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Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Mr. Magkaisa on July 11, 2023, 10:16:19 AM

Title: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Mr. Magkaisa on July 11, 2023, 10:16:19 AM
Most oft the time we make many mistakes or mindsets in handling money, which become the reason why we do not advance in life. Because we are too negative about money. This is bad and our minds are closed to the potential we can reach if we have the right mindset and only use our money in the right way.

And as we talk about this, you will now know the different correct mindsets about money and first here are the following:

[1] There is money everywhere - When we were young, many of us were taught by our parents to study hard and then enter a good company to work after graduating. And there is nothing wrong with this, But there are also many of us who until they are old know that this is the only way to earn money, but you will notice that this is not the only option because you can build a business, offer a service to earn money of money.

It's not like before we were told to do IT because it's popular, or do nursing because it's in demand in other countries, do HRM, Police and so on. I'll just repeat, there is nothing wrong with these professions, it's just that the times are different today. And you can make money almost anywhere.

Many people have not been able to do their passion or talent because there is no money there, such as those who want to pursue art, leverage their talent or turn their talent into a hobby and turn it into a business. But in reality you can make money from the above. Because someone is making money from designing, drawing and digital art is doing it now. Even though there are hobbies such as taking care of dogs, iguana cats and others, the others make content on YouTube and earn money, and these are just some of the things you can earn as a hobby.

Bottom line is that you can make money as long as what you do has value. Because there are potential audiences or communities that need it for sure.

[2] Your income is not limited - Many of us have the wrong mindset about money so most of us persevere or endure the salary. But the truth is that there are so many opportunities and there are no limits if you are open-minded to other things or jobs.

Don't be like someone I know who has been working for 15 years and earns 350$ per month, Yes, there is nothing wrong with his job, but with the skills and experience he has, he could have earned more than his salary of triple if he just used his skills. That's why his perspective about money is too limited.

Because sometimes, we think that's the perfect job for us that's all we've got. Who knows that other opportunities in other companies might be better. Or let's say abroad, because you just don't realize it. I remembered that before, my former co-worker changed companies and now his salary has tripled compared to before. Because currently his work is lighter and the benefits are better unlike what he used to work for.

That's why it's not because it's your first job, it's there until your retirement, it's not because the people you work with have become your family or close to you, it's there for life. You should look for other opportunities and don't be afraid to try. And when your income is only up to that, it might be possible to learn other skills, like you might have a business, we don't know.

Maybe the best thing for you to do is to get rid of the belief that that's the only income you deserve.

[3] Spend to earn - You also need to have a mindset that is not just saving or saving or always relying on free money just to increase your money. But it's true that the aforementioned are important, But if you want to earn a lot, it usually comes at a price. Because you are investing for yourself and your future, that is why it is also spent and time is really taken.

They say "The more you learn is the more you EARN." So don't beat yourself up because that's for yourself too. If you want to learn something, buy a book, or watch youtube videos and type what you want to know. Attend seminars or study to increase value in any marketplace.

And for that to happen, I think you need to invest in equipment, such as laptops, mobile devices or gadgets that can help you develop yourself.

[4] There is money on the Internet or something new - Nowadays, posting is not the only thing you can do on the internet, because if you look at most of the communities on social media platforms, they are already making money, especially on Facebook and YouTube, Most of the million users of Facebook and Youtube are content creators because they know that there is money on the internet, what they think will go viral, they just take out their cellphones and record a video and they can earn money. just that simple, map travel, food, sports, hobbies, and others can now be turned into content on Facebook and YouTube.

You really only need to leverage the things in front of you to take advantage of them, even Tiktok, Instagram, and others are really being used in terms of earnings via the internet. That's why if you are positioned in Shopee, lazada, milktea, Bitcoin/cryptocurrency and others, for sure you will make money, as long as you know how to use it correctly. And often on the internet what's trending there are many people who really earn money and many people ride it because it's viral and trending.

But of course we must be careful and be aware because not all trending is okay, we still need to be balanced in this matter.

[5] Your Money is Unlimited - It's true that money runs out but expenses don't, But if you know money, it can possibly prepare you for your old age, your children and the generations to come. So this is where investing comes in, the money you use should earn more money, instead of just spending it on useless things that just by saving that as time goes on the value will only decrease due to inflation.

The moment you realize that you need to invest in yourself, and in things that will make you more money, for sure your life will change a lot, you need to invest in assets that will bring you money as long as you live. Like investing in business, stocks, building a platform or investing in Bitcoin or cryptocurrency that can provide profit in the future. And other things that can give you a good cash flow of money.

[6] You don't have money forever - It's not true that until we get old you don't have money, it's actually a wrong mindset. We should not use the difficulty we are facing as an excuse just for that matter. If anyone wants to get out of poverty, you must change your mindset, think that there is hope, and you must believe in yourself that you can get out of poverty.

A person will not really advance or become rich if he has a poor mindset in his mind, even if they don't change it. Because you feel like you're not like this, I'm just poor, I don't have the ability, and so on so you can't start acting.

It must start with ourselves that you have a strong burning desire or drive to get out of your situation. Because if you just lie down and wait for what's coming, nothing in your life will ever change. YOU MUST TAKE ACTION NOW...

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Fiatless on July 11, 2023, 10:58:02 AM
The world is filled with boundless opportunities that can make anyone live a comfortable life. One problem is to identify these opportunities because they usually don't look viable. People have failed to identify opportunities because they are expecting these opportunities to look like opportunities. They next level is to utilize these opportunities. Procrastination and excuses are always the main impediments to utilizing opportunities. Most people complain about the government, lack of finance, and others thereby missing out on an opportunity.

Learning a new skill can be a good means of gaining additional income. One can learn a highly needed skill which can lead to a change of job or a side job. These side jobs can complement your normal income and make you financially stable. Wasting money on pleasure or unnecessary activities will lead to financial problems. It will be better to invest the money in other profitable ventures. The world is going through a lot of economic problems there is a need to spend less and invest more.

But we should also note that it is not everybody that will be rich. Some people derive fulfillment from a low paying job and they are okay. They are not so much concerned about acquiring so much wealth but they just want to provide their basic needs and enjoy their jobs. Sometimes your passion might not necessarily lead to money-making, it could just be a source of fun, joy, and fulfillment. It might not also be out of place to monetize your skill but the focus should not always be to make money but to impact people's lives positively and derive fulfillment.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: NotATether on July 11, 2023, 11:02:42 AM
[4] There is money on the Internet or something new - Nowadays, posting is not the only thing you can do on the internet, because if you look at most of the communities on social media platforms, they are already making money, especially on Facebook and YouTube, Most of the million users of Facebook and Youtube are content creators because they know that there is money on the internet, what they think will go viral, they just take out their cellphones and record a video and they can earn money. just that simple, map travel, food, sports, hobbies, and others can now be turned into content on Facebook and YouTube.

Content creation requires working many, many hours of creating videos or something else before it pays off. And it might never will, because only 3% of creators manage to succeed and break even (at the least). So it may not be the best business to get into, and by no means is it the only kind of "side hustle" you should be considering, since there's also e-commerce, entrepreneurship, freelancing and the like.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Aanuoluwatofunmi on July 11, 2023, 11:40:45 AM
[1] There is money everywhere

The mentality is that there's money everywhere but not everyone is having that money to earn a living, we need to work for it to earn it, money is gotten in exchange for the quality delivery in what we offer to others through our service, some are only hearing about money but don't have it because they never understand the means to get it.

[3] Spend to earn

We must be very careful in what we spend our money on, there are liabilities and there are assets, we shouldn't waste our money on things that will not be profitable to us or our business, money spent must be able to earn more of it's kind in multiplication and we must be able to give an account on what we spend them on.

[5] Your Money is Unlimited

Our ability to make money is unlimited but we can have a limited amount of money depending on the way we see it, how versatile we appear means how fast we could see opportunities in making money fast and continuously, making money is not a one way direction or pattern, it's a continuous process we must be used to.

[6] You don't have money forever

You can have money forever only if you have the required potentials to maintain the little one you had, increase and multiply on it, this will stand base on the level and value of what you have invested on, the time factor and every other opportunities that comes in which you utilize.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: icalical on July 11, 2023, 11:48:03 AM

[1] There is money everywhere - When we were young, many of us were taught by our parents to study hard and then enter a good company to work after graduating. And there is nothing wrong with this, But there are also many of us who until they are old know that this is the only way to earn money, but you will notice that this is not the only option because you can build a business, offer a service to earn money of money.

It's not like before we were told to do IT because it's popular, or do nursing because it's in demand in other countries, do HRM, Police and so on. I'll just repeat, there is nothing wrong with these professions, it's just that the times are different today. And you can make money almost anywhere.

Many people have not been able to do their passion or talent because there is no money there, such as those who want to pursue art, leverage their talent or turn their talent into a hobby and turn it into a business. But in reality you can make money from the above. Because someone is making money from designing, drawing and digital art is doing it now. Even though there are hobbies such as taking care of dogs, iguana cats and others, the others make content on YouTube and earn money, and these are just some of the things you can earn as a hobby.

Bottom line is that you can make money as long as what you do has value. Because there are potential audiences or communities that need it for sure.

There is money everywhere sure, but not all of us can seize those, you need certain privilege to be able to have an option about how you will earn money. For some of us the option is very limited, some doesn't even have any option. Some people cant even afford college or university, they need to support their family straight after graduating highschool, don't have the time to improve their skills and hobbies. 

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: ReCap57 on July 11, 2023, 12:55:02 PM
OP, thank you for starting a very positive thread, and...
Let us please not forget there is a stunning amount of starving people in the world. We still have places where people literally eat dirt just to get something in their stomach. When your "unlimited money" starts to flow in, consider ways to help those who are in a terrible position and don't have a chance to think positive very often.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Alpha Marine on July 11, 2023, 01:15:26 PM
One thing I know and believe about life is that "you are never bigger than you think you are".  You can't be worth more than you think.  It all has to start from the mind first. 
You have to believe that you are worth more,  and the only way you can be worth more is by acquiring knowledge. 
It's your knowledge and experience that will make you worth more.  Experience is gotten with time,  so there's no getting around that,  but you can acquire knowledge by learning and developing yourself.  It's not only through experience you can acquire knowledge.

For every human being to succeed he has to think big about himself.  Don't sell yourself short.  Know that you can achieve whatever you set your mind to do.  Have a picture of what you want in your mind and work towards it.  It's okay for that picture in your mind to look unachievable,  provided it's realistic then you're good to go. 

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: mu_enrico on July 11, 2023, 01:27:45 PM
Money this and money that, why people are so obsessed with money and "getting rich," whatever that means. How much do you own that you can consider yourself rich? I ask the same question about the correct mindset about money and ChatGPT answered it beautifully...

1. Money is a tool: Recognize that money is a means to an end, not an end in itself. It is a tool that enables you to achieve your goals, provide for your needs, and live a fulfilling life. Avoid viewing money as the ultimate source of happiness or defining your self-worth solely based on your financial status.
Source: AI-generated ChatGPT answer

It's true, you don't have to view money as your ultimate goal, but just as a means to live your life to the fullest. Also, money is about money creation, i.e, work, business, and investment, thus only changing your mindset won't get you anywhere.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: tabas on July 11, 2023, 01:40:42 PM
While it's true that there has to be an opportunity everywhere sometimes, we don't see that opportunity because we're thinking inside the box and not outside the box. Those problem solvers that have made solutions for particular problems are the ones who have made riches on it. As we look at every situation, we're noticing quickly the negativity that a situation has and not seeing the opportunity. This is common but for someone who's been into this world and has experienced a lot of ups and downs, that's where he's going to start to see the opportunity from within. Anyway, we also need to remember that it's not always about the money.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: BitDane on July 11, 2023, 01:41:32 PM
Money this and money that, why people are so obsessed with money and "getting rich," whatever that means. How much do you own that you can consider yourself rich? I ask the same question about the correct mindset about money and ChatGPT answered it beautifully...

1. Money is a tool: Recognize that money is a means to an end, not an end in itself. It is a tool that enables you to achieve your goals, provide for your needs, and live a fulfilling life. Avoid viewing money as the ultimate source of happiness or defining your self-worth solely based on your financial status.
Source: AI-generated ChatGPT answer

It's true, you don't have to view money as your ultimate goal, but just as a means to live your life to the fullest. Also, money is about money creation, i.e, work, business, and investment, thus only changing your mindset won't get you anywhere.

As a tool, money is a very powerful tool that enable to move even the most influencial people.  This is the main reason why many people are so dedicated to earn as much money as they can.  To secure their future and their living.  Being rich is dependent on the person because there are many people who have lots of money and does not feel that it is even enough for them and still look for ways to accumulate more money.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: arwin100 on July 11, 2023, 02:20:46 PM
[4] There is money on the Internet or something new - Nowadays, posting is not the only thing you can do on the internet, because if you look at most of the communities on social media platforms, they are already making money, especially on Facebook and YouTube, Most of the million users of Facebook and Youtube are content creators because they know that there is money on the internet, what they think will go viral, they just take out their cellphones and record a video and they can earn money. just that simple, map travel, food, sports, hobbies, and others can now be turned into content on Facebook and YouTube.

Content creation requires working many, many hours of creating videos or something else before it pays off. And it might never will, because only 3% of creators manage to succeed and break even (at the least). So it may not be the best business to get into, and by no means is it the only kind of "side hustle" you should be considering, since there's also e-commerce, entrepreneurship, freelancing and the like.

Some people think that its easy to be a content creator while in reality they really need to work hard so that they may have a content everyday. They always look for the result but they didn't even look the struggle of those creator just to please their audiences.

Although its really rewarding if you succeed but it need a lot of hardwork since not everyone will succeed on first try since some creators who's successful now spend a lot of years before they reach this far and not everyone can't afford to wait like that especially if they personal responsibilities.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Rruchi man on July 11, 2023, 02:31:27 PM
Most oft the time we make many mistakes or mindsets in handling money, which become the reason why we do not advance in life.
There is one which is not mentioned, maybe it was overlooked, but it is as important as the others, and a big error that many people are making which needs to be corrected.

It is better to Invest, than to save. It is better to spend money in trying to get more, than to spend time in trying to save the money that you have.

It is even more terrible to save in fiat.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: nara1892 on July 11, 2023, 03:02:00 PM
[4] There is money on the Internet or something new - Nowadays, posting is not the only thing you can do on the internet, because if you look at most of the communities on social media platforms, they are already making money, especially on Facebook and YouTube, Most of the million users of Facebook and Youtube are content creators because they know that there is money on the internet, what they think will go viral, they just take out their cellphones and record a video and they can earn money. just that simple, map travel, food, sports, hobbies, and others can now be turned into content on Facebook and YouTube.

Content creation requires working many, many hours of creating videos or something else before it pays off. And it might never will, because only 3% of creators manage to succeed and break even (at the least). So it may not be the best business to get into, and by no means is it the only kind of "side hustle" you should be considering, since there's also e-commerce, entrepreneurship, freelancing and the like.

All the points you have conveyed are all true and ideally that is the case. But we need to realize that making money is not always easy but not always difficult. Sometimes we forget that the portion of income has been determined depending on how we respond to these results, whether trying is enough or should it be considered lacking. Every opportunity to make money is always open, but not everyone is able to fill that opportunity with the requirements. That's why there are skills that become demands, to achieve these conditions we need to learn, hone our abilities, and not give up easily. when there is a high will then there is always a way to achieve it.

Content creation is actually not difficult, because each audience will come with their own categories and interests. There are not a few simple content creators but there are many viewers because what is conveyed in the contents of the content is indeed the most sought-after topic. For example, mastering a certain field can channel it into automatic content where visitors come, where the visitor likes the domain that we convey.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: KiaKia on July 11, 2023, 03:59:10 PM
[1] There is money everywhere

The mentality is that there's money everywhere but not everyone is having that money to earn a living, we need to work for it to earn it, money is gotten in exchange for the quality delivery in what we offer to others through our service, some are only hearing about money but don't have it because they never understand the means to get it.

[3] Spend to earn

We must be very careful in what we spend our money on, there are liabilities and there are assets, we shouldn't waste our money on things that will not be profitable to us or our business, money spent must be able to earn more of it's kind in multiplication and we must be able to give an account on what we spend them on.

[5] Your Money is Unlimited

Our ability to make money is unlimited but we can have a limited amount of money depending on the way we see it, how versatile we appear means how fast we could see opportunities in making money fast and continuously, making money is not a one way direction or pattern, it's a continuous process we must be used to.

[6] You don't have money forever

You can have money forever only if you have the required potentials to maintain the little one you had, increase and multiply on it, this will stand base on the level and value of what you have invested on, the time factor and every other opportunities that comes in which you utilize.

Too much of everything is not good on the long run, we must not forget that we are humans, do what you love and stay happy but yes they're times time everything, but don't forget to live your life, if all you are going to spend your money on are things that gives you money back you will lack happiness in the end.

Too much of seriousness will make you a dull person, going for holidays and relaxation won't give you money back but it will put you in a happy mood, because you needed it all along, like I've said too much of everything is bad.

I stay in between everything I do, there is time for work and their is time for relaxation and enjoyment, I got no time on earth, it's not my home, I will leave it one day no matter what I acquired on this earth.

When you are pursing your goals always remember that one day nothing will matter because you will be dead, so hustle while you can but do not forget to play as hard as your hustle too.

Not spending money on anything that wont give you back more money is a boring life, you need to go to cinemas, comedy shows, make someone happy, a wife? Your children? Don't take things too hard on yourself.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: imamusma on July 11, 2023, 04:20:30 PM
We all know money is everywhere and there are many ways to earn it. However, it is always difficult to change someone's mindset when their orientation is around their comfort zone because of their inability to develop their inner talents. Not all of them agree with what you say, it's because they don't have the skills to make more money because of it.

It is true that money can be made when you have the means and skills, but not everyone will have different skills from their educational background. There's nothing wrong with that mindset, but I think they are too difficult to move from their comfort zone.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Faisal2202 on July 11, 2023, 05:51:30 PM
You have made a great compilation here. This thread is very useful for those who have stagnant mindset and they do not wanted to leave their comfort zone. From my younger age i have been told to leave my comfort zone if i ever wanted to grow and i never realized the importance it have. But when i turned 18 i realized.

I have a great pictorial representation of how comfort zone will hold you from reaching your aim.

I really liked your ideas about changing mindset in order to achieve something. Currently, i am going through a phase where i wanted to invest money but i am thinking to invest it on my self like learning some new skills which will help me to build my portfolio and i had also understood how social media is being used as Businesses and how clients are being hunted by service providers and how they are selling their services to them as a seo content writer i also use those methods.

The point is, we should build a mindset of enterpreneur which will lead us to build an empire of making money.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: MFahad on July 11, 2023, 06:40:18 PM
[1] There is money everywhere - When we were young, many of us were taught by our parents to study hard and then enter a good company to work after graduating. And there is nothing wrong with this, But there are also many of us who until they are old know that this is the only way to earn money, but you will notice that this is not the only option because you can build a business, offer a service to earn money of money.

Education is necessary because education makes a person successful as one who initiate business so in businesses there comes certain task which requires your knowledge and education and without it you cannot go ahead. People now a days are successful in business and they are engage in online business but there is a scarcity of job or lower salaries which is a big reason that educated people are a part of online jobs.

I think that as we make a comparison so individuals with higher education and have ability to utilize their skills involved in businesses are more successful than those who don't have idea how to use skills and techniques.

Educated person have dual opportunities like that of entering in business as well as continue their jobs.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: dunfida on July 11, 2023, 09:33:51 PM
[4] There is money on the Internet or something new

Actually this is the main thing that i do have in mind aside on having my day job which i do fully rely on, on which i do make extra steps on finding jobs or other income making on the net.
Actually there's really money on the internet but of course it would really be getting in line on what skills you do have or the knowledge on which you could be able to utilize.
Money is there, it would really be just needing on the ability for you to dive in and put effort and time. Yes, it would really be taking so much time from you but we do really
need up to do such thing for the sake of family and giving them that a good life when it comes to financial where you could give out on what they want.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Hamza2424 on July 11, 2023, 10:24:30 PM
ohh Op your post is quite decent, But besides all your tips I will say only one thing that I have learned if you won't value your time then bro sorry you can't make money. As time is money, Charging for your time is the only way to make bundles and bundles, besides that, I am also trying to learn how to make time more valuable haha, as I am also a noob.

Anyway to all those who are reading my post, I will say only one thing, I am not a motivational speaker  ;D ;D so you all should read OP carefully he has a mission behind the post.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Wexnident on July 11, 2023, 10:31:38 PM
True, a lot of the instances OP states do happen, but it isn't the only influence/factor that affects a person's capability to earn money. I mean just a simple regime of dumb people would be enough of a cause to reduce your worth in general. Granted with the internet you'd have more opportunities to not be (too much) affected by it, but well, it still happens. Well it is true that the change starts with us, but not everyone will reach the same end, even if the change did indeed happen.

Most oft the time we make many mistakes or mindsets in handling money, which become the reason why we do not advance in life.
There is one which is not mentioned, maybe it was overlooked, but it is as important as the others, and a big error that many people are making which needs to be corrected.

It is better to Invest, than to save. It is better to spend money in trying to get more, than to spend time in trying to save the money that you have.

It is even more terrible to save in fiat.
Wouldn't that be considered in the Spend to earn part? OP did concentrate on the learning part but I reckon spending to invest and letting it grow could also be a part of it.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Smartvirus on July 11, 2023, 10:56:52 PM
Money is everywhere. It’s just something a lot of people don’t get to realize but people are following suit at the time. It’s not about having just positive affirmations anymore, that’s how motivational speakers make their money.

Eve got man made and natural resources around us. In recent times, the recycling business has become a big business and it’s earning people millions. Waste is now wealth and only those who understands the trade are being able to convert that which is left lying around here and there to yield them something that would better their life. It’s not uncommon now to see people picking scrap metals, plastics and the rest of those.

Now we’ve got people living their dreams through making good use of the internet. It’s just you having the ability to see what others aren’t seeing and having to utilize it to suit your purposes.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: dothebeats on July 11, 2023, 11:58:35 PM
The thing is, not all people have the affinity to take risks in order to open more opportunities for themselves. Most are looking for things that are more comfortable for them, and if they are already getting the things that they need and some things that they want, they'd surely stop and not try harder. Only a few people will ever achieve huge financial success since only few of them are risk takers.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Sarah Azhari on July 12, 2023, 01:02:48 AM
Only a few people will ever achieve huge financial success since only few of them are risk takers.
There are many factors that make them dare to take the risk like education and experience. educated people will certainly know what risks will be faced if want to invest their money. Because as far as I know, there is an important lesson that I ever got in school how to manage your money. but sometimes some students do not pay attention to it, they don't take it for granted, so it won't be used in the future. All that got must balance also with experience, If both are integrated properly, we will certainly see new richest people growing up every day.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: mvdheuvel1983 on July 12, 2023, 01:11:58 AM
[1] There is money everywhere - When we were young, many of us were taught by our parents to study hard and then enter a good company to work after graduating. And there is nothing wrong with this, But there are also many of us who until they are old know that this is the only way to earn money, but you will notice that this is not the only option because you can build a business, offer a service to earn money of money.

It's not like before we were told to do IT because it's popular, or do nursing because it's in demand in other countries, do HRM, Police and so on. I'll just repeat, there is nothing wrong with these professions, it's just that the times are different today. And you can make money almost anywhere.

Many people have not been able to do their passion or talent because there is no money there, such as those who want to pursue art, leverage their talent or turn their talent into a hobby and turn it into a business. But in reality you can make money from the above. Because someone is making money from designing, drawing and digital art is doing it now. Even though there are hobbies such as taking care of dogs, iguana cats and others, the others make content on YouTube and earn money, and these are just some of the things you can earn as a hobby.

Bottom line is that you can make money as long as what you do has value. Because there are potential audiences or communities that need it for sure.
Once you become rich that is the moment you'd notice that money is everywhere if you pay enough attention. Mark Zukerberg the founder of Facebook just created an Instagram Clone app called Threads and with 24 hours it had over 100 million user base. Meta's stock shoots up, he become richer. Secondly one other way I learned that money is everywhere is the network of an individual. There is a saying that you your network determines your net worth. Once you hang around 5 millionaires, you are certainly going to be the 6th millionaire. Successful people can provide valuable insights and opportunities. This casues a shift in your mentality and mindset about how you see and view money.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Darker45 on July 12, 2023, 01:39:38 AM
I think the point is to somehow broaden your mind. One has to learn to be innovative, creative, open-minded, even adventurous when it comes to money-making. It doesn't hurt to explore new frontiers, to try new side hustles.

The traditional mindset tells you to stick to the only way you know how to make money. That's probably wrong.

During the pandemic, we saw a lot of people who underwent unexpected transitions. Many lost their jobs. But they have to live. They have to find ways to continue earning. Options suddenly grew. Borders suddenly pushed further.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: khiholangkang on July 12, 2023, 02:12:28 AM
I understand your points OP, there are some that I have reviewed before.
I think it is more accurate to increase your ability and knowledge from a young age, if you have a lot of ability and are skilled in it you will easily get the opportunity to make money, meaning that your income is more than one hole, that is the most natural and fundamental theory in this case, money is will come naturally if you have something that other people need.
Saying it may be easier than practicing it, we realize that, and that thing that has haunted us all this time, that makes us afraid and lazy to do something. And what's important in terms of mindset about money, don't ever think that money is the main goal, because that will make your mentality worse when dealing with money, make money as a bonus from the success you achieve from what you have built in yourself.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: libert19 on July 12, 2023, 03:49:24 AM
Internet has paved a way for plenty new ways to earn money unfortunately most of older generation doesn't understand that, and in less educated people or the ones living in developing nations — to them making money from Internet sounds like alien thing.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: lunnatic on July 12, 2023, 04:02:58 AM
Internet has paved a way for plenty new ways to earn money unfortunately most of older generation doesn't understand that, and in less educated people or the ones living in developing nations — to them making money from Internet sounds like alien thing.
Yes, now there are many ways to make money from the internet and we can take advantage of many platforms for that,
I think we are very fortunate that the development of internet technology is in line with the development of our generation,
but it must be admitted that now more and more people can make money from the internet.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Oasisman on July 12, 2023, 04:18:45 AM
The thing is, not all people have the affinity to take risks in order to open more opportunities for themselves. Most are looking for things that are more comfortable for them, and if they are already getting the things that they need and some things that they want, they'd surely stop and not try harder. Only a few people will ever achieve huge financial success since only few of them are risk takers.

That's because we all have different kind of preferences, some people might not be able to handle the stress and pressure when they step outside their comfort zone. Some people may not be able to contain the disappointment when everything doesn't go as planned. Trying your hardest doesn't always have a positive outcome, and there are a lot of stories of failure than success, they are not just posted in the internet or the social media. Those who achieved  surely have worked their way up, but that doesn't mean they worked harder than those who failed.
Though several things needs to be considered to become successful, but you definitely need luck. See how chinese people have a lot of stuff to attract luck in their business.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: 19Nov16 on July 12, 2023, 04:28:37 AM
Many people including me often think that tomorrow or next month will come again so it is difficult to save money, this is according to the message in number 2 which states "your income is not limited", if we are exposed to thoughts like this then many things are not important but We buy it with savings and even dare to owe, a good message so that we are worthy of inspiration.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: rat03gopoh on July 12, 2023, 04:39:02 AM
But this requires some moral restraint, the fact is that without good skills and knowledge people will get nothing legally and in the end only choose the wrong path. I mean, excessive dedication with an irregular mindset can also turn someone into a criminal.
Throughout my life, I can draw conclusions that with crypto people have more chances to lose wealth with no hope of recovering it.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Despairo on July 12, 2023, 04:39:54 AM
It's simple, people are just lazy, that's.

Most of people are don't have a big motivation to change their life, when they already have work for 9AM to 5PM, they will complain if they don't have time to learn a new thing. This is wrong because after you back into your home, you still have 3-4 hours to learn a new thing. They are just lazy and don't want to start a new thing, so they choose to having fun with their friends and play video games.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: EL MOHA on July 12, 2023, 05:32:37 AM
Yes they actually believe that the only way people earn through the internet is mostly by scamming or engaging in Ponzi schemes. Even though technology has advanced beyond that and people with the knowledge could earn from the internet, I still don’t blame them because if they Should also join on the internet money making they would easily be scammed since they lack enough knowledge. And this is part of the reason why bitcoin adoption is also not growing in those areas.

Internet has paved a way for plenty new ways to earn money unfortunately most of older generation doesn't understand that, and in less educated people or the ones living in developing nations — to them making money from Internet sounds like alien thing.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Sayeds56 on July 12, 2023, 05:39:26 AM
Yes, now there are many ways to make money from the internet and we can take advantage of many platforms for that,
I think we are very fortunate that the development of internet technology is in line with the development of our generation,
but it must be admitted that now more and more people can make money from the internet.

Indeed, internet has opened immense opportunities of earning for earning money online, and this digital economy includes e-commerce, freelancing and many more services. In particular youngers have been quick to embrace these new avenues and explore the leverage its potential. However, it is crucial to develop money mindset and acquire necessary skills to tap into abundant opportunities presented by this landscape.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Kakmakr on July 12, 2023, 06:01:25 AM
OP, you are too focused on making money and that is the downfall of too many people with that mindset. I once spoke to a friend of mine and I will never forget our discussion. He is a farmer and he told me this... "If you enjoy your work, you will never work a day in your life"

I have seen too many people that are 110% focused on becoming rich, but they have zero happiness. They work long hours and spend almost no time with their family and friends or even spending that money to relax. Most of them have medical conditions that are linked to high exposure to stress.

The two most important things in life is "Health & Happiness" ....the rest is just a hamster in the wheel.  ;)

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Sim_card on July 12, 2023, 06:26:35 AM
[1] There is money everywhere need to know the right skill and knowledge that you need to make this money. If you are not destined to be a businessman and you go into business, there is every possibility that your business will crash. The government in many countries have deprived their citizens access to this money by corrupting the whole system by not providing a balanced atmosphere for the poor to be able to get that money easily. A good skill will help one make money.

[3] Spend to earn
Life is all about risk taking,some people are scared to put in their money into business or to train themselves in a field that will be favourable to them because they don't believe in themselves forgetting that it is what you have,that you will use to get what you want. The poor ones will find it difficult to use the money that they have to get what they want because, they don't have enough to eat for the day.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Gallar on July 12, 2023, 06:41:19 AM
[1] There is money everywhere - When we were young, many of us were taught by our parents to study hard and then enter a good company to work after graduating. And there is nothing wrong with this, But there are also many of us who until they are old know that this is the only way to earn money, but you will notice that this is not the only option because you can build a business, offer a service to earn money of money.

In fact there are many incidents like that among parents today. Instead of developing the talents that their children have, instead they tell them to become employees and forget about the hidden talents that these children have. So because there are thoughts like that, many young people today are monotonous and don't develop well in the field of making money. Therefore thoughts and understandings like that really have to be reduced and balanced with broad thoughts towards the view of making or making money.

[2] Your income is not limited - Many of us have the wrong mindset about money so most of us persevere or endure the salary. But the truth is that there are so many opportunities and there are no limits if you are open-minded to other things or jobs.

It's true, there will always be opportunities to get if you want to try and move from the safe zone. But for people who are already working and have a family, sometimes it's not that easy to switch professions and change jobs. Because if you change jobs, surely the results will not be known for certain. Meanwhile, money must always be there every day, because if you have a family, your needs will always be there every day. Therefore, many people stay in the jobs they have, and don't dare to leave the zone, for fear of the consequences that will befall them, when starting to open a business or changing jobs.
But it's true, if it continues like that, there will be no significant developments in the economic field. But what can you do, everyone must have a safe zone and their own decisions according to their views.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: fauzan Ichsan on July 12, 2023, 06:53:11 AM
Yes, now there are many ways to make money from the internet and we can take advantage of many platforms for that,
I think we are very fortunate that the development of internet technology is in line with the development of our generation,
but it must be admitted that now more and more people can make money from the internet.

Indeed, internet has opened immense opportunities of earning for earning money online, and this digital economy includes e-commerce, freelancing and many more services. In particular youngers have been quick to embrace these new avenues and explore the leverage its potential. However, it is crucial to develop money mindset and acquire necessary skills to tap into abundant opportunities presented by this landscape.
What needs to be considered is that work on the internet does not require an educational certificate, who has the competence, then he will gain a lot of profit. especially for young people who are of a productive age to be able to explore as much as possible about something new, but even though it is easy to get money, many young people are not necessarily able to manage finances well, even though that is also very much needed besides how to get money

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Mr. Magkaisa on July 12, 2023, 07:11:45 AM
I understand your points OP, there are some that I have reviewed before.
I think it is more accurate to increase your ability and knowledge from a young age, if you have a lot of ability and are skilled in it you will easily get the opportunity to make money, meaning that your income is more than one hole, that is the most natural and fundamental theory in this case, money is will come naturally if you have something that other people need.
Saying it may be easier than practicing it, we realize that, and that thing that has haunted us all this time, that makes us afraid and lazy to do something. And what's important in terms of mindset about money, don't ever think that money is the main goal, because that will make your mentality worse when dealing with money, make money as a bonus from the success you achieve from what you have built in yourself.

  -  Well at least there is someone like you who understood my point why I made this topic, because of my experiences and saw at the time that I did not understand the existence of innovation in changing our mindset about money .

It's not really easy to do, but somehow we now have guidelines to know what we should really do if we want our lives to move forward. It's really in our hands how we can change it when it comes to money mindset.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Liliana1304 on July 12, 2023, 07:18:23 AM
Making money is good as it determines your level of success. It's one thing to hope to get wealthy and another to be wealthy and just like everything in life has steps to follow for a positive thing to happen, money is not different.

It's the mindset you have about money that will drive your financial decisions everyday. Always dwelling on past financial errors can often blind you from making for better practices and positive attitude towards money in the future.

Making money can be quite difficult to get but easy to spend when you don't have goals or you don't have a strategy. To help clarify your goals, it would be best to classify them using SMART strategy method [S= specific, M= measurable, A=achievable, R=relevant and T=timely] [1]

[1] SMART GOALS strategy  (

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Sayeds56 on July 12, 2023, 10:19:34 AM
What needs to be considered is that work on the internet does not require an educational certificate, who has the competence, then he will gain a lot of profit. especially for young people who are of a productive age to be able to explore as much as possible about something new, but even though it is easy to get money, many young people are not necessarily able to manage finances well, even though that is also very much needed besides how to get money

Indeed, educational certificate is not necessarily required to avail online earning opportunities, however it is crucial to emphasize that basic knowledge of English language is important, as it is widely used for communication and business transactions. Financial management skills are also essential for effective money management and making reasonable online earnings. As technological advancements is taking place at a fast pace , that makes it important to continue improving your skills through self study or online courses in order to ensure a continuous and sustainable income source.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Questat on July 12, 2023, 11:12:23 AM

[2] Your income is not limited - Many of us have the wrong mindset about money so most of us persevere or endure the salary. But the truth is that there are so many opportunities and there are no limits if you are open-minded to other things or jobs.

Perhaps, you are right as there are a lot of income opportunities around us but the problem is we're not suitable for them and also because of our limited time. We can't work 24 hours, so even though we think that we can do it but because of some commitment to others, we become limited. That is why we should have to spend wisely, not to say that we have a lot of money we have to spend with no limits because the time has come that we can't work anymore but our expenses continue, your savings will drain and get empty.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Flexystar on July 12, 2023, 11:52:35 AM
[4] There is money on the Internet or something new - Nowadays, posting is not the only thing you can do on the internet, because if you look at most of the communities on social media platforms, they are already making money, especially on Facebook and YouTube, Most of the million users of Facebook and Youtube are content creators because they know that there is money on the internet, what they think will go viral, they just take out their cellphones and record a video and they can earn money. just that simple, map travel, food, sports, hobbies, and others can now be turned into content on Facebook and YouTube.

Content creation requires working many, many hours of creating videos or something else before it pays off. And it might never will, because only 3% of creators manage to succeed and break even (at the least). So it may not be the best business to get into, and by no means is it the only kind of "side hustle" you should be considering, since there's also e-commerce, entrepreneurship, freelancing and the like.

True. Not only the side hustle but it is whole new realm of job field. Content creation does not seem to be just side work these days, many of the creators are using the OTT platforms, social media streams to make it as first income source. If you see the successful creators then they would have actual team behind them who would be working as well. I am talking about the creators who are giants now, for example Mr. Beast! Many new creators would struggle a lot before they reach at some point where only decent amount of money can be earned. The craze has grown so much that they also have to compete with each other and that's why it's like having whole new job where you need to have promotions to earn the best.

Rest of the points are valid. Basically what OP is saying you need to take efforts to earn money and have multiple income sources to survive these days.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: bayu7adi on July 12, 2023, 01:12:39 PM
[4] There is money on the Internet or something new - Nowadays, posting is not the only thing you can do on the internet, because if you look at most of the communities on social media platforms, they are already making money, especially on Facebook and YouTube, Most of the million users of Facebook and Youtube are content creators because they know that there is money on the internet, what they think will go viral, they just take out their cellphones and record a video and they can earn money. just that simple, map travel, food, sports, hobbies, and others can now be turned into content on Facebook and YouTube.

You really only need to leverage the things in front of you to take advantage of them, even Tiktok, Instagram, and others are really being used in terms of earnings via the internet. That's why if you are positioned in Shopee, lazada, milktea, Bitcoin/cryptocurrency and others, for sure you will make money, as long as you know how to use it correctly. And often on the internet what's trending there are many people who really earn money and many people ride it because it's viral and trending.

But of course we must be careful and be aware because not all trending is okay, we still need to be balanced in this matter.
In my opinion, the internet is the lifeblood of the economy.

Earning money online is a vast realm open to those who aspire to kickstart their careers or businesses in the digital realm. The internet seamlessly connects individuals who mutually require each other's services, facilitating more ideal business transactions. When comparing traditional brick-and-mortar stores in malls or nearby shops, we often find that the enticing promotions offered by online stores are more captivating. Hence, the online world thrives on fierce competition, making consumers delighted to purchase goods from online retailers.

I believe the advertising sector continues to dominate the financial flow on the internet. As you mentioned, platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media platforms provide spaces for content creators and sellers to contribute. By showcasing our merchandise on social media, millions of people can glimpse our products, surpassing the effectiveness of billboard advertisements on busy streets.

I fervently hope that the internet will endure for eternity.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Fesatmas on July 12, 2023, 02:42:15 PM

[2] Your income is not limited - Many of us have the wrong mindset about money so most of us persevere or endure the salary. But the truth is that there are so many opportunities and there are no limits if you are open-minded to other things or jobs.

Perhaps, you are right as there are a lot of income opportunities around us but the problem is we're not suitable for them and also because of our limited time. We can't work 24 hours, so even though we think that we can do it but because of some commitment to others, we become limited. That is why we should have to spend wisely, not to say that we have a lot of money we have to spend with no limits because the time has come that we can't work anymore but our expenses continue, your savings will drain and get empty.
Everyone will have their own busy life and everyone will have their own way of making money for their needs. Everyone has opportunities at every turn, but certain circumstances prevent them from taking them. By changing bad habits in using money such as not buying something that is not really needed and choosing to save some of that money will help us when we are in difficult times in the future. Since there will be times when we won't have a job but expenses will stay the same, the first thing I will do is invest some of my savings because I know there will be times when I will lose my job when I am old and I will have the opportunity to take advantage of the results. investment.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: kingvirtus09 on July 12, 2023, 02:51:19 PM
[4] There is money on the Internet or something new - Nowadays, posting is not the only thing you can do on the internet, because if you look at most of the communities on social media platforms, they are already making money, especially on Facebook and YouTube, Most of the million users of Facebook and Youtube are content creators because they know that there is money on the internet, what they think will go viral, they just take out their cellphones and record a video and they can earn money. just that simple, map travel, food, sports, hobbies, and others can now be turned into content on Facebook and YouTube.

You really only need to leverage the things in front of you to take advantage of them, even Tiktok, Instagram, and others are really being used in terms of earnings via the internet. That's why if you are positioned in Shopee, lazada, milktea, Bitcoin/cryptocurrency and others, for sure you will make money, as long as you know how to use it correctly. And often on the internet what's trending there are many people who really earn money and many people ride it because it's viral and trending.

To be honest, since the internet and social media platforms such as Facebook and YouTube, including Tiktok and Instagram, there are many people who just stay at home or jobless.  But not many succeed in their thoughts because it is not easy to be a content creator in reality. Although some earn money but not as much as others that really any content that is made is mobbed by viewers. There are still those who have real income, and what will be viral or trending is for sure that they will make a profit using their Facebook or Youtube accounts.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on July 12, 2023, 07:39:41 PM

[2] Your income is not limited - Many of us have the wrong mindset about money so most of us persevere or endure the salary. But the truth is that there are so many opportunities and there are no limits if you are open-minded to other things or jobs.

Some people might have a good mindset about money and have plans and different measures for working effectively to earn money, but along the line, if they get entangled in one thing (particularly a job), they will feel very comfortable, even if they are not really earning a big salary. But the truth is that they just become comfortable in their comfort zone. One of my friends in college was saying that he would never work for any government or private organisation; he had the intention of becoming his own Boss, but after he got a job at the bank, it has been very difficult for him to even leave the job. He wanted to just work for a years and raise money to start his own business, but it seems those plans are dead.

Cheers 🥂, Dr.Bitcoin_Strange 👺👺

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Noson on July 12, 2023, 08:14:05 PM
In a contemporary time like this, access to multiple streams of income which eventually lead to wealth if built upon are almost readily available.

The truth is, due to technological advancement, generating income from more than a source remotely is as easy as A, B, and C. However, apart from some of the highlights enlisted in the original post, people are still financially handicapped because they have refused to educate themselves with the info that these technological tools use to yield multiple streams of income.

Unlike the professions birthed from formal education those days, tech has diversified learning and enabled anyone to be financially buoyant (IF THEY ARE WILLING TO COMMIT TO LEARNING ANY SKILL AROUND IT).

In the end, I think investment in self; knowledge, skill, entrepreneurship... These are the steps to building and sustaining a solid financial empire.

Technology has made education more creative so much that if properly utilised, access to wealth is just a step away as long as the individual is consistent.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: slapper on July 12, 2023, 10:47:33 PM
In my opinion, the internet is the lifeblood of the economy.

Earning money online is a vast realm open to those who aspire to kickstart their careers or businesses in the digital realm. The internet seamlessly connects individuals who mutually require each other's services, facilitating more ideal business transactions. When comparing traditional brick-and-mortar stores in malls or nearby shops, we often find that the enticing promotions offered by online stores are more captivating. Hence, the online world thrives on fierce competition, making consumers delighted to purchase goods from online retailers.

I believe the advertising sector continues to dominate the financial flow on the internet. As you mentioned, platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media platforms provide spaces for content creators and sellers to contribute. By showcasing our merchandise on social media, millions of people can glimpse our products, surpassing the effectiveness of billboard advertisements on busy streets.

I fervently hope that the internet will endure for eternity.
The internet has changed our life and the economy, but isn't it like the nervous system? Like our brains and spinal cords, it carries information, connects, and coordinates activity throughout a large, intricate network. You're right about e-commerce's growth, but it can worsen inequality. Not everyone can afford a dependable internet connection or digital competence to navigate this brave new online world. Consider the onslaught of irrelevant commercials we often see. Could this alienate consumers? I doubt the internet will last forever. Like all things, it will change and even be replaced by something we can't conceive

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Quidat on July 12, 2023, 11:29:24 PM

[2] Your income is not limited - Many of us have the wrong mindset about money so most of us persevere or endure the salary. But the truth is that there are so many opportunities and there are no limits if you are open-minded to other things or jobs.

Some people might have a good mindset about money and have plans and different measures for working effectively to earn money, but along the line, if they get entangled in one thing (particularly a job), they will feel very comfortable, even if they are not really earning a big salary. But the truth is that they just become comfortable in their comfort zone. One of my friends in college was saying that he would never work for any government or private organisation; he had the intention of becoming his own Boss, but after he got a job at the bank, it has been very difficult for him to even leave the job. He wanted to just work for a years and raise money to start his own business, but it seems those plans are dead.

Cheers 🥂, Dr.Bitcoin_Strange 👺👺
It wont be considered dead if you arent stopping on trying out to achieve those dreams or plans of yours from the start. Struggles and challenges in life is common on which you should need to face it out until you do achieve or reach your goals or targets in life.All of us would really be wishing on a life on having that financial freedom and be our own boss which there's no one would dictate out
about our time and on the work that we are really that doing. We cant really be that so sure when it comes to future but doesnt mean that you wouldnt really be doing your best because time
will come that the hard work you've done  would really pay off. It would really be needing some sort of sacrifices at least because not everything that you do have in mind would
be easily be attained or achieve without passing up with lots of trials and errors.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: umbara ardian on July 13, 2023, 05:42:12 AM
A person will not really advance or become rich if he has a poor mindset in his mind, even if they don't change it. Because you feel like you're not like this, I'm just poor, I don't have the ability, and so on so you can't start acting.

It must start with ourselves that you have a strong burning desire or drive to get out of your situation. Because if you just lie down and wait for what's coming, nothing in your life will ever change. YOU MUST TAKE ACTION NOW...
You need to realize that people can be successful and rich if they have enough will and hard work. Focus on positive thoughts and ignore negative thoughts. Instead of fantasizing about your own limitations and shortcomings, find ways to promote and develop the positive sides of yourself. Set specific goals and develop an action plan to achieve them. Take action, and don't let a bad mood stop you from doing what you want to do. Changing your mind is not easy and requires patience and commitment.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: serjent05 on July 13, 2023, 09:47:11 PM
[4] There is money on the Internet or something new - Nowadays, posting is not the only thing you can do on the internet, because if you look at most of the communities on social media platforms, they are already making money, especially on Facebook and YouTube, Most of the million users of Facebook and Youtube are content creators because they know that there is money on the internet, what they think will go viral, they just take out their cellphones and record a video and they can earn money. just that simple, map travel, food, sports, hobbies, and others can now be turned into content on Facebook and YouTube.

Content creation requires working many, many hours of creating videos or something else before it pays off. And it might never will, because only 3% of creators manage to succeed and break even (at the least). So it may not be the best business to get into, and by no means is it the only kind of "side hustle" you should be considering, since there's also e-commerce, entrepreneurship, freelancing and the like.

Some people think that its easy to be a content creator while in reality they really need to work hard so that they may have a content everyday. They always look for the result but they didn't even look the struggle of those creator just to please their audiences.

Content creator making a senseful content is really hard because they have to push their imagination and understanding to the limit plus they need to make a lot of research in order to state a factual information.  But those content creator that creates non-sense content is quite easy because they just need to create non-sense stuff which often hurt other people.  But sadly this kind of creation often gets popular than the more sensual one.

Although its really rewarding if you succeed but it need a lot of hardwork since not everyone will succeed on first try since some creators who's successful now spend a lot of years before they reach this far and not everyone can't afford to wait like that especially if they personal responsibilities.

Succeeding to get lots of followers and subscriber is very beneficial to content creator, they can get unlimited income from these thing since most of their creation are getting viewed by their fans which produce income every second of view and click to their content.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: davis196 on July 14, 2023, 10:24:24 AM
Could you please show us the self-help book, out of which you learned all this info? I'm sure that you got all these ideas(or you copied the entire text) from a self-help book.
I usually avoid self-help/motivational books and videos, because they are just "feel good" content. They say "if you do this and that, you will become financially successful and you will achieve all your dreams". They portray a picture, where it's actually easy for you to achieve your goals, which is far away from the truth.
All this "money mindset" theory is way easier said than done. In reality, very few people are going to change their mindset about money, even if they read your forum post.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: AicecreaME on July 14, 2023, 11:19:46 AM
[4] There is money on the Internet or something new - Nowadays, posting is not the only thing you can do on the internet, because if you look at most of the communities on social media platforms, they are already making money, especially on Facebook and YouTube, Most of the million users of Facebook and Youtube are content creators because they know that there is money on the internet, what they think will go viral, they just take out their cellphones and record a video and they can earn money. just that simple, map travel, food, sports, hobbies, and others can now be turned into content on Facebook and YouTube.

Content creation requires working many, many hours of creating videos or something else before it pays off. And it might never will, because only 3% of creators manage to succeed and break even (at the least). So it may not be the best business to get into, and by no means is it the only kind of "side hustle" you should be considering, since there's also e-commerce, entrepreneurship, freelancing and the like.

I agree.

Uploading unique contents these days are the ones that get famous instantly, especially if it is funny and one of a kind content. Also, being a content creator requires a good sense of humor where your audience won't get bored on watching your contents. On the other hand, freelancing on the internet is much easier as long as you have the quality they are looking for, the only key to succeed is to keep on trying and giving your best shot always.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: bussybuddy on July 14, 2023, 11:21:35 AM
In conclusion, I just want to remind you of one thing that I have known and experienced with them, money is similar to many other tools used by the public as a support tool to connect us back to life. closer to each other, but in fact many people use it to compete more than lose, show power,... And the problem I see is that everything is still up to us, the law of fairness and equality really exist, you try to learn, work and share everything, you will never lack money, and vice versa, if you don't work hard to study, be lazy and stingy, then poverty will surround you.
Thinking about the use of money that I think of is knowing how to use it for the benefit of the community, not for the satisfaction of personal needs. We help each other, we will also get that joy in return.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: demonica on July 14, 2023, 11:41:53 AM
I think the bottom line is that there are various ways to earn money. There are a lot of opportunities out there, but it is up to whether we'll take it, we'll look for it, we make opportunities, or not. And our way of thinking and believing is what can lead us to a great future. If we set our minds that there are unlimited opportunities or ways, we can be successful. But a lot of us sometimes think negatively, like this is the kind of life we'll only have and we can't change it. Some are afraid of taking risks and going outside their safe zone. And some are just lazy who don't want to achieve more. We shouldn't box ourselves to what we are right now, we can always improve and grow. It's our way to earn more and succeed.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Velemir Sava on July 14, 2023, 12:04:31 PM
Thinking about the use of money that I think of is knowing how to use it for the benefit of the community, not for the satisfaction of personal needs. We help each other, we will also get that joy in return.

Exactly right and true it comes back to our respective perceptions in the end. with effort and hard work while praying at least a good way out will be opened. indeed what we plan sometimes does not go smoothly and there are obstacles, on the contrary what we don't expect goes well. That is life.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Plaguedeath on July 14, 2023, 01:01:54 PM
if you don't work hard to study, be lazy and stingy, then poverty will surround you.
Not really, if you were born by a billionaire parent where they have many autopilot big business and can't be competed by any other business. Even you're not study hard, be lazy and stingy, you're always rich as you don't need to do anything. There's no guarantee you will success after study very hard, productive and being generous.

Life is unfair and you must able to accept it.

On the other hand, freelancing on the internet is much easier as long as you have the quality they are looking for, the only key to succeed is to keep on trying and giving your best shot always.
Are you a freelancer? how much you make every month? what's skill you offer? waiting for your answer and the proof to back up your words.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: someone703 on July 14, 2023, 01:02:42 PM
I wonder if what OP is referring to is just a way of expressing the material complexity of life, we seek money, not money seek us? What is money? Purpose to have it? And then what? A vicious cycle and a pile of questions that sometimes we have the answers to ourselves or don't want to ask but still let the power of money rule our minds. I find it simpler than making money just to serve the happiness of each person's life position, the happiness of an ordinary person is different from the happiness of a rich person, so it is not necessary to distinguish the level of money and pressure on each other. You may or may not, as long as you feel you are doing it right for yourself and the people around you, that's what I see money as important and not as important.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: uswa56 on July 14, 2023, 01:39:38 PM
I wonder if what OP is referring to is just a way of expressing the material complexity of life, we seek money, not money seek us? What is money? Purpose to have it? And then what? A vicious cycle and a pile of questions that sometimes we have the answers to ourselves or don't want to ask but still let the power of money rule our minds. I find it simpler than making money just to serve the happiness of each person's life position, the happiness of an ordinary person is different from the happiness of a rich person, so it is not necessary to distinguish the level of money and pressure on each other. You may or may not, as long as you feel you are doing it right for yourself and the people around you, that's what I see money as important and not as important.
Yes, that's very true, everything depends on the mindset, but back again that at this time everything needs money, even to be able to make the people we love happy, we have to be accompanied by money to be able to fulfill their wants and needs, I don't deny that because that's why our minds messed up so that it is money-oriented, I think it's natural even though it's a little confusing and also tiring.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Kimonoe on July 14, 2023, 01:40:31 PM
I wonder if what OP is referring to is just a way of expressing the material complexity of life, we seek money, not money seek us? What is money? Purpose to have it? And then what? A vicious cycle and a pile of questions that sometimes we have the answers to ourselves or don't want to ask but still let the power of money rule our minds. I find it simpler than making money just to serve the happiness of each person's life position, the happiness of an ordinary person is different from the happiness of a rich person, so it is not necessary to distinguish the level of money and pressure on each other. You may or may not, as long as you feel you are doing it right for yourself and the people around you, that's what I see money as important and not as important.
indeed everyone has their own way of life, money is no exception, we cannot measure a person's happiness from how much money he has, because everyone has their own problems, so this is what makes people see other people's lives more perfect than himself, although that is not certain either. but indeed with us being able to be rich then our life will be more useful to be able to help others and of course will find happiness in itself, on the other hand admittedly or not many problems can be solved with money

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: SyndicateLabs on July 14, 2023, 02:10:09 PM
A person will not really advance or become rich if he has a poor mindset in his mind, even if they don't change it. Because you feel like you're not like this, I'm just poor, I don't have the ability, and so on so you can't start acting.

It must start with ourselves that you have a strong burning desire or drive to get out of your situation. Because if you just lie down and wait for what's coming, nothing in your life will ever change. YOU MUST TAKE ACTION NOW...
Your views on wealth and wealth are also poor I think is not entirely correct, as I am not denying that in today's life people are trying or chasing after things they don't understand, as a topic. A small update about the family story, when I earn a certain amount of money, I just think of sharing it with everyone around, but before I decide that, my relatives have come up with what they need must have but it really doesn't solve their lives more, satisfy a certain selfishness that I feel with the superiority of money with people who are not equal to me, so rich or poor important, because in general, our lives seek balance in the current life position, so do not force yourself to be rich out of reach, just as long as you work hard and dedicate yourself to helping share more, the wealth principle that I learned from a person who saw "give, don't expect to receive"  :)

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: southerngentuk on July 14, 2023, 02:39:07 PM
That's right. Instead of treating money as a concept forever and hoping that it will come in old age, we need to change our mindset and be confident that we can change our circumstances.

The mindset determines the level. Therefore, if you want to change your destiny, you need to change your mindset. A poor mindset limits our abilities and creates self-limitation. Therefore, in order to advance and become rich, we need to change our mindset and believe that we have the ability to succeed. Starting with a change of mindset and action now is an important first step towards escaping poverty.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Lorence.xD on July 14, 2023, 02:55:13 PM
I wonder if what OP is referring to is just a way of expressing the material complexity of life, we seek money, not money seek us? What is money? Purpose to have it? And then what? A vicious cycle and a pile of questions that sometimes we have the answers to ourselves or don't want to ask but still let the power of money rule our minds. I find it simpler than making money just to serve the happiness of each person's life position, the happiness of an ordinary person is different from the happiness of a rich person, so it is not necessary to distinguish the level of money and pressure on each other. You may or may not, as long as you feel you are doing it right for yourself and the people around you, that's what I see money as important and not as important.
Yes, that's very true, everything depends on the mindset, but back again that at this time everything needs money, even to be able to make the people we love happy, we have to be accompanied by money to be able to fulfill their wants and needs, I don't deny that because that's why our minds messed up so that it is money-oriented, I think it's natural even though it's a little confusing and also tiring.

Sometimes it's not only on the mindset, from the power of the money in the society it divides people who have a lot of assets that classifies as poor and rich. If you have a huge amount of money then you can be called as rich but if you're not then they will consider you as poor. Which will be affected by the thinking of the people. Even if there's a new born child as he grows up not knowing the concept of this maybe he will be happy in life as long as he have all of his needs such as foods, shelter and etc. You could feel this lifestyle in rural areas where some people's mind are not fixed to the power of money. Even if you gift someone you love as letter as long as effort is there they can be happy. Mindset and the standards in the society is what makes people to think in their mindset.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Asuspawer09 on July 14, 2023, 04:22:58 PM
I think having a money mindset is the most important thing in my experience, one thing I regret is not being responsible for how I handled money when I was just a student because even though I am just a student I already end a good amount of money through cryptocurrency, trading, campaigns, bounties, etc. I would say that I wouldn't really get the opportunity if I didn't know or have enough knowledge about financial, cryptocurrency, and investment I would really going to earn a good amount of money, so I think the forum really plays a big part in my knowledge and how I handle money.

One thing I realize is there are a lot of opportunities out there that you could see, when I graduated I started to find a job but since I was just a new graduate its kinda difficult I was still able to find a job I thought having a job is difficult but if you already have skills that needed company are the one that wants to hire you in the end. So you always have the opportunity to earn money you just need to invest and grab that opportunity.

It doesnt really matter if you have a lot of money even though you have a lot of money if you doesnt have the knowledge all of your money will be lost in the end, If you're just going to spend it and not invest it, your just gonna run out of money in the end. So having that mindset is a big thing and the key to growing your money.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: tjtonmoy on July 14, 2023, 05:37:51 PM
The one thing that I truly believe in is that "money brings more money". Nothing is free in this world. When you have a mindset like this, you can make more money. Everything has a price, if you own something like that in you, sell it. Take every opportunity that comes into your life. If one fails, the other one will become successful.
The most important thing in life is to share your ideas with successful people. If you share your ideas with people who have no knowledge about them, you are most likely to get stuck with your idea. You will find no way to execute your plan. Successful people will help you to refine the idea and give you a proper plan to make it successful. So spend time with people who will teach you about those mindsets.

Also, remember that nothing is small. You start from the small and reach the big ones.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: sana54210 on July 14, 2023, 07:29:23 PM
Could you please show us the self-help book, out of which you learned all this info? I'm sure that you got all these ideas(or you copied the entire text) from a self-help book.
I usually avoid self-help/motivational books and videos, because they are just "feel good" content. They say "if you do this and that, you will become financially successful and you will achieve all your dreams". They portray a picture, where it's actually easy for you to achieve your goals, which is far away from the truth.
All this "money mindset" theory is way easier said than done. In reality, very few people are going to change their mindset about money, even if they read your forum post.
Unfortunately that's a sad truth. There are way too many people who think that they could read a book or something here and there and change their life but it's not that easy. I think it's quite important to remember that we are not going to be a changed person just because we read a book. A lot of people keep saying "oh this book changed my life" but it wasn't the book if your life changed, and more often than not it doesn't even change.

You need hard work, dedication, unwillingness to stop, and a very hard skull to prevent damage from hitting your head on the wall when things get hard, but still keep on going. Life is hard, that's the best advise I can give to anyone, life is hard and even the greatest people you see online are idiots, trust yourself, and accept life is hard, and match the level with your work ethic to get a better life.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: mindrust on July 14, 2023, 07:34:58 PM
These are very good advices. There are endless opportunities to make huge money but people are lazy to do it or blind to see them. I have friends make money in so weird ways but somehow they manage to make it work. They sometimes explain to me but I don’t understand a damn about what they are saying. I always tell them that I should do a business which I understand and it is the truth. Warren Buffett says the same thing too. He says that he doesn’t invest in a business he doesn’t understand.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Cling18 on July 14, 2023, 07:55:46 PM
These are very good advices. There are endless opportunities to make huge money but people are lazy to do it or blind to see them. I have friends make money in so weird ways but somehow they manage to make it work. They sometimes explain to me but I don’t understand a damn about what they are saying. I always tell them that I should do a business which I understand and it is the truth. Warren Buffett says the same thing too. He says that he doesn’t invest in a business he doesn’t understand.

I agree that money is everywhere but it all depends on how we're going to grind just to get it. There are already lots of opportunities offered by the latest technology and all we need is to upskill so we could grab more chances to earn.
There arw also business opportunities and ideas that we could put up during these days and I also agree that we should focus on the business of our interest. It's hard to put up a business that we aren't kowledgable about so it would be better if we focus on doing what we want so we can adopt and adjust with things easily. Only lazy people won'g find money these days because if we really want to earn and make money, nothing should hinder us from working and hustling.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: hannahB4 on July 14, 2023, 08:23:47 PM
While growing up and you get to meet your relatives who are not doing so well financially you think such an individual is lazy but you know when you are grown and you start living by yourself and fending for yourself you know that it is not easy to save not unless eating three square meal easily.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: BitcoinPanther on July 14, 2023, 08:35:41 PM
That's right. Instead of treating money as a concept forever and hoping that it will come in old age, we need to change our mindset and be confident that we can change our circumstances.

The mindset determines the level. Therefore, if you want to change your destiny, you need to change your mindset. A poor mindset limits our abilities and creates self-limitation. Therefore, in order to advance and become rich, we need to change our mindset and believe that we have the ability to succeed. Starting with a change of mindset and action now is an important first step towards escaping poverty.

I also agree with the power of the mind.  Since it is the central command that dictates our way of thinking and actions.  So having a set of good mindset about money and believing the infinite possibilities of acquiring it will motivate ourselves to make extra ordinary performance to hit any target we had aimed.

Those successful individual have fixed their mindset that they can do extra ordinary so they did.  So having guides and set of mindset to believe in acquiring money and believing that there is  an infinite ways will make our brain works in finding these ways.  Thus, giving us lots of options to earn money.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: bestcoins1 on July 14, 2023, 08:45:31 PM
That's right. Instead of treating money as a concept forever and hoping that it will come in old age, we need to change our mindset and be confident that we can change our circumstances.
Even though we don't have to treat money as a concept forever in our lives, it doesn't mean we have to forget money as a tool that can still be used in our own lives. Especially if someone is enjoying his old age by trying to maintain a healthy body all the time which really won't be enough if you just rely on mindset.

The mindset determines the level. Therefore, if you want to change your destiny, you need to change your mindset. A poor mindset limits our abilities and creates self-limitation. Therefore, in order to advance and become rich, we need to change our mindset and believe that we have the ability to succeed. Starting with a change of mindset and action now is an important first step towards escaping poverty.
I agree more with the last sentence you said, which is about a change in mindset and action in a tangible form. That is, it is everyone's action to continue working through the business he has been in for a long time while adopting a more mature mindset for himself. So that it can be a little easier to get out of poverty which in general can come at any time to those who do not have any action to prevent themselves from becoming poor in the future.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: alastantiger on July 14, 2023, 09:34:16 PM
That's right. Instead of treating money as a concept forever and hoping that it will come in old age, we need to change our mindset and be confident that we can change our circumstances.
Even though we don't have to treat money as a concept forever in our lives, it doesn't mean we have to forget money as a tool that can still be used in our own lives. Especially if someone is enjoying his old age by trying to maintain a healthy body all the time which really won't be enough if you just rely on mindset.
That's right. Instead of treating money as a concept forever and hoping that it will come in old age, we need to change our mindset and be confident that we can change our circumstances.
If we can have mindset training or resetting would help a lot of people. Especially for men or people from very poor backgrounds. When I see how people are from the rich to the poor it occurs to me that while they may have different backgrounds, the thing that can keep the poor one focused is his mindset

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: goaldigger on July 14, 2023, 09:49:38 PM
While growing up and you get to meet your relatives who are not doing so well financially you think such an individual is lazy but you know when you are grown and you start living by yourself and fending for yourself you know that it is not easy to save not unless eating three square meal easily.
If you’re both at the same level then don’t expect to get any help, just keep on working on your own and slowly have your money grow.

All you have to do is to have a work and live within your means, and years later for sure you can be at a good financial situation.

Having the right mindset with your Money can be a big help, don’t just ignore this and be more financially literate.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Captain Corporate on July 14, 2023, 09:50:39 PM
Maybe its not really about saving the current people that are old, but its about saving the future? I have been saying that we need to explain kids, even little kids, how money is earned and how its grown. If you could start teaching it at like 12 or so, that means until they are 18 they will have a greater understanding of it. Sure in the USA we see kids with their lemonade stands or whatever and then a job at Mcdonalds to buy their latest thingy and so forth, but we are talking about just one nation. In my nation for example, parents just take care of kids and never make them work, very few do if they are very poor, but nobody else. This is why we need education on finance when we are young.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Mauser on July 15, 2023, 06:01:10 AM

It must start with ourselves that you have a strong burning desire or drive to get out of your situation. Because if you just lie down and wait for what's coming, nothing in your life will ever change. YOU MUST TAKE ACTION NOW...

That's a very good point about our financial situation, we can't change much by sitting at home and do nothing. The only thing we do like that is not spending any money, which is a good thing but it's not enough to change our situation. Reducing spending and consumption is a good way to increase the money we can save each week, but by saving alone we won't become rich. To really make a difference we need to look at our income side, not the outflow side. The interest we get on our savings is not enough to cover inflation, we are losing wealth every year if we don't invest. In my opinion building a long term portfolio with different asset classes is the best approach to try and grow our money.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Freddie Boyer on July 15, 2023, 06:08:40 AM
[3] Spend to earn - You also need to have a mindset that is not just saving or saving or always relying on free money just to increase your money. But it's true that the aforementioned are important, But if you want to earn a lot, it usually comes at a price. Because you are investing for yourself and your future, that is why it is also spent and time is really taken.

They say "The more you learn is the more you EARN." So don't beat yourself up because that's for yourself too. If you want to learn something, buy a book, or watch youtube videos and type what you want to know. Attend seminars or study to increase value in any marketplace.

And for that to happen, I think you need to invest in equipment, such as laptops, mobile devices or gadgets that can help you develop yourself.

Capital determines results, but in my opinion if it is mismanaged it will be another story. Yes. investing requires courage and strong capital support and will be successful if combined with strong experience and analysis. I agree with you that the increase in asset estimates may have a price and does not just happen without a reason.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: bussybuddy on July 15, 2023, 11:14:09 AM
if you don't work hard to study, be lazy and stingy, then poverty will surround you.
Not really, if you were born by a billionaire parent where they have many autopilot big business and can't be competed by any other business. Even you're not study hard, be lazy and stingy, you're always rich as you don't need to do anything. There's no guarantee you will success after study very hard, productive and being generous.

Life is unfair and you must able to accept it.
How many people are like that in life?
It's fair that their parents have worked hard to get a better life, and they are the next generation to inherit that common fruit, and justice always exists in life, we We should not look at some cases and ignore the whole.
I have also asked a lot of questions in the past about why people who are born in a good family, and also people born in difficult families, have really big stories but don't fits the topic of this channel so I don't want to express it. However, I still want to reiterate that life is fair to all of us.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: marcous on July 15, 2023, 11:26:14 AM
Capital determines results, but in my opinion if it is mismanaged it will be another story. Yes. investing requires courage and strong capital support and will be successful if combined with strong experience and analysis. I agree with you that the increase in asset estimates may have a price and does not just happen without a reason.
Yes capital alone is not enough, it takes more courage to do it. Personally i see that there are many opportunities that we can use to invest. Both in the form of goods aimed at self-development and in the form of digital assets, going back to the beginning of it all just needs movement to do it. This means that it is not enough to push from outside and be supported by a lot of capital, everything takes time. Studying risks, setting goals, analyzing opportunities is needed if we want to do it.

For cryptocurrencies it will interest me more for now, by exploring and studying market share we can minimize risks so that we will get significant profits. But this is just a personal opinion, each individual must have their own thoughts on the desired form of investment. If managed properly and correctly all forms of investment will produce results, namely profits.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: xSkylarx on July 15, 2023, 11:51:29 AM
if you don't work hard to study, be lazy and stingy, then poverty will surround you.
Not really, if you were born by a billionaire parent where they have many autopilot big business and can't be competed by any other business. Even you're not study hard, be lazy and stingy, you're always rich as you don't need to do anything. There's no guarantee you will success after study very hard, productive and being generous.

Life is unfair and you must able to accept it.
How many people are like that in life?
It's fair that their parents have worked hard to get a better life, and they are the next generation to inherit that common fruit, and justice always exists in life, we We should not look at some cases and ignore the whole.
I have also asked a lot of questions in the past about why people who are born in a good family, and also people born in difficult families, have really big stories but don't fits the topic of this channel so I don't want to express it. However, I still want to reiterate that life is fair to all of us.

All of the poor sectors are really thinking about it even my self but this kind of mindset is very toxic because you will complain everything, when I started to read books about principles of life it is really best to not compare your self because that is where that mindset starts, you'll strat comparing your life to others even it is not applicable at it is very different, that is why having a gratitude mindset always in everything, lets say right now you should be happy that you joined a signature campaign here and earning decent money because others want it, rather than complaining that you need to do 2 jobs at a time so that you can survive on daily basis unlike to others that they are born wealthy already.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Oasisman on July 15, 2023, 12:22:15 PM
if you don't work hard to study, be lazy and stingy, then poverty will surround you.
Not really, if you were born by a billionaire parent where they have many autopilot big business and can't be competed by any other business. Even you're not study hard, be lazy and stingy, you're always rich as you don't need to do anything. There's no guarantee you will success after study very hard, productive and being generous.

Life is unfair and you must able to accept it.
How many people are like that in life?
It's fair that their parents have worked hard to get a better life, and they are the next generation to inherit that common fruit, and justice always exists in life, we We should not look at some cases and ignore the whole.
I have also asked a lot of questions in the past about why people who are born in a good family, and also people born in difficult families, have really big stories but don't fits the topic of this channel so I don't want to express it. However, I still want to reiterate that life is fair to all of us.

All of the poor sectors are really thinking about it even my self but this kind of mindset is very toxic because you will complain everything, when I started to read books about principles of life it is really best to not compare your self because that is where that mindset starts, you'll strat comparing your life to others even it is not applicable at it is very different, that is why having a gratitude mindset always in everything, lets say right now you should be happy that you joined a signature campaign here and earning decent money because others want it, rather than complaining that you need to do 2 jobs at a time so that you can survive on daily basis unlike to others that they are born wealthy already.

But comparing yourself to other is kind of inevitable. There will always be a time for you to be envy with what other people around has achieved, while you are still working as hard as you could to make a difference. Though it is true that you will not need to compare yourself to others as you have a different set of skills and mindset. However, life is also unfair, it is not really toxic to think that way, but If you have the ability to deeply understand the true meaning of life, you will for sure be satisfied of what you can only do, because in reality we all have limits. What is more important is that you will always have the survival instinct and the courage to not give up in life no matter how hard it seems. In fact, a problem will never be called a problem without a solution.
So, those who were born with rich parents are without a doubt very lucky, while the other way around is not as lucky the ones who's rich.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: someone703 on July 15, 2023, 01:06:51 PM
I wonder if what OP is referring to is just a way of expressing the material complexity of life, we seek money, not money seek us? What is money? Purpose to have it? And then what? A vicious cycle and a pile of questions that sometimes we have the answers to ourselves or don't want to ask but still let the power of money rule our minds. I find it simpler than making money just to serve the happiness of each person's life position, the happiness of an ordinary person is different from the happiness of a rich person, so it is not necessary to distinguish the level of money and pressure on each other. You may or may not, as long as you feel you are doing it right for yourself and the people around you, that's what I see money as important and not as important.
Yes, that's very true, everything depends on the mindset, but back again that at this time everything needs money, even to be able to make the people we love happy, we have to be accompanied by money to be able to fulfill their wants and needs, I don't deny that because that's why our minds messed up so that it is money-oriented, I think it's natural even though it's a little confusing and also tiring.

Sometimes it's not only on the mindset, from the power of the money in the society it divides people who have a lot of assets that classifies as poor and rich. If you have a huge amount of money then you can be called as rich but if you're not then they will consider you as poor. Which will be affected by the thinking of the people. Even if there's a new born child as he grows up not knowing the concept of this maybe he will be happy in life as long as he have all of his needs such as foods, shelter and etc. You could feel this lifestyle in rural areas where some people's mind are not fixed to the power of money. Even if you gift someone you love as letter as long as effort is there they can be happy. Mindset and the standards in the society is what makes people to think in their mindset.
One thing that I see this life on a level as material, fame, and balance. But what makes us always chase without knowing the true meaning, rather, born in this environment, prejudice is imposed that makes us accept or oppose it, and always improve what life will follow some flow.
I don't think a lot of money will make us happy, but I don't deny that having a lot of money will help our lives a lot, a fact that I find we lack something in life, always look at it important includes money. Personally, I don't have much money, but I also work hard to be able to live comfortably and experience some of the things that I find very worthwhile in life, the journey back to the simple life that I learned. The past few years have given me more value than jostling through life in the current turbulent times.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: bangjoe on July 15, 2023, 01:40:24 PM

All of the poor sectors are really thinking about it even my self but this kind of mindset is very toxic because you will complain everything, when I started to read books about principles of life it is really best to not compare your self because that is where that mindset starts, you'll strat comparing your life to others even it is not applicable at it is very different, that is why having a gratitude mindset always in everything, lets say right now you should be happy that you joined a signature campaign here and earning decent money because others want it, rather than complaining that you need to do 2 jobs at a time so that you can survive on daily basis unlike to others that they are born wealthy already.

But comparing yourself to other is kind of inevitable. There will always be a time for you to be envy with what other people around has achieved, while you are still working as hard as you could to make a difference. Though it is true that you will not need to compare yourself to others as you have a different set of skills and mindset. However, life is also unfair, it is not really toxic to think that way, but If you have the ability to deeply understand the true meaning of life, you will for sure be satisfied of what you can only do, because in reality we all have limits. What is more important is that you will always have the survival instinct and the courage to not give up in life no matter how hard it seems. In fact, a problem will never be called a problem without a solution.
So, those who were born with rich parents are without a doubt very lucky, while the other way around is not as lucky the ones who's rich.

I think about comparing ourselves with people who are more than us, it depends on we respond to it, if it makes us complain and think short, of course our position will be worse if jealousy and envy continue with such an assumption, but if The comparison of ourselves is made a motivation, which encourages us to be better who gives birth to ambitions to be better even though we are not born from the rich, and about the money is present when we try, have the ability or knowledge and hard work, and I think comparison Self is not a problem if you are good at managing it into a motivation that makes you work more to get money.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Pejoh Asu on July 15, 2023, 02:27:28 PM
It can be said that at this time money is the king and controller, in my country anyone who has money then can do the things he likes, starting from against the law because with money then he can pay for top lawyers, police, prosecutors to judges so that many cases involve people rich but their end result is not punished.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: benalexis12 on July 15, 2023, 02:30:11 PM
That's right. Instead of treating money as a concept forever and hoping that it will come in old age, we need to change our mindset and be confident that we can change our circumstances.

The mindset determines the level. Therefore, if you want to change your destiny, you need to change your mindset. A poor mindset limits our abilities and creates self-limitation. Therefore, in order to advance and become rich, we need to change our mindset and believe that we have the ability to succeed. Starting with a change of mindset and action now is an important first step towards escaping poverty.

If the mindset is good, it will certainly have good results in our lives. So I believe that if we do this early, we will also be able to enjoy our life early for sure. But if we don't change the mindset like this that the state of our lives is not good yet, it seems like we will have a hard time getting out for sure in the end.
So it is also good to have these kinds of discussions that make sense because we will have an idea of what should be done or not with the types of mindset when it comes to money matters.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: robattfield on July 15, 2023, 03:07:29 PM
It can be said that at this time money is the king and controller, in my country anyone who has money then can do the things he likes, starting from against the law because with money then he can pay for top lawyers, police, prosecutors to judges so that many cases involve people rich but their end result is not punished.
Material story determines human consciousness :)
Perhaps our living environment is not the same, so there will be opinions or disagreements about money, I also understand its value in life when money can buy a lot of things, but no I think it will apply everything to life. I once read a book about life and culture about the country of Butan, where the happiness index is the highest in the world, they do not attach too much importance to the value of money, and the spiritual value is what they prioritize. First of all, I admire such a life. And I think if all of us living on the same planet had that value as a goal in life, everything we see would be filled with positivity.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: RockBell on July 15, 2023, 03:07:32 PM
It can be said that at this time money is the king and controller, in my country anyone who has money then can do the things he likes, starting from against the law because with money then he can pay for top lawyers, police, prosecutors to judges so that many cases involve people rich but their end result is not punished.

Bro not only in your country but everywhere only with money you can have access to commodities there is no way money can be done without as far you are on planet Earth, and people with money have influence and will always get what they want if anyone actually watched resident evil and see how he rich were perfectly kept in an underground laboratory against whenever the virus ends then they can be awakened, in summary, my point is the rich always want to always get what they want, STILL NOT OVER DEATH.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: darewaller on July 15, 2023, 05:31:51 PM
[1] There is money everywhere - When we were young, many of us were taught by our parents to study hard and then enter a good company to work after graduating. And there is nothing wrong with this, But there are also many of us who until they are old know that this is the only way to earn money, but you will notice that this is not the only option because you can build a business, offer a service to earn money of money.
In fact there are many incidents like that among parents today. Instead of developing the talents that their children have, instead they tell them to become employees and forget about the hidden talents that these children have. So because there are thoughts like that, many young people today are monotonous and don't develop well in the field of making money. Therefore thoughts and understandings like that really have to be reduced and balanced with broad thoughts towards the view of making or making money.
That isn't new. It is like a tradition already. I think the parents are not selfish but they also think about the life of their children. They don't want their children to be like them if they are poor. As for the rich, they also want their children to be like them. It will be a shame to them if their family wont be like their ancestors.

To earn money doesn't always mean to be an employee but it can also be on a self-serving business and other fields. The talents of their kids are still being followed. I remember there are parents who are angry about their kids because they only see them playing video games but by the time their parents know that their kids are earning money through it, they are now fully supporting them.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Sanitough on July 15, 2023, 05:51:18 PM
These are very good advices. There are endless opportunities to make huge money but people are lazy to do it or blind to see them. I have friends make money in so weird ways but somehow they manage to make it work. They sometimes explain to me but I don’t understand a damn about what they are saying. I always tell them that I should do a business which I understand and it is the truth. Warren Buffett says the same thing too. He says that he doesn’t invest in a business he doesn’t understand.
Sometimes, people excel in some different ways, like doing business with things that are sometimes hard to understand by many. But I believe there’s nothing wrong with that, as long as they don’t take an edge over other people, then that’s fine. The important thing is they know how to take advantage of their own opportunities, even if other people don’t see it as opportunities to earn because of the lack of knowledge and skills.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: flyingcarpet on July 15, 2023, 05:58:59 PM
[1] There is money everywhere - When we were young, many of us were taught by our parents to study hard and then enter a good company to work after graduating. And there is nothing wrong with this, But there are also many of us who until they are old know that this is the only way to earn money, but you will notice that this is not the only option because you can build a business, offer a service to earn money of money.
In fact there are many incidents like that among parents today. Instead of developing the talents that their children have, instead they tell them to become employees and forget about the hidden talents that these children have. So because there are thoughts like that, many young people today are monotonous and don't develop well in the field of making money. Therefore thoughts and understandings like that really have to be reduced and balanced with broad thoughts towards the view of making or making money.
That isn't new. It is like a tradition already. I think the parents are not selfish but they also think about the life of their children. They don't want their children to be like them if they are poor. As for the rich, they also want their children to be like them. It will be a shame to them if their family wont be like their ancestors.

To earn money doesn't always mean to be an employee but it can also be on a self-serving business and other fields. The talents of their kids are still being followed. I remember there are parents who are angry about their kids because they only see them playing video games but by the time their parents know that their kids are earning money through it, they are now fully supporting them.

Families want a regular income for their children. More precisely, they want a job with a monthly salary guarantee. This is something they want, not because they cannot adapt to today's conditions, but so that their children's incomes are not affected in the face of many negative situations. We must understand this.

We can invest, but what if we don't get the results we want? We can start a business. What if things don't go our way? Because our parents know about such situations, they want us to choose the safest and most secure one.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on July 15, 2023, 07:56:00 PM
I don't think a lot of money will make us happy, but I don't deny that having a lot of money will help our lives a lot,

I agree with you, there is every possibility that someone can be rich; he or she might have a lot of money, but there could be a particular aspect of their life that they are not happy about. I am not saying it's the same for every rich person, but based on a few cases I have experienced, money is not everything; some people can have a lot of it but could be battling with health issues, which they really would not be happy about. Just like you said, it's good to have money because it can help us archive almost everything we need, but a saying still reminds me that money cannot buy life. There was a rich man in my town who died of heart disease. Right from when he began to develop the system, he has been taking different kinds of treats from home and abroad, but last year he still died. That's just to say that even if one has a lot of money, they might likely have something that money cannot solve.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Botnake on July 15, 2023, 08:29:29 PM
Money this and money that, why people are so obsessed with money and "getting rich," whatever that means. How much do you own that you can consider yourself rich? I ask the same question about the correct mindset about money and ChatGPT answered it beautifully...

1. Money is a tool: Recognize that money is a means to an end, not an end in itself. It is a tool that enables you to achieve your goals, provide for your needs, and live a fulfilling life. Avoid viewing money as the ultimate source of happiness or defining your self-worth solely based on your financial status.
Source: AI-generated ChatGPT answer

It's true, you don't have to view money as your ultimate goal, but just as a means to live your life to the fullest. Also, money is about money creation, i.e, work, business, and investment, thus only changing your mindset won't get you anywhere.
Exactly. The real happiness does not depend on money, as money is just a tool to make our lives more comfortable and more fulfilling to live. Other than that, money is not everything. Although I would admit that money is very vital these days, but we should always know that it can’t buy real happiness and peace of mind.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Oilacris on July 15, 2023, 08:55:59 PM
Money this and money that, why people are so obsessed with money and "getting rich," whatever that means. How much do you own that you can consider yourself rich? I ask the same question about the correct mindset about money and ChatGPT answered it beautifully...

1. Money is a tool: Recognize that money is a means to an end, not an end in itself. It is a tool that enables you to achieve your goals, provide for your needs, and live a fulfilling life. Avoid viewing money as the ultimate source of happiness or defining your self-worth solely based on your financial status.
Source: AI-generated ChatGPT answer

It's true, you don't have to view money as your ultimate goal, but just as a means to live your life to the fullest. Also, money is about money creation, i.e, work, business, and investment, thus only changing your mindset won't get you anywhere.
Exactly. The real happiness does not depend on money, as money is just a tool to make our lives more comfortable and more fulfilling to live. Other than that, money is not everything. Although I would admit that money is very vital these days, but we should always know that it can’t buy real happiness and peace of mind.
But we know that having money could bring up that happiness specially that you could buy everything that you do like or simply talking about material and also there's someone who do have the joy on

taking up some travels or even having the passion on building their business or would really be pursuing their dreams which anything would really be needing up some money for you to start with on which i do agree into the word that it would really be vital or really that mainly needed for you to proceed on.Whether we do like it or not,this is why majority of us would really be giving out that huge importance on how we should really be able to make money more for us to have that comfortable life in terms of finances. Yes, there are things which cant be bought by money but
majority of us would really be having this kind of main intent on which on how we would be able to earn that much and make ourselves that financially free.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Mame89 on July 15, 2023, 09:16:19 PM
Exactly. The real happiness does not depend on money, as money is just a tool to make our lives more comfortable and more fulfilling to live. Other than that, money is not everything. Although I would admit that money is very vital these days, but we should always know that it can’t buy real happiness and peace of mind.
It's true that everything we need requires money, but don't make us slaves to money. Motivation must be clear why we need a lot of money, lest we become enslaved by money so that happiness does not exist at all. Because money can't buy time, but time can be used to make money. With money, economic life becomes stable, our old age can be more secure.

Smart work, Lots of money, needs to be met, happy. Work too hard, don't know where the money goes, and always feel lacking, stressed, sick, and miserable. So being happy or not is not based on material things, whatever it is, but how we view it in dealing with it. True happiness is when we can be grateful (for everything we experience, both joy and sorrow), both for what he receives/gets, both material and immaterial. That's happiness, in my opinion.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Distinctin on July 15, 2023, 09:28:25 PM
That's right. Instead of treating money as a concept forever and hoping that it will come in old age, we need to change our mindset and be confident that we can change our circumstances.

The mindset determines the level. Therefore, if you want to change your destiny, you need to change your mindset. A poor mindset limits our abilities and creates self-limitation. Therefore, in order to advance and become rich, we need to change our mindset and believe that we have the ability to succeed. Starting with a change of mindset and action now is an important first step towards escaping poverty.
Know that there are a lot of opportunities to earn money, but if you don’t have the courage and mindset to take that opportunity, then you will never gain and achieve massive amount of money. Proper mindset and even positive attitude towards wealth and money is very crucial, because if you stick to poor mindset, then you will never see your future embracing your own wealth and living your life to the fullest.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: South Park on July 15, 2023, 09:38:04 PM
Exactly. The real happiness does not depend on money, as money is just a tool to make our lives more comfortable and more fulfilling to live. Other than that, money is not everything. Although I would admit that money is very vital these days, but we should always know that it can’t buy real happiness and peace of mind.
It's true that everything we need requires money, but don't make us slaves to money. Motivation must be clear why we need a lot of money, lest we become enslaved by money so that happiness does not exist at all. Because money can't buy time, but time can be used to make money. With money, economic life becomes stable, our old age can be more secure.

Smart work, Lots of money, needs to be met, happy. Work too hard, don't know where the money goes, and always feel lacking, stressed, sick, and miserable. So being happy or not is not based on material things, whatever it is, but how we view it in dealing with it. True happiness is when we can be grateful (for everything we experience, both joy and sorrow), both for what he receives/gets, both material and immaterial. That's happiness, in my opinion.
It is also important to not lose ourselves on the quest to get more money, there are many people out there which set as their main goal to have a lot of money, and once they reach their goal they do not know what else to do except to keep working and get even more money they do not need, so we need to also have other goals about what we will do once we reach our desired lifestyle, this way we will never become slaves of money and instead we will become the masters of our own lives.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Wakate on July 15, 2023, 09:58:45 PM
Money this and money that, why people are so obsessed with money and "getting rich," whatever that means. How much do you own that you can consider yourself rich? I ask the same question about the correct mindset about money and ChatGPT answered it beautifully...

1. Money is a tool: Recognize that money is a means to an end, not an end in itself. It is a tool that enables you to achieve your goals, provide for your needs, and live a fulfilling life. Avoid viewing money as the ultimate source of happiness or defining your self-worth solely based on your financial status.
Source: AI-generated ChatGPT answer

It's true, you don't have to view money as your ultimate goal, but just as a means to live your life to the fullest. Also, money is about money creation, i.e, work, business, and investment, thus only changing your mindset won't get you anywhere.
Exactly. The real happiness does not depend on money, as money is just a tool to make our lives more comfortable and more fulfilling to live. Other than that, money is not everything. Although I would admit that money is very vital these days, but we should always know that it can’t buy real happiness and peace of mind.
We can say that money is not that important but we need to understand that money answer all things. If you don't have money, you will not be able to do some certain things that is necessary as a human just like feeding and living in a comfortable house. We need to make money or we are going to remain poor. Poverty is everywhere that is why we need to work hard and live a comfortable lifestyle. Money is the driving force of living the kind of lifestyle we ought to live and going to school to have a comfortable live is one of the things that will help us to cut away from poverty.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Freddie Boyer on July 16, 2023, 07:09:34 AM
[5] Your Money is Unlimited - It's true that money runs out but expenses don't, But if you know money, it can possibly prepare you for your old age, your children and the generations to come. So this is where investing comes in, the money you use should earn more money, instead of just spending it on useless things that just by saving that as time goes on the value will only decrease due to inflation.

The moment you realize that you need to invest in yourself, and in things that will make you more money, for sure your life will change a lot, you need to invest in assets that will bring you money as long as you live. Like investing in business, stocks, building a platform or investing in Bitcoin or cryptocurrency that can provide profit in the future. And other things that can give you a good cash flow of money.

Point 5 is a common thing and really happens. There are always expenses every time and there is no way to avoid and hold them. That's right, as you said there must be another bailout that we are trying to cover for this. I personally work around this by trading short patterns and I don't target too big a percentage of the profit. Earning $15 a day is grateful enough to cover my family's kitchen groceries.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: irhact on July 16, 2023, 07:40:29 AM
Know that there are a lot of opportunities to earn money, but if you don’t have the courage and mindset to take that opportunity, then you will never gain and achieve massive amount of money. Proper mindset and even positive attitude towards wealth and money is very crucial, because if you stick to poor mindset, then you will never see your future embracing your own wealth and living your life to the fullest.

When you consider every money earning opportunity that comes you way as scam or too risky, you won't make it in life. Many individual had the opportunity to invest in Bitcoin when it was still worthless and unpopular but many refused thinking Bitcoin won't be valuable in the future. Those individuals will be regretting by now and only those that took courage and invested in Bitcoin are profiting from the decision they took years ago.

Money has a spirit and gets attracted to mostly individual that can control it to their will and that's why only few individuals has money in the world. Having poor mentally is very dangerous if you want to make riches, you have to loosen yourself and be open to opportunities.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: bettercrypto on July 16, 2023, 09:27:04 AM

It must start with ourselves that you have a strong burning desire or drive to get out of your situation. Because if you just lie down and wait for what's coming, nothing in your life will ever change. YOU MUST TAKE ACTION NOW...

That's a very good point about our financial situation, we can't change much by sitting at home and do nothing. The only thing we do like that is not spending any money, which is a good thing but it's not enough to change our situation. Reducing spending and consumption is a good way to increase the money we can save each week, but by saving alone we won't become rich. To really make a difference we need to look at our income side, not the outflow side. The interest we get on our savings is not enough to cover inflation, we are losing wealth every year if we don't invest. In my opinion building a long term portfolio with different asset classes is the best approach to try and grow our money.

That's what's really important is that you have a burning desire because without that you won't get what you really want to happen in your life, you'll just stay where you are forever if we don't find a way to get out of it.

So it is true what is said that when you have a positive outlook on life, you will definitely have a positive attitude about money for sure. We should not imitate people who have a poor mindset.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: someone703 on July 16, 2023, 02:05:20 PM
... but a saying still reminds me that money cannot buy life. There was a rich man in my town who died of heart disease. Right from when he began to develop the system, he has been taking different kinds of treats from home and abroad, but last year he still died. That's just to say that even if one has a lot of money, they might likely have something that money cannot solve.
The man you mentioned will no longer bother about it, but we are still talking about it, I understand the aspect you mentioned and actually I see the essence of it as you said you can't buy life but it gives a quality that we can do many things more easily with life. As another story that I want to mention about the joy of a farmer that I see on their lips when the field can receive a bountiful harvest, so in their place of life it is great happiness, and people who have a different perspective think that there must be a rich life like houses and cars, but outside things bring psychological satisfaction, sometimes I find life I see everything people who are funny because of ignorance go looking for something that already exists in front of them.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: bussybuddy on July 16, 2023, 02:30:03 PM
It's fair that their parents have worked hard to get a better life, and they are the next generation to inherit that common fruit, and justice always exists in life, we We should not look at some cases and ignore the whole.
I have also asked a lot of questions in the past about why people who are born in a good family, and also people born in difficult families, have really big stories but don't fits the topic of this channel so I don't want to express it. However, I still want to reiterate that life is fair to all of us.

All of the poor sectors are really thinking about it even my self but this kind of mindset is very toxic because you will complain everything, when I started to read books about principles of life it is really best to not compare your self because that is where that mindset starts, you'll strat comparing your life to others even it is not applicable at it is very different, that is why having a gratitude mindset always in everything, lets say right now you should be happy that you joined a signature campaign here and earning decent money because others want it, rather than complaining that you need to do 2 jobs at a time so that you can survive on daily basis unlike to others that they are born wealthy already.

But comparing yourself to other is kind of inevitable. There will always be a time for you to be envy with what other people around has achieved, while you are still working as hard as you could to make a difference. Though it is true that you will not need to compare yourself to others as you have a different set of skills and mindset. However, life is also unfair, it is not really toxic to think that way, but If you have the ability to deeply understand the true meaning of life, you will for sure be satisfied of what you can only do, because in reality we all have limits. What is more important is that you will always have the survival instinct and the courage to not give up in life no matter how hard it seems. In fact, a problem will never be called a problem without a solution.
So, those who were born with rich parents are without a doubt very lucky, while the other way around is not as lucky the ones who's rich.
The nuances in this life are diverse, it's clear that your views have different perspectives on each person's life, I am not gay nor am I against it. But obviously I just want everyone to be fair to see it from different angles, just because someone's case doesn't mean it will be the same with your life. Although I am not an intelligent person and read a lot of books, and have a lot of life experience, it is clear that it is a fact that I realize a life of fair law that sustains everything in this life, if now Now someone tells all of us dissatisfaction in our present lives but are they sure they have been doing well since birth to have solutions to problems from the start and before even starting to think? aware of the problem that will occur.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Texac on July 16, 2023, 02:38:22 PM
I don't think a lot of money will make us happy, but I don't deny that having a lot of money will help our lives a lot,

I agree with you, there is every possibility that someone can be rich; he or she might have a lot of money, but there could be a particular aspect of their life that they are not happy about. I am not saying it's the same for every rich person, but based on a few cases I have experienced, money is not everything; some people can have a lot of it but could be battling with health issues, which they really would not be happy about. Just like you said, it's good to have money because it can help us archive almost everything we need, but a saying still reminds me that money cannot buy life. There was a rich man in my town who died of heart disease. Right from when he began to develop the system, he has been taking different kinds of treats from home and abroad, but last year he still died. That's just to say that even if one has a lot of money, they might likely have something that money cannot solve.

But have you ever thought that if he did not have money, he would have died long ago but could not maintain his life until today?  as far as I know, people with heart disease have to take medicine every day and go to the doctor regularly, if there is no money, they will die at an early age.  Although money does not permanently save his life, without money, he cannot sustain his life.  so it can be said that money can buy everything, including health.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: slapper on July 16, 2023, 03:02:54 PM
Know that there are a lot of opportunities to earn money, but if you don’t have the courage and mindset to take that opportunity, then you will never gain and achieve massive amount of money. Proper mindset and even positive attitude towards wealth and money is very crucial, because if you stick to poor mindset, then you will never see your future embracing your own wealth and living your life to the fullest.

When you consider every money earning opportunity that comes you way as scam or too risky, you won't make it in life. Many individual had the opportunity to invest in Bitcoin when it was still worthless and unpopular but many refused thinking Bitcoin won't be valuable in the future. Those individuals will be regretting by now and only those that took courage and invested in Bitcoin are profiting from the decision they took years ago.

Money has a spirit and gets attracted to mostly individual that can control it to their will and that's why only few individuals has money in the world. Having poor mentally is very dangerous if you want to make riches, you have to loosen yourself and be open to opportunities.
Let's get something straight: early Bitcoin investors' reluctance to put money into the currency wasn't always the result of "poor mentality." It's understandable if some folks lacked the necessary background knowledge or tools. Any time money is involved, it's important to weigh the potential consequences. Making money does not require a lucky streak or a special knack; rather, it stems from careful planning and judicious investments. Early Bitcoin users are likely lounging on a boat someplace at this very moment. Good for them! It's possible, though, that they took on a lot of risk, which isn't the best course of action for everyone. It's not a bad mentality, either, to assume that every chance you pass up is a fraud. Being cautious is perfectly acceptable behavior

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: ancafe on July 16, 2023, 06:14:52 PM
A person will not really advance or become rich if he has a poor mindset in his mind, even if they don't change it. Because you feel like you're not like this, I'm just poor, I don't have the ability, and so on so you can't start acting.

It must start with ourselves that you have a strong burning desire or drive to get out of your situation. Because if you just lie down and wait for what's coming, nothing in your life will ever change. YOU MUST TAKE ACTION NOW
A good mindset will give birth to positive thoughts that will influence someone to improve their way of life, the way of thinking of advanced people will continue to try to learn something they want to pursue. While the mindset of lazy people will continue to look for mistakes and will not act to find solutions. To get out of poverty we have to make changes from ourselves because expecting from others is not a solution, hard work and not complaining is a small effort that must be done consistently, no one who is just born can make money and they also need a process to achieve all of that.

Perseverance in looking for opportunities is an important part, seeing our own potential is also needed so that we are more focused in trying to get out of poverty. Nothing is difficult when someone is able to see their own potential and from there we will develop ourselves to get out of the poverty line.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Yatsan on July 16, 2023, 06:30:02 PM
A person will not really advance or become rich if he has a poor mindset in his mind, even if they don't change it. Because you feel like you're not like this, I'm just poor, I don't have the ability, and so on so you can't start acting.

It must start with ourselves that you have a strong burning desire or drive to get out of your situation. Because if you just lie down and wait for what's coming, nothing in your life will ever change. YOU MUST TAKE ACTION NOW
A good mindset will give birth to positive thoughts that will influence someone to improve their way of life, the way of thinking of advanced people will continue to try to learn something they want to pursue. While the mindset of lazy people will continue to look for mistakes and will not act to find solutions. To get out of poverty we have to make changes from ourselves because expecting from others is not a solution, hard work and not complaining is a small effort that must be done consistently, no one who is just born can make money and they also need a process to achieve all of that.

Perseverance in looking for opportunities is an important part, seeing our own potential is also needed so that we are more focused in trying to get out of poverty. Nothing is difficult when someone is able to see their own potential and from there we will develop ourselves to get out of the poverty line.
Not to blame the poor ones but this is indeed true. Atleast an individual needs to have a will to be better for the next days, weeks, month, or years before changes come into reality. Mindset will indeed matter to make things possible. It is not expensive to have a good mindset and it will only cost you initiative to do so; to dream big and to aim high for your future. No one become rich without will, even ones who won lottery and eventually became rich, had will before the switch. if you won't have a mind of a naturally born entrepreneur, atleast have a mindset full of betterment.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Russlenat on July 16, 2023, 07:33:18 PM
It can be said that at this time money is the king and controller, in my country anyone who has money then can do the things he likes, starting from against the law because with money then he can pay for top lawyers, police, prosecutors to judges so that many cases involve people rich but their end result is not punished.
Yes, money could be the everything these days since every value comes with money, but in reality money cannot buy ultimate happiness and man’s health and satisfaction. It can only be used as a tool to provide everything we need but it cannot buy the love we need. So not everything money has the power, but we tend to forget it due to greed and selfish desires.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Raflesia on July 16, 2023, 10:43:25 PM
It can be said that at this time money is the king and controller, in my country anyone who has money then can do the things he likes, starting from against the law because with money then he can pay for top lawyers, police, prosecutors to judges so that many cases involve people rich but their end result is not punished.
Yes, money could be the everything these days since every value comes with money, but in reality money cannot buy ultimate happiness and man’s health and satisfaction. It can only be used as a tool to provide everything we need but it cannot buy the love we need. So not everything money has the power, but we tend to forget it due to greed and selfish desires.
That's the classic way it's always been said that we can't buy happiness with money.
Technically it is not a mistake, but when looking further for now the source of happiness must start with money first because when we have money this will indirectly encourage or speed up the process of happiness.
Saying money can't buy happiness only happens when they have experienced having a lot of money and they don't want any desire anymore because they are used to it, but when we as ordinary people with modest finances have desire and can't do many things like buying some of the things we want or wanting to try all kinds of things because of financial problems, of course we still rely on money for happiness.
I don't want to be too naive about this because in the end when they say money can't buy happiness I think that only happens when they are already rich so they don't need anything else that makes them not very happy because they have tried everything they want.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Mr.right85 on July 16, 2023, 11:43:26 PM
It can be said that at this time money is the king and controller, in my country anyone who has money then can do the things he likes, starting from against the law because with money then he can pay for top lawyers, police, prosecutors to judges so that many cases involve people rich but their end result is not punished.
Yes, money could be the everything these days since every value comes with money, but in reality money cannot buy ultimate happiness and man’s health and satisfaction. It can only be used as a tool to provide everything we need but it cannot buy the love we need. So not everything money has the power, but we tend to forget it due to greed and selfish desires.
Neither will mot having money at all give you peace of mind or come with some satisfaction.
Money will always do more than its lack will ever do and that makes it more desirable or more controlling than the other.

There have been several cherished and loveable relationship damaged by lack of money. I've had to watch several comic videos where, a couple gets to settle dispute or even fake a wellness from I'll health just by presenting money.

Possibly money can't buy good health but, it could fly you around the world to be treated by some of the best doctors around the world. That would be putting health to a price tag.

Hence, its an absolute necessity, no question.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: JeffBrad12 on July 16, 2023, 11:51:04 PM
... but a saying still reminds me that money cannot buy life. There was a rich man in my town who died of heart disease. Right from when he began to develop the system, he has been taking different kinds of treats from home and abroad, but last year he still died. That's just to say that even if one has a lot of money, they might likely have something that money cannot solve.
The man you mentioned will no longer bother about it, but we are still talking about it, I understand the aspect you mentioned and actually I see the essence of it as you said you can't buy life but it gives a quality that we can do many things more easily with life. As another story that I want to mention about the joy of a farmer that I see on their lips when the field can receive a bountiful harvest, so in their place of life it is great happiness, and people who have a different perspective think that there must be a rich life like houses and cars, but outside things bring psychological satisfaction, sometimes I find life I see everything people who are funny because of ignorance go looking for something that already exists in front of them.
I just think that its both of them, but when you have stable income in general you can always be more happy since you don't get burdened like something called debts.
the main thing about happiness that I understand is that you get happy when you get something more than your expectation, so therefore never get any expectation high and then you will always be happy.
the side effect would be that you're never gonna push yourself forward. since you are always happy with what you have, it might cause you to have that sense of not needing to do more, which I found counter productive.
I just think that having big dreams of owning big real estate is fine, so long it doesn't make us depressed and still working on it along the way.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Arenga pinnata on July 17, 2023, 12:06:03 AM

A person will not really advance or become rich if he has a poor mindset in his mind, even if they don't change it. Because you feel like you're not like this, I'm just poor, I don't have the ability, and so on so you can't start acting.

It must start with ourselves that you have a strong burning desire or drive to get out of your situation. Because if you just lie down and wait for what's coming, nothing in your life will ever change. YOU MUST TAKE ACTION NOW...
The most important thing of all in essence lies in the mindset.

If we have a good mindset (Optimistic) then of course we will never stop trying and we will never give up when we have not succeeded.

But if we have a mindset that is not good (Pessimistic), then people like this tend not to dare to take the first step. He will be scared before starting. so that no progress can be expected in his life.

We shouldn't limit our minds (mental stuck/mind stuck). Because if our minds have set limits, our bodies will do the same thing. We must have a broad mind and think from different perspectives that will allow us to continue to grow new innovations.

But the mindset formed is of course influenced by many factors, my friends. So it is also important to pay attention to these factors. such as association and social environment one of them.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: ancafe on July 17, 2023, 05:40:36 PM
Not to blame the poor ones but this is indeed true. Atleast an individual needs to have a will to be better for the next days, weeks, month, or years before changes come into reality. Mindset will indeed matter to make things possible. It is not expensive to have a good mindset and it will only cost you initiative to do so; to dream big and to aim high for your future.
Poverty has always been a problem that is difficult to overcome because of mindset and lack of desire to change views in increasing self-productivity. It is increasingly difficult for us to get jobs now, thus making it difficult for people to find a steady source of income, when the source of income is unstable, it will be difficult for someone to meet their daily needs. In the end, the poverty rate is increasing because there is no work, especially in conditions like this, people do not have skills to develop.

No one become rich without will, even ones who won lottery and eventually became rich, had will before the switch. if you won't have a mind of a naturally born entrepreneur, atleast have a mindset full of betterment.
There is always a way when someone wants to try to work, even though sometimes the way is so difficult because the availability of opportunities is getting smaller. Building a small business is enough to make ends meet, even though a job like this cannot make people richer in a short time, at least they have a steady income to meet their daily needs. Entrepreneurship can help a person's condition to make ends meet and even though it is still a home scale.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: dothebeats on July 18, 2023, 07:40:38 AM

[1] There is money everywhere - When we were young, many of us were taught by our parents to study hard and then enter a good company to work after graduating. And there is nothing wrong with this, But there are also many of us who until they are old know that this is the only way to earn money, but you will notice that this is not the only option because you can build a business, offer a service to earn money of money.

It's not like before we were told to do IT because it's popular, or do nursing because it's in demand in other countries, do HRM, Police and so on. I'll just repeat, there is nothing wrong with these professions, it's just that the times are different today. And you can make money almost anywhere.

Many people have not been able to do their passion or talent because there is no money there, such as those who want to pursue art, leverage their talent or turn their talent into a hobby and turn it into a business. But in reality you can make money from the above. Because someone is making money from designing, drawing and digital art is doing it now. Even though there are hobbies such as taking care of dogs, iguana cats and others, the others make content on YouTube and earn money, and these are just some of the things you can earn as a hobby.

Bottom line is that you can make money as long as what you do has value. Because there are potential audiences or communities that need it for sure.

This is so true. Every aspect of life has a designated audience or community that will be willing to spend money for a product or better experience under that specific feature. In fact, even the most mundane things can offer an opportunity for different individuals to earn money from. We just need to learn to take the opportunity while having a wide view of something in order for us to take advantage of it. From collecting, drawing, setting appointments, cleaning, watching, and just stating opinions can lead to a way for us to make money.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Outhue on July 18, 2023, 09:22:58 AM
Been open-minded to other ideas and jobs is what ma y people don't want to do, it's like saying if you are a doctor you can also be a crypto or forex trader, or a content creator, many people are not wired to do other things, they like to focus on one thing that brings in money for them and even if that amount isn't satisfying they are ready to reshape themselves to the level of how much they are making per month.

There are people around me that started their life journey with one business and the business became a big part of them,  after several years have passed, the business start going bad because too many people in the same state are into the business, so instead of switching into something new they feel it's too late.

I don't blame them, if you are into something, personal business at let's say the age of 27 and it serves you till the age of 60 years and the business got so bad, imagine how difficult it will be to start something new at that age.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: TheUltraElite on July 18, 2023, 10:32:36 AM
From collecting, drawing, setting appointments, cleaning, watching, and just stating opinions can lead to a way for us to make money.
Different forms of work I can make out from this, but the pay scale is also something. If you are a skilled worker from experience with or without a degree you will get a better earning. Some people may claim that they dont need a degree but have "cheated" this system and are earning more, but to be safe dont try that. Always try to work on your skills and you will be paid off, at the same time improve your education and eventually your standard of living will improve.

Have the money making mindset but be honest about yourself not taking the dirty path. With that you can sleep soundly at night and keep earning money through bitcoin or fiat every day.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: harapan on July 19, 2023, 09:37:40 PM
One thing people should know is we should always be ready and open to learning new things. We can't make money if we're stuck to the same thing while things around us are changing.
Take a business for example. If you have a business and you don't keep yourself updated about the happening in your industry, your business will most likely not grow. You have to be ready to research and learn new things. Even as a person, we should always try to always develop ourselves. We can't be better people if we don't develop ourselves and the only way we can do that is to learn stuff. Don't have a closed mind.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on July 19, 2023, 10:17:36 PM
[4] There is money on the Internet or something new - Nowadays, posting is not the only thing you can do on the internet, because if you look at most of the communities on social media platforms, they are already making money, especially on Facebook and YouTube, Most of the million users of Facebook and Youtube are content creators because they know that there is money on the internet, what they think will go viral, they just take out their cellphones and record a video and they can earn money. just that simple, map travel, food, sports, hobbies, and others can now be turned into content on Facebook and YouTube.

Content creation requires working many, many hours of creating videos or something else before it pays off. And it might never will, because only 3% of creators manage to succeed and break even (at the least). So it may not be the best business to get into, and by no means is it the only kind of "side hustle" you should be considering, since there's also e-commerce, entrepreneurship, freelancing and the like.
You are very correct, indeed, content creation is not a type of side hustle anyone should rush into and expect to start making it by the next week or the next month, it sure involves being patience and pushing really hard, most successful content creators began the journey way long before they arrived at the limelight, in my personal believe, i did say that the only way to come out a success in content creation is only if its a passion, something the person really really loves to do, without that love, passion, its hard to succeed as a content creator.

So the simple advice for anyone willing or wanting to go into content creation is that, the zeal, the drive, the willingness but be born out of passion, love for the career, and not just the desire to succeed and make money.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Alpha Marine on July 19, 2023, 11:02:58 PM
One thing people should know is we should always be ready and open to learning new things. We can't make money if we're stuck to the same thing while things around us are changing.
Take a business for example. If you have a business and you don't keep yourself updated about the happening in your industry, your business will most likely not grow. You have to be ready to research and learn new things. Even as a person, we should always try to always develop ourselves. We can't be better people if we don't develop ourselves and the only way we can do that is to learn stuff. Don't have a closed mind.

We have to be ready to "learn, relearn and unlearn"

We have to learn in the sense that we have to acquire knowledge all the time before we can be better. We can't be worth more than what we're worth. If someone is seen to be worth more than he's worth then that person is a fraud to an extent. So we have to be ready to learn and broaden our minds.

Sometimes we forget what we learn, maybe because we have not applied them or we didn't learn well or an opportunity didn't come for us to use what we have learned, then we have to relearn. Learn again.
And if you find out that what you learned and believe was wrong, we should be able to unlearn whatever it is. There's no point holding on to it and being adamant.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Promocodeudo on July 24, 2023, 10:39:30 PM
Money should not be dumped in the bank without yielding results, investment is the best track for your money, and financial institution benefits more when you save your money with them, they give you little interest, and they take the interest back through unknown multiple fees.
Practically, every successful man is a good investor, they send their money message in different things, it might be in real estate, production companies, or even digital assets like Bitcoin.

Despite the amount of money in your possession if you don't invest it, you are poor, because if you spend a little from it, it will keep depreciating to the extent of leaving you with nothing.

It is better to try than not trying, remember the best time to buy or hire for cheap is during the bear market because the competitions are weak.

Be versatile in ideas and knowledge this will also strengthen your mindset towards the path of investment because that's the best decision you will ever make to grow your money to whatever height you want.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: AnonBitCoiner on July 25, 2023, 06:28:28 PM
Exactly. The real happiness does not depend on money, as money is just a tool to make our lives more comfortable and more fulfilling to live. Other than that, money is not everything. Although I would admit that money is very vital these days, but we should always know that it can’t buy real happiness and peace of mind.

Correct as I saw those individuals who have lots of money but their lives are not prosperous so those individuals who are saying that money is everything are wrong. It is the fact that some works are not possible without money so we should think that money is necessary for life but not necessary for happiness.

Some people are working day and night for earning money for making their lives happy but for doing such they loss their happiness because they cannot give time to their families and just focus on money.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: panganib999 on July 25, 2023, 07:23:03 PM
While I would agree with the large monetization potential on the Internet as a content creator. It takes years for you to even earn something of value in this field. Let alone the amount of effort that it takes to flush out creative and relevant, even harder if you're going for informative content is more than enough to scare a few people away. If you choose to be a content creator on the Internet, do it out of passion and not just because you want money because if you keep chasing the money without proper motivation, you'd find yourself demotivated when you don't earn as much as you would expect.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Pierre 2 on July 25, 2023, 07:58:34 PM
3rd option is like my life motto. I am actually working at full time job which is sucking life energy out of me. But ever since I started spending my wage towards generating other types of income - I realized how many people miss opportunity. If you have consumer mindset you are turning into true wage slaves. But if you care about your money just a bit more and spend it towards wise investments you can overcome yourself even!

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Finestream on July 25, 2023, 09:40:49 PM
Your mindset about money matters are all correct OP, but one thing I have in my mind is that you will never earn money if you will never work for it. Though it comes everywhere and even unlimited, but it will never happen if you don’t motivate yourself to work and create a goal for yourself so that you will never be lazy and dependent to others when it comes to money matters. Yes, internet also offers vast opportunities to earn money but if you don’t have the skills suited on your online job, you will never be capable to earn money.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: stomachgrowls on July 25, 2023, 10:25:40 PM
Exactly. The real happiness does not depend on money, as money is just a tool to make our lives more comfortable and more fulfilling to live. Other than that, money is not everything. Although I would admit that money is very vital these days, but we should always know that it can’t buy real happiness and peace of mind.

Correct as I saw those individuals who have lots of money but their lives are not prosperous so those individuals who are saying that money is everything are wrong. It is the fact that some works are not possible without money so we should think that money is necessary for life but not necessary for happiness.

Some people are working day and night for earning money for making their lives happy but for doing such they loss their happiness because they cannot give time to their families and just focus on money.
Or we can simply say that everything isnt really that balanced on which it would really be just that normal that money could almost buy everything but not really that complete or total happiness on which it cant really be
bought specially time and love and respect on which these are the things which you cant really be able to get even on how rich you would be but we cant really avoid the fact that when it comes to overall
relevance then having more money would really be the main priority by most of us. Why? We know that everything we can do if we do have the money and whatever  things that you do have in mind
then you would be able to do so since you are capable in doing so.

This is why we do really thrive on day to day basis on accumulating richness as much as we could because we know on what are the advantage if you do have more money comparing into others which it
would really be pushing us to work more and do all sorts of things as long it could really be bringing out that money coming in.Somewhat it would be always that wise
that you shouldnt make yourself that greedy much because this is where things becomes messy if you do tolerate it out.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Fakhrulenclix on July 26, 2023, 08:09:35 AM
Your mindset about money matters are all correct OP, but one thing I have in my mind is that you will never earn money if you will never work for it. Though it comes everywhere and even unlimited, but it will never happen if you don’t motivate yourself to work and create a goal for yourself so that you will never be lazy and dependent to others when it comes to money matters. Yes, internet also offers vast opportunities to earn money but if you don’t have the skills suited on your online job, you will never be capable to earn money.
There are so many places nowadays to be able to make money either online or offline, but it all comes back to each of us to the desire to work and have money, it's true that money is not everything in life, but what you have to know is that everything has to be with money nowadays and we have to have more motivation to work and have money to meet all our needs.
I think someone's mindset about money will be different, and we all have our own goals and motivations to do everything to make money.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: MarjorieZimmermanGinger on July 26, 2023, 10:20:20 AM
Most oft the time we make many mistakes or mindsets in handling money, which become the reason why we do not advance in life. Because we are too negative about money. This is bad and our minds are closed to the potential we can reach if we have the right mindset and only use our money in the right way.

And as we talk about this, you will now know the different correct mindsets about money and first here are the following:
Talking about money, indeed, there are often negative and positive things and money is always the reason why people must always be able to create opportunities to produce to support their lives. A person's productivity depends on how they have creativity in creating opportunities to make money, in the context of work there are many things that we need to see and not all jobs can make money easily.

[1] There is money everywhere
Even though money is everywhere, not everyone has the opportunity to get it, because maybe talking about productivity and how people get it are not well planned.

[2] Your income is not limited
In the general context, income is indeed very limited but depends on how one can manage it. If you have skills, it is certain that people can generate more income by working in a more measurable and systematic way.

[3] Spend to earn
This is the end of controlling all forms of finance that we have and most people find it difficult to control because the sources of expenditure are not properly controlled. Spending money is quite easy and there are many things that are not productive when someone is faced with controlling expenses and this is where the problem arises when someone cannot control their financial resources.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: uchegod-21 on July 26, 2023, 12:02:11 PM
While I would agree with the large monetization potential on the Internet as a content creator. It takes years for you to even earn something of value in this field. Let alone the amount of effort that it takes to flush out creative and relevant, even harder if you're going for informative content is more than enough to scare a few people away. If you choose to be a content creator on the Internet, do it out of passion and not just because you want money because if you keep chasing the money without proper motivation, you'd find yourself demotivated when you don't earn as much as you would expect.
I would agree with you that monetizing your contents on the internet is not an easy thing to do. It may take years to achieve ofcourse but then you never can tell if it will start the next month if you use the right tools.
If you do it the right way or under the mentor of experts it might not take so long to achieve in as much as you have a good content to dish out.

Concerning Op, there are many things to learn but those advice may work for Mr A and not work for Mr B. Follow what works for you on your journey to financial comfort.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: xSkylarx on July 26, 2023, 12:08:45 PM
Your mindset about money matters are all correct OP, but one thing I have in my mind is that you will never earn money if you will never work for it. Though it comes everywhere and even unlimited, but it will never happen if you don’t motivate yourself to work and create a goal for yourself so that you will never be lazy and dependent to others when it comes to money matters. Yes, internet also offers vast opportunities to earn money but if you don’t have the skills suited on your online job, you will never be capable to earn money.
You are right, that is why a lot of people right now are making sacrifices to go abroad or even do multiple jobs, but again, those who are lazy won't be getting what they want as they are not making some hardships to earn money and also not taking risks and staying in their comfort zone. They may still earn money from it, but it is not enough unless they take a risk. As others said, if you just find a job, you'll be able to find a job rather than staying at home and just sleeping and not doing anything.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: dothebeats on July 26, 2023, 12:37:34 PM
From collecting, drawing, setting appointments, cleaning, watching, and just stating opinions can lead to a way for us to make money.
Different forms of work I can make out from this, but the pay scale is also something. If you are a skilled worker from experience with or without a degree you will get a better earning. Some people may claim that they dont need a degree but have "cheated" this system and are earning more, but to be safe dont try that. Always try to work on your skills and you will be paid off, at the same time improve your education and eventually your standard of living will improve.

Have the money making mindset but be honest about yourself not taking the dirty path. With that you can sleep soundly at night and keep earning money through bitcoin or fiat every day.

Of course the pay scale is always different depending on the workload and the skills. It is still of course better to have the proper educational background in order to land a better paying job and a more stable income. However, there is nothing wrong with small time and part time work that can at least bring some amounts of money to the table, specially when most needed.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: bitzizzix on July 26, 2023, 01:02:29 PM
From collecting, drawing, setting appointments, cleaning, watching, and just stating opinions can lead to a way for us to make money.
Different forms of work I can make out from this, but the pay scale is also something. If you are a skilled worker from experience with or without a degree you will get a better earning. Some people may claim that they dont need a degree but have "cheated" this system and are earning more, but to be safe dont try that. Always try to work on your skills and you will be paid off, at the same time improve your education and eventually your standard of living will improve.

Have the money making mindset but be honest about yourself not taking the dirty path. With that you can sleep soundly at night and keep earning money through bitcoin or fiat every day.

Of course the pay scale is always different depending on the workload and the skills. It is still of course better to have the proper educational background in order to land a better paying job and a more stable income. However, there is nothing wrong with small time and part time work that can at least bring some amounts of money to the table, specially when most needed.

Indeed, having good experience or skills and higher education will get a commensurate salary, but whatever jobs and salaries we currently have are still lacking or only balanced.
So having a side or part-time job is a must that we must have and get, because with this result we can realize desires that we cannot make happen just by relying on salary. Because salary can only meet all needs and also installments if any, and for now having extra income is the right choice and I see everyone, even those who are highly educated with big salaries are still doing this.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: RockBell on July 26, 2023, 01:42:15 PM
Your mindset about money matters are all correct OP, but one thing I have in my mind is that you will never earn money if you will never work for it. Though it comes everywhere and even unlimited, but it will never happen if you don’t motivate yourself to work and create a goal for yourself so that you will never be lazy and dependent to others when it comes to money matters. Yes, internet also offers vast opportunities to earn money but if you don’t have the skills suited on your online job, you will never be capable to earn money.

you won't earn if you don't work is correct, depending on the nature of the work again, because some work involves plenty stress whereas some just involve a little amount of stress and you earn well, nature of the job matters, I always tell my friends as far as you are ready to work then you will earn and even if it is not that much, at least the money can serve as sustenance, we all know how difficult it has become to even get a job and more depressing how the bills are more than earning, earning from the internet has great opportunities but are limited to some countries.

There are so many places nowadays to be able to make money either online or offline, but it all comes back to each of us to the desire to work and have money, it's true that money is not everything in life, but what you have to know is that everything has to be with money nowadays and we have to have more motivation to work and have money to meet all our needs.
I think someone's mindset about money will be different, and we all have our own goals and motivations to do everything to make money.

so many but the policies are not even favorable to their users only very few are flexible, anything online is easy but the problem now is that the simplest things are the most difficult,  ;D even with motivation, there are times you don't want to work, the best we can do is work to make a means and rest when necessary, there are people that always work without rest, work or earning does not stop us from resting, mindset matters a lot, been a money minded person its good and a very great motivation on its own cause when you stave you will definitely stand up to get something to do starving is another motivation on its own. the situation of the economy will just discourage you on its own.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Bitcoin_people on July 26, 2023, 05:09:52 PM

[1] There is money everywhere - When we were young, many of us were taught by our parents to study hard and then enter a good company to work after graduating. And there is nothing wrong with this, But there are also many of us who until they are old know that this is the only way to earn money, but you will notice that this is not the only option because you can build a business, offer a service to earn money of money.

It's not like before we were told to do IT because it's popular, or do nursing because it's in demand in other countries, do HRM, Police and so on. I'll just repeat, there is nothing wrong with these professions, it's just that the times are different today. And you can make money almost anywhere.

Many people have not been able to do their passion or talent because there is no money there, such as those who want to pursue art, leverage their talent or turn their talent into a hobby and turn it into a business. But in reality you can make money from the above. Because someone is making money from designing, drawing and digital art is doing it now. Even though there are hobbies such as taking care of dogs, iguana cats and others, the others make content on YouTube and earn money, and these are just some of the things you can earn as a hobby.

Bottom line is that you can make money as long as what you do has value. Because there are potential audiences or communities that need it for sure.

When we were young, our parents educated us with enough hard work money. And as a result of that hard work, we are currently able to work in various companies. And this education has brought us to a good position and a very good paying job. But those of us who haven't finished our education yet have chosen cryptocurrency as the only way to earn so that we can continue our own expenses from here. From cryptocurrency we invest small amount and give enough time to grow it back and here we start a small trade. We can start business from this situation and earn money from anywhere very easily. But there are many people who start trading out of passion and if they lose in the business they are very broke. But in today's era, almost everyone can earn money online in various ways who can continue their work as they want. Of course, if the work I do has value, then it is possible to earn money from it, and in the case of everyone, we always look at the means of earning in a big way.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Flexystar on July 27, 2023, 03:25:44 PM
Yeah should have left the college early. But there is catch with that career path, you need to be strong enough to face the ups and downs that would arise in the future. Dropping out early, doing your own business needs serious guts mate. There are challenges like managing the funds, having real world experiences, need to talk fluently while marketing, having formality all the time and what not. It takes lot of efforts if we are doing that on our own otherwise we could end up with disastrous path. If education is there then we have specific path associated with that educational background and the skills that it is going to teach us. Even some fail in their lives though they acquire good educational background because they lack the necessary guts to implement them in the real world. So yeah there are many paths you could take and all lead to earning money at the end but some give a lot some give nothing.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: freedomgo on July 27, 2023, 04:01:04 PM
One thing people should know is we should always be ready and open to learning new things. We can't make money if we're stuck to the same thing while things around us are changing.
Take a business for example. If you have a business and you don't keep yourself updated about the happening in your industry, your business will most likely not grow. You have to be ready to research and learn new things. Even as a person, we should always try to always develop ourselves. We can't be better people if we don't develop ourselves and the only way we can do that is to learn stuff. Don't have a closed mind.
Reality is you can’t make money if your mind is closed and is limited. You have to stay open-minded so you can attract a lot of opportunities to earn. And always go outside of your own context. Do not limit yourself to the things you are only comfortable of doing. That way, you will experience growth and improvement in your life, and that includes stability in your finances as well.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Lorence.xD on July 27, 2023, 04:18:54 PM

[1] There is money everywhere - When we were young, many of us were taught by our parents to study hard and then enter a good company to work after graduating. And there is nothing wrong with this, But there are also many of us who until they are old know that this is the only way to earn money, but you will notice that this is not the only option because you can build a business, offer a service to earn money of money.

It's not like before we were told to do IT because it's popular, or do nursing because it's in demand in other countries, do HRM, Police and so on. I'll just repeat, there is nothing wrong with these professions, it's just that the times are different today. And you can make money almost anywhere.

Many people have not been able to do their passion or talent because there is no money there, such as those who want to pursue art, leverage their talent or turn their talent into a hobby and turn it into a business. But in reality you can make money from the above. Because someone is making money from designing, drawing and digital art is doing it now. Even though there are hobbies such as taking care of dogs, iguana cats and others, the others make content on YouTube and earn money, and these are just some of the things you can earn as a hobby.

Bottom line is that you can make money as long as what you do has value. Because there are potential audiences or communities that need it for sure.

When we were young, our parents educated us with enough hard work money. And as a result of that hard work, we are currently able to work in various companies. And this education has brought us to a good position and a very good paying job. But those of us who haven't finished our education yet have chosen cryptocurrency as the only way to earn so that we can continue our own expenses from here. From cryptocurrency we invest small amount and give enough time to grow it back and here we start a small trade. We can start business from this situation and earn money from anywhere very easily. But there are many people who start trading out of passion and if they lose in the business they are very broke. But in today's era, almost everyone can earn money online in various ways who can continue their work as they want. Of course, if the work I do has value, then it is possible to earn money from it, and in the case of everyone, we always look at the means of earning in a big way.

Not only that we were told to finished studies, some times the pressure you have since we all have different interest and hobbies which can't be related to the course you are taking. It's true that having an educational background or degree would give you a good position to any companies as long as it's related to your degree. But sometimes we just want to have our own way of living which suits to some people which is crypto industry.

Parents would love to hear their children having a professional work field to brag to other people which is pretty common here in PH. They just don't know that in these days, we could earn money which is pretty high than a professional's work in online. You can even learn coding for free in Youtube then do some freelancing that could earn a lot of money. We all have different skills to earn money like you've exampled, maybe the pressure from your parents is the reason for me to risk something that I think would change my life.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: livingfree on July 27, 2023, 04:35:44 PM
True that we don't have money forever so we need to save for the rainy days. Depending on what you know, that's what you need to invest in. The mentality of everyone is being scattered that we need to man and wise up with the hard earned money that we have.

While about money is everywhere, this is also true and if you're a creative person and sees opportunity in everywhere, you'll get to see that for yourself. Unlike those that keeps on complaining that they've got limited opportunity which is true, don't stick to that negativity and find a way.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: slapper on July 27, 2023, 05:33:29 PM

Not only that we were told to finished studies, some times the pressure you have since we all have different interest and hobbies which can't be related to the course you are taking. It's true that having an educational background or degree would give you a good position to any companies as long as it's related to your degree. But sometimes we just want to have our own way of living which suits to some people which is crypto industry.

Parents would love to hear their children having a professional work field to brag to other people which is pretty common here in PH. They just don't know that in these days, we could earn money which is pretty high than a professional's work in online. You can even learn coding for free in Youtube then do some freelancing that could earn a lot of money. We all have different skills to earn money like you've exampled, maybe the pressure from your parents is the reason for me to risk something that I think would change my life.
Cryptocurrency separates people. Some call it a speculative bubble, others a golden goose. Market volatility will deter traditional buyers. However, it offers daring (or reckless) people opportunities. Parents everywhere brag about their kids' work achievements. Since the internet exists, many online occupations pay more than normal jobs. You mentioned freelance writing can be profitable. However, online debt relief scams can be deceptive. It's a complicated issue. Beware, pal.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Mame89 on July 27, 2023, 07:07:02 PM
There are so many places nowadays to be able to make money either online or offline, but it all comes back to each of us to the desire to work and have money, it's true that money is not everything in life, but what you have to know is that everything has to be with money nowadays and we have to have more motivation to work and have money to meet all our needs.
I think someone's mindset about money will be different, and we all have our own goals and motivations to do everything to make money.
Everyone's mindset about money is different, and indeed money is not everything. However, having a sense of satisfaction is important, because a lack of knowledge has the potential to plunge a person into ruin, such as greed which in the end makes a person justify various ways to accumulate wealth. Which in the end destroyed him, because he had to accept the consequences, and be responsible for his mistakes.

This is the end of controlling all forms of finance that we have and most people find it difficult to control because the sources of expenditure are not properly controlled. Spending money is quite easy and there are many things that are not productive when someone is faced with controlling expenses and this is where the problem arises when someone cannot control their financial resources.
That's right, controlling money is the most difficult thing. Because trying to maintain wealth is very different from trying to gain wealth. Achieving wealth in a lot of ways, while maintaining wealth there is only 1 way, which is a combination of simple life and fear. In acquiring wealth we must take risks and remain optimistic.

whereas in maintaining wealth we must live more simply and have the fear that what we have accumulated over the years could disappear in an instant (not because it is stingy, but wise in spending money, can easily distinguish between wants and needs).

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Hamphser on July 27, 2023, 09:45:10 PM
True that we don't have money forever so we need to save for the rainy days. Depending on what you know, that's what you need to invest in. The mentality of everyone is being scattered that we need to man and wise up with the hard earned money that we have.

While about money is everywhere, this is also true and if you're a creative person and sees opportunity in everywhere, you'll get to see that for yourself. Unlike those that keeps on complaining that they've got limited opportunity which is true, don't stick to that negativity and find a way.
If you do make yourself on having that kind of behavior on which you would really be making yourself that being hindered on doing on whats right and you would really be limiting your potential because the thing on

your mind is that there's no other chance on making things more better but rather you would really be just contented on what you do have now.For other people then they wouldnt really be telling its over as long
they could really be able to find other ways for them to take advantage on whatever they are currently dealing or experiencing in.If they do find out some hardship or lack of opportunities then finding it on other
place would be your next step because if you do let yourself that surrender just too easy and early then there's no way that you could be able to sustain out.

It is really that depending on your mentality on which we know that each person does have that different mentality when it comes to things on which it would really be that normal
that there are ones who are really that mindful and there are ones who are really that dont care at all and just simply contented on what they do currently have
even they are really having those money or financial problems.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: livingfree on July 28, 2023, 12:48:01 PM
True that we don't have money forever so we need to save for the rainy days. Depending on what you know, that's what you need to invest in. The mentality of everyone is being scattered that we need to man and wise up with the hard earned money that we have.

While about money is everywhere, this is also true and if you're a creative person and sees opportunity in everywhere, you'll get to see that for yourself. Unlike those that keeps on complaining that they've got limited opportunity which is true, don't stick to that negativity and find a way.
If you do make yourself on having that kind of behavior on which you would really be making yourself that being hindered on doing on whats right and you would really be limiting your potential because the thing on

your mind is that there's no other chance on making things more better but rather you would really be just contented on what you do have now.For other people then they wouldnt really be telling its over as long
they could really be able to find other ways for them to take advantage on whatever they are currently dealing or experiencing in.If they do find out some hardship or lack of opportunities then finding it on other
place would be your next step because if you do let yourself that surrender just too easy and early then there's no way that you could be able to sustain out.

It is really that depending on your mentality on which we know that each person does have that different mentality when it comes to things on which it would really be that normal
that there are ones who are really that mindful and there are ones who are really that dont care at all and just simply contented on what they do currently have
even they are really having those money or financial problems.
Right, mentality is gonna be your asset and you have to be careful on how you take care of it. If you have the wrong one and you're leaning towards the negativities that's surrounding you. That means that its energy will also be shared to you and you'll have that negative thoughts which will affect everything to you.

With that, you will not be able to make a concentration on those things that will generate you money despite having a good vision which it's at hand. The domino impact that will give you isn't going to be good as what you think because the thought of negativity is there. So, even the slightest and easiest way of money, you can still have hardship in doing that.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Uruhara on July 28, 2023, 01:52:53 PM
Yeah should have left the college early. But there is catch with that career path, you need to be strong enough to face the ups and downs that would arise in the future. Dropping out early, doing your own business needs serious guts mate. There are challenges like managing the funds, having real world experiences, need to talk fluently while marketing, having formality all the time and what not. It takes lot of efforts if we are doing that on our own otherwise we could end up with disastrous path. If education is there then we have specific path associated with that educational background and the skills that it is going to teach us. Even some fail in their lives though they acquire good educational background because they lack the necessary guts to implement them in the real world. So yeah there are many paths you could take and all lead to earning money at the end but some give a lot some give nothing.
Well even building a personal business actually has a greater level of difficulty than we think. Maybe we hear a lot of success stories of people who dared to start their career by creating an independent business that they built themselves. But I believe that behind the story of someone's success in doing business there must be many difficult things that are not told to the public.
I still think that education is very important to build a better career in the future. Because even in starting a business we need insight and the insight we can get from the education we have taken will be able to help us to start better.

Education does not guarantee that it will make us successful, but education will bring greater opportunities for us to get success.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: KaizenJujustsu on July 28, 2023, 02:18:23 PM
While I would agree with the large monetization potential on the Internet as a content creator. It takes years for you to even earn something of value in this field. Let alone the amount of effort that it takes to flush out creative and relevant, even harder if you're going for informative content is more than enough to scare a few people away. If you choose to be a content creator on the Internet, do it out of passion and not just because you want money because if you keep chasing the money without proper motivation, you'd find yourself demotivated when you don't earn as much as you would expect.

Sad to say, here in our country, there are a lot of numbers of content creators who jumped in with negative publicity just because "publicity is publicity," and they still create noise and increase the range of the attention they get from people who still get baited with their tactics. Yes, they earn from it, get money from it, and they are recognized now by people with such a "negative image," but this is not sustainable, and it does not continually work overtime. Being a content creator with values and creative juices is not easy.

Yes, there are a lot of opportunities to earn money, but our mindset and perspective drive us whether we will jump in and take a risk for more opportunities or just keep staying in our comfort zones and be contented with what we already have.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: CageMabok on July 28, 2023, 02:33:41 PM
Yes, there are a lot of opportunities to earn money, but our mindset and perspective drive us whether we will jump in and take a risk for more opportunities or just keep staying in our comfort zones and be contented with what we already have.
It depends on the wishes of everyone who still intends to make money in his life, because until now there are still people who consider their comfort zone more satisfied with what they already have so they no longer want to take risks on other opportunities. Even though every opportunity that exists is an opportunity for him to continue to get a better income even though he has to go through obstacles such as risk, but that will not be a big problem for those who still really want to fight in an opportunity to achieve better results.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: posi on July 28, 2023, 02:49:32 PM
Yeah should have left the college early. But there is catch with that career path, you need to be strong enough to face the ups and downs that would arise in the future. Dropping out early, doing your own business needs serious guts mate. There are challenges like managing the funds, having real world experiences, need to talk fluently while marketing, having formality all the time and what not. It takes lot of efforts if we are doing that on our own otherwise we could end up with disastrous path. If education is there then we have specific path associated with that educational background and the skills that it is going to teach us. Even some fail in their lives though they acquire good educational background because they lack the necessary guts to implement them in the real world. So yeah there are many paths you could take and all lead to earning money at the end but some give a lot some give nothing.
Well even building a personal business actually has a greater level of difficulty than we think. Maybe we hear a lot of success stories of people who dared to start their career by creating an independent business that they built themselves. But I believe that behind the story of someone's success in doing business there must be many difficult things that are not told to the public.
I still think that education is very important to build a better career in the future. Because even in starting a business we need insight and the insight we can get from the education we have taken will be able to help us to start better.

Education does not guarantee that it will make us successful, but education will bring greater opportunities for us to get success.
If there is an opportunity to be fully educated, we should not miss it. It may not be the only path to success, but if we are fully educated, we will have more chances to succeed. Education does not guarantee the bright future we want, but at least it helps us to have more opportunities than the less educated. Many people are fully educated but fail and they start to blame education but they don't look at themselves. Their stupidity didn't work out the knowledge they were equipped with, and they blamed everything when they were incompetent. Education is knowledge and I have not seen anyone without knowledge who can become rich and successful.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: gunhell16 on July 28, 2023, 03:54:59 PM
Yeah should have left the college early. But there is catch with that career path, you need to be strong enough to face the ups and downs that would arise in the future. Dropping out early, doing your own business needs serious guts mate. There are challenges like managing the funds, having real world experiences, need to talk fluently while marketing, having formality all the time and what not. It takes lot of efforts if we are doing that on our own otherwise we could end up with disastrous path. If education is there then we have specific path associated with that educational background and the skills that it is going to teach us. Even some fail in their lives though they acquire good educational background because they lack the necessary guts to implement them in the real world. So yeah there are many paths you could take and all lead to earning money at the end but some give a lot some give nothing.
Well even building a personal business actually has a greater level of difficulty than we think. Maybe we hear a lot of success stories of people who dared to start their career by creating an independent business that they built themselves. But I believe that behind the story of someone's success in doing business there must be many difficult things that are not told to the public.
I still think that education is very important to build a better career in the future. Because even in starting a business we need insight and the insight we can get from the education we have taken will be able to help us to start better.

Education does not guarantee that it will make us successful, but education will bring greater opportunities for us to get success.
If there is an opportunity to be fully educated, we should not miss it. It may not be the only path to success, but if we are fully educated, we will have more chances to succeed. Education does not guarantee the bright future we want, but at least it helps us to have more opportunities than the less educated. Many people are fully educated but fail and they start to blame education but they don't look at themselves. Their stupidity didn't work out the knowledge they were equipped with, and they blamed everything when they were incompetent. Education is knowledge and I have not seen anyone without knowledge who can become rich and successful.

In addition to what you said dude, education is the only thing you can be proud of that you have completed something that you can be proud of to your family and children. And I also agree with what you said that this is not a guarantee to get all the dreams you want in life.

because education is just an additional knowledge and achievements hat can help in the future you want to get if you only use it in the right system and methods.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: topbitcoin on July 28, 2023, 05:49:22 PM
Yes, there are a lot of opportunities to earn money, but our mindset and perspective drive us whether we will jump in and take a risk for more opportunities or just keep staying in our comfort zones and be contented with what we already have.
It depends on the wishes of everyone who still intends to make money in his life, because until now there are still people who consider their comfort zone more satisfied with what they already have so they no longer want to take risks on other opportunities. Even though every opportunity that exists is an opportunity for him to continue to get a better income even though he has to go through obstacles such as risk, but that will not be a big problem for those who still really want to fight in an opportunity to achieve better results.
I don't think they don't want to get more money in other businesses, maybe more precisely they are afraid, so they feel enough with what they have achieved right now that makes it feel comfortable with his position and there is no other pressure in his life.
If someone who has dissatisfaction with what he has, surely he will continue to take risks and place themselves to a higher level than just sitting silent in a position that makes them comfortable.

Speaking of mindset about money, the money will come to those who have the ability, because luck in the business world is when the ability to meet the opportunity so that we can execute the opportunity, but if we do not have the ability, even though it is in front of our eyes, it will be very Difficult to execute it.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: savetheFORUM on July 28, 2023, 08:21:19 PM
True that we don't have money forever so we need to save for the rainy days. Depending on what you know, that's what you need to invest in. The mentality of everyone is being scattered that we need to man and wise up with the hard earned money that we have.

While about money is everywhere, this is also true and if you're a creative person and sees opportunity in everywhere, you'll get to see that for yourself. Unlike those that keeps on complaining that they've got limited opportunity which is true, don't stick to that negativity and find a way.
Not everyone is born with a creative mind, so the people that are creative tend to make opportunities to earn money out of everything they touch or see because ideas come into their minds very quickly and easily which is not the case with the majority of people, that is the reason why unemployment is on the rise globally, there are more jobless people than jobs available, and most of them are not creative enough to start doing something of their own that can earn them an income enough to live their lives off of it.

So people who keep complaining that they have got limited opportunities are basically not wrong, because their only shots are applying for jobs where they can do things that they are trained for which never change, don't require innovation or much thinking, and you can barely find a lot of jobs of that nature in a fast-paced world like today.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: usekevin on July 28, 2023, 08:59:34 PM
If there is an opportunity to be fully educated, we should not miss it. It may not be the only path to success, but if we are fully educated, we will have more chances to succeed. Education does not guarantee the bright future we want, but at least it helps us to have more opportunities than the less educated. Many people are fully educated but fail and they start to blame education but they don't look at themselves. Their stupidity didn't work out the knowledge they were equipped with, and they blamed everything when they were incompetent. Education is knowledge and I have not seen anyone without knowledge who can become rich and successful.

Education is important one to the students,because they can uplift their life using the education alone.When the first generation of the family get educated,it leads to the family to move to next level.It doesn’t cause the affect to the society,it actually uplift the society to the next level.The education also give the family the standard income.Then the education also allow the next generation of the person to get into education,the next generation also study based on the the uplifting get by the education.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Smartvirus on July 28, 2023, 11:18:13 PM
It depends on the wishes of everyone who still intends to make money in his life, because until now there are still people who consider their comfort zone more satisfied with what they already have so they no longer want to take risks on other opportunities. Even though every opportunity that exists is an opportunity for him to continue to get a better income even though he has to go through obstacles such as risk, but that will not be a big problem for those who still really want to fight in an opportunity to achieve better results.
Growth talks about a forwardness from a more or less stationary position and how some people get to be stable or satisfied with what they’ve attained without seeking further growth, even with them not to have been recognized by Forbes baffles me.

The mind has a way of transforming your conceived and believed thoughts to a physical realization or at least, connects you to the forces that makes them. When one seeks increase and begins to have a mindset of the possibilities within the realms where one operates, then that individual is sure to see some positive growths.
Taking risks shouldn’t be the issue but, you try to see the full picture and make arrangements to keep it on plan.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: jaberwock on July 30, 2023, 07:08:03 PM
In the general context, income is indeed very limited but depends on how one can manage it. If you have skills, it is certain that people can generate more income by working in a more measurable and systematic way.
I do not think that you understood what "income is not limited" part, it means that you could either find more work, or find another work. That way you would make more money, if you want to make more money then you need to work to find it at first and then you need to work to earn it as well. I have seen people who do all kinds of crazy work just to make some extra funds and I have done that myself as well before.

It matters if you end up with a solution that will fix things, and I bet that it is going to matter one way or another. I believe that we should not be doing anything that will challenge the situation all that much, do not go against the tide and just accept that you need money and get to working if you want that.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: serjent05 on July 30, 2023, 10:20:06 PM
In the general context, income is indeed very limited but depends on how one can manage it. If you have skills, it is certain that people can generate more income by working in a more measurable and systematic way.
I do not think that you understood what "income is not limited" part, it means that you could either find more work, or find another work. That way you would make more money, if you want to make more money then you need to work to find it at first and then you need to work to earn it as well. I have seen people who do all kinds of crazy work just to make some extra funds and I have done that myself as well before.

It could be the opportunity for a source of income is unlimited but obviously one person's capability to get income is limited since they only have 24 hours and limited contacts.  Even huge company even though they have unlimited potential still fall to a limited amount of profit per month due to certain factors.  Multi level marketing seems to bypass this barrier but they also failed because a person's contact is limited and the MLM system is not unlimited down the lines.

It matters if you end up with a solution that will fix things, and I bet that it is going to matter one way or another. I believe that we should not be doing anything that will challenge the situation all that much, do not go against the tide and just accept that you need money and get to working if you want that.

Being innovative is another thing, though many people just goes with the flow, they often end up with just normal things no matter how hard they tried.  We know that one can only have one result if he keeps doing what he always does.  So to be able to have more productive events, one must strive harder, create innovations, and improvement to an existing system to be able to outwit the competitors.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Joshapat on July 31, 2023, 01:47:48 PM
When we have a lot of money then we seem to be controlled by our lust to continue spending that money, from now on we must be able to change that thinking, use money for productive things such as investments, if the state's security conditions are good then investing in property is a very profitable thing, prices land, houses and so on will continue to rise so investing in property will never lose money.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Wend on July 31, 2023, 03:20:48 PM
If there is an opportunity to be fully educated, we should not miss it. It may not be the only path to success, but if we are fully educated, we will have more chances to succeed. Education does not guarantee the bright future we want, but at least it helps us to have more opportunities than the less educated. Many people are fully educated but fail and they start to blame education but they don't look at themselves. Their stupidity didn't work out the knowledge they were equipped with, and they blamed everything when they were incompetent. Education is knowledge and I have not seen anyone without knowledge who can become rich and successful.

Education is important one to the students,because they can uplift their life using the education alone.When the first generation of the family get educated,it leads to the family to move to next level.It doesn’t cause the affect to the society,it actually uplift the society to the next level.The education also give the family the standard income.Then the education also allow the next generation of the person to get into education,the next generation also study based on the the uplifting get by the education.

Those who are criticizing education as useless or wasting their time are stupid people, and they will always blame everything but themselves, those people will never succeed. If they say education is useless, they should ask why developed countries and great powers have superior education and why billionaires and rich people are concentrated in countries that have a good education.

Billionaires like Bill Gate, Elon... they didn't graduate from college but still became billionaires because they are rare geniuses of the world. Moreover, they are still fully educated from a young age, just because they don't have a university degree does not mean they are uneducated. It's funny how unemployed people are comparing themselves to billionaires and blaming education.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Strongkored on July 31, 2023, 03:31:42 PM
It must start with ourselves that you have a strong burning desire or drive to get out of your situation. Because if you just lie down and wait for what's coming, nothing in your life will ever change. YOU MUST TAKE ACTION NOW...
There are many opportunities that ope to earn more money when we come from developed countries but in poor countries its citizens will always find it difficult to earn a lot even to get the right one is sometimes difficult, that's why there are many migrant workers because staying in their country will only make them die as a poor.
I live in a country that is heading towards becoming a developed country, there are not many opportunities, even though many opportunities are starting to open up but it is still limited to workers who have skills, so people have to be willing to sacrifice time to add skills in order to earn more income.
With current technological developments, it will indeed make it easier for people to earn more when they have good internet access because in the online world there are many job offers that can be made but haven't to leave the main job so they will have two jobs, so they have the opportunity to save and invest.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: xSkylarx on July 31, 2023, 03:56:08 PM
When we have a lot of money then we seem to be controlled by our lust to continue spending that money, from now on we must be able to change that thinking, use money for productive things such as investments, if the state's security conditions are good then investing in property is a very profitable thing, prices land, houses and so on will continue to rise so investing in property will never lose money.

That is where the temptation is a lot. I've experienced this also before, but I do say that if it is your first time, let's say, earning that money, and you come from a poor background and are even not able to eat at those restaurants, it is better to experience those things first because you'll keep thinking about them. I'm also happy that I've experienced those, but at the same time, I regret having just invested it in something else. But in the end, it is better to manage your money well no matter what, as it is still for your future.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: MarjorieZimmermanGinger on July 31, 2023, 05:26:03 PM
That's right, controlling money is the most difficult thing. Because trying to maintain wealth is very different from trying to gain wealth. Achieving wealth in a lot of ways, while maintaining wealth there is only 1 way, which is a combination of simple life and fear. In acquiring wealth we must take risks and remain optimistic.

whereas in maintaining wealth we must live more simply and have the fear that what we have accumulated over the years could disappear in an instant (not because it is stingy, but wise in spending money, can easily distinguish between wants and needs).
In essence I want to say one thing, maintaining wealth and seeking wealth are two different things, today many rich people can make much more money because they have the capital to try to get a source of income from several other things. As an example of building a business, investing and building something that can make money, then the risk will be proportional to the profit we get, the greater the risk, the greater the profit we will get.

A life lived in simplicity will be different and according to position, rich people will have a much more luxurious life and they will spend a lot of money for their living expenses, whereas those who seek wealth must definitely try to spend a little money. At some point the spending needs differ greatly between the rich and those who seek wealth.

I do not think that you understood what "income is not limited" part, it means that you could either find more work, or find another work. That way you would make more money, if you want to make more money then you need to work to find it at first and then you need to work to earn it as well. I have seen people who do all kinds of crazy work just to make some extra funds and I have done that myself as well before.

It matters if you end up with a solution that will fix things, and I bet that it is going to matter one way or another. I believe that we should not be doing anything that will challenge the situation all that much, do not go against the tide and just accept that you need money and get to working if you want that.
That's what I mean and the context can be seen from the way we get more jobs, when we work in many places with adjustable hours, our income will definitely be much greater. The problem is when someone tries to work in many places it will be difficult for that person to share their time, this is where intelligence is needed in allocating time or finding work that can be done by only being in one place.

In the last part I quite agree with you, that forcing something beyond the responsibility that we cannot afford will be far more at risk of losing everything. It's better to work according to what we are capable of being responsible for and not to force or even try to look capable, because living life is not only about work and there are other things that we also cannot ignore, health, free time and family

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Viscore on July 31, 2023, 08:18:34 PM
While I would agree with the large monetization potential on the Internet as a content creator. It takes years for you to even earn something of value in this field. Let alone the amount of effort that it takes to flush out creative and relevant, even harder if you're going for informative content is more than enough to scare a few people away. If you choose to be a content creator on the Internet, do it out of passion and not just because you want money because if you keep chasing the money without proper motivation, you'd find yourself demotivated when you don't earn as much as you would expect.
True. Money is not earned instantly with content creators, it’s their hardwork and passion that have paid off and get what they deserve. And when they start bargaining their salary amount, it’s not actually to brag so that everyone will aspire to become content creator, but because it’s for us to inspire that if we’ll only work hard and persevere, and keep motivated doing our passion and giving entertainment to the people, in the end everything we desire will be given. But of course, it takes years to process, and that everything we see in the internet is not just all about wealth and riches, but determination and being goal driven for years.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: serjent05 on July 31, 2023, 10:23:21 PM
While I would agree with the large monetization potential on the Internet as a content creator. It takes years for you to even earn something of value in this field. Let alone the amount of effort that it takes to flush out creative and relevant, even harder if you're going for informative content is more than enough to scare a few people away. If you choose to be a content creator on the Internet, do it out of passion and not just because you want money because if you keep chasing the money without proper motivation, you'd find yourself demotivated when you don't earn as much as you would expect.
True. Money is not earned instantly with content creators, it’s their hardwork and passion that have paid off and get what they deserve. And when they start bargaining their salary amount, it’s not actually to brag so that everyone will aspire to become content creator, but because it’s for us to inspire that if we’ll only work hard and persevere, and keep motivated doing our passion and giving entertainment to the people, in the end everything we desire will be given. But of course, it takes years to process, and that everything we see in the internet is not just all about wealth and riches, but determination and being goal driven for years.

I agree, besides being a content creator and getting paid for the content is not an easy feat.  There are lots of people who planned to be content creators as a source of income but failed since there are requirements and numbers of followers and subscribers needed to be qualified for the program.  And upon getting into the program, the content needs a certain amount of view in order to get paid. 

But many content creator's content are senseless but it is funny how they get millions of view in such trash content.  ;D

In essence I want to say one thing, maintaining wealth and seeking wealth are two different things, today many rich people can make much more money because they have the capital to try to get a source of income from several other things. As an example of building a business, investing and building something that can make money, then the risk will be proportional to the profit we get, the greater the risk, the greater the profit we will get.

A life lived in simplicity will be different and according to position, rich people will have a much more luxurious life and they will spend a lot of money for their living expenses, whereas those who seek wealth must definitely try to spend a little money. At some point the spending needs differ greatly between the rich and those who seek wealth.

Isn't it obvious?  One is maintaining and the other one is seeking, I think no one will ever mistake these two as the same.  And I do not think the term simplicity is different in each life status.  It is that rich people can easily afford a simple life while people who have nothing would be struggling to meet it. 

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Rengga Jati on July 31, 2023, 11:14:37 PM
It depends on the wishes of everyone who still intends to make money in his life, because until now there are still people who consider their comfort zone more satisfied with what they already have so they no longer want to take risks on other opportunities.
When a person's mindset is limited to life, activities, and "comfort zone" conditions, it will be difficult to change it. Because for them, what they currently have is sufficient and realistic according to them. So it is quite difficult to get them to move on to something new which they think is not yet sure, risky, and also uncertain. Even when having this mindset, it is difficult for someone who is still unemployed and still looking for work to work in a challenging zone even though they need a job. Especially if they seem stagnant that they only want to work or earn from a job (comfort zone). So it's no wonder about this.

In addition to what you said dude, education is the only thing you can be proud of that you have completed something that you can be proud of to your family and children. And I also agree with what you said that this is not a guarantee to get all the dreams you want in life.
Having education in the college or certain institutions is one way for us to proceed in life, not the only way. And the diploma or certificate that we get from the education is a bonus that can support us when looking for work. But everyone's skills will be different. Whether you go to school or learn from anywhere, you can hone your skills as long as you put in the right effort. There's nothing wrong with not going to school as long as we are still willing to learn and try from anywhere. What's not good is, you already think school is not important, but you also don't want to learn in life, so you just hope to get some quick money from lucky things... haha

Btw, this doesn't apply to crypto, crypto involves everyone, both educated and officially non-educated. but everyone can get the same opportunity here, with certain conditions.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Mahanton on July 31, 2023, 11:18:00 PM
If there is an opportunity to be fully educated, we should not miss it. It may not be the only path to success, but if we are fully educated, we will have more chances to succeed. Education does not guarantee the bright future we want, but at least it helps us to have more opportunities than the less educated. Many people are fully educated but fail and they start to blame education but they don't look at themselves. Their stupidity didn't work out the knowledge they were equipped with, and they blamed everything when they were incompetent. Education is knowledge and I have not seen anyone without knowledge who can become rich and successful.

Education is important one to the students,because they can uplift their life using the education alone.When the first generation of the family get educated,it leads to the family to move to next level.It doesn’t cause the affect to the society,it actually uplift the society to the next level.The education also give the family the standard income.Then the education also allow the next generation of the person to get into education,the next generation also study based on the the uplifting get by the education.

Those who are criticizing education as useless or wasting their time are stupid people, and they will always blame everything but themselves, those people will never succeed. If they say education is useless, they should ask why developed countries and great powers have superior education and why billionaires and rich people are concentrated in countries that have a good education.

Billionaires like Bill Gate, Elon... they didn't graduate from college but still became billionaires because they are rare geniuses of the world. Moreover, they are still fully educated from a young age, just because they don't have a university degree does not mean they are uneducated. It's funny how unemployed people are comparing themselves to billionaires and blaming education.
Not all people who doesnt have educational attainment but ending up on successful then it would really be basing or depending on the hard work that they had done but its not just right that you would really be saying that
education isnt really need or not really that much relevant at all which it is really that very wrong because each person does really need up that education on making himself do being at least knows on what are the things around compared to those who doesnt have educational background or attainment then knowledge and awareness would really be totally different on each other. There are really just those people who are really that mindful on making themselves that been wary about their lacking towards things and this is why they do work hard and make out some considerable acts for them to have at least the advantage despite on what they do lack. Never ever underestimate education even though there are ones who do succeed having no educational background but its not something that recommended on instilling into your mind that it isnt necessary anymore.It did really just turn out that there are really people who do able to make themselves successful because of hard work and make out some wise decisions in life on why they had able to obtain such condition.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Davidvictorson on July 31, 2023, 11:57:42 PM
Time is money

This is the reason why people are paid per hour. We do not have unlimited number of hours and therefore we must stop wasting time by calculating our money in terms of day but do it in terms of hours. If an individual can do this, his mindset and perspective about money would change. His relationship to money and how they spend it will be reconsidered. He or they would have more respect for money. That's why they said until you find a way to earn money whole you sleep you are not making money.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Uruhara on August 01, 2023, 01:00:17 PM
When we have a lot of money then we seem to be controlled by our lust to continue spending that money, from now on we must be able to change that thinking, use money for productive things such as investments, if the state's security conditions are good then investing in property is a very profitable thing, prices land, houses and so on will continue to rise so investing in property will never lose money.
Well, the mindset in using money is something that we really have to pay attention to. Because sometimes when we have a lot of money, we often use money in ineffective ways, such as buying things that we really don't really need or for fun and the like. Our mindset must be directed to future improvements. As you said that is like using money to invest and such. The point is we have to make the money we have can be capital to bring in more money. (profit)

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Vaculin on August 01, 2023, 09:34:21 PM
Yes, there are a lot of opportunities to earn money, but our mindset and perspective drive us whether we will jump in and take a risk for more opportunities or just keep staying in our comfort zones and be contented with what we already have.
It depends on the wishes of everyone who still intends to make money in his life, because until now there are still people who consider their comfort zone more satisfied with what they already have so they no longer want to take risks on other opportunities. Even though every opportunity that exists is an opportunity for him to continue to get a better income even though he has to go through obstacles such as risk, but that will not be a big problem for those who still really want to fight in an opportunity to achieve better results.
If you are still in the same position for over a long period of time, then probably staying in your comfort zone is not a good option. You should start seeing yourself out of the context if it’s the only way your life will take a big break especially when it comes to financial stability and security.

Opportunities to earn money is always there. But the problem is not everyone is given the equal opportunity that other gets that’s why even if it means taking some risk to create a breakthrough in your life, then do it as long as you stay focused on your goal.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: slapper on August 01, 2023, 10:16:54 PM
Time is money

This is the reason why people are paid per hour. We do not have unlimited number of hours and therefore we must stop wasting time by calculating our money in terms of day but do it in terms of hours. If an individual can do this, his mindset and perspective about money would change. His relationship to money and how they spend it will be reconsidered. He or they would have more respect for money. That's why they said until you find a way to earn money whole you sleep you are not making money.
It's true that time is scarce and, in some ways, more valuable than money. Paying employees by the hour simplifies things and makes it easy to quantify their output

Hourly earnings, on the other hand, have a tendency to simplify difficult activities and ignore labor quality. There's a risk that working to that deadline will put too much pressure on personnel. Work quality, originality, and productivity may all suffer as a result

Then there's the possibility of making money while you rest, known as passive income. It would be wonderful if everyone could do this, but the reality is that few people do. That kind of salary isn't realistic for everyone's dream job. Why shouldn't they get paid the same for the same amount of work?

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: lalabotax on August 01, 2023, 11:28:48 PM
Time is money

This is the reason why people are paid per hour. We do not have unlimited number of hours and therefore we must stop wasting time by calculating our money in terms of day but do it in terms of hours. If an individual can do this, his mindset and perspective about money would change.
At the very least, a company or any business should indeed have standard working hours, in accordance with the provisions of labor regulations in that country. If you work more than working hours, there must be compensation or overtime pay in accordance with applicable regulations. So a company or a business will not arbitrarily treat its workers. So that we as employees will really feel valued with the hard work we spend. And on the other hand, it is true that strict regulations and sanctions also need to be given. Because after all, maybe there are some companies that are negligent and avoid things like this. Such as not giving overtime pay or additional wages for non-standard work that is usually done according to SOP. And many are also arbitrary because they have power.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: MarjorieZimmermanGinger on August 02, 2023, 10:02:32 AM
Isn't it obvious?  One is maintaining and the other one is seeking, I think no one will ever mistake these two as the same.  And I do not think the term simplicity is different in each life status.  It is that rich people can easily afford a simple life while people who have nothing would be struggling to meet it. 
It is clear for someone who can interpret the meaning correctly, but it will be much more difficult for those who only focus on discussing finding the source of wealth. If you can understand what I meant in the previous post, that the habits of spending money will be different, especially if you try to place the connection on rich people or people who are pursuing wealth. Wealth is never finished to be pursued and anyone will know why our life in this world does not only talk about money.

The difference is to what extent we can adjust the time to look for sources of wealth, whereas in other positions we also have responsibilities that are not related to money, such as family, the health and happiness of children that we need to supervise so that their growth and development do not lose the love of their parents.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Wong Gendheng on August 03, 2023, 08:13:25 AM
Many people think that happiness is only measured by money, in my opinion this is the wrong thought because many people are depressed, stressed to suicide because of money, when someone has a business with 1000 employees, almost every second there will be an issue that makes it difficult for him to eat and difficult sleep so that it makes him tortured

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Ayers on August 03, 2023, 08:31:49 AM
Many people think that happiness is only measured by money, in my opinion this is the wrong thought because many people are depressed, stressed to suicide because of money, when someone has a business with 1000 employees, almost every second there will be an issue that makes it difficult for him to eat and difficult sleep so that it makes him tortured

To get happiness we not only need money but also love from family, people around, comfort in life...and many other factors, but if you don't have the money you can't be happy. If you don't have money, your wife can't wear beautiful clothes, no jewelry, your kids can't eat delicious food and are inferior to her friends...are you happy?

In business, a big boat will have big waves, although business comes with a lot of pressure and risks, it is the dream of many people including you. Between choosing to be an employee or a boss, I bet you no one wants to be an employee. You want to succeed, you need to make trade-offs, you want what others can't have, and you need to do what others can't do.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Jody.Drummer on August 03, 2023, 01:20:31 PM
Many people think that happiness is only measured by money, in my opinion this is the wrong thought because many people are depressed, stressed to suicide because of money, when someone has a business with 1000 employees, almost every second there will be an issue that makes it difficult for him to eat and difficult sleep so that it makes him tortured

To get happiness we not only need money but also love from family, people around, comfort in life...and many other factors, but if you don't have the money you can't be happy. If you don't have money, your wife can't wear beautiful clothes, no jewelry, your kids can't eat delicious food and are inferior to her friends...are you happy?

In business, a big boat will have big waves, although business comes with a lot of pressure and risks, it is the dream of many people including you. Between choosing to be an employee or a boss, I bet you no one wants to be an employee. You want to succeed, you need to make trade-offs, you want what others can't have, and you need to do what others can't do.

Agreed, it's a simple statement about money but it's true to the facts. There are some people who say that money is not everything and happiness is not about money, it may make sense but we have to admit that everything needs money, just like what you said. A person will experience difficulties in life if they have less finances, there will be many impacts such as stress because they cannot meet the needs of the family and so on.

The higher you climb the tree, the bigger the wind will be. Many people dream of being successful but it's just their dream, meaning they want their dream to come true but they don't do anything to achieve it. I believe they want to be the boss, not the employee. Many people want to be in this position without realizing that being a leader in a big company is not easy, there is a lot of pressure and great risk in it.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Japinat on August 03, 2023, 09:59:53 PM
Most oft the time we make many mistakes or mindsets in handling money, which become the reason why we do not advance in life. Because we are too negative about money. This is bad and our minds are closed to the potential we can reach if we have the right mindset and only use our money in the right way.

And as we talk about this, you will now know the different correct mindsets about money and first here are the following:

[1] There is money everywhere - When we were young, many of us were taught by our parents to study hard and then enter a good company to work after graduating. And there is nothing wrong with this, But there are also many of us who until they are old know that this is the only way to earn money, but you will notice that this is not the only option because you can build a business, offer a service to earn money of money.

It's not like before we were told to do IT because it's popular, or do nursing because it's in demand in other countries, do HRM, Police and so on. I'll just repeat, there is nothing wrong with these professions, it's just that the times are different today. And you can make money almost anywhere.

Many people have not been able to do their passion or talent because there is no money there, such as those who want to pursue art, leverage their talent or turn their talent into a hobby and turn it into a business. But in reality you can make money from the above. Because someone is making money from designing, drawing and digital art is doing it now. Even though there are hobbies such as taking care of dogs, iguana cats and others, the others make content on YouTube and earn money, and these are just some of the things you can earn as a hobby.

Bottom line is that you can make money as long as what you do has value. Because there are potential audiences or communities that need it for sure.

[2] Your income is not limited - Many of us have the wrong mindset about money so most of us persevere or endure the salary. But the truth is that there are so many opportunities and there are no limits if you are open-minded to other things or jobs.

Don't be like someone I know who has been working for 15 years and earns 350$ per month, Yes, there is nothing wrong with his job, but with the skills and experience he has, he could have earned more than his salary of triple if he just used his skills. That's why his perspective about money is too limited.

Because sometimes, we think that's the perfect job for us that's all we've got. Who knows that other opportunities in other companies might be better. Or let's say abroad, because you just don't realize it. I remembered that before, my former co-worker changed companies and now his salary has tripled compared to before. Because currently his work is lighter and the benefits are better unlike what he used to work for.

That's why it's not because it's your first job, it's there until your retirement, it's not because the people you work with have become your family or close to you, it's there for life. You should look for other opportunities and don't be afraid to try. And when your income is only up to that, it might be possible to learn other skills, like you might have a business, we don't know.

Maybe the best thing for you to do is to get rid of the belief that that's the only income you deserve.

[3] Spend to earn - You also need to have a mindset that is not just saving or saving or always relying on free money just to increase your money. But it's true that the aforementioned are important, But if you want to earn a lot, it usually comes at a price. Because you are investing for yourself and your future, that is why it is also spent and time is really taken.

They say "The more you learn is the more you EARN." So don't beat yourself up because that's for yourself too. If you want to learn something, buy a book, or watch youtube videos and type what you want to know. Attend seminars or study to increase value in any marketplace.

And for that to happen, I think you need to invest in equipment, such as laptops, mobile devices or gadgets that can help you develop yourself.

[4] There is money on the Internet or something new - Nowadays, posting is not the only thing you can do on the internet, because if you look at most of the communities on social media platforms, they are already making money, especially on Facebook and YouTube, Most of the million users of Facebook and Youtube are content creators because they know that there is money on the internet, what they think will go viral, they just take out their cellphones and record a video and they can earn money. just that simple, map travel, food, sports, hobbies, and others can now be turned into content on Facebook and YouTube.

You really only need to leverage the things in front of you to take advantage of them, even Tiktok, Instagram, and others are really being used in terms of earnings via the internet. That's why if you are positioned in Shopee, lazada, milktea, Bitcoin/cryptocurrency and others, for sure you will make money, as long as you know how to use it correctly. And often on the internet what's trending there are many people who really earn money and many people ride it because it's viral and trending.

But of course we must be careful and be aware because not all trending is okay, we still need to be balanced in this matter.

[5] Your Money is Unlimited - It's true that money runs out but expenses don't, But if you know money, it can possibly prepare you for your old age, your children and the generations to come. So this is where investing comes in, the money you use should earn more money, instead of just spending it on useless things that just by saving that as time goes on the value will only decrease due to inflation.

The moment you realize that you need to invest in yourself, and in things that will make you more money, for sure your life will change a lot, you need to invest in assets that will bring you money as long as you live. Like investing in business, stocks, building a platform or investing in Bitcoin or cryptocurrency that can provide profit in the future. And other things that can give you a good cash flow of money.

[6] You don't have money forever - It's not true that until we get old you don't have money, it's actually a wrong mindset. We should not use the difficulty we are facing as an excuse just for that matter. If anyone wants to get out of poverty, you must change your mindset, think that there is hope, and you must believe in yourself that you can get out of poverty.

A person will not really advance or become rich if he has a poor mindset in his mind, even if they don't change it. Because you feel like you're not like this, I'm just poor, I don't have the ability, and so on so you can't start acting.

It must start with ourselves that you have a strong burning desire or drive to get out of your situation. Because if you just lie down and wait for what's coming, nothing in your life will ever change. YOU MUST TAKE ACTION NOW...

Money is everywhere and that there are a lot of opportunities to earn. Work hard and keep going whatever endeavor you are into right now. Although making instant money is impossible, but for some reasons, you can always make money if you keep working on it. And once you have that significant amount of money, value every single of it and never spend like a one day millionaire. Otherwise, all your hardwork and efforts to earn that valuable money will be put into waste and everything will be gone just like a thin air.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Ayers on August 04, 2023, 09:01:12 AM
Many people think that happiness is only measured by money, in my opinion this is the wrong thought because many people are depressed, stressed to suicide because of money, when someone has a business with 1000 employees, almost every second there will be an issue that makes it difficult for him to eat and difficult sleep so that it makes him tortured

To get happiness we not only need money but also love from family, people around, comfort in life...and many other factors, but if you don't have the money you can't be happy. If you don't have money, your wife can't wear beautiful clothes, no jewelry, your kids can't eat delicious food and are inferior to her friends...are you happy?

In business, a big boat will have big waves, although business comes with a lot of pressure and risks, it is the dream of many people including you. Between choosing to be an employee or a boss, I bet you no one wants to be an employee. You want to succeed, you need to make trade-offs, you want what others can't have, and you need to do what others can't do.

Agreed, it's a simple statement about money but it's true to the facts. There are some people who say that money is not everything and happiness is not about money, it may make sense but we have to admit that everything needs money, just like what you said. A person will experience difficulties in life if they have less finances, there will be many impacts such as stress because they cannot meet the needs of the family and so on.

The higher you climb the tree, the bigger the wind will be. Many people dream of being successful but it's just their dream, meaning they want their dream to come true but they don't do anything to achieve it. I believe they want to be the boss, not the employee. Many people want to be in this position without realizing that being a leader in a big company is not easy, there is a lot of pressure and great risk in it.

I don't want to offend, but I want to be blunt that people who say money isn't everything and can still be happy without money. It is because they are stuck with no way to earn more money, they hide from the truth and they accept their fate without finding a way. I also have a friend like that, many years ago he was quite poor compared to us, he always knew his peace and said that he did not need much money, just enough to live. But now, he has become well off, and he is so focused on making money that he doesn't have time to see us on weekends. No one doesn't want a lot of money, they just haven't found a way to make more money.

Many people want to become rich and have a lot of money but are lazy, do not dare to take risks, and always disparage the rich. Simply jealousy and envy, there is no one who does not want to live a rich life. The truth hurts, but I want to be frank.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Uruhara on August 04, 2023, 10:36:55 AM
Many people think that happiness is only measured by money, in my opinion this is the wrong thought because many people are depressed, stressed to suicide because of money, when someone has a business with 1000 employees, almost every second there will be an issue that makes it difficult for him to eat and difficult sleep so that it makes him tortured
Yes of Course. Money is not a source of happiness. Because to be happy is actually quite simple, namely by always being grateful for what we have and always thinking positively. Whereas the things that make a person unhappy are when he becomes greedy and always feels lacking and he always has negative thoughts.

Although money is not a source of happiness, money is one way that can bring someone to happiness. that is, a person who is always grateful to God Almighty when he succeeds in getting money and uses that money to buy the things he wants.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: radjie on August 04, 2023, 12:42:42 PM

[6] You don't have money forever - It's not true that until we get old you don't have money, it's actually a wrong mindset. We should not use the difficulty we are facing as an excuse just for that matter. If anyone wants to get out of poverty, you must change your mindset, think that there is hope, and you must believe in yourself that you can get out of poverty.

A person will not really advance or become rich if he has a poor mindset in his mind, even if they don't change it. Because you feel like you're not like this, I'm just poor, I don't have the ability, and so on so you can't start acting.

It must start with ourselves that you have a strong burning desire or drive to get out of your situation. Because if you just lie down and wait for what's coming, nothing in your life will ever change. YOU MUST TAKE ACTION NOW...

Sometimes there are still many people who are negligent in dealing with everything that can certainly be the beginning of a change in their life, by taking advantage of opportunities, of course, it is much better when it comes to our lives, because the opportunity to be able to start from everything, of course, starts from the smallest things  first

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: xSkylarx on August 04, 2023, 01:10:30 PM
Time is money

This is the reason why people are paid per hour. We do not have unlimited number of hours and therefore we must stop wasting time by calculating our money in terms of day but do it in terms of hours. If an individual can do this, his mindset and perspective about money would change. His relationship to money and how they spend it will be reconsidered. He or they would have more respect for money. That's why they said until you find a way to earn money whole you sleep you are not making money.

That is why you shouldn't waste your time, as it will never come back, though a lot of people are not paid per hour, mostly on a daily basis, which is mostly in poor countries, and we don't have a choice but to accept it. But again, work hard until you find a better job or can start a business. Having a passive income while you sleep can only be achieved in business because it is still working, and I do hope one day I get that one. Just imagine generating money while you sleep; how much more if you are awake and working?

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: mirakal on August 04, 2023, 07:59:29 PM
When we have a lot of money then we seem to be controlled by our lust to continue spending that money, from now on we must be able to change that thinking, use money for productive things such as investments, if the state's security conditions are good then investing in property is a very profitable thing, prices land, houses and so on will continue to rise so investing in property will never lose money.
Man is born without satisfaction so it’s expected already that people will not stop spending until he used up all his money. Good thing if you end up investing your money in a potential investment like bitcoin, but if you spend only to satisfy your material wants, that is certainly a big loss for you. Staying in that mindset will never help you grow, but will make your life living in unwanted expenses that will lead you to your own downfall.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: molsewid on August 04, 2023, 08:53:09 PM
Time is money

This is the reason why people are paid per hour. We do not have unlimited number of hours and therefore we must stop wasting time by calculating our money in terms of day but do it in terms of hours. If an individual can do this, his mindset and perspective about money would change. His relationship to money and how they spend it will be reconsidered. He or they would have more respect for money. That's why they said until you find a way to earn money whole you sleep you are not making money.
Yes, I learn that in a hard way when I started working I thought it will be easy because I have a lot of hours available but then when I start earning as freelancer so I have my own time , I learn that what I am doing before is wasting time that I could be using to make money . It is kinda hard at first because you are not used to it but eventually you will improve your life and lifestyle.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Furious 7 on August 04, 2023, 09:39:47 PM
When we have a lot of money then we seem to be controlled by our lust to continue spending that money, from now on we must be able to change that thinking, use money for productive things such as investments, if the state's security conditions are good then investing in property is a very profitable thing, prices land, houses and so on will continue to rise so investing in property will never lose money.
Well, the mindset in using money is something that we really have to pay attention to. Because sometimes when we have a lot of money, we often use money in ineffective ways, such as buying things that we really don't really need or for fun and the like. Our mindset must be directed to future improvements. As you said that is like using money to invest and such. The point is we have to make the money we have can be capital to bring in more money. (profit)
I think for things like this, it's not about mindset but about self-control.
The situation when we have more money makes us able to turn into someone we recognize because of our hedonistic nature so even if our mindset is changed so as not to be wasteful it will also not be able to be created if our self-control is lacking.
We have to try to take action instead of just thinking about it because I think it will still be the same in the end if we just make it seem as if we are thinking about not being wasteful but in reality we still become a hedonistic person because we have more money.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: arimamib on August 04, 2023, 10:00:22 PM

[6] You don't have money forever - It's not true that until we get old you don't have money, it's actually a wrong mindset. We should not use the difficulty we are facing as an excuse just for that matter. If anyone wants to get out of poverty, you must change your mindset, think that there is hope, and you must believe in yourself that you can get out of poverty.

A person will not really advance or become rich if he has a poor mindset in his mind, even if they don't change it. Because you feel like you're not like this, I'm just poor, I don't have the ability, and so on so you can't start acting.

It must start with ourselves that you have a strong burning desire or drive to get out of your situation. Because if you just lie down and wait for what's coming, nothing in your life will ever change. YOU MUST TAKE ACTION NOW...

Sometimes there are still many people who are negligent in dealing with everything that can certainly be the beginning of a change in their life, by taking advantage of opportunities, of course, it is much better when it comes to our lives, because the opportunity to be able to start from everything, of course, starts from the smallest things  first
Automatically everyone will start from the smallest point to the biggest point and this becomes an encouragement for someone in responding to how important it is to know the mindset about money that can change their life to be more efficient in dealing with all the unexpected things that they.

Now in achieving a pattern that can balance an income and expenses, good management is needed. So in taking advantage of opportunities when they get easy money where they must have a direction to build a business, in other words they benefit from the money they currently have. Whether it's building a business or making investments that can generate money so that their money circulation is always stable without a crisis approaching them.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Uruhara on August 05, 2023, 04:44:25 AM
When we have a lot of money then we seem to be controlled by our lust to continue spending that money, from now on we must be able to change that thinking, use money for productive things such as investments, if the state's security conditions are good then investing in property is a very profitable thing, prices land, houses and so on will continue to rise so investing in property will never lose money.
Well, the mindset in using money is something that we really have to pay attention to. Because sometimes when we have a lot of money, we often use money in ineffective ways, such as buying things that we really don't really need or for fun and the like. Our mindset must be directed to future improvements. As you said that is like using money to invest and such. The point is we have to make the money we have can be capital to bring in more money. (profit)
I think for things like this, it's not about mindset but about self-control.
The situation when we have more money makes us able to turn into someone we recognize because of our hedonistic nature so even if our mindset is changed so as not to be wasteful it will also not be able to be created if our self-control is lacking.
We have to try to take action instead of just thinking about it because I think it will still be the same in the end if we just make it seem as if we are thinking about not being wasteful but in reality we still become a hedonistic person because we have more money.
You are right that self-control or self-discipline in the use of money is indeed one thing that is also very important. And I think both self-control and mindset are equally important. The two must go hand in hand with each other. We will start trying to control ourselves when we have started to realize and start to think that our behavior so far has been inappropriate and too wasteful. So that a thought arises to be more efficient. And you are right that after this it is self-control that then takes control and becomes decisive. whether that person will ignore his thoughts that want to save money or he will follow his thoughts to save money by refraining from unnecessary expenses. So I think self-control, mindset and financial management all have to come together in the end. and cannot be used only one and ignore the others.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: gunhell16 on August 05, 2023, 12:56:10 PM
Many people think that happiness is only measured by money, in my opinion this is the wrong thought because many people are depressed, stressed to suicide because of money, when someone has a business with 1000 employees, almost every second there will be an issue that makes it difficult for him to eat and difficult sleep so that it makes him tortured
Yes of Course. Money is not a source of happiness. Because to be happy is actually quite simple, namely by always being grateful for what we have and always thinking positively. Whereas the things that make a person unhappy are when he becomes greedy and always feels lacking and he always has negative thoughts.

Although money is not a source of happiness, money is one way that can bring someone to happiness. that is, a person who is always grateful to God Almighty when he succeeds in getting money and uses that money to buy the things he wants.

Yes that's correct dude, there are other people remain happy even they don't have enough money just like the other have a lot of it. Because for them money can't buy it. Perhaps, money is their only second option of happiness. Although, majority are are focusing themselves to gain a lot of money to bring happiness for them.

Actually sometimes, if we focus to much about money,  we didn't notice to ourselves that become greed and controlled by money in which is not a good thing either.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Hamphser on August 05, 2023, 08:55:50 PM
Many people think that happiness is only measured by money, in my opinion this is the wrong thought because many people are depressed, stressed to suicide because of money, when someone has a business with 1000 employees, almost every second there will be an issue that makes it difficult for him to eat and difficult sleep so that it makes him tortured
Yes of Course. Money is not a source of happiness. Because to be happy is actually quite simple, namely by always being grateful for what we have and always thinking positively. Whereas the things that make a person unhappy are when he becomes greedy and always feels lacking and he always has negative thoughts.

Although money is not a source of happiness, money is one way that can bring someone to happiness. that is, a person who is always grateful to God Almighty when he succeeds in getting money and uses that money to buy the things he wants.

Yes that's correct dude, there are other people remain happy even they don't have enough money just like the other have a lot of it. Because for them money can't buy it. Perhaps, money is their only second option of happiness. Although, majority are are focusing themselves to gain a lot of money to bring happiness for them.

Actually sometimes, if we focus to much about money,  we didn't notice to ourselves that become greed and controlled by money in which is not a good thing either.

We cant really be able to deny that money now is really part of happiness since we could really be able to do things that we do want which it would really be needing money. Yes, there are things which money cant

buy like love,time,respect,loyalty and other similar things.We know that if we do tend to travel or go to other places then it do involves money.Even on the simplest activity like going out with your family on a restaurant or buying up something like present or needs or wants then it do involves money and on the time that someone receives it then for sure they would really be happy with that and this is why its really hard to resist on or going against on the idea that money can buy everything and even happiness on which i dont really oppose into this idea. This is why we are really that thriving or doing our very best in terms of
getting more income sources or revenue which it isnt only limited on doing our day job but also on having other businesses and investment.

It all matters on how you would really be handling yourself and its true about having that contentment. Dont make yourself that too desperate or being that too greedy because we know that it do always have that negative effect if we arent really that making yourself wary.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: cryptomaniac_xxx on August 05, 2023, 09:09:06 PM
Many people think that happiness is only measured by money, in my opinion this is the wrong thought because many people are depressed, stressed to suicide because of money, when someone has a business with 1000 employees, almost every second there will be an issue that makes it difficult for him to eat and difficult sleep so that it makes him tortured
Yes of Course. Money is not a source of happiness. Because to be happy is actually quite simple, namely by always being grateful for what we have and always thinking positively. Whereas the things that make a person unhappy are when he becomes greedy and always feels lacking and he always has negative thoughts.

Although money is not a source of happiness, money is one way that can bring someone to happiness. that is, a person who is always grateful to God Almighty when he succeeds in getting money and uses that money to buy the things he wants.

Yes that's correct dude, there are other people remain happy even they don't have enough money just like the other have a lot of it. Because for them money can't buy it. Perhaps, money is their only second option of happiness. Although, majority are are focusing themselves to gain a lot of money to bring happiness for them.

For others, health is more important than money. I have been going in and out in a prestigious hospitals in our country and I've seen people with money suffering and I just thought to myself that this people can't bring their money with them if they die. However, they could have live a good life and then we have to think of the next generation. So maybe yeah, still good to have money and produces generational wealth to your kids and grand kids and their grand kids. That is the vicious circle of life. So there is nothing wrong with the mindset of having money for us and for our love ones. And the OP gives us a good hint on how to create our own wealth.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: nurilham on August 05, 2023, 09:20:08 PM
Yes that's correct dude, there are other people remain happy even they don't have enough money just like the other have a lot of it. Because for them money can't buy it. Perhaps, money is their only second option of happiness. Although, majority are are focusing themselves to gain a lot of money to bring happiness for them.

Actually sometimes, if we focus to much about money,  we didn't notice to ourselves that become greed and controlled by money in which is not a good thing either.
How much money we have, doesn't determine the happiness of someone. The happiness is about how someone can feel freely, without feeling the burden of life. The point is how someone can manage their mind properly. If someone only thinks about money, it even makes him to feel more difficult in his life. The happiness actually can come from any sources, it isn't only about the amount of money.

If money has the most role to determine people's happiness, people who live in a city should be happier than villagers. In reality, the villagers seems happier, people who live in a city can be more stressful due to life style and any other things.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Alpha Marine on August 05, 2023, 10:16:20 PM
Yes of Course. Money is not a source of happiness. Because to be happy is actually quite simple, namely by always being grateful for what we have and always thinking positively. Whereas the things that make a person unhappy are when he becomes greedy and always feels lacking and he always has negative thoughts.

Although money is not a source of happiness, money is one way that can bring someone to happiness. that is, a person who is always grateful to God Almighty when he succeeds in getting money and uses that money to buy the things he wants.

You're contradicting yourself. First, you say money is not "a" source of happiness, then later you say "Although money is not a source of happiness, money is one way that can bring someone to happiness

You're wrong though. Money is a source of happiness. Emphasis on "a source", not "the source". It's very hard for you not to be happy when you don't have money, especially in the world we live in today where everything requires money.
You can't pay bills, no electricity, no water, no rent and you'll be happy? C'mon, let's be realistic.
Imagine you not having money for your kid's fees and you think you'll be happy? It doesn't mean you'll get depressed and all, but there's no way you'll be okay if you don't have money to afford your basic needs.
Some things gives happiness, money is certainly among those things.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Uruhara on August 06, 2023, 02:59:01 AM
Yes of Course. Money is not a source of happiness. Because to be happy is actually quite simple, namely by always being grateful for what we have and always thinking positively. Whereas the things that make a person unhappy are when he becomes greedy and always feels lacking and he always has negative thoughts.

Although money is not a source of happiness, money is one way that can bring someone to happiness. that is, a person who is always grateful to God Almighty when he succeeds in getting money and uses that money to buy the things he wants.

You're contradicting yourself. First, you say money is not "a" source of happiness, then later you say "Although money is not a source of happiness, money is one way that can bring someone to happiness

You're wrong though. Money is a source of happiness. Emphasis on "a source", not "the source". It's very hard for you not to be happy when you don't have money, especially in the world we live in today where everything requires money.
You can't pay bills, no electricity, no water, no rent and you'll be happy? C'mon, let's be realistic.
Imagine you not having money for your kid's fees and you think you'll be happy? It doesn't mean you'll get depressed and all, but there's no way you'll be okay if you don't have money to afford your basic needs.
Some things gives happiness, money is certainly among those things.
If money is mentioned as a source of happiness then of course all happiness will be focused on money. Then I did not perceive money as such.

I prefer to liken happiness to an ocean. And yes, we know that many rivers flow and eventually all rivers lead to the sea. Now, money is likened to a flowing river that can deliver water to the sea. There are so many rivers that end into the sea. then there are so many ways and ways that lead to happiness and money one of them. But money is not the source of happiness but only one way that brings and flows to happiness.

this is what i mean. Money, Love, High rank (position/power), popularity. It's all like a river that leads to the ocean. and well that means that all of them can also lead us to reach happiness.

There are many people who have a lot of money, a beautiful wife, a magnificent house and a high position but they are not happy. Even his life is filled with fear and he finds it difficult to find peace in his life. In fact, many surveys about people who experience insomnia are not because it is difficult economically. they have a lot of money but they can't sleep because their nerves are strained by too much thinking and the calm in their life is gone. So happiness is a complex thing. Easy but hard. Easy to get for those who are good at being grateful for life. and hard to come by for dirty-hearted people who are always greedy, prejudiced, and always jealous of others and so on.

sorry if my words are difficult to understand. Because sometimes it's hard to pour the right words to convey what I mean. But I feel that actually what you mean and what I mean are the same. it's just that the method of delivery and the method of disclosure are slightly different. thus giving birth to a different meaning.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: dezoel on August 06, 2023, 06:42:15 PM
When we have a lot of money then we seem to be controlled by our lust to continue spending that money, from now on we must be able to change that thinking, use money for productive things such as investments, if the state's security conditions are good then investing in property is a very profitable thing, prices land, houses and so on will continue to rise so investing in property will never lose money.
I think that was normal because we never had those things yet and we always been dreaming of them by the time that we are still poor. Once we have them I guess that must be the time to settle down and we should now use our money wisely. It's hard to invest if you are poor because your money is only limited.

You can only buy less asset and you can only earn less profit. The more it will get lesser if you constantly pull out your investment because you don't have money anymore. If we are poor, I think it's also hard to invest on real estate because they are pricey but thankfully there are now cryptos. It's only possible to invest small amounts on them.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: edy_58 on August 07, 2023, 04:02:50 AM
Yes that's correct dude, there are other people remain happy even they don't have enough money just like the other have a lot of it. Because for them money can't buy it. Perhaps, money is their only second option of happiness. Although, majority are are focusing themselves to gain a lot of money to bring happiness for them.

Actually sometimes, if we focus to much about money,  we didn't notice to ourselves that become greed and controlled by money in which is not a good thing either.

It's true that everyone has their own perspective on how to enjoy their life, that to achieve happiness for them is not always rewarded with money, they can even get it from other things, such as having a family that understands one another. And I also agree with what you said there are some people who focus too much on their money so they become greedy and can't respect other people because they think they can do it with their money.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: dothebeats on August 07, 2023, 09:06:18 AM
Yes that's correct dude, there are other people remain happy even they don't have enough money just like the other have a lot of it. Because for them money can't buy it. Perhaps, money is their only second option of happiness. Although, majority are are focusing themselves to gain a lot of money to bring happiness for them.

Actually sometimes, if we focus to much about money,  we didn't notice to ourselves that become greed and controlled by money in which is not a good thing either.

It's true that everyone has their own perspective on how to enjoy their life, that to achieve happiness for them is not always rewarded with money, they can even get it from other things, such as having a family that understands one another. And I also agree with what you said there are some people who focus too much on their money so they become greedy and can't respect other people because they think they can do it with their money.

Hence this is why we need to have and know balance. Sometimes we let our feelings towards our family and loved ones control our decisions too much that it leaves us financially indebted, while other times we let ourselves be too greedy and only focus on where and how we can get more money that we fail to see that we are losing connection and time with our family and loved ones. With proper balance we can achieve both. 

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Compromise me on August 07, 2023, 10:38:05 AM
Snip ~
I agree with you, thoughts are things. When poor people think like a rich people, the result will be same for rich people and poor people people.If someone is doing job, he should know how to build a business. If he will  increase knowledge and experience about business and investing, he  would be owner of business in a few  years. In this way, anybody can escape from poverty. Because job holder has limited resources. He/she can increase knowledge and experience about business and can start a part a part time business. In this way, he has possibility to achieve success financially. He/ she can read books about real estate investing and can invest in real estate. He/she can  buy and sell running businesses. In this way , by buying real assets anyone can become rich.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: fullhdpixel on August 08, 2023, 06:29:23 AM
Yes, there are a lot of opportunities to earn money, but our mindset and perspective drive us whether we will jump in and take a risk for more opportunities or just keep staying in our comfort zones and be contented with what we already have.
It depends on the wishes of everyone who still intends to make money in his life, because until now there are still people who consider their comfort zone more satisfied with what they already have so they no longer want to take risks on other opportunities. Even though every opportunity that exists is an opportunity for him to continue to get a better income even though he has to go through obstacles such as risk, but that will not be a big problem for those who still really want to fight in an opportunity to achieve better results.
Financial safety is what makes us take steps toward better opportunities, which means if we know that even if we take the risk of trying and grabbing an opportunity for something better, and if we fail in it, we won't lose our current status and position, that is when we will be confident and think of taking the step, but if we are not certain and we are risking our current status only for something better that is not even a guaranteed opportunity, we might not take it.

That is the biggest reason why a lot of people rather stay with their current position and status instead of going ahead and taking the step towards the opportunity because they are afraid of thinking what if they couldn't make it? If that happens, they also won't have what they have right now.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: dothebeats on August 08, 2023, 11:25:55 AM
Yes, there are a lot of opportunities to earn money, but our mindset and perspective drive us whether we will jump in and take a risk for more opportunities or just keep staying in our comfort zones and be contented with what we already have.
It depends on the wishes of everyone who still intends to make money in his life, because until now there are still people who consider their comfort zone more satisfied with what they already have so they no longer want to take risks on other opportunities. Even though every opportunity that exists is an opportunity for him to continue to get a better income even though he has to go through obstacles such as risk, but that will not be a big problem for those who still really want to fight in an opportunity to achieve better results.
Financial safety is what makes us take steps toward better opportunities, which means if we know that even if we take the risk of trying and grabbing an opportunity for something better, and if we fail in it, we won't lose our current status and position, that is when we will be confident and think of taking the step, but if we are not certain and we are risking our current status only for something better that is not even a guaranteed opportunity, we might not take it.

That is the biggest reason why a lot of people rather stay with their current position and status instead of going ahead and taking the step towards the opportunity because they are afraid of thinking what if they couldn't make it? If that happens, they also won't have what they have right now.

This is true and the actual reality. You need to take risks in order to grow and move forward with where you are right now, but you also need to know when to take that risk to ensure that you are not making a decision that will bring you down. You cannot just keep on going for the green light without considering the factors that will affect you, risks can either make or break you and your business, hence it should be considered accordingly and be thought out properly.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Youngkhngdiddy on August 08, 2023, 07:59:46 PM
Often, our mistakes and mindsets about money can hinder our progress and prevent us from achieving success in life. Negative attitudes towards money can be detrimental, closing us off from the potential we could reach if we adopt the right mindset and use our money wisely.

In discussing this topic, it's important to understand various correct mindsets about money. Let's delve into a few key points:

1. Money is Everywhere: While we were raised to study hard and secure a job, this isn't the only path to earning money. You have the opportunity to build a business or offer services to generate income. In the past, career choices were often influenced by popularity or demand, but times have changed. Many unconventional avenues can be profitable, such as pursuing artistic talents or hobbies that have a potential market. Remember, as long as what you do has value, there's an audience willing to pay for it.

2. Unlimited Income Potential: It's common to have a limited perspective on income. Some people cling to a single job for years, earning fixed salaries. Yet, numerous opportunities exist with an open mind. Consider a scenario where someone has worked for years but could have tripled their income by leveraging skills and exploring other opportunities. It's essential not to limit yourself; explore different options and don't hesitate to switch roles or companies for better prospects.

3. Investing in Yourself: Instead of solely relying on saving or free resources, be prepared to invest in yourself. Spending money to enhance your skills and knowledge can lead to greater earnings. Learning increases your earning potential, so don't shy away from spending on books, courses, seminars, or tools that improve your abilities. Remember, personal development is an investment

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Pejoh Asu on October 17, 2023, 01:14:25 AM
Almost everything nowadays has to be exchanged for money, it cannot be denied anymore that the role of money is very important, social values which when I was a child were very easy to find are now increasingly rare and difficult to find a social life that helps each other, money can really make anyone become a king because with money everything you want can be easy obtained.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: barisbilgili on October 17, 2023, 04:26:11 AM
Almost everything nowadays has to be exchanged for money, it cannot be denied anymore that the role of money is very important, social values which when I was a child were very easy to find are now increasingly rare and difficult to find a social life that helps each other, money can really make anyone become a king because with money everything you want can be easy obtained.

Yes, currently money is very valuable as a medium of exchange because no matter how small the work we do, we will of course ask for wages for the work we do to be paid in money, so at the moment there are very few people who have social feelings with their neighbors. is greatly reduced because they have to think about themselves and it's not like before, everyone can easily help each other with anything. You are right that now those who have a lot of money will find it easy to do anything because many people will want to help them because the people who help them will know that after they help them they will definitely get a reward from that person.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Arenga pinnata on October 17, 2023, 08:39:19 AM
Almost everything nowadays has to be exchanged for money, it cannot be denied anymore that the role of money is very important, social values which when I was a child were very easy to find are now increasingly rare and difficult to find a social life that helps each other, money can really make anyone become a king because with money everything you want can be easy obtained.

We cannot deny that money is currently one of the most important things in this world. Because nowadays everything has its own price. And with money we can even become rulers easily. But sometimes money can make someone forget their own identity. Like someone who is very kind when he only makes a little money. But he turned into a bad person when he had a lot of money. Well, I know someone like that. But not everything is like that. Sometimes it's the opposite. that is, people become kinder and more generous when they have a lot of money. So one thing that is certain is that we must not lose our conscience on this journey to make more money. Because money can be poison or medicine according to who uses it.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Inwestour on October 17, 2023, 11:08:10 AM
For others, health is more important than money. I have been going in and out in a prestigious hospitals in our country and I've seen people with money suffering and I just thought to myself that this people can't bring their money with them if they die. However, they could have live a good life and then we have to think of the next generation. So maybe yeah, still good to have money and produces generational wealth to your kids and grand kids and their grand kids. That is the vicious circle of life. So there is nothing wrong with the mindset of having money for us and for our love ones. And the OP gives us a good hint on how to create our own wealth.

In the case where wealth is put above health, things always end badly. When you are sick, you won’t be able to get any joy from money. It’s just as stupid to save your whole life in order to leave everything as an inheritance to your children, you also need to think about yourself, as your income grows, you always need to improve your standard of living. It always depends only on us, on our decisions, if we don’t change in our heads, then it won’t come by itself.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: kingvirtus09 on October 17, 2023, 12:44:18 PM
When it comes to money, we all have different perspectives and opinions. So, in addition to the other points raised by the OP, I agree with him that we don't always have money. This is correct, and I agree.

Of course, no one can make money unless they take action, right? We can't make money sitting around doing nothing if we don't work on anything. We will not get any money until we act and discover a means to get it.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Dickiy on October 17, 2023, 01:54:55 PM
For others, health is more important than money. I have been going in and out in a prestigious hospitals in our country and I've seen people with money suffering and I just thought to myself that this people can't bring their money with them if they die. However, they could have live a good life and then we have to think of the next generation. So maybe yeah, still good to have money and produces generational wealth to your kids and grand kids and their grand kids. That is the vicious circle of life. So there is nothing wrong with the mindset of having money for us and for our love ones. And the OP gives us a good hint on how to create our own wealth.

In the case where wealth is put above health, things always end badly. When you are sick, you won’t be able to get any joy from money. It’s just as stupid to save your whole life in order to leave everything as an inheritance to your children, you also need to think about yourself, as your income grows, you always need to improve your standard of living. It always depends only on us, on our decisions, if we don’t change in our heads, then it won’t come by itself.

Yes, it's true because health is expensive, because if you fall ill you can't do anything but lie down to rest waiting to get healthy again, no matter how much money we have it won't be able to give us full pleasure. I also understand that everything needs money but not all things can be solved with money if you have a lot of money there is nothing wrong with passing it on to our children with the right purpose to open a business or what as long as you can divide it equally to each of your children so that it does not become a problem in the end.

Basically, money is very sensitive, it can give you pleasure that you never expected and it can also be a trigger for problems, it is not uncommon. Therefore, whether you are rich or ordinary, you need to really have good management in terms of money, allocate it to several places that you can trust and certainly promise if your wealth is to continue to grow with greater reciprocity.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Uruhara on October 17, 2023, 11:41:36 PM
When it comes to money, we all have different perspectives and opinions. So, in addition to the other points raised by the OP, I agree with him that we don't always have money. This is correct, and I agree.

Of course, no one can make money unless they take action, right? We can't make money sitting around doing nothing if we don't work on anything. We will not get any money until we act and discover a means to get it.

Yes, it takes effort and hard work to earn money. And because of this, money is very valuable. Because getting it requires hard work and time. And if we understand how hard it is to get money, then of course we also have to manage our finances so that they are better. We must not waste the money we have. We have to use it for useful things and not just for fun. But we work hard and earn money in the end to survive and also gain happiness. But money won't come by itself if we don't work to get it. And we can't work if we're sick. So at this point still health is more important than money. So everything has to be measured according to its portion. Work as hard as you can and don't force yourself.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: passwordnow on October 17, 2023, 11:52:07 PM
Having money everywhere is so real. It is that we're ignoring the opportunities that we can have from those things. I'm guilty on this part when I've watched those kids selling lemonades and it's related to the quote about lemons and lemonades. There's the significance of how you react to a situation and that's why you need to look and think outside of the box for you to see. And it is true that money is unlimited for you to earn but it varies to our situations, talents, and skills. If we're not also doing the right thing, we will not see that. Anyway, it's easy to say these things when you can prove that to yourselves, and we have our own battles to defeat and check all of these opportunities. We all need to check ourselves on where we really are thriving and what are our strengths. And if you can't still determine that, you need to find that as soon as possible for you to have more time in accomplishing these successes before you ran out of time or you lose your appetite in grinding and pushing your dreams and goals.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: slapper on October 18, 2023, 01:32:49 AM
For others, health is more important than money. I have been going in and out in a prestigious hospitals in our country and I've seen people with money suffering and I just thought to myself that this people can't bring their money with them if they die. However, they could have live a good life and then we have to think of the next generation. So maybe yeah, still good to have money and produces generational wealth to your kids and grand kids and their grand kids. That is the vicious circle of life. So there is nothing wrong with the mindset of having money for us and for our love ones. And the OP gives us a good hint on how to create our own wealth.

In the case where wealth is put above health, things always end badly. When you are sick, you won’t be able to get any joy from money. It’s just as stupid to save your whole life in order to leave everything as an inheritance to your children, you also need to think about yourself, as your income grows, you always need to improve your standard of living. It always depends only on us, on our decisions, if we don’t change in our heads, then it won’t come by itself.

Yes, it's true because health is expensive, because if you fall ill you can't do anything but lie down to rest waiting to get healthy again, no matter how much money we have it won't be able to give us full pleasure. I also understand that everything needs money but not all things can be solved with money if you have a lot of money there is nothing wrong with passing it on to our children with the right purpose to open a business or what as long as you can divide it equally to each of your children so that it does not become a problem in the end

Basically, money is very sensitive, it can give you pleasure that you never expected and it can also be a trigger for problems, it is not uncommon. Therefore, whether you are rich or ordinary, you need to really have good management in terms of money, allocate it to several places that you can trust and certainly promise if your wealth is to continue to grow with greater reciprocity

You are entirely correct. The true wealth is good health. It's what I've always said. Is there any point if you're not healthy? If you're bedridden, money cannot purchase happiness for you. Wealthy people have enough of money, but it's not everything. And in terms of transferring it? What a great idea! However, and this is crucially important, it goes beyond the numbers. It all comes down to the drive, work ethic, and ideals.

Splitting it equally amongst your kids? Excellent! It's the most equitable approach to maintain peace and steer clear of any needless drama, if you will. Depending on how you use it, money may either be a blessing or a punishment. Thus, it is vital to handle! The key is making wise choices, regardless of whether you're sitting on a gold mine or barely getting by. Invest, diversify, and maintain a broad perspective at all times. Remember constantly that your health comes first, money comes second. That's the recipe for success!

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: boty on October 18, 2023, 02:35:14 AM
When it comes to money, we all have different perspectives and opinions. So, in addition to the other points raised by the OP, I agree with him that we don't always have money. This is correct, and I agree.

Of course, no one can make money unless they take action, right? We can't make money sitting around doing nothing if we don't work on anything. We will not get any money until we act and discover a means to get it.

Yes, it takes effort and hard work to earn money. And because of this, money is very valuable. Because getting it requires hard work and time. And if we understand how hard it is to get money, then of course we also have to manage our finances so that they are better. We must not waste the money we have. We have to use it for useful things and not just for fun. But we work hard and earn money in the end to survive and also gain happiness. But money won't come by itself if we don't work to get it. And we can't work if we're sick. So at this point still health is more important than money. So everything has to be measured according to its portion. Work as hard as you can and don't force yourself.
If we know how difficult it is to earn money, of course we will be very good at managing how we spend the money we have. Enjoying income is a natural thing for people who have it, but we have to do it for the right things and don't use it for things that are not necessary. You are right, without looking for it, money will not come by itself. We have to try to do work to earn income and even when working, we have limitations. We must still think about our health so that we don't do too much work with the aim of making a lot of money so that we get sick.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: DubemIfedigbo001 on October 18, 2023, 03:42:04 AM
Yeah, there's money everywhere, but you got to do something extra to earn good money from your chosen career. You don't just do the average thing that others are doing and expect to be exceptional and make real wealth, the old consistent patterns are either outdated, or people are gradually getting used to them and not triggered anymore by the same old patterns.
Truth is, to make money in any field recently, creativity is key. You need to add that extra spice to  boost your presence and paint a different picture in peoples minds. That's what we call your product Niche or unique selling point. This will be your private strategy to penetrate and dominate the market and will lead to success if consistently applied and updated.

There's an equal opportunity for everyone in the  world today and only those with entrepreneurial mindset sees and grabs those opportunities, work hard and tirelessly to exploit it to the fullest. Like the favorite quote from the bible "many are called, but few are chosen". We are all called by nature to take advantage of resources and opportunities available, but only few go the extra mile, put in the extra effort, grab the necessary skills and succeed in their  chosen field.
I'll Also grab a phrase from Kiyosaki which states that knowledge alone doesn't pay you, way pays you is what you do with the knowledge and as Elon Musk said sometime ago, "learn" first and then remove the "L", which means "earn". These principles are very paramount if you intend making real money and staying relevant in business.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Richbased on October 18, 2023, 04:36:43 AM
The world is filled with boundless opportunities that can make anyone live a comfortable life. One problem is to identify these opportunities because they usually don't look viable. People have failed to identify opportunities because they are expecting these opportunities to look like opportunities. They next level is to utilize these opportunities.

Of course the world is open to many ideas that can help us be okay in life, in as much as life is concern there is no limit to greatness if the right approach is being applied towards achieving a goal
Procrastination and excuses are always the main impediments to utilizing opportunities. Most people complain about the government, lack of finance, and others thereby missing out on an opportunity.

Over time, negativity has also been a force that has hindered our success before often time we only look at the difficulties that surrounds a task rather the possibility of scaling it through and putting blames on our government can never change anything because the government will not cook meals and bring it to your domain. It is important for us to discard this impression of always channeling blames to our government as the government roles in our lives are limited so it should be noted that everyone will be accountable of whatever that happens in their lives.
Learning a new skill can be a good means of gaining additional income. One can learn a highly needed skill which can lead to a change of job or a side job. These side jobs can complement your normal income and make you financially stable. Wasting money on pleasure or unnecessary activities will lead to financial problems. It will be better to invest the money in other profitable ventures. The world is going through a lot of economic problems there is a need to spend less and invest more.

Some person needs money to establish a skill they learnt so in a scenario whereby they do not have the finance to propagate their skills it becomes a problem so one can still be involved in menial jobs to raise fund in other to establish one's skills.
But we should also note that it is not everybody that will be rich. Some people derive fulfillment from a low paying job and they are okay. They are not so much concerned about acquiring so much wealth but they just want to provide their basic needs and enjoy their jobs. Sometimes your passion might not necessarily lead to money-making, it could just be a source of fun, joy, and fulfillment. It might not also be out of place to monetize your skill but the focus should not always be to make money but to impact people's lives positively and derive fulfillment.

I don't believe that everyone can't be rich, we all can make it in life if we apply the basic techniques in any field of our specialization even if we ain't earning much but let it be that your earnings are always coming then you can save and invest part of your income for future purposes.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Ben Barubal on October 18, 2023, 04:59:31 AM
When it comes to money, we all have different perspectives and opinions. So, in addition to the other points raised by the OP, I agree with him that we don't always have money. This is correct, and I agree.

Of course, no one can make money unless they take action, right? We can't make money sitting around doing nothing if we don't work on anything. We will not get any money until we act and discover a means to get it.

Yes, it takes effort and hard work to earn money. And because of this, money is very valuable. Because getting it requires hard work and time. And if we understand how hard it is to get money, then of course we also have to manage our finances so that they are better. We must not waste the money we have. We have to use it for useful things and not just for fun. But we work hard and earn money in the end to survive and also gain happiness. But money won't come by itself if we don't work to get it. And we can't work if we're sick. So at this point still health is more important than money. So everything has to be measured according to its portion. Work as hard as you can and don't force yourself.
If we know how difficult it is to earn money, of course we will be very good at managing how we spend the money we have. Enjoying income is a natural thing for people who have it, but we have to do it for the right things and don't use it for things that are not necessary. You are right, without looking for it, money will not come by itself. We have to try to do work to earn income and even when working, we have limitations. We must still think about our health so that we don't do too much work with the aim of making a lot of money so that we get sick.

    In short, the money we didn't work hard for is easy to spend, but the money you know you worked hard for is sure to be valued truly and rightly. There is the feeling that you will value every single cent of it.

   That's why every hard-earned income should go to meaningful things. If you want to gift yourself, it's normal, in my opinion, as long as you take the consequences, whether you're going to do it for good or bad purposes.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Richbased on October 18, 2023, 05:25:52 AM

    In short, the money we didn't work hard for is easy to spend, but the money you know you worked hard for is sure to be valued truly and rightly. There is the feeling that you will value every single cent of it.

I don't believe that money made without much effort is easy to spend it is dependent on the individual that has the money to decide whether to make judicious use of it or to spend it on frivolous things. You can't tell me that because you made money so easily is enough reason for you not make good use of your money it is a very wrong narrative
  Thats why every hard-earned income should go to meaningful things. If you want to gift yourself, it's normal, in my opinion, as long as you take the consequences, whether you're going to do it for good or bad purposes.

There's is no money that is meant to be set aside for meaningful things and less important things, every money you made needs to be spent wisely be it had earned money or a money you got without much stress. We should change this narrative of spending money we made through a hard means carefully and the one we got in a platter of gold extravagantly, money is meant to be valued therefore it should be spent on meaningful things

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Dickiy on October 18, 2023, 06:23:16 AM
Yes, it's true because health is expensive, because if you fall ill you can't do anything but lie down to rest waiting to get healthy again, no matter how much money we have it won't be able to give us full pleasure. I also understand that everything needs money but not all things can be solved with money if you have a lot of money there is nothing wrong with passing it on to our children with the right purpose to open a business or what as long as you can divide it equally to each of your children so that it does not become a problem in the end

Basically, money is very sensitive, it can give you pleasure that you never expected and it can also be a trigger for problems, it is not uncommon. Therefore, whether you are rich or ordinary, you need to really have good management in terms of money, allocate it to several places that you can trust and certainly promise if your wealth is to continue to grow with greater reciprocity

You are entirely correct. The true wealth is good health. It's what I've always said. Is there any point if you're not healthy? If you're bedridden, money cannot purchase happiness for you. Wealthy people have enough of money, but it's not everything. And in terms of transferring it? What a great idea! However, and this is crucially important, it goes beyond the numbers. It all comes down to the drive, work ethic, and ideals.

Splitting it equally amongst your kids? Excellent! It's the most equitable approach to maintain peace and steer clear of any needless drama, if you will. Depending on how you use it, money may either be a blessing or a punishment. Thus, it is vital to handle! The key is making wise choices, regardless of whether you're sitting on a gold mine or barely getting by. Invest, diversify, and maintain a broad perspective at all times. Remember constantly that your health comes first, money comes second. That's the recipe for success!

Yes of course and the key is to stay grateful, we can see some of them whose finances are ordinary but I see them as happy and not only that, when I asked if you were happy with this kind of life? they answered "the important thing is that all my family and I are healthy it is more than enough and for money problems it can be found", a statement that is quite impressive and indirectly it makes me more grateful for everything I already have. Meanwhile it is not uncommon to see some of them (rich people) who always complain in their lives even though they have a lot of money, many problems always come to them. Like the words "the higher the tree, the stronger the wind" I think this is quite reasonable logic, when you are in the highest position in your life (financial wealth) then obviously as we know the tests that are there will also be more difficult, and in such conditions of course we need many ways to be able to balance and manage it.

Of course in terms of dividing an inheritance we or they as parents must really be able to divide it evenly, as we know there are so many problems that we hear about related to those who are unfair in dividing their inheritance and end up becoming a problem or even have also heard of their children killing each other because one of them feels that it is unfair. This means that money cannot completely bring us happiness but it is also very likely to become a problem that we never expected. Therefore, we must be fair in dividing the inheritance and agree as you said that we must be really wise in distributing it.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: redsun114 on October 24, 2023, 05:28:23 PM
In short, the money we didn't work hard for is easy to spend, but the money you know you worked hard for is sure to be valued truly and rightly. There is the feeling that you will value every single cent of it.
I don't believe that money made without much effort is easy to spend it is dependent on the individual that has the money to decide whether to make judicious use of it or to spend it on frivolous things. You can't tell me that because you made money so easily is enough reason for you not make good use of your money it is a very wrong narrative
I think both of you are right. If we take lottery winners as a sample, we can hear stories that they became poor again after some time but then there are also who became more richer because they use the money properly. They invest it in the profitable assets, use to create their own business, and so on... No matter what way we obtain the money (hard or easy) it is important to spend it wisely so that we won't become problematic later on.

We should advance think the consequences if we are feeling greedy so that we can prevent our selves from doing the wrong thing. Thanks for the nice tips by the way @OP. May all of us can apply it and improve our mindset when it comes to money ;).

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Fortify on October 24, 2023, 08:38:33 PM
A person will not really advance or become rich if he has a poor mindset in his mind, even if they don't change it. Because you feel like you're not like this, I'm just poor, I don't have the ability, and so on so you can't start acting.

It must start with ourselves that you have a strong burning desire or drive to get out of your situation. Because if you just lie down and wait for what's coming, nothing in your life will ever change. YOU MUST TAKE ACTION NOW...

You make a lot of good points, the main one being that education is critical and putting your money to work requires a learning process where you may lose some money occasionally. As long as you assess and learn from your mistakes, it's a valuable lesson that may even be cost effective. All the best business people have one thing in common, which is a willingness to test, optimize and drop bad ideas until they find a winner. Going in with a lot of knowledge, more than the average person, is going to be your best defense against losing money. Understanding fees that are connected with any services you use can also make a huge difference to your long term returns, paying 2% fees instead of 0.5% fees can add up to tens of thousands of your dollars lost to compounding over long time periods.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: poodle63 on October 25, 2023, 01:01:03 AM

    In short, the money we didn't work hard for is easy to spend, but the money you know you worked hard for is sure to be valued truly and rightly. There is the feeling that you will value every single cent of it.

   That's why every hard-earned income should go to meaningful things. If you want to gift yourself, it's normal, in my opinion, as long as you take the consequences, whether you're going to do it for good or bad purposes.
not really, its depends on how consumtive someone is, hard earned money, not hard earned money its the same, its money.
therefore if someone is just outright consumtive, then they are definitely just gonna use all there money in existences.
meanwhile if they know to hold back, they can save some money.
but honestly, saving money won't do much, its always increasing income that do much more to fix our lives than just saving money.
because with higher income, getting money is easy and make it abundant.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: slapper on October 25, 2023, 02:41:14 AM

Yes of course and the key is to stay grateful, we can see some of them whose finances are ordinary but I see them as happy and not only that, when I asked if you were happy with this kind of life? they answered "the important thing is that all my family and I are healthy it is more than enough and for money problems it can be found", a statement that is quite impressive and indirectly it makes me more grateful for everything I already have. Meanwhile it is not uncommon to see some of them (rich people) who always complain in their lives even though they have a lot of money, many problems always come to them. Like the words "the higher the tree, the stronger the wind" I think this is quite reasonable logic, when you are in the highest position in your life (financial wealth) then obviously as we know the tests that are there will also be more difficult, and in such conditions of course we need many ways to be able to balance and manage it.

Of course in terms of dividing an inheritance we or they as parents must really be able to divide it evenly, as we know there are so many problems that we hear about related to those who are unfair in dividing their inheritance and end up becoming a problem or even have also heard of their children killing each other because one of them feels that it is unfair. This means that money cannot completely bring us happiness but it is also very likely to become a problem that we never expected. Therefore, we must be fair in dividing the inheritance and agree as you said that we must be really wise in distributing it.
Money, as we all know, is not everything. I've encountered a large number of people who are financially average but satisfied. They are sincerely satisfied! And it's because they value health, family, and the simple joys of life. It is exceptionally remarkable. On the other hand, I have observed extremely wealthy individuals who are never happy. They have money, lots of money, but they're always complaining. As the saying goes, "the higher you go, the greater the difficulties." And this is so true

When it comes to inheritance, however, it's a very different story. It is a grave matter, a very grave matter. We have all heard horrifying tales of families torn apart by inheritance disputes. It is devastating, in every sense. Thus, justice is vital. Fairness is important. When dividing assets, you should be fair just, and transparent. Money cannot purchase happiness, but if not handled wisely, it can cause a great deal of trouble. So, be wise, be very wise, and always, always prioritize family over finances

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: CODE200 on October 25, 2023, 04:46:30 AM

[1] There is money everywhere - When we were young, many of us were taught by our parents to study hard and then enter a good company to work after graduating. And there is nothing wrong with this, But there are also many of us who until they are old know that this is the only way to earn money, but you will notice that this is not the only option because you can build a business, offer a service to earn money of money.

I couldn't agree more on this. I remember this advice that was given to me and says that " it's easy to earn money, the hardest part is maintaining your wealth". Because literally, now that we have entered the technological age, the opportunity to generate an income have expanded and is made available for everyone. Imagine there are kids who had already have their millions, so it's not an excuse for us stay in this state of life. Money is literally everywhere; you just have to know your skills and capabilities and find out how are you going to be able to sell it on the market. Also, learn how to properly utilize the internet and take advantage from it. There are a lot of content creators out there who are earning millions, or you could even start a start-up business through online, or you can even do multiple jobs a day by doing freelancing. What I'm saying is that we just have to explore because there are countless opportunities out there.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: junder on October 25, 2023, 12:29:29 PM

    In short, the money we didn't work hard for is easy to spend, but the money you know you worked hard for is sure to be valued truly and rightly. There is the feeling that you will value every single cent of it.

   That's why every hard-earned income should go to meaningful things. If you want to gift yourself, it's normal, in my opinion, as long as you take the consequences, whether you're going to do it for good or bad purposes.
not really, its depends on how consumtive someone is, hard earned money, not hard earned money its the same, its money.
therefore if someone is just outright consumtive, then they are definitely just gonna use all there money in existences.
meanwhile if they know to hold back, they can save some money.
but honestly, saving money won't do much, its always increasing income that do much more to fix our lives than just saving money.
because with higher income, getting money is easy and make it abundant.

In my opinion, no matter how small we save but if we are consistent, maybe it will produce not maybe but definitely, Everyone does want a high income, but it will not be easy to find a job that generates high income, In general, nowadays not a few people are looking for jobs that are difficult to get. They can do a low-income job while saving money while waiting for a high-income job. Don't focus too much on putting high hopes on a high-income job when the job hasn't been found yet.

By saving money, at least there will be savings that can be used in emergencies, because if at a time like this and there is no savings money, you may experience difficulties and in my opinion you can only borrow here and there which is not necessarily going to produce what you need, with savings money it might help a little the amount of urgent needs, so there is nothing wrong with saving with a small value, while it can be my advice to do.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: bbigtart on October 25, 2023, 01:35:37 PM
If we know how difficult it is to earn money, of course we will be very good at managing how we spend the money we have. Enjoying income is a natural thing for people who have it, but we have to do it for the right things and don't use it for things that are not necessary. You are right, without looking for it, money will not come by itself. We have to try to do work to earn income and even when working, we have limitations. We must still think about our health so that we don't do too much work with the aim of making a lot of money so that we get sick.

Basically, health is more important than money, if you are sick you can't earn money so maintaining your health to stay healthy is the most important thing in changing your mindset about money. Nowadays money is difficult to find if you don't have adequate skills, but if you have the skills in modern times like now it's very easy. And it's true that financial management is the most important thing. Having a lot of income, lots of money, without good financial management, will also end in misery.

You could say the concept is like this. Where there are four priority scales that need to be implemented. important-urgent, important-not urgent, not important-urgent, and not important-not urgent. The main ones are considered important-urgent and the ones that are omitted are unimportant-not urgent.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Fara Chan on October 25, 2023, 01:45:40 PM
    In short, the money we didn't work hard for is easy to spend, but the money you know you worked hard for is sure to be valued truly and rightly. There is the feeling that you will value every single cent of it.
That's true and I think not only about money, but almost everything like that. Because what is obtained easily or for free will more often than not be well appreciated by anyone, while what is obtained with difficulty will always have better value and price and will even be looked after quite well when it is obtained. When it comes to money, most people will be more frugal when they get it harder, but money given to them by their own parents or other people will tend to be easier for them to spend on many things.

   That's why every hard-earned income should go to meaningful things. If you want to gift yourself, it's normal, in my opinion, as long as you take the consequences, whether you're going to do it for good or bad purposes.
I quite agree that every penny or money earned the hard way must continue to be appreciated for things that are meaningful and for important needs in life. Because the consequences are also quite clear if a person does not value the money he has well enough for himself, he will be more easily hit by difficulties when the money runs out.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on October 25, 2023, 02:04:50 PM
A person will not really advance or become rich if he has a poor mindset in his mind, even if they don't change it. Because you feel like you're not like this, I'm just poor, I don't have the ability, and so on so you can't start acting.

It must start with ourselves that you have a strong burning desire or drive to get out of your situation. Because if you just lie down and wait for what's coming, nothing in your life will ever change. YOU MUST TAKE ACTION NOW...

You make a lot of good points, the main one being that education is critical and putting your money to work requires a learning process where you may lose some money occasionally. As long as you assess and learn from your mistakes, it's a valuable lesson that may even be cost effective. All the best business people have one thing in common, which is a willingness to test, optimize and drop bad ideas until they find a winner. Going in with a lot of knowledge, more than the average person, is going to be your best defense against losing money. Understanding fees that are connected with any services you use can also make a huge difference to your long term returns, paying 2% fees instead of 0.5% fees can add up to tens of thousands of your dollars lost to compounding over long time periods.
Yeah, aside coming from an already wealthy family, one who is trying to change his or her story financially must be ready to scale through a lot of hurdles, it's not always as easy as it seems, making money have to start from the mind, it requires one to think about their present financial situation and feel uncomfortable about it, and not just be willing to do something to change it, but actually get up, leave that comfort zone and do something that can change everything.

And also, be very calculated when taking risks, anybody willing to make money must take some risk, but there are some risk that one could take, and it will turn out as not being smart but the person just being stupid, so in terms of going into investments that are risky, make sure to calculate the risk and make sure the risk level is worth the financial reward if won, for above all today, making money isn't all about working hard, but also being smart.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: DVlog on October 25, 2023, 02:40:20 PM
A person will not really advance or become rich if he has a poor mindset in his mind, even if they don't change it. Because you feel like you're not like this, I'm just poor, I don't have the ability, and so on so you can't start acting.

It must start with ourselves that you have a strong burning desire or drive to get out of your situation. Because if you just lie down and wait for what's coming, nothing in your life will ever change. YOU MUST TAKE ACTION NOW...

You make a lot of good points, the main one being that education is critical and putting your money to work requires a learning process where you may lose some money occasionally. As long as you assess and learn from your mistakes, it's a valuable lesson that may even be cost effective. All the best business people have one thing in common, which is a willingness to test, optimize and drop bad ideas until they find a winner. Going in with a lot of knowledge, more than the average person, is going to be your best defense against losing money. Understanding fees that are connected with any services you use can also make a huge difference to your long term returns, paying 2% fees instead of 0.5% fees can add up to tens of thousands of your dollars lost to compounding over long time periods.
Yeah, aside coming from an already wealthy family, one who is trying to change his or her story financially must be ready to scale through a lot of hurdles, it's not always as easy as it seems, making money have to start from the mind, it requires one to think about their present financial situation and feel uncomfortable about it, and not just be willing to do something to change it, but actually get up, leave that comfort zone and do something that can change everything.

And also, be very calculated when taking risks, anybody willing to make money must take some risk, but there are some risk that one could take, and it will turn out as not being smart but the person just being stupid, so in terms of going into investments that are risky, make sure to calculate the risk and make sure the risk level is worth the financial reward if won, for above all today, making money isn't all about working hard, but also being smart.

Having basic knowledge about the finance is the most important and first step if someone is trying to improve their financial status. What happens most of the time is that people don't have any idea about the difference between assets and liabilities. They sometimes spend their money on liabilities with the intention of investing them in an asset. Taking risks and working hard is the second part of the story.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Dickiy on October 25, 2023, 02:41:42 PM
If we know how difficult it is to earn money, of course we will be very good at managing how we spend the money we have. Enjoying income is a natural thing for people who have it, but we have to do it for the right things and don't use it for things that are not necessary. You are right, without looking for it, money will not come by itself. We have to try to do work to earn income and even when working, we have limitations. We must still think about our health so that we don't do too much work with the aim of making a lot of money so that we get sick.

Basically, health is more important than money, if you are sick you can't earn money so maintaining your health to stay healthy is the most important thing in changing your mindset about money. Nowadays money is difficult to find if you don't have adequate skills, but if you have the skills in modern times like now it's very easy. And it's true that financial management is the most important thing. Having a lot of income, lots of money, without good financial management, will also end in misery.

You could say the concept is like this. Where there are four priority scales that need to be implemented. important-urgent, important-not urgent, not important-urgent, and not important-not urgent. The main ones are considered important-urgent and the ones that are omitted are unimportant-not urgent.

Yes that's simple logic, life does require money but not everything can be solved with money, therefore there are also some who say that health is more important than everything, and of course I would also say that is true although maybe some speculation says it is less precise. If we are sick then it is true as you said we will not have freedom of activity and of course the work that would normally provide us with income will be disrupted and it is obviously quite difficult for us to make money when our health is compromised. Skills and experience are very important in this day and age and of course it will make it easier for us to find some jobs that might not require too much struggle, or I mean easy jobs but the results are quite satisfying because of the skills we have. Especially in the midst of this modern era, we as a society are required to keep up with the increasingly sophisticated times in any case will be able to balance life.

The perspective on money will always be related to good and proper management and it will always be, well agree with you, even if for example we have a large income it will be useless if we can't manage it, and maybe only for a period of time it will run out quickly. I agree with your concept, it's very simple but easy to understand, and I hope some people will try this method.  

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: jeha2015 on October 25, 2023, 04:00:58 PM

    In short, the money we didn't work hard for is easy to spend, but the money you know you worked hard for is sure to be valued truly and rightly. There is the feeling that you will value every single cent of it.

   That's why every hard-earned income should go to meaningful things. If you want to gift yourself, it's normal, in my opinion, as long as you take the consequences, whether you're going to do it for good or bad purposes.

In essence, whether we earn money with difficulty or easily, we have to manage our money by being frugal. Moreover, by setting aside our finances, even a little, try to prioritize what is necessary and ignore what is not necessary. So that our financial strength remains well maintained.

I just want to say the Psychology of Money, money doesn't matter how high a person's educational background is, money is related to emotions. The less you can control your emotions, the more they will be reflected in your financial patterns.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: JunaidAzizi on October 25, 2023, 06:03:17 PM
If we know how difficult it is to earn money, of course we will be very good at managing how we spend the money we have. Enjoying income is a natural thing for people who have it, but we have to do it for the right things and don't use it for things that are not necessary. You are right, without looking for it, money will not come by itself. We have to try to do work to earn income and even when working, we have limitations. We must still think about our health so that we don't do too much work with the aim of making a lot of money so that we get sick.
We spend money without worrying of how it is earned because they money we spend are not earned by us but that money comes from our parents therefore we cannot understand its value. But when we Initiating earning by ourselves then we think about every single penny because then we understand that how we worked hard day and night to make wealth. Our wishes are fulfilled with the money that our parents gives us but with our own incomes we are completing our needs only and then forget about our wishes.
I think no one think about his self when they are earning because everyone consider money sweeter than their health but I think health should be first priority because you can earn money anytime but once you loss health it cannot be same as previous. Therefore try to earn money but not work for it 24 hours as you also have to give time to your health, also manage your expenses according to your income.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Renampun on October 25, 2023, 11:03:39 PM
You are entirely correct. The true wealth is good health. It's what I've always said. Is there any point if you're not healthy? If you're bedridden, money cannot purchase happiness for you. Wealthy people have enough of money, but it's not everything. And in terms of transferring it? What a great idea! However, and this is crucially important, it goes beyond the numbers. It all comes down to the drive, work ethic, and ideals.

Splitting it equally amongst your kids? Excellent! It's the most equitable approach to maintain peace and steer clear of any needless drama, if you will. Depending on how you use it, money may either be a blessing or a punishment. Thus, it is vital to handle! The key is making wise choices, regardless of whether you're sitting on a gold mine or barely getting by. Invest, diversify, and maintain a broad perspective at all times. Remember constantly that your health comes first, money comes second. That's the recipe for success!

Health is divided into two that is your mental health and your physical health, both of which are very important to support good productivity. If you fail to take care of one of them, then all the wealth you have will be useless. Currently there are many ways on Google that you can learn to maintain your health well, maintain your sleep patterns and eating patterns too, don't be because you are too busy with work or the business you are running, you forget all that, when you fall sick, you Just spend a lot of money that you have accumulated so far, don't take your health lightly.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: angrybirdy on October 26, 2023, 10:42:54 AM
You are entirely correct. The true wealth is good health. It's what I've always said. Is there any point if you're not healthy? If you're bedridden, money cannot purchase happiness for you. Wealthy people have enough of money, but it's not everything. And in terms of transferring it? What a great idea! However, and this is crucially important, it goes beyond the numbers. It all comes down to the drive, work ethic, and ideals.

Splitting it equally amongst your kids? Excellent! It's the most equitable approach to maintain peace and steer clear of any needless drama, if you will. Depending on how you use it, money may either be a blessing or a punishment. Thus, it is vital to handle! The key is making wise choices, regardless of whether you're sitting on a gold mine or barely getting by. Invest, diversify, and maintain a broad perspective at all times. Remember constantly that your health comes first, money comes second. That's the recipe for success!

Health is divided into two that is your mental health and your physical health, both of which are very important to support good productivity. If you fail to take care of one of them, then all the wealth you have will be useless. Currently there are many ways on Google that you can learn to maintain your health well, maintain your sleep patterns and eating patterns too, don't be because you are too busy with work or the business you are running, you forget all that, when you fall sick, you Just spend a lot of money that you have accumulated so far, don't take your health lightly.
Indeed, both mental and physical health is important in our life, it’s important to remember that the distinction between the two is less important than we may assume. Our thoughts, moods, and mental state may feel abstract or separate from the physical, but they are all happening as part of our brain activity. It’s well evidenced that poor mental well-being can affect a person’s productivity or cause long-term stress. In addition, If you' are working with a physical ailment such as sickness and vomiting, it ca cause the illness to spread across a work space. Both issues, if not contained, can lead to unproductive days and Unstable state of mind.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Dzwaafu11 on October 26, 2023, 11:13:25 AM
[1] There is money everywhere - When we were young, many of us were taught by our parents to study hard and then enter a good company to work after graduating. And there is nothing wrong with this, But there are also many of us who until they are old know that this is the only way to earn money, but you will notice that this is not the only option because you can build a business, offer a service to earn money of money.

The only thing I believe in my life is that I don’t have that belief of depending on someone before I make it in life. I want to get my things by my effort, so when I was going to school, I had the mindset that I must learn a skill after closing from school, so I was not only going to school and coming back home and sitting at home right now. I’m not only earning by my qualification; I use the skill I learned that time to get money and feed myself and my family.

However, my country is a country where there are a bunch of graduates that lack jobs. They graduated from school many years ago, and they made the mistake of not getting anything done by that time. They only focus on school, which is affecting most of them now, so I was scared. I don’t want to be counted among this type of person who graduates and sits at home without any means of getting money.

If we know how difficult it is to earn money, of course we will be very good at managing how we spend the money we have. Enjoying income is a natural thing for people who have it, but we have to do it for the right things and don't use it for things that are not necessary. You are right, without looking for it, money will not come by itself. We have to try to do work to earn income and even when working, we have limitations. We must still think about our health so that we don't do too much work with the aim of making a lot of money so that we get sick.

As long as there is money, we must buy what we want. Buying what you want is not squandering funds. However, people work for money by themselves and spend it however they like. Can you say that people don’t know how painful it is to hustle for money? Nah, mate, the only thing you are going to say here that will make me believe it is that when you said we are different when it comes to buying things, most of us like the luxury life. We may see something for $1 and go buy one for $5 because we want people to say we live a luxury life, so this is just it. We are not the same when it comes to spending money.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: stomachgrowls on October 26, 2023, 11:37:03 AM
You are entirely correct. The true wealth is good health. It's what I've always said. Is there any point if you're not healthy? If you're bedridden, money cannot purchase happiness for you. Wealthy people have enough of money, but it's not everything. And in terms of transferring it? What a great idea! However, and this is crucially important, it goes beyond the numbers. It all comes down to the drive, work ethic, and ideals.

Splitting it equally amongst your kids? Excellent! It's the most equitable approach to maintain peace and steer clear of any needless drama, if you will. Depending on how you use it, money may either be a blessing or a punishment. Thus, it is vital to handle! The key is making wise choices, regardless of whether you're sitting on a gold mine or barely getting by. Invest, diversify, and maintain a broad perspective at all times. Remember constantly that your health comes first, money comes second. That's the recipe for success!

Health is divided into two that is your mental health and your physical health, both of which are very important to support good productivity. If you fail to take care of one of them, then all the wealth you have will be useless. Currently there are many ways on Google that you can learn to maintain your health well, maintain your sleep patterns and eating patterns too, don't be because you are too busy with work or the business you are running, you forget all that, when you fall sick, you Just spend a lot of money that you have accumulated so far, don't take your health lightly.
Indeed, both mental and physical health is important in our life, it’s important to remember that the distinction between the two is less important than we may assume. Our thoughts, moods, and mental state may feel abstract or separate from the physical, but they are all happening as part of our brain activity. It’s well evidenced that poor mental well-being can affect a person’s productivity or cause long-term stress. In addition, If you' are working with a physical ailment such as sickness and vomiting, it ca cause the illness to spread across a work space. Both issues, if not contained, can lead to unproductive days and Unstable state of mind.
Totally connected to each other and if there's something wrong with one of those areas then pretty sure it would really be creating that kind of domino effect on which it would really be definitely be affecting overall efficiency on whatever you are really that indeed doing. This is why you shouldn't really be just focused into one point and it would really be that turning out that if you do focused that much then it would really be having that cons or significant effect on other things too on which it would really be causing having no balance or compromising other things on which it would really be greatly affecting you.

When it comes about making money then we could really be able to read up tons of ideas and tutorial on how or what are the things that needs to be done. Yes,it is really that an easy thing to read up and understand
but on the  time that you would really gonna tend to do it, then it would really be an another story. There's no such thing on making  yourself that successful no matter what industry or place you are really  that
getting involved into. The thing here is that you would really be needing to take risks for you to be able to get the money or earning that you are really aiming into.
Mindset will vary into each individual since we know that each one of us does have that different goals and plans that needs to be done.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: blockman on October 26, 2023, 12:25:12 PM
The less you can control your emotions, the more they will be reflected in your financial patterns.
This relates to the risk that someone can take, I think it's more of being good in controlling your emotions and calculating the risk that you can take. The more you're good in controlling your emotion, the better risk taking that you can take and more opportunities will come to you because anything that comes, you'll be able to take the risk. About not having money forever, this is applicable for most adults and seniors. We're not going to work forever or if we do, at least we can still work for some light tasks and jobs but do you like to be in that shoe that you'll forever? For me, I'd say 50/50. As long as I want and I can, I'll do but it doesn't look good too that we'll work forever and we'll be forever in the rat race. It's not the dream and kind of life that we want to have when we grow older.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: puloweh555 on October 26, 2023, 08:58:47 PM
You are entirely correct. The true wealth is good health. It's what I've always said. Is there any point if you're not healthy? If you're bedridden, money cannot purchase happiness for you. Wealthy people have enough of money, but it's not everything. And in terms of transferring it? What a great idea! However, and this is crucially important, it goes beyond the numbers. It all comes down to the drive, work ethic, and ideals.

Splitting it equally amongst your kids? Excellent! It's the most equitable approach to maintain peace and steer clear of any needless drama, if you will. Depending on how you use it, money may either be a blessing or a punishment. Thus, it is vital to handle! The key is making wise choices, regardless of whether you're sitting on a gold mine or barely getting by. Invest, diversify, and maintain a broad perspective at all times. Remember constantly that your health comes first, money comes second. That's the recipe for success!

Health is divided into two that is your mental health and your physical health, both of which are very important to support good productivity. If you fail to take care of one of them, then all the wealth you have will be useless. Currently there are many ways on Google that you can learn to maintain your health well, maintain your sleep patterns and eating patterns too, don't be because you are too busy with work or the business you are running, you forget all that, when you fall sick, you Just spend a lot of money that you have accumulated so far, don't take your health lightly.

When talking about mental health and physical health, of course this means more than money.

I've heard advice like this from rich people where I live. They would rather choose poor but healthy. It doesn't matter whether you are poor, what is important is that you have at least enough basic needs such as food and clothing for yourself. It doesn't have to be expensive food and luxurious clothes, it's better to meet your stomach's needs.

When it comes to housing, a small hut is better than a luxurious house like a palace. The important thing is to be able to enjoy the smallest and simplest happiness, no matter how meaningful it is with a healthy body. With a healthy body, you can carry out activities well, whatever your profession, regardless of status or caste.

Health is very expensive while money is only nominal.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: junder on October 27, 2023, 05:48:47 PM
You are entirely correct. The true wealth is good health. It's what I've always said. Is there any point if you're not healthy? If you're bedridden, money cannot purchase happiness for you. Wealthy people have enough of money, but it's not everything. And in terms of transferring it? What a great idea! However, and this is crucially important, it goes beyond the numbers. It all comes down to the drive, work ethic, and ideals.

Splitting it equally amongst your kids? Excellent! It's the most equitable approach to maintain peace and steer clear of any needless drama, if you will. Depending on how you use it, money may either be a blessing or a punishment. Thus, it is vital to handle! The key is making wise choices, regardless of whether you're sitting on a gold mine or barely getting by. Invest, diversify, and maintain a broad perspective at all times. Remember constantly that your health comes first, money comes second. That's the recipe for success!

Health is divided into two that is your mental health and your physical health, both of which are very important to support good productivity. If you fail to take care of one of them, then all the wealth you have will be useless. Currently there are many ways on Google that you can learn to maintain your health well, maintain your sleep patterns and eating patterns too, don't be because you are too busy with work or the business you are running, you forget all that, when you fall sick, you Just spend a lot of money that you have accumulated so far, don't take your health lightly.

When talking about mental health and physical health, of course this means more than money.

I've heard advice like this from rich people where I live. They would rather choose poor but healthy. It doesn't matter whether you are poor, what is important is that you have at least enough basic needs such as food and clothing for yourself. It doesn't have to be expensive food and luxurious clothes, it's better to meet your stomach's needs.

When it comes to housing, a small hut is better than a luxurious house like a palace. The important thing is to be able to enjoy the smallest and simplest happiness, no matter how meaningful it is with a healthy body. With a healthy body, you can carry out activities well, whatever your profession, regardless of status or caste.

Health is very expensive while money is only nominal.

Yes, it's true, it's more important to fulfill the main basic needs for health than to prioritize luxurious fashion or a luxurious lifestyle. living simply but well-off, in my opinion it's not bad, in fact I imagine that suppose we have a luxurious house with a large yard and a large house size but we only live alone in my opinion there will be a lot of boredom rather than excitement, it's better to have a simple house but always be able to gather with the family that is also one of the things that makes us happy for ourselves.

I personally think that if I had more income, then I would choose to live simply with all the sufficiency without exaggeration and of course definitely set aside income for savings, but people's principles are different I don't know about other people's principles. living well and having good health. I agree with what you said that "
Health is very expensive while money is only nominal". but there are people who are more concerned with lifestyle and ignore their health, it's not my business but even if I also think about why people are more concerned with a luxurious lifestyle than their health.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: gunhell16 on October 27, 2023, 10:38:11 PM
The less you can control your emotions, the more they will be reflected in your financial patterns.
This relates to the risk that someone can take, I think it's more of being good in controlling your emotions and calculating the risk that you can take. The more you're good in controlling your emotion, the better risk taking that you can take and more opportunities will come to you because anything that comes, you'll be able to take the risk. About not having money forever, this is applicable for most adults and seniors. We're not going to work forever or if we do, at least we can still work for some light tasks and jobs but do you like to be in that shoe that you'll forever? For me, I'd say 50/50. As long as I want and I can, I'll do but it doesn't look good too that we'll work forever and we'll be forever in the rat race. It's not the dream and kind of life that we want to have when we grow older.

When it comes to self-control, many traders fail, especially when there is a precipitous drop in an asset, as if they have lost their trance. A lot of this happens all the time in the crypto trading industry. Even people with extensive knowledge in this field might become unmanageable or carried away by a quick choice in actual trading if they are not kept up to date on current events.

The impact appears to be when we do not have sufficient control over our emotions. Yes, we're there because we need our emotions, but we also need to know how to regulate them during times when we should be calm, even if something horrible happens in the market.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Youngkhngdiddy on October 31, 2023, 08:46:45 PM
This relates to the risk that someone can take, I think it's more of being good in controlling your emotions and calculating the risk that you can take. The more you're good in controlling your emotion, the better risk taking that you can take and more opportunities will come to you because anything that comes, you'll be able to take the risk. About not having money forever, this is applicable for most adults and seniors. We're not going to work forever or if we do, at least we can still work for some light tasks and jobs but do you like to be in that shoe that you'll forever? For me, I'd say 50/50. As long as I want and I can, I'll do but it doesn't look good too that we'll work forever and we'll be forever in the rat race. It's not the dream and kind of life that we want to have when we grow older.
 Money has this spirit of spending, money don’t last when you have easy access to it. That’s just how nature as made us to be. When you have money you tend to go for the things you desire as we all know man’s needs are insatiable, we can never get satisfied we always want more. You can only achieve and live the type of life you want if you have money, everyone has their different mindset of spending their money. As a person surviving on his savings you will not want to invest or even spend carelessly to avoid losing you small fortunes. Rich people are not afraid to take risk because they have the resources to keep trying and trying till they finally hit that one opportunity.
 Emotions will always set in when it involves money, no one loves the idea of losing money. If they was a people can have money without spending i know a lot of us will never want to spend our money. If a person is on a loss in an investment definitely the person will exhibit a sad mood because he or she is losing money and vice verse.  It how people take the losses that determine, people have different ways they deal with their  losses. To enjoy your money comfortably you ought to have about 3 to 4 streams of income . With that you can have enough for your day to day errands and even have enough to save.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: gunhell16 on October 31, 2023, 09:32:14 PM
[1] There is money everywhere - When we were young, many of us were taught by our parents to study hard and then enter a good company to work after graduating. And there is nothing wrong with this, But there are also many of us who until they are old know that this is the only way to earn money, but you will notice that this is not the only option because you can build a business, offer a service to earn money of money.

The only thing I believe in my life is that I don’t have that belief of depending on someone before I make it in life. I want to get my things by my effort, so when I was going to school, I had the mindset that I must learn a skill after closing from school, so I was not only going to school and coming back home and sitting at home right now. I’m not only earning by my qualification; I use the skill I learned that time to get money and feed myself and my family.

However, my country is a country where there are a bunch of graduates that lack jobs. They graduated from school many years ago, and they made the mistake of not getting anything done by that time. They only focus on school, which is affecting most of them now, so I was scared. I don’t want to be counted among this type of person who graduates and sits at home without any means of getting money.

If we know how difficult it is to earn money, of course we will be very good at managing how we spend the money we have. Enjoying income is a natural thing for people who have it, but we have to do it for the right things and don't use it for things that are not necessary. You are right, without looking for it, money will not come by itself. We have to try to do work to earn income and even when working, we have limitations. We must still think about our health so that we don't do too much work with the aim of making a lot of money so that we get sick.

As long as there is money, we must buy what we want. Buying what you want is not squandering funds. However, people work for money by themselves and spend it however they like. Can you say that people don’t know how painful it is to hustle for money? Nah, mate, the only thing you are going to say here that will make me believe it is that when you said we are different when it comes to buying things, most of us like the luxury life. We may see something for $1 and go buy one for $5 because we want people to say we live a luxury life, so this is just it. We are not the same when it comes to spending money.

I think that your country is not the only one that experiences unemployed people; even here in our country, there are many unemployed people here. If the degree holders have a hard time getting a job, just think if the person is not a degree holder.

That's why, in these times, the strategies of people in every country is measured. To survive the hardships of life that we are facing now. Because it's not easy to be a survivor in reality and in the reality of our lives.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Davian144 on October 31, 2023, 10:29:15 PM
When talking about mental health and physical health, of course this means more than money.

I've heard advice like this from rich people where I live. They would rather choose poor but healthy. It doesn't matter whether you are poor, what is important is that you have at least enough basic needs such as food and clothing for yourself. It doesn't have to be expensive food and luxurious clothes, it's better to meet your stomach's needs.
Maybe he said that because he was already rich, but if he were still poor, he would definitely say something different. Because you can also see poor people in your own place and try asking them for words of wisdom, surely they will only say about being grateful and wanting to be happy by having lots of money like other rich people. In essence, everyone needs mental and physical health because it is related to each person's body and mind, so whoever the person is will definitely always need these two types of health even though the contents of their pockets may still be unhealthy because of the little money they have.

When it comes to housing, a small hut is better than a luxurious house like a palace. The important thing is to be able to enjoy the smallest and simplest happiness, no matter how meaningful it is with a healthy body. With a healthy body, you can carry out activities well, whatever your profession, regardless of status or caste.

Health is very expensive while money is only nominal.
Are you still looking for money now? When you say something like this, it is as if you no longer need money for your own life. If you know that health is expensive, that means that you or anyone else must always maintain the health of their body and mind so that they can continue to carry out activities as usual and maintaining health is of course not with words, but with money to be able to buy all the clothing and food they need. even if only in a simple category. Because now almost nothing is free, even if it is a very simple thing, so whatever you read now and whatever other people say through their words of wisdom, everyone cannot forget about money if they still want to live healthily.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Biznesmen on November 04, 2023, 12:15:25 AM
Most oft the time we make many mistakes or mindsets in handling money, which become the reason why we do not advance in life. Because we are too negative about money. This is bad and our minds are closed to the potential we can reach if we have the right mindset and only use our money in the right way.

And as we talk about this, you will now know the different correct mindsets about money and first here are the following:

[4] There is money on the Internet or something new - Nowadays, posting is not the only thing you can do on the internet, because if you look at most of the communities on social media platforms, they are already making money, especially on Facebook and YouTube, Most of the million users of Facebook and Youtube are content creators because they know that there is money on the internet, what they think will go viral, they just take out their cellphones and record a video and they can earn money. just that simple, map travel, food, sports, hobbies, and others can now be turned into content on Facebook and YouTube.

I agree that there is a huge opportunity for making money on the internet, and people are using that too. The influencers are making money at the cost of their privacy; we can't even imagine that. It seems like making a trending video and posts is easy, but when the viewers decrease, the apps like YouTube have some psychological tricks to make them create the video, even if it's at the cost of their dignity and privacy. So they make money through YouTube by sacrificing certain things in their lives. And it's not really a good experience on social media each time; the trauma and stress they're facing are unimaginable. Making money through the internet seems easy, but actually is it?

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: gunhell16 on November 04, 2023, 02:59:43 AM
Most oft the time we make many mistakes or mindsets in handling money, which become the reason why we do not advance in life. Because we are too negative about money. This is bad and our minds are closed to the potential we can reach if we have the right mindset and only use our money in the right way.

And as we talk about this, you will now know the different correct mindsets about money and first here are the following:

[4] There is money on the Internet or something new - Nowadays, posting is not the only thing you can do on the internet, because if you look at most of the communities on social media platforms, they are already making money, especially on Facebook and YouTube, Most of the million users of Facebook and Youtube are content creators because they know that there is money on the internet, what they think will go viral, they just take out their cellphones and record a video and they can earn money. just that simple, map travel, food, sports, hobbies, and others can now be turned into content on Facebook and YouTube.

I agree that there is a huge opportunity for making money on the internet, and people are using that too. The influencers are making money at the cost of their privacy; we can't even imagine that. It seems like making a trending video and posts is easy, but when the viewers decrease, the apps like YouTube have some psychological tricks to make them create the video, even if it's at the cost of their dignity and privacy. So they make money through YouTube by sacrificing certain things in their lives. And it's not really a good experience on social media each time; the trauma and stress they're facing are unimaginable. Making money through the internet seems easy, but actually is it?

Well, in that regard, maybe this is the purpose of the internet. And that can give an opportunity to everyone, which is actually happening. Even in the country today, one can become a digital creator using Facebook, Youtube, and others. Being here in this forum is also an opportunity not only to gain knowledge but also to get profit too.

And the internet has also become an opportunity for hackers and scammers to prey on people they think are easy to fool, and that's been happening for almost a decade, actually.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: DabsPoorVersion on November 04, 2023, 10:12:47 AM

Well, in that regard, maybe this is the purpose of the internet. And that can give an opportunity to everyone, which is actually happening. Even in the country today, one can become a digital creator using Facebook, Youtube, and others. Being here in this forum is also an opportunity not only to gain knowledge but also to get profit too.

And the internet has also become an opportunity for hackers and scammers to prey on people they think are easy to fool, and that's been happening for almost a decade, actually.
The internet has become the secondary option for most people when it comes to making money. Actually, a few years back it was already a thing, however, only a few know about it as there's a limited website/employers that offers a job online. The opportunity to make money using the Internet was recently expanded due to the pandemic.

This is why people should take extra care when using the Internet. The increasing number of online users also increases the number of scammers taking advantage of other people. Scammers can identify whether a person can be deceived easily or not.

Title: Re: Things you should know about Money mindset
Post by: Wakate on November 04, 2023, 11:07:25 AM
Most oft the time we make many mistakes or mindsets in handling money, which become the reason why we do not advance in life. Because we are too negative about money. This is bad and our minds are closed to the potential we can reach if we have the right mindset and only use our money in the right way.

And as we talk about this, you will now know the different correct mindsets about money and first here are the following:

[4] There is money on the Internet or something new - Nowadays, posting is not the only thing you can do on the internet, because if you look at most of the communities on social media platforms, they are already making money, especially on Facebook and YouTube, Most of the million users of Facebook and Youtube are content creators because they know that there is money on the internet, what they think will go viral, they just take out their cellphones and record a video and they can earn money. just that simple, map travel, food, sports, hobbies, and others can now be turned into content on Facebook and YouTube.

I agree that there is a huge opportunity for making money on the internet, and people are using that too. The influencers are making money at the cost of their privacy; we can't even imagine that. It seems like making a trending video and posts is easy, but when the viewers decrease, the apps like YouTube have some psychological tricks to make them create the video, even if it's at the cost of their dignity and privacy. So they make money through YouTube by sacrificing certain things in their lives. And it's not really a good experience on social media each time; the trauma and stress they're facing are unimaginable. Making money through the internet seems easy, but actually is it?
There are different jobs we can do online to earn even though we don't have a strong skill that would provide us with jobs that would give us amazing earnings. Having strong mindset about money could help us stay away from spending 5oo much which can affect our financial status. We have to have the mindset of planning scrupulously before making any financial decisions. Money is just like a spirit that come and go if we don't utilize our expenses very well in a way that would bring more Money to us.