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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: Victorybit1 on April 17, 2023, 08:27:50 PM

Title: How do you deal with mental stress?
Post by: Victorybit1 on April 17, 2023, 08:27:50 PM
Mental stress can affect your general wellbeing. Mental stress like work, financial problems, relationship issues and health problems can affect us mentally. So it is very important to take care of ourselves whenever we are stressed.

What I do when I'm over stressed:

1: I relax by taking a deep breath and meditate:  This helps to calm my nerves.

2: I get enough sleep: I don't joke with sleep. did you know most headaches are due to stress. Lack of sleep can cause stress and anxiety. Aim at 7-8 hours sleep per night.

3: I exercise: it makes me feel relaxed and energized. Aim for at least 30 minutes exercise 3 times a week.

4: I don't over commit myself to work. I prioritize my  time. I must not complete all task a day.

5: If you have a partner,  make sure to get
a good Orgasm 😄. Orgasm is one of the best way to relief stress.

What do you do when you are stressed mentally?

Title: Re: How do you deal with mental stress?
Post by: IIrik11 on April 18, 2023, 03:47:24 AM
im a gamer.

i also stream... with a different name of course.

but yeah that's what it is, gaming take a lot of stress away.

the most important thing is don't give ur brain time to think.

so, keep busy, whether it is gaming, working-out, watching sports.. etc.

Title: Re: How do you deal with mental stress?
Post by: crypt0m4nia on April 18, 2023, 12:10:33 PM
Reading, playing guitar, taking afternoon walks, video games... Whatever helps me get my mind off things before the cycle resets...

Title: Re: How do you deal with mental stress?
Post by: Qiubell5 on April 18, 2023, 02:22:54 PM
In the past, when I was stressed, I always listened to sad songs. even though sad songs will only make you sadder. therefore, now I always sleep or go for a walk to get rid of stress, or also eat lots of snacks 😅

Title: Re: How do you deal with mental stress?
Post by: radius5.5 on April 18, 2023, 02:28:18 PM
Mental stress can affect your general wellbeing. Mental stress like work, financial problems, relationship issues and health problems can affect us mentally. So it is very important to take care of ourselves whenever we are stressed.

What I do when I'm over stressed:

1: I relax by taking a deep breath and meditate:  This helps to calm my nerves.

2: I get enough sleep: I don't joke with sleep. did you know most headaches are due to stress. Lack of sleep can cause stress and anxiety. Aim at 7-8 hours sleep per night.

3: I exercise: it makes me feel relaxed and energized. Aim for at least 30 minutes exercise 3 times a week.

4: I don't over commit myself to work. I prioritize my  time. I must not complete all task a day.

5: If you have a partner,  make sure to get
a good Orgasm 😄. Orgasm is one of the best way to relief stress.

What do you do when you are stressed mentally?

The best way to instant stress relief if you go out in nature and observe the things around you and get rid of all thoughts. It is a kind of meditation, that works for me at least!

Title: Re: How do you deal with mental stress?
Post by: reizella28 on April 18, 2023, 04:28:46 PM
There are different of stress for you to overcome. Like your stress about bills and for you to clear your mind is once your paid. If you were asking me then my way of coping out about stress is i eat, i know it's not that healthy but whenever i taste good food i always forget that im stressed.

also gaming also helps me to ease up my stress but sleeping is much better especially if its above +8hours of sleep. i always wake up with full energy that ready to face the challenges that causes me stress.

Title: Re: How do you deal with mental stress?
Post by: Supreemo on April 19, 2023, 04:48:16 AM
there are many ways to deal with stress but one of the most recommended ways is to exercise, not only it will help you better your mood, it will also release unneeded toxin within your body, and it also let's you get distracted from thinking things that can probably cause you much more stress. overall, after releasing all your pent up energy, you will immediately get tired and fall asleep and then wake up feeling refreshed. dealing with stress not only involves you physically, mentally, but also emotionally, in order for you to have a good and relaxing life, you must at least be able to balance these 3.

Title: Re: How do you deal with mental stress?
Post by: Wolfblood200$ on April 21, 2023, 11:28:55 PM
I deal with mental stress
2 Having alot of rest
3 Eating my favorite meal and listening to music
4 Talking to someone to ease the stress too
And I also learn how to deal with stress

Title: Re: How do you deal with mental stress?
Post by: mich on April 22, 2023, 05:22:01 AM
Well sometimes if I have mental stress, a quick walk outside can help me with that. Getting some fresh air and a change of scenery really helps get my emotions back in check.
If I can not go outside, I will focus on a physical sensation in my body and that helps put my attention on something occurring in the present moment.
A good book and a slow movie being on my couch. This is also some things that can help me with stress.

Title: Re: How do you deal with mental stress?
Post by: Zergal on April 22, 2023, 09:36:28 AM
Just do what you like, it's either watching movies, eat your favorite foods, playing game, having sex etc.

Title: Re: How do you deal with mental stress?
Post by: Ghost000 on April 24, 2023, 08:03:33 PM
1. Always thinking positive.
2. Sometimes exercise.
3. Go to a party.

Sometimes I sleep, that's way I deal with my mental Stress.

Title: Re: How do you deal with mental stress?
Post by: darkdarknesss3 on April 24, 2023, 08:08:53 PM
Before I can deal with your stress, I need to understand what is causing it. I take some time to identify the specific situations, events, or people that are triggering my stress.

Title: Re: How do you deal with mental stress?
Post by: DrWho42 on April 24, 2023, 08:20:27 PM
reading what you like helps!

Title: Re: How do you deal with mental stress?
Post by: mu_enrico on April 25, 2023, 03:33:18 AM
What do you do when you are stressed mentally?
Don't get into this situation in the first place. It's like a physical illness when the best cure is to prevent it to be happening.
I think people need to stop worrying, about their life, job, relationship, or whatever. Just be happy-go-lucky once in a while enjoying the moments whether or not you are in the ideal situation (according to your expectations). Be more grateful and don't be too disappointed if your life doesn't go as planned. Often, you don't know what's best for you and only realize it after some time in the future.

Putting pressure on yourself is good for growth, but remember to always keep your happiness in check.

Title: Re: How do you deal with mental stress?
Post by: Albert_09 on April 25, 2023, 04:03:19 PM
I get distracted from everyday life, go out of town, walk in the fresh air, take a break from everything

Title: Re: How do you deal with mental stress?
Post by: kirya on July 24, 2023, 10:36:46 PM
Taking a break from work and spending time with my family works great for me.

Title: Re: How do you deal with mental stress?
Post by: Raceonsucced on July 25, 2023, 03:12:46 AM
I always look at the sky, when I see it I feel calm Or sometimes watch something funny and think positively.

Title: Re: How do you deal with mental stress?
Post by: Raya One on July 25, 2023, 05:23:58 AM
Time is the best healer. When i was stressed, i transfer my stress to God and feel calm.

Title: Re: How do you deal with mental stress?
Post by: rybako on July 25, 2023, 06:21:23 AM
I deal with mental stress by using herbal medicine like chamomile, lavender and lemon balm. They smell nice and they're great for peace of mind. Also smoking weed is great. But only if it's legal in your location.

Title: Re: How do you deal with mental stress?
Post by: stafstor on July 26, 2023, 03:28:08 PM
I usually... just do nothing... Like nothing at all. Stress is normal if you ar alive. Anything good or bad won't last forever. Just do what you do and wait till there will be some time to slow down and chill=)

Title: Re: How do you deal with mental stress?
Post by: BADecker on July 26, 2023, 09:58:58 PM
How do you deal with mental stress?

Figure out a comment for The Pun & Fun Thread. (


Title: Re: How do you deal with mental stress?
Post by: DeathAngel on July 30, 2023, 07:40:00 PM
There are loads of ways to deal with stress, some of the best ways include exercise, practicing mindfulness or meditation, seeking support from loved ones, setting boundaries & doing hobbies or activities that make you happy. It is important to find what works best for you & prioritise self care to manage & reduce stress levels.

Title: Re: How do you deal with mental stress?
Post by: Jinx9975 on December 15, 2023, 02:48:49 AM
 Here are some effective ways I deal with mental stress:

Take breaks. I make sure to step away from whatever is causing the mental stress periodically. A short 5-10 minute break to go for a quick walk, listen to calming music, meditate or do some deep breathing exercises helps clear my mind.

Exercise. Engaging in regular cardiovascular exercise is proven to help lower stress hormones and boost endorphins. I make it a priority to exercise 3-4 times a week. Even just going for a 30 minute walk helps relax my body and mind.

Talk it out. Venting to a close friend or writing thoughts down in a journal helps me get worries off my chest so they don't keep swirling in my head on repeat. Just verbalizing anxieties can make them seem less intense.

Work on perspective. When I have some mental distance from a stressful situation, I think about whether this issue will realistically matter in 5 years. That helps me realize most daily stresses are not world-ending, even if they feel hugely significant in the moment.

Unplug. Doomscrolling social media or obsessively analyzing problems tends to heighten worry. Disconnecting from devices and using the time for self care instead helps give my mind a rest.

Prioritize self care habits. Getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods, staying hydrated and taking time for enjoyable hobbies all equip me to handle mental stressors better long-term.

Implementing small stress management habits consistently makes a big difference. I have more mental bandwidth to solve problems or bounce back when new stressful situations inevitably come up. The key is being proactive and purposeful with self care.

Title: Re: How do you deal with mental stress?
Post by: franky1 on December 15, 2023, 04:43:12 AM
step one.
stop any activity and just sit for a few minutes doing nothing but breathing. look at your immediate vicinity of 6 foot radius and see if the thing stressing you out is attacking you directly there and then.. if so move.. if not then realise you are not being attacked by the stresser itself, but your own mind attacking you .. its like a PTSD

if its based on doomscrolling, or social media or national news..
walk to your front yard/front door without your devices
scan your view, a full 180o of your neighbourhood outside your house
notice that there are no bombs, no terrorists, no government agents, no homeless or zombies begging to eat.
notice how nothing is actually attacking you personally/physically.
then learn to not believe everything you read as something thats personal. realise most media is generalised and distant

if its based on finances
get the last 3 months of bank statements and bills and receipts
then on a spreadsheet put your income and then write out your spending and actually list it all
work out what things are causing most stress by being wasteful/unneeded spending
create a budget to organise your finances, aim to change your situation

if its based on relationships
write a pro-con of the relationship. is it worth the negatives to enjoy the positives
work out what the cons are and see if you can find ways to avoid, change or adjust your mindset/perception about how you interpret the negatives
this might mean realising other peoples criticism of you are not as they seem(bad joke, their own stress made them say something untrue)

if its emotions about random things
when something is on your mind. write it out as a quick bulletpoint, chapter title
then briefly describe the problem and how it causes real effect on you physically or if its just a emotional thing
aim to try to come to a conclusion of a solution

Title: Re: How do you deal with mental stress?
Post by: btc78 on December 15, 2023, 12:58:09 PM
it’s quite simple i let myself feel stressed

i find that repression leads to a greater mental stress later on so if i feel stressed, anxious or sad I accept my feelings and i let myself wallow for maybe a day or two but the important thing is after i let myself rest or rot in bed I always make sure that the next day i can bounce back and go back to my usual self

Title: Re: How do you deal with mental stress?
Post by: ogamibr on December 15, 2023, 04:18:26 PM
I like my retrogaming consoles...

When I'm stressed or tired, I turn them on and play, alone or livestream.

I beat Megaman 1 (Nintendo 8 bits) once again; its satisfatory finish a good/hard game.

Double Dragon 2 is also a good game from the 8-bit generation.

Title: Re: How do you deal with mental stress?
Post by: boyptc on December 15, 2023, 07:21:20 PM
Sleep and food.

As OP have said about having great amount of sleep, this is one of my stress reliever. In a very stressful times today, it's different level unlike before when things seems to be chill.

That's why getting good amount of sleep is a must and as well as some comfort food is also helpful just to satisfy your tummy and also give some cool to your head.

So, it's basically food and cold drinks for me.

Title: Re: How do you deal with mental stress?
Post by: Richbased on December 16, 2023, 01:59:50 AM
Sleep and food.

As OP have said about having great amount of sleep, this is one of my stress reliever. In a very stressful times today, it's different level unlike before when things seems to be chill.

That's why getting good amount of sleep is a must and as well as some comfort food is also helpful just to satisfy your tummy and also give some cool to your head.

So, it's basically food and cold drinks for me.

Having a good meal and sleep is good just as you said but sometimes you know that one can really find it difficult to do those two things because when we are talking about mental stress we're definitely referring to the mindset of an individual towards how they handle things around them so sometimes one can be involved in thinking about things that is happening within their environment and you will see that they may really find it difficult to eat or sleep even if they try to as they will feel so uncomfortable with the stress they're going through so for me; getting rid of mental stress involves meeting a therapist, then they can offer solutions to you on how you can handle your situation.

Title: Re: How do you deal with mental stress?
Post by: jojoalex on December 16, 2023, 11:14:08 AM
1- Play video games
2- Watch anime, movie or a serie
3- Watch national geography
4- Draw or do something fun
5- Learn new things
6- Take care of urself :)

Title: Re: How do you deal with mental stress?
Post by: jrrsparkles on December 16, 2023, 04:07:08 PM
1- Play video games
2- Watch anime, movie or a serie

Both are addictive and interfere with the sleep time and trust me it is the first enemy of our sleep so avoid using gadgets as much as possible then only we will be able to get enough sleep time that will resolves 90% of issues related to stress and make us feel energized to move forward on our day.

Title: Re: How do you deal with mental stress?
Post by: peter0425 on December 17, 2023, 02:41:34 AM
there are several activities that I am enjoying while dealing with stresses either physical or mental and those are  these >>

1 . Playing Billiards - this made my day enjoying and thinking nothing but fun.

2 . Biking  -  this free my mind from everything but scenery and environment .

3 . Eating - preparing meals for my family and friends makes me satisfy with my providing .

have your self a piece mate , and you will stress free all your life .

Title: Re: How do you deal with mental stress?
Post by: rodskee on December 21, 2023, 12:26:33 PM
Mental stress can affect your general wellbeing. Mental stress like work, financial problems, relationship issues and health problems can affect us mentally. So it is very important to take care of ourselves whenever we are stressed.

What I do when I'm over stressed:

1: I relax by taking a deep breath and meditate:  This helps to calm my nerves.
Yoga for me , I have a friend that let me come with her at least once a week.
2: I get enough sleep: I don't joke with sleep. did you know most headaches are due to stress. Lack of sleep can cause stress and anxiety. Aim at 7-8 hours sleep per night.
this is the hard part , because nowadays I am so lucky to have 5-6 hours of straight sleeping.
3: I exercise: it makes me feel relaxed and energized. Aim for at least 30 minutes exercise 3 times a week.
I'm almost doing it daily in the morning and indeed its great feeling.
4: I don't over commit myself to work. I prioritize my  time. I must not complete all task a day.
but it is our obligation mate, work is money.
5: If you have a partner,  make sure to get
a good Orgasm 😄. Orgasm is one of the best way to relief stress.

What do you do when you are stressed mentally?

In this last part that we will be having good talk, because we are having this at least one to 4 times a week  for at least  15 years now.

Title: Re: How do you deal with mental stress?
Post by: kotajikikox on December 21, 2023, 12:36:48 PM
Sleep and food.

As OP have said about having great amount of sleep, this is one of my stress reliever. In a very stressful times today, it's different level unlike before when things seems to be chill.

That's why getting good amount of sleep is a must and as well as some comfort food is also helpful just to satisfy your tummy and also give some cool to your head.

So, it's basically food and cold drinks for me.
actually I also have those 2 but what I am adding is that I also Exercise or some sports mate? because aside from food and water stress can also be relieved by physical activities?

anyway we have all our own way ,I was just interested in other things aside from what we are sharing here mate.

Title: Re: How do you deal with mental stress?
Post by: boyptc on December 23, 2023, 11:45:40 PM
Having a good meal and sleep is good just as you said but sometimes you know that one can really find it difficult to do those two things because when we are talking about mental stress we're definitely referring to the mindset of an individual towards how they handle things around them so sometimes one can be involved in thinking about things that is happening within their environment and you will see that they may really find it difficult to eat or sleep even if they try to as they will feel so uncomfortable with the stress they're going through so for me; getting rid of mental stress involves meeting a therapist, then they can offer solutions to you on how you can handle your situation.
I agree and that's one thing for me. As long as I'll be able to deal with it through my comfort food and drinks, that would be enough.

But definitely for those that can't deal with it through their comfort activities, foods and passions. They have to seek professional help from the ones who are experts and professionals on this.

It won't hurt your ego if you'll get a consultation from them because that's their job and to help people relieve their stress mentally.

Sleep and food.

As OP have said about having great amount of sleep, this is one of my stress reliever. In a very stressful times today, it's different level unlike before when things seems to be chill.

That's why getting good amount of sleep is a must and as well as some comfort food is also helpful just to satisfy your tummy and also give some cool to your head.

So, it's basically food and cold drinks for me.
actually I also have those 2 but what I am adding is that I also Exercise or some sports mate? because aside from food and water stress can also be relieved by physical activities?

anyway we have all our own way ,I was just interested in other things aside from what we are sharing here mate.
Yeah, sports too and getting some sweat to release as well the toxins in our body through it. Actually, sweating through sports or any activity that make you that is satisfying and gives me the better feeling if I sweat a lot.

Title: Re: How do you deal with mental stress?
Post by: maisie53 on December 24, 2023, 07:27:20 PM
I would divide stress into severe and tolerable. Tolerable stress can be suppressed with the help of good thoughts, if you know how to fantasize and imagine, then this is one of the ways to distance yourself from the source of stress. For example, you just take and think about the things you dream of, imagine that soon you will receive them and you will become a little happier. Severe stress is difficult to suppress, the main thing is not to be alone at such moments, your loved ones will help you cope with it.

Title: Re: How do you deal with mental stress?
Post by: Fransiyum on December 25, 2023, 09:01:46 PM
Mental stress is so bad situation for a individual in public. Because of it you can't think another think like your duties phsiological and social needs.Long story short you can't move on with your life.The life just stop for person untill it ends.After person get rid of it,He or she can move on from where he or she left his/her life.

If you had it;

First try to keep calm and try to focus on some activities that can refresh your mind. One final word during getting rid of it please ask for help from your friends and family

GOOD LUCK!    ;) ;D ;D

Title: Re: How do you deal with mental stress?
Post by: peter0425 on December 26, 2023, 12:01:08 PM
Aside from what i do advised you above , better to find yourself also a better companion because that will help you earn concerns and understanding about world.
stress is part of our living and we cannot even escape from those but how we need to handle is the better way to win against stress because it can  lead us to suicide and losing our family.

Title: Re: How do you deal with mental stress?
Post by: Koceila on December 29, 2023, 10:09:30 PM
Mental stress can damage your brain to a high level, of corse if you stay like you are, you should always deal with it, personally i do some meditation, it always helps to change your perspective and think clearly, sometimes i just go outside with my books and read some pages, you should try that, it's a good solution.

Title: Re: How do you deal with mental stress?
Post by: sv2022 on January 11, 2024, 01:18:56 AM
I usually go outside, meet new people and try to help as much as I can. This is how I manage to stay stress free.  ;D

Title: Re: How do you deal with mental stress?
Post by: Aqua_Man on January 11, 2024, 08:44:00 AM
Metal stress alleviation before the manufacturing process can surely eliminate or greatly reduce metal tension. Metal stress alleviation can be used on both ferrous metals like steel and non-ferrous alloys. Stress relief entails heating metal and then cooling it uniformly.
 You can also do some workouts, play games, meditate, and get a good night's sleep.