Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: FirmWars on May 25, 2023, 08:38:14 AM

Title: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: FirmWars on May 25, 2023, 08:38:14 AM
There is always a man in the family who believe they are the smartest, I have an uncle who is currently the most successful one in the family, maybe that's why he is behaving this way, he knew my involvement with crypto and Bitcoin, and after the crash into bear market he called me and said ..

Are you still into Bitcoin? You need to find something else to do, Bitcoin will fail soon because there is nothing that can take away the money printing machines, the government will keep printing money because they like been the printer, they can't print Bitcoin that's why it will fail, stop living a dream and do something good with your life before it's too late.

At first I got angry, because he always believe he knows the best for everyone, and I am different, I am not like my brothers that fall before his kneels every time. I replied him with this.

Why are you so into what I am doing? Why did you take this so serious than anything else? You have never showed concern about me, I have never asked you for help and you fulfill it, if Bitcoin fails it's fine for me, and Bitcoin was never created to kill Fiat in the first place, it was created to support people like me, because no one wants to support people like us but they want to pretend they do.. Fiat is Centralized and Bitcoin is Decentralized, it's for the people and the community, it's freedom and a perfect home 🏠. I can't hate something that have helps me so many times uncle.

Have I said something too harsh? He took this personal and report me to my eldest brother, my brother said I shouldn't mind, he doesn't know that my brother is now also a Bitcoin investor, my mistake was making it public, which my brother never did.

If you are still planning to get into Bitcoin, don't post anything about it in family group chat or on your WhatsApp status, this was my biggest mistake.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: EarnOnVictor on May 25, 2023, 08:54:42 AM
If you are still planning to get into Bitcoin, don't post anything about it in family group chat or on your WhatsApp status, this was my biggest mistake.
First, this is not good advice, what transpires in your family might not be what would transpire in another person's family. And as we all want more Bitcoin adoption, we should continue to propagate the information about it without minding opposition. The case of my family is opposite to yours and everyone is now adopting Bitcoin just because I let them know about it and how I manoeuvre with it in payment and investment. This is a good way to convince anyone as my own case is positive which I could show anyone at any time.

So anyone down-talking Bitcoin or what I do could immediately be shut up with my achievement on Bitcoin in just a short space of time. Also, it's not about centralization or decentralization as this only relates to privacy, not adding benefits to you per se. Anything centralized or decentralized could work or fail, just let them know you are benefiting and also disclose more that you would still benefit from it.

If after this they do not yield, then leave them, your riches over time will shame them, period!

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: livingfree on May 25, 2023, 09:21:28 AM
You're not harsh, you just told him the reality. Why would he care about you? I guess that he's got no other things to do but to think on how you and Bitcoin is doing.

Can't help but there are these people that don't want to mind their own business and if they're successful enough with their lives, businesses and assets. He should give a friendly advice in a calming manner. How he knows that it's going to fail soon? He even said something that's advantage to the most of us.

Anyway, that's okay and at least that uncle of yours will stop already to minding you and how Bitcoin is going. And soon, he'll see and will contact you again when the price is better.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: 5W-KILO on May 25, 2023, 09:24:29 AM
I think the news about your achievement with Bitcoin is getting to them haters that's why he is trying to talk you out of it, you said he is the most success in the family? People like that won't want anyone else to take their place as the bread winner of the family, I will be careful with such soul.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: Zaguru12 on May 25, 2023, 09:27:30 AM

Are you still into Bitcoin? You need to find something else to do, Bitcoin will fail soon because there is nothing that can take away the money printing machines, the government will keep printing money because they like been the printer, they can't print Bitcoin that's why it will fail, stop living a dream and do something good with your life before it's too late.

This isn’t about your uncle only but this is the position every anti-bitcoin person takes. Once theirs is a dump or a period of bear they come out to tell you of how bitcoin was set up to crumple. Even on social media we see those anti crypto activists publish articles about it failing and they end up getting into once their ignorance/doubt is cleared (Micheal Saylor is clear example).

I don’t blame you trying to spread the bitcoin adoption but sometimes you have look at the person you are having this kind of discussion with, people like your uncle aren’t easily talked into new innovations or technologies because they have this ego that every new idea has to through them first.

just let them know you are benefiting and also disclose more that you would still benefit from it.

If after this they do not yield, then leave them, your riches over time will shame them, period!

Public announcing your bitcoin earnings sometimes doesn’t sit with me, first people could be lured to it because of the benefits and therefore overlooking the risks that it contains, and this is certainly a wrong way to get into bitcoin. Secondly it could only expose you to danger especially in an environment in which it is frowned upon.

Speak about bitcoin to someone that shows interest

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: hopenotlate on May 25, 2023, 09:27:58 AM
Haterz gonna hate.

Call him in a year or two when the price, imo, will be like 10x .

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: Dunamisx on May 25, 2023, 09:33:49 AM
Are you still into Bitcoin? You need to find something else to do, Bitcoin will fail soon because there is nothing that can take away the money printing machines

People like this don't needs much argument because they can't be convinced by mere words of mouth but with time, they may developed interest in learning about bitcoin when they see the results being evident in your life, they are people that don't know and not interested in knowing about bitcoin.

the government will keep printing money because they like been the printer, they can't print Bitcoin that's why it will fail, stop living a dream and do something good with your life before it's too late.

The government will always have more reasons to continue with printing fiat currency because it's one of the ways the economy can never be controlled from the effect of inflation, theft, and all manners of centralized institutionizations that gives them higher priority over government and individuals finances.

If you are still planning to get into Bitcoin, don't post anything about it in family group chat or on your WhatsApp status, this was my biggest mistake.

Someone should learn this that if Satoshi Nakamoto intention for creating bitcoin was to grant us financial freedom, privacy and trust we had ever wanted, why should it then be that the leak is coming from our end, what do we gain announcing ourselves to the world in every we do.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: Vickysagar on May 25, 2023, 09:36:00 AM
I feel sorry for you, but the advice can't be applied to anyone. My family knows I'm in Bitcoin and was never insulting or mocking me about it, it's al really individual. You just should know what reaction you might get and make your decision after thinking about it.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: demonica on May 25, 2023, 10:11:53 AM
Are you still into Bitcoin? You need to find something else to do, Bitcoin will fail soon because there is nothing that can take away the money printing machines, the government will keep printing money because they like been the printer, they can't print Bitcoin that's why it will fail, stop living a dream and do something good with your life before it's too late.

Does your uncle mean that fiat won't fail because the government keeps printing money? And Bitcoin would fail because it can't be printed? If the government keeps on printing money, that can cause their currency and their economy to fall. Does your uncle doesn't know about how printing money works?

Also just an advice, don't mind your uncle. There will always be that one toxic family member who thinks he knows everything. You, yourself know about what Bitcoin is capable of. And you've experienced achieving things because of Bitcoin so just continue what you've been doing... Another thing is, there's really nothing wrong telling others about your engagement in Bitcoin. It depends on who are you going to tell it.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: posi on May 25, 2023, 10:19:28 AM
That is the attitude of rich people, successful people, who always think they are smarter and better than others. There is nothing wrong with making your bitcoin investment public for your family, as we are a family and must take care of each other. But it's unfortunate for you to have such a patriarchal uncle. Either way, they already know you're investing in bitcoin, and it's best to ignore what they say. There is nothing else you can do at this point, what you should focus on is your investment, as there will be no better explanation than the results. As long as you produce results, those talking bad about you will shut up. That's what I did to people who used to scoff when they found out I invested in bitcoin.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: KiaKia on May 25, 2023, 10:24:56 AM
If you are not a strong person or your mind easily get troubled when people shun your ideas down, do not tell people about your investment plan, even if it's not Bitcoin, they will still try to stop you from taking that path, it's fear and jealousy, they fear you might make a life changing difference, better than their.

I've learnt this lesson a very long time ago, only very few people wants the best for you, if you can come up with a better solution many people including families will try to stop you, so to avoid unnecessary hate it's better not to tell anyone.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: dzungmobile on May 25, 2023, 10:25:30 AM
Are you still into Bitcoin? You need to find something else to do, Bitcoin will fail soon
It is normal for people who don't invest in Bitcoin, don't have time in this market to feel panic and fearful with Bitcoin crash.

because there is nothing that can take away the money printing machines, the government will keep printing money because they like been the printer, they can't print Bitcoin that's why it will fail
This is bad inaccuracy because Bitcoin total supply is not more than 21 million, it is capped at 21M. Fiat currencies have no caps for their total supplies and their supply schemes are different with Bitcoin.

Supply and demand will cause purchasing power of fiat currency falls and falls while purchasing power of Bitcoin will increase.

How is the 21 Million Bitcoin Cap Defined and Enforced? (
Controlled supply (

Bitcoin is not here to stop fiat currency printing aka money printing. It is here to help us having another chance which is better than fiat currencies.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: Lorence.xD on May 25, 2023, 10:28:39 AM
Elder people really doesn't want young kids to be better than them, for sure he would say something that might cause you to not continue investing at Bitcoin. It's either he knows the potential of the Bitcoin or not because a bear market doesn't mean the end of Bitcoin, it's the good time for people to enter the market where you could buy at cheap prices. You are not harsh, you just answered him the truth that he doesn't even take it personally cuz maybe he really thinks his better thank you as an "older" which is more experienced. Learning Bitcoin is open to anyone even kids could learn this so people should mind their business if people are exploring things out like Bitcoin. Trust the process and good luck to you and your brother.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: yudi09 on May 25, 2023, 10:30:44 AM
Have I said something too harsh? He took this personal and report me to my eldest brother, my brother said I shouldn't mind, he doesn't know that my brother is now also a Bitcoin investor, my mistake was making it public, which my brother never did.
The way the closest people take care of us is different and from your story, your uncle cares about you in a positive aspect.
But you also need to realize that all forms related to investment, especially Bitcoin, must be kept from being known by anyone other than people you trust.

Your answer is not harsh in explaining. Your uncle may not know and don't want to find out about Bitcoin so he only focuses on fiat which he thinks can save you whereas when your uncle finds out more about the benefits of Bitcoin as he knows about fiat then he will try to convince other families to get involved yourself with Bitcoin.

If you are still planning to get into Bitcoin, don't post anything about it in family group chat or on your WhatsApp status, this was my biggest mistake.
We are not encouraged to convey to other people the activities we do because this is privacy because when people know about our activities such as being involved in Bitcoin investments, it is very likely that things we don't want can happen beyond our reach.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: Rigon on May 25, 2023, 10:35:52 AM
Problems in your family may not exist in other families. I work here in bitcoin my family members know everything about my work and investment. They did not oppose me to invest and work here, but encouraged me more. But your uncle might contradict you about Bitcoin investment so you should keep quiet here. When your investment is very successful, show your uncle and your family the success of the investment. I can assure you that the mistakes of your uncle and your family members will be broken after seeing investment success. But you continue to invest as you hope to be successful.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: kryptqnick on May 25, 2023, 10:44:41 AM
I think you did everything right, op, and that nothing terrible has happened as a result. Interestingly enough, I also have an uncle who is the most successful one in the family. I told him about Bitcoin many years ago, and he also rejected Bitcoin and my involvement with it as ridiculous, a waste of time and something that shouldn't be mentioned in professional space because it speaks ill of me that I believe in such a thing as Bitcoin. I basically ignored him and don't mention cryptos when I see him. I'm a conflict-averse person, so instead of confronting people I usually ignore what they say and don't mention it again to them, unless it's something that depends on their decision-making. But I don't see anything bad in what you've done. If you stop discussing Bitcoin with him, maybe it will work for you as well.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: tokentitan on May 25, 2023, 11:11:55 AM
There is always a man in the family who believe they are the smartest, I have an uncle who is currently the most successful one in the family, maybe that's why he is behaving this way, he knew my involvement with crypto and Bitcoin, and after the crash into bear market he called me and said ..

Are you still into Bitcoin? You need to find something else to do, Bitcoin will fail soon because there is nothing that can take away the money printing machines, the government will keep printing money because they like been the printer, they can't print Bitcoin that's why it will fail, stop living a dream and do something good with your life before it's too late.

At first I got angry, because he always believe he knows the best for everyone, and I am different, I am not like my brothers that fall before his kneels every time. I replied him with this.

Why are you so into what I am doing? Why did you take this so serious than anything else? You have never showed concern about me, I have never asked you for help and you fulfill it, if Bitcoin fails it's fine for me, and Bitcoin was never created to kill Fiat in the first place, it was created to support people like me, because no one wants to support people like us but they want to pretend they do.. Fiat is Centralized and Bitcoin is Decentralized, it's for the people and the community, it's freedom and a perfect home 🏠. I can't hate something that have helps me so many times uncle.

Have I said something too harsh? He took this personal and report me to my eldest brother, my brother said I shouldn't mind, he doesn't know that my brother is now also a Bitcoin investor, my mistake was making it public, which my brother never did.

If you are still planning to get into Bitcoin, don't post anything about it in family group chat or on your WhatsApp status, this was my biggest mistake.

Make it a rule of thumb. Whatever you do never make it public. Just think what will you gain out of it? And yes relatives are always like that. Be it any part of the World. What I mean is No two heads are alike opinions will differ and people make it a point to educate and help others even if you never asked for it in the first place. Being in Crypto you know very well this bubble burst news is quite common and always comes after a big bull. That,s how everyone earns.
Because he is ultra successful he is bound to be a slave of an inflated ego. Just pity him and ignore him.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: Aikidoka on May 25, 2023, 11:12:31 AM
Being private can be beneficial because it protect you from certain types of criticism and allows you to avoid people who may say things you dislike. If you really believe that Bitcoin will experience significant growth in the future it is important to hold onto your convictions and not let others sway your opinion. While it's nice to share your private stuffs with someone, ensure that you confide in the right person, I mean someone who will support your ideas, offer wisdom and not making fun of it.

I remember a few years ago when I got involved with Bitcoin I faced a similar situation. Many of my irl friends laughed at me when I tried to claim my own few satoshis and didn't believe in the potential of Bitcoin in the future. However, a few months later when I started making my first few hundred dollars, they regretted their previous behavior and even joined the Bitcoin community themselves. So my advice for you is to show your uncle one day how successful you are while you're doing a huge business that involves bitcoin and I hope that day would come.

Good luck OP

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: Plaguedeath on May 25, 2023, 12:15:11 PM
Actually I have no idea how your uncle can say Bitcoin will fall when Bitcoin price is already expensive and we saw Bitcoin have recovered from the past two dumps. I'm not sure what's your current activity? if you're just a student and not making any money, but you're hope relying on Bitcoin will make you rich, your uncle wasn't entirely wrong. This because hoping Bitcoin price will pump 100-1000x times looks impossible in few years.

If you're work and accumulating Bitcoin little by little, it will looks more realistic.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: aoluain on May 25, 2023, 12:27:29 PM

...there is nothing that can take away the money printing machines, the government will keep printing money because they like been the printer, they can't print Bitcoin

Your uncle is 100% correct!

but only about this snippet of text, when taken in the full reasoning of his rant he
is 100% wrong. The fact that the printing machines continue to run is one of
the reasons why Bitcoin WONT fail.

The fact that they cant print Bitcoin is another reason why it wont fail.

He couldnt be more wrong really in what he states.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: bluebit25 on May 25, 2023, 12:41:07 PM
From the OP's story, I feel that investing in Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency is a personal decision and should not be influenced by the opinions of others. But you should also be aware that the people around you may not agree with your decision and there may be different factors that they value more. So, do a thorough assessment and make your own decisions intelligently and carefully. As with the advice of others, your personal experiences and opinions are also extremely important and valuable.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: Kaliandra on May 25, 2023, 01:04:22 PM
I think what you are doing is not wrong
I think investing in bitcoin is a pride because investing in bitcoin in my opinion is something cooler than nothing.

and in my opinion investing in btc is not something that is detrimental if the person investing is using idle money, and investing in bitcoin is only used as a side business.

I think you have to prove that investing in bitcoin can make your economy better.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: Jet Cash on May 25, 2023, 01:13:16 PM
I just say if you don't understand Bitcoin, and why it is different, then you can't comment on it, and you shouldn't be involved in the community.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: xSkylarx on May 25, 2023, 01:28:27 PM
This is really a personal problem that also involves with bitcoin , the way that you tell your uncle is okay but next time always respect those older than you even they are disrespecting you , just don't listen to their nonsense saying like what your uncle said; he has nothing to say, he doesn't know what bitcoin is, and there is really no time for bitcoin to hit ATH. Now show him what the true meaning of bitcoin is, slap him with money, and tell him in his face that you are doing well and better than your uncle.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: Maslate on May 25, 2023, 01:36:29 PM
Just ignore him. At least you are being true to yourself. In my opinion, that is not being disrespectful. You simply replied to his comments that you did not like. In the first place, it was him who was insensitive, as he waited for the market to crash just to discourage you. Although he is your uncle, sometimes you don't need to please everyone. Just listen to people who can help you and support what you are doing, because they are the ones who will stand by you even if you fail.

Here's a friendly piece of advice: Don't get too emotional. Just focus on doing your thing and prove to him that he is wrong by succeeding.

Good luck!

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: Merit.s on May 25, 2023, 01:36:54 PM
Your uncle made his money through fiat and will never believe that Bitcoin have a great potential as a currency. Moreover,since he is an elderly man,he won't easily believe that Bitcoin is the future gold because is limited in supply which makes it more valuable. Government can print cash and they do with without reserve,this is the problem that causes inflation. Don't get mad at your uncle he believes he knows more than everyone in the family just because he is successful but sooner or later bitcoin will prove him wrong that he might know everything about business but not bitcoin investment. Be happy about your bitcoin journey and be proud of it because you will surely make your family proud. The more people are told about bitcoin, the more the awareness is passed on and the more people comes into the bitcoin community, so allow your uncle attitude towards you discourage you from spreading the awareness but only do this to those who are willing to learn something new,if not you might just end up being discouraged or wasting your time.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: spectre71 on May 25, 2023, 01:39:41 PM
This post isn't about Bitcoin or it's viability.

It's a about the social aspects of ANYONE knowing your financial composition.

The rule is they can't hurt you with what they don't know. Having any kind of lump some money or asset put a big target on your back from family and friends. Additionally Karen down the street take a slip n fall on your property to access that money.  

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: Victorik on May 25, 2023, 01:40:37 PM
There is always a man in the family who believe they are the smartest, I have an uncle who is currently the most successful one in the family, maybe that's why he is behaving this way, he knew my involvement with crypto and Bitcoin, and after the crash into bear market he called me and said ..

Are you still into Bitcoin? You need to find something else to do, Bitcoin will fail soon because there is nothing that can take away the money printing machines, the government will keep printing money because they like been the printer, they can't print Bitcoin that's why it will fail, stop living a dream and do something good with your life before it's too late.

At first I got angry, because he always believe he knows the best for everyone, and I am different, I am not like my brothers that fall before his kneels every time. I replied him with this.

Why are you so into what I am doing? Why did you take this so serious than anything else? You have never showed concern about me, I have never asked you for help and you fulfill it, if Bitcoin fails it's fine for me, and Bitcoin was never created to kill Fiat in the first place, it was created to support people like me, because no one wants to support people like us but they want to pretend they do.. Fiat is Centralized and Bitcoin is Decentralized, it's for the people and the community, it's freedom and a perfect home 🏠. I can't hate something that have helps me so many times uncle.

Have I said something too harsh? He took this personal and report me to my eldest brother, my brother said I shouldn't mind, he doesn't know that my brother is now also a Bitcoin investor, my mistake was making it public, which my brother never did.

If you are still planning to get into Bitcoin, don't post anything about it in family group chat or on your WhatsApp status, this was my biggest mistake.

In this case, I think your elder brother is a very smart man. Generally in life, it is important to keep your progress secret. Not everyone should know what you are doing, and how you are getting by in life.
As for your uncle, I think you gave him the kinda reply that his type deserves. The least he could do is encourage you, not condemn you, not as if he has a job for you or something. Besides, trading in BTC doesn't stop anyone from doing other things.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: Synchronice on May 25, 2023, 01:41:38 PM
Are you still into Bitcoin? You need to find something else to do, Bitcoin will fail soon because there is nothing that can take away the money printing machines, the government will keep printing money because they like been the printer, they can't print Bitcoin that's why it will fail, stop living a dream and do something good with your life before it's too late.
If bitcoin is going to fall, why don't these people short sell it? People talk and talk how it's price is gonna collapse but I haven't seen a single person that thinks so and has short-sell bitcoin. I mean, if you know it's 100% gonna fall, why don't you go and make tons of profit? It's a legit question.

Have I said something too harsh? He took this personal and report me to my eldest brother, my brother said I shouldn't mind, he doesn't know that my brother is now also a Bitcoin investor, my mistake was making it public, which my brother never did.

If you are still planning to get into Bitcoin, don't post anything about it in family group chat or on your WhatsApp status, this was my biggest mistake.
Just prove them wrong, that's all you should do. Also, bitcoin proves itself every time that its superior, everyone can check how it went from cents to tens of thousands of dollars and doesn't go back.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: DaNNy001 on May 25, 2023, 01:46:20 PM
Well I don't know if you have ever heard the saying which silence is actually the best answer to an arrogant fool and I think the answer you gave him was actually worth it but if I were you I will probably just snub his ignorance to something he has no clue about and just go with my plans .

Making your actions known before you do anything is not actually a bad idea especially when it has to do deal with bitcoin investment. Its just normal for uncle's who don't want anyone to surpass them to behave that way.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: ilovealtcoins on May 25, 2023, 01:49:44 PM

I think you have to prove that investing in bitcoin can make your economy better.

This is what TOP should do instead of keep complaining about his uncle. Maybe he doesn't know about bitcoin and he wants the best for OP too, that's why he told OP to stay away from bitcoin.

OP, arguing with your uncle is not a wise move, instead, you should find a way to prove your choice is correct. Try to build your bitcoin investment to make a profit, and prove your life is better than investing in bitcoin, then your uncle will no longer doubt and despise you.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: Majestic-milf on May 25, 2023, 01:51:19 PM
Haterz gonna hate. .

True fact. Some people just have a lay man's knowledge of Bitcoin and since it's a volatile coin, they regard it as a waste of time and effort and instead prefer to see fiat as the sure and reliable one. Honestly, I don't see myself giving details about my involvement with Bitcoin to family members because the last thing I want is someone always snooping in my business or gloating about how senseless my decision is to choose digital currency over fiat if incase Bitcoin experiences a setback.


Call him in a year or two when the price, imo, will be like 10x

I think he'd be the one doing that!! ;D

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: AbuBhakar on May 25, 2023, 01:54:53 PM

Have I said something too harsh? He took this personal and report me to my eldest brother, my brother said I shouldn't mind, he doesn't know that my brother is now also a Bitcoin investor, my mistake was making it public, which my brother never did.

I think so if it’s your uncle. It’s not gonna lessen your masculinity if you will just listen to his advice and don’t argue. I don’t see the benefits on making an argument to an old people that you know exactly how they will not accept any explanation from younger than them. There’s no need to prove the benefits of Bitcoin in that way and you can simply acknowledge his opinion then move on. He will not know if you are still involved or not after that.

If you are still planning to get into Bitcoin, don't post anything about it in family group chat or on your WhatsApp status, this was my biggest mistake.

Who the heck broadcast his involvement on Bitcoin to others. What’s the point of doing that while Bitcoin promotes an anonymity.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: Lorence.xD on May 25, 2023, 02:37:52 PM

I think you have to prove that investing in bitcoin can make your economy better.

This is what TOP should do instead of keep complaining about his uncle. Maybe he doesn't know about bitcoin and he wants the best for OP too, that's why he told OP to stay away from bitcoin.

OP, arguing with your uncle is not a wise move, instead, you should find a way to prove your choice is correct. Try to build your bitcoin investment to make a profit, and prove your life is better than investing in bitcoin, then your uncle will no longer doubt and despise you.

I just want to share that some people even proving some point for them to understand, they would stick to their fixed mindset where they are the right one, especially if you are younger they would just think you don't possess the experience for that kind of involvement in this industry. That fact that he provided already some background already about Bitcoin is enough for the uncle to understand. You don't have to prove someone that doesn't even listen to your point. That's why it's a good thing that his brother supports him about Bitcoin. And I wish luck to both of them to succeed in this industry.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: CryptoHeadlineNews on May 25, 2023, 02:47:09 PM
There is always a man in the family who believe they are the smartest, I have an uncle who is currently the most successful one in the family, maybe that's why he is behaving this way, he knew my involvement with crypto and Bitcoin, and after the crash into bear market he called me and said ..

Are you still into Bitcoin? You need to find something else to do, Bitcoin will fail soon because there is nothing that can take away the money printing machines, the government will keep printing money because they like been the printer, they can't print Bitcoin that's why it will fail, stop living a dream and do something good with your life before it's too late.
It's not every investment one venture into that you ought to let known to the public, most especially family members or benefactors just like your uncle, because the idea most people will have is that you are literally making money from such investment, even when you are not and start getting jealous of you. Secondly, since Bitcoin is not controlled by central banks or government, most people tend to see it as scam, and a project that will likely fail away in time. So I will like to suggest if only you can learn how to remain anonymous in your investment just like your brother, you stand to get less family issues.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: AicecreaME on May 25, 2023, 02:58:08 PM
There's nothing new about toxic people, they are everywhere, especially most of the time, they are your relatives or even your family.

Also, there's nothing wrong with them knowing what you're into, I mean they can't do anything about it since you have your own keys, so basically they can't steal it unless they are up to something terrible just to get your Bitcoin, which I doubt since you've said your uncle is rich. All he is doing is discouraging you, maybe he just want you not to attain anything, so he can enjoy all alone being in the spotlight in the family.

What you need to do is to simply ignore your uncle, by not responding to his comments about what you are into, give him a smile instead while sipping your coffee or drinks.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: famososMuertos on May 25, 2023, 03:34:44 PM
Well!  It is a cultural, moral and dysfunctional issue that exists in families. I think that your case is beyond a discussion in the essence of this board, Bitcoin discussion, although it borders on that point of whether or not it is an off-topic.

If he does it with bitcoin, he will surely do it with any other investment, it's not about Bitcoin, it's about the protagonist of your story, I say this because of the novel you've written.

So. If it ever happens, (it will surely), we will have bitcoin in this situation as a plot scheme in any novel or serial in streaming, very much in the style of your story.

Advice, keep doing your thing and advertise Bitcoin with whoever deserves it in your family, it is not an obligation to attract users for Bitcoin and it is not safe either.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: Cling18 on May 25, 2023, 04:20:02 PM
There will always be family members that won't support and favor what we are doing because they think that since they are older than us, they already know what is best for us, and that is part of the toxic family culture. I've previously been humiliated in front of my family because of personal decisions I've made regarding my career, investments, and even my personal relationships. I initially believed that I would simply have to put up with them and listen to them, but doing so devalued me and even hindered my path to success.
As for me, what Op did was just right. Sometimes we have to speak up our minds to defend ourselves and to correct their misinterpretation of our life choices. It's fine if they are just giving advices but we shouldn't allow them to rule our lives if we know that we aren't doing anything wrong. His uncle is right about Bitcoin but Op doesn't have to prove him anything because that's his personal choice of investment.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: terencio on May 25, 2023, 04:24:39 PM
I can relate to your situation. It’s hard to deal with family members who don’t understand or respect your choices. You have the right to pursue your own interests and passions, and Bitcoin is a valid and valuable one. Don’t let anyone discourage you from following your dreams.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: Kelward on May 25, 2023, 04:28:25 PM
Haterz gonna hate.

Call him in a year or two when the price, imo, will be like 10x .

Straight to the point, success is everybody's friend. If you succeed in what you believe in, the same people who mocked you will be the same people to celebrate you, it's a fact of life. Bitcoin is the way forward to financial gains, in this age of advanced computerized technology.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: serjent05 on May 25, 2023, 04:36:31 PM
Have I said something too harsh? He took this personal and report me to my eldest brother, my brother said I shouldn't mind, he doesn't know that my brother is now also a Bitcoin investor, my mistake was making it public, which my brother never did.

The tone of your answer is somehow disrespectful.  You can just keep quiet and pretend to listen and do what you wanted to do.  Instead you flared out and answer your uncle disrespectfully when your uncle just wanting to extend his concern to you.  He has a point, Bitcoin may or may not fail one day, if you put all your resources in Bitcoin and it fail one day then you will be in trouble.  Looking to add another source of income is always better than having just one.

If you are still planning to get into Bitcoin, don't post anything about it in family group chat or on your WhatsApp status, this was my biggest mistake.

You hate your uncle for  advising you what to do and yet you are here telling us what we need to do.   You hate someone giving you advice and yet you are here giving others advice isn't it ironic?

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: Issa56 on May 25, 2023, 04:45:47 PM
Are you still into Bitcoin? You need to find something else to do, Bitcoin will fail soon because there is nothing that can take away the money printing machines, the government will keep printing money because they like been the printer, they can't print Bitcoin that's why it will fail, stop living a dream and do something good with your life before it's too late.
Have you ever told the man that government will stop printing money because of bitcoin, and did you tell him we want government to stop printing money because of bitcoin? We don't want the government to stop printing money, all what we want is bitcoin to be alternative currency. Also you should ask the man if you are complaining about what you are doing with your life, you are not a kid and you know the right thing to do.

Have I said something too harsh?
He got what he wanted, but next time you shouldn't just respond to people like that, no matter what they are saying, just wait for the right time when you will be able to talk well, it might not be now and am sure by then he will be regretting why he didn't come close to you to learn about bitcoin.

If you are still planning to get into Bitcoin, don't post anything about it in family group chat or on your WhatsApp status, this was my biggest mistake.
I don't post about bitcoin in public groups, I don't really like it, but no one can stop me from posting about bitcoin on my whatsapp status, if I post on my status and you make rubbish respond, then I will block you that's my rules, I don't have time for rubbish.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: Agbe on May 25, 2023, 05:01:54 PM
Actually I have no idea how your uncle can say Bitcoin will fall when Bitcoin price is already expensive and we saw Bitcoin have recovered from the past two dumps. I'm not sure what's your current activity? if you're just a student and not making any money, but you're hope relying on Bitcoin will make you rich, your uncle wasn't entirely wrong. This because hoping Bitcoin price will pump 100-1000x times looks impossible in few years.

If you're work and accumulating Bitcoin little by little, it will looks more realistic.
I see the story as a fantasy world of creation. The conversation of the two characters were not clear because of the mood of the protagonist to the opposing character was amazing because the said uncle was an elderly man to the narrator and the the op show unrespectful and if the op is a humble person he would never do such action in real life. How did the uncle come to Know that bitcoin will fall? That is also a formulated part. The op is trying to convince the forum that he is a bitcoin enthusiast. And nothing more.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: panganib999 on May 25, 2023, 06:12:02 PM
There is always a man in the family who believe they are the smartest, I have an uncle who is currently the most successful one in the family, maybe that's why he is behaving this way, he knew my involvement with crypto and Bitcoin, and after the crash into bear market he called me and said ..

Are you still into Bitcoin? You need to find something else to do, Bitcoin will fail soon because there is nothing that can take away the money printing machines, the government will keep printing money because they like been the printer, they can't print Bitcoin that's why it will fail, stop living a dream and do something good with your life before it's too late.

At first I got angry, because he always believe he knows the best for everyone, and I am different, I am not like my brothers that fall before his kneels every time. I replied him with this.

Why are you so into what I am doing? Why did you take this so serious than anything else? You have never showed concern about me, I have never asked you for help and you fulfill it, if Bitcoin fails it's fine for me, and Bitcoin was never created to kill Fiat in the first place, it was created to support people like me, because no one wants to support people like us but they want to pretend they do.. Fiat is Centralized and Bitcoin is Decentralized, it's for the people and the community, it's freedom and a perfect home 🏠. I can't hate something that have helps me so many times uncle.

Have I said something too harsh? He took this personal and report me to my eldest brother, my brother said I shouldn't mind, he doesn't know that my brother is now also a Bitcoin investor, my mistake was making it public, which my brother never did.

If you are still planning to get into Bitcoin, don't post anything about it in family group chat or on your WhatsApp status, this was my biggest mistake.
It's a no-brainer. Doesn't just go with investing in bitcoin or whatever, and most especially if you're living in a strict first-generation Asian Household. You should never disclose or tell anyone in the close family circle of what you do and how much you earn. Best case scenario, they're going to berate you and abuse you for doing things differently and earning lower than what they expected. Worst-case scenario, you'd find yourself being the butt of the joke, or the cash cow of the family depending on how much you earn.

So keep your successes to yourself and celebrate it only with the people you know are deserving to have a seat at your table. Nowadays it's just the way things go as more and more people are doubling-down on being outright assholes.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: GiftedMAN on May 25, 2023, 06:48:46 PM
Imo I think your uncle is actually not as bad as you feel because he thinks you are only hoping on the price of Bitcoin to double so you become rich based on your explanation, your uncle may also be acting very smart because he never expected you to have the knowledge of Bitcoin and knowing that you have the knowledge and have also taking part in the investment directly points out how far you have outsmart him and I don't think he's happy seeing that. I will suggest you keep everything about your investment and achievement personal so that you won't be mocked by people who's been expecting the price of Bitcoin to go down. To add to this, don't also depend solely on Bitcoin for survival so you won't end up disappointed when the price doesn't go up as you expect.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: imamusma on May 25, 2023, 07:05:10 PM
You don't deserve to be punished and insulted by anyone just because the bitcoin price has dropped so far. Bitcoin will rise and will prove that it is an asset that has a good performance as an investment asset. Price volatility is normal in free markets, and basically your uncle just doesn't understand how the bitcoin market works.

I'm sure he will soon change his mindset and will consider you a successful member of the family when bitcoin surpasses its biggest resistance and prints a new ATH. Keep your plan on bitcoin investment long term and you will be fully responsible for your returns and losses on this investment.

If you are still planning to get into Bitcoin, don't post anything about it in family group chat or on your WhatsApp status, this was my biggest mistake.
I don't think so, to be honest I am supported by my family members about my investment plan in bitcoin.
They can't determine my destiny and my life's journey, especially about my opportunities for growth financially. But effort and good use of opportunities accompanied by prayer have gotten me to where I am today.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: n0ne on May 25, 2023, 07:17:16 PM
If I'm not wrong OP should change the way he introduce bitcoin to new people. Atleast prior to introduction we should understand what kind of people we're talking with. Not everyone have the mind to accept it, when they've got good sum of fiat. Maybe thats the reason why uncle keeps saying something against bitcoin. It is always necessary to make some connect with the public regarding bitcoin. One should not expose that he's bitcoiner. We should simply introduce about the existence or while discussion happens relative to technology.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: darkangel11 on May 25, 2023, 07:25:57 PM
Haterz gonna hate.

Call him in a year or two when the price, imo, will be like 10x .

Or better, invite him to dinner and say it's on you and thank him for caring so much and supporting you in your investments.

I've experienced something similar where my father would rather see his money go to 0 on his bank account than invest in anything because it's all too risky. I made the mistake of telling him that I own bitcoin and asked him to keep it to himself but he told everyone he knew that his son is involved in something potentially illegal and keeps money on his computer instead of in the bank like people who are smarter than him...  :)

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: dunfida on May 25, 2023, 07:37:33 PM
There is always a man in the family who believe they are the smartest, I have an uncle who is currently the most successful one in the family, maybe that's why he is behaving this way, he knew my involvement with crypto and Bitcoin, and after the crash into bear market he called me and said ..

Are you still into Bitcoin? You need to find something else to do, Bitcoin will fail soon because there is nothing that can take away the money printing machines, the government will keep printing money because they like been the printer, they can't print Bitcoin that's why it will fail, stop living a dream and do something good with your life before it's too late.

At first I got angry, because he always believe he knows the best for everyone, and I am different, I am not like my brothers that fall before his kneels every time. I replied him with this.

Why are you so into what I am doing? Why did you take this so serious than anything else? You have never showed concern about me, I have never asked you for help and you fulfill it, if Bitcoin fails it's fine for me, and Bitcoin was never created to kill Fiat in the first place, it was created to support people like me, because no one wants to support people like us but they want to pretend they do.. Fiat is Centralized and Bitcoin is Decentralized, it's for the people and the community, it's freedom and a perfect home 🏠. I can't hate something that have helps me so many times uncle.

Have I said something too harsh? He took this personal and report me to my eldest brother, my brother said I shouldn't mind, he doesn't know that my brother is now also a Bitcoin investor, my mistake was making it public, which my brother never did.

If you are still planning to get into Bitcoin, don't post anything about it in family group chat or on your WhatsApp status, this was my biggest mistake.
What you have done was just right as long it would really be on that kind of explanation on a polite manner and not something that a bit harsh or simply having that respect.Its not really bad to make out those counter

explanations about on what those facts on what Bitcoin does have.There are people who are really that close minded on which they are really that fully trusting that traditional system and doesnt really open up their minds into something which are currently existing and give out some potential danger into its existence. It is really just that right that you do make out some explanation about it.
Being that expressive isnt really that bad because there are really moments which we would really be fighting on something we do believe.
Just dont mind about on what happened because this time your Uncle wouldnt really be bothering  you already on what you are currently dealing with.He had seen your dedication towards
your Bitcoin investment and it isnt something that could be changed out.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on May 25, 2023, 08:24:36 PM
Well, my brother in-law and a few of my uncles are very rich. I tried to talk to my in-laws about Bitcoin because he is the one who is very free with me and we always align so well. But he seems so skeptical now about Bitcoin; he told me he bought some in the past and sold when the price went above $5000, and since then he's got no interest in it again for reasons best known to him. He even encourages me to do my best and invest wisely. So is one of my uncles as well; he doesn't criticize me for investing in Bitcoin; he even sometimes asks how I am doing with my Bitcoin investment and will be like, "Any time I have the chance, you will teach me about it. 

So, in your case, I don't know why your uncle would want to make some kind of ill statement about your Bitcoin investment; even the fact that you let them know about what you do is not enough reason to act in the manner he did. But i will advise that you should never let him know about anything you do concerning your crypto journey again. Allow him to make his assumption and make up any imagination of what he thinks about your crypto journey, but don't give him any bit of information about your successes or losses.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: RockBell on May 25, 2023, 08:27:17 PM
If I'm not wrong OP should change the way he introduce bitcoin to new people. Atleast prior to introduction we should understand what kind of people we're talking with. Not everyone have the mind to accept it, when they've got good sum of fiat. Maybe thats the reason why uncle keeps saying something against bitcoin. It is always necessary to make some connect with the public regarding bitcoin. One should not expose that he's bitcoiner. We should simply introduce about the existence or while discussion happens relative to technology.

You make a valid point that we should think carefully about to whom we introduce bitcoin because many people don't care much about making money and believe that everything is ponzi scheme. I have seen situations where people start blaming the people who introduced them because bitcoin hasn't yet lived up to their expectations. Despite how interesting it is to invest in bitcoin it also has its own risk. And the majority of wealthy people don't think investing in bitcoin is important. In my opinion, investment in bitcoin should be based on what everyone understands and should be a personal choice.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: Yatsan on May 25, 2023, 09:58:51 PM
There is always a man in the family who believe they are the smartest, I have an uncle who is currently the most successful one in the family, maybe that's why he is behaving this way, he knew my involvement with crypto and Bitcoin, and after the crash into bear market he called me and said ..

Are you still into Bitcoin? You need to find something else to do, Bitcoin will fail soon because there is nothing that can take away the money printing machines, the government will keep printing money because they like been the printer, they can't print Bitcoin that's why it will fail, stop living a dream and do something good with your life before it's too late.

At first I got angry, because he always believe he knows the best for everyone, and I am different, I am not like my brothers that fall before his kneels every time. I replied him with this.

Why are you so into what I am doing? Why did you take this so serious than anything else? You have never showed concern about me, I have never asked you for help and you fulfill it, if Bitcoin fails it's fine for me, and Bitcoin was never created to kill Fiat in the first place, it was created to support people like me, because no one wants to support people like us but they want to pretend they do.. Fiat is Centralized and Bitcoin is Decentralized, it's for the people and the community, it's freedom and a perfect home 🏠. I can't hate something that have helps me so many times uncle.

Have I said something too harsh? He took this personal and report me to my eldest brother, my brother said I shouldn't mind, he doesn't know that my brother is now also a Bitcoin investor, my mistake was making it public, which my brother never did.

If you are still planning to get into Bitcoin, don't post anything about it in family group chat or on your WhatsApp status, this was my biggest mistake.
Well, if it is about criticism, I don't really mind. What I fear with publishing contents related to this blockchain, is to encourage some people who are close to me. Why? 'coz if anything happens then they'd blame me somehow for it even if they are the one who insisted investing. What's more likely to happen is for them to think that I have invested and therefore, profit is assured. But unfortunately, that's not how things work in this industry or to any field of investment. There would always be risk and the only thing an investor could do is to manage that risk in order to not lose that much. I am okay with sharing informations but direct encouragement is another thing, I guess.
If I'm not wrong OP should change the way he introduce bitcoin to new people. Atleast prior to introduction we should understand what kind of people we're talking with. Not everyone have the mind to accept it, when they've got good sum of fiat. Maybe thats the reason why uncle keeps saying something against bitcoin. It is always necessary to make some connect with the public regarding bitcoin. One should not expose that he's bitcoiner. We should simply introduce about the existence or while discussion happens relative to technology.
Well, for me it is okay to announce what you are doing. The consequences on the other hand is another thing which would depend to you, on how you would handle. As I've said I'm fine with other people criticizing my investments but I do get the point that some investors will take it personally and that is the case being silent is more advisable.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: DisabledAF on May 25, 2023, 10:08:00 PM
There is always a man in the family who believe they are the smartest, I have an uncle who is currently the most successful one in the family, maybe that's why he is behaving this way, he knew my involvement with crypto and Bitcoin, and after the crash into bear market he called me and said ..

Are you still into Bitcoin? You need to find something else to do, Bitcoin will fail soon because there is nothing that can take away the money printing machines, the government will keep printing money because they like been the printer, they can't print Bitcoin that's why it will fail, stop living a dream and do something good with your life before it's too late.

At first I got angry, because he always believe he knows the best for everyone, and I am different, I am not like my brothers that fall before his kneels every time. I replied him with this.

Why are you so into what I am doing? Why did you take this so serious than anything else? You have never showed concern about me, I have never asked you for help and you fulfill it, if Bitcoin fails it's fine for me, and Bitcoin was never created to kill Fiat in the first place, it was created to support people like me, because no one wants to support people like us but they want to pretend they do.. Fiat is Centralized and Bitcoin is Decentralized, it's for the people and the community, it's freedom and a perfect home 🏠. I can't hate something that have helps me so many times uncle.

Have I said something too harsh? He took this personal and report me to my eldest brother, my brother said I shouldn't mind, he doesn't know that my brother is now also a Bitcoin investor, my mistake was making it public, which my brother never did.

If you are still planning to get into Bitcoin, don't post anything about it in family group chat or on your WhatsApp status, this was my biggest mistake.

I know how you feel perfectly. I said it this to much people that I'm in Bitcoin, some of them was good with that, some of them was wanted hear more informations about it and some of them (low %) are in bitcoin also now. BUT one friend is so FKKKKIN disgusting with his trash talk about it, he absolutly doesn't know about Bitcoin, nothing... He doesn't want to learn something about it but he is still criticizing. Some people have their truth about things and we need to let them... We just can hope, that we are on the right side... and after few years will be perfectly sounds "I told you so....:)"

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: Mahanton on May 25, 2023, 11:50:37 PM

I know how you feel perfectly. I said it this to much people that I'm in Bitcoin, some of them was good with that, some of them was wanted hear more informations about it and some of them (low %) are in bitcoin also now. BUT one friend is so FKKKKIN disgusting with his trash talk about it, he absolutly doesn't know about Bitcoin, nothing... He doesn't want to learn something about it but he is still criticizing. Some people have their truth about things and we need to let them... We just can hope, that we are on the right side... and after few years will be perfectly sounds "I told you so....:)"
As much as possible, it would really be good that you should really be that keeping it as a secret that you are really that getting involved with Bitcoin or crypto on which it would be better if you do keep it secret and not letting others be knowing that you are dealing with it. Just let them if ever they would really be saying negative things which it would be normal that those people who doesnt have much idea or knowledge about it will really be having those kind of common negativity which it is really just that a normal approach but for those who does have that knowledge will definitely be trying out to defend on what they do know.
I do understand that there are really times that we cant really avoid not to argue specially if they are really saying on something which it isnt true, So this would really be a matter of self control
and if ever you have said it that you are engaging with bitcoin then there's no turning back but if your uncle is the only one who do heard it out then it is really just that fine. He could tell all the things
that he want but we know all about the truth about Bitcoin in the first place.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: KennyR on May 25, 2023, 11:59:34 PM
Not everyone deserve to be cryptocurrency users. Maybe the uncle character falls in that category. There are people who doesn't understand and just leave words without thinking the opposite person's feelings.

Most of the users here could've experienced it sometime. I've personally experienced similar incident, but that isn't repetitive. On a random discussion got an opportunity to introduce bitcoin and briefed about the advancement as well as its growth that is high against any investment. Suddenly the guy used this is pure gambling, try to be away from it. I'm completely shocked and he kept saying it even though I ignored it. So, at times we should learn to just move on.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: Issa56 on May 26, 2023, 12:18:45 AM
Straight to the point, success is everybody's friend. If you succeed in what you believe in, the same people who mocked you will be the same people to celebrate you, it's a fact of life. Bitcoin is the way forward to financial gains, in this age of advanced computerized technology.
You are right, the only thing the OP needs currently is patient, no matter what everyone is saying, just stick to what you believe is the best for you, don't worry very soon things will change, actually I don't know how soon it will be, but just have patience and the man that's making you feel bad will end up begging you and seeking for help from you, maybe he will end up begging you to teach him about bitcoin, and by then you will be able to tell the man your mind.

When the fiat system comes crashing down he'll come right around and start asking you for some Bitcoin.
Most of them believe that since government is not backing bitcoin, then bitcoin won't be going far, they believe later in the future bitcoin is going to crash. Since government is in support of fiat, then government will keep on printing fiat currency and pumping it into circulation, but they don't know that the system might end up crashing, I know bitcoin can't replace fiat completely, and that's not even bitcoin purpose.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: Cryptomultiplier on May 26, 2023, 02:39:44 AM
OP, you should know by now that people always like to condemn what they do not know and that's why I do not blame your uncle for the unsolicited advice.

Bitcoin has been a revelation and a source of both meaningful work and pay to those who have come to adopt its ideology. I mean, it pays the bills on many occasions that I do not have to beg anyone or borrow from anyone too.
If you are among those who earns from it and have a well thought out plan to make your earnings increase, I advice you go all in. Be smart however in protecting your keys and adhere to security tips inorder not to loose the one you have too.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: Stella Mese on May 26, 2023, 02:57:17 AM
When the fiat system comes crashing down he'll come right around and start asking you for some Bitcoin.

yes, and make uncle op aware that investing in btc is not a loss, as long as those who invest know how to invest in btc properly.
and op also have to be patient in such situations
and op has to prove he will get rich investing in btc, hopefully bitcoin price goes up high and we all get rich.

and wish us all success investing in btc.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: DanWalker on May 26, 2023, 03:19:05 AM
Have I said something too harsh? He took this personal and report me to my eldest brother, my brother said I shouldn't mind, he doesn't know that my brother is now also a Bitcoin investor, my mistake was making it public, which my brother never did.

The tone of your answer is somehow disrespectful.  You can just keep quiet and pretend to listen and do what you wanted to do.  Instead you flared out and answer your uncle disrespectfully when your uncle just wanting to extend his concern to you.  He has a point, Bitcoin may or may not fail one day, if you put all your resources in Bitcoin and it fail one day then you will be in trouble.  Looking to add another source of income is always better than having just one.

From what OP said, it seems his uncle is quite patriarchal and always wants others to listen to him. The OP's behavior is a bit too harsh, but in that case, getting angry is inevitable. And in the end, they are our uncles, not our parents, they shouldn't go beyond their authority to tell us what to do and what not to do. While we are old enough to take full responsibility for our own decisions.

If you are still planning to get into Bitcoin, don't post anything about it in family group chat or on your WhatsApp status, this was my biggest mistake.

You hate your uncle for  advising you what to do and yet you are here telling us what we need to do.   You hate someone giving you advice and yet you are here giving others advice isn't it ironic?

I don't take that as advice, it's the imposition of their thoughts on us, and I won't be able to follow them. And I agree with OP's point, we should not brag about our investment in social media to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: ethereumhunter on May 26, 2023, 03:42:35 AM
OP, you should know by now that people always like to condemn what they do not know and that's why I do not blame your uncle for the unsolicited advice.

Bitcoin has been a revelation and a source of both meaningful work and pay to those who have come to adopt its ideology. I mean, it pays the bills on many occasions that I do not have to beg anyone or borrow from anyone too.
If you are among those who earns from it and have a well thought out plan to make your earnings increase, I advice you go all in. Be smart however in protecting your keys and adhere to security tips inorder not to loose the one you have too.
I think it happens in many ways and not just in bitcoin because we've probably seen if there's anyone in our family that's different from the rest of the family, they're going to think it's weird and take it for granted. Though they never disturb other family members. I used to have a slightly unpleasant experience but I didn't care and I remembered my father's advice who said that if you don't make mistakes, don't disturb other people, and don't bring badness to yourself and others, you don't have to care about it.

And that's what we have to do. If people don't agree with us learning or using bitcoin, we just let it go and don't listen to them. We don't depend on them, so we better focus on what we do.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: Sebas.tian on May 26, 2023, 04:25:34 AM
Your respond to your uncle is very good but next time try to behave like your elder brother that had being into Bitcoin investment without allow anybody from the family aware of it which is the best way to achieve success easily. I believe, with time your uncle will definitely join you in Bitcoin investment because what is about to happen in the market it will make those that invested some years ago to win something big from Bitcoin investment and your uncle will now remember the good step you took to invested in Bitcoin years back. Bitcoin will not fail than to fulfill the purpose it was created to help people to grow financially and be confidence in their transaction.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: goldkingcoiner on May 26, 2023, 04:32:13 AM
There is always a man in the family who believe they are the smartest, I have an uncle who is currently the most successful one in the family, maybe that's why he is behaving this way, he knew my involvement with crypto and Bitcoin, and after the crash into bear market he called me and said ..

Are you still into Bitcoin? You need to find something else to do, Bitcoin will fail soon because there is nothing that can take away the money printing machines, the government will keep printing money because they like been the printer, they can't print Bitcoin that's why it will fail, stop living a dream and do something good with your life before it's too late.

At first I got angry, because he always believe he knows the best for everyone, and I am different, I am not like my brothers that fall before his kneels every time. I replied him with this.

Why are you so into what I am doing? Why did you take this so serious than anything else? You have never showed concern about me, I have never asked you for help and you fulfill it, if Bitcoin fails it's fine for me, and Bitcoin was never created to kill Fiat in the first place, it was created to support people like me, because no one wants to support people like us but they want to pretend they do.. Fiat is Centralized and Bitcoin is Decentralized, it's for the people and the community, it's freedom and a perfect home 🏠. I can't hate something that have helps me so many times uncle.

Have I said something too harsh? He took this personal and report me to my eldest brother, my brother said I shouldn't mind, he doesn't know that my brother is now also a Bitcoin investor, my mistake was making it public, which my brother never did.

If you are still planning to get into Bitcoin, don't post anything about it in family group chat or on your WhatsApp status, this was my biggest mistake.

I personally believe that keeping quiet about your finances and investments is a good idea but in the case of Bitcoin, people need to know. Not everyone has someone in their family to educate them about Bitcoin. The family member that you mentioned in your opening post should count himself lucky that he has someone who cares enough to talk about Bitcoin. But instead of taking your words seriously and doing a bit of self-research, he decided to be an irritating person just because he could not let go of his own giant ego. He missed out on a good investment opportunity and that should have humbled him.

Don't get angry at such unteachable people. At some point in his life he might realize that his ego prevented him from making good decisions in life.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: Litzki1990 on May 26, 2023, 04:41:18 AM
You should have avoided this matter only since he is uncle towards you so you could not get into an argument with him.  Since you are a bitcoin investor you must have some plan for your investment and you would have stuck to your plan when your uncle forbade you to invest you would have just agreed to him but you would have continued your investment so you would not have lost your relationship with your uncle.

If you are still planning to get into Bitcoin, don't post anything about it in family group chat or on your WhatsApp status, this was my biggest mistake.
Be sure to maintain your privacy at all times. Investment is a very personal matter, it is better not to share these personal matters in public places because many people will not take your investment in a good light, they will try to harm you, so you should not share your investment with anyone.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: karmamiu on May 26, 2023, 05:18:10 AM
Most of the asian household would probably think this way before. If I am on his shoes I would probably choose to stay silent since I am not that confident on what to come on the next generations, but for sure it will surely revolve in modern technology related to crypto and blockchain. Even if most of the elders nowadays deny that fact, it is argueably true that nowadays we are more inclined to technology that is not commonly welcome on most older generations.

I am also somehow on this similar situation in which most of my aunts and other family members who are professionals are pressuring me to not only follow their footsteps but to surpass them in terms of position and wealth, but the downside is that they want me to follow whatever they say

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: fauzan Ichsan on May 26, 2023, 06:23:08 AM
Most of the asian household would probably think this way before. If I am on his shoes I would probably choose to stay silent since I am not that confident on what to come on the next generations, but for sure it will surely revolve in modern technology related to crypto and blockchain. Even if most of the elders nowadays deny that fact, it is argueably true that nowadays we are more inclined to technology that is not commonly welcome on most older generations.

I am also somehow on this similar situation in which most of my aunts and other family members who are professionals are pressuring me to not only follow their footsteps but to surpass them in terms of position and wealth, but the downside is that they want me to follow whatever they say
it's hard to do whatever other people say in order to take the same path as them, whereas nowadays it's a different era from the era they were triumphant in the past. the current era of technology demands that we keep up with the current developments. what you can do is find your own way to achieve success, and take something that can be used as a guide from parents for our walking base, at least the grid to achieve success will still be done, while the path is different because of the demands of technological developments

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: GeorgeJohn on May 26, 2023, 06:44:28 AM
I think the news about your achievement with Bitcoin is getting to them haters that's why he is trying to talk you out of it, you said he is the most success in the family? People like that won't want anyone else to take their place as the bread winner of the family, I will be careful with such soul.
It's the way you personally understand it, because from my understanding the uncle made his point through the news he heard from government and also people who trade Bitcoin, sometimes do you know that some primitive people find it difficult to believe on bitcoins, so many of them trust and rely on fiat currency, the uncle is making an emphasis base on what it understand and the kind of information people process to him concerning bitcoin.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: Kelvinid on May 26, 2023, 08:44:46 AM
I think the news about your achievement with Bitcoin is getting to them haters that's why he is trying to talk you out of it, you said he is the most success in the family? People like that won't want anyone else to take their place as the bread winner of the family, I will be careful with such soul.
It's the way you personally understand it, because from my understanding the uncle made his point through the news he heard from government and also people who trade Bitcoin, sometimes do you know that some primitive people find it difficult to believe on bitcoins, so many of them trust and rely on fiat currency, the uncle is making an emphasis base on what it understand and the kind of information people process to him concerning bitcoin.
And that is wrong and we can't hear good from those who never know about Bitcoin but all are negative and blaming just like what his uncle did to him. His reply is a little bit harsh for me but I understand it was due to his emotions, well, that is exactly what happens when we can't control our emotions as we are talking about what we understand and make him educate as well.

Anyways, it was really hard to gain support from our family in investing in Bitcoin, might there be some but most will disagree. That is why I've preferred to keep it secret rather than get distracted by them. 

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: lienfaye on May 26, 2023, 08:53:30 AM
Your respond to your uncle is very good but next time try to behave like your elder brother that had being into Bitcoin investment without allow anybody from the family aware of it which is the best way to achieve success easily. I believe, with time your uncle will definitely join you in Bitcoin investment because what is about to happen in the market it will make those that invested some years ago to win something big from Bitcoin investment and your uncle will now remember the good step you took to invested in Bitcoin years back. Bitcoin will not fail than to fulfill the purpose it was created to help people to grow financially and be confidence in their transaction.
Well, it's common that some member of the family disagreed to our personal decision since we can't please everyone. Especially if they only have little understanding and not aware of the significance why it is worth it to invest in Bitcoin. Sometimes it's better to keep mum about your investment, though there's nothing wrong if you chose to share it within the family members.

What matter is you know that what your uncle think towards Bitcoin is just a misunderstanding. So don't take it seriously and just ignore it, because in time you can prove him wrong once you gain in your investment.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on May 26, 2023, 10:36:55 AM
To your uncle, you will always be the stupid little boy you were as a child. Tell him to stop teaching you; you have grown up, and it's time to start respecting us for your desires as a man. I know people like that, and they piss me off. All I can tell them is, "Fuck off; time will tell."
Do not worry about what happened, and do not give up; in the end, everyone should have their wins and losses. Your uncle made a lot of mistakes in life; otherwise, he wouldn't be such a bore. But you have a right to your life, with or without Bitcoin. The main thing is that your life should be close to those who believe in you and your goals; just remove everything and everyone else from you.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: Mpamaegbu on May 26, 2023, 12:17:45 PM
If you are still planning to get into Bitcoin, don't post anything about it in family group chat or on your WhatsApp status, this was my biggest mistake.
That's apt! This should be a good advice to the introverts among us and those who like to keep a low profile. Regrettably, the extroverts and those who run Bitcoin businesses won't feel comfortable keeping mute about it and not constantly updating their status with claims to such. I do believe that everyone should guard whatever they do to earn money if divulging or exposing it won't make them more money. I, for one, I don't put up anything crypto related on my WhatsApp status. The only place I can do that is on my Telegram dp or on Twitter. I did a bit of irrational display on Facebook when I started because I was carried away in excitement. Now I know it defiles my privacy and I've stopped.

Talking about your uncle. Your response wasn't harsh. However, sometimes it's good to just ignore people like him with silence. As they say, nothing wins like success. Cancel all his insults with your success story. Hopefully you will achieve all that this coming bull run.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: GideonGono on May 26, 2023, 02:33:32 PM
There is always a man in the family who believe they are the smartest, I have an uncle who is currently the most successful one in the family, maybe that's why he is behaving this way, he knew my involvement with crypto and Bitcoin, and after the crash into bear market he called me and said ..

Are you still into Bitcoin? You need to find something else to do, Bitcoin will fail soon because there is nothing that can take away the money printing machines, the government will keep printing money because they like been the printer, they can't print Bitcoin that's why it will fail, stop living a dream and do something good with your life before it's too late.

At first I got angry, because he always believe he knows the best for everyone, and I am different, I am not like my brothers that fall before his kneels every time. I replied him with this.

Why are you so into what I am doing? Why did you take this so serious than anything else? You have never showed concern about me, I have never asked you for help and you fulfill it, if Bitcoin fails it's fine for me, and Bitcoin was never created to kill Fiat in the first place, it was created to support people like me, because no one wants to support people like us but they want to pretend they do.. Fiat is Centralized and Bitcoin is Decentralized, it's for the people and the community, it's freedom and a perfect home 🏠. I can't hate something that have helps me so many times uncle.

Have I said something too harsh? He took this personal and report me to my eldest brother, my brother said I shouldn't mind, he doesn't know that my brother is now also a Bitcoin investor, my mistake was making it public, which my brother never did.

If you are still planning to get into Bitcoin, don't post anything about it in family group chat or on your WhatsApp status, this was my biggest mistake.
Maybe it wasn't a mistake at all, you just have to learn on ignoring those kind of people.
Honestly if my relatives start talking to me like that I wouldn't care at all I would just ignore them, let them feel that way what we do is not for them but for ourselves, we are not earning or investing in crypto for them so why should we be bothered by their words?
Just because their your relatives doesn't mean that you couldn't cut them off, for me if the disrespect is too much I don't care about the relationship status if your my relatives, my friends or family or even my partner I would distant my self from you and slowly disconnect from you.
Learn to enjoy what you do and be contented with who supports you it doesn't matter if you only have few people around you.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: coolcoinz on May 26, 2023, 02:37:42 PM
I feel like it depends on how old and how tech savvy your family is. For instance, if my child (she's still to young for it, but I'll use this example) asked me for money to invest in bitcoin I'd be in heaven.
If I were to do that with my father, who's a boomer, I'd get rejected and probably asked if I'm sure this isn't a scam.

Different people, different characters, different approaches to the same subject.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on May 26, 2023, 03:22:51 PM
Sincerely, I could understand the angle your uncle is coming from, and if only you can calm down and think deep about what he said, then you would understand he did advice you good..

The only mistake he made was believing that bitcoin would fail, I personally believe that bitcoin won't fail, but it would evolve rather, the best in what he was that, you should stop depending on bitcoin and look for something else to do with your life before it's too late, yeah, this is a good advice, I've always advised people never to depend solely on bitcoin, have a business you are running if you are currently not a student, or have some work you are doing if you are out of school already, and make make earning bitcoin a side hustle.

Like myself right now, I have a business I am running which generates good income, money I earn from bitcoin is extra, this is how to become financially independent in the long run.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: OgNasty on May 26, 2023, 03:30:50 PM
I would say that a majority of the people in my life have absolutely no idea what Bitcoin is or that I’m involved in it at all. I’ve never really had discussion with people about what I do. I just assume that they think I’m living on welfare or supported by wealthy parents as the reasons why I’m always so available when needed. My lifestyle would point to being on welfare. LOL

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: SOKO-DEKE on May 26, 2023, 04:16:52 PM

Are you still into Bitcoin? You need to find something else to do, Bitcoin will fail soon because there is nothing that can take away the money printing machines, the government will keep printing money because they like been the printer, they can't print Bitcoin that's why it will fail, stop living a dream and do something good with your life before it's too late.

Don't hold it against your uncle too much if he says that; he may not have any knowledge of Bitcoin and that is why he may be saying all of these things. Sometimes I don't blame people much because I believe some of them don't know anything about Bitcoin that make them go against it,  so what expect from you to calm such people that is going against Bitcoin down and give them concrete reason why Bitcoin come to existence and why we need adopt it.

I believe that the reason your uncle was trying to advise you not to invest in things that would cause you to lose money was because he liked you.Many people lose money on other  investments because they lack an advisor; otherwise, they might not have lost as much. As for me, advice is always appreciated, especially when it comes to investments I've made because it may prompt me to conduct further study.

If you are still planning to get into Bitcoin, don't post anything about it in family group chat or on your WhatsApp status, this was my biggest mistake.

For security reasons, I will never recommend that you publicly admit that you own a sizable amount of Bitcoin. However, you can talk about Bitcoin with your closest friends to find out what they think so that you guys can all have the same perspective.In order to succeed as newbie, we occasionally need counsel to support our investments and commercial ventures.

I'm not talking about Bitcoin right now; instead, I'm discussing alternative assets. I once invested in a ponzi scheme, believing it to be legitimate based on the little information I had about it. I didn't discuss it with any of my  family members  at first because I didn't want them to discourage me, but I later learned that my cousin's brother had lost money in the same type of ponzi scheme. However, when I told them that I had invested in a certain website, they advised me to withdraw my money immediately because I will likey lose my money and that is how I quickly login to site and I was lucky to withdraw my money, some few days I discovered that the site was down and confirmed as scam. Assuming I don't discuss this will someone this is how I will lose the money I put there.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: cydrix on May 26, 2023, 04:22:18 PM
That is the mindset of wealthy, successful individuals who constantly believe they are smarter and superior to others. Making your bitcoin investment for your family public is perfectly acceptable because we are all related and need to look out for one another. You're unfortunate to have an uncle who is so patriarchal, though. In either case, they already know you're a bitcoin investor, so it's best to disregard their advice. Since there is nothing else you can do at this time but concentrate on your investment, the outcomes are the only thing that will make sense. Anyone criticizing you will stop as long as you deliver results. That's what I did to those who used to laugh when they learned that I had bitcoin investments.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: SmartCharpa on May 26, 2023, 08:29:12 PM
I think the news about your achievement with Bitcoin is getting to them haters that's why he is trying to talk you out of it, you said he is the most success in the family? People like that won't want anyone else to take their place as the bread winner of the family, I will be careful with such soul.

It doesn't even matter if his uncle hates him for his accomplishments or those of others; the important thing is that this is our time and that you are aware of the current circumstances. Many of our elders think that investing in bitcoin is a risky proposition that we shouldn't take on, but they are unaware of the various ways in which it has aided many of us. A lot of individuals around the world are unable to quit investing in cryptocurrencies.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: Mauser on May 27, 2023, 05:53:44 AM

If you are still planning to get into Bitcoin, don't post anything about it in family group chat or on your WhatsApp status, this was my biggest mistake.

Sorry to hear about your family trouble, it's not fair how your uncle reacted and I hope you will learn from it for the future. My family is a bit different, we see each other regularly and are very close. Everybody in my family knows that I invest in crypto currencies for several years now and they don't really judge me for it. In the beginning they were worried that I would lose all my money. And after the big crypto hype they wanted me to sell all my coins. It took quite a long time to make them understand that I am in for the long run and not going to react to short-term price movements. By now they are all fine with my choices and accept them. For me it's all about being honest within the family and not getting judged by them. In case my uncle would react the same way like yours I would probably reduce the contact to a minimum.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: retreat on May 27, 2023, 07:00:17 AM

If you are still planning to get into Bitcoin, don't post anything about it in family group chat or on your WhatsApp status, this was my biggest mistake.

Unlike you, I will continue to popularize Bitcoin on my social media no matter what people say it means nothing to me. This is my money, this is my asset, it's up to me what I want to use it for, to hell with their opinion. They believe that fiat is the best? I also believe that Bitcoin is the best. They say that Bitcoin will fall? many say that since Bitcoin was first popular, but Bitcoin still stands today and so on. So you don't need to worry about other people's opinions, the point is you stay firm on your stance and I'm sure that you will be able to get the fruit of your investment in Bitcoin.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: rozak on May 27, 2023, 07:33:49 AM

If you are still planning to get into Bitcoin, don't post anything about it in family group chat or on your WhatsApp status, this was my biggest mistake.

Unlike you, I will continue to popularize Bitcoin on my social media no matter what people say it means nothing to me. This is my money, this is my asset, it's up to me what I want to use it for, to hell with their opinion. They believe that fiat is the best? I also believe that Bitcoin is the best. They say that Bitcoin will fall? many say that since Bitcoin was first popular, but Bitcoin still stands today and so on. So you don't need to worry about other people's opinions, the point is you stay firm on your stance and I'm sure that you will be able to get the fruit of your investment in Bitcoin.

because indeed on social media or in the environment we are in there will still be pros and cons with Bitcoin. those who think Bitcoin is not good and better to use Fiat, then just let them not follow developments. do what you want, and discuss it with those who are on the same frequency as you.
no need to think too much about others. if they are not interested then just focus on what we are doing regardless of anyone who doesn't care. because when they read the news about how Bitcoin is making pumps then they will come to us to open the discussion.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: Outhue on May 27, 2023, 08:36:35 AM
Well your uncle is not your father or your mother, do not let someone like him change your mentality, and that doesn't mean you shouldn't talk about Bitcoin, you will be able to being in more people into Bitcoin and they will be able to talk good about you. I have brought in more than 8 people onto Bitcoin investment and I don't regret it, they are crypto traders, crypto miners, and crypto investors, a few of them are close friends and they are accepting Bitcoin as means of payment in their businesses.

Watch out for bad people, but teach those who are very close to you, it's very important, I thought someone how to make money from airdrops and they showed some compensation, this person bought me my birthday cake 🎂 and his family thanked me for showing their son a way to make money, seriously it feels so good.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: Vaskiy on May 27, 2023, 09:28:22 AM
We need to be careful while briefing about bitcoin to people who hadn't known about it. Everyone won't easily understand as well as doesn't have the mind to accept it. First we need to know whether the person at the receiving side is interested in knowing about bitcoin.

Whenever we introduce about bitcoin to a person who is new to cryptocurrency, we should have the mind to take anything in a soft way than getting tensed. People have got difference of understanding level, based on which needs to be the way of teaching.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: CODE200 on May 27, 2023, 09:41:14 AM
Different people, different characters, different approaches to the same subject.
This is right but the issue is that OP's uncle is an asshole and that's why OP is regretting being open about involvement with bitcoin. I think that the livid response wasn't necessary but it was unavoidable and forgivable considering OP didn't choose to debate out the issue and the uncle is still pestering OP. Always remember, keep your cards to yourself, never reveal yours until the river is revealed.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: DeathAngel on May 27, 2023, 09:46:15 AM
Family can be very jealous if you succeed & do things that they will never be able to achieve. Just remember some people will always want you to fail because they can’t handle the jealousy. Envy is one of the deadly sins.

Just keep doing what you are doing, invest in bitcoin, buy as regularly as you can afford to & keep it quiet.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: Ayers on May 27, 2023, 01:07:46 PM

If you are still planning to get into Bitcoin, don't post anything about it in family group chat or on your WhatsApp status, this was my biggest mistake.

Unlike you, I will continue to popularize Bitcoin on my social media no matter what people say it means nothing to me. This is my money, this is my asset, it's up to me what I want to use it for, to hell with their opinion. They believe that fiat is the best? I also believe that Bitcoin is the best. They say that Bitcoin will fall? many say that since Bitcoin was first popular, but Bitcoin still stands today and so on. So you don't need to worry about other people's opinions, the point is you stay firm on your stance and I'm sure that you will be able to get the fruit of your investment in Bitcoin.

I don't like publicizing everything on social media, especially my investments and work, because I don't like noise. But I agree with you that we should stand our ground no matter what people say or do to us. We must remember that they never raised us even for a day and are not responsible for our future. So there's no reason for us to listen or bother with what they have to say. We should decide our own future, whether success or failure and at least we are living life to the fullest and giving our best.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: cryptomaniac_xxx on May 27, 2023, 03:16:49 PM
Have I said something too harsh? He took this personal and report me to my eldest brother, my brother said I shouldn't mind, he doesn't know that my brother is now also a Bitcoin investor, my mistake was making it public, which my brother never did.

If you are still planning to get into Bitcoin, don't post anything about it in family group chat or on your WhatsApp status, this was my biggest mistake.

It's good that you stand your ground against your uncle. Of course we respect our elders specially in our society. But sometimes we really need to tell them that they can't dictate what we are into, specially in bitcoin.

Obviously, you are old enough to make decisions for you and in your life.

Maybe the next time when we are in a bull run already, it's time to call your uncle. Not to boast or rub it in, but let him realized how bitcoin it and that there is a bull run and bear market cycle.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: Z390 on May 27, 2023, 05:10:04 PM
There is no need to regret your mistake, you would have thought that someone like your uncle will be able to understand and maybe help you but it turns out the other way, not all those we called a family wants the best for us that's why we need to be careful, and my biggest prayer is to never allow an enemy in my circle as a friend, these types of enemies are also sometimes in the families.

I want you to know that not all families are the same, some people have very good families that support each other through anything.

Some people even make all their families bitcoin investors and things are going on fine.

So it's possible that some families will not support some people that plan to do something that's not very common like crypto, sometimes it's out of enviousness and sometimes it's out of love, trying to make sure their brothers and sisters don't become a victim to online scam.

It's on you to figure out which category your family belongs.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: eaLiTy on May 27, 2023, 05:54:53 PM
If you are still planning to get into Bitcoin, don't post anything about it in family group chat or on your WhatsApp status, this was my biggest mistake.
It is best not to advise anyone in the family group about any investment because even if they make a loss because of their decisions they will start blaming us for the loss they incurred. Personally i have talked about BTCitcoin to my family members and friends back in 2012 till 2015 when they asked questions when it was not that popular, but i never advised them about investing, but asked to check out the new market and make their decision.

They always get back to me whenever we enter bear market about my investment just to poke the bear, expect these from family members :D.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: Odusko on May 27, 2023, 06:24:24 PM
Your title said it all, you made a mistake by making your Bitcoin involvement public because the first fundamental thing to do is to keep high privacy, this is one of the major features of Bitcoin, then why make it pronounced to others to know you are an investors?
For security reasons is not safe to do so and I will advise you to ignore the bad mouthed uncle and try to avoid him.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: molsewid on May 27, 2023, 06:49:00 PM
There is always a man in the family who believe they are the smartest, I have an uncle who is currently the most successful one in the family, maybe that's why he is behaving this way, he knew my involvement with crypto and Bitcoin, and after the crash into bear market he called me and said ..

Are you still into Bitcoin? You need to find something else to do, Bitcoin will fail soon because there is nothing that can take away the money printing machines, the government will keep printing money because they like been the printer, they can't print Bitcoin that's why it will fail, stop living a dream and do something good with your life before it's too late.

At first I got angry, because he always believe he knows the best for everyone, and I am different, I am not like my brothers that fall before his kneels every time. I replied him with this.

Actually, until now my family saying that kind of thing as well it is kinda painful because exposing me in crypto helps my family a lot. But we really cannot stop them if that is what they are thinking. We can still educate them, almost all of the business now are turning their company into web3, most of the big institutions are now into crypto and yet older people still doesn't believe in that maybe they just needed to be teach at least for last time, before they regret that crypto is the good thing now rather than banks.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: serjent05 on May 27, 2023, 09:08:47 PM
Well your uncle is not your father or your mother, do not let someone like him change your mentality, and that doesn't mean you shouldn't talk about Bitcoin, you will be able to being in more people into Bitcoin and they will be able to talk good about you. I have brought in more than 8 people onto Bitcoin investment and I don't regret it, they are crypto traders, crypto miners, and crypto investors, a few of them are close friends and they are accepting Bitcoin as means of payment in their businesses.

The way I look at it, @OP had not given any good result yet on his Bitcoin venture, reason why his uncle advice him what he thinks is good for @OP. Sadly @OP took it as an insult and react with a disrespectful answer.  I have the same experience when my parents told mo to look for another source of extra income when my venture on cryptocurrency did not have any result yet.  I just listen to them and explain things to them in a respectful way.  After a year or two, my effort is rewarded and I got a great result that made my parents change their minds and support my crypto venture.

Watch out for bad people, but teach those who are very close to you, it's very important, I thought someone how to make money from airdrops and they showed some compensation, this person bought me my birthday cake 🎂 and his family thanked me for showing their son a way to make money, seriously it feels so good.

I agree, we need to be careful in teaching people.  Not all have a kind heart, others are jealous and greedy and will do bad things when they got a chance to take advantage of you.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: The Cryptovator on May 27, 2023, 09:20:35 PM
In life, there are certain rules we should abide by, one of which is not sharing everything with the public. Particularly when it comes to our income sources, especially those related to cryptocurrency, it's best to exercise caution. Not everyone will understand or support these ventures, especially if they are older and unfamiliar with Bitcoin. Instead of engaging in arguments or trying to convince them otherwise, it's often better to simply ignore their opinions and say that you're moving away from Bitcoin. Acknowledge their perspective, expressing your intention to explore other opportunities in the physical world. There's no need to create unnecessary conflict in real life. Focus on pursuing your own endeavors discreetly.

Title: Re: My mistake was making my involvement with Bitcoin public
Post by: AmoreJaz on May 27, 2023, 09:24:29 PM
In life, there are certain rules we should abide by, one of which is not sharing everything with the public. Particularly when it comes to our income sources, especially those related to cryptocurrency, it's best to exercise caution. Not everyone will understand or support these ventures, especially if they are older and unfamiliar with Bitcoin. Instead of engaging in arguments or trying to convince them otherwise, it's often better to simply ignore their opinions and say that you're moving away from Bitcoin. Acknowledge their perspective, expressing your intention to explore other opportunities in the physical world. There's no need to create unnecessary conflict in real life. Focus on pursuing your own endeavors discreetly.

very well-said and you will find out that you will have peace of mind doing your own thing if no one knows what you are doing. people tend to interfere other person's business. that's human nature i believe.
so yeah, that's a good lesson for the OP. be discreet and silent with your crypto activities. you don't need to post whatever you are doing. this is also to avoid getting into unnecessary arguments to people.