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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Onyeeze on May 05, 2023, 03:33:16 PM

Title: Politicians can't be trusted.
Post by: Onyeeze on May 05, 2023, 03:33:16 PM
One day I followed my uncle is a politician to meeting, they could not allowed us to seat exactly where meeting was taking place, because other politician came with their drivers, what I'm telling you is life story, when the meeting started we were hearing different contributions from different person, because it's during election period, after the meeting food and other times was saved to aid's who came with them,
But one stronger politician drive could not accept it found and I became furious because of he rejected the food, I did same thing when the reached to my turn, I rejected the food.

Other people who came with their boss eat the food, do you know that since that day we that came with different politicians have not meet with each other and personally myself don't go a political meeting with my uncle everytime and that day was my first time going out for political meeting with him, suddenly I went to shopping I meet with the strong politician drive, i could not recognize him, i never knew he was looking at me until he called me, from the process of greeting he passed information to me that do I know that those guys that eat the food all have died, I asked him if what caused the death is the food or any other thing, he said that it's because of the food that his boss sacked him because of he rejected the food, i asked him again how of those drivers is alive, he said none is living today, I was shocked, I began to think for something that has for some months ago, is it how have die for something I don't know.

I not asked my uncle and since that day am still in cooperation with my uncle.

Politicians can not be trusted, i don't if the guy I meet who give me information is saying reality or it's information he is using to blackmail me or not, what's your take in this information, do we need to trust politicians.

Title: Re: Politicians can't be trusted.
Post by: Hispo on May 05, 2023, 11:17:58 PM
My man, that is quite a dramatic story, I am not sure I would dare to generalize all politicians on the planet based on what you told us about. You know, cultures are different around the world and so are the way politicians act, because corruption and assassination are dealt differently.

Don't you mind sharing what country are you from, by the way?
It sound rather something out of a nadie movie. I don't even know why should anyone would go and use poisoned food instead guns, people would realize what happened anyways, eventually.  :P

Title: Re: Politicians can't be trusted.
Post by: uchegod-21 on May 05, 2023, 11:35:03 PM
My man, that is quite a dramatic story, I am not sure I would dare to generalize all politicians on the planet based on what you told us about. You know, cultures are different around the world and so are the way politicians act, because corruption and assassination are dealt differently.

Don't you mind sharing what country are you from, by the way?
It sound rather something out of a nadie movie. I don't even know why should anyone would go and use poisoned food instead guns, people would realize what happened anyways, eventually.  :P
Very dramatic and best fits for a movie scene than reality.
As you said, it all dependent on his country and the cultural background. I can say that it is a timid way to kill and if people have been dying through that means, I bet no one will eat during occasions and many people would have died more than recorded.
They died and no autopsy conducted?

Title: Re: Politicians can't be trusted.
Post by: Hispo on May 06, 2023, 01:50:08 AM
My man, that is quite a dramatic story, I am not sure I would dare to generalize all politicians on the planet based on what you told us about. You know, cultures are different around the world and so are the way politicians act, because corruption and assassination are dealt differently.

Don't you mind sharing what country are you from, by the way?
It sound rather something out of a nadie movie. I don't even know why should anyone would go and use poisoned food instead guns, people would realize what happened anyways, eventually.  :P
Very dramatic and best fits for a movie scene than reality.
As you said, it all dependent on his country and the cultural background. I can say that it is a timid way to kill and if people have been dying through that means, I bet no one will eat during occasions and many people would have died more than recorded.
They died and no autopsy conducted?

There is a chance that someone with enough power could have intimidated or bribed the morgue so they would forge the cause of death. It is something that has happened before. Even though all this sounds a little bit dramatic and unrealistic, I would not go further and claim that OP is lying, the world we live in is too big and on internet we can find all kinds of people, with all kinds of family members and political links.

Anyways, the point OP is trying to establish may be accepted by some and rejected by others, depending on culture and out personal experiences with our local politics. It is very relative.

Title: Re: Politicians can't be trusted.
Post by: montaga on May 06, 2023, 04:59:07 AM
Politicians are the virus* of any society, there is no need for those parasites.
*something that can not exist on its own, it needs a host to support/feed it.
Don't trust any of the three P

Title: Re: Politicians can't be trusted.
Post by: dbc23 on May 06, 2023, 07:30:48 AM
Politics is a game of interest. Each politician is only concerned about their own interest and this limits the trust the have for each other and in the same manner their subjects also can't rely on them either. Political meeting are attended with caution because no one knows the intent of the next person. I might not blame most politicians who try to avoid things shared in political meeting it could be a death trap for them.

Title: Re: Politicians can't be trusted.
Post by: mm2543363580 on May 06, 2023, 10:26:58 AM
Politicians are the most selfish,  cruel and corrupt people in any country they think about their benefits and interests .
Lucky is any country who got honest politicians or atleat the ones who are not corrupt which is rare.
Politics is all about snatching seats from opposition  and than sit on that to enjoy the perks .

Title: Re: Politicians can't be trusted.
Post by: Lordhermes on May 06, 2023, 02:48:03 PM
Politicians are the most selfish,  cruel and corrupt people in any country they think about their benefits and interests .
Lucky is any country who got honest politicians or atleat the ones who are not corrupt which is rare.
Politics is all about snatching seats from opposition  and than sit on that to enjoy the perks .
please dear, not all politicians are that selfish and corrupt, some are kind and people oriented,but at times it seems we use general all politicians to be clueless because those ones in our countries are really wicked to the people. note that not all those in politics  are real politicians, some have no deals about the working of government and policy, they just involve to make money. real politicians cares about the welfare of the people.

Title: Re: Politicians can't be trusted.
Post by: Gyfts on May 06, 2023, 04:03:33 PM
This doesn't sound like the typical politician town hall, it sounds like you walked into a meeting of drug lords. Maybe you might be mixing up the two.

Most politicians have an abysmal approval rating among the constituency but they keep getting reelected anyway. I don't trust politicians which is why I ask their power be limited in scope. It sounds hypocritical to rely on them but not trust them only if you don't understand what the consequences of anarchism looks like.

Crony and corrupt politicians within a democracy sound slightly better than anarchy, what do you say?

Title: Re: Politicians can't be trusted.
Post by: Zlantann on May 06, 2023, 06:19:10 PM

Politicians can not be trusted, i don't if the guy I meet who give me information is saying reality or it's information he is using to blackmail me or not, what's your take in this information, do we need to trust politicians?

Your story sounds like fiction but I won't doubt any event because the world is going mad. My question is why would these politicians kill their aids and drivers? Did you people hear any information that should have been secret? I know ritual killing still exists in Africa because I have read news about killing for money or power. It might be possible that the people that were poisoned were for rituals to win elections.

Generally African politics especially the sub-Saharan region is very dirty. African political space is characterized by desperation, violence, and greed. Politicians can do anything to grab power. They don't care about the consequences of their action because they are desperate to loot the resources of the country. It is risky to associate with corrupt politicians because their thoughts and actions are always evil.

Title: Re: Politicians can't be trusted.
Post by: Stepstowealth on May 06, 2023, 09:31:58 PM
Politicians can not be trusted,
I say you trust politicians at your own risk. It is very difficult to see sincere politicians in a corrupt environment. If there is high corruption in your country and you trust any politician who has been a politician since the corruption, you do that at your own risk of disappointment. Not all politicians are the same, but all politicians are not so different.

Title: Re: Politicians can't be trusted.
Post by: Hispo on May 07, 2023, 10:29:17 AM
I have got a question for all of you.
Since most of us can agree that trusting a politician can be a dangerous thing to do or may end in disappointment. Would you agree that trusting a party would be a better alternative ?

Of course, assuming that party is compatible with your own personal political ideas.

If you are a libertarian or socialist person living in a corrupt place, would you trust the organization rather than individual politicians ?

In my case here in Venezuela, it would be almost the same, to be honest.

Title: Re: Politicians can't be trusted.
Post by: Sim_card on May 07, 2023, 11:33:13 AM
I am speechless and confused with your story,it sounds more like a drama. Are you trying to say that those politicians planned this whole thing to kill their drivers ? If yes then you should be careful with your uncle because God saved you on that day.

Not all politicians are dirty to the extend of allowing their driver to be killed. I have also attended a meeting with my uncle that is a politician and food was also served. Nobody died because I also ate the food and it was very delicious. If your story is true then they must be set of ritualist in disguise as politicians

Title: Re: Politicians can't be trusted.
Post by: Ebede on May 08, 2023, 03:53:39 PM
Politics is a dirty game and we all know that trusting a politician is like calling for immediate problem, so I believe that in this content what op might say will sounds like drama but it happens because all the politicians are members of secrets society and because they are members of agents devil anything can happen, they can do undoable, nobody should believe or trust politicians.

Title: Re: Politicians can't be trusted.
Post by: Ndabagi01 on May 08, 2023, 10:25:38 PM
Politicians can not be trusted, i don't if the guy I meet who give me information is saying reality or it's information he is using to blackmail me or not, what's your take in this information, do we need to trust politicians.

These stories seem to have been made up by the person who told you them, but similar things may happen anyplace, and politicians can also pretty nasty.  If you agree with what he is saying, there must have been a method for you to find out more before posting about it, and it is untrue to imply that politicians cannot be trusted in general.

Because you encountered a few bad apples among them, you cannot generalize that everyone is evil. Politicians, specifically, are not all morally upright and some of them should not be trusted. I fail to understand why the guy would want to blackmail you with such information. 

Title: Re: Politicians can't be trusted.
Post by: Newlifebtc on May 08, 2023, 10:29:22 PM
Politicians can not be trusted,
I say you trust politicians at your own risk. It is very difficult to see sincere politicians in a corrupt environment. If there is high corruption in your country and you trust any politician who has been a politician since the corruption, you do that at your own risk of disappointment. Not all politicians are the same, but all politicians are not so different.
Politicians is deadly and nobody can trust politicians so anyone who is dropping a politician is at an acidic as you said but I know that we have an honest politicians who are sincere also only thing they do is to protect their own interests but they cannot eliminate you because of a political problem so it differs from the politicians we know today

Title: Re: Politicians can't be trusted.
Post by: swogerino on May 09, 2023, 08:41:05 AM
I don't trust politicians either as most likely they don't keep their electoral promises and that is why I think of them as the people who trust such liars,or better the countries who vote such liars deserve their government as that old saying says.In here though that is an exact criminal act and I would be scared to live in that place,country where strong politicians decide to just knock people out of life without any good reason,that must be a horrible place to live in.

In this case it was not a politician,it was a criminal and such criminals need to be arrested and prosecuted in front of a big crowd so they serve well as a lesson for any other upcoming criminal to try and do the same thing.

Title: Re: Politicians can't be trusted.
Post by: Adbitco on May 09, 2023, 07:10:07 PM
The world is filled with surprises and wonders, it's very hard for one accept it's true but on other hand I can say is possible because is only in Nigeria such thing can take effect and none will question or query anybody about the sudden death of those visitors since they aren't going same place rather than just to somewhere else.
The politicians are the sets of people I can never trust or even to work with them because they don't care about your life, all what they want is their satisfaction and taking their children abroad for a better education and good living.

About those who died, it may be they have used them for a renewal of their political powers and to equip themselves the more against their political opennent that is why you must learn a lesson never to follow them eat in a plate despite their  being nice to you, or you may feel you can't be harm since you are sharing same food with them rather you can be poisoned at the process while they have the antidots to disengage the poison from their body system immediately you leave them.
This question was answered based on our local political system.

Title: Re: Politicians can't be trusted.
Post by: Similificator on May 10, 2023, 02:33:59 PM

You can't generalize all politicians since not everyone does the same things. But yes, most of the politicians today really cannot be trusted. And although your story may seem hard to believe, such cases really do happen. This is because world of politics is such a messy place. A lot of things that we don't expect to happen normally on our daily lives happens behind the scenes. Deals with huge businessmen/people and political parties happen and sometimes even with some illegal organizations. This is because most of the politicians out there are desperate for money and influence that they badly need to secure positions and gain power. Which is why in some places, accepting bribes branching out from top government officials to the lowest becomes the norm.

Title: Re: Politicians can't be trusted.
Post by: John Abraham on May 11, 2023, 06:53:10 AM
I am not sure if this is a made-up story. It doesn't look like a real story. May I know where you are from, if you don't mind sharing? Moreover, When this incident happened? How many years ago? Did any news or Media Covered this news? Can you please add any references? I cannot think this kind of thing can happen in real life. I mean, Someone mixing poison in food and distributing them to kill innocent people who came to support their political leader. If this is true, There must be some news media that will cover this news. This is not a regular thing that happens in everyday life.

Now come to 2nd point. All politicians are not the same. You cannot blame everyone for some countable politicians. I used to hate politics (I still do). But, at some point, I feel I should be a politician to fix some issues. If no one from people steps up to fix societal problems, How will those issues be solved? You can try to resolve any issues by yourself. But, Political power gives you more opportunity and especially funds as well. You must be careful with the funds and ensure you don't waste them. Most importantly, don't loot them.

One of my school friends became a politician last year. I am proud of him. He helped many poor people and did many other things that I don't remember now. Government always sends some help to needy people. But, Needy people can't get it due to bad politicians. As a politician, You have to ensure those helps get by who deserve it most.

Title: Re: Politicians can't be trusted.
Post by: Lordhermes on May 11, 2023, 11:48:46 AM
to an extent , politics is not corrupt, but the people therein that are corrupt. politicians has done there very best to sustain democracy regardless of some of them evil minded approach towards the people. not all of them are this bad, some really wish to help the messes but the resources are limited to them.  we must learn how to vote in leaders we can trust into power. the major issue we have is that  the bad ones uses money to buy vote and force themselves into office. when they get into power, they undo the messes by embezzling funds meant for them for private use.

Title: Re: Politicians can't be trusted.
Post by: reizella28 on May 11, 2023, 04:55:49 PM
What can I say, there's an actor, singer, dancer and comedian that have positions in our government. If you think of it, democracy is crazy these people were elected as they are popular and could get people's attention to vote for them not knowing their personal background if they could fit the role of an government official. Those people who's much deserved to run for the position didn't even get the attention of the people despite the fact that they got an educational background and experiences in the government. It's so crazy to think of the political situation in our country. Now with there's an issue in the country the president can't even do a single thing.

Title: Re: Politicians can't be trusted.
Post by: yazher on May 11, 2023, 06:42:32 PM
Of course, nowadays when there is a thing that is corrupted and cannot be trusted, they use the term politic because of how huge the damage they've done and huge numbers of fake promises they made. Back then Politics are just normal and most of the leaders are following the rules but as the time comes, when the other politics see the amount of money that there were trusts, they cannot hold their ground and always fell into temptation because of that and at the end, they also lose the trust of their citizens because the people already fed up with lies and frauds by these politicians just look at the top countries that are known to be corrupted.

Title: Re: Politicians can't be trusted.
Post by: Steph91 on May 13, 2023, 11:12:03 AM
One day I followed my uncle is a politician to meeting, they could not allowed us to seat exactly where meeting was taking place, because other politician came with their drivers, what I'm telling you is life story, when the meeting started we were hearing different contributions from different person, because it's during election period, after the meeting food and other times was saved to aid's who came with them,
But one stronger politician drive could not accept it found and I became furious because of he rejected the food, I did same thing when the reached to my turn, I rejected the food.

Other people who came with their boss eat the food, do you know that since that day we that came with different politicians have not meet with each other and personally myself don't go a political meeting with my uncle everytime and that day was my first time going out for political meeting with him, suddenly I went to shopping I meet with the strong politician drive, i could not recognize him, i never knew he was looking at me until he called me, from the process of greeting he passed information to me that do I know that those guys that eat the food all have died, I asked him if what caused the death is the food or any other thing, he said that it's because of the food that his boss sacked him because of he rejected the food, i asked him again how of those drivers is alive, he said none is living today, I was shocked, I began to think for something that has for some months ago, is it how have die for something I don't know.

I not asked my uncle and since that day am still in cooperation with my uncle.

Politicians can not be trusted, i don't if the guy I meet who give me information is saying reality or it's information he is using to blackmail me or not, what's your take in this information, do we need to trust politicians.

Even though politicians from some parts of the world can go any length to achieve their aim, but this particular story sounds very unusual. But if at all it did happened, I will say probably there were some secrets revealed at the meeting venue which the politicians didn't want those drivers to reveal outside. That's my own submission. But there could still be several other reasons if it did happened.