Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Stepstowealth on May 12, 2023, 05:08:59 PM

Title: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: Stepstowealth on May 12, 2023, 05:08:59 PM
Bitcoin network has been under attack and the results has been very high transaction fees which has made many people who use it for transactions to use alternatives. This is challenging to the vision of Satoshi when he created Bitcoin for use also as currency as many people will criticize the network as unfit for transactions if accepted for use and everyone starts to use it. There is no way that Satoshi is not aware of the current situation if still alive, do you think what is happening right now is enough to draw Satoshi out to still make some changes or improvemens annonymously?

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: Nwada001 on May 12, 2023, 05:15:12 PM
What's happening right now? Even if Satoshi is alive, we won't drag him out; we actually don't need Satoshi for these things happening right now. There are developers who run updates and upgrades on the Bitcoin network, and I believe they are capable enough to solve any issue that the Bitcoin network is facing. Don't you think that if Satoshi is to show himself today because of something like this, there will be more issues for us to be worried about than what we are facing now?

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: franky1 on May 12, 2023, 05:15:57 PM
even if he did return he couldnt do anything. there is no back door or anything he can just take control of
he would have to appeal to core dev moderators to be allowed to enter code into the reference client everyone relies on. and right now they are very close minded
their opinions of open source is like a open newspaper, open to read by anyone that wants to look, but trying to get a job as a news editor is not the same ease as being a reader.. you might get lucky being a grammar checker of the notes/comment sections as a volunteer contributor but to be a proper writer.. well not that easy

even a few core devs that had maintainer status get ignored by the current team.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: spiker777 on May 12, 2023, 05:21:12 PM
Bitcoin network has been under attack and the results has been very high transaction fees which has made many people who use it for transactions to use alternatives. This is challenging to the vision of Satoshi when he created Bitcoin for use also as currency as many people will criticize the network as unfit for transactions if accepted for use and everyone starts to use it. There is no way that Satoshi is not aware of the current situation if still alive, do you think what is happening right now is enough to draw Satoshi out to still make some changes or improvemens annonymously?
I don't think satoshi could or would do anything even if he was here or he come back by chance. because he made it bitcoin open source so everyone can contribute to it's development. even satoshi cannot control bitcoin and can't stop what is happening with it..
Also I don't think Saying under attack is the right word in this situation. bitcoin network is not under attack. it is just being used too much. that is why transaction fee is so high.. for some people it may be problematic but for some people like minners it is a good opportunity and chance to make some extra profit.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: Asiska02 on May 12, 2023, 05:22:34 PM
Bitcoin network has been under attack and the results has been very high transaction fees which has made many people who use it for transactions to use alternatives. This is challenging to the vision of Satoshi when he created Bitcoin for use also as currency as many people will criticize the network as unfit for transactions if accepted for use and everyone starts to use it.

I believe this is just a trying time and it will soon be over. Those that don’t believe and want to invest in bitcoin are always looking for the least possible problem to black-ash bitcoin but this won’t change the majority of the bitcoin enthusiasts mindset about it. Satoshi vision is a real and achievable one, just watch the space and you’ll soon see the result in the near future.

There is no way that Satoshi is not aware of the current situation if still alive, do you think what is happening right now is enough to draw Satoshi out to still make some changes or improvemens annonymously?

Satoshi is not to be tempted by this to reveal himself to the world, I still believe his anonymity is what is making bitcoin to thrive till day. This is not the first time the transaction fee of bitcoin was recorded to be this high. In 2017, the price of bitcoin went as high as up to $60 even though this years own supersedes any other year before now which caused the alarm.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: DeathAngel on May 12, 2023, 05:34:45 PM
In all likelihood Satoshi is dead or ill & unable to respond. If he is alive though & able to communicate he obviously doesn’t want to risk doxing himself & is happy with his creation. He doesn’t want to take center stage. He didn’t appear during the block size wars so current affairs are nothing compared to that. To be honest I don’t think we will ever hear from Satoshi again, I think that is the best scenario any way.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on May 12, 2023, 05:45:33 PM
OP, blockchain technology doesn't just work like a television remote that can be controlled easily by just pressing a button; it's some kind of sophisticated technology that, if not carefully attended to, could create more problems. So even if Satoshi comes out now, I still don't believe there is anything that can be easily done; it will definitely take some time to be rectified. By the way, nothing lasts forever without having some challenges that need to be tackled, so if Bitcoin is facing this one now, I think patience needs to be exercised a bit. Some developers are also moving the motion to fight against the high transaction fee.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: Ryu_Ar1 on May 12, 2023, 05:54:48 PM
Even if in the end he still exists and is still involved in this, the conditions remain the same and it cannot be as if when satoshi speaks it can be controlled immediately.
I don't know about how the system or whatever it is because I don't understand about complicated things like coding and such but what I believe is that when even Satoshi exists something like this he will not be able to change it himself and now also as some people say there are already miners who can actually still overcome it.
As time goes by I think transaction fees will become the normal way things are done.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: bittraffic on May 12, 2023, 06:09:30 PM

This is a minor issue, Satoshi wouldn't come out all because of this since it had happened before and then gone as well.
If he is alive, he wouldn't mind either whether people use other cryptocurrencies. He knows there will be altcoins since he was part of it when the Codes are posted as open source. Anyone can copy the code and release something else after.

Making BTC more anonymous I think can be done with another project on top of BTC. Taproot has it.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: SamReomo on May 12, 2023, 06:20:33 PM
Bitcoin network has been under attack and the results has been very high transaction fees which has made many people who use it for transactions to use alternatives. This is challenging to the vision of Satoshi when he created Bitcoin for use also as currency as many people will criticize the network as unfit for transactions if accepted for use and everyone starts to use it. There is no way that Satoshi is not aware of the current situation if still alive, do you think what is happening right now is enough to draw Satoshi out to still make some changes or improvemens annonymously?

The problem is not enough for Satoshi to reappear because in this case even he can't do anything. The current situation is really bad with transactions and the developers are trying to find out something to fix the issue. I don't think that even Satoshi is capable enough to increase the size of blocks. Even if he appears out of no where he won't be able to do anything other than coping with the current developers.

I believe that our beloved developers will soon find out a solution to resolve the issue of high transaction fees by implementing some new rules to disable ordinals protocol. I know this is easily said than done, but my firm belief is that soon we will see lower fees. And, if you ask me that if it's necessary for Satoshi to come back in this situation I would answer no because even he if comes back the things won't be in control. Let him remain anonymous till his last days after that the choice of appearing or not will also be his own decision.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: woez on May 12, 2023, 06:47:38 PM
That's right, especially when the network is full of costs that have to be spent, almost 34% of the value of the assets we want to transact, but before that, gas costs were still very affordable, only 3%. Well, it's hard to say for sure where Satoshi is or if he's still alive. Some people believed that he had passed away, while others thought that he was still alive and kept a low profile. But don't worry, I'm sure if Satoshi is alive when he wakes up and sees what's going on, he'll have some pretty good ideas on how to fix the situation as well as make changes to the network he's created.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: umbara ardian on May 12, 2023, 07:37:55 PM
No one knows who Satoshi are or whether they exist or not. As long as he is alive, will he speak up and participate in this matter? Furthermore, even if he were involved, it would not be possible to solve this problem immediately. In addition, this is also a minor error related to gas charges, which has happened in the past. So there is no need to worry too much; instead, focus on the positive recovery of the bitcoin network and be more optimistic about the development of bitcoin.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: dragonvslinux on May 12, 2023, 08:56:52 PM
This is challenging to the vision of Satoshi when he created Bitcoin for use also as currency as many people will criticize the network as unfit for transactions if accepted for use and everyone starts to use it.

Satoshi's vision of Bitcoin was for it to be as decentralised as possible, possibly this is the reason he went offline, in order to promote what he was trying to achieve. As otherwise everyone would look up to him as a hero of Bitcoin of otherwise a leader to follow. So regardless of the high transaction fees, this remains Satoshi's vision of Bitcoin, as a decentralised means of value transfer.

There is no way that Satoshi is not aware of the current situation if still alive, do you think what is happening right now is enough to draw Satoshi out to still make some changes or improvemens annonymously?

Nothing will draw Satoshi out of the shadows if he remains alive (which I doubt personally). If this were to be the case, he would of come out in 2017 over the block size "civil war". Now we see another so-called "civil war", but compared to 2017, it remains insignificant as hasn't caused any divide within the network.  Ultimately it seems Satoshi doesn't want the attention. Even a dev talking with the CIA was too much for him.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: DannyHamilton on May 12, 2023, 09:03:39 PM
Bitcoin network has been under attack

Nah. Not attack, just normal usage.

and the results has been very high transaction fees

Satoshi said that eventually the miners would be paid with transaction ees instead of new bitcoins.  Sounds like this fits into his plan.

which has made many people who use it for transactions to use alternatives.

That's the way the free market works.  As less transactions happen, the fees will come back down. Eventually it will reach an equilibrium where the cost to use Bitcoin matches the price people are willing to pay for what it offers.

This is challenging to the vision of Satoshi

This IS the vision of Satoshi.

when he created Bitcoin for use also as currency

You can still use it as a currency if you are willing to pay the fees, or if you have a Lightning Channel already open. Eventually either the fees will come back down or enough people will be willing to pay the higher fees.

as many people will criticize the network as unfit for transactions if accepted for use and everyone starts to use it.
People have been criticizing the Bitcoin network since January of 2009.  There's nothing new about that. Some people just like to complain, there isn't anything that will ever satisfy them. And yet, here's Bitcoin, 14 years later, still doing it's thing and working just fine.

There is no way that Satoshi is not aware of the current situation if still alive,
I've been pretty sure he's been dead for about a decade now.  Doesn't really matter either way. Bitcoin has grown beyond his ability to have any real influence over it anyhow.

do you think what is happening right now is enough to draw Satoshi out
What do I think?  I think he's dead and has been for a while now.

to still make some changes or improvemens annonymously?
If he's alive, he can certainly participate anonymously in the open source code submissions, but so can you , and so can I.  Doesn't really matter.  Code changes aren't going to be included into Bitcoin Core without the approval of the team that maintains it, and the world isn't going to accept any hard-fork changes without a very good reason.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: serjent05 on May 12, 2023, 10:24:49 PM
Bitcoin network has been under attack and the results has been very high transaction fees which has made many people who use it for transactions to use alternatives. This is challenging to the vision of Satoshi when he created Bitcoin for use also as currency as many people will criticize the network as unfit for transactions if accepted for use and everyone starts to use it. There is no way that Satoshi is not aware of the current situation if still alive, do you think what is happening right now is enough to draw Satoshi out to still make some changes or improvemens annonymously?

Obviously, we don't know.  This is not the first time the Bitcoin network have a problem like this.  There had been lots of attacks happening to the Bitcoin network and yet there is no news about Satoshi involving itself to fix the problem after his disappearance.  Saying he will get involved is all speculation and is based on personal opinion making the discussion pointless because there is no basis of proof that he will be anonymously get involved.

Instead of speculating, I'd rather put my trust on the developers to fix the problem because they are the one in existent to solve the problem now.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: livingfree on May 12, 2023, 11:36:30 PM
There is no way that Satoshi is not aware of the current situation if still alive, do you think what is happening right now is enough to draw Satoshi out to still make some changes or improvemens annonymously?
If he's still here, he'll for sure do something and step in but before proceeding, he'll have to propose and educate everyone on what he must do to see the potential outcome of it.

Needless of that, we'll never see it happen because he's good that he's gone forever and we'll never see a glance of his appearance in anyway. Let the core team work on this and everything will be taken care of.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: CryptoHeadlineNews on May 12, 2023, 11:59:30 PM
do you think what is happening right now is enough to draw Satoshi out to still make some changes or improvemens annonymously?
I just checked and noticed that the Bitcoin transaction fee has been reduced to over 70% of what it was last 2 days ago, of which it means developers are doing a great job, and as such not enough reason why Satoshi should made himself known to the public, if truly Bitcoin must remains an anonymous asset

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: Darker45 on May 13, 2023, 12:51:47 AM
My friend, Satoshi does not own Bitcoin. He/she/they don't control Bitcoin. Satoshi cannot just change anything about Bitcoin. Such is how Satoshi designed and created Bitcoin: decentralized, ruled by rules and not rulers, completely independent from anybody, and so on.

So, supposing that Satoshi is still alive, what can he/she/they do? Nothing much really. Well, Satoshi can propose a certain improvement. But just like all proposals, it will have to go through a review and be voted. It could be approved or rejected by the community.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: gunhell16 on May 13, 2023, 12:52:35 AM
Bitcoin network has been under attack and the results has been very high transaction fees which has made many people who use it for transactions to use alternatives. This is challenging to the vision of Satoshi when he created Bitcoin for use also as currency as many people will criticize the network as unfit for transactions if accepted for use and everyone starts to use it. There is no way that Satoshi is not aware of the current situation if still alive, do you think what is happening right now is enough to draw Satoshi out to still make some changes or improvemens annonymously?

I believe that whatever is happening now if it is true that this satoshi is a human being, he will not be able to do anything in my opinion. Besides, he was the only one who did it, but what's happening right now seems like he had nothing to do with it either.

He has done enough with Bitcoin but to rely on him for what is happening seems redundant, we have the solution on how to overcome it because there are developers who can solve these issues in reality.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: Bazzu on May 13, 2023, 01:49:00 AM
i don't know where is satoshi.
with expensive btc transaction fees, I think in this case we have to respond positively, and I believe btc transaction fees will return to normal, and with expensive transaction fees, I think this is a obstacles and trials
that we must be able to pass, the point is we don't become BTC investors who fail,
I don't think long term btc investors will worry about fees.

but for buying and selling transactions using btc in my opinion it should be postponed for a while, and wait for transaction fees to return to normal.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: BlackBoss_ on May 13, 2023, 02:49:29 AM
Bitcoin network has been under attack and the results has been very high transaction fees which has made many people who use it for transactions to use alternatives.
It is days ago and now it is better. You can have confirmations with 40 sats/ vbyte or even 25 sats/vbyte in Saturday and Sunday as we are in a weekend that gives us cheaper transaction fees.

This is challenging to the vision of Satoshi when he created Bitcoin for use also as currency as many people will criticize the network as unfit for transactions if accepted for use and everyone starts to use it.
You create a tool and people can use it with their own ways. You can not control other people and it is what Satoshi Nakamoto can not control too.

There is no way that Satoshi is not aware of the current situation if still alive, do you think what is happening right now is enough to draw Satoshi out to still make some changes or improvemens annonymously?
Satoshi can not do anything. If he can do anything by himself, Bitcoin will become centralized that we don't want to have and if it becomes centralized like altcoins, its value will be lower.

If any upgrade needs to be made, it needs to have Consensus in Bitcoin nodes. A single person like Satoshi Nakamoto can not do anything against the Consensus.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: AprilioMP on May 13, 2023, 03:36:25 AM
Bitcoin network has been under attack and the results has been very high transaction fees which has made many people who use it for transactions to use alternatives. This is challenging to the vision of Satoshi when he created Bitcoin for use also as currency as many people will criticize the network as unfit for transactions if accepted for use and everyone starts to use it. There is no way that Satoshi is not aware of the current situation if still alive, do you think what is happening right now is enough to draw Satoshi out to still make some changes or improvemens annonymously?
Under attack? I do not think so. Just having a busy transaction.

Writing after writing that I read from various spaces about Satoshi Nakamoto made me realize that he doesn't need praise for the masterpieces that have been created.
The Bitcoin he created has become a huge benefit that has been enjoyed by all elements of people, from the bottom to the top.
Why is it that when something related to Bitcoin goes wrong, people appear to question where he is.
My answer, Satoshi is happy behind the benefits we get.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: Iranus on May 13, 2023, 03:39:46 AM
Don't forget bitcoin is open source, and we still have other developers, I believe they will fix this soon without Satoshi's help. This is not a big deal because nothing is perfect, even with bitcoin. As with any product, there are always a few problems, and if they happen, we just need to find a way to fix them, and everything will be fine.
Satoshi decided to remain anonymous, so we shouldn't refer to him in any way every time bitcoin is in trouble. We should find the solution on our own, not blame or focus on just one person. Do not forget the criterion of bitcoin is decentralized, not depending on anyone, including its creator.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: jeraldskie11 on May 13, 2023, 04:18:49 AM
Bitcoin network has been under attack and the results has been very high transaction fees which has made many people who use it for transactions to use alternatives. This is challenging to the vision of Satoshi when he created Bitcoin for use also as currency as many people will criticize the network as unfit for transactions if accepted for use and everyone starts to use it. There is no way that Satoshi is not aware of the current situation if still alive, do you think what is happening right now is enough to draw Satoshi out to still make some changes or improvemens annonymously?
If Satoshi is still alive, he will not speak out regardless of what happens to Bitcoin. If he ever appears, the entire world will be surprised, and it will mean a lot to Bitcoin. On the other hand, wicked guys will pursue or capture Satoshi. Some people are skeptical that he is the genuine Satoshi.
It's possible that he predicted what's happening to Bitcoin right now. And, because Bitcoin was founded as an open-source, there is no need to be concerned that much because we have developers that will going to fix this.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: Sayeds56 on May 13, 2023, 04:42:26 AM
Bitcoin network has been under attack and the results has been very high transaction fees which has made many people who use it for transactions to use alternatives. This is challenging to the vision of Satoshi when he created Bitcoin for use also as currency as many people will criticize the network as unfit for transactions if accepted for use and everyone starts to use it. There is no way that Satoshi is not aware of the current situation if still alive, do you think what is happening right now is enough to draw Satoshi out to still make some changes or improvemens annonymously?

Nobody knows the whereabouts of Satoshi Nakamoto, his true identity remains unknown and there has been no public communication since he disappeared in 2010. One thing we should understand about the design of Bitcoin, it was never meant to be static but developing network, after the departure of Satoshi from the scene, community of developers is continually working to address various challenges those Bitcoin network confronts, and I am quite sure they are actively working to address currently ongoing issue of network congestion.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: Godday on May 13, 2023, 04:51:07 AM
All this happens because the network is so busy as a result of the many transactions and the shit collection of NFTs. And I've read a few articles about Satoshi and I've found that there's a lot of mystery about this man. Some say it's not the name of a person but a group of tech groups.

There are also those who say that he is still around and monitoring BTC developments from behind the scenes. He is also still in contact with fellow early-stage BTC developers like Garvin Andersen.

And an interesting fact is that Satoshi has lost the patent on BTC and has shared the "code" with developers all over the world. This proves that Satoshi really wants BTC to be put to good use in the future.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: EarnOnVictor on May 13, 2023, 04:54:46 AM
First, the Bitcoin network is not under any attack, the issue that happened was due to Ordinals and the creation of BRC-20. And it's worth noting that Satoshi did a brilliant job with Bitcoin and its blockchain technology, but it's sure to note that he was not perfect with it. Not him, his work and the decision to just leave everything is perfect.

I come to this conclusion because if he or they are still alive, they would have been yearning for an upgrade in the network. As professionals, they must have discovered a lot of errors and how they will fix them. But with the approach they use by abandoning the network, it's almost impossible to do unless they are just contributing their ideas like any other person.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: irhact on May 13, 2023, 05:01:47 AM
Bitcoin network has been under attack and the results has been very high transaction fees which has made many people who use it for transactions to use alternatives. This is challenging to the vision of Satoshi when he created Bitcoin for use also as currency as many people will criticize the network as unfit for transactions if accepted for use and everyone starts to use it. There is no way that Satoshi is not aware of the current situation if still alive, do you think what is happening right now is enough to draw Satoshi out to still make some changes or improvemens annonymously?

Satoshi doesn't need to come out because Bitcoin is experiencing some challenges. The community can handle itself properly as it has always done in the past. Satoshi should keep on hiding as that's the only way he or them can be sure of staying alive. The government hate bitcoin to the extend they might kill Satoshi if he come out from hiding.

People using alternative currency shouldn't be an issue because Bitcoin itself is an alternative kind of payment and more alternative should be accepted. As soon as Bitcoin fees return to normal, people will come back so we shouldn't be worried much about those leaving.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: adaseb on May 13, 2023, 05:11:50 AM
Satoshi is not going to show up all of a sudden due to these minor issues we are having now. We had bigger issues in the past and he never showed up.

If he shows up all of a sudden then people will worry that he might sell his coins and start a sell off.  Now we all assume he is dead or he lost the private keys and those coins won’t be moved ever hence lower supply.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: michellee on May 13, 2023, 05:18:12 AM
No one knows where Satoshi is, but I believe he is still alive and busy with other projects or just enjoying life playing with code. I guess Satoshi knew the current situation but he probably wouldn't come out this time and still chose to hide.

He would come out later, assume using someone else's identity, and devise a solution to resolve this situation. Many possibilities can happen if it is Satoshi because we don't know who Satoshi really is.

And that's what makes Satoshi turn into whoever he wants to help overcome or make some changes without us noticing.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: Despairo on May 13, 2023, 05:37:02 AM
If you refer the usage of BRC-20 tokens are attacking Bitcoin network, it doesn't need Satoshi to solve it because the developers can propose a soft fork to make the BRC-20 tokens would run in other network. Even the real Satoshi comes up and publicize if he's still alive, all of his proposal will not entirely will accepted with other developers if they think it will ruin or has a drawback against Bitcoin's decentralization.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: worle1bm on May 13, 2023, 06:10:53 AM
Why are we always connecting it to Satoshi whenever we see something in the bitcoin network? He became inactive years ago or maybe still here who knows but one thing is sure the network is not controlled by anyone which is why we call it decentralised network.You are just taking this fees issue too far and think Satoshi would come out with a solution for it? This will be solved soon when memepool will have less transactions and we are seeing decrease a little bit also.So just relax and you will notice things becoming normal soon.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: yudi09 on May 13, 2023, 07:00:04 AM
Bitcoin network has been under attack and the results has been very high transaction fees which has made many people who use it for transactions to use alternatives. This is challenging to the vision of Satoshi when he created Bitcoin for use also as currency as many people will criticize the network as unfit for transactions if accepted for use and everyone starts to use it. There is no way that Satoshi is not aware of the current situation if still alive, do you think what is happening right now is enough to draw Satoshi out to still make some changes or improvemens annonymously?
The current high transaction fee has also happened before, if I am not mistaken in remembering, it happened around 2018. At that time, transaction fees were high while the selling price of Bitcoin also decreased, so many sentences appeared that the fee was more expensive than the selling price.
*If wrong can be corrected.

What is her relationship with Satoshi related to the current situation?
This problem will be solved my friend.
This wasn't a big deal that required Satoshi to be present to sort it out.
The goal of creating Bitcoin is to be as decentralized as possible.
Or maybe OP misses the figure of Satoshi?

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: KiaKia on May 13, 2023, 09:10:07 AM
Satoshi's hidden identity was all planned out, I doubt that's even his real name, he must have moved on to another thing entirely, people are saying he is not active on the forum, how sure are you that he his not? Because it will be easy for him to quit using the Satoshi Nakamoto bitcointalk account and create another, he chooses to stay anonymous for the sake of Bitcoin and getting tracked down by the government, so far it works.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: Ojima-ojo on May 13, 2023, 09:41:04 AM
Bitcoin network has been under attack and the results has been very high transaction fees which has made many people who use it for transactions to use alternatives.
I don't see the recent hyke in the blockchain fees as an attack that will warrant the attention of Satoshi since he already mentioned and covered all this in the early development and if I can remember Satoshi last word vividly he state and I quote,  the Bitcoin network will come under many attacks but we must allow it to develop and grow organically without interference.

So this recent network spam was a deliberate attack by shitcoiners just to cause confusion,  but most knowledgeable bitcoin users already know this and we are just taking this present conditions as a temporary set back that will help the miners to make improvement and raise the harsh rates against possible future attacks in this nature.
This is challenging to the vision of Satoshi when he created Bitcoin for use also as currency as many people will criticize the network as unfit for transactions if accepted for use and everyone starts to use it. There is no way that Satoshi is not aware of the current situation if still alive, do you think what is happening right now is enough to draw Satoshi out to still make some changes or impranonymouslynymously?
I don't think so, the bitcoin network is not under attack directly but the blockchain is where the problem lies,  and with time it will be worked on the accommodate more transactions and process them as fast as possible.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: Frankolala on May 13, 2023, 10:40:05 AM
i don't know where is satoshi.
with expensive btc transaction fees, I think in this case we have to respond positively, and I believe btc transaction fees will return to normal, and with expensive transaction fees, I think this is a obstacles and trials
that we must be able to pass, the point is we don't become BTC investors who fail,
I don't think long term btc investors will worry about fees.

but for buying and selling transactions using btc in my opinion it should be postponed for a while, and wait for transaction fees to return to normal.
Satoshi has foreseen all these attack on the bitcoin blockchain,that was why he made it an open source. The blockchain has been programmed and there is nothing that he can do about the congestion.

If he is alive,he will worry less because he knows that the ordinals attack can never be permanent and will subside down. This has happened before and everything went back to normal, i.e Satoshi has experienced it before and to his own nose,it wasn't a big problem. We are worried and asking questions because some of us are new into bitcoin and haven't experienced such,but the old bitcoiners who have experienced it are just relaxing and waiting for the congestion of the mempool to be over. Presently,as am typing this message,the congestion in the mempool is gone and transaction fee is very low.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: sokani on May 13, 2023, 02:30:24 PM
Bitcoin network has been under attack and the results has been very high transaction fees which has made many people who use it for transactions to use alternatives. This is challenging to the vision of Satoshi when he created Bitcoin for use also as currency as many people will criticize the network as unfit for transactions if accepted for use and everyone starts to use it. There is no way that Satoshi is not aware of the current situation if still alive, do you think what is happening right now is enough to draw Satoshi out to still make some changes or improvemens annonymously?
This too shall pass. It's just another trying time that the Bitcoin network is facing and I strongly believe everything will be okay very soon and we don't need Satoshi because Satoshi is a misery and there's a good reason why he concealed his identity and the network congestion is not enough reason to force him to come out and if there's anything he can do I believe he can still do it without revealing his identity.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: Z-tight on May 13, 2023, 02:48:44 PM
If he's still here, he'll for sure do something and step in but before proceeding, he'll have to propose and educate everyone on what he must do to see the potential outcome of it.
If he was somehow here, he cannot do anything in and of himself, he created BTC to be run based on the consensus mechanism, all controlled by everyone in the community, so even when he was around, he was never BTC's leader or owner, he was only the creator. BTC has never been in the hands of an individual, not even Satoshi.
but for buying and selling transactions using btc in my opinion it should be postponed for a while, and wait for transaction fees to return to normal.
BTC is a currency, do you stop using the dollar because of inflation or counterfeit problems. BTC is a censorship resistant and permissionless currency, nobody can stop or postponed the network from working, you as a person can decide not to use BTC for now, it is a free market, but nodes would not stop validating TX and miners wouldn't stop confirming TX as well. By the way the mempool is becoming less congested and TX fees are cooling down.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: reagansimms on May 13, 2023, 02:50:57 PM
There is no need to pull Satoshi out to solve this problem. If he's still alive, he just sits there doing nothing. What the network is experiencing now is a minor issue that the developers were able to fix, they can still be relied on to run updates and upgrades to the Bitcoin network without forcing Satoshi down the hill.
This is just a minor issue that the Bitcoin network is experiencing, everything will be fine once the issue is resolved. Never make any transactions if you feel the transaction fees are too high, leave your assets in the wallet until the network returns to normal.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: Aikidoka on May 13, 2023, 02:51:07 PM
There is no need for Satoshi to show up! It's not a serious issue related to Bitcoin to require the creator to reveal themselves, even if he is still alive. The creator is a mystery, and I don't think he/they will appear one day, even though I believe he/they is/are still alive but operating behind the scenes, as we see with the character Gin Freecss from the anime Hunter x Hunter, if anyone have seen it.

In any case, the high fees are temporary due to the high number of transactions, and it's normal. It could be fixed once the network cools down and I'm confident that the Lightning Network could address this issue at some point. If there is no solution available atm, we have many developers who work on Bitcoin and are experts who can upgrade and fix any issues. There is no need for Satoshi to step up exclusively because Bitcoin is an open-source project, and anyone can contribute to making it better.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: adzino on May 13, 2023, 04:12:30 PM
Why would we need Satoshi to fix the issues and problems. I thought bitcoin was meant to be decentralized. How can it be decentralized if people starts to see Satoshi as the "leader" of the network who will solve all the problems? I doubt Satoshi is every going to show himself. Yeah, he might help the network as a one of those many developers who helps improves the network. What I don't understand is why people are so obsessed with revealing his identity. Why do some people thing it would be a good thing?

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: m2017 on May 13, 2023, 04:25:54 PM
Bitcoin network has been under attack and the results has been very high transaction fees which has made many people who use it for transactions to use alternatives. This is challenging to the vision of Satoshi when he created Bitcoin for use also as currency as many people will criticize the network as unfit for transactions if accepted for use and everyone starts to use it. There is no way that Satoshi is not aware of the current situation if still alive, do you think what is happening right now is enough to draw Satoshi out to still make some changes or improvemens annonymously?
That is, you want Satoshi to come and solve all bitcoin problems? This will never happen, because it is contrary to the principles of decentralization, which are at the heart of bitcoin.

Every time problems happens, will you call on Satoshi to fix it? Isn't it funny for you to say that?

Satoshi has completely distanced himself from bitcoin and bitcoin-community should solve problems on its own without outside interference.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: panganib999 on May 13, 2023, 04:34:00 PM
Satoshi has separated himself from the development of bitcoin, and hsd entrusted bitcoin to a few of the people that he trusts the most. And mind you, this was back in 2011-2012 too, so there’s a whole decade of lapse where Satoshi hasn’t been in the front lines of bitcoin. And jow all of a sudden people wanted to drag him out cause the fees are unusually high and transaction processes take a little more time than usual? That is just swell.

Even if he were to be here, actively working on bitcoin, I don’t think he’s able to do something about bitcoin’s current state. He was jot able to do shit back then, the same story will roll now. So why jot let’s give the guy the rest he needs. Besides, it’s not like the end of world anyway!

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: John Abraham on May 13, 2023, 04:36:10 PM
Bitcoin network has been under attack and the results has been very high transaction fees which has made many people who use it for transactions to use alternatives. This is challenging to the vision of Satoshi when he created Bitcoin for use also as currency as many people will criticize the network as unfit for transactions if accepted for use and everyone starts to use it. There is no way that Satoshi is not aware of the current situation if still alive, do you think what is happening right now is enough to draw Satoshi out to still make some changes or improvemens annonymously?
What do you expect from Satoshi? He already did what he had to do. Bitcoin is decentralized. Even if he returns, He won't be able to make any exceptional changes. The current developers are enough to fix any issue related to Bitcoin. Imagine he has some unique ability to do something on the network, What would you think then? Would you trust Bitcoin anymore? Where the creator can make a significant change? He can do something with his ability, and you might lose your coins.

Today's transaction fees look low compared to a few days ago. According to Blockchair, The current recommended fee is 82 satoshi per byte. It was over 400 satoshi per byte. The ordinal craze will end at some point. The network may get back no normal. But, it won't be back to normal as before. You have to pay a little more fees than before. Let's wait and see how long it takes.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: www.Gambler.Casino on May 13, 2023, 05:10:10 PM
More than 2,000 people are working on the Bitcoin network online. I think they will do everything themselves, Satoshi would be powerless

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: ImThour on May 13, 2023, 05:15:28 PM
satoshi was Hal Finney. I am sure no one will agree with me, in fact, I don't want anyone to believe in me. It's my opinion in the end.
He's dead and will no longer be able to contribute to the high fee on the Bitcoin blockchain as of now.

I am sure this will lead to major developments to the network and a great and impactful update will be sure incoming by everyone at the open-source community of Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: serjent05 on May 13, 2023, 09:50:16 PM
satoshi was Hal Finney. I am sure no one will agree with me, in fact, I don't want anyone to believe in me. It's my opinion in the end.
He's dead and will no longer be able to contribute to the high fee on the Bitcoin blockchain as of now.

There is a possibility that the Satoshi who creates Bitcoin is dead but I doubt Hal is this Satoshi.  It would be nuts to talk to oneself during the Bitcoin early years since there are records that Satoshi had been in communication with Hal.

I am sure this will lead to major developments to the network and a great and impactful update will be sure incoming by everyone at the open-source community of Bitcoin.

I hope so that the problem created by BRC 20 can lead Bitcoin developers to develop a solution that can enhance the scalability of Bitcoin that makes the recent incident to not repeat in the future.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: South Park on May 13, 2023, 11:16:30 PM
Bitcoin network has been under attack and the results has been very high transaction fees which has made many people who use it for transactions to use alternatives. This is challenging to the vision of Satoshi when he created Bitcoin for use also as currency as many people will criticize the network as unfit for transactions if accepted for use and everyone starts to use it. There is no way that Satoshi is not aware of the current situation if still alive, do you think what is happening right now is enough to draw Satoshi out to still make some changes or improvemens annonymously?
Assuming Satoshi is still alive why do you think this situation would be enough for him to make a comeback? Satoshi did his job already, he was able to put together different concepts and made an ingenious design which resulted on the creation of bitcoin, he has done enough already and there is no need for him to do anything else, now it is up to the current developers to take some measures against ordinals or they could simply let the market do what it does best, which is to raise the costs for those transactions and force them out of the network this way.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: Bitcoin_people on May 14, 2023, 12:45:33 AM
In fact, what happened at the moment did not need Satoshi. Bitcoin transaction free increased for a while but now it has leveled off again. Maybe due to some problem in the bitcoin network, such an incident happened but it did not stop in the same state, rather the network free has decreased a lot now. The reason for this is that the transaction hashes grew so large due to the additional block pressure that caused the network to become free and redundant. But there's no reason to feel like a statement because one has only been around for a while, but one has to believe that one should not lose patience with Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: Hispo on May 14, 2023, 12:57:01 AM
Satoshi is aware of what is going on but even whether he came out from the shadows, he may not have a realistic chance to help. Rather people would try to tracking down again and with more energy to try to attack Bitcoin in different ways.

He trusts the community will be able to solve this situation without his intervention (assuming he can do anything about it, Bitcoin is about decentralization, after all). Eventually we will find a concensus on want to do if the fees continue to increase out of control, I still think that those meme shit-tokens and ordinals will dump heavily in value eventually and fees will go down sonner than later. However, there would be still an open door for an attacked with enough money to slow down the network with spam.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: NicNacCoin on May 14, 2023, 04:00:48 AM
Bitcoin network has been under attack and the results has been very high transaction fees which has made many people who use it for transactions to use alternatives. This is challenging to the vision of Satoshi when he created Bitcoin for use also as currency as many people will criticize the network as unfit for transactions if accepted for use and everyone starts to use it. There is no way that Satoshi is not aware of the current situation if still alive, do you think what is happening right now is enough to draw Satoshi out to still make some changes or improvemens annonymously?
Blockchain transactions have been crowded for quite some days, but many people know why there is a huge crowd in Bitcoin blockchain transactions, but I can't guess what role Satoshi Nakamoto will play in this case. Many believe that Bitcoin Ordinals / BRC20 standard protocols will be disallowed from the Bitcoin blockchain to reduce high transaction fees. But in this case, Satoshi Nakamoto can do such development in his Bitcoin blockchain. But the sad thing is if Satoshi Nakamoto is not alive in this world then this problem will never go away?

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: Bazzu on May 14, 2023, 04:12:47 AM
Even if in the end he still exists and is still involved in this, the conditions remain the same and it cannot be as if when satoshi speaks it can be controlled immediately.
I don't know about how the system or whatever it is because I don't understand about complicated things like coding and such but what I believe is that when even Satoshi exists something like this he will not be able to change it himself and now also as some people say there are already miners who can actually still overcome it.
As time goes by I think transaction fees will become the normal way things are done.

with the existence of expensive btc transaction fees makes people panic,
even though I don't think this situation will last long. and also i hope btc transaction fee back to normal.

and I agree with what you said, because it is certain that if BTC transaction fees do not down for a long time, people will definitely get used to BTC transaction fees as they are now.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: ethereumhunter on May 14, 2023, 05:27:20 AM
Satoshi won't appear just because of this problem. The high transaction fee will decrease slowly. You don't need to worry. I guess Satoshi is still alive today and could have known about this but there is no action from him or if he did, we wouldn't know what he did either. Satoshi let the community fix all the problems because he wants to invite people who use bitcoin to be independent without him. And he can be anyone at this time, even someone who will act to fix all problems. We will also never know if it happened.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: Kryptowerk on May 14, 2023, 05:41:09 AM
As much as I like a tiny puzzle (or maybe even call it mystery) to be solved... I have to say it is becoming less and less important who Satoshi is or was.
The whitepaper is here. The software implimentation with hundrets of improved iterations has been running for over 14 years now. There is a tiny army of experienced and dedicated core developers.

Worst case, Satoshi would wake up and suddenly access his ~1m Bitcoin and dump it on the market. Sure, Bitcoin price would be eroded for a while, weeks, months, maybe up to a few years (I doubt it'll take that long). But after that coin distribution would be even more decentralized and Bitcoin would just move on.

I highly recommend Andreas Antonopoulos' educational videos. His stance has been clear: It doesn't really matter who Satoshi is. For some it may sound blasphemous, but it's also irrelevant what his *vision* for Bitcoin was. The working network is here and it is what it is. If you think it has failed in its original vision you are free to fork the open source code to your liking at any time. And see if a majority will share your vision. *Satoshis vision, coughcoughlol*

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: Litzki1990 on May 14, 2023, 05:51:30 AM
The high transaction fees were temporary but this problem has already been resolved and the transaction fees are back to normal. Due to the high transaction fees, the transaction process of many has been disrupted but now they can transact easily. 
Satoshi doesn't manage such a big platform alone, he has many developers under him who are responsible for managing Bitcoin's operations beautifully. It is very natural that such a big platform will be attacked by various malicious actors but to counter the attack, experienced developers are working from the malicious ones, hopefully they will be able to control these things well.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: mirakal on May 14, 2023, 04:56:32 PM
These problems can be sorted out smoothly without having the creator's help, Satoshi Nakamoto.

I mean what is the use of the bitcoin's developing team right now if they can't even solve this kind of problem, moreover, we shouldn't forget that bitcoin is a decentralized cryptocurrency which that means that Satoshi's role is already finished when he successfully created bitcoin and its blockchain. We never know for sure, he might be working behind the shadow right now using another pseudonym to help resolve the existing issues.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: GideonGono on May 14, 2023, 05:33:02 PM
Bitcoin network has been under attack and the results has been very high transaction fees which has made many people who use it for transactions to use alternatives. This is challenging to the vision of Satoshi when he created Bitcoin for use also as currency as many people will criticize the network as unfit for transactions if accepted for use and everyone starts to use it. There is no way that Satoshi is not aware of the current situation if still alive, do you think what is happening right now is enough to draw Satoshi out to still make some changes or improvemens annonymously?
First of it is not the first time that the transaction fee for Bitcoin has been expensive or high, second what would Satoshi do? the creator has been silent for so long even in the past controversy so why would the creator show up now just because of the transaction fee?
And we could use alternative coins that is why they had been created for events or circumstances like this (only my opinion) those alt-coins are there because Bitcoin doesn't have it all.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: riskarcher on May 14, 2023, 05:37:46 PM
The mystery surrounding Satoshi Nakamoto's identity has contributed to the intrigue and curiosity surrounding Bitcoin's origins. Nevertheless, Bitcoin's decentralized nature allows it to operate without relying on the presence or involvement of its creator. The Bitcoin network is maintained by a global community of developers, miners, and users who contribute to its ongoing development and security. I'm surely satoshi nakamoto will never showing as long as bitcoin still exist, if community need improvment altcoin is the best choice for the right way

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: tjtonmoy on May 14, 2023, 08:16:20 PM
This is not a problem or an attack. This has happened in the past, and I don't think this is a major concern. We don't need Satoshi for this. He has done so much already, and now it's in our hand. Satoshi has already said it in the past. Satoshi Nakamoto said; “I’ve moved on to other things. [Bitcoin] is in good hands.” (
So I don't think he/they will come back to the spotlight for these minor things. And it's a good thing. As long as the identity is a secret, bitcoin is more likely to grow more and more in the future. This keeps the bitcoin decentralized. Look at the blockchain now. It's almost back to normal again. And not to mention it's developing every day. So no need to worry.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: CryptoHeadlineNews on May 18, 2023, 06:47:06 AM
If he's still here, he'll for sure do something and step in but before proceeding, he'll have to propose and educate everyone on what he must do to see the potential outcome of it.
If he was somehow here, he cannot do anything in and of himself, he created BTC to be run based on the consensus mechanism, all controlled by everyone in the community, so even when he was around, he was never BTC's leader or owner, he was only the creator. BTC has never been in the hands of an individual, not even Satoshi.
Yes, it's true that since the creation of Bitcoin, it has never been in the hand of anybody not even Satoshi, but the fact remains that at least he should have a better understanding of what possible solution can be done for the high transaction fee better than any other developer in the industry being the creator and one who wrote its whitepaper. So I think that's the reason why O.P had to mention his name regarding this recent attack on Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: worle1bm on May 18, 2023, 07:03:12 AM
This is not a problem or an attack. This has happened in the past, and I don't think this is a major concern. We don't need Satoshi for this. He has done so much already, and now it's in our hand. Satoshi has already said it in the past. Satoshi Nakamoto said; “I’ve moved on to other things. [Bitcoin] is in good hands.” (
So I don't think he/they will come back to the spotlight for these minor things. And it's a good thing. As long as the identity is a secret, bitcoin is more likely to grow more and more in the future. This keeps the bitcoin decentralized. Look at the blockchain now. It's almost back to normal again. And not to mention it's developing every day. So no need to worry.
Even he was here the network and system is not under his control so he would also have addressed this fees issue the same community is doing.Those ordinals pushed the transaction rate at peak and it was not witnessed in the past because fees were too high but not now and the situation is becoming normal again so just let Satoshi relax and stay away in peace.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: dezoel on May 18, 2023, 09:23:40 AM
Why would we need Satoshi to fix the issues and problems. I thought bitcoin was meant to be decentralized. How can it be decentralized if people starts to see Satoshi as the "leader" of the network who will solve all the problems? I doubt Satoshi is every going to show himself. Yeah, he might help the network as a one of those many developers who helps improves the network. What I don't understand is why people are so obsessed with revealing his identity. Why do some people thing it would be a good thing?
There is no problem with bitcoin but people think that bitcoin can perform better if satoshi showed himself in the public because you know, it might attract more people and satoshi can do some improvements with bitcoin. Bitcoin will still be decentralized after that.

Satoshi showing up does not affect it. For the coin to be decentralized or centralized is already written in the code before it was created and I think it can't be revised anymore but it is still possible to change its consensus mechanism and switch to pos. That should lessen its decentralization. I still don't think that majority will agree with that, as I know it needs some voting before this happens.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: Obari on May 18, 2023, 01:23:43 PM
Bitcoin network has been under attack and the results has been very high transaction fees which has made many people who use it for transactions to use alternatives. This is challenging to the vision of Satoshi when he created Bitcoin for use also as currency as many people will criticize the network as unfit for transactions if accepted for use and everyone starts to use it. There is no way that Satoshi is not aware of the current situation if still alive, do you think what is happening right now is enough to draw Satoshi out to still make some changes or improvemens annonymously?
Well I personally think Bitcoin  has grown to the stage where we don't need to bother over minor attack and I also understand that though we're suffering  from high charges but we should also understand  that miners are also smiling and I believe that the attack is already reducing and this is not the first time bitcoin has been attacked a d as a truly believer of bitcoin,  we ought not to panic now but rather seize the opportunity  to accumulate more and smile when all of this is over because it is believed that bitcoin  is expected to skyrocket  after all this crisis is over.

Well I don't think Satoshi is ready to reveal his true identity if for nothing,  then for his safety and since there have been similar attacks on bitcoin  in the past, I believe  this very one wouldn't move him to revealing his true self.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: Razmirraz on May 18, 2023, 02:36:39 PM
Bitcoin network has been under attack and the results has been very high transaction fees which has made many people who use it for transactions to use alternatives. This is challenging to the vision of Satoshi when he created Bitcoin for use also as currency as many people will criticize the network as unfit for transactions if accepted for use and everyone starts to use it. There is no way that Satoshi is not aware of the current situation if still alive, do you think what is happening right now is enough to draw Satoshi out to still make some changes or improvemens annonymously?
Satoshi didn't need to come out of the nest to solve this little problem. If he's alive, he'd just sit there drinking a cup of coffee without having to do anything, he pretty much understands the problems Bitcoin has due to very high transaction fee.
Satoshi already has his followers working on updates and improvements to the Bitcoin network, the developers are always at the forefront of solving small or big problems that Bitcoin and its network are experiencing.

Now transaction fees are back to normal in my opinion, so far there has been no shocking news about Satoshi emergence to solve this problem. Satoshi job is done, he doesn't need to do anything else, he has succeeded in bringing about a big change because Bitcoin has been widely used and provides easy transactions.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: tjtonmoy on May 19, 2023, 05:47:04 PM
Even he was here the network and system is not under his control so he would also have addressed this fees issue the same community is doing.Those ordinals pushed the transaction rate at peak and it was not witnessed in the past because fees were too high but not now and the situation is becoming normal again so just let Satoshi relax and stay away in peace.

I still don't understand why people need Satoshi Nakamoto back in the system.  Have the development of Bitcoin ever stopped? No!  It is growing every day, and it is in our hand to keep the system running.

There was a problem, and now it has been somewhat solved.  People will always find a way to go around things and do it in their way.  There is no exception with Bitcoin blockchain. All we need to do is wait for the right time until the issue is solved.  Developers are still working on new things in order to make Bitcoin much easier to use. Have you not faced any ups and downs in your life?  Right now, Bitcoin is going through that phase. We will get a solution for sure in order to make ordinals and Bitcoin both co-exist in the same ecosystem and work flawlessly.  When will it be done? I don't know but one day it will happen that's for sure.  We have faced recently and there is very high chance that it could happen in the future too.  So in order to prevent that we will get a solution for sure.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: lizarder on May 19, 2023, 06:30:33 PM
There is no way that Satoshi is not aware of the current situation if still alive, do you think what is happening right now is enough to draw Satoshi out to still make some changes or improvemens annonymously?
How can you be sure that if he is still alive he can solve this problem, what is the point of him trying to respond to high transaction fees like now? This is just a minor issue that could be fixed by another developer and I'm sure it will be resolved in the near future. If I'm not mistaken, the current transaction fees are already quite small compared to the previous few days although not as stable as usual.

I don't think it was attacked but rather a busy transaction. If he wants to go out and sort this out, the question is why now and what's in it? All this time he's been hiding to appear more anonymous and little things like this making him come out on his own are far more ridiculous than he's been anonymous in so long. Without the role of Satoshi Nakamoto this problem will be resolved and maybe for the next few days, weeks and months it will be normal as usual.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: Japinat on May 19, 2023, 07:26:59 PM
Bitcoin network has been under attack and the results has been very high transaction fees which has made many people who use it for transactions to use alternatives. This is challenging to the vision of Satoshi when he created Bitcoin for use also as currency as many people will criticize the network as unfit for transactions if accepted for use and everyone starts to use it. There is no way that Satoshi is not aware of the current situation if still alive, do you think what is happening right now is enough to draw Satoshi out to still make some changes or improvemens annonymously?

The name Satoshi Nakamoto is anonymous enough and we certainly don't need the creator to be bothered by this cute little problem, moreover, he have already enough in the past decade that no one could do in two decades and what he did helped us to make our lives more comfortable and most importantly, he opened up our eyes to see the things that we didn't cared before.

Bitcoin already have its developers to diffuse the difficulty that the system is facing right now and I think that these developers are more than enough to fix it. No need to disturb the creator.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: Mate2237 on May 19, 2023, 08:47:01 PM
Bitcoin network has been under attack and the results has been very high transaction fees which has made many people who use it for transactions to use alternatives. This is challenging to the vision of Satoshi when he created Bitcoin for use also as currency as many people will criticize the network as unfit for transactions if accepted for use and everyone starts to use it. There is no way that Satoshi is not aware of the current situation if still alive, do you think what is happening right now is enough to draw Satoshi out to still make some changes or improvemens annonymously?
i hope bitcointalk website was down for hours today and it was fixed without calling Satoshi Nakamoto. Satoshi has already placed engineers in all the corner of bitcoin to solve the issues. The network side, transaction fee side server fee side and attacks and hackers side. So he has nothing to be afraid of it again because he know that people are there to work for him. Even if he is alive, he would not come out but rather he would tell his workers to fix the issue. He has done the main work so all these little and technical works can be done by his boys.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: macson on May 19, 2023, 09:09:33 PM
Bitcoin network has been under attack and the results has been very high transaction fees which has made many people who use it for transactions to use alternatives. This is challenging to the vision of Satoshi when he created Bitcoin for use also as currency as many people will criticize the network as unfit for transactions if accepted for use and everyone starts to use it. There is no way that Satoshi is not aware of the current situation if still alive, do you think what is happening right now is enough to draw Satoshi out to still make some changes or improvemens annonymously?
why should satoshi appear to the public, when bitcoin is open-source?

the bitcoin transaction fee that suddenly went up a few days ago was the result of high transaction activity on the bitcoin network, the issue was that it happened because of the brc token hype and ordinal protocol but it only happened for a short time (just like other shit projects lol).  now bitcoin transactions have started to return to normal even though there is still a delay of several hours in each transaction that occurs when the sender uses the lowest sats/vb fee, the sender is required to use their most comfortable fee.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: Accardo on May 19, 2023, 09:42:56 PM
Satoshi is somewhere living his best life without any internet access, I don't think some of these little disputes can bring Satoshi out to say he's Satoshi and would want to make adjustments to the troubles on the Bitcoin network. This is not the first time the network had such issues, the fees rise sometimes and drops due to network congestion as explained above. And it's not bad to transact with alternate coins if the bitcoin network delays so much, most of them came through bitcoin too. Many people used altcoins until the fees dropped to some reasonable amounts, then they moved back to bitcoin. However, the fees of previous weeks was really terrifying on bitcoin users. 

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: famososMuertos on May 19, 2023, 09:44:39 PM

These ideas, thoughts are somewhat of the soup type, you have to understand that the fee situation is not really a crash, but these types of opinions they want to make it look that way.

Although it has undoubtedly been a nuisance, there is no better solution than to wait, it's happening, the sat/vB will enter the proper frequency.

Today, e.g. Still 100sat/vB results in a high priority, but look at the volume of transactions that are being handled right now.

 Trust is always the key in any situation that arises with Bitcoin.

 That is the real solution and do not start creating false opinion matrices or continue in the line of shouting "where are you Satoshi" when the solution is yourself, when using bitcoin despite the circumstances.

So, Trust and Patience.  :)

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: digaran on May 19, 2023, 11:35:24 PM
I believe if those young virgins allow him, he would come out of his palace to fix the fees!
It will go like this :
He gets off the limo, walks to the office building and starts firing secretaries above the age of 20 to bring younger ones for other purposes later, then he starts by ordering all the miners to stop processing scam/spam ordinals to lower the fees.

That's it I think, then he goes back to his mansion to deal with the new girls coming in. 😉🤣

Just imagine Satoshi coming here asking people to fix the problem, well there isn't any real problem, this is how the real world work, if you are trying to make a change and people are against it, do something to make them want the change, and then you could make that change as if there was no other choice!

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on May 20, 2023, 12:03:15 AM
Bitcoin network has been under attack and the results has been very high transaction fees which has made many people who use it for transactions to use alternatives. This is challenging to the vision of Satoshi when he created Bitcoin for use also as currency as many people will criticize the network as unfit for transactions if accepted for use and everyone starts to use it. There is no way that Satoshi is not aware of the current situation if still alive, do you think what is happening right now is enough to draw Satoshi out to still make some changes or improvemens annonymously?
Satoshi has no more role to play in the development of bitcoin and its network, he as done his bit and every other thing is now left to the developers who have been maintaining the network since inception, and also to each and every one of us as the community of bitcoin users..
Yes, several things have lead to bitcoin transactions now coming out with rather high transaction fees, this is not actually the first time a thing like this is happening, it has happened before, and later, it was solved, this too will be solved, Satoshi has nothing to do or any role to play here.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on May 20, 2023, 05:05:13 PM
That's it I think, then he goes back to his mansion to deal with the new girls coming in. 😉🤣

So imaginative, haha, but the OP did not really think of what would happen to Satoshi if he appeared now just for some little issues that did not even last any longer than two weeks. If the US government sees Satoshi today, only heaven knows what they will do to him and Bitcoin. That's really going to be a big mess for Bitcoin because the US government is even looking for every possible means to centralize and regulate Bitcoin, but it wouldn't be really easy to do so without the real Satoshi. But upon that, I still wonder why people keep wanting to see Satoshi, or are they not aware of what will happen if Satoshi shows up today?

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: Wakate on May 20, 2023, 07:19:08 PM
Bitcoin network has been under attack and the results has been very high transaction fees which has made many people who use it for transactions to use alternatives. This is challenging to the vision of Satoshi when he created Bitcoin for use also as currency as many people will criticize the network as unfit for transactions if accepted for use and everyone starts to use it. There is no way that Satoshi is not aware of the current situation if still alive, do you think what is happening right now is enough to draw Satoshi out to still make some changes or improvemens annonymously?
The problem is that we don't even know whether the name Satoshi Nakamoto really existed. This might be an abbreviation of the names of people or companies that came together to create the digital currency called Bitcoin.

The creator of Bitcoin is never known and would not be known to the public because I think he had done his own path and leaving us to make proper decision to what favours us. No way will Satoshi ever comes out to show the world that he is the real creator of Bitcoin. This only can affect the general cryptocurrency market and bring it to an halt if the founder and creator of Bitcoin is ever known.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: Franctoshi on May 20, 2023, 07:38:22 PM
Satoshi's Job has been done, and has played his own part by creating Bitcoin, made everything transparent in such a way that if he's dead Bitcoin will still function without him, so I do think that Satoshi saw all this possible problem that may arise in the future and made Bitcoin to be run on an open source network so that other devs can have a contribution and run Bitcoin without him. so if we need Satoshi to come out now because of the high cost in transaction, it means we will forever go need him to come solve issues that may arise with BTC in the future just because he's the creator, makes no sense because no one is gonna live forever.

Title: Re: Where is Satoshi?
Post by: JayTrain on May 20, 2023, 08:32:34 PM
The high transaction fees on the Bitcoin network have raised concerns about its suitability for everyday transactions. Satoshi Nakamoto's vision for Bitcoin was to create a peer-to-peer electronic cash system, but the current limitations have led to criticisms. It is uncertain if Satoshi is still involved or if changes will be made anonymously. Ongoing development and innovation within the Bitcoin community may address these challenges in the future.