Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Collectibles => Topic started by: tread93 on May 10, 2023, 03:11:52 AM

Title: What should I ask Chat GPT about Crypto Collectibles?
Post by: tread93 on May 10, 2023, 03:11:52 AM
I mean basically all the information that would pop up will most likely be limited to whatever is online / right here on this forum.

What i'm more curious on is what other questions should I ask or perhaps what questions would you like me to ask Chat GPT on coins in general?

Every day I ask some specific questions about different shipwreck coins/ the history surrounding those coins and getting it from "a coin's eye view" and i've been focusing on colonial history of the Spanish Empire coinage as well as the history in those times because I have a keen interest in the sales of those coins. They are generally very lucrative coins if you know what to look for and who to sell them to. So I am soaking up the information like a spongebob.

I would be happy to ask and am also very curious to know what questions community members in the "collectibles" section would like to ask ChatGPT. Or perhaps you have already asked ChatGPT, in that case please share the questions and responses that you have found interesting I would love to see them. If you think its noteworthy, even if it doesn't directly coorelate with coins per say but just bitcoin or crypto or anything in general you would like to share please don't hold back anything!



Title: Re: What should I ask Chat GPT about Crypto Collectibles?
Post by: MoparMiningLLC on May 10, 2023, 03:34:17 AM
I would never use it, anything you give it, anything you tell it will be stored and it will be stored who asked it - well to however much information you give it. People need to think for themselves - FUCK this AI SHIT.

Title: Re: What should I ask Chat GPT about Crypto Collectibles?
Post by: aoluain on May 10, 2023, 06:19:56 AM
100% Mopar
I can understand the allure and novelty factor the likes of ChatGPT has but we need to
step back and think or a second as to the implications of engaging with it. AI is/will be
in ascendancy while Humans feed it and think they are gaining from it.

How have humans made it to 2023 without the use of AI? we were able to think for ourselves,
problem solve and learn.

The only exercise our brains will get in the future is trying to think of a question to ask AI
so we can instruct more AI to action for us.

@tread93 why not ask the community here what you want to know? a big part of finding
out your answers from your research is learning, dont hand that to AI.

Title: Re: What should I ask Chat GPT about Crypto Collectibles?
Post by: krogothmanhattan on May 10, 2023, 09:09:58 AM
  Great thread and thanks for creating it tread

   Why not ask Chat GPT what is likely going to be the most valuable physical bitcoin in the future.

   What is the rarest of all physical bitcoins?

   How many  physical bitcoin makers are there?

   Thanks again for asking!  Looking forward to the results!

Title: Re: What should I ask Chat GPT about Crypto Collectibles?
Post by: minerjones on May 10, 2023, 12:00:40 PM
  Great thread and thanks for creating it tread

   Why not ask Chat GPT what is likely going to be the most valuable physical bitcoin in the future.

   What is the rarest of all physical bitcoins?

   How many  physical bitcoin makers are there?

   Thanks again for asking!  Looking forward to the results!

It wouldn't know any of this yet... not enough information has been fed to it

Title: Re: What should I ask Chat GPT about Crypto Collectibles?
Post by: Kryptowerk on May 10, 2023, 01:17:04 PM
I would never use it, anything you give it, anything you tell it will be stored and it will be stored who asked it - well to however much information you give it. People need to think for themselves - FUCK this AI SHIT.
Then again, it's the same as with any of big corp data-kraken search engines, most and formost google. A huge black-hole for personal data. With the difference that the usage of such is even more obfuscated than before.
I understand your sentiment, but there's just no way around AI-based anything (broadly speaking - an individual can ofc stay away from it; it will get increasingly difficult though, similar as if you were to try to live life without a smartphone these days).
(Close to) any data based service will make some kind of use of LLM or similar AI-models within the next months and years.
Hard to tell how these things and its predecessors will impact our world in 5 or even 10 years from now - but it'll most probably be massive.

Personally I find it a fascinating, scary and extremely complex topic that is already changing our world with a possibly even stronger impact than the internet has had.

Okay, enough OT talk, regarding tread93s question: The data chatGPT is based on is missing the latest stuff. It's not searching the current state of the internet, instead it's taking its info from a snapshot taken a while ago, so you can expect some outdated information as soon as you are looking for recent releases.
About the OG collectibles though you will probably find decent info. However I'd recommend checking with some of the real crypto-collectible-historians here in the forum instead.

Title: Re: What should I ask Chat GPT about Crypto Collectibles?
Post by: MoparMiningLLC on May 10, 2023, 02:14:39 PM
Using because its integrated is one thing - voluntarily using it or giving data to it willingly - fuck that.

Title: Re: What should I ask Chat GPT about Crypto Collectibles?
Post by: xSlyy on May 10, 2023, 03:45:28 PM
ChatGPT... The SmarterSmarterChild from AOL Instant Messenger...

Title: Re: What should I ask Chat GPT about Crypto Collectibles?
Post by: tread93 on May 10, 2023, 06:05:40 PM
I would never use it, anything you give it, anything you tell it will be stored and it will be stored who asked it - well to however much information you give it. People need to think for themselves - FUCK this AI SHIT.

Honestly you're probably right, but who is to say they already don't have archives of all the text messages and social medium forum post just a few questions away in a secret database on all this other information that is already and has been online for decades now? I think Gary Vee makes a point that if you're not using this technology now and familiarizing yourself with it then you're going to be behind everyone, because much like bitcoin we won't be able to stop this tech from changing literally every industry in the world and how we basically conduct our day to day lives from this point on as a society. This is just the beginning. Being an early adopter and up to date on the know how to use these services to your advantage could be the difference between shutting down your operations or growing and expanding very quickly.

Title: Re: What should I ask Chat GPT about Crypto Collectibles?
Post by: OgNasty on May 10, 2023, 06:32:34 PM
  Great thread and thanks for creating it tread

   Why not ask Chat GPT what is likely going to be the most valuable physical bitcoin in the future.

   What is the rarest of all physical bitcoins?

   How many  physical bitcoin makers are there?

   Thanks again for asking!  Looking forward to the results!

AI has to learn things from somewhere, so while it seems like this would be a cool idea, it would likely give you the most expected outcome, which is rarely what actually happens. So it would probably tell you the most overpriced and worst collectible you could buy. This is I think something about AI people don’t yet understand. It’s like the next step above Google in its current form, it isn’t a self thinking intelligent being…yet.

Title: Re: What should I ask Chat GPT about Crypto Collectibles?
Post by: krogothmanhattan on May 11, 2023, 09:00:42 AM
  Great thread and thanks for creating it tread

   Why not ask Chat GPT what is likely going to be the most valuable physical bitcoin in the future.

   What is the rarest of all physical bitcoins?

   How many  physical bitcoin makers are there?

   Thanks again for asking!  Looking forward to the results!

AI has to learn things from somewhere, so while it seems like this would be a cool idea, it would likely give you the most expected outcome, which is rarely what actually happens. So it would probably tell you the most overpriced and worst collectible you could buy. This is I think something about AI people don’t yet understand. It’s like the next step above Google in its current form, it isn’t a self thinking intelligent being…yet.

      Yet is the key word....I can see where this will be heading and I dont think we can really imagine the potential or intelligence lever a Super Artificial Intelligence computer will be some day.

    But your right...up until now we must rely on what we have....but I cannot wait to see whats around the corner!

Title: Re: What should I ask Chat GPT about Crypto Collectibles?
Post by: OgNasty on May 11, 2023, 02:29:42 PM
I asked an artificial intelligence bot to draw me a picture of a Bitcoin collectible. Here is what it produced.

Then for fun I asked it to draw me a picture of a crypto collectible.

Here’s what it thinks a Bitcoin wallet looks like.

Finally, I asked it to draw me a Bitcoin superhero and got these.

AI is fun to play with and probably better than most people currently imagine, but it won’t be taking over the world just yet. It is becoming useful though.

Title: Re: What should I ask Chat GPT about Crypto Collectibles?
Post by: rat03gopoh on May 12, 2023, 06:55:05 AM
Not supporting images is the only limitation of ChatGPT which might be the reason BTC forum users don't take advantage of this Ai. Specifically asking about the originality of physical goods (although Ai itself doesn't vouch for it's opinion), presenting with pictures will explain better than long text.

Title: Re: What should I ask Chat GPT about Crypto Collectibles?
Post by: Kryptowerk on May 12, 2023, 09:16:45 AM
Not supporting images is the only limitation of ChatGPT which might be the reason BTC forum users don't take advantage of this Ai. Specifically asking about the originality of physical goods (although Ai itself doesn't vouch for it's opinion), presenting with pictures will explain better than long text.
There are already solutions that also include images support (and a ton of other features such as programming-code, text-to-voice / vis-versa etcetc). I am quite sure lots of bitcointalk forum users are (mis-)using it already, some to spam, some to research, some just for fun.
Luckily enough spam is still clearly spam most of the time, doesn't matter if its phrased with fancy words and whatnot created by AI or not.

@OgNasty: The super-heros are cool, the rest seems very generic but still shows it has become more accurate in its output. I created a few fun abstract Bitcoin themed images last year. Cannot access the album on imgur right now (why? I thought only posts from unregistered accounts were affected) but will link to it when/if it's back up online.

Title: Re: What should I ask Chat GPT about Crypto Collectibles?
Post by: CoinageMint on May 12, 2023, 09:20:07 AM
Ask it which member will receive the "tally sticks" diamond refractor card  :D

Or at least ask if Cardsmiths currency series 1 is a good investment.

Title: Re: What should I ask Chat GPT about Crypto Collectibles?
Post by: Suzuki Matt on May 12, 2023, 01:26:54 PM
Ask it which member will receive the "tally sticks" diamond refractor card  :D

Or at least ask if Cardsmiths currency series 1 is a good investment.

Lmfaoooooooooo @ tally sticks. 😂