Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: jimmyk1 on February 22, 2023, 07:53:24 AM

Title: Questions about Bitcoin Node
Post by: jimmyk1 on February 22, 2023, 07:53:24 AM

I'm planning on making the investment so I can contribute to the Bitcoin ecosystem, but before doing so, I have some beginner questions:

1-If I deploy my bitcoin node, do I have to transfer my crypto from my trezor over to my new wallet?

2-When creating a Umbrel account, a seed phrase is generated, is that seed phrase related to my wallet, or only to Umbrel?

3-Does it matters if I keep my node running on a laptop vs raspberri pi? (due to raspberry prices, It seems cheaper to just buy a laptop and install Umbrel on it)

4-Is it safe to use a third party software to connect my trezor or a ledger to my bitcoin node?

5- I noticed that Ledger allows you to connect to your own node, is that a good option instead of using a third party software to connect it?

Thank you in advanced!

Title: Re: Questions about Bitcoin Node
Post by: Charles-Tim on February 22, 2023, 08:39:28 AM
Read this:

[Guide] How to run a Bitcoin Core full node for under 50 bucks! (
Nodes In A Box (

1-If I deploy my bitcoin node, do I have to transfer my crypto from my trezor over to my new wallet?
It depends on you, you can run a full node without having to use it as a wallet but to contribute in the decentralized network. If you want to use it and have your own wallet, it is also possible.

3-Does it matters if I keep my node running on a laptop vs raspberri pi? (due to raspberry prices, It seems cheaper to just buy a laptop and install Umbrel on it)
Raspberry Pi is cheaper and also consume less electricity, unless you have an old laptop that you can use instead.

If I want to run a node, I will prefer using Bitcoin Core.

Running A Full Node, Bitcoin Core (
Running a bitcoin full node (
How to run your own Electrum server: Install Guide (
RaspiBolt (
RaspiBlitz - DIY Bitcoin & Lightning Node on a RaspberryPi (

Title: Re: Questions about Bitcoin Node
Post by: dkbit98 on February 22, 2023, 02:31:48 PM
1-If I deploy my bitcoin node, do I have to transfer my crypto from my trezor over to my new wallet?
Keep coins in your Trezor wallet as offline storage.
Running bitcoin node has nothing to do with your other coins.

2-When creating a Umbrel account, a seed phrase is generated, is that seed phrase related to my wallet, or only to Umbrel?
I am sure it's not related with your wallet, but better ask Umbrel support about that or check their documentation.

3-Does it matters if I keep my node running on a laptop vs raspberri pi? (due to raspberry prices, It seems cheaper to just buy a laptop and install Umbrel on it)
Running your node on RaspberryPi is cheaper and it spends much less electricity, but if you already have old laptop with Linux OS that will work perfectly.
I don't remember how Umbrel works exactly, so you need to check documentation for setup instreuctions.

4-Is it safe to use a third party software to connect my trezor or a ledger to my bitcoin node?
It's safe if they are open source wallets like Electrum or Sparrow wallet, but I wouldn't connect anything suspicious.

5- I noticed that Ledger allows you to connect to your own node, is that a good option instead of using a third party software to connect it?
If you can better use other open source wallet with Ledger, because their ledger live app is one of the worst craps I ever saw.

Title: Re: Questions about Bitcoin Node
Post by: AverageGlabella on February 22, 2023, 03:07:19 PM
Only run a node if you plan on keeping it live 7 days a week and you want to contribute to the btc network. You can use btc without deploying a node. Each nodes increases the strength of the network but it is not a requirement or expected. I think it is better to understand the basics of btc before deploying a node. Keep your btc in your hardware wallet because that is the most secure way of storing btc. A hardware wallet is not a node and cannot run a node.

3-Does it matters if I keep my node running on a laptop vs raspberri pi? (due to raspberry prices, It seems cheaper to just buy a laptop and install Umbrel on it)
It will only matter during the initial block sync because the data write speed might be limited on your raspberry pi depending on what you use for storage. When the initial block sync has completed you should not run into any performance issues because the node writes to the disk at a gradual speed when it has caught up.

Title: Re: Questions about Bitcoin Node
Post by: o_e_l_e_o on February 22, 2023, 03:24:47 PM
Only run a node if you plan on keeping it live 7 days a week and you want to contribute to the btc network.
It's obviously preferable if you can keep your node up 24/7, but I don't think you must be able to do that to run a node. There are plenty of personal reasons you might want to run a node, from the security it brings by allowing you to independently verify the blockchain, to the privacy it brings by not having to connect your light wallet to a third party node or server. It is perfectly reasonable to run a node only during the day, or even just for a few hours at a time when you need it. You'll just have to wait for it to catch up with all the blocks it missed while it was offline.

Title: Re: Questions about Bitcoin Node
Post by: BlackHatCoiner on February 22, 2023, 04:32:55 PM
2-When creating a Umbrel account, a seed phrase is generated, is that seed phrase related to my wallet, or only to Umbrel?
What's an Umbrel account? You mean when you setup and run Umbrel OS (

3-Does it matters if I keep my node running on a laptop vs raspberri pi?
Choose the cheapest device. The ultimate difference in speed is minimum.

4-Is it safe to use a third party software to connect my trezor or a ledger to my bitcoin node?
No. Connect your hardware wallet to Bitcoin Core with no intermediary software. That's possible as of Core 22.0.

Title: Re: Questions about Bitcoin Node
Post by: odolvlobo on February 23, 2023, 11:16:11 PM
Only run a node if you plan on keeping it live 7 days a week and you want to contribute to the btc network.

I have a few nodes that I run intermittently for various reasons. The reason for running the node all the time is that if you don't then you will want to wait for it to sync before using the wallet, and that could take a while.