Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Broly46 on April 03, 2023, 09:04:04 AM

Title: in a circus, who might be rich?
Post by: Broly46 on April 03, 2023, 09:04:04 AM
in circus there is a variety of people with their own special role, everyone working toward their own goal to make the event success. who might be rich? or everyone is equally rich?

the clown
the performer
the ticket salesmen
the flipper
the organizer
the advertiser
the animal
the audience
the scammer
the legal adviser
the ice cream salesman
the land owner of the avenue
the circus governor/planner
the ticket flipper
the economist
etc, since in circus, there is too many specialist in the event.

final verdict, btw the entire economy is not a giant circus, please do not engaged such freak.

Title: Re: in a circus, who might be rich?
Post by: cryptoknightt on April 03, 2023, 12:49:08 PM
It's true that the entire economy isn't a giant circus, perhaps all circus performers would be able to get rich equally, but what you need to know is that circus organizers are in every show. so don't forget that the above is always a bigger profit and can automatically become richer

Title: Re: in a circus, who might be rich?
Post by: Lorence.xD on April 03, 2023, 01:28:09 PM
Economy can't be compare to a circus, but you could say that some circus could be beneficial to the economy with a lot of jobs that it can make. But if you're asking me who would be rich among them all? Or they would get rich equally? All I could say is that it's possible for them to get rich equally especially if the circus have a lot of customers which can increase the revenue and income for all of them. But we all know that some positions have a huge impact to make the project happen, that's why they will get the most credits of the circus. Plus you included "the scammer" which could one of the factor that may causes them to not equally get rich. Corruption is the most toxic system that will destroy the equality of the people.

Title: Re: in a circus, who might be rich?
Post by: gantez on April 03, 2023, 01:45:41 PM
To put up a show for people to watch there are different category of people that is involved for the show to attract important people to it and which make it successful. I will mention two category of people that important people and people buying expensive ticket and tables for 4 person in the show, they get attracted by who is organizing the show and the type of the performers too, every performers have level and class and fees that they will charge the organizer. The organizer of the show and the artists or performer attract crowd of people which means more money so the large part of the money is paid to the performers. They are the people richer in circus because they collecting the higher percentage from the show.

Title: Re: in a circus, who might be rich?
Post by: naikturun on April 03, 2023, 01:54:28 PM
the person who owns the circus is the richest, you don't include him in the list, because everything there is shared only by a few percent, while the owner gets a bigger share.
same like business, you will be more rich than employee.

Title: Re: in a circus, who might be rich?
Post by: Fiatless on April 03, 2023, 05:59:16 PM
in circus there is a variety of people with their own special role, everyone working toward their own goal to make the event success. who might be rich? or everyone is equally rich?

Everyone cannot be rich in a circus. Their income might not determine if they will be poor or rich but how they use what they earn. If the dancer saves and invests wisely he might become rich. The clown might also diversify his skills by starting a business to gain extra income.
The world economy indeed is like a circus with many people performing different tasks and roles to earn to survive. You can save and invest in something profitable which can contribute to the possibility of becoming financially stable. If you depend on your salary or wages alone, then you are on your path to poverty. Engaging in different legal avenues to get multiple streams of income is also a key to wealth in society. In summary, invest and diversify to become financially independent because your pay in this economic circus will not make you rich.

Title: Re: in a circus, who might be rich?
Post by: TimeTeller on April 03, 2023, 06:10:41 PM
the person who owns the circus is the richest, you don't include him in the list, because everything there is shared only by a few percent, while the owner gets a bigger share.
same like business, you will be more rich than employee.

This is what I was looking for, don't know why the OP seems to forget the owner himself of the circus.
Without a doubt, the owner will get the bigger share of the pie when it comes to profits.
Being one of the performers on this team won't give you higher percentage of earnings more than the owner.
Unless, someone from the audience is very rich and decides to give you a very huge tip.
Just like any other business, as you said, the owner always get the bigger share.
This is understandable because he also has the biggest share of investments on this business.

Title: Re: in a circus, who might be rich?
Post by: Nwada001 on April 03, 2023, 06:30:41 PM
the person who owns the circus is the richest, you don't include him in the list, because everything there is shared only by a few percent, while the owner gets a bigger share.
same like business, you will be more rich than employee.

This is what I was looking for, don't know why the OP seems to forget the owner himself of the circus.
Without a doubt, the owner will get the bigger share of the pie when it comes to profits.
Being one of the performers on this team won't give you higher percentage of earnings more than the owner.
Unless, someone from the audience is very rich and decides to give you a very huge tip.
Just like any other business, as you said, the owner always get the bigger share.
This is understandable because he also has the biggest share of investments on this business.

Do you know that most times the organizers are also the owners of a circus?
Let us take the entertainment industries for example: The organizers most of the time are the sole owners of the event, and they also become the organizer, sometimes also part of the promoter (underground), for the set up and entrainment part, in which all the listed circuses above are hired to perform specific duties in order to make the event a success, and their payment is agreed upon at the time of contract, in which they are mostly paid a fixed salary, unless for those who only came in to hire up space and do their own personal business, which they will pay the organizers based on an agreed upon percentage, so at the end, the organizer of the event is the ultimate owner of the circle, which makes the 

Title: Re: in a circus, who might be rich?
Post by: Hispo on April 03, 2023, 06:56:19 PM
The owner of the circus would be the rich one or the one with the most money. Why?
Because,even though each person in the circus has an special duty within it, the role of the owner is simply to profit from it.

Also, to compare the economy to a circus can be really inaccurate, because a circus is not a closed system, it depends on a external inflow of money an resources. So there is a serious role which cannot be omitted: the tourists, those who "work" is to come in and spend their money.

And we all know how important is consumerism to keep the capitalist model of the economy/the market going, if there is no one to spend money, the circus disappears, so does everyone inside.

Title: Re: in a circus, who might be rich?
Post by: iv4n on April 03, 2023, 07:30:01 PM
Rule 1: There are no rules.

Rule 2: Never forget rule number one!

It's why I often say that everything is gambling, even life itself is gambling. When we place bets and we don't know the outcome it's gambling. And we all invest what we have (money, body, and soul) to earn some "cash", simply said we are trying to make something more from what we have... and some people make it, and many don't.

After all, it's life! It's not like we have many options than to keep trying to make something more with what we have. And for sure it's important the place of living... things are different for each of us. Available "markets" are different for each of us. It's hard to discuss about one's possibilities/chances without knowing all the facts.

Title: Re: in a circus, who might be rich?
Post by: Uruhara on April 03, 2023, 07:51:13 PM
if it's just a circle in the circus troupe then of course the richest is the owner of the circus itself. but if it's the total number of people present in a circus event then the richest are the spectators. because those who watch the circus are those who have money to buy tickets and they need fun so the audience dares to spend money just to have fun. and it could be that among the audience there may be very many who already have financial freedom. while their circus owners and performers are still struggling to earn money by working hard and have not yet reached the stage of financial freedom.

even in fact the audience also has an important role. that is, if a circus has no audience or the audience leaves them. then the circus will go bankrupt and will probably disband if there are no spectators who are interested in watching them. This is like a game of who is the king above the king. and the real king has always lived in the shadows. they control from behind.

Title: Re: in a circus, who might be rich?
Post by: alastantiger on April 03, 2023, 08:20:59 PM
Not all in the circus would be rich  because the economy might affect some negativity depending on how they play their roles.
Why i said so is because of how each one of them in the circus manages their inflow of income.
Several people may be involved in a particular business but only the smart ones who have extraordinary strategy, those who operate in a unique way would make more profit and be rich.

Title: Re: in a circus, who might be rich?
Post by: Casdinyard on April 03, 2023, 08:32:04 PM
In the circus, it doesn't matter who is the richest or who's splitting coins. What matters the most is if you're the one doing the balancing act, or if uou're the one who's calling the shots. I have seen and been with people who are rich financially and are able to live off well lives, but be yoked by employment, and others. I've seen people not have a dime in their person but be persuasive enough to control and lead people into however he pleases them to be.

Moral of this is that yes, the world is a circus and the economy is pretty much whatbpowers it, and we could be the richest acrobats for all I care, but we will never be the ringleader.

Title: Re: in a circus, who might be rich?
Post by: yohananaomi on April 04, 2023, 05:27:59 AM
the person who owns the circus is the richest, you don't include him in the list, because everything there is shared only by a few percent, while the owner gets a bigger share.
same like business, you will be more rich than employee.
maybe you are right, but it must be remembered that the richer are legal advisors. without important and problematic situations, they will only receive reports, but if there are problems they will work on them with additional rewards, and possibly get new clients from the winnings in the court.

Title: Re: in a circus, who might be rich?
Post by: Mauser on April 04, 2023, 06:17:07 AM
in circus there is a variety of people with their own special role, everyone working toward their own goal to make the event success. who might be rich? or everyone is equally rich?

I have no idea how a circus is structured, but I would expect that it's not a community owned circus is most cases and there will be a boss on the top. And the one on the top who manages everything and holds the most risks will likely be the richest out of the whole circus. As for the land owner of where the circus is located I don't think they make a lot of money. At least in my city the circus is always far outside near some park, the rent is not going to be high for it. Reading through your list of professions they are mostly just jobs and shouldn't be earning much more money than in another setting. Like the salesman or the performer can't be making much more money than in another venue which is not a circus. The only person that could be earning a lot would be a specialist that has a professional training, maybe when there are deadly animals like lions than get special training the handlers could more money for the risk they take.

Title: Re: in a circus, who might be rich?
Post by: woez on April 04, 2023, 06:33:03 AM
in circus there is a variety of people with their own special role, everyone working toward their own goal to make the event success. who might be rich? or everyone is equally rich?

the clown
the performer
the ticket salesmen
the flipper
the organizer
the advertiser
the animal
the audience
the scammer
the legal adviser
the ice cream salesman
the land owner of the avenue
the circus governor/planner
the ticket flipper
the economist
etc, since in circus, there is too many specialist in the event.

final verdict, btw the entire economy is not a giant circus, please do not engaged such freak.

My personal take on "In the circus, who could possibly be rich?" is not a simple matter. Individual wealth within the circus depended on their role, level of experience, and success. In addition, it is not only limited to individuals and other factors such as location and financial management also play an important role in determining wealth in a circus. As in business, the owner is usually the one who makes the most money. I guess it's true what they say, it's better to be a boss than an employee.