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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: Greggry on March 22, 2023, 05:07:48 PM

Title: Are you friendly, introverts or extroverts?
Post by: Greggry on March 22, 2023, 05:07:48 PM
Someone amuze me today, I was so cold somewhere in my town thinking about my life and someone walks to me and ask me a simple question! Didn't you have someone to talk to? And I say yes, he reply I will give you my time today let's gist our worries and you'll discover your case is better than mine. I laugh to stupor.

But then we have a nice time together with good gist, life, politics and family. That's how I realizes we are holding many people happiness not talking to them, you're always so cold and scary to approach. What kind of person are you? Friendly, introverts or extroverts? Why are different to people?

Title: Re: Are you friendly, introverts or extroverts?
Post by: mich on March 25, 2023, 04:57:21 AM
Well I am a very talkative person when I am around people. I want to be the center of attention and I like it when people listen to what I am having to say. I make funny jokes and I know what to say with some groups of people and how not to say things with other kinds of people.
I do not like to spend my time alone except for when I am sleeping. I think there is nothing more boring then to be by myself with no one to socially interact with. I did a test online and it told me I am a Extrovert so this is what I call myself.

Title: Re: Are you friendly, introverts or extroverts?
Post by: Qiubell5 on March 25, 2023, 11:32:12 PM
i always enjoy myself. i am only close and fussy to someone who is really close to me. So maybe I'm an introvert.

Title: Re: Are you friendly, introverts or extroverts?
Post by: Wolyusi on March 26, 2023, 05:53:56 AM
You just should love yourself ::)

Title: Re: Are you friendly, introverts or extroverts?
Post by: Wolfblood200$ on March 26, 2023, 04:26:46 PM
Am an introvert I love being with myself alone and my family

Title: Re: Are you friendly, introverts or extroverts?
Post by: jenny56 on March 26, 2023, 05:03:14 PM
I am introvert while Some people are naturally friendly and outgoing, while others are introverted and prefer solitude. Understanding and respecting these differences can help us connect better with people and build more fulfilling relationships