Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Mageant on December 13, 2011, 10:07:54 AM

Title: CONFIRMED: The Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit That Could End Finanical Tyranny
Post by: Mageant on December 13, 2011, 10:07:54 AM
There is a $1 trillion lawsuit that has been recently filed and is now officially confirmed by court documents. It targets various political groups and individuals (UN, Italy, Ban Ki-Moon, Berlusconi, etc.) and reveals a secret financial system behind the scenes in which much larger sums of money than normal are handled.

"MANHATTAN (CN) - An American expatriate in Bulgaria claims the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the Office of International Treasury Control and the Italian government conspired with a host of others to steal more than $1.1 trillion in financial instruments intended to support humanitarian purposes.
     The 111-page federal complaint involves a range of entities common to conspiracy theorists, including the Vatican Illuminati, the Masons, the "Trilateral Trillenium Tripartite Gold Commission," and the U.S. Federal Reserve."

These groups basically operate as part of a larger criminal organization which include many of the ruling politicians and organizations of the western world. They have been suppressing, scamming and leeching off humanity for many decades if not centuries. They operate with huge sums of money numbered in the trillions and quadrillons.

This whole system could be ending soon due to its coming to public attention.

Title: Re: CONFIRMED: The Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit That Could End Finanical Tyranny
Post by: notme on December 13, 2011, 12:43:59 PM
Incredible if true.  I for one welcome our new peer-lords.  Overlords are so 1900s.

Title: Re: CONFIRMED: The Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit That Could End Finanical Tyranny
Post by: Gabi on December 13, 2011, 05:45:05 PM
Very interesting, if it's true epicness is ensued

Title: Re: CONFIRMED: The Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit That Could End Finanical Tyranny
Post by: P4man on December 13, 2011, 07:25:18 PM
Wake me up when they make the movie  ::)

Title: Re: CONFIRMED: The Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit That Could End Finanical Tyranny
Post by: teek on December 13, 2011, 07:47:38 PM
I've loosely followed some of this stuff.. but after reading that. -brain broken-

Title: Re: CONFIRMED: The Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit That Could End Finanical Tyranny
Post by: RandyFolds on December 13, 2011, 09:03:08 PM

You do know that anyone can sue anyone else for anything, right?

If you've got time and money to burn, you could sue the US government for a trillion dollars for emotional damage resulting from Iran's refusal to return that crashed drone...I mean, who could sleep knowing that impending death glides just a mile overhead?

Title: Re: CONFIRMED: The Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit That Could End Finanical Tyranny
Post by: the joint on December 13, 2011, 09:40:35 PM
Nice find.

Title: Re: CONFIRMED: The Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit That Could End Finanical Tyranny
Post by: luv2drnkbr on December 14, 2011, 02:10:22 AM
There is a $1 trillion lawsuit that has been recently filed and is now officially confirmed by court documents. It targets various political groups and individuals (UN, Italy, Ban Ki-Moon, Berlusconi, etc.) and reveals a secret financial system behind the scenes in which much larger sums of money than normal are handled.

"MANHATTAN (CN) - An American expatriate in Bulgaria claims the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the Office of International Treasury Control and the Italian government conspired with a host of others to steal more than $1.1 trillion in financial instruments intended to support humanitarian purposes.
     The 111-page federal complaint involves a range of entities common to conspiracy theorists, including the Vatican Illuminati, the Masons, the "Trilateral Trillenium Tripartite Gold Commission," and the U.S. Federal Reserve."

These groups basically operate as part of a larger criminal organization which include many of the ruling politicians and organizations of the western world. They have been suppressing, scamming and leeching off humanity for many decades if not centuries. They operate with huge sums of money numbered in the trillions and quadrillons.

This whole system could be ending soon due to its coming to public attention.

A money-making system like that will not crumble for any purpose whatsoever.  Aboslute worst case for them is they pay a fraction of the stolen goods in fines and to settle, keep doing it, and then pay said fines again later.  Ultra high scale white collar crime is the most profitable thing in the world to do, and it's not even CLOSE.

Title: Re: CONFIRMED: The Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit That Could End Finanical Tyranny
Post by: coin_toss on December 16, 2011, 08:04:47 AM
Interesting but i can't see this going anywhere. Kind of like the $1 billion class action lawsuit filed against sony corp for the data breach earlier this year ( It makes headlines but as pointed out by previous poster the most it will lead to is a much smaller settlement