Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: mvdheuvel1983 on June 08, 2023, 05:49:02 PM

Title: What can we do, should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
Post by: mvdheuvel1983 on June 08, 2023, 05:49:02 PM
We have already heard about the Binance and Coinbase cases with the SEC. There is even a rumor that another centralized exchange is about to declare bankruptcy. The message all over the internet is 'withdraw your bitcoin from exchanges.' Despite this apparent attack, Bitcoin's price remains fairly stable. It is having no effect. But then, do we just sit back and do nothing aside from saying to avoid centralized exchanges? What can we do or should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?

Title: Re: What can we do, should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
Post by: Baofeng on June 08, 2023, 06:06:50 PM
We have already heard about the Binance and Coinbase cases with the SEC. There is even a rumor that another centralized exchange is about to declare bankruptcy. The message all over the internet is 'withdraw your bitcoin from exchanges.' Despite this apparent attack, Bitcoin's price remains fairly stable. It is having no effect. But then, do we just sit back and do nothing aside from saying to avoid centralized exchanges? What can we do or should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?

Isn't it an old adage though? even if there is no Binance/Coinbase vs SEC, we shouldn't put our money on exchanges as that is a bad practice. It's just more magnify now as there is a case that is being brought to exchanges.

Regarding your question on what we should do, the best thing is still to accumulate at this price range, still very cheap and discounted price. Doesn't mean to buy 1 BTC right away. Just do whatever suits you, DCA or just buy when you have capital with you. The end game is still to save and stack sats as much as you can before the block halving next year as it will be the catalyst for the next bull run, regardless if there will be another exchanges that will file bankruptcy or another witch hunt from SEC.

Title: Re: What can we do, should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
Post by: mindrust on June 08, 2023, 06:14:26 PM
We have already heard about the Binance and Coinbase cases with the SEC. There is even a rumor that another centralized exchange is about to declare bankruptcy. The message all over the internet is 'withdraw your bitcoin from exchanges.' Despite this apparent attack, Bitcoin's price remains fairly stable. It is having no effect. But then, do we just sit back and do nothing aside from saying to avoid centralized exchanges? What can we do or should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?

That message isn't new. People  shouldn't have kept their coins on the exchanges in the first place. "Not your keys, not your coins." What you gonna do if somehow binance goes "poof" tomorrow without any explanation of what happened? What if they say "the SEC came by and took all (y)our coins." Even if you somehow manage to get back your coins from them, who knows how long you will wait for that. Keeping your life savings on a crypto exchange is a huge gamble and if something goes wrong you will pay for your mistake. It happened many times before and it will happen again in the future.

Title: Re: What can we do, should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
Post by: bittraffic on June 08, 2023, 06:18:17 PM
Nothing else can be done to exchanges thats failing. Governments want then to also fail, they were suing exchanges here and there. Hold your coins if you can hold them for longer as long as your country doesn't ban BTC, you're fine.

Before withdrawing your coins, buy more thats what you can do.

Title: Re: What can we do, should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
Post by: Franctoshi on June 08, 2023, 06:19:33 PM
At least I believe 80% chance at this point in time and of BTC 14 years in existence that Bitcoin isn't going away, So do not panic sell your Bitcoin if you own some BTC,  the storm is still gonna be over and everything will become normal, it's part of the shaking process of the week hands, and only people that understood the game will hold, think about what happened after FTX collapse, Which after the event the market bounced back and look at where the price of Bitcoin is right now from where we were then.

Then in terms of storing of Bitcoin and cryptos and with the recent happenings, the worst place or thing one will do now is storing cryptos on these centralized exchanges. If you don't know wallet to use then try using Electrum wallet, Nano etc in keeping your cryptos safe.

Title: Re: What can we do, should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
Post by: aylabadia05 on June 08, 2023, 06:34:08 PM
[snip]  But then, do we just sit back and do nothing aside from saying to avoid centralized exchanges? What can we do or should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
The FTX case and several other exchanges that have happened can be a reference or reference for anyone who owns Bitcoin that keeping it there is wrong.
It seems to me that for those of us who hold assets on exchanges, it's time to withdraw and deposit in a trusted wallet before the exchange suffers the same thing as FTX.

I see with positive binoculars that the case of Binance which is now trending the talk could be a reminder message that they are absolutely not a place to store assets even though it is a big and well known exchange.
I used this case as material to advise people or friends that saving funds on exchanges is dangerous.

Apart from saying to avoid exchanges, another thing I can say is to keep holding Bitcoins in the wallet and make sure the wallet is safe.

Title: Re: What can we do, should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
Post by: SamReomo on June 08, 2023, 06:35:58 PM
We have already heard about the Binance and Coinbase cases with the SEC. There is even a rumor that another centralized exchange is about to declare bankruptcy. The message all over the internet is 'withdraw your bitcoin from exchanges.' Despite this apparent attack, Bitcoin's price remains fairly stable. It is having no effect. But then, do we just sit back and do nothing aside from saying to avoid centralized exchanges? What can we do or should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?

We can do only one thing and that is to lay down and relax. We can't do anything against the Sec and even if someone dares to do anything then the result is already known to many of us. Now, we can only sit on our chairs and speculate the situation by reading news article related to those exchanges. We should always monitor the price of Bitcoin in such situations and be happy if see a good pump. We should wait for dumps and the dumps should not impact us emotionally because they are expected and could occur anytime in such harsh situations.

I also recommend you to withdraw your money from Binance US if you have any assets in that website and you should do the same with Coinbase. In current situations the best thing to do is to withdraw the money into your own wallets and wait for the results of the Sec actions. I'm quite sure that Binance will shut its operations due to Sec's strict actions against them and the result could be dump in the market and maybe the assets on the US version of Binance get frozen in such situations. There is a saying that "Prevention is better than cure," and in current conditions one should withdraw his/her assets from those exchanges to prevent further damages to ones assets.

Title: Re: What can we do, should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
Post by: Pmalek on June 08, 2023, 06:38:21 PM
There is not much you can do besides advising those you know who are holding bitcoin to not panic-sell because the SEC is suing a few crypto exchanges. Bitcoin being the enemy of governments worldwide is nothing new, and we are all aware of it already. They simply don't want you to be financially independent. Financially independent means freedom. And when you are free, you start asking questions and question authority. That's not what they want.

Keep your bitcoin to yourself, use P2P modes of trading if you can, or try out decentralized variants. If you must use a CEX, go in and out. The name of the game is quick exchange and withdraw.   

Title: Re: What can we do, should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on June 08, 2023, 06:49:17 PM
Well, for me, I don't think there is anything to do, aside from withdrawing our money off every centralized exchanges into our private non custodian wallet, alot is currently going on in the crypto scene and it is all caused by centralized exchanges, i personally have over $440 stuck on bkex exchange right now, and today marks it 10 days since they suspended withdrawals for every user claiming they are being invested by the police because some accounts on the exchange was used to launder money, I personally smell this claim to be fake, but I am hoping they open withdrawal so that we can withdraw out money...

After this experience, I think I can boldly say that It is high time to embrace decentralization in the crypto space, centralized exchanges have caused enough havoc already, if they are not hacked, it's a rug pull, if it's not a rugpull, it's a bankruptcy, it's time to take the bold step and boycott centralized exchanges for the decentralized ones.

Title: Re: What can we do, should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
Post by: coolcoinz on June 08, 2023, 06:52:39 PM
Bitcoin doesn't need our help, it's doing great actually. Exchanges are being targeted because they were peddling shitcoins.

I've been saying it for years that I don't trust Binance and CZ and I don't trust tether, bnb and all the rest of these unnecessary tokens that only confuse the average user into thinking they're all the same. That they're all "crypto" and it doesn't matter what you get, you should get a number of these shitcoins so you don't have all your eggs in one basket.

The deal with CZ is that he was trading on his own exchange and manipulating the markets and he wasn't sharing any data with any auditors. It was all "safu" and all fine and dandy until he was making money. CZ doesn't care about bitcoin, he just wants his listing fees and he likes making $$$. Crypto is just a horse he wants to keep riding until it dies and then there's going to be another horse and another.

Should we do something? Clap maybe that shitcoin peddlers are running out of time? Since Bitcoin is not a security there will eventually be bitcoin only exchanges. Just a matter of time.

Title: Re: What can we do, should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
Post by: Mate2237 on June 08, 2023, 06:52:50 PM
You have said it all withdraw them all, "Not your coins, not your key" what we have to do is to remove all the coins in the central exchange platforms and keep it in an open source wallet which is non custodian wallet so your coins will be saved. From the beginning I know that the only way the government can fight bitcoin is through exchange platforms. Because exchange platforms are centralized and the government is forgetting that those centralized exchange platforms can turn themselves to decentralized system and people will use it very well even more than the centralized system or platform.

Title: Re: What can we do, should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
Post by: Zaguru12 on June 08, 2023, 06:56:33 PM
What can we do or should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?

It is not a new thing having all this kind of saga again with the government and as usual it is always centralized exchange that are deeply involved. Aside regular warning of treating centralized exchanges as a market place like it’s supposed to be, we should also create awareness to less knowledgeable people that this doesn’t pose any threat to bitcoin holdings and as such they shouldn’t sell.

Also the best thing now is to prioritize using decentralized exchanges as such the liquidity we continue to say that this decentralized exchanges lack will grow if the number of users increase and this will also reduce the dependence on centralized exchanges

Title: Re: What can we do, should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
Post by: The Cryptovator on June 08, 2023, 07:06:09 PM
The allegations brought by the SEC are not limited to Binance and Coinbase alone. They can be seen as an assault on the entire crypto industry. As a result, cryptocurrency users have already recognized this as an attack against the industry. Although there was a notable price drop, it managed to recover within a few hours, especially Bitcoin, which rebounded swiftly. However, certain altcoins like BNB are currently facing challenges in recovering, but it is hoped that they will regain stability soon. It is crucial for all cryptocurrency users to stand in solidarity with the crypto industry and voice their opposition to any form of attack. This is the collective action that we should take at this moment

Title: Re: What can we do, should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
Post by: nakamura12 on June 08, 2023, 07:11:32 PM
Because of situation like that happen to an exchange is the reason why it is not a good practice to keep or store our crypto in an exchange for that reason. You will get the same answer from other people if you ask why is it not a good practice to keep your crypto inan exchange. The choice we have is to never trust an exchange platform to let them keep your crypto safe.

Title: Re: What can we do, should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
Post by: usekevin on June 08, 2023, 07:35:22 PM
The bankcruptcy will happen at the extreme conditions,this was phenomenon of the bank.Coinbase was survive over a period of time,the people from the early stage of the forum will use the coin base for sure.Later 2017,the bitcoin traders start to use the binance,localbitcoin.In a recent past the localbitcoin was officially closed.Many people had their coin was give a time to withdraw all their crypto coins from the localbitcoin.Localbitcoin doesn’t end like the FTX did to the user and investors because of their bankcruptcy.

Title: Re: What can we do, should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
Post by: ajiz138 on June 08, 2023, 07:36:46 PM
We should avoid centralized exchanges because keeping assets there is insecure, we see how the example of the FTX case came out as bankruptcy plus now the BKex exchange is suspending withdrawals suspecting that the exchange is going bankrupt.

Anyone who is still holding assets on the exchange should immediately withdraw them and store them in a hardware wallet or wallet that has a private key that is in control of you because that is the best advice to our closest friends who still trust centralized exchanges.

We're only going to get to see lawsuits from the SEC against some of the exchanges, maybe the exchanges as the defendants will appeal but I think what we need to do is get out of the exchange immediately.

Title: Re: What can we do, should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
Post by: tabas on June 08, 2023, 08:36:52 PM
Accumulate then. There is no way that most of us are going to leave these exchanges, the comfort that it has given to many will not stop them from depositing and keeping their funds there no matter what we tell them and remind them of what they must do.
Those that have been keeping their funds on Binance or any exchange are probably aware of the consequences if ever something wrong happens. While the market has moved back a little bit, it is showing just how strong it is even with these SEC's way of dealing these exchanges through cases they file that makes headlines.

Title: Re: What can we do, should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
Post by: irhact on June 08, 2023, 09:06:35 PM
We have already heard about the Binance and Coinbase cases with the SEC. There is even a rumor that another centralized exchange is about to declare bankruptcy. The message all over the internet is 'withdraw your bitcoin from exchanges.' Despite this apparent attack, Bitcoin's price remains fairly stable. It is having no effect. But then, do we just sit back and do nothing aside from saying to avoid centralized exchanges? What can we do or should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
As a bitcoin supporter, you should withdraw all the coins you have on centralized exchange and centralized wallets. Move the coins to a decentralized wallets. Nobody know how the case will end so it's better you protect yourself so you don't become a victim like those that left their coins on FTX exchange that collapsed and made many individuals broke again as they lost all their coins to the collapse of the exchange.

As a Bitcoin supporter you shouldn't join others to create more fud online. The market will recover from this problems that the centralized exchanges are causing at the moment. This is a good time to tell people about decentralized exchange and their functions in the market.

Title: Re: What can we do, should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
Post by: Hyphen(-) on June 08, 2023, 09:07:57 PM
But then, do we just sit back and do nothing aside from saying to avoid centralized exchanges? What can we do or should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
With everything that has happened since 2022, which is why the Bitcoin price is still below everyone's predictions, and the recent actions of several exchanges, I believe it is time to say goodbye to centralized exchanges.

Many customers trust Binance to the point where they leave their funds in their custody, however with this example, some people are losing trust in Binance exchanges and centralized exchanges in general.

At this point, let centralized exchanges do their job of trading and purchasing Bitcoin and not hold our currencies within the exchange since, as the adage goes, "not your keys, not your coin."

Title: Re: What can we do, should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
Post by: Captain Corporate on June 08, 2023, 09:13:22 PM
Not really anything major. I personally hold my bitcoins at the time (and by bitcoins I mean basically satoshis) and that's more than enough for me, I do not put any more pressure on myself. If you want to do something more major then you could definitely do it, that's your own idea and you should go for it, but I personally do not feel the need to do something like that. I think its quite good enough to just focus on holding, that's more than enough because by holding not only you are not selling and dropping the price, but you are taking bitcoin out of liquidity and making the supply less as well. These combined is good enough addition to the bitcoin market I could do and I do not have to provide anything else to the bitcoin market, if enough people did that instead of selling everytime they hear a scary news, we wouldn't be here today.

Title: Re: What can we do, should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
Post by: TimeTeller on June 08, 2023, 09:18:49 PM
But then, do we just sit back and do nothing aside from saying to avoid centralized exchanges? What can we do or should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
With everything that has happened since 2022, which is why the Bitcoin price is still below everyone's predictions, and the recent actions of several exchanges, I believe it is time to say goodbye to centralized exchanges.

Many customers trust Binance to the point where they leave their funds in their custody, however with this example, some people are losing trust in Binance exchanges and centralized exchanges in general.

At this point, let centralized exchanges do their job of trading and purchasing Bitcoin and not hold our currencies within the exchange since, as the adage goes, "not your keys, not your coin."

It has been advised that do not store your coins to any centralized exchange, binance or other exchange.
So this is not the first time we are hearing such warning. Because it is always best to secure your fund in your own wallet.
But of course, if you do need to trade, you still need to use the services of these centralized exchanges.
However, as much as possible, once you finished your trading, get your funds out as soon as you can.
You can't do so much if you are just a regular user. But if you have large following in any social media network, you can always post tips to everyone.

Title: Re: What can we do, should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
Post by: Finestream on June 08, 2023, 09:20:22 PM
We have already heard about the Binance and Coinbase cases with the SEC. There is even a rumor that another centralized exchange is about to declare bankruptcy. The message all over the internet is 'withdraw your bitcoin from exchanges.' Despite this apparent attack, Bitcoin's price remains fairly stable. It is having no effect. But then, do we just sit back and do nothing aside from saying to avoid centralized exchanges? What can we do or should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?

Isn't it an old adage though? even if there is no Binance/Coinbase vs SEC, we shouldn't put our money on exchanges as that is a bad practice. It's just more magnify now as there is a case that is being brought to exchanges.

Regarding your question on what we should do, the best thing is still to accumulate at this price range, still very cheap and discounted price. Doesn't mean to buy 1 BTC right away. Just do whatever suits you, DCA or just buy when you have capital with you. The end game is still to save and stack sats as much as you can before the block halving next year as it will be the catalyst for the next bull run, regardless if there will be another exchanges that will file bankruptcy or another witch hunt from SEC.
Centralized exchanges are certainly bound to fall, it’s just that some are reputable enough that it may took hard time before they are doomed. So there’s nothing really new about this news. However, regardless of bankruptcy issues, the best thing to do is to maximize our bitcoin accumulation if we have the means to do that, otherwise DCA is the key. And for high security, withdraw all your bitcoin in a centralized exchange and transfer it into your non-custodial wallet. That way, your bitcoins will be free from being lost or stolen anymore as long as you’re totally responsible of its security.

Title: Re: What can we do, should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
Post by: Issa56 on June 08, 2023, 09:22:03 PM
We have already heard about the Binance and Coinbase cases with the SEC. There is even a rumor that another centralized exchange is about to declare bankruptcy. The message all over the internet is 'withdraw your bitcoin from exchanges.' Despite this apparent attack, Bitcoin's price remains fairly stable. It is having no effect. But then, do we just sit back and do nothing aside from saying to avoid centralized exchanges? What can we do or should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
Even if you keep on saying avoid centralized exchange, that's also a support, lot's of people are still holding their bitcoin in a centralized exchange, I can say higher percentage are still holding their bitcoin on exchange, so if you keep on saying that am sure some people might end up listening to you one day and they will withdraw their bitcoin from exchange to their wallet, that's also a support.

Also you can keep on advising people to continue holding their bitcoin, with the current way bitcoin price is moving and the current news we are having currently, some people will be discouraged and might end up selling their bitcoin, if you keep on encouraging people to hold, that's also a support for bitcoin.

Title: Re: What can we do, should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
Post by: Ndabagi01 on June 08, 2023, 09:33:56 PM
We have already heard about the Binance and Coinbase cases with the SEC. There is even a rumor that another centralized exchange is about to declare bankruptcy. The message all over the internet is 'withdraw your bitcoin from exchanges.' Despite this apparent attack, Bitcoin's price remains fairly stable. It is having no effect.

This is just another instance of the government and exchanges clashing. Many like this have happened in the past, and we have all seen the results. This scenario may not be any different from others; the crisis will pass, and bitcoin will continue to be the best digital asset to possess. We don't have to be terrified of holding and selling bitcoin because we're afraid the price will drop and never rise again.

But then, do we just sit back and do nothing aside from saying to avoid centralized exchanges? What can we do or should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?

Every bitcoin supporter is aware of the consequences of holding bitcoins on exchanges; we've seen how many people have lost money due to ignoring the adage "not your keys, not your coins." Anyone who has suffered a loss of funds due to exchanges has seen and prepared for his arrival because they are all aware of the consequences. What needs to be done now is to continue sharing information about the risks of storing bitcoin in exchanges. And also buy and hold more bitcoin for preparation of the coming bull run.

Title: Re: What can we do, should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
Post by: Bananington on June 08, 2023, 09:47:56 PM
We have already heard about the Binance and Coinbase cases with the SEC. There is even a rumor that another centralized exchange is about to declare bankruptcy. The message all over the internet is 'withdraw your bitcoin from exchanges.' Despite this apparent attack, Bitcoin's price remains fairly stable. It is having no effect. But then, do we just sit back and do nothing aside from saying to avoid centralized exchanges? What can we do or should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
As people who know about cryptocurrency and bitcoin we should be able to speak in favour of bitcoins saying that bitcoin will remain even if the exchanges that are presently the big players in the exchange industry go down. Even if the value of bitcoin is affected by to the legal actions that the SEC has taken against binance and coinbase, it will only take a while for bitcoin to bounce back up just as it always does. What you should do at this time is to keep a watchful eye down for the news and make sure  that you do not become a victim of closure in case any of these exchanges shuts down.

Title: Re: What can we do, should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
Post by: lalabotax on June 08, 2023, 09:54:43 PM
We have already heard about the Binance and Coinbase cases with the SEC. There is even a rumor that another centralized exchange is about to declare bankruptcy. The message all over the internet is 'withdraw your bitcoin from exchanges.' Despite this apparent attack, Bitcoin's price remains fairly stable. It is having no effect. But then, do we just sit back and do nothing aside from saying to avoid centralized exchanges? What can we do or should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
In my opinion, This will have a big impact on crypto, whether there will be big drops like before when what happened to FTX or not. In this case, as Bitcoin supporters, especially small investors, maybe we can't do much with them. What we can try is not to add negative news about Bitcoin, not to feel panic which then makes us emotional and panic sell. Or make various stupid gang decisions because of panic over this problem. It would be better if we can be more calm and ready for the various risks, moreover, we monitor first what might happen.

Title: Re: What can we do, should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
Post by: Yatsan on June 08, 2023, 10:15:12 PM
We can be patient whenever the market price of Bitcoin is falling. Most of us are either thrilled or worried during a crash because it is an opportunity to invest more at a huge discount. Being patient on waiting for the right entry point would more likely yield to profit.
We should be calm even if there are possible FUDs especialy recently, again regarding exchanges, to avoid panic and FOMOs. May people sold their holdings recently because of what they have heard about Binance being sued. They might had such response in fear of FTX issue before and this should be stopped.
And we should not be encouraging people in this industry for the purpose of profit. This is a common mistake wherein non-investors are having huge expectations that profit would be easily earned, but it is totally not.

Title: Re: What can we do, should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
Post by: GiftedMAN on June 08, 2023, 10:21:38 PM
do we just sit back and do nothing aside from saying to avoid centralized exchanges? What can we do or should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?

The only thing we should do aside sitting down is to stop spreading false information and putting more fear on bitcoin believes especially those that are new so they won't end up being hurt. Secondly, avoid storing your coins in exchanges so you don't get affect should something go wrong or Incase they go bankruptcy. Thirdly I think we should be calm and keep promoting bitcoin and disregard any false information and threaten from the government because it will only discharge us from investing when we should and lastly never stop buying bitcoin no matter how small.

Title: Re: What can we do, should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
Post by: milewilda on June 08, 2023, 10:26:24 PM
We have already heard about the Binance and Coinbase cases with the SEC. There is even a rumor that another centralized exchange is about to declare bankruptcy. The message all over the internet is 'withdraw your bitcoin from exchanges.' Despite this apparent attack, Bitcoin's price remains fairly stable. It is having no effect. But then, do we just sit back and do nothing aside from saying to avoid centralized exchanges? What can we do or should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
Actually there's nothing we can do because if you do tend on doing something, then just like what? There's no way that you could make out some interference in between those things because you would rather
be putting yourself into trouble instead. There's no need for you to do something because this kind of market condition is really just that normal on which it would really be just that sooner or later which these issues
would really be just going down and would normalize on which these events are really just that common about suing there and suing everywhere on which the government does really like on doing so.
As BItcoin supporters or crypto enthusiast then its just really that that right on just sit tight and relax and if ever the price would be going down then this is the best time for you to accumulate more.
Dont mind yourself get stirred up with the issues around because there's nothing we can do about it since it do talks about legal issues which there's nothing we can do about it.

Title: Re: What can we do, should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
Post by: hatshepsut93 on June 08, 2023, 10:39:12 PM
Merely withdrawing coins from centralized exchanges is not enough, you should also stop using them at all if you want Bitcoin to be unaffected by regulations and bans on exchanges. But the same goes for decentralized trading too - in the long run it can too become a subject of government attention. They can order banks to carefully monitor unusual p2p transfers that look like Bitcoin trading. So the true solution is to go 100% Bitcoin, never buy or sell it, just earn Bitcoin and spend Bitcoin.

Title: Re: What can we do, should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
Post by: jeraldskie11 on June 08, 2023, 10:39:45 PM
We have already heard about the Binance and Coinbase cases with the SEC. There is even a rumor that another centralized exchange is about to declare bankruptcy. The message all over the internet is 'withdraw your bitcoin from exchanges.' Despite this apparent attack, Bitcoin's price remains fairly stable. It is having no effect. But then, do we just sit back and do nothing aside from saying to avoid centralized exchanges? What can we do or should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
This is not new at Binance because a lot of claims and accusations have been placed on that exchange since then and nothing has happened. All we've noticed is that the values of all cryptocurrencies have dropped but have quickly recovered. That's why it's sometimes tough to believe that unfavorable news about Binance is genuine, because most of the time it's a manipulation. However, this does not imply that you must leave your asset in Binance. It is a creative approach to avoid asset loss by withdrawing it.

Title: Re: What can we do, should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
Post by: n0ne on June 08, 2023, 10:49:24 PM
  • Spread the word about bitcoin
  • Teach the reality and don't hype
  • Do support bitcoin in real time usage
  • Don't get panic looking the charts
  • Believe, and allow it to grow

  • Don't fall for scams
  • Observe the market closer
  • Don't be greedy, understand the market
  • Prioritise investing into bitcoin
  • Don't wait to invest

Title: Re: What can we do, should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
Post by: ChiBitCTy on June 08, 2023, 10:58:20 PM
We have already heard about the Binance and Coinbase cases with the SEC. There is even a rumor that another centralized exchange is about to declare bankruptcy. The message all over the internet is 'withdraw your bitcoin from exchanges.' Despite this apparent attack, Bitcoin's price remains fairly stable. It is having no effect. But then, do we just sit back and do nothing aside from saying to avoid centralized exchanges? What can we do or should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?

"The message all over the internet is 'withdraw your bitcoin from exchanges.".. as it should be.  No one should ever have their bitcoin or coins of any type for that matter sitting on an exchange.  I don't know how people haven't learned that by now, especially after the FTX debacle, but many haven't.

Just keep supporting bitcoin.  Buy it, then immediately move it off the exchange.  No one needs to leave their coins on exchanges in order for bitcoin to succeed.

Title: Re: What can we do, should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
Post by: Bushdark on June 08, 2023, 10:59:04 PM
We have already heard about the Binance and Coinbase cases with the SEC. There is even a rumor that another centralized exchange is about to declare bankruptcy. The message all over the internet is 'withdraw your bitcoin from exchanges.' Despite this apparent attack, Bitcoin's price remains fairly stable. It is having no effect. But then, do we just sit back and do nothing aside from saying to avoid centralized exchanges? What can we do or should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
There is nothing we can do because that would not make any impact. The sec had been fighting against so many crypto projects which I don't really know why. Yesterday it was Coinbase, today it is Binance, we don't even know what is wrong with the sec trying to lay accusations on exchanges maybe that is the only way they can reduce the numbers of cryptocurrency investors because of fear of what might be the outcome of the sec. Many coin projects are deciding on leaving the US because things are becoming tough for there business because of the so much power of the . government.

Title: Re: What can we do, should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
Post by: suzanne5223 on June 08, 2023, 11:25:52 PM
We have already heard about the Binance and Coinbase cases with the SEC. There is even a rumor that another centralized exchange is about to declare bankruptcy. The message all over the internet is 'withdraw your bitcoin from exchanges.'
CEX bankruptcy doesn't concern us, it will only open doors for a new downtrend in price to buy low before the halving effect take place and for the SEC.
The current Chairman is doing a some ridiculous job than the good one and he needs to slow things down or else he will force cryptocurrency trading into offshore and P2P.

Despite this apparent attack, Bitcoin's price remains fairly stable.
Did you just say "fairly stable"? The market downtrend from $$28K a month ago to $25K and you call that stable.

It is having no effect. But then, do we just sit back and do nothing aside from saying to avoid centralized exchanges? What can we do or should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
As a Bitcoiner, buy more BTC and move it out of CEX or use built-in exchange used by hardware wallets to escape possible high transaction fees.

Title: Re: What can we do, should do, or not do as Bitcoin supporters at this time?
Post by: coinremitter on October 07, 2023, 05:23:18 AM
Should Do:

Educate: Continuously educate ourselves and others about the benefits and responsible use of cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin.
Promote Adoption: Encourage businesses and individuals to consider cryptocurrency payments, showcasing the convenience and security they offer.
Advocate Regulation: Support sensible and transparent regulations to ensure the long-term viability of cryptocurrencies.

Should Not Do:

Engage in Illegal Activities: Avoid any involvement in illegal activities or promote unethical use of cryptocurrencies.
Ignore Security: Neglect security measures; prioritize safe and secure handling of crypto assets.

Can Do:

Innovate: Keep innovating in the crypto payment space to offer better services and solutions.
Collaborate: Collaborate with other crypto enthusiasts and businesses to strengthen the cryptocurrency ecosystem.
Spread Awareness: Use social media and other platforms to raise awareness about Bitcoin and crypto payment gateways like

Remember, responsible advocacy and adherence to ethical standards are essential to support Bitcoin and the broader crypto community effectively.