Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Broly46 on June 18, 2023, 07:35:16 AM

Title: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: Broly46 on June 18, 2023, 07:35:16 AM
what is the point of having high IQ?

it is believed that high IQ make you a better person.

it is also believed that high IQ get you more score in a test in school.

but what does it make you a person after leaving the school.

in real life, there is finited of everything resource, what does high IQ help the reality?

let me assume, when there is only 100 apple in the town, high IQ person would more likely get more of the apple, yup, high IQ help you get more apple from finited source of apple. thus make you a better breadwinner, high IQ make a better breadwinner than low IQ person.

is it economics topic? it is politics isn't it? :)
source, please?
why should I believe you?
go back to your base

let me know how do you think.

Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: Bako97 on June 18, 2023, 09:01:43 AM
what is the point of having high IQ?

it is believed that high IQ make you a better person.

it is also believed that high IQ get you more score in a test in school.

but what does it make you a person after leaving the school.

in real life, there is finited of everything resource, what does high IQ help the reality?

is it economics topic? it is politics isn't it? :)
source, please?
why should I believe you?
go back to your base

let me know how do you think.
high IQ doesn't make you a better person, it makes you a more smarter person.
In a group of people, the person with high IQ always have an edgewise over those with low IQ because of their problem solving ability.
A person with high IQ is believed to posess a "meta-cognitive awareness", they know how to detect and reuse plans, methods and strategies that they can apply to solve problems.

Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: Broly46 on June 18, 2023, 10:03:23 AM
..."meta-cognitive awareness",...

it is very unusual, after I break this terms down into individual words, I come to an understanding that:

meta = very primitive sth

cognitive = recognition ability, such as able to read text, to read a picture to tell it's name

awareness = obviously they are aware of it while most people simply ignore anything in life.

...detect and reuse plans, methods and strategies... to solve problems...

let's sum it up, isn't it what a breadwinner suppose to do? breadwinner solve the problem of the most fundamental life problems, food is ought to be the most fundamental life problems, water is also the most fundamental problems, of course, in a wasteland or in the woods, there isn't many fancy objects to play with, breadwinners should not have to solve too many things that is trivial and non criticals. Gadgets or toys or luxury is not fundamental items.

Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: MainIbem on June 18, 2023, 12:16:50 PM
This connotes that having those or an IQ's enables you to handle the affairs of life more better than an ordinary person or a layman. Having IQ also position you to qualifies into working in a good company than others who are not knowledgeable enough to handle that position of work. So IQ helps during school and after school, you are being smarter and creatives than others who aren't making any efforts in times of life as well as general innovation just as Bitcoin was introduced and established to us by Satoshi Nakamoto.

Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: Merit.s on June 18, 2023, 01:24:35 PM
what is the point of having high IQ?

it is believed that high IQ make you a better person.

it is also believed that high IQ get you more score in a test in school.

but what does it make you a person after leaving the school.

in real life, there is finited of everything resource, what does high IQ help the reality?

let me assume, when there is only 100 apple in the town, high IQ person would more likely get more of the apple, yup, high IQ help you get more apple from finited source of apple. thus make you a better breadwinner, high IQ make a better breadwinner than low IQ person.

is it economics topic? it is politics isn't it? :)
source, please?
why should I believe you?
go back to your base

let me know how do you think.
IQ is what one needs to be successful in whatever he or she is doing. In decisions making,in business,in whatever name them. People do things the other way round because they lack IQ and they end up regretting their actions. This is one of the gifts that most leaders lack that it why they decide to eat up the country's money that is in their custody and at the end they will be caught and send to jail. But initially,they thought that they are the smart ones,unknown to them that they lack IQ.

Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on June 18, 2023, 03:33:05 PM
OP, I think I understand what you are trying to express here, yeah, but high IQ in humans can be in different aspects of their career, profession, academic degree, etc. For example, someone who has a high IQ on how to run a business could expand the business by opening other branches. Also, someone can have a high IQ in academics; they can read, write, and pass their exams very well, but with such an IQ in only academics, they may not necessarily do well in other aspects of life.

Some people have a high IQ to counsel others and solving family problems, but they can't handle their own homes. Some don't have the high IQ to manage their office; they could get employed in a large private company, but due to poor performance, they can easily get sacked, even though they were people of great intelligence in the high institution. In general, high level of IQ in a career that someone chooses will grant them excellent.

OP, I know that the forum is not against individuals that write in bad English because it's not the mother tongue of most people here, but it's very important to write correctly with good punctuation because that's what makes readers easily understand the message you are trying to pass. Some people can just skip a thread after reading the first and second paragraphs, and when it doesn't make sense to them, they will just skip the topic. So, I will advise you to  work on your writing skills; it will help build you a great reputation here. You can read Advantages of engaging in quality contributions on the forum. (

Don't take it so hard on me, it's just friendly advice.

Cheers 🥂, Dr.Bitcoin_Strange 👺👺

Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: Upgrade00 on June 18, 2023, 04:46:11 PM
A higher IQ makes you more suited for complex problem solving and that's the basis of upstarts in today's world. The ability to solve a problem means you create something people are willing to pay money for and that makes you a better bread winner.

meta = very primitive sth
Meta actually means something that is progressive or beyond the current sphere, like meta-physics.

Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: bittraffic on June 18, 2023, 05:17:10 PM

OP, I think I understand what you are trying to express here, yeah, but high IQ in humans can be in different aspects of their career, profession, academic degree, etc. For example, someone who has a high IQ on how to run a business could expand the business by opening other branches. Also, someone can have a high IQ in academics; they can read, write, and pass their exams very well, but with such an IQ in only academics, they may not necessarily do well in other aspects of life.

Some people have a high IQ to counsel others and solving family problems, but they can't handle their own homes. Some don't have the high IQ to manage their office; they could get employed in a large private company, but due to poor performance, they can easily get sacked, even though they were people of great intelligence in the high institution. In general, high level of IQ in a career that someone chooses will grant them excellent.

OP, I know that the forum is not against individuals that write in bad English because it's not the mother tongue of most people here, but it's very important to write correctly with good punctuation because that's what makes readers easily understand the message you are trying to pass. Some people can just skip a thread after reading the first and second paragraphs, and when it doesn't make sense to them, they will just skip the topic. So, I will advise you to  work on your writing skills; it will help build you a great reputation here. You can read Advantages of engaging in quality contributions on the forum. (

Don't take it so hard on me, it's just friendly advice.

Cheers 🥂, Dr.Bitcoin_Strange 👺👺

Yep, I have seen my schoolmates considered to be the first section as they were full of book readers and in the year-end program, they are the kids who are valedictorians and with honors.  Academically they are good. Met them in college in the nearby city, and most of them now drink beer. Does look like it's not their first time anymore but I'm certain those kids had not tasted a beer during high school.  It's in their college days when the first time they got a life. They can explain thermodynamics, I give them that.

If a person with a high IQ uses this intelligence for good then he's a better person I suppose. If he uses his intelligence to get away with crimes he did I guess that's still good but doesn't make him a better person.

Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: Spaceman1000$ on June 18, 2023, 05:29:59 PM
Well, it is true that high INTELLIGENT QUOTIENT (IQ), helps you to excel in academics.
  It is believed that, with the high IQ you have as person, coupled with your academic excellence, you can easily Navigate your way through life struggle.
A high IQ person can easily think fast when faced with a troubled situation.
Also, in hiring personnel's for your company or business, you need high IQ individuals, who are social reformers, Idealist that can help your business grow.
So in an Ideal sense, high IQ will really help you in real time situation, even being a breadwinner, you need high IQ traits to win more bread 🍞 for your family.

Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: franky1 on June 18, 2023, 05:30:35 PM
high IQ does not make you a better person. it just makes you better at working thing out

IQ is not about being born with a skill or knowledge. its about having the better ability of finding solutions, work arounds, or even just spotting problems

idiots think that if they can call a flaw a feature that makes them smart. but they have not thought about the problem or a solution, or even a real useful function for the flaw.. so not knowing anything, they dont want to do anything about it so pretend its a feature just to stand at the sidelines pretending to be smart

however a smart person would see a problem and:
find a way to abuse the flaw in a way for gain.
find a way to fix it
inform others of the solution for fixing/gaining from it

but not all smart people are good people. there are many scammers that abuse dumb people.

Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: Broly46 on June 18, 2023, 06:06:28 PM
...they may not necessarily do well in other aspects of life...
It is too often, they have to be careful in choosing their career.

...write in bad work on your writing skills...
Yes your highness, having high command of English is a respect to the community and the kingdom. Having perfect American English is a good start. Those weak in English tend to be very cagey snobbish and chauvinistic about other language too. Language reflect the true nature of a culture, beautiful language also give the impression to a person of high calibre, intelligence, professional and reliable. Protecting English language, it is an important duty to every gentleman.

Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: panganib999 on June 18, 2023, 06:10:52 PM
This connotes that having those or an IQ's enables you to handle the affairs of life more better than an ordinary person or a layman. Having IQ also position you to qualifies into working in a good company than others who are not knowledgeable enough to handle that position of work. So IQ helps during school and after school, you are being smarter and creatives than others who aren't making any efforts in times of life as well as general innovation just as Bitcoin was introduced and established to us by Satoshi Nakamoto.
I've been to jobs that require taking an IQ test first before hiring you which is a little discriminative as not everyone who can do good are book smart but at the same time if they've been doing stuff like that for a while and they have thrived, it's a testament to how successful their hiring process is right? But I digress, having high IQ would definitely help you a ton in life, makes school a breeze, finding jobs easier, and landing you a better life a much simpler task compared to the average person. It comes with its own drawbacks though, such as a high predisposition for suicide and depression, as well as many other mental health issues that are associated with having an above-average IQ.

Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: BIT-BENDER on June 18, 2023, 06:11:10 PM
There are endless benefits of having a high IQ and just saying it seem needless, in a world were the general IQ levels is at a constant decline it's a great thing to actually be able to still maintain a high IQ.

High IQ can
+ Help you get task done well and on time.
+ Help you have a better understanding of thing faster.
+ Create financial opportunity for yourself.
+ Be logical and discipline in your approach to things.

But it has a side effect and that you may not be able to interact properly with people of lower IQ, because of the distance IQ and you may be see as someone who feels perfect and you opinion may seem hateful

Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: adaseb on June 19, 2023, 04:41:12 AM
Higher IQ doesn’t mean you will always make more money. I think the man with the highest IQ alive works somewhere making minimum wage.

There are also many dumb people out there who have a low IQ and they are millionaires. There is no correlation really. These days, being smart and getting good grades doesn’t always mean you will be wealthy.

Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: DrBeer on June 19, 2023, 08:49:53 AM
As it is not surprising, but the answer will not be unambiguous.

1. Positive side: this is knowledge, the desire for development, critical thinking, better and more complex goals in life. Accordingly, there is a high probability of a high standard of living, recognition, and success.

2. On the other hand - no matter how strange it sounds, but "it's easier for a fool to live." No, this does not mean that being a fool, you will have everything that is written in paragraph 1. This means something else - you will not have the realization that you live poorly, that you have little money, that you have no prospects.
Near the fool there will always be someone who will say - you live normally, there are those who live even worse, so here's a penny for your work, and you will probably work now 12 hours a day for the same money :)

A person with low intelligence also has low needs in life. Believe me - if you are planning to have your own villa by the age of 45-50, accounts in several banks, savings in cryptocurrency, good education for children, happy grandchildren, the opportunity to gather all families once a month on the ocean and spend a great time, then a primitive and the poor dream of a lifetime, of course exaggerated, "buy a new iPhone"!

A person without a high level of intelligence does not have a very important quality - critical thinking. And this is a very important skill for a real assessment of what is happening, understanding the situation, developing measures to change the situation. Therefore, the majority of the undeveloped are poor, unhappy, and this is systemic for them and in many generations.

Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: Ucy on June 19, 2023, 08:57:09 AM
— IQ = Knowledge to solve problems.
— High IQ = more Knowledge to solve problems properly
— Low IQ = less Knowledge to solve problems properly

— Knowledge = Light to see
— High Knowledge = more Light to see
— Low knowledge = less Light to see

— Light = the right information that eliminates ignorance.
— The More the Light the better. The Less the Light the more the problems like disease, hunger, poverty (inability to take care of ones needs), confusion, etc

*How To obtain Light: Consume enough good or holy information/foods only, and trust them to guide/help you.

* How To dim or quench the Light: Consume bad information/foods and trust them to guide/help you

Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: CODE200 on June 19, 2023, 09:12:42 AM
Higher IQ doesn’t mean you will always make more money. I think the man with the highest IQ alive works somewhere making minimum wage.

There are also many dumb people out there who have a low IQ and they are millionaires. There is no correlation really. These days, being smart and getting good grades doesn’t always mean you will be wealthy.
Was about to say that about the first line, we are so preoccupied of who's the smartest that we don't find solutions to solve the problem of slave labor and possibly losing the next greatest mind to exhaustion in those factories. IQ isn't an accurate scale of being a brilliant person, there's no precise measure to the measurement of someone's knowledge, there's multiple factors that IQ disregard, they split street smart with book smart which is kind of stupid because they go hand in hand as they are the oversimplication of the concept theory and practice. The point I guess of measuring someone's IQ is probably to help build self-esteem among the geniuses to are tacit in nature because there's so few who they think understands them.

Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: macson on June 19, 2023, 09:16:22 AM
is it economics topic? it is politics isn't it? :)
source, please?
why should I believe you?
go back to your base

let me know how do you think.

Geniuses often have high IQs, but not everyone with a high IQ can be considered genius. Intelligent people, on the other hand, can have strong intelligence in many areas without having very high IQs. Intelligence can be expressed and measured in a variety of ways, and individuals with diverse intelligence can make valuable contributions in a variety of fields and professions.

From the writing above, IQ measurement often does not involve people who have emotional, social, musical, or creative intelligence, so a high IQ does not guarantee whether someone will have better money-making abilities than smart people, government officials around the world and also big entrepreneurs don't have high IQ but they have good intelligence and also take advantage of opportunities very well, so they can even hire people with high IQ to become staff in their company, in conclusion, as long as you have good intelligence then you will definitely make a lot of money by utilizing it.

Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: CryptocurencyKing on June 19, 2023, 10:03:35 AM
what is the point of having high IQ?

it is believed that high IQ make you a better person.

it is also believed that high IQ get you more score in a test in school.

but what does it make you a person after leaving the school.

in real life, there is finited of everything resource, what does high IQ help the reality?

let me assume, when there is only 100 apple in the town, high IQ person would more likely get more of the apple, yup, high IQ help you get more apple from finited source of apple. thus make you a better breadwinner, high IQ make a better breadwinner than low IQ person.

is it economics topic? it is politics isn't it? :)
source, please?
why should I believe you?
go back to your base

let me know how do you think.
IQ isn't just limited to test but of course, if you want to relate to it in a test perspective, you should as well realise that, not all tests are written or taken on screens. Life itself tests you on several grounds and bases.

How your able to perform in goose defines how well you understood how to make life choices and in turn, what your IQ is like in the field being tested.

It's intelligent quotient and I take that to mean a measure of how your able and how fast yo make certain choices which could be deemed right. High IQ helps, you just have to know how to apply it.

Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: Uruhara on June 19, 2023, 10:12:34 AM
But still, there are more great people who have high IQs like the inventors of today's technology. and inventors in the past.

And in work I think people with high IQs would rather start their own company than work for someone else. but a high IQ also does not guarantee someone can be economically successful.

Because to be successful you can't only have a high IQ. but also courage in action is also needed. and the ability to improve skills is also needed. and if it's about great skills then not people with high IQ can have it. But great skills are usually owned by people who have high EQ. EQ (great skill) & IQ (great thinking ability). both are needed. but can not be a benchmark.

Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: yhiaali3 on June 19, 2023, 10:51:11 AM
For me, I find that people with high IQ are not successful in their working lives, they are often people who are not well integrated in their society, they are introverted and not sociable and isolated.

They have the ability to think theoretically in a way that exceeds the ability of others, but in my opinion they cannot solve the problems on the ground by themselves because they are not integrated into reality. Therefore, it is better for them to be adopted by major economic institutions or companies that benefit from their extraordinary talents and employ them to serve society.

Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: BADecker on June 19, 2023, 07:54:41 PM
^^^ Many high IQ people are not integrated into what the rest of us think is reality. It's because their IQ keeps them from wanting to play the 'stupid' game like the rest of us idiots.

It's hard to find the well-integrated, high-IQ people. They are the leaders in big business. If you are not one of their insiders, you simply don't see them.

Does anybody remember the old 'Wizard of Id' newspaper comic? The King of Id got together with the queen of Iot, and they had some kids.


Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: MainIbem on June 19, 2023, 08:30:32 PM
This connotes that having those or an IQ's enables you to handle the affairs of life more better than an ordinary person or a layman. Having IQ also position you to qualifies into working in a good company than others who are not knowledgeable enough to handle that position of work. So IQ helps during school and after school, you are being smarter and creatives than others who aren't making any efforts in times of life as well as general innovation just as Bitcoin was introduced and established to us by Satoshi Nakamoto.
I've been to jobs that require taking an IQ test first before hiring you which is a little discriminative as not everyone who can do good are book smart but at the same time if they've been doing stuff like that for a while and they have thrived, it's a testament to how successful their hiring process is right? But I digress, having high IQ would definitely help you a ton in life, makes school a breeze, finding jobs easier, and landing you a better life a much simpler task compared to the average person. It comes with its own drawbacks though, such as a high predisposition for suicide and depression, as well as many other mental health issues that are associated with having an above-average IQ.

If you read carefully with my post you would understand we are both making the sense no point to argue for any reason.
We believe that those with IQ are more beneficial than those who with lower IQ, Like just as you said having gone through with the IQ test is something very important, because most people usual fail some simple task and if they couldn't pass such test this means that they aren't qualify and suit for the task, from my own point of view there is no discrimination in this case because if you were the own who is employing  workers, I am sure you would employed credible people instead of just employing without them going through the test in other way round, you are risking your company and office to a great lose.

Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: Broly46 on June 19, 2023, 08:33:41 PM
...create something people are willing to pay money for and...
that is totally false. Today shiny objects command very high price such as diamond, pokemon card, luxury bag, necklace, oil painting, which is stupid. Many of the highly educated professors are living poor, it doesn't mean they create nothing in their life, but many of their creations are selling dirt cheap or just throw away to dustbin, or donate to the community, Linux is a total free software. Not convinced? Thomas Edison greatest creation, lightbulb are worthless, and many more great inventors do not have high networth, they all have just a name to be remembered as a frugal bloke and slave. The reason can be regarded to Steve Jobs, who like to quote, he is marketing genius that make a product created by the nerd to sell at premium price.

Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: Queentoshi on June 19, 2023, 08:33:59 PM
what is the point of having high IQ?
A higher IQ means you use more of your brain power. Someone with a higher IQ will find it easier than the average person to understand new things faster and think more creatively than others. But in all this is all with the higher IQ refuses to engage his brain, and someone with a lower IQ work very hard to develop his own intelligence quotient, the person with the lower IQ that has worked hard can be smarter than the person with the higher IQ that has refused to use his brains to think.

Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: aoluain on June 19, 2023, 09:16:43 PM
My best friend is a farmer and has officially been tested to have an IQ of 149!

High IQ is not a necessity but its important to have people who have a high rank,
Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Nikola Tesla, Isaac Newton and maybe
Satoshi Nakamoto had all high IQ and look what they have contributed to our
lives but could they cook well, or create their own clothes or create beautiful
artworks? probably not.

Everyone has a talent high IQ or not and not everyone can do everything to a high
standard even if they know the theory.

Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: lepbagong on June 20, 2023, 01:53:21 AM
what is the point of having high IQ?
A higher IQ means you use more of your brain power. Someone with a higher IQ will find it easier than the average person to understand new things faster and think more creatively than others. But in all this is all with the higher IQ refuses to engage his brain, and someone with a lower IQ work very hard to develop his own intelligence quotient, the person with the lower IQ that has worked hard can be smarter than the person with the higher IQ that has refused to use his brains to think.
always returned to the individual, because not everyone with a high IQ can get things done better than those with a lower IQ. agree with you friends, sometimes those who have advantages do not use them to the fullest so they don't get something to be desired but those who have ordinary things or limitations, are actually able to excel because they are assisted with tenacity and hard work to continue to be able to improve themselves at any time.
so those with lower IQs don't need to be discouraged because with hard work and high discipline they will also be able to match them.

Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: Uruhara on June 20, 2023, 04:27:36 PM
My best friend is a farmer and has officially been tested to have an IQ of 149!

High IQ is not a necessity but its important to have people who have a high rank,
Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Nikola Tesla, Isaac Newton and maybe
Satoshi Nakamoto had all high IQ and look what they have contributed to our
lives but could they cook well, or create their own clothes or create beautiful
artworks? probably not.

Everyone has a talent high IQ or not and not everyone can do everything to a high
standard even if they know the theory.
that's why some have high IQ but low EQ. they have a myriad of extraordinary theories but always fail in practice because of zero skill in action. but many people have low IQ but high EQ, so they usually do more than theorize. it's just that sometimes their hard work is not rewarded more expensively. different from people who have high IQ levels. they do little, but when they act, their actions will always be appreciated because they are always useful for others. This is an example of the characters you mentioned.

Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: darewaller on June 21, 2023, 05:05:15 PM
There are endless benefits of having a high IQ and just saying it seem needless, in a world were the general IQ levels is at a constant decline it's a great thing to actually be able to still maintain a high IQ.

High IQ can
+ Help you get task done well and on time.
+ Help you have a better understanding of thing faster.
+ Create financial opportunity for yourself.
+ Be logical and discipline in your approach to things.

But it has a side effect and that you may not be able to interact properly with people of lower IQ, because of the distance IQ and you may be see as someone who feels perfect and you opinion may seem hateful
I wouldn't say endless but there must be a limitation for everything. I think IQ's can be inherited and once you have them, it can not decline anymore but you can only increase it by equipping your selves with more knowledge. The General IQ of the people might still be on the same level and as usual, there are lesser people who have a higher IQ. These people are also called as gifted. There are certain benefits of it.

The obvious one is you can adapt things faster but I don't think a high IQ person are also well disciplined because I think both things are different. Can't you see that there are so many smart (high IQ) people who turn out to be crazy? It's because they abuse their selves.

Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: Bananington on June 21, 2023, 06:11:07 PM
Having a high I.Q should best be used best for entrepreneurship or to create a personal legend. Using the advantage in trading crypto currency and stocks, forex and everything that involves algorithm and calculations is a good use too, but the reasons why we exit should first be met, and that is finding fulfilment.
More than just having a high I.Q is also to know when to take a cue, apply initiative and both be accountable and responsible to oneself first, then to others.
Besides this, what's the point of having a high I.Q?

Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: Jet Cash on June 23, 2023, 07:51:45 AM
As a long term member of Mensa, I've met a wide range of high IQ people, and I would split them into two groups - introverts and extraverts. I can understand how this can happen, I had a privileged education, but I still found it dificult to find a peer group at school, and this led me to beone a hyper-extravert. I can succeed at almost everything I attempt until success is obvious, and then I get bored and move on. You can see this in many of the projects I have started in this forum. It is my belief that the best IQ for success is around 120. Smart enough to know what you are doing, and not too smart to get distracted by interesting inconsequentials. Thomas Edison once said that success is 10% inspiration, and 90% perspiration, and I think that is very true.

Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: Raceonsucced on June 23, 2023, 08:35:17 AM
I think IQ is not everything 😁. For example, if you want something but you think it's impossible because you don't have a high IQ. But, if you keep trying to get something, don't give up, and don't be lazy. I'm sure you can get it. And for people who have high IQ it is very easy to catch something, unique, and a great thinker. Not only at school, usually they also apply it in everyday life.

Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: Iadegbola34 on June 23, 2023, 09:13:20 AM
Having a high IQ does have its advantages, like performing well in tests and potentially getting more opportunities. However, in real life, it's not just about intelligence. Other qualities like emotional intelligence, creativity, and hard work also play a crucial role in success. So, while a high IQ can give you an edge, it's not the sole determinant of your worth or potential. By the way, this isn't an economics or politics topic, just a conversation between you and everyone here.

Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: $weetne$$ on June 24, 2023, 01:15:00 AM
what is the point of having high IQ?

What's the point of going to school and securing a degree or leaning a skills, it gives you an advantage over the rest of the population that doesn't have a degree or skills. High IQ gives you an advantage in the society and that's the point of having it. You get better at problem solving when you have high IQ and people that solve problems are those that get rewarded with riches.

If you want to make more money then you should start solving people problem and that can be easily achieved if you have a very high IQ. High IQ means you're smarter and intelligent which are quality that gets your high earning job to have a comfortable life. Having a high IQ is very important and the richest individual excluding those that inherited their wealth all has high IQ. High IQ also helps on the teach industry as they you can combined your high level of solving problem with technology and you launch a company that can make you billions of dollars that can be used to solve more problem. High IQ mightn't make you a better person but it doesn't make you better at solving problem. When you're over intelligent you might even have an awful personality since you're more intelligent, you might feel superior to others around you.

Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: Gallar on June 24, 2023, 04:50:48 AM
it is also believed that high IQ get you more score in a test in school.
All of these things can indeed be said to be true, because the field you write about refers to brain intelligence. And while people who have a high IQ, very intelligent thinking. So it is certain that in the world of education people who have a high IQ are always at the forefront.
let me assume, when there is only 100 apple in the town, high IQ person would more likely get more of the apple, yup, high IQ help you get more apple from finited source of apple. thus make you a better breadwinner, high IQ make a better breadwinner than low IQ person.
It will definitely be very helpful

Because humans have a high IQ, I think that is a privilege given to certain people, and having a high IQ will definitely make it easier for someone to solve a problem or just like making a living. Because I believe people who have a high IQ tend to be more dominant and superior in terms of the world of work. But I also don't think that people who have a standard IQ are not superior, but usually people who think smart or have genius minds usually tend to always be someone who is more influential. Because most people who have a high IQ certainly have thoughts that are beyond the thinking of ordinary people, therefore even in the world of work people who have a high IQ are always placed in fairly high positions.

Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: Ever-young on April 01, 2024, 08:18:15 PM
what is the point of having high IQ?

it is believed that high IQ make you a better person.

it is also believed that high IQ get you more score in a test in school.

but what does it make you a person after leaving the school.

in real life, there is finited of everything resource, what does high IQ help the reality?

let me assume, when there is only 100 apple in the town, high IQ person would more likely get more of the apple, yup, high IQ help you get more apple from finited source of apple. thus make you a better breadwinner, high IQ make a better breadwinner than low IQ person.

is it economics topic? it is politics isn't it? :)
source, please?
why should I believe you?
go back to your base

let me know how do you think.

Howard Gardner, the psychologist who founded the hypothesis of multiple intelligences, provides an intriguing take on this issue. Gardner believes that intelligence comes in many forms, not just one. So, even if someone has a high IQ, they may not possess the same amount related to social intelligence, innovative thinking, or emotional intelligence. This might imply that, while a person with a high IQ may perform well on examinations, they may not be as productive in other aspects of life. Gardner's the thesis proposes that a well-rounded individual is more likely to succeed in all aspects of life, not only those assessed by IQ testing. So, while a high IQ does not ensure success, it may nevertheless provide certain advantages.

Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: DeathAngel on April 02, 2024, 06:27:24 PM
Having a high IQ can obviously be beneficial. It is associated with better problem solving skills, faster learning & increased cognitive abilities. Intelligence alone doesn’t guarantee success or happiness. Emotional intelligence, social skills & other qualities are also important for a fulfilling life.

Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: BADecker on April 02, 2024, 09:21:19 PM
— IQ = Knowledge to solve problems.
— High IQ = more Knowledge to solve problems properly
— Low IQ = less Knowledge to solve problems properly

— Knowledge = Light to see
— High Knowledge = more Light to see
— Low knowledge = less Light to see

— Light = the right information that eliminates ignorance.
— The More the Light the better. The Less the Light the more the problems like disease, hunger, poverty (inability to take care of ones needs), confusion, etc

*How To obtain Light: Consume enough good or holy information/foods only, and trust them to guide/help you.

* How To dim or quench the Light: Consume bad information/foods and trust them to guide/help you

High IQ might be one of the most dangerous things that a person could have. Why? Often a high IQ causes a person's pride to grow. He thinks that he can do it himself, and loses out on what it takes to get it done... Jesus.

1 Corinthians 1:26-31
26Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. 27But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. 28God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, 29so that no one may boast before him. 30It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. 31Therefore, as it is written: “Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord.”


Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: |MINER| on April 04, 2024, 08:23:42 PM
People with high IQ are different from other people and their intelligence is very sharp.  Which helps them to move ahead in every field in their real life.  What a normal person takes 10 minutes to understand, a high IQ person takes 2 minutes to understand.  This 8 minute interval comes and leads.  Just as people with high IQ perform well in school, they excel in every aspect of life.  But it's hard to say what a person with a high IQ is really like as a person.  Because intelligence can never make people good or bad.  Intelligence or IQ can improve life but does not make a person human.  Humanity is the blessing of God.

Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: Volimack on April 04, 2024, 11:39:02 PM
People with high IQs are completely different from everyone else despite their intellectual prowess, people with high IQs often exhibit humility. Having a high IQ at a young age increases the chances of living a long and healthy life. But it's not just about genetics. Our cognitive abilities are not fixed. Starting school early long learning and physical activity are the best to train the brain.

Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: pinggoki on April 05, 2024, 06:57:33 AM
If you're mad about these people having a high IQ getting paid more, probably because they can do more and they have a better understanding of the complex stuff and they're the most likely group of people to invent or innovate something that would help progress mankind to new heights. I think that there's some justification there that they're paid more but that doesn't really mean that they've got the IQ doesn't automatically qualify them for a higher pay, they need to show up and do something and be a model employee that deserves the raise or whatever that may be. An increase in reward should be backed by merit or achievements in a particular organization, if that wasn't the case, wouldn't we see even more stupid managers and incompetent people in higher positions.

Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: Gormicsta on April 05, 2024, 08:53:47 AM
This connotes that having those or an IQ's enables you to handle the affairs of life more better than an ordinary person or a layman. Having IQ also position you to qualifies into working in a good company than others who are not knowledgeable enough to handle that position of work. So IQ helps during school and after school, you are being smarter and creatives than others who aren't making any efforts in times of life as well as general innovation just as Bitcoin was introduced and established to us by Satoshi Nakamoto.

Certain individuals are inherently more creative and capable of thinking outside the box, but this does not exclude others from learning to be more creative and inventive. In truth, everyone can improve their creativity by cultivating meditation, exposing themselves to new ideas and viewpoints, and finding ways to step outside of their comfort zone. It's also crucial to note that creativity doesn't necessarily have to mean coming up with wholly new ideas; it may simply mean finding new applications for existing ideas and technology. So, even if you don't get a flash of insight, you may still be inventive by working hard and trying out various ideas.

Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: Hewlet on April 05, 2024, 09:09:03 AM
Having high IQ basically means you can think and act way smarter than an average person out there which puts you at a serious advantage in the circular world when relating with people and when coming through real life shit. If you've worked with people that are smart and logical with thier thinking and responses to real work problems, it will make a lot difference why it's possible that people with high IQ will in most cases make it better than others in any chosen field they are into.

But In the real sense, high IQ is mostly birthed with and if you don't know how to make good use of it, you will only get noticed in conversation only and never really make any difference in the world. For your high IQ to really count in the world, you've got to train it and put in the effort to make it grow above what it's just capable of doing and by that statement I mean that you've got to put your thought and ideas into a particular field and engage yourself such that you can become an expert at what you're doing.

Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: o48o on April 05, 2024, 12:18:20 PM
what is the point of having high IQ?

it is believed that high IQ make you a better person.

it is also believed that high IQ get you more score in a test in school.

but what does it make you a person after leaving the school.

in real life, there is finited of everything resource, what does high IQ help the reality?

let me assume, when there is only 100 apple in the town, high IQ person would more likely get more of the apple, yup, high IQ help you get more apple from finited source of apple. thus make you a better breadwinner, high IQ make a better breadwinner than low IQ person.

is it economics topic? it is politics isn't it? :)
source, please?
why should I believe you?
go back to your base

let me know how do you think.
Your post is quite vague, and in many ways confusing.

There's zero evidence that high IQ would make you "better person", even though you don't even specify what you mean by that.
Having high IQ measures that people with high IQ people are good at performing IQ tests.
If it's Mensa test for example, it measures how you can detect patterns and sequences in these tests, which could indicate that you can most likely apply these skills to real life as well, and apply them to some skills if you have any.

Your 100 apple situation isn't a reliable indicator either, because it's usually people without high IQ are the ones that assume, that people with high IQ would always pursue for maximum profit. Poeple with high IQ aren't necessarily selfish or greedy. They can have good people skills and emphathy. Many high IQ people can choose to live moderately.

And speaking of that, there are many kinds of fields in intelligence. Many people that would perform well in tests that are measuring general cognitive abilities, are not doing so well with their lives. It can lead to lonely or unproductive life if you have other issues that you need help with, or don't have skills in other areas of intellect.

And here's some source that you asked for:

Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: NurseHub on April 05, 2024, 02:50:17 PM
I believe a high IQ is beneficial academically and outside of school (in real life).
It makes you stand out in a very smart way.
Most people with high IQs have more opportunities than others, have been able to fix up difficult taxes, and have found solutions.
But it doesn't really make one a better person. IQ works differently, academically, based on a career, or in other aspects of life. 
But it brings a relevant and outstanding performance to a person. 
Your ability to think fast and come up with a solution gives you an 85% guarantee in an interview, which may get you the job, because most companies are ready to hire you for your smartness. 

Title: Re: the point of having high IQ?
Post by: Hispo on April 05, 2024, 04:16:04 PM
Meh. I have seen so many people on the internet talking about their alledged level of intelligence and their high IQ, or whatever. I believe much of the concept of IQ has been used to demean people around the world and even sometimes used as an excuse or justification for racism to exist.
In my point of view, being intelligent indeed helps one to solve problems and get a job or to get good grades at school. But the purpose of life foes not have anything to do with IQ, it is about being happy.
Out there there must be thousands of people who are not considered to be as intelligent as someone working in Harvard, and yet within that bulk of people, there could be hundreds who live a more enjoyable existence than the worker of Harvard.

Instead of focusing on the queficient of intelligence, let us have a conversation on an idea for a queficient of happiness.  :P