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Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Jatiluhung on April 29, 2023, 03:11:51 AM

Title: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Jatiluhung on April 29, 2023, 03:11:51 AM
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The food crisis has always been a hot topic of discussion. Because basically this also concerns how we survive and how to avoid crises that occur in the food sector. Of course there are many reasons behind why there is a food crisis, whether it's due to drastic climate change, crop failure, floods and natural disasters, war, hoarding by irresponsible parties, declining interest of young people in agriculture, and also increasingly narrow land. agriculture has turned into factories. or many other reasons.

But I am currently curious about what is happening in each country regarding the current food crisis. Has it gotten better, gotten worse or hasn't there been any change?

In the country where I work, the food crisis has really been resolved. everything is back to normal.Even though the food crisis is over but although food prices are still high and have not come back down. but the consumer's ability can still offset the increase that has occurred so that it can be said that in this country the food sector is under control and sufficient. and how about in your country?

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Poker Player on April 29, 2023, 03:14:58 AM
I don't know what you mean about food crisis other than price increases. Where I live at least there have been no shortages. In that sense the food crisis would fall under the global inflation crisis that was exacerbated by the Ukraine war but started before that due to massive printing and restrictive fossil fuel policies.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Jatiluhung on April 29, 2023, 03:30:00 AM
I don't know what you mean about food crisis other than price increases. Where I live at least there have been no shortages. In that sense the food crisis would fall under the global inflation crisis that was exacerbated by the Ukraine war but started before that due to massive printing and restrictive fossil fuel policies.
I used to think that if the food crisis in this country could be resolved or avoided then prices would gradually come back down. because food stocks from farmers and in the market are also abundant. but it seems it is not happening quickly. there has been a price drop. but not back to the price before the increase. so that it can be said that food prices are still high. although it has decreased slightly. but does not return to the previous low.

but now I just realized that the sector that keeps all prices high is because the price of fuel oil is still high. and maybe this is the trigger for the still high food prices even though the food stocks in the market are abundant and far from lacking. Maybe farmers now have to use more capital to cultivate agriculture due to rising fuel prices.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: bluebit25 on April 29, 2023, 04:30:27 AM
I'm not sure if the small scale has a global impact, but I've read in the past that it's one of the top developed countries in terms of agriculture and there's really a lot to learn. It is a country in Southeast Asia, after the war they were almost a country of poverty and daily food was a burden for every family. But with their reform policy that has helped them gradually become a developed country in many different fields, can someone check for me about Vietnam, the country I am talking about.

However, looking at the general global context, we look back at what has happened to see the fact that everything repeats itself and it seems that people do not like a stable life, until some achievements are achieved. After all, they like chaos. I wonder if it's really human nature, envious competition, and greed that are driving us up and down, and it's like evolution and degeneration are intertwined in every stage.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: adaseb on April 29, 2023, 04:33:57 AM
Basically there are no shortages really but the prices for food is insane pretty much. I would say food costs 50-100% more than it did back in 2019.

Sure at first it was because of Covid and then the supply constraints however lately there shouldn’t be any supply constraints and prices should of either leveled or declined a little. However you can clearly see that’s not the case when going shopping for groceries.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: YUriy1991 on April 29, 2023, 05:04:25 AM

In the country where I work, the food crisis has really been resolved. everything is back to normal.Even though the food crisis is over but although food prices are still high and have not come back down. but the consumer's ability can still offset the increase that has occurred so that it can be said that in this country the food sector is under control and sufficient. and how about in your country?

I think the situation regarding the food crisis varies from country to country, but it is clear that this is a problem that requires immediate attention and action at both the local and global levels. I think this is the main problem that must be done by the government and related parties to carry out Disaster Mitigation to overcome the food crisis and provide assistance to those in need.

Glad to hear that the food crisis has been resolved in your country as high food prices can still have a significant impact on people's lives, in my opinion here It is important to continue working towards a sustainable and accessible food system that can support everyone, regardless of their financial ability and inequality economy.

Apart from that  in my opinion, related parties are trying to address the root causes of food insecurity, such as climate change in the event that there is a need for Mitigation efforts and must be started now it can be in the form of steps such as improvement of irrigation infrastructure in the form of construction of dams, irrigation channels that are standard both primary and secondary channels so that the distribution of water to farmers is fair when farming.

On the other hand, efforts to increase investment in sustainable agriculture are deemed necessary, such as providing financial support to farmers, improving food distribution networks, and promoting education and training in agriculture. Thus creating a healthier and more resilient food system for everyone.

but now I just realized that the sector that keeps all prices high is because the price of fuel oil is still high. and maybe this is the trigger for the still high food prices even though the food stocks in the market are abundant and far from lacking. Maybe farmers now have to use more capital to cultivate agriculture due to rising fuel prices.

Exactly, this is a valid point to consider indirectly. The price of fuel oil has a significant impact on the production and transportation of agricultural products, which in turn affects food prices. the correlations are mutually reinforcing As the cost of fuel increases, farmers have to spend more money to buy fuel for machinery and transportation. This resulted in an increase in production costs borne by consumers. In addition, transportation costs also rise, leading to higher prices in the market. Therefore, the current high fuel prices are important for the government to address in order to maintain food price stability and support the agricultural sector.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: tabas on April 29, 2023, 06:43:48 AM
In what country you're currently from? If they manage to solve the food crisis there then that means that they've planned and executed it very well to avoid the potential problem growing. It's also possible that your country has got a lot of resources and that's why it's solved eventually.
Just as where you are, prices where I'm staying have also increased and that's due to the inflation. There's also some debates about food security and potential food crisis but it's not yet solved and haven't arrived yet, I think that it will come soon but it's not just being published on the media to avoid panicking scene.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Rikafip on April 29, 2023, 06:58:36 AM
Here in Croatia (Europe) we didn't have food crisis at all (if by food crisis you mean food shortage), even though some fear mongers thought (or maybe even secretly hoped) that we will die of hunger and freeze to death due ongoing Russia-Ukraine war. Price of food increased by substantial amoutn though but I think that's how its been all over the worl so its not specific for my country on region.

In times like these, poorer countries/regions are always those that are affected the most but unfortunately I don't see prices of food going down ever again to the old ones so no other solutions other than tightening your belt or making more money.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Cuenta Alternativa on April 29, 2023, 07:57:47 AM
Here in Croatia (Europe) we didn't have food crisis at all (if by food crisis you mean food shortage), even though some fear mongers thought (or maybe even secretly hoped) that we will die of hunger and freeze to death due ongoing Russia-Ukraine war. Price of food increased by substantial amoutn though but I think that's how its been all over the worl so its not specific for my country on region.

Yeaaah, in the end, that is what happened in Europe. Widespread price rises, exorbitant in some cases, and there have been no shortages except in some very specific cases of some items.

In the end, the crisis has consisted of a general impoverishment of the population due to price rises, with the exception of the few who have been able to increase their incomes above the rise in inflation.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: kaseygriffin on April 29, 2023, 08:01:26 AM
I'm not sure where I read this, but I remember information that Russia and Ukraine are both the two countries with the highest level of world food exports including wheat and sunflower. There are too many problems leading to the current situation so looking at a single cause I think is not enough to evaluate the entire process leading to the status quo. It is perhaps easy to imagine that when our lives are always subject to such a rule, the formation is followed by development and gradually comes to a decline and finally the end. This is almost a natural law and it exists in our lives, so sometimes I don't know if I'm being careless or not when I'm indifferent to the happenings in life, although still I hope everyone lives better and more positively, but from personal, collective, national, global, or cosmic influences, we can only accept it.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Gyfts on April 29, 2023, 09:42:42 AM
I'm not sure where I read this, but I remember information that Russia and Ukraine are both the two countries with the highest level of world food exports including wheat and sunflower. There are too many problems leading to the current situation so looking at a single cause I think is not enough to evaluate the entire process leading to the status quo. It is perhaps easy to imagine that when our lives are always subject to such a rule, the formation is followed by development and gradually comes to a decline and finally the end. This is almost a natural law and it exists in our lives, so sometimes I don't know if I'm being careless or not when I'm indifferent to the happenings in life, although still I hope everyone lives better and more positively, but from personal, collective, national, global, or cosmic influences, we can only accept it.

Russia exports fertilizer and grains. Ukraine has some agricultural exports as well but they're not as big as Russia. When the war broke out, there were legitimate concerns for food shortages because the supply chains still weren't completely recovered after the COVID-19 stall. Famine affects poor countries the worst, as the richer countries can use government funds to subsidize food. They'll end up paying a bit more for everything, but no one's going to starve.

Most of all that's subsided anyways.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: mu_enrico on April 29, 2023, 10:57:57 AM
It's difficult to say since technology made products cheaper, but a what cost? People say gmo & non-organic foods are full of harmful substances that will make us unhealthy in the long term, but is it a hard fact? So in my opinion, the quantity is improved and I couldn't see it becoming worse if the price is adjusted for inflation. Even poor people in my country can survive. However, the quality is debatable, but at least, the poor can still eat and the rich can buy organic foods. It's a win-win... Regarding war, it's so far beyond my country's border so it has no effect. Also if you think about it, every year is a crisis, I mean there are different problems affecting different countries and somehow we can prevail, and that's because of trading. As long as we can freely trade, it's fine. Maybe only WW3 can destroy our trading ability.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: DrBeer on April 29, 2023, 11:02:45 AM
A look at the problem of the food crisis, from Ukraine.
I'll split the answer into 2 parts:
1. Food crisis after a wild terrorist attack on the country.
2. Food crisis, and the grain market

And so now in detail.
1. Food crisis after a wild terrorist attack on the country.
As you know, Russia's attack on Ukraine took place in 2014 with the annexation of Crimea and the occupation of part of the eastern regions.
If you google and find a dynamic graph of changes in grain production for 2014-2022, there will be a lot of interesting things, but we will return to this a little later, but for now we use data for Ukraine.
The regions of Ukraine that were hit by large-scale terrorist attacks were industrial (primarily) and agricultural. About 25% of Ukrainian agricultural products were grown in these territories. A terrorist country, in the best traditions of Nazism, that which it could not capture, simply destroyed. You can find a huge amount of photo and video materials of how Russian terrorists simply set fire to fields with grain in the summer of 2014.
In the graph mentioned above, you will see a noticeable dip in production. A number of agricultural holdings were also destroyed. All this affected the provision of the domestic market with food products. In 2014-2015, it was noticeable by a decrease in the range of food products, and some price increases. But in 2015-2016, Ukraine was able to adapt, many agricultural holdings restored or even expanded their sown areas. The expansion went through the cultivation of new lands in the southern and western regions of Ukraine. Those. we have gone through this period quite "simply" without a noticeable deterioration in the situation on the country's markets. And without a noticeable DECREASE IN SUPPLY TO THE WORLD MARKET.

2. 2022, Food crisis, and grain market, situation in Ukraine
As you know, without stopping at the occupation of part of Ukraine, Russia launched a global attack on Ukraine in 2022, with the official goal of DESTROYING my country.
From March to June 2022, approximately 25% of my country was occupied in total. The capture did not take place by seizing the authorities, but by a total "scorched earth" approach, or "everything that we cannot steal, we destroy." A huge number of key industrial enterprises were destroyed in the south / east of Ukraine, in the central and northern regions.
In the south and east of Ukraine, elevators and warehouses full of grain stocks were seized. And here "suddenly" a "global food crisis" arose.
It turned out that although Ukraine produces less grain than Russia, it produces more quality grain. You can read the standards, for example, of bread produced in Russia - there is full swing used forage grain, instead of grain of the highest and first grades. Deliveries from Ukraine have stopped, because. The main channel for the supply of grain to the world market was the Black Sea ports, which were either captured, or destroyed or mined.
And here, in the world market, there was a huge shortage of grain. Plus, let me remind you - since 2019, China began to buy grain on a huge scale. Either he knew about COVID, or he knew about the new global terrorist war in Europe, or both, this is a question from another area.
As you know, although Russia occupies a leading position in the area of sown areas, they have significantly lower yields, dependence on Western technologies and techniques (processing and harvesting), and, as I said earlier, most of the grain is not suitable for export.
The year 2022 and their terrorist attack on Ukraine also disrupted their ability to both grow and supply grain to the world market. Russia found a "solution" quickly, and in its usual manner - STEAL GRAIN IN UKRAINE and sell it under the guise of its own. At the same time, the whole world knew, but decided to pretend that "nothing happened", it's not their grain, it's someone else's :)

Let's go back to the chart I was talking about. If you look at it, then supplies to the world market stabilized just in 2018 (since 2014 there was a drawdown, but not significant). But in 2022, suddenly Russia suddenly increased the number of shipments to the grain market. Guess due to what? Or more precisely, it is more correct to ask - at the expense of WHOSE grain?

Now we are slowly but surely clearing our land and fertile fields from the brown plague of rashism. We will have to work hard and hard to restore fields, farms, and agricultural companies. But we will do it, and we will give the world, as before, a lot of high-quality agricultural products. So the duration of the crisis is directly proportional to Russia's terrorist aggression against Ukraine. And the sooner the terrorist threat is destroyed, the sooner the world will be fed and will live stably!

And another part of the food crisis is the manipulation of the oil market, which directly affects the cost of food production, logistics, etc.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Kakmakr on April 29, 2023, 11:44:25 AM
I think the problems with the shortage of sunflower oil and also fertilizer has been stabilized. The higher prices have sparked other countries to produce more and some that did not produce it.. has shifted their focus to do it.

Yes, the war between the Ukrainians and the Russians has shocked the agricultural world, but it has also diversified the production of certain products that were centralized there.

I do not think everything is back to normal, but it is way better than what it was a year or two ago...  ::)

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: jcojci on April 29, 2023, 11:50:58 AM
Maybe it depends on each country. I mean here, in Indonesia, we can still earn money to buy food even though there is still a lot of hoarding of basic goods by irresponsible elements, people seem not to be affected because they can still buy them. And even though the prices of basic necessities have been increased from suppliers, the people can only complain without being able to take any action.

So until now, I don't think there have been any significant changes in my country or my area, whether in other areas that are still my country's territory. But I think the situation is still the same, people don't bother with it. What is important is that they can still buy basic necessities and still be able to eat. The food crisis has not happened and I hope it will not happen in my country. The ability of consumers is also still stable and even tends to increase because they get additional salaries from their offices.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Lorence.xD on April 29, 2023, 12:06:11 PM
I don't know in here food sources are already a problem even before. But it always results to inflation since demand and supply is what were talking about. It's a problem of course as prices increases the income of the workers are still the same especially those who work for minimum wages. So for a day like $10 and if you minus the lunch, transportation fees and etc. Their income would left only like $5 which is like you're a slave in this economic situation.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Darker45 on April 29, 2023, 12:16:50 PM
I don't think there is a national food crisis in my country right now. Although there are families that can't afford to buy enough nutritious food, it isn't because there is nothing to buy. It's more of the fact that they are poor, so it's about their low income. Poverty is prevalent in my country, in certain provinces and regions more than in any other. There is food insecurity and these poor families and areas are the ones who are the most deprived of access. There is also a shortage of certain food, but it's not on the level of crisis.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: ammo121810 on April 29, 2023, 12:39:26 PM
Food Crisis improved a little bit in our country because as of this time the prices of vegetables and fruits are now much cheaper compare the past few months, maybe it is because it is their season now. But for sure if it is out of season the prices of vegetables and fruits will go higher again. Mostly the most affected by this food crisis are the ones who belongs to below poverty line, wherein they cannot even sustain their daily food needs because of unemployment, lack of education etc. But even the people belongs to the middle class they can still feel as well the changes in the food prices. If the government could only help the local farmers i think the prices can be easily managed and controlled.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: SamReomo on April 29, 2023, 01:27:17 PM
I haven't seen food crisis in place where I live but yes the food prices have increased from 100% to 200% during past two years. Due to higher prices the demand for some food items has reduced as people prefer to give high priority to those foods that have lower price tag. But, even in such conditions the food supply is still far higher than the demand. That's why I won't consider the high prices as food crisis in my country at this time.

As a general perspective food crisis is something that can impact our lives in one way or other and it should be tackled on the global level in order for everyone to avoid the circumstances that we may face if this issue isn't solved. Many countries are going through a rough time where food is not available in abundance. If the problem is tacked on global level then those countries will have sufficient food supply. People won't have to face any problems if the food supply isn't limited but more than enough to fulfill their needs.

Food crisis is something for those people who can not afford to have enough to fulfill their basic needs. I feel very bad for them even they have access to food in their country, but due to poverty they can't purchase enough for their basic needs. And, these days poverty is really on rise, I have seen families who really work hard but still are not able to fulfil their basic food requirements. That's something of concern more than food crisis.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: ItsCrafty on April 29, 2023, 01:38:35 PM

But I am currently curious about what is happening in each country regarding the current food crisis. Has it gotten better, gotten worse or hasn't there been any change?

unfortunately the country where i live food crisis increases and now we are in worst position than previous. The reason behind this position is

Flood in 2022 where we lost 2k lives and 3 trillion economics loses. Lands are not recovered yet fully and farmers also have lack of seeds and other problem which cause less product this year

Because of modern era most of peoples are gave up farming and made trade his hobby. 20% of farming land converted into land property.

There may be other reason but these two are the biggest reason i think caused this food crisis in my country.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: UmerIdrees on April 29, 2023, 01:41:20 PM
I don't know what you mean about food crisis other than price increases. Where I live at least there have been no shortages. In that sense the food crisis would fall under the global inflation crisis that was exacerbated by the Ukraine war but started before that due to massive printing and restrictive fossil fuel policies.

I know the general term for a food crisis is that there is a shortage of food in a country and it is not available to anyone and both the rich and the poor suffer from this crisis.

However, when the price of food increases too much, it becomes out of reach for ordinary people. I would consider this as a food crisis too. Although the rich will still be able to buy expensive food, it is the poor who get affected mostly.

I live in an underdeveloped country, and due to the highest inflation ever, the prices of everything have gone too high and it included essential items like food and medicine too. For a common man, it is very difficult to survive when the wages and salaries are still the same or not increased to the extent that inflation has increased over a period of one year. The main reason for this is the global recession plus the political instability in our country.  :'(

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: YinShuiSiYuan on April 29, 2023, 01:44:33 PM
I don't know what you mean about food crisis other than price increases. Where I live at least there have been no shortages. In that sense the food crisis would fall under the global inflation crisis that was exacerbated by the Ukraine war but started before that due to massive printing and restrictive fossil fuel policies.

I know the general term for a food crisis is that there is a shortage of food in a country and it is not available to anyone and both the rich and the poor suffer from this crisis.

However, when the price of food increases too much, it becomes out of reach for ordinary people. I would consider this as a food crisis too. Although the rich will still be able to buy expensive food, it is the poor who get affected mostly.

I live in an underdeveloped country, and due to the highest inflation ever, the prices of everything have gone too high and it included essential items like food and medicine too. For a common man, it is very difficult to survive when the wages and salaries are still the same or not increased to the extent that inflation has increased over a period of one year. The main reason for this is the global recession plus the political instability in our country.  :'(
For me food crisis is when all the sects don't get food equally like if there is crisis both rich and poor are going to be affected. 
When prices of commodities are so high that poor customer buy basic commodities to put food on its table and they live in starvation that is actual crisis .
Rich honestly can buy anything and they can manage to get food even if its shortage .

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: imamusma on April 29, 2023, 01:51:22 PM
Food crisis happened for at least 1 year in my area (last year) due to climate change and others. But now the problem has been resolved and in the last 2 weeks the harvest season has arrived. But maybe the problem is not about food, but the price of basic necessities is still very high which in my opinion is still difficult to control.

All kinds of basic necessities are still so expensive that I literally have to increase my monthly spending budget by more than 50% of the total regular budget. I don't know when things will get better, it's clearly an unresolved issue.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: inthelongrun on April 29, 2023, 01:52:39 PM
Generally, food in my place is back although not really the exact normal before the pandemic. I live in a metro city and so far basic needs are available. There are goods though that are expensive like meat. Some goods with ingredients imported like those that usually come from Ukraine and Russia are also pricey.

The main problem in my country however is it is controlled by the oligarchs. Meat became scarce during the pandemic and was expensive. After a few years, the price should be back to normal but the companies that provide the feeds were also quick to increase their prices massively reason why the price remains high.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: TheUltraElite on April 29, 2023, 01:52:46 PM
Costs have increased but shortages are fortunately still not common. Environmental conditions often cause a problem in supply of many goods and that ends up correlating with the season but shortage is a far away term from that.

But it is better to be prepared for the worst with a war ongoing economic conditions of majority of the less influential countries are low. That means keeping a dynamic work portfolio being able to change with the need and not stockpiling. We dont need to stockpile stuff for years rather we need efficient workers and frugal investors.

If possible try farming on your own garden/kitchen garden, grow your own crops, it can cut down on some costs.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Razmirraz on April 29, 2023, 02:39:48 PM
The government where I live has collaborated with several regions that have natural resources to meet food availability and security as well as to maintain price stability and the impact of inflation. It is the state's obligation to realize adequate food availability at the national and regional levels evenly to avoid a food crisis.

The government must also step in to stabilize selling prices to the public. It is common knowledge that traders hoard a lot of goods just to fulfill their desire to make multiple profits. The government's involvement in adjusting the selling price of food really helps the poor, even though they have financial difficulties but are still able to survive because food prices are still affordable.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Cling18 on April 29, 2023, 02:41:01 PM
Our country has moved forward from the pandemic food crisis. We are not having a food crisis due to lack of supply but the main struggle that we are experiencing here is the drastic increase of food prices. From the price of primary goods, spices, and vegetables, the prices are continuously rising each day. I'm not sure if the government is doing something to solve this problem or if they're also taking advantage of it. Poor people are mostly affected by this crisis and if they will not double their jobs, they will be having trouble sustaining their family's needs.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Rikafip on April 29, 2023, 02:46:22 PM

Yeaaah, in the end, that is what happened in Europe. Widespread price rises, exorbitant in some cases, and there have been no shortages except in some very specific cases of some items.
Only in Europe? People from other parts of the world will correct me if I am wrong, but I don't think that situation is much better (if anything) elsewhere. If anything, it might be easier for people in Europe as they already have life standard higher than big part of the world so they can handle the price increase better.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Alpha Marine on April 29, 2023, 03:27:16 PM
Food prices in my country have not improved, in fact, they've gotten a little worst. A very slight increase in the price of food. Not across the whole country. Like in every country, some regions/cities/states are more expensive than others.
The City I live in is a very expensive city among cities in my country and things have gotten worst a little bit here.
Even farmers that produce what they sell are forced to increase whatever they want to sell because inflation affects everything.
Despite the fact that there has been a slight increase in price, I think the prices of food have been relatively stable lately when compared to how they were 4-6 months ago. 

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: uneng on April 29, 2023, 03:44:00 PM
Costs are constantly increasing where I live. Each new week food prices become more expensive and the portions become smaller, especially if you are looking for quality food. The solution is to buy cheaper products of inferior quality to maintain your finances healthy and sustainable.

Unfortunatelly I don't think this reality is going to change anytime soon, because the society is blind to this matter. They seem to not worry about foods' prices become more expensive and about having to consume inferior products. People simply go with the flow.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: irsykes on April 29, 2023, 04:11:11 PM
after the covid-19 pandemic disappeared significant changes in terms of food and many others in terms of daily needs. even though it's happening in my country, workers' wages have increased a bit not much. and I don't bother because there are still many cheap prices that don't follow the prestige of the environment. survive, only we can control the management of money so that a crisis does not occur. individual and different needs

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Wexnident on April 29, 2023, 04:26:13 PM
Not really sure, I live with my mom(she handles most of the food expenses) and she hasn't really said anything about the prices being high again so it's either the price went back to normal or people just got used to the high price that it became something natural. Whenever I eat out though the prices have increased in general, but never really went down after that increase in the past so I reckon it's the latter instead of the former. It isn't enough to affect me since we're fine financially, but it may be a big hit for some lower-income families though.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: alastantiger on April 29, 2023, 04:47:59 PM
But I am currently curious about what is happening in each country regarding the current food crisis. Has it gotten better, gotten worse or hasn't there been any change?
In the country where I live, there is no end  for  the food crises because the government is more concerned with fighting the opposition party than with the grappling economic situation. People have to depend on growing their own food and rearing their own animal. Subsistence agriculture.In addition, food that makes it to the market is sold at very high prices. People who can afford it are mostly the wealthy and diplomats in the country. Well, there are Markets in the villages where they run a credit based system for residents to ameliorate the worsening food crises.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: umbara ardian on April 29, 2023, 05:50:55 PM
Food crisis situations vary from country to country, and they are influenced by many factors such as weather conditions, political instability, economic factors, and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
In some countries, the food crisis has improved due to increased agricultural production, better access to food aid, and support from the government and international organizations. On the other hand, in some regions, the food crisis has worsened due to climate-related disasters, conflicts, economic challenges, and other factors that have disrupted food supply chains, causing food prices to soar and increasing food insecurity and malnutrition.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on April 29, 2023, 06:00:27 PM
Well, for many years now, there hasn't been any food crisis in my country; it's just been a hike in food prices due to the cost of production by all the food factories here. I don't know, but I know the cost of production these days is just becoming way too much for some of these food production factories. As a result, there is a hike in prices, plus the fact that the dollar value is not very strong in terms of purchasing power. From what the companies complain, it is not as if the raw materials they require for their production are scarce but because they are also paying more to get the raw materials, while the farmers or agriculturists are also complaining that the cost of farming those crops is much more expensive now because of the high price of acquiring some farming tools and machines and also paying for laborers, including transportation to the market. So upon that, there is no food crisis here because, definitely, you will see anything you want in the market, just that the price is very expensive. Food price here is not just stagnant; either you are buying at a high price this month or the next month you will buy at a very high price.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: lizarder on April 29, 2023, 06:03:02 PM
The food crisis has always been a hot topic of discussion. Because basically this also concerns how we survive and how to avoid crises that occur in the food sector. Of course there are many reasons behind why there is a food crisis, whether it's due to drastic climate change, crop failure, floods and natural disasters, war, hoarding by irresponsible parties, declining interest of young people in agriculture, and also increasingly narrow land. agriculture has turned into factories. or many other reasons.
Talking about the food crisis is the heart of national defense, because this source is very close to the needs of the people and if this sector has problems then I'm sure the country is not doing well, there are several causes regarding the factor of the food crisis and you have mentioned it in full, but what can be done by the government and the people themselves to avoid the problem of food crisis?

The definite answer may be to return to agricultural sources and the government must initiate this idea as one of the important designs in the welfare program or maybe it is included in the annual agenda as food self-sufficiency. While the formats and patterns may be used as before and I'm sure that each country has a different way of dealing with the problem.

But I am currently curious about what is happening in each country regarding the current food crisis. Has it gotten better, gotten worse or hasn't there been any change?
For a while my country is a little safe from the problem of food crisis and even usually during holidays we have difficulty getting food, but for now our country has no problems regarding food and especially for food crisis.

In the country where I work, the food crisis has really been resolved. everything is back to normal.Even though the food crisis is over but although food prices are still high and have not come back down. but the consumer's ability can still offset the increase that has occurred so that it can be said that in this country the food sector is under control and sufficient. and how about in your country?
This is exactly like in my country and even though the availability of food is quite abundant, the price issue is still quite high. This impact occurred right after the post-Covid-19 economic recovery and until now, staple goods have not yet come down.

The community's economy was quite disrupted after Codid-19 and we also know that people have difficulty getting jobs, so everything has an impact on financial stability to support basic needs that must be met, but even so in the area where I live it has been slightly resolved and even though not all.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Dalib on April 29, 2023, 06:06:32 PM
I believe that addressing the issue of food crisis requires a collaborative effort among countries worldwide, and it is crucial to work towards sustainable solutions that ensure food security for everyone.

This can include measures like investing in research and development, supporting farmers, promoting sustainable agricultural practices, and ensuring access to affordable food for everyone.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: BRINIRHA on April 29, 2023, 07:01:46 PM
The food crisis in my area has never really happened. But to be more precise it almost happened. And the government as well as elements of society work together to avoid it. This is done by increasing the welfare of the farmers. The government is actively assisting farmers in various aspects such as the procurement of subsidized fertilizers. so that even though the price of fertilizer originally increased rapidly, the government helped farmers by cutting the price by several tens of percent. so that farmers can still reach the price of fertilizer. so that there is also no price increase in agricultural products.

But we are more worried about the professional crisis as farmers. In essence, every year there are fewer farmers. because it is rare for young people who are interested in becoming farmers. so our concern is the less profession of farmers in our country. but for farmland we really don't worry. because even there are still many areas that have not been touched by humans whose soil is actually fertile and suitable for agricultural land. but the problem of declining interest in the agricultural sector is increasingly worrying. This can be seen from the decreasing number of vocational students who focus on agriculture.

The field that is receiving the most attention and interest from today's young generation is about technology and business majors such as management, accounting or all things related to the economy. everyone seems to want to be office workers. but very few are interested in becoming farmers. so in the next few decades. if this continues, it is not impossible that a food crisis will occur in this country due to the fact that there are fewer local farmers who provide agricultural products. relying on imports is not always a good choice.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: bosede1 on April 29, 2023, 07:25:15 PM
In my Country, things are getting worse as regard food especially before and during the Ramadan period perishable foods got more expensive and it hasn't been restored back to the normal price

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Uruhara on April 29, 2023, 08:23:21 PM
I don't think there has been a significant change in terms of food security in my country. Today is still the same. there has been no drastic price increase for now and neither is there any price reduction in the near future. The food crisis did occur a few months ago or more precisely in 2022. but everything gradually improved and returned to normal in a short time at that time. and until now everything is still the same. we may not worry too much about the food crisis. but we are more worried about the current moral crisis. because somehow I hear more news about violence lately. This was triggered because many people lost their jobs from factories. and trigger more people out of work. However, the government has encouraged and assisted its citizens to build independent businesses through pre-employment education assistance programs and also providing capital assistance. But it seems that this makes business competition more stringent. and I'm worried whether people's purchasing power will compensate or not. Because if purchasing power turns out to decrease. Then it is possible that there will be more independent entrepreneurs who are not successful in running their entrepreneurship due to a shortage of consumers. Because at this time there is not even a salary increase that adjusts to inflation that is still happening. Intense competition creates a lot of tension between these independent entrepreneurs. so there are more conflicts and such. I think there is a kind of spike in stress levels in today's society due to the impact of the economy which is not easy for anyone who doesn't have a job right now. and even those who work still feel deprived because their salary does not meet their needs.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: AmoreJaz on April 29, 2023, 09:42:14 PM
I believe that addressing the issue of food crisis requires a collaborative effort among countries worldwide, and it is crucial to work towards sustainable solutions that ensure food security for everyone.

This can include measures like investing in research and development, supporting farmers, promoting sustainable agricultural practices, and ensuring access to affordable food for everyone.

and since this kind of action needs attention from the higher-ups, we can only do so much to address this on our own level. we may have valuable ideas to resolve such crisis however, up to what extent do you think you can give such suggestions?
in the meantime, better take care of our own needs and see what we can do to sustain our basic needs on our level. just look after yourself and as much as possible live simply so you won't burden yourself with other luxury needs. think also of being sustainable, maybe tend your own small garden, de-clutter, and other small things that you can do at home. i guess, it will give you more peace and contentment in life.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Silberman on April 30, 2023, 03:28:55 AM
I believe that addressing the issue of food crisis requires a collaborative effort among countries worldwide, and it is crucial to work towards sustainable solutions that ensure food security for everyone.

This can include measures like investing in research and development, supporting farmers, promoting sustainable agricultural practices, and ensuring access to affordable food for everyone.

and since this kind of action needs attention from the higher-ups, we can only do so much to address this on our own level. we may have valuable ideas to resolve such crisis however, up to what extent do you think you can give such suggestions?
in the meantime, better take care of our own needs and see what we can do to sustain our basic needs on our level. just look after yourself and as much as possible live simply so you won't burden yourself with other luxury needs. think also of being sustainable, maybe tend your own small garden, de-clutter, and other small things that you can do at home. i guess, it will give you more peace and contentment in life.
This is going to be difficult to do for many out there, since their homes are full of stuff they do not need and that serves no function and yet they keep buying that stuff, however once this becomes more widespread then it will be impossible to keep the economy going, as the current economic model depends on people spending money they do not have on stuff they do not need, and if this stops, as people become more conscious of their purchasing habits, then the economy could collapse.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: gunhell16 on April 30, 2023, 06:43:35 AM
Recently, last year here in our country, there was a shortage of onions, and their price hit very high, but when there was an investigation, it turned out that there were big businessmen who hoarded onions, so their value in the market increased a lot. Consumers are almost completely oblivious.

But now everything is back to normal even though there are other vegetables that are still expensive in the market. But when it comes to the actual shortage of goods, I have not heard of any, because currently, the price of goods in my country is relatively stable.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: xSkylarx on April 30, 2023, 08:16:46 AM
Recently, last year here in our country, there was a shortage of onions, and their price hit very high, but when there was an investigation, it turned out that there were big businessmen who hoarded onions, so their value in the market increased a lot. Consumers are almost completely oblivious.

But now everything is back to normal even though there are other vegetables that are still expensive in the market. But when it comes to the actual shortage of goods, I have not heard of any, because currently, the price of goods in my country is relatively stable.

but this means that those big businessman can control things if the government wouldn't notice and also that means that they can do it with just minimal doings and they can get a lot of profit. What im scared most is that if they will again do this and government cant stop them which means we consumer will be again buying those expensive stuff and caught of short

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: kryptqnick on April 30, 2023, 11:00:06 AM
I live in Ukraine, and the situation has certainly improved if compared with the first half of 2022. The food is there, there is no crisis (if you exclude the occupied areas and areas very close to the frontlines, that is). The shelves are full, you can buy most things if you can afford them (because the prices are much higher than they used to be). However, there are small things that can be missing or next to impossible to find. For a while, it's been the case with good soy cause like Kikkoman, and it's still the case with any sort of basil. You can't buy basil at a farmer's market, it's not available in the supermarkets, and it's very hard to find it online. In 4 months, I've seen basil once. But it's not like you can't live without basil, so I wouldn't call it a food crisis. Just a shortage of specific products, as a direct result of the war. And despite the war, Ukraine manages to grow and harvest enough grains, both for the local market and for export, even though it's less than it used to be, because some areas are shelled too often and some are under occupation.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: karmamiu on April 30, 2023, 12:41:46 PM
Well, basically in our country farmers aren't treated rightfully while some politicians are taking their lands to convert into business establishments or subdivisions. Aside from they are being treated unfairly, they are also suffering from injustice such as the companies are buying their products at the very low prices while the capital to start farming is much more expensive than their profits. That is mostly why farmers give up farming and try to make a living outside the country or go to urban places to find opportunities.

And the result? Due to lack of attention to farmers we import goods outside the country which makes it even more expensive and both ineffective and unhealthy for the economy.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: so98nn on April 30, 2023, 01:08:07 PM
In India, things are pretty banged up. The natural cycle of different seasons has changed dramatically here. We naturally have three seasons accurately lasting for 4 months every years followed by Summer, Rain, Winter. They were so accurate couple of years back, that if you pick up Indian festivals, belief's, rituals etc., and check them on the local calendars then, they used to predict these cyclic season accurately.

I mean I don't know how to explain this, but sometime you would hear your parents talking about XYZ date in the calendar where there is some changes in the stars alignment etc, to which ancestral calendars have given names, which are able to predict that it's gonna rain on that day or couple of days here and there.

Now, what this all has got to do with the OP?

Well, right now even the digital forecasters are failing rapidly. The news comes that, today it is going to be summer shiny day, and in the afternoon you see it's raining. Getting where I am going with this? That level of changes are happening in my country.

It's remaining in summer. This directly affects the Crop which is under cultivation and has ability to thrive in the summer season with little water. But due to rain everything is getting messed up.

The vegetables, fruits, everything is getting costlier. It's a slow process, but a middle man and poor's can already feel the difference on this.

I would say, it's getting worst here.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: cydrix on April 30, 2023, 01:15:14 PM
Perhaps it varies by nation. In Philippines, for example, despite the fact that there is still a lot of hoarding of necessities by irresponsible individuals, consumers don't seem to be affected because they can still acquire them. And despite the fact that suppliers have raised the prices of basic necessities, the public is powerless to do anything about it other than complain.

Therefore, I don't believe there have been any notable changes in my country, my region, or any other areas that are still part of my country's territory, up until this point. However, I believe that things are still the same and that no one is bothered. The fact that they can still purchase essentials and eat is what matters. The food crisis has not materialized, and I sincerely hope that it never will in my nation. Due to the fact that customers continue to receive raises from their workplaces, their capacity is also consistent and even tends to grow.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Uruhara on April 30, 2023, 01:25:01 PM
In India, things are pretty banged up. The natural cycle of different seasons has changed dramatically here. We naturally have three seasons accurately lasting for 4 months every years followed by Summer, Rain, Winter. They were so accurate couple of years back, that if you pick up Indian festivals, belief's, rituals etc., and check them on the local calendars then, they used to predict these cyclic season accurately.

I mean I don't know how to explain this, but sometime you would hear your parents talking about XYZ date in the calendar where there is some changes in the stars alignment etc, to which ancestral calendars have given names, which are able to predict that it's gonna rain on that day or couple of days here and there.

Now, what this all has got to do with the OP?

Well, right now even the digital forecasters are failing rapidly. The news comes that, today it is going to be summer shiny day, and in the afternoon you see it's raining. Getting where I am going with this? That level of changes are happening in my country.

It's remaining in summer. This directly affects the Crop which is under cultivation and has ability to thrive in the summer season with little water. But due to rain everything is getting messed up.

The vegetables, fruits, everything is getting costlier. It's a slow process, but a middle man and poor's can already feel the difference on this.

I would say, it's getting worst here.
The point is that extreme weather changes and the difficulty of predicting the weather there have hampered agricultural production. And I understand that. because actually in my country a similar thing happens except that in the southwest it only has two (tropical) seasons so extreme weather changes are not an obstacle for the agricultural sector.

by the way I heard the news about extreme hot weather in India. did it really happen? if true. so I'm also concerned about this. hope everything returns to normal.

I also want to ask OP, does OP's country also have 2 seasons? if yes. then I think we live in the same country.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Cryptomiles1 on April 30, 2023, 01:32:21 PM
Sincerely speaking food is something that's very hard for us in our country most especially we that resides around the riverine axes of our country, we always get affected by flood and whenever this happened there seems to be food scarcity due to the flood damaging all our foods, plants and livestock are being carried away by the flood which always leads to lack and wants in the land. Currently food items are very expensive because we are trying to recover.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Jatiluhung on April 30, 2023, 01:48:58 PM
Recently, last year here in our country, there was a shortage of onions, and their price hit very high, but when there was an investigation, it turned out that there were big businessmen who hoarded onions, so their value in the market increased a lot. Consumers are almost completely oblivious.

But now everything is back to normal even though there are other vegetables that are still expensive in the market. But when it comes to the actual shortage of goods, I have not heard of any, because currently, the price of goods in my country is relatively stable.
Maybe the same reason also occurs in the country where I work now. that is, there is an irresponsible party who hoards a certain commodity in the form of food. intended to control market prices. to stay high.

but overall, in this country, food prices are relatively stable and still affordable for consumers. there are only one or two types that do have an unreasonable increase.

I also want to ask OP, does OP's country also have 2 seasons? if yes. then I think we live in the same country.
If you ask about where I was born. So there are 3 seasons. but in the country where I work right now there are only 2 seasons. and here also does have a tropical climate. and I am amazed by the structure of the soil here which seems very fertile indeed. so that all types of plants are very easy to cultivate here. at least that's what I often hear from some of my regular vegetable traders.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: ItsCrafty on April 30, 2023, 02:58:09 PM
Food crisis is present everywhere and therefore the price of good items increases day by day. I think that food crisis appears due to the increasing population so people desires to make houses therefore they occupied that land which were previously used for agriculture purposes.

In our country I have seen lots of people who previously worked hard to cultivate crops but now they desires to get it by using money and get rid of cultivating process. So when there is less land for crops and huge population and also lots of people don't grow any crop so food crisis will appears in that country.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Jatiluhung on May 02, 2023, 03:47:40 PM
Food crisis is present everywhere and therefore the price of good items increases day by day. I think that food crisis appears due to the increasing population so people desires to make houses therefore they occupied that land which were previously used for agriculture purposes.

In our country I have seen lots of people who previously worked hard to cultivate crops but now they desires to get it by using money and get rid of cultivating process. So when there is less land for crops and huge population and also lots of people don't grow any crop so food crisis will appears in that country.
Such a shift in interest also has indeed occurred in my country. More farmers are switching professions to become businessmen and the like. So one day a food crisis could occur because there are fewer and fewer people interested in becoming farmers.

And the crisis of agricultural land which has been converted into other industries such as hotel buildings, housing, shops and other types of business buildings has indeed occurred in almost all developing countries. I also witnessed it myself after 5 years of not returning to my hometown. and I remember when I returned to my hometown, a lot of changes occurred. especially those of old times I still remember the vast expanses of gardens and rice fields. but when I returned, the land that used to be rice fields and gardens had turned into a housing complex and left only a small agricultural area. and this condition is indeed related to the increasing number of human populations that are growing rapidly.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Rruchi man on May 02, 2023, 04:35:52 PM
But I am currently curious about what is happening in each country regarding the current food crisis. Has it gotten better, gotten worse or hasn't there been any change?
In my country, things are pretty normal right now regarding food. Not like the prices have reduced generally, but some things that were scares before are available now. My country has a good number of people involved in agriculture both farming and raising crops and also animals, so whenever there is a food crisis or problem with importation, it is always easy for us to bounce back because we are not totally dependent on other country for food supply.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Jatiluhung on May 02, 2023, 04:46:58 PM
But I am currently curious about what is happening in each country regarding the current food crisis. Has it gotten better, gotten worse or hasn't there been any change?
In my country, things are pretty normal right now regarding food. Not like the prices have reduced generally, but some things that were scares before are available now. My country has a good number of people involved in agriculture both farming and raising crops and also animals, so whenever there is a food crisis or problem with importation, it is always easy for us to bounce back because we are not totally dependent on other country for food supply.
I am happy to hear that food security and the condition of food prices there are still running normally and are doing well. And that is good news which might be an illustration that not all countries are affected by food crises due to war and other things that are now several countries affected by this. And the essence of why your country is not experiencing a food crisis is because, as you said, your country is not completely dependent on other countries for food supply. the point is your country is an independent country in terms of food supply.

does the agricultural sector there always get support which is a priority from the government there?

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: SatoPrincess on May 02, 2023, 08:24:24 PM
But I am currently curious about what is happening in each country regarding the current food crisis. Has it gotten better, gotten worse or hasn't there been any change?
The food production in my country is in equilibrium with the increasing population, Agriculture is a major sector of our economy, we don’t have as much industrial development as Europe which means that most of the land owned by the government are used for farming. It is also common practice for families to own a piece of land dedicated to farming, even people who live in the cities like to grow their food in their backyard.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Kasabus on May 02, 2023, 08:49:01 PM
Basically there are no shortages really but the prices for food is insane pretty much. I would say food costs 50-100% more than it did back in 2019.

Sure at first it was because of Covid and then the supply constraints however lately there shouldn’t be any supply constraints and prices should of either leveled or declined a little. However you can clearly see that’s not the case when going shopping for groceries.
It’s not really food crisis, but seeing the food prices having consistent increase, then you will surely have food crisis at home since you can’t afford all of them unlike in the previous years. However, if you have a good and high flow of income, you will not really feel the price issues. You can always buy what you want, but feel sorry for those who are working on minimum wages as it could really affect their daily living.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Lanatsa on May 02, 2023, 08:52:09 PM
But I am currently curious about what is happening in each country regarding the current food crisis. Has it gotten better, gotten worse or hasn't there been any change?
In my country, things are pretty normal right now regarding food. Not like the prices have reduced generally, but some things that were scares before are available now. My country has a good number of people involved in agriculture both farming and raising crops and also animals, so whenever there is a food crisis or problem with importation, it is always easy for us to bounce back because we are not totally dependent on other country for food supply.
I am happy to hear that food security and the condition of food prices there are still running normally and are doing well. And that is good news which might be an illustration that not all countries are affected by food crises due to war and other things that are now several countries affected by this. And the essence of why your country is not experiencing a food crisis is because, as you said, your country is not completely dependent on other countries for food supply. the point is your country is an independent country in terms of food supply.

does the agricultural sector there always get support which is a priority from the government there?
Usually this would really be pertaining about local supply and also with some mix of importation which it would really be depending on how those prices would be controlled. Just like for example on what happened into

our country on which certain vegetable crops had gone up on insanely high price just because there were people or broker who do hold off those supply which it did really result into price pump which it is something that
we dont really like as this would really be mainly affecting the way of living. When it comes to Food supply then it would really be depending mostly on local or national on which demands could neither be able to sustained or supplied or would really be depending or basing up on importation. It is really just that right that there would be those people who would really be monitoring out those prices
like it would really be just that on the right spot or something not that abusive.

If the market price is really something that unreasonable then it would really be just that our right to make out some complaints unless if there would be some solid reason behind.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: freedomgo on May 02, 2023, 09:13:09 PM
I don't think there is a national food crisis in my country right now. Although there are families that can't afford to buy enough nutritious food, it isn't because there is nothing to buy. It's more of the fact that they are poor, so it's about their low income. Poverty is prevalent in my country, in certain provinces and regions more than in any other. There is food insecurity and these poor families and areas are the ones who are the most deprived of access. There is also a shortage of certain food, but it's not on the level of crisis.
Probably not a food crisis, but more on food shortages especially for low income people due to unable to buy what they really need to eat. If only the government has also taken an action over this high price issues, by increasing too the minimum wages of poor workers, then there will never be food deprivation since everyone can still afford to buy it and consume it at home. Sadly, it’s not happening at the moment. While prices continue to surge, poor people continue to suffer too and just adjust their meal schedule like they have to wake up late so that breakfast and lunch will become just a one meal.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Darker45 on May 03, 2023, 01:31:12 AM
I don't think there is a national food crisis in my country right now. Although there are families that can't afford to buy enough nutritious food, it isn't because there is nothing to buy. It's more of the fact that they are poor, so it's about their low income. Poverty is prevalent in my country, in certain provinces and regions more than in any other. There is food insecurity and these poor families and areas are the ones who are the most deprived of access. There is also a shortage of certain food, but it's not on the level of crisis.
Probably not a food crisis, but more on food shortages especially for low income people due to unable to buy what they really need to eat. If only the government has also taken an action over this high price issues, by increasing too the minimum wages of poor workers, then there will never be food deprivation since everyone can still afford to buy it and consume it at home. Sadly, it’s not happening at the moment. While prices continue to surge, poor people continue to suffer too and just adjust their meal schedule like they have to wake up late so that breakfast and lunch will become just a one meal.

It isn't food crisis if there is enough food. If there is no food shortage, I guess there can't be a food crisis. If there is enough food but people are still going hungry because they don't have the money to buy or the access to it, it's a different problem. But it isn't food crisis. And that's what's happening in our country.

The food crisis that I can remember was the sugar crisis. It caused the closure of huge businesses because even though they can afford to buy sugar there is nothing available in the market.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: libert19 on May 03, 2023, 04:14:29 AM
Here in my country (shh... no name), people are moving from agriculture to company jobs, should show change in food prices in sometime, I think. But, currently, food is cheap, $1 can bring you several kgs of multiple vegetables (onions, potato, tomato, cucumber) — yes, they still get relatively expensive off season but then there are other vegetables that are cheap.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Oasisman on May 03, 2023, 04:16:14 AM

The food crisis has always been a hot topic of discussion. Because basically this also concerns how we survive and how to avoid crises that occur in the food sector. Of course there are many reasons behind why there is a food crisis, whether it's due to drastic climate change, crop failure, floods and natural disasters, war, hoarding by irresponsible parties, declining interest of young people in agriculture, and also increasingly narrow land. agriculture has turned into factories. or many other reasons.

But I am currently curious about what is happening in each country regarding the current food crisis. Has it gotten better, gotten worse or hasn't there been any change?

Well, in my country it's getting worst every year. The most common thing that continuously happening is the hoarding of products and the continuous expanding of these subdivisions, buildings, and leisure park that occupies most of the land where crops usually grows. Rice farmers also lost interest in continuing their business as crops buyers wants a cheap price for their harvested crops and resell it at a higher price. People here are also advocating imported rice.
Climate change, floods, and crop failure is pretty common, but doesn't usually the case for food shortages/crisis here, because our farmers are too resilient for that.
These are all the reason why we have been experiencing a rapid inflation while the salary remains at least 3-5 years before the government decides to put an increase to the minimum wage earners.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: AicecreaME on May 03, 2023, 04:36:44 AM
It's just getting worst as the days goes by.

The government doesn't really care about its people, it only cares on how much money they can get from every single citizen living in the country. They are bunch of corrupted, evil people, well not all of them but most of them are. So, it is never gonna be solve because the government doesn't want to, they just let people starve to death, living in the streets, sick and malnourished children, and so on.

This world is not gonna get better, in my opinion, because we're just getting greedier and not better.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Sayeds56 on May 03, 2023, 04:50:14 AM

In the country where I work, the food crisis has really been resolved. everything is back to normal.Even though the food crisis is over but although food prices are still high and have not come back down. but the consumer's ability can still offset the increase that has occurred so that it can be said that in this country the food sector is under control and sufficient. and how about in your country?

Although food shortage continues to be  global issue and many countries are facing this challenging situation, as it was worsened due to COVID-19 and Ukraine conflict in previous years, which caused disruption in supply chain world-wide. Currently  the situation has improved to some extent and it is not as severe as it was a year ago. While the prices are still high due to rise in inflation, in particular the cost of transportation is extremely high due to rising prices of petroleum products but items are available in all grocery stores now.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Jatiluhung on May 03, 2023, 05:10:14 AM
But I am currently curious about what is happening in each country regarding the current food crisis. Has it gotten better, gotten worse or hasn't there been any change?
In my country, things are pretty normal right now regarding food. Not like the prices have reduced generally, but some things that were scares before are available now. My country has a good number of people involved in agriculture both farming and raising crops and also animals, so whenever there is a food crisis or problem with importation, it is always easy for us to bounce back because we are not totally dependent on other country for food supply.
I am happy to hear that food security and the condition of food prices there are still running normally and are doing well. And that is good news which might be an illustration that not all countries are affected by food crises due to war and other things that are now several countries affected by this. And the essence of why your country is not experiencing a food crisis is because, as you said, your country is not completely dependent on other countries for food supply. the point is your country is an independent country in terms of food supply.

does the agricultural sector there always get support which is a priority from the government there?
Usually this would really be pertaining about local supply and also with some mix of importation which it would really be depending on how those prices would be controlled. Just like for example on what happened into

our country on which certain vegetable crops had gone up on insanely high price just because there were people or broker who do hold off those supply which it did really result into price pump which it is something that
we dont really like as this would really be mainly affecting the way of living. When it comes to Food supply then it would really be depending mostly on local or national on which demands could neither be able to sustained or supplied or would really be depending or basing up on importation. It is really just that right that there would be those people who would really be monitoring out those prices
like it would really be just that on the right spot or something not that abusive.

If the market price is really something that unreasonable then it would really be just that our right to make out some complaints unless if there would be some solid reason behind.
egative impact on price movements and increases in the market which have become abnormal due to the fact that stocks that should have been abundant have become less. Irresponsible elements like this usually always want to trigger prices to rise because these people make food stocks scarce. then they sell at a high price. and this is clearly detrimental to society or ordinary consumers.

But last year in the country where I work now I saw news about these irresponsible persons who were caught by the police in this country. And what surprised me was that what was behind it all still had something to do with the people sitting in government seats. But fortunately everything has been revealed. and then after that the prices did go back to normal. and the market stock becomes abundant again. The point is that in every country there are always irresponsible parties who always want to control prices in the market. So that sometimes the food crisis does not occur just because of the crop yield crisis. but indeed it can also occur due to someone who hoards very large amounts.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Wind_FURY on May 03, 2023, 05:18:33 AM
I don't know what you mean about food crisis other than price increases. Where I live at least there have been no shortages. In that sense the food crisis would fall under the global inflation crisis that was exacerbated by the Ukraine war but started before that due to massive printing and restrictive fossil fuel policies.

There have already been food crises in different parts of the world, but you're right, it's not that there's a new surging one that's currently happening. It's the same food crises that has been there many many years before, especially in parts of South Africa.

There's a narrative that's currently called "supply-side inflation". That's merely something the government made up to make everyone believe that they are not at fault for inflation. Everyone should remember that, Inflation has always been a monetary phenomenon. Research who said that. He is a great Economist.

Lacking in supply of commodities and services merely increases inflation temporarily because supply always comes back if there's demand. The inflation we're experiencing now is "sticky inflation" because the price never goes down. What is that? Because there's simply too much money in circulation.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: axxo on May 03, 2023, 05:49:27 AM
Different countries have different crisis when it comes to food. There are countries that can produce more varieties of food that can sustain the needs of their community and there are countries rely their food supplies in importation. Right now the food crisis in our country improved a little bit, the food costs became lower when summer starts. But that is only temporary the prices will go higher again on rainy season. If the government will support the local farmers definitely there will be no shortage in food and they can also regulate and control the prices.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: DevilSlayer on May 03, 2023, 08:10:17 AM
I don't know what you mean about food crisis other than price increases. Where I live at least there have been no shortages. In that sense the food crisis would fall under the global inflation crisis that was exacerbated by the Ukraine war but started before that due to massive printing and restrictive fossil fuel policies.

There have already been food crises in different parts of the world, but you're right, it's not that there's a new surging one that's currently happening. It's the same food crises that has been there many many years before, especially in parts of South Africa.

There's a narrative that's currently called "supply-side inflation". That's merely something the government made up to make everyone believe that they are not at fault for inflation. Everyone should remember that, Inflation has always been a monetary phenomenon. Research who said that. He is a great Economist.

Lacking in supply of commodities and services merely increases inflation temporarily because supply always comes back if there's demand. The inflation we're experiencing now is "sticky inflation" because the price never goes down. What is that? Because there's simply too much money in circulation.
Those bankers keep printing unlimited money and normal people wondering why the cost of living keeps increasing while their income stays on being stagnant. They are not aware how the financial system works especially on why the rich keep getting richer and why the poor keeps getting poorer. For me the answer is lack of information, the current school system do not teach this kind of information because the global order will be in chaos once the majority of people how the financial system works. The food crisis is real and majority of the 3rd world countries are experiencing it and it is sad to see that the unemployment rate keeps increasing makes huger one of the societal issues.

The current inflation is really sucks because the price of every commodity keeps increasing and a lot of people are suffering especially those who are living with bare minimum. But there ways to fix this, if you are part of those people who are struggling to make a living then you need first to improve something inside of yourself. There is always abundance in every aspect of human being, it is up to us to see and feel it. One of ways to do it is to consume positive contents and also spend time with people who have good lives. In that way you can catch the energy that they are emitting and you can become like them. Also thrive to learn how the world works and how to beat inflation, in that way you will never have any problem even if the cost of living keep increasing

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: demonica on May 03, 2023, 12:05:04 PM
In my country, I don't think the situation becomes any better but on the other hand, I don't think it becomes worse. Prices increases, and there are seasonal increase of different products mostly like veggies and fruits due to the lack of supply (hoarding is also one of the reason), but after some time, the prices will slowly go down again. Of course, in other region especially in rural areas, there are still records of malnutrition and lack of access to a lot of food resources.

The situation here isn't doing better because of the lack of attention towards the agriculture sector when in fact it's one of our primary sector and the backbone of our economy. Instead of focusing on improving and helping the farmers, they import products.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: doomloop on May 03, 2023, 07:02:31 PM
Different countries have different crisis when it comes to food. There are countries that can produce more varieties of food that can sustain the needs of their community and there are countries rely their food supplies in importation. Right now the food crisis in our country improved a little bit, the food costs became lower when summer starts. But that is only temporary the prices will go higher again on rainy season. If the government will support the local farmers definitely there will be no shortage in food and they can also regulate and control the prices.
Just like you said, food prices start getting lower when the summer season is around and even if they are pretty expensive, they are relatively cheap than other seasons. I don't think that is because there is less supply, but it is all about the supply chain and the inflation side-effects that stay for some time until the dust settles.

We've been through huge global inflation recently, and the effects of that are still haunting us, to be honest. Even if governments support farmers and there is more than enough supply of food, they will still sell them at higher prices only to cover up the costs which has probably risen due to inflation.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Uruhara on May 03, 2023, 08:52:07 PM
Different countries have different crisis when it comes to food. There are countries that can produce more varieties of food that can sustain the needs of their community and there are countries rely their food supplies in importation. Right now the food crisis in our country improved a little bit, the food costs became lower when summer starts. But that is only temporary the prices will go higher again on rainy season. If the government will support the local farmers definitely there will be no shortage in food and they can also regulate and control the prices.
In the end, the government's role in paying more attention to the agricultural sector will be able to make food security in the country more controlled. and prevent them from the next food crisis. but people's interest in farming also needs to be increased. so there must be a program that motivates its citizens to be more interested in the agricultural sector.

But for countries that do have climatic conditions or seasons that are a little extreme in their country, such as the Arab plains, they import more from abroad. They will definitely be more active in building cooperation with countries that can export food to the Arab plains.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: panganib999 on May 03, 2023, 09:34:51 PM
Getting exponentially worse by the minute. Agriculture is getting shittier by the day, with more farmers' whose human rights are violated in more ways than one, courtesy of Private Business Entities forcibly and extortionately buying off land from farmers for commercial use. Tariffs on all exports and imports, government favoring the export of rice instead of actually helping the poor farmers by providing them own lands to till and technologies to improve farming. Price of every food item increasing to the point that a single cheap meal back in 2019 is almost double the price now. And more awful things that I wouldn't include here.

It seems like this is a global issue but for countries that are agricultural like the Philippines, this issue presses the country most than what most people like to admit. Things aren't getting any better and the government is not doing anything to help the very sector that keeps the whole country alive and well-fed.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Bushdark on May 03, 2023, 10:35:29 PM
Food crisis is becoming stable because of the the hoarding of food stuffs so to sell it higher price for the sake of making more profits.
I just don't know when this food crisis is going to end just like the way it is in many countries of the world that people are lacking food to buy or eat because of the insufficient supply of food. Since the harvest on agricultural fertilizers is becoming expensive, this had reduced the full increase in supply of food to the market since fertilizer price is making harvest to be drastically reduced in all round.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Unbunplease on May 03, 2023, 11:19:51 PM
At the moment, I personally do not see a shortage of products. But producers have taken advantage of the situation - and have sharply increased the prices of everything. The government is trying to take measures, but so far there has been no noticeable effect. What is more dangerous is that natural resources are shrinking, there are problems with access to fresh water - that's where the main threat is.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Silberman on May 04, 2023, 01:28:36 AM
Getting exponentially worse by the minute. Agriculture is getting shittier by the day, with more farmers' whose human rights are violated in more ways than one, courtesy of Private Business Entities forcibly and extortionately buying off land from farmers for commercial use. Tariffs on all exports and imports, government favoring the export of rice instead of actually helping the poor farmers by providing them own lands to till and technologies to improve farming. Price of every food item increasing to the point that a single cheap meal back in 2019 is almost double the price now. And more awful things that I wouldn't include here.

It seems like this is a global issue but for countries that are agricultural like the Philippines, this issue presses the country most than what most people like to admit. Things aren't getting any better and the government is not doing anything to help the very sector that keeps the whole country alive and well-fed.
This is a topic in which governments really need to put some attention into it, politicians can commit all kinds of abuses and many people do not really care about them if they are not directly affected by those actions, but when it comes to food this is not something that any politician can afford to ignore, because the moment people begin to go hungry at a large scale that is the moment that people are going to wake up and begin to demand that the government does something, and if the government in turn fails it is very likely that government is not going to remain in power for long.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Similificator on May 04, 2023, 07:29:12 AM
From the country where I'm residing, there are hardly any food shortages. Although it does happen sometimes on specific types of food like meat or some vegetables, it doesn't happen often and does not last that long. The big problem though is the price of these food. Heck, even the price of spices are soaring every now and then and only goes down for a bit then goes back up again after a short while, sometimes even higher than before. So even if not lacking in supply, most families have problems when it comes to food in this country nowadays.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: CarnagexD on May 04, 2023, 03:44:45 PM
I don't know what you mean about food crisis other than price increases. Where I live at least there have been no shortages. In that sense the food crisis would fall under the global inflation crisis that was exacerbated by the Ukraine war but started before that due to massive printing and restrictive fossil fuel policies.

Sadly in our country, it's not the case, Philippines is rich in agriculture, land and muck more resources than emerging countries yet for every month there is always news coming up telling us that there is again another vegetable and goods that are out of supply.

It's the system and distribution I believe that is not effective. Otherwise, they maybe just using the news to drive people emotion and put scarcity into their minds.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: xSkylarx on May 04, 2023, 04:31:00 PM
Here in my country (shh... no name), people are moving from agriculture to company jobs, should show change in food prices in sometime, I think. But, currently, food is cheap, $1 can bring you several kgs of multiple vegetables (onions, potato, tomato, cucumber) — yes, they still get relatively expensive off season but then there are other vegetables that are cheap.
This country should be in Asia and also in provinces because there are tons of vegetables there and they are cheap, which is really good, but the sad truth is that those farmers in agriculture are going to be construction workers as they can't take the price of everything like fertilizer on their crop. I do have a friend of mine who really went to the city to find a job as the profit they are getting on planting corn is not enough, even if they can get their capital. That is why he turned to a construction worker, who earns almost $10 per day.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Jatiluhung on May 04, 2023, 06:36:36 PM
Here in my country (shh... no name), people are moving from agriculture to company jobs, should show change in food prices in sometime, I think. But, currently, food is cheap, $1 can bring you several kgs of multiple vegetables (onions, potato, tomato, cucumber) — yes, they still get relatively expensive off season but then there are other vegetables that are cheap.
This country should be in Asia and also in provinces because there are tons of vegetables there and they are cheap, which is really good, but the sad truth is that those farmers in agriculture are going to be construction workers as they can't take the price of everything like fertilizer on their crop. I do have a friend of mine who really went to the city to find a job as the profit they are getting on planting corn is not enough, even if they can get their capital. That is why he turned to a construction worker, who earns almost $10 per day.
This job or profession shift has indeed happened a lot today even in the past few years. Especially when farmers find it difficult to benefit from their agricultural products. Because the price of chemical fertilizers is getting more expensive, while the price of crops still doesn't have an increase that adjusts to the price of fertilizer. So many farmers are switching professions. There are even those who change agricultural land into housing. In essence, agricultural land and the profession as a farmer will decrease. Because many things complicate the field of agriculture today.

Indeed, today when stocks are still abundant and there are still many farmers who do not change professions, they still produce abundant crops. but in fact from year to year it is possible that crop yields will decrease due to less and less agricultural land and fewer and fewer people remaining in the profession as farmers. if this happens then in the next few years a food crisis could occur because food security will obviously decrease from year to year. while the human population will continue to increase rapidly.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Uruhara on May 04, 2023, 07:20:56 PM
Here in my country (shh... no name), people are moving from agriculture to company jobs, should show change in food prices in sometime, I think. But, currently, food is cheap, $1 can bring you several kgs of multiple vegetables (onions, potato, tomato, cucumber) — yes, they still get relatively expensive off season but then there are other vegetables that are cheap.
This country should be in Asia and also in provinces because there are tons of vegetables there and they are cheap, which is really good, but the sad truth is that those farmers in agriculture are going to be construction workers as they can't take the price of everything like fertilizer on their crop. I do have a friend of mine who really went to the city to find a job as the profit they are getting on planting corn is not enough, even if they can get their capital. That is why he turned to a construction worker, who earns almost $10 per day.
This job or profession shift has indeed happened a lot today even in the past few years. Especially when farmers find it difficult to benefit from their agricultural products. Because the price of chemical fertilizers is getting more expensive, while the price of crops still doesn't have an increase that adjusts to the price of fertilizer. So many farmers are switching professions. There are even those who change agricultural land into housing. In essence, agricultural land and the profession as a farmer will decrease. Because many things complicate the field of agriculture today.

Indeed, today when stocks are still abundant and there are still many farmers who do not change professions, they still produce abundant crops. but in fact from year to year it is possible that crop yields will decrease due to less and less agricultural land and fewer and fewer people remaining in the profession as farmers. if this happens then in the next few years a food crisis could occur because food security will obviously decrease from year to year. while the human population will continue to increase rapidly.
This problem should actually be the focus of governments to pay more attention to the welfare of the agricultural sector in their respective countries. There should be more help for the farmers. And also the government should make it easier for farmers to get fertilizer. because I heard that the price of fertilizer has increased rapidly but what's worse is that the stock of fertilizer in the market is very thin. so that farmers find it difficult to get fertilizer.

indeed some of the farmers took the initiative to make natural fertilizers with a fermentation process which became probiotic fertilizers and the like. but the agricultural results are not as good as when using manufactured fertilizers.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Accardo on May 04, 2023, 08:25:52 PM
Agricultural products got expensive because of increase in the price of Fertilizer, fuel, hiring machines and power consumption. Agriculture is cost effective and requires power for irrigation on lands that lack water. Hence, the processes required to get food ready takes up more money than it used to in the past. Additionally, transportation is another reason why food gets expensive and some areas lack certain farm produces due to transportation cost. Perishable foods may not remain fresh except if transported through an Aeroplane, so farmers and food vendors are facing an increase in production costs and it'll certainly affect the price of farm produce, moving through the production chains from the producer down to the final consumer. However, the increase in food cost has affected the way people eat, few Families can be sure of 3 square meal depending on their income. Food is meant to be the cheapest stock in market, but today the price keeps skyrocketing without any decline. Hoping to see a better price sooner when the price of Electricity bills and fuel declines.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: CryptSafe on May 04, 2023, 09:46:44 PM
I can say this from my experience as an agriculturist and extension agent that agricultural produce are on the high side and increasing every day by day.

First and foremost, agricultural work force is drastically reducing as the youths are no more interested in farming as they see it as a dirty job to reckon with. The government on their part is also part of the reasons why the youths are not really interested in agricultural production. They do not supply farmers with the basic requirements that they the government are to supply so that the farmers would be encouraged. No agricultural input, no subsidy, no agricultural loan instead they share the money amongst themselves and their lackeys while the  farmers are left with the little income they have to support their production and it leads them to increase the price for farm produce.

Transportation cost too is another factor affecting increase in price of food stuff commodities. The hike in price of petroleum products too affect the transportation cost there by making Farmers with no option to transport their goods from the farm to the city where they can be able to sell their produce which they must add to the initial price of the goods to make sure they recover their expense.

There are lots of challenges faced by the rural farmers which is not attended to hence the rural farmers are looking for various ways to sort things out themselves which leads to increase in food price. No farmer would want to spend heavily and sell cheap, it is not possible.

So therefore in line with the subject matter of this thread, food price is on the increase on daily basis here in my country as there's no doubt about it.


Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Silberman on May 07, 2023, 02:20:57 AM
From the country where I'm residing, there are hardly any food shortages. Although it does happen sometimes on specific types of food like meat or some vegetables, it doesn't happen often and does not last that long. The big problem though is the price of these food. Heck, even the price of spices are soaring every now and then and only goes down for a bit then goes back up again after a short while, sometimes even higher than before. So even if not lacking in supply, most families have problems when it comes to food in this country nowadays.
It seems that while there is not a shortage of food, there is a shortage of affordable food where you live which is just as bad, as if those with limited resources cannot afford to feed themselves then it is as if that food did not existed anyway, and this is dangerous, there are some studies that show the the Arab Spring had as one of its main causes the increase on the costs of food on that region of the world, and if this last for too long then civil unrest may begin to manifest in some countries.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: brother brother on May 07, 2023, 05:47:46 PM
Food price has actually high and increase here in my country, even other material needed has triple in price which makes life inconvenience for every family unlike the way it was before, the economic is much harder. But some assume is do to lack of importation of goods from Russia and Ukraine crises.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: southerngentuk on May 07, 2023, 06:08:08 PM
I see that at this time, many farmers are no longer interested in agriculture because of the bad benefits as well as the difficulties in farming because climate change is increasingly destroying the environment. In addition, after the pandemic and the tense war situation between Russia and Ukraine, the inflation and food shortage became serious. I think that governments of all countries need to act strongly and come up with effective solutions in this situation, otherwise this will be a bad scenario no different from a pandemic disaster.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: |MINER| on May 07, 2023, 07:45:16 PM
Food price has actually high and increase here in my country, even other material needed has triple in price which makes life inconvenience for every family unlike the way it was before, the economic is much harder. But some assume is do to lack of importation of goods from Russia and Ukraine crises.
Not only the food crisis, but the financial recession is going on all over the world, as a result of which the prices of all goods are rising in almost all the countries of the world. And to avoid this situation, everyone has to come forward and whoever can do the minimum from their position should do it . And I don't think that only Russia and Ukraine are responsible for the war, there is also the effect of the passing Covid 19 global pandemic.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Yatsan on May 07, 2023, 11:23:45 PM
Sourch img: (

The food crisis has always been a hot topic of discussion. Because basically this also concerns how we survive and how to avoid crises that occur in the food sector. Of course there are many reasons behind why there is a food crisis, whether it's due to drastic climate change, crop failure, floods and natural disasters, war, hoarding by irresponsible parties, declining interest of young people in agriculture, and also increasingly narrow land. agriculture has turned into factories. or many other reasons.

But I am currently curious about what is happening in each country regarding the current food crisis. Has it gotten better, gotten worse or hasn't there been any change?

In the country where I work, the food crisis has really been resolved. everything is back to normal.Even though the food crisis is over but although food prices are still high and have not come back down. but the consumer's ability can still offset the increase that has occurred so that it can be said that in this country the food sector is under control and sufficient. and how about in your country?
In my country, the effect is being felt on price increase of products. Whenever there is a decrease with the production caused by factors such as floods and other natural dissasters, there is an increase with the price of necessities because of demand ofcourse and it is consumers who are taking more of its impact. I'd say things are no longer under control of industries in my country especially with regards to government support in agriculture. They are more of importwtion from other countries than to help our own production, which is really sad. Hoarding issues with big companies are also obvious most of the time and that is because I am living in a country wherein rich becomes richer and poor individuals remain on the same state for decades.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Silberman on May 11, 2023, 12:48:43 AM
Food price has actually high and increase here in my country, even other material needed has triple in price which makes life inconvenience for every family unlike the way it was before, the economic is much harder. But some assume is do to lack of importation of goods from Russia and Ukraine crises.
Not only the food crisis, but the financial recession is going on all over the world, as a result of which the prices of all goods are rising in almost all the countries of the world. And to avoid this situation, everyone has to come forward and whoever can do the minimum from their position should do it . And I don't think that only Russia and Ukraine are responsible for the war, there is also the effect of the passing Covid 19 global pandemic.
What happens is that too many things are happening at once and this is creating instability in the economy, the effects of the pandemic are still here, the war waged by Russia against Ukraine has raised the costs of food, the 2008 crisis was never really resolved and its effects were just postponed to a future date, so when you take everything into account it is not surprising that countries are finding difficult to manage their economies and solve so many issues at once.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: RockBell on May 11, 2023, 07:32:45 AM
Agricultural products got expensive because of increase in the price of Fertilizer, fuel, hiring machines and power consumption. Agriculture is cost effective and requires power for irrigation on lands that lack water. Hence, the processes required to get food ready takes up more money than it used to in the past. Additionally, transportation is another reason why food gets expensive and some areas lack certain farm produces due to transportation cost. Perishable foods may not remain fresh except if transported through an Aeroplane, so farmers and food vendors are facing an increase in production costs and it'll certainly affect the price of farm produce, moving through the production chains from the producer down to the final consumer. However, the increase in food cost has affected the way people eat, few Families can be sure of 3 square meal depending on their income. Food is meant to be the cheapest stock in market, but today the price keeps skyrocketing without any decline. Hoping to see a better price sooner when the price of Electricity bills and fuel declines.

The cost of fertilizers has increased, and there are many other factors affecting the production of food in my own region. For a while now, the problem of insecurity has been one of the major factors in my own region, where farms are attacked in their farms and also settlements. As a result, this has made farms fearful of going to their farms, leaving us with a shortage of people entering agriculture.

Now that the government is genuinely waging war on the bandits, things are improving. Despite the banditry activity, and government-organized initiatives to also encourage people to cultivate in their compound, different ways were devised specifically to promote agriculture, and I believe there will be a noticeable improvement in the production of food this year.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Jatiluhung on May 11, 2023, 05:02:29 PM
Sourch img: (

The food crisis has always been a hot topic of discussion. Because basically this also concerns how we survive and how to avoid crises that occur in the food sector. Of course there are many reasons behind why there is a food crisis, whether it's due to drastic climate change, crop failure, floods and natural disasters, war, hoarding by irresponsible parties, declining interest of young people in agriculture, and also increasingly narrow land. agriculture has turned into factories. or many other reasons.

But I am currently curious about what is happening in each country regarding the current food crisis. Has it gotten better, gotten worse or hasn't there been any change?

In the country where I work, the food crisis has really been resolved. everything is back to normal.Even though the food crisis is over but although food prices are still high and have not come back down. but the consumer's ability can still offset the increase that has occurred so that it can be said that in this country the food sector is under control and sufficient. and how about in your country?
In my country, the effect is being felt on price increase of products. Whenever there is a decrease with the production caused by factors such as floods and other natural dissasters, there is an increase with the price of necessities because of demand ofcourse and it is consumers who are taking more of its impact. I'd say things are no longer under control of industries in my country especially with regards to government support in agriculture. They are more of importwtion from other countries than to help our own production, which is really sad. Hoarding issues with big companies are also obvious most of the time and that is because I am living in a country wherein rich becomes richer and poor individuals remain on the same state for decades.
This means that in your country there are several factors at the same time that can affect the market price to be always high. Natural factors (natural disasters) that make stocks become scarce and thus trigger price increases because there has been an imbalance between demand and supply of goods where there is more demand than stock on the market. And maybe the government intends to provide more stock on the market through imports but again this cannot go according to plan because there are irresponsible parties who have hoarded supplies on the market so that they become scarce and of course this will also exacerbate prices there. I am sorry about this condition which sounds very sad. Hopefully in the future the government there can provide more support to the agricultural sector and also build an investigative body to investigate irresponsible parties who have made the availability of goods on the market scarce and so that they are deterrent and so that no irresponsible parties are left behind. Who is indeed trying to manipulate the price in the market by way of hoarding.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Ozero on June 27, 2023, 10:37:36 AM
I see that at this time, many farmers are no longer interested in agriculture because of the bad benefits as well as the difficulties in farming because climate change is increasingly destroying the environment. In addition, after the pandemic and the tense war situation between Russia and Ukraine, the inflation and food shortage became serious. I think that governments of all countries need to act strongly and come up with effective solutions in this situation, otherwise this will be a bad scenario no different from a pandemic disaster.
Indeed, already now we really see how quickly the climate on our planet is changing and the reason for this is the reckless predatory activity of man. The process has already been launched and to stop it, it will take the colossal work of all states and inhabitants of the planet. And since humanity has never been able to negotiate even in the face of a deadly threat, this process will only get worse.
In a period of dramatic climate change, large losses are inevitable, and it takes a long time to restore balance. Therefore, in my opinion, the food crisis will only grow in the near future.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: BRINIRHA on June 27, 2023, 10:55:17 AM
I see that at this time, many farmers are no longer interested in agriculture because of the bad benefits as well as the difficulties in farming because climate change is increasingly destroying the environment. In addition, after the pandemic and the tense war situation between Russia and Ukraine, the inflation and food shortage became serious. I think that governments of all countries need to act strongly and come up with effective solutions in this situation, otherwise this will be a bad scenario no different from a pandemic disaster.
Indeed, already now we really see how quickly the climate on our planet is changing and the reason for this is the reckless predatory activity of man. The process has already been launched and to stop it, it will take the colossal work of all states and inhabitants of the planet. And since humanity has never been able to negotiate even in the face of a deadly threat, this process will only get worse.
In a period of dramatic climate change, large losses are inevitable, and it takes a long time to restore balance. Therefore, in my opinion, the food crisis will only grow in the near future.
The food crisis in several countries is still happening. But luckily in my country everything looks fine. But I see the potential that could make a food crisis happen in my country for the next few generations. Namely, currently the next generation in agriculture seems to have experienced a very significant decline. The profession of a farmer is currently considered trivial by some of the younger generation. They are not too interested in all things Agriculture which is actually the most important thing in the sustainability of food security on this earth.

Even though there are still young people who pay attention to agriculture, this makes agriculture even easier now with the introduction of sophisticated technology in agriculture that makes it easier for farmers. But the number of enthusiasts in this field remains very small compared to the interest of young people in other fields.

Current climate change is also very worrying. for even now the time between the rainy season and summer has changed. And the season is becoming difficult to predict at this time.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: xSkylarx on June 27, 2023, 12:11:12 PM
I see that at this time, many farmers are no longer interested in agriculture because of the bad benefits as well as the difficulties in farming because climate change is increasingly destroying the environment. In addition, after the pandemic and the tense war situation between Russia and Ukraine, the inflation and food shortage became serious. I think that governments of all countries need to act strongly and come up with effective solutions in this situation, otherwise this will be a bad scenario no different from a pandemic disaster.
Indeed, already now we really see how quickly the climate on our planet is changing and the reason for this is the reckless predatory activity of man. The process has already been launched and to stop it, it will take the colossal work of all states and inhabitants of the planet. And since humanity has never been able to negotiate even in the face of a deadly threat, this process will only get worse.
In a period of dramatic climate change, large losses are inevitable, and it takes a long time to restore balance. Therefore, in my opinion, the food crisis will only grow in the near future.

and people are now more focus on finding earth like planet so that people can go there incase something happened on earth so it means that there are only few mostly NGOs are fighting this stuff to put on halt or somewhat try to recover what we humans done on our mother earth. As the population grows, the food supply is getting shorter, meaning that in the near future we will be short on food, and at that time only wealthy people can afford to eat.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Davian144 on June 27, 2023, 12:17:52 PM
Indeed, already now we really see how quickly the climate on our planet is changing and the reason for this is the reckless predatory activity of man. The process has already been launched and to stop it, it will take the colossal work of all states and inhabitants of the planet. And since humanity has never been able to negotiate even in the face of a deadly threat, this process will only get worse.
In a period of dramatic climate change, large losses are inevitable, and it takes a long time to restore balance. Therefore, in my opinion, the food crisis will only grow in the near future.
Food crises caused by climate change are very common, but if the changing climate occurs more dramatically, of course there will be adverse effects on human life. Because the prolonged bad climate will definitely make it difficult for humans when they want to work to produce so that any crisis can occur even though the most dominant thing is the food crisis. And I think there isn't much of a solution to this because everyone needs to adopt a farming method that is more suitable in a particular climate with the aim of getting a product that can be consumed for life.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: CODE200 on June 27, 2023, 12:19:49 PM
I don't follow the news too much in my country but if there ever is a worsening in the food crisis here, a lot of people online would talk about it and so far with only the dead billionaire memes on my feed, I guess the crisis has stayed the same and that the government hasn't done anything about it to alleviate the crisis because if they did, I'm sure even the state-owned TV channel would talk about it even if it's a propaganda and the truth was inflated.

Seeing the stories of other members, I feel bad that most of them can easily be solved but it seems that logistics and red tape in the government is making it difficult to do. I find it absurd in the first place that we even have a food crisis, food should be a basic human right and it's a sin that some people will choose to starve others to line their pockets.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Yawa2020 on June 27, 2023, 12:29:53 PM
Food scarcity has been story of the past here in my country. The country number one citizen (president) before the transition of power has publicly told us engage in farming. He said our fertile lands can not continue to waste. Grow what you'll eat else hunger will kill you. Unless for commercial purposes, you don't need a large land to farm for you and your family consumption. Government has failed ab initio and we should not expect them to do everything for us. We can get ride of this food scarcity ourselves.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: flyingcarpet on June 27, 2023, 01:05:45 PM
Indeed, already now we really see how quickly the climate on our planet is changing and the reason for this is the reckless predatory activity of man. The process has already been launched and to stop it, it will take the colossal work of all states and inhabitants of the planet. And since humanity has never been able to negotiate even in the face of a deadly threat, this process will only get worse.
In a period of dramatic climate change, large losses are inevitable, and it takes a long time to restore balance. Therefore, in my opinion, the food crisis will only grow in the near future.
Food crises caused by climate change are very common, but if the changing climate occurs more dramatically, of course there will be adverse effects on human life. Because the prolonged bad climate will definitely make it difficult for humans when they want to work to produce so that any crisis can occur even though the most dominant thing is the food crisis. And I think there isn't much of a solution to this because everyone needs to adopt a farming method that is more suitable in a particular climate with the aim of getting a product that can be consumed for life.

I agree with what you said about the farming method. In recent years, we can no longer experience 4 seasons because now there are only 2 seasons. Spring and Autumn months do not show themselves as before. This creates major disruptions in the production of food products. Now the agricultural sector needs a new agricultural method. In the same garden where a vegetable was grown 10 years ago, that vegetable no longer grows. The seasons have changed, but our farming methods are the same.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: palle11 on June 27, 2023, 01:30:51 PM

I agree with what you said about the farming method. In recent years, we can no longer experience 4 seasons because now there are only 2 seasons. Spring and Autumn months do not show themselves as before. This creates major disruptions in the production of food products. Now the agricultural sector needs a new agricultural method. In the same garden where a vegetable was grown 10 years ago, that vegetable no longer grows. The seasons have changed, but our farming methods are the same.

Yes climate change has really affected the agricultural sector because of the effect caused by man with the activities of carbon emissions to the ozone. I think just last week that issue came up in the summit held in France. I think the government need to do more in the area of support local farmers who have individual and little farms in their neighbourhood by supplying seeds and fertilizer to be able to help them avoid rotational farming on same land so that they can at least support themselves year in and year out in the family feeding. Also those big farmers and mechanized farmers need adequate and interest free loan to road the farms, government can provide even tractors and other mechanized farming equipment plus irrigation because water is important for farming since the rains somehow is also affected by the ozone depletion.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Fiatless on June 27, 2023, 02:13:17 PM
But I am currently curious about what is happening in each country regarding the current food crisis. Has it gotten better, gotten worse or hasn't there been any change?
The situation in the country I live is complex. Global warming is causing desertification in some areas and flooding in other areas. Due to the increase in land aridity, most herdsmen are migrating to agricultural lands thereby destroying farmlands. This has led to armed conflict between these herders and farmers. This conflict has led to the destruction of lives and fertile agricultural lands. With so many farmers losing their lands the supply of crops has reduced leading to an increase in the prices of food.

In the southern area of the country agricultural lands is been destroyed by flooding caused by overflowing rivers caused by high rainfall.

The main issue is that the government has shut the borders of our country to check the inflow of food items in a bid to encourage local production. This has led to a high cost of food. But we are expecting that the price of food will reduce because the new government is proposing to open the border of the country.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: slapper on June 27, 2023, 05:42:07 PM
But I am currently curious about what is happening in each country regarding the current food crisis. Has it gotten better, gotten worse or hasn't there been any change?
The situation in the country I live is complex. Global warming is causing desertification in some areas and flooding in other areas. Due to the increase in land aridity, most herdsmen are migrating to agricultural lands thereby destroying farmlands. This has led to armed conflict between these herders and farmers. This conflict has led to the destruction of lives and fertile agricultural lands. With so many farmers losing their lands the supply of crops has reduced leading to an increase in the prices of food.

In the southern area of the country agricultural lands is been destroyed by flooding caused by overflowing rivers caused by high rainfall.

The main issue is that the government has shut the borders of our country to check the inflow of food items in a bid to encourage local production. This has led to a high cost of food. But we are expecting that the price of food will reduce because the new government is proposing to open the border of the country.
Conflict between farmers and herders is a symptom of environmental deterioration and calls for open communication.

Afforestation and encouraging environmentally sound land use are two potential strategies for combating desertification. Infrastructure to control surplus water, such as flood defences or better drainage, may be the answer for flood-prone locations.

The government's plan to boost domestic production by restricting trade has both positive and negative aspects. While the goal itself is admirable, the current situation makes it more difficult to achieve. Possible solutions include a less extreme form of import regulation, such as selective border openings or import governance, rather than complete isolation.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: DrBeer on June 28, 2023, 11:43:31 AM
A bit of information about the agricultural sector in Ukraine.

The news is hardly positive in the general sense, but it confirms the transfer of a significant part of agricultural production to other regions and the high demand for the products of companies in the western regions of Ukraine

The Ukrainian agricultural sector is in a difficult situation.
What did the analysis of the latest data of the State Statistics Committee show?
How the agrarian map of Ukraine has changed over the year, how production of grain, fruits and vegetables has fallen and why the crops of buckwheat have grown many times over.
Because of the war Ukrainian farmers lost not only their physical space and crops, but also their ability to export their products and earn money. The combination of these two factors led to disastrous consequences.
This is evidenced, in particular, by the latest data from the State Statistics Committee on the work of the agro-industrial complex in 2022. During this time, the grain harvest has fallen by almost 40%, vegetables - by 25%, fruits - by 10%.
Vegetables in 2022 in Ukraine were harvested by 24.4% less than in 2021. In absolute terms, it is a loss of 2.4 million tons of products, half of which are tomatoes. The yield of tomatoes has fallen by half because they were most cultivated in the Kherson region. Before the big war, every fourth Ukrainian tomato came from there.
Cherkasskaya (+5%) and Odesskaya (+15%) oblasts helped to compensate the lost production volumes of Kherson oblast. The reason is the gravitation of vegetable growing to water * , explains the deputy chairman of the All-Ukrainian Agrarian Council Denis Marchuk. In the Odessa region there are irrigation systems that can water the fields, and in Cherkasy region there is an outlet to the Dnieper.

No water. How the disaster at the Kakhovskaya HPP could destroy vegetable growing in the South
Another factor is the reorientation of farmers.
Firstly, in conditions when there was a deficit of vegetables on the domestic market, many producers reoriented some of their farmland to vegetable growing, because it was an opportunity to earn money.
Secondly, the offer from relocated enterprises from the affected regions was added, said Marchuk. Although these enterprises often do not have access to large amounts of land, so the impact of these productions is limited.
The Sumy region, which was partially occupied in the spring, borders the Russian Federation and suffers from enemy shelling, showed an unexpected increase. The region increased production of cabbage, potatoes and other vegetables.
According to Marchuk, there are two reasons for this: businesses relocated from Kharkiv and the reorientation of land to crops that can be sold on the domestic market because of problems with export logistics.
In general, the potential of the regions for vegetable production is not yet exhausted. However, it will not be possible to replace the volume from the south of the country in two or three years, because in addition to growing vegetables the infrastructure for storage and sorting must be built.

I recommend reading the information about AGT (
The described problems in the next 3-4 years makes the company very attractive for investment ! All the more, the company plans to enter the EU market.

* The highlighted point is very important. Without water, or with difficult-to-access water, the agricultural business loses its profitability. Bringing in water is expensive and difficult.
AGT has a very strong, I would say strategic advantage - almost half of the perimeter of agricultural land in close proximity, "washed", by the waters of the Tisza River. And there is more than enough water, as there are no large enterprises consuming large amounts of water.
So the presence of problems, makes this company more competitive with other producers of agricultural products, and increases the investment attractiveness!

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Pierre 2 on June 28, 2023, 01:04:22 PM
We have food inflation crisis in Türkiye mainly caused by bad economy policies that affected national currency. Although I know one of reasons for crisis is definitely climate change too. Anatolia is lot more dry this year compared to past. We experienced lot less raining except Antalya region. Agriculture is rather dying... People are moving out of villages to urban to work at industry or services. I wish there could be agriculture promoting programs.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: tjtonmoy on July 03, 2023, 08:58:54 AM
I am from Bangladesh and the situation is getting worse day by day. I am not sure if there's any chance that this will get better any time soon. The supply is running out and there's no new stable supply. In this country, once the price of something goes up because of inflation or something else, it never comes back to being normal. And we have experienced it many times.
The situation is getting worse IMO. Middle-class people are suffering less than the poor but the effects are still there. People are getting into debt in order to provide food on the table. So you can guess the situation here. It is becoming hard to live normally with all the price increases, shortage of food supply, inflation, and whatnot.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Dunamisx on July 03, 2023, 10:01:37 AM
We cannot stop having various experience that partains food crisis because there are people in many conditions that couldn't afford eating a daily square meal and there are many wasting their own food, aside the global reserved we have on food availability, we need to encourage our people to involve in making agricultural practices their habit so everyone can have access to food availability and nutritional balance, we can also encourage others to stop food wastage, spoilage and have a desired means of preserving them.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Jatiluhung on July 03, 2023, 12:08:37 PM
I am from Bangladesh and the situation is getting worse day by day. I am not sure if there's any chance that this will get better any time soon. The supply is running out and there's no new stable supply. In this country, once the price of something goes up because of inflation or something else, it never comes back to being normal. And we have experienced it many times.
The situation is getting worse IMO. Middle-class people are suffering less than the poor but the effects are still there. People are getting into debt in order to provide food on the table. So you can guess the situation here. It is becoming hard to live normally with all the price increases, shortage of food supply, inflation, and whatnot.
Based on what you say in your writing. So I seem to be able to understand how difficult it was there. but regarding price increases due to inflation it seems that the country where I work is a bit the same in a number of ways. But that's not all. Inflation has been said to have decreased but there is one thing that actually after rising did not decrease again. the cost of public transportation. Fuel prices have fallen. but the cost of public transportation still does not go down again. And maybe the prices of other materials also experience the same thing about the price. that is, when it has gone up, it will not decrease again.

But fortunately there is abundant food here and perhaps a food crisis can be avoided in the long term. But I don't really know about Bangladesh. Is there an advanced agricultural sector there? Or is the agricultural condition there really bad?

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: nesty on July 04, 2023, 02:39:00 AM
The food crisis now in our country is getting worst again at this time. The prices of vegetables, fruits and grains are getting high again. In that case i need to budget smartly so that i could still buy a good quality of food at the same time that is beyond my budget. Now it is advisable to have a mini garden on our backyard to be able to harvest fruits and veggies so that we can save in buying those items in the market. Be smart as well in buying goods make sure to buy goods that has a long shelf life in case we will keep it for months. Buy as well the veggies and fruits that are in season because if they are in season there would be a lot of supplies and we can buy them at a lower cost.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: YUriy1991 on July 04, 2023, 05:31:11 AM
I am from Bangladesh and the situation is getting worse day by day. I am not sure if there's any chance that this will get better any time soon. The supply is running out and there's no new stable supply. In this country, once the price of something goes up because of inflation or something else, it never comes back to being normal. And we have experienced it many times.
The situation is getting worse IMO. Middle-class people are suffering less than the poor but the effects are still there. People are getting into debt in order to provide food on the table. So you can guess the situation here. It is becoming hard to live normally with all the price increases, shortage of food supply, inflation, and whatnot.
Based on what you say in your writing. So I seem to be able to understand how difficult it was there. but regarding price increases due to inflation it seems that the country where I work is a bit the same in a number of ways. But that's not all. Inflation has been said to have decreased but there is one thing that actually after rising did not decrease again. the cost of public transportation. Fuel prices have fallen. but the cost of public transportation still does not go down again. And maybe the prices of other materials also experience the same thing about the price. that is, when it has gone up, it will not decrease again.

But fortunately there is abundant food here and perhaps a food crisis can be avoided in the long term. But I don't really know about Bangladesh. Is there an advanced agricultural sector there? Or is the agricultural condition there really bad?

From the discussion above, there are various concerns about the situation which is starting to get worse as seen by the reduced food supply, persistent inflation, and rising prices which are seriously affecting. People's ability to buy their basic needs. Yes. this has also caused financial difficulties for many, with some forced into debt to meet their food needs. If this continues, it will soon become a major crisis in every country in the world.

Of course, every country is influenced by various factors, starting from good or wrong agricultural practices, the lack of agricultural infrastructure development and other factors that must also be reviewed together. In this way, strategies are born that can manage this crisis and then implement effective agricultural policies so that they provide valuable guidance for overcoming the challenges of the crisis and increasing food security in the long term.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Synchronice on July 04, 2023, 07:40:42 AM
We have food inflation crisis in Türkiye mainly caused by bad economy policies that affected national currency. Although I know one of reasons for crisis is definitely climate change too. Anatolia is lot more dry this year compared to past. We experienced lot less raining except Antalya region. Agriculture is rather dying... People are moving out of villages to urban to work at industry or services. I wish there could be agriculture promoting programs.
So, you wanna say that food is getting expensive in Turkey? I was there a couple of weeks ago and food is really very cheap. I've been in countries that have lower salary than Turkey and four times more expensive prices on food in supermarkets.
Agricultural sector is really getting abandoned and day by day more people are leaving villages but I think that will automatically fix over time. City lifestyle is getting stressful and boring and we are getting far away from nature and getting closer to concrete. Not only agriculture but people rarely learn trades these days, everyone is heading towards universities and then working in supermarkets or factories or doing some odd jobs cause they can't work via their profession, simply there is not as big demand as big supply we have these days.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Jatiluhung on July 04, 2023, 07:53:23 AM
I am from Bangladesh and the situation is getting worse day by day. I am not sure if there's any chance that this will get better any time soon. The supply is running out and there's no new stable supply. In this country, once the price of something goes up because of inflation or something else, it never comes back to being normal. And we have experienced it many times.
The situation is getting worse IMO. Middle-class people are suffering less than the poor but the effects are still there. People are getting into debt in order to provide food on the table. So you can guess the situation here. It is becoming hard to live normally with all the price increases, shortage of food supply, inflation, and whatnot.
Based on what you say in your writing. So I seem to be able to understand how difficult it was there. but regarding price increases due to inflation it seems that the country where I work is a bit the same in a number of ways. But that's not all. Inflation has been said to have decreased but there is one thing that actually after rising did not decrease again. the cost of public transportation. Fuel prices have fallen. but the cost of public transportation still does not go down again. And maybe the prices of other materials also experience the same thing about the price. that is, when it has gone up, it will not decrease again.

But fortunately there is abundant food here and perhaps a food crisis can be avoided in the long term. But I don't really know about Bangladesh. Is there an advanced agricultural sector there? Or is the agricultural condition there really bad?

From the discussion above, there are various concerns about the situation which is starting to get worse as seen by the reduced food supply, persistent inflation, and rising prices which are seriously affecting. People's ability to buy their basic needs. Yes. this has also caused financial difficulties for many, with some forced into debt to meet their food needs. If this continues, it will soon become a major crisis in every country in the world.

Of course, every country is influenced by various factors, starting from good or wrong agricultural practices, the lack of agricultural infrastructure development and other factors that must also be reviewed together. In this way, strategies are born that can manage this crisis and then implement effective agricultural policies so that they provide valuable guidance for overcoming the challenges of the crisis and increasing food security in the long term.
The agricultural sector must indeed be an important focus for every government in every country. Because after all the food security of a country is very dependent on how well the progress in agriculture in that country. But now it seems that the agricultural sector is really not the main focus for many countries. Even the reforestation of the forest ended with the expansion of land for big projects in other industries which made many mountains and forests converted into industrial land. and including agricultural and plantation land has also narrowed due to the expansion of these other industries.

The other focus which is currently increasingly worrying is the declining purchasing power of the people. and this has even happened for quite a long time so that several countries have been classified as in a state called Recession.

The current decline in purchasing power has also forced many people to take out loans. and this is what I was quite surprised to know. because it turns out that even in the country where I work right now, based on some of the sources I've read, it turns out that the level of people making loans is increasing. so this condition will indeed become very concerning if it continues. and yeah it's fueled by inflation which is driving prices higher but incomes just can't keep up.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: martinex on July 04, 2023, 08:42:05 AM
This is a global problem and should not be taken lightly. Like BTC Price, It can be dumped at any time. Yes, this problem can also occur anytime and anywhere. I have noticed that from the various types of potential that you mentioned above, it seems that the food crisis is becoming a major issue due to drastic climate change, crop failure which will dominate in the future because the water supply in the soil is decreasing.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: slapper on July 04, 2023, 02:03:09 PM
The agricultural sector must indeed be an important focus for every government in every country. Because after all the food security of a country is very dependent on how well the progress in agriculture in that country. But now it seems that the agricultural sector is really not the main focus for many countries. Even the reforestation of the forest ended with the expansion of land for big projects in other industries which made many mountains and forests converted into industrial land. and including agricultural and plantation land has also narrowed due to the expansion of these other industries.

The other focus which is currently increasingly worrying is the declining purchasing power of the people. and this has even happened for quite a long time so that several countries have been classified as in a state called Recession.

The current decline in purchasing power has also forced many people to take out loans. and this is what I was quite surprised to know. because it turns out that even in the country where I work right now, based on some of the sources I've read, it turns out that the level of people making loans is increasing. so this condition will indeed become very concerning if it continues. and yeah it's fueled by inflation which is driving prices higher but incomes just can't keep up.
It's obvious that you're quite concerned, and you do have valid concerns... Food production and agricultural exports are vital to any country's economy and survival. However, it is frequently disregarded in favor of more glamorous industries. We're stuck in a vicious cycle of deforestation, land conversion to urban sprawl, and diminishing food supplies.

The recession factor must not be overlooked. The worldwide pandemic of declining purchasing power is driving more and more people deeper into debt. Yes, you do have a point there. It's unsettling, especially in light of the current epidemic of loan defaults. It spreads like a virus, wreaking havoc on economies and stoking inflationary fires. It's true that consumers are suffering the effects of rising prices, as you point out.

This is a significant difficulty for us. Agrarian communities are bearing the brunt of the economic downturn and inflationary pressures. Every nation's government should immediately begin reevaluating its top priorities.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Uruhara on July 04, 2023, 02:27:25 PM
This is a global problem and should not be taken lightly. Like BTC Price, It can be dumped at any time. Yes, this problem can also occur anytime and anywhere. I have noticed that from the various types of potential that you mentioned above, it seems that the food crisis is becoming a major issue due to drastic climate change, crop failure which will dominate in the future because the water supply in the soil is decreasing.
Crop failure, war and natural disasters are the most common factors encountered in the food crisis that has hit several countries. The food crisis cannot be taken lightly. Because food is a basic need in our life. where people will starve to death if they lack food. And I think the government is also aware of the importance of food security which must always be maintained. but the problem is that sometimes our awareness is not very high in supporting sectors that produce food.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: adiksau0414 on July 04, 2023, 03:50:17 PM
Drastic change! So sad that our country is strugling. Eventhough our country are crops producer still we are importing some goods loke sugar, rice etc. I know that this because of the domino effect of what is happening to the world, but mostly my countrymen are striving everyday just to survive a day.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: tjtonmoy on July 04, 2023, 05:56:48 PM
But fortunately there is abundant food here and perhaps a food crisis can be avoided in the long term. But I don't really know about Bangladesh. Is there an advanced agricultural sector there? Or is the agricultural condition there really bad?

Bangladesh is an agricultural country. It's not that the agricultural sector is terrible, it's just that the price to grow certain food items has increased due to inflation. And the farmers producing the food products are not getting paid enough. So they can not carry out the next farming or make profits. Recent news on chilies, the farmers sold their end with 200tk per kg, and those who bought it sold to us at 700/1000tk per kg. Now imagine those farmers buying back those items again after some time! It's a total mess here. Other product's price is also increasing. So when the farmers are getting paid less and try to live their life with that money, how can they ensure the next farming?

The whole system is broken and the government is doing nothing to prevent it or solve the issue. Bangladesh is known to be one of the best agricultural countries. No issues there, but the price and inflation have got us bad. We are suffering for that reason.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: sana54210 on July 05, 2023, 07:42:30 PM
The agricultural sector must indeed be an important focus for every government in every country. Because after all the food security of a country is very dependent on how well the progress in agriculture in that country. But now it seems that the agricultural sector is really not the main focus for many countries. Even the reforestation of the forest ended with the expansion of land for big projects in other industries which made many mountains and forests converted into industrial land. and including agricultural and plantation land has also narrowed due to the expansion of these other industries.

The other focus which is currently increasingly worrying is the declining purchasing power of the people. and this has even happened for quite a long time so that several countries have been classified as in a state called Recession.

The current decline in purchasing power has also forced many people to take out loans. and this is what I was quite surprised to know. because it turns out that even in the country where I work right now, based on some of the sources I've read, it turns out that the level of people making loans is increasing. so this condition will indeed become very concerning if it continues. and yeah it's fueled by inflation which is driving prices higher but incomes just can't keep up.
Two things that are the core of any nation would be energy and food. Because those are things we are going to use one way or another, I would say water too but water could be considered in the food one if you want to. If you can be self-sufficient in these two things then you are going to be a rich nation.

However, England is mainly not self-sufficient in those and yet bigger than most nations. Because, they made everyone believe that their money worths more than others money, and that's how they grew strong, if you disagreed, they killed all your citizens that argued against it. Or at least that's what it was back in the day, these days it is not like that anymore and we should not be considering the situation all that great anymore, they are weaker but that's how it happened.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: TheUltraElite on July 14, 2023, 06:49:35 AM
Drastic change! So sad that our country is strugling. Eventhough our country are crops producer still we are importing some goods loke sugar, rice etc. I know that this because of the domino effect of what is happening to the world, but mostly my countrymen are striving everyday just to survive a day.
The countries are suffering but this has been occuring for a long time and only exacerbated these few years. I don't see much that we can do to improve this on our own. We can start our own gardens if the space is available and grow some of the fruits and vegetables if possible.

Maybe growing crops is not possible for every one but can be tried if there are enough free members of the family.

It is also important for us to maximize savings and control spending. We can only wait and watch as much as we can sustain.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: uchegod-21 on July 14, 2023, 07:27:27 AM
Sourch img: (
In the country where I work, the food crisis has really been resolved. everything is back to normal.Even though the food crisis is over but although food prices are still high and have not come back down.
I do not understand what you meant by food crisis. How do you mean that food crises has been resolved in your country but the price of food is still high. I think food crises should be when the prices of food is high that the common man cannot afford it.

Drastic change! So sad that our country is strugling. Eventhough our country are crops producer still we are importing some goods loke sugar, rice etc. I know that this because of the domino effect of what is happening to the world, but mostly my countrymen are striving everyday just to survive a day.
Food crises is hitting almost every country but it is worse in countries that produce raw materials and export them to outside countries for further processing to food. That is the height of it. My country is known for producing cocoa but we do not produce single Bournville. That is how bad it is.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Iroh on July 14, 2023, 09:07:59 AM
Two things that are the core of any nation would be energy and food. Because those are things we are going to use one way or another, I would say water too but water could be considered in the food one if you want to. If you can be self-sufficient in these two things then you are going to be a rich nation.

Any country that wants to be self sufficient must first be able to provide for the energy needs of its citizens as well as enough locally grown and produced foods in order to feed adequately its populace. I don’t think you would be necessarily considered a rich nation if you’re self sufficient in just these areas cause they’re other factors to consider as well.
A nation that is self reliant and doesn’t rely on the resources of other countries to survive is on the path to prosperity. Although we all need each other in some capacity, a country would fare much better if they could internally source and provide sufficiently, the energy and food needs of its citizens.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Accardo on July 14, 2023, 09:58:52 AM
Two things that are the core of any nation would be energy and food. Because those are things we are going to use one way or another, I would say water too but water could be considered in the food one if you want to. If you can be self-sufficient in these two things then you are going to be a rich nation.

Any country that wants to be self sufficient must first be able to provide for the energy needs of its citizens as well as enough locally grown and produced foods in order to feed adequately its populace. I don’t think you would be necessarily considered a rich nation if you’re self sufficient in just these areas cause they’re other factors to consider as well.
A nation that is self reliant and doesn’t rely on the resources of other countries to survive is on the path to prosperity. Although we all need each other in some capacity, a country would fare much better if they could internally source and provide sufficiently, the energy and food needs of its citizens.
Those are very essential, a country that lacks food or energy consistently will suffer her citizens and lots of people will migrate to other countries. There are other things like security and infrastructures but its quite secondary compared to food, because the security men and builders also need food to execute properly their daily duties or tasks. On the other flip to fit your response, without security, for example, the food can be hijacked by bandits or other criminals, which will cause a hike in price of food supply in the country. However where food is lacking leaves room for increase in crime and so much suffering.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: EarnOnVictor on July 14, 2023, 02:44:33 PM
I view it from two angles, if there is no plenty of food to go round due to natural or self-caused situations and also a situation where there is plenty of good but citizens could only afford so little due to persistent rise in price, then as a matter of fact are the situations of a food crisis. These, I'm afraid are the order of the day in many countries.

The federal government in my country just yesterday declared a state of emergency on food. Although I see no food scarcity for now, they read beyond what we see, so the crisis is already here.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Wimex on July 14, 2023, 04:18:18 PM
In my country it could be said that the situation in terms of food improved a little there was a time when the crisis affected the entire national territory that it was impossible to get it and it was so much that even the rich felt such a drastic change, young people they saw themselves in the obligation of having to find a way out traveling to other countries whose economy did not yet present such impressive inflation, but now it could be said that despite the fact that the prices are exorbitant and people only work to be able to have what they need, it is possible to have access to food and basic necessities, however it continues to be a difficult position for those who do not have a good income... I hope that the situation improves much more with the passage of time although looking at the panorama of the country's situation and what is happening globally that affects us either directly or indirectly, living not in peace could continue even longer...

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: coupable on July 14, 2023, 05:44:51 PM
Although I live in a country characterized by abundant agricultural production, I cannot deny the existence of a food crisis since a few years ago. 
The crisis began after the rise of some raw materials for food industries in the global market.  The rise in fuel prices also had an impact on these industries, since my country does not produce enough oil and gas to operate these industries, so it is forced to import despite its impotent trade balance.  The Ukrainian war came to make matters worse, mainly because the import of grain stopped and the state was unable to buy at high prices in addition to the additional cost of transportation. 
Despite the government's efforts to contain the crisis, it is almost unable to support many food industries in the absence of alternatives.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: kawetsriyanto on July 14, 2023, 07:41:38 PM
This is a global problem and should not be taken lightly. Like BTC Price, It can be dumped at any time. Yes, this problem can also occur anytime and anywhere. I have noticed that from the various types of potential that you mentioned above, it seems that the food crisis is becoming a major issue due to drastic climate change, crop failure which will dominate in the future because the water supply in the soil is decreasing.
OP already stated it that it is a global issue, check again on the thread.
Anyway, food crisis is happening, you must understand that it already started since the pandemic happened a few years ago. This problem is complicated since there are many factors that also contribute to lead on the food crisis. Not only about the impact of pandemic or natural disasters, the political issues among the countries also worsen the food crisis. When there is a bad relationship among the countries in the world, it will be difficult to import some foods. Not every country can fulfill certain foods themselves, they sometime depend on other countries to fulfill it. I assume the food crisis can be easier to handle if all the countries in the world can cooperate together.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: usekevin on July 14, 2023, 09:17:23 PM
Although I live in a country characterized by abundant agricultural production, I cannot deny the existence of a food crisis since a few years ago. 
The crisis began after the rise of some raw materials for food industries in the global market.  The rise in fuel prices also had an impact on these industries, since my country does not produce enough oil and gas to operate these industries, so it is forced to import despite its impotent trade balance.  The Ukrainian war came to make matters worse, mainly because the import of grain stopped and the state was unable to buy at high prices in addition to the additional cost of transportation. 
Despite the government's efforts to contain the crisis, it is almost unable to support many food industries in the absence of alternatives.
The food crisis is based on the economic conditions of that country.If the country is developed economy,then the production of food grains will be surplus and no need to worry for the food scarcity.But when the economy is in a underdeveloping,then they need to focus on the food grains and food production to avoid of the food crisis.The developing countries will partially spend some money for the food production and they on the safer side of food production.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Franctoshi on July 14, 2023, 09:50:22 PM
There is available of food here in my countryside but the issue we are facing here is the skyrocketing price of food products in the market and in the grocery stores due to iinflation plus the increasing price of fast food itself as a result of the recent hike in fuel pump prices from #600-#750 per liter from before #250-#350 per liter, insane.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: dothebeats on July 18, 2023, 10:12:08 AM
Living in a primary agricultural country you'll think the price of agricultural food will be lower, but no. Food crisis in relation to how expensive food is getting, is basically getting worse. Back then you can still get a month worth of food supply with minimum work salary, but no you can barely survive two weeks with it. Most of the locally made/harvested goods are twice as expensive that people who were able to buy them back then now has to think twice about purchasing them.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Jatiluhung on July 18, 2023, 10:20:31 AM
Living in a primary agricultural country you'll think the price of agricultural food will be lower, but no. Food crisis in relation to how expensive food is getting, is basically getting worse. Back then you can still get a month worth of food supply with minimum work salary, but no you can barely survive two weeks with it. Most of the locally made/harvested goods are twice as expensive that people who were able to buy them back then now has to think twice about purchasing them.
Well, being in an agrarian country does not guarantee that the price of staple foods will be cheap. Or it does not guarantee that someone can avoid a food crisis. unless we are a farmer who has a large area of ​​land which of course we will always have food stocks for ourselves from the remaining sales. What causes food prices to remain high even in an agrarian country is because these countries usually import fuel from abroad. so that the country will be affected when global fuel oil prices rise. It's the same here as a result of rising fuel prices, all sectors are rising. because even the cost of cultivating agricultural land will have an increase in costs and make the crops also have to be sold at high prices as well to compensate. even the wages of agricultural laborers are also increasingly expensive at this time. because it is increasingly difficult for human resources to become agricultural laborers.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: 19Nov16 on July 19, 2023, 02:34:05 PM
According to reports from the government stated that inflation in my country continues to increase, in my country, of course, also feels inflation that is difficult to control, but the thing that makes me happy is that inflation can be a good opportunity to increase income, financial services are increasingly easily found even with official identity then we easy to get a loan

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Jatiluhung on July 20, 2023, 10:46:09 AM
According to reports from the government stated that inflation in my country continues to increase, in my country, of course, also feels inflation that is difficult to control, but the thing that makes me happy is that inflation can be a good opportunity to increase income, financial services are increasingly easily found even with official identity then we easy to get a loan
To be honest I don't understand how convenience can be when inflation is getting higher in your country. Because when inflation is high here it is difficult to get loans. People started to care more about themselves. Even loans from banks are also quite difficult. But the only convenience that occurs when inflation is high is assistance from the government to help the people. But in my country inflation is not as high as in other countries. so yeah, I can't understand the conditions in a country that has an inflation rate that keeps rising.
Eh, wait, I just realized this, but I remember that lately applications that offer loans are increasingly circulating. In fact, it is quite easy for someone to get a loan with only the requirement to show a photo identity.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: doomloop on July 20, 2023, 06:01:59 PM
According to reports from the government stated that inflation in my country continues to increase, in my country, of course, also feels inflation that is difficult to control, but the thing that makes me happy is that inflation can be a good opportunity to increase income, financial services are increasingly easily found even with official identity then we easy to get a loan
Inflation is I think a global issue and even in many countries, they also feel an increase but maybe the rates on fewer countries are twice or thrice higher than them. It must be Venezuela if I'm not mistaken who badly got hit by the inflation and the value of their money declined too much.

For us normal individuals, we can't do much about the inflation but I think the government's actions can affect it. Can't understand why you are happy about the high inflation when the majority likes it to be lowered. You might earn more money but that is because the value of your money is now lower than usual but you can choose to keep this money and hope that the inflation will go down someday.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Maslate on July 20, 2023, 06:59:19 PM
This is a global problem and should not be taken lightly. Like BTC Price, It can be dumped at any time. Yes, this problem can also occur anytime and anywhere. I have noticed that from the various types of potential that you mentioned above, it seems that the food crisis is becoming a major issue due to drastic climate change, crop failure which will dominate in the future because the water supply in the soil is decreasing.
OP already stated it that it is a global issue, check again on the thread.
Anyway, food crisis is happening, you must understand that it already started since the pandemic happened a few years ago. This problem is complicated since there are many factors that also contribute to lead on the food crisis. Not only about the impact of pandemic or natural disasters, the political issues among the countries also worsen the food crisis. When there is a bad relationship among the countries in the world, it will be difficult to import some foods. Not every country can fulfill certain foods themselves, they sometime depend on other countries to fulfill it. I assume the food crisis can be easier to handle if all the countries in the world can cooperate together.

Well, that could be possible as well but I believe this food crisis will only be stopped once this food price inflation will be gone. That way, prices will no longer rise even more but will stay affordable so that all social status of people will easily provide food on their table. However, the key to lessen the food crisis is to have a garden of fruits and vegetables of your own. Aside from not spending on high amount for food because you already have on your backyard, that’s also one way of helping less fortunate people and give them for free so that the rates of hunger and malnutrition will not rise anymore.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Casdinyard on July 20, 2023, 07:19:54 PM
Things are becoming more and more expensive here in the Philippines. Perishable foods like veggies and meat more so. It doesn't help that the agricultural sector's not getting enough assistance from the government and we're getting hit by the strongest droughts and typhoons here lately that farmers are left with soil barren from nutrients. Farmers, fishermen, and other related form of workers are getting dogshit salaries too so their qualities of life are on the gutter. So basically no matter how the Philippines look from the outside world it's on the shitbox when it comes to economy and earning good wages here is a pipe dream especially if you're working for a local employer.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Japinat on July 21, 2023, 03:36:10 AM
Living in a primary agricultural country you'll think the price of agricultural food will be lower, but no. Food crisis in relation to how expensive food is getting, is basically getting worse. Back then you can still get a month worth of food supply with minimum work salary, but no you can barely survive two weeks with it. Most of the locally made/harvested goods are twice as expensive that people who were able to buy them back then now has to think twice about purchasing them.
This is really true. Rice has been getting more expensive despite the fact that rice is one of the major agricultural crops in our country. So how much more from those foods that are being imported from other countries. Obviously, the food price inflation is getting more worse. If before it’s easier for regular earners to eat 3 to 5x a day, now even 3x a day is getting a lot of budget from our own funds.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: odunybiz on August 24, 2023, 02:46:20 PM
Basically there are no shortages really but the prices for food is insane pretty much. I would say food costs 50-100% more than it did back in 2019.

Sure at first it was because of Covid and then the supply constraints however lately there shouldn’t be any supply constraints and prices should of either leveled or declined a little. However you can clearly see that’s not the case when going shopping for groceries.

Price continue to rise here and I believe this is due to the fact that most citizens are running away from agriculture leaving food supply for just few percentage of people. The government also add to the issue by not supporting interested farmers.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: HajiBagi on September 13, 2023, 06:49:50 AM
Since food is the most crucial and expensive good in my country right now, and since nothing has changed over the course of this year, it is only now that you will realise how vital agriculture is to humankind. Many people report seeing a variety of unexplainable things. Since the price of fuel has gone up, everything has gone up as well, but food is the worst because you can no longer afford even a tiny bit of food, which is affecting many consumers because some people don't have jobs and struggle every day to feed themselves; now that the price has gone up, how can they survive?

The only thing I can advise someone in a country where the economy is hard is to go and learn anything concerning agriculture to feed because these days it really is hard. Farmers are the people who enjoy food now because they always sell their agriculture products to improve their lives and keep some agriculture stuff in their home to eat on because they always know that the government is not to be trusted and that is why they don't rely on government.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Fara Chan on September 15, 2023, 09:08:40 AM
Since food is the most crucial and expensive good in my country right now, and since nothing has changed over the course of this year, it is only now that you will realise how vital agriculture is to humankind. Many people report seeing a variety of unexplainable things. Since the price of fuel has gone up, everything has gone up as well, but food is the worst because you can no longer afford even a tiny bit of food, which is affecting many consumers because some people don't have jobs and struggle every day to feed themselves; now that the price has gone up, how can they survive?
It is difficult to know how everyone can survive with food conditions and food prices that have soared, because everyone has to think about themselves to continue to earn as much money as possible so as not to experience difficulties in their lives. The first trigger is indeed the increase in fuel which can cause other goods to also increase and because of this, everyone is starting to experience difficulties in meeting their current life needs. And I even hope that conditions like this can end soon even though it seems like it will be difficult to end.

The only thing I can advise someone in a country where the economy is hard is to go and learn anything concerning agriculture to feed because these days it really is hard. Farmers are the people who enjoy food now because they always sell their agriculture products to improve their lives and keep some agriculture stuff in their home to eat on because they always know that the government is not to be trusted and that is why they don't rely on government.
Things like that also often happen in my place, because in my place there are still many farmers who struggle to improve their own standard of living by still selling their harvest and leaving some for daily consumption. This was done because the farmers in my place have no income in other fields apart from their own agricultural sector, so they will continue to live like that for a long time. Because when harvest time arrives, the price of their harvest never becomes expensive and sometimes can even decrease from last year's price.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: BitcoinTurk on September 15, 2023, 10:03:53 AM
There is no food crisis yet in the country I live in or in my country. Of course, what I'm talking about here is being able to find the food products in markets because food prices have increased significantly in both countries. Although it isn't difficult to access many foods and meals unfortunately the prices have increased significantly. Especially since the currency used by my country has lost serious value it has been much more serious price increases compared to global prices.

In the country I currently live in it is very easy to access food just like in my country but unfortunately even though it is a European country the prices have increased considerably here as well. Although the prices of some food and food products are at an acceptable level today unfortunately this is difficult to say for some. In other words, these consumer products which are quite easy to access are unfortunately no longer easily accessible to individuals from all walks of life.

In summary, it would not be correct to say that there is a food crisis in terms of stock for both my country and the country I live in but if we have to comment on the prices of these products it is also true that we are faced with a price crisis.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: dothebeats on September 15, 2023, 10:15:16 AM
Since food is the most crucial and expensive good in my country right now, and since nothing has changed over the course of this year, it is only now that you will realise how vital agriculture is to humankind. Many people report seeing a variety of unexplainable things. Since the price of fuel has gone up, everything has gone up as well, but food is the worst because you can no longer afford even a tiny bit of food, which is affecting many consumers because some people don't have jobs and struggle every day to feed themselves; now that the price has gone up, how can they survive?

The only thing I can advise someone in a country where the economy is hard is to go and learn anything concerning agriculture to feed because these days it really is hard. Farmers are the people who enjoy food now because they always sell their agriculture products to improve their lives and keep some agriculture stuff in their home to eat on because they always know that the government is not to be trusted and that is why they don't rely on government.
Although I agree with some of your points, I wouldn't really go as far as saying that farmers are the ones having many benefits with the conditions of food supply and price hikes at all. At least in my country, farmers are having such a difficult time as they are having less and less financial resources to buy their tools and essentials to plant and farm more. Essentially, like us, they are also facing the hike of prices with their needs for their work and thus it affects the supply of the food they produce that causes a price hike on their goods which then results in less and less sales. Aside from having fewer sales they also have to think about the danger of their products rotting and spoiling which will be another loss for them.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Finestream on September 15, 2023, 10:44:31 AM
Food crisis was only high when it’s still pandemic time, but after that the supply of foods has returned to normal. However, there are remarkable price increase as of these days. Everything that are considered as daily necessities have been incredibly high priced. At first, I thought the government can do something about it but as inflation continues, prices have been rising as well. Until these days, we are still stuck with food prices that I think unreasonable at all. And I don’t think the government can still control it, or lessen the price as it was before.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: BRINIRHA on September 15, 2023, 01:27:45 PM
Food crisis was only high when it’s still pandemic time, but after that the supply of foods has returned to normal. However, there are remarkable price increase as of these days. Everything that are considered as daily necessities have been incredibly high priced. At first, I thought the government can do something about it but as inflation continues, prices have been rising as well. Until these days, we are still stuck with food prices that I think unreasonable at all. And I don’t think the government can still control it, or lessen the price as it was before.
The current inflation is occurring globally. So every government in every country is currently having a really hard time controlling it. Uncontrolled inflation can actually become worse if it is not treated immediately. Because inflation has its own levels starting from normal inflation, high inflation and hyper inflation. So what we are worried about is hyper inflation. But I think we can avoid that. Except for several countries which have been in a state of hyper inflation for a long time. Some countries increase bank interest rates to reduce inflation. And in a moment it worked. But the impact turned out to trigger another problem, namely Recession. So the government then lowered interest rates and the funny thing is that after the interest rates were lowered, inflation actually rose again. The point is that the current government still seems confused about the current conditions. But as long as inflation can be kept under control, meaning it doesn't rise quickly, that's good enough. But the current price increase seems to indicate that inflation is starting to get out of control again.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Juse14 on September 15, 2023, 06:10:19 PM
Currently in my area there is a fairly long dry season so that some farmers cannot plant crops due to lack of water. And most farmers in my area only rely on rainwater to wet their agricultural land. And the only way to overcome this problem is by building infrastructure in the form of irrigation, so that people can farm all the time and not only during the rainy season. And in some areas irrigation construction is carried out with assistance from the government, but the infrastructure cannot last long because the quality is poor and I think that this is due to criminal acts of corruption in it so that the infrastructure that is built is of poor quality.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: gabbie2010 on September 15, 2023, 09:26:53 PM
According to reports from the government stated that inflation in my country continues to increase, in my country, of course, also feels inflation that is difficult to control, but the thing that makes me happy is that inflation can be a good opportunity to increase income, financial services are increasingly easily found even with official identity then we easy to get a loan
I think this high inflation rate is globally because my country is not left out of this lingering financial crisis, however the problems associated with inflation in my country is in sharp contrast with that of your country because the salaries of workers here wasn't increase here despite the increase in the prices of goods and services as a result of government removal of fuel subsidy thus there is low purchasing power of consumers of goods and services consequently a lot of workers adopted scale of preference to purchase goods or make a payment for any service, food is their major priority thereafter other things can be considered.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: lionheart78 on September 15, 2023, 09:34:13 PM
If the food crisis has something to do with the inflation of its price then all I can say is that the situation is worsening.  With the agricultural land being converted to housing, industrial, and commercial land, the food supply is getting thinner.  As a result, their price in the market is almost doubled.  This problem is enhanced by these people who hoard the food supply even making the price skyrocket. 

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Jatiluhung on September 16, 2023, 01:22:24 AM
If the food crisis has something to do with the inflation of its price then all I can say is that the situation is worsening.  With the agricultural land being converted to housing, industrial, and commercial land, the food supply is getting thinner.  As a result, their price in the market is almost doubled.  This problem is enhanced by these people who hoard the food supply even making the price skyrocket. 
Sometimes when a food crisis occurs, there are always parties who deliberately cause food stocks on the market to decrease and become scarce, which triggers higher price increases. Maybe hoarding within normal limits is not a problem. But hoarding on a national scale is a bad thing. Some time ago or several months ago there was also a case like that in the country where I currently work. Namely, there were parties who hoarded cooking oil on a national scale which caused the price of cooking oil at that time to skyrocket very quickly at unreasonable prices. And this triggers price increases in other fields. especially in the food industry which uses cooking oil in its processing. But fortunately the party who did the wrong thing has been found out and has now been brought to justice. So prices return to normal because stock is again abundant in the market.

But for food stocks, the staple food in this country is rice. It seems the price is still rising rapidly. Because it hasn't rained here yet. Even though in September it should usually start to rain. But this year is a little different. Maybe the rainy season will come a little late.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Strongkored on September 16, 2023, 03:15:34 AM
But for food stocks, the staple food in this country is rice. It seems the price is still rising rapidly. Because it hasn't rained here yet. Even though in September it should usually start to rain. But this year is a little different. Maybe the rainy season will come a little late.
All agricultural schedules have undergone changes due to extreme climate changes and perhaps when September should have started with the rainy season it will change not just by 1 but could be more than 2 months, and that will be very troublesome for farmers and the community because many are still dependent on rainfall. because now they are starting to have difficulty getting clean water.

Regarding the food crisis, I think each country is different, some are starting to experience a decline in food stocks but there are also those that are still exporting freely. My country is planning to import food from other countries but it is reported that this is only for backup but I think it is only to calm the public or reduce speculators who will definitely take advantage by creating panic in the market so that prices will rise higher and cause problems for the public.
We have been hearing about the food crisis for a long time, but humans will always find a way to get out of this problem.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Bd officer on September 16, 2023, 04:05:44 AM
But fortunately there is abundant food here and perhaps a food crisis can be avoided in the long term. But I don't really know about Bangladesh. Is there an advanced agricultural sector there? Or is the agricultural condition there really bad?
I am also a Bangladeshi citizen. Yes, our country is an agricultural country, most of the people live by doing agricultural work. I also highlight something about the economy of our Bangladesh. Compared to the last few years, inflation in our country has increased a lot this year. And I did not talk about the price of any other items, generally the price of pens has increased from BDT 5 to BDT 6. Also this year our country has experienced excessive drought due to which farmers did not get good crop yield. Due to this, the price of food has increased in the market. Also, the government is charging higher taxes on various food items. Due to the increase in the price of goods, it has become very difficult to live the life of the daily laborers of our country.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Bloodseekers on September 16, 2023, 06:57:16 AM
According to reports from the government stated that inflation in my country continues to increase, in my country, of course, also feels inflation that is difficult to control, but the thing that makes me happy is that inflation can be a good opportunity to increase income, financial services are increasingly easily found even with official identity then we easy to get a loan
I think this high inflation rate is globally because my country is not left out of this lingering financial crisis, however the problems associated with inflation in my country is in sharp contrast with that of your country because the salaries of workers here wasn't increase here despite the increase in the prices of goods and services as a result of government removal of fuel subsidy thus there is low purchasing power of consumers of goods and services consequently a lot of workers adopted scale of preference to purchase goods or make a payment for any service, food is their major priority thereafter other things can be considered.
In facing a situation like this, nothing will change if we expect it from other people or the government, but it would be better for us to continue to develop the potential that exists within us so that we can survive the current conditions if we have a stable income. I think conditions like Anything will remain the same for us because we can still fulfill our needs and desires.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: blockman on September 16, 2023, 09:47:09 AM
It became worse in my country. All agricultural products have been increasing in price. I think that there's a very wrong system that's happening in my country from farm to market distribution. It is because it's not the government that does this distribution but it's the independent businessmen that do this. So, the cost coming from the farm going to another middleman and even before going to the market, there have been a lot of hands that have touched the food products so there's a huge margin that's being placed before going to the consumer. I still look forward that there's hope on this problem. Yes, it's global problem but this shouldn't be affecting the local markets that we've got in terms of food production and delivery. The government should remove all of those middleman so there won't be a lot of margin that becomes the burden of us, consumers.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Juse14 on September 16, 2023, 05:28:21 PM
It became worse in my country. All agricultural products have been increasing in price. I think that there's a very wrong system that's happening in my country from farm to market distribution. It is because it's not the government that does this distribution but it's the independent businessmen that do this. So, the cost coming from the farm going to another middleman and even before going to the market, there have been a lot of hands that have touched the food products so there's a huge margin that's being placed before going to the consumer. I still look forward that there's hope on this problem. Yes, it's global problem but this shouldn't be affecting the local markets that we've got in terms of food production and delivery. The government should remove all of those middleman so there won't be a lot of margin that becomes the burden of us, consumers.
It cannot be denied that those who manipulate market prices are intermediaries. And answering this question is very difficult because intermediaries and farmers are interrelated. What happens where I live is that many farmers want to farm but run out of capital and the only way to get capital to farm is to borrow from middlemen. When farmers borrow capital from middlemen, there is usually an agreement between the two parties, "where like it or not, when post-harvest arrives, farmers who borrow money from middlemen do not only have to pay back the money they borrowed. "But they (farmers) also have to sell their crops to middlemen."
and it is true that the problem of increasing food prices is caused by middlemen so that farmers cannot sell their crops directly to consumers.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: topbitcoin on September 16, 2023, 06:01:30 PM
If the food crisis has something to do with the inflation of its price then all I can say is that the situation is worsening.  With the agricultural land being converted to housing, industrial, and commercial land, the food supply is getting thinner.  As a result, their price in the market is almost doubled.  This problem is enhanced by these people who hoard the food supply even making the price skyrocket. 
Apart from that, what the government and farmers need to do is good and productive agricultural management. Where I live there is still a lot of empty land and the land is very fertile but because it is not managed well and is not able to absorb technological advances to increase existing agricultural output. So food yields where I live do not increase every year, while the need for food has increased the most. And in my opinion, the government's participation in dealing with things like this is also very necessary because there are still many people in my area who, when they want to farm, only rely on rainwater, while when the dry season arrives they cannot plant crops because there is a lack of sufficient water supply to wet the agricultural land.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: stomachgrowls on September 16, 2023, 08:29:40 PM
Food crisis was only high when it’s still pandemic time, but after that the supply of foods has returned to normal. However, there are remarkable price increase as of these days. Everything that are considered as daily necessities have been incredibly high priced. At first, I thought the government can do something about it but as inflation continues, prices have been rising as well. Until these days, we are still stuck with food prices that I think unreasonable at all. And I don’t think the government can still control it, or lessen the price as it was before.
The current inflation is occurring globally. So every government in every country is currently having a really hard time controlling it. Uncontrolled inflation can actually become worse if it is not treated immediately. Because inflation has its own levels starting from normal inflation, high inflation and hyper inflation. So what we are worried about is hyper inflation. But I think we can avoid that. Except for several countries which have been in a state of hyper inflation for a long time. Some countries increase bank interest rates to reduce inflation. And in a moment it worked. But the impact turned out to trigger another problem, namely Recession. So the government then lowered interest rates and the funny thing is that after the interest rates were lowered, inflation actually rose again. The point is that the current government still seems confused about the current conditions. But as long as inflation can be kept under control, meaning it doesn't rise quickly, that's good enough. But the current price increase seems to indicate that inflation is starting to get out of control again.
Its a global problem but we know that there are countries which arent been affected or doesnt have this type of problem.
Lowest inflation?

1   🇸🇸 South Sudan   -11.6%   
2   🇲🇴 Macau   0.8%   
3   🇨🇳 China   1.8%   
4   🇭🇰 Hong Kong SAR   1.8%   
5   🇴🇲 Oman   2.1%   
6   🇵🇦 Panama   2.1%   
7   🇸🇨 Seychelles   2.5%   
8   🇻🇺 Vanuatu   2.7%   
9   🇹🇼 Taiwan   2.7%   
10   🇨🇭 Switzerland   2.8%   

Source (,%2C%20Hong%20Kong%2C%20and%20Taiwan.)

This is on last year on having those places which does have the least or even negative when i comes to inflation thing.
How i wish i do live into those places. You wont really be bothering yourself that much into those economic problems if ever.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: TheSpiral on September 17, 2023, 06:50:32 AM
If the food crisis has something to do with the inflation of its price then all I can say is that the situation is worsening.  With the agricultural land being converted to housing, industrial, and commercial land, the food supply is getting thinner.  As a result, their price in the market is almost doubled.  This problem is enhanced by these people who hoard the food supply even making the price skyrocket. 

Everything is very expensive and because of this higher cost one will be unable to eat well and there are lots of people who just take meal but their diet does not contain any healthy food.

You will have experienced that in past the price was not as higher as that is today which implies that health issues were not present in past people as much as that is now present in today's people may be the cause is unhealthy expensive food.

One reason is the war due to which the price become increasing because when war initiate then food producing countries ceases the exportation of food to the neighbor countries so the neighbors countries elevates the price of existing minimum resources of food.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: xSkylarx on September 17, 2023, 08:10:38 AM
If the food crisis has something to do with the inflation of its price then all I can say is that the situation is worsening.  With the agricultural land being converted to housing, industrial, and commercial land, the food supply is getting thinner.  As a result, their price in the market is almost doubled.  This problem is enhanced by these people who hoard the food supply even making the price skyrocket. 
Apart from that, what the government and farmers need to do is good and productive agricultural management. Where I live there is still a lot of empty land and the land is very fertile but because it is not managed well and is not able to absorb technological advances to increase existing agricultural output. So food yields where I live do not increase every year, while the need for food has increased the most. And in my opinion, the government's participation in dealing with things like this is also very necessary because there are still many people in my area who, when they want to farm, only rely on rainwater, while when the dry season arrives they cannot plant crops because there is a lack of sufficient water supply to wet the agricultural land.

That's the reason why the farmers in your area don't want to plant crops because there is no proper water irrigation for the plants, and that is why those farmers won't take the risk unless the government builds a water irrigation system in that feasible area.
I am not sure where you live but in our country government built irrigation that was temporary and built by farmers before government just funded it to make it concrete so that it would be permanent and the flow of water would be distributed evenly. It might be one of the reasons why government won't fund that area because farmers don't take initiative and also because government thinks that no one will make that empty land into a farm.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: dothebeats on September 17, 2023, 01:06:10 PM
If the food crisis has something to do with the inflation of its price then all I can say is that the situation is worsening.  With the agricultural land being converted to housing, industrial, and commercial land, the food supply is getting thinner.  As a result, their price in the market is almost doubled.  This problem is enhanced by these people who hoard the food supply even making the price skyrocket. 
Apart from that, what the government and farmers need to do is good and productive agricultural management. Where I live there is still a lot of empty land and the land is very fertile but because it is not managed well and is not able to absorb technological advances to increase existing agricultural output. So food yields where I live do not increase every year, while the need for food has increased the most. And in my opinion, the government's participation in dealing with things like this is also very necessary because there are still many people in my area who, when they want to farm, only rely on rainwater, while when the dry season arrives they cannot plant crops because there is a lack of sufficient water supply to wet the agricultural land.

That's the reason why the farmers in your area don't want to plant crops because there is no proper water irrigation for the plants, and that is why those farmers won't take the risk unless the government builds a water irrigation system in that feasible area.
I am not sure where you live but in our country government built irrigation that was temporary and built by farmers before government just funded it to make it concrete so that it would be permanent and the flow of water would be distributed evenly. It might be one of the reasons why government won't fund that area because farmers don't take initiative and also because government thinks that no one will make that empty land into a farm.
Although you have a point here, we cannot ignore that there are countries wherein the government are the ones that lacks actions and concern for the agricultural sector of the country they are governing. For example, in my country there have been various call to action and protest of farmers and majority of society for our government to listen to the needs of agriculture as it has been obvious that this sector of the country is having a major downfall yet to proper action has still been taken.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: 0t3p0t on September 17, 2023, 05:14:24 PM
Sourch img: (

The food crisis has always been a hot topic of discussion. Because basically this also concerns how we survive and how to avoid crises that occur in the food sector. Of course there are many reasons behind why there is a food crisis, whether it's due to drastic climate change, crop failure, floods and natural disasters, war, hoarding by irresponsible parties, declining interest of young people in agriculture, and also increasingly narrow land. agriculture has turned into factories. or many other reasons.

But I am currently curious about what is happening in each country regarding the current food crisis. Has it gotten better, gotten worse or hasn't there been any change?

In the country where I work, the food crisis has really been resolved. everything is back to normal.Even though the food crisis is over but although food prices are still high and have not come back down. but the consumer's ability can still offset the increase that has occurred so that it can be said that in this country the food sector is under control and sufficient. and how about in your country?
Food crisis here in my country seems getting worst as some influencial business owners tend to hoard thousands of tons of rice and vegetables to manipulate prices. Some of these business owners were investigated and hopefully soon will be apprehended.

The declining interest of young people into agriculture is one of the most common reason why there is sometimes shortage in food in a particular  country. Smuggled goods from foreign countries could also pose threat to the local food sector.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: blockman on September 17, 2023, 05:49:05 PM
It became worse in my country. All agricultural products have been increasing in price. I think that there's a very wrong system that's happening in my country from farm to market distribution. It is because it's not the government that does this distribution but it's the independent businessmen that do this. So, the cost coming from the farm going to another middleman and even before going to the market, there have been a lot of hands that have touched the food products so there's a huge margin that's being placed before going to the consumer. I still look forward that there's hope on this problem. Yes, it's global problem but this shouldn't be affecting the local markets that we've got in terms of food production and delivery. The government should remove all of those middleman so there won't be a lot of margin that becomes the burden of us, consumers.
It cannot be denied that those who manipulate market prices are intermediaries. And answering this question is very difficult because intermediaries and farmers are interrelated. What happens where I live is that many farmers want to farm but run out of capital and the only way to get capital to farm is to borrow from middlemen. When farmers borrow capital from middlemen, there is usually an agreement between the two parties, "where like it or not, when post-harvest arrives, farmers who borrow money from middlemen do not only have to pay back the money they borrowed. "But they (farmers) also have to sell their crops to middlemen."
and it is true that the problem of increasing food prices is caused by middlemen so that farmers cannot sell their crops directly to consumers.
It's the same with our local farmers, they're borrowing money to have capital for their farm lands. But it's not even guaranteed that they'll earn from all of their hard work. It's because of many factors like our country is always being hit by natural disasters especially with typhoons, not just that but super typhoons and all of their hard work turns into vain. Aside from that, the manipulation in the market when they harvest is at worst. It's always the farmers harvest' that are being taken for granted because at most times, they're being low balled while the middlemen and businessmen that puts less effort on this business are even making more than what the farmers deserve.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: topbitcoin on September 17, 2023, 09:19:21 PM
I am not sure where you live but in our country government built irrigation that was temporary and built by farmers before government just funded it to make it concrete so that it would be permanent and the flow of water would be distributed evenly. It might be one of the reasons why government won't fund that area because farmers don't take initiative and also because government thinks that no one will make that empty land into a farm.
Although you have a point here, we cannot ignore that there are countries wherein the government are the ones that lacks actions and concern for the agricultural sector of the country they are governing. For example, in my country there have been various call to action and protest of farmers and majority of society for our government to listen to the needs of agriculture as it has been obvious that this sector of the country is having a major downfall yet to proper action has still been taken.
agree with that. And indeed I often encounter things like this in the area where I live. Indeed, the central government itself, through the Ministry of Agriculture, always makes policies and programs to deal with agricultural problems and increase the country's food security. However, it is very unfortunate because the implementation of this program requires a long process and goes through several hands so that the goals of the central government and the ministry of agriculture cannot be achieved optimally and produce good results.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Vaskiy on September 17, 2023, 11:17:21 PM
It became worse in my country. All agricultural products have been increasing in price. I think that there's a very wrong system that's happening in my country from farm to market distribution. It is because it's not the government that does this distribution but it's the independent businessmen that do this. So, the cost coming from the farm going to another middleman and even before going to the market, there have been a lot of hands that have touched the food products so there's a huge margin that's being placed before going to the consumer. I still look forward that there's hope on this problem. Yes, it's global problem but this shouldn't be affecting the local markets that we've got in terms of food production and delivery. The government should remove all of those middleman so there won't be a lot of margin that becomes the burden of us, consumers.
It cannot be denied that those who manipulate market prices are intermediaries. And answering this question is very difficult because intermediaries and farmers are interrelated. What happens where I live is that many farmers want to farm but run out of capital and the only way to get capital to farm is to borrow from middlemen. When farmers borrow capital from middlemen, there is usually an agreement between the two parties, "where like it or not, when post-harvest arrives, farmers who borrow money from middlemen do not only have to pay back the money they borrowed. "But they (farmers) also have to sell their crops to middlemen."
and it is true that the problem of increasing food prices is caused by middlemen so that farmers cannot sell their crops directly to consumers.
It's the same with our local farmers, they're borrowing money to have capital for their farm lands. But it's not even guaranteed that they'll earn from all of their hard work. It's because of many factors like our country is always being hit by natural disasters especially with typhoons, not just that but super typhoons and all of their hard work turns into vain. Aside from that, the manipulation in the market when they harvest is at worst. It's always the farmers harvest' that are being taken for granted because at most times, they're being low balled while the middlemen and businessmen that puts less effort on this business are even making more than what the farmers deserve.
Every farmer is in trouble. The middleman eats everything and governments need to take some action for the direct buying from the people, so that benefits will directly reach the farmers who are one to profit. These days environmental changes have brought the rain vary from the calculation. This will affect the planned cultivation, and in my country the government have made some fast check as some middleman have kept hold of good volume of wheat to manipulate the price. Through proper investigation this had been caught and the price of wheat is well balanced than allowing it to rise deeper. So, rather than the farmers the middleman eats and the crisis keeps going.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Mr. Magkaisa on September 18, 2023, 05:05:26 AM
If the food crisis has something to do with the inflation of its price then all I can say is that the situation is worsening.  With the agricultural land being converted to housing, industrial, and commercial land, the food supply is getting thinner.  As a result, their price in the market is almost doubled.  This problem is enhanced by these people who hoard the food supply even making the price skyrocket. 

         -   This is happening now in the country where I am located, especially since I know that there is one of our government officials here who is doing something like that to squeeze other farmers from the land they hold, and once they have the opportunity to do so, they will get the land that the farmers rely on and turn the former farm into real estate or malls.

Which is destroying nature, and the same thing the buyers of farmers' farms will do is what the importer will do to sell rice from other countries. Instead of expanding, our agriculture is shrinking. Instead of us having a sufficient supply of rice, what will happen is that we will buy rice from other countries.

And even the other supply of vegetables will also be affected, so the increase will actually increase the price in the market.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Jatiluhung on September 18, 2023, 09:35:44 AM
Food crisis here in my country seems getting worst as some influencial business owners tend to hoard thousands of tons of rice and vegetables to manipulate prices. Some of these business owners were investigated and hopefully soon will be apprehended.

The declining interest of young people into agriculture is one of the most common reason why there is sometimes shortage in food in a particular  country. Smuggled goods from foreign countries could also pose threat to the local food sector.
Apart from the problem of extreme weather, it seems that problems related to large-scale hoarding of food stocks by irresponsible people are a problem that is quite common nowadays. So price manipulation in the market seems to have become quite commonplace nowadays. This can indeed worsen the economy of people who have to buy food at higher prices, namely exceeding the normal price limit.

Importing goods from outside is sometimes necessary. But if it is done illegally then of course this is not a good thing and could affect local business. Because now even something like that has happened here. Where products from abroad flood the market. And displaced local producers. Because products from abroad are sometimes much cheaper than local products. This is what makes local businesses lose the competition.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: dothebeats on September 18, 2023, 09:43:07 AM
Food crisis here in my country seems getting worst as some influencial business owners tend to hoard thousands of tons of rice and vegetables to manipulate prices. Some of these business owners were investigated and hopefully soon will be apprehended.

The declining interest of young people into agriculture is one of the most common reason why there is sometimes shortage in food in a particular  country. Smuggled goods from foreign countries could also pose threat to the local food sector.
Apart from the problem of extreme weather, it seems that problems related to large-scale hoarding of food stocks by irresponsible people are a problem that is quite common nowadays. So price manipulation in the market seems to have become quite commonplace nowadays. This can indeed worsen the economy of people who have to buy food at higher prices, namely exceeding the normal price limit.

Importing goods from outside is sometimes necessary. But if it is done illegally then of course this is not a good thing and could affect local business. Because now even something like that has happened here. Where products from abroad flood the market. And displaced local producers. Because products from abroad are sometimes much cheaper than local products. This is what makes local businesses lose the competition.
Just recently news about big personalities hoaring foods for so long that they expired made to the headlines in our country. This news is very concerning as the price hike for foods is in an all time high while at the same time lack of food resources is being faced in much our the country's big areas. Heck, just early today my partner and I had to actually go and make a meal plan for our everyday consumption to ensure that we are staying within the budget we allocated for food.

As for importing products, this is also happening in my country but the disturbing thing is that local agricultural products are being exported in mass amounts despite the already lacking production it have towards the local market.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Jatiluhung on September 18, 2023, 09:57:07 AM
Food crisis here in my country seems getting worst as some influencial business owners tend to hoard thousands of tons of rice and vegetables to manipulate prices. Some of these business owners were investigated and hopefully soon will be apprehended.

The declining interest of young people into agriculture is one of the most common reason why there is sometimes shortage in food in a particular  country. Smuggled goods from foreign countries could also pose threat to the local food sector.
Apart from the problem of extreme weather, it seems that problems related to large-scale hoarding of food stocks by irresponsible people are a problem that is quite common nowadays. So price manipulation in the market seems to have become quite commonplace nowadays. This can indeed worsen the economy of people who have to buy food at higher prices, namely exceeding the normal price limit.

Importing goods from outside is sometimes necessary. But if it is done illegally then of course this is not a good thing and could affect local business. Because now even something like that has happened here. Where products from abroad flood the market. And displaced local producers. Because products from abroad are sometimes much cheaper than local products. This is what makes local businesses lose the competition.
Just recently news about big personalities hoaring foods for so long that they expired made to the headlines in our country. This news is very concerning as the price hike for foods is in an all time high while at the same time lack of food resources is being faced in much our the country's big areas. Heck, just early today my partner and I had to actually go and make a meal plan for our everyday consumption to ensure that we are staying within the budget we allocated for food.

As for importing products, this is also happening in my country but the disturbing thing is that local agricultural products are being exported in mass amounts despite the already lacking production it have towards the local market.
Yes, this is indeed very worrying. Sometimes market prices do increase and reach above normal prices. And this is sometimes done by people who do not think about the fate of the small people. They don't care at all about the suffering experienced by the little people. Because perhaps for those in the upper class, the price increase is not significant. But for lower middle class people, the increase in food prices in the market clearly has a big impact. Especially for people whose income is not too high. Where their salaries don't even increase when inflation comes. So they have to rearrange their finances and shopping lists as economically as possible so that they can still have enough money for their daily lives. So it is not surprising that online loan applications are widely used by people today. Because sometimes their income is not enough to meet their daily needs due to rising food prices.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: on September 18, 2023, 10:10:02 AM
Although you have a point here, we cannot ignore that there are countries wherein the government are the ones that lacks actions and concern for the agricultural sector of the country they are governing. For example, in my country there have been various call to action and protest of farmers and majority of society for our government to listen to the needs of agriculture as it has been obvious that this sector of the country is having a major downfall yet to proper action has still been taken.
What actions is being taken by the government of your country at this time, because in the end they (the farmers) will not be able to be ignored by the government forever? Moreover, if one day the current government still wants to nominate himself as leader in the country, of course he must care about all the complaints of the people along with the complaints of farmers, which has become a very important sector for the government to pay attention to.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: blockman on September 18, 2023, 10:26:25 AM
It's the same with our local farmers, they're borrowing money to have capital for their farm lands. But it's not even guaranteed that they'll earn from all of their hard work. It's because of many factors like our country is always being hit by natural disasters especially with typhoons, not just that but super typhoons and all of their hard work turns into vain. Aside from that, the manipulation in the market when they harvest is at worst. It's always the farmers harvest' that are being taken for granted because at most times, they're being low balled while the middlemen and businessmen that puts less effort on this business are even making more than what the farmers deserve.
Every farmer is in trouble. The middleman eats everything and governments need to take some action for the direct buying from the people, so that benefits will directly reach the farmers who are one to profit. These days environmental changes have brought the rain vary from the calculation. This will affect the planned cultivation, and in my country the government have made some fast check as some middleman have kept hold of good volume of wheat to manipulate the price. Through proper investigation this had been caught and the price of wheat is well balanced than allowing it to rise deeper. So, rather than the farmers the middleman eats and the crisis keeps going.
That's true, with some policies that will be in favor of the farmers, the government is the only one that can do that. But it seems that there's some sabotage or partnerships that are being done on this part. I really feel the hardship of the farmers that they've been targeted by these middlemen and in the case of our country, the rice has been increasing, and even if there's a temporary solution about putting a price ceiling and cap on it. It is going to result to put the farmers in a bad place because they'll be in between and they will be stuck with that problem. Because the taxes will likely be lessened if not waived for the imported rice while the farmers hard work will be taken for granted. Only the businessmen and middlemen will enjoy this while the consumers and the farmers will keep on experiencing this problem. It should be pro farmers as they're the ones who makes our food and secures it.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: gunhell16 on September 18, 2023, 03:32:05 PM
Here in our country, 3 months from now is Christmas. For sure, when the month of December enters, the prices will increase even more. Instead of getting excited about the citizens of our country, we are getting more and more headaches about how we are going to budget here. Even now, our pocket is hurting so much; how can it be in the month of December?

Then there is news from us that the manufacturers of food in cans and non-food are also planning to raise prices, so almost everything that people need is already expensive. The fuel was added even more because the effect of what is happening in Russia is also different; that's why.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Litzki1990 on September 18, 2023, 03:43:34 PM
Climate change is currently having an adverse effect on agriculture. Farmers' crops are destroyed every year due to excessive rains, droughts or untimely floods, which is the main reason for global food crisis. Different countries are working on climate change. Due to the fact that the world is dependent on technology, many people are now changing their agricultural profession and taking some other profession. Also, due to the lack of adequate facilities for farmers, many people are leaving their agricultural profession and joining some other profession. 
In order to avoid food crisis, the government of every country should ensure maximum facilities to the farmers as well as limit the price of various essential items used in agriculture such as fertilizers or seeds so that the farmers can easily cultivate, if the farmers can easily cultivate and if they are encouraged to cultivate. Then hopefully the global food crisis will disappear.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: topbitcoin on September 18, 2023, 04:10:44 PM
Here in our country, 3 months from now is Christmas. For sure, when the month of December enters, the prices will increase even more. Instead of getting excited about the citizens of our country, we are getting more and more headaches about how we are going to budget here. Even now, our pocket is hurting so much; how can it be in the month of December?

Then there is news from us that the manufacturers of food in cans and non-food are also planning to raise prices, so almost everything that people need is already expensive. The fuel was added even more because the effect of what is happening in Russia is also different; that's why.
Almost every year the prices of food and other raw materials always increase, especially during the holidays. And this doesn't only happen at Christmas, but at Eid al-Fitr there are also often very significant price increases.
And in the problem of price increases, many factors are the cause, including hoarding of goods. Approaching major holidays, hoarding of goods occurs very often so that there are very few on the market, while demand for these goods increases, which in turn can cause a significant increase in prices.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: blockman on September 18, 2023, 05:12:36 PM
Here in our country, 3 months from now is Christmas. For sure, when the month of December enters, the prices will increase even more. Instead of getting excited about the citizens of our country, we are getting more and more headaches about how we are going to budget here. Even now, our pocket is hurting so much; how can it be in the month of December?
This is true mate. When holidays come, the demand for goods will increase and even we've seen the slow down of the price increase these days. There will be a potential surge that's going to happen by that time. Plus, I've heard it from a forecast before that by December 2023 and onwards, the price will going to keep up with the inflation and we can't skip that. We need to tighten our belts and pockets by that time but at the same time, we can't let it pass during this celebration. Solution on this one is to celebrate it frugally, no need to be extravagant.

Then there is news from us that the manufacturers of food in cans and non-food are also planning to raise prices, so almost everything that people need is already expensive.
AFAIK, the government is asking them not to implement that. But even if they'll oblige with the government's request for delay, that's just a delay and not a complete stoppage for an increase in the price of canned goods and other goods. I felt even the slight increase already even they're just a few centavo because I am the one that does the groceries. I guess it's not yet the price increase that they're asking to do.

The fuel was added even more because the effect of what is happening in Russia is also different; that's why.
There's another reason aside the war. The oil deregulation law made it worst.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: romero121 on September 18, 2023, 05:14:40 PM
Here in our country, 3 months from now is Christmas. For sure, when the month of December enters, the prices will increase even more. Instead of getting excited about the citizens of our country, we are getting more and more headaches about how we are going to budget here. Even now, our pocket is hurting so much; how can it be in the month of December?

Then there is news from us that the manufacturers of food in cans and non-food are also planning to raise prices, so almost everything that people need is already expensive. The fuel was added even more because the effect of what is happening in Russia is also different; that's why.
Almost every year the prices of food and other raw materials always increase, especially during the holidays. And this doesn't only happen at Christmas, but at Eid al-Fitr there are also often very significant price increases.
And in the problem of price increases, many factors are the cause, including hoarding of goods. Approaching major holidays, hoarding of goods occurs very often so that there are very few on the market, while demand for these goods increases, which in turn can cause a significant increase in prices.
The involvement of the corporate network into farming have increased alot. This will soon help with the large scale production and for now the corporate are highly profited whereas the farmers remains same as they're years back. The governments have got the responsibility and depending on the weather change and other natural calamities affecting the production governments need to provide subsidy and other means of support to make their living better. Food price increase can be felt everywhere, but the rise in value doesn't gets distributed to the farmers whereas the middleman benefits it.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: khiholangkang on September 18, 2023, 05:32:19 PM
Here in our country, 3 months from now is Christmas. For sure, when the month of December enters, the prices will increase even more. Instead of getting excited about the citizens of our country, we are getting more and more headaches about how we are going to budget here. Even now, our pocket is hurting so much; how can it be in the month of December?

Then there is news from us that the manufacturers of food in cans and non-food are also planning to raise prices, so almost everything that people need is already expensive. The fuel was added even more because the effect of what is happening in Russia is also different; that's why.
Almost every year the prices of food and other raw materials always increase, especially during the holidays. And this doesn't only happen at Christmas, but at Eid al-Fitr there are also often very significant price increases.
And in the problem of price increases, many factors are the cause, including hoarding of goods. Approaching major holidays, hoarding of goods occurs very often so that there are very few on the market, while demand for these goods increases, which in turn can cause a significant increase in prices.

Eid is an event that is eagerly awaited by many traders and producers because there will be a lot of demand for goods needed to meet needs, price increases can indeed occur due to hoarding of goods, which causes the supply of goods to decrease, thereby pushing prices up. . However, what is more common in price increases is that there is a lot of demand while the market cannot meet the needs, demand continues to increase and this is usually used to increase prices.

Some cases that can also push up prices are increases in production and distribution costs, this has a big influence on price rises and falls.
Today in my country it is still considered normal and affordable for food price developments. In my opinion, inflation of 1-3% is still considered normal in terms of calculations.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Casdinyard on September 18, 2023, 05:41:06 PM
Climate change is currently having an adverse effect on agriculture. Farmers' crops are destroyed every year due to excessive rains, droughts or untimely floods, which is the main reason for global food crisis. Different countries are working on climate change. Due to the fact that the world is dependent on technology, many people are now changing their agricultural profession and taking some other profession. Also, due to the lack of adequate facilities for farmers, many people are leaving their agricultural profession and joining some other profession. 
In order to avoid food crisis, the government of every country should ensure maximum facilities to the farmers as well as limit the price of various essential items used in agriculture such as fertilizers or seeds so that the farmers can easily cultivate, if the farmers can easily cultivate and if they are encouraged to cultivate. Then hopefully the global food crisis will disappear.
People downplay just how much of this is due to climate change. They forget that the crops we cultivate for food, as well as other biological processes we needed to survive directly depend on the weather and the climate. If this delicate balance is destroyed millions are sure to die. Smear campaigns, downplaying from politicians when they should've been the ones who are to help spread the word and awareness about what climate change really is, and a whole lot more factors contributed to the general public not giving a singular fuck about the state of the world we're living in now. I hope somehow things change but that's wishful thinking and at this point if you're not filthy rich or exclusively famous no one's really going to hear you out. I mean just look at how they are dogging Greta Thunberg when all she does is just put the state of the climate to the forefront and put the people to blame for this into the spotlight.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: cabron on September 18, 2023, 06:08:54 PM
Climate change is currently having an adverse effect on agriculture. Farmers' crops are destroyed every year due to excessive rains, droughts or untimely floods, which is the main reason for global food crisis. Different countries are working on climate change. Due to the fact that the world is dependent on technology, many people are now changing their agricultural profession and taking some other profession. Also, due to the lack of adequate facilities for farmers, many people are leaving their agricultural profession and joining some other profession. 
In order to avoid food crisis, the government of every country should ensure maximum facilities to the farmers as well as limit the price of various essential items used in agriculture such as fertilizers or seeds so that the farmers can easily cultivate, if the farmers can easily cultivate and if they are encouraged to cultivate. Then hopefully the global food crisis will disappear.
People downplay just how much of this is due to climate change. They forget that the crops we cultivate for food, as well as other biological processes we needed to survive directly depend on the weather and the climate. If this delicate balance is destroyed millions are sure to die. Smear campaigns, downplaying from politicians when they should've been the ones who are to help spread the word and awareness about what climate change really is, and a whole lot more factors contributed to the general public not giving a singular fuck about the state of the world we're living in now. I hope somehow things change but that's wishful thinking and at this point if you're not filthy rich or exclusively famous no one's really going to hear you out. I mean just look at how they are dogging Greta Thunberg when all she does is just put the state of the climate to the forefront and put the people to blame for this into the spotlight.

Greta is just a kid. She is even regretting now that countries are de-industrialized. It is really worth doing that green revolution when even the EV's battery is charged by the diesel engine. All this shit is a lie to contain the poor countries to remain poor and they are having success, farmers, and discouraged as their lands were bought.

Wheat and rice are in scarcity blaming it on Russia. While Russia gives away the crops to African countries. You gotta question how that guy is the bad guy.
Right now, if you have a small garden lot just plant something like potatoes. You'll never know when calamities hit your city.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Juse14 on September 19, 2023, 08:08:25 PM
Wheat and rice are in scarcity blaming it on Russia. While Russia gives away the crops to African countries. You gotta question how that guy is the bad guy.
When we don't like something, a person or a country, then we won't see at all the good things done by a person or a particular country and the same goes for what happened to Russia, we will only see the negative side of what was done by Russia against Ukraine which caused a food crisis.

Quote from: cabron
Right now, if you have a small garden lot just plant something like potatoes. You'll never know when calamities hit your city.
I've done that. And in my personal opinion, if we have land that is not large enough, then the "hindponic" planting and cultivation method is the best solution to overcome this. With the hydronic planting method we can utilize the existing land area as effectively as possible, because not only can we plant various types of plants in the same land, but with the hydropronic planting method we can also combine it with freshwater fish cultivation.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Hamphser on September 19, 2023, 08:45:48 PM
Food crisis here in my country seems getting worst as some influencial business owners tend to hoard thousands of tons of rice and vegetables to manipulate prices. Some of these business owners were investigated and hopefully soon will be apprehended.

The declining interest of young people into agriculture is one of the most common reason why there is sometimes shortage in food in a particular  country. Smuggled goods from foreign countries could also pose threat to the local food sector.
Apart from the problem of extreme weather, it seems that problems related to large-scale hoarding of food stocks by irresponsible people are a problem that is quite common nowadays. So price manipulation in the market seems to have become quite commonplace nowadays. This can indeed worsen the economy of people who have to buy food at higher prices, namely exceeding the normal price limit.

Importing goods from outside is sometimes necessary. But if it is done illegally then of course this is not a good thing and could affect local business. Because now even something like that has happened here. Where products from abroad flood the market. And displaced local producers. Because products from abroad are sometimes much cheaper than local products. This is what makes local businesses lose the competition.
Just recently news about big personalities hoaring foods for so long that they expired made to the headlines in our country. This news is very concerning as the price hike for foods is in an all time high while at the same time lack of food resources is being faced in much our the country's big areas. Heck, just early today my partner and I had to actually go and make a meal plan for our everyday consumption to ensure that we are staying within the budget we allocated for food.

As for importing products, this is also happening in my country but the disturbing thing is that local agricultural products are being exported in mass amounts despite the already lacking production it have towards the local market.
Yes, this is indeed very worrying. Sometimes market prices do increase and reach above normal prices. And this is sometimes done by people who do not think about the fate of the small people. They don't care at all about the suffering experienced by the little people. Because perhaps for those in the upper class, the price increase is not significant. But for lower middle class people, the increase in food prices in the market clearly has a big impact. Especially for people whose income is not too high. Where their salaries don't even increase when inflation comes. So they have to rearrange their finances and shopping lists as economically as possible so that they can still have enough money for their daily lives. So it is not surprising that online loan applications are widely used by people today. Because sometimes their income is not enough to meet their daily needs due to rising food prices.
Not really that totally shocked when it comes to price increase which it becomes a norm on year to year basis but on the time that the spike is really that something convincing or really that odd then it would really

be normally be raising up those questions on what the heck happened on this one or simply having no control or you would really be questioning about governments action or solutions in regarding on this one.
Its really a common reaction or thing that citizens would really be throwing about on what's the solution for this one because if people would really be able to experience those spikes and leaving out into their
casual or normal salaries from their work then it would really be giving out that huge effect into their living or status because we know that salary or wages doesnt really come up so easily.

This is why it would really be wise that you should not make yourself that totally relying into government actions but rather be wise on finding other source of income instead because
you cant really make yourself that relying about their solutions but rather mind on your own.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: Y3shot on September 27, 2023, 10:28:19 PM
Sourch img: (

The food crisis has always been a hot topic of discussion. Because basically this also concerns how we survive and how to avoid crises that occur in the food sector. Of course there are many reasons behind why there is a food crisis, whether it's due to drastic climate change, crop failure, floods and natural disasters, war, hoarding by irresponsible parties, declining interest of young people in agriculture, and also increasingly narrow land. agriculture has turned into factories. or many other reasons.

But I am currently curious about what is happening in each country regarding the current food crisis. Has it gotten better, gotten worse or hasn't there been any change?

In the country where I work, the food crisis has really been resolved. everything is back to normal.Even though the food crisis is over but although food prices are still high and have not come back down. but the consumer's ability can still offset the increase that has occurred so that it can be said that in this country the food sector is under control and sufficient. and how about in your country?
I don't know about other places but in my country the price of food items have not only doubled but most food items have gotten to an outrageous amount and with the rate at which my country's currency is loosing value I doubt if we have a hope of any reduction in their prices. But a way of curbing the pangs of cost on food items, everyone at least needs to have a home grown garden, I know it might not be able to supply all you needs but if you can make preparation for a larger scale that can at least cater for your family, that will go a long way in helping with the amount that'll be spent on food.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: blockman on September 27, 2023, 10:32:00 PM
I don't know about other places but in my country the price of food items have not only doubled but most food items have gotten to an outrageous amount and with the rate at which my country's currency is loosing value I doubt if we have a hope of any reduction in their prices.
Most countries are dealing with this problem, the rise for the cost of foods have been so quick and that also devalues the currencies that we've got as it results to inflation. As for having hope for the price reduction, what we see is the continuous rise but if there's a rollback to its prices, that seems to be not likeable and unable to happen.

But a way of curbing the pangs of cost on food items, everyone at least needs to have a home grown garden, I know it might not be able to supply all you needs but if you can make preparation for a larger scale that can at least cater for your family, that will go a long way in helping with the amount that'll be spent on food.
Lucky are those with garden and fruit bearing plants and vegetables that they can cook when they're on the time of harvesting. But not everyone has that good land mass where they can start their own gardening. But to those that have it, sure it's one hobbies that's very likeable and helpful in these times.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: bakasabo on September 29, 2023, 07:24:27 AM
Just a notice, on a time frame of 20-25 years, the price of chips made x10. For todays price of one middle size bag of chips, in my childhood I could have bought 5 and 2*2L of Coca-Cola. Compared to pre covid19 prices, the price on same bag of chips made x2. I cant say that all the food prices made doubled or even more, but food cost definitely more than few years ago. Cant say that availability of food changed significantly, but change is noticed in variability. But that is due to sanctions, not due to crisis.

Title: Re: Food Crisis - Improved, Worsen or still the same in your country (No Change)?
Post by: DrBeer on September 29, 2023, 12:04:55 PM
Just a notice, on a time frame of 20-25 years, the price of chips made x10. For todays price of one middle size bag of chips, in my childhood I could have bought 5 and 2*2L of Coca-Cola. Compared to pre covid19 prices, the price on same bag of chips made x2. I cant say that all the food prices made doubled or even more, but food cost definitely more than few years ago. Cant say that availability of food changed significantly, but change is noticed in variability. But that is due to sanctions, not due to crisis.

There is a small nuance in your estimation - you are taking the cost of a product, which although produced in your country, but the company "investor" of production is Western. It is correct to count the cost of products with domestic origin, domestic taxes and so on. Count better your local products produced by local producers - for example, your local vegetables, fruits, meat, etc. This will be a more accurate estimate of the change in value.