Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Edcrypto91 on June 30, 2023, 08:20:20 PM

Title: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Edcrypto91 on June 30, 2023, 08:20:20 PM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but
Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling

I am sure this is what other investors here do

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Hyphen(-) on June 30, 2023, 08:40:05 PM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but

It is essential to understand that no one cares about what you have put in Bitcoin; so, do not invest with the intention of showing off without conducting any study into what you are investing in. Even if you are investing in Bitcoin, be sure you understand the fundamentals behind what you are doing and do not invest with the intention of making quick money.

Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling
Yes, Always invest the amount you can afford to lose because of the risk involved in Bitcoin and cryptocurrency investing.

Always avoid borrowing money for Investments.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Zaguru12 on June 30, 2023, 08:58:09 PM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but
Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling
I am sure this is what other investors here do

You post can just simply be summarized as don’t invest base on the advice you get from the forum or anywhere entirely. Just do some research and invest what you can invest. I don’t believe most of even the members that comes out to say they sold some certain properties to acquire bitcoin, I see it as just click bait or merit fishing as the forum calls it. The percentage of people that actually sold for real did that with properties that they do not use or have in numbers and with this they can do away without one. Aside this it is never advisable to sell your properties for bitcoin.

Another reason people invest most of these properties into bitcoin is basically for profit and that is not enough good reason to invest in it. People feel like bitcoin wouldn’t have a low again after the halving but that is not true because based on the time even proposed for bitcoin mining to stop I think even a bitcoin worth $100k is still low considering the year since it’s inception to now and how the price grows and how many years left for that.

So do not copy invest, invest what you can to because this gives you freedom to hodl for long and that is the most safest way to earn profits in bitcoin

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: mvdheuvel1983 on June 30, 2023, 08:59:20 PM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but
Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling

I am sure this is what other investors here do

This one is like a bitcoin slogan. And it is not just restricted to only investing in bitcoin only but to other investments like stocks. Perhaps a lesson warning should be for everyone to weigh their level of risk, how much risk can they carry and from it invest in bitcoin or not. I think it is easier to invest in bitcoin when you are single than when you have a family and more responsibilities because one wrong investing mistake and you and your family may just be on the streets. Seek financial advice and before investing.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: SmartGold01 on June 30, 2023, 09:08:42 PM
If anyone here is investing to show off then such person doesn't have sense of reasoning because those whom you think of pleasing doesn't know whether its true investment or not. At some point many people would think is a lie so why stressing yourself to sell a landed property to invest in bitcoin knowing too well that doesn't add any value to you rather taking a deadly risk.
Does the person knowns the feature of what bitcoin would likely turn out to be?
The answer is "No" but we are optimistic and passionate that something good could like happen whereby bitcoin price would hit another ATH.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: BitcoinPanther on June 30, 2023, 09:11:14 PM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but
Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling

I am sure this is what other investors here do

I think selling an unused property is ok since it is just sitting there idle.  It is the same as an investment that does not affect the investors.  Since an idle property is like a liability because the person just paying tax for a land that does not produce anything.  Selling it is not a bad idea plus investing the money from the sold land to Bitcoin is a good idea because in my perspective, Bitcoin is an up trending market which can give the person profit.

At the end of the day it is all about how a person believe in Bitcoin market, so the view about is it wrong or right to sell a property to invest in Bitcoin is subjective but the Bitcoin market history states that it is more likely profitable depending on when the person sold the land to invest in Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Accardo on June 30, 2023, 09:48:04 PM
I don't think anybody is forced to invest into bitcoin, if a person feels pressured by the success stories of other members, they will never make the right decisions for themselves. And it could lead them to make uncalculated decisions. Hence, your advise is valuable, but will rarely make any change for a person with high fantasies for riches and believes bitcoin will take him there in a short period. It's not intimidation, I think such people impose it on themselves and were not able to control their desperation to earn big through bitcoin. Such people, after selling properties, also add bad PR to bitcoin, if their weirdest dreams didn't come through. As a good number of pressured investors don't hold for a long time.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: famososMuertos on June 30, 2023, 09:51:15 PM
In reality, everyone must evaluate what they do with their money, based on their own thoughts and not those of third parties, we are a discussion board on bitcoin, this is a necessary process to guide future decisions, but they do not have to be direct triggers for decisions investment.

There are people here who mention in this same thread, they sold land that they do not have in use, but they have really ever had the ability to buy, they know the informational fact of what bitcoin means, but they do not have the experience of making a decision on a liability important, as it is to be able to buy a house, or land, in their life they have bought a pair of shoes and they give advice on buying and selling assets or liabilities, just because you know that bitcoin is an asset to invest, does not mean that it is investment priority over traditional investment models, diversification is the key.

The issue is that you do not prioritize your investment, that is, the idea is not to sell a property to buy bitcoin, the idea is to have access to bitcoin without affecting your economy and selling land is a bad idea when it is the only thing you own as heritage.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Alpha Marine on June 30, 2023, 09:53:49 PM
It is essential to understand that no one cares about what you have put in Bitcoin; so, do not invest with the intention of showing off without conducting any study into what you are investing in. Even if you are investing in Bitcoin, be sure you understand the fundamentals behind what you are doing and do not invest with the intention of making quick money.
I don't think people do it to show off. Most people that invest without having an understanding of Bitcoin just want to make a profit, which is good because that is the whole idea of investing, but it's not right to just dive into something without understanding at least the basics of that thing.
Most of these guys don't just want to miss out on an opportunity. It's why people easily fall for shitcoin scams and Ponzi schemes. When a person is too eager and desperate to make quick money, they'll most likely fall into the wrong hands.

Always avoid borrowing money for Investments.
Actually, it depends.
People borrow to start up businesses. A business can be seen as a form of investment.
There are crypto traders who have people invest with them. They collect money from people, trade the money, and give the investors their share of the profit. A Very risky business, I don't advise it. 
Personally (and this is not financial advice in any way), I think it is only okay to borrow for an investment when you have in-depth knowledge of that particular investment, with some experience. And even as you borrow, make sure it's something that you'll be able to land on your feet if things go wrong.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Wimex on June 30, 2023, 10:36:32 PM
I feel that most investors would not be influenced by what people say in a forum, the simple fact of investing in something, be it Bitcoin or anything else, requires a study and development of various factors that influence it. , only beginning investors would be carried away by the words of others ... but anyone with considerable financial education would not bet their money on a single investment. As they say, we cannot put all our eggs in one basket... For me, investing in Bitcoin is not a bad idea, although its values fluctuate, it has a very marked upward trend.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Wiwo on June 30, 2023, 10:41:11 PM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but
Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "make investments that will not affect you" In other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than holding

I am sure this is what other investors here do

This is a generally accepted warning most especially to newbies who seems to be the most excited set of people here to always announce their bitcoin investment and how much bitcoin they are worth in the bitcoin accumulation model, not minding or taking into account what the risk of buying bitcoin at the wrong time is.

I saw a few guys opening a buy position at the current Bitcoin price, it is not entirely a bad idea anyways but buying at a high price is considered as buyi g under due rest and that won't be a good idea in the long run.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Lanatsa on June 30, 2023, 10:43:54 PM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but
Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling

I am sure this is what other investors here do

Be wary and sensible on what you are doing or in regards with your decisions and you cant really just make yourself diving into a certain investment without proper planning and research even if we do tell ourselves

that we are just noobs but putting up effort on making some research doesnt really cost you an arm and leg on which it would really be just that normal that you should really do your assignment first.
You wouldnt really be on you right mind on selling properties which you've been thriving on buying and selling it out again for Bitcoin investment? Why you cant just simply trying out to make profits out of those
properties and the money you do make would be invested back in bitcoin?

It doesnt really needed up on selling back once again because if there are some viable sources on which you could get funds on investing into Bitcoin then it would really be that wise on taking that option
rather than on selling it completely which i would say a dumb decision to be made.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: AmoreJaz on June 30, 2023, 10:47:23 PM
I don't think anybody is forced to invest into bitcoin, if a person feels pressured by the success stories of other members, they will never make the right decisions for themselves. And it could lead them to make uncalculated decisions. Hence, your advise is valuable, but will rarely make any change for a person with high fantasies for riches and believes bitcoin will take him there in a short period. It's not intimidation, I think such people impose it on themselves and were not able to control their desperation to earn big through bitcoin. Such people, after selling properties, also add bad PR to bitcoin, if their weirdest dreams didn't come through. As a good number of pressured investors don't hold for a long time.

at the end of the day, remember that it is yourself that has the final say to what you will do with your funds. you can read about other opinions and unsolicited suggestions, but you need to be firm about your decision as this may influence your financial stability if you made wrong choices.
i understand, a lot wants to earn big money on this market, however, they will soon understand that there's more to this than meets the eye in this market, once they are losing some of their investments.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: OgNasty on June 30, 2023, 10:50:55 PM
Slow and steady always wins the race. No matter how many times I try to get friends to take a stack sats approach it always fails. Everyone wants to pile all their money in when Bitcoin is all over the news, which unfortunately is the worst possible time to do so. Then they lose money and hate crypto for 4 years. Then another bubble and repeat…

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: tbct_mt2 on June 30, 2023, 10:56:53 PM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments
You invest because you believe in Bitcoin and want to get rich. If you buy bitcoin to impress someone, it is not investment. If you create a topic and write you sold something to buy bitcoin, to impress someone here, you do it with other intention like making impression to get merit.

Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling
Invest with your money and don't over invest. Because investment is risky and you can lose money. If you can not have profit, it is terrible if you have to pay loan interest for your investment which is made by a loan.

If you invest all money you have, you can not afford to lose it all.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on June 30, 2023, 11:05:58 PM
Well, all over the forum, it's been said times without number to only invest as much as you can afford to lose when it concerns bitcoin and cryptocurrency investment, selling off valuable properties to invest in bitcoin so as to impress fellow users of this forum is rather a very foolish decision anyone can make..

Even if one is selling off valuable properties to buy bitcoin, let it be for other personal motives, purposes, that is not related to having to impress anyone, forum members.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: dothebeats on June 30, 2023, 11:10:39 PM
If you reached the point wherein you need to sell something important to buy bitcoin and impress forum members that you obviously don't know anyway, then you have a serious problem about vanity and not money. Selling a lot of your assets to go all in on one thing is definitely a foolish choice, even if the asset in question it bitcoin or crypto. Even crypto millionaires advise against betting all of your money on one certain asset, and it's always best to diversify.

Research before spending something. That should always be the mantra of newbies on every new venture they're looking to get inside of and not just bitcoin in general.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Hyphen(-) on June 30, 2023, 11:15:01 PM
Most of these guys don't just want to miss out on an opportunity. It's why people easily fall for shitcoin scams and Ponzi schemes. When a person is too eager and desperate to make quick money, they'll most likely fall into the wrong hands.
From what the OP said
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin

The OP was referring to newcomers who believe it is necessary to prove to forum users that you are Bitcoin investors. That is why I structured my response to look at advising in such a manner that newcomers will not brag about their investment here, because no one cares about their wealth.

Always avoid borrowing money for Investments.
Actually, it depends.
People borrow to start up businesses. A business can be seen as a form of investment.
There are crypto traders who have people invest with them. They collect money from people, trade the money, and give the investors their share of the profit. A Very risky business, I don't advise it. 
Personally (and this is not financial advice in any way), I think it is only okay to borrow for an investment when you have in-depth knowledge of that particular investment, with some experience. And even as you borrow, make sure it's something that you'll be able to land on your feet if things go wrong.
Borrowing money to start Bitcoin investment is risky because you never know when the market will favor you; additionally, long-term Bitcoin investment is more profitable; thus, if you borrow money for Bitcoin investment and the market goes bearish, you will lose the borrower's money and end up in debt again.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: tabas on June 30, 2023, 11:25:10 PM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments
I don't think that those people that have done it is for boasting or impressing other people. But it is more of a FOMO that they think they'll be left behind whenever Bitcoin soars. Yeah, it's a mistake that no one should do again when they're unsure of what path they're about to take. We've seen a lot that did it but only few succeeded.

Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling

I am sure this is what other investors here do
That's true, you only invest what you can afford to lose. Let's just stick in reality because this is a highly volatile market and if you're for the quick money, you may be successful doing that but much likely that you won't. This is a long game market unless you're a professional trader that can conduct analysis and understands what you do because that's your industry. But for a newbie that just heard out people making money off trading, you have to do better and be more patient.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: CryptoHeadlineNews on June 30, 2023, 11:59:08 PM
Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling

I am sure this is what other investors here do
It's true that when it comes to making investment in any new asset you are been introduce to, getting the necessary basic understanding is always very important, and Bitcoin is not excluded as an asset, which is why I see no reason why if people are making money from it, you should rush into giving it a try without first learning to acquire the basic knowledge about it, as feeling intimidated has never solved any problem but done more harm, which is why it's always good a man do his due diligence before investing in any business, trade or asset.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Ale88 on July 01, 2023, 12:33:13 AM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but
Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling

I am sure this is what other investors here do
Every single investor should invest only the money he can afford to lose, and this is not related to bitcoin only but every investment: stock market, real estate, you name it. The problem is that many people nowadays have no patience so they rush to buy something hoping it'll multiply its value in a few weeks but unfortunately it doesn't work like that. So a savvy investor must also have patience, a lot of it.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: posi on July 01, 2023, 12:46:32 AM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but
Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling

I am sure this is what other investors here do

I think selling an unused property is ok since it is just sitting there idle.  It is the same as an investment that does not affect the investors.  Since an idle property is like a liability because the person just paying tax for a land that does not produce anything.  Selling it is not a bad idea plus investing the money from the sold land to Bitcoin is a good idea because in my perspective, Bitcoin is an up trending market which can give the person profit.

At the end of the day it is all about how a person believe in Bitcoin market, so the view about is it wrong or right to sell a property to invest in Bitcoin is subjective but the Bitcoin market history states that it is more likely profitable depending on when the person sold the land to invest in Bitcoin.

Are you referring to selling real estate to invest in bitcoin, and is that a wise idea? What makes you believe that bitcoin is only trending up and offers profit without risk? If you own real estate and don't use it, that doesn't mean it goes to waste, as its value also increases over time. And if you intend to sell land just because you have to pay taxes, that's silly. By the way, if you are confident about bitcoin's price increase, almost certainly, instead of advising others to sell land for investment, I think you should do it yourself.
Bitcoin has huge potential, but don't think selling land to invest in it because high return comes with high risk, old advice: only invest what we can lose with high risk assets like bitcoin.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: LogitechMouse on July 01, 2023, 02:19:49 AM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but
Rush decisions often lead to losses most when it comes to investing.
Decisions that made a few minutes ago, and didn't think of what can possibly happen with your investment will always leads to losses. Well, there might be some who are lucky, but most of them lose money.

Just to impress on the forum? I mean who in the hell will do that thing? You're giving away your security just for what? Self-validation? Praise for other users here, so you will brag your Bitcoin holdings? At least let's think twice about our security when it comes to our investment first and foremost. Let's not brag our investments especially online because people might make you the target, and they will try to scam you.

Putting your entire savings into Bitcoin? TBH, I'm almost neutral on this one. Why? Because what matters is when you put your savings, and invested it into Bitcoin. I will just use myself as an example. I have $100,000 in my savings account (though I don't have one really :D), and I choose to invest it into Bitcoin last year. Since I know when to buy Bitcoin, my $100,000 initial money is up already by at least 50%. If I choose to just stay it with my savings account, it will not grow. Sometimes, risking your money is the best decision, and sometimes, it can change your life as well. :)

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Broadanbig on July 01, 2023, 03:39:32 AM
It is always there for all to see and know that bitcoin is a volatile asset so therefore anyone trading should trade with caution and also trade with spare funds or cash you can afford  loss. If anyone is selling their property to invest in bitcoin, i believe they must have made up their mind considering the fact that they are holding for a long term otherwise it is not advisable to sell your property just to please people to know that you invested in bitcoin because if it turns out to decline in value then you would likely be going in for along term holding if that was not your plans of buying.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: adaseb on July 01, 2023, 04:07:18 AM
Besides maybe 1 or 2 people globally. Nobody is selling their personal place of residence to buy Bitcoin. I only heard of 2 people that did that in bitcoins history of the last decade.

Both times they sold their home and bought Bitcoin during a bull market. They ended up facing 80% drawdown but if they held they obviously are in profit. One was a single guy and the other was a family that was going to live in an RV temporarily.

However most people don’t do that. Maybe they borrow some money on credit to buy crypto but nobody actually sells their house for Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: yhiaali3 on July 01, 2023, 04:26:32 AM
The risk of selling real estate in which you and your family live or valuables you own to invest in bitcoin and cryptocurrency carries a very high risk.

I remember that some time ago I intended to travel and move to live in another country and I thought of selling my house and buying Bitcoin with that money. It seemed to me a great idea and I did not realize the risks at the time, but after a while the idea of traveling failed and I could not migrate and at the same time the price of Bitcoin fell, I thought at the time how much it was My loss is great if I sold my house to buy bitcoin and then the price fell, I would have stayed without a house and I would have probably waited many years for the price of bitcoin to rise so that I could buy another house.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: ImThour on July 01, 2023, 05:04:43 AM
There should be a clear plan in mind on how to invest, when to invest and how much to invest. If you want a simple plan from me which I have done myself, this is it:

1. How to invest: Invest in Bitcoin and Ethereum, that's it. No other shitcoin/memecoin.
2. When to Invest?: When Daily RSI goes below 30, buy any amount you want.
3. How much to Invest?: Take out 10% of your salary per month for Crypto investment.

This might help you to start an investment plan.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: adzino on July 01, 2023, 07:31:54 AM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but
Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling

I am sure this is what other investors here do

Of course you shouldn't be selling your stuffs, especially assets to invest in bitcoin. That would be the worst financial decision some would make in his life. Sure, if you have some money lying around that you wouldn't need in the long run, then yes, you can invest those money as long as you can afford to lose. But I doubt anyone can afford to lose their all their "assets". In fact your properties and assets will eventually appreciate over time with you having to take less risk, so that wouldn't be a wise decision. And also you don't invest on bitcoin based on "odds". Investing in crypto isn't gambling.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: DeathAngel on July 01, 2023, 07:48:02 AM
You should always do your own research & be confident enough to set your own risk level. Nobody else is in charge of your budget & how much you should invest. Having said that, you are on a bitcoin forum. People here love bitcoin so you are going to get positive comments on bitcoin & be advised to buy it. Nobody here benefits from one guy buying bitcoin unless it’s Saylor buying hundreds of thousands :)

Seriously though, bitcoin is a great inflation hedge, as the decades roll by you will always wish that you’d bought more so be sensible but buy a little regularly. You will be very happy in 25 years that you got into bitcoin. You don’t have to bankrupt yourself doing it but as part of a well managed & diversified portfolio, bitcoin is a must.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: ancafe on July 01, 2023, 08:12:25 AM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin
It is important to understand before trying to invest and sell property that is very valuable to make an investment is not a good decision, except to sell some properties that are not productive and most importantly understand how to make the right investment.

I am not against making Bitcoin investments but
Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling
No investment is safe and we will always face risks along the way and the problem is when you are not able to face risks and try to minimize them. When you are not ready to take risks, investing is not the right place for you, therefore, before trying to invest, you should first learn how to do well. Investing with free money will not bring you to the stage of financial independence and when you rely on this method of investing it will take a long time to earn big profits. The investment capital will adjust the profit we will get and when you place a small amount of capital, the profit will also be small.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: KiaKia on July 01, 2023, 08:16:05 AM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but
Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling

I am sure this is what other investors here do

Many people who are selling properties to buy Bitcoin understands the risk and there is nothing to show off about here because if things fall apart it's going to be a huge loss for them.

Also, I believe that putting your savings into something like Bitcoin is worth the risk, it's safer than other crypto projects that can either make you or wreck you, the risks involved in Bitcoin investment is lower if we compare with other less important assets in crypto space.

What could such high risk strategy favour them if they are showing it off? I've never seen anyone posting pictures of their properties on this forum for show off, some stories about selling properties for Bitcoin are not even true, they are made up stories.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: bayudndy on July 01, 2023, 08:30:48 AM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but
Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling

I am sure this is what other investors here do

Obviously, investing is different from gambling, we need to study to understand it and have a clear plan, not just rely on information from someone to make decisions. I also know that many newcomers are attracted only with profit and they are willing to pour money into it but when they lose they cannot learn their own wrong lesson about their knowledge in this field, some of the jokes from KOLS people say to the people they have drawn into this market that you lose because of your poor capital management :) , yes there are tons of reasons for you to fail, but you really know about them and keep getting lost in the maze in this market.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: SOKO-DEKE on July 01, 2023, 08:38:19 AM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but
Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling

I am sure this is what other investors here do

 It is not a good idea for someone to sell their valuable properties in order to invest in bitcoin. This is true even though bitcoin has proven to be a good investment, but because of Bitcoin nature of volatility, it is never a good idea to sell your valuables in order to purchase bitcoin, as you can never be sure of what features it will happen in the future.Therefore, all beginners should thoroughly study Bitcoin well before deciding to invest any money in it.Beginners should refrain from investing money that they can't afford to lose in the cryptocurrency sector in an effort to succeed soon.So let's invest wisely and with capital we can afford to lose.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: yudi09 on July 01, 2023, 09:03:06 AM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but
Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling

I am sure this is what other investors here do
Fully responsibility exists in the person who decides to make a decision in investing.
Selling valuable property to invest into Bitcoin is not a proper recommendation to do.
There are still many other ways that can be done without having to sell property to be able to invest.

From the historical data of the existing Bitcoin price, Bitcoin can be expected by people who invest to get a greater return than other types of investment carried out in the long run.
Just like you, that I will not forbid people to invest, even I encourage people to invest in bitcoin, but there are things that must be considered such as the level of risk contained therein.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: knowngunman on July 01, 2023, 09:31:50 AM
Actually, it depends.
People borrow to start up businesses. A business can be seen as a form of investment.
There are crypto traders who have people invest with them. They collect money from people, trade the money, and give the investors their share of the profit. A Very risky business, I don't advise it. 
Personally (and this is not financial advice in any way), I think it is only okay to borrow for an investment when you have in-depth knowledge of that particular investment, with some experience. And even as you borrow, make sure it's something that you'll be able to land on your feet if things go wrong.
No! This is entirely a different case. Bitcoin is not a business and you can not compare physical business with crypto. In physical business you are in full control of your business and its management. The only way to lose your money in physical business is improper management or natural disaster occurs but talking about crypto, you don't have single control over it.

In my opinion, it is not risky to borrow money and invest in Bitcoin or any other coin but it a no do thing. Don't do it at all, it's not a do or die thing. If you are interested in investing in crypto, work with your sweat and earn money to start the investment and stop thinking of borrowing money.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: kryptqnick on July 01, 2023, 09:59:44 AM
The op is right that it's best to invest what one can afford to lose. If someone just has some property that sits there without any use and for some reason can't be made profit of via renting or something like that, selling it and investing into Bitcoin is an okay idea. But if that property can become very useful or is already a source of passive income (via renting), then perhaps it's the profits that should be invested, not the money from selling the property. The op says 'free money', but I don't think it should only be money someone got as a gift or something. It can be earned money, as long as it's not required for other things.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Litzki1990 on July 01, 2023, 10:03:48 AM
It is true that there is never a rush to invest. Because work that is done in haste is never good. Those who have adequate understanding of the market will never be in a hurry to invest. But the opportunities that come with investing should not be missed. That is, you understand that if you invest in this period, you can earn several times the profit, the moment we should invest in that period. But selling your property in a hurry and taking a loan from the bank should never be done.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: gunhell16 on July 01, 2023, 10:34:13 AM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but
Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling

I am sure this is what other investors here do

Yes, and your warning is correct dude, because I also read that there are others who said that his house was sold and what was sold was bought with Bitcoin, even though he did not know the depth of Bitcoin.

But even so, we still need to be careful with every step and decision we make. Especially if the house and lot is your last resource. We should also have fully understood what Bitcoin is, not that we just did it because we were just carried away by being too hyped about Bitcoin, although Bitcoin is really okay in the long-term in terms of investment.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: FrozenBit on July 01, 2023, 11:43:36 AM
Everyone wants to have a better life than what's going on around, there are many different opportunities in life and investing with crypto market is also an opportunity for us to become better rich. But it's clearly not for everyone, anyone who understands it, has experienced losses and persevered on the journey to success will receive a well-deserved reward, my investment view is very simple not only about money, but also have to invest a lot in knowledge and health, so that everything is comfortable on the journey to achieve the set goals.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Solosanz on July 01, 2023, 11:59:14 AM
Did you even know those users who had show their Bitcoin investment in this forum are made up stories?

They're show it because they can earn easy merit from other users, but they're not have any reason to invite people to invest in Bitcoin. So if you read such thread, it's not real and you just need to avoid to read further when it's about Bitcoin investment or things he bought from Bitcoin investment.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: sulendra12 on July 01, 2023, 12:03:01 PM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but
Although it's real that people would do anything to invest on Bitcoin including selling their properties just for hoping to get the return from unpredictable asset. But if we are talking about this forum, then the truth about those is questionable because most of the threads were made by newbies, maybe just for attention I don't know.

Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling
I am sure this is what other investors here do
It's always a bad idea to not use your spare money and affordable money to invest and use things like properties just for the investment, most of the people here if you don't want to waste your precious money then just invest with the small amount of money that you can afford to lose to prevent this, that's always be a rule of thumb of making an investment.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Tony116 on July 01, 2023, 12:21:07 PM
Besides maybe 1 or 2 people globally. Nobody is selling their personal place of residence to buy Bitcoin. I only heard of 2 people that did that in bitcoins history of the last decade.

Both times they sold their home and bought Bitcoin during a bull market. They ended up facing 80% drawdown but if they held they obviously are in profit. One was a single guy and the other was a family that was going to live in an RV temporarily.

However most people don’t do that. Maybe they borrow some money on credit to buy crypto but nobody actually sells their house for Bitcoin.

The case of selling homes to invest in bitcoin is rare, but people who have sold their tangible assets to invest in bitcoin are numerous. A long time ago at the forum, I remember a guy selling all his wife's jewelry to invest in bitcoin or someone advised to sell some real estate to invest in bitcoin or borrow money to invest...Honestly, all of this should not be recommended as it's not all money that we can lose. Investing by selling assets or borrowing is no different than we are gambling and looking for our fortune. Bitcoin is really worth investing in, but let's not forget its volatility and risk that can cost us dearly if we are subjective.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Wildwest on July 01, 2023, 12:33:10 PM
Very appropriate as you said because investing in bitcoin is a very big risk and we do not know when the benefits we will get even though some people have predicted that the value of bitcoin will increase in the next year, selling real assets to invest in bitcoin certainly must have great consideration lest we get caught in the market when the decline occurs and we do not have assets to meet daily needs, So first learn about the performance of Bitcoin in detail so as not to feel disadvantaged by time, because the glory of Bitcoin investors today they have gone through difficult times to survive until now.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: rozak on July 01, 2023, 12:45:48 PM
Very appropriate as you said because investing in bitcoin is a very big risk and we do not know when the benefits we will get even though some people have predicted that the value of bitcoin will increase in the next year, selling real assets to invest in bitcoin certainly must have great consideration lest we get caught in the market when the decline occurs and we do not have assets to meet daily needs, So first learn about the performance of Bitcoin in detail so as not to feel disadvantaged by time, because the glory of Bitcoin investors today they have gone through difficult times to survive until now.
if I want to sell my real assets to invest in Bitcoin, maybe now is not the right moment. waiting for a bull may be too speculative. but I will buy only when the bears come in ferociously and that is the right time to buy.
people who really believe in Bitcoin, might do something very speculative like sell assets to buy Bitcoin when the price decline occurs. it is done when there is no more capital to buy Bitcoin which is being heavily discounted. Even though the risk is too big, people who already believe and have enjoyed how sweet the benefits of investing in Bitcoin will definitely not leave the opportunity to buy Bitcoin at a discount. but still do it with our own thoughts.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: irhact on July 01, 2023, 12:48:54 PM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling.

It is because of the stories they heard that's why newbies think selling their property to invest in Bitcoin is a good advice. They only hear about the few individuals that made it when they did so but forget that there are many others that didn't make it instead they had debits and couldn't afford to live the normally life they were leaving before, some individual committed suicide because they lost everything when the market crash as they sold.

If you want to invest in Bitcoin and be successful, don't rush instead take it slowly. You can buy as many thing's as your money can afford. You don't have to invest in Bitcoin one time with a big amount, you can invest slowly through DCA which is to but through dollars cost average.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: ringgo96 on July 01, 2023, 12:53:39 PM
For beginners of course, they have enthusiasm in getting profits in investing in bitcoin, but we must know selling our assets such as property, of course, this will be a very big risk, because investing in bitcoin we must have patience and not feel panic when the market is down, and for beginners this problem they must face first before investing in large amounts, Because selling Bitcoin when experiencing a loss is a very big mistake, because some investors still feel panic when Bitcoin price decreases, so selling property and buying Bitcoin you must have a big consideration.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Lorence.xD on July 01, 2023, 01:23:36 PM
Thing is whenever they see people earning already a lot in this industry, they would put all in without even investing first on themselves with knowledge. Studying such complicated thing especially if you don't have any background a day wouldn't be sufficient. Some people took years before entering in this market as they've studied a lot even the techniques and must do. Being spoon fed by information and easy money is most of the common thing a newbie have especially if they are not determined enough. Since if you take some losses bad, then it's up to you much better to take it as an experience to avoid in the future.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Asuspawer09 on July 01, 2023, 01:33:54 PM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but
Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling

I am sure this is what other investors here do

I would pick the real state over Bitcoin, Im investing in Bitcoin to buy real estate, and I'm not going to sell for example my house to buy Bitcoin I mean yes Bitcoin could make you a millionaire but it was just too risky of an investment, buying real estate is just way safer investment that could generate income. Probably most of the members will tell you to only invest the money that you could afford to lose and it's true because of the volatile market price cryptocurrency is probably one of the riskiest investments where you could put your money to.

There was probably no shortcut to it, the safest way is to find a stable income like for example a job, invest in your knowledge and skills in order to land a high-paying job, and with that, you have a stable income where you could put the small percentage of it on bitcoin. Also, don't let your emotion get to you, if your investment drops a certain percentage and you get FUD and sold it you're going to lose money for sure. But in my experience, you're not going to lose unless you sell your holdings.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: uchegod-21 on July 01, 2023, 01:53:36 PM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum

Do people actually make investments in order to impress the forum? I have thought about this and no wonder some people keep posting about their bitcoin achievements in the forum whether significant or not.
Does it really mean people are indirectly intimidated by what is happening here. Please no one should be intimidated by what is happening in the forum.
Investment is what happens due to a well researched decision and not because of what others are doing.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: southerngentuk on July 01, 2023, 02:02:03 PM
Buying cryptocurrency exposes you to a volatile asset class. A good rule of thumb is to dedicate only a small portion of a diversified portfolio to risky investments like Bitcoin. Whether or not Bitcoin is a good investment for you depends on your individual circumstances. However, with price fluctuations, it is really difficult for new investors. Although the value of Bitcoin has increased dramatically over the years, buyers' backgrounds vary widely depending on the timing of their investment. For example, those who bought in 2017 when Bitcoin was racing towards that 20,000 level had to wait until December 2020 to recover their losses. More recently, the price of Bitcoin starting in 2022 is a little over $47,000 per coin. After a rough year for cryptocurrencies in general, Bitcoin has dropped to its current price of just under $17,000.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Z390 on July 01, 2023, 02:12:18 PM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but
Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling

I am sure this is what other investors here do

Money is not for free, it's something we all work for to acquire and this makes every investments risky for every investors, so there is always an impact to the investor when they invest their money, there is no safest way to invest with money because nothing is for free, you can only limit your chances of getting rekt if this doesn't work in your favor.

That's why the best warning ever shared on here is to ever invest more than you can afford to lose, even if you lose 1$ it came from your sweat but 1$ can easily be overlooked because the money is very small, this is the perfect way to treat every investments, do not over invest your money.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: superman184 on July 01, 2023, 02:15:53 PM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but
Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling

I am sure this is what other investors here do

It is not recommended to invest at the expense of valuable assets in everyone's life, because investing will always be comfortable with money that is not linked to life. So that everyone can do it quite comfortably without having to become poor or hungry because of making an investment, because a wise investor always invests wisely and with full consideration in his life so that he does not experience certain difficulties and obstacles in his life.

I also agree with the advice you said because everyone will always be more satisfied when investing with free money and also be patient in the long term when investing with money that is not used for anything else and I think that kind of advice is not only applies to newbies only, but for everyone who wants to invest wisely it is also highly recommended. Because that's much better than having to sacrifice something to make an investment, except for someone who is already really rich in his life.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: robattfield on July 01, 2023, 02:29:16 PM
About the basics like, master the knowledge of Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency market. Learn about risks and price charts to assess whether this investment is right for your financial situation and goals. Invest an amount you can lose without affecting your daily life. Do not invest your entire savings in Bitcoin. You should also consider seeking advice from people who have had extensive exposure to the field. Remember, the cryptocurrency market is highly volatile, so it is important to stay informed and act at the right time.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: topbitcoin on July 01, 2023, 02:52:48 PM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but
Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling

I am sure this is what other investors here do

I don't know whether he is a beginner knowing Botcoin or only has a low account in this forum (beginner).
If they are only beginners in this forum but know Bitcoin further before they enter this forum I think there is no harm in. But whose name is investing is stage two after personal needs are met and do not interfere with the cash flow that you have prepared for your life needs, while reaching bitcoin volatility and having more money is a good step, even selling property to increase its investment in bitcoin, but Even so he still has a place to live, rather than waiting for profit from a relatively long property, it's better to store it in Bitcoin.

If he is a beginner who knows Bitcoin investment and does not know anything about Bitcoin, only knows bitcoin from others and / or is carried away by Fomo because many invest in bitcoin, of course it is not a good thing for investment that is done let alone they sell property Owned, without having a mental investment in Bitcoin, people who do that will easily stress if Bitcoin experience deeper correction.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: bayu7adi on July 01, 2023, 03:36:12 PM
The allure of free money doesn't always drive us to grow. Sometimes, we need something to try with the fruits of our labor, as that's what can enhance our caution in decision-making. Adrenaline is more easily ignited when the risks we take are part of our lives.

However, it is worth noting that everyone has their own unique investment style. This is also influenced by the risk profile of each individual. Having a high level of experience will sharpen the instincts of an investor, whether they're using free money or their own funds.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Mr.suevie on July 01, 2023, 04:04:35 PM
Did you even know those users who had show their Bitcoin investment in this forum are made up stories?

They're show it because they can earn easy merit from other users, but they're not have any reason to invite people to invest in Bitcoin. So if you read such thread, it's not real and you just need to avoid to read further when it's about Bitcoin investment or things he bought from Bitcoin investment.
Well sorry to burst your bubble there mate cuz I feel not all thread on bitcoin purchase are made up story although I won't denie the fact that a fraction of these type of thread are actually done for earning merits but still on still there are some few ones where the users actually shows great joy in successfully acquiring some BTC because many are challenge with the boldness to actually buying what you have actually had wrong view about or have been told times without numbers that BTC is actually a scam project. But everything went differently after you attained proper knowledge on the so called scam project which eventually turns out to be the opposite and also a great means to save your money without it depreciating over time and still have some profits if you are strong enough to endure with the investment.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: bitLeap on July 01, 2023, 04:28:06 PM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum

Do people actually make investments in order to impress the forum? I have thought about this and no wonder some people keep posting about their bitcoin achievements in the forum whether significant or not.
Does it really mean people are indirectly intimidated by what is happening here. Please no one should be intimidated by what is happening in the forum.
Investment is what happens due to a well researched decision and not because of what others are doing.
Obviously a very unwise decision if we invest because we see someone doing it and we are just trying to follow what other people are doing.
Investing is part of the strategy (I mean making profits by holding our money in assets in this case bitcoins). And if you do a strategy, of course there must be knowledge that can lead us into an analysis of bitcoin. I'm the type of person who doesn't touch something if I don't understand it, the same way I did when I first got to know bitcoin. Yes, before I really put money in, which in the end now I really believe in bitcoin, I first learned what bitcoin is, how it works and other things like that.
Or if we don't want to and it's hard to understand when studying on our own, it's better to ask lots of people who have known bitcoin for a long time rather than just following the existing trends. Especially now that access makes it easier for us to find out something new.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: imamusma on July 01, 2023, 05:19:09 PM
Did you even know those users who had show their Bitcoin investment in this forum are made up stories?
Some of the stories are fake, but there is always the real story.

They're show it because they can earn easy merit from other users, but they're not have any reason to invite people to invest in Bitcoin. So if you read such thread, it's not real and you just need to avoid to read further when it's about Bitcoin investment or things he bought from Bitcoin investment.
Basically everyone who wants to invest in bitcoin must be able to account for their decisions properly. They can ask experienced users for advice, ask someone to share tips, or something else. But when it comes to investment decisions, none of this should be the reason why they invest because each of them should think of it not as financial advice.

Indeed, there are always users who are affected by other people's benefits shared around the forum or somewhere. But unfortunately, they don't do any analysis before investing their money. That was greed, definitely a mistake to be avoided.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Magic-Money on July 01, 2023, 05:57:09 PM
Every thing in life has to follow process and procedures, which can make you  has a maximum result of the good step you made, like wise here in cryptocurrency industries, you have to get a mentor, or go for knowledge to know how Bitcoin works, and don't be intimidated by someone, because the person start from one day you started investing your hard earned money in Bitcoin, which is a very good profitable business that works with patience.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Benpluto on July 01, 2023, 06:03:27 PM
Every thing in life has to follow process and procedures, which can make you  has a maximum result of the good step you made, like wise here in cryptocurrency industries, you have to get a mentor, or go for knowledge to know how Bitcoin works, and don't be intimidated by someone, because the person start from one day you started investing your hard earned money in Bitcoin, which is a very good profitable business that works with patience.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a step, probably cryptocurrency is broad and we have the basic information at our disposal, putting the work inother to acheived excellent results. I thoroughly read and understand every single step I take everyday, learning never stops and I've come to realized that things will go smoothly only if we applied solid strategies that will yield profits at the end of the day. Bitcoin results in both profits and losses, it's our decision to stay off this crucial path.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Awaklara on July 01, 2023, 06:06:17 PM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but
Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling

I am sure this is what other investors here do

if you want to invest, of course, use money that is free of anything, including savings as a reserve of money when you need it suddenly. so whatever happens will not affect the planning of the investment made.
beginners are too hasty in filling out their portfolios. they say they are setting aside money to buy Bitcoin, but actually financially there is no power that can really help the investment go according to plan. if they need funds for a short period of time they will sell them even if they remain at a loss.
Anyone investing Bitcoin is very risky. it's not as easy as some people say on social media. do it when you are really ready in various aspects.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on July 01, 2023, 06:10:25 PM

Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling

I am sure this is what other investors here do

There is nothing like free money, because every dollar you have is what you want to use to archive one or two things, so it is not free so long as you will feel affected if you lose the money. In my country, there was a celebrity who only had his funds invested in one company; he had no other investments apart from that one, and this dude was a public figure (I mean, he was publicly recognized by a lot of people), but something happened to the company and it collapsed with his money. This celebrity had a heart attack and was rushed to the hospital. His health situation got critical, and he died after a few days. With such an example, that's why it's always advisable to invest in something that will not affect you to that extent; it doesn't mean that the money you are investing is some kind of free money or not. For instance, if your net worth is $100k and you have $10k invested somewhere, $30k invested somewhere, and $50k invested somewhere, if you lose the $10k investment, it will affect you, but not as much as it would had you lost the $100k just on one investment.

Cheers 🥂, Dr.Bitcoin_Strange 👺👺

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: MFahad on July 01, 2023, 07:02:08 PM
Some individuals just hear about the profit and success of bitcoin and they rushes towards it because they think that they will earn money without any hard work but they don't have any idea that what risk factor it possess and how to overcome it.

So I will suggest that if you don't know about something then try to understand about it try to get knowledge first. Everyone knows that bitcoin gives benefit to its holders but it doesn't not mean that you will put all amount of money that you have but it means that you should start with little and then have to use your profit in investment rather than using your amount of daily use.

If you don't have understanding about bitcoin then whatever you do you will never be successful without getting the basis knowledge about it so just focus to keep the basic points in mind prior to put money.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Mate2237 on July 01, 2023, 07:45:48 PM

You post can just simply be summarized as don’t invest base on the advice you get from the forum or anywhere entirely.

If forum users advise you to invest then I don't see any bad advise from users in the forum. Forum users will not give someone bad advise particularly things like investment. If the area you are trying invest is bad and complain here, experts from that area will still tell you what to do so I will advise you to take advise from forum members because one of the reasons you claim to be here is learning. And if learning bring you here and you refused the advice from the users then your motive is something else. When you are not sure of the explanations from other users about a particular subject then you can make research to do some comparisons. You don't have to abandoned the forum advise, take it along then you be progressive in your stay.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Yatsan on July 01, 2023, 08:03:36 PM
Some individuals just hear about the profit and success of bitcoin and they rushes towards it because they think that they will earn money without any hard work but they don't have any idea that what risk factor it possess and how to overcome it.

So I will suggest that if you don't know about something then try to understand about it try to get knowledge first. Everyone knows that bitcoin gives benefit to its holders but it doesn't not mean that you will put all amount of money that you have but it means that you should start with little and then have to use your profit in investment rather than using your amount of daily use.

If you don't have understanding about bitcoin then whatever you do you will never be successful without getting the basis knowledge about it so just focus to keep the basic points in mind prior to put money.
This is how powerful impressions are. Cryptoinvestment are either known for being a fraud or a quick way to be rich, but neither are certain. There are indeed scam projects but not all. There are indeed people who made huge money but not all as well. It will never be right to generalize as we all know. But indeed that is a factor for such misconceptions, to be lacking of knowledge to where you are engaging yourself with. Best thing to do is to invest with knowledge first 'coz you'd be ending up with huge loss from going right off the start. Everything needs time to grow and there should not be a belief that such thing as an easy way to be successful; you have to work hard for it.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Casdinyard on July 01, 2023, 08:32:53 PM
I think it doesn't take a rocket scientist for you to realize how flawed the logic of selling your physical properties for bitcoin, especially if you can't afford losing these properties at the same time. This creates a lot of chaos and puts you in a risk so high you'd get dizzy. And while some people live for this kinds of risks and thrive in it too, the average joe just couldn't afford to make these types of magnanimous investments without performing thorough research. So equip yourself with the proper information like what OP's trying to convey right here, and only ever invest when it's something that you can afford losing, and if it's something that will not cause you problems in the future. Otherwise, withhold from investing in crypto as you wouldn't be able to survive the harsh volatile environment that most of us here have accustomed ourselves of.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Zaguru12 on July 01, 2023, 08:43:58 PM
If forum users advise you to invest then I don't see any bad advise from users in the forum. Forum users will not give someone bad advise particularly things like investment. If the area you are trying invest is bad and complain here, experts from that area will still tell you what to do so I will advise you to take advise from forum members because one of the reasons you claim to be here is learning. And if learning bring you here and you refused the advice from the users then your motive is something else. When you are not sure of the explanations from other users about a particular subject then you can make research to do some comparisons. You don't have to abandoned the forum advise, take it along then you be progressive in your stay.

I think you quoted out the place i clearly said do some research. My post doesn’t say you shouldn’t put the advice from into account but my warning was clearly not to depend or rely on it and then go ahead to invest. Although there are very good bitcoin consultants here with reputation but even them warn against taking invest advice only from forum members because most at times they don’t understand the condition one is in. They just advise base on their perspective. Also forum is where many people put out advice, there people that are solely just to promote some service or coin so should you end up doing it according to there advice then you might end up doing something not right.

The best person to advise you on what and when to invest is yourself. Just learn the basic and fundamental concepts of investing and then apply it base on your own capability

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Fullcoinese on July 01, 2023, 08:56:10 PM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but
Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling

I am sure this is what other investors here do

yes you're right, in my opinion investing does not only rely on capital and planning, but we also have to be mentally prepared to face risks.
selling valuable assets or property to invest in Bitcoin in a hurry, without any consideration or even without any knowledge is not good and not recommended. before making an investment, we should really make sure we understand the investment mechanism, market conditions and what risks are faced.
although everyone is free to take every risk in the investment they make but sometimes i feel that people who sell their important assets or property to buy Bitcoin are very extreme. regardless of what is told is reality or just made up.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: The Cryptovator on July 01, 2023, 09:25:55 PM
It is crucial to educate yourself about Bitcoin before investing in it; otherwise, you may experience regret later on. Many beginners believe that they can quickly make money from Bitcoin and hastily jump into it. However, when the price begins to drop, they become distressed and sell at a loss. It is important not to invest in Bitcoin with funds you cannot afford to lose. The future price of Bitcoin is uncertain, and it could either fall or rise. You must be able to handle the risks associated with it, so avoid investing your life savings or jeopardizing your financial stability. Instead, focus on gradually growing your portfolio.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Cryptomultiplier on July 01, 2023, 09:27:25 PM
One of the reasons why people become delinquent or criminal is for what we could term as ,'inferiority complex'.
Else, why should someone with their own brain, in their right senses, listen to the crowd and take risks that could cripple their entire life.

Investment in cryptocurrency should commence when one has gathered enough information/knowledge about it. The word 'decentralized', means you are on your own. If you don't have enough knowledge and also because of what people say, you get to sell your property to invest in BTC/crypto, you would be the person to bear the brunt, if the investment is lost.
It is always better to invest in what is easier to understand and know. Just as everyone has their interest and talents.

If you can strive to get the knowledge, your confidence in taking such a risk would be great, and the probability of being successful at first trial of investing, would be positive. Very positive.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: salad daging on July 01, 2023, 09:43:28 PM
Everyone must have a way of making investments even with hasty decisions because there are rising market trends such as hype or being hit by fomo news which causes them to take direct action without doing further analysis.

A good investment always has a mature plan, they have to prepare even if the money is from our own funds or free funds, they are free to invest in bitcoin as long as they understand what their goals are and need to remember that investing in bitcoin must be with money. those who are ready to lose because of unstable prices, even when selling in an emergency, if the price drops, that should be the risk.

Therefore, a mature plan must be certain considering that investing in bitcoin is long term and you must be prepared to endure it with patience.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Minhxx on July 01, 2023, 10:38:40 PM
selling other assets when investing is taboo, it is full of risk, we should manage our capital when investing bitcoin, it can give you quick profit, also can make you lose all fast

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Quidat on July 01, 2023, 10:58:50 PM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but
Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling

I am sure this is what other investors here do

yes you're right, in my opinion investing does not only rely on capital and planning, but we also have to be mentally prepared to face risks.
selling valuable assets or property to invest in Bitcoin in a hurry, without any consideration or even without any knowledge is not good and not recommended. before making an investment, we should really make sure we understand the investment mechanism, market conditions and what risks are faced.
although everyone is free to take every risk in the investment they make but sometimes i feel that people who sell their important assets or property to buy Bitcoin are very extreme. regardless of what is told is reality or just made up.
It should really be that overall on which it do even includes that common sense and been aware on what are the actions you would be making on which it would really be that normal that there might be times that you would really be making up some rush decisions just because you've been that hyped that much on what are the things that you are currently seeing which is something not suggestable for you to do so. Its true that it doesnt make sense on selling out your other investment just to put up some on other investment but rather it would be wise that you should really be putting up money
with the profit that you do make on other investment so that you would really be able to diversify your investment and make more income if the time comes that both things would really be profitable.
Dont sacrifice the other just to make focus into the new one, we wont know about that certain risks would really be facing onwards.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: qwertyup23 on July 01, 2023, 11:52:31 PM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but
Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling

I am sure this is what other investors here do

I definitely agree with your statement.

Just to add, remember that these are investments no matter how form or shape they materialize. There is no hard-and-fast rule when it comes to investments- they require patience, determination, and care in order to maximize the profits. You cannot just leave all of your retirement savings into one (1) investment mechanism and pray that you would reap all the rewards in the future.

Remember that investing in BTC does not guarantee profit in the future. You still must comply and create all the opportunities in order for profit to happen.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Rupok on July 02, 2023, 04:08:51 AM
I totally agree with you and you are right.  Many people do many activities to invest bitcoin like some want to sell house and buy bitcoin some sell land and some want to sell gold to invest bitcoin, it is completely wrong.I think it is never advisable to sell property needed to buy bitcoins. Everyone thinks that bitcoin investment from property gives double profit so everyone invests mainly for profit but that is not a good enough reason to invest. So invest according to affordability so extra.  One should not invest by selling assets due to greed.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Mauser on July 02, 2023, 07:00:38 AM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but
Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling

I am sure this is what other investors here do

Selling a property to have money to invest in bitcoin seems like the opposite most crypto investors would do. At least for me and my friends the dream would be to one day buy our own house or apartment with out crypto coins. If I ever manage to save so much money that I could afford my own property I would sell my coins. This would let me save so much money on rent and also be a great protection against higher inflation. As for the savings I agree with you, don't put all your money into one basket. It's much better to diversify and spread out our money across multiple different asset classes. Like that we face lower risks during a bear market that all our assets will drop in value.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: OcTradism on July 02, 2023, 07:08:01 AM
Selling a property to have money to invest in bitcoin seems like the opposite most crypto investors would do.
You can sell your properties to invest in Bitcoin with plan to get richer with bitcoin. It is good if you have a good plan and if you don't sell all properties you have to invest in Bitcoin.

Because investment is risky and if you sell all properties to invest, you have risk to be homeless if your investment vapors by any reason.

At least for me and my friends the dream would be to one day buy our own house or apartment with out crypto coins. If I ever manage to save so much money that I could afford my own property I would sell my coins.
Me too. However if you have two or three house and only use one, one or two houses are for rent, you can sell them to get money for investment. If your calculation shows that you will have chance to get more money by invesment in Bitcoin rather than passive income you have from renting those houses in a same time like 4 years.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Adams0001 on July 02, 2023, 11:42:16 AM
The first guideline of trading or investing is to never invest money that you are unwilling to lose. While Bitcoin is currently expanding and many experts foresee a bright future for this cryptocurrency, it is incredibly unpredictable and putting all of your money in it is an extremely risky move. Selling your property and investing in Bitcoin is not a wise choice.

Furthermore, as previously noted, successful investors often attempt to diversify their portfolios, so placing all of your money in one currency is generally not a good idea.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Accardo on July 02, 2023, 01:06:44 PM
I don't think anybody is forced to invest into bitcoin, if a person feels pressured by the success stories of other members, they will never make the right decisions for themselves. And it could lead them to make uncalculated decisions. Hence, your advise is valuable, but will rarely make any change for a person with high fantasies for riches and believes bitcoin will take him there in a short period. It's not intimidation, I think such people impose it on themselves and were not able to control their desperation to earn big through bitcoin. Such people, after selling properties, also add bad PR to bitcoin, if their weirdest dreams didn't come through. As a good number of pressured investors don't hold for a long time.

at the end of the day, remember that it is yourself that has the final say to what you will do with your funds. you can read about other opinions and unsolicited suggestions, but you need to be firm about your decision as this may influence your financial stability if you made wrong choices.
i understand, a lot wants to earn big money on this market, however, they will soon understand that there's more to this than meets the eye in this market, once they are losing some of their investments.

For those who rushed into the market, it'll take them some time to realize the truth, especially the ones who don't research or read about the ups and down of bitcoin market. On the contrary many who found themselves in a plunging market may not take the responsibility, they'll always blame it on bitcoin, also discouraging genuine people from investing into bitcoin. Hence, the money belongs to them but they need not to feel pressured or in a hurry to utilize it in a way they're not sure about.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Nheer on July 02, 2023, 01:25:19 PM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but
Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling

I am sure this is what other investors here do

Selling a property to invest in bitcoin is a terrible idea especially when its very valuable to you or when you have limited property though Its okay to sell one if you numerous properties but never sell a property when you don’t have enough. There is nothing like impressing anybody with the amount of bitcoin you possess because no matter the amount you have there are always people who have 10x more than what you have so why inconvenience yourself when you can always invest whenever you have money you can afford to loose and also you can invest little by little and gradually your investments grows.

When you invest with assets you can't afford to lose or money you can't afford to lose, you won't feel at ease. You'll constantly be watching how bitcoin is performing on the market, and whenever it declines, your mind won't be at ease. This could have a negative impact on your state of mind, which is very bad for investors.

It is essential to understand that no one cares about what you have put in Bitcoin; so, do not invest with the intention of showing off without conducting any study into what you are investing in. Even if you are investing in Bitcoin, be sure you understand the fundamentals behind what you are doing and do not invest with the intention of making quick money.

There is no point in attempting to impress others or brag about how much you have invested in bitcoin because, regardless of how much you have invested, there will always be people who have invested more than you and, conversely, there are people who have invested less than you. This is because God obviously did not give everyone an equal amount of wealth in this life. The only thing that matters is to invest and ensure that you can profit from your investment.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Xampeuu on July 02, 2023, 01:37:06 PM
I don't think anybody is forced to invest into bitcoin, if a person feels pressured by the success stories of other members, they will never make the right decisions for themselves. And it could lead them to make uncalculated decisions. Hence, your advise is valuable, but will rarely make any change for a person with high fantasies for riches and believes bitcoin will take him there in a short period. It's not intimidation, I think such people impose it on themselves and were not able to control their desperation to earn big through bitcoin. Such people, after selling properties, also add bad PR to bitcoin, if their weirdest dreams didn't come through. As a good number of pressured investors don't hold for a long time.

at the end of the day, remember that it is yourself that has the final say to what you will do with your funds. you can read about other opinions and unsolicited suggestions, but you need to be firm about your decision as this may influence your financial stability if you made wrong choices.
i understand, a lot wants to earn big money on this market, however, they will soon understand that there's more to this than meets the eye in this market, once they are losing some of their investments.

For those who rushed into the market, it'll take them some time to realize the truth, especially the ones who don't research or read about the ups and down of bitcoin market. On the contrary many who found themselves in a plunging market may not take the responsibility, they'll always blame it on bitcoin, also discouraging genuine people from investing into bitcoin. Hence, the money belongs to them but they need not to feel pressured or in a hurry to utilize it in a way they're not sure about.
sometimes there are also people who have analyzed and researched, and have found a buying area, but they can't wait to enter the market, so they are in a hurry to enter the market. this is because you don't want to miss the moment, if the price doesn't touch the area that has been set. Cases like this are a disease where we don't have the patience to wait, and don't believe in ourselves, so that when taking profit it will be the same as doing the same thing

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Crypt0Gore on July 02, 2023, 01:59:52 PM
It's pretty hard to believe that people can invest in Bitcoin for show off, the show off only begins when they earn money, not before, even if they sell their properties to buy Bitcoin, there will still be a part of them that have the fear of losing their money, so what is here to show the world when it's still a work in progress? It's a big risk that many can't even think of doing using their properties.

I am in no where supporting selling your properties, it's a good way to get more money but it's a strategy that belong to a self made millionaire, they always have many properties, and they are different from those who have one property.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Issa56 on July 02, 2023, 02:18:49 PM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments
Most newbies are always in rush to make investment in bitcoin, some of them don't really understand what bitcoin is really all about, but because they see their friends or they see it on social media that people are making money, they will be intimidated and they will also want to rush into bitcoin investment without knowing the risk associated with it.

From your post you said newbies shouldn't rush in selling properties or investing all their money, that's a nice advise for newbies, but the advise is not only applicable to newbies alone, even if you have being in crypto for long time, its not advisable to sell properties because you want to invest in bitcoin, and its not advisable to invest all your money in bitcoin, invest only part of your savings. Anything can happen at any moment which might end up affecting you if you sell your properties or you invested everything you are having.

Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling

I am sure this is what other investors here do

If you are planning to invest in bitcoin and you want peace of mind, then its better you invest any amount you can afford to lose, invest only your spare money that if anything happens to it, then it wont really affect you.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: BD Crypto on July 02, 2023, 02:34:17 PM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin
I saw a several threads about Bitcoin investments from beginners. Some asked that he has 20k $ and asking where to invest and some says he invested by selling his wife's jewelry. Also I saw some are investing with his fathers pension money. Some people are too risky that they are investing by taking loan from the Bank.

I think most of them are  doing showoff or maybe a trick of merit phishing. No one will recommend to invest your all assets to Bitcoin because it's still illegal and too much volatile. So if something bad happens unfortunately they might loss their principal too. And if Bitcoin take too much time to pump then how they will pay Banks monthly? By observing about the pros and cons I will suggest to invest as much as you can afford to loss and if you want to take more risk then invest in part by part.

Furthermore, as previously noted, successful investors often attempt to diversify their portfolios, so placing all of your money in one currency is generally not a good idea.
You are taking about a strategy of trading but investing in altcoins in long term are even more risky. Many projects will make your portfolio negative. So try to stay far if you want to be safe and focus only in Bitcoin for long term.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: inthelongrun on July 02, 2023, 03:45:05 PM other words make investments with free money...

Seriously OP? I mean, this is possible because there is a chance that we can work for it especially if we have the skills. But you forgot that you are giving advice to newbies here. So how exactly are they going to invest with free money? Even very programmers or community organizers need crypto experiences in order to get hired.

The other pieces of advice are very important although I keep hearing them a hundred times on Bitcointalk and other social media platforms like Facebook. I also prefer listening and reading advice from high-ranked and well-experienced members here rather than new members spamming topic after topic from their research that are also mentioned and tackled many times here in Bitcointalk.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Ojima-ojo on July 02, 2023, 03:55:15 PM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but
I don't think there are investors in that category who have to sell their valuable to buy bitcoin,  if there are any in such category,  it the worst form of self-obsession and it can lead to disaster in the long run.

No one need to invest in bitcoin under due rest and if there is anything to know before investing in Bitcoin it should be in the being aware of the risk associated with Bitcoin as an investment.

Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "Make investments that will not affect you" In other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than holding

I am sure this is what other investors here do

It is better to always buy low and sell high so when the best position to buy Bitcoin shows up,  one should not make the mistake of missing the opportunity to buy at the discounted price.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: MFahad on July 02, 2023, 04:18:48 PM
This is how powerful impressions are. Cryptoinvestment are either known for being a fraud or a quick way to be rich, but neither are certain. There are indeed scam projects but not all. There are indeed people who made huge money but not all as well. It will never be right to generalize as we all know. But indeed that is a factor for such misconceptions, to be lacking of knowledge to where you are engaging yourself with. Best thing to do is to invest with knowledge first 'coz you'd be ending up with huge loss from going right off the start. Everything needs time to grow and there should not be a belief that such thing as an easy way to be successful; you have to work hard for it.

yes exactly lots of projects are scam therefore before choosing any project one should get knowledge about it and about its exchange on which it is listed. Those individuals who earn money have complete knowledge and they know how to take decision and when to move forward and when to keep calm.

 Some people doesn't wait and they think that they will earn without hardwork and in a matter of seconds but they are wrong. On the other hand people does not get benefit and wait more and more that their will increasing more than this so this greediness is also a bad habit which negatively effects the profit.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Blitzboy on July 02, 2023, 05:16:12 PM
Bitcoin investment, like any other, requires a risk-assessment framework. But this doesn't inherently mean Bitcoin is riskier. Rather, its a novel asset class with distinct characteristics.

The suggestion to 'invest with free money' can be misleading. It insinuates that Bitcoin investment is a speculative gamble. In reality, its not significantly more volatile than some traditional investments when adjusted for potential returns. 'Free money' implies a disposable income you don't mind losing. Yet, all investments carry risk.

However, Bitcoin, being decentralized, provides unique advantages: hedge against inflation, high liquidity, and independence from traditional banking systems. Blockchain, the underlying technology, has immense future potential. Therefore, I'd say invest in Bitcoin not with 'free money,' but with 'smart money,' meaning, after diligent research and risk assessment.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: bettercrypto on July 03, 2023, 04:59:28 AM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but
Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling

I am sure this is what other investors here do

It's true that before deciding to invest in Bitcoin, you should know it well first, it's as difficult as jumping into an investment that you don't even have an idea about Bitcoin. These are just some of the important things that a capitalist should do in reality.

So if you are going to enter trading here in the field of Bitcoin you should also study to understand this matter, not just because someone told you it is good but instead you should really learn it because you really need it do.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: kotajikikox on July 05, 2023, 11:14:21 AM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but
Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling

I am sure this is what other investors here do

have been reading this same advises over and over , to never risk what you cannot afford to lose and that is how why our savings must never be put in bitcoin because there are other occasions that we need to spend in the future and also bitcoin will not be spend in those times.
let us differentiate our bitcoin investments from our savings because they will serve us differently .
It is true that there is never a rush to invest. Because work that is done in haste is never good. Those who have adequate understanding of the market will never be in a hurry to invest. But the opportunities that come with investing should not be missed. That is, you understand that if you invest in this period, you can earn several times the profit, the moment we should invest in that period. But selling your property in a hurry and taking a loan from the bank should never be done.
Investing rush is stupidity mate .
because your money will never be saved if there is a rush from our decisioning .

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: lixer on July 05, 2023, 08:03:03 PM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but
Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling

I am sure this is what other investors here do
Even in the real world when people think of investing in something, they don't do it with the money or belongings that they cannot afford to lose, like selling your house only to make an investment, what if it doesn't work out and you lose all the money or at least a portion of it? You will lose your house and will be compelled to rent a place to live in which isn't an ideal situation for anyone, the same goes for investments in Bitcoin.

You don't need to sell your belongings or valuable items only to invest in Bitcoin, if you believe in it, just invest what you can afford to do which if you can't withdraw soon won't affect your life at all. If you believe you might need the money next month or the month after, better not invest it.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: JoyMarsha on July 05, 2023, 08:20:48 PM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but
What would be the point of investing in bitcoin if the only goal was to impress forum members who didn't care about your background? Similar to investing in bitcoin anonymously, all of us have assumed unknown identities while participating in this forum. Therefore, whatever Bitcoin you appear to have in your portfolio is your business. Nobody usually gives a damn or treats you like a hero for that.

Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling
Here (forum), the main piece of advice has been to invest any spare money in bitcoin. We cannot all predict the price of bitcoin in the future, and bitcoin did not promise riches to those who invested money they cannot afford to lose.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: red4slash on July 05, 2023, 08:35:52 PM
Investing especially in bitcoin is not something that should be made as a real show-off because it can invite bad people to lurk around you.
But on the other hand when they intend to sell some property with the aim of investing it is not something wrong as long as they have some unused property and want to replace their investment material.
If you're investing just to impress people, I think that's ridiculous.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: ancafe on July 06, 2023, 07:56:59 AM
It is crucial to educate yourself about Bitcoin before investing in it; otherwise, you may experience regret later on. Many beginners believe that they can quickly make money from Bitcoin and hastily jump into it. However, when the price begins to drop, they become distressed and sell at a loss. It is important not to invest in Bitcoin with funds you cannot afford to lose.
I agree with you that educate yourself about investing is much better than forcing yourself to get involved in investing without bringing any knowledge in it. Beginners are too quickly satisfied with some of the news they hear outside, so they try to get involved in investing even though they do not have basic knowledge, but in the end they have to give up when market conditions experience a sharp decline.

The future price of Bitcoin is uncertain, and it could either fall or rise. You must be able to handle the risks associated with it, so avoid investing your life savings or jeopardizing your financial stability. Instead, focus on gradually growing your portfolio.
That's how volatile the price is and bitcoin cannot be predicted with accuracy because it could go up or down under certain conditions. Investing all savings in bitcoin can disrupt financial stability because when a sharp decline occurs for a long time, it will affect financial conditions and make us sell the bitcoins we have at the wrong time.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: mich on July 06, 2023, 10:09:17 AM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but
Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling

I am sure this is what other investors here do

Yes that is really good advice for new investors wanting to invest in Bitcoin. I just think for how many new investors sold his house when price of Bitcoin was twice what the price is now. They are in alot of trouble for doing this.
There was people saying to be homeless and buy Bitcoin. Not a good idea ever to do. And not a good idea to invest your life savings or more then you are able to lose.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Promocodeudo on July 06, 2023, 10:18:56 AM
The most significant thing to do as a beginner in Bitcoin is to acquire knowledge of how it functions and how reliable the system is, don't be in a haste to invest, be yourself, no time is late, whenever you invest in it, is your own time, don't sell anything you see as a valuable asset for you to invest, but if you deem it necessary to do so that's your detriment, my advice for you is that you should invest with the money you won't be needing in the next 5years, don't be carried away with the information you get, just make more research to know when is the time to invest.

Knowledge is the foundation of the Bitcoin journey, so avail yourself to all the opportunities that comes in your way when seeking this knowledge, but most importantly follow your instinct.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Silberman on July 06, 2023, 05:57:06 PM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but
Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling

I am sure this is what other investors here do

If someone out there is actually taking life changing decisions like that just to try to impress some people they do not know on a public forum then they have a lot of undisclosed and untreated issues, any investment decision needs to be taken objectively, we must invest in an asset once we have decided after a lengthy and profound analysis that this is the best move we can make at the moment, any other factor should be secondary or not count at all.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: blackened515 on July 06, 2023, 08:30:33 PM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but
Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling

I am sure this is what other investors here do

It's a simple strategy,  wait for bitcoin to dip, buy and wait for the bull season to come, then triggered sell option, is as simple as that?
Money ought to be utilized in more important functions, I'm not in a hurry to invest in bitcoin, I take my time to spot out good beneficial e tries and hits the market with almost everything I could place my hands on, because I'm confident on a single trade. Selling valuables for the purpose to invest in bitcoin is completely out of the plan, I would urged my colleagues that are desperate to invest in bitcoin should take time and map out good time, specifically when they noticed good entries in the market, it might be other projects.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Victorik on July 06, 2023, 09:00:05 PM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but
Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling

I am sure this is what other investors here do

For the records, you are impressing no one if you decide to  put all your entire life savings on Bitcoin investment. If it turns out good, it will benefit you and you alone,.so why even try to impress anyone.

BTW, when making investment in BTC ensure that it's something that will not give you a HBP when it goes south.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: _BlackStar on July 06, 2023, 09:07:06 PM
It's a simple strategy,  wait for bitcoin to dip, buy and wait for the bull season to come, then triggered sell option, is as simple as that?
Of course - it's very simple, but are you sure that it will be easy for practice an unexperienced user?
Strategy is easy to say - but not so easy to put into practice. Even seasoned investors still have to do their analysis to find the best time when they want to make an entry, so how is the strategy going to be as easy as you'd expect an inexperienced user to make?

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Bushdark on July 06, 2023, 09:54:07 PM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but
Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling

I am sure this is what other investors here do

I am still surprised seeing some newbies coming here to impress us that they want to sell there property to invest in Bitcoin when they do not even understand what Bitcoin was all about. It is very ridiculous when someone would like to invest in Bitcoin with another person's fund when the themselves have not tried to invest in Bitcoin and see how the market works before they go tell another person to come and invest in Bitcoin because they want to appear as Bitcoin lover. Bitcoin is very volatile and we need to be very smart when making decisions or else we might become a victim of loses because we don't even understand the market.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: serjent05 on July 06, 2023, 10:35:24 PM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but
Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling

I am sure this is what other investors here do

I am still surprised seeing some newbies coming here to impress us that they want to sell there property to invest in Bitcoin when they do not even understand what Bitcoin was all about. It is very ridiculous when someone would like to invest in Bitcoin with another person's fund when the themselves have not tried to invest in Bitcoin and see how the market works before they go tell another person to come and invest in Bitcoin because they want to appear as Bitcoin lover. Bitcoin is very volatile and we need to be very smart when making decisions or else we might become a victim of loses because we don't even understand the market.

Being newbie in this forum does not mean they are new to the Bitcoin industry.  It is possible that they just got the motivation to register in the forum even though they already know the forum for several year.  I am also have that kind of attitude where I just browse the forum without registering into it unless I feel like I have the need to register.

So it is possible that the person who sold his property had known Bitcoin for year and due to his belief in Bitcoin market, he is ready to sell his property to invest in Bitcoin because he believe that it will give him more profit.  Just like in one of the threads here, if I am not mistaken he sold his house and bought BTC at around $16k or $17k and looking at the price now, his investment is almost doubled, so would you say that he is wrong about his decision of selling his property?  He can rebuy that house while having large amount of extra if he sold his Bitcoin now.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Renampun on July 06, 2023, 10:44:43 PM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but
Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling

I am sure this is what other investors here do

you are too innocent, do you believe 100% of those who make posts here, who say that they have sold their valuable properties for bitcoins without including concrete evidence lol.

but it's important to always remember that sometimes in life you just have to be sure of one thing, if only we went back 10 years ago when the price of bitcoin was still cheap, surely people wouldn't have the courage to sell their house to buy bitcoin, what would that be? what I want to say is, let them do that (sell assets or otherwise) to invest in bitcoin because maybe in the future, they will laugh happily because the value of bitcoin exceeds $ 100k (who knows).

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: ChiBitCTy on July 06, 2023, 11:23:43 PM
I certainly agree with your overall sentiment here.  As I've stated about 10 billion times here, I'm a financial advisor by trade, and this is the type of topic that comes up quite often.  One should always have traditional investments stored up and on track for retirement.  This could be a mix of things like stocks, bonds, etc.  Diversification is key, as well as taking risk, where appropriate.  I always talk about those "home run" bets.  These are bets ( or investments ) that you make with money that you're okay with losing, or taking a big hit on, knowing that they could be home run investments, and so if you win great, but if not, you knew you were trying to hit a home run and just swung and struck out.   Make trades when it makes sense!

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: justdimin on July 07, 2023, 12:10:03 PM
It is crucial to educate yourself about Bitcoin before investing in it; otherwise, you may experience regret later on. Many beginners believe that they can quickly make money from Bitcoin and hastily jump into it. However, when the price begins to drop, they become distressed and sell at a loss. It is important not to invest in Bitcoin with funds you cannot afford to lose.
I agree with you that educate yourself about investing is much better than forcing yourself to get involved in investing without bringing any knowledge in it. Beginners are too quickly satisfied with some of the news they hear outside, so they try to get involved in investing even though they do not have basic knowledge, but in the end they have to give up when market conditions experience a sharp decline.
Not having any basic understanding and getting in would definitely something scary and people who do that are making a huge mistake without realizing it. It is not going to be that easy to make a change anytime soon but you have to realize that bitcoin is a tough world to crack into if you are not careful.

Sure you could do the simplest thing and buy bitcoin and hold it and you would be making profit but that doesn't mean that trading would be a simple thing, but trading is a hard thing and you would not be able to make a profit in the end. I believe that we should be careful about what we are doing while trading and you would be able to make a profit only based on how good you are while you are trading so you should be a veteran at it and learn more about it.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: so98nn on July 09, 2023, 04:02:32 PM
This is a good gesture because I loved it when he said don’t do it just to impress others. Now that’s something we should always be looking after when it comes to investing real hard money. The point A is your money is yours and it is hard earned so don’t invest or give it away without a second thought. The point B is always keep the Point A in loop no matter what. :)

This trend of I own this much bitcoin and that much bitcoin has really gone up. This also compromise the integrity of bitcoin possession as it exposes us with our holdings. I think it’s best we keep it secrete, not disclose anything at all.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on July 09, 2023, 04:21:21 PM
I am still surprised seeing some newbies coming here to impress us that they want to sell there property to invest in Bitcoin when they do not even understand what Bitcoin was all about. It is very ridiculous when someone would like to invest in Bitcoin with another person's fund when the themselves have not tried to invest in Bitcoin and see how the market works before they go tell another person to come and invest in Bitcoin because they want to appear as Bitcoin lover. Bitcoin is very volatile and we need to be very smart when making decisions or else we might become a victim of loses because we don't even understand the market.

Yeah, do you think it's something that will stop? Well, whether you believe it or not, most of those stories are just some cooked-up falsity spiced up for the sake of earning merit. Some of them are not even real stories for the sake of creating a form of impression on the forum; it's just some plot to lure the forum into believing in their lies. Although some users told the truth that they sold some stuff to invest in Bitcoin, it's not really a bad thing to do, depending on how knowledgeable you are about the actions or decisions you have taken. I remember the case of one dude here who said he offered to sell his wife's jewellery to invest in Bitcoin, while another person sold some of his land to invest too. Whoever is being convinced in those stories should be very careful not to make mistakes; they will hurt them so badly.

Cheers 🥂, Dr.Bitcoin_Strange 👺👺

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: umbara ardian on July 09, 2023, 05:34:07 PM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but
Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling

I am sure this is what other investors here do

Not exactly for everyone. You can see that the biggest advantage of the rich is that they can make more mistakes than ordinary people; no matter what they do wrong, they can still use money to make up for it in time. Unlike normal people, if you just make a little mistake, where will next month's rent come from when all the money has been invested?

Therefore, future risks cannot be foreseen. Although the probability of it happening is only 1%, when it happens, it will destroy your life 100%. If your resistance is strong enough, you can overcome that storm, and if not, the consequences will be like the mess after the cataclysm.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Blitzboy on November 21, 2023, 10:18:40 AM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but
Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling

I am sure this is what other investors here do

Not exactly for everyone. You can see that the biggest advantage of the rich is that they can make more mistakes than ordinary people; no matter what they do wrong, they can still use money to make up for it in time. Unlike normal people, if you just make a little mistake, where will next month's rent come from when all the money has been invested?

Therefore, future risks cannot be foreseen. Although the probability of it happening is only 1%, when it happens, it will destroy your life 100%. If your resistance is strong enough, you can overcome that storm, and if not, the consequences will be like the mess after the cataclysm.
Indeed, the wealthy do have a safety net, dont they? They pay for their mistakes. Basic. What about the typical Joe? If you make a mistake, your finances could be in jeopardy. Everything in life - rent, bills, and necessities - hangs dangerously. What if we think of this as a gambling game played strategically? Yes, life may be unpredictable. Therefore, rather of being alarmed by the 1% chance of catastrophe, why not take a chance?

The bottom line is to educate oneself. Not only the wealthy should be financially literate. Setting up a budget, saving money, and even investing occasionally are all necessary. And keep in mind that even a tiny wager can result in significant gains when it comes to risks. Thus, be cautious, learn from your mistakes, and maintain interest in the game. I mean, isnt life the biggest gamble of all? I mean, why not make it entertaining?

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: asrinur on November 30, 2023, 03:17:02 PM
Correct. It is really necessary so that you don't rush into investing in bitcoin, especially for beginners. Before making an investment, you should carefully consider the potential risks and possible financial impact. If possible, use funds that won't have a negative impact if lost and consider other investment ideas that may be more profitable.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Myleschetty on November 30, 2023, 06:57:51 PM
Correct. It is really necessary so that you don't rush into investing in bitcoin, especially for beginners. Before making an investment, you should carefully consider the potential risks and possible financial impact. If possible, use funds that won't have a negative impact if lost and consider other investment ideas that may be more profitable.
Although the major advice is to never rush into invest in Bitcoin but with the recent verge where BTC is heading due to the Bitcoin spot ETF filed by the giant investment company, the SEC claiming they are not stopping its approval and some housing cleaning done by the US SEC (by going after the major market player in other for the giant investment companies like BlackRock, Fidelity to be the major player) buying BTC with valuable item is never a good decision if it's something you can afford.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Wakate on November 30, 2023, 07:52:39 PM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but
Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling

I am sure this is what other investors here do

Anybody that is here impress anyone is doing that at there own risk. We shouldn't be here to impress anyone by buying Bitcoin with our hard earned money and showing it to the forum to impress people. This would be a wrong move because even the big whales and large holders of Bitcoin are not here to impress anyone or show to people that they have enough Bitcoin in their portfolio.

 We need to be secretive about our holdings and we should not let anyone to know how much the Bitcoin in our portfolio actually worth. Since cryptocurrency can be hacked and compromised if people around us or friends have access to our phrases, it is good for us to stay safe by keeping our investments to ourselves.

Title: Re: Don't be intimidated
Post by: Assface16678 on November 30, 2023, 10:14:09 PM
Dear newbies pls don't rush into making Bitcoin investments like selling a property very valuable to you just to impress on the forum or putting in your entire savings to purchasing Bitcoin I am not against making Bitcoin investments but
Before making Bitcoin investments always make sure the odds are safe for you  like some members here will say  "" make investments that will not affect you" in other words make investments with free money  except you have more profiting ideas than hodling

I am sure this is what other investors here do

I am still surprised seeing some newbies coming here to impress us that they want to sell there property to invest in Bitcoin when they do not even understand what Bitcoin was all about. It is very ridiculous when someone would like to invest in Bitcoin with another person's fund when the themselves have not tried to invest in Bitcoin and see how the market works before they go tell another person to come and invest in Bitcoin because they want to appear as Bitcoin lover. Bitcoin is very volatile and we need to be very smart when making decisions or else we might become a victim of loses because we don't even understand the market.
Of course, just for exposure, we will never know if they are stating a fact about selling a property or if a friend is selling a property just to invest in bitcoin. We will notice that most of the accounts are newbies, so it could be a way for them to attract attention to boost their account. We know how the forum works, so you know what I'm saying, yet we entertain the topic because it is what it is. The concept of selling property just to invest in bitcoin is a big no, especially if you know yourself and don't know anything about bitcoin. Don't be carried away by the hype. Investing in bitcoin will be rewarding but will never be easy. Because if an investor who has the capital from the sold property goes wrong, there's no turning back, and there will be a big regret for that person.