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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Basiyu on May 27, 2023, 05:34:52 PM

Post by: Basiyu on May 27, 2023, 05:34:52 PM
To my own understanding.Racism is discrimination and prejudice towards people based on their race or ethnicity.
       The world is more and more interconnected but it does not mean that individuals and societies really live together,millions of men,women,children,poor,rich,whites and blacks have all found them self target with racism in there various societies.
Lets look at vinicius junior being target recently by racial abusers on sunday between match against real madrid vs valencia,some part of the opposition fan called him black monkey,while some say he will die,why is he being target cause he is not the only player on the pitch.

What are the things the world,the governments and people needs to do to stop racism in our society ?

Title: Re: RACISM
Post by: BADecker on May 27, 2023, 05:45:36 PM
The only way to get rid of racism is to stop talking about it. This includes stopping those who promote it as though it were something.

What we call racism is really somebody or group trying to harm somebody or some other group. Go after anybody who does you real harm, rather than calling it racism of some kind.

Did somebody defame you? Take him to court for defamation of character, not racism. Did somebody beat you? Take him to court for damages for the beating, not for racism.

People are all people. Freedom of speech. Punish the wrongdoers. The racism idea is nothing but a big bunch of talk that is trying to disrupt society.


Title: Re: RACISM
Post by: aoluain on May 27, 2023, 06:09:13 PM
I cannot understand how people can discriminate against others because of their religion,
their sexuality, their nationality or the colour of their skin.

I know that it comes down to ignorance, fear, misinformation and just hatred
a lot of the time, otherwise there is no reason that I can see.

I recon a lot if the time if you put two people in a room together and let them learn about
each others life there would be more understanding and empathy particularly on the side of
the racist, that is my 2 satoshi's

Title: Re: RACISM
Post by: DeathAngel on May 27, 2023, 06:13:10 PM
Racism is unacceptable in all forms. I would like to think we have come a long way though since the 70’s & earlier when it was everywhere. That does not mean we can rest & stop raising awareness though. If you see racism online report it, if you see it in the street try to educate people if it is safe to do so. It doesn’t matter what colour our skin is, we all bleed red. Be kind to each other.

Title: Re: RACISM
Post by: Asiska02 on May 27, 2023, 06:52:17 PM
Anyone that exhibit the character of being racist to me should be termed an internal disease in them that can lead to their own destruction if care is not taken. The world have come a long way for us to still be fighting racism.

We are all humans for God’s sake and we have seen how development have taken place when we are United and not being discriminated towards anything. No one love to be discriminated or treated wrongly from others because of their race, religion, ethnicity etc. One love without hatred or discrimination will keep us together always.

Title: Re: RACISM
Post by: Stepstowealth on May 28, 2023, 05:20:55 AM
What are the things the world,the governments and people needs to do to stop racism in our society ?
Racism will be difficult to completely eradicate, but if the government and some other non governmental organizations double their efforts in raising some kind of awareness to why people should abandon Racism, and also punish the serious offenders using them as example, it will further reduce the number of Racist in the soceity. Blacks and some other races are usually victims of Racial discrimination, but even among the blacks and the other races, they discriminate among themselves too. All forms of discrimination need to be discouraged.

Title: Re: RACISM
Post by: aoluain on May 28, 2023, 08:33:53 AM
It will be difficult to get rid of for sure. Humans are not born racist, children learn, somebody
at some stage teaches them to hate and discriminate against others.

Education is an important tool in the fight against Racism.

Unacceptable behaviour should also be called out and stricter punishment should be handed
out. A lot of people while expressing racist behaviour dont believe they are racist so there is also
a degree of ignorance in the world.

Title: Re: RACISM
Post by: BADecker on May 28, 2023, 06:03:35 PM
The way to stop racism is to stop talking about it and advertising it. Rather, practice doing good to all people.

Additionally, if somebody harms someone else - even their reputation - punishment and repayment for the harm and damage done.

Let people think their own racist thoughts. But if they harm anyone or any group, that's when to punish.

Presently, the thing that the racism idea is being used for, is to attack and steal from people. No matter what your feelings are, get a job. Don't steal from others, but don't let them steal from you, either. Racism will essentially end if we stop advertising it.


Title: Re: RACISM
Post by: yhiaali3 on May 28, 2023, 07:35:10 PM
Unfortunately, racism has existed since the existence of ancient human societies and has not disappeared with the civilizational development of mankind.

Unfortunately, what I notice is that the most civilized societies are the ones in which the phenomenon of racism is most prevalent. Perhaps the people of those developed countries feel better than the backward people who live in the poor and backward countries.

The only solution is to upgrade the human race morally, not materially.

Title: Re: RACISM
Post by: Sim_card on May 28, 2023, 11:05:16 PM
Hatred leads to discrimination, all these are part of human nature,as long as human exist there must be discrimination and hatred. It is called racism because sometimes, this discrimination or hate comes in between two or more people with different religion,color and ethnic but to me I see it as hatred but racism is the right word. All I have to say is that no matter any condition or challenges that we find ourselves, we should always try to love and care for another and also control our ego in order for us not to practice racism.

Title: Re: RACISM
Post by: Youngkhngdiddy on May 29, 2023, 12:13:41 AM
 The situation that occurred with vinicius junior during the match against Valencia is very bad and uncalled for, the racial abuse around the world, not only on footballers, mostly (blacks) should be regarded as crime and put to and end, offender of this crime should be punish severely, being attacked racially can cause a negative effect on one's mental health, so I think victims of such attack should be recognised and supported dearly, I'm thankful for the Realmadrid Club in general for the love and support given to vinicius afterwards, that's an encouragement to him and one of the ways to tackle racism attacks.

 Most people are unaware of racial injustice, so the government should provide an educational system that would teach abusers the harmful effect of racism to others as well as teaching the culture of different races. Also peaceful protects by individual or organism should be carried in such a way that the abusers would feel the guilt of abusing people and change from such ill act.

 Schools also have to ensure that students doesn't face any form of discrimination or racial abuse by teaching students against it, government should also amend the constitution and condemn racial acts.

Title: Re: RACISM
Post by: collinscoinz on May 29, 2023, 05:05:30 PM
Racism will be difficult to completely eradicate, but if the government and some other non governmental organizations double their efforts in raising some kind of awareness to why people should abandon Racism, and also punish the serious offenders using them as example, it will further reduce the number of Racist in the soceity. Blacks and some other races are usually victims of Racial discrimination, but even among the blacks and the other races, they discriminate among themselves too. All forms of discrimination need to be discourage,now look at the situation that occurred with vinicius junior during the match against Valencia is very bad and uncalled for, the racial abuse around the world, not only on footballers, mostly (blacks) should be regarded as crime and put to and end, offender of this crime should be punish severely, being attacked racially can cause a negative effect on one's mental health, so I think victims of such attack should be recognised and supported dearly, I'm thankful for the Realmadrid Club in general for the love and support given to vinicius afterwards, that's an encouragement to him and one of the ways to tackle racism attacks.

Title: Re: RACISM
Post by: Iadegbola34 on May 31, 2023, 06:51:04 PM
To combat racism, the world, governments, and people need to

1. Educate and raise awareness about racism.
2. Enforce legislation and policies against racial discrimination.
3. Promote dialogue and understanding between different racial groups.
4. Encourage accurate and positive media representation.
5. Support social and cultural initiatives that celebrate diversity.
6. Be active allies against racism.
7. Foster self-reflection to challenge biases.

Together, these actions can help to create a more inclusive society and combat racism.

Title: Re: RACISM
Post by: Gyfts on May 31, 2023, 08:35:25 PM
1. Educate and raise awareness about racism.
2. Enforce legislation and policies against racial discrimination

Sounds like CRT/DEI and state sponsored racism against whites/Asians.

They already do this, at the expense of white and Asians because a lot of government and private companies are incorporating CRT/DEI into their ESG initiatives. Some of the developed nations getting called racist the most, they actually have Asians exceeding median incomes of the native population. A bit difficult to comprehend how racism can be so prevalent yet minorities end up on top on social measures.

Title: Re: RACISM
Post by: Mr.right85 on May 31, 2023, 10:39:46 PM
What are the things the world,the governments and people needs to do to stop racism in our society ?
I dint knowhow this idea got propagated through time but, this is defined by the changes in civilisation as man continues to advance with the most civilised societies looking down on the less civilised individuals from a different race like savages. Its just bad and shows how little they know of there bodies than is reflected in there civilisation.

The idea that a race us superior to another race is a sad way to think.

I won't blame the government not to be doing enough. I think the government are doing just fine in trying to eradicate racial segregation from societies and its left for every individual to be receptive of the idea and change for good or we watch ot die with time.

Title: Re: RACISM
Post by: Die_empty on June 01, 2023, 12:03:19 PM
The only way to get rid of racism is to stop talking about it. This includes stopping those who promote it as though it were something.

What we call racism is really somebody or group trying to harm somebody or some other group. Go after anybody who does you real harm, rather than calling it racism of some kind.

Did somebody defame you? Take him to court for defamation of character, not racism. Did somebody beat you? Take him to court for damages for the beating, not for racism.

People are all people. Freedom of speech. Punish the wrongdoers. The racism idea is nothing but a big bunch of talk that is trying to disrupt society.

When I read the first paragraph of @BADecker's post I felt bad. How can people that go through the pain of abuse keep quiet? But when I read further learned that most racists are motivated by the attention they get. I agree that anyone caught engaging in racist acts should be arrested and persecuted without partiality. If they stop receiving attention, they might change their ways.

But it becomes a problem when racism is promoted by the government. Some organizations or nations engage in systematic racism that limits the rights of these victims. People need to speak out when the legal, political, and economic systems of most nations treat some citizens unequally because of their color.

Racism will never come to an end because the world has been designed in a way that some people have been perceived as inferiors. Racism is as old as man and will also change its form. Before now it started as slavery, moved to colonialism and it will keep changing its form. Even in my country where everybody has the same color an offshoot of racism called tribalism still exists. Some tribes believe that they are superior to others. So they ensure that the so-called minorities don't have access to political and economic powers.

Most people that engage in racism are not informed. I have been privileged to share a flat with some members of the most dreaded tribe in my country and I discovered that humans shouldn't be judged based on their tribe or color. These boys were exceptionally nice and I enjoyed every moment spent with them. They had better character than most of my tribesmen.

Title: Re: RACISM
Post by: Doan9269 on June 01, 2023, 03:06:07 PM
What are the things the world,the governments and people needs to do to stop racism in our society ?

When we have no gender segregation, colour or race segregation and ethnicity disparity among ourselves, the people will have a common sense of being brothers, the government will take responsibility of the needs of the people and make provisions for them in areas of needs, there will also be a proper coordination among the people by thier leaders, also those that will lead must be people of great integrity and must be trusted.

Title: Re: RACISM
Post by: BADecker on June 01, 2023, 05:23:57 PM
What are the things the world,the governments and people needs to do to stop racism in our society ?

When we have no gender segregation, colour or race segregation and ethnicity disparity among ourselves, the people will have a common sense of being brothers, the government will take responsibility of the needs of the people and make provisions for them in areas of needs, there will also be a proper coordination among the people by thier leaders, also those that will lead must be people of great integrity and must be trusted.

Government is made up of people who promote their own agenda. This agenda involves getting rid of competition. THEY want to be the only powerful race, even if they are a race made up of people of many skin colors and types.

If government wins at being the powerful race, they will take freedom away from the rest of us.


Title: Re: RACISM
Post by: Bialke on June 03, 2023, 04:59:21 AM
I cannot understand how people can discriminate against others because of their religion,
their sexuality, their nationality or the colour of their skin.

I like discrimination of certain sexual and religious behaviours, like rape, sexuality with underage persons, killing cults, etc.! So I think the topic is more complex.

I do like, when a person from Thailand, with a driving license and driving practice from Thailand, is not allowed to drive with that license in the EU. And I like when guys from Swaziland cannot work - in the EU - in health professions without to do a HIV test.

Title: Re: RACISM
Post by: Belarge on June 05, 2023, 07:36:04 AM
Racism is something that has been a problem even from time past, discriminating other people because they are of different religion, ethnic group,or maybe because of body colour is so wrong, mostly racism happened between the white and black people, the white are always seeing the black people as devil's, black people should always be the people to suffer and go through pain. During the time of slavery, the white people used the black people ( Africans) for slavery, suffered and dealt with them seriously, even killed them too.

So to me I think we should try to shun racism because it's really affecting the world today, because even me as an African black man, I don't really trust the white people because I know they don't love blacks...
I can't afford to stay with them and be free, racism live in their vains and blood

Title: Re: RACISM
Post by: sunsilk on June 05, 2023, 08:31:53 AM
What are the things the world,the governments and people needs to do to stop racism in our society ?
As much as we want the world to become a better place, it's hard to change the mind of those people that has made racism as part of their attitude.

I even saw videos in different parts of the world that have shown how racist people are and even just riding on a train was a big deal to those racists people.

The only way to get rid of racism is to stop talking about it. This includes stopping those who promote it as though it were something.
I agree if no one talks about it then no one will do it or if someone does, it's possible that racism will be lessen.

Title: Re: RACISM
Post by: mm2543363580 on June 05, 2023, 10:35:44 AM
What are the things the world,the governments and people needs to do to stop racism in our society ?
As much as we want the world to become a better place, it's hard to change the mind of those people that has made racism as part of their attitude.

I even saw videos in different parts of the world that have shown how racist people are and even just riding on a train was a big deal to those racists people.

The only way to get rid of racism is to stop talking about it. This includes stopping those who promote it as though it were something.
I agree if no one talks about it then no one will do it or if someone does, it's possible that racism will be lessen.
Government cannot do anything about racism this should be stopped at individual level . And the best way to avoid racism is to avoid talking about it and ignore it . We come across different kinds of people every day with different upbringing and backgrounds so you cannot correct everyone.  The one who you can correct and check is yourself just focus on that.

Title: Re: RACISM
Post by: yazher on June 05, 2023, 12:48:00 PM
To stop racism one should start at his home to adjust what he is feeding to his children in terms of his words and have some kind of advice whenever he hears his child saying N words or any words that are gonna hurt someone who hears it. In our place where there are more hundreds of tribes each one is proud of their tribe but the problem is, they look down on the other which mostly ended up becoming the worse problem in our country which is also one of the reasons why everyone cannot be united because each representative wanted for their tribe to lead and don't recognize the others as their same level they always look down on them. This racism is a disease one of the major problems we have today and is mostly the reason why there is a war going on.

Title: Re: RACISM
Post by: Wiwo on June 05, 2023, 01:06:42 PM
We have to constantly and concourse stop promoting the wicket act call racism this is because the more we discussed it the more power it gains so it is better we allow the word to die a natural death since the global sign has become more aware of the bad effect of the act, so we are now left with another factor which is individual self-confidence among people regardless of the race or colour.
So for racism to happen it must be given a room so who gives it that room and attention where we are all treated equally as humans?
This is the way in between the act and the word, so now it is racism vs self-confidence.

Title: Re: RACISM
Post by: sunsilk on June 06, 2023, 08:26:33 AM
What are the things the world,the governments and people needs to do to stop racism in our society ?
As much as we want the world to become a better place, it's hard to change the mind of those people that has made racism as part of their attitude.

I even saw videos in different parts of the world that have shown how racist people are and even just riding on a train was a big deal to those racists people.
Government cannot do anything about racism this should be stopped at individual level .
They can do something about it and there are countries that have low level of racism crime. Well, we can check ourselves and correct with mistakes that we may commit including being racist but you know yourself better.

The only way to get rid of racism is to stop talking about it. This includes stopping those who promote it as though it were something.
I agree if no one talks about it then no one will do it or if someone does, it's possible that racism will be lessen.
And the best way to avoid racism is to avoid talking about it and ignore it . We come across different kinds of people every day with different upbringing and backgrounds so you cannot correct everyone.  The one who you can correct and check is yourself just focus on that.
That's what he's saying and that's right. If there will be no people gonna talk about it, it won't be the talk of the town and individuals will just have to focus on each their own business.

Title: Re: RACISM
Post by: Wakate on June 07, 2023, 03:58:47 PM
The question is, it there anyway racism can stop? I don't think this could happen genuinely because there are still regions and people that do not tolerate other people maybe because of what had happened in the past that had made them to hate such group of people. The world had experienced so many different wars ranging from world war and other conflicts that might have originated as a result of tribalism, ethnicity etc and had made regions to hate themselves because of the dogma and past histories that had made people to see reasons why they have to fight and hate there brothers.

Title: Re: RACISM
Post by: rahmad2nd on June 07, 2023, 10:27:15 PM
Racial issues in modern society continue to be one of the topics of discussion. Modern society is considered a world where freedom is highly respected. everyone has the right to reach their full potential. Human values ​​are upheld as the most important human rights. However, in practice there are still many forms of racism, either directly or indirectly. Racism is a racial problem that is rooted in the midst of multicultural societies in various parts of the world. Racism is growing rapidly in a country along with the development of technology and business, which leads to the development of pluralism in the country. it could also, the myth about superior and inferior races is a factor that complicates the problem of racism.

In fact, without us realizing it, racism often happens around us, it doesn't only happen to famous figures or footballers like Vinicius Jr.  It seems that there must be extreme changes if we want to eradicate racism completely, but to be honest I doubt that racism will disappear, racism will continue as long as humanity exists.