Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Speculation => Topic started by: thecodebear on March 31, 2023, 11:23:35 PM

Title: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: thecodebear on March 31, 2023, 11:23:35 PM
Do you all consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world or do you think there are other assets with as much potential for safe long term appreciation?

By best asset I mean potential for long term return on investment versus potential for risk. Return vs risk.

Just curious to see what people think.

Personally I think Bitcoin is easily the best asset in the world. Ethereum is probably the second best asset in the world but it is far riskier due to centralization and lack of clear purpose or utility and lots of possible future competition form other L1s and I think its days of growing significantly faster in price appreciation than Bitcoin are mostly over so the growth possibilities compared to the much greater risk I think leaves it far below Bitcoin when considering which is a better financial asset. I guess the one benefit it now has is income through staking but that isn't nearly enough to make up for the other disadvantages.

And beyond that I can't think of anything else that would even be in the conversation for best asset outside of like owning a really good rental property in a booming city but that is very specific and requires good financing and a fair bit of luck and work to accomplish.

Think of it this way, if you had to put all your money in a single asset, would you put it in anything but Bitcoin? I already made that decision years ago by putting just about all my money in Bitcoin. But how about you all? Where do you land on this question?

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: hatshepsut93 on March 31, 2023, 11:33:04 PM
No, I think real estate is the best asset. People will always need a place to live, so there will always be demand for it. While Bitcoin's value is impossible to calculate. We don't even not if it's overpriced or underpriced today. There's no good model for calculating Bitcoin's price. The worst case scenario is that Bitcoin is overpriced and it will return to previous levels because that's its objective value.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: thecodebear on March 31, 2023, 11:51:15 PM
No, I think real estate is the best asset. People will always need a place to live, so there will always be demand for it. While Bitcoin's value is impossible to calculate. We don't even not if it's overpriced or underpriced today. There's no good model for calculating Bitcoin's price. The worst case scenario is that Bitcoin is overpriced and it will return to previous levels because that's its objective value.

Real estate is a good answer. But to play devil's advocate here, the caveat there is all real estate is different. A piece of desert in the middle of nowhere is very different than prime real estate in a city. The good pieces of real estate are much harder to get though. Bitcoin is fungible so its much simpler to invest in Bitcoin. Also physical changes over time can change the value of real estate. If a fire destroys a house, or a food destroys a whole section of a city, suddenly that real estate is worth a lot less. Or even if a house just needs lots of repairs suddenly its worth a whole lot less. Or if crime goes up in an area the real estate is going to be worth less. That's part of the risk built into real estate investments.

Which is why I said a contender could be "owning a really good rental property in a booming city but that is very specific and requires good financing and a fair bit of luck and work to accomplish." Real estate is a much riskier and complex investment than stacking Sats. But I agree real estate in general, when done well and when avoiding bad luck, is in the conversation for best asset.

I guess it also depends on the context. If someone needs to generate income a rental property would be preferred over Bitcoin which doesn't have cash flow. Real estate also has the advantage of mortgages where you can buy things for a fraction of the price up front, and then use credit to keep stacking properties and cover the mortgage with rental income. That of course requires lots of work. On the other hand for just growing wealth passively Bitcoin would be far superior.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: Quidat on March 31, 2023, 11:59:32 PM
Gold, Real Estate, Bitcoin

This would be my best asset for my opinion or in personal choice.If you do have the money to spend on and accumulate as serve as investment then it would definitely
be doing this.It is really just that these things turns out to be expensive if  you would turn to buy it as a whole but we know that as long we do live,
theres always a chance for us to acquire and accumulate it out.Depends on how you would really be that serious into your goal.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: BitcoinBunny on April 01, 2023, 12:00:17 AM
No, I think real estate is the best asset. People will always need a place to live, so there will always be demand for it. While Bitcoin's value is impossible to calculate. We don't even not if it's overpriced or underpriced today. There's no good model for calculating Bitcoin's price. The worst case scenario is that Bitcoin is overpriced and it will return to previous levels because that's its objective value.

Real estate isn't even keeping up with inflation right now. There is no telling where it is headed. Sure over a super LOOOOONG term it may work out, but even 10 years out it could be a terrible investment right now since in most parts of the world it is over priced and beyond the means of many people.

On top of that it is usually not divisible and you have head aches such as maintenance, taxes and tenants and often terrible regulation always voting in their favour, that can even drive you to suicide.

With interest rates rising any monthly gain may have been wiped out. Many landlords in my part of the world are in fact selling up, that will drive the price of real estate down further.

With BTC there is usually only a tax when you sell and have made profit. Worst case scenario you lose it or make a loss.

With real estate there is far more responsibility and far more things can go wrong and it is usually out of reach for the average Joe, unlike a small piece of BTC.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: Tytanowy Janusz on April 01, 2023, 07:14:56 AM
No, I think real estate is the best asset. People will always need a place to live, so there will always be demand for it. While Bitcoin's value is impossible to calculate. We don't even not if it's overpriced or underpriced today. There's no good model for calculating Bitcoin's price. The worst case scenario is that Bitcoin is overpriced and it will return to previous levels because that's its objective value.

People will always need a place to live, that's a fact, but it doesn't make real estate the best possible investment in terms of risk/reward.

Firstly, real estate prices are inflated like before 2008 and way off the neutral levels (talking about house price to earnings ratio).
The WEF shows that it seeks to deprive us of property (including real estate). It may turn out that in a few years we will see high Cadastral tax or unrealized gains taxes. Simply pay us 5% of your real estate each year or sell it.
Demographics of developed countries, the risk of World War 3, nuclear escalation, the collapse of society makes investing in real estate a high-risk investment in virtually half of the globe.
You need to know the industry and the region in which you are buying a property, because there is nothing more important than a good location.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: crwth on April 01, 2023, 07:20:45 AM
Do you all consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world or do you think there are other assets with as much potential for safe long term appreciation?
I think in terms of the returns and what it can do for people in general, it's one of the best assets since it's a great hedge against inflation. It shouldn't be everything in one asset but you still need to diversify your assets.

There are a lot of assets but it's not the only one that is good for you for sure. It's better to have multiple ones in order to have a great return on your money. Managing my allocation to BTC would be important for me and not everything.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: DanWalker on April 01, 2023, 08:40:59 AM
No, I think real estate is the best asset. People will always need a place to live, so there will always be demand for it. While Bitcoin's value is impossible to calculate. We don't even not if it's overpriced or underpriced today. There's no good model for calculating Bitcoin's price. The worst case scenario is that Bitcoin is overpriced and it will return to previous levels because that's its objective value.

I agree with you, real estate is the best asset in the world. I forgot about that article, but as far as I remember the survey results, real estate is the most searched and invested asset by the rich, while cryptocurrencies are only 2%. But for those with little initial capital and who want to get rich through investment, bitcoin is the best choice because, thanks to its volatility, many people can take full advantage of it for the best return.

I love real estate, but with limited capital, I cannot invest in real estate. So my portfolio is also mostly bitcoin as I also hope that bitcoin will make it possible for me to earn some substantial capital.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: livingfree on April 01, 2023, 08:48:21 AM
I'm invested in real estate and bitcoin and I'd say that they're the best assets that I've got. Why two? They've got differences and tangible and intangible assets and I think that's justifiable to say that they're both the best assets.

And I'd say that because I've got them, whoever owns these assets or other assets that have been generating them money will totally say that they're the best.

But to answer the question about putting all of my money to bitcoin, I wouldn't. Its volatility needs to have a counter through another asset to balance my investments and wealth.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: Adbitco on April 01, 2023, 09:26:34 AM
Personally I think Bitcoin is easily the best asset in the world

There is no way you could compared bitcoin to ethereum, bitcoin is more trusted, secure and reliable than any other altcoin out there usually i don't even give attention to those coin. In some special cases if there were no bitcoin as option then i have to go for Ethereum, BNB, Matic.

Think of it this way, if you had to put all your money in a single asset, would you put it in anything but Bitcoin?

No i won't dare that because is extremely risky put one's life savings into in single assets not even bitcoin or any other assets out there.

I already made that decision years ago by putting just about all my money in Bitcoin. But how about you all?

We live in a world where we are free to make any forms of decisions we think that is good for us in as much as it won't violates the government rules or go against them then you are good to go.

Where do you land on this question?

We should learned not to put all our resources into a single business, rather splitting it to more businesses maybe at least into 3 to 5 different ways in other to thoroughly safeguard our future since we may not know what it holds for us.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: o48o on April 01, 2023, 11:54:14 AM
By best asset I mean potential for long term return on investment versus potential for risk. Return vs risk.
I would rather go and buy land and estate. Land is going to be scarcer as population grows and it's needed for every sector of life. It might not bring anything to me in my life time but it also could be worth more eventually.

That is if i want to invest safely, which i don't do in real life. In real life i don't trust just one asset. I buy and sell low caps as i don't have enough capital for huge purchases. Those have been very profitable to me. It's kind of like gambling as in small bets i can get huge rewards, but unlike in gambling i can sometimes be part of the team and work in grass root level.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: Nrcewker on April 01, 2023, 12:01:01 PM
No, I think real estate is the best asset. People will always need a place to live, so there will always be demand for it. While Bitcoin's value is impossible to calculate. We don't even not if it's overpriced or underpriced today. There's no good model for calculating Bitcoin's price. The worst case scenario is that Bitcoin is overpriced and it will return to previous levels because that's its objective value.

The assets which are limited in number, can definitely be added to the race of best asset in the world. You can consider here non-renewable resources like coal, petroleum, gold etc. Real estate can also be considered as great asset to hold. But if we talk about digital assets, then definitely Bitcoins should be placed at number one. Physical assets take long maintenance and hard to store for long term holdings, but if we compare digital assets like Bitcoins, it can be stored anywhere and can be accessed any time. Now the decision should be yours only. Which one should be said as the best asset?

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: Minecache on April 01, 2023, 12:05:51 PM
Many people think that real estate is the best asset, this is true because with the increasing population density and the never-ending demand for housing, real estate is really the best asset. But for me, bitcoin is the asset that gives me the most profit as well as a better life since I invested in it. Both are very good, so anyone with economic conditions should not compare but should diversify and should own both of these properties.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: rat03gopoh on April 01, 2023, 02:54:39 PM
My version of the best asset is a business that runs with consistent income.
The best assets should not only be viewed in terms of value growth, while you also run the risk of losing ownership. In its 1 decade journey, bitcoin has experienced pros and cons which prove that it isn't ideal aset for certain people.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: LogitechMouse on April 01, 2023, 03:29:36 PM
No. For me, there no best asset because all of them are the best in their own ways.

Real Estate for example is best for it being very limited therefore, price is increasing, but with what's happening right now, it isn't going the way it needs to, but nevertheless, real estate's price goes up in the long term because of it's limited supply. Gold and Silver on the other hand is proven to be one of the best assets because they've been there for a very long time. Even Robert Kiyosaki holds a lot of gold and silver. Business on one hand is the best because of how much profit it can give. As long as you are successful in your business venture, it will give you profit.

Bitcoin on the other hand is best because of it's volatility. Volatility makes an average investor a rich investor. Volatility can make an Average Joe a millionaire, but on the other hand, it can also make an Average Joe a beggar after a few days because of it's capital being gone.

I don't want to say that Bitcoin is the best asset in the world, but if we will just look on it's returns on the past decade, no doubt Bitcoin is the best at that category.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: fullhdpixel on April 01, 2023, 05:18:54 PM
Many people think that real estate is the best asset, this is true because with the increasing population density and the never-ending demand for housing, real estate is really the best asset. But for me, bitcoin is the asset that gives me the most profit as well as a better life since I invested in it. Both are very good, so anyone with economic conditions should not compare but should diversify and should own both of these properties.
I've seen so many common individuals and celebrities who have invested in real estate so you might be right with that but I think investing in real estate is not easy, not instant and may require a bigger capital. Selling it is not also instant.

This is where Bitcoin becomes a better alternative, not only for real estate but also on other investment assets/instruments. Bitcoin's supply is also very limited which makes its price rise into a whole new level. No other assets including real estate can match it. If I were to diversify I will still pick crypto and I will only add some good altcoins or tokens in my bag. There is no need to look for other assets out there.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: $crypto$ on April 01, 2023, 05:26:46 PM
Not only bitcoin there are still some assets that are more important than that and I agree with the others Real estate is the best investment where we have to diversify, of course not only in bitcoin but some assets that are important for the long term.

In fact, I'm not brave enough to put everything in bitcoin, even though I believe this increase will be even sharper, but the proof is that bitcoin still has high volatility, which at any time the price will drop again, of course we don't expect that, but at least with other assets it's enough to balance it.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: ajiz138 on April 01, 2023, 06:15:17 PM
Do you all consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world or do you think there are other assets with as much potential for safe long term appreciation?
Of course I think bitcoin is the best asset in the world but I will not forget about other assets which are more important than bitcoin we have to be able to balance where we have to invest not just in 1 asset because for me it is not a good management stay outside of bitcoin there must be control to make a reserve asset, if you make bitcoin as the main asset it doesn't matter because you already have more important reserves too.

By best asset I mean potential for long term return on investment versus potential for risk. Return vs risk.
Bitcoin is one of them, long term bitcoin is pretty good at higher returns while behind that there is a bigger risk where when the market crashes the price falls more freely isn't that a big risk too? So this is only balanced in bitcoin, while in contrast to assets that tend to be more stable, for example property, gold, or other assets that can maintain a higher price behind all of that, with the assets mentioned, of course there is no bigger risk than bitcoin.

Think of it this way, if you had to put all your money in a single asset, would you put it in anything but Bitcoin? I already made that decision years ago by putting just about all my money in Bitcoin. But how about you all? Where do you land on this question?
Actually it has to be a decision that is ready to take risks, I believe of all the investors who put in one bitcoin asset and do not trust other assets except for this coin, but this is not done by me, I don't dare to do it, but I believe in the prospect of achieving bitcoin in the future.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: AnonBitCoiner on April 01, 2023, 06:31:53 PM
Bitcoin is a good asset and it increases the money if handled accurately but in my opinion property work is also a best idea to enhance money. There is always losses with gaining and no field is here which is 100 percent secure like property work also possess some risk and that of bitcoin is also a risky investment due to its volatility.

It's a wise idea to make investment in Bitcoin and think it as a part time job because money in Bitcoin is that portion which you cannot spend in daily uses. Getting job is not easy these days therefore investment and trading are two option which you can easily involved in without any restrictions.

Putting whole money in single asset is not good in my opinion so you can also select different coins and also you can invest your money in real estate which is the best option.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: imamusma on April 01, 2023, 06:55:44 PM
Do you all consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world or do you think there are other assets with as much potential for safe long term appreciation?
I would rate bitcoin as one of the best assets due to its performance so far, but bitcoin is not the only good investment destination. Gold, Real Estate and anything that generates returns is best, and now it comes down to individual preferences and goals.

Think of it this way, if you had to put all your money in a single asset, would you put it in anything but Bitcoin? I already made that decision years ago by putting just about all my money in Bitcoin. But how about you all? Where do you land on this question?
I have bitcoin, altcoin and gold as my investment assets so far. I understand what investment risk is and anything I invest has a risk. Bitcoin is the dominant one in my investment portfolio, and so far I'm hoping it will generate a decent return in the long term. Putting your investment in a single asset is also fine, but I wouldn't do it with just bitcoins because none of us know what the future. Don't just have one investment asset, if something happens then you lose everything. So have some assets including altcoin or gold or something else that you think is profitable.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: Wiwo on April 01, 2023, 07:03:49 PM
I wonder why many are choosing real estate over bitcoin as an investment even though the inflation rate has affected the real estate sector lately and one can not help but to notice the fall out of things in that sector and it the real estate have been the worst hit in the global economic crisis.

-For the sake of speculation and risk, I will rather invest in Bitcoin at the moment even though many think that bitcoin is over priced and will reverse back to its bottom and again this is not true and not provable but knowing the risk factor in bitcoin will give you stable. Mindset even when the volatility happens.

-Bitcoin is best for long-term investment same as gold and real estate.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: |MINER| on April 01, 2023, 09:13:18 PM
For me my personal opinion is Bitcoin is one among the best assets in the world's. And along with this I will buy gold and land. I have never seen these assets fall in price or value to date. And my suggestion is that the best asset in this world can never be one because their positions change over time and the best asset will be that which will be useful in the future.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: Minecache on April 03, 2023, 07:51:24 AM
Many people think that real estate is the best asset, this is true because with the increasing population density and the never-ending demand for housing, real estate is really the best asset. But for me, bitcoin is the asset that gives me the most profit as well as a better life since I invested in it. Both are very good, so anyone with economic conditions should not compare but should diversify and should own both of these properties.
I've seen so many common individuals and celebrities who have invested in real estate so you might be right with that but I think investing in real estate is not easy, not instant and may require a bigger capital. Selling it is not also instant.

This is where Bitcoin becomes a better alternative, not only for real estate but also on other investment assets/instruments. Bitcoin's supply is also very limited which makes its price rise into a whole new level. No other assets including real estate can match it. If I were to diversify I will still pick crypto and I will only add some good altcoins or tokens in my bag. There is no need to look for other assets out there.

I do not consider altcoin input as investment diversification to avoid risk. As we all know, the entire altcoin market depends on bitcoin, which means if bitcoin falls, the rest will fall, and if bitcoin collapses, the whole market will hardly continue to exist. Therefore, investing in altcoins will not reduce your risk, you need to invest in assets other than the crypto market to be called diversified.

Supply is an advantage of bitcoin that gives it a chance to skyrocket in the future when demand is higher than supply. But let's not forget that bitcoin is still a risky asset, and we are still uncertain about its future. That's why we have a saying, only invest with what you can lose.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: Baofeng on April 03, 2023, 11:48:39 AM
If we are going to talk about crypto, yeah, obviously it's the best asset, number 1, the prime mover, dominance is close to 50% and there were time that it's more than that. Meaning that it's the asset majority of crypto investors are putting their money with.

But if we are talking about the whole asset class, I would agree that it will be real state, it's tangible and it's appreciate every year and for generations to generations, you can transfer it as a inheritance. You can even rent it if you have a place, or apartment and it can pay the mortgage by itself, and so income is assured yearly and monthly. And this is what I observed from my country as well, there are a lot of millionaires who invest on real state, but lands and build lot of apartments for rent.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: Yamifoud on April 03, 2023, 12:41:59 PM
Do you all consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world or do you think there are other assets with as much potential for safe long term appreciation?

By best asset I mean potential for long term return on investment versus potential for risk. Return vs risk.

Bitcoin investment is really profitable and one of the best assets to acquire but if we think about the assurance, real estate investment is still the best option to choose. Practically speaking, I do agree with the potentiality of Bitcoin to exist long-term but the risk is too high than just acquiring real estate and even in the stock market. If we notice, many rich people have no interest in buying and holding crypto, and probably the reason is that it gives us no assurance, unlike if we are investing in the stock market and real estate, and even investing in gold as well is another option, yet the returns aren't fast unlike in crypto.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: ancafe on April 03, 2023, 01:07:33 PM
If you want to engage in safer investments, then gold and property are the best assets to work with, but if you want to take risks, bitcoins are the way to go. There are many sources that will give reasons to make us believe in bitcoin, maintaining value is one that we often encounter and many other reasons when intending to dig into the benefits of investing in bitcoin.

But if you ask about risk, then no one will be able to give an answer about the safety of the assets you have, especially if you have never done any research before getting involved in an existing investment.

Think of it this way, if you had to put all your money in a single asset, would you put it in anything but Bitcoin? I already made that decision years ago by putting just about all my money in Bitcoin. But how about you all? Where do you land on this question?
Right now I believe that bitcoin is the best asset ever, but for the next decades you and anyone will never know how bitcoin is?

If I have the chance, I'll try in a few places?
1. Bitcoins
2. Gold
3. Real Estate

There are wise reasons that we cannot rely on one investment model, because we can have opportunities in several sectors. The investment function that we do is to seek profit and we must be able to take advantage of it, even if not bitcoin, gold and real estate. At least for now it's much more profitable to get involved in bitcoin, than to try to invest beyond what I'm telling you.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: Razmirraz on April 03, 2023, 01:23:31 PM
For now maybe yes, Bitcoin as the best asset in the world. Bitcoin will always have a price as long as there is demand and supply, who can guarantee that Bitcoin will have a price in the next 15 to 20 years. Real estate has been the best asset from the past, present and future. Its value will continue to increase over the years, the risk that might occur is very small with this asset.
You can still get a return on a Bitcoin investment, but the level of risk is also directly proportional if the price continues to fall. It takes caution and patience in investing in Bitcoin, sometimes what you plan doesn't go as expected. If you want to invest in the long term to enjoy the results in old age, real estate is the best asset.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: inthelongrun on April 03, 2023, 01:52:05 PM
For me, real estate remained the best asset. It is a basic commodity and everything starts within it. When it comes to investment, real estate may not provide quick returns short term, especially in wide undeveloped areas where it may even be considered a liability due to regular taxation.

Bitcoin for me is like a gem, it is volatile but the potential is just too high. I consider bitcoin the best investment if we are looking for a few years' time-frame profit. Unless we are to start a business but that is energy and time-consuming.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: Lucius on April 03, 2023, 02:23:42 PM
There is no way you could compared bitcoin to ethereum, bitcoin is more trusted, secure and reliable than any other altcoin out there usually i don't even give attention to those coin. In some special cases if there were no bitcoin as option then i have to go for Ethereum, BNB, Matic.

I completely agree with the first part, because it has nothing to do with each other, not only because one coin uses POW, and the other has moved to POS, but also because Bitcoin has a very low max supply (compared to the mentioned token) which owes its popularity (and price) precisely to the fact that it has unlimited supply and at least for now x6 times more coins on the market. There is no trust, decentralization, meaningful use, but everything depends on one man who wants to compete with Bitcoin, and for 8 years he has not succeeded in doing so.

As for the other one you mentioned, I personally wouldn't invest a single cent in something like that, although I don't want to influence anyone else in what they do with their money.

Regarding the OP's question, I think that people should primarily look at Bitcoin as a cryptocurrency and use it as much as possible, and only then invest in it as an asset. Otherwise, it all boils down to when you will buy and when you will sell - which is still a big mystery for most.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: sana54210 on April 03, 2023, 02:38:04 PM
If we are going to talk about crypto, yeah, obviously it's the best asset, number 1, the prime mover, dominance is close to 50% and there were time that it's more than that. Meaning that it's the asset majority of crypto investors are putting their money with.

But if we are talking about the whole asset class, I would agree that it will be real state, it's tangible and it's appreciate every year and for generations to generations, you can transfer it as a inheritance. You can even rent it if you have a place, or apartment and it can pay the mortgage by itself, and so income is assured yearly and monthly. And this is what I observed from my country as well, there are a lot of millionaires who invest on real state, but lands and build lot of apartments for rent.
I think there is this new understanding of crypto that is going to change overtime. Obviously real estate has been a thing for thousands of years, it is not anything new, and that is why it's hard to change the idea in peoples mind, but it is also a good return maker as well so it is not a bad idea so there is no need to change it neither.

But, I can tell you that if you invested in bitcoin, we all know you would have been richer right? So, there is really no reason to keep it going at this rate neither. I hope that people would end up understanding that as much as possible, because it is an important part of it. I know it is not going to be easy, but that's an important part of it, crypto is bigger profit maker, simple as that.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: zaim7413 on April 03, 2023, 03:55:48 PM
Bitcoin as the best asset in the world. Of course, but you must not forget the role of Real Estate as a companion to Bitcoin that is able to provide returns in the future. Both play an important role in investment, each investment has its own advantages and disadvantages. Bitcoin has several aspects that interest investors, but behind the advantages there are also substantial disadvantages. Bitcoin has no form, you can never hold Bitcoin with your hands because Bitcoin only exists on the internet.

Real Estate is one of the best investments for retirement and building wealth, one of the advantages of investing in Real Estate is that you can get real assets, you can see them and they can also be touched, apart from that they have intrinsic value. Real estate is also a necessity for everyone, you can make money on monthly or yearly rent. If you want to generate a steady source of income, Real Estate is the best asset for you.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: Kadal Ijo on April 04, 2023, 09:12:27 AM
Why not, now more and more of the world's top companies are investing in bitcoin, the support of several exchanges such as makes bitcoin more valuable and respected, almost every week I see UFC and become official sponsors for almost 3 years.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: BALIK on April 04, 2023, 09:42:03 AM
I wonder why many are choosing real estate over bitcoin as an investment even though the inflation rate has affected the real estate sector lately and one can not help but to notice the fall out of things in that sector and it the real estate have been the worst hit in the global economic crisis.

-For the sake of speculation and risk, I will rather invest in Bitcoin at the moment even though many think that bitcoin is over priced and will reverse back to its bottom and again this is not true and not provable but knowing the risk factor in bitcoin will give you stable. Mindset even when the volatility happens.

-Bitcoin is best for long-term investment same as gold and real estate.

Being a good asset does not mean that it will always grow and never decline. Even if the world economy also has a crisis cycle, so no asset or market is immune to it. Bitcoin was also hit hard by the economic crisis and war, losing over 80% of its value last year. It can be seen that everything has its cycle. Believe it or not, real estate is the best asset because its demand almost never stops and everyone needs it. Meanwhile, many people are still living normally without bitcoin. Frankly, you prefer bitcoin because of the higher return, but the high return is not enough to say it is the best asset.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: darkangel11 on April 04, 2023, 11:18:42 AM
No, I think real estate is the best asset. People will always need a place to live, so there will always be demand for it. While Bitcoin's value is impossible to calculate. We don't even not if it's overpriced or underpriced today. There's no good model for calculating Bitcoin's price. The worst case scenario is that Bitcoin is overpriced and it will return to previous levels because that's its objective value.

I see at least one problem with your reasoning. Real estate can't be bought just about anywhere. You need to do research, live in a stable country, make sure you won't get fucked by developers.
There were people like you, who thought real estate was the thing to put all their savings into, but the problem was these people were living in Ukraine before the war broke out.
I've seen videos of real estate agents showing properties around Kiev that were really beautiful. New houses with gardens hidden behind security fences at the edge of a forest. A year later Russians were ramming these fences with tanks.
I also know people who made down payments for new apartments and the developer took the money and disappeared, leaving only foundations.

Compared to that bitcoin is easy.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: fadhilz123 on April 04, 2023, 02:17:06 PM
Why not, now more and more of the world's top companies are investing in bitcoin, the support of several exchanges such as makes bitcoin more valuable and respected, almost every week I see UFC and become official sponsors for almost 3 years.
There are already a lot of sponsors for services like crypto now, moreover crypto has also entered the realm of sports and others so that Bitcoin has the potential to strengthen even more this year. And it is still very possible as long as large companies continue to invest in the crypto space and choose Bitcoin as the basic asset they will invest in. I also still believe that Bitcoin will continue to be the target of many people which makes the price stay in a better position with greater potential for increase.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: Joshapat on April 04, 2023, 02:28:39 PM
Bitcoin is a digital asset that is growing, the global community continues to grow and is difficult to stop, the many rules that try to limit bitcoin have become an effective campaign and have made many people curious so they become new investors. there is no doubt that the future of bitcoin will be even better and worthy of being the best asset in the future.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: Ayers on April 04, 2023, 03:05:00 PM
Do you all consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world or do you think there are other assets with as much potential for safe long term appreciation?

By best asset I mean potential for long term return on investment versus potential for risk. Return vs risk.

Bitcoin investment is really profitable and one of the best assets to acquire but if we think about the assurance, real estate investment is still the best option to choose. Practically speaking, I do agree with the potentiality of Bitcoin to exist long-term but the risk is too high than just acquiring real estate and even in the stock market. If we notice, many rich people have no interest in buying and holding crypto, and probably the reason is that it gives us no assurance, unlike if we are investing in the stock market and real estate, and even investing in gold as well is another option, yet the returns aren't fast unlike in crypto.

We are on a bitcoin forum, and we are all invested in bitcoin, so there will be bitcoin bias here. But to be fair, real estate and tangible assets are a better choice than bitcoin. You are right, most of the rich are still not too interested in bitcoin, what they are most interested in is still real estate, stocks, and gold. Meanwhile, cryptocurrencies are receiving great interest from small capital investors like us who want to get rich with small investments. But that also becomes the advantage of crypto, as it is fair and gives opportunity to everyone.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: tiCeR on April 04, 2023, 03:54:58 PM
Do you all consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world or do you think there are other assets with as much potential for safe long term appreciation?

By best asset I mean potential for long term return on investment versus potential for risk. Return vs risk.

Bitcoin investment is really profitable and one of the best assets to acquire but if we think about the assurance, real estate investment is still the best option to choose. Practically speaking, I do agree with the potentiality of Bitcoin to exist long-term but the risk is too high than just acquiring real estate and even in the stock market. If we notice, many rich people have no interest in buying and holding crypto, and probably the reason is that it gives us no assurance, unlike if we are investing in the stock market and real estate, and even investing in gold as well is another option, yet the returns aren't fast unlike in crypto.

We are on a bitcoin forum, and we are all invested in bitcoin, so there will be bitcoin bias here. But to be fair, real estate and tangible assets are a better choice than bitcoin. You are right, most of the rich are still not too interested in bitcoin, what they are most interested in is still real estate, stocks, and gold. Meanwhile, cryptocurrencies are receiving great interest from small capital investors like us who want to get rich with small investments. But that also becomes the advantage of crypto, as it is fair and gives opportunity to everyone.

Not necessarily because OP's question isn't framed very well. It depends on many things and as the first comment said real estate is probably more important as you need a roof over your head. But you could argue that someone who sold his apartment in 2010, bought Bitcoin and lived in a bus for a couple of years will probably say yes today.

What if you find a piece of art in the basement of your grandparents and it turns out that the painting is worth double digit millions? Or if a new Amazon or Tesla were to arise and you are one of the very first to invest in it?

At what aspect is OP looking here? Potential value appreciation? Capital mobility because you can take your Bitcoin wherever you want and nobody can stop you?

There are so many aspects to be considered and if you want to go for a lucky shot and want to see a 50x, some other investment is perhaps better. Building your own company could turn into the best asset you ever owned if you succeed.

To me Bitcoin is a must have part in a portfolio. Whether it is the best remains to be seen. If you are sitting on a 10,000x gain with your Bitcoin now, I would probably say that Bitcoin is the best in your case. ;)

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: traderethereum on April 04, 2023, 04:23:17 PM
I consider bitcoin to be the best investment asset in the world and one I've come across because of the potential return over the long term that is greater than any other type of investment.
We can buy bitcoin with a small capital and expect to get a large return in the future and this is different from other types of investment.
Meanwhile, if we want to invest in other types of investment, we must provide sufficient capital, while not many people can start investing in that type.
But I don't put all my money in bitcoin because I still need fiat money to buy daily necessities so I still have some money ready.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: el kaka22 on April 04, 2023, 08:15:08 PM
I do, but millions don't and that is the situation. I can't really blame the situation on other people neither, it's obvious that we can't just expect the whole world to think of it as the best asset.

Plus, it depends on your life situation as well, someone that is already rich may not consider it as an issue, and may not invest into bitcoin at all, for that person the best asset is the way they got rich, however they got rich, it's better to keep reinvesting into that, it would make sense. For me, it is bitcoin but I can understand how life could take me away from crypto and make me invest into something else as well, that is why I wouldn't expect everyone to think like I do.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: doomloop on April 04, 2023, 09:14:31 PM
Why not, now more and more of the world's top companies are investing in bitcoin, the support of several exchanges such as makes bitcoin more valuable and respected, almost every week I see UFC and become official sponsors for almost 3 years.
The companies that are investing in Bitcoin or the exchanges that are supporting it are all doing it for their own benefits and not to make Bitcoin stronger or the best asset in the world, I don't say that Bitcoin isn't the best, it surely is, especially among all other cryptocurrencies, but when it comes to the safety of your investment, Bitcoin also has its risks.

There are other commodities or investment options out there that would keep your investment increasing over time without a decrease in its value, but Bitcoin is a volatile asset, and the value of your investment can change at any time from plus to minus and vice versa.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: ivankoh on April 04, 2023, 10:58:27 PM
Bitcoin is currently a good asset and has a huge potential to increase in value in the future.  An interesting statistic that I looked up, bitcoin is in the Top 12 good assets based on capitalization, ETH is in 34th place. (
 That shows that bitcoin can absolutely rise to the top as the asset  trillion back in the future.  But in many ways “best asset” I think there will be no such asset, the risks that come with managing and storing assets like bitcoin still bring difficulties.  However, I think bitcoin has infinite future potential in terms of value.  I personally like to accumulate bitcoin and gold as assets with long term value and growth potential

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: GeorgeJohn on April 04, 2023, 11:02:02 PM
Everyone will define bitcoin or refer bitcoin as best asset in the world due the kind of asset it venture into for investment,  so therefore I cannot refer bitcoin as best asset because it's a virtual currency, so therefore bitcoin has its own value likewise how other assets have their own value, so it depends on your ability to understand your areas of asset, example I referred landed properties kind of asset than bitcoin kind of assets and the reasons is best known to me.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: Mario Yamasaki on April 05, 2023, 04:27:36 AM
I think bitcoin has promising potential in the future, if we invest now and hold it for at least 20 years then we can become millionaires in the future, many analysts believe the price of bitcoin can reach at least $ 1 million in 10 years and some even say less than 10 years.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: Pierre 2 on April 05, 2023, 08:30:07 AM
I think that it is dear OP. Just taking a look at last 10 year performances there is literally no better asset than Bitcoin. I don't think there are stocks that could do same. Bitcoin was only challenged by another coin, Ethereum. Crypto markets are literally crazy profitable. I enjoyed every moment I experienced with Bitcoin personally. It has nearly unlimited uses. Its functional, its decentralized, its acceptable etc. Bitcoin is far better than fiat currencies and even Gold or Silver in my opinion.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: Xcode7 on April 05, 2023, 09:12:33 AM
I think that it is dear OP. Just taking a look at last 10 year performances there is literally no better asset than Bitcoin. I don't think there are stocks that could do same. Bitcoin was only challenged by another coin, Ethereum. Crypto markets are literally crazy profitable. I enjoyed every moment I experienced with Bitcoin personally. It has nearly unlimited uses. Its functional, its decentralized, its acceptable etc. Bitcoin is far better than fiat currencies and even Gold or Silver in my opinion.
if for investment I agree but if it says the best asset I disagree, not only because Bitcoin is always able to recover and create the best price then you can say this is the best asset, precisely because price movements are very volatile making it very unsafe to make asset.

We don't know what will happen to Bitcoin in the future or if we make Bitcoin an asset, of course it has a very big risk, we need it and the price of Bitcoin is dropping or other things.
so that's why I think Bitcoin is the best investment not as the best asset.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: BenCodie on April 05, 2023, 09:20:00 AM
Tell me what other currency, stock or asset started at less than $0.001 each and is now trading at over $20,000-30,000 USD with solid liquidity and increasing demand to this day? I'll wait.
Tell me what other currency, stock or asset poses as the most promising hedge against global monetary/fiat devaluation due to inflation, rising interest rates, mismanaged monetary policy and corrupt banking? Aside from gold and metals (which in my opinion, won't perform better than Bitcoin), I'll wait.

Bitcoin is the best asset. Its technology is far superior to any other form of currency. It is not controlled by a single party and yet works better than any centralized solution. It has been around for 15 years, and it will be around for 150 more. While the world goes bankrupt, Bitcoin will not.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: xSkylarx on April 05, 2023, 09:24:01 AM
Straight no because of the risk and volatility, but if we only think about virtual assets, it would be yes, but in reality, there are things like gold, real estate lands, and ETC., but this is the most famous one, and most of the rich investors are purchasing tons of it because they know the risk is low and maintainability is not that high. Though this might be my personal view, there are still others who will say yes to Bitcoin, which is true, but that is not on my top list if we are looking for assets in real life, but Bitcoin is one of my investments if I do have extra money.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: peter0425 on April 05, 2023, 09:24:46 AM
I consider Bitcoin as one of my best investment/decision in life , having this makes my life easier specially in financial aspect, but to consider this as Best asset in the world is overstatement , there are so many things to consider as best asset specially in terms of safety and assurance.
like real estate and that is one of the best reason why we can depend in many things in terms of assets .

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: Kodok Bencot on April 05, 2023, 09:32:49 AM
Many people are too excited to invest in bitcoins because they expect big profits in a short time, many people think that with bitcoin they will be successful or rich, unfortunately they only follow opinion, when they see prices going down they panic and sell bitcoin at low prices or lose, before we enter, make sure to understand the risks.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: harapan on April 05, 2023, 12:16:45 PM
Think of it this way, if you had to put all your money in a single asset, would you put it in anything but Bitcoin? I already made that decision years ago by putting just about all my money in Bitcoin. But how about you all? Where do you land on this question?

If I had to put all my money in a single asset I don't think I'll put it all in Bitcoin. I've never really thought of it this way but if I must choose one I will choose real estate. There's the high capital and maintenance issue in real estate but I feel its a relatively less riskier choice when compared to bitcoin.
The volatility rate of bitcoin is its biggest disadvantage. You are more likely to loose all your money in bitcoin than real estate. Then there's the issue of different government regulations on bitcoin and also the security problem. You are more likely to get hacked when dealing in bitcoin than real estate.

That aside, I don't think putting all your money in a single asset is such a good idea. History has taught us that there is no investment too good to fail. Try to diversify your investment.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: fzkto on April 05, 2023, 01:15:46 PM
I think bitcoin has promising potential in the future, if we invest now and hold it for at least 20 years then we can become millionaires in the future, many analysts believe the price of bitcoin can reach at least $ 1 million in 10 years and some even say less than 10 years.
No one knows what the future holds. Even if bitcoin is worth a million dollars, perhaps a better investment would be to buy a plot of land. If the world deteriorates, you can always build a house on that plot and grow your own food. For example, if there is a food crisis, which some people are talking about. Although I am sure that having some bitcoins for the future is a smart idea.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: CageMabok on April 05, 2023, 01:26:00 PM
I think bitcoin has promising potential in the future, if we invest now and hold it for at least 20 years then we can become millionaires in the future, many analysts believe the price of bitcoin can reach at least $ 1 million in 10 years and some even say less than 10 years.
That is a time that is still very far for many people to go through and if you and these experts believe in the future of Bitcoin, it means that it is good enough to believe in previous years because in the past there were also increases and decreases that have become history. for everyone who knows Bitcoin to see and remember. So there is no need to worry about Bitcoin and expect that price to be too high in the next 20 years because Bitcoin has proven a good future for many years.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: Marvell1 on April 05, 2023, 01:40:47 PM
Why not, now more and more of the world's top companies are investing in bitcoin, the support of several exchanges such as makes bitcoin more valuable and respected, almost every week I see UFC and become official sponsors for almost 3 years.
The companies that are investing in Bitcoin or the exchanges that are supporting it are all doing it for their own benefits and not to make Bitcoin stronger or the best asset in the world, I don't say that Bitcoin isn't the best, it surely is, especially among all other cryptocurrencies, but when it comes to the safety of your investment, Bitcoin also has its risks.

There are other commodities or investment options out there that would keep your investment increasing over time without a decrease in its value, but Bitcoin is a volatile asset, and the value of your investment can change at any time from plus to minus and vice versa.

No investment is both safe and highly profitable, gold or real estate is considered the safest investment but also contains potential risks. For example, holding large amounts of gold also carries the risk of being stolen or confiscated, real estate becoming worthless when your country is at war, or being damaged in the event of an earthquake or tsunami. Bitcoin is no safer than those, but its return is commensurate with the risk. The higher the risk, the better the return, I find it worth the trade-off.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: jaberwock on April 05, 2023, 05:14:10 PM
Bitcoin as the best asset in the world. Of course, but you must not forget the role of Real Estate as a companion to Bitcoin that is able to provide returns in the future. Both play an important role in investment, each investment has its own advantages and disadvantages. Bitcoin has several aspects that interest investors, but behind the advantages there are also substantial disadvantages. Bitcoin has no form, you can never hold Bitcoin with your hands because Bitcoin only exists on the internet.

Real Estate is one of the best investments for retirement and building wealth, one of the advantages of investing in Real Estate is that you can get real assets, you can see them and they can also be touched, apart from that they have intrinsic value. Real estate is also a necessity for everyone, you can make money on monthly or yearly rent. If you want to generate a steady source of income, Real Estate is the best asset for you.
I don't think it is the best asset in the world because Bitcoin is highly unstable but this feature is accepted in the world of cryptos because this is what most of them are made of so we can consider Bitcoin to be the best asset in the world of cryptos only. Real estate on the other hand is different. It is separated from Bitcoin but a person can choose to invest on both of them to have a better flow of money.

Real estate can provide stableness which protects our money for collapsing hard while the volatility of Bitcoin will help us earn quicker and massively. Real estate can still give us stable and moderate profits from time to time. Perfect if sometimes BTC is down.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: wahyuagung26 on April 05, 2023, 06:03:54 PM
Do you all consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world or do you think there are other assets with as much potential for safe long term appreciation?

The main property is Real Estate. I say enter into the category of assets that are very important and most important in digital assets, because overall and the world of Real Estate is the most important asset in a person's life, maybe after Bitcoin Real Estate follows below, and this is the fact that everyone really needs a place to live, and this is the main asset that is really needed, in my opinion about Bitcoin assets there are several different points of view, they use this asset as a multi function and one of them is their transaction as storage / savings, and a very valuable investment asset.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: ShowOff on April 05, 2023, 06:25:57 PM
I think that it is dear OP. Just taking a look at last 10 year performances there is literally no better asset than Bitcoin. I don't think there are stocks that could do same. Bitcoin was only challenged by another coin, Ethereum. Crypto markets are literally crazy profitable. I enjoyed every moment I experienced with Bitcoin personally. It has nearly unlimited uses. Its functional, its decentralized, its acceptable etc. Bitcoin is far better than fiat currencies and even Gold or Silver in my opinion.
Many people still compare bitcoin and other investment assets to see which is the best. But basically I'm also not going to argue and agree that bitcoin is the best in terms of performance, and I think history can attest to that.

Risk, of course there is risk and no investment is without risk. Bitcoin trading or investment has a risk commensurate with the return, but this risk can be minimized especially for those who really care about it. Wallet security, price volatility, adverse government regulation, and a number of other things can be considered risks, but they won't make bitcoin any worse than other investment assets.

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: Woodie on April 05, 2023, 07:14:00 PM
Do you all consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world or do you think there are other assets with as much potential for safe long term appreciation?
I dont think bitcoin is the best asset out there because performance wise you will find that from the thousands of coins out there btc is usually never among the top 10 best performing assets when exchanges release monthly numbers besides its great command to lead other coins when its bullish.

By best asset I mean potential for long term return on investment versus potential for risk. Return vs risk.

Just curious to see what people think.
Still dont see btc as best asset, altcoins win this race.

Personally I think Bitcoin is easily the best asset in the world. Ethereum is probably the second best asset in the world
But on what basis are you ranking these coins , because  this almost looks like a marketcap list  ::)

Title: Re: Do you consider Bitcoin the best asset in the world?
Post by: dragonvslinux on April 05, 2023, 08:10:36 PM
I'm not convinced it is the best asset in the world yet, but I do believe it will become it. As a reserve asset Gold is still the no.1, despite the lack of increase in value, it remains relatively stable. But if are to purely determine best asset in the form of return on investment, then despite the 2022 bear market, by many metrics Bitcoin remains the best asset in the world in terms of return on investment by far.

When discussing Bitcoin as one of the best assets I wouldn't even consider Ethereum, even if it has performed better in recent years or even since it's inception. Simply because Bitcoin is immutable and therefore stable, predictable. Ethereum, even when deflationary, remains unreliable due to the upgrades and changes in code ie hardforks that Bitcoin simply doesn't experience.

I'm still a fan and even hodler of ETH, but the difference is I recognise it's all based on utility and functionality, as opposed to Bitcoin as a reserve asset that's immutable and ultra-reliable.