Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: jvanname on April 23, 2023, 12:48:38 PM

Title: Bitcoiners are unaware. The mining algorithm wasn't designed to advance science.
Post by: jvanname on April 23, 2023, 12:48:38 PM
You would rather waste as much energy as possible on a mining algorithm that was never designed to solve any scientific problem. I would rather find the most important scientific problem and then use a mining algorithm that is designed to not only solve this scientific problem but also has the required cryptographic properties to secure the network. Sure. The mining algorithm may not be 100% efficient at advancing science. Sure. The mining algorithm may eventually expire since the scientific problem has already been solved or because the current methods of solving the scientific problem may not work so well in the future. This lack of efficiency is better than the efficiency at advancing science exhibited by Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

Using a cryptocurrency with a mining algorithm that is not designed to advance science is incredibly anti-intellectual. This causes people to distrust Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. If you come to me and say I AM A BITCOINER, I will immediately distrust you and regard you as a science hater.

I know that this topic has been discussed before, but I am bringing it up again since the cryptocurrency community still needs to learn.

I also realize that Bitcoiners have brought up counter arguments for why cryptocurrency mining should not be used to advance science. Some of these counter arguments only apply to some poorly designed mining algorithms. For example, there are many proposals for using cryptocurrency mining for scientific computation for questionable use cases. We should not care about using cryptocurrency mining for computing Cunningham chains. Most mathematicians have not even heard of Cunningham chains and the computation of these Cunningham chains does little for scientific advancement. Other counter arguments make no sense whatsoever because the people making these arguments simply hate scientific advancement. It is hard to understand anything about anything when Bitcoiners are unwilling to look at specific proposals for using cryptocurrency mining for scientific advancement.

Title: Re: Bitcoiners are unaware. The mining algorithm wasn't designed to advance science.
Post by: un_rank on April 23, 2023, 01:06:01 PM
You would rather waste as much energy as possible on a mining algorithm that was never designed to solve any scientific problem.
Miners keep the proof of work algorithm, which has shown to be the most secure and efficient blockchain based algorithm, running. That solves the scientific problem of secure, unregulated transactions which works on consensus and discourages bad actors.

I would rather find the most important scientific problem and then use a mining algorithm that is designed to not only solve this scientific problem but also has the required cryptographic properties to secure the network.
Go right ahead. Bitcoin does not limit technological advancements.

I know that this topic has been discussed before, but I am bringing it up again since the cryptocurrency community still needs to learn.

- Jay -

Title: Re: Bitcoiners are unaware. The mining algorithm wasn't designed to advance science.
Post by: jvanname on April 23, 2023, 02:32:38 PM
un_rank-Thank you for reiterating the obvious. But is that all that Bitcoin mining does? It is easy and it takes very little effort to come up with a mining algorithm that secures the network. It also does not take much effort to analyze the cryptographic security of such a mining algorithm. This is very boring. It is much more difficult to come up with a mining algorithm that both satisfies the properties that mining algorithms should satisfy and also works on some scientific problem. For example, if you want to replace SHA-256 with another cryptographic function, then one will probably need to do new mathematical research to evaluate its cryptographic security.

"That solves the scientific problem of secure, unregulated transactions which works on consensus and discourages bad actors."-The bad actors are the Bitcoiners who are not willing to use cryptocurrency mining efficiently in order to secure the network and also solve another unrelated scientific problem. I do not trust people who are willing to waste resources for no reason whatsoever instead of actually putting those resources to the best use as they can.

"Go right ahead. Bitcoin does not limit technological advancements."-It is much easier to solve the technical problems than it is to convince very many people in the cryptocurrency sector that we do not need to waste as many resources as possible for no reason whatsoever. It is even more difficult to convince people that the proposed solutions to the technical problems are the correct solutions. Overcoming the problem of human ineptitude is extremely difficult. People would much rather invest in SBF and FTX and whatever chlurmck the media tells them to invest into.

Title: Re: Bitcoiners are unaware. The mining algorithm wasn't designed to advance science.
Post by: NeuroticFish on April 23, 2023, 02:49:45 PM
If you come to me and say I AM A BITCOINER, I will immediately distrust you and regard you as a science hater.

I will just come and tell you that
1. You seem to not fully understand what is bitcoin mining for, hence you propose to fix things you don't understand.
2. You seem completely unaware what this amount of energy means in the grand scheme of things.

PS. I dare you convince the companies (and casinos) turn off 90% of their electricity based advertising then come back preaching.

Title: Re: Bitcoiners are unaware. The mining algorithm wasn't designed to advance science.
Post by: jvanname on April 23, 2023, 03:15:01 PM
NeuroticFish-I have a Ph.D. in Mathematics, and I have been doing mathematical research on things like using machine learning algorithms to evaluate the cryptographic security of block ciphers. But you probably think that education is stupid, so telling you that I am educated will probably only make you exceedingly angry.

If you think I misunderstand something, you need to give an actual explanation or give a specific reference for the specific thing that I do not understand. Since you have not done this, I cannot take you seriously. Please learn some social communication skills. Please seek professional help so that you learn those social communication skills.

"2. You seem completely unaware what this amount of energy means in the grand scheme of things."-Is this an excuse to waste more energy then? Is this also an excuse to waste as many resources as possible? Please seek professional help so that you learn a thing or two about decency.

Next time, you should focus on making real arguments so that you do not come across the way that you do.

P.S. If you knew anything about economics, you would realize that asking companies to be unprofitable would not work. Just because you do not personally benefit as much as you think you should when companies advertise does not mean that there is any way to make companies not advertise about their products and services. And advertisements do benefit you. Sure, you may think of advertisements as annoying. Most people do. But advertisements educate you about the products and services that are out there. Without this education, you would not be informed about all the different products and services that you can choose from. The next time you have a discussion, you should think before exposing everyone to your word salad.

Title: Re: Bitcoiners are unaware. The mining algorithm wasn't designed to advance science.
Post by: philipma1957 on April 23, 2023, 04:04:08 PM
Do you know how many solar arrays btc mining ⛏️ has funded?

Do you know how many megawatts a year my partners and I produce with our solar arrays built with funding from btc?

you don’t. so  for all your education you left out major information in your arguments.

our arrays dedicated to mining make 600 megawatts in a year.

About 18000 megawatts for their useful life.

The btc rewards were the extra financial boost we need to get then done.

I get that using asics to solve different scientific problems can help people. But asics mining btc can greatly expand the worlds solar arrays especially when you grid tie them.

A far bigger issue is grid power companies in the world that don’t net meter your solar array.

Do some research on that and you will find that many places do not require net meter on solar power.

This is far worse problem than btc mining as it hinders the boost that solar arrays can do for the world wide grid.

Title: Re: Bitcoiners are unaware. The mining algorithm wasn't designed to advance science.
Post by: jvanname on April 23, 2023, 04:24:15 PM
philipma1957-Unless you have a magical mining algorithm that only works if it is powered using solar power, your argument is completely and utterly irrelevant.

"Do you know how many megawatts a year my partners and I produce with our solar arrays built with funding from btc?"-This is not a well-formed question nor is it relevant to using cryptocurrency mining algorithms for scientific advancement. Your solar arrays produce power and this power is measured in something like watts or even megawatts. The amount of power is not measured in megawatts per year. Unless you have a solar array factor, you cannot measure the output of this factory in megawatts per year.

"you don’t. so  for all your education you left out major information in your arguments."-There you go hating on education again. You are not a good person. You do not even capitalize the first word of your sentence. And you need to put only one space between the word 'so' and the word 'for'. I am not going to put irrelevant information because irrelevant information is not relevant.

"our arrays dedicated to mining make 600 megawatts in a year."-Megawatt is a unit of power. The amount of power that solar arrays produce is measured in megawatts and not megawatts per year. If you have a solar array factory, then you can say that it produces 600 megawatts of solar arrays per year, but that is different. Please use the correct units.

"About 18000 megawatts for their useful life."-This is b***s***. You clearly do not understand anything about units because you are uneducated. You are not even enough of a good person to realize your lack of education. You instead hate my education because you are a bad person. The largest solar array in the world is a 2200 megawatt solar array. Are you saying that your array is larger than the largest in the world?  Do you use multiple arrays to get up to 18000 megawatts?

"The btc rewards were the extra financial boost we need to get then done."-This is not relevant since it is clear that you are speaking BS.

"I get that using asics to solve different scientific problems can help people. But asics mining btc can greatly expand the worlds solar arrays especially when you grid tie them."-Whether ASICs are powered by solar or by nuclear or coal is not relevant to the fact that the mining algorithms need to be used to solve an important scientific problem.

"A far bigger issue is grid power companies in the world that don’t net meter your solar array. Do some research on that and you will find that many places do not require net meter on solar power."-Or you should do research so you know the difference between a Joule and a Watt.

"This is far worse problem than btc mining as it hinders the boost that solar arrays can do for the world wide grid."-You are saying that the existence of Problem B means that Problem A is irrelevant. That is fallacious thinking. This is also how a**h***s think.

Title: Re: Bitcoiners are unaware. The mining algorithm wasn't designed to advance science.
Post by: NoBrain86 on April 23, 2023, 04:45:06 PM
What is the "advanced science" you are (not) talking about?

Title: Re: Bitcoiners are unaware. The mining algorithm wasn't designed to advance science.
Post by: NeuroticFish on April 23, 2023, 05:35:26 PM
NeuroticFish-I have a Ph.D. in Mathematics,

For start your should know that "waving" "badges" means nothing on the internet.

Then, if you think you need to tell about phd in order to - I don't know - give more weight to your so called proof means that it's you who should improve your interaction skills.

Plus: if you think that implying that someone is stupid will make your point correct then I'm sorry for you.

There will always be some industries hungry for energy. The number of such industries keeps rising over decades. So a more sane direction for your efforts should be to get better sources of energy. Convincing any industry to give up has no real chances for success.
Then the energy Bitcoin uses will no longer be a headline.

Then, since Bitcoin cannot be mined with any kind of computing power, if I'd have free electricity, I would have no issues keeping a computer computing for science overnight.

Bitcoin computing is not feasible to be redirected. Being a rush for finding the blocks, where only one pool wins one block, anyone diverting computing power towards anything else gives the competing miners an extra chance. And then then the miners will leave a pool with such a policy.

So, if you indeed have a phd, I expect you focus on directions that can bring results. And remember, internet doesn't care who you are.

Title: Re: Bitcoiners are unaware. The mining algorithm wasn't designed to advance science.
Post by: jvanname on April 23, 2023, 05:38:29 PM
NoBrain86-By advancing science, I mean that the computation has uses other than simply securing the cryptocurrency. There are several cryptocurrencies that reward miners with coins for finding patterns in the collection of prime numbers such as Cunningham chains or gaps between prime numbers. But these cryptocurrencies barely count because the problem of finding patterns in the collection of prime numbers has little potential applications, and it is not even that interesting to mathematicians. This means that the cryptocurrency community needs to try harder at recognizing proof-of-work problems that do actually work towards solving a problem that is actually important.


"For start your should know that "waving" "badges" means nothing on the internet."-This is because you are too f***ing stupid to appreciate education.

"Then, if you think you need to tell about phd in order to - I don't know - give more weight to your so called proof means that it's you who should improve your interaction skills."-I cannot improve my social interaction skills by talking to you because you hate education, and you are a bad person.

"Plus: if you think that implying that someone is stupid will make your point correct then I'm sorry for you."-Yes. You do lack intelligence. And yes my point is correct. But I am not arguing for the correctness of my point. I am instead saying that I cannot effectively communicate with you using logical arguments because you are too much of a chlurmcklet to understand what I am saying.

"There will always be some industries hungry for energy. The number of such industries keeps rising over decades. So a more sane direction for your efforts should be to get better sources of energy. Convincing any industry to give up has no real chances for success.
Then the energy Bitcoin uses will no longer be a headline."-Just because Problem B is a problem does not mean that Problem A is not a problem.

"Bitcoin computing is not feasible to be redirected. Being a rush for finding the blocks, where only one pool wins one block, anyone diverting computing power towards anything else gives the competing miners an extra chance. And then then the miners will leave a pool with such a policy."-I am talking about when the cryptocurrency mining algorithm is hard wired for a specific purpose in the protocol for the cryptocurrency.

"So, if you indeed have a phd, I expect you focus on directions that can bring results. And remember, internet doesn't care who you are."-Stupid people do not care because they are stupid. Please stick to logical arguments. Stop hating education and intelligence. It makes you look very bad!

Title: Re: Bitcoiners are unaware. The mining algorithm wasn't designed to advance science.
Post by: NoBrain86 on April 23, 2023, 06:02:07 PM
"NoBrain86-By advancing science, I mean that the computation has uses other than simply securing the cryptocurrency. There are several cryptocurrencies that reward miners with coins for finding patterns in the collection of prime numbers such as Cunningham chains or gaps between prime numbers. But these cryptocurrencies barely count because the problem of finding patterns in the collection of prime numbers has little potential applications, and it is not even that interesting to mathematicians. This means that the cryptocurrency community needs to try harder at recognizing proof-of-work problems that do actually work towards solving a problem that is actually important."

What has bitcoin to do with this?
I dont get your problem. If Bitcoin wouldnt handle "advanced science", all 21million btc would be mined today.

Title: Re: Bitcoiners are unaware. The mining algorithm wasn't designed to advance science.
Post by: NoBrain86 on April 23, 2023, 06:08:57 PM
bitcoin is not here to solve a mathematical problem, but to solve a financial problem. perhaps you should be clear about this

Title: Re: Bitcoiners are unaware. The mining algorithm wasn't designed to advance science.
Post by: coolcoinz on April 23, 2023, 06:24:51 PM
If you come to me and say I AM A BITCOINER, I will immediately distrust you and regard you as a science hater.

Which will only prove how narrow-minded you are and how limited your knowledge of bitcoin is. FYI, most bitcoiners don't mine and mining is only one of many things you can do to call yourself a bitcoiner.
Why would people who consider bitcoin to be digital gold and buy it to protect themselves from the manipulation of the FED deserve to be called haters of science?
You're making it sound, like every bitcoin holder should be aware of the technicalities and spend their time debating if it's green enough, or fancy enough, while some dude in Argentina just wants money not to lose 10% of value each month.

Title: Re: Bitcoiners are unaware. The mining algorithm wasn't designed to advance science.
Post by: jvanname on April 23, 2023, 06:26:19 PM
NoBrain86-Does it hurt to solve a scientific problem? It hurts to not solve a scientific problem. If Bitcoin mining wastes resources on a useful problem, then I very unwilling to use Bitcoin. Since Bitcoin mining was never designed to advance science, the cryptocurrency sector has attracted many bad actors instead of good actors. This is why you get so much scammery instead of innovation.

coolcoinz-"Which will only prove how narrow-minded you are and how limited your knowledge of bitcoin is."-No. This does not prove that I have limited knowledge on Bitcoin. The fact that you think that way means that you are the narrow-minded one. Trust is earned. And Bitcoiners have earned my distrust because they hate science. If you want me to trust you, then you should try being a better person.

"Why would people who consider bitcoin to be digital gold and buy it to protect themselves from the manipulation of the FED deserve to be called haters of science?"-I do not like the FED either. I consider federal reserve notes to be a racist scam because the people on the 1,2,20 federal reserve notes were slave owners who did very bad things to their slaves. But I also realize that Bitcoiners are a problem since they refuse to acknowledge that we should not waste as many resources as possible, but we should make sure that our protocols are actually efficient.

"You're making it sound, like every bitcoin holder should be aware of the technicalities and spend their time debating if it's green enough, or fancy enough, while some dude in Argentina just wants money not to lose 10% of value each month."-Yes. Bitcoiners should be aware of how their Bitcoin works so that they do not fall into FTX scams. And that guy in Argentina probably has all his money on the FTX exchange. He should have learned more about Bitcoin by reading the Bitcoin whitepaper. And after someone learns about Bitcoin and reads the Bitcoin whitepaper, they should come to realize that Bitcoin has a mining algorithm that was never designed to advance science and that using Bitcoin makes them (or at least should make them) look bad.

Title: Re: Bitcoiners are unaware. The mining algorithm wasn't designed to advance science.
Post by: NoBrain86 on April 23, 2023, 06:32:35 PM
NoBrain86-Does it hurt to solve a scientific problem? It hurts to not solve a scientific problem. If Bitcoin mining wastes resources on a useful problem, then I very unwilling to use Bitcoin. Since Bitcoin mining was never designed to advance science, the cryptocurrency sector has attracted many bad actors instead of good actors. This is why you get so much scammery instead of innovation.

So, you should use nothing that does not solve a scientific problem. You shouldn´t use fiat money also, because it doesnt solve a scientific problem.

I think you dont understand bitcoin but you see many scientific problems and dont have a solution. Bitcoin is not this solution, you are right.

Title: Re: Bitcoiners are unaware. The mining algorithm wasn't designed to advance science.
Post by: jvanname on April 23, 2023, 06:51:33 PM
NoBrain86-I hate fiat too. I am in the USA, and the USA's fiat currency is a total scam. It even has racist images of slave owners who did very bad things to their slaves. I only use FIAT currency because I am forced to against my will. Yes. The racist Americans in racist America are such racist racists that they force me to use their racist money. And the most racist of all federal reserve notes are the $1,$2,$20 while the $100 is less racist, the $5,$10,$50 are non-racist. Why do you think that the most racist $1,$20 are some of the most widely circulated notes (except if you are buying expensive things)? I am more of a fan of Bitcoin than fiat garbage, but this is not excuse for Bitcoin's mining algorithm. Bitcoin uses SHA-256 because Satoshi and all early developers did not have the mathematical expertise and the ability to research new mining algorithms that not only have the cryptographic properties to secure the network but which also solve another scientific problem.

"I think you dont understand bitcoin but you see many scientific problems and dont have a solution."-Well, I do not have a solution because having a solution includes convincing others that the solution is a good solution. But I have a hard time convincing others using logic, reason, and evidence because most people do not respond very well at all to logic, reason, and evidence.

P.S. I hope you know that since Bitcoin has a mining algorithm that was never designed to advance science, Bitcoin has attracted a lot of chlurmcks who know nothing about Bitcoin or Bitcoin mining except for how it consumes too much energy. They are hell-bent on banning Bitcoin, but if Bitcoin had a mining algorithm that was designed to advance science, they would not be so hell-bent on banning Bitcoin. I personally will not live in a country that bans Bitcoin because such a country is dumb, but I also want cryptocurrencies to earn a better reputation.

Title: Re: Bitcoiners are unaware. The mining algorithm wasn't designed to advance science.
Post by: NoBrain86 on April 23, 2023, 06:55:04 PM
ok, you are right...

Title: Re: Bitcoiners are unaware. The mining algorithm wasn't designed to advance science.
Post by: jvanname on April 23, 2023, 07:10:13 PM
ok, you are right...


philipma1957- "About 18000 megawatts for their useful life."-I just checked and the entire Bitcoin network consumes about 18000 megawatts of power. You clearly do not know anything about anything because you are a useless chlurmck.

Title: Re: Bitcoiners are unaware. The mining algorithm wasn't designed to advance science.
Post by: kano on April 23, 2023, 11:56:47 PM
Why are people responding to this troll bait?

Title: Re: Bitcoiners are unaware. The mining algorithm wasn't designed to advance science.
Post by: NotFuzzyWarm on April 24, 2023, 12:39:38 AM
Why are people responding to this troll bait?
Agreed. I put them on Ignore a long time ago and only reply to non-trolls.
The only amusing bit is that as usual, they are just another example of someone disparaging what *they* perceive as a flawed system and of course failing to suggest alternatives. Since BTW there are none, perhaps they might actually apply their knowledge of mathematics to working on an alternative that would fit in with their view of the world? Nah... ::)

Title: Re: Bitcoiners are unaware. The mining algorithm wasn't designed to advance science.
Post by: jvanname on April 24, 2023, 01:31:55 AM
kano-You are too inept to understand anything about anything. You have not given any logical arguments because you are worthless trash. Most Bitcoiners are worthless trash as well.

NotFuzzyWarm-Now you are hating mathematics and education. There is a word that I use to refer to people who hate mathematics and education like you do. The word begins with an 's' and ends with a 'd'. And who are you referring to with the pronoun 'they'? The pronoun 'they' is a plural pronoun. Please use correct pronouns. Or use my full name and do not use those f***ing pronouns at all because pronouns are good at obfuscating otherwise clear language. You have very poor communication skills.

"Since BTW there are none, perhaps they might actually apply their knowledge of mathematics to working on an alternative that would fit in with their view of the world? Nah..."-You would not understand because you clearly hate mathematics and education. Please educate yourself about Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Bitcoiners are unaware. The mining algorithm wasn't designed to advance science.
Post by: philipma1957 on April 24, 2023, 02:43:15 AM
ok, you are right...


philipma1957- "About 18000 megawatts for their useful life."-I just checked and the entire Bitcoin network consumes about 18000 megawatts of power. You clearly do not know anything about anything because you are a useless chlurmck.

1.7 megawatts daily x 365 days = 620.5 megawatts a year x 30 years = drumroll 18615 megawatts for their use life.

I would like to think a person with a Phd in 'sciences' and mathematics could do the simple math.

You only proved you do not understand solar array terms such as "useful life" and or do not know how to multiply

1.7mw (daily) By  365 (days in a year)  by 30 (useful life in years)

Now to go to your argument of find a nice math "al gore rhythm" ,inventor of the internet if the pun is too obscure for you. Use it to solve for both btc and a use scientific problem I actually think it is a great idea on your part. World class actually.

So using gpus link an "al gore rhythm" to the conflux/octopus algorithm and this dual algorithm replaces sha 256.

It needs to be gpus and needs to be complex enough to not allow asics to crack it.

My education is tri-fold Accounting/Economics/IT

My degree is In accounting. Solving great scientific problems is cool but $$$ or (B) (B) (B) will be needed to incentivizing the mining.

I look at all mining as a dollar per watt game. I want to solve world problems and at the moment I contribute future pollution free energy to the tune of 18,600 megawatts of power over the useful life of the arrays which were incentives by mining multiple algorithms.

Such as :


I am an equal opportunist and would mine any coin that allows me profits to expand solar energy.

My play is Solar energy not BTC,LTC,DOGE or what ever say

Cure cancer coin

better yet make an algorithm that combines

Fusion energy development research + BTC

With my solar as the bridge and humanity no longer has to worry about energy shortages.

So yeah I like the idea of wrapping the btc coin with fusion power solve into a gpu friendly algorithm . Hey see if you can write it up I will point my solar powered gpus at it.

Good luck with the new algorithm . Be happy that guys that saw a chance to develop solar arrays will be able to mine that algorithm when it is set up.

peace out.

Title: Re: Bitcoiners are unaware. The mining algorithm wasn't designed to advance science.
Post by: philipma1957 on April 24, 2023, 07:49:28 PM
philipma1957-You are ^@#$@#$ %)#_#$. You clearly do not know the difference between a Joule, a Watt, a horsepower, and other units. You lack education. And you are too arrogant to realize that you lack education.

A kilowatt costs 3 to 15 cents for most miners

This includes all delivery costs.

A megawatt costs 30 to 150 usd

The solar arrays I developed will produce around 18000 megawatts in the next 30 years.

At 50 dollars a megawatt that is 900,000 usd in power value.

joules are not needed to be defined.

Or even understood for my point to be taken.

I create solar arrays with btc profits. My only need of knowledge for a watt is what value can I be paid for burning it via mining any coin.
Once determine the value of burning a watt I can decide if I want to use the profit from it to make more solar.

If I could add solar for the next ten years.
My daily solar output may grow as high a 10 megawatts vs the 1.7 megawatts I do now each day.

Which would mean 6 x 18,000 = 108,000 megawatts over the next 30 years.

I would gladly mine a dual wrapped btc/fusion power algorithm. But it does not exist.
I think many miners would mine any coin of value btc or whatever if you provide a wrapped btc/algo angle.

Let me know if you write one and I will point my gpus at it as long as it profit enough for me to continue my solar array growth.

Peace out.

Title: Re: Bitcoiners are unaware. The mining algorithm wasn't designed to advance science.
Post by: jvanname on April 24, 2023, 07:57:24 PM
philipma1957-You are ignored. I am not responding to your comment because I am very confident that you have not said anything of substance. I am confident that you instead hate me because I am educated. It is best if you leave this site. It is a shame that this site has been taken over by chlurmcks who simply hate scientific advancement.

Title: Re: Bitcoiners are unaware. The mining algorithm wasn't designed to advance science.
Post by: philipma1957 on April 24, 2023, 09:32:31 PM
philipma1957-You are ignored. I am not responding to your comment because I am very confident that you have not said anything of substance. I am confident that you instead hate me because I am educated. It is best if you leave this site. It is a shame that this site has been taken over by chlurmcks who simply hate scientific advancement.

I was reading this idea of yours and wondered if you have gained a lot in practical application of reverse computing.

Interesting idea if it ever works.

Since the sun works and clearly has demonstrated fusion to us my thoughts have been towards energy creation. Which is why I am practically developing the bridge to fusion with my solar array.

Your energy conservation idea is revolutionary if it works.
You have to have a lot of faith to do things in your direction as I believe no large scale model is available to model your software you are looking to make nothing out of something.

I see the sun and am fairly sure that fusion is real.

But to actually believe you can make a working practical reverse computer that spends under 1% of the energy required for a standard computer is pretty nice idea.

Unfortunately your thread is not about mining btc.

It is about your own algorithm cirrcash which by definition means it does not belong in this section.

The circcash algorithm is not the sha256 algorithm which means you are posting in the wrong section.

this section below is where you need to move this thread:

have you had many people point gear to circcash?

It seems to be a worthwhile idea. I have a few pcs I could point to your algorithm.

Please note bitcointalk has rules about where to post.

sha256 section is not for your algorithm circcash.

Title: Re: Bitcoiners are unaware. The mining algorithm wasn't designed to advance science.
Post by: jvanname on April 24, 2023, 10:07:30 PM
philipma1957-You keep on replying, but you are still being ignored, so I am still not looking at your word salad.

Title: Re: Bitcoiners are unaware. The mining algorithm wasn't designed to advance science.
Post by: dansus021 on April 25, 2023, 03:29:44 AM
There is actually a coin do mining while contributing to medical research it is called banano and you can mine here It is not very popular but I think maybe someday trend like this coin is start to exist.

And you can mine Foldingathome by using your cpu and mine other crypto with your gpu

Title: Re: Bitcoiners are unaware. The mining algorithm wasn't designed to advance science.
Post by: jvanname on April 25, 2023, 11:19:40 AM
dansus021-So there are two different flavors of useful proof of work problems. There are the cryptographic useful proof of work problems which are useful both for securing the network by establishing consensus but which are also useful for some scientific computational task like medical research. And there are non-cryptographic useful proof of work problems which are useful for a scientific purpose like medical research but which do not help the cryptocurrency in any way other than making the users feel good. Cryptographic useful proof of work problems are a lot more like Bitcoin than non-cryptographic proof-of-work problems.

There is a trade off here. Non-cryptographic useful proof of work problems can easily be made to solve any scientific problem since these non-cryptographic problems are not used to establish consensus. It is an important but difficult cryptographic challenge to get a useful proof of work problem that both establishes consensus and solves an important scientific problem. A cryptographic proof-of-useful-work problem will probably be much less efficient at solving the scientific problem since there are severe restrictions on what is possible with cryptographic proof-of-useful-work problems.

P.S. I prefer calling the problems "useful proof-of-work problems" instead of "proof-of-useful-work" problems. Here, the problem should be primarily a proof-of-work problem, and the adjective 'useful' means that the problem is an element of a subset of the class of all proof-of-work problems. If we instead said 'proof-of-useful-work' problems, that could mean that the problems are unlike traditional proof of work problems and may not satisfy all of the correct cryptographic properties.

Title: Re: Bitcoiners are unaware. The mining algorithm wasn't designed to advance science.
Post by: Flexystar on April 25, 2023, 11:42:36 AM
So you are telling me that if I am not printing the money then I’m not the real user of fiat notes/coins?
If I’m not digging up any gold from the earth then I have no right to use the gold at all?

You mean to say I don’t understand the science behind it. What elemental properties of gold are should be known to me all the time before I can use it.

So considering this math up front you want me to understand how mining works, or may I should start mining right from today then I have right to use bitcoin.

That’s just insane thought. It’s a math. Miners solve it with complex algorithm that was produced by Mr Satoshi to give confirmations on blockchain and embed the data permanently in nodes.

That’s the most basic understanding of the common user of bitcoin and they do not need to worry about every technical aspects of the same. Do you think about science behind everything around us while using or availing the stuff?

Title: Re: Bitcoiners are unaware. The mining algorithm wasn't designed to advance science.
Post by: franky1 on April 25, 2023, 12:35:53 PM
the OP is not a math genius.. but he pretends to be

firstly bitcoins mining algo is efficient. it has one job and it does it very very well. maths proves it..
for the OP to want to invent another purpose requires extra computation. which then makes its actual function less efficient, thus bad math

so if he wants to do something. he should use his supposed math degree to design an asic that does his scientific problem algo. create 2million devices and go create some altcoin and see if he can create value out of  solving his problem without breaking bitcoin or making bitcoin inefficient in its own mathematical job

the OP sounds like someone that looks at a pedal bicycle and instead of seeing its features and benefits of its bike function he just wants to moan that its not a car and doesnt solve car needs.. without realising its not suppose to be a car. its a bike that does bike things for bike needs in an efficient way better than cars can

Title: Re: Bitcoiners are unaware. The mining algorithm wasn't designed to advance science.
Post by: jvanname on April 25, 2023, 01:17:25 PM
Flexystar-I don't know if you know this. You probably don't. But knowledge is a good thing. Being an anti-intellectual is a bad thing. Stop being an anti-intellectual anti-intellectual.

"What elemental properties of gold are should be known to me all the time before I can use it."-Well, you should at least know that the density of gold is 19.3 times that of water. Or if you do not know the exact number, you should know that gold is a really heavy metal and that unlike other heavy metals it is non-toxic (i.e. you can eat it, nom nom). If you are using gold to try to impress a lady, it is much better if you did not know anything about gold, chemistry, economics, etc, (unless the lady knows a bit about chemistry herself), but if you are using gold as a store of value, then you should do a little bit of basic research into the precious metals and the alternatives.

If you are going to mine or invest in Bitcoin, you should understand what Bitcoin is about. You should read and understand the Bitcoin whitepaper and understand what a cryptographic hash function is. It is not that hard. Because if you do not understand what Bitcoin is all about, then you will worship Sam Bankman Fried and you will get duped by the dupers.

I would appreciate it if you tried to make a higher quality conversation.

franky1-You are displaying truly horrendous social skills because you are a truly terrible person. Have you read my recent mathematical research on the L_{2,d}-spectral radius dimensionality reduction? Do you even know what that does? It takes a collection of n by n matrices (A_1,...,A_r) (these matrices could be real, complex, or quaternionic) and it returns a collection of d by d matrices (X_1,...,X_r) where d<n is a hyperparameter. This matrix dimensionality reduction satisfies all the properties seem too good to be true. For example, the matrices (X_1,...,X_r) are produced using gradient ascent, but the gradient ascent process often converges to the same local maximum. I wonder why that is the case? Oh. And (X_1,...,X_r) tends to satisfy similar properties to (A_1,...,A_r). If A_1 is the identity matrix, then X_1 is also (up-to-a constant factor) the identity matrix. If each A_j is real symmetric, complex symmetric, quaternionic, Hermitian, positive semidefinite, rank r<d, or real, then the matrices X_1,...,X_r will also satisfy these properties (up to symmetry and a constant factor).

I have developed this dimensionality reduction in order to investigate cryptographic functions, but it looks like it is also applicable to machine learning for graph embeddings, word embeddings, other dimensionality reductions, and it probably has other use cases as well.

You are questioning my mathematical ability because you hate education and you are over here promoting your own stupidity. You are a very bad person.

I have ignored you because you are not an entity who is worth communicating with.

Title: Re: Bitcoiners are unaware. The mining algorithm wasn't designed to advance science.
Post by: woez on April 25, 2023, 01:59:20 PM
I think it is important to understand the unique features and limitations of different cryptocurrencies when considering the potential applications and impacts and relatedly the OP said that Bitcoin mining algorithms were not designed with the aim of advancing science. Rather, it was created as a means of verifying transactions and maintaining the security and integrity of the Bitcoin network and it is possible that there are other cryptocurrencies that use different mining algorithms that have a scientific or computational purpose, such as proof of stake or proof of work algorithms that solve complex mathematical problems.

Title: Re: Bitcoiners are unaware. The mining algorithm wasn't designed to advance science.
Post by: jvanname on April 25, 2023, 02:15:16 PM
woez-Yes. We need to make an effort to understand the differences between cryptocurrencies. And for people who do not have the necessary skills to distinguish between the coins, they need to find someone trustworthy who is able and willing to evaluate the merits and demerits of various cryptocurrency technologies. This is especially important since using cryptocurrency mining for solving a scientific problem has many benefits with little risk but only if it is done correctly.

To everyone else-I am logging out since this conversation has been very unproductive.

Title: Re: Bitcoiners are unaware. The mining algorithm wasn't designed to advance science.
Post by: franky1 on April 25, 2023, 07:47:55 PM
OP wants to pretend he is important, pretend he knows things, throw in a few buzzwords to up his ego and presentation.. . but in the end falls flat on his face about not knowing bitcoins function.

he was hoping he could show off an idea and get alot of people kissing his ass hoping people will socially warm to him due to him saying he knows maths.. boring ass kissery with no depth.

in the end he does not know bitcoins purpose, function or efficiencies. he does not realise the basic math, which his idea adds inefficiencies not just to bitcoin but to other math problems he thought that an algo would help solve

oh well if he really wants to solve a world problem using math. he can make an altnet that purely solves his problems where its efficient at his problems task.

meanwhile bitcoin will continue solving blocks efficiently because thats its job

as for him doing examples of empty value matrices to jargon display what he thinks he knows.. thats not special maths. its just showing how an array is laid out..
factoring data is not special either
but none of his 'math' has anything to do with bitcoin

he has much to learn if he wants to understand bitcoin. and much to learn about utilising math for certain functions.

Title: Re: Bitcoiners are unaware. The mining algorithm wasn't designed to advance science.
Post by: NotFuzzyWarm on April 25, 2023, 08:24:35 PM
Even more to the OP's misguided point - they *are* right about 1 thing: the BTC algorithm wasn't designed to advance science. Well guess what - most technology of any sort was not designed for that either. Was television designed to advance science? Were mobile phones designed for it? etc etc etc? Of course not. They were created/designed to address 1 specific problem. Yes they have been able to evolve but that is only due to the add-on technolgy that now powers them.

There is no matter of 'bitcoiners are unaware'. We know full well what it is and what it was designed to do. As Franky pointed out BTC was created to solve 1 specific problem and it does that very very well.

Title: Re: Bitcoiners are unaware. The mining algorithm wasn't designed to advance science.
Post by: DaveF on April 25, 2023, 08:38:27 PM
Look at all the OPs posts. He is just a rambling idiot.
Might have actually gotten a PHd but it's from thunderwood.

But more then likely in reality he has no BTC and he has no degree and probably no real skills either.

With his posts about crypto, he has proven that he does not know anything about it either.

Also, can we stop feeding the troll. [Dave looks in mirror, crap I just fed him too]


Title: Re: Bitcoiners are unaware. The mining algorithm wasn't designed to advance science.
Post by: jvanname on April 25, 2023, 08:45:02 PM
franky1 and NotFuzzyWarm: You are still being ignored.

DaveF-I will respond to you this once, but I will ignore you after this because you are clearly an exceedingly evil entity. You hate me because I am educated and because you hate education. You love stupidity.

"With his posts about crypto, he has proven that he does not know anything about it either."-Insults are not well reasoned coherent responses. Please get an education.

"Also, can we stop feeding the troll. [Dave looks in mirror, crap I just fed him too]"-You are clearly too inept to understand anything about anything. You are therefore completely incapable of acting like a decent human.

Title: Re: Bitcoiners are unaware. The mining algorithm wasn't designed to advance science.
Post by: franky1 on April 25, 2023, 09:34:52 PM
ok we get it. OP has a piece of paper that cost him many thousands in debt.. lets all bow down to someone that wants us to kiss his ass and tell him his education was worth the time and debt he incurred..

now he has had his ego stroked lets now remind him that he has failed to LEARN many things about bitcoin, math, economics, efficiency, data factoring, etc.

there is a big difference between telling people you have a phD vs actually knowing stuff
there are people working in mcdonalds with phD's

i know you want to be proud of your wasted time and you were hoping it would give you an auro of elitism to make you feel special for doing it. hoping people will automatically give you respect just because you shout phD.. but truth is. real learning can be done by actually learning. not by the games you went through to get your scroll of paper

the american education system is broke. and it seems your the last one to know it. why do you you think most america tech companies import workers from other countries or outsource research to other countries
by the time new math/science has reached the scholars to then become a curriculum to then sell to duped kids bleeding debt.. that information is outdated.

you keep missing the point about what bitcoin is and does. you keep wanting to suggest breaking it. yet you keep skipping the step of understanding bitcoin and its purpose

its like your trying to create a problem and pretend to have a solution. without realising your problem is not the solution and the solution is not your problem

feel free to go design an asic that efficiently brutes through your algo of whatever silly math you think floats your boat. make a network and get people inspired to use your network. incentivise them

but just remember this. what you conceived as an idea. is not what bitcoin is about and wont help bitcoin. it will make bitcoin more inefficient

by the way i have learned more then you can ever dream of.
your still a kid. you think a phD is the pinnacle of your life.. you have alot left to learn

Title: Re: Bitcoiners are unaware. The mining algorithm wasn't designed to advance science.
Post by: jvanname on April 25, 2023, 09:39:37 PM
franky1-I am not responding to your comment. You have demonstrated that you are not an entity worth interacting with. You are a very bad entity. You hate education. You hate science. You are evil.

Title: Re: Bitcoiners are unaware. The mining algorithm wasn't designed to advance science.
Post by: NotFuzzyWarm on April 25, 2023, 10:16:08 PM
feel free to go design an asic that efficiently brutes through your algo of whatever silly math you think floats your boat. make a network and get people inspired to use your network. incentivize them
Good point.
The one change I suggest would be to have his idea run on GPU's. After all, there are gazillions of them that are not 'being used to advance science" Then get in touch with all the GPU makers and convince them to require the algo to always be running in the background...

Of course, there is a plethora of apps out there one can voluntarily install to 'work for science' in the background. Things like SETI, several protein folding programs, etc. Hell, a few even have Rewards programs for folks who dedicate resources to the problems being crunched. (

Of course that would take this thread right out of being related to BTC and put it solidly in the alts sections meaning the mods would have to move it. Again ;)

damnit.. there I go adding to the troll chain... (
edit: Oh, a closing comment @ OP -- we know you have us on Ignore. If you insist on snarky 'reminders' about it well - I for one also have you on ignore as well <but yes occasionally can't resist seeing if you have added anything constructive>. Thing is, I'm replying to someone other than you so... (

Title: Re: Bitcoiners are unaware. The mining algorithm wasn't designed to advance science.
Post by: jvanname on April 25, 2023, 10:34:07 PM
NotFuzzyWarm-I am not replying to your comment unless you get someone to quote you. You are being ignored. You should instead learn to get better social skills.