Bitcoin Forum

Other => Meta => Topic started by: ~DefaultTrust on March 25, 2023, 03:21:14 PM

Title: One new topic per month
Post by: ~DefaultTrust on March 25, 2023, 03:21:14 PM
The proposal is: to prohibit (may be programmatically) creating more than one topic in one section in one month.
Reason: some sections are occupied by the same authors. Authors abuse the ability to create new topics.

As an alternative: make it possible to create a new topic after receiving 10 new merits

Title: Re: One new topic per month
Post by: Little Mouse on March 25, 2023, 03:25:50 PM
As an alternative: make it possible to create a new topic after receiving 10 new merits
People are here to learn new things regarding bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. New people may even nit have any idea what the hell is merit. To create topics for their queries, you will force them to earn merit. Did I understand your points correctly? If so, I think this is a shit idea. People may have a lot of questions to learn for which they would need to create a few topics a week. How would this help them?
You should know that theymos don't like a lot of such restrictions, otherwise, we may see newbie jail too.

Title: Re: One new topic per month
Post by: decodx on March 25, 2023, 03:32:39 PM
While I get the point of this proposal, I don't think it's a practical solution. Prohibiting members from creating more than one topic in one section in one month may limit the potential for valuable contributions. Some authors may have multiple ideas or perspectives to share on a particular topic or section, and this restriction would prevent them from doing so.

Perhaps there could be additional rules to discourage spamming or repetitive content, but at the end of the day, members should be allowed to create multiple topics as long as they are relevant and contribute to the discussion.

Title: Re: One new topic per month
Post by: acroman08 on March 25, 2023, 03:36:41 PM
I don't see the problem if one or two person posts a lot of threads on a certain board as long as the threads are useful/informative. also, needing to receive 10 merits before being able to post another thread would restrict a lot of members, especially newbies that are trying to learn.

Title: Re: One new topic per month
Post by: _act_ on March 25, 2023, 04:07:58 PM
As an alternative: make it possible to create a new topic after receiving 10 new merits
This is just a way to not make people to have freedom. As long as you make good topics and posts, there is nothing bad to continue to make new topics and posts as long as they are helping or passing something meaningful to other people.

You should create a topic that do not support spam, not the one that is talking about creating of topics. If the threads are useful, they can continue to make new useful ones. If not useful and seen as spam, report to moderator.

Title: Re: One new topic per month
Post by: aysg76 on March 25, 2023, 04:10:21 PM
If you think that a member is making unnecessary threads one after the other and there is no healthy discussion going on simply report it to the moderator and they will lock or delete the thread if they find it suitable.But putting such restrictions won't work according to me as you are free to create threads as many untill they are useful because we have alternative ways to tackle spam through moderators.So why come up with this?

Title: Re: One new topic per month
Post by: John Abraham on March 25, 2023, 04:14:58 PM
As an alternative: make it possible to create a new topic after receiving 10 new merits
People are here to learn new things regarding bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. New people may even nit have any idea what the hell is merit. To create topics for their queries, you will force them to earn merit. Did I understand your points correctly? If so, I think this is a shit idea. People may have a lot of questions to learn for which they would need to create a few topics a week. How would this help them?
You should know that theymos don't like a lot of such restrictions, otherwise, we may see newbie jail too.

Or we may say the forum is not for newbies. We will find ourselves in an isolated place. I don't like too many restrictions as well. But, The Idea is not trash as you think. Some sections could be excluded from those rules if such a system takes into consideration. For example, Beginner & Help, Bitcoin Technical Support, and other boards where people used to post only when they needed help. Still, I don't think such Idea will help. People will get into trouble.

Title: Re: One new topic per month
Post by: Zilon on March 25, 2023, 05:16:25 PM
As an alternative: make it possible to create a new topic after receiving 10 new merits
If this is implemented newbies will be discouraged, the patience to stick around and learn forfeited and the use of AI might increase, because the urge to get 10 merit in order to create new topic will push users into looking for easy means. Imagine having to wait for 10 new merits before creating a new topic on a thread that will be beneficial to everyone.

There should be no restriction to how many post a user can create on a certain section as long as they are relevant and in sync with the aim of that section. Moderators are saddled with the responsibility of moving topics that are not meant to be in a particular board to where it rightly belongs which has been the best way of filtering sections and will still be the best solution.

Title: Re: One new topic per month
Post by: Cantsay on March 25, 2023, 06:02:46 PM
As an alternative: make it possible to create a new topic after receiving 10 new merits

This is going to cause a lot of restrictions on both those that are fishing for merit and those that just want to share a post so that others can learn from it.

If you feel there's no need for a thread then you can simply report it to moderators so that they can lock the thread or probably delete the thread if there are no replies.
No need to add more restrictions to newbies account.

Title: Re: One new topic per month
Post by: Wapfika on March 25, 2023, 06:11:37 PM
I don’t see the point on limiting someone to create new topic if all the thread that he creates are in accordance to the forum rules. Limiting someone to contribute and share in the forum will move the freedom to express personal perspective. There’s a “report to admin” button on the bottom of the post to report all the topic that you feel not necessary at and let the moderator decide on the fate of that topic.

Having one person dominating a certain board only show how inactive or few people have interest on making a topic in there. I don’t see any harm with this issue.

Title: Re: One new topic per month
Post by: CoinEraser on March 25, 2023, 06:19:18 PM
Actually, I see no reason why something like this should be introduced. There are just people who create many threads on different topics. As long as the threads fit the board, everything is ok. With this limitation, the forum would surely miss out on some good threads.

And I don't like the alternative of having to earn 10 merit first. I see no reason for this requirement. As long as no rule of the forum is violated, I think everything is fine as it is now.  :)

Title: Re: One new topic per month
Post by: Stalker22 on March 25, 2023, 07:59:04 PM
I agree, if the threads are valuable, then why stop people from creating new ones? It is important to focus on preventing spam rather than limiting the creation of new content. And if anyone comes across a thread that they believe is spammy, repetitive or off-topic, they can always report it to the moderator.

Title: Re: One new topic per month
Post by: _BlackStar on March 25, 2023, 08:13:39 PM
I very rarely visit local board, but if you think it's spam that may annoy you or isn't needed then look in the lower right hand corner of the post [report to moderator].

Your first example is about multiple news topics created on the same day. It's news board that has rules, so if they break the rules then just report it to the moderator. I think xandry knows what to do when someone breaks the board rules. Here are the rules in Russian.

Mнoгo вpeмeни yxoдит нa чиcткy paздeлa, в cлeдcтвии чeгo пoльзoвaтeли мoгyт тepять cвoи тeмы и cooбщeния, пoэтoмy peшил cдeлaть тaкyю тeмy кaк в aнглoязычнoм фopyмe ( c yчётoм cпeцифики.

Пepeд тeм кaк coздaть нoвyю тeмy в paздeлe "Hoвocти", пpocьбa pyкoвoдcтвoвaтьcя cлeдyющими пpинципaми:
  • Пpoвepьтe нeт ли yжe тaкoй жe пo cмыcлy. Для этoгo мoжнo вocпoльзoвaтьcя пoиcкoм пo ключeвым cлoвaм нoвocти.
  • He нaдo кoпиpoвaть тeкcт цeликoм. Oдин-двa aбзaцa из нaчaлa opигинaлa дocтaтoчнo, нeзaчeм пyбликoвaть цeлыe пoлoтнa тeкcтa, pacтягивaя иx нa нecкoлькo cooбщeний и т.д. Для yдoбcтвa тeкcт нoвocти пpи этoм мoжнo пoмecтить в тeг цитaты.
  • Haчинaйтe нaзвaния тeм c дaты нoвocти нa кoтopyю ccылaeтecь и aдpeca caйтa, пocлe чeгo нaзвaниe caмoй нoвocти.
  • Oбзopы кypcoв и aнaлитичecкиe cтaтьи o тexнoлoгияx здecь пyбликoвaть нe нaдo, этo нe нoвocти и им тyт нe мecтo.
  • Пpи кoпиpoвaнии тeкcтoв c дpyгиx pecypcoв, ccылкa нa иcтoчник oбязaтeльнa.
  • He пpeвpaщaйтe кoпиpoвaниe нoвocтeй в cвoй ocнoвнoй вид дeятeльнocти нa фopyмe. Cкoпиpoвaнныx нoвocтeй в вaшeй иcтopии cooбщeний дoлжнo быть мeньшинcтвo.
  • He cтoит пyбликoвaть нoвocти oб aльтepнaтивныx кpиптoвaлютax, этo cчитaeтcя oфтoпикoм. Ecли xoтитe иx oпyбликoвaть, дeлaйтe этo в paздeлe "Aльтepнaтивныe кpиптoвaлюты".

Кaк вcё в итoгe дoлжнo выглядeть мoжнo пocмoтpeть в aнглoязычнoм paздeлe "Press ( И пapa тeм для пpимepa:
[2015-08-13] CD: New Cracking Tool Exposes Major Flaw in Bitcoin Brainwallets (
[2015-08-13]NewsBTC - Coinify Acquires Its Rival Coinzone (

Title: Re: One new topic per month
Post by: Rikafip on March 25, 2023, 08:42:09 PM
Instead of limiting the amount of topics someone can create (which I think it's bad suggestion) I would rather see people being more selective when they chose a topic to reply to and when they see poorly written/nonsense one to rather report it than leave a reply.

Title: Re: One new topic per month
Post by: Accardo on March 25, 2023, 10:36:09 PM
Get ready to often read posts with more than 4000 words. A month is too much, do you mean after a newbie introduces himself on the beginners and help board, they can make their next post in one month. How do you expect them to relay what brought them into the forum. what if the user prefers the board? how about the local boards too? your suggestion is like a security level for a community battling with strenuous spamming. On the contrary, It can promote account farming instead, members could create different accounts to be eligible to post on their desired boards. Looking at the responses, I think everyone including me understands your point, but it shouldn't be, what is important is the quality of the posts and the content it conveys to readers.

Title: Re: One new topic per month
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on March 26, 2023, 05:38:37 AM
Most of the creation of a bunch of topics comes from beginners. For the most part, I'm sure the themes are meant to attract merit. You can verify this by looking at the very subject of the new topic. These are mostly recurring questions that are created regularly. A beginner, if desired and lacking laziness, could easily find answers to his questions. But it was the beginners who had the opinion that the more often they are in sight, the more likely they are to merit a few merits. Talking about allowing new threads after 10 merits would be a good idea, but here, we're equating a good and genuine newbie with a spammer.
You can watch how the most active spammers, who create dozens of topics, sooner or later disappear, having made this or that mistake. Therefore, if someone is bothered by topics from one person, it is very easy to get rid of them by clicking the ignore button.

Title: Re: One new topic per month
Post by: Woodie on March 26, 2023, 06:00:27 AM
The proposal is welcome but certain boards need to be kept alive by some of these guys but for the sake of not having one or two guys filling up the whole board with their work, I suppose this privilege can be limited by rank like what happens with signature space... For example; Newbies can be limited to 3 topics a month then increases with rank eg, Jr member -6, Member -9, Full member -12, SR Member 15 and this goes on unless this doesn't ractify the problem adjustments can be made.

Better yet, a limit per week can be fixed like say 3 topics per week and does not carry over.

As an alternative: make it possible to create a new topic after receiving 10 new merits
This could work just not sure if this is a practical solution tbh, and as a curator why not be entitled to merit on a board that sees users getting merit on these topics created ???

Title: Re: One new topic per month
Post by: joker_josue on March 26, 2023, 06:26:33 AM
While I understand your point, I don't agree with the idea presented by the OP.
Newbies already have a time limitation to make new posts. It makes no sense to increase this time. This will only drive more users away from the forum instead of bringing in more.

It is true that this can lead to abuse by experienced users, but who like to spread spam without tarnishing their name.
Unfortunately, there isn't much we can do about it, just continue to report this spam to moderators and try to identify the real source of this spam to report it.

Title: Re: One new topic per month
Post by: LoyceV on March 26, 2023, 06:59:04 AM
A troll-account trying to restrict others. Let's not do that.

If a topic is spam, just report it. If it's not spam, it can stay.

Title: Re: One new topic per month
Post by: elevates on March 26, 2023, 12:53:36 PM
Why should topic restrictions be put in place, you sound negative and are questioning the functionality of a forum. The more the topics are more the members would be engaged. You are trying to change the concept of a forum. Of course, an unnecessary topic should be reported to the moderators for them to decide.

I think if you want more engaging topics to be part of the forum then you would need help from signature campaign BM. I have seen a lot of signature campaign members who got merits airdropped only replying on a thread and not creating any topics. As there is nothing written on the Signature campaign ANN about it. I think the BMs should make it compulsory like a minimum of 5 topics required in a month for getting selected and the same for staying in the campaign.   

Title: Re: One new topic per month
Post by: uchegod-21 on March 26, 2023, 01:38:49 PM
The proposal is: to prohibit (may be programmatically) creating more than one topic in one section in one month.
Reason: some sections are occupied by the same authors. Authors abuse the ability to create new topics.

As an alternative: make it possible to create a new topic after receiving 10 new merits
This is a discussion forum and what happens here is discussion. You shouldn't restrict anyone on how often he should discuss. If you don't like the topics they are creating ignore them and scroll pass. If you feel that particular user is posting rubbish, include the user in your ignore list.
If you feel their posts are generally shit and  shammy, report to the moderators and it is as simple as that.
Theymos will not buy the idea of chocking here with unnecessary rules that will limit participation.

Title: Re: One new topic per month
Post by: tranthidung on March 26, 2023, 01:59:07 PM
For example; Newbies can be limited to 3 topics a month then increases with rank eg, Jr member -6, Member -9, Full member -12, SR Member 15 and this goes on unless this doesn't ractify the problem adjustments can be made.
It's bad to limit newbies. Some newbies are only at newbie rank in the forum but they are actually experts in this space.

Do you want to limit Discoveries of the forum like nullius (a first discovery of forum after the merit system kick-off), bullrun2020, n0nce, PowerGlove etc. I am sure more newbies like them will join the forum in future and they will not like the proposed restrictions against them.

I am against OP and your proposals.

Use this [Unofficial Guide] Reporting effectively ( when you see bad topics.

Title: Re: One new topic per month
Post by: Sandra_hakeem on March 26, 2023, 10:56:00 PM
You seee of the CORE values that has been made to rule every process or means of operation in here is FREEDOM matter what Is done in here, its imperative to understand that people have equal rights to ask questions outta Thier inquisitions... it's very unethical to complain that peeps don't even make 'em post, talk more of complaining that they make them too much; if they feel they've got 50 different solid topics to make in a day, no one is gonna ask why they long as they ain't just typing tautology, or saying the same thing in different threads.

Sandra 🧑‍🦰

Title: Re: One new topic per month
Post by: Hispo on March 27, 2023, 01:35:26 AM
I do not like the proposal, it would restrict many sections, like the newbies & Help, the Altcoin section and even the marketplace for those seeking for a loan.
If the topics were restricted, the activity of the Spanish section (and I assume the same would happen with other local boards) would decrease significantly, because it is usual some of my colleagues there start a new thread whenever they find news or a topic which is deemed to be worth of a separate place to discuss about it.

And of course, I am not talking about newbies, but Legendary and Heroes.  ;)

Title: Re: One new topic per month
Post by: m2017 on March 27, 2023, 01:54:14 PM
As an alternative: make it possible to create a new topic after receiving 10 new merits
People are here to learn new things regarding bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. New people may even nit have any idea what the hell is merit. To create topics for their queries, you will force them to earn merit. Did I understand your points correctly? If so, I think this is a shit idea. People may have a lot of questions to learn for which they would need to create a few topics a week. How would this help them?
You should know that theymos don't like a lot of such restrictions, otherwise, we may see newbie jail too.
I recall that in our local section there used to be a small restriction: newbies could only write in the newbies section and only then it became possible to write in other sections too. OP offers to return to something old? If this restriction was removed, then why invent new ones?

The principle of ranking topics will put everything in its place. Good topics will move to the top, while bad topics will slide to the very bottom. So, this is quite enough.

I think the proposed restrictions would be redundant.

Title: Re: One new topic per month
Post by: Patrol69 on March 27, 2023, 03:07:38 PM
If it were the case that people have the right to know one thing every month and they or their minds desire to know something new every month then your argument would be correct. But people always try to learn something new. Now tried to know one thing and he knows about it now his step will be to know next things. So I don't see anything wrong in making more than one topic a month for people to know. But if people are spamming against forum rules instead of knowing then it should be banned. But if someone has created more than one topic per month in the forum with the intention of knowing then we should help him and inform the person who expressed interest to know about it.

Title: Re: One new topic per month
Post by: GiftedMAN on March 27, 2023, 03:22:48 PM
As an alternative: make it possible to create a new topic after receiving 10 new merits

How then will the newbies have the opportunity to create topices since they are just new to the forum and they mostly ask questions so they can learn and not go about making silly mistakes? Secondly, if 10 merits becomes the only way a user can create new topic the forum will only become enjoyable to old users because they have the opportunity of getting more merit than new users who only depend on asking questions and waiting for contribution from other users. On a second thought, I think the forum is a bit balanced the way it is because off topics are seen in the off topic which means no matter how many topics are created in one day, once it is dected to belong to off topic it will surely be taken there.

Title: Re: One new topic per month
Post by: Aanuoluwatofunmi on March 27, 2023, 03:29:40 PM
The proposal is: to prohibit (may be programmatically) creating more than one topic in one section in one month.
Reason: some sections are occupied by the same authors.

This isn't the solution because one can get more than two topics the needed to have a new thread discussion upon, does that mean such user will be restricted or limited to the amount of topics he can create when he's seeing alot of opportunities in bringing up something new? Actually if you're talking about spamming a d other related abuses a member can engage doing doesn't mean we should go by this approach, is everyone posting consecutive threads creating new topics a spammer? That's why the forum has moderators on each board whereby any topic not worth it will be moved to off topic or deleted.

Title: Re: One new topic per month
Post by: skarais on March 27, 2023, 03:42:42 PM
Because the examples the OP gave are on press board and political board especially on local Russian board, I don't see a problem as long as the poster understands the rules and doesn't break them. I personally don't agree if it has to be limited, but spam and anything that violates it will be handled according to the rules.

If it's spam, plagiarism or anything against the rules, then the solution is to report it to moderator. Let them handle it.

Title: Re: One new topic per month
Post by: Synchronice on March 27, 2023, 04:16:44 PM
The proposal is: to prohibit (may be programmatically) creating more than one topic in one section in one month.
Reason: some sections are occupied by the same authors. Authors abuse the ability to create new topics.

As an alternative: make it possible to create a new topic after receiving 10 new merits
Some sections are mostly occupied by spammers. And these spammers don't care about merit, they just spam the entire forum with useless threads. I keep an eye on them and my conclusion is that there are some users who register alt accounts, create spam threads in Bitcoin Discussion board and then post nonsense replies from their main accounts. Their replies are still nonsense but at least they manage to get some merits once in a while or some of them get it on local boards where people from the same country help each-other to rank.

To my mind, this limitation will just push them to create new alt accounts and post from them. It's also meaningless to limit newbies to open thread because some of them come here to get help and support and I think forum owner will leave this forum as free as possible.

Title: Re: One new topic per month
Post by: Litzki1990 on March 31, 2023, 06:07:30 AM
There is no problem in doing more than one standard topic or learning topic in a month. But doing one irrelevant topic a month is a problem. Many times it is seen that a very simple topic is created in the forum to know that the simple topics are easily known by searching on Google, I think they are unnecessary. So there is no point in creating topics on these unnecessary topics. But it is good for the forum if all the topics that are informative are posted more than once a month. Because by reading those posts, others can get ideas about different things. If someone creates a topic on a topic that he can't find out about anywhere other than the forum, he can create more than one topic per month if he wants.

Title: Re: One new topic per month
Post by: Shamm on March 31, 2023, 02:11:08 PM
There is no problem in doing more than one standard topic or learning topic in a month. But doing one irrelevant topic a month is a problem. Many times it is seen that a very simple topic is created in the forum to know that the simple topics are easily known by searching on Google, I think they are unnecessary. So there is no point in creating topics on these unnecessary topics. But it is good for the forum if all the topics that are informative are posted more than once a month. Because by reading those posts, others can get ideas about different things. If someone creates a topic on a topic that he can't find out about anywhere other than the forum, he can create more than one topic per month if he wants.

Also there are a lot of new topics which is the same goals in older topics and also we notice that there are many users until now Copying others work and post it here without citing the source which is bad ideas to to share thier knowledge. But as long as we can create a new topics that very helpful and not copied from anyone's work then we can freely create and post it here. The best thing to so before creating topics is we need to search it first in order to prevent duplication fr other ideas.

Title: Re: One new topic per month
Post by: Aanuoluwatofunmi on March 31, 2023, 05:02:43 PM
one of the CORE values that has been made to rule every process or means of operation in here is FREEDOM

If bitcoin which is the major subject matter for every of our gathering here is all about freedom then why shouldn't the forum gives it out as well on it members to find it an easy task to express themselves on any areas they have interest either by asking a question or suggesting an idea or passing an information needed to get across to other bitcoiners all over the world, since this forum is well moderated then i see no reason why we should take further action in limiting how far one can go on the forum, just post less quality post and the topic or reply ended up being deleted, simple as that.

Title: Re: One new topic per month
Post by: Die_empty on March 31, 2023, 08:59:49 PM
The proposal is: to prohibit (may be programmatically) creating more than one topic in one section in one month.
Reason: some sections are occupied by the same authors. Authors abuse the ability to create new topics.

As an alternative: make it possible to create a new topic after receiving 10 new merits
Your suggestion is not a bad idea because it can stop these unnecessary duplications of posts. But all you have to do when you see these infringements are to report them to the moderator of the section and it will be handled accordingly. I am sure if your observation is genuine such a post will be deleted.

This suggestion will also hinder creativity and innovation. I have seen many members that creates more than five threads in a week and all of them are unique, interesting, and educating. Your request is like limiting the number of times students are permitted to ask questions. This forum is like a school where people are given the limitless privilege to ask questions even when it might seem irrelevant to some users.

Title: Re: One new topic per month
Post by: _BlackStar on March 31, 2023, 09:07:54 PM
Your suggestion is not a bad idea because it can stop these unnecessary duplications of posts.
No, it should be a bad idea if they didn't break any rules. If you find duplicate post or some sort of rule violation, please report it to moderator and it will solve the problem instead of limiting people from making multiple posts or thread.

This suggestion will also hinder creativity and innovation.
Then you deny it yourself, but you support the idea.

Title: Re: One new topic per month
Post by: Ndabagi01 on March 31, 2023, 09:41:08 PM
You make a valid point about users creating too many unnecessary topics on a board. When we look at this case, it only happens a few times a month in the forum, which may be insignificant to me. As a newbie in this case, I have only recently joined the forum and I may have many questions that cannot be asked on a single topic; however, as time passes, I become more interested in learning more, which causes me to ask more questions. If there are any limitations, it will take me 6 months in the forum to learn what I should have learned in 3 weeks that’s if I'm a fast learner. This idea can’t be practiced as it causes more harm than good.

Title: Re: One new topic per month
Post by: Die_empty on March 31, 2023, 09:54:00 PM
Your suggestion is not a bad idea because it can stop these unnecessary duplications of posts.
No, it should be a bad idea if they didn't break any rules. If you find duplicate post or some sort of rule violation, please report it to moderator and it will solve the problem instead of limiting people from making multiple posts or thread.

This suggestion will also hinder creativity and innovation.
Then you deny it yourself, but you support the idea.
I really appreciate your honest response but I don't think it is a good idea to judge a post by just quoting one sentence. It would have been proper to read the entire post and rate the person's comment based on his points and not just one of them this is because a sentence might not portray the comprehensive position of the writer. I agreed that his suggestion will reduce spam because spammer's freedom to create many topics will be reduced to a large extent. Furthermore, I rejected this idea and my reasons for that were also included in the post. I totally agree that moderators should handle the situation.

Title: Re: One new topic per month
Post by: Yawa2020 on March 31, 2023, 10:07:07 PM
This is not nice and fair in my opinion. Limiting post per month would erase the purpose of forum for learning as there is no limit to what one can learn. Also, making merits a requirement for posting will lead to merit trade and abuse. As for the example you cited above are culled from local board and you don't expect local board to have hundreds of posters when they are limited number of people there.

Title: Re: One new topic per month
Post by: suchmoon on March 31, 2023, 11:12:26 PM
Great idea. Anything that makes it easier for sockpuppeting and account-farming little shits to spam the forum should be implemented as soon as possible, like tomorrow.