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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: FiveG on July 04, 2023, 08:50:41 PM

Title: Killing in Politics is unethical
Post by: FiveG on July 04, 2023, 08:50:41 PM
Please lets address this issues together! It marvels me when people always refers to politics as powerful events by few privilege members of political system and this people are blood shockers killing others to ascertain power. A man in my community who people dried won political seats on several election polls but never wins on public selection, if you're good people should vote you willingly not manipulations and killing. Free and fair election required elected leaders with merit not with blood stains. What do you think?

Title: Re: Killing in Politics is unethical
Post by: Stepstowealth on July 04, 2023, 09:23:57 PM
What do you think?
The game of politics cannot be ethical for politicians that are unethical in their way of life. It is expected that politics be transparent, but it is not a clean game as citizens want. Some politicians are very desperate for power and are willing to do anything to make sure that they win or retain a political position. Some politicians who are unethical can go to the extent of killing for ritual purpose, killing an opposition candidate or killing a strong and influential member just to achieve their aim. Some politicians who cannot kill you physically because of how the will be the major suspect can go the extent of seeking spiritual ways to kill another opposition politician that is a threat. This is not what politics should be.

Title: Re: Killing in Politics is unethical
Post by: blockman on July 04, 2023, 09:55:46 PM
In my country, this is a normal thing when the election approaches. News is everywhere about political killings and no wonder why many people want to take a seat in the position because it's not for public service but for their own personal interest and the perks that they'll get upon being elected. That's why when you ask old folks about what they think about politics, they'd say the same thing that it is dirty. Well, killing in any form is unethical and inhumane.

Title: Re: Killing in Politics is unethical
Post by: JeromeTash on July 04, 2023, 09:59:08 PM
And killing outside politics is ethical?  ;D

Anyway, politics is a dirty game, has always been for centuries and will always be. So long as it involves a selected few getting more money and power over others, there will always be bloodshed. I guess this is just human animal nature. I mean, look at how the bees behave and their queen, Lions, and their prides etc

If you think there will ever be free and fair elections, then think twice. Politics is just a game of crooks and manipulators. Personally, I would wish the business of electing someone to rule over the masses ends forever.

Title: Re: Killing in Politics is unethical
Post by: Gyfts on July 04, 2023, 10:11:14 PM
The Middle East has this exact cycle. Fragmented groups with military power inside the country will kill as many as they can to achieve political power only until the next coup attempt toples the existing regime. Then more killing until someone comes out on top and takes over the country. No elections -- whoever has the largest gun wins.

Title: Re: Killing in Politics is unethical
Post by: EluguHcman on July 04, 2023, 11:55:05 PM
 Indeed politics and it's political system has breeds killing machines in humans through thuggery in our societies all for selfish interests and it's being security threat to the masses. Nigeria precisely
Scrapping these disasterous mental creation off, we must eliminate Tribalism, Godfatherism and Religionism out of political affairs as it calls for crisis.
Let the electoral bodies be independent and not being biased of hatreds and to favour a part party.  Let them the legislatures constitute its laws and keep by it and not of those who brings the laws and still breaks the laws where some fellow citizens would be admitted of being above the law

Title: Re: Killing in Politics is unethical
Post by: yhiaali3 on July 05, 2023, 09:20:57 AM
Of course, killing in politics is immoral, but politicians do not care about morality.

Some of them call the world of politics the world of devils, because politicians are stripped of morals to reach their political positions, they have one law "the end justifies the means" so they don't care much if they have to kill to reach their end.

Title: Re: Killing in Politics is unethical
Post by: Victan22 on July 05, 2023, 09:43:22 AM
     Man from origin has always been on a  quest for dominance over another man which results  into conflict  with another man which I will call  such scenario as (political tussle) bcs it is a quest for material and territorial possession, in cause of the crisis the Victor takes over the territory at the same time the spoils of war.

      Literally political philosophy has earlier  stated that man is a "political animal" in a lame man term this clearly means that man politically is on the quest to dominate his opponent at whatever cost be it brutal or with coercive force in other to claim the seat of power  which gives him legal right of ownership to resources within his domain.

     So my assertion is this, killing for political power can only stop being ethical with our political gladiators when they come to the realization that no man's life is worth a political office that is temporal while creating a lifetime enmity with opponents and citizens.

Title: Re: Killing in Politics is unethical
Post by: Gozie51 on July 05, 2023, 12:09:45 PM
Maybe the situation of political killings is now becoming worse unlike what it was, maybe some people will say it has always been like that but we know that the spate has increased. Almost in all the countries that have conducted elections in the last 4/5 years have not had hitch free elections and result especially for the highest position of the land, president.

Politics is not ethical from the practice of how politicians have now made it to be. They plan to eliminate opponents that will stop them and this incidents of killings never stops after elections because those bad guys that were employed surreptitiously to perpetuate such evil will still have those guns used to terrorize the country, some becomes saboteurs to the same politicians to kill for, some go into blackmail and that further conflagrate the insecurity and instability the government of the day will face.

Title: Re: Killing in Politics is unethical
Post by: Die_empty on July 05, 2023, 06:45:37 PM
Please lets address this issues together! It marvels me when people always refers to politics as powerful events by few privilege members of political system and this people are blood shockers killing others to ascertain power. A man in my community who people dried won political seats on several election polls but never wins on public selection, if you're good people should vote you willingly not manipulations and killing. Free and fair election required elected leaders with merit not with blood stains. What do you think?
Where I come from free and fair election is a mirage. Politicians that win elections are known killers. They win elections using intimidation, thuggery, and murder. Opponents are not allowed to engage in the political process freely. Voters are threatened and forced to vote against their will and this has become the status quo. If you are not willing to engage in this dirty bloodthirsty game of politics it is better never to contest an election because you will never win.

The courts are not independent because they are controlled by these thugs. So when you seek redress in court, it will turn out to be a waste of time and resources. But this condition will not last forever. Just as the Arab Spring consumed many corrupt politicians, one day the masses will say enough is enough.

Title: Re: Killing in Politics is unethical
Post by: Wakate on July 05, 2023, 09:38:26 PM
Please lets address this issues together! It marvels me when people always refers to politics as powerful events by few privilege members of political system and this people are blood shockers killing others to ascertain power. A man in my community who people dried won political seats on several election polls but never wins on public selection, if you're good people should vote you willingly not manipulations and killing. Free and fair election required elected leaders with merit not with blood stains. What do you think?
You need to leave political matters to those who understand it more than you do. If there is such kind thing in your locality, that does not necessarily warrant you to bring it to the forum. There are so many things happening in the world which would be interesting for us to talk about not a mere political scene that has nothing to do here. Merely you need to understand that politics is a game of the blood and those who know how to path there ways and shed blood to get what they wanted always find there ways to the top. I don't really like to talk about this kind of politics matter.

Title: Re: Killing in Politics is unethical
Post by: o48o on July 05, 2023, 09:49:54 PM
Please lets address this issues together! It marvels me when people always refers to politics as powerful events by few privilege members of political system and this people are blood shockers killing others to ascertain power. A man in my community who people dried won political seats on several election polls but never wins on public selection, if you're good people should vote you willingly not manipulations and killing. Free and fair election required elected leaders with merit not with blood stains. What do you think?
Is that a rethoric question? How could killing in politics be ethical? I am sorry that you have to live in such a place but that's what corruption does to systems. This is why am not against the transparent systems and selective individual privacy. Monitoring cash flows and full transparency is most effective way to fight corruption. And when it's happening on that level you are describing, you really need to start from the ground up building a better system. There needs to be some radical changes when killing in politics is so normal that you need to ponder if it's ethical or not.

Title: Re: Killing in Politics is unethical
Post by: Lordhermes on July 06, 2023, 08:16:33 AM
I Think the political class and those that situation made a politicians, failed to understand that politics is just a game. for the strong mind, but today's politicians doesn't know how to endure losing. as Abraham Lincoln posited, in his letter to his child teacher. he wrote. teach my child how to endure losing as he enjoy winning. this is something that our politicians has to learn to stop the killing. politics is a public services, its a game for all, no body should take it as a personal business. if you fail this year, go to your drawing board and get it right, you might win again. the killing is much in Africa, they create intimidation to scare people away from politics, and if your have the courage to confront them, they will kill you and get away with it, because we are lawless society, the law are created just for the poor masses.

Title: Re: Killing in Politics is unethical
Post by: Queentoshi on July 06, 2023, 12:13:22 PM
Please lets address this issues together! It marvels me when people always refers to politics as powerful events by few privilege members of political system and this people are blood shockers killing others to ascertain power. A man in my community who people dried won political seats on several election polls but never wins on public selection, if you're good people should vote you willingly not manipulations and killing. Free and fair election required elected leaders with merit not with blood stains. What do you think?
Killing in any other place and not just politics is bad, but for leadership position, it has always been so from time immemorial, that is a person killing another person either directly or indirectly to ascend to power, over history, Brothers have killed brothers to be king, Children have killed parents to become leaders and other examples where people have been killed for leadership position. That is worse, to kill your family members for the position of power.