Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Little Mouse on June 17, 2023, 10:47:57 AM

Title: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: Little Mouse on June 17, 2023, 10:47:57 AM
I'm an active participant in quora. Mostly I'm engaged in cryptocurrency discussion in Bengali. My purpose is simply to fight against FUD, misinformation. I have been doing this actively for long time now. I have engaged in debates in quora.

For the last few years, I'm trying to have a debate about Bitcoin with Mohammad Ghoni who was a Professor in a private university of Bangladesh. He claims himself as a economic analyst.

However, his negativity against Bitcoin is totally stupid. In fact, it seems he is biased when talking about Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency. He talks nonsense as if he doesn't know anything about Bitcoin. He is spreading wrong information about Bitcoin in quora. It's simple, when you don't know anything perfectly and you want to talk about that, you will only generate some stupid text.

I tried to engage with him in his responses. I'm ready to have a debate with him. The problem is he doesn't reply when someone wants to talk against his stupid opinion. He simply put answer on quora and then leave. I have replied in many of his answer in quora but never got a reply.
Now, I'm getting more concerned because he is spreading negativity in most of the questions. What can I do? Is there anything legal step someone can take, any foundation working on such issue? Or how can I invite him for a debate? I can simply put him on ignore but I'm also concerned about people getting wrong message. That's why I'm thinking something different.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: Hyphen(-) on June 17, 2023, 11:02:58 AM
Some people dislike it when others speak or say something that contradicts their beliefs, even if they are incorrect.

I'm sure he listens to public media, like as radio stations; if so, you may hear requests on a radio station to teach the public about Bitcoin and instill some trust in them in the face of FUD. You can also respond to what the professor said by making it apparent that you are prepared to respond if he has any criticism for what you said. As a public figure, he will want to respond, and as a result, you will have the opportunity to engage in a public argument with him to clear him of most of the incorrect statements he made about Bitcoin.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: Catenaccio on June 17, 2023, 11:14:17 AM
I tried to engage with him in his responses. I'm ready to have a debate with him. The problem is he doesn't reply when someone wants to talk against his stupid opinion. He simply put answer on quora and then leave. I have replied in many of his answer in quora but never got a reply.
You will waste your time if you keep him in your mind.

He is not open minded and did not take your comments into his mind. You can move on, ignore him and use your comments to help other members on Quora. I don't know on Quora, they have Ignore like in bitcointalk.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: 348Judah on June 17, 2023, 11:15:47 AM
My purpose is simply to fight against FUD, misinformation. I have been doing this actively for long time now. I have engaged in debates in quora.

This ia a decision that will help in a long way make people to understand more better on the needs to avoid the fear, but we have to consider the way cryptocurrency is fast moving forward with bitcoin adoption and new people coming in new and we continue to receive was on various aspects of bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, are his gives me the thought on the likely possibilities that if this FUD could actually be moderated globally.

Now, I'm getting more concerned because he is spreading negativity in most of the questions. What can I do? Is there anything legal step someone can take, any foundation working on such issue? Or how can I invite him for a debate? I can simply put him on ignore but I'm also concerned about people getting wrong message. That's why I'm thinking something different.

You have to understand that his approach to bitcoin has nothing to do by stopping bitcoin from going more global, alot of people have done that before and yet bitcoin advances to where it is today, even government couldn't, if you can't convince him then you leave him alone, am sure he's too small to convince the whole world to stop bitcoin adoption, and you don't need to go further in legal action because bitcoin is a decentralized currency, you can learn more on the legal action on Craig Wright against bitcoin ownership, just ignore such time wasters.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: Ambatman on June 17, 2023, 11:21:29 AM
I would suggest ignoring him
But since you concerned about it
You can just continue what you doing
Who wants to listen to you or are open minded would listen
You can even quote words of popular figure since most people are biased towards the words of people in respectable position
Even if you get a debate doesn't guarantee he would change his stance
Its all about belief
Its not something that can be changed with words
FUD's doesn't only exist in cryptocurrency
Its everywhere
As the saying goes "many are called few are chosen"
Everybody can't be saved

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: SamReomo on June 17, 2023, 11:22:55 AM
I'm an active participant in quora. Mostly I'm engaged in cryptocurrency discussion in Bengali. My purpose is simply to fight against FUD, misinformation. I have been doing this actively for long time now. I have engaged in debates in quora.

For the last few years, I'm trying to have a debate about Bitcoin with Mohammad Ghoni who was a Professor in a private university of Bangladesh. He claims himself as a economic analyst.

However, his negativity against Bitcoin is totally stupid. In fact, it seems he is biased when talking about Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency. He talks nonsense as if he doesn't know anything about Bitcoin. He is spreading wrong information about Bitcoin in quora. It's simple, when you don't know anything perfectly and you want to talk about that, you will only generate some stupid text.

I tried to engage with him in his responses. I'm ready to have a debate with him. The problem is he doesn't reply when someone wants to talk against his stupid opinion. He simply put answer on quora and then leave. I have replied in many of his answer in quora but never got a reply.
Now, I'm getting more concerned because he is spreading negativity in most of the questions. What can I do? Is there anything legal step someone can take, any foundation working on such issue? Or how can I invite him for a debate? I can simply put him on ignore but I'm also concerned about people getting wrong message. That's why I'm thinking something different.

Just ignore him and don't even think that his misinformation could cause anything to Bitcoin community. He's not alone in doing such things and there are many skeptical people like him who are totally against Bitcoin and concept of crypto-currencies. These people will always try to spread wrong information about Bitcoin because they hate it deeply. The only thing we can do is to ignore all those people who do that, debating with a fool isn't a good choice because such people don't listen to others. They only consider their own opinion regarding as an eternal truth.

You're just wasting your stamina and precious time on a naive person, and I suggest you to just ignore him. You should stop replying to his non-sense answers because if someone is scared from truth then he will never reply to the one who speaks truth. The guy is a liar and he is promoting misinformation intentionally, and that's why he won't listen to anyone. Just block him if the blocking option exists on Quora and never ever read his answers even from another account.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: Tytanowy Janusz on June 17, 2023, 12:01:10 PM
I tried to engage with him in his responses. I'm ready to have a debate with him. The problem is he doesn't reply when someone wants to talk against his stupid opinion. He simply put answer on quora and then leave.

So all you accomplish is bumping up his threads and giving him more visibility. You even bring his name and biography here, which increases his recognition, which gives strength to his words, whether true or false. some people have built their entire brand, and thus great fortunes, on misinterpreting reality and spaming their bullshit all around internet and every interaction with them only increases their view number.
some are even known to be perfect anti-signals (e.g. peter shiff, every time he writes "I told you bitcoin is worthless, you didn't want to listen, now you have it" exacly when bitcoin hits the dip and starts a strong rebound and trend reversal).

I don't think it makes sense to fight them. It's better to focus on building than on war with a single hammer hitting the wall.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: light_warrior on June 17, 2023, 12:13:14 PM
It is useless to prove anything to such people. Even if he is 100 percent wrong, he will never accept it. You argue against what he says, and that's enough. And people, if they are not stupid, will draw their own conclusions from your responses to his posts. And who knows, maybe this professor is paid to develop an aversion to bitcoin.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: BIT-BENDER on June 17, 2023, 12:36:20 PM
I learnt from a wise man that don't try to talk to people who aren't ready to give you listening ears, and ever since I have been living that way I have been very happy with myself.

One point you must understand is that there would always be people who would be against Bitcoin and crypto-currency in general regardless of what you have to tell them, Infact if the academic qualifications you say he has is truth then he isn't stupid and probably has done his research and there is nothing you have to tell him that he hasn't already researched about, but he has chosen to be stubborn and adamant about his personal views on Bitcoin, if he doesn't give you a platform to interact with him then let it be.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: mindrust on June 17, 2023, 12:44:28 PM
You don't have to.

If you are getting affected by it then you will be the loser in the end. Do you want to be a loser? If you answer is "no" then ignore the FUD. "Yes" > have fun staying poor. If you re thinking about the other investors, again, you shouldn't because the same logic also applies to their situation. If they get affected by the FUD then they will lose money. I don't know about you but I don't give a damn if other people make or lose money. Who cares?

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: Eternad on June 17, 2023, 12:44:46 PM
The problem is he doesn't reply when someone wants to talk against his stupid opinion. He simply put answer on quora and then leave. I have replied in many of his answer in quora but never got a reply.
Now, I'm getting more concerned because he is spreading negativity in most of the questions. What can I do? Is there anything legal step someone can take, any foundation working on such issue? Or how can I invite him for a debate? I can simply put him on ignore but I'm also concerned about people getting wrong message. That's why I'm thinking something different.

Just do what he is doing. Spread your idea and ignore opinion that against you such as his post. We don’t need to defend all attack because they will just get enough attention with their comment.

Haters will always gonna hate. It’s nonsense to debate with them because they will just find a way to twist your reasoning for their advantage or simply they will just ignore you. We are not required to reply all the opinions that opposite to us.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: Ayers on June 17, 2023, 01:04:02 PM
Those are the people who are deliberately anti-bitcoin, and they will ignore all the people who are against them, and there is nothing you can do about those people but ignore him. Bitcoin is like everything else in this world, it is not perfect enough to please everyone, there will always be lovers and haters even if the government recognizes it. So let's not waste time with those types of people and should focus on people who have a positive view of bitcoin like us.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: CODE200 on June 17, 2023, 01:15:50 PM
I don't know about your response though, if you call someone or their argument stupid, they would probably choose not to engage you then because it's going to useless, you've attacked the character and not the argument. But if you didn't do that then I should thank you first that you're an active commenter in Quora, pretty awesome that someone is actively fighting misinformation there. I think that you don't need to engage the professor on a debate, it's enough that you point out the wrong things in his argument, you stating the information is enough so the people who reads his statement will have no problem choosing which side.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: PytagoraZ on June 17, 2023, 01:31:11 PM
There are lots of people on quora. I've been active on quora for a long time but I never talk about bitcoin. Are you the only one fighting against that person's negative opinion? I think creating a new answer that has positive value about bitcoin can counter negative answers about bitcoin. I'm ready to support you, we can reply to each other's comments to influence public opinion

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: Solosanz on June 17, 2023, 01:34:22 PM
Let's accept the fact you can't be loved by everyone and not everyone will agree with your opinion, if they view Bitcoin is scam, then let them pick their choice. If you want to fight with everyone who spreading misinformation about Bitcoin, good luck you will waste most of your time just to fight with a stupid people. Winning isn't about your opponent admit if he was wrong, but end a debate with a stupid person is also a win.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: PytagoraZ on June 17, 2023, 01:45:49 PM
Let's accept the fact you can't be loved by everyone and not everyone will agree with your opinion ~snip~

Yes, I agree with you. But public opinion is built from pieces of puzzles, if that person builds a lot of puzzles then public awareness about bitcoin will be negative. Quora has a question and answer system and the quora algorithm will recommend the most read answers and get feedback. Maybe the OP should make an answer about bitcoin's positive value. I'm ready to support that answer with upvotes and comments

Indeed, not everyone has to agree with our opinion, but we can ensure that our opinion is enough to be considered, with logical reasons

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: ektotanes on June 17, 2023, 01:52:44 PM
Unfortunately, it happens that a person does not understand anything about the topic of the question. Therefore, when someone responds to his statement with criticism, he has nothing to say.

You can create a post on a social network and invite him to join the discussion. The more popular this post is, the more likely it is that he will respond ;)

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: Yogee on June 17, 2023, 01:53:28 PM
I would usually say ignore those people since it's a waste of effort but I could see you're heavily invested in promoting bitcoin in your online community. I think the reason he doesn't engage you in a debate is that he doesn't see you as an equal yet. He may be looking down on you since he's an economic analyst. It seems like you are trying too hard to "chase" him to prove a point and I think that's  probably not going to work. I say stop that and continue to build your reputation there and by that I mean keep opening topics to refute all the disinformation. I think he'll eventually engage you if you get more recognition from your online community.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: Pandu Geddon on June 17, 2023, 01:53:52 PM
Why don't you choose to ignore it? instead of always replying to his posts. it can actually get more people more interested in what he writes when there are more comments and viewers.
when you surf the internet, on any topic there will always be such a thing. You don't need to make it so serious that you might have trouble sleeping.
why not post on the opposite topic if you think the information he made up is wrong.
nowadays people will sort the information they read. because everyone knows that not everything on the internet is true or fake. I know you have good care.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: lizarder on June 17, 2023, 01:56:36 PM
However, his negativity against Bitcoin is totally stupid. In fact, it seems he is biased when talking about Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency. He talks nonsense as if he doesn't know anything about Bitcoin. He is spreading wrong information about Bitcoin in quora. It's simple, when you don't know anything perfectly and you want to talk about that, you will only generate some stupid text.
I read all the posts you made on here and thought it would be a waste of time arguing with people who hate bitcoin and somehow they will try to defend their argument. To my knowledge there are no legal institutions dealing with crypto or bitcoin issues so it's a bit difficult to find one, especially for those of us who live in countries that aren't very friendly to bitcoin in particular. If you think this needs to be straightened out, write to the institution where he works and invite them to discuss this issue openly or it could be via radio channels in your country.

But the problem is when your country doesn't legalize bitcoin as a commodity asset, it will be difficult for you to build public impact on this and also impossible to have a public debate that gets people talking about bitcoin because there are regulatory limits set by your government. Even if you try to force this to happen and then you will be in trouble with the laws in your area of residence.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: taufik123 on June 17, 2023, 02:37:16 PM
Even if he's a professor, it won't make him smarter to just talk about the evils of Bitcoin.
Even people like this will not be reminded despite the many facts that prove that Bitcoin is not as bad as he says.

There is no point in arguing when there is nothing to change. he will remain with his mindset and perspective on Bitcoin.

Don't regret not being able to remind him, there are still many other people who are more open-minded and can accept the reality of how Bitcoin works.
When he only answers once and then leaves the chat, it proves that he is just someone who is stupid and cannot accept any facts.

Even smart people look stupid when they believe something wrong and just sticks to their guns without accepting other people's explanations.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: Lucius on June 17, 2023, 02:39:05 PM
There are a lot of so-called experts who either have some personal agendas or work for someone whose goal is to create public change about someone or something. Such people can only be fought with hard facts, but not in a way that we think that they will change their minds, but that others see how wrong they are, and if we succeed, then no one will take such people seriously.

Now, I'm getting more concerned because he is spreading negativity in most of the questions. What can I do? Is there anything legal step someone can take, any foundation working on such issue? Or how can I invite him for a debate? I can simply put him on ignore but I'm also concerned about people getting wrong message. That's why I'm thinking something different.

You can try to report his posts as content that is inaccurate/misleading, and as far as I can see Quora has a report system. I'm not familiar with how their system works, but if you're going to do something about it, then you better try to go in the direction of making it impossible for him to do what he's doing.

You can report content or users that violate Quora's policies using the "Report" option in the "..." menu.
From the Report menu, choose the option that best describes the policy violation. Clicking submit sends your report to Quora's moderation team. Submitting a report through this channel is the fastest and most efficient way to get your concern addressed.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: kryptqnick on June 17, 2023, 02:59:53 PM
Op, you have an honourable mission there, as helping people avoid negative feelings and fakes is very important in contemporary world, in any topic area. I think a mistake people often make when dismantling someone's false opinions is being too emotional about it, making a lot of ad hominem statements (about the person rather than his/her words).
As for engaging with him directly, it's worth noting that it's much harder to change someone's opinion than people usually think because people hold on to their beliefs a lot. If he doesn't want to be open, there's nothing you can do. But you can help others listen less to him by making strong factual statements.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: PX-Z on June 17, 2023, 03:12:45 PM
That's a good initiative but i don't think there's something you can do about the negativity he is saying especially to a someone like him who is persistent of telling misinformation. Just accept the fact there are always haters and they are just insignificant numbers compare to the achievement Bitcoin reach in the past 5 years.

Just continue what you are doing, well, most people here to educate people, and stop debating to closed-minded people who always hates.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: vv181 on June 17, 2023, 03:12:51 PM
What can I do? Is there anything legal step someone can take, any foundation working on such issue? Or how can I invite him for a debate? I can simply put him on ignore but I'm also concerned about people getting wrong message. That's why I'm thinking something different.

Whoa, don't you think that is too far? if you meant you want to suppress him on a legal basis, I rather think it too much. Especially for a thing like Bitcoin which specifically does not have any legal entity. Note Craig Wright, who spread outright lies that are still going on and rather sue or pressure Bitcoin developers.

Inviting him to a debate won't do much if he has his own motive to decimate Bitcoin. You either fight them with factual counter-arguments or try to see whether Quora has a policy in regard to incorrect information.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: Asuspawer09 on June 17, 2023, 03:34:56 PM
I'm an active participant in quora. Mostly I'm engaged in cryptocurrency discussion in Bengali. My purpose is simply to fight against FUD, misinformation. I have been doing this actively for long time now. I have engaged in debates in quora.

For the last few years, I'm trying to have a debate about Bitcoin with Mohammad Ghoni who was a Professor in a private university of Bangladesh. He claims himself as a economic analyst.

However, his negativity against Bitcoin is totally stupid. In fact, it seems he is biased when talking about Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency. He talks nonsense as if he doesn't know anything about Bitcoin. He is spreading wrong information about Bitcoin in quora. It's simple, when you don't know anything perfectly and you want to talk about that, you will only generate some stupid text.

I tried to engage with him in his responses. I'm ready to have a debate with him. The problem is he doesn't reply when someone wants to talk against his stupid opinion. He simply put answer on quora and then leave. I have replied in many of his answer in quora but never got a reply.
Now, I'm getting more concerned because he is spreading negativity in most of the questions. What can I do? Is there anything legal step someone can take, any foundation working on such issue? Or how can I invite him for a debate? I can simply put him on ignore but I'm also concerned about people getting wrong message. That's why I'm thinking something different.

There are surely a lot of people who hates Bitcoin and that could really make sense, a lot of rich people hate cryptocurrency just because of its risk, and compared to other investment its probably the worst. Plus we don't really have assurance on this kind of investment cryptocurrency is still a new thing even at this point there are still a lot of people who don't know Bitcoin or cryptocurrency. Compared to the stock market which is a stock of a company it actually just a share but it is a company on Bitcoin your just buying some sort of digital currency.

So investing in cryptocurrency will always have FUD bitcoin it doesnt have any support even from the government. The best thing to do is just ignore him I mean you could teach Bitcoin to your friends, family, or other people, just let him do his thing and you do your thing as well. The investors will be the ones to decide if he/she is going to invest in it, He cant really stop bitcoin from adaptation for sure in the coming years Bitcoin and cryptocurrency will be a lot more popular.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: Little Mouse on June 17, 2023, 03:43:43 PM
There are a lot of so-called experts who either have some personal agendas or work for someone whose goal is to create public change about someone or something. Such people can only be fought with hard facts, but not in a way that we think that they will change their minds, but that others see how wrong they are, and if we succeed, then no one will take such people seriously.
Well, sometimes I feel like he is working with an agenda. In most of his replies, he always tries to spread negativity and because he wants to spread it for someone. Maybe for govt. Maybe he is secretly working for the government. I don't know but I got this feeling every time I read his responses.

You can try to report his posts as content that is inaccurate/misleading, and as far as I can see Quora has a report system. I'm not familiar with how their system works, but if you're going to do something about it, then you better try to go in the direction of making it impossible for him to do what he's doing.
I'm really not sure how Quora report works. The problem is he is putting his opinion although they are wrong. I don't think Quora is going to take them down. Besides, he has grown a huge amount of followers there and the upvote he gets for his nonsense is huge. I don't think Quora will take down answers which have got the most upvotes. The only way is to jump with a group of people and downvote all of his nonsense lol. I even tried that but the number of downvotes is way below than upvotes he got.

Inviting him to a debate won't do much if he has his own motive to decimate Bitcoin.
Well, if there was a debate where he wouldn't leave the table without responding to my points, I'm sure he would get nothing to say. But that's not going to work. Well, I'm in touch with Mostofa Tanim (writer of the ever-first cryptocurrency and Bitcoin book). He used to arrange online seminars and invite a few other writers. I have proposed him to invite Mohammad Ghoni or the nonsense producer to talk about Bitcoin. Let's see what happens.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: bittraffic on June 17, 2023, 03:44:08 PM
I'm an active participant in quora. Mostly I'm engaged in cryptocurrency discussion in Bengali. My purpose is simply to fight against FUD, misinformation. I have been doing this actively for long time now. I have engaged in debates in quora.

For the last few years, I'm trying to have a debate about Bitcoin with Mohammad Ghoni who was a Professor in a private university of Bangladesh. He claims himself as a economic analyst.

However, his negativity against Bitcoin is totally stupid. In fact, it seems he is biased when talking about Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency. He talks nonsense as if he doesn't know anything about Bitcoin. He is spreading wrong information about Bitcoin in quora. It's simple, when you don't know anything perfectly and you want to talk about that, you will only generate some stupid text.

I tried to engage with him in his responses. I'm ready to have a debate with him. The problem is he doesn't reply when someone wants to talk against his stupid opinion. He simply put answer on quora and then leave. I have replied in many of his answer in quora but never got a reply.
Now, I'm getting more concerned because he is spreading negativity in most of the questions. What can I do? Is there anything legal step someone can take, any foundation working on such issue? Or how can I invite him for a debate? I can simply put him on ignore but I'm also concerned about people getting wrong message. That's why I'm thinking something different.

There are surely a lot of people who hates Bitcoin and that could really make sense, a lot of rich people hate cryptocurrency just because of its risk, and compared to other investment its probably the worst. Plus we don't really have assurance on this kind of investment cryptocurrency is still a new thing even at this point there are still a lot of people who don't know Bitcoin or cryptocurrency. Compared to the stock market which is a stock of a company it actually just a share but it is a company on Bitcoin your just buying some sort of digital currency.

So investing in cryptocurrency will always have FUD bitcoin it doesnt have any support even from the government. The best thing to do is just ignore him I mean you could teach Bitcoin to your friends, family, or other people, just let him do his thing and you do your thing as well. The investors will be the ones to decide if he/she is going to invest in it, He cant really stop bitcoin from adaptation for sure in the coming years Bitcoin and cryptocurrency will be a lot more popular.

You can't argue with everyone on the internet because they are saying something wrong about BTC and the market. Those who spread Fud do have agenda of their own, if they are doing it then it could be that they want investors to sell for them to buy more or they simply hate the other project. Both happen all the time but the fud these days are often involved by certain well-known names in finance and some are government officials.

Its a never-ending cycle of fud but the ones that always emerge every time halving is nearer is about Satoshi conspiracy theories.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: isaac_clarke22 on June 17, 2023, 04:00:35 PM
I tried to engage with him in his responses. I'm ready to have a debate with him. The problem is he doesn't reply when someone wants to talk against his stupid opinion. He simply put answer on quora and then leave. I have replied in many of his answer in quora but never got a reply.
Now, I'm getting more concerned because he is spreading negativity in most of the questions. What can I do? Is there anything legal step someone can take, any foundation working on such issue? Or how can I invite him for a debate? I can simply put him on ignore but I'm also concerned about people getting wrong message. That's why I'm thinking something different.
Oh Quora, I see a lot of terrible answers there and I am not surprised that you're encountering such stupid answers there. Even outside crypto, you'll see plenty of stupid answers there and anyone could just put titles into their names anyway in there.

We cannot control how other individual thinks anyway. Don't worry about people getting the "wrong message". If they're really intellectual, they wouldn't just rely on a single source. We got Reddit, this forum, and even Youtube (even though I hate many crypto Youtubers).

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: Wexnident on June 17, 2023, 04:05:20 PM
Well, you can try reaching out to the university he "says" he's part of. That's probably the most straightforward way you can to get hold of him, and to try and make him come forward and talk about the issue face to face. It should technically be taken notice of since it is an "educating" type of thing. It is private though so things might just go the other way around than I expect. As for it being legal, ehh Idk, I don't think it warrants enough grounds to be taken as one.

If you want to stay within quora bounds, correct him on every thread he tries to answer to. Though that honestly isn't gonna get so far imo. But hey, if you're dedicated to trying to correct him but within those bounds, that's probably your best bet.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: Wakate on June 17, 2023, 04:26:41 PM
Fighting fud is one of the challenges we face in the crypto market since there are so many person in the crypto space that would want the market to keep falling so that they can make money money from other people's misfortune. If we want to fight fud, it's a good approach and it could limit the strength of the fud in the market reducing the effect it could pose that cam make people to sell there holdings.

I will rather be interested to fight Bitcoin fud because Bitcoin is the major coin that control the market and if we don't do so, it might get worse than what it is now. There are people that just want to see other projects that are growing to fall down to the dip because they don't like competitors in the market.

There head been so many fud in the market and we have seen so many effects of them making a whole cryptocurrency project that is doing well to fall drastically making investors to sell there holdings because they are afraid of losing there money in the market. Fud can be very severe if the team do not look for ways to convince investors of not selling there holdings.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: Renampun on June 17, 2023, 04:45:06 PM
I'm an active participant in quora. Mostly I'm engaged in cryptocurrency discussion in Bengali. My purpose is simply to fight against FUD, misinformation. I have been doing this actively for long time now. I have engaged in debates in quora.

For the last few years, I'm trying to have a debate about Bitcoin with Mohammad Ghoni who was a Professor in a private university of Bangladesh. He claims himself as a economic analyst.

However, his negativity against Bitcoin is totally stupid. In fact, it seems he is biased when talking about Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency. He talks nonsense as if he doesn't know anything about Bitcoin. He is spreading wrong information about Bitcoin in quora. It's simple, when you don't know anything perfectly and you want to talk about that, you will only generate some stupid text.

I tried to engage with him in his responses. I'm ready to have a debate with him. The problem is he doesn't reply when someone wants to talk against his stupid opinion. He simply put answer on quora and then leave. I have replied in many of his answer in quora but never got a reply.
Now, I'm getting more concerned because he is spreading negativity in most of the questions. What can I do? Is there anything legal step someone can take, any foundation working on such issue? Or how can I invite him for a debate? I can simply put him on ignore but I'm also concerned about people getting wrong message. That's why I'm thinking something different.

what you did was correct, you should be able to defend your argument and still refute the various statements he gave about bitcoin. but you also can't limit the thought of him saying that bitcoin is a useless thing. it was his right to say that because we can't force someone to think the way we want them to.

my advice is that it's better if you don't think too much about what he said and stay focused on your stance. if he opens a thread and then runs away, you can also do that and open more threads than he did. you can ask questions about fiat and compare it to Bitcoin or various other things.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: Agbe on June 17, 2023, 04:52:54 PM
I don't even know the Quora is a platform that people can discuss things. I always received theirs message in email box. And sometimes I saw their news headlines on some of the browsers. FUD is one of the biggest challenge bitcoinners face in the world. Op you don't have to challenge him for a debate. You him the truth and he refuses the truth about it then leave and because you have done your own part. Even you engaged him in a long debate he will not still listen to you because he has already condemned bitcoin in his heart. So whatever you tell him is out of point. I thank God that he is a learned person. Just recommend some articles, materials for him to consult about bitcoin. Only him can't stop bitcoin. Not all economist are economist, some are government sponsored so they don't see anything good from cryptocurrency even that though they are seeing the good work of cryptocurrency they will still against it. Don't fight for bitcoin but bitcoin is capable of fight for himself. The price of bitcoin will shock every fud. And the longitude of bitcoin will also surprise the enemy of bitcoin.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: Bobrox on June 17, 2023, 05:06:18 PM
I don't have ideas how to fight FUD about Bitcoin, they are whales and has back up with bigger countries make them easy for making FUD and Bitcoin price dropped drastically. But keep holding and trust Bitcoin is the best investment at the future as my way keep fight with FUD although still impossible have bigger impact for fight them. Need the put some expert and support with Bitcoin at important position in some countries parliament, its can help and support for them help Bitcoin and against with FUD coming every time.

Change first at parliament actually in United State as the most country always made FUD about bitcoin, I think when important position filled by some one who love bitcoin there are not any FUD anymore in the future.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: adzino on June 17, 2023, 05:11:24 PM
Some people just talk bullshit without understanding anything just for some attention. Maybe that "professor" you are talking about is one of those persons. If you can't reach to him, why not take it public and challenge his claims? If he is a well known professor, he will feel pressured to respond to you because of his reputation. Maybe write a column or an article and get it published? Quote whatever he says and refute and show why he is wrong using facts and other well known resources. This will also help you create awareness among other people too, while making people doubt about the claims that the "professor" makes.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: michellee on June 17, 2023, 05:29:31 PM
I wouldn't argue with him if I were you because it would just waste your precious time. Just let him be with his stupidity because I'm sure he won't open his mind and eyes to the truth of Bitcoin.

Maybe you need to make the right information about Bitcoin and see what the response is. If he comes to you with all his stupidity, you just serve him enough and let him say all sorts of things about Bitcoin. He will surely tire himself and will look for someone else who is willing to respond.

Let it be if there is someone like him. They are indeed tasked with spreading lies like that to the public. After all, today's users are getting smarter and won't easily believe what other people say. There will be people who will argue with him, but make sure it's not you. Let other people argue with him.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: virasog on June 17, 2023, 06:13:40 PM
I'm an active participant in quora. Mostly I'm engaged in cryptocurrency discussion in Bengali. My purpose is simply to fight against FUD, misinformation. I have been doing this actively for long time now. I have engaged in debates in quora.

For the last few years, I'm trying to have a debate about Bitcoin with Mohammad Ghoni who was a Professor in a private university of Bangladesh. He claims himself as a economic analyst.

However, his negativity against Bitcoin is totally stupid. In fact, it seems he is biased when talking about Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency. He talks nonsense as if he doesn't know anything about Bitcoin. He is spreading wrong information about Bitcoin in quora. It's simple, when you don't know anything perfectly and you want to talk about that, you will only generate some stupid text.

I tried to engage with him in his responses. I'm ready to have a debate with him. The problem is he doesn't reply when someone wants to talk against his stupid opinion. He simply put answer on quora and then leave. I have replied in many of his answer in quora but never got a reply.
Now, I'm getting more concerned because he is spreading negativity in most of the questions. What can I do? Is there anything legal step someone can take, any foundation working on such issue? Or how can I invite him for a debate? I can simply put him on ignore but I'm also concerned about people getting wrong message. That's why I'm thinking something different.

Do you know that if a person does not have answers to your questions, it means his point of view is not strong and he is unable to answer our queries and defend his point of view?

Since you are talking about a public forum Quora, where he puts the question/comment in a negative manner about Bitcoin, and in return you post the logical answer to that comment to which he has no words to reply. Now let the people decide who has the right point of view. They will read his comments and your comments and people will judge who is creating the fud and who is talking about the reality.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: tjtonmoy on June 17, 2023, 06:40:59 PM
I think leaving the comment with correct information is the best action to do in this situation. When you are presented with wrong and right information, if people are smart enough, they will try to verify the both info and take the right side based on which one is correct to them. There's not much you can do if he is not communicating. You can not force him to join in a conversation or debate. Also, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are banned in Bangladesh. Taking any legal action will only lead to more trouble and as far as I know, the Government will accuse you in the end.

So keep doing what you are doing and spread the right information. As I said, if people are smart enough, they will figure this out on their own. Haters will say many things, but they can never surpass the success. Take my word, if Bitcoin ever become legal in Bangladesh, he will be there spreading the right info and will be encouraging people to take a part in it. This is just how it works. So, do what you feel right.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: Zaguru12 on June 17, 2023, 06:55:35 PM
Now, I'm getting more concerned because he is spreading negativity in most of the questions. What can I do? Is there anything legal step someone can take, any foundation working on such issue? Or how can I invite him for a debate? I can simply put him on ignore but I'm also concerned about people getting wrong message. That's why I'm thinking something different.

People that spread misinformation or stereotypes about certain things are actually wise that they don’t engage people who counter there arguments because it will create an audience and since they know they are spreading misinformation they wouldn’t last in the discussion/argument so they simply ignore you to save there face.
My advice will be since there is no legal on this basis yet because everyone is entitled to there opinion so you can’t sue him for that I would say you shouldn’t ignore him so that you will see all his replies or answers and once you find a misinformation you address that under his reply. I think many will see you post or you will Atleast Avert even if it is small the misinformation. And if he gets tired by your attack he might want an open discussion then

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: ajiz138 on June 17, 2023, 07:02:11 PM
I'm not a Quora user, I mean haven't been on this platform in a while so I don't know if there's a discussion about bitcoin there maybe someone else is discussing it there.

But with the above, I will just ignore it because if you argue with someone who doesn't know anything (aka stupid) it will be a waste of time, even though he has spread lies about bitcoin and another crypto, then just deny it because you think he won't reply again, people who don't understand them will only spread bad things because they don't like bitcoin so there will be a lot of opposition every time he finds the bad news.

I don't think you should worry about them because for me they won't read news from just one source, maybe some other news sources should also be read.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: teosanru on June 17, 2023, 07:31:54 PM
I'm an active participant in quora. Mostly I'm engaged in cryptocurrency discussion in Bengali. My purpose is simply to fight against FUD, misinformation. I have been doing this actively for long time now. I have engaged in debates in quora.

For the last few years, I'm trying to have a debate about Bitcoin with Mohammad Ghoni who was a Professor in a private university of Bangladesh. He claims himself as a economic analyst.

However, his negativity against Bitcoin is totally stupid. In fact, it seems he is biased when talking about Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency. He talks nonsense as if he doesn't know anything about Bitcoin. He is spreading wrong information about Bitcoin in quora. It's simple, when you don't know anything perfectly and you want to talk about that, you will only generate some stupid text.

I tried to engage with him in his responses. I'm ready to have a debate with him. The problem is he doesn't reply when someone wants to talk against his stupid opinion. He simply put answer on quora and then leave. I have replied in many of his answer in quora but never got a reply.
Now, I'm getting more concerned because he is spreading negativity in most of the questions. What can I do? Is there anything legal step someone can take, any foundation working on such issue? Or how can I invite him for a debate? I can simply put him on ignore but I'm also concerned about people getting wrong message. That's why I'm thinking something different.
You can't do anything. If he is spreading misinformation on the technicalities of bitcoin, i think reporting it to Quora itself might help. But if he is just talking about consequences of using it then obviously you can't do anything. This is what we call freedom of speech after all, if someone is advocating one specific opinion and is in no case ready to listen to anyone, he has the right to do so, you can't say that this is wrong or anything, and neither can you do anything legally, especially in favor of bitcoin in countries like India or Bangladesh ( assuming from Bengali dialect)

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: summonerrk on June 17, 2023, 07:35:35 PM
I'm an active participant in quora. Mostly I'm engaged in cryptocurrency discussion in Bengali. My purpose is simply to fight against FUD, misinformation. I have been doing this actively for long time now. I have engaged in debates in quora.

For the last few years, I'm trying to have a debate about Bitcoin with Mohammad Ghoni who was a Professor in a private university of Bangladesh. He claims himself as a economic analyst.

However, his negativity against Bitcoin is totally stupid. In fact, it seems he is biased when talking about Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency. He talks nonsense as if he doesn't know anything about Bitcoin. He is spreading wrong information about Bitcoin in quora. It's simple, when you don't know anything perfectly and you want to talk about that, you will only generate some stupid text.

I tried to engage with him in his responses. I'm ready to have a debate with him. The problem is he doesn't reply when someone wants to talk against his stupid opinion. He simply put answer on quora and then leave. I have replied in many of his answer in quora but never got a reply.
Now, I'm getting more concerned because he is spreading negativity in most of the questions. What can I do? Is there anything legal step someone can take, any foundation working on such issue? Or how can I invite him for a debate? I can simply put him on ignore but I'm also concerned about people getting wrong message. That's why I'm thinking something different.

If I understand you correctly, then you can make an open challenge to this opponent's debate on social networks. He will be obliged to answer, but judging by his behavior, he is unlikely to do so.

The problem with any dispute is that if there are only two people in it and there are no those who are watching from the outside, then the truth will not be achieved in such a dispute. The thing is that we need observers from the outside. After all, if the debater who evades answers, turns to emotions, personalities, or starts arguing about tastes (it's useless to argue about them since it's individual) will always try to get away from the truth. And if there are outside observers, they will be able to protest his actions as not leading to the resolution of the dispute.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: Ojima-ojo on June 17, 2023, 08:04:04 PM
All you need to do is to ignore the professor and let him believe whatever he wants to and spread the fud about Bitcoin of course he is making Bitcoin more popular through his negativities and funds this is likely the case of poor ignorant on the part of the economy who thought that his traditional economic model is the only provable model that can provide success for economic situations.

But ignoring debates as a professor shows how weak the individual is, and more reason why you should ignore him

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on June 17, 2023, 08:15:01 PM
Why not say a big "fuck you" to him? It's just like Warren Buffett, who says that "Bitcoin is stupid because it can go to zero value." If I were you, I wouldn't bother myself to prove any point to someone who thinks that my points are worthless just because they have some skepticism about Bitcoin. I know your worry is that people listening to him will be misleading, yea, but at least in the mist of 100 people, not really every one of them would be able to follow his misleading ideas about Bitcoin. People still have a choice; it's not as if he's trying to force them to believe in whatever he says. I would suggest it's better you just ignore him.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: DoublerHunter on June 17, 2023, 08:28:54 PM
Why not say a big "fuck you" to him? It's just like Warren Buffett, who says that "Bitcoin is stupid because it can go to zero value." If I were you, I wouldn't bother myself to prove any point to someone who thinks that my points are worthless just because they have some skepticism about Bitcoin. I know your worry is that people listening to him will be misleading, yea, but at least in the mist of 100 people, not really every one of them would be able to follow his misleading ideas about Bitcoin. People still have a choice; it's not as if he's trying to force them to believe in whatever he says. I would suggest it's better you just ignore him.
^Definitely right and I agree, I will not force anyone who did not believe in BTC but instead, I let them witness the benefits that I got by using this technology. My advice on how to avoid FUD is to verify information from credible sources before accepting or sharing it. Differentiate between legitimate concerns and baseless FUD by analyzing arguments critically and there should be verifiable evidence.
Because for me, you cannot win this way, the professor will also defend his belief towards BTC and most of they give advice is to ignore the professor because even Satoshi did not force us to believe in him.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: Tony116 on June 17, 2023, 08:43:50 PM
Why not say a big "fuck you" to him? It's just like Warren Buffett, who says that "Bitcoin is stupid because it can go to zero value." If I were you, I wouldn't bother myself to prove any point to someone who thinks that my points are worthless just because they have some skepticism about Bitcoin. I know your worry is that people listening to him will be misleading, yea, but at least in the mist of 100 people, not really every one of them would be able to follow his misleading ideas about Bitcoin. People still have a choice; it's not as if he's trying to force them to believe in whatever he says. I would suggest it's better you just ignore him.
^Definitely right and I agree, I will not force anyone who did not believe in BTC but instead, I let them witness the benefits that I got by using this technology. My advice on how to avoid FUD is to verify information from credible sources before accepting or sharing it. Differentiate between legitimate concerns and baseless FUD by analyzing arguments critically and there should be verifiable evidence.
Because for me, you cannot win this way, the professor will also defend his belief towards BTC and most of they give advice is to ignore the professor because even Satoshi did not force us to believe in him.

By focusing on your own experiences to demonstrate the benefits of Bitcoin, you're taking a sensible approach. It is possible to influence others' perceptions by demonstrating practical applications and positive outcomes. To avoid FUD, it is essential to verify information from credible sources. Yes, with critical analysis of arguments, seeking verifiable evidence, and consulting reputable sources are all valuable practices to determine the legitimacy of the information.

At the end of the day, everyone is free to form their own opinions, and yes, Satoshi Nakamoto didn't intend to force anyone to believe in Bitcoin. By presenting the technology and its potential benefits, it enables a wider audience to make informed decisions.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: nurilham on June 17, 2023, 09:16:34 PM
I tried to engage with him in his responses. I'm ready to have a debate with him. The problem is he doesn't reply when someone wants to talk against his stupid opinion. He simply put answer on quora and then leave. I have replied in many of his answer in quora but never got a reply.
Now, I'm getting more concerned because he is spreading negativity in most of the questions. What can I do? Is there anything legal step someone can take, any foundation working on such issue? Or how can I invite him for a debate?
You live in Bangladesh, right?
Considering the status of crypto is illegal there, I think you have done your best to fight the FUDs. I doubt you can do something more serious to him since the government probably supports him. The government already stated that utilizing crypto is a crime and can be jailed. So, it is simply a big obstacle to do anything against crypto FUDs in your country.

If this case is happening in my country, we can sue people like Mohammad Ghoni. We can accuse he is spreading fake or misleading information, it can be subject to legal penalties. But it is possible in my country because crypto investment is legal here. Everything can be easier if the government supports crypto, it is difficult when the government bans it.


Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on June 17, 2023, 09:19:23 PM
My advice on how to avoid FUD is to verify information from credible sources before accepting or sharing it. Differentiate between legitimate concerns and baseless FUD by analyzing arguments critically and there should be verifiable evidence.

To avoid FUD, it is essential to verify information from credible sources. Yes, with critical analysis of arguments, seeking verifiable evidence, and consulting reputable sources are all valuable practices to determine the legitimacy of the information.

At the end of the day, everyone is free to form their own opinions,

Yeah, very correct. That was why I said if the professor gives his misconceptive ideas to about 100 people, not everyone will just rely on the information they get from someone, unless they are too lazy to do the research themselves.

Let's take this scenario: For example, I am a crypto newbie and I met the professor whom little mouse is talking about, and after listening to his bad ideas about Bitcoin, I decided to do some research myself and decided to ask the search engine this question.

"Is it safe to invest in Bitcoin?" See the result I got below.

I dug a bit deep into the first results I got from my search, and it was really narrative to convince someone to make their final decision either to buy Bitcoin or not. So, I can just say that if people don't only rely on spoon-fed information, they will not be misled. But what happens to some people is that they allow someone to mislead them because of the person's position in society or the level of that person's academic degree(it's wrong to do so).

Cheers 🥂, Dr.Bitcoin_Strange 👺👺

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: BitDane on June 17, 2023, 09:51:43 PM

He will pull you down to his domain and beat you to it.  You will only get frustrated, see how he leave a comment and ignore your answer.  I know you are concern about people being mislead but you already put your answer and rebuttal to those misleading answers. Besides people have their own minds and decision so let them weight the information.  If these people really wanted the correct information, they will do their own research and by the time they had proven that you are correct, they will ignore the guy who spread misinformation.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: The Cryptovator on June 17, 2023, 09:56:11 PM
In this scenario, it's best to address their arguments directly within the thread. Even if you were to engage in private conversation, it's unlikely that they would be swayed. It's more effective to present your counterpoints with accurate information in the public forum. By doing so, the general audience will be able to witness their misguided views regarding Bitcoin and hopefully recognize the fallacies. It's important to note that there are numerous individuals who actively propagate negativity and misinformation about Bitcoin. Engaging in the thread is an effective strategy to counter their claims and provide accurate information, thus debunking their falsehoods.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: TimeTeller on June 17, 2023, 09:59:53 PM
In this scenario, it's best to address their arguments directly within the thread. Even if you were to engage in private conversation, it's unlikely that they would be swayed. It's more effective to present your counterpoints with accurate information in the public forum. By doing so, the general audience will be able to witness their misguided views regarding Bitcoin and hopefully recognize the fallacies. It's important to note that there are numerous individuals who actively propagate negativity and misinformation about Bitcoin. Engaging in the thread is an effective strategy to counter their claims and provide accurate information, thus debunking their falsehoods.

However, the OP said that the person is not replying on his arguments.
In this case, what he can do, is just continue what he is doing, educate the people by giving the facts about this market and bitcoin itself.
I don't think any legal step would do good here, because as time goes by, these people will also realize which is fud or not.
Because once they try to get involve in this market, they will learn the facts. But for those who are not, they will remain in the dark.
And with today's technology, everyone can basically search something over the internet, so it is not too hard to educate yourself for anything.
The OP should not be too worried about other people believing the FUD, because they will also come to their senses on their own time.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: on June 17, 2023, 10:05:57 PM
I'm an active participant in quora. Mostly I'm engaged in cryptocurrency discussion in Bengali. My purpose is simply to fight against FUD, misinformation. I have been doing this actively for long time now. I have engaged in debates in quora.

For the last few years, I'm trying to have a debate about Bitcoin with Mohammad Ghoni who was a Professor in a private university of Bangladesh. He claims himself as a economic analyst.

However, his negativity against Bitcoin is totally stupid. In fact, it seems he is biased when talking about Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency. He talks nonsense as if he doesn't know anything about Bitcoin. He is spreading wrong information about Bitcoin in quora. It's simple, when you don't know anything perfectly and you want to talk about that, you will only generate some stupid text.

I tried to engage with him in his responses. I'm ready to have a debate with him. The problem is he doesn't reply when someone wants to talk against his stupid opinion. He simply put answer on quora and then leave. I have replied in many of his answer in quora but never got a reply.
Now, I'm getting more concerned because he is spreading negativity in most of the questions. What can I do? Is there anything legal step someone can take, any foundation working on such issue? Or how can I invite him for a debate? I can simply put him on ignore but I'm also concerned about people getting wrong message. That's why I'm thinking something different.

Best thing you could do is ignore. If everybody would ignore his comments he'd just stop posting them. Reposting FUD articles and news is just feeding the trolls and amplifying the panic. Don't reply or repost and they will go away.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: Asuspawer09 on June 17, 2023, 10:38:34 PM
I'm an active participant in quora. Mostly I'm engaged in cryptocurrency discussion in Bengali. My purpose is simply to fight against FUD, misinformation. I have been doing this actively for long time now. I have engaged in debates in quora.

For the last few years, I'm trying to have a debate about Bitcoin with Mohammad Ghoni who was a Professor in a private university of Bangladesh. He claims himself as a economic analyst.

However, his negativity against Bitcoin is totally stupid. In fact, it seems he is biased when talking about Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency. He talks nonsense as if he doesn't know anything about Bitcoin. He is spreading wrong information about Bitcoin in quora. It's simple, when you don't know anything perfectly and you want to talk about that, you will only generate some stupid text.

I tried to engage with him in his responses. I'm ready to have a debate with him. The problem is he doesn't reply when someone wants to talk against his stupid opinion. He simply put answer on quora and then leave. I have replied in many of his answer in quora but never got a reply.
Now, I'm getting more concerned because he is spreading negativity in most of the questions. What can I do? Is there anything legal step someone can take, any foundation working on such issue? Or how can I invite him for a debate? I can simply put him on ignore but I'm also concerned about people getting wrong message. That's why I'm thinking something different.

There are surely a lot of people who hates Bitcoin and that could really make sense, a lot of rich people hate cryptocurrency just because of its risk, and compared to other investment its probably the worst. Plus we don't really have assurance on this kind of investment cryptocurrency is still a new thing even at this point there are still a lot of people who don't know Bitcoin or cryptocurrency. Compared to the stock market which is a stock of a company it actually just a share but it is a company on Bitcoin your just buying some sort of digital currency.

So investing in cryptocurrency will always have FUD bitcoin it doesnt have any support even from the government. The best thing to do is just ignore him I mean you could teach Bitcoin to your friends, family, or other people, just let him do his thing and you do your thing as well. The investors will be the ones to decide if he/she is going to invest in it, He cant really stop bitcoin from adaptation for sure in the coming years Bitcoin and cryptocurrency will be a lot more popular.

You can't argue with everyone on the internet because they are saying something wrong about BTC and the market. Those who spread Fud do have agenda of their own, if they are doing it then it could be that they want investors to sell for them to buy more or they simply hate the other project. Both happen all the time but the fud these days are often involved by certain well-known names in finance and some are government officials.

Its a never-ending cycle of fud but the ones that always emerge every time halving is nearer is about Satoshi conspiracy theories.

I agree with that, there is always someone that is going to say that something is wrong about Bitcoin or just a complete hater of Bitcoin, There are surely people who spread FUD probably for manipulation of the market as well, its possible that they want to get an opportunity to enter the market for a much lower price so they create FUD articles news of different websites.

Even though there is a lot of FUD out there the market was still able to reach around 70k$ last bull run so most of the FUD doesnt really matter and is probably already a normal thing that happened a lot, what's important is we don't get manipulated since it still depends on us if we are going to sell because of certain news, I mean I still hold my Bitcoin and I just ignore most of the news, post, articles what so ever, because if you let your emotion and get fear because of the market drop that is when you lose money.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: carlfebz2 on June 17, 2023, 10:42:07 PM
I'm an active participant in quora. Mostly I'm engaged in cryptocurrency discussion in Bengali. My purpose is simply to fight against FUD, misinformation. I have been doing this actively for long time now. I have engaged in debates in quora.

For the last few years, I'm trying to have a debate about Bitcoin with Mohammad Ghoni who was a Professor in a private university of Bangladesh. He claims himself as a economic analyst.

However, his negativity against Bitcoin is totally stupid. In fact, it seems he is biased when talking about Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency. He talks nonsense as if he doesn't know anything about Bitcoin. He is spreading wrong information about Bitcoin in quora. It's simple, when you don't know anything perfectly and you want to talk about that, you will only generate some stupid text.

I tried to engage with him in his responses. I'm ready to have a debate with him. The problem is he doesn't reply when someone wants to talk against his stupid opinion. He simply put answer on quora and then leave. I have replied in many of his answer in quora but never got a reply.
Now, I'm getting more concerned because he is spreading negativity in most of the questions. What can I do? Is there anything legal step someone can take, any foundation working on such issue? Or how can I invite him for a debate? I can simply put him on ignore but I'm also concerned about people getting wrong message. That's why I'm thinking something different.

Best thing you could do is ignore. If everybody would ignore his comments he'd just stop posting them. Reposting FUD articles and news is just feeding the trolls and amplifying the panic. Don't reply or repost and they will go away.
But there are really moments on which you cant really just resist on not to say about the truth or would really be making out some debate just because the things that they've been saying is actually wrong and not true on which for us who do have the knowledge and mainly been supporting and recognizing it would really be having that normal reaction basing up on what you have heard or read up but i do agree into this kind of suggestion on which simply ignoring out these things.

You do know that it isnt true and the best way to counter or make out some steps at least is to report any of those false things been scattered out. It cant really be just avoided that there would really be
haters and criticisms towards Bitcoin or crypto as a whole. This is something that cant really be removed out and its just sad that to those newbies or zero knowledge people would easily believe out
but well self realizations would be made later on.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: romero121 on June 17, 2023, 11:59:35 PM
FUD often rolls out. Whenever such thing happens all that can be done is to have patience. Not everyone have got this ability. Till date bitcoin have died endless times, so it is the difference of thoughts between the users. Same as this we can see people having positive as well as negative thoughts over bitcoin. It is all about the mind to take the good and leave the rest.

Now people have got better understanding than the past. Earlier it used to be very simple and whale have fun creating FUD. Media too enjoy it as they don't have much of information relative to bitcoin. Now things have changed and people follow the real market than getting into the traps.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: Popkon6 on June 18, 2023, 12:36:34 AM
Actually what I think is correct to me he wants to argue with you of course bitcoin is pure here @Op you can argue with him no doubt. Because you know about Bitcoin so trust yourself and keep fighting. The problem is if Bitcoin was legal in our country then legal action could have been taken against the professor. But in this one place we are in question with the law because of which I cannot give any legal advice. Domestically he should be reasonably advised so that no positive information about Bitcoin reaches the public. So stick with the way you argue, I can't give any advice on the law.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: Darker45 on June 18, 2023, 01:36:44 AM
To me, it's enough that you disprove his claims. As a matter of fact, it is his loss if after responding to him and refuting his statements he doesn't care to respond anymore. If you give him a solid rebuttal, then who cares if he won't reply? Many might even think he's already lost the argument.

At the end of the day, the facts remain. While it is hard to pit your words against the words of a university professor, the facts won't change at all. Sooner or later, the truth will prevail. Those who make an effort to verify both of your claims will confirm that you are right.

However, if the discussion is subjective, I'm afraid you'll just have to put up a more convincing opinion. I wonder what specifically your topics are.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: Not your key not your BTC on June 18, 2023, 02:20:36 AM
My purpose is simply to fight against FUD, misinformation. I have been doing this actively for long time now. I have engaged in debates in quora.

you just waste time.

you don't get paid there, Why?

we must live with money-oriented, dude.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: LittleBitFunny on June 18, 2023, 03:11:54 AM
I'm an active participant in quora. Mostly I'm engaged in cryptocurrency discussion in Bengali. My purpose is simply to fight against FUD, misinformation. I have been doing this actively for long time now. I have engaged in debates in quora.

For the last few years, I'm trying to have a debate about Bitcoin with Mohammad Ghoni who was a Professor in a private university of Bangladesh. He claims himself as a economic analyst.

However, his negativity against Bitcoin is totally stupid. In fact, it seems he is biased when talking about Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency. He talks nonsense as if he doesn't know anything about Bitcoin. He is spreading wrong information about Bitcoin in quora. It's simple, when you don't know anything perfectly and you want to talk about that, you will only generate some stupid text.

I tried to engage with him in his responses. I'm ready to have a debate with him. The problem is he doesn't reply when someone wants to talk against his stupid opinion. He simply put answer on quora and then leave. I have replied in many of his answer in quora but never got a reply.
Now, I'm getting more concerned because he is spreading negativity in most of the questions. What can I do? Is there anything legal step someone can take, any foundation working on such issue? Or how can I invite him for a debate? I can simply put him on ignore but I'm also concerned about people getting wrong message. That's why I'm thinking something different.

Best thing you could do is ignore. If everybody would ignore his comments he'd just stop posting them. Reposting FUD articles and news is just feeding the trolls and amplifying the panic. Don't reply or repost and they will go away.

Totally agree, the OP's constant reply to those comments only makes them stand out even more and will help the creators of Fuds achieve their goals. I also think like you, when we come across comments or people spreading misinformation, it's best to ignore them. Because the more we care and respond, the more we inadvertently help them make their comments stand out and hit the front page. Conversely, when no one cares about them, they automatically disappear.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: GreatArkansas on June 18, 2023, 03:29:14 AM
Best thing you could do is ignore. If everybody would ignore his comments he'd just stop posting them. Reposting FUD articles and news is just feeding the trolls and amplifying the panic. Don't reply or repost and they will go away.
Sometimes you can't ignore these things because some people are really obvious that what they are doing is extremely FUD, some Bitcoiners will fight for it and they want to help Bitcoin to gain a good reputation with people.
But ignoring is also a good here but not all people will ignore some will believe on it, so for me, it is also better to stay calm, do your own research to verify if these are true.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on June 18, 2023, 05:34:51 AM
There are a lot of people who change their minds. It's probably not the right time for your opponent to do so. A person who is always ready to say that he is right without listening to the arguments of others really looks like a fool; this was also said by Churchill. Therefore, do not argue with him; let him have his own opinion; this is his right. I do not think that Bitcoin will lose much interest from those who are not interested in it; rather, the opposite is true. Therefore, move your line; time always puts everything in its place.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: Fuso.hp on June 18, 2023, 06:15:53 AM
It sounds like he doesn't know anything about Bitcoin, he only makes ethical comments about Bitcoin. How do you argue with someone who has no idea about a particular subject. If you argue with him he will take your argument aside because you are arguing with him after knowing certain things but your opposite is arguing with you without knowing anything I think this argument is nothing but a waste of your time. Argue with such a person who knows more information than you. Despite losing that argument, I think there are lessons to be learned. Hope you forget about it

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: BitDane on June 18, 2023, 09:45:48 PM
There are a lot of people who change their minds. It's probably not the right time for your opponent to do so. A person who is always ready to say that he is right without listening to the arguments of others really looks like a fool; this was also said by Churchill. Therefore, do not argue with him; let him have his own opinion; this is his right. I do not think that Bitcoin will lose much interest from those who are not interested in it; rather, the opposite is true. Therefore, move your line; time always puts everything in its place.

I agree, besides, not all people are dumb to not verify information on the internet.  People now a day are getting smart and keen on verifying information comparing it to other sources.  So let the person spread FUD, people who are smart enough will always verify the correctness of the post.  When they find out that the post is maliciously diverting people not to believe or invest in Bitcoin, they will avoid that person like a plague. So @OP just chill and relax, there is no need to have a debate to a person that lacks basic knowledge about BTC.

Title: Re: How to fight with FUD about Bitcoin
Post by: Yatsan on June 18, 2023, 11:09:15 PM
You nay ride the wave. If you are trading, then for sure you will understand what I'm saying. FOMOs and FUDs are innevitable simply because of the large population. We don't think as one and move as one, the difference itself is the main reason. What I mean with riding the wave is making a predicrion out of those negative belief. If you're a typical investor and an FUD happen, you wouldn't want to invest at that very moment. Wait to see if there will be an impact or whether the market prices go up or down.
There are a lot of people who change their minds. It's probably not the right time for your opponent to do so. A person who is always ready to say that he is right without listening to the arguments of others really looks like a fool; this was also said by Churchill. Therefore, do not argue with him; let him have his own opinion; this is his right. I do not think that Bitcoin will lose much interest from those who are not interested in it; rather, the opposite is true. Therefore, move your line; time always puts everything in its place.

I agree, besides, not all people are dumb to not verify information on the internet.  People now a day are getting smart and keen on verifying information comparing it to other sources.  So let the person spread FUD, people who are smart enough will always verify the correctness of the post.  When they find out that the post is maliciously diverting people not to believe or invest in Bitcoin, they will avoid that person like a plague. So @OP just chill and relax, there is no need to have a debate to a person that lacks basic knowledge about BTC.
Well to most of the things, innocent ones are more prone with such ideas. But we cannot blame people who panic during these times. First of all it is their money which is at risk. Next,he just lacks knowledge therefore he should approach to other people in that field and ask for consultation such as with how OP did.