Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Press => Topic started by: pawel7777 on March 07, 2023, 11:24:14 PM

Title: [2023-03-07] FT: Can bitcoin hedge inflation, and other questions to which the..
Post by: pawel7777 on March 07, 2023, 11:24:14 PM
Hot off the press, a short article from the Financial Times. Nothing new here, just FT not being very fond of crypto again. The author included a few interesting links in the text, which are pretty interesting.

Can bitcoin hedge inflation, and other questions to which the answer is no

Paris-based Amundi can appear a bit bipolar about crypto. Last February it was reportedly investigating how to sell NFTs to clients while warning them about the “potentially destabilising systemic risk” of stablecoins. Former chief investment officer Pascal Blanqué called bitcoin a “farce”; his successor Vincent Mortier is more amenable:

“If inflation remains above central banks’ targets, bitcoin’s limited supply may start to attract more attention,” write Mortier and strategist Tristan Perrier:

While bitcoin spectacularly failed to protect investors against galloping inflation in 2021-22, this was a period of dramatic rises in policy and market interest rates that pressured all asset classes. If inflation is high, but not rising, nominal interest rates will also likely stop climbing and may even fall a little. This is a much more favourable environment for an asset whose supply is finite and that has a long duration in essence, as its main attraction is its future potential rather than its current status.