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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Youngkhngdiddy on June 03, 2023, 01:33:11 AM

Title: Good upbringing.
Post by: Youngkhngdiddy on June 03, 2023, 01:33:11 AM
 Lack of home training is one of the reasons why many youths fail in the society,  I've witness a situation whereby a father sent his son to buy cigarette and smokes it in his presence, in some other homes you'll see mother's using foul words on their husband, In the presence of their kids, all these are not good upbringing and affects the children negatively which in turn affects the society.

 What are those measures you think parents should take in bringing up a better home?

Title: Re: Good upbringing.
Post by: passwordnow on June 03, 2023, 06:10:26 AM
Respect and everything start from there.
Whatever the kids are seeing on their parents will reflect on them and becomes the thought of the idea that what their parents do is just normal and okay like the screaming and shouting in front of them when they're fighting. The tendency of these kids to imitate that as they grow old will be like a normal day to them. Another one is the influence of surroundings and as well as their online presence, you see that a lot of kids are online today and that's not a good thing that parents should't patronize.

Title: Re: Good upbringing.
Post by: Doan9269 on June 03, 2023, 11:49:23 AM
Lack of home training is one of the reasons why many youths fail in the society,  I've witness a situation whereby a father sent his son to buy cigarette and smokes it in his presence, in some other homes you'll see mother's using foul words on their husband, In the presence of their kids, all these are not good upbringing and affects the children negatively which in turn affects the society.

 What are those measures you think parents should take in bringing up a better home?

As a parent, you're free to make use of any means or method you love to adopt in bringing up your child because you will be held responsible for their poor training, indiscipline and improper upbringing in he future, they will not also gives you rest ifnyou fail to teafh them, correct and train them they way they should behave and live in the society, it will also bea profitable inheritance they will gain from your by what they are learning.

Pay attention to them
Feed them and pay their bill
Send them to schools and train them
Show them the difference between good and bad
Let them learn about moral lives and good conducts

Title: Re: Good upbringing.
Post by: DeathAngel on June 03, 2023, 12:50:14 PM
It’s important to bring up a kid in a good stable home. Sometimes the parents are not together & that’s OK but it’s preferable if the parents are together. Don’t smoke, don’t take drugs, limit alcohol use near the kids. Send them to a good school so they get a good education. Just show them love & care for them. I don’t have kids but children have been born & cared for since the beginning of time, it can’t be that hard if you are a good, loving parent.

Title: Re: Good upbringing.
Post by: Gallar on June 04, 2023, 02:29:02 PM

 What are those measures you think parents should take in bringing up a better home?
Family or household is indeed the beginning for anyone to be able to form a good or bad character. Therefore, upbringing from the family, especially from the father and mother, must be better and have high discipline for their children. All good upbringing must be accustomed to and taught from an early age. Because children at an early age, are likened to still a blank slate, which will certainly be filled with many things, which are in their life habits. So as much as possible don't fill it with bad or negative things, but fill it with something good and positive. So when children grow up, the lessons or upbringing given to them from their parents since childhood, will definitely be seen clearly. Is the upbringing good, or the upbringing bad.

So a family or household, indeed plays a very important role for everyone in the formation of their character. And all of that is not just words, but is proven and real.

Title: Re: Good upbringing.
Post by: Hispo on June 04, 2023, 04:27:55 PM
Lack of home training is one of the reasons why many youths fail in the society,  I've witness a situation whereby a father sent his son to buy cigarette and smokes it in his presence, in some other homes you'll see mother's using foul words on their husband, In the presence of their kids, all these are not good upbringing and affects the children negatively which in turn affects the society.

 What are those measures you think parents should take in bringing up a better home?

I am the kind of person that believes that parents transmit their personal problems to their children, whether they realize it or not. If a couple has problems, their children would suffer from it, if there is a divorce or the couple fights too much, the children will notice and suffer from it psychologically.

I dont know how we could improve those sorts of problems in society, the only thing that comes to mind would be to make counseling, parenthood programs and psychological attention to be more widespread in those societies where they are more needed. So we can break the chain of transmitting our traumas and problems to the coming generations.

Title: Re: Good upbringing.
Post by: Stepstowealth on June 04, 2023, 08:36:45 PM
Lack of home training is one of the reasons why many youths fail in the society,  I've witness a situation whereby a father sent his son to buy cigarette and smokes it in his presence, in some other homes you'll see mother's using foul words on their husband, In the presence of their kids, all these are not good upbringing and affects the children negatively which in turn affects the society.
More like irresponsible parenting, there was a video I saw sometime back, where a young father was jokingly giving his young child cannabis to smoke saying it was going to make him wise. Do not start a home when you know that you are not responsible enough to raise children. Bad parenting and irresponsible parenting increases the number of kids that become a problem to the society. To solve this issue, people about starting a home should really come to the reality that they have to become responsible for their children.

Title: Re: Good upbringing.
Post by: Ndabagi01 on June 04, 2023, 09:38:29 PM
Lack of home training is one of the reasons why many youths fail in the society,  I've witness a situation whereby a father sent his son to buy cigarette and smokes it in his presence, in some other homes you'll see mother's using foul words on their husband, In the presence of their kids, all these are not good upbringing and affects the children negatively which in turn affects the society.

 What are those measures you think parents should take in bringing up a better home?

The ability to instill the virtues of discipline and respect in their children should be the first priority for any parent. A large number of spoiled children in society can be ascribed to a lack of parental guidance and monitoring from a young age. Family is the initial fundamental and first step of socialization in society; if that is lacking, you will end up producing a nuisance in society.

Peer groups, religious groups, and organizations enter the picture after the child has become acquainted with the family; there is little or nothing these bodies can do to change the child if they have already been spoilt at home, and there is more for them to do because they can easily spoil the child if they already had a good upbringing at home. They both have an impact on each other and must be addressed accordingly by educating the child on the proper way.

Title: Re: Good upbringing.
Post by: Dzwaafu11 on June 05, 2023, 02:22:14 AM
I've witness a situation whereby a father sent his son to buy cigarette and smokes it in his presence,

Although seeing a father sending his son to buy cigarettes and smoke in their presence is not a new thing in some areas in my country, I believe these are the things that affect youths when they see their parent doing something they will now follow and do the same thing in my opinion they're things we need to check even if our parents are doing it is not necessary we must do that or practice it as them you can see that some of the fathers are now old I believe some fathers are still smoking due to addiction from there young age which they cannot avoid it

in some other homes you'll see mother's using foul words on their husband, In the presence of their kids, all these are not good upbringing and affects the children negatively which in turn affects the society.

Lack of home upbringing or the fact that they observe their mothers speaking to their fathers impolitely and assume that's how to treat a man or husband are two of the most prevalent reasons why you see female children getting married and then simply getting divorced later. These issues, in my opinion, harm women more than male children.

Title: Re: Good upbringing.
Post by: Promocodeudo on June 05, 2023, 09:37:02 AM
The major role of parents is to bring up their children in an upright manner, teach them a good way to follow so that they will not depart from it, children learn very fast so which ever step you make they follow, as good parents don't do anything that will affect their future, this young folks are prone to imitate things because they are still little to differentiate between good an bad, so anything they learn the will put into practice and if not controlled  grow with it, it is very important for parents to pay much attention to their children in other to know when they are deviating.

Title: Re: Good upbringing.
Post by: mm2543363580 on June 05, 2023, 10:32:49 AM
I've witness a situation whereby a father sent his son to buy cigarette and smokes it in his presence,

Although seeing a father sending his son to buy cigarettes and smoke in their presence is not a new thing in some areas in my country, I believe these are the things that affect youths when they see their parent doing something they will now follow and do the same thing in my opinion they're things we need to check even if our parents are doing it is not necessary we must do that or practice it as them you can see that some of the fathers are now old I believe some fathers are still smoking due to addiction from there young age which they cannot avoid it

in some other homes you'll see mother's using foul words on their husband, In the presence of their kids, all these are not good upbringing and affects the children negatively which in turn affects the society.

Lack of home upbringing or the fact that they observe their mothers speaking to their fathers impolitely and assume that's how to treat a man or husband are two of the most prevalent reasons why you see female children getting married and then simply getting divorced later. These issues, in my opinion, harm women more than male children.

Good upbringing is extremely important for today's generation to make them a responsible and good citizen of society.  We live in world where we have exposure to everything good and bad and alll that can guide you in right direction is your upbringing.
This keeps your path intact and helps you in many things but honestly good upbringing is extremely difficult in this time .

Title: Re: Good upbringing.
Post by: Frankolala on June 05, 2023, 10:45:11 AM
'Action speaks louder than voice' is a say down here in my country. These children look up to their parents as their role model when they are growing up and parents should consider this when they are bringing up their children. If you behave weird and you are arrogant,your children will feel that is the best way to live life and they will grow up to imitate you. You should also take them close to God to guide them to the right part of life.

Those children that can be influenced by their environment,if their parents have good morals and they brought up their children in that way,these children will not be influenced by the environment that much,because there will be limit to it. If we want our children to have good morals and to have value to the society,we need to reflect on our own way of life to see if these children imitates us it will be the right path but if not then we need to change our lifestyle and be discipline with good morals.

Title: Re: Good upbringing.
Post by: Die_empty on June 05, 2023, 11:55:56 AM
Lack of home training is one of the reasons why many youths fail in the society,  I've witness a situation whereby a father sent his son to buy cigarette and smokes it in his presence, in some other homes you'll see mother's using foul words on their husband, In the presence of their kids, all these are not good upbringing and affects the children negatively which in turn affects the society.

 What are those measures you think parents should take in bringing up a better home?
Children learn from the actions of those parents more than their words or counsel. They will copy what their parents are doing be it good or bad. So every parent must behave the way they want their children to behave. Society is made up of a combination of homes, which means society will always reflect the quality of our homes. But the current crop of young parents are not helping the society. Some of us are not well groomed or were influenced by materialism and  peer pressure to engage in some societal vices. There is an increase in drug abuse, internet fraud, and other crimes because of poor home training.

Materialism is pushing some parents to encourage their children to engage in crime. Just recently law enforcement agencies in my area discovered a secret internet fraud school. This school specializes in teaching interested youths how to carry out fraud successfully. And many of these students confessed that it was their parents that enrolled them in the school.

Title: Re: Good upbringing.
Post by: Doan9269 on June 05, 2023, 02:56:54 PM
The major role of parents is to bring up their children in an upright manner, teach them a good way to follow so that they will not depart from it, children learn very fast so which ever step you make they follow, as good parents don't do anything that will affect their future, this young folks are prone to imitate things because they are still little to differentiate between good an bad, so anything they learn the will put into practice and if not controlled  grow with it, it is very important for parents to pay much attention to their children in other to know when they are deviating.

Our own parents have done well in trying to help us get to where we are currently, it now also left for us to maintain o the good lane or do otherwise, we will soon be found responsible for our own children as well, what are we going to do, how are we going to give it all that it demands in raising a child the best nurture he could deserve both at home and in the society, there's much expected of us to do to our own children in training all them well, children are the future of tomorrow, they will take over after us and do better than we had been if we give it all that it demands in their upbringings.

Title: Re: Good upbringing.
Post by: Newlifebtc on June 05, 2023, 09:03:51 PM
Lack of home training is one of the reasons why many youths fail in the society,  I've witness a situation whereby a father sent his son to buy cigarette and smokes it in his presence, in some other homes you'll see mother's using foul words on their husband, In the presence of their kids, all these are not good upbringing and affects the children negatively which in turn affects the society.

 What are those measures you think parents should take in bringing up a better home?
from my understanding I do think that what makes some people or use to fall into the things it's not only come from lack of training it depends the environment it will try and find that pub or the used file the access so if the environment is very corrupt it is basically a hundred percent one of the things that contribute for bad behaviour of that particular youth

Title: Re: Good upbringing.
Post by: Belarge on June 06, 2023, 03:58:46 PM
Good upbringing I must say really matters in a family, I must say that it's the way parents train up their children (child) that's the way they will go, parents should learn how to be mindful with their behavior or their choice words when they are with their children, because children always have this ability to attract things that are negative morethan the positive ones.

In another way round, it's not really a parent attitude that corrupt their children, some children wishes to do what they are doing while some children are been influenced by their friends.
I have seen children that are smokers today, drug addicts today, but their parents doesn't drink nor smoke.

So most times children been corrupt is not the fault of their parents, it might come from their friends or somebody around them...

To me I just think a good parent should first always pray for their children, then try to advice them at all cost and also try not to hide anything from them (children). Tell them what's good and what's bad and then tell them the consequences if they do what is good or what is bad....
That's my thoughts though...

Title: Re: Good upbringing.
Post by: Aforhok on June 10, 2023, 05:59:45 PM
Lack of home training is one of the reasons why many youths fail in the society,  I've witness a situation whereby a father sent his son to buy cigarette and smokes it in his presence, in some other homes you'll see mother's using foul words on their husband, In the presence of their kids, all these are not good upbringing and affects the children negatively which in turn affects the society.

 What are those measures you think parents should take in bringing up a better home?

Our new generation parents have failed in proper upbringing of their children, in the olden days our fathers do smoke in the presence of their children, it didn't corrupt their behavior or up bringing.
  I think the problem is coming from what this children see on social media, and different platform and also strongly from peer pressure since this generation of children are impatient.

Title: Re: Good upbringing.
Post by: Queentoshi on June 11, 2023, 01:24:40 PM
What are those measures you think parents should take in bringing up a better home?
Spending time with your children and being very involved and present in the growth stages of your child's life can be very helpful to the child I'm making right decisions for the future tomorrow. As a parent you should spend more time with your children and get them to trust you so that it can involve you in certain decisions that will be confusing for them to make on their own. For Christian homes it is also good that a child will introduce to God and you need to worship him because being grounded to spirituality or a religion can help you stay morally upright.

Title: Re: Good upbringing.
Post by: Marykeller on June 12, 2023, 05:41:17 PM
Children observe silently.  They will grow up with whatever principles you instill in them at a young age, whether they are good or evil. Before a child begins to disrupt society at a young age, he or she inherits a poor character from his or her family and the society in which they live. Because of this, parents are usually urged to be careful with what they do and say in front of their children. When a young person behaves badly in public, it is important to look back at their family and upbringing because that is where their poor behavior first began.

Title: Re: Good upbringing.
Post by: Desmong on June 12, 2023, 07:10:18 PM
Lack of home training is one of the reasons why many youths fail in the society,  I've witness a situation whereby a father sent his son to buy cigarette and smokes it in his presence, in some other homes you'll see mother's using foul words on their husband, In the presence of their kids, all these are not good upbringing and affects the children negatively which in turn affects the society.

 What are those measures you think parents should take in bringing up a better home?
Just imagine a home where a father keep smoking in the presence of the children, what do you think the children would do. To have a godly home there is need for the parent to train the children in the way that would attract fear in the child and the child would give respect to the father. There are different ways to do this but mistake can come up and make things hard for the child to make wrong decisions.

Title: Re: Good upbringing.
Post by: mm2543363580 on June 12, 2023, 07:15:49 PM
Children observe silently.  They will grow up with whatever principles you instill in them at a young age, whether they are good or evil. Before a child begins to disrupt society at a young age, he or she inherits a poor character from his or her family and the society in which they live. Because of this, parents are usually urged to be careful with what they do and say in front of their children. When a young person behaves badly in public, it is important to look back at their family and upbringing because that is where their poor behavior first began.
Good upbringing is important for a healthy and normal child as they can contribute to the welfare of themselves and society otherwise they can destroy themselves and will be s burden for  society for rest of their lives.
Child always run by examples and experiences so to train them for better live a happy life in front of them .

Title: Re: Good upbringing.
Post by: Ebede on June 12, 2023, 07:45:05 PM
It is very important to give much attention to your children in other to no when things are going wrong with them, children learn very quick so whatever you teach them they adapt to it quickly so is important to teach them morals so that when they come in contact with strangers they will stand exceptional among all, don't ever do what is wrong in their presence because they will imitate you and practice it when you are not around so as good parents let's be mindful about what we do around our children.

Title: Re: Good upbringing.
Post by: Newlifebtc on June 12, 2023, 09:14:06 PM
From what are you know and the word I understand in society and the lack of training if there's on the environmental condition or Factor you found yourself so there is nothing like lack of one training that will make a child to misbehave the only thing that will make a child to miss their feet when the environment have a negative impact to any living so who is living in that particular environment it is when we can come in conclusion to say that

Title: Re: Good upbringing.
Post by: Qiubell5 on June 13, 2023, 07:25:28 AM
First of all parents must be compact in educating children. Because without cohesiveness everything will be difficult. Then, parents must set a good example, because every parent's behavior is always imitated by their children. Whether it's wrong behavior or right, children always imitate it. So make it a habit to be kind when in front of children.

Discipline and always communicate with children, so that the relationship between parents and children is getting closer and stronger. And don't vent anger on the child. Because it has the potential to make children have mental problems.

Children are the seeds of the next generation who must be educated very well. And it is from the family that everything begins.

Title: Re: Good upbringing.
Post by: Alpha Marine on June 13, 2023, 09:56:19 PM

First, the parents need to be good people. They have to be good parents to the kid(s) first before we talk about raising the children with love. A lot of children are not loved at home. Most parents raise their children without love or showing them that love. Raising a child with love makes that child have a relationship with the parents till they become like friends and begin to tell each other stuff. Love is the ultimate.

Title: Re: Good upbringing.
Post by: GiftedMAN on June 14, 2023, 07:53:53 PM
What are those measures you think parents should take in bringing up a better home?

There are so many ways that parents can make a good home or bring up their children but the most important one is doing the right things in the presence of their children because the children are very quick learners and once they are thought to always do the right things especially from small they will find it difficult to go against their good up bringing. Secondly, giving them a good education is a good way to encourage them to be useful to their family and society because most of the problems of the world today are caused by uneducated youths who has been brainwashed to commit evil in the society because they lack the ability to understand the value of life as illiterates.

Title: Re: Good upbringing.
Post by: Agbe on June 14, 2023, 08:48:58 PM
What are those measures you think parents should take in bringing up a better home?
That is true. Those things affect individual and they will bring it back to the society to suffer people. What can be use to cube these social vices, the parents must be responsible and responsible parents must provide the necessary needs of the children which are good education, clothing, food, shelter, correction with good words. And also the kind of friends they have, the parents must know them. So with these, children can be to some extent wi behave well in the society.

Title: Re: Good upbringing.
Post by: Victan22 on June 30, 2023, 02:25:55 PM
Firstly I will say that when you train up a child properly you are equally making a good society because children they say are future leaders .
    The first training we all owe our children is to first of all train ourselves with certain self discipline if we can be able to do this then it will be easier to discipline our children as well because you can't give what you don't have. For instance you are into drugs and some other elicit addiction of which  your child always sees you in the act what do you think will be of his character when the child is grown?
Finally remember as a  parent you are the religious head of your family so always do well to pray for them.

Title: Re: Good upbringing.
Post by: Gozie51 on June 30, 2023, 03:14:49 PM

 What are those measures you think parents should take in bringing up a better home?

The first thing to do is to show the children the right way. The llife style of the parents has a big role to shaping the way the kids turn out in the society because the family is the primary agent of socialization so to bring them up properly is the best gift and that is why the bible said spear the rode and spoil the child. Therefore, it is in appropriate for the parents to exhibit immoral actions in the presence of the kids. Even if the parents have the urge to exhibit such, they should avoid doing such in the presence of their children. Let the children know what is immoral and moral so that when they grow they can understand by themselves what is good or bad