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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: Shielding2002 on April 29, 2023, 11:07:28 AM

Title: Are machines more reliable than human?
Post by: Shielding2002 on April 29, 2023, 11:07:28 AM
Are machines more reliable than human?

Title: Re: Are machines more reliable than human?
Post by: Kelward on April 29, 2023, 12:33:26 PM
With all due respect to us as humans, I personally think that machines are more reliable than us. This is because machines do exactly what they are programmed for. Unlike humans that have emotions, we might change our minds from instructions that is given to us. Machines can only refuse instructions due to human errors.

Title: Re: Are machines more reliable than human?
Post by: @sriyan on April 29, 2023, 02:12:32 PM
Are machines more reliable than human?

This depends on the context, I guess. Machines should surpass humans at tasks like number crunching, following instructions with all corner cases covered, etc. I believe humans do better at exceptional cases, handling emotions, and handling emergencies addressing the exact cause in the best possible way rather than going through a defined route which will not guarantee the best timing or unique solutions.

Title: Re: Are machines more reliable than human?
Post by: mich on May 01, 2023, 04:24:53 AM
Well since computers themselves require a human to function, I really do not think that the human population is ready for this. Nor I think we will even see a government system to allow the takeover of humans. There are so many risks that this can take over the world.
Just imagine this example from a show that I recently watched where a robot delivery was making its rounds. It was backing up and it did not see that there was a human standing behind it. As the robot driver backed up, the human was smothered to a wall, just to move along and move forward with the rest of the deliveries.
That robot was in machine mode, and it did not even bother to stop and seek medical attention for the human being. There is still perfection and only time can make machines more reliable than humans.

Title: Re: Are machines more reliable than human?
Post by: darkdarknesss3 on May 02, 2023, 12:52:07 PM
Machines and humans both have their strengths and weaknesses, and it's difficult to say definitively whether one is more reliable than the other. Machines can be more reliable than humans in some ways, such as when it comes to performing repetitive or complex calculations, executing precise physical movements, or working in environments that are dangerous or inaccessible to humans. Machines can also work without rest or breaks, which can make them more efficient and productive in certain contexts.

However, there are also many tasks and situations where humans are more reliable than machines. For example, humans are better at tasks that require creativity, critical thinking, empathy, and emotional intelligence, such as writing, designing, teaching, and providing healthcare. Humans are also better at adapting to new situations and handling unexpected events, which can be challenging for machines.

Ultimately, the reliability of machines and humans depends on the specific task and the context in which it is being performed. In some cases, machines may be more reliable than humans, while in other cases, humans may be more reliable. It's important to carefully consider the strengths and limitations of both machines and humans when deciding which to use for a particular task.

Title: Re: Are machines more reliable than human?
Post by: Hydee06 on May 03, 2023, 07:17:33 PM
Machine cannot be reable than humans being, because humans being created machines so they no the weak point of every machine.

Title: Re: Are machines more reliable than human?
Post by: Raceonsucced on July 05, 2023, 06:56:41 AM
Machines are very relied on in making things by humans. but humans are also more reliable, because humans are the ones who build the machines.

Title: Re: Are machines more reliable than human?
Post by: Raya One on July 05, 2023, 10:19:21 AM
Are machines more reliable than human?
Machines are more reliable but its lifespan is limited.

Title: Re: Are machines more reliable than human?
Post by: cute nmp on July 06, 2023, 03:46:14 PM
Machines excel at processing large amounts of data quickly, making them reliable for repetitive or computational tasks. However, humans possess intuition, creativity, and contextual understanding, making them more reliable in complex, ambiguous, or subjective situations where judgment and decision-making are crucial. Don't think machines can replace humans but can be a good fit to work together.

Title: Re: Are machines more reliable than human?
Post by: EluguHcman on July 06, 2023, 06:03:08 PM
This topic has no specification. Man creates machines and the machines are under humans command as it's programmer so I can say machines doesn't exist aside humans.

Meanwhile... On a delegate job delivery machines are more reliable than humans because they operates diplomatically according to the programmers command.
Machine is said to function in a more prolong period of time than humans. It has a tireless functioning capacity than humans and it has the ability to deliver an excellent job with less risk or errors  and excuses as long it as it was excellently programmed.
But humans are likely fluctuating with excuses and less stamina's to job delivery.