Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: Godlovesyou on March 13, 2023, 08:31:20 PM

Title: Does blockchain have alternative keys or password?
Post by: Godlovesyou on March 13, 2023, 08:31:20 PM
Many has lost investment in blockchain due to ignorance or lack of proper attention given to their private keys. A friend of mine recently lost his BTC keywords and we could not access his wallet anymore.

If you lost your blockchain key; can it be recover or is there any alternative key one can use to recover account or wallet?

Title: Re: Does blockchain have alternative keys or password?
Post by: FatFork on March 13, 2023, 08:51:00 PM
If you lost your blockchain key; can it be recover or is there any alternative key one can use to recover account or wallet?

No. If you lose your private key (or seed phrase), unfortunately there is no way to recover it. That's why it's crucial to keep your recovery seed phrase safe and backed up in multiple secure locations to avoid losing access to your wallet.

Title: Re: Does blockchain have alternative keys or password?
Post by: MusaMohamed on March 14, 2023, 01:52:19 AM
A friend of mine recently lost his BTC keywords and we could not access his wallet anymore.

If you lost your blockchain key; can it be recover or is there any alternative key one can use to recover account or wallet?
Please try to use correct technical terms.

Private key or mnemonic seed is what you must have for your wallet backup and for wallet recovery later. Don't call them as BTC keywords or Blockchain key that is confusing and incorrect term.

Wallet softwares will require people to set up password (or some softwares like Bitcoin Core, it is passphrase). Generally speaking, it is a password to encrypt your wallet file that means to access your wallet and its private key, hackers have to brute force your wallet file's password/ passphrase that is a second protection layer for your bitcoin.

If hackers get your private key or mnemonic seed, they don't need to have password / passphrase, as they can simply import your wallet with stolen private key/ mnemonic seed and get access to your bitcoin.

Title: Re: Does blockchain have alternative keys or password?
Post by: Cantsay on March 14, 2023, 02:57:45 AM
Many has lost investment in blockchain due to ignorance or lack of proper attention given to their private keys. A friend of mine recently lost his BTC keywords and we could not access his wallet anymore.

If you lost your blockchain key; can it be recover or is there any alternative key one can use to recover account or wallet?

If you should loss access to your private key or secret phrases they will be no way for you to access your wallet anymore meaning you have lost access to your wallet permanently. And that's why they should be stored properly and make sure it's secure.

And alo tell that friend of yours to be careful of online people claiming that they have some kind of a tool that helps in private key or secret phrases recovery, because it's most likely for him to believe them since he's currently desperate looking for means to access his lost funds. Tell him that if he should ever patronize them, then he should be ready for more losses, because he's definitely going to get scammed.

Title: Re: Does blockchain have alternative keys or password?
Post by: mk4 on March 14, 2023, 05:50:45 AM
Think about it — if there was a way for you to access your wallet even without the private keys, then that's going to be a huge security issue with people potentially getting access to other people's wallets.

Title: Re: Does blockchain have alternative keys or password?
Post by: witcher_sense on March 14, 2023, 08:25:19 AM
Many has lost investment in blockchain due to ignorance or lack of proper attention given to their private keys. A friend of mine recently lost his BTC keywords and we could not access his wallet anymore.

If you lost your blockchain key; can it be recover or is there any alternative key one can use to recover account or wallet?
It mostly depends on the type of service you are using to hold your keys. There are two primary types: services that allow for the self-custody of secret information and services that do not. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, but given that custodial services, in effect, have complete control over your financial data, you can't lose it by yourself. You have an account with custodial service with credentials set up; as long as you possess them and can verify that you are the person who created the account in the first place, you retain access to your secret keys. Please note that it is by no means a recommended way to hold your keys because there is always a risk of the service going bankrupt or turning out to be malicious, and the information may also be stolen by nefarious actors. On the other hand, self-custody solutions lack these problems of control, but all responsibility falls on your shoulders, and accidental loss of backups usually results in permanent loss of funds.

Title: Re: Does blockchain have alternative keys or password?
Post by: dkbit98 on March 14, 2023, 01:45:14 PM
If you lost your blockchain key; can it be recover or is there any alternative key one can use to recover account or wallet?
You didn't said exactly what your friend used, non-custodial wallet or some centralized exchange service.
There is no way to recover your coins if you lost seed words or private keys, that is why you should always have backup safely stored in multiple places.
If you lost one backup you can always recover using second one, or you could create multisig setup for extra security that adds some complexity.

Title: Re: Does blockchain have alternative keys or password?
Post by: touseefahmad1999 on March 15, 2023, 04:14:57 AM
Many has lost investment in blockchain due to ignorance or lack of proper attention given to their private keys. A friend of mine recently lost his BTC keywords and we could not access his wallet anymore.

If you lost your blockchain key; can it be recover or is there any alternative key one can use to recover account or wallet?
Yes, blockchain technology can have alternative keys or passwords, depending on the specific implementation.

In a typical blockchain system, each user has a public key and a private key. The public key is used to receive transactions, while the private key is used to sign transactions and prove ownership of the associated funds.

In some cases, blockchain systems also support the use of alternative keys or passwords. For example, some systems may allow users to set up multi-factor authentication (MFA), which requires users to provide additional authentication factors beyond just their private key, such as a password or biometric verification.

Other blockchain systems may allow users to set up multiple private keys, each with its own associated password or passphrase. This can provide added security by requiring multiple authentication factors to access the associated funds.

Ultimately, the use of alternative keys or passwords in a blockchain system will depend on the specific implementation and the security needs of the users involved

Title: Re: Does blockchain have alternative keys or password?
Post by: joniboini on March 15, 2023, 11:52:10 AM
In some cases, blockchain systems also support the use of alternative keys or passwords. For example, some systems may allow users to set up multi-factor authentication (MFA), which requires users to provide additional authentication factors beyond just their private key, such as a password or biometric verification.
Are you referring to a wallet protection mechanism, like Electrum with its 2FA support? Using "blockchain" to refer to that is kinda misleading IMO. Things can get confusing pretty quickly if you start using wallet and blockchain interchangeably. As far as I know, there is no blockchain that requires biometric verification to publish your tx. Those features you describe are present in many wallets though.