Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Godlovesyou on June 01, 2023, 04:25:46 PM

Title: Money is never enough!
Post by: Godlovesyou on June 01, 2023, 04:25:46 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Wiwo on June 01, 2023, 04:45:50 PM

First, you must know that money is limitless and the amount you own doesn't guarantee you a successful financial future unless you invest that money into something that will keep making you more money in the process,

So the oil guy failed to invest his money properly and failed to keep servicing the oil well which is the reason for it drying up.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: aylabadia05 on June 01, 2023, 04:51:46 PM
There is a sentence like "money is not everything, but everything needs money".
When money is able to control us, that's when we feel that money will never be enough. On the other hand, if we are in control of money, then any amount will be sufficient.

Arrogance and feeling the greatest when there are many sheets of paper is not something that needs to be done because it will not always be of value.
When we are able to direct or arrange sheets of paper with different designs for each country so that they are always of value, then that's great.
Sheets of paper that will become obsolete are like magic that will pull us into the abyss, so it's no wonder that in every country we always see many high-ranking officials involved in corruption cases.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: X-ray on June 01, 2023, 04:53:43 PM
So, what's the main purpose for people to fight in politics? It's all about money. When you have the power to control everything through being a regulator and then you will able to make your way to get the money much easier than you think.

Contesting in politics is not easy. You can imagine if there will be dark money that backed his opponent and his money will never be enough. He needs more than it to win in competing to get political power.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Faisal2202 on June 01, 2023, 04:55:37 PM
You pointed out a great topic or i would say a moral topic on which we should spend some time thinking. Like, before turning 18, we have been taught to make money so that we could make a happy living some of us got the point and some of us ignores it because? Idk what is the reason.

But i do know that, teaching the topic of "Money is never enough" is so necassary for all youngsters and i understood this point few years back due to some financial conditions. Which were repeating due to same mistakes made with money as you have mentioned a story of oil well owner, same as it is ours. I also spent a lot of time teaching the same thing to my you get brother that no wonder oldest will tell you to remain on earning more blah and blah but you have to give a thought to your own moral self and think about it for a second that how important money ks and how much important we should give it.

Because, when we give more importance to money then it deserves we are ruining our life along with our loved ones because let say, your oldest (anyone) gave you money to get them something from the market and you are under 18 and lost the money. What do you think is gonna happen when you get home. (I know you will say a teenager deserves that) but he/she also deserves forgiveness which the money lover ignores as he love money more and gave money more importance than it deserves.

I have seen many cases in my life, and understood this statement very well and i suggest all of in support of this statement that they should also adopt it in there livings and improve there life with this concept that money is not everything, even if you get a well of oil and get a 5$ from the road, it will never be enough until you satisfy your heart and control your wishes of getting more (not greed).

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Accardo on June 01, 2023, 05:03:04 PM
The love of money kept everyone poor. We can't have enough money because we love it, so a person can't get enough of what they love. Do you ask yourself why some fraudsters, atheletes and business men go broke? most of them get stuck and stop getting money after their big earning. If a person understands how money works, follows the right investment and is comfortable with what they have, they can manage money wisely. Out of greed people fail to manage money, like the mentioned guy, he got greedy out of his love for money now he's broke. If he knew the right candidate and invested the money on the person with a higher probability of winning the election, and eventually the person wins, he, the investor, will enjoy more and gain extra money as the person he sponsored will shower him with lots of opportunities and help his oil business.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: @forxample on June 01, 2023, 05:28:22 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.
you need to know that whatever amount of money we have is transitory, the more you have a lot of money, the lifestyle will increase so that you only waste money on things that are not important. but it does not apply to people who can take advantage of opportunities and can control themselves. so when you have a lot of money. the first is to immediately lend your money so that your money is still there. Second, immediately invest your money to keep your money and increase the wealth you have. third, immediately try to start your business so you can learn to manage money and even if you lose you will get expensive experience, so that later when you start another business it will be better because there has been an evaluation of the previous business so you don't experience losses.

and the man who runs the oil industry fails to take advantage of the opportunities that come his way and cannot organize and manage what he gets.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Smartvirus on June 01, 2023, 05:32:16 PM
There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.
Owns an oil well you say...!
Are you sure you know what means or entails?
As little as trying to run for politics twice won't be enough to finish the money that could be generated by an individual with a single oil well. Come on, let's be more realistic about that.  Yeah, there would be other constraints to what might get the individual bankrupt but, am not so sure that individual owned an oil well in the first place.

When we refer to money, we've got to understand that it diminishes with time. Money not well spent and by that mean invested would as well diminish. There is a reason why continual earnings is regarded as income. Its supposed to keep coming as you spend. If you aren't getting regular income, then you ought not to spending more.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: salad daging on June 01, 2023, 05:49:44 PM
Maybe you've heard about lottery winners with jackpots that get up to hundreds of thousands of dollars and some even touch millions of dollars, they become arrogant because they buy whatever they want because they have a lot in their pocket, but in a few years the person is far poor again after do not use their money properly, then money that is never enough is for people who are greedy and can have control over their management.

As for the oil dealer, then it will deal with politics/government whereas for me politics is cruel with every big opportunity he will enter and reap the money, so it's no wonder there will be a power struggle and whoever is tough will win.
I don't know whether the oil source is owned by someone or the government because of political power, this is a struggle.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: uneng on June 01, 2023, 05:56:05 PM
There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything.
Well, your story has come with a moral in the end: don't get engaged with politics! Especially if you consider yourself a threat to consolidated structures inside your local society. There will be retaliation later, without any doubts...

We can't say with sure the intentions of your oil dealer friend on his political misadventures, but the chances are that a greedy, unscrupulous individual is more likely to win than to lose, and considering he has lost twice already, the chances are that he isn't on the level of cunning and trickery politics demands from a person.

In your example, you have expressed money is never enough for the oil dealer, but thinking by the other side, he didn't have a spot in politics because money wasn't enough for his adversaries. ;)

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: teosanru on June 01, 2023, 06:12:12 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.
This is true. Money can always satisfy you only upto a certain level after that you only want to reach to the next higher level. When a person doesn't have any money even a little salary is enough for him, but after he starts earning that little salary eventually that'll also not be enough and he'll want more because we humans have that tendency to increase our needs, lifestyle and wants with our increasing salaries.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Zlantann on June 01, 2023, 06:17:41 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again.

I don't think money breeds pride because there many people that are poor but proud. The richest man in my country is one of the meekest personalities I have ever come across. He lives a modest life than many people that even depend on him to make money. Anybody that becomes proud when he becomes rich has some traces of pride before the money came. If we understand that money comes and goes we will be more humble. There is no need to be arrogant because of money because someone's earns in seconds what you have acquired throughout your lifetime.

There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything.

Money is not enough for people that are not content with what they have. Based on your story the reason why this man went into politics is not to serve the people but to make more money and show off. He is a greedy folk that is not content with his income from the oil well. This is what happens to people that don't appreciate what they have so they end up losing what they had in the process of chasing what they don't have.

This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.

Presidents of a country are not expected to amass wealth while in office. The only reason why they become super rich is because they steal from public funds. So it is not out of place for ex-presidents to go into business or other ventures to make money. It is only in some corrupt countries that past presidents are even richer than most global businessmen because of corruption.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: someone703 on June 01, 2023, 06:51:20 PM
The desire to have money and accumulate wealth can vary from person to person. So there are many people who will never feel satisfied with the assets they hold, which leads to the relentless pursuit of more wealth. Even being arrogant and getting a sense of greatness just from material possessions won't be satisfying in the long run. The value of money is not fixed, and currency can fluctuate in value. Even so, there are still a lot of people pursuing it, which is why more and more people are pursuing this nature.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: panganib999 on June 01, 2023, 06:54:31 PM
Money is power, thus you'd understand that these people with money will always be vying for power the very chance they get. Only thing is that you'd have to be able to know when to stop and when to push through, seems like this guy is onto something, or he's just belligerent enough to think that losing the election once isn't indicative of something. Money doesn't breed pride, it just inflates it. People have inherent pride in them from the moment they grew consciousness in this planet and money just elevates that pride to a whole new level.

I could also say that since there's a threshold to how much money will make you happy, and once you've reached that threshold earning more money wouldn't make you happier anymore I can see these people chasing that high, which then leads them to feats that are so stupid all for the love of money.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: usekevin on June 01, 2023, 06:57:56 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.

When the money we get from the jackpot,first we will do of satisfying all the old desire.It may be big or small,mostly big which fulfilled by the huge money from the jackpot.When you do fill the big desire,you will become a poor again.So you can get money from other people after the loss of complete fortune from the jackpot.When the oil dealer uses all money in the politics,he can earn more than the invested money from the politics alone.Incase he lost as though your opinion,then it will leads to poor condition and worst decision in his life time by choosing politics.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Silberman on June 01, 2023, 07:07:40 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.
What happens is very simple, no matter how rich a person becomes they will never generate enough money to buy every single thing the world has to offer, so when thinking about this is obvious that the answer to our problems is often not necessarily to earn more money but to limit our desires, and the example you give is a perfect illustration of this, the person you are referring to was fortunate enough to earn a lot of money, but due to his aspirations to have even more, now he has lost everything.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Hamphser on June 01, 2023, 07:18:39 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.
We humans are naturally greedy on which its no surprise that we would really be asking for more than on what we do currently have. We know that if we are financially capabled then we would really be touching

up things like that politics since we are really that aiming for having that power and influence.Yes,it is really that indeed peanuts considering that there are far more lot richer than us but
if you are really that an owner of an oil well then this is something that isnt really anyone could able to attain on how much this guy is owning but same as you said that money sources
cant last up forever and this is why it would really be ideal that you should really know on making use of your money into much wiser way for you to sustain and wont
really be making yourself that poor again.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Crypto Library on June 01, 2023, 07:31:43 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.
It is true that money is never enough. We humans never sit with the peacefulness what we have, everyone wants to improve their status, and for this they make various efforts. Some are successful and some fail. And its negative aspect is tied to failing with the community person you know. It wouldn't have happened to him unless he was happy with what he had. However, the lesson we should learn from these incidents is that excess greediness is never good.
Most of the time though, we humans don't follow this, and the reason for this reminds me of a saying that people's mouths are never filled unless it's the soil of the grave. Anyway, finally with our learning from these cases, our life should actually be passed in such a way that Simple Living High thinking.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Fortify on June 01, 2023, 07:38:09 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.

What your rather short and condensed story tells me is that you need to diversify your income streams, while identifying potential leaks of your money. Everyone with a business mindset will always be looking for chances at new or improved revenue streams, it feels like he gambled his on the possibility that he could wield power into even more money. That is a very dangerous game, because if he had no charisma, had poor connections or the face simply didn't fit - then he was unlikely to transfer easily into the game of politics. He would have been much better off following and optimizing his original line of business, but then, he may have been bored of that and was looking for a new challenge, but he ultimately failed and wasted a lot of money in the process.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: alastantiger on June 01, 2023, 07:38:18 PM
I don't agree. Money is always enough, it is human greed and insatiatity that is not enough. The greed to accumulate more resources than you'll ever need that makes money seem like it is not enough.The person described in the story you narrated is just a rookie politician. Because if he is a veteran he'd know that campaigns are not funded from out of pocket. Isn't it?  Presidents of nations fight just like in Sudan not because of money but greed, deep seated evil greed. If it is not greed, then why is a country like Switzerland with all her riches not at war?

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Unbunplease on June 01, 2023, 07:45:47 PM
Is the meaning of life in the constant pursuit of money? If a man has money, he wants more - but why should he want more when he has everything? You can't make all the money in the world. And is becoming a slave to money the purpose of life? If a man ends up in the desert, what will he do with his money? Nothing. But he will understand that money is not the most important thing in life.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: |MINER| on June 01, 2023, 08:03:37 PM
Is the meaning of life in the constant pursuit of money? If a man has money, he wants more - but why should he want more when he has everything? You can't make all the money in the world. And is becoming a slave to money the purpose of life? If a man ends up in the desert, what will he do with his money? Nothing. But he will understand that money is not the most important thing in life.
It is human nature to want more. No matter how much we say money is not everything but everything is based on money. And that is why we humans have now become the slaves of this money. There are very few people who are satisfied with little. If we see the world's top rich people are not happy with their current position, and they are constantly working to improve the situation.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: rhodelmabanal on June 01, 2023, 08:08:00 PM
The money is not enough you have a big point many people fights for money even if they are already rich that is called greed, humans are greedy, there's a lot of people who are ready to die for money in my country there is a politician die because he fight for the illegal business of the ex politician take note the ex politician is a billionaire why he killed for money when he can have a good option to stop illegal business because he is already billionaire,  so we can say that most of the people are greedy and money is not enough.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Davian144 on June 01, 2023, 08:31:17 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.
Money will never be enough if it continues to be used in any case, because it is human nature to continue to use it where they want and yes, there is no need to be surprised at the president who continues to make money in this world as long as he is still alive. Because when someone is still alive, of course he still needs food, which must be bought with money, so don't be surprised when you see people who still feel a lack of money in their lives, even though they already have a monthly salary through their own work.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Ndabagi01 on June 01, 2023, 08:42:30 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again.

A little training at home and a thorough background check will help you spend your money sensibly, regardless of how much you have. Arrogance and pride are two factors that can easily rule you and cause you to spend money frivolously without considering how to double it.

Money is a powerful motivator, and it is a confirmed fact that mankind will continue to pursue it until their last breath on Earth. The only way to be satisfied with what you have is to be content with what you have. Even if you are content, you can still look for money, but not as someone who is simply looking for money and ends up losing their own self respect. Money is everything and it is insufficient; the need for money will last till the person dies. What distinguishes you as a person is how you use and multiply your money.

There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.

He simply lacked financial knowledge, which is why he didn't explore for ways to multiply the money but instead spent it thinking he'd reap the benefits later, perhaps by stealing public monies when he gets into power, as all politicians are known for.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Bushdark on June 01, 2023, 09:34:30 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.
Many people are getting into politics because of the money they can embezzle from the government account. I am not surprised seeing a lots of people joining politics because they think that is the only way they can survive and make a lot of money. The little we have is not enough that is why we need to know what we are doing so we don't create enemies for ourselves. Hitting a jackpot is one of the thing that do make some persons proud and they may have forgotten that the money will finish very soon. Money could never be enough that is why we need to always invest our money in something that will give us profits in the future.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: stomachgrowls on June 01, 2023, 09:44:40 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.
Many people are getting into politics because of the money they can embezzle from the government account. I am not surprised seeing a lots of people joining politics because they think that is the only way they can survive and make a lot of money. The little we have is not enough that is why we need to know what we are doing so we don't create enemies for ourselves. Hitting a jackpot is one of the thing that do make some persons proud and they may have forgotten that the money will finish very soon. Money could never be enough that is why we need to always invest our money in something that will give us profits in the future.
They do have that kind of mindset on which they do really believe that once they do root up themselves into political position then they could really do even more money and of course its just common sense that you would really be having that corrupted kind of activity on which you could really make money more and this is why lots of them would really be that mindful or doing out their best on trying to get a position.
Good thing that guy wasnt able to succeed and failed out. This is really indeed due to greed on why people do really end up on being miserable because of those bad intents which ends up on not to be successful.
Its true that riches cant really be remained forever and there would really be a time that it would deplete out and ending up for you to be poor once again.
This is why we should really be that wise and careful on dealing up with our money or spending which supposed to be applied on good way or things that would be beneficial.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on June 01, 2023, 10:15:01 PM
Money is plentiful for those who understand. the simple laws that govern its acquisition.

I think a lot has happened in my life already, with the experiences I have also gathered from people around me. If there is anyone who should feel like they are at the top of the world because of the money they have, then it should be someone who has a purse of gold and also a well of gold to always fill that purse. Some people brag about the little money they have luckily earned, while there are people who are financially loaded out there but yet don't barge in or are even unnoticed.

People who know the rule of money don't feel so satisfied with just any little money that they get hold of; rather, they get the quest on how to multiply their money, and if they are very successful, that's only when they are satisfied. But, as is common, who gets satisfied with making money? If not, Elon Musk is supposed to stop pushing so hard to make more money.

In the past, I also had one pharmacist in my place who lost almost every penny he had, including his shop, because he decided to go on a political journey.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: BitcoinTurk on June 01, 2023, 10:16:37 PM
In fact, each individual shapes their quality of life according to their earnings or financial situation. That is, someone with a monthly income of 1000 units, shapes his/her life accordingly while someone with a monthly income of 10000 units, shapes his/her life according to this income. Since both individuals want their current life to be in better conditions, this income level is not enough for both individuals because they will need more money to live a better life.
This also applies to anyone who has earned or obtained a large amount of money in any way. Human psychology is programmed to get the better no matter what and for this reason a person's current amount of money is never enough for him.

One more thing... Money is never enough!

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Baofeng on June 01, 2023, 10:31:01 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.

Of course, that is the biggest lessons for everyone here, even though you could have all the money in the world, still though there might be a time that it will dried up because of your wrong decisions in life. And probably this is what happen to this guy, he thought that he could go on forever with his oil dealership and that the money will continue to flow. And so with wrong mindset to begin with, it's just a matter of time before God will take that everything from you if you began to be greedy, in his case, he wanted political power. And with that, this is just a lessons for everyone, you should learn how to invest as well for the future because you don't know that one of your source of income will suddenly be taken away from you.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: serjent05 on June 01, 2023, 10:33:15 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.

When a person runs in the election, they often joine parties where they are funded to promote themselves and their party.  I do no think that running for a goverment seat had drained his money unless he runs as an independent.

I also agree that money is limitless because there is this government that can just print money out of thin. Having money is really important but money management is as important.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Rruchi man on June 01, 2023, 11:21:14 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.
Have you seen this discussion  How much money is enough money?  (

Money is barely enough and if you keep chasing after money and not your happiness too with intention to get the money, there is no point where you will have said to have enough money or you do not need more money, Money makes more things possible to get, so it makes money more important to have, get and keep.

To our different levels and different amount of money we have, there are always challenges that demand that money we have, even more sometimes. There is always the need to do more to keep having that money to be able to meet up these challenges and solve them.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: MainIbem on June 01, 2023, 11:31:57 PM
Have you ever fetched water and keep in drum before?
Yes, this is a good example of money, whenever you are being employed and you starts working you didn't make a savings that is what would happen to you. As a man no matter how big is your drum ones you keep using it without replacement and or even refilling the drum you ends of being a loser because your drum would be empty.
Money is meant for planting and not for wasting into what you know that may not yield results to you.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Captain Corporate on June 01, 2023, 11:37:03 PM
I never understood this mindset, why do people feel like they have to do something? Seriously, isn't "nothing" a deal. I saw actor matt leblanc, the guy who played joey at friends, took like years of break to do absolutely nothing, just enjoy life after friends because he didn't need to, he had all the money in the world he could need. Maybe not as much rich example as that, but if I had like 100-200k, then I would probably just do nothing as well. Between the interest I can make on that, plus the main money, that would probably not end until I die, or at least very old. I am not saying I would do absolutely nothing, but I would certainly not do anything that would make me lose all that money, I would simply do stuff that will make me money instead, like work such as I am doing everyday now, but even that I would do less than what I am doing today, and just enjoy life. Doing nothing is the best thing in the world, and the most important thing people are missing, learn to do nothing and a lot of doors open up emotionally.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Yatsan on June 01, 2023, 11:49:27 PM
Depends on what amount and what you are as an individual. People with big pockets are ending up broke simply because of their decisions and how they make use of their money in the first place. You could have huge amount of money but if you won't be able to use it to something which would generate more, then what's to expect?
Have you ever fetched water and keep in drum before?
Yes, this is a good example of money, whenever you are being employed and you starts working you didn't make a savings that is what would happen to you. As a man no matter how big is your drum ones you keep using it without replacement and or even refilling the drum you ends of being a loser because your drum would be empty.
Money is meant for planting and not for wasting into what you know that may not yield results to you.
The goal is to find more outlets or sources to continue filling that 'drum'. Indeed if you are jist opening up the hole or jist make use of your savings without any return it will jist be empty in the long run. Ofcourse in every action there'll be risk but atleast it should be manageable.

The cited story is somehow a reflection of how most of us are spending our own funds. No matter how huge our funds are, if it would be overwhelmed by our expenses then nothing would be left.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: loopes on June 01, 2023, 11:51:24 PM
So, what's the main purpose for people to fight in politics? It's all about money. When you have the power to control everything through being a regulator and then you will able to make your way to get the money much easier than you think.

definitely true, there are many people who dive to the political sphere and join the election have multiple purpose not only for nationalism but  also have their own purpose to enhance their business. I Means, after they have some power in the government / politic they will use their power to support their business, like building capitalism regulations that ease their personal corporate to expand or etc

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: xSkylarx on June 02, 2023, 12:22:29 AM
if you wanting more that is the problem starts, that is called greed as he is rich then still wanting more power. I think this is more about power which makes more money, as for sure he already predicted that the oil will be gone sooner and he doesn't know what to do next so he decided to run just to earn money. Also I've heard a lot of stories that even you are rich there still missing in you and happiness is difficult to find as you are too busy

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: crwth on June 02, 2023, 01:52:54 AM
That's just like the adrenaline rush that you get and the dopamine feeling that you are ready to receive what life has to give you. That's going to make you feel more invincible and blind you that anything can still happen. That's going to be the challenge and ensure you are within the grasp of reality. I think you have to have an understanding that you need precautions. I think being greedy like thinking it's never enough is not ok as well.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Darker45 on June 02, 2023, 02:20:16 AM
For me, it actually goes both ways. Money may never be enough for some. For others, however, a little amount of money is enough to live through each day.

But I agree with what you're saying. If one is consumed by spending, there will never be enough money. Your story is not unique. There are so many rich people who become poor because of irresponsible spending. If the outflow is faster than the inflow, it's just a matter of time before one gets drained of resources.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: bayu7adi on June 02, 2023, 03:06:24 AM
For me, it actually goes both ways. Money may never be enough for some. For others, however, a little amount of money is enough to live through each day.
In my perspective, the fundamental necessities encompass food, clothing, and house. These three aspects are sufficient for us to live even without extravagance.

When someone becomes consumed by greed to acquire more money than what is truly necessary, they will perpetually feel inadequate. It is no longer about fulfilling needs, but rather about maintaining a certain social status. Vanity knows no bounds and will continue to drain more money when one continues to uphold such vanity.

Many individuals seek wealth relentlessly but forget to set limits for themselves. They opt to keep accumulating wealth, even to the point of leaving it as an inheritance for their families. Sadly, those who amass such wealth often fail to fully enjoy it. It is truly disheartening to witness such greed.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Litzki1990 on June 02, 2023, 03:42:05 AM
Money is not everything in life but people run after this money. It is only for this money that various unpleasant events occur. Greed for money is terrible. From low class people to high class people all run after this money. Kidnapping, murder, embezzlement are all done by people to increase their money. Conflicts arise between people because of money.

The disparity between the rich and the poor is created because of this money. You have rightly said that when people have money, people's ego increases. The addiction to money income makes us forget that we are human beings and we all have to leave this world one day by giving up the illusion of money. If you think about these things, you will not think that money is everything in life. When you leave the world, people will say what you have done for people. If you have done something good, people will remember it for the rest of their life.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Raceonsucced on June 02, 2023, 04:12:59 AM
I think it all comes down to being grateful. People will never have enough money if they are not grateful for what they have. I once read these words "whoever is not grateful for a little, he will not be able to be grateful for something a lot" and these words are true.

Money is indeed our daily needs. Money is always needed all the time. But, still we should be grateful. The main core that makes us lose is too greedy. :)

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: MainIbem on June 02, 2023, 04:28:49 AM
Depends on what amount and what you are as an individual. People with big pockets are ending up broke simply because of their decisions and how they make use of their money in the first place. You could have huge amount of money but if you won't be able to use it to something which would generate more, then what's to expect?
Have you ever fetched water and keep in drum before?
Yes, this is a good example of money, whenever you are being employed and you starts working you didn't make a savings that is what would happen to you. As a man no matter how big is your drum ones you keep using it without replacement and or even refilling the drum you ends of being a loser because your drum would be empty.
Money is meant for planting and not for wasting into what you know that may not yield results to you.
The goal is to find more outlets or sources to continue filling that 'drum'. Indeed if you are jist opening up the hole or jist make use of your savings without any return it will jist be empty in the long run. Ofcourse in every action there'll be risk but atleast it should be manageable.

The cited story is somehow a reflection of how most of us are spending our own funds. No matter how huge our funds are, if it would be overwhelmed by our expenses then nothing would be left.

That's why we should also try to live within our budget and income to at least have savings, the fact is that most of us don't plan life rather we plan living. Living I mean is how we spent our time with money earn from job or whatever but real life story is hidden behind which we have to tackle. Life is to set a financial flow of income were we might able to go work and yet stay at home while your money work for your money ( meaning your business generates your money) without you going to work anymore again, this is called life planning.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: lienfaye on June 02, 2023, 04:59:30 AM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.
The guy in your story is not contented on the money he has so he tried to gain power in politics. Losing once can already make you realize that maybe that path is not meant for you, but he tried twice resulting to financial losses followed by his failing business. In this story the guy is just greedy for wanting more even he already have money.

So it's not because money is not enough, but it's because of the greed of people for not being contented despite of having sufficient money to live comfortably. So it depends for each person and their level of contentment.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: awik p on June 02, 2023, 05:47:29 AM
most people will improve their lifestyle as their income increases. or even the necessities of life will appear on their own as the business grows. therefore we must be able to be people who remain simple even though the business continues to grow. On the other hand, political factors cannot be separated from bigger businesses, and of course we must be able to calculate them properly, otherwise it will backfire on ourselves, which will eventually stop our business.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: SOKO-DEKE on June 02, 2023, 08:38:55 AM
This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.

Yes, because of our needs, money is never really enough. Without it, we may not be able to purchase the things we want in life.And when we don't invest money or have other kinds of income, whatever amount of money someone may have will undoubtedly run out one day if no further funds are being added to it. During inflationary periods, someone's money may very quickly run out because the cost of commodities keeps rising. Consider a person who had $10 million 70 years ago. Had the individual not invested the money or chosen not to seek out additional sources of income, the person would not likely have as much money today.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Kelvinid on June 02, 2023, 09:05:24 AM
Having 1 million in our hands is not enough if we are greedy people and aiming more is literally what is on their minds. Contentment is somewhat missing if you believe yourselves that you can earn more and this is what happens to the person that you have talked about OP. And this can possibly happen to anyone who is never satisfied or never find themselves contentment. And it was hard for them to find happiness when deep inside they feel emptiness and greediness. 

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Gallar on June 02, 2023, 09:56:30 AM
More precisely, it's not the money that's never enough, but the lust and desire that never has enough. Everyone in this world I believe the majority would want money and are working to get money. This action is very good, because you are definitely willing to work to be able to cover the needs of yourself and your family. But what is unnatural and seen to be controlled by money and especially by their passions, there are many people who are crazy about getting money, even though the money they have is more than enough, you could even say it is enough for seven generations. But I can't blame people like that, because it's their right and maybe it's a hobby they like. But from the point of view that I understand and understand, such things are indeed too exaggerated and too greedy.

So in conclusion, don't want to be driven and controlled by lust and money, but we as humans, on the other hand, must be able to drive and control these two things.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Inwestour on June 02, 2023, 10:10:54 AM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.
It all depends on the person, for some an oil well is not enough, but for some a good job will be enough. Maybe it's about ambition, I don't know, I doubt very much that I would ever want to become a politician. There is an opinion that when a person has a lot of money, he strives for power.

An oil well could definitely help fulfill any desire, and it was also possible to diversify this source of income into others, like real estate, and thus secure a comfortable life. Money is not the main thing in life, and I do not agree that money is constantly lacking, you can find a balance in which you can feel comfortable.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: KiaKia on June 02, 2023, 10:15:43 AM
You use money to make more money, that's why we have to spend less and investment most of the money we make, this is the only way to be in good shape for the future, and instead of mocking the man OP you should learn from him, because what happened to him can happen to anybody.

I used the word mocking because you made it sound that way, if a man finds a way out of poverty he will change, the way he talks and compose himself will change, and many people who knew him before will believe he is now showing himself off.

You need to check yourself very well, put yourself in his shoe, the moment you are able to get into a stage that many people are struggling to get to, you are have automatically become a target of hate and envy.

He wants to grow higher, and we all know how richer one can get if they are into politics, and now that he failed, do not laugh yet, because he now has more knowledge from the experience, if he is strong, he will make a bigger come back.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: hyudien on June 02, 2023, 10:41:58 AM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.
For this reason, it is necessary to have fund management by allocating it to various sources of income. So, from the profit from oil, we process it into new businesses, such as investing in gas, coal, or gold. Everything should be expanded in order to avoid incidents like this. For example, Saudi Arabia, which is currently depleting its oil reserves, is starting to look for other alternatives in order to maintain the country's position as an oil-rich country. Building luxury hotel facilities for real estate investment. Expanding into the overseas business sector and having bilateral relations with several Western countries such as Russia, China, the US, and India. It's not a matter of whether money is limited or not, but depending on one flow of funds it seems as if money is limited. The government can print more money at the rate of inflation if you are willing to continue to act as a money launderer.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: YinShuiSiYuan on June 02, 2023, 11:05:47 AM
This caption can go in many contexts as money is never enough can be taken in contentment side thankyou are never satisfied with the money you have you always want to make more and more money those desires are endless and limitless. This greed and urge to get more sometimes leads you to wrong directions.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: demonica on June 02, 2023, 11:21:59 AM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.

Because money is power. People go into politics to gain connections and establish their name to gain more power. And politics is also money. They spend a lot of funds on election campaigns as their investments. They spend on ads, people who'll campaign for them, etc so that their name can be recognized and heard by a lot of people. Because once they win, they can get back the amount they spend on the campaign, and can even gain more profit from it. Also, even if you have your own business, there are more money in politics because it's the public's fund. That's why you can see that even the rich families who have their stable businesses will still try entering politics because of connections, money, and power.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Porfirii on June 02, 2023, 11:32:45 AM
There is a sentence like "money is not everything, but everything needs money".

There is another good sentence like: "Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile". I think it is the perfect complement to your sentence.

Back to the OP, if one doesn't tame his greed with the help of love (love from others and towards others), is it worth living? The owner of the well: wouldn't he be happier if he had invested his money in businesses with a positive impact on society, or his family, than in his failed political campaign?

To me, there is a point where money is enough, but that's not the way we are educated in West countries.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Sterbens on June 02, 2023, 11:49:58 AM
There are several differences in the perspectives of the poor and the rich regarding the income they earn. Let's say poor people get a Jackpot where they will spend on items they have never bought as a form of fulfilling their ambitions while still poor. But if the jackpot goes to the rich with enough fulfillment, they can either spend it or turn it into a source of investment because the rich know better how to expand their funding.

Money is never enough? Of course money is pretty hot, the more money you have, the more you want to own something. The greater the income, the greater the expenses. No wonder why you say the money you have can never be enough to fulfill someone's ambition. However, just like your friend who has sufficient finances and oil resources, if he is unable to manage them, he will be confused. Even though he claimed to be pro-market in the oil industry. doesn't that sound weird?

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: irhact on June 02, 2023, 12:11:30 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.

Money can never be enough because the price of things keep rising, inflation keeps making the money you have saved lose value that's why it's better to invest your more in assets like Bitcoin that'll increase the value of your money than saving or investing with banks that don't give you good profits instead make you lose money with their service changes.

Money is never enough that's why you need to learn a skills that can help you with your current job to get a better pay or help you later in life when you don't have a salary job. Also the skills can help you earn more as a side hustle so you have enough money to take care of bills.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Tony116 on June 02, 2023, 12:40:49 PM
Money is not everything in life but people run after this money. It is only for this money that various unpleasant events occur. Greed for money is terrible. From low class people to high class people all run after this money. Kidnapping, murder, embezzlement are all done by people to increase their money. Conflicts arise between people because of money.
All the sins you mentioned are not caused by money, the root of everything is human greed, selfishness, absolutely not money's fault. Money is just a product that we create to serve us, but we also make it into something we have to run after and obey, but in the end, the manipulator behind everything is our greed.

The disparity between the rich and the poor is created because of this money. You have rightly said that when people have money, people's ego increases. The addiction to money income makes us forget that we are human beings and we all have to leave this world one day by giving up the illusion of money. If you think about these things, you will not think that money is everything in life. When you leave the world, people will say what you have done for people. If you have done something good, people will remember it for the rest of their life.

I believe everyone, including you and I are aware of this. But we can't do that because no money in this day and age affects not only you but also the lives of your loved ones. So you can't stop making money and always treat it as everything because when you have money, you will have it all.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: wahyuagung26 on June 02, 2023, 01:05:05 PM
This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.

Broadly speaking in the world that Money is everything and with Money we will have everything we need and it's no wonder those who live in a thirsty world looking for money everywhere, but to be honest when Money can control someone I think from here they will slowly be destroyed by money, like the story of your friend who tried to join in politics and caused the oil wells he owned to almost run dry because of his financing to participate in politics, and the result was a failure.

People who feel thirsty and greedy for money, we think they will always fail in their lives, take the example of those who always have enough control over their finances, even though the strength is relatively low compared to other entrepreneurs, but the example here is the management of their finances which the orderly, and I think they will always have enough of that.

Everyone has a different point of view, sometimes they already occupy positions above with relatively high income but what they want is more, they will compete to want more, because the bigger the position, the bigger the need because sometimes people never feel enough, and give birth that money is never enough, and this does not apply to those who are wise in managing their finances.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Kakmakr on June 02, 2023, 01:18:47 PM
You need to study Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to understand the motivations for human behavior. Money are at the bottom of that model and at the top you will get self-actualization. Once you achieved the lower level of needs (money gives you food and water and security) .. then you strive to achieve the higher levels of needs.

The oil tycoon achieved the lower levels of his needs and to get power as a politician, was simply the next step in the evolution of humans. (Money and Power goes hand in hand)  :P

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Filicius on June 02, 2023, 01:45:38 PM
You need to study Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to understand the motivations for human behavior. Money are at the bottom of that model and at the top you will get self-actualization. Once you achieved the lower level of needs (money gives you food and water and security) .. then you strive to achieve the higher levels of needs.

The oil tycoon achieved the lower levels of his needs and to get power as a politician, was simply the next step in the evolution of humans. (Money and Power goes hand in hand)  :P

Be careful not to fall into Kahneman's ( "theory-induced blindness":

Once you have accepted a theory and used it as a tool in your thinking, it is extraordinarily difficult to notice its flaws. If you come upon an observation that does not seem to fit the model, you assume that there must be a perfectly good explanation that you are somehow missing. You give the theory the benefit of the doubt, trusting the community of experts who have accepted it.

Think that Maslow's hierarchy of needs may not be universal. Franciscans and other mendicant friars, for instance, leave the satisfaction of the lowest levels of needs to the end. I guess that Maslow's only right in a capitalist economic model, and even there some people are free to change the hierarchy, or at least find a more original way of self-actualisation than Power.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Iroh on June 02, 2023, 02:01:40 PM
Of course money isn't enough to get whatever you need. But for some folks, there is enough money to buy whatever. So I would take it that you're talking from a perspective from people that's middle to lower class. For those folks, money isn't enough.
Asides, a characteristic of money is scarcity. Money needs to be scarce to some extent so as to retain its value and purchasing power. Middle to low income earners would then have to work harder in their present job and also seek other sources of income to help out with expenses.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: AnonBitCoiner on June 02, 2023, 02:52:30 PM
Actually man cannot say that now this money is enough for him but he will desires to get more and more because the desires of a human never ends. The people lost their money because they don't have any planning that how to use such a big amount of money when they loss they regret to make some investment to save their money and also this investment will be a cause of their profit.

Having money is not important but having the ability to use that money in proper way is important and talking with my experience those people who make the better use of money and set some business for themselves are always successful and those who don't have mind about saving regret after spending large sum of money.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Maidak on June 02, 2023, 03:00:36 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.

Money can never be enough because the price of things keep rising, inflation keeps making the money you have saved lose value that's why it's better to invest your more in assets like Bitcoin that'll increase the value of your money than saving or investing with banks that don't give you good profits instead make you lose money with their service changes.

Money is never enough that's why you need to learn a skills that can help you with your current job to get a better pay or help you later in life when you don't have a salary job. Also the skills can help you earn more as a side hustle so you have enough money to take care of bills.

Your answer has nothing to do with what the OP wanted to tell us. What he is talking about is human greed, he is not talking about investing to increase wealth, and even if you make money from investing in bitcoin, you will never feel enough because our greed has no bottom. We will always want to earn more than we have, and it is human nature to be greedy, it exists in all of us. If someone says they don't need a lot of money, they're lying because they can't think of a way to make a lot of money.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Sterbens on June 02, 2023, 03:22:33 PM
Of course money isn't enough to get whatever you need. But for some folks, there is enough money to buy whatever. So I would take it that you're talking from a perspective from people that's middle to lower class. For those folks, money isn't enough.
Asides, a characteristic of money is scarcity. Money needs to be scarce to some extent so as to retain its value and purchasing power. Middle to low income earners would then have to work harder in their present job and also seek other sources of income to help out with expenses.
Actually, it depends on each person, there are some who always feel inadequate with what they get. The key is to be grateful for what we get, in my opinion being rich or poor doesn't really affect the problem of whether or not a need is sufficient, because if they understand then they will know how to use it. Often they always complain and feel they are not enough for the money they have received, as if money is like the wind that just comes and goes.

If someone often feels that their finances are always insufficient, does the solution have to be rich? Maybe some people will agree with that statement. But here I have a different opinion on this matter. In my opinion, wealth can never solve a person's problem, but it is the mind that can solve the problem. You can see many rich people who end their lives by committing suicide. However, the human brain is often controlled by its own emotions, the desire to be able to have something that is beyond its capabilities, always wanting to have what other people have, so that the feeling of not feeling enough always haunts it. Needs and desires are very different, but many people are always looking for reasons just to look stylish. And finally, in my opinion, being grateful for what we have is one of the best answers.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: m2017 on June 02, 2023, 04:06:10 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.
That's why need to clearly understand how much money you need / what level of income you want, otherwise, in the eternal pursuit of money, you will miss your whole life. Also, it is important to properly distribute and spend this money, and not like the guy with the oil well. The amount of money that everyone can earn in their lifetime is limited (everyone has their own level) and therefore unprofitable spending / risky investments can leave you with an empty pocket. I understand why the guy with the oil well tried to fight for a place in politics (to make even more money there, of course), but as happened in your story, these attempts failed. So, need to carefully assess the risks and invest your money with more caution.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: nara1892 on June 02, 2023, 04:18:51 PM
Actually man cannot say that now this money is enough for him but he will desires to get more and more because the desires of a human never ends. The people lost their money because they don't have any planning that how to use such a big amount of money when they loss they regret to make some investment to save their money and also this investment will be a cause of their profit.

Having money is not important but having the ability to use that money in proper way is important and talking with my experience those people who make the better use of money and set some business for themselves are always successful and those who don't have mind about saving regret after spending large sum of money.
Money isn't everything, but everything needs money, that's a word I hear a lot now. Yes, how could it not be, all things nowadays require money, even one of the words I've ever heard says, even when we urinate, we have to use money. But the problem is, when we really need money at the same time it's very difficult for us to get it, that's what makes us confused about this.
Sometimes someone who has an income every month can still meet their needs, and that's a lot of people who experience it.
Humans are creatures that will never have enough of something, moreover what we are talking about here is money that will quickly run out if we are not good at managing it.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Iroh on June 02, 2023, 04:30:47 PM
Actually, it depends on each person, there are some who always feel inadequate with what they get. The key is to be grateful for what we get, in my opinion being rich or poor doesn't really affect the problem of whether or not a need is sufficient, because if they understand then they will know how to use it. Often they always complain and feel they are not enough for the money they have received, as if money is like the wind that just comes and goes.

You’re quite right. It depends on each person. And yes, there are some people who would feel like they haven’t got enough money in the bank. All that has to do with contentment. A content individual would live a life of happiness on an  average pay while some people choose to acquire more and more money.

All that doesn’t change the fact that a wealthy individual could buy at a whim whatever he/she desires whereas a middle to low income individual definitely cannot afford spontaneous buying.
From the OP,  he mentioned that money is never enough and how hard it is to collect a loan from the bank with a barely adequate degree.
People who are driven by mostly greed or hunger for more accomplishments are the ones who continue to actively strive to make more money.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Unbunplease on June 02, 2023, 04:55:58 PM
Money isn't everything, but everything needs money, that's a word I hear a lot now. Yes, how could it not be, all things nowadays require money, even one of the words I've ever heard says, even when we urinate, we have to use money. But the problem is, when we really need money at the same time it's very difficult for us to get it, that's what makes us confused about this.
Sometimes someone who has an income every month can still meet their needs, and that's a lot of people who experience it.
Humans are creatures that will never have enough of something, moreover what we are talking about here is money that will quickly run out if we are not good at managing it.

Money has enslaved society too much. Fortunately, the barter system is now developing. A person can do something useful for another person who can do something useful for that person. You cannot measure everything by money. That's why people gather in communities, where everyone works for the good of society.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: mindrust on June 02, 2023, 05:09:51 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.

This guy you mentioned had a good business/investment. He should have focused on this business instead of doing politics which he don't know anything about. Here is another example: I see lots of people want to own an online casino but the problem is they don't know anything about it. They don't know how much it would cost, they don't know any coding, they don't know where to host, where to get licences, if they will need any legal assistance, an accountant... They basically know nothing about this business and not only this business I mean they don't know anything about owning any business. Naturally they give up before even they start or they failed shortly after they do.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Razmirraz on June 02, 2023, 05:20:09 PM
There are no enough words for anyone who is still alive in the world to collect money, even the richest people in the world are still thinking about the best way to increase their wealth. As long as the stomach can be filled, you never find people who stop collecting money. Elon Musk is still accumulating wealth even though he already has what no one else has, the power that EM has can do anything to get easy money. They will continue to collect money while there is still a chance, the success achieved will be told to their children and grandchildren as motivation for their generation to follow in their footsteps.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: bayudndy on June 02, 2023, 05:33:37 PM
I think greed and insatiableness are what contribute to the perception that money is never enough. When you constantly strive for more possessions without considering your actual needs or finding satisfaction with what you have, it can create a perpetual cycle of dissatisfaction. These insatiable desires can lead to negative consequences, both personally and on a larger scale. While money in itself is a tool that can provide security, fulfill basic needs, and create opportunity, do not focus too much on accumulating it as it can affect aspects of your life.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Cling18 on June 02, 2023, 05:43:13 PM
If we don't value and handle our finances wisely, there will never be enough money. We might be tempted to buy and enjoy things we had never experienced before if we had a large sum of money, but if we were prudent and concentrated on making a profit with it, we could be able to achieve financial freedom. If we spend all of our money without considering other ways to increase our profits, it will only last for a short while.
Most of the time, we become greedy when we achieve something especially financially but if we will feel grateful and value what we have, whatever we have on hand will be enough. There are people who have experienced success but have lost everything they have in just a short period. The usual reason is that they became abusive in handling their finances and spent it unwisely on their wants over their needs. Instead of buying assets, they focused on buying liabilities and spending rapidly.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: sulendra12 on June 02, 2023, 08:16:44 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.
You will never know the word "enough" when we are talking about money. Human will seek whatever the method they can do to get money and more money for their pleasure. That's why we need to set up our goal by myself about what to do with money so we can have self-sustainable money instead of just looking to get money that don't make you happy. Sure, money is great and can grant you happiness but do you want to live in that endless cycle? I would rather not. I would like to have "enough" money for myself and my family in the future, that's probably the goal for me.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: imamusma on June 02, 2023, 08:38:51 PM
There are no enough words for anyone who is still alive in the world to collect money, even the richest people in the world are still thinking about the best way to increase their wealth. As long as the stomach can be filled, you never find people who stop collecting money. Elon Musk is still accumulating wealth even though he already has what no one else has, the power that EM has can do anything to get easy money. They will continue to collect money while there is still a chance, the success achieved will be told to their children and grandchildren as motivation for their generation to follow in their footsteps.
A person's sense of enough and satisfaction with money tends to vary. It's hard for me to come to the best conclusion for assessing how a person feels enough about money until they are grateful for the blessings they have received. Elon Musk is a businessman and he needs to be smart enough to run the wheels of his business to keep moving forward. I don't think Elon Musk doesn't have enough of his money, but he is responsible for getting that wheel moving all the time.

In this world some people think that money is a symbol of strength because they will be able to buy whatever they want. Collect as much money as possible is the plan, but we must distinguish it into two categories; money works for money and people work for money.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: tjtonmoy on June 02, 2023, 09:35:43 PM
The more you earn, the more your expenses increases. This is a human psychology that is present in everyone. Money brings more money, which is an eternal truth. What is my point here, you may ask. The point is when we earn money, it doesn't matter if the amount is low or high, we should always make a plan on how to use it and how we can grow it more. Because over spending is a common thing among us and also unnecessary expenses too. And even if we don't do this, without an investment plan to grow it more will lead to the asset being gone after some time.
So the thing is true that money is never enough. But keeping this in mind, we need to make sure that we always get a proper flow of money in our life. How do we do it?

Here's how it's done!
  • Have a plan for your expenses!
  • Make more than 1 investment plan.
  • Do not over spend on something unnecessary.
  • Choose the best option but also keep others as a backup plan
  • Have more than one source of income.

[ Note:This is just basic knowledge. Do some deep research on your own if you would like to take that approach.]

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Vaskiy on June 02, 2023, 09:46:36 PM
When one have enjoyed the goodness of money, the next thing a person agonise is power. The person who had been discussed in the OP seems to be the same kind. With the wealth out of the oil well and related businesses he had made good money. Now he could've got fond of the power, maybe thats the thing happened. If not he could've misunderstood that beyond certain limit it is the power that can help in establishing more business.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: dothebeats on June 02, 2023, 11:59:44 PM
When one have enjoyed the goodness of money, the next thing a person agonise is power. The person who had been discussed in the OP seems to be the same kind. With the wealth out of the oil well and related businesses he had made good money. Now he could've got fond of the power, maybe thats the thing happened. If not he could've misunderstood that beyond certain limit it is the power that can help in establishing more business.

Or if you are a true human being, you would crave for genuine connection. With money comes power, albeit secondhand, since you can pay people with power to do what you need and want to do. Heck, you can even buy power if you have the money - just look at politicians on poverty-stricken land. They continue to prosper in wealth and in power just because they have the money and the machinery to do what they want. Then again, not everyone with money knows what to do with it, hence some are doing dumb decisions just because.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: ndutndut on June 03, 2023, 12:42:28 AM
This caption can go in many contexts as money is never enough can be taken in contentment side thankyou are never satisfied with the money you have you always want to make more and more money those desires are endless and limitless. This greed and urge to get more sometimes leads you to wrong directions.
What makes money is never enough is actually Lust and desire of someone who never feels enough. Because It's true that everyone in this world wants to have money to earn it in order to provide for themselves and have fun. It is natural to make someone's life better. But if we can't control money then that will be a problem.

Because in principle everything we need needs money, but don't make us slaves to money. Motivation must be clear why you need a lot of money, don't get a lot of money but don't know what to do with it. Time can't be bought with money, but time can be used to create money. With money, economic life becomes stable, our old age can be more secure.
There are people who are so happy that they only get $1000 because they can use it for many things that are important to them/other people. But there are people who feel normal when they get $ 1000 because they were born with the luxury they have.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: raidarksword on June 03, 2023, 05:18:29 AM
Money is unlimited numbers that's why it is endless and people are born greedy that's why it never satisfies all and that's the sad reality of life of having more money. I always put in my head that the more you want, the lesser you will have. Being contented is what we should be doing because money is not everything is this world. Being happy and contented with life is far more important than money.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Dunamisx on June 03, 2023, 05:51:49 AM
Of course money isn't enough to get whatever you need. But for some folks, there is enough money to buy whatever. So I would take it that you're talking from a perspective from people that's middle to lower class. For those folks, money isn't enough.
Asides, a characteristic of money is scarcity. Money needs to be scarce to some extent so as to retain its value and purchasing power. Middle to low income earners would then have to work harder in their present job and also seek other sources of income to help out with expenses.

When we have money, we are expected to still engage in working continuously in getting more money because not until we are done spending the little we have before we can go further in sourcing for more, we are not meant to relent because we cannot have money being enough and same way is the needs arising for where money is applicable keep increasing, it is better to use the opportunity of today to work hard, earn, safe enough and invest for the future.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: crunck on June 03, 2023, 05:54:22 AM
Money is unlimited numbers that's why it is endless and people are born greedy that's why it never satisfies all and that's the sad reality of life of having more money. I always put in my head that the more you want, the lesser you will have. Being contented is what we should be doing because money is not everything is this world. Being happy and contented with life is far more important than money.
It's easy to say, but not everyone can do it, and I bet you can't because greed is something that always exists in us. Just because we have not had the opportunity to own a lot of money, we always think that money is not everything, but when you have a lot of money, you will change and will have different thoughts. I have met people who say the same thing as you, they always think that money is not everything, brotherhood, husband, and wife are everything. But when they become wealthy, they differ entirely from what they used to say.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: irhact on June 03, 2023, 06:00:23 AM
Your answer has nothing to do with what the OP wanted to tell us. What he is talking about is human greed, he is not talking about investing to increase wealth, and even if you make money from investing in bitcoin, you will never feel enough because our greed has no bottom. We will always want to earn more than we have, and it is human nature to be greedy, it exists in all of us. If someone says they don't need a lot of money, they're lying because they can't think of a way to make a lot of money.

Thank you for the clarification, I understood the thread in the way I replied because when you say money is never enough, I thought he meant we can never have enough money to take care of ourselves which is true and that's why I give some solutions that can increase the amount of money that come into our accounts but with your reply and reading the thread again I got it.

When you talk about greed, not every individual you see have greed, they can have small money and be comfortable as that money will take care of their needs that are more important to them. We have those that although money isn't enough for them but still aren't disparate.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: bayu7adi on June 03, 2023, 06:05:18 AM
It's easy to say, but not everyone can do it, and I bet you can't because greed is something that always exists in us. Just because we have not had the opportunity to own a lot of money, we always think that money is not everything, but when you have a lot of money, you will change and will have different thoughts.
This proves to be a formidable challenge, for greed is the offspring of one's mindset concerning their anxieties about the existence of money. However, it is within our power to avert this mindset by cultivating a profound sense of gratitude for what we currently possess. Transforming one's mindset into a grateful disposition can effectively halt our insatiable greed for amassing boundless wealth.

Furthermore, we have the capacity to nurture empathy towards society, wherein an individual's excessive greed for money engenders unjust social disparities. It is crucial to instill these values from an early age to prevent the formation of a greedy mindset that relentlessly compels us into becoming slaves to money.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Mauser on June 03, 2023, 08:33:21 AM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.

President of a country is usually not the highest paid job, in the private sector you can find many CEOs that make tons more money that the President. The main feature for a President is to build a huge network and grant favours to rich people, which in return will make sure that you get either free money for campaign so that you get re-elected again, or they will give you a good job after your term ends. When it comes to supporting your buddies there are quite a few jobs that don’t require a lot of work but pay handsomely. For example, putting former politicians on the board of directors seems to be a pretty common way to pay back favours. Also in most cases the presidents are already rich before they become into poor, after reaching a certain amount of wealth it is more about the power than the actual money. For example, being able to fly around in the government jets, getting security detail 24/7 and all the publicity and special treatment what head of states become is what motivates many to get into office. It’s hard to stop when you get used to a certain lifestyle, that is why so many people go into debt when they face financial difficulties. So even when your income can’t sustain your position anymore, many people feel that it’s better to live above their means to project the power they still have.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: khiholangkang on June 03, 2023, 08:51:07 AM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.
I don't think it's not enough money, but it is human nature that is always not satisfied with what he has, so that it does everything possible to increase the money he has for the satisfaction he is looking for.
That person put his money into the world of politics does not mean there is no purpose, surely he has the aim to improve the scale of his business or seek welfare in the political world.
Likewise the president, if in office does not mean he does not need food and other needs to live better, of course he receives a salary he must get to live in old age because he will not be president forever.

First, you must know that money is limitless and the amount you own doesn't guarantee you a successful financial future unless you invest that money into something that will keep making you more money in the process,

So the oil guy failed to invest his money properly and failed to keep servicing the oil well which is the reason for it drying up.
Yes that's true, money is not limited so that we can have as much wealth as possible we can without limiting it, and the decision that is always in managing money, we can be destroyed in the near future.
It could be that the oil person was wrong in investing their money into the political world without having a strategy to expand and manage their oil business to be even better.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Sayeds56 on June 03, 2023, 09:08:07 AM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.

Ii is natural and common feeling that money is never enough, and we continue to desire more money. However, money can often lead to sense of pride and arrogance but it differs from person to person, depending on their values, beliefs and character. I have witnessed many individuals who use their money for supporting those who badly need it. Engaging in charitable acts can bring a sense of real happiness and fulfillment. However, it is also true that some people start feeling that they can buy the world and develop sense of superiority. In summary, we need to understand that money alone can not solve all problems and guarantee ever lasting happiness. True happiness comes from sense of purpose and meaningful relationship.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Wong Gendheng on June 03, 2023, 09:16:11 AM
Many people measure the success and happy of the money earned, I have a real experience, I have relatives who initially have a convection business and only have 5 employees, at that time my uncle had plenty of time for the family and was easy to find, but after 15 years the business developed until I had Around 120 employees and uncles also expanded into other businesses so that almost 4 years I did not meet directly.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Fakhrulenclix on June 03, 2023, 10:20:48 AM
Many people measure the success and happy of the money earned, I have a real experience, I have relatives who initially have a convection business and only have 5 employees, at that time my uncle had plenty of time for the family and was easy to find, but after 15 years the business developed until I had Around 120 employees and uncles also expanded into other businesses so that almost 4 years I did not meet directly.
it's only natural for reasons of busyness, and a businessman has the ambition to continue to develop his business without any limits for them, as well as the human desire to keep making money without enough, actually this is human nature that always wants more and also encouragement from the environment to can prove and satisfy yourself.

actually it looks too ambitious but if we experience it ourselves it will be very natural, money will never be enough for humans before they

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: posi on June 03, 2023, 01:08:35 PM
It's easy to say, but not everyone can do it, and I bet you can't because greed is something that always exists in us. Just because we have not had the opportunity to own a lot of money, we always think that money is not everything, but when you have a lot of money, you will change and will have different thoughts.
This proves to be a formidable challenge, for greed is the offspring of one's mindset concerning their anxieties about the existence of money. However, it is within our power to avert this mindset by cultivating a profound sense of gratitude for what we currently possess. Transforming one's mindset into a grateful disposition can effectively halt our insatiable greed for amassing boundless wealth.

Furthermore, we have the capacity to nurture empathy towards society, wherein an individual's excessive greed for money engenders unjust social disparities. It is crucial to instill these values from an early age to prevent the formation of a greedy mindset that relentlessly compels us into becoming slaves to money.

We can do what you mentioned but don't forget we live in a very pragmatic society. Most people are living with the criterion that money is everything, and if you live the way you are saying, you will soon be eliminated from society. A friend of mine who works in a government agency told me. Most people take bribes, and if he is not corrupt, they will one day find a way to make him quit. He has no choice but to adapt to the environment. We need to accept the truth, society is very pragmatic, and money is everything, without money, we have nothing, and money is never enough for anyone.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Dr.Osh on June 03, 2023, 01:19:25 PM
well, money will never be enough because human nature always wants to increase the amount of money they have. everyone will have that desire. what you gave is a great example. However, to give a small example, there are so many people who are unemployed today, they say that a salary of $ 50 a month, or $ 100 will make them grateful. Over time, they find jobs that pay more, at $120, they begin to be grateful for. however, within a few months or years, they will begin to feel that it is very little pay, and they want to increase it, then they look for another job that pays more, and so on.
Some threads also seem to say that having an additional job will increase the finances we have, it is also proof that the money we get is never enough. what makes it stop is gratitude and contentment. if we have that trait, maybe we will feel that the salary we have is less, but it is a sufficient salary and also fulfills the necessities of life, although people certainly tend to seek additional money from their salary.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: RockBell on June 03, 2023, 07:23:14 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.

Reading this post has cracked me this evening and I can not stop laughing, no matter how much you get is still not enough, that feeling is always natural when you have money and you start having thoughts of buying things you don't need and Another issue is that you see corrupt politicians everywhere. They spend a lot of money on campaigns, even if they don't win, and when they finally get elected, they usually expect a return of the money they spent plus more to maintain their lifestyle, which is very typical of the politicians in my region. As a result, it is hard to find honest politicians these days, and I don't think that will change because politicians are already accustomed to leading lavish lives.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Unbunplease on June 03, 2023, 07:38:14 PM

Reading this post has cracked me this evening and I can not stop laughing, no matter how much you get is still not enough, that feeling is always natural when you have money and you start having thoughts of buying things you don't need and Another issue is that you see corrupt politicians everywhere. They spend a lot of money on campaigns, even if they don't win, and when they finally get elected, they usually expect a return of the money they spent plus more to maintain their lifestyle, which is very typical of the politicians in my region. As a result, it is hard to find honest politicians these days, and I don't think that will change because politicians are already accustomed to leading lavish lives.

As I see it, quite a few election campaigns are a sham, it's just a great way to "launder" money. If the budget is formed correctly, no election commission will find violations.

I agree with the statement that the more money, the more unnecessary spending. Real estate, cars, apartments, antiques are bought... Just for the sake of having. But what for? Is anyone going to use it?  It's all for the sake of saying, "I have 10 cars, and you have 9. Haha, you're a pauper"?

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Mame89 on June 03, 2023, 08:16:42 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.
Most rich people or people who have a lot of money just need recognition, so they never feel enough to buy something that sometimes doesn't really matter. Basically, no matter how small the nominal amount of money we have, money will not be enough if it is used for life because the wheel of life continues. Likewise, no matter how big the nominal money is, money will never be enough if it is used to fulfill a lifestyle. It's true, Money is never enough.

Why do so many rich people get into politics? I think one of them is to seek impunity and recognition from society. Apart from that, it is easier to avoid taxes that are indirectly "facilitated". Like Donald Trump, Kanye, Elon Musk too, that's why they got into politics.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: ChiBitCTy on June 03, 2023, 09:09:53 PM
The "money is never enough" is based off of a couple stories here that you've laid out of people who did a poor job handling their money.  The first example you use is about some guy winning money at a casino, but you don't state how much.  The second guy you mention is about owning an oil rig and then spending all of his money trying to get in to politics..but once again you don't mention how much money he spent.

Money can be enough if you save it and invest it properly as well as spending it within your means.  Not to mention it all depends on where you live and the cost of living etc etc.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Ultegra134 on June 03, 2023, 11:17:53 PM
It's easy to say, but not everyone can do it, and I bet you can't because greed is something that always exists in us. Just because we have not had the opportunity to own a lot of money, we always think that money is not everything, but when you have a lot of money, you will change and will have different thoughts.
This proves to be a formidable challenge, for greed is the offspring of one's mindset concerning their anxieties about the existence of money. However, it is within our power to avert this mindset by cultivating a profound sense of gratitude for what we currently possess. Transforming one's mindset into a grateful disposition can effectively halt our insatiable greed for amassing boundless wealth.

Furthermore, we have the capacity to nurture empathy towards society, wherein an individual's excessive greed for money engenders unjust social disparities. It is crucial to instill these values from an early age to prevent the formation of a greedy mindset that relentlessly compels us into becoming slaves to money.

We can do what you mentioned but don't forget we live in a very pragmatic society. Most people are living with the criterion that money is everything, and if you live the way you are saying, you will soon be eliminated from society. A friend of mine who works in a government agency told me. Most people take bribes, and if he is not corrupt, they will one day find a way to make him quit. He has no choice but to adapt to the environment. We need to accept the truth, society is very pragmatic, and money is everything, without money, we have nothing, and money is never enough for anyone.
I have a friend who went to renew his residence permit; he's from another country and was asked to bribe €50 in order to get things done more "quickly". Unfortunately, bribery is embedded in a corrupt society in which money matters too much. Nowadays, the world is a huge rat race. I understand why having as much money as possible seems vital for most, but personally, if I'm earning enough to live relatively comfortably, then I'm fine with that. I'd never resort to such measures just to acquire more money; asking for bribes is completely unethical and goes against my values.

Money seems to never be enough; certainly, it wouldn't hurt to have a little more, but personally, I believe that we should be satisfied with what we have, and money shouldn't be our first priority in life.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: mamesso on June 04, 2023, 02:43:28 AM
As long as there are expenses in life, you will always look for ways to get extra money even though you already have a lot of wealth. Prestige makes someone always want to be number one or have a higher degree than other people, someone will feel proud if their house is better than other people, the car they use is more luxurious than other people.
A sense of satisfaction in seeking wealth is very difficult for someone to have, government officials who already live in luxury also want to have more money, they are even willing to commit corruption to achieve their goals. Money is like a beautiful woman, one will do anything to get it.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Joshapat on June 04, 2023, 04:37:14 AM
Money is not a measure of happiness, unfortunately many people are too ambitious to raise money, if he is still poor and has difficulty eating of course it's natural to keep looking for money, but if there is someone who, if you calculate today's needs, is enough to support all your grandchildren, then it's time for us have a lot to be grateful and share to those who need it more.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Z390 on June 04, 2023, 05:43:46 AM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.
Contesting for political power is not wrong, there are people that stepped up in life when they get involved with politics, this is a normal thing that anyone can do, I don't have any interest to lead or join politics because I don't like it, and I will never try to confuse anyone out of it just because they already have a good source of income, people easily judge other people saying ( he have everything, he is already rich, what else his he looking for?) well, we should all know that rich people can never be contented with what they have, they always want to grow higher, and we call this greed?

To me it's not greed to become something better in life, the mistake that many people did is staying on one business for life, and as time goes on, a new era begins and the business is not that good anymore, they had the chances to invest the money into something else.

Elon Musk is the owner of Tesla and now spaceX, is this also greed? Also, do you know that he purse Twitter and many people believed that he wasted a lot of money? Some people are even happy about it.

The reason why I don't like people that much is their way of thinking, most times it's evil and envies, when they can't make it to the stage where you are, the only thing they have left is hate.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: nur rochid on June 04, 2023, 07:51:50 AM
As long as there are expenses in life, you will always look for ways to get extra money even though you already have a lot of wealth. Prestige makes someone always want to be number one or have a higher degree than other people, someone will feel proud if their house is better than other people, the car they use is more luxurious than other people.
A sense of satisfaction in seeking wealth is very difficult for someone to have, government officials who already live in luxury also want to have more money, they are even willing to commit corruption to achieve their goals. Money is like a beautiful woman, one will do anything to get it.
Such a lifestyle always makes people feel deprived, so that in the end, to cover their ego, they do various ways to get money. actually life is simple, and we ourselves make it complicated by prioritizing wants over needs, so that what happens must be able to fulfill their desires so that others see them, actually they feel sorry for us when we see their lifestyle, life feels uneasy, and can't enjoy life casually. we as human beings must have ideals, but don't make those ideals for the lifestyle exhibited by other people, so that we forget ourselves, therefore be yourself, which is indeed appreciated because of our attitude, not that we seek appreciation from our possessions

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Mr. Magkaisa on June 04, 2023, 08:18:55 AM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.

     -   Because other people think that if you have a lot of money, you will never run out of money. They did not think that if the amount of money is not used correctly, there is a high chance that it will be used up and go to nothing.

And I have seen a lot of people like that, like people who won millions in the lottery, from being poor to being poor in the end, because of the mis-management of the money they got. In which, it only proves that money is also limited when you don't plant a business that will also produce money.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Swordsoffreedom on June 04, 2023, 08:40:43 AM
As long as there are expenses in life, you will always look for ways to get extra money even though you already have a lot of wealth. Prestige makes someone always want to be number one or have a higher degree than other people, someone will feel proud if their house is better than other people, the car they use is more luxurious than other people.
A sense of satisfaction in seeking wealth is very difficult for someone to have, government officials who already live in luxury also want to have more money, they are even willing to commit corruption to achieve their goals. Money is like a beautiful woman, one will do anything to get it.

What you said is absolutely correct, money is like pretty girls and I bet everyone wants to. Anyone who says they don't want to is just lying, they're trying to hide their lust from everyone, but deep inside, they're just as lusty as anyone. Indeed, money is never enough, even though we already have enough money to support our lives, but we will always want more even though we won't use it. It is human nature, human greed is hard to restrain and stop. We don't need to talk about any politician or anyone but think about ourselves, we are all equally greedy.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: kojektea on June 04, 2023, 08:59:26 AM
but everyone needs money. but many people have the wrong definition of need. finally they make as much money as possible to accumulate wealth. In the end, many are motivated to want to have a lot of money. Unfortunately, the fate of people is different, in the end, some of them make it seem like they can't get anything if they don't have money, this is what causes a lot of money to be misused.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: barisbilgili on June 04, 2023, 10:23:24 AM
but everyone needs money. but many people have the wrong definition of need. finally they make as much money as possible to accumulate wealth. In the end, many are motivated to want to have a lot of money. Unfortunately, the fate of people is different, in the end, some of them make it seem like they can't get anything if they don't have money, this is what causes a lot of money to be misused.
at this time everything needs money, and basically humans want to fulfill all their needs and desires in life so that indeed if you continue to want to fulfill your desires then money will never be enough for someone.
everyone wants a lot of money even though not all of them succeed, that's natural but everyone's ambition is the same.
and in my opinion it is not wrong to use money, fulfilling desires in life is a natural thing to satisfy yourself and also make yourself happy.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Pamadar on June 04, 2023, 10:38:05 AM
but everyone needs money. but many people have the wrong definition of need. finally they make as much money as possible to accumulate wealth. In the end, many are motivated to want to have a lot of money. Unfortunately, the fate of people is different, in the end, some of them make it seem like they can't get anything if they don't have money, this is what causes a lot of money to be misused.
at this time everything needs money, and basically humans want to fulfill all their needs and desires in life so that indeed if you continue to want to fulfill your desires then money will never be enough for someone.
everyone wants a lot of money even though not all of them succeed, that's natural but everyone's ambition is the same.
and in my opinion it is not wrong to use money, fulfilling desires in life is a natural thing to satisfy yourself and also make yourself happy.

Money changes your perception in life. I agree that there are many desires and many things that people wanted to achieve.

With lots of money, they will be able to be satisfy those lusts and they will be able to enjoy, but same with
both of you, not all are capable and not are have that same fate. We will get what we invest in life, if
you are able to find the right path, then it will manifest and it will give you the directions where you may enjoy
your financial capabilities. All depends on how you successfully established your finances.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: posi on June 04, 2023, 10:42:14 AM

I understand why having as much money as possible seems vital for most, but personally, if I'm earning enough to live relatively comfortably, then I'm fine with that. I'd never resort to such measures just to acquire more money; asking for bribes is completely unethical and goes against my values.

Money seems to never be enough; certainly, it wouldn't hurt to have a little more, but personally, I believe that we should be satisfied with what we have, and money shouldn't be our first priority in life.

I used to think and want to do the same as you or some people here. But I think I failed and I don't believe many people will. The magic of money will tempt us and is very hard to resist, it can be said to be irresistible. Many people always say they just want to make enough money to live, not need too much like you. But my question is, how is it enough to live and be comfortable? When you don't have money, you will save and buy cheap things, but I don't believe you will continue to live a poor life when you have more money. Because we try and work hard, the end goal is to make a lot of money, no one says that effort is only to earn just enough to live.
When you are in a life-or-death situation, and only money can solve your problems, you will know the importance of money more than anything in the world.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Bitcoin2009 on June 04, 2023, 01:22:54 PM
There is a saying that if we have 2 gold mountains, we will think to find the third gold mountain, humans will never be satisfied with the money and wealth that we have, what we do is a lot of grateful and the best way to be grateful is to help many other people who are more need.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: gaston castano on June 04, 2023, 02:22:36 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.

human desires will never run out for those who cannot be grateful, but for those who have plans for their future.
they will not skip or do anything that deviates from their plan.
consistent and firm on yourself is necessary.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: bitzizzix on June 04, 2023, 02:58:19 PM

I understand why having as much money as possible seems vital for most, but personally, if I'm earning enough to live relatively comfortably, then I'm fine with that. I'd never resort to such measures just to acquire more money; asking for bribes is completely unethical and goes against my values.

Money seems to never be enough; certainly, it wouldn't hurt to have a little more, but personally, I believe that we should be satisfied with what we have, and money shouldn't be our first priority in life.

I used to think and want to do the same as you or some people here. But I think I failed and I don't believe many people will. The magic of money will tempt us and is very hard to resist, it can be said to be irresistible. Many people always say they just want to make enough money to live, not need too much like you. But my question is, how is it enough to live and be comfortable? When you don't have money, you will save and buy cheap things, but I don't believe you will continue to live a poor life when you have more money. Because we try and work hard, the end goal is to make a lot of money, no one says that effort is only to earn just enough to live.
When you are in a life-or-death situation, and only money can solve your problems, you will know the importance of money more than anything in the world.
You may be right that money is more important than anything in this world, but if you are controlled by money it will eventually happen the other way around. Because you will keep looking for it and will never be satisfied with the money you have, you can even justify any means to get it. And things like this will end in poverty and even things that are more than poor can happen to them, because they are never satisfied and are blinded by money.
and the best thing is to feel enough and always be grateful for the money we already have, and it all depends on how we manage it, actually everyone has been given enough money according to their expertise and profession. And it all depends on us managing it for a bigger goal by saving or investing for the future and also when we need it.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: EFS on June 04, 2023, 03:02:06 PM
Human greed never ends. I agree that the money is never enough for most people. The example you gave is really interesting. People who have no money think about making money. People with money run after power. You gave a typical example of this.
Money is not everything in life, but it definitely takes money to live to a certain standard. They say there's nothing worse than falling below the standard you're used to.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: bestcoins1 on June 04, 2023, 03:06:20 PM
There is a saying that if we have 2 gold mountains, we will think to find the third gold mountain, humans will never be satisfied with the money and wealth that we have, what we do is a lot of grateful and the best way to be grateful is to help many other people who are more need.
Humans who are never satisfied with what they already have are humans who cannot control their lust to continue to have what they do not have in this world. Because those who are grateful are those who don't have much desire for something more, but there are very few people like that in this world because gratitude is only owned by rich people who are generous. While those who are still pursuing and looking for more income in their lives are people who are not yet rich, even though such people also know how to be grateful for what they already have in their life.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: imamusma on June 04, 2023, 03:37:45 PM
As long as there are expenses in life, you will always look for ways to get extra money even though you already have a lot of wealth. Prestige makes someone always want to be number one or have a higher degree than other people, someone will feel proud if their house is better than other people, the car they use is more luxurious than other people.
A sense of satisfaction in seeking wealth is very difficult for someone to have, government officials who already live in luxury also want to have more money, they are even willing to commit corruption to achieve their goals. Money is like a beautiful woman, one will do anything to get it.
You have to be wise enough to think about money, I mean the more you spend, the more your money will decrease by itself. Without any source of income, you will just spend it all in few years to provide for your needs and lifestyle. You probably already know about the position of money that is always needed in this non-free world. So whatever happens, you still have to have effort to save and save as much as possible so that when you need it you have it.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: EarnOnVictor on June 04, 2023, 03:55:16 PM
but everyone needs money. but many people have the wrong definition of need. finally they make as much money as possible to accumulate wealth. In the end, many are motivated to want to have a lot of money. Unfortunately, the fate of people is different, in the end, some of them make it seem like they can't get anything if they don't have money, this is what causes a lot of money to be misused.
at this time everything needs money, and basically humans want to fulfill all their needs and desires in life so that indeed if you continue to want to fulfill your desires then money will never be enough for someone.
everyone wants a lot of money even though not all of them succeed, that's natural but everyone's ambition is the same.
and in my opinion it is not wrong to use money, fulfilling desires in life is a natural thing to satisfy yourself and also make yourself happy.

Money changes your perception in life. I agree that there are many desires and many things that people wanted to achieve.

With lots of money, they will be able to be satisfy those lusts and they will be able to enjoy, but same with
both of you, not all are capable and not are have that same fate. We will get what we invest in life, if
you are able to find the right path, then it will manifest and it will give you the directions where you may enjoy
your financial capabilities. All depends on how you successfully established your finances.
If you need something today, you might need another or even more tomorrow, so the craving and wants continue until we die as human beings. Many would be fueled by necessity, while some would be fueled by frivolities and extras, regardless, we should be ready for a means by which our financial freedom would never end. This takes me to the stage of trying to be conscious of the future financial status, one should sow at the right time before expecting to reap, and those who would eat their seed with the harvest will certainly get to blame themselves when the drought comes just like the political case in the OP's narrations. "We can't eat our cake and still have it."

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: 19Nov16 on June 05, 2023, 06:52:49 AM
Money will never make us enough, look at the world's millionaires, when they can buy or own everything but they will try to keep adding to their money, human nature is greedy so it will never feel enough, to be able to live happily other than money then we must be accustomed to giving to those in need or the poor.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: HinaSiddique on June 07, 2023, 05:09:09 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.

Ii is natural and common feeling that money is never enough, and we continue to desire more money. However, money can often lead to sense of pride and arrogance but it differs from person to person, depending on their values, beliefs and character. I have witnessed many individuals who use their money for supporting those who badly need it. Engaging in charitable acts can bring a sense of real happiness and fulfillment. However, it is also true that some people start feeling that they can buy the world and develop sense of superiority. In summary, we need to understand that money alone can not solve all problems and guarantee ever lasting happiness. True happiness comes from sense of purpose and meaningful relationship.

Yes, so true Money is never enough!!
it is a common belief among humans , that money can buy every thing. To some extent it  does seems that you can buy your happiness and prosperity with money. In real and practical life it is not true. There are many examples people won lotteries and jackpots and ended up miserably. Yes it differs from individual to individual , their circumstances , upbringing and values. For some people it brings superiority complex, for some it is a source of helping others. For some people money combined with humble nature is a way to shape the world better, for some it is a source of pleasure.
It is never enough but it is not the only way to have a happy and progressive life. Love, Family relationship and the ability to make right decision on the right time also plays an important role in one's life.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Velemir Sava on June 07, 2023, 05:23:48 PM
It's true, having money can provide temporary happiness and does not guarantee lasting satisfaction. Money must be managed wisely, with a balance between enjoying it and being financially responsible. True wealth goes beyond money and includes relationships, personal growth, and finding fulfillment in the non-material aspects of life. Pursuing a healthy relationship with money and focusing on what really matters can lead to a more fulfilling life.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: BitcoinBabbler on June 07, 2023, 11:21:54 PM
It's true, having money can provide temporary happiness and does not guarantee lasting satisfaction. Money must be managed wisely, with a balance between enjoying it and being financially responsible. True wealth goes beyond money and includes relationships, personal growth, and finding fulfillment in the non-material aspects of life. Pursuing a healthy relationship with money and focusing on what really matters can lead to a more fulfilling life.
In this world compare to all most important is money and we need to accept that and but if you are controlled by money it will eventually happen the other way around. Because you will keep looking for it and will never be satisfied with the money you have, you can even justify any means to get it. And things like this will end in poverty and even things that are more than poor can happen to them and its a main aim to managing them .

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: carlfebz2 on June 07, 2023, 11:29:36 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.

Ii is natural and common feeling that money is never enough, and we continue to desire more money. However, money can often lead to sense of pride and arrogance but it differs from person to person, depending on their values, beliefs and character. I have witnessed many individuals who use their money for supporting those who badly need it. Engaging in charitable acts can bring a sense of real happiness and fulfillment. However, it is also true that some people start feeling that they can buy the world and develop sense of superiority. In summary, we need to understand that money alone can not solve all problems and guarantee ever lasting happiness. True happiness comes from sense of purpose and meaningful relationship.

Yes, so true Money is never enough!!
it is a common belief among humans , that money can buy every thing. To some extent it  does seems that you can buy your happiness and prosperity with money. In real and practical life it is not true. There are many examples people won lotteries and jackpots and ended up miserably. Yes it differs from individual to individual , their circumstances , upbringing and values. For some people it brings superiority complex, for some it is a source of helping others. For some people money combined with humble nature is a way to shape the world better, for some it is a source of pleasure.
It is never enough but it is not the only way to have a happy and progressive life. Love, Family relationship and the ability to make right decision on the right time also plays an important role in one's life.
You are the ones who do make your own fate on which it would really be that a common approach that you would really be ending up miserable if you arent that wise or that smart on utilizing your money
on which you do keep on spending on things arent really that beneficial or something that could give out or generate more income. If you are on a state when you do have lots of sustainable businesses then it would really be just fine on not to make yourself that mindful about creating more and be really that contented on what you do have but we know that it is really that impossible because even those
tycoons would definitely be finding even more business that they could put up money into on which they could even make more money.
Human beings are naturally greedy on which minding on having that lots of money would signify power and priveledge which is really that ahead from a common citizen.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Uruhara on June 07, 2023, 11:30:52 PM
Money will always feel insufficient when we always prioritize greed in our lives. But if we are used to living simply and like freedom and avoid things that can bind us like power and fame. So at times like that we will become more grateful and more able to appreciate what we have. The money we have will always feel enough. And can be a tool that helps us achieve happiness.

But for people who are always greedy who put their ego first, then no matter how much money they make, it will not be enough. In fact, he will tend to feel dissatisfied with his life. he will feel more pressure in his life. and he will continue to push himself to do things beyond his capabilities.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: AicecreaME on June 08, 2023, 12:48:23 AM
It depends on how greedy a certain individual is, if he seeks for everything aside from money, or he wants a lot of money, then he will destroy himself first before achieving that kind of status if he is doing it in a rush way. Success takes a lot of time, and if you're not humble enough, bad karma will strike at you real quick. Being rich and powerful at the same time needs a lot of merits, and to earn that, you have to be kind to others always, because you need them especially when you want to pursue politics.

And let's say you're seated in the government already because people elected you, don't forget about them, continue to be humble and kind for them to continue supporting you.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: barisbilgili on June 08, 2023, 06:35:16 AM
It depends on how greedy a certain individual is, if he seeks for everything aside from money, or he wants a lot of money, then he will destroy himself first before achieving that kind of status if he is doing it in a rush way. Success takes a lot of time, and if you're not humble enough, bad karma will strike at you real quick. Being rich and powerful at the same time needs a lot of merits, and to earn that, you have to be kind to others always, because you need them especially when you want to pursue politics.

And let's say you're seated in the government already because people elected you, don't forget about them, continue to be humble and kind for them to continue supporting you.
it must also be done for personal gain in the future but basically many people will be more concerned with their personal needs and fulfill all their desires.
everyone needs money because they want to fulfill their desires and human desires will never end because human lust will continue to exist as long as he is alive, especially in today's increasingly sophisticated world with many interesting things that make someone want to fulfill it, namely by having money .
even many people will also do everything to get money because of lust to fulfill their desires.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: BitcoinTurk on June 08, 2023, 06:51:29 AM
but everyone needs money. but many people have the wrong definition of need. finally they make as much money as possible to accumulate wealth. In the end, many are motivated to want to have a lot of money. Unfortunately, the fate of people is different, in the end, some of them make it seem like they can't get anything if they don't have money, this is what causes a lot of money to be misused.
at this time everything needs money, and basically humans want to fulfill all their needs and desires in life so that indeed if you continue to want to fulfill your desires then money will never be enough for someone.
everyone wants a lot of money even though not all of them succeed, that's natural but everyone's ambition is the same.
and in my opinion it is not wrong to use money, fulfilling desires in life is a natural thing to satisfy yourself and also make yourself happy.

Money changes your perception in life. I agree that there are many desires and many things that people wanted to achieve.

With lots of money, they will be able to be satisfy those lusts and they will be able to enjoy, but same with
both of you, not all are capable and not are have that same fate. We will get what we invest in life, if
you are able to find the right path, then it will manifest and it will give you the directions where you may enjoy
your financial capabilities. All depends on how you successfully established your finances.

I totally agree, money is important thing that changes one's perspective on life. Having a lot of money also helps a person to get almost everything they want and be satisfied with it but it also shapes everyone's destiny depending on the way money is managed. For this reason, it is important that people develop themselves and pay attention to their personal development even if they have a lot of money. There is a very well sentence that I like;

“You reap what you sow.”

This is a very nice saying that states that one must make an effort to find the right path. I hope everyone gets what they've done for themselves in life and finds financial success that can make a lot of money.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: SmartGold01 on June 08, 2023, 07:15:04 AM
he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.

Do you also know that contesting for a political power is also a gambling?
Yes, I mean it, contesting for a political position is gambling reason because you don't know what the out would be for you, is either you win or you lose, the possibility of you winning the election is plus or minus and, also depending on your campaign structure and the party one is belonging. As per the oil well getting dried, he never invested his money wisely. There are some people who may only have the chance of getting $10k or $50k and will never become poor in their life's again because they have to go into business and established themselves, this is commonly with the Igbo's (Southern Nigerian's) who loves business so much. So it all depends on the individuals to live a life of multiplying the money or to live a wasteful life.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: wajik-tempe on June 08, 2023, 08:21:26 AM
Money, especially in large amounts, is not inexhaustible. There always appears to be a yearning for more, no matter how much one gathers.Even when one is financially successful, it is critical to keep perspective and humility. Money can provide immediate satisfaction, but it cannot ensure long-term fulfillment. Our aims and objectives must be balanced with an appreciation of our limitations and the potential repercussions of our actions.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Lorence.xD on June 08, 2023, 08:37:49 AM
In my case, I have also experienced this kind of situation where I got some big amount of money in a young age where I got arrogant to my parents that I have a lot of money. Then they keep saying to buy things that are useful such as motor which is convenient for transportation here in my country. But I didn't listen, so when time pass by my money became less and I realized that money wouldn't be back easily in this industry. In the end i learned my mistake, having some money doesn't mean you could impulsively buy everything instead it would be better to invest it. Maybe I consider it regrets in my life but I wouldn't understand it if I didn't experienced it.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Andrija Branislav on June 08, 2023, 08:42:22 AM
Money, especially in large amounts, is not inexhaustible. There always appears to be a yearning for more, no matter how much one gathers.Even when one is financially successful, it is critical to keep perspective and humility. Money can provide immediate satisfaction, but it cannot ensure long-term fulfillment. Our aims and objectives must be balanced with an appreciation of our limitations and the potential repercussions of our actions.

Yes, the statement is true. Even if one achieves financial success, it is important to maintain a humble perspective and attitude. While money can provide immediate satisfaction, it cannot guarantee long-term satisfaction. There are other aspects of life that are just as important, such as good social relationships, optimal health, and personal achievement that are not totally dependent on financial factors.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: visionE2 on June 08, 2023, 09:23:25 AM
Money, especially in large amounts, is not inexhaustible. There always appears to be a yearning for more, no matter how much one gathers.Even when one is financially successful, it is critical to keep perspective and humility. Money can provide immediate satisfaction, but it cannot ensure long-term fulfillment. Our aims and objectives must be balanced with an appreciation of our limitations and the potential repercussions of our actions.

Yes, the statement is true. Even if one achieves financial success, it is important to maintain a humble perspective and attitude. While money can provide immediate satisfaction, it cannot guarantee long-term satisfaction. There are other aspects of life that are just as important, such as good social relationships, optimal health, and personal achievement that are not totally dependent on financial factors.
How about it.. Sometimes I just don't want to read the sentence "money can't buy happiness".. The reality is that we need money to be happy, for ourselves, others or family.
In fact, I believe more in the phrase "increase your wealth, then everyone will consider you a brother". Or another case, just compare it between the poor who steal and the rich who are corrupt, after they are released from punishment, everyone must still respect the rich even though they have been corrupt. Yes how else, we are just creatures of materialism.

This is the reality like that. But again this is all up to each individual. because money can be a double-edged knife depending on how we use it.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Alpha Marine on June 08, 2023, 09:50:54 AM
How about it.. Sometimes I just don't want to read the sentence "money can't buy happiness".. The reality is that we need money to be happy, for ourselves, others or family.
In fact, I believe more in the phrase "increase your wealth, then everyone will consider you a brother". Or another case, just compare it between the poor who steal and the rich who are corrupt, after they are released from punishment, everyone must still respect the rich even though they have been corrupt. Yes how else, we are just creatures of materialism.

This is the reality like that. But again this is all up to each individual. because money can be a double-edged knife depending on how we use it.

I am one of those who believes that money can buy happiness. What most people misunderstand is that when you have money then all your troubles would be solved, it is not always true. Maybe money will solve all the problems you currently have but troubles will always be a part of life. But amidst all those troubles you can still be happy if you have money.
Personally, I don't think I'd ever be happy if I don't have money. I can't be broke and happy. And yea, I know no amount of money would be enough, but there's a certain amount of money that will make you happy. The kind money of that can afford everything you want at any given time.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Marvell1 on June 08, 2023, 11:00:40 AM
Money, especially in large amounts, is not inexhaustible. There always appears to be a yearning for more, no matter how much one gathers.Even when one is financially successful, it is critical to keep perspective and humility. Money can provide immediate satisfaction, but it cannot ensure long-term fulfillment. Our aims and objectives must be balanced with an appreciation of our limitations and the potential repercussions of our actions.

Yes, the statement is true. Even if one achieves financial success, it is important to maintain a humble perspective and attitude. While money can provide immediate satisfaction, it cannot guarantee long-term satisfaction. There are other aspects of life that are just as important, such as good social relationships, optimal health, and personal achievement that are not totally dependent on financial factors.
How about it.. Sometimes I just don't want to read the sentence "money can't buy happiness".. The reality is that we need money to be happy, for ourselves, others or family.
In fact, I believe more in the phrase "increase your wealth, then everyone will consider you a brother". Or another case, just compare it between the poor who steal and the rich who are corrupt, after they are released from punishment, everyone must still respect the rich even though they have been corrupt. Yes how else, we are just creatures of materialism.

This is the reality like that. But again this is all up to each individual. because money can be a double-edged knife depending on how we use it.
Money can buy not only happiness but also health and time...I believe money can buy everything. What you say is real and happening in our society, but I don't understand why many people still haven't accepted and adapted to it. They always think that money can't buy happiness, and that may be true of our parent's society, but in today's society, that is no longer true.
My son is in the hospital, and if there is not a large amount of money to save him, he will die of a terrible disease. If someone says money can't buy health, what's happening to me?

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: ancafe on June 08, 2023, 11:07:42 AM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again.
Human nature like this really cannot be used as the basis of a good example in life, human nature will often change when they have money and they never realize that the money they have will run out if it is not used where it can generate profits. In the end back to being poor and regret will come after everything is gone, that's the end of every drama of people who have money that is not used properly.

There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.
So stupid and careless what your friend is doing, even though he has a very promising business if he can manage it properly and vice versa he is so careless in choosing the decision to seize power in this way. The wealth that your friends have is not worth the money that must be spent to seize power, people who are political do not fully seize power using the money in their pockets.

In politics it is customary to use relations as people who will help finance their campaigns and not fully use the money in their pockets. My conclusion your friend is not a person to be reckoned with and he has no influence in power because he cannot get money from other donors as a way to seize power.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Davian144 on June 08, 2023, 12:40:33 PM
How about it.. Sometimes I just don't want to read the sentence "money can't buy happiness".. The reality is that we need money to be happy, for ourselves, others or family.
In fact, I believe more in the phrase "increase your wealth, then everyone will consider you a brother". Or another case, just compare it between the poor who steal and the rich who are corrupt, after they are released from punishment, everyone must still respect the rich even though they have been corrupt. Yes how else, we are just creatures of materialism.
Actually this is a fairly simple thing to understand in everyone's life, because everyone can feel how life is when they don't have money that they can't even get their daily food to survive. That means everyone needs money to be able to survive through buying food and needs money to make themselves feel more comfortable to live and also happier.

So I'm not going to blame every phrase that you say because in fact it is so even though the phrase "money can't buy happiness" is something you don't like to hear right now, but it is also true because that portion only lies in a small part of society who is already rich but does not feel happiness in his family. And I think it's only in places like that that these expressions are more suitable to be used, whereas in general for everyone's life such expressions are very unsuitable to use because they can lead to a feeling of laziness in making money through work.

This is the reality like that. But again this is all up to each individual. because money can be a double-edged knife depending on how we use it.
All things or tools can be a double-edged sword if they are not used in a good place and it seems that it doesn't need to be told because everyone who always uses money in a good place and can help him become better will not say that money is a bad tool. Because he can use it where it should, not where it makes it worse in life. So there's nothing wrong with this as long as you and everyone understand how to use money and expressions about money.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: topbitcoin on June 08, 2023, 01:03:46 PM
Money, especially in large amounts, is not inexhaustible. There always appears to be a yearning for more, no matter how much one gathers.Even when one is financially successful, it is critical to keep perspective and humility. Money can provide immediate satisfaction, but it cannot ensure long-term fulfillment. Our aims and objectives must be balanced with an appreciation of our limitations and the potential repercussions of our actions.
I agree with you, and basically it remains the same, money will never be enough and will never run out, people will be willing to trade their time, their energy, and their minds to get money, because with the current human stigma, that they will get everything he wants with money, and partly the fact that it's true that from the outside people seem free to do whatever the owner wants if they get a lot of money, but you need to remember that money nowadays is like rice or staple food to survive live, unless you are a person who has a lot of plantations and do not keep up with the times it is still possible to survive to old age.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: wahyuagung26 on June 08, 2023, 01:07:11 PM
Do you also know that contesting for a political power is also a gambling?
Yes, I mean it, contesting for a political position is gambling reason because you don't know what the out would be for you, is either you win or you lose, the possibility of you winning the election is plus or minus and, also depending on your campaign structure and the party one is belonging. As per the oil well getting dried, he never invested his money wisely. There are some people who may only have the chance of getting $10k or $50k and will never become poor in their life's again because they have to go into business and established themselves,

Yes, to put it mildly, that's exactly right. Intending to fight over politics is indeed involved in gambling cases in which there is an element of reward/income that cannot be measured in the quantity of results to be obtained, and this applies if we can win a position in the political structure taken by a member. in the elements of the campaign held, of course, it involves a lot of money for its smooth running.

Those who live to earn $ 50k look very luxurious when they are able to manage it, because when they don't run a business to be honest they will fall, $ 50k is indeed a pretty big number, but this will run out if they are not good at recycling the wealth assets they have, or meaning in other words they are able to seek more than what they already have.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Altryist on June 08, 2023, 02:37:11 PM

I am one of those who believes that money can buy happiness. What most people misunderstand is that when you have money then all your troubles would be solved, it is not always true. Maybe money will solve all the problems you currently have but troubles will always be a part of life. But amidst all those troubles you can still be happy if you have money.
Personally, I don't think I'd ever be happy if I don't have money. I can't be broke and happy. And yea, I know no amount of money would be enough, but there's a certain amount of money that will make you happy. The kind money of that can afford everything you want at any given time.
Money can't buy everything, but definitely money can solve almost all of our problems. Whether money can buy happiness, I don’t know, I never thought about it from this point of view, but I know for sure that having money I can get as much free time as I want, I can go where I want and I will do what I want. Big money will require control in order not to lose it, but it's better than worrying about not having it.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: salad daging on June 08, 2023, 03:59:21 PM
Money will always feel insufficient when we always prioritize greed in our lives. But if we are used to living simply and like freedom and avoid things that can bind us like power and fame. So at times like that we will become more grateful and more able to appreciate what we have. The money we have will always feel enough. And can be a tool that helps us achieve happiness.
Many people feel a lack of money because they are more concerned with things that are not important, I know that every human being is always different, but we should not be careless about being crazy with money, basically we have to be grateful for the income we have, don't ever follow other people's lives otherwise if our abilities are not enough to get there, keep living a simpler life because it will make us calmer.

But for people who are always greedy who put their ego first, then no matter how much money they make, it will not be enough. In fact, he will tend to feel dissatisfied with his life. he will feel more pressure in his life. and he will continue to push himself to do things beyond his capabilities.
For people who are concerned with their ego, I'm sure they follow other people's lives and this kind of behavior will never go away because human nature always feels less when you see other people's lives more luxurious.
For someone who is more greedy, no matter how much money, will never be enough because they are never grateful for it.

Life must be according to our abilities, don't follow other people, always be yourself with a lifestyle that you can fulfill.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Rupok on June 08, 2023, 04:56:36 PM
Even if all the needs of people are satisfied,the demand for money is not met.Money is a thing whose needs are never satisfied.We know money isn't everything,But again nothing happens without money.But we should understand that money is not the source of all happiness.Although now is a competitive country, people are surviving by struggling with themselves day by day.  The oil guy you mentioned failed to invest his money properly and failed to take good care of oil.If he could have managed the oil better, he would not have faced this problem.  People who have enough money have a lot of pride, but really lack happiness in their lives.I think we should be content with any situation.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Fortify on June 08, 2023, 05:09:54 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.

I'm not sure that this is true for all people. There's a small group of self made rich people who definitely keep on striving to work their way up the financial ladder, but the an average person on the street might be content with an average wage in perpetuity without having to do any work (like living off dividends from a correctly sized and positioned stock portfolio). Many, if not most, people around the world do not need or even want endless millions. They would be wonderfully happy with a lottery win that could set them up for life and the average wage could go a long way if the mortgage is paid off - many holidays a year to explore and easily keep side hobbies paid up.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: ElmedoRator on June 08, 2023, 06:34:40 PM
People tend to adjust their lifestyle and expectations based on their income level. So they strive to improve and seek a better quality of life, regardless of their current financial situation. While financial stability is important to meet our basic needs and provide a sense of security, it is essential to realize that there are limits to the role of money in our overall health. Studies have shown that once a person's basic needs are met, additional income has a diminishing effect on happiness and life satisfaction. So instead of relying solely on the pursuit of wealth, finding fulfillment through meaningful relationships, personal growth, experience, and contribution to others and society can lead to a more balanced and satisfying life.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: MarjorieZimmermanGinger on June 08, 2023, 07:46:51 PM
This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.
That is the role of money in playing its influence and anyone who cannot find certainty of its use, money will run out in unexpected places, the productivity of money is not seen how you multiply it. But knowing the portion that must be done so that money can generate and be more productive towards its use. There are many people involved in politics but they know the right way to spend money and they also know how to make it back, but unfortunately your friend is doing something much more stupid than we know.

The important lesson is that money control is necessary and it cannot be taken lightly and when a business has to end because of a power struggle, this proves the quality of people who are unable to maintain a balance between expenses and income, financial management is very dependent on how people are and when they don't find a balance, the consequences must be to lose everything which they have left untouched.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Uruhara on June 08, 2023, 08:01:27 PM
Money will always feel insufficient when we always prioritize greed in our lives. But if we are used to living simply and like freedom and avoid things that can bind us like power and fame. So at times like that we will become more grateful and more able to appreciate what we have. The money we have will always feel enough. And can be a tool that helps us achieve happiness.
Many people feel a lack of money because they are more concerned with things that are not important, I know that every human being is always different, but we should not be careless about being crazy with money, basically we have to be grateful for the income we have, don't ever follow other people's lives otherwise if our abilities are not enough to get there, keep living a simpler life because it will make us calmer.

But for people who are always greedy who put their ego first, then no matter how much money they make, it will not be enough. In fact, he will tend to feel dissatisfied with his life. he will feel more pressure in his life. and he will continue to push himself to do things beyond his capabilities.
For people who are concerned with their ego, I'm sure they follow other people's lives and this kind of behavior will never go away because human nature always feels less when you see other people's lives more luxurious.
For someone who is more greedy, no matter how much money, will never be enough because they are never grateful for it.

Life must be according to our abilities, don't follow other people, always be yourself with a lifestyle that you can fulfill.
Yeah right. we must have principles within us. A mind that is firm and does not pay too much attention to others. Focusing on our personal lives can also prevent us from getting carried away, such as following other people's lifestyles that we may not necessarily be able to achieve.

Well just living a simple life according to the capacity of our abilities is an important point in this regard. Because if we can do it (live according to our abilities) then there won't be much pressure in our life. and we will tend to be more able to enjoy every process that we live in life.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: macson on June 08, 2023, 08:28:48 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.
there are those who are really greedy for money so they try to keep getting money even though they already have a lot, but there are also those who are really honest about working but the money keeps coming to them, there is even the term "people are glorified because of money and are despised because of money"
it's not wrong to make as much money as possible because indeed in this era all people in the world are driven by money (without money how do you eat and meet your and your family's needs every day) but don't be greedy for that because everyone has been given their own portion.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: greek_hephaestus on June 08, 2023, 10:34:58 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.
there are those who are really greedy for money so they try to keep getting money even though they already have a lot, but there are also those who are really honest about working but the money keeps coming to them, there is even the term "people are glorified because of money and are despised because of money"
it's not wrong to make as much money as possible because indeed in this era all people in the world are driven by money (without money how do you eat and meet your and your family's needs every day) but don't be greedy for that because everyone has been given their own portion.

This is not sure but this only a true and we must have principles within us. A mind that is firm and does not pay too much attention to others. Focusing on our personal lives can also prevent us from getting carried away and There are many people involved in politics but they know the right way to spend money and they also know how to make it back, but unfortunately your friend is doing something much more stupid than we know and While financial stability is important to meet our basic needs and provide a sense of security, it is essential to realize that there are limits to the role of money in our overall health.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: milewilda on June 08, 2023, 11:23:48 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.
there are those who are really greedy for money so they try to keep getting money even though they already have a lot, but there are also those who are really honest about working but the money keeps coming to them, there is even the term "people are glorified because of money and are despised because of money"
it's not wrong to make as much money as possible because indeed in this era all people in the world are driven by money (without money how do you eat and meet your and your family's needs every day) but don't be greedy for that because everyone has been given their own portion.

This is not sure but this only a true and we must have principles within us. A mind that is firm and does not pay too much attention to others. Focusing on our personal lives can also prevent us from getting carried away and There are many people involved in politics but they know the right way to spend money and they also know how to make it back, but unfortunately your friend is doing something much more stupid than we know and While financial stability is important to meet our basic needs and provide a sense of security, it is essential to realize that there are limits to the role of money in our overall health.

Health problems wont really be that much of a concern if you do have the money but we know that there are diseases or illness which money couldnt be able to solve it out which means that there's still that imposed risks. We are talking about being not contented on what you do currently have despite on earning big on which you would be finding another venture to make your influence and power would be recognized and since
you do have the money then  you would really be definitely considering on running on politics on which we know that once we do place ourselves into those positions then it would really be that significant on where
you could possibly be able to make more money but of course in an illegal manner on which its never been pleasing in the eyes. We know that corruption has been a typical thing on which
they might be thinking on pursuing such position to do such thing but on the time that money income source had been cut off then you would really be having a hard time on achieving such thing
but we know that voted electable would really be still depending on the community or into the people if you are really that worth to be placed on the position or not.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Obari on June 08, 2023, 11:51:44 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.
Well with money, the quest for power then comes because since we now understand that money isn't enough at all time, people tend to go for power so as to be in total control of everyone.

Most time, the value of a person also determines how much respect its been placed on him.
There are people are naturally greedy and want everything for themselves  but there are also others on the other hand who will freely give out things without  so much efforts hence they get easily contented with everything given to them.

People keep working to earn more money because as the day goes by, more responsibilities  one faces and that's why mknwybidjt enough.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: romero121 on June 08, 2023, 11:59:09 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.
Well with money, the quest for power then comes because since we now understand that money isn't enough at all time, people tend to go for power so as to be in total control of everyone.

Most time, the value of a person also determines how much respect its been placed on him.
There are people are naturally greedy and want everything for themselves  but there are also others on the other hand who will freely give out things without  so much efforts hence they get easily contented with everything given to them.

People keep working to earn more money because as the day goes by, more responsibilities  one faces and that's why mknwybidjt enough.
Yes, the power always makes a man higher than holding money. You want to have very big money or you need to be more powerful. This is where people mostly go behind power and money. People should understand whether it is money/power we're gonna die someday.

When it comes to power, it all should happen by the support people give and through the goodness he had done to the community or the region. With what he had earned, if he had does good things to the people around him surely he's powerful than having some powerful position. It is all about the way we take it forward and work that makes us go down or high with money and power.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Uruhara on June 09, 2023, 12:31:19 AM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.
there are those who are really greedy for money so they try to keep getting money even though they already have a lot, but there are also those who are really honest about working but the money keeps coming to them, there is even the term "people are glorified because of money and are despised because of money"
it's not wrong to make as much money as possible because indeed in this era all people in the world are driven by money (without money how do you eat and meet your and your family's needs every day) but don't be greedy for that because everyone has been given their own portion.

This is not sure but this only a true and we must have principles within us. A mind that is firm and does not pay too much attention to others. Focusing on our personal lives can also prevent us from getting carried away and There are many people involved in politics but they know the right way to spend money and they also know how to make it back, but unfortunately your friend is doing something much more stupid than we know and While financial stability is important to meet our basic needs and provide a sense of security, it is essential to realize that there are limits to the role of money in our overall health.

Correct. we must hold our self-principles firmly. hold fast and focus on self-development and self-control. so that we can avoid greed and want to live excessively. Remember that our common sense must be in control of the money we have. and don't let greed control us in financial management. Keeping thinking about the future will make us more careful in using money and can make us good at managing our finances.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: reagansimms on June 09, 2023, 03:42:03 AM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.
This is human nature, never satisfied with wealth, even though he already has a container of gold, he will try to add another container of gold to his wealth. Not a few people are willing to do anything to accumulate wealth, greed for wealth makes some people willing to do disgraceful things to get money, we hear very often about corruption, theft and robbery in everyday life.
In achieving their goals they are willing to risk their lives, like pirates who struggle to get loot, in the process of carrying out their mission there are always obstacles including the biggest risk that their lives can be lost due to resistance from their victims. The president already knows how easy it is to accumulate wealth with the power in his hands, it's no wonder the president wants to run again after his term ends.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: woez on June 09, 2023, 04:20:57 AM
How about it.. Sometimes I just don't want to read the sentence "money can't buy happiness".. The reality is that we need money to be happy, for ourselves, others or family.
In fact, I believe more in the phrase "increase your wealth, then everyone will consider you a brother". Or another case, just compare it between the poor who steal and the rich who are corrupt, after they are released from punishment, everyone must still respect the rich even though they have been corrupt. Yes how else, we are just creatures of materialism.

This is the reality like that. But again this is all up to each individual. because money can be a double-edged knife depending on how we use it.

I'm interested in your expression "add your wealth and everyone will consider you a brother," it is important to remember that true relationships and social success do not depend only on wealth. Values such as integrity, empathy and honesty also play an important role in forming bonds between individuals.

Comparing between the poor who steal and the rich who are corrupt does not fully provide an accurate picture. Not all poor people steal, and not all rich people are corrupt. Individual attitudes and actions should not be measured by their economic status, but rather by their integrity and morality.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: komisariatku on June 09, 2023, 07:07:40 AM
.......... This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.

Humans have greed so that no matter how much money they have, it will still not be enough. It's natural, only simplicity can make enough. What makes it not enough is lifestyle and prestige. No matter how much money you have, it will always not be enough

Never live with prestige, it will make you miserable. It's not a glamorous lifestyle that will make you rich, it's a modest lifestyle that will make you rich, unless you have a multi-million dollar inheritance.
We will grow old and not be able to work anymore. No one wants to interfere with our children's money in the future. Living frugally and saving a lot money is the best way for life. That's my opinion, though I can't quite like it right now

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Iroh on June 09, 2023, 07:47:36 AM
there are those who are really greedy for money so they try to keep getting money even though they already have a lot, but there are also those who are really honest about working but the money keeps coming to them, there is even the term "people are glorified because of money and are despised because of money"
it's not wrong to make as much money as possible because indeed in this era all people in the world are driven by money (without money how do you eat and meet your and your family's needs every day) but don't be greedy for that because everyone has been given their own portion.

It's not wrong to make as much money as possible. The problem lies in what motivates you to keep working for the money. If an individual is greedy, then whatever amount he must have amassed would never be enough. Money has and will always be important cause obviously we need to have some money to live a decent life. It's the level of  importance people have attributed to money that we forget there are other things that would bring us happiness besides money.

What I do not get though, is why you think we shouldn't be greedy just cause "we have all been given our own potion". Sadly, in life, some have and would always have more portions than the other. And if you don't work hard, there won't be any portion for you to have.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: BitcoinTurk on June 09, 2023, 08:02:35 AM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.
there are those who are really greedy for money so they try to keep getting money even though they already have a lot, but there are also those who are really honest about working but the money keeps coming to them, there is even the term "people are glorified because of money and are despised because of money"
it's not wrong to make as much money as possible because indeed in this era all people in the world are driven by money (without money how do you eat and meet your and your family's needs every day) but don't be greedy for that because everyone has been given their own portion.

This is not sure but this only a true and we must have principles within us. A mind that is firm and does not pay too much attention to others. Focusing on our personal lives can also prevent us from getting carried away and There are many people involved in politics but they know the right way to spend money and they also know how to make it back, but unfortunately your friend is doing something much more stupid than we know and While financial stability is important to meet our basic needs and provide a sense of security, it is essential to realize that there are limits to the role of money in our overall health.

Health problems wont really be that much of a concern if you do have the money but we know that there are diseases or illness which money couldnt be able to solve it out which means that there's still that imposed risks. We are talking about being not contented on what you do currently have despite on earning big on which you would be finding another venture to make your influence and power would be recognized and since
you do have the money then  you would really be definitely considering on running on politics on which we know that once we do place ourselves into those positions then it would really be that significant on where
you could possibly be able to make more money but of course in an illegal manner on which its never been pleasing in the eyes. We know that corruption has been a typical thing on which
they might be thinking on pursuing such position to do such thing but on the time that money income source had been cut off then you would really be having a hard time on achieving such thing
but we know that voted electable would really be still depending on the community or into the people if you are really that worth to be placed on the position or not.

Certainly, for someone who has money some health problems are actually just problems that can be solved with a little expense but unfortunately some health problems cannot be solved with money. Today, health can be partially purchased with money.
Of course, there are various legal and illegal methods to earn more money but corruption or other similar ways will definitely not be a pleasant method. For this reason, although money is an eternal asset it is not very useful when it is earned by such methods because one day, of course, the source of the money earned through illegal methods will be discovered.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: greek_hephaestus on June 09, 2023, 08:06:07 AM
there are those who are really greedy for money so they try to keep getting money even though they already have a lot, but there are also those who are really honest about working but the money keeps coming to them, there is even the term "people are glorified because of money and are despised because of money"
it's not wrong to make as much money as possible because indeed in this era all people in the world are driven by money (without money how do you eat and meet your and your family's needs every day) but don't be greedy for that because everyone has been given their own portion.

It's not wrong to make as much money as possible. The problem lies in what motivates you to keep working for the money. If an individual is greedy, then whatever amount he must have amassed would never be enough. Money has and will always be important cause obviously we need to have some money to live a decent life. It's the level of  importance people have attributed to money that we forget there are other things that would bring us happiness besides money.

What I do not get though, is why you think we shouldn't be greedy just cause "we have all been given our own potion". Sadly, in life, some have and would always have more portions than the other. And if you don't work hard, there won't be any portion for you to have.

This are human being nature  and Not a few people are willing to do anything to accumulate wealth, greed for wealth makes some people willing to do disgraceful things to get money and you would really be definitely considering on running on politics on which we know that once we do place ourselves into those positions then it would really be that significant on where
you could possibly be able to make more money but of course in an illegal manner on which its never been pleasing in the eyes and also What makes it not enough is lifestyle and prestige.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Huppercase on June 09, 2023, 08:24:22 AM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.

The dealer guy in your community lacks management and he is a cheerful givers that doesn't think about tomorrow, I beleive any sensible person that doesn't have money before will know better on how to spend when they hit money they have never touch before in their life time. Your dealer guy failed to planned tomorrow and hence the reason why he is broke even when he had money to escape brokeness.

Money is easy to maintain if you have a good adviser or friends, the real ones will never tell you to spend and languish everything as soon as you hit the jackpot, only the unserious ones will want you to live an expensive life you cannot continue later in the future, though its a good thing to have fun with people in your free time but it doesn't mean you should go out to impress people, if that money finish, you will go back to square one without any backup.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Negotiation on June 09, 2023, 08:42:54 AM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.
there are those who are really greedy for money so they try to keep getting money even though they already have a lot, but there are also those who are really honest about working but the money keeps coming to them, there is even the term "people are glorified because of money and are despised because of money"
it's not wrong to make as much money as possible because indeed in this era all people in the world are driven by money (without money how do you eat and meet your and your family's needs every day) but don't be greedy for that because everyone has been given their own portion.

I agree but currently, there is a need for money to meet the daily necessities. Both poor and rich people fulfill their needs through money but it is not right to be greedy for it. Greed is a bit more among rich people they try to get more even after having a lot of money greedy because his demand is high. He is never satisfied even they are never happy there has to be harmony with one's ability, surroundings, etc.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: xSkylarx on June 09, 2023, 09:16:15 AM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.
there are those who are really greedy for money so they try to keep getting money even though they already have a lot, but there are also those who are really honest about working but the money keeps coming to them, there is even the term "people are glorified because of money and are despised because of money"
it's not wrong to make as much money as possible because indeed in this era all people in the world are driven by money (without money how do you eat and meet your and your family's needs every day) but don't be greedy for that because everyone has been given their own portion.

I agree but currently, there is a need for money to meet the daily necessities. Both poor and rich people fulfill their needs through money but it is not right to be greedy for it. Greed is a bit more among rich people they try to get more even after having a lot of money greedy because his demand is high. He is never satisfied even they are never happy there has to be harmony with one's ability, surroundings, etc.

Money is kind of an addiction to rich people because they want more. Just imagine rich people will invest more in businesses to earn more money. If they have businesses, they will improve them, build extensions, etc., which means they want to earn more. Whereas the poor, no matter what they want, can't because their resources and money are too little and they can't afford it. That is why they stay where they are.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: barisbilgili on June 09, 2023, 09:59:19 AM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.
there are those who are really greedy for money so they try to keep getting money even though they already have a lot, but there are also those who are really honest about working but the money keeps coming to them, there is even the term "people are glorified because of money and are despised because of money"
it's not wrong to make as much money as possible because indeed in this era all people in the world are driven by money (without money how do you eat and meet your and your family's needs every day) but don't be greedy for that because everyone has been given their own portion.

I agree but currently, there is a need for money to meet the daily necessities. Both poor and rich people fulfill their needs through money but it is not right to be greedy for it. Greed is a bit more among rich people they try to get more even after having a lot of money greedy because his demand is high. He is never satisfied even they are never happy there has to be harmony with one's ability, surroundings, etc.

Money is kind of an addiction to rich people because they want more. Just imagine rich people will invest more in businesses to earn more money. If they have businesses, they will improve them, build extensions, etc., which means they want to earn more. Whereas the poor, no matter what they want, can't because their resources and money are too little and they can't afford it. That is why they stay where they are.
actually money is wanted by everyone but for the rich it is easier to continue to be able to increase their wealth with the money they have it allows them to continue to be able to do many things so that their wealth increases and it is inversely proportional to people who do not have much money.
the real reason people keep looking for money non-stop is because they want to fulfill all their desires and prepare for a better future, I think that's very reasonable and even all of us here may have the same thoughts.
but for the way it all returns to each other, there are people who are greedy and there are also people who are just optimistic, all return to the personality of each human being.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Rockstarguy on June 09, 2023, 10:09:43 AM
In my case, I have also experienced this kind of situation where I got some big amount of money in a young age where I got arrogant to my parents that I have a lot of money. Then they keep saying to buy things that are useful such as motor which is convenient for transportation here in my country. But I didn't listen, so when time pass by my money became less and I realized that money wouldn't be back easily in this industry. In the end i learned my mistake, having some money doesn't mean you could impulsively buy everything instead it would be better to invest it. Maybe I consider it regrets in my life but I wouldn't understand it if I didn't experienced it.
It is a normal thing people experience in life, people always have mistakes when it comes to managing of money and I think the reason for this mistake is that , people think when they acquire money they have this believe the money will last forever that's one of the biggest mistake and one thing about money is something you can't predict, it is something that can be temporary ,it is something when you can't even tell how long it will last so when people get this money they believe the money will last long so they fail to do the things which they are supposed to do with money and it to some people it end up  that their money just last for a short time and then they will realise that they have made a big mistake by not investing their money in the proper way.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: CypherMonk on June 09, 2023, 10:56:03 AM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.

Money is like water, the more you drink, the more you'll want to drink again after a while. So, if you make a huge amount of money, after a while you'll realize that it's not enough.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: SmartGold01 on June 09, 2023, 11:53:17 AM

Yes, to put it mildly, that's exactly right. Intending to fight over politics is indeed involved in gambling cases in which there is an element of reward/income that cannot be measured in the quantity of results to be obtained, and this applies if we can win a position in the political structure taken by a member. in the elements of the campaign held, of course, it involves a lot of money for its smooth running.

Contesting in a political position without an adequate planning would end up is waste of resources since there is no much efforts put in running the campaign, what would be the results is so uncertain to the aspirant being that political words aren't what a man should take into heart based on their promises of him emerging the winner for that race. If that he quietly invested his money without the money controlling him he would had been the best option maybe after having various sources of income as well as maintaining his oil well, he would had still be rich and wealthy as it was but due to pride and pomposity led him in contesting in political power which entirely drained his wealth.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: bbigtart on June 09, 2023, 12:35:04 PM
Correct. we must hold our self-principles firmly. hold fast and focus on self-development and self-control. so that we can avoid greed and want to live excessively. Remember that our common sense must be in control of the money we have. and don't let greed control us in financial management. Keeping thinking about the future will make us more careful in using money and can make us good at managing our finances.
Money is not the root of all evil. But there are also those who say the love of money is the root of all evil. Money does not make people bad, but their character becomes clear, good people get better and vice versa. So money even clarify one's true character.

Therefore we have to control our finances, because when we are too greedy in financial management. We will tend to take unnecessary risks, such as making speculative investments without being able to control ourselves or even engaging in excessive gambling addiction to achieve financial goals even though it is all just our own greed.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Paul Pogba on June 09, 2023, 02:48:28 PM
Money is never enough for those who have greedy nature, if we become human beings who are good at being grateful then even though our life is full of deficiencies then we will be able and easily happy, many people are poor and have no money but can eat and sleep comfortably, but those who have billions of dollars hard to eat and sleep because always think with money.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: sana54210 on June 09, 2023, 06:11:01 PM
Intending to fight over politics is indeed involved in gambling cases in which there is an element of reward/income that cannot be measured in the quantity of results to be obtained, and this applies if we can win a position in the political structure taken by a member. in the elements of the campaign held, of course, it involves a lot of money for its smooth running.

Those who live to earn $ 50k look very luxurious when they are able to manage it, because when they don't run a business to be honest they will fall, $ 50k is indeed a pretty big number, but this will run out if they are not good at recycling the wealth assets they have, or meaning in other words they are able to seek more than what they already have.
I think it would be quite difficult to be a big name politician with regular money, unless you earned a great position somewhere else with merit. There was a guy who was the head of pharmacists guild in our nation, he didn't spend all that much money and he got a position at congress, that's a good example because he didn't had to spend a lot of money, but he was 65 years old when he got his first political position as well, not something that would benefit at that point, he became a politician instead of retiring, definitely a bad move for the nation if you ask me.

Aside from those situations, you do need some money and that could be yours or your donations from other people but you need it so that you can spend it on campaigning, that's not cheap.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: israt1@ on June 09, 2023, 06:25:55 PM
In today's world, money has become a precious thing. As before, money is nothing compared to one's ability or education. Almost everything is available for money. Money has become such a key issue. We all run after money. There are people who have as much money as they can He needs more.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Hamza2424 on June 09, 2023, 08:43:05 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.

The only point here is we can control our emotions as when we get some relief from the financial side we always increase our expenses and then again we ran out of money again struggle to make more starts and it's a loop. If you can control your emotions buddy then it's very easy for you to live a happy life even with a small amount.

They only way by which you can live a happy life is to Control your expenses because you can carry anything with you in the grave and that's the fact, even if you sleep on the bed of money you cant make it beneficial for yourself after death, we have to die one day just remember it, this will help you to control the emotions.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Mahanton on June 09, 2023, 08:55:41 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.

The only point here is we can control our emotions as when we get some relief from the financial side we always increase our expenses and then again we ran out of money again struggle to make more starts and it's a loop. If you can control your emotions buddy then it's very easy for you to live a happy life even with a small amount.

They only way by which you can live a happy life is to Control your expenses because you can carry anything with you in the grave and that's the fact, even if you sleep on the bed of money you cant make it beneficial for yourself after death, we have to die one day just remember it, this will help you to control the emotions.
Having a happy life would really be composed by these things;

1. FInancial freedom
2. Debt free
3. Good physique

On the time that you wouldn't really be having any stress just because you do have everything in terms of money on which its understandable.Its true that even if you dont live on a financially
free kind of state or something that you  do earn which is only sufficient on daily living then having those controlled expenses would be always the key. Making yourself been cleared up from
loans or simply with debts.For those people who do have tons of money but still not that contented on what they do have , then this isnt something shocking anymore because people are
naturally born to be greedy inside.Although there are people who are that easily get contented or having that control but most of us does have that kind of mindset and behavior
on which we dont really easily get contented despite on having tons of money already.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: rahmad2nd on June 09, 2023, 10:22:48 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.

"Money" is a highly prized human possession, because it enables us to do almost anything that is worldly. but as usual in every object, business, that we have there is a negative side as well as a positive side. one of the goals we work, do business, is to raise money. we also often use money as an excuse not to do something. or vice versa.

Then, why money is never enough. if the financial problem is that this is not always enough, is being rich the answer. maybe some people agree, even the people described in this thread still want to be in power by being involved in the world of politics. the reasons are very diverse. be able to develop their business, or look for something new to make even more money. So, wealth will never solve human problems, even if you already have a lot of money. so what, the answer is none other than, the mind is capable of solving the problem. but the human brain is often controlled by its own emotions, emotions here we can call lust "desire" or in other words, greed. besides that there is also an emotion that refers to fear, this is the fear experienced by many people, namely, "the fear of living without money" this fear also makes us do routine work to make money.

So what's the point, most financial problems originate from lust, coupled with a lack of discipline that makes us wasteful people.  lust, which causes behavior where the more money one earns, the higher the desire to do something. yep, as you tell in this thread.  in essence, think before you move, don't be like the people described in this thread. do not let us be deceived by lust, so that we are enslaved by money. because, money is never enough.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: jeraldskie11 on June 09, 2023, 10:45:10 PM
Sometimes when we are up in life, we forget where we from. Money has the potential to turn a decent person into a bad person. We should learn not to be controlled when we have money. We must have a balanced perspective on money and believe that money was created for us to purchase our daily needs. Many people have wasted their life because of money; they felt they were rich but quickly became poor because they did not make the greatest use of it. That is why, if you become wealthy, be humble, serve others, and continue to invest because we never know what will happen in the future.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on June 09, 2023, 10:55:44 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.
Yeah, completely agree that money is never enough, but it's mostly for those who do all sort of shady deals and possibly evil,  all in a bid to make the money, they may end up with lots of money, but they are never contented because they are completely empty in their spirit, they continue to feel really empty with every penny made, and they have no choice but to keep devising means of making even more money hoping that, the money they make, the more complete they could be, but they never really realize that money does not make a man complete, and neither does it completely satisfy the soul..

The love for money will keep you hungry for money all the days of your life, and it doesn't matter how much you make, you never would really feel like you have enough.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Myleschetty on June 09, 2023, 11:28:40 PM
It's critical to pay attention to how much money we spend and understand that experiences and simple pleasures rather than material possessions can bring us greater happiness and fulfillment because nothing in this life is ever enough for humans until they learn to be contented with what they have, don't let it control their habit to others, and also learn to help the little man with it.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Dunamisx on June 10, 2023, 07:52:51 AM
In today's world, money has become a precious thing. As before, money is nothing compared to one's ability or education. Almost everything is available for money. Money has become such a key issue. We all run after money. There are people who have as much money as they can He needs more.

Money will never be enough for any individuals to possess because the more you have the more the demand and needs arising, we have to learn about various means we can adopt to earn money for our living, career, ambition and personal developments, we also needs money to influence change in the society we lived in, it can help people in needs out of their penury, money earns you status and position in life, money is the key factor that triggers some quality expression of interest on doing good, having other's interest in mind and making a coordinate program others can benefit from.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Oasisman on June 10, 2023, 11:21:49 AM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.

It's not just money, but everything in general. It's safer to say that we humans are forever discontented. We gamble the stability of our shelter to a futuristic progression, that's the major evidence. Though, we might think that it's the money that a person is what he's after of, but it's actually the power and what brings you closer to that power is the money. Without money, you are irrelevant to the society. Therefore, every man needs to earn more money to earn more respect from the society as well. So technically, It's not really the money that a person wants.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: speeder on June 10, 2023, 12:59:49 PM
Money is one thing that everyone strives to achieve. It is difficult to find a person in the world who has no greed for money. Even if a person has financial solvency, that person cannot be restricted on those assets. That person tries to develop the action for more money. It can be any activity for people be it job-business or politics. People always give more priority to needs than life. No matter how big a millionaire a person is. That person, in order to earn more money, succumbs to greed and commits various vices. But because of greed, we forget that humans are the best creatures in the world and that as humans we should be satisfied with little

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Bitcoin_Arena on June 10, 2023, 01:27:01 PM
Money will never be enough to someone who is greedy. Money and Power corrupts even the once good individuals if they let greed creep into their souls. I think we have so many examples of such individuals, both past and present.
They say money is a root of all evil, I say greed for money is a root of all evil

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Uruhara on June 10, 2023, 02:02:42 PM
Money will never be enough to someone who is greedy. Money and Power corrupts even the once good individuals if they let greed creep into their souls. I think we have so many examples of such individuals, both past and present.
They say money is a root of all evil, I say greed for money is a root of all evil
I also have the same thought as you. Because even greed can make a person want everything not just money. But greed can even push someone who already has a lot of money to be able to achieve other achievements to fulfill their self-satisfaction such as power and fame they also want to get. Even scarier than greed is that they can do anything to get what they want. But when someone has been overcome by a strong sense of greed or greed attached to them. then happiness in their life will begin to be difficult to find and they tend to feel restless and anxious. because basically they never feel enough with what they have now.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Semar Mesem on June 10, 2023, 02:33:45 PM
Most people nowadays measure everything with money, and it can be said that money is the biggest goal or motivation for anyone, unfortunately many people are carried away with money so they do everything for money. they even want to commit crimes to get money.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Fiatless on June 10, 2023, 05:04:12 PM
Most people nowadays measure everything with money, and it can be said that money is the biggest goal or motivation for anyone, unfortunately many people are carried away with money so they do everything for money. they even want to commit crimes to get money.
They fail to understand that money is important but it is not the most important thing in life. Good health, a compatible marriage partner, and children that are outstanding in character and learning is much more important than riches. If I can have money that would be enough to take care of my family and help some poor people in my community, I think I am okay. The uncontrollable quest for wealth is the reason why there are high rates of criminal activities. People are not satisfied with what they have because they want to look like thier role models who are always celebrities. And these celebrities live fake by deceiving their followers that they have much money, while they are living on debt or credit. They best thing to do in life is to focus on yourself and don't wish to be like another person.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: lizarder on June 10, 2023, 05:22:41 PM
There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.
Money is the same as water and when it doesn't flow into something right like an estuary, it dries up because it never meets other water. And vice versa with money which essentially will not develop if it is allowed to flow in unproductive places, the productive scale is not calculated in a special place but can reach numbers and generate profits with the right process. There are many people who try something beyond their capabilities but in the end fail and when the process is done properly then the character may not suit him, so he has to go back to doing something from scratch and unfortunately people don't learn from mistakes

The man you mean owns an oil dealer and in terms of growth maybe if managed properly it will result in high productivity. The problem is we never know, is the money he has fully used to pursue power or is his oil dealer no longer functioning to distribute oil? Money will never be enough if you don't know how to use it and there is no specific scale to calculate productivity levels.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: xSkylarx on June 11, 2023, 01:41:28 AM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.
there are those who are really greedy for money so they try to keep getting money even though they already have a lot, but there are also those who are really honest about working but the money keeps coming to them, there is even the term "people are glorified because of money and are despised because of money"
it's not wrong to make as much money as possible because indeed in this era all people in the world are driven by money (without money how do you eat and meet your and your family's needs every day) but don't be greedy for that because everyone has been given their own portion.

I agree but currently, there is a need for money to meet the daily necessities. Both poor and rich people fulfill their needs through money but it is not right to be greedy for it. Greed is a bit more among rich people they try to get more even after having a lot of money greedy because his demand is high. He is never satisfied even they are never happy there has to be harmony with one's ability, surroundings, etc.

Money is kind of an addiction to rich people because they want more. Just imagine rich people will invest more in businesses to earn more money. If they have businesses, they will improve them, build extensions, etc., which means they want to earn more. Whereas the poor, no matter what they want, can't because their resources and money are too little and they can't afford it. That is why they stay where they are.
actually money is wanted by everyone but for the rich it is easier to continue to be able to increase their wealth with the money they have it allows them to continue to be able to do many things so that their wealth increases and it is inversely proportional to people who do not have much money.
the real reason people keep looking for money non-stop is because they want to fulfill all their desires and prepare for a better future, I think that's very reasonable and even all of us here may have the same thoughts.
but for the way it all returns to each other, there are people who are greedy and there are also people who are just optimistic, all return to the personality of each human being.
That is really the life; it is easy if you have money, meaning if you do have money, you can make more if you handle it well. That is why it is easy for the rich to earn more money, unlike the poor, who without luck and hard work can get to the life that they want. That is really the life; we should just do our best to live. Also, there are really people who want to fulfill their desires, and others just want to have a simple life, like eating three times a day and having their basic needs met, but again, there are greedy people who don't care about someone; they care about money.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: killerfrost on June 11, 2023, 02:33:55 AM
Money is not everything, but it is an important part of life and helps bring about new opportunities and experiences. However, money should not make us lose our true value and sense of life. We need to know how to use money effectively and properly to achieve our goals and happiness in life, while avoiding risks and unwanted consequences.

I do know some spiritual teachers, and one thing I have quite experienced about this life with money, where we are just trying to make money without realizing that we are still alive and money will find it. find us. And perhaps life is inherently a game that needs to pass different levels in order to have a clear understanding of these things in our lives.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Sexylizzy2813 on June 11, 2023, 04:15:26 AM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.

No amount of money is enough in a man's life, if a particular amount is enough I believe by now the richest man or woman would have stopped looking for more money like stop any businesses that fetch him/her money. There's no specific amount that can speak for you that you're ok for life.
That's why if you look at the way politicians struggle to stay at a position you'd ask yourself "what is he still looking for?" They (politicians) know how fast the money comes when they're in a position and you can't say when given honey or sugar that it should be thrown away or reject it, No you'd take as much as you can carry.
Greed sometimes is a cause of doing such, and some people don't know when to say is enough for now, that's why money always control the way humans think. To me I don't see money as the root of evil, I see humans urge to get more as the root of evil.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Freddie Boyer on June 11, 2023, 05:10:45 AM
In today's world, money has become a precious thing. As before, money is nothing compared to one's ability or education. Almost everything is available for money. Money has become such a key issue. We all run after money. There are people who have as much money as they can He needs more.

While it may be difficult to face the fact that money is often never enough, I think there are steps we can take to manage our finances wisely. Namely, making a budget and managing finances in a disciplined manner. By identifying unnecessary expenses and prioritizing needs, we can control our spending.

So, don't let the obsession with money rule your life completely, but use money as a tool to achieve a more meaningful life and build a better future.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: flyingcarpet on June 11, 2023, 06:22:40 AM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.

If you do not have good financial management, you will never have enough money. Each higher level in monetary terms means even more spending. This indicates that you need to manage your resources well. If you do not have this, you start to consume your resources at a certain rate continuously.

Money is actually enough, you just need to know how to use it. Above all, we understand the importance of financial education. Being able to use money correctly is an important education.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Ayers on June 11, 2023, 09:59:28 AM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.

If you do not have good financial management, you will never have enough money. Each higher level in monetary terms means even more spending. This indicates that you need to manage your resources well. If you do not have this, you start to consume your resources at a certain rate continuously.

Money is actually enough, you just need to know how to use it. Above all, we understand the importance of financial education. Being able to use money correctly is an important education.

You mean if we were financially educated, we would know how to spend it, and we would be satisfied with the money we have? I don't think so, people with financial education, they will always find a way to use that money to make more money, but they will have ways to limit losses than people without financial knowledge.

Money is never enough because it is born from our greed, and greed is a part of being human, it will never go away. You will want to have enough money to live on when you don't have money, but when you have enough to live, you will definitely want more, become rich...Money will never be enough until we die and stop.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: dansus021 on June 11, 2023, 10:15:04 AM
I also have the same thought as you. Because even greed can make a person want everything not just money. But greed can even push someone who already has a lot of money to be able to achieve other achievements to fulfill their self-satisfaction such as power and fame they also want to get. Even scarier than greed is that they can do anything to get what they want. But when someone has been overcome by a strong sense of greed or greed attached to them. then happiness in their life will begin to be difficult to find and they tend to feel restless and anxious. because basically they never feel enough with what they have now.

Tho greed is human nature  ;D I sometimes have greed, it is even more active when I do futures trading any amount of percentage of profit will never be enough. But little of loss will be frustrating me, right now Im still trying to control of it.

and by the way, I'm curious when people are rich that they can buy a lot of things with their money. What actually they thinking when anything can be bought, are they felt different or greed would still be there.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Gulttam2a2 on June 11, 2023, 11:58:39 AM
According to me money is never enough. Money is attached to us in many ways in our life. In today's world money is very valuable. Everyone wants to own money by any means. In today's age it seems ridiculous to say that love needs money but it is true. Money Because people can kill people. People do business,jobs and many other things to earn money. There are some people who follow dishonest ways. Finally I will say money can never bring happiness in anyone's life.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: xSkylarx on June 11, 2023, 12:13:31 PM
In today's world, money has become a precious thing. As before, money is nothing compared to one's ability or education. Almost everything is available for money. Money has become such a key issue. We all run after money. There are people who have as much money as they can He needs more.

While it may be difficult to face the fact that money is often never enough, I think there are steps we can take to manage our finances wisely. Namely, making a budget and managing finances in a disciplined manner. By identifying unnecessary expenses and prioritizing needs, we can control our spending.

So, don't let the obsession with money rule your life completely, but use money as a tool to achieve a more meaningful life and build a better future.

But because of chasing the money, we can't find the meaningful life that you've said. I know tons of people who really chase money, like working in a job, and even they don't rest; they do whatever just to earn money. It isn't obsession; it is just a need in life for their basic needs, which we can't blame them for. But there are also people who are not really chasing money, like they don't rest. I've seen a couple of people who like doing what they really want, like to relax and play with their family, and mostly they know when to stop chasing money as they more prioritize their health over money.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Huppercase on June 11, 2023, 12:15:30 PM
Sometimes when we are up in life, we forget where we from. Money has the potential to turn a decent person into a bad person. We should learn not to be controlled when we have money. We must have a balanced perspective on money and believe that money was created for us to purchase our daily needs. Many people have wasted their life because of money; they felt they were rich but quickly became poor because they did not make the greatest use of it. That is why, if you become wealthy, be humble, serve others, and continue to invest because we never know what will happen in the future.

Words can be influencial but there is no catalyst that manipulate the mind like miney; We are used to people saying money cannot buy and achieve everything but I refused to by that Insuination, money can achieve everything these days in the generation that we live, what is there that money cannot buy today? Even some certain death can be prevented with money because when a poor man who doesn't have standard health facility will die quicker than someone who have huge money. There is power in money and that is why today, you see everyone fighting to have it, there is this energy that surround money that everyone has interest in, nobody want to live a poor life.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Cryptock on June 11, 2023, 01:02:23 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.
sometimes if you don't have debt over you and you are leading a middle class life - the jackpot can be helpful and you can fulfill your dreams
But dealing and managing the jack pot is an art too. I have seen people falling in the hands of thughs when they have money. People would try to grab the last penny you would have in your account so be careful keep your success hidden from the fools and greedy people.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: superman184 on June 11, 2023, 01:47:03 PM
While it may be difficult to face the fact that money is often never enough, I think there are steps we can take to manage our finances wisely. Namely, making a budget and managing finances in a disciplined manner. By identifying unnecessary expenses and prioritizing needs, we can control our spending.
The point is that there must be special control in terms of spending money even though in general it is felt that money is never enough because every day it has to be spent on certain needs which must always be there. There are indeed many wise steps and everyone does them very well in order to be able to make up for the deficiencies they experience in life without having to make any complaints.

So, don't let the obsession with money rule your life completely, but use money as a tool to achieve a more meaningful life and build a better future.
I mostly use money for capital in most things in my life, because with money all my work can be completed on time without any obstacles. So I will continue to use money as my capital in life even though I also feel that money is never enough, because money never stays in my pocket for so long except what I save for the future.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Lorence.xD on June 11, 2023, 02:17:30 PM
In today's world, money has become a precious thing. As before, money is nothing compared to one's ability or education. Almost everything is available for money. Money has become such a key issue. We all run after money. There are people who have as much money as they can He needs more.

While it may be difficult to face the fact that money is often never enough, I think there are steps we can take to manage our finances wisely. Namely, making a budget and managing finances in a disciplined manner. By identifying unnecessary expenses and prioritizing needs, we can control our spending.

So, don't let the obsession with money rule your life completely, but use money as a tool to achieve a more meaningful life and build a better future.

I think if you're obsessed with money then probably you would also do some managing to your finances to lessen the cost of your living. But most of the people we could see these behaviors from really rich people, they were too focused on making some money which makes them doesn't have time for their health and their family which can be considered as toxic trait. For me it always be balanced always have time for yoruself, family and for oyur work.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Bitcoin_people on June 11, 2023, 02:52:30 PM
Of course money can change a person's future life. But money can't be the root of all happiness, it must be accepted, when we studied in school life, we know that money can never buy happiness. But in today's world, nothing is bigger than money, nothing can be done without money in various places. Money has no value to power, in this world everyone's purpose in life is to earn money. When a person learns to earn money, his mental thinking gradually changes. And he has a balanced view of money and makes money the most important thing in his day-to-day life. But I think money is not the cause of all happiness in life, money can never give happiness. If you have a lot of money, use that money in the service of the poor, then you will get peace of mind in the future.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Minecache on June 11, 2023, 03:24:57 PM
I also have the same thought as you. Because even greed can make a person want everything not just money. But greed can even push someone who already has a lot of money to be able to achieve other achievements to fulfill their self-satisfaction such as power and fame they also want to get. Even scarier than greed is that they can do anything to get what they want. But when someone has been overcome by a strong sense of greed or greed attached to them. then happiness in their life will begin to be difficult to find and they tend to feel restless and anxious. because basically they never feel enough with what they have now.

Tho greed is human nature  ;D I sometimes have greed, it is even more active when I do futures trading any amount of percentage of profit will never be enough. But little of loss will be frustrating me, right now Im still trying to control of it.

and by the way, I'm curious when people are rich that they can buy a lot of things with their money. What actually they thinking when anything can be bought, are they felt different or greed would still be there.
Those who say they are not greedy do not need a lot of money, I guarantee they are fake people. Greed is not only in our nature, it is an integral part of any one of us. And controlling greed is not easy, I bet not too many people will.

When you become rich, you can buy everything you need with money. Then you will not stop there, you will always look for what you do not have and will find a way to conquer it. People's greed will never feel enough, and they won't stop until they lie down. The evils, epidemics ... in today's world are also the result of the greed of many perverts.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: S A KHAIR on June 11, 2023, 04:43:27 PM
According to me money is never enough. Money is attached to us in many ways in our life. In today's world money is very valuable. Everyone wants to own money by any means. In today's age it seems ridiculous to say that love needs money but it is true. Money Because people can kill people. People do business,jobs and many other things to earn money. There are some people who follow dishonest ways. Finally I will say money can never bring happiness in anyone's life.

As you said above, love also requires money, so money is clearly bringing you happiness. So you are completely wrong when saying that money cannot bring us happiness. To be honest, I don't see anyone with a lot of money who is not happy, the people I find unhappy are mostly poor. They have no money to take care of their families, no money to provide a full life for their children… how to be happy without money?

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: huu78 on June 11, 2023, 04:44:59 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.

It's true that sudden wealth can sometimes lead to feelings of pride and arrogance. When people experience a windfall, they may feel a sense of invincibility and believe they can afford anything they desire. However, it's important to maintain a balanced perspective and manage one's finances responsibly.
In the case of the oil dealer in your community, it seems that his pursuit of political power had negative consequences for his business. Investing significant amounts of money into politics without proper consideration can indeed lead to financial losses. It's crucial to make wise decisions and allocate resources effectively to maintain long-term success.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: og kush420 on June 11, 2023, 07:07:44 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.

It's true that sudden wealth can sometimes lead to feelings of pride and arrogance. When people experience a windfall, they may feel a sense of invincibility and believe they can afford anything they desire. However, it's important to maintain a balanced perspective and manage one's finances responsibly.
In the case of the oil dealer in your community, it seems that his pursuit of political power had negative consequences for his business. Investing significant amounts of money into politics without proper consideration can indeed lead to financial losses. It's crucial to make wise decisions and allocate resources effectively to maintain long-term success.
money is the motivating factor - you would be needing it for the sake of your life style and for a fine living
Some people would like to leave the urban life and would move to the country life while other people would like to live a life in urban area. so there are people coming and going and looking to earn as much money as they could. But for me - living a fine and comfortable life where you would have food on the table and some nice cloth to wear that much money is enough!

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: karabiber on June 11, 2023, 08:44:16 PM
According to me money is never enough. Money is attached to us in many ways in our life. In today's world money is very valuable. Everyone wants to own money by any means. In today's age it seems ridiculous to say that love needs money but it is true. Money Because people can kill people. People do business,jobs and many other things to earn money. There are some people who follow dishonest ways. Finally I will say money can never bring happiness in anyone's life.

First of all having more money does not bring more happiness. I can say that you are right about this but i always remind myself of this saying; “Money may not buy happiness but it's better to cry in a Ferrari than in a bus.” It may be a very arrogant sentence for some but what you have keeps you in a certain position in life. This is the rule of life. If people know their own selves and have goals in life, of course money brings happiness and opens locked doors forever.

Not only how much money is earned but also how it is spent is one of the most important factors affecting happiness. You have a lot of money and if you can't position your own existence in life and don't know yourself no matter what you do the money you spend cannot make you happy. You think you will never have enough money. If the money you spend brings you pleasure then we can talk about the money is enough. The main thing for happiness is to spend money for our loved ones. I wish you all a happy, healthy life with your loved ones at your side, enough money in your bank account to spend with them.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Hamphser on June 11, 2023, 08:56:48 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.

It's true that sudden wealth can sometimes lead to feelings of pride and arrogance. When people experience a windfall, they may feel a sense of invincibility and believe they can afford anything they desire. However, it's important to maintain a balanced perspective and manage one's finances responsibly.
In the case of the oil dealer in your community, it seems that his pursuit of political power had negative consequences for his business. Investing significant amounts of money into politics without proper consideration can indeed lead to financial losses. It's crucial to make wise decisions and allocate resources effectively to maintain long-term success.
money is the motivating factor - you would be needing it for the sake of your life style and for a fine living
Some people would like to leave the urban life and would move to the country life while other people would like to live a life in urban area. so there are people coming and going and looking to earn as much money as they could. But for me - living a fine and comfortable life where you would have food on the table and some nice cloth to wear that much money is enough!
On the time that you do able to make some money or acquire richness on instant manner like hitting up some jackpots on slots or winning up lotteries then you wouldnt really be that minding much on how
should you gonna spend on which the primary thing that comes into your mind is on buying on the things that you cant able to buy wayback until the time comes that you would really be buying up liabilities every now and then and also able to buy those useless things or something that you dont really need at all. This is why most people do end up on getting broke or having those lifetime regrets
on the time that they would be making themselves getting poor again. This is why on the time that you do have money then you should really be wise on managing it because if not
then you would really go back in being poor which is something that we dont really like.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Pamadar on June 11, 2023, 10:12:32 PM
In today's world, money has become a precious thing. As before, money is nothing compared to one's ability or education. Almost everything is available for money. Money has become such a key issue. We all run after money. There are people who have as much money as they can He needs more.

While it may be difficult to face the fact that money is often never enough, I think there are steps we can take to manage our finances wisely. Namely, making a budget and managing finances in a disciplined manner. By identifying unnecessary expenses and prioritizing needs, we can control our spending.

So, don't let the obsession with money rule your life completely, but use money as a tool to achieve a more meaningful life and build a better future.

Indeed right, identifying your needs and not your wants is a good way to discipline the way you use your money.

Money can work with you after you work for it, I mean, if you already save some then you can use it
to work for you by investing or starting a business that you can grow, the chance is always there if
you are really keen to gain success, don't let money to control you but better to learn how to control
it the right way.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Casdinyard on June 11, 2023, 11:03:26 PM
Maybe you've heard about lottery winners with jackpots that get up to hundreds of thousands of dollars and some even touch millions of dollars, they become arrogant because they buy whatever they want because they have a lot in their pocket, but in a few years the person is far poor again after do not use their money properly, then money that is never enough is for people who are greedy and can have control over their management.

As for the oil dealer, then it will deal with politics/government whereas for me politics is cruel with every big opportunity he will enter and reap the money, so it's no wonder there will be a power struggle and whoever is tough will win.
I don't know whether the oil source is owned by someone or the government because of political power, this is a struggle.
There's actually a study about this, and it has been a known fact ever since. Lottery winners never earn their happiness even after winning millions of dollars, so they resort to lavish spending. Add to this the fact that they are none the wiser when it comes to properly managing their investments and finances, and we have winners with no money left on their bank accounts resorting to their day jobs in just a few years time. Saddening fact but it's just a testament to how important knowing your limits and exerting financial literacy is.

Also, as for the oil dealer guy, he must've known right from the first loss that he will not be able to bag a win. That's the way things go. People don't usually vote for the someone who lost from previous elections and thus rejoining the coming ones won't mean much and would just be an outright waste of money.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Blowon on June 11, 2023, 11:35:02 PM
no matter how much money we want to get, it will not be enough for us to be satisfied, because many factors make our money run out soon, even if we don't spend it, it will experience inflation. it is very natural that even an official is still looking for money, as long as it is just making ends meet. because lots of money will not guarantee that we can live comfortably forever, we must really be able to manage money well if we don't want it to run out quickly.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Stella Mese on June 12, 2023, 01:34:12 AM
As ordinary people, of course we want to have a lot of money, even though we already have a lot of money, of course we will continue to make money because we have children and families and high aspirations so that in the end we will continue to make money even though we have a lot of money.

I don't think there's anything wrong with any of that as long as we earn money the right way and don't harm other people.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: irhact on June 12, 2023, 03:21:38 AM
no matter how much money we want to get, it will not be enough for us to be satisfied, because many factors make our money run out soon, even if we don't spend it, it will experience inflation. it is very natural that even an official is still looking for money, as long as it is just making ends meet. because lots of money will not guarantee that we can live comfortably forever, we must really be able to manage money well if we don't want it to run out quickly.

What you might consider enough money mightn't buy you anything reasonable in 10 years from now. Inflation is making our savings worthless that's why individuals are becoming more greedy because we'll always need more money to have a comfortable life. The politicians needs more money as much as you do because their lifestyle is more expensive than the ordinary man.

I'm not justifying their actions but we all have that bad side in us. each individual is greedy and will always want more money no matter the amount they have at the moment which is why we keep investing in new altcoins that get launched even when we know we might lose.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Pierre 2 on June 12, 2023, 05:44:47 AM
This is only true when you don't grow yourself and clear your mind. Life is ending everytime you take a breath. You should try to enjoy life. Spending your life away to become more richer is meaningless at one point. I think that point depends on different people obviously. But if you consider billions of people working their life away to have better life you can set your goal in lower levels. I honestly work and feel achieved because I did more than %50 of things I wanted 7 years ago. Only one thing left. Money can be enough so. Change your mindset.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Kadal Ijo on June 12, 2023, 02:21:16 PM
Many people think that money is everything, many people do everything to get money, but we must realize that happiness is when we can give the best to people in need, even though we are not rich but if we like to give then we will be happy.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Ryu_Ar1 on June 12, 2023, 02:35:34 PM
As ordinary people, of course we want to have a lot of money, even though we already have a lot of money, of course we will continue to make money because we have children and families and high aspirations so that in the end we will continue to make money even though we have a lot of money.

I don't think there's anything wrong with any of that as long as we earn money the right way and don't harm other people.
The point is that in this case greed dominates over common sense.
There is nothing wrong with such things, it's just that we also need to feel more that the condition of money and continue to pursue it will actually make ourselves tired. We must make more efforts to convince ourselves even though money must still be sought but that does not mean that all forms must be used as money.
There are some conditions where indeed we must be more introspective and look at the ground so that we become a person who is not too concerned with greed, it's just that something like this will clearly be difficult to do because the nature of greed and a big ego will clearly make this a little more complicated.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: ringgo96 on June 12, 2023, 03:13:50 PM
Nowadays there is no one who feels enough so they already have everything but cannot enjoy calmly, and continue to accumulate money until the wealth owned reaches trillions, and in our daily lives we can see many rich people who continue to accumulate wealth as if he still feels not enough, so do not be surprised if we often find this in our lives, Because this is all caused by gratitude.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: puloweh555 on June 12, 2023, 03:58:22 PM
Many people think that money is everything, many people do everything to get money, but we must realize that happiness is when we can give the best to people in need, even though we are not rich but if we like to give then we will be happy.
While you are still young, don't be easily lulled by the advice "money isn't everything," and things like that. While young and still strong, collect as much money as you can. Work hard, use your productive time as best as possible. After that, diligently save and invest. I'm afraid Advice like that becomes justification and makes us lazy.

Because such Advice is perfect for people who are tired of working hard and they are quite satisfied with what they have now. It's time to take a break to relax a little more and enjoy life with your family. Not for young people who are full of energy and of course still productive.

Indeed money is not everything but with money everything feels easier. Lots of money does not guarantee happiness, especially if you don't have money. Money is a bad master for us, but money is a good servant for us.
Eating and drinking costs money
Clothes cost money
Houses need money
Healthy need money
Buy bitcoin need money
I think the most important thing is how we control ourselves with money and of course always be grateful.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Wildwest on June 12, 2023, 04:13:17 PM
In this life we all need money and this will be a problem if we lack money, so every day everyone is looking for money to buy the necessities of life and this continues to happen and will not stop even though they already have a lot of wealth, the accumulation continues to occur until they already have everything and still do not feel enough, This is the life of every human being who does not stop in fulfilling the necessities of life, and only some people do not pursue power because they are unable to compete especially in matters of money, so we will never feel enough before we die.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: MarjorieZimmermanGinger on June 12, 2023, 11:09:09 PM
no matter how much money we want to get, it will not be enough for us to be satisfied, because many factors make our money run out soon, even if we don't spend it, it will experience inflation. it is very natural that even an official is still looking for money, as long as it is just making ends meet. because lots of money will not guarantee that we can live comfortably forever, we must really be able to manage money well if we don't want it to run out quickly.
Financial management will be based on how we are able to scale needs, cost of living and other needs that are more relevant to what we are facing. If someone is not able to manage finances properly and is not supported by a more productive use of money then whatever we have will run out without anything left. Build the right scale of needs, invest money in several places such as in bitcoin, gold, real estate or other businesses that can make our money more productive. However, the story in OP is even more tragic where the business he runs at an oil refinery must end because of greed in the pursuit of power which is not accomplished.

When it failed on the previous two occasions, he should have stopped pursuing power in the political route because that was probably not the place for him. The continuation of the story that will befall this poor man will be even more painful, where he will have to fight again to improve his finances from the start and there will be many challenges that he will have to face. This is a life lesson for anyone and even a politician is doomed to bankruptcy if he is unable to make his money more productive.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: n0ne on June 12, 2023, 11:56:24 PM
Everyone wants their life to have changes. To some extent it is all about the money that makes people happy. Beyond certain point the person himself will be in pain and fear, how to safeguard those earnings. People never have the fulfillment and there will be very few exceptions. The bad part of money, it getting accumulated within very few people of the world. It is true that they had earned it through their innovation and development, but it is not good for the economy in any means. The individual growth is not the real growth of the country.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: IvugeoEvolutionCoin on June 13, 2023, 01:51:13 AM
Many people think that money is everything, many people do everything to get money, but we must realize that happiness is when we can give the best to people in need, even though we are not rich but if we like to give then we will be happy.
Yes, you have brought up a very good point. There are some people who always chase after money. They think that if they have money, they will be happy, but if they have money, they cannot get all the happiness.  If we help, the happiness that we will get cannot be bought with money. But if a person does not have money, then his life has no value. To live life in this society, money is more needed. So besides money, everyone should keep searching.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: petulino on June 13, 2023, 03:11:21 AM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.

It is true that money has its importance in this world for living. Wealth plays a very important role in solving our problems, but no matter how much money comes, the desire for money never decreases. Most of the battles in the world are for power and money and whoever has money is trying to get power and whoever has power is trying to get money.

I think money is not everything, if one has peace and happiness in his life, even a little wealth is good for him. If one has a lot of wealth but no peace, then this wealth is useless. I think we should all be thankful if all the needs of your daily life are easily fulfilled. Wealth is our need but we should focus more on helping other people in the society rather than wealth, Those who need our help.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: kro55 on June 13, 2023, 04:45:32 AM
Many people think that money is everything, many people do everything to get money, but we must realize that happiness is when we can give the best to people in need, even though we are not rich but if we like to give then we will be happy.

Despite all the tricks to get money is not correct, it is a condemnable behavior and should be avoided by such types of people. But there's nothing wrong with saying that money is everything these days because if you don't have money, you'll never be happy and make other people happy. We should accept that reality and adapt to it, money comes first, and those with more money are happier. But the important thing is that money must be generated from our constant efforts, not illegal money, money from dirty deeds.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: erep on June 13, 2023, 05:48:29 AM
While you are still young, don't be easily lulled by the advice "money isn't everything," and things like that. While young and still strong, collect as much money as you can. Work hard, use your productive time as best as possible. After that, diligently save and invest. I'm afraid Advice like that becomes justification and makes us lazy.
There is another saying that states "everything needs money" but "money is not everything", these two sayings can be interpreted that everything we need requires money but money can't buy everything including happiness, if we focus on hard work to build a business and things others that aim to improve the economy for the long term but we ignore the special time to gather with family because of busy work activities, when both parents are gone then we will really regret not being with them while they are waiting for us at their house, as if all the money we have absolutely worthless for not being able to turn back time to the past. So reduce your schedule at work to gather with your small family because you have to manage a balance in life management, everything must be balanced so even if you prioritize time for your family without leaving your work schedule.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: SyndicateLabs on June 13, 2023, 06:00:32 AM
Infinite greed, nothing can satisfy even material things, fame is not the stuff that fills that greed. I know that everyone's life is different to realize their life is different, but in general the traps created in life always appeal to most of us. The ego or self-interest is blurred, life sharing and helping people, creatures, trees, earth, planet, universe, ... are things that need to be looked at more closely. The control by meeting needs and letting people swim in the pool of money and fame has always existed, and life has many nuances for us to realize what we know and want.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: passwordnow on June 13, 2023, 06:30:08 AM
If you'll rely on money and political power, it may be a success for some but not for all. Popularity is one of them but that's also not enough for some times. In politics, the game is too hard for those that are entering it for the first time. Some do become successful on their very first tries and there were those that have been there for a long time and try to re-elect themselves but find no success. It becomes machinery to those corrupt politicians that they will use the money for their campaigns but even those that have willing heart still needs it too.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: CryptoBuds on June 13, 2023, 06:41:31 AM
While you are still young, don't be easily lulled by the advice "money isn't everything," and things like that. While young and still strong, collect as much money as you can. Work hard, use your productive time as best as possible. After that, diligently save and invest. I'm afraid Advice like that becomes justification and makes us lazy.
There is another saying that states "everything needs money" but "money is not everything", these two sayings can be interpreted that everything we need requires money but money can't buy everything including happiness, if we focus on hard work to build a business and things others that aim to improve the economy for the long term but we ignore the special time to gather with family because of busy work activities, when both parents are gone then we will really regret not being with them while they are waiting for us at their house, as if all the money we have absolutely worthless for not being able to turn back time to the past. So reduce your schedule at work to gather with your small family because you have to manage a balance in life management, everything must be balanced so even if you prioritize time for your family without leaving your work schedule.
You are right, we should have a balance in life, not spending all our time making money and neglecting other things. Because money will also be meaningless if our loved ones do not have the opportunity to use that money because we work hard to earn money for our loved ones. But without money these days we wouldn't be happy either. Therefore, no matter how difficult it is, we should have a plan and allocate a reasonable time for all. I think everyone knows and wants to do it, but I don't think too many people will do it.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: uswa56 on June 13, 2023, 07:51:49 AM
If you'll rely on money and political power, it may be a success for some but not for all. Popularity is one of them but that's also not enough for some times. In politics, the game is too hard for those that are entering it for the first time. Some do become successful on their very first tries and there were those that have been there for a long time and try to re-elect themselves but find no success. It becomes machinery to those corrupt politicians that they will use the money for their campaigns but even those that have willing heart still needs it too.
the power of money is big enough to influence everything even most of the good and smart people will lose because of money in politics.
I myself do not believe in politicians so I will only vote for people who will benefit me in a short time because in my opinion all politicians are the same.
The influence of Popularity does exist but it can lose when compared to money.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Adams0001 on June 13, 2023, 12:14:12 PM
Everyone needs money, but he can't solve all of your problems, but money can solve 80% of your problems and give you the freedom to buy whatever you want. Money also allows you to enjoy the sweetest things in life and gives you the strength to help people in need of money when needed.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: hannahB4 on June 13, 2023, 02:58:15 PM
I believe there is a level of money that will come into your hand and you will feel like you want to own the world. Many times pride will like to set in but one needs to be cautious, the example you gave such a person might just want to be in a position of power and authority which is why they gave their all to get political positions.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Bitcoin2009 on June 13, 2023, 03:12:13 PM
Many people always think that money is everything, in my country poverty is increasing so there are many crimes, and of course the main factor is money, many state officials have been arrested for alleged corruption, and the best thing is that we always think wisely with money.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Uruhara on June 13, 2023, 07:15:07 PM
Many people always think that money is everything, in my country poverty is increasing so there are many crimes, and of course the main factor is money, many state officials have been arrested for alleged corruption, and the best thing is that we always think wisely with money.
Money is very important nowadays. but money is still money, namely only legal tender. So in the end we really have to be wise in interpreting this. and the most important thing is that we have to control ourselves personally, especially in terms of greed. because usually it's not money that's always not enough but it's ourselves who are always controlled by greed which always thinks everything is not enough and wants more and more. and it is also still true if we can earn money the right way. if greed drives us to do something that is not right then that is what we must avoid.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: ajiz138 on June 13, 2023, 07:26:27 PM
Many people always think that money is everything, in my country poverty is increasing so there are many crimes, and of course the main factor is money, many state officials have been arrested for alleged corruption, and the best thing is that we always think wisely with money.
Money is very important nowadays. but money is still money, namely only legal tender. So in the end we really have to be wise in interpreting this. and the most important thing is that we have to control ourselves personally, especially in terms of greed. because usually it's not money that's always not enough but it's ourselves who are always controlled by greed which always thinks everything is not enough and wants more and more. and it is also still true if we can earn money the right way. if greed drives us to do something that is not right then that is what we must avoid.
Everything now always needs money without this object we will not be able to live but with money people can be damaged because they cannot control it properly or use it wisely, yes because of greed that causes them to still lack everything even for other people with little money It's enough to leave us alone to determine whether we can live better with money or even grow more than before, this comes back to us and try with the money we have, we must have the principle of saving for the long term.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Bushdark on June 13, 2023, 07:34:33 PM
Many people always think that money is everything, in my country poverty is increasing so there are many crimes, and of course the main factor is money, many state officials have been arrested for alleged corruption, and the best thing is that we always think wisely with money.
Money is very important in this world no matter what we are doing, we need to hustle and make money so that we can settle our bills and that care of our love ones. There are many things we can do to make money apart from doing fraud or involving in illegal things.
Although there are countries that things are very hard for the citizens especially when there is no job for graduate and those that are ready to work and make honest money. It is frustration that do make people to for for illegal hustle especially when live is hard for people to endure. Once the government are ready to fix things, especially in the rural areas.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Uruhara on June 14, 2023, 05:49:11 AM
Many people always think that money is everything, in my country poverty is increasing so there are many crimes, and of course the main factor is money, many state officials have been arrested for alleged corruption, and the best thing is that we always think wisely with money.
Money is very important nowadays. but money is still money, namely only legal tender. So in the end we really have to be wise in interpreting this. and the most important thing is that we have to control ourselves personally, especially in terms of greed. because usually it's not money that's always not enough but it's ourselves who are always controlled by greed which always thinks everything is not enough and wants more and more. and it is also still true if we can earn money the right way. if greed drives us to do something that is not right then that is what we must avoid.
Everything now always needs money without this object we will not be able to live but with money people can be damaged because they cannot control it properly or use it wisely, yes because of greed that causes them to still lack everything even for other people with little money It's enough to leave us alone to determine whether we can live better with money or even grow more than before, this comes back to us and try with the money we have, we must have the principle of saving for the long term.
Well, right now everything is always in need of money. So it's natural to think that money is a very important thing to have and we collect more. It's just that in the process of collecting money we shouldn't interfere with other people or take other people's rights. And usually people who are greedy, they always justify any means and even they always feel jealous when other people can have much higher achievements than themselves in financial terms. then make money honestly and use money wisely too.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: passwordnow on June 14, 2023, 06:02:49 PM
If you'll rely on money and political power, it may be a success for some but not for all. Popularity is one of them but that's also not enough for some times. In politics, the game is too hard for those that are entering it for the first time. Some do become successful on their very first tries and there were those that have been there for a long time and try to re-elect themselves but find no success. It becomes machinery to those corrupt politicians that they will use the money for their campaigns but even those that have willing heart still needs it too.
the power of money is big enough to influence everything even most of the good and smart people will lose because of money in politics.
I myself do not believe in politicians so I will only vote for people who will benefit me in a short time because in my opinion all politicians are the same.
The influence of Popularity does exist but it can lose when compared to money.
And if there is popularity and that famous person has got money then that's a bigger chance to win elections. Honestly, I'd also do the same, I am voting for those people that I think will help me benefit and enjoy such things that are coming from the government. Most first-world countries have no problems with these benefits but we know the other side of the story for the other countries.

If you'll rely on money and political power, it may be a success for some but not for all. Popularity is one of them but that's also not enough for some times. In politics, the game is too hard for those that are entering it for the first time. Some do become successful on their very first tries and there were those that have been there for a long time and try to re-elect themselves but find no success. It becomes machinery to those corrupt politicians that they will use the money for their campaigns but even those that have willing heart still needs it too.
Sure, money and political power can open doors, but they're not guarantees of success in the political arena. It takes more than just deep pockets and influence to navigate the complex world of politics. Sometimes, even the most seasoned politicians struggle to win re-election, while newcomers face an uphill battle.
That's true, those that have got experience are also having difficulty in winning and the question is there and why? I guess that speaks what the people like and these days, many citizens are being open to what they're voting and everyone is becoming wiser and thinker on whom shall they vote.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Pamadar on June 15, 2023, 07:48:17 PM
Many people always think that money is everything, in my country poverty is increasing so there are many crimes, and of course the main factor is money, many state officials have been arrested for alleged corruption, and the best thing is that we always think wisely with money.
Money is very important nowadays. but money is still money, namely only legal tender. So in the end we really have to be wise in interpreting this. and the most important thing is that we have to control ourselves personally, especially in terms of greed. because usually it's not money that's always not enough but it's ourselves who are always controlled by greed which always thinks everything is not enough and wants more and more. and it is also still true if we can earn money the right way. if greed drives us to do something that is not right then that is what we must avoid.

You can't tell what greed can bring you, but just like with your opinion, it's you who should understand your position in terms of controlling yourself with how you think about money.

A lot of people mistakenly think that with money you can do everything, that's the reason why
there are many issues that govern that thinking, problems that came from wrong mindsets about
money and bring people into greediness and push them to do things which is not a common practice
to earn money.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Uruhara on June 15, 2023, 07:56:04 PM
Many people always think that money is everything, in my country poverty is increasing so there are many crimes, and of course the main factor is money, many state officials have been arrested for alleged corruption, and the best thing is that we always think wisely with money.
Money is very important nowadays. but money is still money, namely only legal tender. So in the end we really have to be wise in interpreting this. and the most important thing is that we have to control ourselves personally, especially in terms of greed. because usually it's not money that's always not enough but it's ourselves who are always controlled by greed which always thinks everything is not enough and wants more and more. and it is also still true if we can earn money the right way. if greed drives us to do something that is not right then that is what we must avoid.

You can't tell what greed can bring you, but just like with your opinion, it's you who should understand your position in terms of controlling yourself with how you think about money.

A lot of people mistakenly think that with money you can do everything, that's the reason why
there are many issues that govern that thinking, problems that came from wrong mindsets about
money and bring people into greediness and push them to do things which is not a common practice
to earn money.
That's right guys. The wrong mindset will indeed make someone also do something wrong. included in understanding about a money. And indeed everyone has his own opinion about money. but at least we still have to think of money as just a tool. And treat it properly and also get it in a fair way. Money today has a lot of benefits. even money can also be a tool for us to use in helping others who are in trouble. but don't be surprised that money can also get someone in trouble.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: milewilda on June 15, 2023, 09:15:12 PM
Many people always think that money is everything, in my country poverty is increasing so there are many crimes, and of course the main factor is money, many state officials have been arrested for alleged corruption, and the best thing is that we always think wisely with money.
Money is very important nowadays. but money is still money, namely only legal tender. So in the end we really have to be wise in interpreting this. and the most important thing is that we have to control ourselves personally, especially in terms of greed. because usually it's not money that's always not enough but it's ourselves who are always controlled by greed which always thinks everything is not enough and wants more and more. and it is also still true if we can earn money the right way. if greed drives us to do something that is not right then that is what we must avoid.

You can't tell what greed can bring you, but just like with your opinion, it's you who should understand your position in terms of controlling yourself with how you think about money.

A lot of people mistakenly think that with money you can do everything, that's the reason why
there are many issues that govern that thinking, problems that came from wrong mindsets about
money and bring people into greediness and push them to do things which is not a common practice
to earn money.
That's right guys. The wrong mindset will indeed make someone also do something wrong. included in understanding about a money. And indeed everyone has his own opinion about money. but at least we still have to think of money as just a tool. And treat it properly and also get it in a fair way. Money today has a lot of benefits. even money can also be a tool for us to use in helping others who are in trouble. but don't be surprised that money can also get someone in trouble.
Frankly speaking, money is the most important thing or tool in life on which majority of us would really be coming into a point on where we do really praise it out.  ;D
Come to mind that every step or movement you would make does involved money and on the time that you wouldnt really be having that money then your fucked up, this is why people would really be
doing their best just for them to have that money that they could accumulate. The more the better and its true that there's no such thing about being that  target or the goal on which as long you could be able to
earn then you would definitely be doing your best on accumulating as much as you can. There's no limit into that as long you could be able to do so and this is a common human
being behavior because the more money you do have the more security and confidence you could really say into yourself.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Uruhara on June 15, 2023, 11:33:04 PM
That's right guys. The wrong mindset will indeed make someone also do something wrong. included in understanding about a money. And indeed everyone has his own opinion about money. but at least we still have to think of money as just a tool. And treat it properly and also get it in a fair way. Money today has a lot of benefits. even money can also be a tool for us to use in helping others who are in trouble. but don't be surprised that money can also get someone in trouble.
Frankly speaking, money is the most important thing or tool in life on which majority of us would really be coming into a point on where we do really praise it out.  ;D
Come to mind that every step or movement you would make does involved money and on the time that you wouldnt really be having that money then your fucked up, this is why people would really be
doing their best just for them to have that money that they could accumulate. The more the better and its true that there's no such thing about being that  target or the goal on which as long you could be able to
earn then you would definitely be doing your best on accumulating as much as you can. There's no limit into that as long you could be able to do so and this is a common human
being behavior because the more money you do have the more security and confidence you could really say into yourself.
Of course money has been considered important by everyone. Even power, popularity, and other things can be bought with money. And indeed there is nothing wrong if we continue to collect it and accumulate more and more. in fact it would be great if we could have a lot of money. Because even to help other people at this time we need money. As long as the way we get the money must also be in a way that does not harm other people.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Mauser on June 18, 2023, 02:49:55 PM
As ordinary people, of course we want to have a lot of money, even though we already have a lot of money, of course we will continue to make money because we have children and families and high aspirations so that in the end we will continue to make money even though we have a lot of money.

I don't think there's anything wrong with any of that as long as we earn money the right way and don't harm other people.

I agree with you, money is the one thing that everybody needs in his life. Even the most remotely living people will need money from time to time to buy things they can't produce or build by themselves. Which also makes money as the best form of wealth to give to our children and grandchildren. Having a nice car, art, antiques or an apartment is good to invest our money, but it's unlikely that our relatives will give it the same sentimental value that we give it. Money also means freedom, we can relocate to another city or a different country and don't need to worry about our basic needs. So even if we have enough money for our own life, we can always help the rest of our own family. That's why having money as a goal to work for is not wrong and can make life's better, even if they are not our own.  

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Pamadar on June 18, 2023, 05:16:01 PM
That's right guys. The wrong mindset will indeed make someone also do something wrong. included in understanding about a money. And indeed everyone has his own opinion about money. but at least we still have to think of money as just a tool. And treat it properly and also get it in a fair way. Money today has a lot of benefits. even money can also be a tool for us to use in helping others who are in trouble. but don't be surprised that money can also get someone in trouble.
Frankly speaking, money is the most important thing or tool in life on which majority of us would really be coming into a point on where we do really praise it out.  ;D
Come to mind that every step or movement you would make does involved money and on the time that you wouldnt really be having that money then your fucked up, this is why people would really be
doing their best just for them to have that money that they could accumulate. The more the better and its true that there's no such thing about being that  target or the goal on which as long you could be able to
earn then you would definitely be doing your best on accumulating as much as you can. There's no limit into that as long you could be able to do so and this is a common human
being behavior because the more money you do have the more security and confidence you could really say into yourself.
Of course money has been considered important by everyone. Even power, popularity, and other things can be bought with money. And indeed there is nothing wrong if we continue to collect it and accumulate more and more. in fact it would be great if we could have a lot of money. Because even to help other people at this time we need money. As long as the way we get the money must also be in a way that does not harm other people.

If you will look at the side, making more money to help other people, that's a better view.

But we all know that only a few people have that impression, more on luxury when making huge money. They use it to
Have an edge for other people and worse with having a lot of money, you think that you can buy everything. Things that
should not be inside your head, better to earn more and portions of that earning will be used to do good charities.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: harapan on February 29, 2024, 04:46:19 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.

Money will make you happy,because life without money is so inconvenient.Not making/having enough money generally refers to a situation where a person's income is insufficient to cover their expenses and meet their financial needs.
  But the question is "is money ever enough"?To me,I'll say no money is enough money because money is freedom,and the opportunities and influence it brings is worth the chase.Presently,the hunt for money is vigorously driving the world crazy;that I mean is both legal and illegal means to acquire or hold so much money.
 We're on the verge of fighting the economic crisis in our various countries,and nothing seems to be in order anymore.The money we think to search for is probably no where to be found,meanwhile our lifestyle,activities, and cost of living is increasing drastically and its money that we need to fight all of these challenges.Thats to say we need more and more money to liberate ourselves from this extreme hardship.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Asuspawer09 on February 29, 2024, 06:12:28 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.

Money yes is never really enough, I mean even though you have a huge amount of money already it is never really going to be enough for you, and for sure you are never really going to be satisfied with it it is just going to feel that it is not enough, It is probably because we are human and we have desires that is never-ending. It doesnt really mean that money is not important, it is actually one of the most important parts because you can do anything with money, you need money to survive, to buy what you want, etc.

It is still very important to be financially literate especially because money is a very important thing, In my experience having the financial mindset is the best thing and changes my way of living, having that we could surely gonna be able to achieve financial freedom at least, I mean it is still better to have financial freedom even though money is never gonna be enough other than being poor and having the poor man mindset, spending things that they can't really afford, not saving and not investing for there future.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Mahanton on February 29, 2024, 06:36:59 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.

Money will make you happy,because life without money is so inconvenient.Not making/having enough money generally refers to a situation where a person's income is insufficient to cover their expenses and meet their financial needs.
  But the question is "is money ever enough"?To me,I'll say no money is enough money because money is freedom,and the opportunities and influence it brings is worth the chase.Presently,the hunt for money is vigorously driving the world crazy;that I mean is both legal and illegal means to acquire or hold so much money.
 We're on the verge of fighting the economic crisis in our various countries,and nothing seems to be in order anymore.The money we think to search for is probably no where to be found,meanwhile our lifestyle,activities, and cost of living is increasing drastically and its money that we need to fight all of these challenges.Thats to say we need more and more money to liberate ourselves from this extreme hardship.

Dont know if you do just simply consider out on bumping an old thread in purpose or really just that missed to see those dates above on whats the last time this thread had been discussed or been talked about.
You should really be that refraining on doing that because it is really just that basically necroposting which is really that against on forum rules.

Going back into the topic in speaking about money is never been enough then this is somewhat or basically true on which people would really be always loving on accumulating money
as much as they could. Some say that money cant buy happiness but realistically speaking this is something that would really be needing for you to do things that you do want and that
what makes you happy. This is why im not really that believing much into those people who do have that kind of ideas on mind. Greed is never been good but it would be normal
that people would be working their ass off to accumulate as much as we could since we do know on how good life is when you do have the money on which you wont really be
making yourself getting worried on something.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Juse14 on February 29, 2024, 06:43:33 PM
There is a saying, "The higher your income, the greater your expenses." This proverb means that the higher a person's income, the more likely that person is to spend money. And this fact is caused by several underlying factors, such as the desire for a higher and more luxurious lifestyle, greater spending on purchasing goods or services that are considered symbols that can increase social status, or even financial pressure and so on. However, all of this must be managed well and wisely, because if not, this will only lead us to financial ruin.

At this time, people continue to compete to enrich themselves so that they can be respected and admired by many people. Because in fact, currently, someone can be considered to exist and will be respected when, if not rich, then at least has a flashy position.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Oneandpure on February 29, 2024, 07:47:17 PM
Believe or not money can bring your happiness, its not the end way of how much money do you have because with target and many responsibility needed you will have working hard and earn much money as possibility. Its not only for our self but also money can bring happiness for the other people by helping them who really need money. Having much money we can help each other with difficult financial condition and right now high cost expensive from medical we can build and help them by giving free service for medical checking.
Stop saying bad opinion about money is never enough and can't find the end way, have many people with poor condition and waiting our help by giving them medical check up by free and giving their children scholarship help their future and bring hopeless for their parent. So where are the bad side with the money and why not have to be rich and get much money in our saving for helping many people.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: RockBell on February 29, 2024, 09:24:19 PM
Many people always think that money is everything, in my country poverty is increasing so there are many crimes, and of course the main factor is money, many state officials have been arrested for alleged corruption, and the best thing is that we always think wisely with money.

when you are in some situation money is very important, I see how people post for help when they need help with medical bills that is when you will know how important money and also you should not be able to buy what you desire, the way the value for money is increased and the same way crime is increasing and it is seriously getting out of hand because even the government is finding it difficult to control it now. and the issue of crime is even better than one another depending on the country. and imagine people even kidnap people for money and other dirty crimes just because of money and the government was too careless not to do what is necessary.

Money is very important in this world no matter what we are doing, we need to hustle and make money so that we can settle our bills and that care of our love ones. There are many things we can do to make money apart from doing fraud or involving in illegal things.
Although there are countries that things are very hard for the citizens especially when there is no job for graduate and those that are ready to work and make honest money. It is frustration that do make people to for for illegal hustle especially when live is hard for people to endure. Once the government are ready to fix things, especially in the rural areas.
No matter what people do for money, money is something we can not do without because it is something that is issued out by the government to be able to buy anything if you have money majority of your problems are solved because if you look at it the number one problem we have is money and if we can have money then why will people work, am sure money is not the only reason that we live in this world but its idea is just disappointing to the extent that people can do anything for that paper even taking someone's life because of it does not matter again. jobs are difficult to get and starting up a business now is also hard because you need money to invest in your dream business. After all, the government can no longer do its duty very well again and is contributing to the increase in crime.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: nurilham on February 29, 2024, 09:38:19 PM
Everything now always needs money without this object we will not be able to live but with money people can be damaged because they cannot control it properly or use it wisely -snip-
IMHO, not everything is all about money. Sometimes money isn't the priority, we have other things that are more useful. When we live in the society, money isn't everything because people sometimes give more respect to the values or morality. Even if you have huge money and be rich people, it will be nothing if you have bad attitude. People probably will stay away of you because they are not comfortable to gather with you.

It is true if we must be wise to use money. We can use money for anything, including for bad things. If we can't control ourselves, it is not impossible if we use money for criminal actions. When someone has huge money, he can do anything. He can pay criminals to do bad things. That's why we must have good self-control and we must have good morality to avoid such bad mind. For me, religion has a big role for this matter.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Assface16678 on February 29, 2024, 09:49:29 PM
The thing is, if a person from a non-rich family experiences a huge amount of money in their pocket, they will be addicted to it and will want more and more without them noticing that they are being greedy with money and letting them take over their desires and greed. Money could bring us happiness, yes, and it will bring the things we want and need, but if we become tooabsorbed in the goal of earning more money, then at some point you will let your greed take over, and that's when things could turn out bad. Anyway, anything that is fueled by greed will end up bad; they can affect themselves and also other people around them. So even though I want to have a lot of money, I'm content to be able to live the life I want; beyond that, it could be a blessing, and I will never let myself become too hungry with the money.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Raflesia on February 29, 2024, 09:54:46 PM
Believe or not money can bring your happiness, its not the end way of how much money do you have because with target and many responsibility needed you will have working hard and earn much money as possibility. Its not only for our self but also money can bring happiness for the other people by helping them who really need money. Having much money we can help each other with difficult financial condition and right now high cost expensive from medical we can build and help them by giving free service for medical checking.
There are some word where money cannot fully provide happiness but on the other hand we must know that for now where we take situations and conditions then all aspects that make us happy will not be separated from the role of money. 
It will still be a paradigm that occurs today because however we must also know that in today's modern era we will not be able to do anything without the money we have so that even though not all form of happiness are based on money but in the end we will also be difficult to be happy without the role of money. 
I dont want to be naive about this because no matter how much i think money is not always the source of happiness even though some of it is true but at the end of the day most of us will not be happy if we don't have money.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: oktana on February 29, 2024, 11:34:53 PM
One of the strangest things I have noticed about humans is how we never stop being greedy. It is something we consciously or unconsciously drown ourselves in. Sometimes I sit and wonder why the richest people in the world want to make more money. I mean why not just make use of the one you have, it’ll last for all your generations. The person you speak of got drowned in greed. He didn’t even have enough funds to purse political power but he wanted it so badly and couldn’t wait till his business can stand the loss.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: sekalitas on March 01, 2024, 01:24:34 AM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.

It's true that human greed can be insatiable, but it's not always detrimental. For instance, the desire for more money can motivate you to improve yourself and achieve greater financial success. This self-improvement can be a positive force. However, greed becomes problematic when it blinds you to ethical considerations and leads you to prioritize wealth over others' well-being. Imagine a world with no ambition, no desire to grow or improve. Such a world would likely stagnate, lacking the drive for innovation and progress that often stems from a healthy level of ambition.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: boty on March 01, 2024, 02:45:48 AM
One of the strangest things I have noticed about humans is how we never stop being greedy. It is something we consciously or unconsciously drown ourselves in. Sometimes I sit and wonder why the richest people in the world want to make more money. I mean why not just make use of the one you have, it’ll last for all your generations. The person you speak of got drowned in greed. He didn’t even have enough funds to purse political power but he wanted it so badly and couldn’t wait till his business can stand the loss.
It is indeed something that humans can do that they will never feel enough with everything they have achieved and indeed there are those who realize it and there are also those who are not aware of this and even those who already have a lot of wealth that they can pass on to their children and grandchildren. they are still looking for all forms of income for various reasons they give and this will never end before they die.
If someone really wants something and they can never get it, of course they will continue to try to get it and if that person will try in various ways and even spend some of the money they have and still can't get what they want.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: milewilda on March 01, 2024, 03:10:05 AM
One of the strangest things I have noticed about humans is how we never stop being greedy. It is something we consciously or unconsciously drown ourselves in. Sometimes I sit and wonder why the richest people in the world want to make more money. I mean why not just make use of the one you have, it’ll last for all your generations. The person you speak of got drowned in greed. He didn’t even have enough funds to purse political power but he wanted it so badly and couldn’t wait till his business can stand the loss.
It is indeed something that humans can do that they will never feel enough with everything they have achieved and indeed there are those who realize it and there are also those who are not aware of this and even those who already have a lot of wealth that they can pass on to their children and grandchildren. they are still looking for all forms of income for various reasons they give and this will never end before they die.
If someone really wants something and they can never get it, of course they will continue to try to get it and if that person will try in various ways and even spend some of the money they have and still can't get what they want.

There's no such thing about contentment on this world. Human beings are naturally born greedy on which they would really be tending to have it all as much as they could. There's no such thing about
being contented or be enough despite on having almost all or able to attain on the things that other people wasnt been able to attain. This is the sad reality and even on what means that they would really be needing to do
then they would really be definitely be doing it. Money is never been enough, even if you are on a rich condition or situation but still you are really that aiming for more.

Even myself im guilty with this. Ever since i have dreamed about a certain car, yes i do able to buy it and on the time comes that i do get bored or getting used to it on everyday
usage then here comes that feeling that i do want to step up the game and now aiming for some luxurious car which i havent driven before. This is i could say
that contentment is something a main issue for most people.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: poodle63 on March 01, 2024, 03:50:44 AM
One of the strangest things I have noticed about humans is how we never stop being greedy. It is something we consciously or unconsciously drown ourselves in. Sometimes I sit and wonder why the richest people in the world want to make more money. I mean why not just make use of the one you have, it’ll last for all your generations. The person you speak of got drowned in greed. He didn’t even have enough funds to purse political power but he wanted it so badly and couldn’t wait till his business can stand the loss.
the world revolve around being consumptive these days, with the new innovation of technology there's that urge that you want to own them.
i reckon that with the more we got in our hand, the more we want something more perfect, as for example, there's reason why some rich people out there really trying hard to own private jet even though
using commercial plane with business class for example will suffice, because they think about the cutting edge advantage such as being faster arriving in the destination, more comfortable, a lot more flexible, even though it comes at tremendous costs and to fill in the hole that caused by these costs people are seeking more and more money nonstop.
its just like how a kingdom back then trying hard to widen their region, its to gain much more power achieveing what haven't been achieved by the past generations I guess thats the basic reason.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: angrybirdy on March 01, 2024, 04:49:06 AM
One of the strangest things I have noticed about humans is how we never stop being greedy. It is something we consciously or unconsciously drown ourselves in. Sometimes I sit and wonder why the richest people in the world want to make more money. I mean why not just make use of the one you have, it’ll last for all your generations. The person you speak of got drowned in greed. He didn’t even have enough funds to purse political power but he wanted it so badly and couldn’t wait till his business can stand the loss.
It is indeed something that humans can do that they will never feel enough with everything they have achieved and indeed there are those who realize it and there are also those who are not aware of this and even those who already have a lot of wealth that they can pass on to their children and grandchildren. they are still looking for all forms of income for various reasons they give and this will never end before they die.
If someone really wants something and they can never get it, of course they will continue to try to get it and if that person will try in various ways and even spend some of the money they have and still can't get what they want.

There's no such thing about contentment on this world. Human beings are naturally born greedy on which they would really be tending to have it all as much as they could. There's no such thing about
being contented or be enough despite on having almost all or able to attain on the things that other people wasnt been able to attain. This is the sad reality and even on what means that they would really be needing to do
then they would really be definitely be doing it. Money is never been enough, even if you are on a rich condition or situation but still you are really that aiming for more.

Even myself im guilty with this. Ever since i have dreamed about a certain car, yes i do able to buy it and on the time comes that i do get bored or getting used to it on everyday
usage then here comes that feeling that i do want to step up the game and now aiming for some luxurious car which i havent driven before. This is i could say
that contentment is something a main issue for most people.

People have a habit of not being satisfied. In truth, there is nothing wrong with being greedy or having many dreams in life, as long as you don't do harm to others to get everything you want. For me, if you are capable of doing something and you know yourself that you can achieve your dreams, there is nothing wrong if we aspire even higher.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: fadhilz123 on March 01, 2024, 08:17:03 AM
People have a habit of not being satisfied. In truth, there is nothing wrong with being greedy or having many dreams in life, as long as you don't do harm to others to get everything you want. For me, if you are capable of doing something and you know yourself that you can achieve your dreams, there is nothing wrong if we aspire even higher.

Having more dreams and higher aspirations is not part of being greedy, because these two things are part of a person's ability to make them happen. Even though other people may see and judge this as a sign of dissatisfaction with someone, basically it can be quite good for someone who wants to change their life to become richer and more financially stable.

Because greed and high dreams are actually different and will never be the same for both of them, as well as high ideals which are really required for everyone to have so that everyone is willing to work hard and not complain about any conditions in their life. Greed is a bad part when someone starts not wanting to be grateful for what he has gotten so far even though this is also caused by his dissatisfaction with something. But goals and dreams must be achieved through effort so that they can be obtained because basically both will never come without being picked up through effort.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: AVE5 on March 01, 2024, 11:27:42 AM
Don't mock at him because you never said he spent those money on material or things that doesn't have potentials of productivities. He ran out of funds because he was using the money he has to chasr after Political appointments that has the potnetials to enrich him more than the oil revenue does.
It happens that so many people has contested the political positions on several occasions and didn't win. He failed as a result of him not being able he peoples choice or he lacks strong hold of political graphs to win the election.
But he would had been consciously minded that politics is not a game to say that he must win. It's just like in the gamble when a gambler would stupidly say he must win atleast a stake else he is no excuse the casino. If insisted he is on the tendencies to go empty and even gets himself indebted. So this guy shouldn't had relied so much on spending all he to on his political ambition because there is always life after politics.
He must be at the point of the greatest regret by now.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: bangjoe on March 01, 2024, 11:58:25 AM
One of the strangest things I have noticed about humans is how we never stop being greedy. It is something we consciously or unconsciously drown ourselves in. Sometimes I sit and wonder why the richest people in the world want to make more money. I mean why not just make use of the one you have, it’ll last for all your generations. The person you speak of got drowned in greed. He didn’t even have enough funds to purse political power but he wanted it so badly and couldn’t wait till his business can stand the loss.
Greed is indeed the pure nature of man, but it remains in terms of self-control patterns as a human being, where you can control it or not the greed you have, it will be related to spiritual matters.
However, whoever is the richest entrepreneur at the same time they always want to be the top of all peaks with the goals that are in their hearts and minds, but it is different from people who always want an easy win, namely those gamblers who have expectations with a very small possibility of winning it, when given a win they always want more, and do not feel satisfied, meanwhile in gambling can get easily and also lose easily, things that will distinguish from entrepreneurs and gamblers in a scheme of thinking greed in life.

Everyone always has the trait of wanting to be the best of the best, in business, politics, career so do everything possible to achieve it.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Negotiation on March 01, 2024, 02:00:02 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.

It's true that human greed can be insatiable, but it's not always detrimental. For instance, the desire for more money can motivate you to improve yourself and achieve greater financial success. This self-improvement can be a positive force. However, greed becomes problematic when it blinds you to ethical considerations and leads you to prioritize wealth over others' well-being. Imagine a world with no ambition, no desire to grow or improve. Such a world would likely stagnate, lacking the drive for innovation and progress that often stems from a healthy level of ambition.
Greed is really a bad thing but there are many who work hard to get more money and no greed works in them which is a good sign of success. Money is what makes them reach the top of success. Without money it is almost impossible to progress in life. Everything has a specific purpose. For example in the game of football without a goal post the game is worthless. Again when a person finds his purpose in life he can quickly reach the door of prosperity through money.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: hyudien on March 01, 2024, 03:17:50 PM
One of the strangest things I have noticed about humans is how we never stop being greedy. It is something we consciously or unconsciously drown ourselves in. Sometimes I sit and wonder why the richest people in the world want to make more money. I mean why not just make use of the one you have, it’ll last for all your generations. The person you speak of got drowned in greed. He didn’t even have enough funds to purse political power but he wanted it so badly and couldn’t wait till his business can stand the loss.
Greed is indeed the pure nature of man, but it remains in terms of self-control patterns as a human being, where you can control it or not the greed you have, it will be related to spiritual matters.
However, whoever is the richest entrepreneur at the same time they always want to be the top of all peaks with the goals that are in their hearts and minds, but it is different from people who always want an easy win, namely those gamblers who have expectations with a very small possibility of winning it, when given a win they always want more, and do not feel satisfied, meanwhile in gambling can get easily and also lose easily, things that will distinguish from entrepreneurs and gamblers in a scheme of thinking greed in life.

Everyone always has the trait of wanting to be the best of the best, in business, politics, career so do everything possible to achieve it.

I agree with you indeed greed is a pure nature and everyone must have it whether in terms of what but the main thing is clear in money, everyone must want a lot of money because it is a requirement to be able to survive also money has an important role in life, but in my opinion how to respond to greed properly, in my opinion what should be done is to work hard to be able to have a lot of money and achieve financial freedom. Because if you do gambling, it's not entirely possible. But it's true what you said for gamblers when they win they will want more so greed is definitely there.

 The goal of all people must indeed want the best life, one of which has good finances, there are people who are crazy to work because they really want their lives to achieve financial freedom and I don't think that's bad as long as they can divide their time for family too.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Abiky on March 01, 2024, 06:27:07 PM
People have a habit of not being satisfied. In truth, there is nothing wrong with being greedy or having many dreams in life, as long as you don't do harm to others to get everything you want. For me, if you are capable of doing something and you know yourself that you can achieve your dreams, there is nothing wrong if we aspire even higher.

It's been proven from time to time that money doesn't make people happy. I've heard stories of rich people falling into depression and even suicide. To live a fulfilling life, you need a lot more than just money. At least, having money allows you to survive in this world.

Why focus on accumulating wealth when you won't take anything with you after you die? If you don't have any heirs, all of the money you've accumulated will be long gone. Be aware that "money is the root of all evil". Just don't let greed take control of your life, and you'll achieve true peace of mind. ;D

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Wakate on March 01, 2024, 06:31:59 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.
Money is enough if you know how to utilize it in a way that it is going to benefit you. There are different strategies we could use to make money for ourselves even if we want to go into politics which I will never advise my friends to indulge in. Politics is very dangerous especially in some regions where it is either you shed blood or they shed your blood.
 Things can be brutal in politics and blood is always involved. We need to know what we are doing so that we don't end up losing big due  to our political race. Cryptocurrency is one of the ways we can make money in effortlessly without any pressure. It is good we know what we are doing and stop to involve ourselves in things that will affect us mentally.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: AYOBA on March 01, 2024, 08:37:00 PM
The desire to have money and accumulate wealth can vary from person to person. So there are many people who will never feel satisfied with the assets they hold, which leads to the relentless pursuit of more wealth. Even being arrogant and getting a sense of greatness just from material possessions won't be satisfying in the long run. The value of money is not fixed, and currency can fluctuate in value. Even so, there are still a lot of people pursuing it, which is why more and more people are pursuing this nature.
In this life, we use money to find money. If we simply rely on the amount of money we have saved, it will never be enough because we can't leave them without touching them, and we would end up with nothing. That's why it's good for a person to have a better plan in case he has adequate money.

A person who waits tends to accumulate a lot, therefore he creates arrangements for himself to ensure that the money he makes is never wasted. However, it will be extremely beneficial to us in the future if we can use the money we save up to purchase any further properties, and they might also be content with what they have in the interim.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Lanatsa on March 01, 2024, 08:57:13 PM
The desire to have money and accumulate wealth can vary from person to person. So there are many people who will never feel satisfied with the assets they hold, which leads to the relentless pursuit of more wealth. Even being arrogant and getting a sense of greatness just from material possessions won't be satisfying in the long run. The value of money is not fixed, and currency can fluctuate in value. Even so, there are still a lot of people pursuing it, which is why more and more people are pursuing this nature.
In this life, we use money to find money. If we simply rely on the amount of money we have saved, it will never be enough because we can't leave them without touching them, and we would end up with nothing. That's why it's good for a person to have a better plan in case he has adequate money.

A person who waits tends to accumulate a lot, therefore he creates arrangements for himself to ensure that the money he makes is never wasted. However, it will be extremely beneficial to us in the future if we can use the money we save up to purchase any further properties, and they might also be content with what they have in the interim.

Satisfaction is something that an issue on which this is something that cant be removed into a person because as much as possible you would really be needing up to have the best of the best condition or situation
you could really have into your life. If  you are earning money then you would be loving on earning more, sky is the limit. Human beings wont really be that ending up on satisfied on reaching out a particular
condition when it comes to finances. If they have seen that they have tons, then they would really be asking for more on which this do pertains about on how greedy we are when it comes to money
which it isnt something shocking i should really say. Money is never enough and as long you do saw that there are other possibilities that you could earn more then you would really be
diving into it and this is something that very casual.

There's no such thing about limitation because once you do be able to see those opportunities to make more money then you would really be doing  your very best on acquiring it no matter
how the cost and methods that you would really be needing to do so. It is really just that there's no such thing about contentment.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Baki202 on March 01, 2024, 09:03:39 PM
One of the strangest things I have noticed about humans is how we never stop being greedy. It is something we consciously or unconsciously drown ourselves in. Sometimes I sit and wonder why the richest people in the world want to make more money. I mean why not just make use of the one you have, it’ll last for all your generations. The person you speak of got drowned in greed. He didn’t even have enough funds to purse political power but he wanted it so badly and couldn’t wait till his business can stand the loss.

The problem and what people don't understand, is that people are just looking for ways to earn money and will not say that greed is the problem. The economy is making things worse, and greediness is bad but people just want a good life and to survive and that is why you see people going into gambling. My reason for gambling is to make additional money because I need to survive and it might not seriously be gambling but at least an additional job will do. I am still wondering how people will survive when they do not have any source of income, and that is why I don't blame people who gamble and  I don't blame people who gamble. But one thing I know is that we are going to survive.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Issa56 on March 01, 2024, 11:05:29 PM
There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything.
Politics is not what you should join if you are not smart. When you are contesting for a political post, you shouldn’t do that with everything you have, you should be smart when spending, because there is no assurance that you are going to win the political seat that you are contesting for, so putting all your money into politics is very risky. People will make you have confidence that you are going to win, and you will be pushed to keep on spending, but whenever you lose, you will never see those people with you again. I have seen lots of people go broke in my community just because they went into politics.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: ThePromise on March 01, 2024, 11:57:41 PM
One of the strangest things I have noticed about humans is how we never stop being greedy. It is something we consciously or unconsciously drown ourselves in. Sometimes I sit and wonder why the richest people in the world want to make more money. I mean why not just make use of the one you have, it’ll last for all your generations. The person you speak of got drowned in greed. He didn’t even have enough funds to purse political power but he wanted it so badly and couldn’t wait till his business can stand the loss.

The problem and what people don't understand, is that people are just looking for ways to earn money and will not say that greed is the problem. The economy is making things worse, and greediness is bad but people just want a good life and to survive and that is why you see people going into gambling. My reason for gambling is to make additional money because I need to survive and it might not seriously be gambling but at least an additional job will do. I am still wondering how people will survive when they do not have any source of income, and that is why I don't blame people who gamble and  I don't blame people who gamble. But one thing I know is that we are going to survive.

well, what you said is correct, also because of the dire situation of our economy that makes a person develop extreme greed, because they also want to earn a lot so they can save money just in case the inflation rate of their country continues to rise. Why does a person become greedy? because that's how money affects everyone, that's why many people kill or do bad things just for money.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Hewlet on March 02, 2024, 05:47:43 AM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.
the rate at which money comes is slower than the rate at which it goes. It can take you years  of rigorous labour to earn as high as $1m but within a month it can all go into the air if mismanaged.

When you are at the top, the easier place to get from the top to is mostly down the button so while you're earning and it appears as though everything is alright it is that moment you need to be watchful and careful enough so you don't find yourself in a situation where you allow all your money to get into your head and you lose your money through reckless spending.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: retreat on March 02, 2024, 06:20:45 AM
One of the strangest things I have noticed about humans is how we never stop being greedy. It is something we consciously or unconsciously drown ourselves in. Sometimes I sit and wonder why the richest people in the world want to make more money. I mean why not just make use of the one you have, it’ll last for all your generations. The person you speak of got drowned in greed. He didn’t even have enough funds to purse political power but he wanted it so badly and couldn’t wait till his business can stand the loss.

That is human nature, humans basically will not be enough with what they have, especially for those who never feel satisfied and enough with what they have, they will continue to look for money until they die. That's why there is a proverb that says "money makes people blind" and it is true that money makes people forget themselves and the people around them - they will continue to satisfy their stomachs and don't care about how they get the money. And that is the reality today.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: GigaBit on March 02, 2024, 06:55:13 AM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.
Money can never satisfy a man's needs. A person may be able to enjoy life very nicely with the amount of money he has according to his position. But if you ask that person he will never admit that he doesn't need money. Moreover, it is not only the money that is spent on personal living. Money has also become an important factor in conducting politics in present times. Those who have enough money are getting political power. To get the power a man must need money. Although a man does not need a lot of money in his personal life, he must have a lot of money when he wants to establish himself socially. But those who want to earn something specific by selling his earning source then he can face a worse situation if the results are not favorable as you have shown in your story.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: arufox on March 02, 2024, 09:22:53 AM
Because humans always feel lacking and dissatisfied with what they have achieved. Whether it is enough or not depends on how one looks at it. People who always feel like money is never enough are like thirsty people who drink salt water. The more you drink, the thirstier you become. Even if you drink how many liters of water you will still feel thirsty. People who always feel short of money, no matter how much money they have, will never feel like they have enough. For example, when you are poor you will do anything to be rich, or at least look rich. When you are rich you will look for ways to be richer than the rich. Finally, the only thing that can stop the feeling of always lacking is death.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: batang_bitcoin on March 02, 2024, 09:39:23 AM
Because humans always feel lacking and dissatisfied with what they have achieved.
That is part of human nature to have endless satisfaction and contentment. We have that desire to keep on doing things that we are out of capacity and treats it as a success once we're done with it and we're able to reach that limit of ourselves. We're all achievers and that's why it is not going to stop anytime soon even if there's already money on the lines and you're at the peak of your success whether in business or in your career.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: oktana on March 02, 2024, 01:58:22 PM
One of the strangest things I have noticed about humans is how we never stop being greedy. It is something we consciously or unconsciously drown ourselves in. Sometimes I sit and wonder why the richest people in the world want to make more money. I mean why not just make use of the one you have, it’ll last for all your generations. The person you speak of got drowned in greed. He didn’t even have enough funds to purse political power but he wanted it so badly and couldn’t wait till his business can stand the loss.
Greed is indeed the pure nature of man, but it remains in terms of self-control patterns as a human being, where you can control it or not the greed you have, it will be related to spiritual matters.


I am not sure I understand. Are you saying that it is spiritual? Because if that is what you’re saying then I totally disagree. Greed is just in our nature, it is as we grow that we eventually learn to be content and not always wanting more.

People have a habit of not being satisfied. In truth, there is nothing wrong with being greedy or having many dreams in life, as long as you don't do harm to others to get everything you want. For me, if you are capable of doing something and you know yourself that you can achieve your dreams, there is nothing wrong if we aspire even higher.

It's been proven from time to time that money doesn't make people happy. I've heard stories of rich people falling into depression and even suicide. To live a fulfilling life, you need a lot more than just money. At least, having money allows you to survive in this world.


One of the reasons why money doesn’t make people happy is because people overrate money and fight so hard to get it whereas all they ever needed was love. Most people who are depressed even with their money are people who thought money would make a lot of difference but they realized there’s really nothing special about it.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: rangga28 on March 02, 2024, 02:11:58 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.
Money can never satisfy a man's needs. A person may be able to enjoy life very nicely with the amount of money he has according to his position. But if you ask that person he will never admit that he doesn't need money. Moreover, it is not only the money that is spent on personal living. Money has also become an important factor in conducting politics in present times. Those who have enough money are getting political power. To get the power a man must need money. Although a man does not need a lot of money in his personal life, he must have a lot of money when he wants to establish himself socially. But those who want to earn something specific by selling his earning source then he can face a worse situation if the results are not favorable as you have shown in your story.
It is very clear that people do not have enough in life. I think this is normal for people who are still sane and have a hardworking mentality. Money is the main target for everyone to be able to demonstrate their capacity in society. For a businessman, when he already has everything in life but he still doesn't feel satisfied, he goes back to looking for other prestigious values through political channels. We can see that in various parts of the world, almost all leaders come from rich people who have large assets and influence because of their strong finances. It is impossible for everyone to feel sufficient in life because the environment always demands that we always be kings.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: YUriy1991 on March 02, 2024, 02:23:37 PM
Yes, and it is very common, as long as ambition is born, the desire to have more money and income is certain, I think that is a common condition and not only in cases like what you mentioned above, sometimes in cryptocurrency trading it is also the case that you have to take out loans from other people. Another thing is when you see that the price of the coin you want is very low.

It cannot be denied that if we have a certain amount of money in living our daily lives we will feel very confident, but if the management is misunderstood and we don't understand anything, I think in a matter of one month our condition will change and at worst it will be below normal conditions than before because We too force our will, let alone even the smallest officials who want their capital back, let alone the highest officials, which is exactly what you said and it was born out of ambition and pressure.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Bitco55 on March 02, 2024, 02:36:52 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.

Yes, I must say money really is never enough. But that is how it should be right? I don't think I'd settle for less if I could get something bigger ( way out of your point though) but what I'm starting to say is money makes life better and everyone wants a better life.. money is never enough to cause more money you earn the more your condition moves forward and no reasonable Peron's would want to go back to a previous condition cause now that once comfortable life would make you miserable. Not being able to get what you want, not having as much power ... And then another matrix ( a slightly better one though, is born).

Anyways, money is never enough and the problems of life never end. We should watch our mentality and not limit ourselves with what we say. That's why sometimes... Money runs away from people.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: $crypto$ on March 02, 2024, 02:47:48 PM
Because humans always feel lacking and dissatisfied with what they have achieved.
That is part of human nature to have endless satisfaction and contentment. We have that desire to keep on doing things that we are out of capacity and treats it as a success once we're done with it and we're able to reach that limit of ourselves. We're all achievers and that's why it is not going to stop anytime soon even if there's already money on the lines and you're at the peak of your success whether in business or in your career.
Humans can never get enough of anything, they are constantly chasing what they want to achieve and you are right that is the nature of every human being. This can actually be a good thing, depending on which angle we look at it from. But this will also be negative if we do everything possible, no matter whether it is right or wrong, now this is what we must realize and we must distinguish.

Especially when it comes to money, it seems like we all live just to make money and spend it, and so on. But that doesn't mean it's bad, but we have to dig deeper into the essence of it all. Everything we do will have a good impact as long as we move based on science and not based on the emotion of greed.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: bestcoins1 on March 02, 2024, 03:05:43 PM
It is very clear that people do not have enough in life. I think this is normal for people who are still sane and have a hardworking mentality. Money is the main target for everyone to be able to demonstrate their capacity in society. For a businessman, when he already has everything in life but he still doesn't feel satisfied, he goes back to looking for other prestigious values through political channels. We can see that in various parts of the world, almost all leaders come from rich people who have large assets and influence because of their strong finances. It is impossible for everyone to feel sufficient in life because the environment always demands that we always be kings.
Your response really opened my mind and eyes to see all the things you said because all these things are very clearly visible in everyone's lives now. So, perhaps no one will be able to avoid or deny that everyone is moved to work hard to earn money and more popularity in their respective lives so that they can more easily be respected and taken into account by everyone around them. And business people all over the world are still doing the same thing as long as they are still able to achieve better things through their own work, even though that feeling of satisfaction does not come easily to people who can still work hard and earn more.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: hyudien on March 02, 2024, 11:19:44 PM
Because humans always feel lacking and dissatisfied with what they have achieved. Whether it is enough or not depends on how one looks at it. People who always feel like money is never enough are like thirsty people who drink salt water. The more you drink, the thirstier you become. Even if you drink how many liters of water you will still feel thirsty. People who always feel short of money, no matter how much money they have, will never feel like they have enough. For example, when you are poor you will do anything to be rich, or at least look rich. When you are rich you will look for ways to be richer than the rich. Finally, the only thing that can stop the feeling of always lacking is death.

Pure human nature is like that, I'm sure most humans have this nature. when they can make money they often still feel inadequate about what they get, so there are people who work crazy to be able to have a lot of money, but in my opinion that's not bad, of course to make a lot of money we have to work hard. what is bad is the desire to have a lot of money but no desire to work. Many young people today want money but don't want to work, which I think is a problem.
If you really want to have a lot of money then we have to work hard because that is one sure way to do it. It's true what you said, even when people are rich, there are those who still want more. In my opinion, being grateful for what you have is a must, looking for money is not wrong because it is a necessity, but don't let looking for money make us miserable, like doing work that never stops and we can't enjoy it, it's useless if we work but we can't do it ourselves. enjoy the work we do, I think it will torture us ourselves.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Sorryfor on March 03, 2024, 06:54:00 AM
Money isn't everything, but you also have to admit that there is no job today that doesn't require money. One such thing I heard is that money can't buy you happiness but the things you can get happiness from, you will get through money. This is exactly the case now. If you can own sufficient amount of money and spend it according to the budget then surely you will benefit from it And if you can invest your money in the right places it can do a great deal of good for you, most if not all. Today it is very difficult to live without money in this world And money plays the most important role in fulfilling your needs. On the other hand, if you can keep yourself satisfied with your side and die, then of course it will be quite useful for you.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Sorryfor on March 03, 2024, 06:54:39 AM
Money isn't everything, but you also have to admit that there is no job today that doesn't require money. One such thing I heard is that money can't buy you happiness but the things you can get happiness from, you will get through money. This is exactly the case now. If you can own sufficient amount of money and spend it according to the budget then surely you will benefit from it And if you can invest your money in the right places it can do a great deal of good for you, most if not all. Today it is very difficult to live without money in this world And money plays the most important role in fulfilling your needs. On the other hand, if you can keep yourself satisfied with your side and die, then of course it will be quite useful for you.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Sorryfor on March 03, 2024, 06:56:12 AM
Money isn't everything, but you also have to admit that there is no job today that doesn't require money. One such thing I heard is that money can't buy you happiness but the things you can get happiness from, you will get through money. This is exactly the case now. If you can own sufficient amount of money and spend it according to the budget then surely you will benefit from it And if you can invest your money in the right places it can do a great deal of good for you, most if not all. Today it is very difficult to live without money in this world And money plays the most important role in fulfilling your needs. On the other hand, if you can keep yourself satisfied with your side and die, then of course it will be quite useful for you.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Sorryfor on March 03, 2024, 06:57:09 AM
Money isn't everything, but you also have to admit that there is no job today that doesn't require money. One such thing I heard is that money can't buy you happiness but the things you can get happiness from, you will get through money. This is exactly the case now. If you can own sufficient amount of money and spend it according to the budget then surely you will benefit from it And if you can invest your money in the right places it can do a great deal of good for you, most if not all. Today it is very difficult to live without money in this world And money plays the most important role in fulfilling your needs. On the other hand, if you can keep yourself satisfied with your side and die, then of course it will be quite useful for you.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: oktana on March 03, 2024, 11:15:18 AM
Money isn't everything, but you also have to admit that there is no job today that doesn't require money. One such thing I heard is that money can't buy you happiness but the things you can get happiness from, you will get through money. This is exactly the case now. If you can own sufficient amount of money and spend it according to the budget then surely you will benefit from it And if you can invest your money in the right places it can do a great deal of good for you, most if not all. Today it is very difficult to live without money in this world And money plays the most important role in fulfilling your needs. On the other hand, if you can keep yourself satisfied with your side and die, then of course it will be quite useful for you.

But then that’s the problem. What is the definition of sufficient money to you? We all claim to have an amount but it’s just temporary. If I asked you how much you need to stop working, you will say a huge amount but when you get it, you’ll want to multiply it because at that stage, you then discover that what you thought was enough isn’t. I am not saying it’s wrong to invest but then, what is sufficient money to us? To Elon Musk and all the richest men out there who are still striving to make more money.

I noticed you have 4 comments which apparently look like a mistake, you should delete the 3 that came after.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: AnonBitCoiner on March 03, 2024, 11:58:18 AM
People have a habit of not being satisfied. In truth, there is nothing wrong with being greedy or having many dreams in life, as long as you don't do harm to others to get everything you want. For me, if you are capable of doing something and you know yourself that you can achieve your dreams, there is nothing wrong if we aspire even higher.

Greed exists at any age because a person's dreams are not possible to be fulfilled. If one dream of a person is achieved then he dream for another thing but he never stop thinking about money.

Even people will not say that they have enough money so when they recieve a jackpot they will say that if they find another jackpot then it will be enough but human never become thankful for what they have.

I think if one is hardworkers and is earning by using his skills then his dreams should be higher because the main reason behind his earning is his satisfaction and satisfaction will come if he achieved his dreams one after the other.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: prosmmservice on March 03, 2024, 02:25:26 PM
I heard somewhere is $20M is enough. You can do anything with that money. But i hear you, yes money is never enough. When they have nothing to buy and achieve, then they just like to see the numbers increasing. Its a weird fetish.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: bitzizzix on March 03, 2024, 03:13:25 PM
Money will never be enough if we only have one income, because as time goes by we will definitely need more money than we got before.
And money also plays an important role in life's journey, indeed money is not everything, but nowadays everything requires money.
So it is very important for us to continue to earn money with the abilities we have without having to force things that will harm ourselves, and aim for our life journey and future so that we and our families are financially safe and comfortable.
So what I mean is that as long as we are equipped with the health and abilities that we have, then we should be able to make good use of them. By working to earn money and having additional income, it is also important for us to have more money to save and invest and also to create businesses and all to make money and money also work to grow.
And all of that is for life's journey, marriage, childbirth, child expenses, sending children to college. If you are sick, or have difficulty with money, want something, have important needs and so on and everything requires money, you have to really think about it, plan it, carry it out and make it happen.
And I didn't include a house and so on because it's mandatory and everything requires money, including for old age.
So before we go through all that, we have to be active in continuing to earn money and save, invest or do business so that money continues to flow and grow to provide comfort in life now and also for the future.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Patrol69 on March 03, 2024, 03:20:55 PM
Our thinking has become such that we think that if someone is financially well-off or if someone becomes rich overnight, his ego will swell or he will forget all his past. There is good reason for our way of thinking, we constantly see people in our society who forget their past due to temporary economic changes and forget their past they become very arrogant and very bad tempered. But among these people there are some people who really never change their pride or behavior considering their position. Around us there are people walking around who are unfathomable, they are very rich and they own a lot of money but they get along with everyone, whether they are rich or poor. Money does not change our state of mind but our mindset changes our mind.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Sarah_Jannat42 on March 03, 2024, 03:30:02 PM
I found the topic of money is never enough thread very effective and wonderful. Money is very important in life or money is very necessary in life but money is never enough for life. I want to say that from youth to old age we only chase after money. Chasing money leaves us so ignorant of our own lives that we never realize that there is more to life than money. When old age comes and we look at our lifetime savings, it turns out that most of those savings are not useful at the end of our lives. At this time it is realized that we have neglected life while earning money all our life, we have refrained from enjoying life, now we have a lot of money, we have earned a lot of money but what to do with this money? The moment is over. I believe that the next life or the next world will be transformed into a peaceful world if the topic of the thread can be presented or explained to our new generation.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: kingvirtus09 on March 03, 2024, 03:43:26 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.

What I know is that if you know how to handle money and how to manage it correctly, you can definitely grow the money you have. But if you don't know how to properly manage the money you have, especially if it's a large amount, even then, it's almost as if they don't feel that they're running out of money and will only realize it when there's no money.

It means that we should not miss the financial management that you have. We know that money can help a lot in our lives. So it should be appreciated and not ignored.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: GbitG on March 03, 2024, 09:04:50 PM
Because humans always feel lacking and dissatisfied with what they have achieved. Whether it is enough or not depends on how one looks at it. People who always feel like money is never enough are like thirsty people who drink salt water. The more you drink, the thirstier you become. Even if you drink how many liters of water you will still feel thirsty. People who always feel short of money, no matter how much money they have, will never feel like they have enough. For example, when you are poor you will do anything to be rich, or at least look rich. When you are rich you will look for ways to be richer than the rich. Finally, the only thing that can stop the feeling of always lacking is death.
Yep, that's part of human nature, it's just that some people manage to control it and some can't help it. This feeling of having more becomes stronger when you have some, for example, if you don't have money but then you manage to get some money from somewhere, you start to feel that you should have more after that. One might feel that they will be contented once they get more, but in reality, that doesn't happen and the thirst keep getting bigger and bigger as you said.
People that are poor think that those who have a lot of money might not need more or desire for more, but that isn't true. The rich keep trying to become richer over time, so this struggle never ends.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Woodie on March 03, 2024, 09:36:32 PM
Think of when you hit a jackpot, and some cool cash slide into your pocket, you feels better and step up some pride and involved arrogance, you feel like you can buy the world with your peanuts lol, bro, I little shopping out of it can makes you look like a poor man again. There is this oil dealer guy in my community who happen to be hot market pro in the oil industry, he owns an oil well but this guy it gets to his head and start contesting for political power which he has lose twice now and the worst of it now is that the oil well is dried because suck the money into politics, loss everything. This money is never really enough, no wonder even the President of nations still fights to get money after office.
What I see in this is a typical example of greed!! And the worst part about it is that such people no matter how much money they can get their hands on, I can guarantee you that they will never be satisfied with it.
Btw, given a chance for this guy to start his political career doing whatever task the job requires him to do, these are the kind of people that will not do their jobs but prefer to loot and run the reserves dry because money will never be enough and they will never be content with what they have thanks to greed.

Otherwise the secret to avoid all this greed is to know how to keep your money and how not to lose it !

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: slashz9 on March 03, 2024, 09:55:08 PM
because from basic human nature and in the Bible and other religious books, greed is a sin, but people from an economic perspective say greed is not a good thing, because you cannot control yourself as a result of your lust.
it's like fighting yourself.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: MissNonFall9 on March 04, 2024, 02:21:57 AM
The theme of the thread is that money is never enough sounds completely realistic to me. Because if money were always enough then people would never long for love nor thirst for beauty. But there are also people in the society who seem to think that their money is everything. That's why they chase after money all the time, they walk in the society as if they will never die. And the way they are neglected by their relatives after their death is as if they were never born as human beings. So the content of the thread seems very relevant to me that money is never enough for people.

Title: Re: Money is never enough!
Post by: Hispo on March 04, 2024, 10:14:24 AM
There is a lesson my parents taught to me since I was little and that lesson was how money is used to make more money and also usually people who have enough money to live the rest of their live peacefully with their family won't sopt there and will continue to try to accumulate even more, beyond their capabilities to spend it in their lifetime.
For example, here in my country we have a serious problem with corruption within the government (not only happening in low levels of policing), not long ago it was discovered one of the high ranking people in the oil industry had stolen up to 30 billon dollars.
Are you aware of how much that is? He could have stolen like 50 million and he would already have enough for the rest of his life, but for some greedy and strange reason, he decided to go further, for money he may not even be able to spend. The same thing applies to other millionaires and billionaires who want to accumulate more and more.
Perhaps it is not about accumulating for the sake of it, it could be about building a legacy.

Not matter whether one is a poor person living in a developing country or a millionaire in the United States, both people will continue to pursue money as much as possible, regardless of their completely different situations.