Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Collectibles => Topic started by: Abiky on May 31, 2023, 04:18:24 PM

Title: Which do you prefer? Physical or digital collectibles?
Post by: Abiky on May 31, 2023, 04:18:24 PM
The inception of NFTs brought a new era in the world of collectibles. Anything from art to rare items can now be collected in a digital manner. To some people, this is revolutionary because it eliminates the need to find space and protect your most valuable possesions. But to others, physical collectibles are better since they're something you can actually touch and carry with you wherever you go.

I'd prefer physical collectibles since they're something that could last forever. Not digital (intangible) items that are stored on a centralized server subject to fade in an instant.

Which do you prefer? Physical or digital collectibles? And why? Your input will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. :)

Title: Re: Which do you prefer? Physical or digital collectibles?
Post by: MoparMiningLLC on May 31, 2023, 04:22:33 PM
Physical over digital 1000%

Title: Re: Which do you prefer? Physical or digital collectibles?
Post by: BTCOVERFIATS on May 31, 2023, 04:23:37 PM
The only thing in the world that is digitally scarce is Bitcoin. Don't let the NFTs fool you

Title: Re: Which do you prefer? Physical or digital collectibles?
Post by: blucepheus on May 31, 2023, 04:25:15 PM
NFT trading platforms have turned into glorified casinos (with worse odds).

There are a few collections that draw true collectors from the physical art world (Fidenza, Nina’s), but every other project is constant pump and dumps. I was heavy into Bored Ape Yacht Club and the rest of Yuga’s ecosystem, but having seen the landscape shift so much from art to casino, I’m out.

Physical collections absolutely get my vote.

Title: Re: Which do you prefer? Physical or digital collectibles?
Post by: montreal1 on May 31, 2023, 04:47:37 PM
I have 0 interest in nfts. Nothing better than a graded coin loaded with btc 8) collectible Bitcoin notes, cards, magazines etc are equally amazing

Title: Re: Which do you prefer? Physical or digital collectibles?
Post by: tldr-hodl on May 31, 2023, 04:58:15 PM
NFTs? Just say no!

Title: Re: Which do you prefer? Physical or digital collectibles?
Post by: Suzuki Matt on May 31, 2023, 04:59:01 PM
Btc is the only digital asset I am interested in.

Title: Re: Which do you prefer? Physical or digital collectibles?
Post by: Spokanistan51 on May 31, 2023, 05:05:28 PM
Physicals 100%, if I die tomorrow my kids and family have something tangible.

Title: Re: Which do you prefer? Physical or digital collectibles?
Post by: StorageCold on May 31, 2023, 05:22:06 PM

Title: Re: Which do you prefer? Physical or digital collectibles?
Post by: Honeybadger2014 on May 31, 2023, 05:36:55 PM
physical without a doubt.  and only BTC physical!

Title: Re: Which do you prefer? Physical or digital collectibles?
Post by: MoparMiningLLC on May 31, 2023, 06:21:47 PM
I have never "purchased" any NFT's other than minting the the CS2 stamps - big waste of eth there.

I have also lost over 100 XCP NFT's - didnt realize that freewallet doesnt keep the keys once a key is imported so after import I destroyed my copy of the key believing the key had been imported to freewallet but it did not and after restarting freewallet - the imported key no longer showed.

I much prefer physical - if a physical has a digital - ok that's kind of cool but I do not see myself paying sats for a NFT ever.

Title: Re: Which do you prefer? Physical or digital collectibles?
Post by: krogothmanhattan on May 31, 2023, 07:34:46 PM
  To be honest...I prefer both....Love my digital Bitcoin in my physical items but now I also love even more the NFTs on Ordinals!

   I mean...You have Bitcoin and digital embeded images on Bitcoin blockchain on one can you not like?

   Even if the NFT or image was not on the coin, I love my Ordinals and BRC-20 tokens just as they are all part of the Bitcoin blockchain forever! :D

Title: Re: Which do you prefer? Physical or digital collectibles?
Post by: sweeteye on May 31, 2023, 08:20:40 PM
My introduction to bitcoin collectibles was loaded physical coins with their digital currency equivalent, and historical ephemera -- but now any physical that has a digital/NFT counterpart makes it collectible to me, whether an NFT of magazine cover on ETH or XCP, a pair of PepeFlyers with their utility/COA+ NFT, or a krogoth original coin with a Polygon NFT :) It's coming for us all and (I believe) in the very near future we won't even think of purchasing a high-end luxury good (a watch or a classic car, for instance) if it doesn't have a 1:1 digital/NFT component (on BTC blockchain, ofc!)

Title: Re: Which do you prefer? Physical or digital collectibles?
Post by: JanEmil on May 31, 2023, 08:29:37 PM
I have +3000 NFTs and close to 500 physical crypto collectibles. Until recently the physicals was above all. I saw it as more serious and "secure" then NFTs where many teams is to weak to survive particularly long. But lately physicals got hit and some of my idols proved not to be long-term sustainable. So know I don't fully know.

I have most fun with NFTs. I am probably still most proud when I show of my physicals or watch them alone.

Title: Re: Which do you prefer? Physical or digital collectibles?
Post by: bitbollo on May 31, 2023, 10:04:44 PM
a physical object is the most interesting in this sector.
like an object that "broke through the screen" and crossed an inter-dimensional wall to get to us ::) 
beyond the poetic aspect (yes I have a license for this), giving a physical form to an object that is "virtualW is the most interesting thing there is. Like something that could be shaped on fantasy and become true.

I find everything realized in the first 5-10 years of bitcoin's existence "interesting".
nowaday there are a lot of collectibles produced yearly (both digital and physical). meanwhile those from the early years are really interesting and certainly with a very limited edition.

Title: Re: Which do you prefer? Physical or digital collectibles?
Post by: Kryptowerk on May 31, 2023, 10:06:36 PM
Physical 100%.
For me NTF to physical collectible is similar to having a digital chat vs meeting in person. It just has more dimensions / layers added to the esperience that cannot be replicated in the digital world.

That said, *some* digital art I would fully appreciate as "real" art. One of my favourites is a combination of physical and digital, there is an art expo called Ars Electronica which was very early in trying to combine these two worlds.
They are still around, could still be worth checking out:

I am not generally opposed to NFTs but not a fan of mass produced-for-max-profit randomly-generated-bs. Like with almost anything, there are impressive exceptions, though..

Title: Re: Which do you prefer? Physical or digital collectibles?
Post by: av8rjeff on June 01, 2023, 01:19:48 AM
Physical over digital 1000%

What Mopar said!

Title: Re: Which do you prefer? Physical or digital collectibles?
Post by: Eclipse33 on June 01, 2023, 03:03:37 AM
The community around physicals is much more robust and organic then the current NFT community.

Physicals have had nearly a decade to prove themselves and the majority of physicals are built off the extremely robust and proven bitcoin blockchain.

NFTs are not rooted in any sort of foundation and are instead rooted in hysteria and moon-boy mentality and antics.

The good physicals will endure for decades, I can't say the same for NFTs or the people behind them.

Physicals pose massive upside potential due to the fact they are still relatively unknown as well as them being somewhat inaccessible to purchase.  

Title: Re: Which do you prefer? Physical or digital collectibles?
Post by: michellee on June 01, 2023, 03:17:23 AM
I prefer physical collections over digital and I don't like NFT at the moment because they don't have an investment function yet or even if there is one, I don't want to try it yet.

But I like it specifically for Bitcoin even though it is a digital product because Bitcoin is different from other digital products. Bitcoin can be a real investment for all of us, especially if we own a lot of Bitcoin and store it for sale at a peak price.

But if NFT has developed later and many start using NFT as an investment, maybe I'll just start saving some NFT. For now, NFT prices are also unrealistic ;D

Title: Re: Which do you prefer? Physical or digital collectibles?
Post by: noorman0 on June 01, 2023, 05:10:54 AM
NFTs may not become a trend in the future, as non-artists can also create an unlimited amount of unique digital art with the help of AI. So I will still choose the physical collectible, and I think it is also more artistic when placed in a private gallery at home with perfect placement and spatial arrangement.
And actually there are many advantages of physical collectibles more than what I mentioned.

Title: Re: Which do you prefer? Physical or digital collectibles?
Post by: minerjones on June 01, 2023, 11:20:58 AM
I prefer phygital....  like the CryptoKaijus! :D
They come in physical and digital form

Title: Re: Which do you prefer? Physical or digital collectibles?
Post by: aoluain on June 01, 2023, 12:26:06 PM
 To be honest...I prefer both....Love my digital Bitcoin in my physical items but now I also love even more the NFTs on Ordinals!

   I mean...You have Bitcoin and digital embeded images on Bitcoin blockchain on one can you not like?

   Even if the NFT or image was not on the coin, I love my Ordinals and BRC-20 tokens just as they are all part of the Bitcoin blockchain forever! :D

I have one NFT . . . from krogothmanhattan! but its with a physical!

I havent looked into the "ordinals" "craze" but what k says above it kind of sounds cool,
to me the kicker is " ... on the Bitcoin Blockchain" this would obviously cut out all
the messy business with NFT's

For me though Physical trumps digital maybe its predominantly older generation thing,
Would younger generations prefer digital collectibles I wonder?

Title: Re: Which do you prefer? Physical or digital collectibles?
Post by: vizique on June 01, 2023, 12:29:44 PM
I prefer phygital....  like the CryptoKaijus! :D
They come in physical and digital form

This is such an awful word though "phygital"

You, sir, are in possession of the best and coolest name ever (I may be biased)



Title: Re: Which do you prefer? Physical or digital collectibles?
Post by: vizique on June 01, 2023, 12:37:35 PM
I've spent time in both worlds and Physical Art and Collectables will always be better to own and enjoy IMO.

With that said, some of the BTC/XCP NFT's are worthy and definitely collectable. NFT's did start on BTC so there's a place on the shelf and in the story.
I've made many XCP based tokens and works myself as, once "minted" using XCP, all actions take place on the BTC chain, very cool.
As for Ordinals and Stamps. They were inevitable and, if anything nothing new in many ways. Personally I am not a collector of either but I'm not going to tell people how to use an Open Protocol, thats not how this all works.

But as many have noted, the wider NFT scene, esp on other chains, is an utter shit show. But, if trading is your game and you know how to play it, it can be quite lucrative. But that's not a Collectors mindset now is it?  ;)

It's good to experiment and learn about these things and the various technolgies in and behind them. Information is power.


Title: Re: Which do you prefer? Physical or digital collectibles?
Post by: Abiky on June 01, 2023, 04:32:25 PM
I have 0 interest in nfts. Nothing better than a graded coin loaded with btc 8) collectible Bitcoin notes, cards, magazines etc are equally amazing

Grading companies could join the NFT hype by issuing a digital version of your graded collectible. You'd have both the physical graded coin slab, as well as, an NFT version of it. But I doubt they will do this, especially when most NFTs are a gamble these days. With data stored on centralized servers, you can easily lose your precious NFTs in an instant. It's not like a physical collectible that you can preserve for years with proper care. People have even gone as far as making NFTs linked to tweets made by someone on Twitter, when all of that data could easily fade away into oblivion.

It's a wild and crazy world out there, so I'd expect the NFT hype to last for quite some time. At least, we know physical collectibles won't be going anywhere soon. Who knows if they'll outlive NFTs in the long run?  ::)

Title: Re: Which do you prefer? Physical or digital collectibles?
Post by: OgNasty on June 01, 2023, 05:35:24 PM
I used to hate the idea of digital collectibles but I like them now so long as they serve a purpose. That purpose could be like a ticket stub, showing you were present for an event, or an active ticket to be able to access online games or services…

The problem with physical collectibles is that you have to store them somewhere. If they are expensive you’ll probably even store them somewhere you never get to see them.

So I think digital collectibles have the potential to be more fun and useful.

Title: Re: Which do you prefer? Physical or digital collectibles?
Post by: StorageCold on June 01, 2023, 06:09:14 PM
The problem with physical collectibles is that you have to store them somewhere. If they are expensive you’ll probably even store them somewhere you never get to see them.

Take a picture of it, now it's like an NFT you can look at.

Title: Re: Which do you prefer? Physical or digital collectibles?
Post by: krogothmanhattan on June 01, 2023, 07:32:39 PM
I have 0 interest in nfts. Nothing better than a graded coin loaded with btc 8) collectible Bitcoin notes, cards, magazines etc are equally amazing

Grading companies could join the NFT hype by issuing a digital version of your graded collectible. You'd have both the physical graded coin slab, as well as, an NFT version of it. But I doubt they will do this, especially when most NFTs are a gamble these days. With data stored on centralized servers, you can easily lose your precious NFTs in an instant. It's not like a physical collectible that you can preserve for years with proper care. People have even gone as far as making NFTs linked to tweets made by someone on Twitter, when all of that data could easily fade away into oblivion.

It's a wild and crazy world out there, so I'd expect the NFT hype to last for quite some time. At least, we know physical collectibles won't be going anywhere soon. Who knows if they'll outlive NFTs in the long run?  ::)

  I agree....lots of NFT's on chains that the images are not on and they can easily be changed or removed.

  But that's why I like the images for those NFTs are embedded into the Bitcoin Blockchain forever!

  That to me is the way a real NFT should be...once uploaded it will stay there forever and can never be manipulated in any way ;)


Title: Re: Which do you prefer? Physical or digital collectibles?
Post by: wheelz1200 on June 01, 2023, 08:52:42 PM
Definitely physical!  I jist never got into nfts maybe it's just jealousy 😂

No seriously for being able to display something in real life is what always got me into any collectable.  The shinier the better!  I know a lot is leaning more into digital but maybe I'm just too old for those new tricks.

Title: Re: Which do you prefer? Physical or digital collectibles?
Post by: krogothmanhattan on June 01, 2023, 10:36:27 PM
    What is better than to have a Digital Currency have a sibling underneath the hologram in the form of an NFT Image?

    Both Digitals...onchains and in a physical capsule to keep each other company!  :D

Title: Re: Which do you prefer? Physical or digital collectibles?
Post by: Abiky on June 02, 2023, 04:03:05 PM
I used to hate the idea of digital collectibles but I like them now so long as they serve a purpose. That purpose could be like a ticket stub, showing you were present for an event, or an active ticket to be able to access online games or services…

The problem with physical collectibles is that you have to store them somewhere. If they are expensive you’ll probably even store them somewhere you never get to see them.

So I think digital collectibles have the potential to be more fun and useful.

Maybe. If the content of a digital collectible is preserved forever, nothing can go wrong. You can pass on those collectibles to future generations by making a backup of the keys or seeds linked to your wallet. One of the main benefits of digital collectibles is portability. You can carry hundreds, or even thousands of digital collectibles without taking too much physical space. They can be stored on a tiny piece of paper or even a microSD card. All you need is the key or seed linked to the wallet holding the collectibles.

I still prefer physical collectibles because of their tangibility. You can touch or see them anytime, even when there's no electricity or Internet access at all. Both types of collectibles have their own advantages/disadvantages, so ultimately you decide which ones to keep for your own convenience. I'd be surprised if NFTs are still a thing decades from now. ;D

  I agree....lots of NFT's on chains that the images are not on and they can easily be changed or removed.

  But that's why I like the images for those NFTs are embedded into the Bitcoin Blockchain forever!

  That to me is the way a real NFT should be...once uploaded it will stay there forever and can never be manipulated in any way ;)

That's awesome. But storing data on the main BTC blockchain itself would bring congestion issues in the long run. Some say Bitcoin Stamps are even worse than Ordinals inscriptions as they take a lot more space on the Blockchain. I really hope they don't become popular, or BTC will become super expensive for daily payments. I'm afraid the NFT craze is only starting, so hold on tight as this is going to be a wild ride. ;)

Title: Re: Which do you prefer? Physical or digital collectibles?
Post by: OgNasty on June 02, 2023, 04:31:07 PM
The problem with physical collectibles is that you have to store them somewhere. If they are expensive you’ll probably even store them somewhere you never get to see them.

Take a picture of it, now it's like an NFT you can look at.

You left out the part of my quote where I talk about digital collectibles being cool if they have a use. Looking at a picture isn’t a use to me. It seems like you are likely unaware that digital collectibles can serve purposes. Using my own offerings as an example, a digital collectible like a NastyFans seat would enable you to collect BTC distributions or vote on club polls. That is a digital collectible with a use. I also offer them in physical form, which makes their ROI lower but some people want physical over digital and pay extra for that. They both have their advantages. However, having a picture of a physical NastyFans seat is worthless.