Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Promocodeudo on May 17, 2023, 03:26:07 PM

Title: Will things ever change in the polity?
Post by: Promocodeudo on May 17, 2023, 03:26:07 PM
Across the globe politicians is seen to be the most corrupt persons, this why when they rig themselves into power with the help of their their cohorts in the act, they will start giving appointment to whoever favoured them in the process of rigging not technocrats. Politicians has shown double standard in several events for instance that of Cryptocurrency in general, the government of many nations are against the adoption of Bitcoin but most of this politician has personally invested heavily in it since the identity of the owner can not really be traced or ascertained. I see this as trickishly depriving the citizen this great knowledge of the digital currency that is to an extent regulation free, tax free that has come to stay irrespective of the fight against it, always gathering momentum daily to withstand whatever force that comes it way.

This persons also have investments in gambling which is also part in crypto but abandoning their citizenry uneducated about it by making policy that will limit their interest in other not to take the bold step of atleast getting the knowledge of this great digital currency and investing little for a trial.

One out of many problems in the polity today is god fatherism.
This is one of the major problem in African politics, this so called godfather's donate heavy funds for campaigns of an election in other to enthrone their preferred candidates to power so that in turn their preferred candidates elect will reciprocate the gesture by giving them somany slots for appointment, this is where the non - sound minds and non - technocrats comes in because this appointment will be given to the loyalist of this corrupt godfather's directly by him with a particular percentage to be given to him at the end of every month depending on the mood of payment of that country, this menace has to be checked by the authority assigned for such because the more this keep lingering the more reoccurrence of this barbaric situation, but it is quite unfortunate that almost all the arms of government are influence by the executive.

So what could be the immediate remedy to salvage this unconstitutional political Business that is accompanied with anti people policy?

Title: Re: Will things ever change in the polity?
Post by: Hispo on May 19, 2023, 04:44:42 PM
Politics in any part of the world and in any society can change, it has happened before in most countries. Nonetheless, those changes usually take very drastic change in the way of thinking of the population, for any reason: the lost of a war usually affects the politics of countries in long term.

See for example the case of Japan and Germany post world war II. Japan was a militarist regime based on honor and the will of the emperator, after the war the politics changed and they moved onto a more pacifist and democratic model.

The same can happen in African countries, and fortunately a war does not need to happen to improve the politics of a country.

Title: Re: Will things ever change in the polity?
Post by: Doan9269 on May 19, 2023, 06:21:15 PM
There's no way to change the entire political system of the world such away that everyone of them involved in politics come in consession to doing the right things as expected of them, we cannot be so fully dependant of them because they can't achieve everything not to talk meeting up with our own personal interest in their government, the concentration has to be on the young leaders of tomorrow for them not to fall the same way their leaders had gone, there needs to be a total reorientation from all categories of government and individuals involvedin political career.

Title: Re: Will things ever change in the polity?
Post by: Merit.s on May 19, 2023, 06:45:51 PM
The whole political system of the country should be change,this change can only be done by citizens for them to fight for their right. For example, if a president was put in power by the electorate body,as long as majority of the citizens didn't vote for him,they should stand up like a man with one voice and say we don't want this person because we didn't vote for him. In Africa case,there most be violence from the people or else their government wouldn't give the citizens their fundamental rights. Africa is a country that has allowed fear to eat up their priority, instead of overcoming fear and make things right for once. The citizens are suffering and smiling without thinking of a solution to solve the rig of election in their country. If Africans are waiting for the leaders to change someday then they have gotten all wrong because the bad leaders will keep on rotating the power within themselves, from generation to generation and if nothing is done,it will continue.