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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Victan22 on July 19, 2023, 10:26:46 AM

Title: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Victan22 on July 19, 2023, 10:26:46 AM
    Terrorism in many parts of Africa as it seems has turned into normality as it doesn't bother African leaders simply because they are riding with bullet proof cars and security aids.
   Negligence of African leaders in eradicating insecurity simply means that, they are either the sponsors of insecurity or their western pay masters are the sponsors.

Great minds, who do you think is behind the killings in African region?
Should we blame just African leaders or the western block.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Ndabagi01 on July 19, 2023, 09:41:59 PM
    Terrorism in many parts of Africa as it seems has turned into normality as it doesn't bother African leaders simply because they are riding with bullet proof cars and security aids.
   Negligence of African leaders in eradicating insecurity simply means that, they are either the sponsors of insecurity or their western pay masters are the sponsors.

Great minds, who do you think is behind the killings in African region?
Should we blame just African leaders or the western block.

Terrorism is a separate sector that can never be fully understood. The least you can expect from it is to be surprised when the unexpected occurs in them. Terrorism is just used to cover up crimes, corruption, and plunder of public monies. Terrorism can be controlled and stopped, but those who have the ability to do so are often culpable for it, and the few who are not involved and have the ability to stop it are being threatened with their lives and the lives of their families as a result. This is not the time to assign blame because it is impossible to determine who is to blame for terrorism.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: JeromeTash on July 19, 2023, 09:56:40 PM
Terrorism is happening world over and not just Africa and yes it's usually a result of selfish and greedy leaders/rulers or external powers that look to control a certain region maybe because there is what they want like minerals. To control such places, they fund terrorist to cause chaos and then later send "peacekeepers" who are in actual sense the real looters.

Take an example of what happened in Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan, Congo etc

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Gozie51 on July 19, 2023, 10:19:12 PM
Terrorism is a global phenomenon and not just an African issue but the problem with the African situation is that they lack adequate weaponry gadgets to take on the terrorist and that makes the challenge worse. When terrorist have more mechinery to fight the government , it means whatever effort made will be defeated.  However, somehow there could be external forces in the African struggle because of market for their weaponry.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Hispo on July 19, 2023, 11:49:39 PM
I do not think terrorism is something which exclusively happens in Africa, actually, most of the worst acts of terror I can think of and remember by memory did not have anything to do with Africa or people from Africa.

However, I won't deny there are terrorist cells in the continent, being one which I recall the Boko Haram group which operates in eastern Nigeria. I personally think that the national Leaders of each African country which unfortunately is dealing with terrorism have more responsibility than some western country could possibly have on the existence of radical cells in Africa or anywhere else.


Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Queentoshi on July 20, 2023, 04:05:50 AM
Great minds, who do you think is behind the killings in African region?
Should we blame just African leaders or the western block.
Humans are terrorized by their fellow humans, sometimes it is the fault of the government for leaving such insecurities without attending to them before it begins to cost the life and properties of other of their citizens. Blame the leaders for negligence and trying not to make good policies that will reduce the number of people orchestrating the terror by either putting them in prison or putting them in offices to work responsibly for money instead of idly causing havoc and terror for their gain.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: rybako on July 20, 2023, 05:58:23 AM
The causes of terrorism in Africa are not easy to identify or generalize, as they vary depending on the context, history, and motivations of each group and situation. It is not fair or accurate to blame just African leaders or the western bloc for the killings in the African region. Terrorism is a multifaceted and multidimensional problem that requires a comprehensive and coordinated response from all stakeholders at the local, national, regional, and international levels.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Kavelj22 on July 20, 2023, 06:23:10 PM
We must define a concept of terrorism in order to be able to discuss it. Unfortunately, the absence of a clear definition of terrorism is the pretext on the basis of which each party issues its own definition and acts on the basis of it. And this is what is happening in Africa, as it is happening anywhere in the world. There is no clear definition of terrorism, and each party supports or opposes terrorism according to its own concept. Let us take the Boko Haram group that operates between Mali and Niger as an example. At a time when the whole world considers it a terrorist group, including the local authorities in Mali and Niger, this group has a popular support on the grounds that it is a group that is resistant to the corrupt in the two countries and against the foreign presence because it targets Foreign companies that steal the resources of the two countries, in addition to those who are believed to defend the rules of the Islamic religion.

Africa is considered the most affected because terrorism in its various concepts finds a good popular incubator for it. It feeds on people's ignorance and their easy mobilization under religious, ethnic or ideological cover. What is happening in Sudan today is the biggest proof of that.

The problem with defining a clear definition of terrorism is that it may affect the activities of major countries that could be condemned according to the same definition.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Frankolala on July 20, 2023, 07:48:47 PM
Terrorism is in human nature and it is carried out by repels based on they don't like the present government. Some people take advantage of their position in government,due to greed they will setup a team to start terrorising the country,so that it will look as if the citizens are the ones that are against the government.

 From what I see,this terrorist have top government officials that sponsors them and directs them on what to do. Some even go at length to give them informations on how to attack the government. Terrorism is a worldwide problem and not only in Africa.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Mr.right85 on July 23, 2023, 11:59:51 PM
Tourism is a people's means to life and wealth. Its one of the major sources for Dubai's wealth as they've invested deep in the system.

The continents are shaped differently and have got unique features and landscape hence, a need for exploitation by those who desire beauty ina nature and what the land has to offer. Africa is no exception to these opportunities to amass wealth and develop its nations.
We've got unique features that would be worth seeing and weather conditions that are worth experiencing.

This stresses the reason as to why there is a need for security across the plans and heels of the African landscape. The rise of terrorism amongst its people of both low, middle and high class paying a role to safeguard interest amidst other benefits by influencing the decision of its government has eaten dip into the fabric of African society.

This shouldn't be the case, given that, its a developing part of a new world and should incorporate within itself values to build with existing developmental tools to arch the edges of a more and attractive world with the available resource. Other nations are archiving it and with less corruption plus more anti terrorism move, Africa can archive that too.
A secured environment promotes development and could promote other neglected means or not so patronised means to generating funds such a tourism within the African plans for a number of nations.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Lordhermes on July 24, 2023, 07:29:00 AM
Tourism is a people's means to life and wealth. Its one of the major sources for Dubai's wealth as they've invested deep in the system.

The continents are shaped differently and have got unique features and landscape hence, a need for exploitation by those who desire beauty ina nature and what the land has to offer. Africa is no exception to these opportunities to amass wealth and develop its nations.
We've got unique features that would be worth seeing and weather conditions that are worth experiencing.
My guy, its Terrorism the Op is talking about not tourism. know the two conceerts first, there not even close in meaning. always read a thread before contributing.

terrorism has taken over the world, especially in Africa and Arabia nations. they have destoyed all source of revenus.The are dangerious to national unity and peace. most of these group are form base of religion sentiment and through agitation. like in Nigeria, the Boko haram as terrorist group has killed so many lifes, they are religion base terrorist group. They were formed by top notible men in the country who uses them for their political and seflish guy.

Terrorism, must be deal with any one found funding these group should be brought to book. thats the only way to reduce these group in the world.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Die_empty on July 24, 2023, 10:52:51 AM
Great minds, who do you think is behind the killings in African region?
Should we blame just African leaders or the western block.
There are many reasons for the increase in terrorist activities in Africa. I will mention and deal with three of them.

Politics: in my country most opposition parties sponsor terrorist activities to discredit the ruling party. They want the populace to believe that the government in power can not protect lives and properties. They also use it to destabilize the country so that other sectors like the economy, education, and others will suffer. Investors will not come to an insecure country which means there will be unemployment and less revenue. The ruling party could also sponsor terrorist groups to silence opposition. They are mainly used to intimidate, kidnap and sometimes eliminate opposition figures.

Tribal and religious sentiments
: Some of the terrorist groups in Africa either have a religious or tribal undertone. Some tribes form these groups to attack other tribes or to defend themselves from the aggression of other tribes. The major cause of terrorism in my country is religion. Some religious fanatics come up with extremist ideologies that promote violence against other religions. They destroy schools, places of worship because their teachings are against peaceful coexistence.

Western influence: Some selfish Western powers promote instability by sponsoring terrorist groups. If the Western-backed multinationals feel that the government in power is enacting unfriendly policies, they will seek means to dethrone them, which include sponsoring terrorist groups. The recent instability in Libya is the design of world powers to destroy a fearless Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. This singular act by the West has led to an increase in terrorist activities in Africa.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Marykeller on July 24, 2023, 01:45:46 PM
Terrorism can be used as a tool by citizens of a nation to oppose or topple a government that they don't like or that doesn't support them. They use the act of terrorism to give the country a bad image to the outside world.

Terrorists can be found on other continents as well as in African nations. Terrorists primarily arise when a nation's government refuses to give its youth enough work, has no money in circulation for its inhabitants, and has no means of subsistence for its citizens. This outcome may cause the citizenry to turn against their political leaders, making their mantle of leadership ungovernable

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: EluguHcman on July 24, 2023, 01:47:48 PM
When you give yourself to be used, your user has not to be blamed but yourself for meaning submissive to be used.

How long do you have to realize you being used as a factor and as a branch to create wave of resources to somebody else out there?

Honestly, African leaders and it's citizens are to be blamed.

Fool me once I am blaming you for breaking my trust in you but fooling me twice is a huge blame to myself for trusting you again and again yet I gets fooled.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Dunamisx on July 24, 2023, 02:40:17 PM
    Terrorism in many parts of Africa as it seems has turned into normality as it doesn't bother African leaders simply because they are riding with bullet proof cars and security aids.
   Negligence of African leaders in eradicating insecurity simply means that, they are either the sponsors of insecurity or their western pay masters are the sponsors.

Insecurities is very common to almost all part of the world and most of this could be attributed to the actions and inactions of our leaders in political settings, there are sponsors discovered behind some of this terrorism happening around the world controlled by the same governments official who sponsors them by providing terrorist with the required weapons and also fund them for their illicit activities, not only in Africa this is common but we can as well find people involved in terrorism at any part of the world beyond Africa.

Great minds, who do you think is behind the killings in African region?

If there's terrorism of this happening, it's either the people were agitating for a demand from their government or they country is being invaded by sponsored terrorist to the country by their politicians using such to play their dirty political games and power tussles.

Should we blame just African leaders or the western block.

Both government and the people are responsible, if the people rejects offers from political authorities to invade a terror act there won't be crisis in the society.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Gozie51 on July 28, 2023, 04:58:59 AM
Tourism is a people's means to life and wealth. Its one of the major sources for Dubai's wealth as they've invested deep in the system.

The continents are shaped differently and have got unique features and landscape hence, a need for exploitation by those who desire beauty ina nature and what the land has to offer. Africa is no exception to these opportunities to amass wealth and develop its nations.
We've got unique features that would be worth seeing and weather conditions that are worth experiencing.
My guy, its Terrorism the Op is talking about not tourism. know the two conceerts first, there not even close in meaning. always read a thread before contributing.

Terrorism, must be deal with any one found funding these group should be brought to book. thats the only way to reduce these group in the world.

I already sent the user PM 24hours ago to check the post he made misplacing the content of his contribution with terrorism to tourism. They are not the same thing, hopefully he knows that.

Edit: I guess the user has made adjustment to his post.

Anyway, to fight terrorism is difficult because government can not fight itself. It is the government officials that fight themselves because they bring those groups to distort and make a government they don't support ungovernable and when they want those groups to surrender or repent from the assignment, that becomes an issue of its own. Those groups see it as a source to make ransom and continuous intimidation of successive governments. Therefore to fight terrorism, the government must ensure there are no proliferation of arms and seizure of those arms found.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Abu-Naim on July 28, 2023, 09:22:33 AM

Terrorism is a separate sector that can never be fully understood. The least you can expect from it is to be surprised when the unexpected occurs in them. Terrorism is just used to cover up crimes, corruption, and plunder of public monies. Terrorism can be controlled and stopped, but those who have the ability to do so are often culpable for it, and the few who are not involved and have the ability to stop it are being threatened with their lives and the lives of their families as a result. This is not the time to assign blame because it is impossible to determine who is to blame for terrorism.
The only people who can put an end to this terrorism are the African leaders since, as Ndabagi01 stated, they are the root of the problem.
They primarily commit acts of terrorism in order to obtain items unlawfully and also as a result of corruption.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: yazher on July 28, 2023, 10:46:28 AM
When you have leaders that don't really care for their people, then that's not really a problem to them and when they can just sleep in their bed peacefully with their wealth secured from those people, they don't seem to bothered. But when they have their own plan just after they get the position, surely there will be positive progress every day. Not only that, but they also fix everything in their community whichever the problem was. The people should consider carefully choosing their leader when a new election comes and preferably the right one should be already working to fix the problem even though he is not in the position yet.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Gozie51 on July 28, 2023, 07:05:20 PM

The people should consider carefully choosing their leader when a new election comes and preferably the right one should be already working to fix the problem even though he is not in the position yet.

The people know the right candidates to election in an electioneering season and those are the people they go for but the problem is that those corrupt politicians always manipulate the umpire and get thugs to do bidding of carry ballot boxes to go rig themselves in with the umpire  This is really sad because you keep getting and recircling bad eggs in government. These politicians deadly and dangerous, they will kill anybody on their way and that is why those good candidates can't get there easily even when the masses actually vote them in. Until this kind of situation begin to change, terrorism may still continue in Africa.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Frankolala on July 28, 2023, 07:44:18 PM

The people should consider carefully choosing their leader when a new election comes and preferably the right one should be already working to fix the problem even though he is not in the position yet.

The people know the right candidates to election in an electioneering season and those are the people they go for but the problem is that those corrupt politicians always manipulate the umpire and get thugs to do bidding of carry ballot boxes to go rig themselves in with the umpire  This is really sad because you keep getting and recircling bad eggs in government. These politicians deadly and dangerous, they will kill anybody on their way and that is why those good candidates can't get there easily even when the masses actually vote them in. Until this kind of situation begin to change, terrorism may still continue in Africa.
Politics is a dirty game and these politicians can go at any length to get what they want even if it is to kill,they are ready to do it. They are so ambitious about their political career and they forget about the destruction that it can bring upon the citizens and the country's economy.

I see these politicians in Africa as vampires who will suck and drain your blood by any means necessary just to achieve their goal. Terrorist, sometimes are against the government but instead of facing the government,they will start attacking innocent citizens as if the citizens are the cause of the problem. Terrorism shouldn't be encouraged no matter how bad the government system is because it is the innocent citizens that will suffer it and not the bad leaders.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Dunamisx on July 28, 2023, 08:34:33 PM
Great minds, who do you think is behind the killings in African region?
Should we blame just African leaders or the western block.

Africa could have been alot of tourism attraction centre allover the worlds in welcoming people from different nations, but due to insecurities and the fear associated to this makes it more discouraging for international tourist least choose Africa for them to visit, government in these concerned government should engage more security measures to tackle terrorism because they will always fear the risk of being kidnapped, robbed or threatened to be killed in visited and they fall into the hands of terrorist.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Wiwo on July 28, 2023, 09:09:37 PM
    Terrorism in many parts of Africa as it seems has turned into normality as it doesn't bother African leaders simply because they are riding with bullet proof cars and security aids.
   Negligence of African leaders in eradicating insecurity simply means that, they are either the sponsors of insecurity or their western pay masters are the sponsors.

Great minds, who do you think is behind the killings in African region?
Should we blame just African leaders or the western block.
Aside from Africa leaders riding bullet proof cars,  most of the politicians are the main sponsors of those terrorism groups and just as you said in the last paragraph,  due to their involvement is the scheme they always look away from the activities of those terrorists gourps and systematically place them in such a way that the National security are weak against the terorists and their can't fight them since the machineries to do so are not given to them.

Africa have become a breesing ground for most terrorist groups and it take a lot of efforts from global terrorist police in collaboration with Afriacns security force to be able to face out this manice that is ravaging our society currently because it is now obvious that our African leaders lack that capacity or will to do the right thing in this regard.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: BADecker on July 29, 2023, 04:48:40 PM
I'm thinking that this might be a form of Russian terrorism in Africa. Maybe it will be the poisoned grain from Ukraine that Putin will send to Africa. You know. Poisoned by spraying it with Monsanto pesticides and herbicides.

Putin Offers "Free" Grain To 6 Impoverished African Nations (
The gathering of some 17 African heads of state (down from prior years, given US pressure and the Ukraine war) and many more senior officials from countries across the continent, comes just days after Moscow rejected renewal of the UN-backed Black Sea Grain Initiative.

Putin vowed the following in his keynote address to the summit: "In the coming months, we will be ready to provide Burkina Faso, Zimbabwe, Mali, Somalia, the Central African Republic and Eritrea with 25,000-50,000 tonnes of grain free of charge," he said.

As regional reporting recounts, for "over a year, the grain deal allowed around 33 million tons of grain to leave Ukrainian ports, helping to stabilize global food prices and avert shortages."
... (


Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Gozie51 on July 29, 2023, 05:59:04 PM

government should engage more security measures to tackle terrorism because they will always fear the risk of being kidnapped, robbed or threatened to be killed in visited and they fall into the hands of terrorist.

Government officials are not the only endangered species on kidnapping or armed attackers. Once you have infiltration of guns in the society then every body is at risk. In fact government officials are more secured and protected with their families because they have security personnels guiding them day and night. Therefore, the onions is on the people to ensure that government do the right thing. To secure lives and properties are the primary obligation of the government.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Dunamisx on July 29, 2023, 06:52:10 PM

government should engage more security measures to tackle terrorism because they will always fear the risk of being kidnapped, robbed or threatened to be killed if visited and they fall into the hands of terrorist.

Government officials are not the only endangered species on kidnapping or armed attackers. Once you have infiltration of guns in the society then every body is at risk. In fact government officials are more secured and protected with their families because they have security personnels guiding them day and night. Therefore, the onions is on the people to ensure that government do the right thing. To secure lives and properties are the primary obligation of the government.

A time is coming that the bush meat will start to be chasing after the hunter, these people the government sponsored to engage in terrorism or neglect to take their matter serious and give them an avenue to make a new change by them first making the first move in bringing back equality and opportunities to the terrorist, once they are done with the innocent citizens, they will then go after the government officials and continue their next level unleashed tasks with them which means no one could obviously be safe when thngs go weird with terrorist because they will always agitates and this are the people you neglect being responsible for their wellbeing.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Wiwo on July 29, 2023, 07:29:14 PM

government should engage more security measures to tackle terrorism because they will always fear the risk of being kidnapped, robbed or threatened to be killed in visited and they fall into the hands of terrorist.

Government officials are not the only endangered species on kidnapping or armed attackers. Once you have infiltration of guns in the society then every body is at risk. In fact government officials are more secured and protected with their families because they have security personnels guiding them day and night. Therefore, the onions is on the people to ensure that government do the right thing. Securing lives and properties are the primary obligation of the government.
I agree with you on the impact of gun-running on the deteriorating security situation in Africa,  and how government officials and politicians can protect themselves and their families from this negative impact of the security situations raising from terrorism to kidnapping and security situations that have ravaged the African continent most especially west Africa.

Some of those in the heads of government have their children relocated abroad to avoid them becoming victims of the insecurity they're created for the people and just as you rightly said,  gun running as a result of wars in some African countries like Libya and the rest have aided this insecurity in a far fetching state.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Y3shot on July 30, 2023, 07:07:55 PM
    Terrorism in many parts of Africa as it seems has turned into normality as it doesn't bother African leaders simply because they are riding with bullet proof cars and security aids.
   Negligence of African leaders in eradicating insecurity simply means that, they are either the sponsors of insecurity or their western pay masters are the sponsors.

Great minds, who do you think is behind the killings in African region?
Should we blame just African leaders or the western block.
If Africa leaders truly want to fight terrorism they do it with out any difficulties,  terrorism exists in Africa because these are the same people our leaders use to gain their own political ambition.  The leaders have mo choice to tolerate terrorism because the people involved in terrorism have things in common.  Their is no terrorists group that is  stronger than government,  government only allow them to exist.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: swogerino on July 31, 2023, 12:45:00 PM
In Africa I would blame the people living there which do not stand up for their rights although as said here it is impossible to find the real ones to blame for the terrorism which has become normal nowadays.Africa should start by electing better people to manage their funds,I saw a video on Linkedin where some military coup had caught the minister of finances of one African place and told him that he has 48 hours to explain where did the funds go or otherwise would face death execution by the firing squad,he was crying in that video explaining.I hope more corrupted people like him are exposed further as that ends terrorism.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Lordhermes on July 31, 2023, 09:02:04 PM
Terrorism in Africa, are cause by the bad leaders in Africa most of them are sponsor by these leaders. Terrorism is bad everywhere, and we must speak against it. The youths must be train and giving equal opportunity. That's the only way to reduce youths restiveness. And illegal carrying of arm in Africa.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Xinarae* on August 01, 2023, 04:23:15 AM
Terrorism is in human nature and it is carried out by repels based on they don't like the present government. Some people take advantage of their position in government,due to greed they will setup a team to start terrorising the country,so that it will look as if the citizens are the ones that are against the government.

 From what I see,this terrorist have top government officials that sponsors them and directs them on what to do. Some even go at length to give them informations on how to attack the government. Terrorism is a worldwide problem and not only in Africa.

You're right but I think there are other problems out there, economic and the bigger problem is political the problem, the opposition to the African government thinks that if they continue to carry out terrorist activities, they'll be able to get to the top of the country at some point, but I think that's never going to happen. Not possible because many countries deploy troops to support African governments. Which is included in the UN mission.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Y3shot on August 01, 2023, 06:48:21 AM
In Africa I would blame the people living there which do not stand up for their rights although as said here it is impossible to find the real ones to blame for the terrorism which has become normal nowadays.Africa should start by electing better people to manage their funds,I saw a video on Linkedin where some military coup had caught the minister of finances of one African place and told him that he has 48 hours to explain where did the funds go or otherwise would face death execution by the firing squad,he was crying in that video explaining.I hope more corrupted people like him are exposed further as that ends terrorism.
African people do not have any power to eminate or put a stop to terrorism, it is only the government that can help to fight terrorism.

Africa is too corrupt that even if they choose a leader that is good bad politicians will do everything they can do to still retain power. The people are tired of bad leaders but the level of corruption in the Africa system it is not easy to change these bad leaders.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Gozie51 on August 02, 2023, 10:45:39 AM

Africa is too corrupt that even if they choose a leader that is good bad politicians will do everything they can do to still retain power. The people are tired of bad leaders but the level of corruption in the Africa system it is not easy to change these bad leaders.

The problem is evil government replace bad government and the problem gets worse of than the previous. Take for instance the coup in Niger that just happened where the former government has been seize by the new military government for corruption allegations, that doesn't mean that the new government will keep things clean. They will still go back to feed in same plate that they have accused the previous government on. The African situation is such an unfortunate one that it needs some thing drastic and a wave to blow across all the government for a fresh air to come.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Rockstarguy on August 05, 2023, 06:01:25 PM
Terrorism in Africa, are cause by the bad leaders in Africa most of them are sponsor by these leaders. Terrorism is bad everywhere, and we must speak against it. The youths must be train and giving equal opportunity. That's the only way to reduce youths restiveness. And illegal carrying of arm in Africa.
It can only be sponsored by bad leader because if you check the equipments this men are using to operate it can only be gotten through the government, most time the main reason for terrorism in our society is because of bad governance,  when their is no employment for youths all what they think about is to create crime that will disturb the the government and the people living in the country. In a country where government is able to create job, solve inflation problems for price of things not to high it is impossible for terrorism to exist,  and when government are doing their jobs in the society they do not tolerate crime and terrorism.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: BADecker on August 05, 2023, 06:09:33 PM
One form of terrorism happens when the government takes the guns away from the people.

2018: South Africa confiscated 300'000 guns from White Farmers (
2018: South Africa confiscated 300’000 guns from White Farmers after Constitutional Court ruled owners to relinquish weapons.

Video: A cross for every White Farmer killed in South Africa between 2018-2022.
... (


Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Wiwo on August 05, 2023, 09:35:42 PM
Terrorism in Africa, are cause by the bad leaders in Africa most of them are sponsor by these leaders. Terrorism is bad everywhere, and we must speak against it. The youths must be train and giving equal opportunity. That's the only way to reduce youths restiveness. And illegal carrying of arm in Africa.
Most of the boko haram terrorists were once political machinery of politicians who bought guns and bullets for them to use for intimidating political opponents and as being used to carry out their evil act of elections ringing through bemused of force and intimidation to electoral officials.

And when those politicians finally win the election and get to office,  is either they forget those thugs and left the guns for them and to fund their illegal activities start to use those guns bought by the politicians to commit other crimes such as armed robbery,  kidnapping and terrorisms,  so the leaders who are the corrupt politicians are the root cause of most of the insecurities in the African continent.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Abu-Naim on August 06, 2023, 08:01:13 PM

And when those politicians finally win the election and get to office,  is either they forget those thugs and left the guns for them and to fund their illegal activities start to use those guns bought by the politicians to commit other crimes such as armed robbery,  kidnapping and terrorisms,  so the leaders who are the corrupt politicians are the root cause of most of the insecurities in the African continent.
What typically occurs is that the opposition, rather than cooperating with the winning party to advance the interests of the nation after the politicians who employed the thugs win their elections and likely desert them, will be using those thugs to attack that administration through acts of terrorism, banditry, and kidnapping, which is wrong.

Politicians, especially those from Africa, can do anything to win an election, but once they do, they ignore some of the people who helped them win and concentrate on their own selfish goals, which often involve getting back the money they spent before considering employment.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Wiwo on August 06, 2023, 08:38:55 PM

And when those politicians finally win the election and get to office,  is either they forget those thugs and left the guns for them and to fund their illegal activities start to use those guns bought by the politicians to commit other crimes such as armed robbery,  kidnapping and terrorisms,  so the leaders who are the corrupt politicians are the root cause of most of the insecurities in the African continent.
What typically occurs is that the opposition, rather than cooperating with the winning party to advance the interests of the nation after the politicians who employed the thugs win their elections and likely desert them, will be using those thugs to attack that administration through acts of terrorism, banditry, and kidnapping, which is wrong.

Politicians, especially those from Africa, can do anything to win an election, but once they do, they ignore some of the people who helped them win and concentrate on their own selfish goals, which often involve getting back the money they spent before considering employment.

I overly understand with you on the point that those hired political thugs to ring a bad leader into power are abandoned after the election and left with the arms and ammunition bought for them by the politician during the election and these instruments will be used afterwards to hunt and commit crimes.

I think what courses insecurity most in Africa is politics because every act of terrorism is aided by the government's ability or inability,  this is what has likely led to so many kids in society today,  and that makes me to agree with the words of a political scholar who states that,  if terrorism rain beyond 24 hours in a country it means the government have hands in,  what it means by government os the politicians and their machinery and how there have invested a lot in arms for their thugs and after the election that arm get into the street and become an instrument for more harm in the society.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Gozie51 on August 06, 2023, 08:54:57 PM

What typically occurs is that the opposition, rather than cooperating with the winning party to advance the interests of the nation after the politicians who employed the thugs win their elections and likely desert them, will be using those thugs to attack that administration through acts of terrorism, banditry, and kidnapping, which is wrong.

If we are expecting opposition political party to support the party who was able to rig themselves into government is going to be a waste of time. As far as politics is concern, election is win and win all. I don't think collaboration government work or coalition, it doesn't really work in governance because the other party has a different idea or idealogy they were coming with and so such fusion may further take the country back. Political party by primary understanding is formed to win election and form a government and that happens at agreed duration of tenure.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Gallar on August 12, 2023, 03:34:31 AM

Great minds, who do you think is behind the killings in African region?
Should we blame just African leaders or the western block.
No one knows for sure what causes the many killings that have recently been rife in countries in parts of Africa. Because all of these motives could have something to do with the world of politics, religion, or about personal affairs. Because even from the past few years, what I know countries in parts of Africa, there have been a lot of murders. So if you mention that it was caused by political affairs, surely all of that would not have lasted so long until now. Even
In the past few weeks, there has been another murder in Mali, which resulted in dozens of deaths and this was rumored to be the result of the actions of a terrorist.

But that I read on a website.

From the maps analyzed by SAPS, 51.5% of the murders were committed during an altercation or misunderstanding. Twenty percent were committed during another crime such as aggravated robbery. Vigilantism accounts for 10%, retaliation or revenge 3%, gang violence 2% and other group or mass conflicts such as taxi violence 1%.

So it means that in countries in that part of Africa, the residents there often have a dispute, and the people there seem to be easily irritated, which results in frequent killings. Means that basically citizens in African countries, it's very easy to kill each other. Which means it will be very easy to be ordered or paid by other people to commit a murder. Perhaps because of that, there is a lot of terrorism in African countries.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Learn Bitcoin on August 12, 2023, 09:55:23 AM
Terrorism in Africa, are cause by the bad leaders in Africa most of them are sponsor by these leaders. Terrorism is bad everywhere, and we must speak against it. The youths must be train and giving equal opportunity. That's the only way to reduce youths restiveness. And illegal carrying of arm in Africa.

Not only in Africa but also in the global issue. Bad political leaders ultimately sponsor terrorism. They use terrorists for their favor, and when their job is done, they do an eye-washing fight against terrorists. But terrorism has mostly grown in 3rd world countries. The main reason for terrorism is insufficient job sectors. Young graduated peoples are jobless. They are unable to get a job. In the meantime, they need money to live.

In this situation, most young people have no choice rather than joining terrorism to make money and live their life. I have seen a video interview of a terrorist where he said most of his team members are doing it because they don't have a job to do.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Abu-Naim on August 12, 2023, 05:57:09 PM

What typically occurs is that the opposition, rather than cooperating with the winning party to advance the interests of the nation after the politicians who employed the thugs win their elections and likely desert them, will be using those thugs to attack that administration through acts of terrorism, banditry, and kidnapping, which is wrong.

If we are expecting opposition political party to support the party who was able to rig themselves into government is going to be a waste of time. As far as politics is concern, election is win and win all. I don't think collaboration government work or coalition, it doesn't really work in governance because the other party has a different idea or idealogy they were coming with and so such fusion may further take the country back. Political party by primary understanding is formed to win election and form a government and that happens at agreed duration of tenure.
Yes, and that is why the poor people are suffering it.

They will vote for people they want, and the election might be rigged, then instead of compensating the poor mases with good governance they end up in Godfatherism, and through this Africa can never advance if all our leaders will be selfish.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Alpha Marine on August 15, 2023, 08:16:40 PM
The truth is these terrorism is sponsored by people and these people are not poor. They are the rich people in the country. These chaos and insecurities favor them. There are people in high places pulling the strings. These guys may even be the people that sponsor politicians for elections.

For example, if an oil company discovers oil in a particular place and the people of that place demand certain things to be done for them before their oil can be drilled, these companies find a way to create conflict in the town. While the people of that town are busy fighting against each other the company will be drilling the oil.
The same goes for every other natural resource in the region.

I get disgusted when people blame the West for the conflicts in Africa because the West won't be able to do much harm if the African leaders don't invite them in.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Smartgoat on August 18, 2023, 12:53:12 PM
I don't blame only the leaders, I blame also our religious. religious have also contributed to the problems we are facing today in Africa. if you check well, religious is the most problem Africans are having today. Look at the war against Christianity and Muslims in Africa. both the leaders and religious in Africa, is the problem Africans are facing today.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Prestongold on August 18, 2023, 04:51:25 PM
The African security environment of this era is exceedingly dynamic and a complex one at that it's composed on highly complex and interconnected problem which has present immense challenge not only in African cities but also globally some of this security challenge is sponsored by politician or external factor for a certain benefit

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Uchanma on August 19, 2023, 05:07:27 AM
"Terrorism is considered another arm of the government in my country because it's politically motivated. Many of these terrorists have once worked for government officials, helping them win elections. However, some of these politicians do not fulfill their promises, which often leads to the terrorists using the same guns that politicians provided them during elections to terrorize the citizens."

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: OGsmall on January 20, 2024, 10:23:24 PM
    Terrorism in many parts of Africa as it seems has turned into normality as it doesn't bother African leaders simply because they are riding with bullet proof cars and security aids.
   Negligence of African leaders in eradicating insecurity simply means that, they are either the sponsors of insecurity or their western pay masters are the sponsors.

Great minds, who do you think is behind the killings in African region?
Should we blame just African leaders or the western block.

See OP our African leaders have take it as a business they have taken our life as gamble there play us as there want.
This thing called Terrorism has been a part of the African blood it run through down the vain I would love to said the the African security are the ones selling out  this information just for money only

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: btc78 on January 20, 2024, 11:10:48 PM
Terrorism, albeit often directed at civilians, is a retaliation against the government and its policies which only means that terrorists and the government should be at each other’s throats but if the government is not doing anything then it must be safe to say that these terrorists must be a product of the government itself

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Churchillvv on January 21, 2024, 12:11:55 AM
Terrorism is not only in Africa but also in different parts of the world. specifically, you mentioned Africa, and I can say that the major actors of terror are the central control system, which is the government. If you study the way terrorist attacks occur, you will find out that there is a connection between the current leads and the terrorist attacks.

Even in the military of the state, they have allies that bring them information. Sometimes these allies are known, but no action is taken because it's a deal with the supreme or federal power. If any African country wishes to wipe out terrorism, it is very much possible, but how can it happen when the external forces have underground plans for terrorism?

In fact, there is more to terrorism than the mere speculations that we make. I would have loved to share more knowledge about terrorism, but it's limited from my angle.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Zanab247 on January 21, 2024, 04:27:45 AM
If you research very well, you will discover that terrorism is affecting the whole world today which is the major problem the earth is facing now because, no matter what other countries does to improve the world economy, no improvement because there are set of countries leaders who is using the system to make money from the world.

Do you think if the world or African leaders want to end terrorism today they don't have the power or equipment to end it, they have the power but some bad leaders have turned it to be source of income to them, and it will be difficult for terrorism to leave the land easily without the bad leaders remove their hands on it.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: JustineCollins09 on January 21, 2024, 06:58:16 AM
Terrorism isn't what in general people think. Those armed ones can go anywhere for a roll of dollars. Africa would never be a developed country if they do not eradicate terrorism and elect responsible leaders. just my two cents

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Mate2237 on January 21, 2024, 07:23:26 AM
Terrorism in Africa is politicized. The politicians are using it to make money so they even sponsoring the secs to get billions of currencies in their regions. Terrorism can be eliminated if the government really wants to work. Just an instance from my regions Niger Delta in Nigeria. The militias were disturbing the region because the crude oil was not managed by anyone in the region and they wanted people from the region to control and become shareholders of the natural resource and the then President did something which was the Amnesty given to the boys and everything just die down. So if really there I no political down play in the terrorism at the Northern part of the country, they would have stopped it since.

Now the African leaders have play the game to the hands of the Western Blocks. They have seen that Africa is trying bro develop ND come out from the poverty zone they kept us, now they are using the African demon youths to fight against the peaceful youths of the continent.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Easteregg69 on January 21, 2024, 08:49:20 AM
The delete the nonsense they don't like and make total past of that. Why Africa looks like it does.

You got any experience besides what you know from television?

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Easteregg69 on January 21, 2024, 08:50:34 AM
Terrorism is not only in Africa but also in different parts of the world. specifically, you mentioned Africa, and I can say that the major actors of terror are the central control system, which is the government. If you study the way terrorist attacks occur, you will find out that there is a connection between the current leads and the terrorist attacks.

Even in the military of the state, they have allies that bring them information. Sometimes these allies are known, but no action is taken because it's a deal with the supreme or federal power. If any African country wishes to wipe out terrorism, it is very much possible, but how can it happen when the external forces have underground plans for terrorism?

In fact, there is more to terrorism than the mere speculations that we make. I would have loved to share more knowledge about terrorism, but it's limited from my angle.


Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Y3shot on February 01, 2024, 04:01:49 PM
Africa leaders plays the most dirtiest kind of politics. Terrorism we see in most places in Africa is a result of politics.  Politicians  usually form group of gangs which they use during election to rig election and after elections the politicians usually abandon this guys which they later form a terror group to disrupt the activity of the government for not fulfilling the promise that was made to them. The government have the power to fight any terror group but they overlook because they know this terrorist better.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Volimack on February 01, 2024, 04:44:18 PM
Terrorism not only threatens the lives of civilians in the region but also contributes to political instability and undermines economic gains and future development. African people are more neglected because of governments and politicians. There is no government action against terrorism. Extremist groups and their affiliates are expanding their influence and claiming support and territory. And there are large casualties there.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Uhwuchukwu53 on February 02, 2024, 04:58:45 AM
   Terrorism in many parts of Africa as it seems has turned into normality as it doesn't bother African leaders simply because they are riding with bullet proof cars and security aids.
   Negligence of African leaders in eradicating insecurity simply means that, they are either the sponsors of insecurity or their western pay masters are the sponsors.

Great minds, who do you think is behind the killings in African region?
Should we blame just African leaders or the western block.
Terrorism's is a global issue at first place but the one of Africa differ from others because of the force behind it. One of our national president said in qoute "that any terrorists that is above government, you should know that the hand of the government is inside". Our politician we all Africa have know it's no longer a news how our leaders Manoval and rig election even when the citizens said no through the use of hudulums, taut,cultist etc. The government made many failed be promises to them even the citizens, form many fake agency to loot, embezzled fund keeping their nation under development and adject poverty, a hungry man is an angry man.

quote author=Queentoshi link=topic=5460313.msg62575674#msg62575674 date=1689825950]
Great minds, who do you think is behind the killings in African region?
Should we blame just African leaders or the western block.
Humans are terrorized by their fellow humans, sometimes it is the fault of the government for leaving such insecurities without attending to them before it begins to cost the life and properties of other of their citizens.

This is very correct human are terrorists themself that is the major reason for law and order are made to bond society together, if not what we as human would have face is a jungle. Why this is taken place is because the law that supposed to restrict this ocurance of all these is no longer been handle by the leaders  the way it ought to have been, them  been the first to break it is coursing more chaos. Naturally the heart of man is full of evil even God himself confirm it after creating man.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: JiiBs on February 02, 2024, 07:29:41 AM
    Terrorism in many parts of Africa as it seems has turned into normality as it doesn't bother African leaders simply because they are riding with bullet proof cars and security aids.
   Negligence of African leaders in eradicating insecurity simply means that, they are either the sponsors of insecurity or their western pay masters are the sponsors.

Great minds, who do you think is behind the killings in African region?
Should we blame just African leaders or the western block.
I can’t speculate on who is behind the killings in Africa or simply don’t want to speculate and make assumptions on it but,
I would say,
Terrorism is a problem to the elites where ever they are found. Maybe they get to ride in bullet proof cars and go about their daily lives with securities, that tells you how insecure they are and the means they are using to ensure they are safe in contrast to the common man that just go about their day without having these concerns.
I could say the rich has a hand in terrorism issues but, they too are in for the consequences.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Ucy on February 02, 2024, 09:05:10 AM
Actually it's still the same issue - a malevolent entity(satan) who controls the world is tormenting disobedient slaves. He is like a slave master that punishes his slaves who refuse to obey him. It's very dangerous to resist the one you have made your master... either fully serve the CREATOR of the Universe or the entity. The evil entity is the head and controls the rest of the body/world. It's important to note that other human slaves that have ranked up to the top of the system controlled by the entity are also the heads and are typically used to run the world as heads by the entity. So, it shouldn't surprise you to see the human heads punishing the lowliest slaves that refuse to obey them, just like the entity. The entity is basically using them to punish the disobedient ones or he just does it via other slaves/things it controls. Like they say in the world, Resistance is futile . You can only successfully resist as a freeman.

The continent has lots of slaves of slaves, meaning slaves that serve the top slaves. But there are aswell many people in the continent who are protected from the entity and its insecurity. They are true believers in MESSIAH JESUS and there are those under grace who are given time to change for good.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Munir001 on February 02, 2024, 04:16:26 PM
You are not wrong if you blame the leaders for continuous terrorism and killings of the innocent civilians across the globe. The people in government know the source of Terrorism, the cause of Terrorism, and how to Stop Terrorism. But they are in one way or the other guilty.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: passwordnow on February 02, 2024, 05:41:54 PM
It is happening everywhere and if some places in Africa have been targeted by these terrorists, that only means that there's a need for the leaders there to strengthen their forces and armies and send them to almost every corner where these terrorists are being found. Having to shown that you're serious with this campaign of dealing against them will make them back off somehow if they still love their lives.

But just as I've heard with some of the videos about them, many of them are like ready to die so no matter what preparation comes, they've all come prepared and won't be scared to death even an inch of it. And with all of the source of these terrorism in the world comes from rebellion, poverty, poor support from the government and any other problems that these people are crying for. Also, some of them are likely funded internationally so they're hard to eradicate.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: DeathAngel on February 02, 2024, 07:46:15 PM
The issue of violence in Africa is complex & can’t be attributed to one factor. It is influenced by a combination of historical, political, social & economic factors. While some African leaders may bear responsibility for their actions, it’s not fair to solely blame them. The legacy of colonisation, resource exploitation, poverty, inequality & ethnic tensions play significant roles. It’s important to approach the issue with open minds & understanding, recognising the multiple factors at play & working towards sustainable solutions that address the root causes of violence in Africa.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: |MINER| on February 04, 2024, 06:21:34 AM
African governments should be more vocal in countering terrorism.  I never consider leaders to be good leaders if they drive around in bulletproof cars and protect themselves from terrorism and think there is no need to take any further action.  Because a leader should think about the people of the country before himself and should be concerned about the safety of the people.  It is very disappointing for a country whose leaders only care about their own security.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Bushdark on February 04, 2024, 07:35:34 AM
African governments should be more vocal in countering terrorism.  I never consider leaders to be good leaders if they drive around in bulletproof cars and protect themselves from terrorism and think there is no need to take any further action.  Because a leader should think about the people of the country before himself and should be concerned about the safety of the people.  It is very disappointing for a country whose leaders only care about their own security.
It look like there is more terrorism in Africa compared to other continent in the world. The major problem in Africa is bad government and there has been a problem to the continent making the people to suffer unreasonably and the politicians only cares about there pocket only leaving the masses to wander around for food and how to feed there family.
If terrorism in Africa can be tackled, it will help the whole continent.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Kelward on February 04, 2024, 07:58:07 AM
Terrorism is a global threat to peaceful existence, so it's not exclusive to African countries, but the evil is being perpetrated especially in some regions of the world. One fact about terrorism is that there are powerful individuals and organizations that benefits from the killings and destructions by these terrorists, because I know that the arms and amunitions that they use can not be afforded by ordinary people, although I can't think of anything good that they might gain or be advocating for their wicked act. Developed nations like the US and Britain, can fight these criminals but African countries and parts of Asia, that are developing countries, don't have the capacity needed to combat terrorism, coupled with the corruptions in their systems, makes terrorism to be thriving in parts of their counties.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Promocodeudo on February 09, 2024, 01:36:02 PM
    Terrorism in many parts of Africa as it seems has turned into normality as it doesn't bother African leaders simply because they are riding with bullet proof cars and security aids.
   Negligence of African leaders in eradicating insecurity simply means that, they are either the sponsors of insecurity or their western pay masters are the sponsors.

Great minds, who do you think is behind the killings in African region?
Should we blame just African leaders or the western block.

Terrorism is a separate sector that can never be fully understood. The least you can expect from it is to be surprised when the unexpected occurs in them. Terrorism is just used to cover up crimes, corruption, and plunder of public monies. Terrorism can be controlled and stopped, but those who have the ability to do so are often culpable for it, and the few who are not involved and have the ability to stop it are being threatened with their lives and the lives of their families as a result. This is not the time to assign blame because it is impossible to determine who is to blame for terrorism.

What you said is true, many government officials create this terrorism temporarily to indict there perceive opponent or an avenue for more funds to be voted to their office, in African countries military heads sabotage the struggle for the fight of this terrorism of a thing, when there is a terror attack in a country I think that it is the work of the joint task force to identify the cause of this attack and make sure that it doesn't reoccur but in African is not like that what happens is that the military head connived with each other to make sure that the government vote in money for them so that they can embezzled the money and tag it money for the purchase of ammunition, things has to be right and the only way is by fishing out bad people in governance.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Zanab247 on February 09, 2024, 02:24:28 PM
Quote from: |MINER|
African governments should be more vocal in countering terrorism.  I never consider leaders to be good leaders if they drive around in bulletproof cars and protect themselves from terrorism and think there is no need to take any further action.  Because a leader should think about the people of the country before himself and should be concerned about the safety of the people.  It is very disappointing for a country whose leaders only care about their own security.
Any leaders that is protecting himself and his family with bulletproof to allow his or her followers not to have the same thing to protect themselves are bad leaders and, it will be difficult for such country to enjoy good security from their country.

 If the Africa leaders are ready to end the insecurity that is rocking the Africa, it will be very easy for them to do it to end insecurity but some countries on the Africa are using it as a political business to sustain political position that will make them continue making money from the illegal way.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Bravut on February 13, 2024, 09:39:17 AM
I strongly believe Our leaders are the sponsors of this insecurity and ravaging terrorism.They pay and also send foods and arsenals for this Killers.
Even the Arsenals used by this Terrorist are not found in the hands of the Military
This is a whole topic that keep reoccurring in the African system....since there family are living in Overseas they are not concerned about the lives of there people

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Perosky1984 on February 15, 2024, 04:08:55 AM
Terrorism in Africa has to be condemned by every organ of the government, religious leaders and even the masses. This shouldnt just be a verbal condemnation but it should encompasses strigent actions and penalty of death against perpetrators of such disastrous act. If we continue to keep quite without a definite action, we might become victims. Our relatives and love ones might fall prey to the hands of this evil men. Government at all level must show the political will to combat terrorrism. In Nigeria you will see a situation where military men will be overpowered by this terrorist with more sophisticated weapons. That shows that government who fails to equip the military has not shown the political will to fight the terrorist. Another factor that is causing terrorism to strive in Africa is religious factor. Some of this terrorist they came up with the notion that they are fighting for the emancipation of certain religion. Therefore those people who belongs to such religion does not see anything wrong with global terrorism, rather they see those terrorist as their heros. From the day religious leaders and the masses begin to denounce such notions of terrorist fighting for our religion then Africa will be a better place. Stop serving a God that you have to fight and kill innocent souls for Him to exist. Rather serve a God that will fight and kill your enemies for you to exist. Africa leaders should do everything to reduce the volume of poverty among their citizens. Because they say an idle mind is the devil workshop. A terrorist who has killed more than 100 innocent soul  then the government will organise amnesty for them and reintegrate them back to the society. But an armed robber who is caught will be sentenced to death. So these terrorist they belief that no matter what they do the government is still willing to incooperate them back into the society.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Obim34 on February 19, 2024, 07:24:28 AM
Quote from: |MINER|
African governments should be more vocal in countering terrorism.  I never consider leaders to be good leaders if they drive around in bulletproof cars and protect themselves from terrorism and think there is no need to take any further action.  Because a leader should think about the people of the country before himself and should be concerned about the safety of the people.  It is very disappointing for a country whose leaders only care about their own security.
Any leaders that is protecting himself and his family with bulletproof to allow his or her followers not to have the same thing to protect themselves are bad leaders and, it will be difficult for such country to enjoy good security from their country.

 If the Africa leaders are ready to end the insecurity that is rocking the Africa, it will be very easy for them to do it to end insecurity but some countries on the Africa are using it as a political business to sustain political position that will make them continue making money from the illegal way.

It doesn't just happen in Africa alone, in every part of the world there is always these set of people who are known for terrorism, some will slightly call it gangs from there it grows into a larger gang full of terrorist busy terrorizing the peace of people in the country.
The government most of the times has an involvement in such act cause I believe these people can easily by all means be wiped if the government takes it upon themselves but instead they sleep on such cases because they are not at all affected and has no one to lose.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: Claudeake on February 20, 2024, 09:48:46 PM
Terrorism is an adventurous phenomenon that is akin to Post industrial and contemporary global capitalism. Arguably, it is an outcome of the inherent and irreconcilable contradictions of industrial capitalism. Thus, it is class related contraption. It is about class struggles that inadvertently results into violent conflicts. But in Africa, the class war is expressed within the prism of primodial colourations ( ethnicity, religion and filial), which further compounds the solutions to it, otherwise, neoliberal permutations could resolve this matter such as governance inclusiveness, social security for the underprivileged class, narrowing the inequality gap, effective formulation and implementation of fiscal and monetary policies etc.

Title: Re: Terrorism in Africa
Post by: MissNonFall9 on February 23, 2024, 10:07:54 AM
I think there are two main reasons behind terrorism in Africa. First of all, Africa is rich in wealth. and secondly the self-interested state that seeks to take from it. Many are entering Africa in many forms and taking advantage of it.
When a region is rich in wealth and there is not enough power to protect that region, many forces from outside will come and start collecting all that wealth. As a result, there will be chaos very naturally.

According to a report, many powerful groups can make their bases in parts of West and East Africa. Many such powerful groups are trying to illegally enter Central West Africa, especially in the Golden and Saheed regions. So, whether the context is, it is time to come forward for them.