Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Lending => Topic started by: Freedom4All on June 24, 2023, 02:38:03 PM

Title: [W] 0.025BTC loan. CAN THIS TOPIC BE DELETED? See OP
Post by: Freedom4All on June 24, 2023, 02:38:03 PM
Loan Amount: 0.025BTC
Loan Purpose: Personal
Loan Repay Amount: 10% (0.0275BTC)
Loan Repay Date: 07/25/2023


Can one delete this topic?
I found a job here on this forum and I do not need a loan anymore.

Or if I have to do it myself, I can not find it.

Title: Re: [W] 0.025BTC loan. 1 month. Repay 0.0275BTC
Post by: Timelord2067 on June 24, 2023, 02:39:31 PM
Don't be surprised if you receive negative trust feedback in the near future.

Lenders have steared clear of domains for a while now.

Only stable cryptos with at least 125% of the repayment amount is about the only valid collateral lenders will accept from borrowers such as yourself.

Title: Re: [W] 0.025BTC loan. 1 month. Repay 0.0275BTC
Post by: Freedom4All on June 24, 2023, 02:46:21 PM
Please tell me why so that I can prevent that to happen?

Title: Re: [W] 0.025BTC loan. 1 month. Repay 0.0275BTC
Post by: TryNinja on June 24, 2023, 03:34:17 PM
Please tell me why so that I can prevent that to happen?
Well, let's pretend you say your domain is worth $1000 and you want to use it as collateral for a $700 loan worth of BTC. I receive control over your domain... the day of payments comes and... you vanish! Now I gotta sell your domain to recover my $700... but how easy is it for me to recover my money? Usually no one actually wants the domain and/or it isn't actually the $1000. Remember that someone has to pay for it. ;)

That's why I don't take domains as collateral, maybe others have a different opinion.

Title: Re: [W] 0.025BTC loan. 1 month. Repay 0.0275BTC
Post by: Freedom4All on June 24, 2023, 04:01:08 PM
Thank you.
I understand all of that. My domain name is not the only one collateral I can offer.

Letīs see.

Title: Re: [W] 0.025BTC loan. 1 month. Repay 0.0275BTC
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on June 25, 2023, 05:45:21 AM
Thank you.
I understand all of that. My domain name is not the only one collateral I can offer.

Letīs see.

OP, I doubt you'll be able to get that amount here as a newbie. Therefore, if you came here not only for money, try to get some kind of reputation so that people can trust you. Go through the topics and understand that no one will trust a person who has been here for several days, but getting negative trust is tantamount to leaving you forever with the stigma of a fraudster. Make the right choice. And yes, times have changed.

Title: Re: [W] 0.025BTC loan. 1 month. Repay 0.0275BTC
Post by: Freedom4All on June 25, 2023, 10:07:25 AM
I will, thank you, lovesmayfamilis.

I know it is a long shot. But who knows. one contacts me and see it is all good.
I just canīt public my colleteral here online. People will abuse it.

Title: Re: [W] 0.025BTC loan. 1 month. Repay 0.0275BTC
Post by: Freedom4All on June 26, 2023, 08:32:18 PM
A gentle nudge and a minor update:

Perhaps a potential lender, if there is one, and I can be creative. Maybe I don't even need a loan, or just a part of it. People who offer certain services, for example, that align precisely with what I am currently doing.

Title: Re: [W] 0.025BTC loan. 1 month. Repay 0.0275BTC
Post by: DireWolfM14 on June 26, 2023, 08:53:47 PM
A gentle nudge and a minor update:

Perhaps a potential lender, if there is one, and I can be creative. Maybe I don't even need a loan, or just a part of it. People who offer certain services, for example, that align precisely with what I am currently doing.

No one wants to waste any time with your riddles.  No one is going to waste any time PMing a newbie about a loan for which he's unlikely to qualify.

Do you have an altcoin with significant trade volume that will qualify as collateral?  If the answer is yes, post it here and someone (maybe me) will provide a loan.  If the answer is no, lock this thread before I (or someone else) get tired of yet-another-newbie-loan-request and paint your trust wall red.

Title: Re: [W] 0.025BTC loan. 1 month. Repay 0.0275BTC (EXTRA INFO ADDED)
Post by: Freedom4All on June 26, 2023, 11:43:16 PM
I also contacted Sportsbet to offer them to work together. With the contact button on the left side, if I remember well. But that aside.

People can end up in ridiculous situations.

But suppose I'm a scammer with my own website. Not an affiliate website, but a website with loyal followers who come to our site because they are happy with what they read. They come for this. They donate for this. I have a mailing list of people who receive our newsletter.  (All visible, send the most famous Scambuster of the forum after me who smells BS directly, I have nothing to hide).

All these people have a lot of trust in me, and rightly so because I am involved. I am the the person who also writes and answers the emails of readers. For years. These are also people of whom I know exactly what they want. Wouldn't I rather take advantage of this situation to get together what I urgently need (and much more if I want), instead of asking for a loan here as a newbie, relatively, little money?

I can and will not obtain what I need that way.

Why would you risk it here then, one might say? I know what I'm doing. I know what's coming in funds and I'm not risking anything because it can't go wrong on my side. I do not assume that a very well-known lender here will ruin my website to take advantage of it. Thatīs the only risk for me.

There are many more things and maybe many more questions. But thatīs for a lender(if there is someone who wants to help).
There will certainly be a counter-answer or suspicions here again. Something I absolutely understand. Ofcourse I do.

As I said, sometimes people can end up in ridiculous situations. And besides that, I gain more trust here when a transcaction is succesful. .
This here is place where I want to build up a passive income.

I have written something here that may a little insight into who I am. (

English is not my motherlanguage. I do my very best. On the PC is easier. I use a good correction-tool.

Title: Re: [W] 0.025BTC loan. 1 month. Repay 0.0275BTC
Post by: Stalker22 on June 26, 2023, 11:47:28 PM
OP, If you are looking to get some work done, the best place to post your request is in the Services section ( The lending board might not be the most suitable spot for that.

Also, it would be helpful if you could provide more details about the type of services you are seeking. How do you expect someone to contact you if you haven't explained what kind of work it is? However, if you are not ready to offer payment, I do not know what you are expecting in return. While some of us are open to doing charitable work, we typically reserve it for noble causes. I have my doubts about whether your job qualifies as such, whatever it may be.

Regarding your loan request, it has already been clearly explained to you. The policy is simple: no collateral, no loan! This especially applies to newcomers.


If all of this is indeed true (although we are still lacking concrete evidence, so I will speak hypothetically), then your story becomes even more puzzling. If you genuinely are an honest person and not attempting any sort of scam here, and you find yourself in these "ridiculous situations," wouldn't it make more sense to seek help from your family, friends, or someone else close to you? These are the people who truly know you and trust that you will repay them. (I mean, they could always resort to leg-breaking... just a joke, of course.) Wouldn't that be a more logical step than asking for money from complete strangers on a forum?

Title: Re: [W] 0.025BTC loan. 1 month. Repay 0.0275BTC (EXTRA INFO ADDED)
Post by: DireWolfM14 on June 27, 2023, 02:06:02 AM
I use a good correction-tool.

You're using AI, it's quite obvious.  And, I already read your introduction, which got me curious...  How many red-tags did you accumulate when you were here selling VCCs and other shady shit?

As others have already told you, no one here is going to accept a website as collateral.  They are too easily retrieved using social engineering, or the lender will end up having to dox himself to a shady VCC seller just to earn $75.  Not going to happen!

And, you keep exposing yourself for the shady fuck that you are.  You're here to build trust, earn a passive income?  How do you plan to earn trust or get a job if you're not here to contribute?  You're only here to take, not give, you've made that rather obvious.

So, you avoided answering my question about valid collateral, but ended up answering it inadvertently with your rambling wall of text.  You don't have anything to offer so again, I suggest you lock this thread.

Title: Re: [W] 0.025BTC loan. 1 month. Repay 0.0275BTC
Post by: crwth on June 27, 2023, 02:15:33 AM
I just canīt public my colleteral here online. People will abuse it.
I just read your posts and it's just too much text and unnecessary. Can you emphasize how people will abuse a link?

Title: Re: [W] 0.025BTC loan. 1 month. Repay 0.0275BTC
Post by: Freedom4All on June 27, 2023, 03:28:56 AM
Other then people wanting to be funny and spam my website full, no. Thatīs why I asked if there are other reasons why it is not responsible to post the website here.

Title: Re: [W] 0.025BTC loan. 1 month. Repay 0.0275BTC
Post by: LoyceV on June 27, 2023, 06:48:27 AM
But suppose I'm a scammer with my own website.
All these people have a lot of trust in me
There's your problem: you try to use your reputation somewhere else as collateral here. If your readers trust you, why don't you ask them for a loan?

And the website is:
For the people who can't read Dutch: this looks like a website for conspiracy nuts.

What is considered a good collateral for a personal loan of less than $900/BTC for a duration of one month
-A fully verified bank account.
If you're talking about Dutch bank accounts, this (obviously) isn't allowed. You'll also risk ending up as a "geldezel".

Title: Re: [W] 0.025BTC loan. 1 month. Repay 0.0275BTC
Post by: Freedom4All on June 27, 2023, 10:19:36 AM
You are right about that.

Maybe this makes some more sense:;u=3562518;sa=showPosts

Title: Re: [W] 0.025BTC loan. 1 month. Repay 0.0275BTC
Post by: Freedom4All on June 27, 2023, 04:16:40 PM
DireWolfM14, why did you give me a negative feedback?

With the comment: "Shitpostsing newbie looking for a no-collateral loan, refusing to accept the fact that his website doesn't qualify. Also using AI for his wordy walls of riddles."

Where do I shitpost? Why you do this, man?

Read my other topics. And tell me what "shitposting" is?
And read on in the topic. You probably do not want to put too much energy in this, but just give me a negative feedback, without doing anything wrong is just not good!
I understand as there will appear scammers here all the time, but I did not deserve this.

Give me an example from a "shitpost" from me?

I also sent you a PM. Reconsider please.
I even contacted the casino you represent with quite a serious offer.

My website:

I am the owner and I write there as well.

Title: Re: [W] 0.025BTC loan. 1 month. Repay 0.0275BTC
Post by: Freedom4All on June 27, 2023, 04:27:27 PM
A gentle nudge and a minor update:

Perhaps a potential lender, if there is one, and I can be creative. Maybe I don't even need a loan, or just a part of it. People who offer certain services, for example, that align precisely with what I am currently doing.

No one wants to waste any time with your riddles.  No one is going to waste any time PMing a newbie about a loan for which he's unlikely to qualify.

Do you have an altcoin with significant trade volume that will qualify as collateral?  If the answer is yes, post it here and someone (maybe me) will provide a loan.  If the answer is no, lock this thread before I (or someone else) get tired of yet-another-newbie-loan-request and paint your trust wall red.

I contacted you because people advised me to contact people who represent casinos or services. That is the reason I PMīed you.
I know this is not that big deal, but come on...

GH2022, I replied.

Title: Re: [W] 0.025BTC loan. 1 month. Repay 0.0275BTC
Post by: DireWolfM14 on June 27, 2023, 04:39:17 PM
DireWolfM14, why did you give me a negative feedback?

Are you having trouble comprehending what I wrote?  Maybe Donny can translate it for you.

Give me an example from a "shitpost" from me?;u=3562518;sa=showPosts

I contacted you because people advised me to contact people who represent casinos or services. That is the reason I PMīed you.

I don't represent anyone here other than myself.

Title: Re: [W] 0.025BTC loan. 1 month. Repay 0.0275BTC
Post by: Freedom4All on June 27, 2023, 04:51:03 PM
I still don't see an example of a shitpost in the link.
But you're right, mate. Using a tool like a spellchecker to communicate better is unforgivable. Or AI as you think.

I hope you feel both happy and certain you did the right thing.

Title: Re: [W] 0.025BTC loan. 1 month. Repay 0.0275BTC
Post by: Freedom4All on June 27, 2023, 04:57:04 PM
And as you said in the PM:

The only option you give me is to remove this complete topic so you will drop the negative feedback.
But I am not going to do that.

The first post indicated I did not break the rules. And I am not going to self censor because another person thinks I am a scammer or whatever he thinks I am.

Title: Re: [W] 0.025BTC loan. 1 month. Repay 0.0275BTC
Post by: DireWolfM14 on June 27, 2023, 05:13:24 PM
And as you said in the PM:

The only option you give me is to remove this complete topic so you will drop the negative feedback.
But I am not going to do that.

The first post indicated I did not break the rules. And I am not going to selfcensor because another person thinks I am a scammer of whatever he thinks about me.

I didn't say "remove this complete topic," I said lock it.  And I said I would change my review from red to neutral, not "drop the negative feedback."  So now you're lying about what I wrote to you in the PM?  How do expect to earn a trusted reputation here when you can't even get your facts straight?

There are no rules here, not any official ones anyway.  If you want to expose yourself for the self-serving entitled brat that you are, you're free to do so.  Since you did exactly that with your 6th post, even confessing that you have previous accounts here you used to engage in shady businesses, and confessing that you're using a tool to translate your writing (which actually is against the unofficial rules,) you really shouldn't be surprised to see the same results.

Title: Re: [W] 0.025BTC loan. 1 month. Repay 0.0275BTC
Post by: Freedom4All on June 27, 2023, 05:21:43 PM
Letīs leave it for now. You talk about rules I break that donīt excist and you think I am a scammer.
You have your opinion and thatīs okay.

Title: Re: [W] 0.025BTC loan. 1 month. Repay 0.0275BTC
Post by: CYBER_COWBOY on June 27, 2023, 07:47:26 PM
Letīs leave it for now. You talk about rules I break that donīt excist and you think I am a scammer.
You have your opinion and thatīs okay.

Just ignore that guy and move on, he starts an argue with every newbie that comes into the loan section, if you have good intentions it will be shown with time, but come straight into a room and seconds later ask if somebody gonna lend you money is not how the world works and not how it should either, so he have right but it's ridiculous to give you that feedback. Better to ask a family member/friend or your bank for a loan.

I suggest you leave the loan thread for now and explore other topics/threads in the forum, its a great forum and you can learn a lot everyday as I do.
Maybe in a year or two when you have show yourself honest and are in a need in a loan, you can come back and ask. but as for now, check out all the other amazing things this forum has to offer is the way to go.

Title: Re: [W] 0.025BTC loan. CAN THIS TOPIC BE DELETED? See OP
Post by: Freedom4All on June 28, 2023, 05:02:49 PM
I also contacted Sportsbet to offer them to work together. With the contact button on the left side, if I remember well. But that aside.

People can end up in ridiculous situations.

But suppose I'm a scammer with my own website. Not an affiliate website, but a website with loyal followers who come to our site because they are happy with what they read. They come for this. They donate for this. I have a mailing list of people who receive our newsletter.  (All visible, send the most famous Scambuster of the forum after me who smells BS directly, I have nothing to hide).

All these people have a lot of trust in me, and rightly so because I am involved. I am the the person who also writes and answers the emails of readers. For years. These are also people of whom I know exactly what they want. Wouldn't I rather take advantage of this situation to get together what I urgently need (and much more if I want), instead of asking for a loan here as a newbie, relatively, little money?

I can and will not obtain what I need that way.

Why would you risk it here then, one might say? I know what I'm doing. I know what's coming in funds and I'm not risking anything because it can't go wrong on my side. I do not assume that a very well-known lender here will ruin my website to take advantage of it. Thatīs the only risk for me.

There are many more things and maybe many more questions. But thatīs for a lender(if there is someone who wants to help).
There will certainly be a counter-answer or suspicions here again. Something I absolutely understand. Ofcourse I do.

As I said, sometimes people can end up in ridiculous situations. And besides that, I gain more trust here when a transcaction is succesful. .
This here is place where I want to build up a passive income.

I have written something here that may a little insight into who I am. (

English is not my motherlanguage. I do my very best. On the PC is easier. I use a good correction-tool.

Meanwhile I found a job here. The loan is not necesarry anymore.
It will be deleted.

Would you reconsider to remove the negative feedback so I can build up my rep. based on the quality service/work I do on here?

I would really appreciate it.

See my edited OP here.

Title: Re: [W] 0.025BTC loan. CAN THIS TOPIC BE DELETED? See OP
Post by: Stalker22 on June 28, 2023, 05:12:47 PM
Can one delete this topic?
Or if I have to do it myself, I can not find it.

Sorry, but you cannot delete a thread if other people have replied to it. It wouldn't be fair to the others who took the time to post their thoughts. The only option available to you is to lock the thread.

Title: Re: [W] 0.025BTC loan. CAN THIS TOPIC BE DELETED? See OP
Post by: DireWolfM14 on June 28, 2023, 05:41:49 PM
Would you reconsider to remove the negative feedback so I can build up my rep. based on the quality service/work I do on here?

I would really appreciate it.

I must admit, for personal reasons I've been a bit cranky these past couple of weeks, and you did rub me wrong yesterday.  I may have been a bit harsh with my feedback in this situation as a result, so I will remove it all together.

You can lock this thread with the link at the lower, left hand side of this page.

Title: Re: [W] 0.025BTC loan. CAN THIS TOPIC BE DELETED? See OP
Post by: Freedom4All on June 28, 2023, 07:48:48 PM
Thanks DireWolf.

Just let me be here for a while. I want to be part of this.

It's completely understandable that you're cranky, you've become very suspicious of everyone.
It is what it is. I know how many scammers are around here. But I will stay and all good.

I locked this topic up! Itīs fixed.