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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: collinscoinz on May 26, 2023, 10:00:43 PM

Title: Good way to save guard our relationship/marriage.
Post by: collinscoinz on May 26, 2023, 10:00:43 PM
Of cause marriage is fundamentaly ordain by Almight God from the foundation of the world, but this era now,sorry to say marriage has now turned to garmbleing,any side can just wake up and demande for the portion of the asset.partiners should know what they are in to,and meet the criterials as an adult.learn the character of your partiner and understand him or her,even when you are right in a matter you can just be sorry not that doing you are not who you should be,but as a man or woman of peac,remember let love lead,also partiners should put away suspecting attitude.

Title: Re: Good way to save guard our relationship/marriage.
Post by: blockman on May 26, 2023, 10:14:01 PM
Of cause marriage is fundamentaly ordain by Almight God from the foundation of the world, but this era now,sorry to say marriage has now turned to garmbleing,any side can just wake up and demande for the portion of the asset.partiners should know what they are in to,and meet the criterials as an adult.learn the character of your partiner and understand him or her,even when you are right in a matter you can just be sorry not that doing you are not who you should be,
There are fixed marriages and people who have been there could fall out of love too easily. There's this culture in some countries that they need to fix marriages in order to combine and retain their wealth and businesses. Honestly, the first thing that comes first in guarding a relationship or marriage is communication. That's all, you just have to have a great way of communicating each other and knowing what your flaws are.

but as a man or woman of peac,remember let love lead,also partiners should put away suspecting attitude.
Love should always be there but sometimes it may not be felt and it becomes cold. And that's why you need to spark it up every time any of the two feels like that. It's a responsibility that you have to commit forever but then, there goes the divorces that seemed to become normal in many countries when marriage didn't work.

Title: Re: Good way to save guard our relationship/marriage.
Post by: Doan9269 on May 27, 2023, 02:58:58 PM
Of cause marriage is fundamentaly ordain by Almight God from the foundation of the world, but this era now,sorry to say marriage has now turned to garmbleing,any side can just wake up and demande for the portion of the asset.partiners should know what they are in to,and meet the criterials as an adult.learn the character of your partiner and understand him or her,even when you are right in a matter you can just be sorry not that doing you are not who you should be,but as a man or woman of peac,remember let love lead,also partiners should put away suspecting attitude.

We should stop being too religious and make the practical practice on how a relationship and marriage is meant to be, most of the challenges todayin a relationship is due to our lack of tolerance, selfish interest, ego, and being adamant in nature such that no one can talk to us and we hear or listen, no one dare trespass on us and goes free, many people have taken being religious for granted leaving the normal way of life the religion they practice says or expect them to live, to have a good relationship in marriage, we must be submissive as well to each other.

Title: Re: Good way to save guard our relationship/marriage.
Post by: Qiubell5 on May 30, 2023, 01:55:54 AM
Marriage must be taken seriously. Many couples get divorced because they don't tolerate each other and don't trust each other. Even though the purpose of marriage is to have a family covered with peace of love and affection. So basically, in a marriage, don't just be selfish, and you have to trust each other to build a harmonious family.

Title: Re: Good way to save guard our relationship/marriage.
Post by: sunsilk on May 30, 2023, 11:53:35 AM
Marriage must be taken seriously. Many couples get divorced because they don't tolerate each other and don't trust each other. Even though the purpose of marriage is to have a family covered with peace of love and affection. So basically, in a marriage, don't just be selfish, and you have to trust each other to build a harmonious family.
Take it from the older ones and our grandmom's and grandpa's on how they've made each other last their lovelife and marriage. It's all about giving and taking and as well as great communication.

We've got no crystal ball when our partners have some problems, one won't tell it directly as if he or she takes the entire world on his shoulder. But that's not the marriage that's ideal, one problem can be solved with the help of each other and that's why keep on talking to each other and know that you've got each others back.

Title: Re: Good way to save guard our relationship/marriage.
Post by: Queentoshi on May 30, 2023, 04:58:26 PM
Take it from the older ones and our grandmom's and grandpa's on how they've made each other last their love life and marriage. It's all about giving and taking and as well as great communication.
A marriage that will last is a marriage between two people that want their union and are committed to making it work. Some of the marriages these days do not have two people that want it to work. Either one person is more committed to it or the two are not committed enough and the marriage ends up breaking up. I want my marriage to work so I have to understand the role I have to play to my partner which is to be submissive and be a wife, not trying to play his role. This is for me, because I understand the importance of marriage and companionship. Marriage is not for everyone, but I want to be married and live happily with my partner till death do us part.

Title: Re: Good way to save guard our relationship/marriage.
Post by: uchegod-21 on May 30, 2023, 06:54:11 PM
Of cause marriage is fundamentaly ordain by Almight God from the foundation of the world, but this era now,sorry to say marriage has now turned to garmbleing,any side can just wake up and demande for the portion of the asset.partiners should know what they are in to,and meet the criterials as an adult.learn the character of your partiner and understand him or her,even when you are right in a matter you can just be sorry not that doing you are not who you should be,but as a man or woman of peac,remember let love lead,also partiners should put away suspecting attitude.

We should stop being too religious and make the practical practice on how a relationship and marriage is meant to be, most of the challenges todayin a relationship is due to our lack of tolerance, selfish interest, ego, and being adamant in nature such that no one can talk to us and we hear or listen, no one dare trespass on us and goes free, many people have taken being religious for granted leaving the normal way of life the religion they practice says or expect them to live, to have a good relationship in marriage, we must be submissive as well to each other.
To be very honest, I agree with you on this one. So many marriages fail today, especially in my country because of being too religious.
You will see people that did not even undergo courtship, they don't even know each other too well. Just because they worship in the same church and during sermon, the pastor will just stand up and say to them "God said you are the husband of this person" and immediately they will marry. Such marriages with experience do not last because it was just made based on religious speculation and no reality towards it. That is one of the reasons marriages fail today in my country.

Title: Re: Good way to save guard our relationship/marriage.
Post by: Die_empty on May 30, 2023, 08:29:52 PM
Of cause marriage is fundamentaly ordain by Almight God from the foundation of the world, but this era now,sorry to say marriage has now turned to garmbleing,any side can just wake up and demande for the portion of the asset.partiners should know what they are in to,and meet the criterials as an adult.learn the character of your partiner and understand him or her,even when you are right in a matter you can just be sorry not that doing you are not who you should be,but as a man or woman of peac,remember let love lead,also partiners should put away suspecting attitude.
There is a high rate of divorce not only among celebrities but in the entire society. Now people can divorce at will because of infidelity, infertility, intolerance, financial issues, pride, external influence, etc. From personal
observation in my area, I have identified a few reasons for the high rate of divorce which include:
Social media influence: So many youths learn from celebrities and most of these celebrities always divorce. Most youths see these celebrities as their role model which make to follow in their footsteps. So many couples will always want to experiment with what they learned in social media in their marriage.

Growth of Female right groups: In my area we have seen an increase in female right groups that educates women about their rights. Before women were usually treated like second-class citizens but this right group has exposed women to information and enlightenment that have made them know that they also have the same rights as their husbands. These feminist has opened the eyes of women to seek legal action if they are not treated equally.

Intolerance: Spouses are not willing to endure the lapses of their partners. The highest reason for legal divorce in my area is irreconcilable differences. This is because no spouse wants to say I am sorry. Even when they are wrong they find it difficult to say I am sorry.

Title: Re: Good way to save guard our relationship/marriage.
Post by: Wiwo on May 30, 2023, 09:33:42 PM
The bedrock of every successful marriage is rooted in understanding because a union of two people that truly understand themselves will not experience much crispy and even if they do it will be settled and understood amicably,  but in recent to.,  we find people who bearly know themselves getting into this contract of marriage and this has been the result in a high rate of divorce cases because there is no way a relationship between two stranger will work when they're never taken the time to understand themselves.

A lot of people make the mistake of marring with the hope to u understand their partner while in the marriage, but that doesn't work most times, since the union of marriage was supposed to be established on understanding right from the very beginning.

Title: Re: Good way to save guard our relationship/marriage.
Post by: DeathAngel on June 01, 2023, 10:25:53 AM
True love that leads to marriage shouldn’t need lots of hard work to be a success. If you love each other & live a healthy marriage that is full of trust then there is a recipe for an ever lasting marriage. I read recently that more marriages than ever end in divorce now but this doesn’t need to be the case if you are truly in love & dedicated to fulfilling a great marriage. Treat you wife well, have a family & enjoy life.

Title: Re: Good way to save guard our relationship/marriage.
Post by: Doan9269 on June 01, 2023, 04:19:10 PM
Marriage must be taken seriously. Many couples get divorced because they don't tolerate each other and don't trust each other. Even though the purpose of marriage is to have a family covered with peace of love and affection. So basically, in a marriage, don't just be selfish, and you have to trust each other to build a harmonious family.

What we need in marriage or relationship is love and this must be a genuine one and not the fake or the type others use to deceive their partners, we must also take our relationship with all seriousness, have each other in mind, create time to have feeling and better opportunities to make discovery of selves, we must be honest and never cheated in the relationship, lastly we must be very tolerant to each other, divorce is not the solution to the marriage or relationship challenges, it's rather leads to being more frustrated deepens anger.

Title: Re: Good way to save guard our relationship/marriage.
Post by: Sim_card on June 01, 2023, 07:29:14 PM
Sacrifice and tolerance is the key to marriage. When either the man or the woman has sacrificed or endure a lot and thinks it is high time s/he give it up,that is when divorce will come in play. Communication is very important because this is the only way to talk things out in order not to offend  each other unknowingly. So many divorce here and there because of lack of trying to change from our old ways to please the other. Selfishness on our own personal interest without the considering if your actions will hurt your partner can lead to divorce. Marriage is to assist one another and not otherwise.

Title: Re: Good way to save guard our relationship/marriage.
Post by: SmartGold01 on June 01, 2023, 10:37:52 PM
I believe there are things that made two parties join together, and what could that be if I may asked?
To me is "Love & Compatibility" which is compatible, this simply means you are perfectly okay what all kinds of characters from your lover be it the man or the woman. This implies that you are able to tolerate all forms of hate words and actions words from your partner. Secondly I don't think people knows the reason they are getting married because if they do I don't know if they will ever have any missed understand. I am a woman and also married with a daughter, I perfectly understand my husband very well, the thing is women should try adjust to their husband and not husband adjusting to their wives because the life you want to live as a woman may not be pleasant to your husband. Divorce isn't that common to our country maybe more in the westerner region.

Title: Re: Good way to save guard our relationship/marriage.
Post by: Rockstarguy on June 02, 2023, 07:49:28 PM
Of cause marriage is fundamentaly ordain by Almight God from the foundation of the world, but this era now,sorry to say marriage has now turned to garmbleing,any side can just wake up and demande for the portion of the asset.partiners should know what they are in to,and meet the criterials as an adult.learn the character of your partiner and understand him or her,even when you are right in a matter you can just be sorry not that doing you are not who you should be,but as a man or woman of peac,remember let love lead,also partiners should put away suspecting attitude.
The reason many relationships and marriages don't last in this time is because people don't actually go for true love and characters but they go for money and the physical body, with time they realised that money and attractive body is not a enough to keep the relationship. So many people are not happy in the relationship they are but they are just in the relationship because of money enduring and feeing pained. What keeps marriage is real love from both partners .

Title: Re: Good way to save guard our relationship/marriage.
Post by: Marykeller on June 05, 2023, 08:28:04 PM
It is during dating one needs to know the character of the person he or she wants to say I do too. Whether they are compatible or not before becoming husband and wife. But in today's world, many people are only after physical beauty and wealth. Once you are beautiful as a lady and wealthy as a guy, you consider yourself married too without asking yourself questions of what makes me want to settle down with the person you want to get married to apart from their beauty and wealth. What in case, if the beauty and wealth are no longer there, what will be of the marriage?

It's very unfortunate that marriages are no longer the way it is years back. Many people now go into marriage with the mindset of what will they gain from the marriage in years to come without trying to build a happy home where love, affection, and harmony would continue to reign till their old age.

Title: Re: Good way to save guard our relationship/marriage.
Post by: Newlifebtc on June 05, 2023, 09:05:47 PM
Of cause marriage is fundamentaly ordain by Almight God from the foundation of the world, but this era now,sorry to say marriage has now turned to garmbleing,any side can just wake up and demande for the portion of the asset.partiners should know what they are in to,and meet the criterials as an adult.learn the character of your partiner and understand him or her,even when you are right in a matter you can just be sorry not that doing you are not who you should be,but as a man or woman of peac,remember let love lead,also partiners should put away suspecting attitude.
from my own understanding marriage is basically based on culture that is why it is advisable for someone to marry from the particular environment that he or her know the culture of other particular place so what causes family to be seen as gambling is because of the lack of understanding between the two couples and in between the ethnic group then come from so I believe if you marry from their own ethnic group that is nothing we met at the marriage to break them because both of you understand yourself through tradition and the behaviours

Title: Re: Good way to save guard our relationship/marriage.
Post by: Belarge on June 08, 2023, 12:45:35 PM
The way I see it this days people don't marry because of love, I tell people most times, that they should fall in love first before thinking about marriage, try to know who your partner is, know their flaws, what triggers them to anger, what they like and they don't like..
Be in a relationship first before thinking of marriage, stay with this person for sometime first,(maybe months or even years).

But our society today one woman or man can just be triggered by maybe a friend or his/her parents to get married to a man/woman because of wealth with an aim of getting divorced so assets can be shared between them, it's just so wrong, and that's why you see so many people today making it possible to be married in court because of the motive of getting divorced in future to acquire property,

I just think people should just hustle and make their own money, fall in love before getting into marriage,no one should be wanting to get married because of assets (wealth) with a motive of getting divorced just to acquire wealth.
if you don't love someone don't get married to them....

Title: Re: Good way to save guard our relationship/marriage.
Post by: Onyeeze on June 11, 2023, 10:21:56 AM
There are several ways in which we can save guard our relationship which are namely:

In a relationship we have to accommodate all these mentioned in other to safe guard and make our marriage/ tealtionship work.

1. Communication is what every Union or relationship needs because human beings differs in behaviour and in everything so we must have conversation to know what is in each other's mind and also something we might even be passing some kind of things but when we communicate with our partners it may ease off the burden or even profer solution as the case may be.

2. Love must be in a relationship I think this is even the major thing that bring partners together. no matter how both party offend each other when love is their they will always forgive to keep going, if their is no love there shouldn't be relationship/marriage, is advisable not to be in either marriage or relationship where there is no love because happiness will not be present in such home.

3. Trust is the overall becuase some people don't trust their partners even when those partners are sincere, this have caused dissolution of marriages where most partners are been accused of infidelity at the end they side to go separate ways since they are not compatible, note any day you start distrusting your partner it becomes a problem for you as the person that feel that you are been played upon so the best way to avoid all this is to marry your friend, the person you trust and love in other to keep a healthy marriage and relationship.

Title: Re: Good way to save guard our relationship/marriage.
Post by: Anguwa on June 11, 2023, 06:26:05 PM
Most times we made mistake of not knowing the exact character we are supposed to know before marriage. We always look after the physical and body structure couple with financial stability and kept aside home training and good backgrounds, that is why we are mostly having problems in our marriages this days.
If we look at our parents, they are leaving peacefully beautiful because they didn't consider all these phisical characters while looking for spouse instead they focus on manners and home training.

Title: Re: Good way to save guard our relationship/marriage.
Post by: swogerino on June 11, 2023, 07:11:51 PM
Of cause marriage is fundamentaly ordain by Almight God from the foundation of the world, but this era now,sorry to say marriage has now turned to garmbleing,any side can just wake up and demande for the portion of the asset.partiners should know what they are in to,and meet the criterials as an adult.learn the character of your partiner and understand him or her,even when you are right in a matter you can just be sorry not that doing you are not who you should be,but as a man or woman of peac,remember let love lead,also partiners should put away suspecting attitude.

Marriage is a very important thing in life,for me the most important.It is there to enable the world and human race to continue to exist as the first matter and then to give us serenity and spiritual peace (beside the physical benefits  ;D).However when choosing a partner we should not go all in and rush to marry them if we are not 100% sure that we know them well enough,any person to do so will regret his/her choice and it will end up with a divorce which brings many bad consequences,like psychological ones to the persons divorcing,really heavy psychological ones to their children if they have any and a lot of other bad things.We of course after choosing the right partner should be tolerant with each other in many aspects of life,being gentle has solved much more problems than being harsh so this is key behavior for me for a successful,stress free and happy marriage.

Title: Re: Good way to save guard our relationship/marriage.
Post by: Ndabagi01 on June 11, 2023, 11:38:21 PM
Of cause marriage is fundamentaly ordain by Almight God from the foundation of the world, but this era now,sorry to say marriage has now turned to garmbleing,any side can just wake up and demande for the portion of the asset.partiners should know what they are in to,and meet the criterials as an adult.

It is true that God has ordered marriage and that everyone has a fundamental right to marry at a certain age in order to sustain procreation. To my perspective what kills marriage and makes it appear to be a gambling are the societal standards that guide the norms of marriage (laws set by people). If God has established marriage, there are some religions that openly explain the process of marriage and how it will last a long time, but everything is damaged by societal rules.

learn the character of your partiner and understand him or her,even when you are right in a matter you can just be sorry not that doing you are not who you should be,but as a man or woman of peac,remember let love lead,also partiners should put away suspecting attitude.

This is a vital reminder by both genders getting married and not having to be informed before getting married in order to create a prosperous home. Every marriage that lasts and still exists today will undoubtedly have some of these features of positive attitude.

Title: Re: Good way to save guard our relationship/marriage.
Post by: Ebede on June 12, 2023, 07:51:30 PM
We guard our relationship/relationship through good communication between partners because has to be taken very serious as far as relationship/ marriage is concern, through communication we get to find out if our partner is mad at us and even know if their is anything that's is bothering our partner, the ways we treat our partners too can make them stay and love us more.

Title: Re: Good way to save guard our relationship/marriage.
Post by: Newlifebtc on June 12, 2023, 09:22:33 PM
From my own understanding and then my own way of explanation I know very well that marriage is a union and it is because of her character of the two parties that will make a marriage to last very well mentioning the name of God is good in marriage but marriage is being determined by the two parties character so they characteristics of the two parties which showcased how their marriage is going to last or not

Title: Re: Good way to save guard our relationship/marriage.
Post by: Aforhok on June 15, 2023, 08:39:44 PM
Love alone cannot save a relationship or marriage, it takes understanding and sacrifice in our marriages today. because unlike our parents days respect alone was what it takes to keep their marriage going.

Title: Re: Good way to save guard our relationship/marriage.
Post by: Amphenomenon on June 15, 2023, 08:56:49 PM
To me a happy home is built on trust, understanding, loyalty, love and forgiveness (thought of adding this because of our current societal behaviour, once a partner makes mistakes, majority of the advice they get is about divorce or revenge ) .

Title: Re: Good way to save guard our relationship/marriage.
Post by: Aforhok on June 15, 2023, 08:59:21 PM
Love alone cannot save a relationship or marriage, it takes understanding and sacrifice in our marriages today. because unlike our parents days respect alone was what it takes to keep their marriage going.

Title: Re: Good way to save guard our relationship/marriage.
Post by: Wiwo on June 15, 2023, 09:21:44 PM
We guard our relationship/relationship through good communication between partners because has to be taken very serious as far as relationship/ marriage is concern, through communication we get to find out if our partner is mad at us and even know if there is anything that's is bothering our partner, the ways we treat our partners too can make them stay and love us more.
The thing is that, marriage is rooted in the agreement of both parties to leave together as husband and wife there after for the union to work,  both need to put in some form of commitment to making their relationship work and one of those ways to make the relationship work is by constant communication between both parties.

Because the place of communication in the success of marriage can not be overemphasised and also trust between both parties because these are the two integral parts of every relationship to work for a long time.

Title: Re: Good way to save guard our relationship/marriage.
Post by: Victan22 on June 30, 2023, 12:34:27 PM
        Love, attention and communication are wonderful ingredients of a fine and Lasting relationship.
Relationship is a mutual engagement which requires deep emotional affection (love) which after identifying where your affection is attracted to the next thing to do is to pay attention to it by giving it time to grow while you are still observing the other individual's character just to be sure if you are in love or in lust after that communication comes in to explain to your partner how you feel about them and this aspect must not stop bcs it is through this means one can be able to find  out what challenges are partner is going through in other to know the area our support is needed

Title: Re: Good way to save guard our relationship/marriage.
Post by: Wakate on June 30, 2023, 10:18:01 PM
Love alone cannot save a relationship or marriage, it takes understanding and sacrifice in our marriages today. because unlike our parents days respect alone was what it takes to keep their marriage going.
There are many things that can make a relationship to work and it is the duty of the both party to come together and agree of whether they are ready to take there differences or not. Relationship is not a small thing and we need to understand that. Those that are in relationships know that it take a two to come together and from bond that will be build for the future. Love is nit only required for relationship to work, tolerance, perseverance and other qualities are needed to build a strong relationship that will last for long.

Title: Re: Good way to save guard our relationship/marriage.
Post by: Lordhermes on July 03, 2023, 12:58:20 PM
Truth be told, there is no peaceful marriages or relationship, but the ability to forgive and apologize when necessary is important. people must see any relationship and marriage to be everyday building, don't be used to your partner to the extend you won't want to keep doing what attracted them to you at first. we must keep doing what's right and listening to one another.

The way to save guard your relationship is by living in peace regardless of the issues at hand, endurance and forgiveness.

Title: Re: Good way to save guard our relationship/marriage.
Post by: Y3shot on July 03, 2023, 06:53:58 PM
From my own understanding and then my own way of explanation I know very well that marriage is a union and it is because of her character of the two parties that will make a marriage to last very well mentioning the name of God is good in marriage but marriage is being determined by the two parties character so they characteristics of the two parties which showcased how their marriage is going to last or not
The character of the two people will determine if the marriage will last or not. When the character of the two people does not match I don't their is anything God can do. Marriage is all about understanding, and when their is misunderstanding all the time it means the partners are not compatible in character.

Title: Re: Good way to save guard our relationship/marriage.
Post by: blockman on July 06, 2023, 10:45:08 AM
The character of the two people will determine if the marriage will last or not. When the character of the two people does not match I don't their is anything God can do. Marriage is all about understanding, and when their is misunderstanding all the time it means the partners are not compatible in character.
And they shouldn't marry at first if their characters and attitude didn't click from the start. But this is love, it is unconditional, and no matter what differences both of you as a couple have as long as you've got for each other, patience, and understanding. Then everything will be saved and kept for a very long time. It's best to get a consultation from the elderly couples who have been there and stayed for a very long time and they've just standed with their promises in the altar about being 'til death.

Title: Re: Good way to save guard our relationship/marriage.
Post by: rahmad2nd on July 06, 2023, 09:22:27 PM
In theory, we can easily say or get how to maintain relationships in marriage. unfortunately, in practice it is not as easy as we say. marriage is not easy at all, but that doesn't mean it will be so complicated, everything comes back to each individual and how we live it. whether it's for men or women. after all, in marriage there will always be ups and downs, not infrequently even storms of problems can hit at any time. which in essence, marriage is not just about me, you, or them. but, us. in essence, both of them have their respective roles to complement each other and how to navigate the household ship, whether joy or sorrow.
as I said, we can get wedding tips by simply surfing the internet. but in practice, it is not as easy as we say and even imagine. however, in the current era, it is undeniable that marriage is no longer a sacred part like in the last few decades.

Title: Re: Good way to save guard our relationship/marriage.
Post by: Gozie51 on July 06, 2023, 09:45:48 PM
True love that leads to marriage shouldn’t need lots of hard work to be a success. If you love each other & live a healthy marriage that is full of trust then there is a recipe for an ever lasting marriage. I read recently that more marriages than ever end in divorce now but this doesn’t need to be the case if you are truly in love & dedicated to fulfilling a great marriage. Treat you wife well, have a family & enjoy life.

The institution of marriage is very deep, different and unique to different people. The marriage talk is never exhaustible and what will cause broke up or divorce/separation in marriage A could be totally different from marriage B and C. However, I think the marriage system favours the matrilineal society where women have much power or act as men so they could decide to put away any husband she doesn't want anymore with different excuse. Also the court marriage or marriage under the act. This gives right to women to share part of the estate of the man or estate of the marriage despite the man being the sole provider.

Title: Re: Good way to save guard our relationship/marriage.
Post by: Odusko on July 06, 2023, 09:53:56 PM

The institution of marriage is very deep, different and unique to different people. The marriage talk is never exhaustible and what will cause broke up or divorce/separation in marriage A could be totally different from marriage B and C. However, I think the marriage system favours the matrilineal society where women have much power or act as men so they could decide to put away any husband she doesn't want anymore with different excuse. Also the court marriage or marriage under the act. This gives right to women to share part of the estate of the man or the estate of the marriage despite the man being the sole provider.
Marriage can be viewed from three points of view and its establishment is also founded on the three cardinal marriage institutions which are aside from both individuals involved and this three marriages institution are.

1 customary court marriage which is the government recognize marriage institution.

2 traditional marriage

3 religion marriage

These three institutions set the guideline for the union aside from the individual commitment and agreement between both couples involved.

Title: Re: Good way to save guard our relationship/marriage.
Post by: Gozie51 on July 07, 2023, 08:34:53 AM

The institution of marriage is very deep, different and unique to different people. The marriage talk is never exhaustible and what will cause broke up or divorce/separation in marriage A could be totally different from marriage B and C. However, I think the marriage system favours the matrilineal society where women have much power or act as men so they could decide to put away any husband she doesn't want anymore with different excuse. Also the court marriage or marriage under the act. This gives right to women to share part of the estate of the man or the estate of the marriage despite the man being the sole provider.
Marriage can be viewed from three points of view and its establishment is also founded on the three cardinal marriage institutions which are aside from both individuals involved and this three marriages institution are.

1 customary court marriage which is the government recognize marriage institution.

2 traditional marriage

3 religion marriage

These three institutions set the guideline for the union aside from the individual commitment and agreement between both couples involved.

I understand what you are trying to say by this list that you have made. You are listing out the types of marriage. But looking at your number 1 list is not correctly placed, you can't say customary court marriage. You missed two types of marriage there, that is custom/court. I believe you called it that way because it is conducted in customary court but it is not called customary court marriage but statutory marriage. This is conducted in the court because it is approved and recognised by government and that is why it is mostly required by government in documentation, travel etc. See how the type of marriage system is.

customary court marriage
:No, it is called statutory marriage or marriage of the act.

traditional marriage
:  Yes or you can also call it customary marriage.

religion marriage
: Yes or you call it church marriage / Islamic marriage depending on the religion.

What is important in your list is that number 1 there is known as statutory marriage.

Title: Re: Good way to save guard our relationship/marriage.
Post by: Jessie2121 on July 13, 2023, 02:45:19 AM
Of cause marriage is fundamentaly ordain by Almight God from the foundation of the world, but this era now,sorry to say marriage has now turned to garmbleing,any side can just wake up and demande for the portion of the asset.partiners should know what they are in to,and meet the criterials as an adult.learn the character of your partiner and understand him or her,even when you are right in a matter you can just be sorry not that doing you are not who you should be,but as a man or woman of peac,remember let love lead,also partiners should put away suspecting attitude.
So many marriages have been in chaos due to lack of understanding,I think that if you don't have any clue of whom you getting married to you should just take a bow and leave or else you might not only be getting married to a man you love but to a man beater as the case maybe or even worst.

Before we talk of understanding,that's where relationship came about,we have to be in a relationship to understand the person we're to spend the rest of our lives with,if not then every other thing is a waste.

Title: Re: Good way to save guard our relationship/marriage.
Post by: Lordhermes on July 13, 2023, 10:25:06 AM
Of cause marriage is fundamentaly ordain by Almight God from the foundation of the world, but this era now,sorry to say marriage has now turned to garmbleing,any side can just wake up and demande for the portion of the asset.partiners should know what they are in to,and meet the criterials as an adult.learn the character of your partiner and understand him or her,even when you are right in a matter you can just be sorry not that doing you are not who you should be,but as a man or woman of peac,remember let love lead,also partiners should put away suspecting attitude.
So many marriages have been in chaos due to lack of understanding,I think that if you don't have any clue of whom you getting married to you should just take a bow and leave or else you might not only be getting married to a man you love but to a man beater as the case maybe or even worst.

Before we talk of understanding,that's where relationship came about,we have to be in a relationship to understand the person we're to spend the rest of our lives with,if not then every other thing is a waste.
lets leave God out of this, he has already given us the power to find our wives, he gave wife to Adam he blamed God for it. so he left man to look for wife  and bring it to him for blessing. men must be very observant in choosen their life partner,  don't let emotion and appearance blind you. because its a life time marriage.

the best way to save guard your marriage is to choose your friend as partner, both parties might have understand each other, knowing the likes and dislikes of one another.  there is no perfect marriage, but forgiveness and  endurance one can protect his marriage and relationship.

Title: Re: Good way to save guard our relationship/marriage.
Post by: Youngkhngdiddy on July 15, 2023, 10:49:05 PM
 According to the holy book, marriage is a blessing from and ordained by God and it is also written in same holy book that when a man finds a wife, he finds a good thing and obtains favour from the creator, and in my own opinion these are steps married couples could follow to save their marriage/relationship from scandals.
• God is the foundation of everything so put God first in your marriage.
• It is said that a couples that prays together stays together, so both couples need to be prayerful.
• Good communication- communication is one of the key to a good marriage, so couple should find time to talk about things and not sleep over an argument.
• Do not keep secrets, learn to share eachothers secrets to avoid future problems.
• Make eachother their both priorities.
• Respect- couples should learn to respect eachother not looking down on or scold eachother in the presence of other family members or friends.
• Setting boundaries and maintaining them.
• Making sacrifices for eachother.
• To maintain a good marriage both parties have to be selfless because being selfish in a marriage doesn't work and cause more damage than good.
• Patience they say is virtue and it also implies in marriage as well, to maintain a healthy marriage couples ought to learn to be patience and tolerate eachother.
• Trust and loyalty is very important as well, to build a long-lasting marriage/relationship.
• Avoid introducing a third party into your marriage, even if there should be one then your parents or spiritual parents should be considered, because there advice could have a positive effect but in case it affect the marriage negatively then disregarding such advise should be considered.
• Every partner needs an encouragement and constant reassurance of love and commitment so it's advisable for couples to encourage eachother not only with words but love and affections as well.
• Apologising to eachother when you're wrong.
• Giving attention to eachothers need other then sex alone.
• A good and healthy sexual life is also important in marriage.
 However, take note that love and commitment plays a very important role in safe guarding a marriage, cause where there's love there's peace and commitment brings forth loyalty.

Title: Re: Good way to save guard our relationship/marriage.
Post by: Bountyfox on July 16, 2023, 05:33:26 PM
Marriage is indeed a sacred institution ordained by God, but in this current era, it has unfortunately become increasingly susceptible to conflicts over assets. It is essential for partners to have a clear understanding of their commitments and fulfill the criteria of adulthood. Learning and understanding each other's character is crucial, and even when one is right in a matter, choosing peace over pride is important. Love should always guide the way, and suspicions should be set aside for a healthy and harmonious relationship.