Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Godlovesyou on March 20, 2023, 05:21:36 PM

Title: Freedom from wars and slavery
Post by: Godlovesyou on March 20, 2023, 05:21:36 PM
In 1850s, 1870s Africans were in a deep slavery and wars with western world, people were captured and took to foreign lands, people were enslaved and kill, people were deprived rights and culture, people were denied self government. Wars between black man and whites was brutal contents and controls, uniform forces were mainly shuffled by whites in authorities to control the blacks.

Now over years, Africans have gain freedom from wars, fears and slavery but Africans has not be free from and within themselves. Hatred, killing, indirect slavery, wars and rivalries still exist within us, no good government, no incredible elections, no honest leadership, no sincere development, questionable and unhealthy education.

Are we true free Africans? Whites do you think you're still the cause of our slavery mentality? Let's argue this deep guys

Title: Re: Freedom from wars and slavery
Post by: Newlifebtc on March 20, 2023, 09:36:31 PM
That is not country that is been liberated from a wall or have independence without a very big war so I believe that that is not freedom that comment is it's always come by force and also struggle so therefore I believe that before you redeem your powers and anything you are doing in most athlete how a very big with any country that you find yourself

Title: Re: Freedom from wars and slavery
Post by: Lordhermes on March 22, 2023, 02:29:20 PM
No human race are without wars or slavery. But determination and hard work keep us going.human was born with a bad life and greed. Some of the wars are fought against oppressors. Some wars are functionals they give birth to freedom and independence.  Yeah, peace is the best option, and bargain is the best approach to prevent war. But if the war will bring about peace and love then it worth fighting for.

Title: Re: Freedom from wars and slavery
Post by: Die_empty on March 22, 2023, 08:42:16 PM
Are we true free Africans? Whites, do you think you're still the cause of our slavery mentality? Let's argue this deeply guys
Your question OP is very annoying because as an African I know what is happening in the continent. I am sorry for sounding rude, this is because of the political drama that is unfolding in my country. You are not out of place to assume that developed nations have a level of political and economic control or influence on Africans. But this influence is still potent because Africans have refused to develop. We are not the only continent that was colonized. India, Indonesia, and other countries suffered under colonialism and today they are far better than Africans both politically and economically.

Africans like playing the blame game. Is it the Europeans that rig elections in Africa? You feel it was the whites that told your president to change and amend the Constitution so that he can become a life president. When your political and economic leaders are looting and exploiting the country, was it a European that is the minister of finance or minister of mineral resources?

Africans need to stop this blame game and take responsibility for their development. Most African nations have been independent for over fifty years. And if a fifty years old man keeps blaming his parents for his failure then he is highly irresponsible.

Title: Re: Freedom from wars and slavery
Post by: Greggry on March 23, 2023, 11:19:23 PM
These things are library cause by divisions of economic position and power, no good relationship existing among nations no matter how close they tends to be. Wars, slavery and crisis are all interest certains curve some oppositions to ravage the resources of others when you're submissive to them or if you're their colonies. Colonial masters have play their parts remaining a good restructuring among this colonized states for even or equal freedom to occur.

Title: Re: Freedom from wars and slavery
Post by: Victorybit1 on March 25, 2023, 08:02:26 AM
When making post like this, don't generalize it. Even though you have valid points, I still feel saying Africans as a whole are still in their slavery mentality, that's generalization.

There are good number of African countries that are doing good in terms of development, good governance, honest leadership etc.
Next time be specific and name the countries, this will make them improve.

Title: Re: Freedom from wars and slavery
Post by: BADecker on March 25, 2023, 08:31:45 AM
When making post like this, don't generalize it. Even though you have valid points, I still feel saying Africans as a whole are still in their slavery mentality, that's generalization.

There are good number of African countries that are doing good in terms of development, good governance, honest leadership etc.
Next time be specific and name the countries, this will make them improve.

Regarding slavery, much of Africa has some form of slavery. None of Africa that we see in general news has any official slavery.

It's hard to erase hundreds of years of tradition. In places like Western Sahara, there almost doesn't seem to be any government enforcing anti-slavery, even though 'no slavery' is on the books of what little government there is. It's the wealthy slave owners that seem to rule the land, and they are as quiet as possible about slavery when talking to people from the outside.

Further, the slaves often don't know any other life. They have been born in slavery, raised in slavery, and for them slavery is all there is. They have a difficult time even understanding what freedom means.

However, and here is the big part. In places like the West (the US, Canada, and all of Western Europe), even though the people are reasonably free, they are all slaves to the banks and governments after a fashion. And their enslavement is bringing wars to them, and bringing them to wars, as we see with their Ukraine involvement.


Title: Re: Freedom from wars and slavery
Post by: Othellobit on March 25, 2023, 05:32:23 PM
No human race are without wars or slavery. But determination and hard work keep us going.human was born with a bad life and greed. Some of the wars are fought against oppressors. Some wars are functionals they give birth to freedom and independence.  Yeah, peace is the best option, and bargain is the best approach to prevent war. But if the war will bring about peace and love then it worth fighting for.
Perfectly said #lordhermes. But it's now a crying shame that the oppressors never get tired of their work. The worthy war we stand to fight never ends. In Nigeria, we say the war is against slavery . we are enslaved by our leaders, no empathy,  no conscience. People now go extra mile just to achieve selfish desire and leave the majority in distress. War and slavery never ends, we experience it in different category of life.

Title: Re: Freedom from wars and slavery
Post by: DainSLane on March 25, 2023, 05:37:33 PM
In 1850s, 1870s Africans were in a deep slavery and wars with western world, people were captured and took to foreign lands, people were enslaved and kill, people were deprived rights and culture, people were denied self government. Wars between black man and whites was brutal contents and controls, uniform forces were mainly shuffled by whites in authorities to control the blacks.

Now over years, Africans have gain freedom from wars, fears and slavery but Africans has not be free from and within themselves. Hatred, killing, indirect slavery, wars and rivalries still exist within us, no good government, no incredible elections, no honest leadership, no sincere development, questionable and unhealthy education.

Are we true free Africans? Whites do you think you're still the cause of our slavery mentality? Let's argue this deep guys
You are Right, the 1850s and 1870s were marked by significant injustice and oppression of Africans by Western powers. At this time, many African people were forced labor, and violence. Many were taken from their homes and transprted to foreign lands to work under harsh conditions with no freedom or rights.

But It is important to acknowledge and remember these historical injustices and work towards promoting equality and justice for all peoples, regardles of race. We should strive to learn from the past and take steps towards creating a more equitable and just society for all.

Title: Re: Freedom from wars and slavery
Post by: JeromeTash on March 25, 2023, 09:57:28 PM
There are good number of African countries that are doing good in terms of development, good governance, honest leadership etc.
Next time be specific and name the countries, this will make them improve.
Can you name any African Countries that have all the three achievements you listed above and are now "First world countries"?

The truth is there is still a new form of colonialism on African, South American and Asian Countries, but you don't see it. And it all starts with economic control by the West.
Before we even go any further, Why is the West still clinging onto looted artifacts carrying centuries of Cultures and traditions from the former colonies (

Title: Re: Freedom from wars and slavery
Post by: Sakanwa on April 10, 2023, 03:27:43 PM
Indeed we are Africans and we are free from slavery gone are the times when humans were traded we treasuries or other gain and on the other hand of bad governance I think it is a gradual process it is something that has eaten up our flesh as Africans but I thank God today that we have to come to realize our right as a continent we are offering the same race and our culture is as well different from that of the Europeans and the Americans it is time we wake up and work towards our goal now we have gained freedom from our colonial masters it is left for us to build our nation slavery didn't started if not for our early father's who accepted to enslave their children in know they were misguided and mislead but this has been put to an end I don't think africa will ever experience war or slavery any longer in most  africa countries today there are a lot of talented youth only left to be sponsored what they think of every day is how to create content and make history

Title: Re: Freedom from wars and slavery
Post by: Doan9269 on April 10, 2023, 03:50:58 PM
Everyone needs freedom, we need to have this opportunity to express ourselves, feelins and takes on life itself, but in this modern world, there are many ways of modern slavery which comes in various forms to people, war can cause modern slavery, because the most powerful opponent tend to exercise force against its victim when there's war or any means of displaying authority over others, many take advantage of this as well to enslave their victim.

Title: Re: Freedom from wars and slavery
Post by: Newlifebtc on April 10, 2023, 10:11:10 PM
That was in ancient time when Africans we are not civilized so anything can happen to them because their we are like animals but right now I don't think that those kind of things will take place again in Africa so some countries or some places that are not are not civilized has been marginalized in government also is accepting that happened during slavering time

Title: Re: Freedom from wars and slavery
Post by: Zlantann on April 13, 2023, 08:29:11 PM
When making post like this, don't generalize it. Even though you have valid points, I still feel saying Africans as a whole are still in their slavery mentality, that's generalization.

There are good number of African countries that are doing good in terms of development, good governance, honest leadership, etc.
Next time be specific and name the countries, this will make them improve.

Some African countries mostly the Northern part are better developmentally than other parts. Before the invasion and destruction of Libya by the US and NATO, the Libyan economy was better than some European countries. Many Africans preferred to migrate to Europe when Muammar Gaddafi was in power. It's a shame what the West has turned Libya into today. The war in Libya is destabilizing the entire African continent.
South Africa and Rwanda are not also doing badly. South Africa, although its economy is going through some problems, can boast to be one of the emerging economies. Rwanda is experiencing massive economic growth and development. After the civil war that killed thousands and destabilized the East African nation is putting aside tribalism and focusing on multidimensional development.

Title: Re: Freedom from wars and slavery
Post by: Frankolala on April 13, 2023, 09:55:48 PM
Most Africa countries that are suffering due to bad government or suffering due to the greed of government and embezzlement of public funds by leaders are still suffering under slavery,am sorry for saying this. Some Africa countries dictate for their citizens on how to live their lives and if you don't obey,you will get killed,or if you come out to say what  the government is doing is bad,your tongue will be cut for speaking.

In my country the leaders in power does what ever they like and they are also above the law because they have bought the judiciary  over which is the hope of the common man. Government can come up and give some laws that will make the people suffer at yet,the citizens can't come out to say no. This is the highest form of slavery in disguise.

Imagine before the past presidential election, there was no circulation of cash and the reason is that they don't want vote  buying. During the election INEC didn't coordinate it as they promised,instead the election results was released after three days. This shows that there was no transparency like INEC claimed and that they election has been rigged. When citizens are not given the right to choose the leader that they want,instead the electoral body chooses a leader for the people,it is the biggest slavery because the new leader will only come to add more suffering to the citizens by looting the country funds and selling the countries property for themselves.

Title: Re: Freedom from wars and slavery
Post by: yhiaali3 on April 14, 2023, 05:15:57 PM
I am not African but I can understand your feeling, I am from the developing countries that were occupied by French colonialism in the last century, so I can understand what you are saying.

Yes, I think that it is difficult to get rid of the remnants of colonialism and slavery within a short period of time. It may take more centuries for the nation to rise again and get rid of these remnants that the colonial peoples drink like children drink milk.

Let's hope that the future is better and that the younger generations that will come after us in every generation will try to overcome all this.

Title: Re: Freedom from wars and slavery
Post by: suzanne5223 on April 14, 2023, 09:12:48 PM
I am not African but I can understand your feeling, I am from the developing countries that were occupied by French colonialism in the last century, so I can understand what you are saying.

Yes, I think that it is difficult to get rid of the remnants of colonialism and slavery within a short period of time. It may take more centuries for the nation to rise again and get rid of these remnants that the colonial peoples drink like children drink milk.

Let's hope that the future is better and that the younger generations that will come after us in every generation will try to overcome all this.
I think it will take centuries for the African nation to really have freedom from wars and slavery from what I see all their political leader doesn't want slavery to end. Although, we have not seen people who are captured, put in chains, and ship out of their country but the African leader's way of governing the country is technically enslaving their people while enriching themselves.

Title: Re: Freedom from wars and slavery
Post by: Ndabagi01 on April 16, 2023, 08:32:09 PM
Are we true free Africans? Whites do you think you're still the cause of our slavery mentality? Let's argue this deep guys

Most white governments have given black nations independence and liberated them from slavery for decades. Some African countries that were liberated later are doing far better than those that were liberated earlier. I believe that most African's mentalities are still entitled to slavery. Leaders continue to enslave their people, who are supposed to be looked for and provided for.

The disparity in the growth of each African nation is related to the perspective that each of the leaders has about their country's success. Africans still have a long way to go if they do not overthrow bad leaders through revolution and cleanse their countries.

Title: Re: Freedom from wars and slavery
Post by: BADecker on April 16, 2023, 11:23:11 PM
Many people of many African nations have already embraced freedom. They have done it through accepting Christianity and the Bible. Galatians 5:1:
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

Check into what this freedom is about. It is a kind of freedom that builds governments correctly, and goes way beyond governments. There are many Christian churches throughout Africa.


Title: Re: Freedom from wars and slavery
Post by: Newlifebtc on April 17, 2023, 10:52:03 PM
No human race are without wars or slavery. But determination and hard work keep us going.human was born with a bad life and greed. Some of the wars are fought against oppressors. Some wars are functionals they give birth to freedom and independence.  Yeah, peace is the best option, and bargain is the best approach to prevent war. But if the war will bring about peace and love then it worth fighting for.
I think I will disagree with you in this because slavery never be a war between two countries or between a country 11 is kind of functional treatments maltreatment giving to people.

Title: Re: Freedom from wars and slavery
Post by: Desmong on April 17, 2023, 11:05:00 PM
In 1850s, 1870s Africans were in a deep slavery and wars with western world, people were captured and took to foreign lands, people were enslaved and kill, people were deprived rights and culture, people were denied self government. Wars between black man and whites was brutal contents and controls, uniform forces were mainly shuffled by whites in authorities to control the blacks.

Now over years, Africans have gain freedom from wars, fears and slavery but Africans has not be free from and within themselves. Hatred, killing, indirect slavery, wars and rivalries still exist within us, no good government, no incredible elections, no honest leadership, no sincere development, questionable and unhealthy education.

Are we true free Africans? Whites do you think you're still the cause of our slavery mentality? Let's argue this deep guys
Hey, I don't know the planet you come from but I don't see a good reason for this topic. Why will you raise a topic that is capable of causing racism here? All your point are just not accurate. If you want to argue you can better go to social media and talk about something like this there. The main reason for Bitcoin forum is to help spread the news about Bitcoin and to increase Bitcoin adoption.

Title: Re: Freedom from wars and slavery
Post by: Belarge on April 18, 2023, 07:23:53 PM
Firstly I would say I'm happy atleast we are no longer been enslaved by the whites, we no longer been killed and been deprived of our culture, yes I'm happy it's all in the past now,
But let's come to the real african reality now, just as you said we Africans are still been enslaved by our same Africans, we are been enslaved Politically, where we will vote for our preferred candidate but inec turns out to announce who they wish as the winner of an election,
Educationally, where a student that studies hard to write an exam will still fail all because he/she doesn't have money to give to the lecturer, or maybe because he/she refuses to have sex with a lecturer,
To me I don't think we Africans are free because our voices, our rights are always tempered with, I would say it anywhere that we Africans are still in slavery....

Title: Re: Freedom from wars and slavery
Post by: Gormicsta on April 06, 2024, 08:41:12 AM
In 1850s, 1870s Africans were in a deep slavery and wars with western world, people were captured and took to foreign lands, people were enslaved and kill, people were deprived rights and culture, people were denied self government. Wars between black man and whites was brutal contents and controls, uniform forces were mainly shuffled by whites in authorities to control the blacks.

Now over years, Africans have gain freedom from wars, fears and slavery but Africans has not be free from and within themselves. Hatred, killing, indirect slavery, wars and rivalries still exist within us, no good government, no incredible elections, no honest leadership, no sincere development, questionable and unhealthy education.

Are we true free Africans? Whites do you think you're still the cause of our slavery mentality? Let's argue this deep guys

It is clear that much more work has to be done in Africa to achieve real freedom and equality, including combating internal conflicts and establishing fair and legitimate governments. So it's critical to acknowledge the progress that has been accomplished after the end of legal slavery and colonization, since Africa has experienced a lot of positive development, such as more political freedom and expanding economies. While much work remains to be done, I believe it is crucial to recognize and build on these accomplishments.

However, we must understand the importance of human activity, since individual decisions and acts may make a difference in society.

Title: Re: Freedom from wars and slavery
Post by: |MINER| on April 06, 2024, 02:20:00 PM
Africans are really suffering.  Anyone who sees their life names is bound to feel sad.  This situation in their lives is due to their own fault just as they are oppressed by others.  The government system of their country is not good.  The administrative system of their country is not good.  Every system is corrupt.  The government and leaders of their country think about themselves and how they will be better than the people.  Africa has abundant natural resources.  If they used it well and maintained it well, I don't think they would be in such a bad situation.

Title: Re: Freedom from wars and slavery
Post by: Bushdark on April 06, 2024, 02:57:17 PM
In 1850s, 1870s Africans were in a deep slavery and wars with western world, people were captured and took to foreign lands, people were enslaved and kill, people were deprived rights and culture, people were denied self government. Wars between black man and whites was brutal contents and controls, uniform forces were mainly shuffled by whites in authorities to control the blacks.

Now over years, Africans have gain freedom from wars, fears and slavery but Africans has not be free from and within themselves. Hatred, killing, indirect slavery, wars and rivalries still exist within us, no good government, no incredible elections, no honest leadership, no sincere development, questionable and unhealthy education.

Are we true free Africans? Whites do you think you're still the cause of our slavery mentality? Let's argue this deep guys
What's the need for this post? what do you tend to achieve from this post because I don't see any need for this kind of post.
It is true that the Africa people have gained their freedom but everything is not till free because of industrialization.
People from Africa always depend on the west for production and supply of goods and that do not mean that they don't have the freedom to shift to another location entirely for what they want. Africa is a free continent and has nothing to do slavery again.

Title: Re: Freedom from wars and slavery
Post by: TEBTC on April 06, 2024, 09:33:37 PM
There are two angles to this post in my opinion one is that Africa is still under the influence of colonisation from the European and america, why I said so is because weather you believe it or not there is always an interest from these super powers towards Africa that's why scholars have said that Africa is still under colonisation but this time they are not physically present in Africa doing so but they have sent their trained foot soldiers and dependable lieutenant who they tell and give order from abroad and they carry them out and these their foot soldiers are the current politicians and so called leaders in Africa, this is called neo colonisation have you ever wondered why European have interest in African elections infact all the British colonies go to Charlton house in London for a debate they are actually looking at who they will choose among the contestants,so their is allot of foreign influence on Africa
Secondly Africa has been so colonized that it has affected our mentality infact the highest form of colonisation is mental colonisation and regulations of how you think we have been successful brainwashed that we can't do anything and develop our society that is why our leaders steal the common wealth of the country and still run to these countries to invest in their economies infact a  typical African who is a Catholic believe that Mary a white woman the mother of the biblical Jesus Christ is in heaven praying for them but don't believe in their ancestors they call it idol worship

Title: Re: Freedom from wars and slavery
Post by: Cryptoprincess101 on April 07, 2024, 01:26:43 AM
No country is completely free from wars or conflicts because even the westerners also disagree with one another so it shouldn't only sound like Africans are the only continent experiencing war and other form of social crimes. Our mentality on how we follow things that will have a peaceful ending is just what Africans needs at this time because despite that the westerners do disagree also but yet they still come together to find remedy to problems even in their time of wars and economic challenges

Title: Re: Freedom from wars and slavery
Post by: Hispo on April 07, 2024, 10:11:44 AM
I feel there is much generalization and deflection of responsibility with comes to conversations about the correct situation of the countries/republics from the African continent. It is true the people from the west were responsible for the slavery into people of black skin who came from Africa centuries ago to work against their will, but blaming neo-colonianism on all the bad things which still happen to Africans today is not completely correct, after all, African people are supposed to recognize their hold part of their responsibility with comes to the management of their natural resources, their industry, the election for their leaders and the cultural changes which are needed to happen for them all to pursue improvement in their live standards.

There is little blame to be put on the western citizens on the disgrace of African Republics, because neither of them have a choice on what happened centuries ago. Instead, the path is to be productive, so one can take part on the raise of the country from the ground up.

Title: Re: Freedom from wars and slavery
Post by: Alpha Marine on April 11, 2024, 01:10:10 PM
First of all, I won't call what went on between Africans and European colonizers and slave traders a "war". It was more like a massacre. I don't know if that's the right word. Slave trade was brutal. The Africans weren't really fighting the whites per say, they just wanted to be left alone and treated like humans.

I am not one to blame the colonizers for the poor state in which Africa is today, but you can't dismiss the hand they played in it. Manipulated history paints pre-colonial Africa as just savages, this is far from the truth. Pre-colonial Africa has highly sophisticated cities. They may not be as developed as Europe and Asia at the time, but they had a working system. True history taught us about the Mali Empire, the Ghana Empire, the Oyo Empire, the Benin Empire, the Songhai Empire, Ancient Egypt, Kanem-Bornu and Sokoto Caliphate, Kalanga, and the Kongo Kingdom. I can go on and on about the great cities that existed before and during the European colonization of Africa.
The point is, that these people knew how to govern themselves in their way and they were doing pretty well. The Europeans got there, masking their true intentions in religious missionary, trade activities, and exploration. I'm not saying Africa was as developed or modernized as Europe or America at the time, but they had a system that worked, they even had one of the richest men in history (Mansa Musa of the Mali empire), the Europeans came, and turned them all to business deals.

So looking at the state of Africa, it's really difficult to discuss how bad they've been without looking at the history and the events that have led them here. Even to this very point, directly or indirectly, Europe and America are still making moves to make sure they keep controlling African resources. Read up on the Agreement Cameroon signed with France before they could gain independence, or the agreement the British forced the southern and Northern parts of Nigeria to sign before gaining independence.
To this very day, they still influence elections in Africa to make sure leawho that would follow their rules are elected, igniting conflicts, and taking sides in the conflict to gain economic power. So like I said, it's difficult to talk about the situation in Africa without mentioning the role Europe, America, and most recently China play in it, even though I don't blame them for the state of Africa.

I said I don't blame the Europeans because Africans have refused to sit up. To be honest, I can't blame the West, they are only looking for ways to make their countries better, something African leaders can't relate to. Their leaders are blinded by greed.
Let's take West Africa for example. Every country in West Africa has the resources to be a great country, but the greed of their leaders won't let them. I can't blame the West for that. At this point, the leaders are wrecking more havoc in Africa than the West ever did, the West is just taking advantage of that greed and myopic mind to enrich themselves.

People often say that aside from poor leadership, African citizens are not ready for change, that's not entirely true. It all boils down to poor leadership. Humans are an intolerable species. You can't expect them to do things expectedly, that's why every group of people has a government or leaders. There are rules, regulations, laws, and policies that guide people. When these laws are not put in place and enforced properly, there will certainly be chaos. That is why a system that works is necessary. African countries either have a poor system or no system at all. Some even have systems that are not enforced properly.

Title: Re: Freedom from wars and slavery
Post by: Dunamisx on April 11, 2024, 02:42:05 PM
I don't think with the present generation and the way we are free with the help of civilization, people and countries were not under the bondage of slavery as before and we have less war than it has been happening since the olden days, the more there is development and civilization, people realizes some things they have been unaware of and those ignorance make our fore fathers engage themselves in all manners of slavery and war which they wouldn't have got into assuming they were civilized then.

Title: Re: Freedom from wars and slavery
Post by: jrrsparkles on April 11, 2024, 07:00:51 PM
Companies and government exploits the human resources in Africa for their benefits and it's only possible due to the policies that allows foreign companies to do so instead of blaming whites, it better give more attention to the person who you elect as leader and representative of your society then you can expect the changes.

Title: Re: Freedom from wars and slavery
Post by: Hewlet on April 12, 2024, 07:49:02 AM
This is surely a complex and sentimental topic to talk on and although it's better to work with the reality and allow past event go away, we can't deny that thier was once upon a time when Africans where enslaved by a set of folks that were previledge to have seen civilization before Africans and used that to thier advantage denying them of the resources they hard and tortured and molested them because they were valnourable and weak technologically.

Years and years have gone by and can we truly say that we've been fully liberated? I doubt. We are now enslaved by our shallow minds and our own people who fortunate for them got access to our own resource still enslave the majority of us just like the white did and does it in any way suggest that they are better than the white or that the freedom we have now has made any big difference in our nation. The era of slave trade have gone but secretly we're still not free from it.

Title: Re: Freedom from wars and slavery
Post by: Kelward on April 12, 2024, 08:44:51 AM
The white men took black men as slaves and after that the white men still colonized the black men, then the black men get their freedom and independence, now it's mental slavery that is the problem of the black men, because they're not able to manage their resources well and improve their economies, now they still depends on the white men for aid to develop themselves. We have great minds in Africa, that turn the continent around to complete with the Europe and america, but the cabals and mafias that controls the leadership's in these backward countries, will not let the right people into leadership positions, instead we keep having recycled mediocres as leaders and become worse off, while the rest of the world is moving forward.

Sometimes I wonder if it's the white men that are the real cabals and mafias that works underground to make sure that Africans never gets credible leaders, so that we'll forever remain the under dogs, because they're probably afraid that if Africans have good leadership, that they have the potentials to eventually complete with them. The problem with underdeveloped countries is bad leadership, and the powerful unseen kingmakers wants it to remain so.

Title: Re: Freedom from wars and slavery
Post by: TEBTC on April 12, 2024, 07:53:42 PM
Africa is still fighting a war with theses colonizer's even though it is not a physical war we are still under the shadows of these people because under international relations and economic matter we are still puppet to this people there's too much influence on what happens in Africa and most of these bad leaders we are talking about they help in bringing them to power , infact I can tell you that Africa has been programmed like a computer program that is running and with the way we are now there's little or nothing that we can do because Africa has been dividend into different languages and ground and of recent my concern is the way china is gradually having it grips on Africa

Title: Re: Freedom from wars and slavery
Post by: Bushdark on April 13, 2024, 10:10:23 PM
Companies and government exploits the human resources in Africa for their benefits and it's only possible due to the policies that allows foreign companies to do so instead of blaming whites, it better give more attention to the person who you elect as leader and representative of your society then you can expect the changes.
I think one has to remove any blame on the white because if not for the corruption in the African region this would not have been possible.  It is the corrupt leaders in Africa that decide to give out their raw materials in exchange for personal wealth while the masses are suffering. If the bad government can be scraped out, then Africa could be one of the most peaceful and beautiful continents in the world. There is enough raw materials their and if the government are ready to help the citizens, the funds would be enough to keep things clean.

Title: Re: Freedom from wars and slavery
Post by: oktana on April 13, 2024, 11:39:02 PM
I think that maybe there’s still a bit of the slavery mentality going on there and it’s sad how some African countries don’t have unity, when that is what will make Africa a really big name and have them make the most out of it. There’s a lot of corruption there, the government is failing, there’s lack of institutional development, and more. Without working in these problems first, they may never be any freedom or progress to show.