Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: iv4n on April 07, 2023, 07:41:09 PM

Title: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: iv4n on April 07, 2023, 07:41:09 PM
When costs go up, so do profits? That’s not how capitalism is supposed to work, but that is the recent trend. For over a year now, consumers and businesses, both in the U.S. and worldwide, have struggled with stubborn inflation. But the soaring costs haven’t prevented corporations from raking in record profits. The companies in last year’s Fortune 500 alone generated an all-time high $1.8 trillion in profit on $16.1 trillion in revenue.

‘We may be looking at the end of capitalism’: One of the world’s oldest and largest investment banks warns ‘Greedflation’ has gone too far (

Interesting article, the term "Greedflation" especially. This is the first time I come across this term and I like it. I understand that someone wants to be rich, but when is enough? Is there enough?

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: Orpichukwu on April 07, 2023, 07:55:51 PM
but when is enough? Is there enough?
There is never enough, human are driving by greed. Business men have voracious appetite, always hungry for more.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: passwordnow on April 07, 2023, 08:07:24 PM
There will be an end to all of this but we'll never know who's going to be ending up first. It could them or us, with our lives. Anyway, I believe that these all evil or what these conspiracies were actually right after all. And the government don't do anything about it and recently, just another news about OPEC limiting the supply daily and that's giving a global impact. Why these world leaders and these oligarchs can just stop it, they'll just say that they have no control on it but it seems that even before they admit that, it's obvious for everyone that there are people at the top of it that controls almost everything and just like with OPEC, they've just added another wave of an awaiting price increase a.k.a inflation.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: Ever-young on April 07, 2023, 08:27:26 PM
When costs go up, so do profits? That’s not how capitalism is supposed to work, but that is the recent trend. trillion in profit on $16.1 trillion in revenue.

Capitalism is working same way it should, their is no law that band traders from making profit, capitalism is thoroughly the system where private individuals/companies owners manage and control how goods and services are being produced, the price to which they should also be purchased.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on April 07, 2023, 08:33:55 PM
OP, I must say it's the first time I've thought about this word; I even typed it into an English dictionary, but there's no word like that. Obviously, it's self-explanatory that it's a kind of inflation that arises from human greed for more excessive profit in their businesses.

Greedflation in my country is more common among retail sellers and also some wholesalers who really want to make more profit. One of the causes of this is the lack of a price regulation union or agency among those sellers or private owners of their resources.

based on the chain of indirect distribution, which involves many intermediaries such as distributors, wholesalers, and retailers. If there are no price regulation agencies, all of the intermediaries in the chain of distribution will definitely sell at a different price, at which they will earn a higher profit.

In my country, there is the PPPRA (petroleum products pricing regulation agency) and also other agencies and a smaller union for price regulation, which makes sure that all wholesalers are not selling with greed but in a profitable amount based on their costs. Despite having these agencies, there are still some products or businesses in my country that don't have them, and those businesses are prone to greedflation, and all retailers and whole sellers are just selling at different prices that they wish to.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: Gyfts on April 07, 2023, 08:40:48 PM
Albert Edwards, a self proclaimed "global strategist" or just an outright socialist opining on economic matters in which he will conflate his own political opinions in place of objective economic principles.

"Greedflation" is a myth. 2020-2021 saw trillions of dollars of new currency injected into the economy causing demand to rise. With demand rising and limited supply, prices will go up.

And we know that because the producers price index dramatically rose in 2020 following the COVID spending spree and lockdowns of almost every major economy in the world:

For "greedflation" to actually exist, it would require there to be a large disconnect between the cost of raw materials and the final end sale price to the consumer. Even the ratio of raw material costs and final sale price would not be an accurate reflection of "greed" because it's possible for company to make the same amount of profit if the cost to manufacture/sell goods increases. Most of 2020-2021, the government would subsidize unemployment so it created an artificial labor shortage, only compounding the problem.

You might ask yourself why it was that corporations became greedy in 2021 oppose to any other year. Surely it could not be because of incompetent government spending/money printing. Albert Edwards is deflecting government recklessness and targeting capitalism as if it was capitalism that dictated COVID policy. Lockdowns are and social welfare states are anti-capitalistic.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: un_rank on April 07, 2023, 08:41:27 PM
It is a curious circumstance. Businesses which are worth billions and trillions of dollars would not be willing to take any losses when inflation kicks in and would either push a price increase on the customers, drop the quality of their product to reduce the cost of production and some overhead cost (like laying off workers and overworking the rest).

The way I see it, a multi-billion dollar company can more easily cushion a drop in profits than the majority of the customers. Greedflation is a fitting word to describe the incessant craving for more profit.

There are a few companies that made little to no adjustments to prices to accommodate inflation, but they are very few in comparison with those that did.

- Jay -

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: arallmuus on April 07, 2023, 08:43:52 PM
Interesting article, the term "Greedflation" especially. This is the first time I come across this term and I like it. I understand that someone wants to be rich, but when is enough? Is there enough?

Isnt this actually better though. If companies can keep this up that means there is abundance of demands for their product which is better than shortage of demands because that would lead to other various stuff however we all know that inflation is pretty much the beginning of recession so the after effect of any inflation would be devastating at some point

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: serjent05 on April 07, 2023, 08:59:07 PM
Greed is a human nature.  People are always aiming for greater heights upon reaching their goals.  People may see the bad side of capitalization but it will never cease because the power belongs to the wealthy.  No matter how factful the article is presenting the statistics, the government can only abide to the likes of these wealthy people unless the kind of government is shifted to dictatorship and alike, this kind of system will continue to exist.

OP, I must say it's the first time I've thought about this word; I even typed it into an English dictionary, but there's no word like that. Obviously, it's self-explanatory that it's a kind of inflation that arises from human greed for more excessive profit in their businesses.

Greedflation in my country is more common among retail sellers and also some wholesalers who really want to make more profit. One of the causes of this is the lack of a price regulation union or agency among those sellers or private owners of their resources.

based on the chain of indirect distribution, which involves many intermediaries such as distributors, wholesalers, and retailers. If there are no price regulation agencies, all of the intermediaries in the chain of distribution will definitely sell at a different price, at which they will earn a higher profit.

In my country, there is the PPPRA (petroleum products pricing regulation agency) and also other agencies and a smaller union for price regulation, which makes sure that all wholesalers are not selling with greed but in a profitable amount based on their costs. Despite having these agencies, there are still some products or businesses in my country that don't have them, and those businesses are prone to greedflation, and all retailers and whole sellers are just selling at different prices that they wish to.

In my country even with price regulation, huge companies are still free to dictate their pricing especially when they monopolize the industry.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on April 07, 2023, 09:08:06 PM (

Why are groceries or food items much more expensive?

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: Nwada001 on April 07, 2023, 09:11:19 PM
Yea, that's the world we find ourselves in now. Something that seems like a disadvantage to others is now an opportunity to entrepreneurs who want to make good use of every chance that they get. This is less common among retailers and more common among producers.

Let's say for instance they usually buy production material for about $5 after production process they sell at $7 - all there expenses.  Now if the price of goods for production increases to $6, they will not just want to increase the goods' price by adding $1 to it, but they will use that opportunity to double the price from $7; you see, when production cost was $5, what you will then see is $8–10; that's in all the products. They won't just decrease the percentage of the added amount, but they will increase the total cost of goods by adding the additional amount to each of them with the claim for production cost increase. This has been the nature of business for the past year, and when producers are making all high gains, distributors will continue from there, and then whole sellers follow by becoming retailers. It's just business as usual for them.

Even with a regulatory body as @Dr.btc has suggested, it won't still stop the price hike. Because when an opposing body is raised, those entrepreneurs also raise an association that will go against this body in favor of their own interests with claims that those bodies don't actually know what's happening in the market and as such they can't impose a sales price on a particular good. The best they can do is come to an arrangement for everyone to get the same selling amount on all products, with no one selling less or more.

We never really know when this will all end because, if there is one thing I understand about markets, when prices are racing up, it's hard for them to bring them back down because they have tested all the good profit.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: Captain Corporate on April 07, 2023, 09:46:51 PM
The system is built in a way that if one company made 16 billion in profit one year, and 1 billion the next year, there will be some questions asked and possibly even change of the board as well to make sure it never happens again. Which means that companies need to grow constantly, if they make 16 billion this year, they need to make at least %5 more than that next year. This can't go on forever, by logic they would have to just take ALL of our money. This is why the system doesn't work, specially during inflation years because money loses value so they need to make record breaking profits to say they beat inflation rate. Its just not a possible method to continue for too long.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: suzanne5223 on April 07, 2023, 10:06:45 PM
Honestly, we are living in a world where corporations are manipulating their workers and consumer and this is the scenario, Senator Bernie Sanders and his team are battling for the last couple of months with companies like the largest producer of eggs in the US, Starbucks, Moderna, Youtube Music, etc.
If the corporation's executives continue swimming in billions of dollars while making things hard for their workers and the consumer we may see the end of capitalism soon.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: hatshepsut93 on April 07, 2023, 11:44:19 PM
This is very interesting, did the researchers find the cause of these anomalous profit margins? According to theory, the company that lowers the prices will have more sales and will capture larger market share. Unless all market participants conspire to keep the prices high. Is that what's happening right now?

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: STT on April 07, 2023, 11:51:33 PM
The end of capitalism is when we mistook central bank issuance of currency as valid, its obviously misdirected and compromised by politics on a regular basis.   The value of currency is given to essentially serve the ongoing deficit fiscal spending and continual debt of a central government.  Every person in the country is worse off when the currency they earned yesterday, last week, month or year become worth less through no fault of their own.    Capital with the people not a central bank, its quite clear the central banking system we have is not reliable in maintaining value so the common worker every year is worse off.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: Sarah Azhari on April 08, 2023, 04:00:13 AM
Interesting article, the term "Greedflation" especially. This is the first time I come across this term and I like it. I understand that someone wants to be rich, but when is enough? Is there enough?
the concept they use behind it is economic growth, they always use that word ("economic growth") for all purposes of deception like printing money, or fiat. because the fiat circulation supply is out of control then there is inflation. Greedflation is happening after they print money for stimulus strategy but they didn't think of the effect after.

I don't surprise the next time there will be new words besides Greedflation, maybe the next viral is Whalesflation.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: Poker Player on April 08, 2023, 04:24:08 AM
‘We may be looking at the end of capitalism’: One of the world’s oldest and largest investment banks warns ‘Greedflation’ has gone too far (

In other words, a communist economist, of which there are some, predicts the end of capitalism as Marx did more than 150 years ago, just before the very system he criticized so much gave way to the highest levels of development and welfare of mankind. A little earlier, another enlightened man, Malthus, also predicted the catastrophe due to the fact that humans were supposedly growing in geometric progression while humans were growing in arithmetic progression.

The result today is that there are almost 8 billion people living on earth, compared to 1 billion in 1800. That hunger in the world has been drastically reduced and that in most of the poor countries where half a century ago people were starving, today they have an obesity problem.

Communist economists like this one don't want to learn that companies can be as greedy as they want, that if they are too greedy it backfires on them, but just his predicting the end of capitalism for the umpteenth time should make us think.

Why are groceries or food items much more expensive?

It's not so much that prices are going up as that money is worth less and less.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: adaseb on April 08, 2023, 04:56:21 AM
It’s happening because people are actually paying these high prices. Look at cars. The average cost of a car is $50K and not only that but there are marks up or mandatory add ons which the dealer adds. Then there is interests rates. So a $50K car is like $1000 a month for 5-6 years.

You would think they would lower prices because it’s too expensive. But guess what . People are actually paying these prices and the dealers and auto makers basically will keep doing what works to make money.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: Strongkored on April 08, 2023, 05:02:46 AM
Looking for information on the internet about greedflation but being directed to gradation so this is not a common word for people so they don't really understand what it means except reading the article that Op includes
Never been enough, that's what humans always feel, especially a company controlled by capitalists. They never even think about whether people will still be able to buy their products because capitalists believe price increases will be followed by other things so that people can still afford to buy products. Capitalists will not reduce profit margins just because they want their product to be purchased more and more, for them they stick to their rules with a predetermined profit margin if the product is not selling well they will choose to waste it because contributing to society is not the main goal of capitalists, but taking as much profit as possible is the main focus.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: karmamiu on April 08, 2023, 05:19:47 AM
Interesting article, the term "Greedflation" especially. This is the first time I come across this term and I like it. I understand that someone wants to be rich, but when is enough? Is there enough?
the concept they use behind it is economic growth, they always use that word ("economic growth") for all purposes of deception like printing money, or fiat. because the fiat circulation supply is out of control then there is inflation. Greedflation is happening after they print money for stimulus strategy but they didn't think of the effect after.

I don't surprise the next time there will be new words besides Greedflation, maybe the next viral is Whalesflation.
Hahahaha that's an interesting word to be added next to the dictionary  ;D. Anyway, they kept using those words "economic growth" or something similar to lure people into saving more money or for them to actually sold out all those money like they are offering some kind of valuable treasure. They wanted people to think that more money means more influence. It is partially true that someone who has more money has more influence and more power over the other, that is when the term "greed" enters, since both parties wants the authority and influence, they will keep competing without thinking what trap they have fallen into. It just feels like a game that only those boss monsters are fighting while those low-level players (average income to low income) get affected and suffers tremendously.

Even if what I have said is just my own speculation, there's no need to see the proofs to notice what our society has become because of that competition, and I am sure that you guys have noticed that too.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: Fiatless on April 08, 2023, 07:48:14 AM
When costs go up, so do profits? That’s not how capitalism is supposed to work, but that is the recent trend. For over a year now, consumers and businesses, both in the U.S. and worldwide, have struggled with stubborn inflation. But the soaring costs haven’t prevented corporations from raking in record profits. The companies in last year’s Fortune 500 alone generated an all-time high $1.8 trillion in profit on $16.1 trillion in revenue.

‘We may be looking at the end of capitalism’: One of the world’s oldest and largest investment banks warns ‘Greedflation’ has gone too far (

Interesting article, the term "Greedflation" especially. This is the first time I come across this term and I like it. I understand that someone wants to be rich, but when is enough? Is there enough?
Greedflation!!!!!! I like this concept because this is indeed the current happening in the global economy. These multinationals are milking the people dry. In my country, there is a massive increase in the cost of goods and many businesses are closing down because of high running costs. The government agencies that regulate the price of goods should control this price by monitoring the rate at which these firms increase the price of goods.

This concept shouldn't be linked only to countries in the US, Canada, or Europe but the OPEC+ members. These countries have kept using the war in Ukraine and sanctions on Russia and Iran to rack in huge profits to the detriment of the masses. Saudi Arabia and other oil-producing nations are making so much money and they want to ensure the price remains high by cutting production.

The Saudi Arabian Oil Company (“Aramco” or “the Company”) today announced its full-year 2022 financial results, reporting a record net income of $161.1 billion — its highest annual profits as a listed company. Aramco also declared a fourth quarter dividend of $19.5 billion, to be paid in the first quarter of 2023.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: iv4n on April 08, 2023, 09:38:32 AM
The result today is that there are almost 8 billion people living on earth, compared to 1 billion in 1800. That hunger in the world has been drastically reduced and that in most of the poor countries where half a century ago people were starving, today they have an obesity problem.

Communist economists like this one don't want to learn that companies can be as greedy as they want, that if they are too greedy it backfires on them, but just his predicting the end of capitalism for the umpteenth time should make us think.

I think we will agree that in 1800 the world was much cleaner, in contrast to modern times, where garbage is everywhere around us, rising over our heads slowly, and we eat totally unhealthy food that comes "from who knows where"... and there are many other "modern global problems" that didn't exist 200 years ago.

With this article, I wanted to point out "Greedlation", not the story about the end of capitalism. I guess nothing lasts forever, and capitalism will have some end eventually. Do we need some big catastrophe that will force the world to change, as it usually happens, or will we do something before that?

I definitely think we need something new, at the moment exploiting world resources and not paying attention to pollution and all other negative effects caused by "chasing profit by all means" will backfire on all of us.

Severn Cullis-Suzuki at Rio Summit 1992 - (

And where are we 30 years later?

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: Orpichukwu on April 08, 2023, 02:03:41 PM
It's not so much that prices are going up as that money is worth less and less.

That's the price of items is determined by the value of the fiat. If the fiat is worth lower than what it usually was, then the price of the item will be major equalivant to the value of the fiat .
Let's take for instance, 1 USD = 1 BUSD before, if it happens that 1USD= 1.1BUSD the value of anything purchase using the BUSD will no longer be thesame the purchasing power will decrease and, which will make price of goods increase in other to meet up the value reduction

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: kaseygriffin on April 08, 2023, 02:42:07 PM
(...)I understand that someone wants to be rich, but when is enough? Is there enough?
IMO, this depends entirely on the individual and their views on money and wealth. Some people may think that just enough to cover their daily lives and invest for the future is enough, while others may want to earn more money to achieve their personal goals and dreams. However, it should be noted that money is not everything in life and cannot buy happiness and satisfaction. If you always focus on making money and ignore more important things like family, friends, health, and life experiences, you may miss out on the most important things in life.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: concept2 on April 08, 2023, 03:38:53 PM
When costs go up, so do profits? That’s not how capitalism is supposed to work, but that is the recent trend. For over a year now, consumers and businesses, both in the U.S. and worldwide, have struggled with stubborn inflation. But the soaring costs haven’t prevented corporations from raking in record profits. The companies in last year’s Fortune 500 alone generated an all-time high $1.8 trillion in profit on $16.1 trillion in revenue.

‘We may be looking at the end of capitalism’: One of the world’s oldest and largest investment banks warns ‘Greedflation’ has gone too far (

Interesting article, the term "Greedflation" especially. This is the first time I come across this term and I like it. I understand that someone wants to be rich, but when is enough? Is there enough?
Yo, dude! Your comment is so deep! It's like the whole "money, money, money" thing is totally messing with the whole "capitalism" idea. The term "Greedflation" is pretty wild, right? Makes you think, can't we just chill out a bit and not obsess over profit? Maybe we need to ask some real philosophical questions here, ya feel me? Is it time to switch from profit to people? But then again, do these big corporations even care? I'm not too convinced, ya know?

Let's not get all serious and stuff, how 'bout we whip up a brand spankin' new term, "Laughflation," to give "Greedflation" the finger? We can share some laughs and good vibes while we're at it, and tackle this whole excessive greed thing head on. You down for that? I mean, it's totally a knee-slapper and super friendly, right?

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: jrrsparkles on April 08, 2023, 03:53:43 PM
Some sectors gained demand especially due to covid and it continues there after so especially companies related to medicine is making more profits and also with the inflation the numbers are getting huge where as other sectors dumped which are in the recovery phase at the moment.

Anyway no matter how much money they are making they will be interested in making more because we don't know how the future will be so the capitalism is still the successful model which makes rich gets richer but allows anyone with the potential and skill can reach that status.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: kryptqnick on April 08, 2023, 04:11:56 PM
The fact that the gap between the poor and the wealthy is getting bigger is honestly outrageous to me. I thought it wasn't real until perhaps several years ago because I believed that, surely, the world was making progress toward becoming a more egalitarian place. That the corporations are recording top profits when the majority is suffering is among the indicators of this gap. I actually wouldn't mind seeing the end of capitalism, as long as there's a better system to replace it. But I suppose a more realistic approach is seeking for a better fusion of capitalism and socialism, so that becoming rich and earning profit remains possible BUT there's also a really strong social welfare system financed by the richest people which should become bigger and bigger to narrow the gap. As for greedflation, we just need to outlaw it, so that everyone suffers at least proportionately equally.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: Merit.s on April 08, 2023, 04:28:29 PM
Greedflation has being a big problem all over the world in excuse of covid-19 pandemic and the ongoing war in Ukraine. My country is a third world country and greedflation has eaten up the bones of companies that even when the price of raw materials reduces,producers and companies still maintain their sales price instead of bringing it down,leaving the citizens to suffer for their greedy actions and they put the blame on inflation. I have being lamenting on this but no one seems to understand the danger that greedflation will be in the economy and the citizens themselves. In my country if the price of certain commodity goes up,it will hardly come down with 1% even though the cause of the hike in price on that commodity has been tackled. For instance,in my country the cost of petroleum products will go high,when it is scarce due to one crisis or the other. This is what do cause the price of commodities to go high, but even after there is abundant of petroleum products and the price has gone back to the normal price before scarcity, this producers and wholesalers will still stick to the new price which they have increased it to when there was scarcity of petroleum product.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: Oceat on April 08, 2023, 09:58:21 PM
(...)I understand that someone wants to be rich, but when is enough? Is there enough?
IMO, this depends entirely on the individual and their views on money and wealth. Some people may think that just enough to cover their daily lives and invest for the future is enough, while others may want to earn more money to achieve their personal goals and dreams. However, it should be noted that money is not everything in life and cannot buy happiness and satisfaction. If you always focus on making money and ignore more important things like family, friends, health, and life experiences, you may miss out on the most important things in life.
There's nothing wrong if you want to be rich since it's a satisfaction to the others so that they can buy what they want anytime. But just like what you said there are things that money can't buy like feelings, friends, and health, but without money or lack of enough money won't get you far away in life either.

So the question when is enough is subjective IMO since not everyone of us have the same goal but when there's a greed attached to your ambition that's the time enough never existed in your life.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: Baofeng on April 08, 2023, 10:53:42 PM
When costs go up, so do profits? That’s not how capitalism is supposed to work, but that is the recent trend. For over a year now, consumers and businesses, both in the U.S. and worldwide, have struggled with stubborn inflation. But the soaring costs haven’t prevented corporations from raking in record profits. The companies in last year’s Fortune 500 alone generated an all-time high $1.8 trillion in profit on $16.1 trillion in revenue.

‘We may be looking at the end of capitalism’: One of the world’s oldest and largest investment banks warns ‘Greedflation’ has gone too far (

Interesting article, the term "Greedflation" especially. This is the first time I come across this term and I like it. I understand that someone wants to be rich, but when is enough? Is there enough?

It's different when corporations wanted to get rich by selling their stuff to their consumers at a high price with cheap labor. But it's different when corporations are taking advantage of an event, i.e. pandemic, wars, to increased their prices and to make a lot of profits out of it. And that's what currently is happening in corporate America or even some in Europe.

And the bad side of it, specially if inflation are going to continue let's say in the next 5-10 years, this "Greedflation' could lead to a huge in balance and obviously make life hard to average joe who are just living from their week to week paycheck in order to survived. Let's give a example, you to go grocery and you see the price is too high and you can't afford it. So what's going to happen?

This has to stop, and the government need to step up to control the prices.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: Sarah Azhari on April 09, 2023, 02:25:15 AM
Interesting article, the term "Greedflation" especially. This is the first time I come across this term and I like it. I understand that someone wants to be rich, but when is enough? Is there enough?
the concept they use behind it is economic growth, they always use that word ("economic growth") for all purposes of deception like printing money, or fiat. because the fiat circulation supply is out of control then there is inflation. Greedflation is happening after they print money for stimulus strategy but they didn't think of the effect after.

I don't surprise the next time there will be new words besides Greedflation, maybe the next viral is Whalesflation.
Hahahaha that's an interesting word to be added next to the dictionary  ;D. Anyway, they kept using those words "economic growth" or something similar to lure people into saving more money or for them to actually sold out all those money like they are offering some kind of valuable treasure. They wanted people to think that more money means more influence. It is partially true that someone who has more money has more influence and more power over the other, that is when the term "greed" enters, since both parties wants the authority and influence, they will keep competing without thinking what trap they have fallen into. It just feels like a game that only those boss monsters are fighting while those low-level players (average income to low income) get affected and suffers tremendously.

Even if what I have said is just my own speculation, there's no need to see the proofs to notice what our society has become because of that competition, and I am sure that you guys have noticed that too.
All this story is mastered by the richest fiat people in the world. We can't argue it if only talk and give the theory without action.
No one out dares except satoshi. But, even has gone, he left something valuable called Bitcoin. There are main weaknesses that fiat has when didn't have underlying again by gold, because the government always prints money they want, then inflation comes, who is dare?, of course, the government but, still the government is always controlled by Whales (Whalesflation) who speculate in it, and made rich themself.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: michellee on April 09, 2023, 06:20:46 AM
(...)I understand that someone wants to be rich, but when is enough? Is there enough?
IMO, this depends entirely on the individual and their views on money and wealth. Some people may think that just enough to cover their daily lives and invest for the future is enough, while others may want to earn more money to achieve their personal goals and dreams. However, it should be noted that money is not everything in life and cannot buy happiness and satisfaction. If you always focus on making money and ignore more important things like family, friends, health, and life experiences, you may miss out on the most important things in life.
There's nothing wrong if you want to be rich since it's a satisfaction to the others so that they can buy what they want anytime. But just like what you said there are things that money can't buy like feelings, friends, and health, but without money or lack of enough money won't get you far away in life either.

So the question when is enough is subjective IMO since not everyone of us have the same goal but when there's a greed attached to your ambition that's the time enough never existed in your life.
There is no word enough to be rich because if someone has a lot of wealth, he wants more wealth and that is natural because the desire to collect more money will arise when we have succeeded in getting money.

I agree that there are things that money can't buy so we have to realize that, at that point, money is of no use at all. We just hope that with money, we can make ends meet and with friends and family, we can feel happy and enjoy life.

And when greed comes to you, you have to be able to overcome it. Otherwise, you will never have enough of what you have because you want more.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: Fortify on April 09, 2023, 06:54:14 AM
When costs go up, so do profits? That’s not how capitalism is supposed to work, but that is the recent trend. For over a year now, consumers and businesses, both in the U.S. and worldwide, have struggled with stubborn inflation. But the soaring costs haven’t prevented corporations from raking in record profits. The companies in last year’s Fortune 500 alone generated an all-time high $1.8 trillion in profit on $16.1 trillion in revenue.

‘We may be looking at the end of capitalism’: One of the world’s oldest and largest investment banks warns ‘Greedflation’ has gone too far (

Interesting article, the term "Greedflation" especially. This is the first time I come across this term and I like it. I understand that someone wants to be rich, but when is enough? Is there enough?

In reality, while companies might be taking advantage at times, this stems from failed central bank policies and the politicians that enabled them. If we step back to the financial crisis of 2008, the US and then European governments ended up pushing interest rates down massively to encourage lending. That worked fine at the time, but in the last 10 years the economy had already recovered and these super low rates stayed in place. If the central banks had been responsible, they would have slowly notched the rates back up to discourage over borrowing and being reckless with the vast swathes of money that were sloshing around. Now it's the general public getting screwed because they are hiking them so fast to counteract inflation.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: davis196 on April 09, 2023, 10:35:13 AM
When costs go up, so do profits? That’s not how capitalism is supposed to work, but that is the recent trend. For over a year now, consumers and businesses, both in the U.S. and worldwide, have struggled with stubborn inflation. But the soaring costs haven’t prevented corporations from raking in record profits. The companies in last year’s Fortune 500 alone generated an all-time high $1.8 trillion in profit on $16.1 trillion in revenue.

‘We may be looking at the end of capitalism’: One of the world’s oldest and largest investment banks warns ‘Greedflation’ has gone too far (

Interesting article, the term "Greedflation" especially. This is the first time I come across this term and I like it. I understand that someone wants to be rich, but when is enough? Is there enough?

It's a well known fact for decades that inflation makes the rich richer and the poor poorer.
Should we expect that the companies are going to lower their profit margins just because there's an inflation and the prices are doing up?
Maybe there are cartel agreements and the forces of market competition are failing at lowering the prices. There's no significant drop in market demand, even though the prices are doing up. This means that the people have enough money to cover their bigger expenses. This is the result of the "helicopter money" policies and the stimulus checks in the last 3 years. Inflation will go down, only when the recession strikes.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: so98nn on April 09, 2023, 03:56:55 PM
However, the greed is not always to have more. We have families to feed and certainly we all know that each year government and big institutional firms will raise the cost of living, daily need stuff, raw materials and bank interests and what not. This will be done to correct the income of government in the name of running the nation properly. They have to take care of various government schemes, pensions, research and military funds and what not.

The problem is, Money comes from the tax payers like you and me. In turn, the cost goes up, we pay more taxes and that’s why WE start running behind more money.

At least that could help us live a normal lifestyle. That’s the greed but they have defined it in most rugged way possible.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: darkangel11 on April 09, 2023, 04:35:49 PM
I agree with what they're saying here, the corporations were using covid as a justification to raise prices and force their medicine down our throats and now governments and corporations are using the war in the same way. Their reasoning is simple - rise energy prices and tell people it's because we don't have enough green energy and we all have to contribute to build this new, green world, with less greenhouse gasses and all that.

When the war broke out gasoline prices went up and reached prices unseen before, but when the price of crude oil dropped these fuel prices did not! They were still stealing from us keeping prices high because they saw that people could afford it. If they increased by 30% and we still kept buying it's money making time ladies and gents, until there's protests or the sales drop the prices will stay high.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: stompix on April 09, 2023, 06:32:31 PM
‘We may be looking at the end of capitalism’

Lol, this non-sense never stops.
Some morons out there still don't understand that capitalism has nothing to do with politics, with banks with anything else, capitalism works even without banks, it has worked like that in the stone age, in the bronze age in the dark ages and it will work and continue to haunt all these wanna be socialist till the end of humanity.
Every single other alternative has to be imposed, has to be enforced by a multitude of never-ending laws and regulations till it goes down in flames taking down the entire economy and the people enforcing it with it. How many times does this need to happen to finally understand that you will first need to brainwash and lobotomized every single person in this world for capitalism to be gone?

And lately, this thing is getting frustrating!
How and why in the name of god are we even discussing here the end of capitalism when the whole idea of bitcoin, all the deals that happen on this forum, and all the businesses that start here and promote themselves are a product of capitalism and a free market?

I think we will agree that in 1800 the world was much cleaner, in contrast to modern times, where garbage is everywhere around us, rising over our heads slowly, and we eat totally unhealthy food that comes "from who knows where"... and there are many other "modern global problems" that didn't exist 200 years ago.

Yeah, everyone was burning coal and wood, there were basically no drugs to combat any epidemics, there was no food safety whatsoever, the life expectancy was around 40 years, and you know what childmortality looked like?
The child mortality rate in the United States, for children under the age of five, was 462.9 deaths per thousand births in 1800.
So basically for you to have two kids reaching adolescence you would have to be ready to bury at least two at birth.

And no garbage? Lol!
Do you know how toilets and sewage worked in cities in 1800 and 1700? Oh wait, they didn't!

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: iv4n on April 09, 2023, 08:12:47 PM

I was wondering if you would leave a comment... :)

I don't wish to cut your post, I will answer in a different way...
- You started with the title of the article... as I pointed out "the end of capitalism" is not the point, but you made some good remarks, and I guess this is some kind of conclusion:

How many times does this need to happen to finally understand that you will first need to brainwash and lobotomized every single person in this world for capitalism to be gone?

I agree and it's because the fact is that we all want more. But I guess you missed my question, when is enough? Because of that "more money, more profit," we had/have too many casualties... who cares about nature, about the people? Does it matter when profit is higher... ;)

The Guardian has reported on new research showing that in one year, a single large container ship can emit cancer and asthma-causing pollutants equivalent to that of 50 million cars.

- Yes I am aware of child mortality in the past, it's why people had many kids in the past (+5), they knew that some kids will not survive. That transition in Serbia came a bit later than in Europe for example. My Grandparents had +5 brothers and sisters, even some of their brothers and sisters couldn't make it. I still remember the summers spent in the village with them... my children don't have a village, and probably won't swim in the streams, rivers, and lakes where I swam +20 years ago. They will not be able to experience that as I did...

- I know about the sewage problems that all big cities had, believe it or not, some still have them... even in the 21st century! Even before that, in the time of castles, there were no toilets, where did the elite defecate? Tourists write that the stench is still felt, I wouldn't know, I haven't been and I don't plan to.

Some things are just not right... where is this "Greedflation" leading this world and all of us with it?

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: stompix on April 09, 2023, 08:52:23 PM
I was wondering if you would leave a comment... Smiley

When I see a chorus like this not understanding basic economic concepts and clapping their hand in full hate against a concept they are actually embracing while posting here on the same forum I needed to slap a bit of reality on some!

I agree and it's because the fact is that we all want more. But I guess you missed my question, when is enough? Because of that "more money, more profit," we had/have too many casualties... who cares about nature, about the people? Does it matter when profit is higher... ;)

So, when are enough coins and enough profits made from BTC for you? Have you put a label and a quota on your plans also?  ;)
Do you plan on quitting once you have enough and never search for profits again? Or...are you going to answer honestly on this one?  ;D
Because you see, there is one huge difference between preaching this madness and actually being the one doing what your preach, and this is the annoying part, everyone has an idea of how others should live but god help if they should make such a radical change.
Communism at its best, everyone should be equal, but not me!

The Guardian has reported on new research showing that in one year, a single large container ship can emit cancer and asthma-causing pollutants equivalent to that of 50 million cars.

The Guardian is a leftist piece of toilet paper that stopped being credible a decade ago, I wonder why they keep printing that since we should have all died already

- Yes I am aware of child mortality in the past
- I know about the sewage problems that all big cities had, believe it or not, some still have them...

So why did you bring it into the conversation earlier?
Would you love to live like in 1800? Or would you love to see others living like that?

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: iv4n on April 09, 2023, 09:36:15 PM
When I see a chorus like this not understanding basic economic concepts and clapping their hand in full hate against a concept they are actually embracing while posting here on the same forum I needed to slap a bit of reality on some!
I am not sure did you read what I wrote, or do you judge by all posts... I am a bit confused here.

So, when are enough coins and enough profits made from BTC for you? Have you put a label and a quota on your plans also?  ;)
Do you plan on quitting once you have enough and never search for profits again? Or...are you going to answer honestly on this one?  ;D
Because you see, there is one huge difference between preaching this madness and actually being the one doing what your preach, and this is the annoying part, everyone has an idea of how others should live but god help if they should make such a radical change.
Communism at its best, everyone should be equal, but not me!

Well, believe it or not, I already have that math in my head. $500k and I am on pension! I could achieve it with Bitcoins and many other alts (I am here for a long time), but I missed many big things because I wanted to live... and gamble. :) We can go deeper into that and when I give it a thought it's pretty funny... but in the meantime, I got married, got kids, and all that goes along... Now it's even harder for me to understand how can some people do so horrible things to kids around the world... just for more profit.

I am not preaching any madness... I saw a new term that made me think. "Greedflation", to repeat it again. And I saw it as a global problem... Therefore quotation from Guardian. Big corporations with their "crazy big vehicles" of any kind are making a lot of pollution! They are digging and digging... moving mountains... and let's not get into what they are doing to people, maybe more important to kids along the way. Even now in the 21st century, let's not go into the past about it. Do you really think it's the right path!?  

So why did you bring it into the conversation earlier?
Would you love to live like in 1800? Or would you love to see others living like that?

Again, take a better look. It's not me who brought up "1800s" in conversation...

No, I wouldn't want to live in that time. And I don't live in that time... something we can't say for many others who are stuck in the middle ages. You are good with words, you push your thoughts and cunningly avoid answering the questions... Like some politicians. :)

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: stompix on April 10, 2023, 07:35:28 PM
I am not sure did you read what I wrote, or do you judge by all posts... I am a bit confused here.

Yeah, I read it all, I'm just preemptively closing any doors!  ;D

Well, believe it or not, I already have that math in my head. $500k and I am on pension!

Nothing to not believe, I have the math too, but this is the thing, it's my math, and it won't work for everyone, just like yours is.
Let's run the numbers quick.
500k per person, 8 billion people, that would make 40quadrillion, about 60 times the current global wealth so if every one of us gets that much you either have to produce enough houses, commercial estate, cars, electronics, and everything to compensate for this wealth or a used 2002 golf would go for $200k.
We've seen already how it works to have money and not products, demand, and offers have already shown us what's next so no need to linger on this aspect, and move to the next..

Big corporations with their "crazy big vehicles" of any kind are making a lot of pollution! They are digging and digging... moving mountains... and let's not get into what they are doing to people, maybe more important to kids along the way. Even now in the 21st century, let's not go into the past about it. Do you really think it's the right path!?

And how do you plan on generating the same wealth for half of the population to achieve at least the same levels as Eastern Europe?
There is only one way, the same way Europe and North America and part of Asia were doing and are doing it, by producing stuff, building houses, creating jobs, so...moving mountains!
It might not be the right path, but I can assure you of one thing, it's the only one that doesn't lead to complete poverty for eveyone.

Again, take a better look. It's not me who brought up "1800s" in conversation...

Hmm, I might have been half wrong on this one you didn't bring up 1800 up but you defended it, so let's split the fault here.

I think we will agree that in 1800 the world was much cleaner, in contrast to modern times, where garbage is everywhere around us, rising over our heads slowly, and we eat totally unhealthy food that comes "from who knows where"... and there are many other "modern global problems" that didn't exist 200 years ago.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: Theones on April 10, 2023, 07:52:55 PM
I agree with what they're saying here, the corporations were using covid as a justification to raise prices and force their medicine down our throats and now governments and corporations are using the war in the same way. Their reasoning is simple - rise energy prices and tell people it's because we don't have enough green energy and we all have to contribute to build this new, green world, with less greenhouse gasses and all that.

When the war broke out gasoline prices went up and reached prices unseen before, but when the price of crude oil dropped these fuel prices did not! They were still stealing from us keeping prices high because they saw that people could afford it. If they increased by 30% and we still kept buying it's money making time ladies and gents, until there's protests or the sales drop the prices will stay high.
When greed become lust - it is very harmful.
People are getting greedy day by day
I have always met people who are greedy- who try to get your money by hook or crook. This world is a tortuous  place with the every passing day

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: DrBeer on April 11, 2023, 07:58:15 AM
When costs go up, so do profits? That’s not how capitalism is supposed to work, but that is the recent trend. For over a year now, consumers and businesses, both in the U.S. and worldwide, have struggled with stubborn inflation. But the soaring costs haven’t prevented corporations from raking in record profits. The companies in last year’s Fortune 500 alone generated an all-time high $1.8 trillion in profit on $16.1 trillion in revenue.

‘We may be looking at the end of capitalism’: One of the world’s oldest and largest investment banks warns ‘Greedflation’ has gone too far (

Interesting article, the term "Greedflation" especially. This is the first time I come across this term and I like it. I understand that someone wants to be rich, but when is enough? Is there enough?

If a person starts with the slogans "the end of capitalism" or "everything, the whole world refuses the dollar" - this is typical populism, behind which there is nothing but an empty desire to attract attention to oneself.
Inflation is a natural process, it was and will be in monetary philosophy. This is neither bad nor good. It `s naturally. The question is how high this inflation is. It's like the body's pressure - it exists, and you can't do without it, but there is a normal level of pressure, for example, it is increased after physical exertion, and there is a critical one caused by illness. So it is with inflation - for the last 4 years the world economy has experienced a lot of stress (read diseases) and, of course, there are consequences, in the form of inflation. But in countries with normal economies, this process will be leveled out in the near future, and this applies to countries whose economy is based on capitalism. But countries with a "socialist" or anti-capitalist concept are likely to continue to bear the burden of inflation

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: Theones on April 14, 2023, 08:26:43 PM
When costs go up, so do profits? That’s not how capitalism is supposed to work, but that is the recent trend. For over a year now, consumers and businesses, both in the U.S. and worldwide, have struggled with stubborn inflation. But the soaring costs haven’t prevented corporations from raking in record profits. The companies in last year’s Fortune 500 alone generated an all-time high $1.8 trillion in profit on $16.1 trillion in revenue.

‘We may be looking at the end of capitalism’: One of the world’s oldest and largest investment banks warns ‘Greedflation’ has gone too far (

Interesting article, the term "Greedflation" especially. This is the first time I come across this term and I like it. I understand that someone wants to be rich, but when is enough? Is there enough?

If a person starts with the slogans "the end of capitalism" or "everything, the whole world refuses the dollar" - this is typical populism, behind which there is nothing but an empty desire to attract attention to oneself.
Inflation is a natural process, it was and will be in monetary philosophy. This is neither bad nor good. It `s naturally. The question is how high this inflation is. It's like the body's pressure - it exists, and you can't do without it, but there is a normal level of pressure, for example, it is increased after physical exertion, and there is a critical one caused by illness. So it is with inflation - for the last 4 years the world economy has experienced a lot of stress (read diseases) and, of course, there are consequences, in the form of inflation. But in countries with normal economies, this process will be leveled out in the near future, and this applies to countries whose economy is based on capitalism. But countries with a "socialist" or anti-capitalist concept are likely to continue to bear the burden of inflation
The greed and lust has really gone too far. The world has been a bitter place.
I have lost all the interest in the world. I like staying at my home and work from my work desk and that is it.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: Fortify on April 14, 2023, 08:51:30 PM
When costs go up, so do profits? That’s not how capitalism is supposed to work, but that is the recent trend. For over a year now, consumers and businesses, both in the U.S. and worldwide, have struggled with stubborn inflation. But the soaring costs haven’t prevented corporations from raking in record profits. The companies in last year’s Fortune 500 alone generated an all-time high $1.8 trillion in profit on $16.1 trillion in revenue.

Interesting article, the term "Greedflation" especially. This is the first time I come across this term and I like it. I understand that someone wants to be rich, but when is enough? Is there enough?

It's a sad fact that it is the politicians in our country that are letting us down. They are the ones that are meant to be setting and strengthening laws that keep corporations in check, that keep them and their owners paying a fair contribution to the rest of the country which they rely on for profit. All too often these politicians undermine and betray the public who vote them in, to get wealthy themselves, but it is not a job I'd ever envy having either. There is a lot of money at stake at the highest echelons and if you don't play the right game then you are often targeted for replacement. They have to walk a very fine line between appeasing corporations while trying to keep existing laws fit for purpose.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: dothebeats on April 14, 2023, 09:40:25 PM
There isn't anything that can stop these guys to make more money. No matter how rich they become, they will still find a need to make more money and to hoard them. The words 'too much' don't mean anything to them so long as they are filling their pockets and vaults. The money also goes around on the top 1% people and companies, and only a portion of that money ever comes down to us mere onlookers and watchers on this chess game that they are having. Add to that, they are being protected by the governments because of the potential crisis they could cause to the industry. Talk about being loved and cared dearly by the powers that be. 

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: Supreemo on April 15, 2023, 02:20:27 AM
There isn't anything that can stop these guys to make more money. No matter how rich they become, they will still find a need to make more money and to hoard them. The words 'too much' don't mean anything to them so long as they are filling their pockets and vaults. The money also goes around on the top 1% people and companies, and only a portion of that money ever comes down to us mere onlookers and watchers on this chess game that they are having. Add to that, they are being protected by the governments because of the potential crisis they could cause to the industry. Talk about being loved and cared dearly by the powers that be. 
in your statement alone  it has already proved that the more money you have, the more influence you can assert on the industry. there is no end to a person's greed, it is like a bottomless abyss that when one goes inside, you will never come back. at the very top of the food chain those guys are living their luxurious lives while playing their monopoly games, while at the very bottom of the ladder is like survival of fittest, like a jungle full of predators waiting for the next target, this is how hard the economic competition can be.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: YinShuiSiYuan on April 15, 2023, 05:17:12 AM

Greedflation” is a term coined by organizations to refer to price gouging or the way big corporations are taking advantage of inflation to mark up prices at a rate that's considerably higher than the increased rate of their production costs and wages.

This practice is very common in business world where almost every business individual hikes prices artificially by themselves for extra profits and this happens in those countries where there is no check and balance on traders ans businessmen.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: lixer on April 15, 2023, 05:35:04 AM
If a person starts with the slogans "the end of capitalism" or "everything, the whole world refuses the dollar" - this is typical populism, behind which there is nothing but an empty desire to attract attention to oneself.
Inflation is a natural process, it was and will be in monetary philosophy. This is neither bad nor good. It `s naturally. The question is how high this inflation is. It's like the body's pressure - it exists, and you can't do without it, but there is a normal level of pressure, for example, it is increased after physical exertion, and there is a critical one caused by illness. So it is with inflation - for the last 4 years the world economy has experienced a lot of stress (read diseases) and, of course, there are consequences, in the form of inflation. But in countries with normal economies, this process will be leveled out in the near future, and this applies to countries whose economy is based on capitalism. But countries with a "socialist" or anti-capitalist concept are likely to continue to bear the burden of inflation
The greed and lust has really gone too far. The world has been a bitter place.
I have lost all the interest in the world. I like staying at my home and work from my work desk and that is it.
The unfortunate thing is, that not everyone has the option to just sit at their home, work from there, and don't give a shit about what's happening in the outer world. Most people need to get out, go to work and are compelled to face the lust and greed for money all around and still keep a smiling face and try to stay positive because that's the only option available.

The world could still become a better place if people in control of it wanted to, but why would they care since they have got all that they want and they can control almost anything since they got power, mainly the power of money.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: Gallar on April 15, 2023, 08:08:12 AM
When costs go up, so do profits? That’s not how capitalism is supposed to work, but that is the recent trend. For over a year now, consumers and businesses, both in the U.S. and worldwide, have struggled with stubborn inflation. But the soaring costs haven’t prevented corporations from raking in record profits. The companies in last year’s Fortune 500 alone generated an all-time high $1.8 trillion in profit on $16.1 trillion in revenue.

‘We may be looking at the end of capitalism’: One of the world’s oldest and largest investment banks warns ‘Greedflation’ has gone too far (
If in a large company I still believe, that when inflation takes place, they can still take profits. What makes large companies able to remain stable in a state of inflation is

• Already have a big name

companies that already have big names, usually will be more able to survive, even though inflation is rampant, that's because customers already know the quality and price to buy, and in large companies usually the price tends to be cheaper.

• Have a lot of reserve funds

A large company that has been running for a long time will definitely have a sizable reserve fund, so when inflation comes, the company is ready with all possibilities.

• Large companies that have been in their company for a long time, surely the longer the time, the more powerful they will be in terms of marketing.

• And the last one is the company's long sailing experience, this factor will definitely help mentally.

Therefore, large companies can reap profits, even though they are in a state of inflation.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: adzino on April 15, 2023, 12:10:18 PM
When costs go up, so do profits? That’s not how capitalism is supposed to work, but that is the recent trend. For over a year now, consumers and businesses, both in the U.S. and worldwide, have struggled with stubborn inflation. But the soaring costs haven’t prevented corporations from raking in record profits. The companies in last year’s Fortune 500 alone generated an all-time high $1.8 trillion in profit on $16.1 trillion in revenue.

‘We may be looking at the end of capitalism’: One of the world’s oldest and largest investment banks warns ‘Greedflation’ has gone too far (

Interesting article, the term "Greedflation" especially. This is the first time I come across this term and I like it. I understand that someone wants to be rich, but when is enough? Is there enough?
It's sad to see companies making crazy profits while everyone else is struggling with inflation, right? Kinda feels like something's off and all those "Greedflation" is controlled by the big industries to make more profit (conspiracies). Now, I get why people might be mad about this. It's like the rich keep getting richer and everyone else is left in the dust. I can see how some people think thaht "Greedflation" is a big problem and that capitalism has gone too far, and is now being unfair with everyone. But, we got to remember that remember that businesses are, well, in the business of making money. So, it's not really surprising that they're trying to maximize profits, and isn't that kind of the whole point of capitalism? Maybe this shorterm "Greedflation" will help us in the long term? The more profit the business is making, the more they will invest in the future and this will create more opportunities for the people causing a better economic growth.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: bangjoe on April 15, 2023, 02:32:28 PM
When costs go up, so do profits? That’s not how capitalism is supposed to work, but that is the recent trend. For over a year now, consumers and businesses, both in the U.S. and worldwide, have struggled with stubborn inflation. But the soaring costs haven’t prevented corporations from raking in record profits. The companies in last year’s Fortune 500 alone generated an all-time high $1.8 trillion in profit on $16.1 trillion in revenue.

‘We may be looking at the end of capitalism’: One of the world’s oldest and largest investment banks warns ‘Greedflation’ has gone too far (

Interesting article, the term "Greedflation" especially. This is the first time I come across this term and I like it. I understand that someone wants to be rich, but when is enough? Is there enough?
This is also a new term that I got as long as I contributed to the economic thread, companies take advantage of the inflation situation to get to take excess profits, it is very inhumane, in my opinion, many companies that produce basic commodities do this and especially if they don't have competition in their business, it is an easy opportunity for greedflation and I'm pretty sure they say they're raising prices instead of the reasons for rising prices, raw materials and rising operating costs, I think that's really outrageous.
Humans really don't have satisfaction in their possessions, they always want more than what they get and if they get an opportunity like that no human misses it even though they already have everything.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: DrBeer on April 15, 2023, 03:09:56 PM
The greed and lust has really gone too far. The world has been a bitter place.
I have lost all the interest in the world. I like staying at my home and work from my work desk and that is it.

No offense - but this is purely your personal assessment, subjective. It may be true in your situation. In mine, no. It's just that competition is growing, and what was easy to achieve yesterday is now more difficult. And that means you have to be faster, smarter, more agile. Yes - not everyone can change the pace and accept the changed rules of the game. And many, in my opinion, are leaving the race. This is a world of competition, this is not communism for you - where you don’t need to do anything and you will get something :)
But another question - do you just sit at the table and .. do not produce anything COMPETITIVE or in demand? You do not generate money to ensure your life with your work and skills? Do they just come to you? Not sure :)

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: iv4n on April 15, 2023, 07:27:48 PM
This is a world of competition

I will dare to say it's one of the main problems... we compete against each other, and some people are ready to win at any cost! Ready to sacrifice everything around just to have a bigger house/yacht/bank account... it's that geedflation, when people have a lot, but they want even more and they don't care about human lives or the environment, and that is the problem we had/have everywhere at any given time.

Somehow it seems to me that this is becoming a huge problem (if it's not for a long time), so we need some changes.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: DrBeer on April 15, 2023, 08:32:34 PM
This is a world of competition

I will dare to say it's one of the main problems... we compete against each other, and some people are ready to win at any cost! Ready to sacrifice everything around just to have a bigger house/yacht/bank account... it's that geedflation, when people have a lot, but they want even more and they don't care about human lives or the environment, and that is the problem we had/have everywhere at any given time.

Somehow it seems to me that this is becoming a huge problem (if it's not for a long time), so we need some changes.

Well, I would not be so one-sided to assess everything. In fact, this is how the world works, and yes - there are always "deviations". But the normal world tries to live on the basis of compromises and some balance. In the wild, there is also competition, but it is also based on compromises - predators do not eat everything around, realizing that in this case they will simply be left without food and disappear as a species. The same is true in the economy - there is a struggle, there is competition, but it has the same deterrents. Raising prices endlessly and thoughtlessly is murder for a business - they simply stop buying its goods and services, choosing competitive solutions. And the business that was left without buyers is most likely to curtail its activities.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: superman184 on April 15, 2023, 08:45:27 PM
The greed and lust has really gone too far. The world has been a bitter place.
I have lost all the interest in the world. I like staying at my home and work from my work desk and that is it.
I laughed when I read your statement about the world which you think has become a bitter place. Because if you really hate the world, that means you have to find a place on another planet for you to live. Because the house where you work right now is also located in this world, so you don't deserve to hate this world, even though the scope of life now seems bitter to some people. After all, you can still enjoy your work even if you just stay at home and you should be grateful for that by not having to hate this world.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: STT on April 15, 2023, 09:09:10 PM
Microsoft is issuing debt at very low cost to buy back their own shares, knowing in future years the money will be worth less and prices will be higher.  This is something a very large company has the luxury to do that people do not, the biggest beneficiaries of inflation are via government debt and the very largest operators in an economy.   Primary dealers of US treasury debt are literally a select list of those able to deal first hand in the issuance of new debt at par, since most debt is short term now that cycle is continual.  The advantage is given to companies and gov who may or may not pass it onto the normal population, we all lose naturally via holding and using currency which is constantly unable to hold its value.
   So it is a kind of greed, that term wouldn't be unrecognized by me though I was thinking more of corruption and exploitation of unsophisticated parts of an economy.    Some argue its the middle class that gets poorer, the poorest relatively benefit from cheap debt and gov able to fill its fiscal budget via that debt but I'd argue everyone is losing except the elite who will literally move countries, continents as and when its most fortuitous to do so.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: DrBeer on April 16, 2023, 09:25:55 PM
I remember, I'll tell an interesting story :)

On the topic, there is a wonderful example from history that I saw personally. THE USSR. A country with a planned socialist economy, the largest country in the world, most of the world's mineral deposits belong to the USSR. It would seem - live and enjoy life - after all, according to the description, you are almost in paradise. And even according to the slogans of the Communist Party, this is essentially heaven on earth, and all around is "decaying capitalism." Dada, this phrase is already more than 50 years old, but capitalism will not rot, and the USSR has long been gone in this world :)
But I'm talking about inflation. It would seem - there is no capitalism, everything is there - where does inflation come from?! But, let's not rush. She was. Moreover, she had a very interesting variant of "treatment".
Since the Communist Party and its rulers/ministers were actually not very smart people, the USSR did everything, I must admit, not very well. And if it was possible to make rockets, then there is no way to provide a life for ordinary residents. Take, for example, one of the symbols of the USSR - "doctor's sausage". Yes, in times of "stability", it cost 3 rubles 40 kopecks per 1 kilogram. Salaries, average for the USSR, ranged from 120 to 250 rubles. And so, sausage in the price did not change. Do you know what has changed? GOST! This is the state standard for the production of goods and services. Which the USSR was so proud of. But back to inflation. In order not to raise the price of the most popular product, what did the "smart rulers" do? No, they didn’t create new technologies, they didn’t improve the quality, no, no .. They REDUCED the amount of natural meat in GOST, replacing it with pulp from boning mass and bone meal :) the price of sausage has not changed - but the quality has dropped dramatically. This is the exact same inflation, but which was cowardly hidden from people. In fact, people were robbed, forcing them to pay for low-quality goods.

Back in the USSR, in the 50s-70s, another "excellent solution to combat inflation" was adopted. Periodically, all newspapers (and the media were only pro-government ones) published a speech like the following - "At the request of the workers of the USSR, the government decided to raise prices for ..." and then a list of goods, usually food. Do you understand how "tricky"? We are crooked rulers, we cannot manage the economy, we have inflation, and so that the people do not go to rallies, we will ask them to RAISE PRICES on their behalf! :) By the way, rallies broke out several times in the USSR because of this, but they were severely punished, and a lot of people were killed. "The sweet face of developed socialism"...

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: Theones on April 16, 2023, 11:32:20 PM
I remember, I'll tell an interesting story :)

On the topic, there is a wonderful example from history that I saw personally. THE USSR. A country with a planned socialist economy, the largest country in the world, most of the world's mineral deposits belong to the USSR. It would seem - live and enjoy life - after all, according to the description, you are almost in paradise. And even according to the slogans of the Communist Party, this is essentially heaven on earth, and all around is "decaying capitalism." Dada, this phrase is already more than 50 years old, but capitalism will not rot, and the USSR has long been gone in this world :)
But I'm talking about inflation. It would seem - there is no capitalism, everything is there - where does inflation come from?! But, let's not rush. She was. Moreover, she had a very interesting variant of "treatment".
Since the Communist Party and its rulers/ministers were actually not very smart people, the USSR did everything, I must admit, not very well. And if it was possible to make rockets, then there is no way to provide a life for ordinary residents. Take, for example, one of the symbols of the USSR - "doctor's sausage". Yes, in times of "stability", it cost 3 rubles 40 kopecks per 1 kilogram. Salaries, average for the USSR, ranged from 120 to 250 rubles. And so, sausage in the price did not change. Do you know what has changed? GOST! This is the state standard for the production of goods and services. Which the USSR was so proud of. But back to inflation. In order not to raise the price of the most popular product, what did the "smart rulers" do? No, they didn’t create new technologies, they didn’t improve the quality, no, no .. They REDUCED the amount of natural meat in GOST, replacing it with pulp from boning mass and bone meal :) the price of sausage has not changed - but the quality has dropped dramatically. This is the exact same inflation, but which was cowardly hidden from people. In fact, people were robbed, forcing them to pay for low-quality goods.

Back in the USSR, in the 50s-70s, another "excellent solution to combat inflation" was adopted. Periodically, all newspapers (and the media were only pro-government ones) published a speech like the following - "At the request of the workers of the USSR, the government decided to raise prices for ..." and then a list of goods, usually food. Do you understand how "tricky"? We are crooked rulers, we cannot manage the economy, we have inflation, and so that the people do not go to rallies, we will ask them to RAISE PRICES on their behalf! :) By the way, rallies broke out several times in the USSR because of this, but they were severely punished, and a lot of people were killed. "The sweet face of developed socialism"...
hello Dr Beer - you are so much talking about USSR lately
Let's take a break and think of another example - how about talking about Palestine for a moment?

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: DrBeer on April 17, 2023, 10:49:19 AM
hello Dr Beer - you are so much talking about USSR lately
Let's take a break and think of another example - how about talking about Palestine for a moment?

First of all, thank you for your interest, and deep study of my posts :)
Secondly, I’ll clarify - I mentioned the USSR where it was appropriate and in essence. But not everywhere where I just "so wanted."

What does Palestine have to do with "greedy inflation" is a mystery to me. But if you want to open this topic - I will listen to you with pleasure, additional knowledge, if it really carries value, will never hurt. And so - I am ready to carefully study your information on the topic "greedy inflation and Palestine"!

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: Bananington on April 17, 2023, 04:00:40 PM
Humans really don't have satisfaction in their possessions, they always want more than what they get and if they get an opportunity like that no human misses it even though they already have everything.
Enough is not enough again, Greed has increased and will increase, as people and companies see how much more comfortable and powerful sufficient money makes them, there is always the desire for more. Companies and individuals will want to increase their profit even if they are not doing poorly financially. Things are difficult currently economically, but a few people and a few companies with sufficient money are not disturbed by the changes because they have the money to adjust accordingly to the changes. Every person and company like to be in that kind of comfortable position, so at any opportunity to make money, they try to make the most profit.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: Dickiy on April 17, 2023, 04:24:46 PM
There isn't anything that can stop these guys to make more money. No matter how rich they become, they will still find a need to make more money and to hoard them. The words 'too much' don't mean anything to them so long as they are filling their pockets and vaults. The money also goes around on the top 1% people and companies, and only a portion of that money ever comes down to us mere onlookers and watchers on this chess game that they are having. Add to that, they are being protected by the governments because of the potential crisis they could cause to the industry. Talk about being loved and cared dearly by the powers that be. 
With the meaning that they will never feel enough with what they already have, situations where they have the opportunity to make more profits will be the target of those at the top level, they don't worry about anything other than not getting more money to pile up and being a person who has greater influence even against the government though, they want to control everything with money so if there are still people who are above them who are richer there will be competition over who will be the richest person, it becomes an obsession for a row of rich people.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: kaseygriffin on April 17, 2023, 04:43:11 PM
There's nothing wrong if you want to be rich since it's a satisfaction to the others so that they can buy what they want anytime. But just like what you said there are things that money can't buy like feelings, friends, and health, but without money or lack of enough money won't get you far away in life either.

So the question when is enough is subjective IMO since not everyone of us have the same goal but when there's a greed attached to your ambition that's the time enough never existed in your life.
There is no word enough to be rich because if someone has a lot of wealth, he wants more wealth and that is natural because the desire to collect more money will arise when we have succeeded in getting money.

I agree that there are things that money can't buy so we have to realize that, at that point, money is of no use at all. We just hope that with money, we can make ends meet and with friends and family, we can feel happy and enjoy life.

And when greed comes to you, you have to be able to overcome it. Otherwise, you will never have enough of what you have because you want more.
And that is your own view, do you wonder that the world's billionaires have a lot of money and they still want to make more money. In my opinion, it is not the story of how they make money, when they reach a threshold that is considered successful, the money will come to them. And the so-called enough that I mentioned is different from the material value that you understand, I agree that the pursuit of money in the process of self-development is a necessity because we live in a community of need. It takes effort and building, and meeting personal needs and sharing with everyone around are things that I think are self-evident truths that each of us will experience.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: iv4n on April 17, 2023, 06:48:28 PM
hello Dr Beer - you are so much talking about USSR lately
Let's take a break and think of another example - how about talking about Palestine for a moment?

He can't... Just a hand full of people thinks about Palestine and many other "hot spots" around the world. Far from the eyes far from the heart!

His posts completely miss the point of this thread, but he is in a "difficult situation" and I understand that. I live in fucked up place that has a crazy history... when you think about it don't we all!? But some people just read about it and some felt it. Depends on what happened and when & where.

But it's the 21st century, and we should be more aware "of things around us" than people who lived decades and centuries before. But that's not the case...

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: DrBeer on April 17, 2023, 08:12:50 PM
hello Dr Beer - you are so much talking about USSR lately
Let's take a break and think of another example - how about talking about Palestine for a moment?

He can't... Just a hand full of people thinks about Palestine and many other "hot spots" around the world. Far from the eyes far from the heart!

His posts completely miss the point of this thread, but he is in a "difficult situation" and I understand that. I live in fucked up place that has a crazy history... when you think about it don't we all!? But some people just read about it and some felt it. Depends on what happened and when & where.

But it's the 21st century, and we should be more aware "of things around us" than people who lived decades and centuries before. But that's not the case...

Why can't I? And why "His messages do not correspond to the essence of this thread at all"? I gave an excellent example of the very inflation that did not appear yesterday. And not only because of the desire to primitively increase the cost of goods, because "this is the work of the capitalists. I showed that this action can have another implementation, and not only "capitalists" but also classical "philanthropic" socialists can indulge in this :)
But perhaps you are simply not ready to hear that this process can be initiated not only by the world of capital, but also by "humanists"? Unfortunately, the world is not so simple...

Did you also want to talk about Palestine? :)

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: Baoo on April 17, 2023, 11:37:19 PM
Humans really don't have satisfaction in their possessions, they always want more than what they get and if they get an opportunity like that no human misses it even though they already have everything.
Enough is not enough again, Greed has increased and will increase, as people and companies see how much more comfortable and powerful sufficient money makes them, there is always the desire for more. Companies and individuals will want to increase their profit even if they are not doing poorly financially. Things are difficult currently economically, but a few people and a few companies with sufficient money are not disturbed by the changes because they have the money to adjust accordingly to the changes. Every person and company like to be in that kind of comfortable position, so at any opportunity to make money, they try to make the most profit.
Good point. Unfortunately people by nature are greedy, they be taking unplanned and idiotic risks to make un guaranteed profit. And to be honest, we cannot overcome this issue,  It is actually widespread in  the entire crypto field. That’s why rate of fraud is getting bigger by time. In fact, the scammers always hunt the greedy crypto users most of them are newbies. They be using some tricks to manipulate them. In my opinion, the more Bitcoin will go up, the more greed rate will increase, and the more people will get deceived.
Otherwise, having a great self-control is definitely needed and essential especially in sudden tough moments such as Bear run.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: iv4n on April 19, 2023, 06:56:43 PM
Why can't I? And why "His messages do not correspond to the essence of this thread at all"? I gave an excellent example of the very inflation that did not appear yesterday. And not only because of the desire to primitively increase the cost of goods, because "this is the work of the capitalists. I showed that this action can have another implementation, and not only "capitalists" but also classical "philanthropic" socialists can indulge in this :)
But perhaps you are simply not ready to hear that this process can be initiated not only by the world of capital, but also by "humanists"? Unfortunately, the world is not so simple...

Did you also want to talk about Palestine? :)

According to some data, it allegedly reached its maximum in January 1994 - 5,578,000,000,000,000,000 percent (5.578 trillion) or about 113 percent per day. Prices raised by 313 million percent.

I was nine at that time... 5 years after NATO bombs were falling on our heads, and new sanctions again. So tell me more about inflations and sanctions, and endless lines of people waiting to buy bread.
But nevertheless, the times like any other time, some people had a lot and many didn't have basics, capitalism is always present, it's that greed in all of us... we want to show off, and we want to have more than others. And it's the point of this topic, about that greediness and how some people are ready to "walk on dead bodies" and "kill nature around" just to make more money! I guess we have those people in every country in this world, in yours and mine, and in all others that you like or you don't like (hate).

We can talk about Palestine, and I would like to hear your honest opinion about the situation there. I didn't mention Palestine, but that's a nice example. In your comments, I didn't see that you condemned other aggressions that happened or are happening, except the one you feel on your skin. I don't like those double standards! I see it every day, it's nothing new, I am surrounded by that my entire life... I live in fucked up "Balkan Peninsula".

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: DrBeer on April 22, 2023, 10:33:11 AM
Why can't I? And why "His messages do not correspond to the essence of this thread at all"? I gave an excellent example of the very inflation that did not appear yesterday. And not only because of the desire to primitively increase the cost of goods, because "this is the work of the capitalists. I showed that this action can have another implementation, and not only "capitalists" but also classical "philanthropic" socialists can indulge in this :)
But perhaps you are simply not ready to hear that this process can be initiated not only by the world of capital, but also by "humanists"? Unfortunately, the world is not so simple...

Did you also want to talk about Palestine? :)

According to some data, it allegedly reached its maximum in January 1994 - 5,578,000,000,000,000,000 percent (5.578 trillion) or about 113 percent per day. Prices raised by 313 million percent.

I was nine at that time... 5 years after NATO bombs were falling on our heads, and new sanctions again. So tell me more about inflations and sanctions, and endless lines of people waiting to buy bread.
But nevertheless, the times like any other time, some people had a lot and many didn't have basics, capitalism is always present, it's that greed in all of us... we want to show off, and we want to have more than others. And it's the point of this topic, about that greediness and how some people are ready to "walk on dead bodies" and "kill nature around" just to make more money! I guess we have those people in every country in this world, in yours and mine, and in all others that you like or you don't like (hate).

We can talk about Palestine, and I would like to hear your honest opinion about the situation there. I didn't mention Palestine, but that's a nice example. In your comments, I didn't see that you condemned other aggressions that happened or are happening, except the one you feel on your skin. I don't like those double standards! I see it every day, it's nothing new, I am surrounded by that my entire life... I live in fucked up "Balkan Peninsula".

1. I heard you. Ok, let's take a look then. What preceded what you described? I don't think that everything was good, everything was quiet and peaceful. And then suddenly bang, and just like that - they started bombing and imposing sanctions? Or have I missed something? Help me figure it out: you, in the first person, a direct participant in these events, can you tell what the chronology of events was before the events you voiced? I will not bother you with Wikipedias and all sorts of protocols of international organizations, I want to hear from you. All in attention, waiting for your answer!

2. By the way, and a question on the topic: if capitalism is the root of evil and "wild inflation", then why do "independent economies free from capitalism countries" have problems, and why, in fact, they all have an extremely low standard of living, although they refused both capitalism and from the dollar, and conduct economic relations only with their own kind? Also very interesting :)

3. Well, about "our greed." You're trying to bring everyone to the same level in vain. There are people who have nothing, because of their personal low level, but they want to look successful and rich. They buy expensive things, phones, cars ON CREDIT. And then they themselves generate their poor life in debt and .. INFLATION.

And there are quite wealthy people who have everything necessary for life, but they do not strive to build a golden palace for themselves, or necessarily own a super-premium car or their own private jet or yacht.

Tell me - who generates inflation more - a person who consumes moderately, or one who forms an artificial image for himself, buying at a very high price (unlike the real market), very expensive things, generating empty added value?

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: Theones on April 22, 2023, 11:51:49 PM
hello Dr Beer - you are so much talking about USSR lately
Let's take a break and think of another example - how about talking about Palestine for a moment?

First of all, thank you for your interest, and deep study of my posts :)
Secondly, I’ll clarify - I mentioned the USSR where it was appropriate and in essence. But not everywhere where I just "so wanted."

What does Palestine have to do with "greedy inflation" is a mystery to me. But if you want to open this topic - I will listen to you with pleasure, additional knowledge, if it really carries value, will never hurt. And so - I am ready to carefully study your information on the topic "greedy inflation and Palestine"!
There are a lots of point - we can discuss!
I meant to say there is so much going on in the other part of the world and mostly the superpowers are behind this. They advocate peace and destroy it to recreate it. That was my opinion about it. Just a simple point.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: Cryptock on April 23, 2023, 11:57:52 PM
Why can't I? And why "His messages do not correspond to the essence of this thread at all"? I gave an excellent example of the very inflation that did not appear yesterday. And not only because of the desire to primitively increase the cost of goods, because "this is the work of the capitalists. I showed that this action can have another implementation, and not only "capitalists" but also classical "philanthropic" socialists can indulge in this :)
But perhaps you are simply not ready to hear that this process can be initiated not only by the world of capital, but also by "humanists"? Unfortunately, the world is not so simple...

Did you also want to talk about Palestine? :)

According to some data, it allegedly reached its maximum in January 1994 - 5,578,000,000,000,000,000 percent (5.578 trillion) or about 113 percent per day. Prices raised by 313 million percent.

I was nine at that time... 5 years after NATO bombs were falling on our heads, and new sanctions again. So tell me more about inflations and sanctions, and endless lines of people waiting to buy bread.
But nevertheless, the times like any other time, some people had a lot and many didn't have basics, capitalism is always present, it's that greed in all of us... we want to show off, and we want to have more than others. And it's the point of this topic, about that greediness and how some people are ready to "walk on dead bodies" and "kill nature around" just to make more money! I guess we have those people in every country in this world, in yours and mine, and in all others that you like or you don't like (hate).

We can talk about Palestine, and I would like to hear your honest opinion about the situation there. I didn't mention Palestine, but that's a nice example. In your comments, I didn't see that you condemned other aggressions that happened or are happening, except the one you feel on your skin. I don't like those double standards! I see it every day, it's nothing new, I am surrounded by that my entire life... I live in fucked up "Balkan Peninsula".
Does the memory from the past still haunts you?
Do you remember how NATO changed your life as a child?

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: og kush420 on April 24, 2023, 12:23:48 AM
hello Dr Beer - you are so much talking about USSR lately
Let's take a break and think of another example - how about talking about Palestine for a moment?

He can't... Just a hand full of people thinks about Palestine and many other "hot spots" around the world. Far from the eyes far from the heart!

His posts completely miss the point of this thread, but he is in a "difficult situation" and I understand that. I live in fucked up place that has a crazy history... when you think about it don't we all!? But some people just read about it and some felt it. Depends on what happened and when & where.

But it's the 21st century, and we should be more aware "of things around us" than people who lived decades and centuries before. But that's not the case...

Why can't I? And why "His messages do not correspond to the essence of this thread at all"? I gave an excellent example of the very inflation that did not appear yesterday. And not only because of the desire to primitively increase the cost of goods, because "this is the work of the capitalists. I showed that this action can have another implementation, and not only "capitalists" but also classical "philanthropic" socialists can indulge in this :)
But perhaps you are simply not ready to hear that this process can be initiated not only by the world of capital, but also by "humanists"? Unfortunately, the world is not so simple...

Did you also want to talk about Palestine? :)

I think it is also a good suggestion to add other examples here too how the poor country world has been victim of greed and power.
Let's not forget all the trouble been caused to world in the name of war against terrorism

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: DrBeer on April 24, 2023, 05:09:04 PM
I think it is also a good suggestion to add other examples here too how the poor country world has been victim of greed and power.
Let's not forget all the trouble been caused to world in the name of war against terrorism

I absolutely support this, really, good idea!
But with a small addition - we will analyze each case, to find out the truth, or at least the real root causes? To understand what exactly, really became the causes of the tragedy, problems, recession and other things? It’s just that now it’s “in trend” when you don’t want to tell the truth, but you want to keep the conversation going - wishful thinking. Therefore, I am absolutely for, but we raise historical facts and analyze each situation. I am sure that we will make many unexpected and sometimes not pleasant "discoveries".
Where do we start?

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: Theones on April 24, 2023, 05:33:38 PM
I think it is also a good suggestion to add other examples here too how the poor country world has been victim of greed and power.
Let's not forget all the trouble been caused to world in the name of war against terrorism

I absolutely support this, really, good idea!
But with a small addition - we will analyze each case, to find out the truth, or at least the real root causes? To understand what exactly, really became the causes of the tragedy, problems, recession and other things? It’s just that now it’s “in trend” when you don’t want to tell the truth, but you want to keep the conversation going - wishful thinking. Therefore, I am absolutely for, but we raise historical facts and analyze each situation. I am sure that we will make many unexpected and sometimes not pleasant "discoveries".
Where do we start?
good point mentioned Dr Beer - I always read what you write - you have great wealth of knowledge and you have aa deep insight too.
I like the way you respectfully state your point and opposition too.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: Alpha Marine on April 24, 2023, 05:54:35 PM
This happens on all levels, not just in big corporations. If you look at the local vendors, the same thing happens.
Whenever there is a little surge in the price of goods, vendors look for different ways to exploit it. They use that same as an excuse to increase the price of whatever commodity or service they offer.
I think that is what capitalism is. I mean, it was not meant to be perfect, everything can be exploited that is why there are regulations.
Greeed plays a vital role in the encouragement of this exploitation. Humans are greedy and looking for ways to get the better of others.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: YUriy1991 on April 24, 2023, 06:01:22 PM
Yes, it is human nature and i agree that it is not good and even harmful to society, although some others believe it is personal freedom and the right to accumulate wealth.

Regarding the term "Greedflation" my view refers to the idea that companies inflate their prices excessively to maximize profits, leading to a vicious cycle of inflation and greed, however I think that the current trend of rising costs and record profits is actually a natural result of capitalism because in the market In a competitive environment, businesses try to maximize their profits by cutting costs and increasing revenue.

That is, when costs rise, businesses find ways to offset those costs by raising prices or taking cost-cutting measures. Obviously, this can lead to increased profits despite the challenges of inflation. But, we have to admit there are also other benefits of the capitalist system in being able to promote innovation, efficiency and growth even though it may seem counterintuitive.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: Theones on April 24, 2023, 06:08:04 PM
Yes, it is human nature and i agree that it is not good and even harmful to society, although some others believe it is personal freedom and the right to accumulate wealth.

Regarding the term "Greedflation" my view refers to the idea that companies inflate their prices excessively to maximize profits, leading to a vicious cycle of inflation and greed, however I think that the current trend of rising costs and record profits is actually a natural result of capitalism because in the market In a competitive environment, businesses try to maximize their profits by cutting costs and increasing revenue.

That is, when costs rise, businesses find ways to offset those costs by raising prices or taking cost-cutting measures. Obviously, this can lead to increased profits despite the challenges of inflation. But, we have to admit there are also other benefits of the capitalist system in being able to promote innovation, efficiency and growth even though it may seem counterintuitive.
business are going down - I have read the business recorder and almost all the businesses are going down.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: iv4n on April 25, 2023, 08:28:18 PM
1. And then suddenly bang, and just like that - they started bombing and imposing sanctions? Or have I missed something?

And just like that... a few of us went to Mcdonald's that evening. On the way home we heard the sirens for the first time... I still remember that beating when I got home a few hours later.

You missed a lot of things as always. And I am not sure what I get into discussions with you when you are a "one-sided man". You justify crimes if that works for you. For me, all criminals should be punished... but in reality, the biggest criminals always get away, in all parts of the world. When you understand that maybe you will start seeing this world from another perspective.

It's not all about the money and weapons, about being a stronger or superior one... can we all have a normal and peaceful life in this world or not? Do all people in this world have the right to life or does it only apply to the chosen ones?

I will not get deeper in discussion with you, you need to expand your views. If you ever visit Serbia, or you decide to visit Serbia, I am here for you. I will show you the history since Emperor Constantine, and even earlier if you want. Balkan is a beautiful place despite all the shit that happened here.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: Lida93 on April 25, 2023, 08:56:59 PM
When costs go up, so do profits? That’s not how capitalism is supposed to work, but that is the recent trend. For over a year now, consumers and businesses, both in the U.S. and worldwide, have struggled with stubborn inflation. But the soaring costs haven’t prevented corporations from raking in record profits. The companies in last year’s Fortune 500 alone generated an all-time high $1.8 trillion in profit on $16.1 trillion in revenue.

‘We may be looking at the end of capitalism’: One of the world’s oldest and largest investment banks warns ‘Greedflation’ has gone too far (

Interesting article, the term "Greedflation" especially. This is the first time I come across this term and I like it. I understand that someone wants to be rich, but when is enough? Is there enough?
Corporations, particularly in developed economies like the U.S. and U.K., have used rising raw material costs amid the pandemic and the war in Ukraine as an “excuse” to raise prices and expand profit margins to new heights, he said
This has been the new excuses used by these greedy capitalists to extort consumers with high prices in every goods even home grown goods are still giving a raised price as the foreign that we don't even know which is imported anymore. And such greed can lead to a revolt by consumers when they no more could bear the lot especially when there's no responsive increment in the salaries and income .

With all these situations going on it's very natural that I can imagine now why the likes of Karl Marx described capitalism as  evil.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: slapper on April 26, 2023, 06:19:55 AM
1. And then suddenly bang, and just like that - they started bombing and imposing sanctions? Or have I missed something?

And just like that... a few of us went to Mcdonald's that evening. On the way home we heard the sirens for the first time... I still remember that beating when I got home a few hours later.

You missed a lot of things as always. And I am not sure what I get into discussions with you when you are a "one-sided man". You justify crimes if that works for you. For me, all criminals should be punished... but in reality, the biggest criminals always get away, in all parts of the world. When you understand that maybe you will start seeing this world from another perspective.

It's not all about the money and weapons, about being a stronger or superior one... can we all have a normal and peaceful life in this world or not? Do all people in this world have the right to life or does it only apply to the chosen ones?

I will not get deeper in discussion with you, you need to expand your views. If you ever visit Serbia, or you decide to visit Serbia, I am here for you. I will show you the history since Emperor Constantine, and even earlier if you want. Balkan is a beautiful place despite all the shit that happened here.

Ah, your convictions on this issue resemble a cryptic code, both powerful and intriguing. I comprehend your stance but urge the consideration of diverse outlooks. Indeed, "a coin bears two faces."

Undeniably, promoting peace and comprehension is vital, like unveiling the ancient secrets of humanity. We often dwell in our enigmatic chambers, oblivious to the grand tapestry. United, transcending disparities, we shall conquer remarkable feats.

As for Serbia, a land of profound heritage and tradition, a visit beckons. Perhaps we shall prolong our intellectual exchange amidst the aroma of coffee or the warmth of rakija.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: YUriy1991 on April 26, 2023, 07:16:42 AM
Interesting article, the term "Greedflation" especially. This is the first time I come across this term and I like it. I understand that someone wants to be rich, but when is enough? Is there enough?
the concept they use behind it is economic growth, they always use that word ("economic growth") for all purposes of deception like printing money, or fiat. because the fiat circulation supply is out of control then there is inflation. Greedflation is happening after they print money for stimulus strategy but they didn't think of the effect after.

I don't surprise the next time there will be new words besides Greedflation, maybe the next viral is Whalesflation.
Hahahaha that's an interesting word to be added next to the dictionary  ;D. Anyway, they kept using those words "economic growth" or something similar to lure people into saving more money or for them to actually sold out all those money like they are offering some kind of valuable treasure. They wanted people to think that more money means more influence. It is partially true that someone who has more money has more influence and more power over the other, that is when the term "greed" enters, since both parties wants the authority and influence, they will keep competing without thinking what trap they have fallen into. It just feels like a game that only those boss monsters are fighting while those low-level players (average income to low income) get affected and suffers tremendously.

Even if what I have said is just my own speculation, there's no need to see the proofs to notice what our society has become because of that competition, and I am sure that you guys have noticed that too.

Indeed, the term "Greedflation" is a fitting description of the current economic situation. I think the pursuit of continuous economic growth without considering the consequences has led to a never ending cycle of money printing and inflation and the hyped up lure of more money and power has blinded some people, resulting in unfair competition and inequality.

Well, As a society, we need to step back and consider the long term effects of our actions. We must strive for sustainable growth that benefits everyone, not just the few. Let's work towards a better future where greed is replaced by compassion and cooperation. 

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: Theones on May 01, 2023, 08:02:42 PM
Interesting article, the term "Greedflation" especially. This is the first time I come across this term and I like it. I understand that someone wants to be rich, but when is enough? Is there enough?
the concept they use behind it is economic growth, they always use that word ("economic growth") for all purposes of deception like printing money, or fiat. because the fiat circulation supply is out of control then there is inflation. Greedflation is happening after they print money for stimulus strategy but they didn't think of the effect after.

I don't surprise the next time there will be new words besides Greedflation, maybe the next viral is Whalesflation.
Hahahaha that's an interesting word to be added next to the dictionary  ;D. Anyway, they kept using those words "economic growth" or something similar to lure people into saving more money or for them to actually sold out all those money like they are offering some kind of valuable treasure. They wanted people to think that more money means more influence. It is partially true that someone who has more money has more influence and more power over the other, that is when the term "greed" enters, since both parties wants the authority and influence, they will keep competing without thinking what trap they have fallen into. It just feels like a game that only those boss monsters are fighting while those low-level players (average income to low income) get affected and suffers tremendously.

Even if what I have said is just my own speculation, there's no need to see the proofs to notice what our society has become because of that competition, and I am sure that you guys have noticed that too.

Indeed, the term "Greedflation" is a fitting description of the current economic situation. I think the pursuit of continuous economic growth without considering the consequences has led to a never ending cycle of money printing and inflation and the hyped up lure of more money and power has blinded some people, resulting in unfair competition and inequality.

Well, As a society, we need to step back and consider the long term effects of our actions. We must strive for sustainable growth that benefits everyone, not just the few. Let's work towards a better future where greed is replaced by compassion and cooperation.  

the struggle to cope up with economic problem is real. People are struggling hard to meet their ends.
the crime rate and stealing has increase and there is no denial that this will increase more without stopping

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: Cryptock on May 01, 2023, 08:45:33 PM

Indeed, the term "Greedflation" is a fitting description of the current economic situation. I think the pursuit of continuous economic growth without considering the consequences has led to a never ending cycle of money printing and inflation and the hyped up lure of more money and power has blinded some people, resulting in unfair competition and inequality.

Well, As a society, we need to step back and consider the long term effects of our actions. We must strive for sustainable growth that benefits everyone, not just the few. Let's work towards a better future where greed is replaced by compassion and cooperation. 

you last statement where you said let greed be replace by compassion and cooperation and self evaluation is also a very valid point
as charity begins at home so does rectification of one ownself.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: Cryptomultiplier on May 01, 2023, 10:14:24 PM
There is never enough of what seems to be the means to an end. Greedflation is another over stretched need that cannot be fulfilled because of the excessive hunger for more. More fiat, more crypto, more of everything that makes life seem easier. This can only be controlled with people learning to be more content with what they have and learning to hustle the right way in order to be able to meet their immediate needs.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: iv4n on May 03, 2023, 07:25:42 PM
Indeed, the term "Greedflation" is a fitting description of the current economic situation. I think the pursuit of continuous economic growth without considering the consequences has led to a never ending cycle of money printing and inflation and the hyped up lure of more money and power has blinded some people, resulting in unfair competition and inequality.

Well, As a society, we need to step back and consider the long term effects of our actions. We must strive for sustainable growth that benefits everyone, not just the few. Let's work towards a better future where greed is replaced by compassion and cooperation. 

Nice comment, I think that you understood the point of this thread. This is a global problem, and I feel that we still live in "colonial ages", the West has built wealth on third-world resources and it's still not enough. And when is enough? While some people drive "+500 million dollars ships" a billion people are on the edge of poverty... and I guess those "crazy big ships" make a lot more pollution than some small city every day with all the traffic (just my opinion based on fuel consumption).

I also think that we need to step back, the entire world needs to step back, and we all need to rethink some things... but chances for that to happen with all those "extremists of any kind" around are close to zero. I am not pessimistic, I think I am just realistic.

Title: Re: "Greedflation" has gone too far!
Post by: DrBeer on May 06, 2023, 07:26:34 AM
1. And then suddenly bang, and just like that - they started bombing and imposing sanctions? Or have I missed something?

And just like that... a few of us went to Mcdonald's that evening. On the way home we heard the sirens for the first time... I still remember that beating when I got home a few hours later.

You missed a lot of things as always. And I am not sure what I get into discussions with you when you are a "one-sided man". You justify crimes if that works for you. For me, all criminals should be punished... but in reality, the biggest criminals always get away, in all parts of the world. When you understand that maybe you will start seeing this world from another perspective.

It's not all about the money and weapons, about being a stronger or superior one... can we all have a normal and peaceful life in this world or not? Do all people in this world have the right to life or does it only apply to the chosen ones?

I will not get deeper in discussion with you, you need to expand your views. If you ever visit Serbia, or you decide to visit Serbia, I am here for you. I will show you the history since Emperor Constantine, and even earlier if you want. Balkan is a beautiful place despite all the shit that happened here.

If you are not a primitive liar, and do not deliberately manipulate imnormation - you are obliged to give MY ANSWER, where I SUPPORT and JUSTIFY the crimes? Looking forward to the primer? Only not your fantasies - but my specific answer, where I write "I support this, this and this (crimes)"

At the same time, for some reason, you yourself hide the facts that took place and which are not beneficial to you ... So who is "one-sided"?

If for you a request for clarification of the reasons why some kind of event happened is a synonym for "I support this action", I recommend that you contact the relevant specialists :)