on March 07, 2023, 12:05:35 AM
Every man or woman want a good relationship and i believe that it's the reason why some people ends up in marriage or marrying their girlfriends as a wife, it's because of long term relationship of them, that's why it's good not to make  mistake in marriage, so i supprt people who been into relationship before getting married

A lot of man/woman relationship is based on how they smell to each other, even if they don't realize it... pheromones.


Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: BADecker on March 07, 2023, 02:19:25 PM
Marriage is a mystry,and the risk in marriage is when two imperfect couple comes together,if tolerance is missing.and every man or woman want a better family or marriage so the most risk is knowing who you are geting as a partner,knowing her kind and still get her as a wife,so geting a wife to avoid any mistake observation is needed,to be on the save side because one thing i beleave,is better to devioce in courtship than to devoice in marriage.

When you say devoice, do you mean to stop talking? :D I always thought there wasn't nearly enough communication in marriage... or before marriage.


Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Hallroom on March 07, 2023, 05:58:08 PM
There is a family leader who controls the entire family.  Maybe grandfather, father, mother, elder brother, that's why many families have such people. And every man expects good behavior from his wife but many things happened in front of my eyes. The husband and wife are currently admitted to the hospital with massive overdoses.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: CODE200 on March 09, 2023, 12:49:04 PM
yes marriage is an action of one person, is the man that will decide who he wants to marry. Woman can't go on the street and decide the man she wants to be with. Because is the man that pay the pride price not the woman. So it's a sole decision of one person.
On the other side, marriage is a two side coins, both parties must know they want before they go into it. You must marry your friend and spec.
How about the marriage forced by the family or a culture? Like to have someone next who can handle for their business. Parents arrange marriage on having good partners for the business. In that case its not only the decision of the people who are involved in the marriage but a decision of their parents. Even they don't want it in the first place, some people don't have a choice but to do it for their family. I just read lots of that kind of set up marriage in other country which I see a bit risky specially when you don't like your partner at all, that will lead to a big problem even it will be good for the business.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: FireDAOJackie_Z on March 10, 2023, 07:36:10 AM
We all want a good relationship with our spouses or soulmates too .

So what are the risks we should take
1 _when a marriage is about falling ,think about the kids and how divorce will make things wrong and difficult for them
I have grown up as a young girl and has never leaved with both parents till last year when I started living with my dad ,don't you think I might have gone through alot ?? Without both parents by my side ,

If you wanna give your kids the best in life you have to endure certain attitude Ms from both ur wife/husband ,when a home is seperated only one parent can't be able to take care of all the kids even if there is supplus money and second wife or husband ,when a single mother is set to take care of all the kids because she cought her husband cheating or what have you , she leaves ,she can't be fanacially stable to take care of all ,what if na 25 kids what's gonna happen?? The kids will start sleeping outside to care for them own selves ,how can a mother of 25 take such abilities all to her self ???

More to talk about ,let's talk

You have brought up a topic that bothers so many married people, including me. Before getting married, I was thinking about all possible marriage life and there were no problem at all. Time has proved that I was too naive. My life has completely changed since I got married. The spouse has not been the same person as I knew before and we quarreled a lot on even small trivial things in daily life. I have thought about divorce a thousand times but hesitated to do so only because of my daughter. Whenever I see her little face and think about all possible miserable life she might encounter in a single-parent family, I hold divorce back. I know I am not happy with my marriage but keeping this kind of life for the sake of my daughter is something I have to do without regret.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Rockstarguy on March 11, 2023, 06:13:52 AM
One of the risk we don't all want to participate in taking is the risk of being responsible for marriage challenges, we must know that it's a lifetime of for better for worse and for richer or poorer, we need to understand that no condition is parmanent, therefore we must be ready to take our partners burden along with ours in facing marriage challenges a d tackle them one after the other, especially being the man who is the head of the house.
The truth is that no one want to face the challenges, and some people thinks marriage must be perfect that is why when it is not going the way it should be their is problem.  Marriage is tolerance because two unperfect persons are coming together to make a family,  so the only thing that can make it work is tolerate and forgive and to understand each other. A marriage where both partners are ready tolerate and understand themselves will always work out good.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Bruce4 on March 11, 2023, 01:42:27 PM


Money problems Is a major marital  problem facing marriages today.The lack of finance in any marriage,
Can render that marriage useless.The quality of life will go down if the two of you live in poverty,and not everybody
Wants a broken home.Money is essential to funding our lives,and if there isn't enough to take Care of what we need,
It can create a large amount of stress to both spouses.Although,it could be a result of low income,but action and reactions
From the other party can inflict emotional and mental breakdown towards the union i.e marriage.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: 348Judah on March 11, 2023, 01:58:08 PM
To me i see the risk in marriage ad taking a bold step in trusting your partner on a lifetime agreement to spend the rest of your days together with him or her, this is what we called trust because in marriage, there's no hiding of anything anymore because two has become one, that's why one must not make that costly mistake to chose wrong, marriage is for the two of them to enjoy and create fun altogether and not an hardship or endurance to bear as a burden, the man must be able to make provisions for his home which is the responsibility he takes and must ensures to do.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Ebede on March 13, 2023, 06:55:33 PM
Marriage can be risk when you are not up to age before going relationship or Marriage,  that's why some one need to be mature before getting married,  because you are not balanced getting married will cause a very big problem in your,  one of my friends who got married recently is regretting because of it have not rooted the knowledge of marriage before getting married.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Wolfblood200$ on March 16, 2023, 03:16:23 PM
Like they say,Marriage is school you can’t graduate from..We have to consider alot of things before getting into marriage,You have to be patient and tolerant if you want your marriage to work because change is the only permanent thing in life..Marriage is not only about procreation and companionship you have understand each other and know each other flaws..And lastly be matured for the task it will bring..

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Sakanwa on April 10, 2023, 03:16:43 AM
Marriage they say is a bond meant not to be disclosed but it becomes risky when we are not prepared or having the quality as an individual person marriage involve responsibility, attention and care towards your spouse trust is important also as bearing burdens together as one marital home as a family decision are made to suit both party in other to avoid controversy and conflict it requires a woman to be submissive to her husband and her husband taken proper responsibility in other to maintain a peaceful home

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Gormicsta on April 06, 2024, 09:31:04 AM
To be honest, you are correct, but we should also consider how divorce may affect the children's future relationships. Children from divorced households may struggle to build good connections and trust others. They may also find it challenging to trust their own love relationships. This may have a significant influence on their future happiness. So, while divorce may be the most effective choice for certain couples, it is not something to take lightly because it is a major decision that can have a lasting impact for the entire family. Additionally, when there is an absence of respect, it can lead to disagreement and anger, so we need to treat our spouses with dignity and affection.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: |MINER| on April 06, 2024, 11:19:32 AM
Marriage is a sacred bond.  Once married, efforts should be made to preserve it forever.  Because marriage is only a relationship between two people, if they have children, they should also think about the future.  When you are married, you have to try to adapt to many things.  If you have a child, you must think about that survival before you separate.  Because life without parents is very difficult.  Many marriages are toxic.  Where it is not possible to live by adapting.  From there one must withdraw and keep the good child legally with him as guardian.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Uhwuchukwu53 on April 06, 2024, 03:18:31 PM
Marriage is allowing certain circumstances to play in your life which ordinarily won't have taken place in the absence of marriage, you loss something to gain and retain peaceful home or marriage but where any of the party involved fail to loose the marriage won't work.

Lossing must be if different kind it could be financial, character most time involved psychological loss, all of this one must have get to loose one depending the one you face in order to retain peaceful home. Psychological may strickly be of pleasure loss, financial spend beyond your budget why character refer drop of behavior without this and many more marriage will always remain shaking.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Bushdark on April 06, 2024, 03:42:17 PM
One of the risk we don't all want to participate in taking is the risk of being responsible for marriage challenges, we must know that it's a lifetime of for better for worse and for richer or poorer, we need to understand that no condition is parmanent, therefore we must be ready to take our partners burden along with ours in facing marriage challenges a d tackle them one after the other, especially being the man who is the head of the house.
The truth is that no one want to face the challenges, and some people thinks marriage must be perfect that is why when it is not going the way it should be their is problem.  Marriage is tolerance because two unperfect persons are coming together to make a family,  so the only thing that can make it work is tolerate and forgive and to understand each other. A marriage where both partners are ready tolerate and understand themselves will always work out good.
Sometimes understanding our partners has married couple can be very difficult especially when the person is not ready to be remorseful about their problem that needed to be handled. This is why we keep seeing many divorced couples everywhere in the internet because of lack of understanding to tolerate one self. We just need to understand our partners if we want a successful relationship with any plan for divorce. Their are so many shits we'll have to face and the new couples should be aware of that.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Zanab247 on April 20, 2024, 12:32:06 PM
Quote from: Desmong
All I know is that marriage is hard and we should not go into it if we know that we do not have the power or the strength to endure as much as we can. Everything about marriage is endurance so we need to make sure that we are fully ready to accept whatever we see before we think of going into marriage. Some persons enters marriage without you understanding.
Marriage is not hard, when you are mature and ready to play your role as a man because women don't want to suffer in marriage, which are some of the things that is bringing issues to some marriages today, and it has led many to divorce without considering the children they have in that marriage.

Even though you have the power and your pocket is weak, don't try it, but if your pocket is well strong and you find true love, you are good to enter marriage and you will succeed at the end.

 If you can endure in marriage, you will not experience divorce from your marriage because some couples don't know that nothing last forever in marriage, once you understand that the situation will not be dear forever, you will be among the best marriage in your society.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: ferida504 on April 20, 2024, 05:21:39 PM
My mother's father divorced when I was a toddler, in mother's arms.
And I was raised by step grandparents.
My memory is still sharp enough to remember that sad time.
Mother's father already has another partner as well as another child..
My life is tossing and turning without direction
Jealous of my friends and the happiness of a small child, invites the sadness back..
Father and mother, I just need your love, like my friend.
So far, I've never gotten it.
Now my father is gone forever, look at your son, father, now I am an adult and can find food for myself without your love.
Without you I can be independent, now my father has gone forever back to God's side.
But hatred for you makes me furious and I want to destroy everything around me.

And now, from the experience above, I always try to avoid divorce because it will affect the child's mentality.

The increasingly high divorce rate is influenced by uncontrolled social media and also the influence of social media which is quite large, resulting in household commotion due to frequent communication with the opposite sex. , thus ending in divorce. When a divorce occurs the biggest victim is the child, they will bear an extraordinary burden even if it is so big that it becomes unmanageable, this is all the parents' ego. There is no family where there is never a commotion, so avoid personal contact with people who are not your wife or husband and also eliminate your sense of ego.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Kriptogram14 on April 23, 2024, 04:52:01 AM
The increasingly high divorce rate is influenced by uncontrolled social media and also the influence of social media which is quite large, resulting in household commotion due to frequent communication with the opposite sex. , thus ending in divorce. When a divorce occurs the biggest victim is the child, they will bear an extraordinary burden even if it is so big that it becomes unmanageable, this is all the parents' ego. There is no family where there is never a commotion, so avoid personal contact with people who are not your wife or husband and also eliminate your sense of ego.

Every decision we take has its risks, in marriage there are of course risks that we have to take, such as our selfishness in the way we think, we have to put our ego behind us, because if we put our ego first, the problems will become complicated, small things will become big , throw away your ego and give in to each other, don't both maintain your own ego.

The divorce rate is getting higher, this is because in the household no one gives in to each other, everyone puts their own egos first, and there is no longer any trust from both parties, this will make problems even more complicated, don't let it be because of their selfishness, children. The victims are children who become victims of incomplete families.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Uhwuchukwu53 on April 23, 2024, 06:31:05 AM
Marriage is something you need to know before you get to it and you need to understand that your life will never be the same when you will marry the girl you love because when that happens, you gonna do everything to make her happy and comfortable.

Yes that is truth marriage before venturing into need deep exposure, by going for knowledge, study what it takes to handle marriage, allot happened base on the facts that many don't see it as anything but just a contract but it's beyond a contract except one will keep divorcing and marrying all the time, the knowledge about marriage can help you passed the challenges that is involved that leads to such divorce.

One of the key marrying who you love it solve allot of marriage issue because love covereth all things, the love can superceed any thing which may likely course harm in the marriage, and the knowledge guide you to handle any arising issue that would have exceeded beyond your capability.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Kelward on April 23, 2024, 08:22:37 AM
Marriage is something you need to know before you get to it and you need to understand that your life will never be the same when you will marry the girl you love because when that happens, you gonna do everything to make her happy and comfortable.
The risk in marriage is getting married to the wrong person, most people nowadays get married for the wrong purpose not love, is either because of money, beauty and so on. Which it will come to a time when those things might not be what you need anymore. Marriage is a beautiful thing, one just have to choose his or her partner wisely, because marriage comes with a lot of responsibilities, one just have to be prepared all round.
The biggest mistake that anybody can make is marrying the wrong person, the kind of spouse you have will go a long way to determine your happiness or sorrow, so it's very important to know the kinds of qualities that you want in a marriage, although it's not possible to get a perfect partner but let the person poses some important qualities that you need. I don't think that reasonable person will go into marriage with the intention of divorcing their partner, but unfortunately the rate of divorce in our societies is on the increase now, couples no longer tolerate each other's shortcomings, and very little matter that can easily be resolved will lead to divorce.

Couples with children needs to consider the innocent children that they brought into this world before considering divorce, because these will not experience the joy of being raised by loving parents. Inasmuch as I don't endorse divorce, a partner is better of alone than remaining in a toxic relationship.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Dewiana on April 23, 2024, 07:02:36 PM
My mother's father divorced when I was a toddler, in mother's arms.
And I was raised by step grandparents.
My memory is still sharp enough to remember that sad time.
Mother's father already has another partner as well as another child..
My life is tossing and turning without direction
Jealous of my friends and the happiness of a small child, invites the sadness back..
Father and mother, I just need your love, like my friend.
So far, I've never gotten it.
Now my father is gone forever, look at your son, father, now I am an adult and can find food for myself without your love.
Without you I can be independent, now my father has gone forever back to God's side.
But hatred for you makes me furious and I want to destroy everything around me.

And now, from the experience above, I always try to avoid divorce because it will affect the child's mentality.

When the ijab qabul or marriage occurs, that is where the responsibility of a father (wife's father) falls to the husband, so a husband must look after his wife as best as possible like a father, at the time of marriage there are also many temptations that must be faced together, many households cannot afford it. keeping this in the end divorce occurred. Currently, the divorce rate is very high, triggered by the arrival of third parties who disrupt the household, as well as factors involving family interference. Before getting married, you should understand both of them so you don't regret it later. I hope it lasts for those who are married.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: AVE5 on April 23, 2024, 08:31:08 PM
Marriage disputes with the inability of the parents to keep their misunderstandings away from the notification of the kids is ought to have negative effects on the kids that's why environment of where kids are being brought up from matters when considering possible behaviours of the kids when they grows up.
So as much husband and wife breaking out when they've kids on the tender ages to take care of is also effective to how the kids could grow up be it could distabilize the dreams of those kids and their potentials to redeem what they're destined for could be doomed because there could be no more of those resources and and parental vibes that motivates those kids to be able to posses their possessions.

Of it all, of time factors to make things right to how those kids could grow up, the kid's could be misleaded by the experienced from their parents.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: passwordnow on April 23, 2024, 10:40:42 PM
I have seen a lot of relationships that they're just trying to save it because of their kids. Some worked properly but many of them didn't. If you can't take it anymore and you're with a partner that you've chosen wrongly because the relationship and companionship that you've built tears and becomes weary, you should just save yourselves from the emotional being from that kind of relationship. Yes, you may still try but if it's not working out, don't push your luck for it but just be good parents to your kid/s. That's the responsibility that both of you have taken and you shouldn't miss any important gatherings and events of that fruit that will serve as your remembrance of how both of you have been before.

The risk is high but when you are able to get together again then that's nice. But as I've said, the majority of what I've seen with these kind of marriages that are already tearing apart, some solutions worked but most of them decided to just set apart and signed contracts that they'll never forget their responsibilities to their children. I know that some cultures are family oriented but in some, this is no longer a big deal as many children grew up with their step dads/moms or did had one parent but you know what folks? The love of the grandparents are the best that they can lean on and that's why many of these kids from broken marriages have found their comfort through their grandpas and grandmas.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Volimack on April 24, 2024, 05:09:06 AM
Personality development is a continuous process from being tied to a relationship like marriage the course of which may not be smooth. Marriage is a sacred bond love can be practiced in any way. Understanding yourself about yourself your life goals and your partner is very important before deciding to get married. Deciding to get married after making decisions about emotional preparation financial security and what you want can increase your chances of a happy married life.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Hewlet on April 24, 2024, 06:16:10 AM
Speaking from the point of view of someone that's from a broken home, I totally understand why it's important to put in all the effort to first of all get married to the right partner and along the marriage put in additional effort in ensuring that the marriage last till death separates both parties. Only those that are of a broken home from early age of there existence knows the kind of trauma that comes with it and most others that are From a polygamous setting understand the kind of battles that there parents have to leave behind for them to fight in terms of handling of properties and it gets worse when you're dealing with a bunch of delusional diabolical step siblings.

Marriage is not an easy institution and it's totally understandable that issues will spring out when two adults who are both coming from different backgrounds with different mentality and belief system decides to come together under the same rough to work together as a union. Problems are bound to occur along the way but it's better fought together than allowing it tear you guys apart. As much as I don't support leaving togeth in an abusive relationship, I don't also support divorce most especially when the parties have children who will have to face the repalcution of there attitudes.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: SmartCharpa on April 24, 2024, 08:04:53 PM
We all want a good relationship with our spouses or soulmates too .

So what are the risks we should take
1 _when a marriage is about falling ,think about the kids and how divorce will make things wrong and difficult for them
I have grown up as a young girl and has never leaved with both parents till last year when I started living with my dad ,don't you think I might have gone through alot ?? Without both parents by my side ,

If you wanna give your kids the best in life you have to endure certain attitude Ms from both ur wife/husband ,when a home is seperated only one parent can't be able to take care of all the kids even if there is supplus money and second wife or husband ,when a single mother is set to take care of all the kids because she cought her husband cheating or what have you , she leaves ,she can't be fanacially stable to take care of all ,what if na 25 kids what's gonna happen?? The kids will start sleeping outside to care for them own selves ,how can a mother of 25 take such abilities all to her self ???

More to talk about ,let's talk

Many individuals have experienced a life without their both parents living together and a life without both parents is not easy at all, except the single parent you stay with is wealthy enough to take care of all the responsibilities, he/she buys whatever you need. Even though we live with single parents and provide whatever we need, the love of single parents will not grow the same as that person who lives with both parents. I want you to understand something leaving with one parent doesn't mean that they marry the wrong person, a lot of people leave with one parent because one of their parents has departed from this world, no matter who it is the responsibilities will be taken by the remaining parents.

I'm sorry for the pain you go through your life, leaving a life without both parents. No one is perfect in this world, let's pray we don't marry you the wrong person and end up separating our children from their parents.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Ethan151 on April 25, 2024, 07:04:21 AM
We all want a good relationship with our spouses or soulmates too .

So what are the risks we should take
1 _when a marriage is about falling ,think about the kids and how divorce will make things wrong and difficult for them
I have grown up as a young girl and has never leaved with both parents till last year when I started living with my dad ,don't you think I might have gone through alot ?? Without both parents by my side ,

If you wanna give your kids the best in life you have to endure certain attitude Ms from both ur wife/husband ,when a home is seperated only one parent can't be able to take care of all the kids even if there is supplus money and second wife or husband ,when a single mother is set to take care of all the kids because she cought her husband cheating or what have you , she leaves ,she can't be fanacially stable to take care of all ,what if na 25 kids what's gonna happen?? The kids will start sleeping outside to care for them own selves ,how can a mother of 25 take such abilities all to her self ???

More to talk about ,let's talk
Since there must have been a lot of canning done in the area you are from, I'm sure you were spared from those who grew up with their dad. When I was a child, my parents insisted that we study indoors after school and that anything outside would always end badly. Thus, my dad used to truly terrify me.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Mr.sprin on April 26, 2024, 04:41:58 PM
Many individuals have experienced a life without their both parents living together and a life without both parents is not easy at all, except the single parent you stay with is wealthy enough to take care of all the responsibilities, he/she buys whatever you need. Even though we live with single parents and provide whatever we need, the love of single parents will not grow the same as that person who lives with both parents. I want you to understand something leaving with one parent doesn't mean that they marry the wrong person, a lot of people leave with one parent because one of their parents has departed from this world, no matter who it is the responsibilities will be taken by the remaining parents.

I'm sorry for the pain you go through your life, leaving a life without both parents. No one is perfect in this world, let's pray we don't marry you the wrong person and end up separating our children from their parents.

In our lives we all have our own risks, for every risk there is also a way out of it all, there are difficulties and joys, it depends on what we want to do, in married life there are bound to be ups and downs, we take these risks and we find a way. come out by thinking clearly and being open to each other so that unwanted problems don't occur in our household, every household will have arguments, both financially and in other ways, we are very clever in finding solutions to solve the problems that occur.

Talking about single parents is very sad, who wants our parents to separate, but we also cannot force the will of those who choose the path to live alone, maybe that is the best path for them, the victims are their children, because of their lack of attention and love from both their parents, many of them are victims of incomplete households which have an effect on their own mental health, it is very sad when they find out that their parents are no longer together and on the same page, to the point that some are frustrated thinking about their parents, I hope We don't feel like that, I hope our family is all fine.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: jrrsparkles on April 26, 2024, 06:07:10 PM
I won't recommend tolerate living with someone when you feel it isn't working so divorce is the right option for the goodness of future. And definitely kids are going to be the one affected most but the couple should think about getting married only if the feel they can live together for their life, don't rush into making decisions that can't be restored.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: oktana on April 26, 2024, 10:47:19 PM
A mother of 25 is quite unrealistic. However, it is indeed the children that suffers the divorce but you may not fully understand divorce until you walk down that lane. Do you know how scary it is when the one person who you trust with your life has been playing you the whole time? I don’t think I can coexist in the same room with such person. There are other causes of divorce but don’t think it’s an easy decision because it isn’t. Co-parenting is a thing though.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: johnsaributua on April 26, 2024, 11:31:25 PM
Yes, because it is not only love that always stays and continues to enjoy togetherness, but sometimes disagreements and differences in response to communication become crumbs in everyday life. Although it leads to cooling down and returning to the usual attitude, I think there is no problem too difficult if there is a take and give in advice including complementing each other when one person sulks from the impact of an information ;D.
Indeed, the relationship between parents and children has no trace of course until the end of life, unlike married couples who are not compatible and cause more new problems, of course the solution attitude is hugged, although divorce is not the best way out but it is an option.

But my friend 25 children is too many, that the fact is maybe 2-8 children is average in my country even less than that number.

Indeed, the true nature is seen after marriage and everyone may be the same because it focuses on finances, educating and living together in a family, different opinions are natural and I think when bored or other reasons for accepting problems, it is better to remember when you love each other for the first time, maybe it can be fixed or with self moments by taking time.

Title: Re: Risks to take in marriage
Post by: Zanab247 on April 27, 2024, 11:51:22 AM
If you want to experience a good marriage through out your journey, you need to have many sources of income that can finance your wife and children because women don't like to associate with poverty, which is the reason you see some women misbehaving in marriage because they will not tell you is lack of resources.

Know who you want to spend the rest of your life with, this a big risk which many people use to ignore in the process of searching for who to marry, and it will help you to discover so many things from your boyfriend or girlfriend that will make you not to go ahead in the relationship.

Some of the things she or he  know you for before she or he married you, don't change from them if you want the marriage to last long for your children to experience love and trust  from your home, keep loving your wife genuinely and peace and love will reign long in that family.