Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: bbc.reporter on May 25, 2023, 04:44:02 AM

Title: DeSantis promises to protect bitcoin in presidential campaign launch event
Post by: bbc.reporter on May 25, 2023, 04:44:02 AM
After the launch of Elizabeth Warren's anticrypto army campaign, I am quite certain bitcoiners and everyone else who are supporters of the cryptospace will certainly like to witness Ron Desantis become the next president of the United States. If you are an eligible voter in America, you know the candidate to vote for hehehehe.

Robert Kennedy Jr. is also another presidential candidate who expressed his support for bitcoin. It appears that there is a good chance for America to have a probitcoiner president!

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who launched his presidential campaign in a Twitter Spaces event with Elon Musk on Wednesday evening, said he'd protect bitcoin if he's elected next year.

"I think people should be able to do bitcoin," DeSantis said as 300,000 listeners tuned in. "As president, we'll protect the ability to do things like bitcoin."

DeSantis, who earlier this month moved to prohibit any kind of a central bank digital currency in the state, said that bitcoin represented a threat to "central planners" that want "control over society." He said any kind of regulation over cryptocurrencies should ultimately be up to Congress, and that he'd oppose any kind of a ban should one ever emerge.

Read in full

Title: Re: DeSantis promises to protect bitcoin in presidential campaign launch event
Post by: hatshepsut93 on May 25, 2023, 05:44:57 AM
It appears that there is a good chance for America to have a probitcoiner president!

If by "good" you mean "zero". Because DeSantis has no chance of beating Trump, and Kennedy has no chances against Biden.

If I were a l33t cypherpunk bitcoin maximalist ninja, I would have wanted Bitcoin to get banned or at least heavily regulated. Because it would have driven all the "get rich quick" investors out of Bitcoin and only people who use it as a currency would remain.

People like to talk how government is a big threat to Bitcoin, but Bitcoin was created to be resilient to exactly that kind of threat. The actual threat to Bitcoin is coming from within, if the exchanges and miners can form a cartel and get hodlers onboard (who increasingly only care for profits), then they can get control over the protocol by releasing new Bitcoin software and getting it adopted. They already tried this scenario with SegWit2x and failed, but what if the next attempt will be a success?

Title: Re: DeSantis promises to protect bitcoin in presidential campaign launch event
Post by: Poker Player on May 25, 2023, 05:50:07 AM
If I were a l33t cypherpunk bitcoin maximalist ninja, I would have wanted Bitcoin to get banned or at least heavily regulated. Because it would have driven all the "get rich quick" investors out of Bitcoin and only people who use it as a currency would remain.

But don't just paint the pretty part of the story. In that idyllic scenario you paint, the price would easily be in 3 figures and the use as a currency would be relegated to the deep web, casinos and a few P2P-trades.

Title: Re: DeSantis promises to protect bitcoin in presidential campaign launch event
Post by: dzungmobile on May 25, 2023, 05:50:20 AM
Bitcoin and cryptocurrency become parts of political propaganda. De Santis is from the Republic party and he knows that he must add something into his campaign in order to attract US citizens for the 2024 President election. He knows he must promise something oppositely with what the President Biden and the Democrat party want to do.

With recent hearings, testimonies around FTX, SEC, I believe that the core approach of The Republic party is opposite than from the Democrat Party. They want to make big changes that bring more friendly environment for that industry. They seriously want to stop SEC. and its Chair Gensler to do more arbitrary and stupid regulations against exchanges and projects which don't base on existing laws and regulatory guides.

Title: Re: DeSantis promises to protect bitcoin in presidential campaign launch event
Post by: Poker Player on May 25, 2023, 06:04:32 AM
With recent hearings, testimonies around FTX, SEC, I believe that the core approach of The Republic party is opposite than from the Democrat Party. They want to make big changes that bring more friendly environment for that industry....

In general, it is more in line with their ideology. That of the Democrats is based on the state as the best guarantor of rights and freedoms, while that of the Republicans is based on the individual. Although individual politicians may differ from this line or even be hypocritical, as when right-wing politicians devote themselves to increasing taxes and public spending.

Title: Re: DeSantis promises to protect bitcoin in presidential campaign launch event
Post by: adaseb on May 25, 2023, 06:12:34 AM
I agree with the above poster, he just doesn’t have a chance again Trump. Trump has a crazy amount of supporters, it just won’t happen.

What has a higher chance of happening is Kennedy might actually win. However keep in mind. Will they actually keep their promises regarding crypto? They might only be saying this to buy votes because they know millions of crypto holders would vote for them since Trump and Biden is anti crypto.

Title: Re: DeSantis promises to protect bitcoin in presidential campaign launch event
Post by: SamReomo on May 25, 2023, 06:16:38 AM
The guy is doing a great job to add that phrase in his talks because his main intention is to gain support from the crypto-community and fortunately he's almost close to getting that support. If we consider his proposal for Bitcoin then it makes sense that the ones who are into crypto-world and into Bitcoin will high likely take him as their savior in such hard times. His chances of getting votes from Bitcoin users is a confirm thing.

But still the question arises that how would someone like Ron DeSantis compete against someone like Donald Trump the former president of United States, or Biden the current president of United States? The simple and highly knowledgeable answer should be "Not even a single chance," because the former ones have far more superiority in getting votes from public than DeSantis.

However, if we consider the point of view of the Bitcoin investors and its users then the they are mainly in favor of Ron DeSantis because the guy is like a light in darkness, and can be a savior for Bitcoin and crypto-currencies in the New world. His love for Bitcoin and crypto-currencies is so intense that any true crypto-enthusiast would take his side in such situation. Other than this guy almost everyone is somehow trying to oppress or regulate Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies in the United States.

Title: Re: DeSantis promises to protect bitcoin in presidential campaign launch event
Post by: hatshepsut93 on May 25, 2023, 06:26:23 AM
But don't just paint the pretty part of the story. In that idyllic scenario you paint, the price would easily be in 3 figures and the use as a currency would be relegated to the deep web, casinos and a few P2P-trades.

Satoshi never wrote in their whitepaper that they want Bitcoin to be a store of value that always goes up and at exponential rate. The stated purpose of Bitcoin was made clear - a payment system that doesn't discriminate and can't be shutdown, and that's what we have right now. But this can change in the future if the users will stop upholding these values.

Title: Re: DeSantis promises to protect bitcoin in presidential campaign launch event
Post by: CODE200 on May 25, 2023, 06:43:13 AM
With the current knowledge that I have with the current presidential candidates, the race would probably be between the two reelectionist: Donald Trump and Joe Biden, don't see much online presence on other candidates so I assume that they're not a popular pick or I might be wrong. Between these two, I don't see any improvement in bitcoin especially if they were to continue the policy that they've had in their re-election.

Title: Re: DeSantis promises to protect bitcoin in presidential campaign launch event
Post by: dzungmobile on May 25, 2023, 07:53:17 AM
In general, it is more in line with their ideology. That of the Democrats is based on the state as the best guarantor of rights and freedoms, while that of the Republicans is based on the individual. Although individual politicians may differ from this line or even be hypocritical, as when right-wing politicians devote themselves to increasing taxes and public spending.
It is based from their ideology but can be changed with each President Election. Politicians see no harm if they can do things to attract citizens, supporters and voters from the opposite party. They usually follow their party ideology but if it is for their own ability to attract supporters, they can say something different in their campaign.

At the end they only care that they can be winner or not and we know politicians always give us promises which they never fulfill in their terms.

Title: Re: DeSantis promises to protect bitcoin in presidential campaign launch event
Post by: Poker Player on May 25, 2023, 07:55:48 AM
Satoshi never wrote in their whitepaper that they want Bitcoin to be a store of value that always goes up and at exponential rate. The stated purpose of Bitcoin was made clear - a payment system that doesn't discriminate and can't be shutdown, and that's what we have right now. But this can change in the future if the users will stop upholding these values.

An invention, especially with time, ends up differing from the initial idea of its inventor. When the cell phone was invented in 1973, the purpose was to be able to talk on the phone without a cable, moving around. It did not occur to anyone at the time that it could serve as a flashlight, for example.

Title: Re: DeSantis promises to protect bitcoin in presidential campaign launch event
Post by: ethereumhunter on May 25, 2023, 08:04:45 AM
I just hope he really keeps his promise to protect Bitcoin because usually, after he is elected, he will forget about his promise because he is very busy with various matters. And I also don't really have high hopes for the candidates' promises because I'm tired of promises that haven't been kept. It is better to choose a presidential candidate based on what they have done than just listen to their promises because they can forget them easily.

Title: Re: DeSantis promises to protect bitcoin in presidential campaign launch event
Post by: Zaguru12 on May 25, 2023, 09:46:29 AM
I just hope he really keeps his promise to protect Bitcoin because usually, after he is elected, he will forget about his promise because he is very busy with various matters. And I also don't really have high hopes for the candidates' promises because I'm tired of promises that haven't been kept. It is better to choose a presidential candidate based on what they have done than just listen to their promises because they can forget them easily.

This kind of decision will certainly be hard to take even if he becomes the president, his stands towards crypto although will help but decision like this passes through stages that even him can’t just pass a bill over. They’re far too many anti bitcoiners for a new president to just tackle. Any decision made by the state will certainly affect the global adoption of it, so it won’t just be an easy task even if he is honest about what he saying now. I just feel it is a political propaganda for his campaign to get rallied behind by bitcoiners just like we are doing.

An invention, especially with time, ends up differing from the initial idea of its inventor. When the cell phone was invented in 1973, the purpose was to be able to talk on the phone without a cable, moving around. It did not occur to anyone at the time that it could serve as a flashlight, for example.

And that is why the door for improvement proposal aren’t closed. It’s primarily role is an alternative payment method but people have seeing other ways to earn from it and I don’t see anything bad but it shouldn’t be tempered with in such a way that it defeats it main purpose.

Title: Re: DeSantis promises to protect bitcoin in presidential campaign launch event
Post by: Lucius on May 25, 2023, 12:53:57 PM
@ETFbitcoin, I think that the words of most politicians are just plain populism, especially when they need every possible vote, and his advisors obviously advised him that it would be wise to mention Bitcoin, because the other two candidates who have the most chances do not mention it. It's not only possible votes, but also donations that will be received in BTC, so it actually kills two birds with one stone.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who launched his presidential campaign in a Twitter Spaces event with Elon Musk on Wednesday evening, said he'd protect bitcoin if he's elected next year.

As far as can be read online, the presentation was a real fiasco with countless technical problems, which are nothing strange considering that Mr. Mars fired more than 75% of Twitter employees, especially those who knew what they were doing. Instead of a pleasant start, DeSantis suffered the same fate as that rocket that blew up before it could reach space.

Title: Re: DeSantis promises to protect bitcoin in presidential campaign launch event
Post by: kryptqnick on May 25, 2023, 01:52:17 PM
I don't live in the US, but I think that choosing the head of the state is an important process, and the choice shouldn't be merely based on one policy issue.
We all have different values, and there are no perfect candidates or perfect parties, even, but Ron DeSantis is not a casual guy at all. It's like a more radical version of Trump. Yeah, he's supportive of Bitcoin, and that's a plus. But he's also a strong opponent of contemporary democratic values, he's a very conservative person. He is against gun control, anti-immigration, against acknowledgement of racial tensions (and everything else he calls 'woke'), a proponent of lowering corporate taxes, and pro-life. When choosing him as president, one should look at all of that.
But I really hope that since he's playing the Bitcoin part, his main contestants will be pro-Bitcoin as well, even if just to ensure that he doesn't win.

Title: Re: DeSantis promises to protect bitcoin in presidential campaign launch event
Post by: thecodebear on May 25, 2023, 02:29:30 PM
After the launch of Elizabeth Warren's anticrypto army campaign, I am quite certain bitcoiners and everyone else who are supporters of the cryptospace will certainly like to witness Ron Desantis become the next president of the United States. If you are an eligible voter in America, you know the candidate to vote for hehehehe.

Robert Kennedy Jr. is also another presidential candidate who expressed his support for bitcoin. It appears that there is a good chance for America to have a probitcoiner president!

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who launched his presidential campaign in a Twitter Spaces event with Elon Musk on Wednesday evening, said he'd protect bitcoin if he's elected next year.

"I think people should be able to do bitcoin," DeSantis said as 300,000 listeners tuned in. "As president, we'll protect the ability to do things like bitcoin."

DeSantis, who earlier this month moved to prohibit any kind of a central bank digital currency in the state, said that bitcoin represented a threat to "central planners" that want "control over society." He said any kind of regulation over cryptocurrencies should ultimately be up to Congress, and that he'd oppose any kind of a ban should one ever emerge.

Read in full

God no. Supporting Bitcoin while being horrible in every other way does not make someone good. Don't just assume bitcoiners will blindly vote for corrupt horrid republicans just because they are starting to support bitcoin a bit. While I certainly want the president to support Bitcoin, I would never vote for a republican and will certainly not throw this country in the dumpster just on the hopes of getting a pro-bitcoin president. Bitcoin will survive anything, America can't. We need actual sane competent politicians supporting Bitcoin. When Desantis and Robert Kennedy Jr are what we hold up as the politicians to support Bitcoin, it makes all bitcoiners look bad and just plays into the negative message that bitcoin is scammy.

Title: Re: DeSantis promises to protect bitcoin in presidential campaign launch event
Post by: thecodebear on May 25, 2023, 02:32:40 PM
I don't live in the US, but I think that choosing the head of the state is an important process, and the choice shouldn't be merely based on one policy issue.
We all have different values, and there are no perfect candidates or perfect parties, even, but Ron DeSantis is not a casual guy at all. It's like a more radical version of Trump. Yeah, he's supportive of Bitcoin, and that's a plus. But he's also a strong opponent of contemporary democratic values, he's a very conservative person. He is against gun control, anti-immigration, against acknowledgement of racial tensions (and everything else he calls 'woke'), a proponent of lowering corporate taxes, and pro-life. When choosing him as president, one should look at all of that.
But I really hope that since he's playing the Bitcoin part, his main contestants will be pro-Bitcoin as well, even if just to ensure that he doesn't win.

Yes exactly. A lot of the republicans support in this country is made of of single issue voters. Meaning they don't care how horrible a politicians is, or how bad things get in the country, as long as the politicians supports the one issue. I really hope bitcoiners won't be so blind as to fall into that black hole. Bitcoin growth and support in America is of course important, but it should never be the single issue people vote based on, and nobody should ever be voting republican (I mean, period, but also nobody should be voting for corrupt extremist republicans, aka all of them, just to try to help Bitcoin a little bit.

Title: Re: DeSantis promises to protect bitcoin in presidential campaign launch event
Post by: ethereumhunter on May 26, 2023, 04:13:40 AM
I just hope he really keeps his promise to protect Bitcoin because usually, after he is elected, he will forget about his promise because he is very busy with various matters. And I also don't really have high hopes for the candidates' promises because I'm tired of promises that haven't been kept. It is better to choose a presidential candidate based on what they have done than just listen to their promises because they can forget them easily.

This kind of decision will certainly be hard to take even if he becomes the president, his stands towards crypto although will help but decision like this passes through stages that even him can’t just pass a bill over. They’re far too many anti bitcoiners for a new president to just tackle. Any decision made by the state will certainly affect the global adoption of it, so it won’t just be an easy task even if he is honest about what he saying now. I just feel it is a political propaganda for his campaign to get rallied behind by bitcoiners just like we are doing.
Therefore, I am not very interested in listening to the promises made by candidates from any party because a lot has happened, and they have forgotten what they said. Even though they have become a leader, they cannot go against the majority of people who are not in line with them and are forced to obey them even though some policies seem to support the people. Even though it only supports policymakers because they have an interest in the policies they make. Maybe after they can become leaders, they need to replace people who don't agree with them so that they, as a leader, can start carrying out their plans for the sake of the people.

Title: Re: DeSantis promises to protect bitcoin in presidential campaign launch event
Post by: hugeblack on May 26, 2023, 10:01:26 AM
Bitcoin in its current form and the small size of the market will not have an effect that makes it at the forefront of the political plans of any American politician, from a seat in Congress to the highest position, which is the President of the United must be that trading is not limited to the central platforms or be rich model, but rather using it as a currency alongside the US dollar.
This thing will not happen in two years, and perhaps more than 10 years, so it is early for Bitcoin to have a role in politics and political tensions.

Therefore, I do not think that such news will bring about real change or contribute to that.

Title: Re: DeSantis promises to protect bitcoin in presidential campaign launch event
Post by: bbc.reporter on May 27, 2023, 03:46:39 AM
I admire everyone's skepticism in your replies. They remind me much of my own skepticism hehehe. However, you all are right to always be careful to avoid being tricked by a different type of criminal hehehehe. The tricks they do, you always speculate what their real agenda is. I reckon it always has a connection with business and profit. Did Desantis invest in bitcoin, is his largest donors a crypto founder similar to Sam Bankrupt Fried, does he have a roadmap on how to control and strictly regulate the cryptospace? We can only speculate hehe.

@everyone. Probitcoin or antibitcoin president, the skeptical you thinks it will not be good for bitcoin?

Title: Re: DeSantis promises to protect bitcoin in presidential campaign launch event
Post by: Poker Player on May 27, 2023, 04:00:35 AM
Did Desantis invest in bitcoin...

Yes he did.

8 Facts About Ron DeSantis Including Investments In Bitcoin, Ethereum (

Another who also invests in Bitcoin is Ted Cruz who I recently heard explaining that every Monday he buys Bitcoin, the same amount, which for those who don't know is following the strategy known as dollar cost averaging.

In any case, going back to DeSantis, it is clear that he knows what he is talking about and that is why he has Bitcoin. What I fear is that between his stance on this, and his stance vs the Fed, if he were to get to the white house I think he would be in danger of a JFK-like event.

Title: Re: DeSantis promises to protect bitcoin in presidential campaign launch event
Post by: Crypt0Gore on May 27, 2023, 06:50:58 AM
It's a political game, I would say you should not trust these players that much, because they can get elected and go back on their words, in this world trust nobody, supporting Bitcoin right now is a good plus for those politicians because it will add more to their chances of getting elected, anything can happen if they become the next president, at that time, no one will be able to stop them.

I won't support any politicians because they are the real example of a chameleon, they pretend to want to support but they change immediately after they get elected.

Title: Re: DeSantis promises to protect bitcoin in presidential campaign launch event
Post by: bbc.reporter on May 29, 2023, 02:10:57 AM
Did Desantis invest in bitcoin...

Yes he did.

8 Facts About Ron DeSantis Including Investments In Bitcoin, Ethereum (

Another who also invests in Bitcoin is Ted Cruz who I recently heard explaining that every Monday he buys Bitcoin, the same amount, which for those who don't know is following the strategy known as dollar cost averaging.

In any case, going back to DeSantis, it is clear that he knows what he is talking about and that is why he has Bitcoin. What I fear is that between his stance on this, and his stance vs the Fed, if he were to get to the white house I think he would be in danger of a JFK-like event.

This implies that a bitcoiner president in America or in other countries besides El Salvador will be inevitable. Also, what is their motivation for this? I reckon it is very much similar to our own interests on bitcoin. Pump to make our investment higher and to witness bitcoin adoption to grow more because both of these go very much closely together.

We might have only seen the beginning of extraordinarily crazy in the cryptospace hehehe.

Title: Re: DeSantis promises to protect bitcoin in presidential campaign launch event
Post by: Poker Player on May 29, 2023, 03:57:13 AM
Also, what is their motivation for this? I reckon it is very much similar to our own interests on bitcoin.

Well, ideologically he believes that the best guarantor of rights and freedoms is the individual. So, bitcoin is a currency or asset that does not depend on a centralized entity but on an aggregate of individuals who self-organize in a decentralized way, contrary to what happens with CBDCs that depend on a centralized entity. It simply matches his political ideology. In the origins of Bitcoin the ideology was predominantly libertarian, only with time did things change, which you can see in this forum.

Title: Re: DeSantis promises to protect bitcoin in presidential campaign launch event
Post by: bbc.reporter on May 30, 2023, 02:29:30 AM
@Poker Player. Similar to the skepticism of the people who replied in the thread, I reckon that they are also correct in thinking that his motivation might be more about what he can get instead of what he can give. This characteristic is very common among politicians because they play a game of survivability. This is also why there is no such thing as a honest, idealistic politician because they will be defeated by the crafty, practical politicians.

However, I might be wrong. Let us wish that he is honest in his support for individual freedom, rights and also support bitcoin to be one of the instruments for this, very much similar to Nayib Bukele's support.

Title: Re: DeSantis promises to protect bitcoin in presidential campaign launch event
Post by: Latviand on May 30, 2023, 03:24:09 AM
@Poker Player. Similar to the skepticism of the people who replied in the thread, I reckon that they are also correct in thinking that his motivation might be more about what he can get instead of what he can give. This characteristic is very common among politicians because they play a game of survivability. This is also why there is no such thing as a honest, idealistic politician because they will be defeated by the crafty, practical politicians.

However, I might be wrong. Let us wish that he is honest in his support for individual freedom, rights and also support bitcoin to be one of the instruments for this, very much similar to Nayib Bukele's support.
No way a politician has ever thought of what they can give back to the people, if it was the case, there's no homelessness out there or the poverty has been sold a long time ago. Even if DeSantis does support sincerely, I don't think that there's enough crypto people out there to support him against Biden and Trump who have a far more established platform and supporters.

Title: Re: DeSantis promises to protect bitcoin in presidential campaign launch event
Post by: Popkon6 on May 30, 2023, 03:27:27 PM
It would be best if the person who decided to protect Bitcoin took it. In this case another strategy can be used by the people through which all decisions should be taken. I think it would be best if the people with the most support can take on the responsibility of protecting Bitcoin.
All kinds of people live here because defending Bitcoin means there are rightists and leftists. They should be targeted and allowed to sit in the seat of power because all politicians must be careful not to swallow Bitcoin. In this case, many people can use different methods to protect their own interests?