Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Freedom4All on June 24, 2023, 05:35:00 PM

Title: Does "our" world here still exist?
Post by: Freedom4All on June 24, 2023, 05:35:00 PM
English is not my native language, but I have a good command of the English language. I am writing what I think.

How to center myself in 2023

How times have changed! Or is it not that bad?

In the past, I used to be active on these types of forums. When I say "in the past," I mean between 2010-2019.

I sold VCCs (Virtual Credit Cards). I helped people with account verification. I sold all kinds of digital products, not just on Bitcoin forums but everywhere. Various interesting tasks that we all know on this forum. It was a nice extra income, and I was fully immersed in that world alongside my regular job. It always appealed to me because it was not illegal—a nice side hustle.

I stepped away from that world when I started following politics in 2019. A party came into the picture with a program that resonated with me. I was 39 years old at the time, and I started a YouTube channel as a rookie because I wanted to contribute to my home country. It felt like a calling to me. I really wanted to make a difference and not spend my whole life working for a boss when I could do something more.

I love my small Western European country where I was born. I was, and still am, someone who stands for Common Sense. Politically, I used to call myself "right-wing conservative." Nowadays, I see things completely differently. I believe that when you join a political party or label yourself with a political ideology, you register yourself for something with a set of rules and norms. Because if you are right-wing conservative, you absolutely cannot have progressive ideas, right? So, by definition, you are not being yourself because you conform to the rules of that political ideology.

Anyway, I started a YouTube channel, and I noticed that many people felt the same way I did. Some people joined me, and I ended up in a completely different world.
We were labeled as "conspiracy theorists" when we asked questions about uncontrolled mass immigration in Western Europe. It just didn't make sense. Why would you let a continent be flooded with people from all corners of the world without control? I am certainly in favor of a good immigration policy. People who genuinely need help should be assisted. That's only logical for us wealthy countries to do. At the very least. But it should be for those who truly need it, not opportunistic seekers. Create a good policy, ensure quality assistance for those in need, and as a sovereign country, we expect you to contribute something here. Actually, we don't expect anything from you. We just want to make sure you are a good person. Color, race, and origin should not matter.

But even discussing something like this was immediately dismissed as racism. That didn't make sense to me.

For me, an adventure began, and I started the YouTube channel and, six months later, an alternative news and opinion website. Then came Corona. For me, it is still a created phenomenon intended to harm humanity. I earned income through my YouTube Partnership. The channel grew to over 35k subscribers, which was considered a reasonable voice for our country at the time. My YouTube channel was censored in October. Any criticism of Corona and the, back then, upcoming vaccines was not tolerated. You were literally kicked out if you went against the mainstream narrative.

You see it all happening with your own eyes, and it is designed in such a way that those of us who see it happen are called conspiracy theorists. Of course, there are wild stories and numerous conspiracy theories surrounding Corona that go too far. But hey, allowing ourselves to be injected for what exactly?

The numbers globally showed that the average age of death from Corona was 82 years, and over 90% had underlying serious health conditions. From day one, you could easily calculate that there wasn't much to worry about here, and you had to dig deeper to see that you were being fooled. And even if there is "something" going on, it's not as they want to present it to us. They want that shot in our arms. And we questioned that. And others did too. And that was not allowed. You were simply silenced. As if you don't exist. "Shut up!" But they couldn't censor the website, so we continued, and the website is still there.

Bizarre years. And suddenly, you get a slap in the face and realize that you also participated in this whole hype. An eye-opener.

Now I'm coming back to look into my "old world." With all the developments like AI, Corona, the almost non-existent privacy, is that old world still there?
Can you still do the same things as before, just as a free individual?

I feel very.... confused. Does this makes sense to some of you?

Title: Re: Does "our" world here still exist?
Post by: Faisal2202 on June 24, 2023, 08:28:29 PM
TBH, i did not catch your point here, few things i got like your first four paragraph related to VCC, then into politics, then difficulty in following the norms of party you joined in, then you started a Youtube channel. (I understood all these things).

But what i did not understand that, you pointed out an old issue related to Covid-19, and you mentioned that, you made website which still running and then
Bizarre years. And suddenly, you get a slap in the face and realize that you also participated in this whole hype. An eye-opener.
what does this statement means? How did you contribute in Covid-19.

Well, i am assuming, you just fed up with the life of being YouTuber, and a party member and now you want you old life back. If that's the case then it is possible. Idk in which situation you are, and which type of contribution you have made in Covid, but people can return to their old lives.

And also this does not make any sense:
Now I'm coming back to look into my "old world." With all the developments like AI, Corona, the almost non-existent privacy, is that old world still there?
Can you still do the same things as before, just as a free individual?
because AI = Artificial Intelligence and Corona are not same developments both have different impact and drawbacks. And even they are not in the same timeframe.

Title: Re: Does "our" world here still exist?
Post by: disconnectme on June 24, 2023, 09:36:22 PM

We were labeled as "conspiracy theorists" when we asked questions about uncontrolled mass immigration in Western Europe. It just didn't make sense. Why would you let a continent be flooded with people from all corners of the world without control?

The old world is gone and the power to be, are pushing their own agenda and uncontrolled immigration is one of the major ways they want to use to achieve their goals. What is really disturbing to me is that why are Europeans not having more children than people from developing and third world countries. The standard of living is far better than these places, but they decided not to have children. The extinction of white race is coming maybe in hundred years the native will become minority in their own land. People need to wake up and not self-destruct themselves from within, the funny thing is that most of these people do not see this as a big issue.

Title: Re: Does "our" world here still exist?
Post by: on June 24, 2023, 10:05:37 PM
English is not my native language, but I have a good command of the English language. I am writing what I think.

How to center myself in 2023

How times have changed! Or is it not that bad?

In the past, I used to be active on these types of forums. When I say "in the past," I mean between 2010-2019.

I sold VCCs (Virtual Credit Cards). I helped people with account verification. I sold all kinds of digital products, not just on Bitcoin forums but everywhere. Various interesting tasks that we all know on this forum. It was a nice extra income, and I was fully immersed in that world alongside my regular job. It always appealed to me because it was not illegal—a nice side hustle.

I stepped away from that world when I started following politics in 2019. A party came into the picture with a program that resonated with me. I was 39 years old at the time, and I started a YouTube channel as a rookie because I wanted to contribute to my home country. It felt like a calling to me. I really wanted to make a difference and not spend my whole life working for a boss when I could do something more.

I love my small Western European country where I was born. I was, and still am, someone who stands for Common Sense. Politically, I used to call myself "right-wing conservative." Nowadays, I see things completely differently. I believe that when you join a political party or label yourself with a political ideology, you register yourself for something with a set of rules and norms. Because if you are right-wing conservative, you absolutely cannot have progressive ideas, right? So, by definition, you are not being yourself because you conform to the rules of that political ideology.

Anyway, I started a YouTube channel, and I noticed that many people felt the same way I did. Some people joined me, and I ended up in a completely different world.
We were labeled as "conspiracy theorists" when we asked questions about uncontrolled mass immigration in Western Europe. It just didn't make sense. Why would you let a continent be flooded with people from all corners of the world without control? I am certainly in favor of a good immigration policy. People who genuinely need help should be assisted. That's only logical for us wealthy countries to do. At the very least. But it should be for those who truly need it, not opportunistic seekers. Create a good policy, ensure quality assistance for those in need, and as a sovereign country, we expect you to contribute something here. Actually, we don't expect anything from you. We just want to make sure you are a good person. Color, race, and origin should not matter.

But even discussing something like this was immediately dismissed as racism. That didn't make sense to me.

For me, an adventure began, and I started the YouTube channel and, six months later, an alternative news and opinion website. Then came Corona. For me, it is still a created phenomenon intended to harm humanity. I earned income through my YouTube Partnership. The channel grew to over 35k subscribers, which was considered a reasonable voice for our country at the time. My YouTube channel was censored in October. Any criticism of Corona and the, back then, upcoming vaccines was not tolerated. You were literally kicked out if you went against the mainstream narrative.

You see it all happening with your own eyes, and it is designed in such a way that those of us who see it happen are called conspiracy theorists. Of course, there are wild stories and numerous conspiracy theories surrounding Corona that go too far. But hey, allowing ourselves to be injected for what exactly?

The numbers globally showed that the average age of death from Corona was 82 years, and over 90% had underlying serious health conditions. From day one, you could easily calculate that there wasn't much to worry about here, and you had to dig deeper to see that you were being fooled. And even if there is "something" going on, it's not as they want to present it to us. They want that shot in our arms. And we questioned that. And others did too. And that was not allowed. You were simply silenced. As if you don't exist. "Shut up!" But they couldn't censor the website, so we continued, and the website is still there.

Bizarre years. And suddenly, you get a slap in the face and realize that you also participated in this whole hype. An eye-opener.

Now I'm coming back to look into my "old world." With all the developments like AI, Corona, the almost non-existent privacy, is that old world still there?
Can you still do the same things as before, just as a free individual?

I feel very.... confused. Does this makes sense to some of you?

Interesting "stream of consciousness" type of post but I fail to see any reason behind it... why exactly you're sharing this with forum users? Looking for some followers or like-minded people? Looking for sympathy? You seem to be confused?

Title: Re: Change is the only constant
Post by: STT on June 24, 2023, 10:40:03 PM
“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man.” This quote from Heraclitus illustrates that in both life and business you can't go back. You can only go forward.,You%20can%20only%20go%20forward.

Everything is relevant but change is the only certainty, you are not alone in this point though many things are not best described in words unfortunately.    I think you are just getting old bro :P  You may notice change most when older as everything was just new at first discovery.  Then eventually you will recognize everything is the same and often repeats.   Some of what you say is dangerous, notable & increasingly alarming in not being allowed to disagree yet also this is not new.

conspiracy - most often Hanlons razor applies incompetence not malice leads to mistaken authority.

52 years ago

Title: Re: Does "our" world here still exist?
Post by: SmartGold01 on June 25, 2023, 12:42:22 AM
Your post needs to be given full attention as it's not specifically saying a particular thing rather it touches various angles, then moved down to the summary aspect of it. Where you made mention of going back to the old world.

Well I must say the truth over here, a man does not go back to a 1 month old baby anymore rather would continue to further in age, there are some life's you can't go back again to live such a free time or probably having to do those things you were doing before probably age is against or you are occupied with lots of activities coupled with family so you might not have that breathing space to run around to do things that you feels.

The coronavirus was something unimaginable till date and no one prayers for such to happen anymore because it took lives and kept people in a bad condition where no one has hope to either see the next day or not, people were Willing out their properties due to lack of hope to either survive or they died along the line so it was better for them to Will out their properties.

Title: Re: Does "our" world here still exist?
Post by: Wexnident on June 25, 2023, 01:06:01 AM
For me, an adventure began, and I started the YouTube channel and, six months later, an alternative news and opinion website. Then came Corona. For me, it is still a created phenomenon intended to harm humanity. I earned income through my YouTube Partnership. The channel grew to over 35k subscribers, which was considered a reasonable voice for our country at the time. My YouTube channel was censored in October. Any criticism of Corona and the, back then, upcoming vaccines was not tolerated. You were literally kicked out if you went against the mainstream narrative.

You see it all happening with your own eyes, and it is designed in such a way that those of us who see it happen are called conspiracy theorists. Of course, there are wild stories and numerous conspiracy theories surrounding Corona that go too far. But hey, allowing ourselves to be injected for what exactly?

The numbers globally showed that the average age of death from Corona was 82 years, and over 90% had underlying serious health conditions. From day one, you could easily calculate that there wasn't much to worry about here, and you had to dig deeper to see that you were being fooled. And even if there is "something" going on, it's not as they want to present it to us. They want that shot in our arms. And we questioned that. And others did too. And that was not allowed. You were simply silenced. As if you don't exist. "Shut up!" But they couldn't censor the website, so we continued, and the website is still there.

Bizarre years. And suddenly, you get a slap in the face and realize that you also participated in this whole hype. An eye-opener.

Now I'm coming back to look into my "old world." With all the developments like AI, Corona, the almost non-existent privacy, is that old world still there?
Can you still do the same things as before, just as a free individual?

I feel very.... confused. Does this makes sense to some of you?

So... I am assuming that you have some sort of conniving theory about the vaccines (which I assume is the reason for the censorship of your YT account). I reckon it's because it's a "theory", sadly not enough people understand the term and they push it as a "fact" instead, and said facts were, well, going against what was needed to fix the problem. Back then, people NEEDED to understand what the hell was happening and what they needed to do. It was not a time for "conspiracies" since lives were at stake, not only theirs but also those around them due to how it was spreading rather wildly (I mean the entire world went to a lockdown, that's enough to showcase how dangerous it was).

As for the AI, I don't see how they stand side by side here. Sadly I can't really understand what your "old world" means here, except that you were rather dubious of a lot of things back then, but I don't think being dubious of AI is anything since, well, no one is forcing you to use it.

Title: Re: Does "our" world here still exist?
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on June 25, 2023, 05:36:56 AM
And I liked the post, OP. It's always nice to go back to old favorite places, but it's almost always impossible to go back to that time. Everything has changed, of course. Now it is very difficult to talk about confidentiality or anonymity. Everywhere eyes. The Internet has ceased to be a place where people sincerely tried to communicate; it is more and more reduced to money.
But what are the goals of your return here? There must surely be people who were with you in the past. But it will probably be more difficult to conduct digital sales as demand is different today. In any case, it's always nice to keep up with the times. Stay with us; I think you won't be disappointed.

Title: Re: Does "our" world here still exist?
Post by: bussybuddy on June 25, 2023, 09:30:10 AM
Life is always moving and changing, it will never be fixed, and you can still do the same things as before, as a free individual. The drastic changes that have taken place in the world in recent times bring new difficulties and opportunities to life, I can say that the ecommerce sector has grown quite rapidly in my locality after that time disease outbreak.
If you decide to continue to be active on forums or social networks, be sure that you act in accordance with the rules and always comply with applicable laws. You want to enter the world of politics or business, it may be necessary to adopt the rules and norms of an element of that system, rather than just a free individual.

Title: Re: Does "our" world here still exist?
Post by: Die_empty on June 25, 2023, 10:55:53 AM
You moved to another world and you want to come back to your past world. This will be difficult but not unachievable. The world has moved but you can still cope through learning and observation. I have also thought about contributing to my country politically but that world seems very risky and dirty. In my country politics is now synonymous with corruption and bribery. Elections are now won with money and not the character of the candidates. I have decided to avoid politics until it becomes clean. Citizens should be allowed to peacefully express their political views without restrictions and intimidation.

Your views on immigration are your observation. Some people are of the view that freedom of goods and human resources should be encouraged because it is important. They feel that immigrants contribute positively to the nation's economy. Labor shortages are corrected with foreign workers and some immigrants establish a flourishing business. Like you said we should encourage legal migration but sometimes illegal immigrants have no choice. They are faced will situations that push them to embark on deadly immigration journeys. developed countries should assist citizens of our nations because they really need the help. If foreigners will not harm the host country,  they should be welcomed.

You are welcome to the forum and hope you will enjoy yourself. Regarding privacy, you have to put extra effort to enjoy it. I suggest you maintain a simple life and stay away from social media.

Title: Re: Does "our" world here still exist?
Post by: Freedom4All on June 25, 2023, 12:35:28 PM
Your post needs to be given full attention as it's not specifically saying a particular thing rather it touches various angles, then moved down to the summary aspect of it. Where you made mention of going back to the old world.

Well I must say the truth over here, a man does not go back to a 1 month old baby anymore rather would continue to further in age, there are some life's you can't go back again to live such a free time or probably having to do those things you were doing before probably age is against or you are occupied with lots of activities coupled with family so you might not have that breathing space to run around to do things that you feels.

The coronavirus was something unimaginable till date and no one prayers for such to happen anymore because it took lives and kept people in a bad condition where no one has hope to either see the next day or not, people were Willing out their properties due to lack of hope to either survive or they died along the line so it was better for them to Will out their properties.

True, I felt like I needed to write this down here.

Th point of all is: I´ve been in that "official" world of politics and media etc. I have a newswebsite and social media attached to it. I/we have become a brand.
But after a few years in this world it makes me wanna leave that world again. It makes me nervous. There are some very scary truths about politicians and worldcontrol.

That makes me want to go back to the "old times". But I see clearly on this forum that the services, goods that sold are not interesting anymore. So I struggle to find my way back here. Ik keep on reading ofcourse. It is not always a good idea to post exactly what I have been done and doing now in the "100% legal world" if I can call it like that.

People will abuse it.

Title: Re: Does "our" world here still exist?
Post by: Learn Bitcoin on June 25, 2023, 12:56:06 PM
Interesting "stream of consciousness" type of post but I fail to see any reason behind it... why exactly you're sharing this with forum users? Looking for some followers or like-minded people? Looking for sympathy? You seem to be confused?
Let's take it positively. This is a discussion forum and people can talk about almost anything they are interested in. This forum has different sections for different interested people. So, why not let them engage with the community and let them share their thoughts? I don't have any problem joining the general discussion if I feel the topic is interesting. There is even a section named Off-topic where you can discuss almost everything you want.

You are more experienced than me and I believe you know more than me. Now, I feel like you didn't like his topic and decided to write your expression. Let's be more welcoming to others. If you don't like the discussion, just ignore it. Please do not discourage people to discuss something. To be frank, I did the same thing before. But, I feel like this is a waste of time.

Title: Re: Does "our" world here still exist?
Post by: Freedom4All on June 25, 2023, 01:18:05 PM
Thank you, Learn Bitcoin.
Maybe I posted in the wrong section. Apologize.

I assumed this section is to write about everything but it is economics related so I posted it here.

Title: Re: Does "our" world here still exist?
Post by: Learn Bitcoin on June 25, 2023, 01:46:54 PM
Thank you, Learn Bitcoin.
Maybe I posted in the wrong section. Apologize.

I assumed this section is to write about everything but it is economics related so I posted it here.

No worries. Sometimes the same post can be fit into several sections. I guess this post also fits in this section. So you don't have to worry about it. One more notable thing is; this is an anonymous forum. Don't care about too much what people saying to you. Just take positive suggestions and ignore them if you don't like something. Sometimes you might get criticized for your mistakes.

Take that criticism positively and improve yourself. A new member in this forum won't learn everything in a single day or week or even in a month. Take your time to explore the forum if you have enough time. Write post if you are interested to share something.

Title: Re: Does "our" world here still exist?
Post by: pooya87 on June 25, 2023, 03:50:59 PM
We were labeled as "conspiracy theorists" when we asked questions about uncontrolled mass immigration in Western Europe. It just didn't make sense. Why would you let a continent be flooded with people from all corners of the world without control?
Generally speaking it is because of cheap(er) labor. Immigrants work twice as hard and get paid less, not to mention that they work jobs that a regular "citizen" of that country may not be willing to do specially with its very low pay rate.

My YouTube channel was censored in October. Any criticism of Corona and the, back then, upcoming vaccines was not tolerated. You were literally kicked out if you went against the mainstream narrative.
That's the problem with centralized platforms, specially anything located in US. They have a very twisted definition of "freedom of speech". You can basically say anything and do anything as long as the US regime likes.
COVID policies they had is nothing compared to their political agenda against certain countries. For example right now you can easily go on any of those platforms (Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) and spread hate speech, incite violence, post detailed guide for terrorism as long as you do it in for example Russian encouraging Russian citizens to do these things. Do the same thing in English for Americans or French who are protesting for their basic rights and you'll be arrested within minutes!

Now I'm coming back to look into my "old world." With all the developments like AI, Corona, the almost non-existent privacy, is that old world still there?
Can you still do the same things as before, just as a free individual?
A lot of these things have been going on for a long time like the lack of privacy, so I don't think the "old world" has really changed. We just encounter newer challenges like the shenanigans of AI that some are predicting to be more deadly than invention of nukes...

Title: Re: Does "our" world here still exist?
Post by: Ozero on June 25, 2023, 04:31:03 PM
Life is always moving and changing, it will never be fixed, and you can still do the same things as before, as a free individual. The drastic changes that have taken place in the world in recent times bring new difficulties and opportunities to life, I can say that the ecommerce sector has grown quite rapidly in my locality after that time disease outbreak.
If you decide to continue to be active on forums or social networks, be sure that you act in accordance with the rules and always comply with applicable laws. You want to enter the world of politics or business, it may be necessary to adopt the rules and norms of an element of that system, rather than just a free individual.
Our lives are changing really fast. This is especially true for the development of digital technologies in recent decades. Now we can no longer imagine our life without the Internet and everything connected with it. Thanks to the Internet, we can quickly find answers to any questions that interest us without any problems. But at the same time, our smartphones, laptops and other technological innovations that bring us convenience and comfort are taking away our anonymity and privacy at a very fast pace. Thanks to these technical innovations, the government has the ability to almost completely control our behavior, our actions, interests and much more. Therefore, the old world will not return.

Title: Re: Does "our" world here still exist?
Post by: hyudien on June 25, 2023, 06:10:16 PM
Now I'm coming back to look into my "old world." With all the developments like AI, Corona, the almost non-existent privacy, is that old world still there?
Can you still do the same things as before, just as a free individual?

I feel very.... confused. Does this makes sense to some of you?
I quite enjoy what you have to say and don't feel bored reading it to the end. But the important point is in the final revelation that this world is so perfect in every way. Regarding the cycle where almost every country in the world feels the same impact from one event. Like Corona, in the end, all governments apply the same restriction system. Not only applies to old age, even children, youth, women, and men must follow the set rules.

Why were the systems and rules the same when Corona started? the answer is in the media that controls us and is quickly spread widely spread by representatives of every country. The era faded and the Corona era was over. Now the world is facing a new chapter and the most popular issue in the economic sector. Cold war, US standing threatened. With the dollar weakening, the BRICS challenge for the strength of the US economy continues to be at stake. Then apart from that all our roles are only as executors of the system that has been arranged in such a way. Because we are not important people, unlike you who have thousands of subscribers and can guide followers to apply your understanding. But I'm not, just a victim of the system itself.

Title: Re: Does "our" world here still exist?
Post by: cabron on June 25, 2023, 06:24:15 PM

Corona is one hell planned genocide, you can't tell its created by Chinese because of course they'd be blamed so why is the Wuhan lab funded by US?  Yup conspiracy they say.

All data was collected during lockdowns and vaccination. Are they also collecting DNAs as well?  Conspiracy again but why not? Old world is gone indeed.

Title: Re: Does "our" world here still exist?
Post by: Freedom4All on June 25, 2023, 08:45:46 PM
That time was crazy.
I saw all my friends and family doing such irresponsible things.

Wearing masks, living in fear, they felt they wanted as many vaccines as possible.

I lost a lot of friends because of "corona".
They did not want to talk to me anymore. I never wore a mask, ever. My world became smaller, but I was okay with that but my family and friends did not accept my criticism. I was a "conspiracy theorist" and a "danger for other people". Some familymembers were sceptical but because of social pressure, even my own mum, took the jab. I still regret I could do nothing to talk that decision out of her head. And the the very young chidren from my sister...

There were always shops where you could buy without a mask. It was expensive, but I will never let the government make me wear something very unhealthy.
But many people had no choice. They had to choose between their job and taking the jab or getting fired. But even then.

This shows my opinion about corona and the jabs in short. I do respect other views and one day we will know the truth.

Title: Re: Does "our" world here still exist?
Post by: uneng on June 25, 2023, 09:06:39 PM
Now I'm coming back to look into my "old world." With all the developments like AI, Corona, the almost non-existent privacy, is that old world still there?
Can you still do the same things as before, just as a free individual?
No, the world is constantly changing (some say it's evolving), so the next day is never going to be like today. Changes are happening continuously and even you won't be your currently "yourself" tomorrow.

What I have been seeing since the pandemic is that governments and regulators have adopted harsh measures against who they believe to be contributing to the disease's spread. At first impression and until the contrary is proved, it seems a noble attitude thinking on common welfare, right?

However, such harsh measures aren't restricted to health affairs. They also go further, through the political sphere. In some countries people are persecuted and imprisioned for their religious or political preferences. And regards this matter, it's nothing new. Since the ancient socities we see this happening.

It's all about power. People conspirate, lie, betrayal and kill to reach the top of the pyramid. Common sense is manufactured by the powerful ones within time. I believe we live in a big lie with a false sense of security and constitutional guarantees that don't exist for real.

Since you are a conservative, you should know only God is to be trusted and followed. Forget about human ideologies and idolatry of fake celebrities and political figures. Even regards news about Covid you should be careful with the kind of content you absorb. There are many fake news being spread by supposed conservatives...

Title: Re: Does "our" world here still exist?
Post by: robelneo on June 25, 2023, 09:44:37 PM

Now I'm coming back to look into my "old world." With all the developments like AI, Corona, the almost non-existent privacy, is that old world still there?
Can you still do the same things as before, just as a free individual?

I feel very.... confused. Does this makes sense to some of you?

Everything is on mindset and how you can cope with development the only permanent thing in this world is change but there are a lot of things in the old world that is still here and will help you cope and these are families friends and nature, the Corona is still there but that does not mean that we have to deny ourselves of great and beautiful things that this world can offer.

I also missed the old world where there is no Corona and there is no Internet where people can talk freely and communicate effectively and face to face you have to just sometimes cut yourself in the internet and have good communication with your peers and loved ones.

The old world which we know is fading but we have its memory, we can still work to get it back by going back to nature, nature always reminds us who we are where came from, and where we are going, this is an effective way to cope in an ever-changing world.

Title: Re: Does "our" world here still exist?
Post by: usekevin on June 25, 2023, 10:27:34 PM
English can be used as the global language and used to communicate huge number of people.By English post,you can reach maximum number of people.Before the Corona the bitcoin price was not stable one and struggled to reach 10k dollars.But after the good times to the bitcoin,many iinvestors come to crypto currency after the Corona.So Corona had gives positive impact to the crypto currency and his growth.

Title: Re: Does "our" world here still exist?
Post by: SmartGold01 on June 25, 2023, 11:04:10 PM
Your post needs to be given full attention as it's not specifically saying a particular thing rather it touches various angles, then moved down to the summary aspect of it. Where you made mention of going back to the old world.

Well I must say the truth over here, a man does not go back to a 1 month old baby anymore rather would continue to further in age, there are some life's you can't go back again to live such a free time or probably having to do those things you were doing before probably age is against or you are occupied with lots of activities coupled with family so you might not have that breathing space to run around to do things that you feels.

The coronavirus was something unimaginable till date and no one prayers for such to happen anymore because it took lives and kept people in a bad condition where no one has hope to either see the next day or not, people were Willing out their properties due to lack of hope to either survive or they died along the line so it was better for them to Will out their properties.

True, I felt like I needed to write this down here.

Th point of all is: I´ve been in that "official" world of politics and media etc. I have a newswebsite and social media attached to it. I/we have become a brand.
But after a few years in this world it makes me wanna leave that world again. It makes me nervous. There are some very scary truths about politicians and worldcontrol.

That makes me want to go back to the "old times". But I see clearly on this forum that the services, goods that sold are not interesting anymore. So I struggle to find my way back here. Ik keep on reading ofcourse. It is not always a good idea to post exactly what I have been done and doing now in the "100% legal world" if I can call it like that.

People will abuse it.

I am not a politician but I may be good in handling the affairs of life. There is this you should understand about politics they needs a dedication and devotion for them to get all needed something I sees it as a dirty game that is only played in favor for self gain without having the rethink to feel how poor masses feels. What the cry for is Power and power, Firm name it all, but that doesn't end there sometimes deeps in taking one's life either by political oppositions.

Title: Re: Does "our" world here still exist?
Post by: Bananington on June 25, 2023, 11:18:40 PM
There is this you should understand about politics they needs a dedication and devotion for them to get all needed something I sees it as a dirty game that is only played in favor for self gain without having the rethink to feel how poor masses feels.
I refuse to agree that the politics played in every country is a dirty game you know, I take it that your statement is coming from a place of personal experience, but they are countries actually make provision for people who and not rich enough to afford some things probably because of their unemployment from age or no available well paying jobs.

@OP, things are changing really fast, if you have been away for sometime, things will not remain the same as you expect it to be in the old world. It is called old for a reason because new things will take over always, that is the dynamics of life.

Title: Re: Does "our" world here still exist?
Post by: SmartGold01 on June 25, 2023, 11:45:38 PM
There is this you should understand about politics they needs a dedication and devotion for them to get all needed something I sees it as a dirty game that is only played in favor for self gain without having the rethink to feel how poor masses feels.
I refuse to agree that the politics played in every country is a dirty game you know, I take it that your statement is coming from a place of personal experience, but they are countries actually make provision for people who and not rich enough to afford some things probably because of their unemployment from age or no available well paying jobs.

@OP, things are changing really fast, if you have been away for sometime, things will not remain the same as you expect it to be in the old world. It is called old for a reason because new things will take over always, that is the dynamics of life.

You maybe right and I don't see any reason to canvass over this issues, there are country's that didn't care about her citizens especially my country which happens that politicians are often going there for their family gain and interest  without having executing the required task to carry out in their respective offices.
That is why I made my statement very clear to understand how few country's run their leadership, I may exclusive the westerners because they are always strict with their respective offices and duty.

Title: Re: Does "our" world here still exist?
Post by: icalical on June 26, 2023, 12:38:52 AM
First of all, it seems like your post are in the wrong section, it should be in Politics & Society ( You really don't talk anything about Economy in this post.

I got some of your point, you are being judge because of your political believes, tho it is wrong, but it's not without a reason. Conservatives people who are loud in public and social media are actually racist, I have some conservative friends and definitely know that they are good people, they just want to protect their value in their own private life, not forcing it to anyone else, but they are not loud they keep silence, while the loud ones spreading hate towards minority and the vulnerable.

I wouldn't share anything towards my opinion about Covid since it's in the past, it's one of the dark path of humanity, whatever happened it's bad but it has passed, you can believe what you believe, and you shouldn't be silenced for that, as long as you are not endangering other people's life.

Title: Re: Does "our" world here still exist?
Post by: umbara ardian on June 26, 2023, 03:59:47 AM
How times have changed! Or is it not that bad?

Human nature is always difficult to change, except when encountering events. Since life is always changing, going against this natural flow is against the very nature of existence. We have absolutely no idea when life will have its ups and downs, and we are mostly unprepared for them. Therefore, it is necessary to find yourself the skills to adapt to the changes in life afterwards. Sometimes you need to understand that the events that life brings are not all the worst, but sometimes it is a challenge for each person to practice their own bravery. When you have the courage to overcome, you will be stronger than ever.

Title: Re: Does "our" world here still exist?
Post by: Desscount on June 26, 2023, 04:42:14 AM
How times have changed! Or is it not that bad?

Human nature is always difficult to change, except when encountering events. Since life is always changing, going against this natural flow is against the very nature of existence. We have absolutely no idea when life will have its ups and downs, and we are mostly unprepared for them. Therefore, it is necessary to find yourself the skills to adapt to the changes in life afterwards. Sometimes you need to understand that the events that life brings are not all the worst, but sometimes it is a challenge for each person to practice their own bravery. When you have the courage to overcome, you will be stronger than ever.
That's true and we can see from the cases since there was a pandemic it really changed a lot of things,
however it's a challenge that we never imagined would happen like that,
either the business sector or individually we must adapt to the conditions at that time.

Title: Re: Does "our" world here still exist?
Post by: Iadegbola34 on June 26, 2023, 11:03:14 AM
It sounds like you've been on quite a journey, transitioning from your previous side hustle to delving into politics and starting a YouTube channel. The experiences you've had and the challenges you've faced, especially regarding topics like immigration and COVID, have left you feeling confused and questioning the state of the world. It can be disorienting to witness censorship and see the mainstream narrative overpower alternative perspectives. Take some time to reflect and find your footing.

Title: Re: Does "our" world here still exist?
Post by: Mpamaegbu on June 26, 2023, 08:33:20 PM
I feel very.... confused. Does this makes sense to some of you?
Yeah, it does make sense to me. That's why, jocularly, they say written English is different from spoken English 🤡

Back to the discourse, without sounding offish, it's a common knowledge that idealism doesn't equate realism. That's the same situation you witnessed with your involvement in politics. Those with good intentions for the masses don't often do well in politics as their idealism is quickly destabilised by the reality on ground. Most often their ideals don't match the reality. One wonders if there's a secret cult where government officials are forced to enter a convenant not to do what they promise to do during their campaigns. In your own case, I saw a genuine attempt to help your people but you got overshadowed by the anti-populist tendencies of other politicians.

All the same, welcome back. Their loss is Bitcoin's gain.