Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: KalOlak on July 23, 2023, 07:24:09 PM

Title: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: KalOlak on July 23, 2023, 07:24:09 PM
If Bitcoin were to replace the current global financial system and achieve widespread adoption as a decentralized and reliable store of value, some enthusiasts might see Michael Saylor as a visionary or a pivotal figure. Similar to how Peter and Paul played crucial roles in spreading the teachings of Christianity, Saylor's active promotion and strategic investment in Bitcoin could be viewed as instrumental in driving its adoption.

The analogy suggests that just as the apostles were significant in the establishment and spread of Christianity, Saylor's dedication to advocating for Bitcoin and integrating it into his business strategies could be perceived as foundational for a potential future financial paradigm.


Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: Upgrade00 on July 23, 2023, 07:33:13 PM
This is just an investment, do not help the idea that the Bitcoin community is a cult on. We just resonate with the idea of freedom and decentralization.
Micheal Saylor is a guy who is looking after his investment, if Bitcoin rises in price, he profits, so it's only wise to help it on by using his influence.

If we are looking for those who advocated for Bitcoin and helped it to reach where it is today we should look further back to the early days (someone like Hal Finney) and the developers that helped keep everything functioning.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: Wiwo on July 23, 2023, 07:33:29 PM
Bitcoin will never be a replacement to the world financial system so yoh need to settle with that fact, but the beat that Bitcoin can be is be an alternative to the traditional financial system which is a decentralized financial system that give its user the freedom to choose when and how they spend their money and how much, since there is no limit to Bitcoin transition, unlike the traditional financial system that involves all kinds of limits and restrictions.

So be that is it may, Bitcoin is bigger than any individual investor, and as for Michelle Saylor, he is just an investor and the best he can be is to be among institutional investors but not up to the category of being called a whale Bitcoin holder, the total amount of Michael Saylor and his company bitcoin holding is still low compared to some individual Bitcoin holders.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: BIT-BENDER on July 23, 2023, 07:41:21 PM
Now I think this is going crazy, Bitcoin has now been compared with everything and anything, now the spread of Christianity is compared with Bitcoin really funny.

I think there have been many that have said that Bitcoin would develop and become generally accepted and just because they aren't popular should not make Micheal saylor special. Infact Many of us are here because we believe that Bitcoin has a strong place in the financial system in the future, that should not mean we are a figure from the bible. Let's stop all this weird comparison.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: KalOlak on July 23, 2023, 07:53:33 PM
Bitcoin will never be a replacement to the world financial system so yoh need to settle with that fact, but the beat that Bitcoin can be is be an alternative to the traditional financial system which is a decentralized financial system that give its user the freedom to choose when and how they spend their money and how much, since there is no limit to Bitcoin transition, unlike the traditional financial system that involves all kinds of limits and restrictions.

So be that is it may, Bitcoin is bigger than any individual investor, and as for Michelle Saylor, he is just an investor and the best he can be is to be among institutional investors but not up to the category of being called a whale Bitcoin holder, the total amount of Michael Saylor and his company bitcoin holding is still low compared to some individual Bitcoin holders.

While the overindulgent citizens and bourgeoisie in the Europe or USA are struggling to comprehend that 2.625 Bitcoin are vital for them not to become slaves in the next 100 years or can't grasp how to conduct AML Bitcoin LN transactions, here's an interesting fact. In Africa, approximately 500 million people do not possess passports and consequently, they lack access to banking services. The only available financial instrument for them today is Bitcoin LN. Understand, gentlemen, strictly speaking, it is indifferent to me whether you join the Order 2.625 or if we have to form an Order with our African brothers. In some sense, it might even be easier with them since their minds haven't undergone nuclear cleansing from Marvel and DC, and I can teach them everything they need to know: Rwanda, Sudan, Kenya, Chad, Angola... strictly speaking, these territories hold countless riches... diamonds, gold, cadmium... you name it, just to add around 8 million plebeians to our Order. And then, who knows, perhaps the "old" money earned by Belgians on the backs of Rwandans will turn to dust, and Belgium itself will become a colony.

This is just an investment, do not help the idea that the Bitcoin community is a cult on. We just resonate with the idea of freedom and decentralization.
Micheal Saylor is a guy who is looking after his investment, if Bitcoin rises in price, he profits, so it's only wise to help it on by using his influence.

If we are looking for those who advocated for Bitcoin and helped it to reach where it is today we should look further back to the early days (someone like Hal Finney) and the developers that helped keep everything functioning.

The art of longing cults.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: Kemarit on July 23, 2023, 08:50:10 PM
If Bitcoin were to replace the current global financial system and achieve widespread adoption as a decentralized and reliable store of value, some enthusiasts might see Michael Saylor as a visionary or a pivotal figure. Similar to how Peter and Paul played crucial roles in spreading the teachings of Christianity, Saylor's active promotion and strategic investment in Bitcoin could be viewed as instrumental in driving its adoption.

The analogy suggests that just as the apostles were significant in the establishment and spread of Christianity, Saylor's dedication to advocating for Bitcoin and integrating it into his business strategies could be perceived as foundational for a potential future financial paradigm.


Nah, I would stir away from the religion analogy. It's totally different and we shouldn't compare it to like Christianity wherein Satoshi could be the symbol like Jesus and then he as his apostles like what you are portraying here as Michael Saylor = Peter or Paul.

It's just the Saylor being a investor and see the potential on BTC, "religiously" invested on it because as humans, he knows that he can make a lot of money and so he will be rich. Of course he has been preaching Bitcoin since he join the bandwagon, but it doesn't mean he doesn't have any investment outside of Bitcoin. We just don't know, maybe he has property investments or like stocks and others.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: KalOlak on July 23, 2023, 09:09:23 PM
Nah, I would stir away from the religion analogy. It's totally different and we shouldn't compare it to like Christianity wherein Satoshi could be the symbol like Jesus and then he as his apostles like what you are portraying here as Michael Saylor = Peter or Paul.

It's just the Saylor being a investor and see the potential on BTC, "religiously" invested on it because as humans, he knows that he can make a lot of money and so he will be rich. Of course he has been preaching Bitcoin since he join the bandwagon, but it doesn't mean he doesn't have any investment outside of Bitcoin. We just don't know, maybe he has property investments or like stocks and others.

In general, when observing humans, those who are isolated within a tribe or society tend to have shorter lifespans. Throughout early human history, we realized the importance of being part of a strong group (cult or religion) for survival. Typically, the groups that maintain strong bonds and loyalty are more likely to succeed over other groups.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: Wiwo on July 23, 2023, 09:17:51 PM
Bitcoin will never be a replacement to the world financial system so yoh need to settle with that fact, but the beat that Bitcoin can be is be an alternative to the traditional financial system which is a decentralized financial system that give its user the freedom to choose when and how they spend their money and how much, since there is no limit to Bitcoin transition, unlike the traditional financial system that involves all kinds of limits and restrictions.

So be that is it may, Bitcoin is bigger than any individual investor, and as for Michelle Saylor, he is just an investor and the best he can be is to be among institutional investors but not up to the category of being called a whale Bitcoin holder, the total amount of Michael Saylor and his company bitcoin holding is still low compared to some individual Bitcoin holders.

While the overindulgent citizens and bourgeoisie in the Europe or USA are struggling to comprehend that 2.625 Bitcoin are vital for them not to become slaves in the next 100 years or can't grasp how to conduct AML Bitcoin LN transactions, here's an interesting fact. In Africa, approximately 500 million people do not possess passports and consequently, they lack access to banking services. The only available financial instrument for them today is Bitcoin LN. Understand, gentlemen, strictly speaking, it is indifferent to me whether you join the Order 2.625 or if we have to form an Order with our African brothers. In some sense, it might even be easier with them since their minds haven't undergone nuclear cleansing from Marvel and DC, and I can teach them everything they need to know: Rwanda, Sudan, Kenya, Chad, Angola... strictly speaking, these territories hold countless riches... diamonds, gold, cadmium... you name it, just to add around 8 million plebeians to our Order. And then, who knows, perhaps the "old" money earned by Belgians on the backs of Rwandans will turn to dust, and Belgium itself will become a colony.
I agree with you that bitcoin have banking the unbanked and helping the financial inclusion of everyone who chose to use Bitcoin without any limitations and this is what have proven Bitcoin to be the best alternatives but also having given it user the best alternative currency as being the decentralized alternatives.

This have been the reason for the widespread adoption of Bitcoin for both small and whale bitcoin holders,  but then also we have had a whale control attempt to make changes to the price pattern of Bitcoin being a relatively stable alternative currency and due to Bitcoin decetralized nature and volatility in it value make Bitcoin to become a highly speculative assets at the moment.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: serjent05 on July 23, 2023, 10:14:09 PM
If Bitcoin were to replace the current global financial system and achieve widespread adoption as a decentralized and reliable store of value, some enthusiasts might see Michael Saylor as a visionary or a pivotal figure. Similar to how Peter and Paul played crucial roles in spreading the teachings of Christianity, Saylor's active promotion and strategic investment in Bitcoin could be viewed as instrumental in driving its adoption.

The analogy suggests that just as the apostles were significant in the establishment and spread of Christianity, Saylor's dedication to advocating for Bitcoin and integrating it into his business strategies could be perceived as foundational for a potential future financial paradigm.


There are people that believe Bitcoin can replace the current global financial system even before Michael Saylor stated his vision.  So I will never consider Michael Saylor as a modern apostle even after Bitcoin become the replacement of the current global financial system.  Saylor's promotion and strategic investment is just for personal gain since he really need to promote Bitcoin so that his plans and project will flourish.  It is more on personal gain, IMO.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: hatshepsut93 on July 23, 2023, 10:28:01 PM
If Bitcoin were to replace the current global financial system

People need to stop talking about replacement of global financial system, because Bitcoin is not a financial system, it's a payment network and a currency. Even if as a thought experiment we imagine that Bitcoin can replace fiat, there would still be a need for banks, brokers, trust funds and all the other financial institutions.

The analogy suggests that just as the apostles were significant in the establishment and spread of Christianity, Saylor's dedication to advocating for Bitcoin and integrating it into his business strategies could be perceived as foundational for a potential future financial paradigm.

Roger Ver used to be called Bitcoin Jesus, and we all know how it all ended. Don't put all your faith into any individual, but especially the ultra-rich individual whose #1 priority in life is making even more money.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: nelson4lov on July 23, 2023, 10:38:53 PM
The analogy suggests that just as the apostles were significant in the establishment and spread of Christianity, Saylor's dedication to advocating for Bitcoin and integrating it into his business strategies could be perceived as foundational for a potential future financial paradigm.


I haven't seen any credible contribution by Michael Saylor to the bitcoin community and ecosystem since he started advocating for Bitcoin. While it's true that Microstrategy bought a lot of Bitcoin at different points in time! It's important to note that it's just business for Michael Saylor. It's his investment so it's only right thst he promotes his bag for other institutional investors to follow suit. Saylor saw an opportunity in Bitcoin and made the move to capitalize on it. Other than that, nothing.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: Baofeng on July 23, 2023, 11:10:11 PM
If Bitcoin were to replace the current global financial system and achieve widespread adoption as a decentralized and reliable store of value, some enthusiasts might see Michael Saylor as a visionary or a pivotal figure. Similar to how Peter and Paul played crucial roles in spreading the teachings of Christianity, Saylor's active promotion and strategic investment in Bitcoin could be viewed as instrumental in driving its adoption.

As much as we love to see Bitcoin becoming a world currency or even a reserved, it might not happen. I mean countries or the global reserves should at least be not as volatile as Bitcoin. And with that alone, it totally eliminates Bitcoin or even the rest of crypto to become a reserved, sorry to burst the bubble for you.

The analogy suggests that just as the apostles were significant in the establishment and spread of Christianity, Saylor's dedication to advocating for Bitcoin and integrating it into his business strategies could be perceived as foundational for a potential future financial paradigm.


Saylor just so happen to be one of the biggest investors, nothing more, nothing less. Just like the rest of us here, average joe can be called apostle right? But that is not the case, Saylor is just like the rest of us. We shouldn't treat him like above us or even compare him to the apostles.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: Casdinyard on July 23, 2023, 11:32:48 PM
Here we are again with the people who thinks bitcoin is the second coming of jesus christ or something. I mean it's one thing to be happy for its existence and support it with whatever you can but it's another to truly idolize it with the idea that it's the answer to all of the world's problems when it clearly isn't. Stop it with this you're more cringey than bitcoin maximalists. Michael Saylor did nothing but to preach bitcoin and buy it for microstrategy, I don't think he'd go as high as Peter and Paul in acclaim and fame just cause he supported one cryptocurrency when this thing is decentralized and the effort of it becoming a global currency lies upon the people and not among the hands of these promoters. Stop it. it's stupid.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: GreatArkansas on July 24, 2023, 12:40:19 AM
I do not really agree about the word "replace".
For me, Bitcoin will stay just like fiat is staying for quite some time since it was started.

For me, our current financial system really sucks and Bitcoin will fix it. But for me, there will be only improvement on current financial that have Bitcoin involvement.

And these people that are popular in the market are only advocates, even if we can say that they indeed just pumping their bags, which for me is normal, you will do it if you are on their side as long as you are not doing any illegal.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: dansus021 on July 24, 2023, 01:18:06 AM
This is just an investment, do not help the idea that the Bitcoin community is a cult on. We just resonate with the idea of freedom and decentralization.
Micheal Saylor is a guy who is looking after his investment, if Bitcoin rises in price, he profits, so it's only wise to help it on by using his influence.

I do agree with you Michael Saylor or Elon Musk or even BlackRock is just a businessman thas has a company and wants to invest in Bitcoin and get a profit from it. It just same like us they might tweet something about bitcoin so people buying more at the end of the day the can take profit retailer like us.

The world is like this :') but here we are

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: CryptoHeadlineNews on July 24, 2023, 01:48:55 AM
If Bitcoin were to replace the current global financial system and achieve widespread adoption as a decentralized and reliable store of value, some enthusiasts might see Michael Saylor as a visionary or a pivotal figure. Similar to how Peter and Paul played crucial roles in spreading the teachings of Christianity, Saylor's active promotion and strategic investment in Bitcoin could be viewed as instrumental in driving its adoption.

The analogy suggests that just as the apostles were significant in the establishment and spread of Christianity, Saylor's dedication to advocating for Bitcoin and integrating it into his business strategies could be perceived as foundational for a potential future financial paradigm.

Comparing the work of Peter and Paul who went about spreading the good news of Christianity to that of what Michael Saylor is currently doing right now of his spread over the adoption of Bitcoin is kind of preposterous, because both are totally two different concepts, of which just as Peter and Paul offered a selfless service for the promotion of the kingdom of God, Michael Saylor is currently offering a service of which he stands to make huge profit if Bitcoin happens to skyrocket very high with mass adoption. Because I'm made to understand that Michael owns over 12,333 Bitcoin, worth over $369million with a current of approximately $30k per Bitcoin. So imagine how much profit he stands to gain if Bitcoin hit $100k, that is almost a billion dollars.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: Fiatless on July 24, 2023, 02:25:52 AM
If Bitcoin were to replace the current global financial system and achieve widespread adoption as a decentralized and reliable store of value, some enthusiasts might see Michael Saylor as a visionary or a pivotal figure. Similar to how Peter and Paul played crucial roles in spreading the teachings of Christianity, Saylor's active promotion and strategic investment in Bitcoin could be viewed as instrumental in driving its adoption.
Bitcoin is an alternative payment system that promotes privacy and decentralization. Bitcoin has the potential of becoming one of the dominant currencies, especially when it becomes less volatile but I am not sure it will become the only currency. It will keep existing with fiat and people will have the opinion of using anyone.

The analogy suggests that just as the apostles were significant in the establishment and spread of Christianity, Saylor's dedication to advocating for Bitcoin and integrating it into his business strategies could be perceived as foundational for a potential future financial paradigm.
Your comparison between Saylor and Peter and Paul is funny. Saylor is promoting and protecting his investment because he wants to make financial gains. While Peter and Paul were promoting the Gospel because of eternal life. But I have to also confirm that Saylor is doing a great job. As he is promoting his Bitcoin asset, it is also having a good impact on the ecosystem.

While the overindulgent citizens and bourgeoisie in the Europe or USA are struggling to comprehend that 2.625 Bitcoin are vital for them not to become slaves in the next 100 years or can't grasp how to conduct AML Bitcoin LN transactions, here's an interesting fact. In Africa, approximately 500 million people do not possess passports and consequently, they lack access to banking services. The only available financial instrument for them today is Bitcoin LN. Understand, gentlemen, strictly speaking, it is indifferent to me whether you join the Order 2.625 or if we have to form an Order with our African brothers. In some sense, it might even be easier with them since their minds haven't undergone nuclear cleansing from Marvel and DC, and I can teach them everything they need to know: Rwanda, Sudan, Kenya, Chad, Angola... strictly speaking, these territories hold countless riches... diamonds, gold, cadmium... you name it, just to add around 8 million plebeians to our Order. And then, who knows, perhaps the "old" money earned by Belgians on the backs of Rwandans will turn to dust, and Belgium itself will become a colony.
Your claim that African nations hold so much potential based on natural resources and population strength is true. But these resources are not reflected in the standard of living of the people on the continent. Most unbanked people in Africa are poor and have no need for banks because they have nothing to save. Lack of basic amenities and illiteracy will not give bitcoin a good opportunity to flourish. Bitcoin will be a leading payment option in Africa if these nations gain some level of development.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: rat03gopoh on July 24, 2023, 02:59:02 AM
I don't see MS trying so far to spread the lesson on the importance of adopting bitcoin seriously. Instead, I see him as just another market bubble maker with bitcoins he has piled up, that are none other than MS's business interests. You can see how the market reacted when it was under pressure from liquidation last year, most people were just worried it would happen. In this case MS can't protect its followers.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: yhiaali3 on July 24, 2023, 03:12:05 AM
Some may find Saylor's analogy to the Prophet of Bitcoin or Paul exaggerated, but regardless of the names, there is in every new matter a man who embraces the idea and works to spread it well.

Although it would be inappropriate to liken Bitcoin to a religion, Saylor does a good job of popularizing the concept of Bitcoin, which helps expand global adoption.

I believe that we will one day reach global adoption, but this is difficult to happen at the present time because we need a long time to consolidate these concepts and spread them on a global scale.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: adaseb on July 24, 2023, 03:38:25 AM
In 10 years if he doesn’t sell any Bitcoin prior he will be either known as the worlds best investor or the worst investor in the last 100 years.

He is heavily invested in it already and has billions riding for his company. He had a very good average last time we rallied to $69K and hasn’t sold anything. So it’s shows you how determined he is. It might hit $100K and he might not sell either.

When he starts to scale out it will be a problem because many retail will just copy trade him and sell. Just like Elon when he sold his Bitcoin holdings for Tesla.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: Darker45 on July 24, 2023, 04:14:25 AM
Well, yeah, you can somehow compare Saylor with those sacred personalities, although I personally don't like the idea of such comparison. It might send a wrong message. There is already an existing tendency of some Bitcoin supporters to somehow treat Bitcoin as some sort of a religion or cult. Some avid advocates appear very close-minded because of it.

Also, adoption of Bitcoin as a peer-to-peer electronic currency should come first or should have more weight than its adoption as a new class of asset or a new hedge against inflation or whatever.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: Don Pedro Dinero on July 24, 2023, 04:27:50 AM
Well, I remember hearing similar things from another guy who was all the rage when I registered on the forum, John McAfee. He was also making predictions about how much the price of bitcoin was going to rise and whether he was willing to eat his dick for it, falsely as it turned out. Although in Saylor's favour I have to say that he seems more intelligent and doesn't seem to lead the life of excess that the other one did, but we have to be careful with those who we promote as they can turn out to be the losers.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: Faisal2202 on July 24, 2023, 06:48:30 AM
if i look at Michael Saylor as modern apostle then i think i might not be wrong because he didn't waited for ETFs to be approved while he can do that too because by doing that he might get more volume and users but he didn't waited for ETFs he just made his own company name Micro-Strategy and backed it up with BTC and now people are buying shares in his company means they are buying shares in BTC but indirectly.

Well, coming back, he didn't waited for any ETFs or big approval he was the first in my POV and thus this make him the early adopter of the BTC. But, now if we see the dedication's impact on BTC which Michael Saylor has on BTC. i think it do matter. Because let's say if he started to sell BTC in bulk or started to go against BTC or at least make any statement. Then there will be fud.

And his investors will sell all of his shares and if he is going to sell them then we are ok because currently he owns 152,333 bitcoin according to coindesk ( Such huge fuds will obviously create panic in the community and huge selling will start due to which market will become bearish.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: Outhue on July 24, 2023, 07:16:59 AM
Religion and investment? They don't go with each other, far from comparison OP, this is money matter and Saylor is just a smart guy when it comes to making money, whatever he predict my be wrong but also it can be intentional, somethings for new money to swim into an asset there must be some goal rumor that must be created, it's what I see with big Bitcoin investors calling 1million per Bitcoin, deep down they knew its not possible but if they tell the truth how are they going to cash out?

Crypto, stock and others are like chess games, if you know how to play it right, you will be among the few winners, Manipulation is real, even among the popular faces in crypto space.

Do not believe everything people say about Bitcoin on the news, most time it's manipulation, it's a brain game, have your own plan. 

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: worle1bm on July 24, 2023, 10:18:16 AM
Some may find Saylor's analogy to the Prophet of Bitcoin or Paul exaggerated, but regardless of the names, there is in every new matter a man who embraces the idea and works to spread it well.

Although it would be inappropriate to liken Bitcoin to a religion, Saylor does a good job of popularizing the concept of Bitcoin, which helps expand global adoption.

I believe that we will one day reach global adoption, but this is difficult to happen at the present time because we need a long time to consolidate these concepts and spread them on a global scale.
He is seeing profits with Bitcoin which is why he invest at most of the dips but still he's investing million dollars into it on risk factors so he is somehow making good approach towards btc and also promote it through various podcasts and videos but there is motive to boost company profits with it as well.But for a global adoption the facilities needs to be provided to people like internet and smart phones which many thrid world countries still don't have and they rely on local resources only but on broad levels we have come much far.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: KalOlak on July 24, 2023, 10:58:48 AM
Religion and investment? They don't go with each other, far from comparison OP, this is money matter and Saylor is just a smart guy when it comes to making money, whatever he predict my be wrong but also it can be intentional, somethings for new money to swim into an asset there must be some goal rumor that must be created, it's what I see with big Bitcoin investors calling 1million per Bitcoin, deep down they knew its not possible but if they tell the truth how are they going to cash out?

Crypto, stock and others are like chess games, if you know how to play it right, you will be among the few winners, Manipulation is real, even among the popular faces in crypto space.

Do not believe everything people say about Bitcoin on the news, most time it's manipulation, it's a brain game, have your own plan.  

Before he became known as Paul, he was called Saul. Saul was a devout Jewish Pharisee who vehemently opposed the teachings of Jesus and viewed the early Christian movement as a threat to Judaism. He actively sought out and persecuted followers of Jesus, even participating in the stoning of the first Christian martyr, Stephen.

if i look at Michael Saylor as modern apostle then i think i might not be wrong because he didn't waited for ETFs to be approved while he can do that too because by doing that he might get more volume and users but he didn't waited for ETFs he just made his own company name Micro-Strategy and backed it up with BTC and now people are buying shares in his company means they are buying shares in BTC but indirectly.

Well, coming back, he didn't waited for any ETFs or big approval he was the first in my POV and thus this make him the early adopter of the BTC. But, now if we see the dedication's impact on BTC which Michael Saylor has on BTC. i think it do matter. Because let's say if he started to sell BTC in bulk or started to go against BTC or at least make any statement. Then there will be fud.

And his investors will sell all of his shares and if he is going to sell them then we are ok because currently he owns 152,333 bitcoin according to coindesk ( Such huge fuds will obviously create panic in the community and huge selling will start due to which market will become bearish.

Sure, Sayor has skin in the game. Essentially, he created a quasi-ETF on Bitcoin, which allows him to earn fee on the spread and a interest fee from lending out Microstrategy shares to short sellers. You're saying he can sell Bitcoin? Yes, that's possible. But who would kill the goose (sell Bitcoin) that lays golden eggs? You want sell 21,000,000 Bitcoin  (for example)? Well, welcome to lose all at $0.01 for $210,000 and then +$infinity on the next trade. I call that strategy.

But what is your strategy?

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: sunsilk on July 24, 2023, 11:11:29 AM
I am off with this comparison and let it just be Bitcoin alone and someone who likes it and has got a lot of money invested on it. No one has instructed him in doing so unlike the Apostles that they've got a Master to follow and spread the Word that has been taught to them.

Before Saylor there goes the most popular one whom is now gone, RIP John. Although he's just an all talk guy but his attention getting to the crowd has been effective to him but that's not what we want to see for Bitcoin's growth.

While Michael is a guy that isn't just all talk but also putting money where his mouth is.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: KalOlak on July 24, 2023, 11:13:25 AM
I am off with this comparison and let it just be Bitcoin alone and someone who likes it and has got a lot of money invested on it. No one has instructed him in doing so unlike the Apostles that they've got a Master to follow and spread the Word that has been taught to them.

Before Saylor there goes the most popular one whom is now gone, RIP John. Although he's just an all talk guy but his attention getting to the crowd has been effective to him but that's not what we want to see for Bitcoin's growth.

While Michael is a guy that isn't just all talk but also putting money where his mouth is.

John had no skin in this game. Not even close.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: Gallar on July 24, 2023, 12:04:59 PM

In terms of adopting bitcoin, I totally agree, that Michael Saylor is a total bitcoin supporter and lover. In fact, as far as I know, Michael Saylor is currently in fourth place in the world, as the owner of the most cryptocurrency assets, and bitcoin is probably the most widely owned cryptocurrency. So do not be surprised if Michael Saylor is called a supporter of cryptocurrency assets (bitcoin) which will be very influential.

But when compared to the apostles in a religion, I think this opinion is not quite right. Because cryptocurrency or bitcoin is not a belief or a religion. But bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are a digital asset that can be used as an investment or a means of payment. So the totality of Michael Saylor to bitcoin, is like implementing it in the company system that he owns. Indeed, all of that will certainly have a big influence on the adoption of bitcoin on a large scale. But still, the context of adopting bitcoin with a religious teaching spread by its apostles is very different, so it still can't be equalized.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: KalOlak on July 24, 2023, 12:16:57 PM

In terms of adopting bitcoin, I totally agree, that Michael Saylor is a total bitcoin supporter and lover. In fact, as far as I know, Michael Saylor is currently in fourth place in the world, as the owner of the most cryptocurrency assets, and bitcoin is probably the most widely owned cryptocurrency. So do not be surprised if Michael Saylor is called a supporter of cryptocurrency assets (bitcoin) which will be very influential.

But when compared to the apostles in a religion, I think this opinion is not quite right. Because cryptocurrency or bitcoin is not a belief or a religion. But bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are a digital asset that can be used as an investment or a means of payment. So the totality of Michael Saylor to bitcoin, is like implementing it in the company system that he owns. Indeed, all of that will certainly have a big influence on the adoption of bitcoin on a large scale. But still, the context of adopting bitcoin with a religious teaching spread by its apostles is very different, so it still can't be equalized.

I think you won't argue that Saylor doesn't use Bitcoin as a means of payment. Saylor uses Bitcoin as an investment, that's for sure. But besides that, Saylor also uses Bitcoin as collateral for a margin loan. Why sell Bitcoin if you can use it as collateral in the bank? If the price of Bitcoin grows at a higher percentage per year than Saylor's loan interest rate, Saylor will be able to get refinancing from banks forever. Skin in the game, tho.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: Lucius on July 24, 2023, 01:08:56 PM
@KalOlak, before using the forum it would be wise to read the rules of the forum, do you agree? In that case, you would know what rule 32 is and you wouldn't do what you are doing.

To begin with, I will just say that it is completely pointless and wrong to involve any elements of religion when it comes to Bitcoin, because we are not any cult, sect or church or fanatics from the underground who want to destroy the financial order of the world.

Furthermore, if you are suggesting that Saylor is like the apostles, then I assume that you consider Satoshi Nakamoto to be some kind of modern day Jesus who sacrificed himself so that the world could have Bitcoin? This not only makes no sense, but it harms Bitcoin much more than it helps it in any way.

It is your personal matter what you will think and how you will act in life, but I am guided by the old saying "Give to the emperor what is emperor, and to God what is God's."

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: KalOlak on July 24, 2023, 01:38:21 PM
@KalOlak, before using the forum it would be wise to read the rules of the forum, do you agree? In that case, you would know what rule 32 is and you wouldn't do what you are doing.

To begin with, I will just say that it is completely pointless and wrong to involve any elements of religion when it comes to Bitcoin, because we are not any cult, sect or church or fanatics from the underground who want to destroy the financial order of the world.

Furthermore, if you are suggesting that Saylor is like the apostles, then I assume that you consider Satoshi Nakamoto to be some kind of modern day Jesus who sacrificed himself so that the world could have Bitcoin? This not only makes no sense, but it harms Bitcoin much more than it helps it in any way.

It is your personal matter what you will think and how you will act in life, but I am guided by the old saying "Give to the emperor what is emperor, and to God what is God's."

Personally, I am an atheist. But please remind me, what makes a cult or religion so bad? Richard Thaler has proven that there is no mathematical model, no matter how complex, that could predict the price (i.e., the behavior of market players) of not only Bitcoin but any other asset as well. Therefore, no matter what your strategy is regarding Bitcoin, it will rely not on science but solely on faith. So why your Bitcoin strategy is not modern cult or religion?

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: Lucius on July 24, 2023, 02:06:32 PM
Personally, I am an atheist.

It's not that I care if you believe in the sun, the moon or some deity, but for an atheist you seem to know a lot about Christianity.

But please remind me, what makes a cult or religion so bad?

Religions were not created to make people bad (quite the contrary), but in the name of various religions (including Christianity) great crimes were committed and millions of people suffered and lost their lives. I will not go to OT, but will only repeat that it makes no sense to push Bitcoin in that direction.

Richard Thaler has proven that there is no mathematical model, no matter how complex, that could predict the price (i.e., the behavior of market players) of not only Bitcoin but any other asset as well. Therefore, no matter what your strategy is regarding Bitcoin, it will rely not on science but solely on faith. So why your Bitcoin strategy is not modern cult or religion?

I honestly don't care what he proved (or not), because Bitcoin is not a philosophy as you want to present it, it is based on solid facts, unless you think that cryptography and mathematics are also some kind of religion or cult?

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: OgNasty on July 24, 2023, 02:58:09 PM
I definitely wouldn’t consider Michael Saylor a modern apostle. If anything he’s responsible for driving up the price before more nor Moe’s could enter the market. Just look at his past. He’s a guy who got rich domain squatting. I don’t view his entrance into Bitcoin as much different. He saw value in digital property and is trying to scoop as much as he can to exploit for profit.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: so98nn on July 24, 2023, 03:16:33 PM
That’s could be nice meme if someone is able to fit it in a giphy box. Why world doesn’t understand that it’s a Bitcoin. You use it to transact, store your money, have a freedom of transacting, better anonymity as compared to other means of transacting and borderless transactions with paperless work.

That’s bitcoin. You don’t need to compare it with religious view that already gave rise to world war and killed billions of lives altogether.

It’s merely a vehicle to transact and in return get a product or service mate. That’s all.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: KalOlak on July 24, 2023, 03:23:17 PM
Personally, I am an atheist.

It's not that I care if you believe in the sun, the moon or some deity, but for an atheist you seem to know a lot about Christianity.

But please remind me, what makes a cult or religion so bad?

Religions were not created to make people bad (quite the contrary), but in the name of various religions (including Christianity) great crimes were committed and millions of people suffered and lost their lives. I will not go to OT, but will only repeat that it makes no sense to push Bitcoin in that direction.

Richard Thaler has proven that there is no mathematical model, no matter how complex, that could predict the price (i.e., the behavior of market players) of not only Bitcoin but any other asset as well. Therefore, no matter what your strategy is regarding Bitcoin, it will rely not on science but solely on faith. So why your Bitcoin strategy is not modern cult or religion?

I honestly don't care what he proved (or not), because Bitcoin is not a philosophy as you want to present it, it is based on solid facts, unless you think that cryptography and mathematics are also some kind of religion or cult?

Interesting point of view. So, are you saying that you have a Ph.D. in Mathematics and fully understand the elliptic cryptography (ECDSA), which serves as the mathematical basis for Bitcoin? Additionally, you have a Ph.D. in Computer Science and can review the Bitcoin source code. Or did you just finish elementary school and simply believe that everything I mentioned just works? So, what is your opinion on Bitcoin based on, knowledge or faith?

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: CarnagexD on July 24, 2023, 03:43:23 PM
Well, yeah, you can somehow compare Saylor with those sacred personalities, although I personally don't like the idea of such comparison. It might send a wrong message. There is already an existing tendency of some Bitcoin supporters to somehow treat Bitcoin as some sort of a religion or cult. Some avid advocates appear very close-minded because of it.

Also, adoption of Bitcoin as a peer-to-peer electronic currency should come first or should have more weight than its adoption as a new class of asset or a new hedge against inflation or whatever.

I believe that is detrimental to anyone's mind to have this kind of cult thing. I mean, like any other currency, or asset classes, or stocks. BTC is just another tool for freedom. Nothing more. Do not fall to any religion into that. Do not praise to anything especially on material things. Yes Saylor could be that man who have now high influence on crypto space, but just like what I've said. Don't fall into believing that as long as Saylor is there, BTC will be alive. There is no religion in that. Don't be part of it. Detach yourself.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: Ucy on July 24, 2023, 03:53:49 PM
How he is going about it is all that matters. If his teachings isn't based on Bitcoin principles which is the Foundation of Bitcoin then it's better not taught at all.
Peter and Paul never deviated from the foundational principles of the Gospel which is JESUS CHRIST. Whatever they teach while spreading the gospel must be according to the Word of GOD or the doctrine of JESUS. Whatever is outside of the doctrine or not correctly preached is counted as heresy and the teachers doomed.

Teaching the truth is like building a house or planting a tree. You first of all set the foundation or sow the seed in the ground then gradually add layers upon layers of bricks or food particles ontop of the foundation or seed until it becomes a house or a tree.
When spreading the word, firstly set a foundation in the heart of people then add layers upon layers of words on this foundation until the words become bold and strong enough in their minds to control them to be fruitful or do things right. Don't deviate from the foundation

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: Agbe on July 24, 2023, 03:56:15 PM
I have not heard about Michael J. Saylor preaching the gospel of bitcoin like Peter and Paul but I have only heard about his good deeds to humanity from his investment company. Saylor invest massively in bitcoin this year. Though he has given the orientation of bitcoin to his workers and friends and families and that all bitcoin enthusiast does. Peter and Paul didn't stay in one place to preach the gospel but Saylor has not left America to advocate for bitcoin but of the opportunity is given to him. He can do it.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: KalOlak on July 24, 2023, 04:00:46 PM
How he is going about it is all that matters. If his teachings isn't based on Bitcoin principles which is the Foundation of Bitcoin then it's better not taught at all.
Peter and Paul never deviated from the foundational principles of the Gospel which is JESUS CHRIST. Whatever they teach while spreading the gospel must be according to the Word of GOD or the doctrine of JESUS. Whatever is outside of the doctrine or not correctly preached is counted as heresy and the teachers doomed.

But how can we know what Jesus said or even Peter and Paul said? Moreover, the first Gospel appeared centuries after the death of Christ and underwent thousands of redactions. The ideas of Christ have existed for centuries without the Gospels. Thus, the idea is much more significant than the Gospel.

"Teaching the truth is like building a house or planting a tree. You first of all set the foundation or sow the seed in the ground then gradually add layers upon layers of bricks or food particles ontop of the foundation or seed until it becomes a house or a tree. When spreading the word, firstly set a foundation in the heart of people then add layers upon layers of words on this foundation until the words become bold and strong enough in their minds to control them to be fruitful or do things right. Don't deviate from the foundation" - Wise words for Bitcoin foundation BTC

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: dimonstration on July 24, 2023, 04:15:36 PM
Without his self interest due to his eheavy bags of investment, I think Saylor can be categorized as Apostle since he is clewrly advocating the use of Bitcoin on his social media with lots of follower. But we knew that this kind of act has an expiration once he already sold his bags.

A temporary apostle like Judas can be the best description for him. Don't get carried away on his sweet words because he is a businessman and not a philanthropist that will donate his company money on Bitcoin liquidity forever.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: KalOlak on July 24, 2023, 04:22:55 PM
Without his self interest due to his eheavy bags of investment, I think Saylor can be categorized as Apostle since he is clewrly advocating the use of Bitcoin on his social media with lots of follower. But we knew that this kind of act has an expiration once he already sold his bags.

A temporary apostle like Judas can be the best description for him. Don't get carried away on his sweet words because he is a businessman and not a philanthropist that will donate his company money on Bitcoin liquidity forever.

In the Gospels, there are a few instances where Jesus' teachings or actions appeared to depart from traditional Jewish laws or commandments. Here are a couple of examples:
Healing on the Sabbath: In Mark 3:1-6, Jesus encounters a man with a withered hand on the Sabbath day. The Pharisees watched Him closely to see if He would heal the man, so they could accuse Him of breaking the Sabbath laws. Despite the prohibition on work on the Sabbath, Jesus goes ahead and heals the man, emphasizing that doing good and showing compassion are more important than rigidly following the letter of the law. Eating with sinners and tax collectors: The Gospels mention several occasions where Jesus dined with tax collectors, considered sinners and outcasts by the religious establishment. One example is found in Mark 2:15-17, where Jesus is criticized for eating with tax collectors and sinners. In response, Jesus states that He came not for the righteous but for sinners, indicating His willingness to associate with those who were traditionally seen as morally impure or unclean.

Why do you think that selling Bitcoin (to get money to buy more Bitcoin at a lower price) or using Bitcoin as collateral for borrowing money with leverage to buy more Bitcoin is a "Judas sin"?

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: Faisal2202 on July 24, 2023, 05:00:48 PM
Sure, Sayor has skin in the game. Essentially, he created a quasi-ETF on Bitcoin, which allows him to earn fee on the spread and a interest fee from lending out Microstrategy shares to short sellers. You're saying he can sell Bitcoin? Yes, that's possible. But who would kill the goose (sell Bitcoin) that lays golden eggs? You want sell 21,000,000 Bitcoin  (for example)? Well, welcome to lose all at $0.01 for $210,000 and then +$infinity on the next trade. I call that strategy.

But what is your strategy?
I am not saying he is going to sell all of his BTC which indirectly means he will sell his company (Micro Strategy) but i am saying what if he started to sell. Then the , metaphor you have used fits here perfectly (Goose that lays golden eggs). I completely i agree he got no reason to sell all of his BTC. But what if in parallel Universe (hah just kidding) he forced to make such decisions then.

But still, he will live longer (means his company). He didn't own the 21,000,000 BTC and the price is not 0.01$ if you are taking these numbers as metaphors than its another matter. Because i already mentioned how many BTC he had. My strategy will be if i am in his place to keep eating all the eggs instead of killing the goose.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: Lucius on July 25, 2023, 10:23:16 AM
[quote author=Lucius
Interesting point of view. So, are you saying that you have a Ph.D. in Mathematics and fully understand the elliptic cryptography (ECDSA), which serves as the mathematical basis for Bitcoin? Additionally, you have a Ph.D. in Computer Science and can review the Bitcoin source code. Or did you just finish elementary school and simply believe that everything I mentioned just works? So, what is your opinion on Bitcoin based on, knowledge or faith?

I honestly don't care about your fantasies and some made-up cults and 2.65 Order that you mention from the moment you registered on the forum, because it's just a bunch of nonsense that would have been better if it never appeared on the English part of the forum. Also, my education is none of your business, but you remind me of a couple of fanatics who spread the same theories years ago, and I wouldn't be surprised if you were someone's alt account.

You can continue your discussions with the member @Ucy who is known for his crazy ideas, and considering that he supposedly talks to God every day, he might be able to convert you to not being an atheist anymore :-X

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: 20kevin20 on July 25, 2023, 10:34:07 AM
It feels so dumb when someone starts bringing a cult-like behavior to Bitcoin lol, BTC isn’t Jesus, nor is Satoshi, Saylor or anyone else. Keeping these things separated is much healthier for your brain.

Michael Saylor is just a dude who wants to make money. He chose the perfect time to invest in BTC before but not all the time. In fact, wasn’t he one of those who used to not believe in BTC? He isn’t a saint or apostle man, lol, this is so silly!

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: stompix on July 25, 2023, 10:39:33 AM
Personally, I am an atheist.

Then why the hell do you bring up religion every time in the discussions, not just here but in your other topic as well, just stop with this, everyone is getting tied to religious beliefs getting mixed in everything and just stirring the pot like this won't get you anywhere, as we all know what's the target is here.
Want a piece of advice? Stop trying so hard!

Roger Ver used to be called Bitcoin Jesus, and we all know how it all ended.

That's the first thing I thought about when I saw the title, and based on life experience in 2-3 years we're going to call Saylor Judas!
And btw, even Satoshi shouldn't be named Jesus, he's the creator so more like god, but the whole thing is just stupid, Bitcoin can't work without internet so how would you call Tim Berners in this situation?

I have not heard about Michael J. Saylor preaching the gospel of bitcoin like Peter and Paul but I have only heard about his good deeds to humanity from his investment company.

Good deeds to humanity? You must be joking!

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: Agbe on July 25, 2023, 11:18:18 AM

Good deeds to humanity? You must be joking!
Yes, I am not from where he comes from but I have made some research on him and from what I saw he has helped people in different way. I will want you to read more of him from here as well. I don't know him in person, I have not even seen him in face to face but I have seen in Instagram where in most times he talks about bitcoin. And from the search I made I also found out he has helped students through his academy.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: stompix on July 25, 2023, 11:40:23 AM

Good deeds to humanity? You must be joking!
Yes, I am not from where he comes from but I have made some research on him and from what I saw he has helped people in different way. I will want you to read more of him from here as well.

Yeah, I've read!
I didn't find any trace of "good deeds" but found a District of Columbia tax fraud lawsuit, SEC investigation and settlement, and so on!

Can you again point to the good deeds he did for humanity?
Because if you say investing in Bitcoin other people's money you borrowed is a good deed then why is it not investing in Walmart shares also a good deed?

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: Aanuoluwatofunmi on July 25, 2023, 12:45:02 PM
If Bitcoin were to replace the current global financial system and achieve widespread adoption as a decentralized and reliable store of value, some enthusiasts might see Michael Saylor as a visionary or a pivotal figure.

Maybe those that doesn't know him or get experienced on this kind of play with give more attention to someone like Michael Saylor, most of the the talks he made were to captivate the attention of the media to himself, he's not the first person to be prophesying good things about bitcoin, but i think he only uses his portfolio being a CEO of microstrategy to get media attention indirectly promoting himself and the business he does through the social using bitcoin as a subject of constant discussion to the public, if we are talking about those that are really important and concerned about bitcoin to where it is today, we have to recognize the impact of those that have contributed in working along with Satoshi towards the success of bitcoin and where it is today and not those that are always after seeking the media attention for their recognition.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: KalOlak on July 25, 2023, 05:40:29 PM
[quote author=Lucius
Interesting point of view. So, are you saying that you have a Ph.D. in Mathematics and fully understand the elliptic cryptography (ECDSA), which serves as the mathematical basis for Bitcoin? Additionally, you have a Ph.D. in Computer Science and can review the Bitcoin source code. Or did you just finish elementary school and simply believe that everything I mentioned just works? So, what is your opinion on Bitcoin based on, knowledge or faith?

I honestly don't care about your fantasies and some made-up cults and 2.65 Order that you mention from the moment you registered on the forum, because it's just a bunch of nonsense that would have been better if it never appeared on the English part of the forum. Also, my education is none of your business, but you remind me of a couple of fanatics who spread the same theories years ago, and I wouldn't be surprised if you were someone's alt account.

You can continue your discussions with the member @Ucy who is known for his crazy ideas, and considering that he supposedly talks to God every day, he might be able to convert you to not being an atheist anymore :-X

I simply asked if you have enough qualifications and level of education for your statements about Bitcoin to be based on knowledge rather than belief grounded in forum messages or other pseudo-scientific readings.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on July 25, 2023, 06:54:21 PM
OP, although Bitcoin will continue to gain a wide spread as time goes on, but I have doubts that the government will just wake up any day and allow Bitcoin to become generally accepted as legal tender. Some countries will not legalise Bitcoin, and one reason is because they can't fully regulate it or make it centralized. That's why they (the government) will not want Bitcoin to replace the global financial system.

Also, Michael Sylor is not the only investor with a huge amount invested in Bitcoin; I hope you know that Micro Strategy is just a company and there are other investors in the company, so all the Bitcoin they hold is not just for Sylor. There are also other whales out there.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: KalOlak on July 25, 2023, 06:58:42 PM
OP, although Bitcoin will continue to gain a wide spread as time goes on, but I have doubts that the government will just wake up any day and allow Bitcoin to become generally accepted as legal tender. Some countries will not legalise Bitcoin, and one reason is because they can't fully regulate it or make it centralized. That's why they (the government) will not want Bitcoin to replace the global financial system.

Also, Michael Sylor is not the only investor with a huge amount invested in Bitcoin; I hope you know that Micro Strategy is just a company and there are other investors in the company, so all the Bitcoin they hold is not just for Sylor. There are also other whales out there.

Good point. But never say never.

You know, for example, the U.S. Congress is not very friendly towards Bitcoin. But let's consider the First Amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Well, it's all because the legal firms that cryptocurrency projects and exchanges in the U.S. approach are just regular scammers collecting hundreds of millions of dollars from these ignorant idiots without providing any concrete solution to legalize Bitcoin and establish rules for this market for U.S. citizens. Well, the lawyers of Order 2.625 (whom many of you may laugh at or not take seriously enough) have proposed a practical solution for legalizing Bitcoin in the U.S., citing the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. After all, Order 2.625, as the Decentralized Religious Organization Order 2.625 (DROO 2.625) represented by the North American Diocese (Eparchy) and the plebeians of the order, is nothing but a religious movement. Therefore, according to the Constitution, the U.S. Congress has no right to prohibit the plebeians of the Order from using Bitcoin, as Bitcoin is the ceremonial currency unit of the Order and serves as our religious symbol (similar to the kirpan of the Sikhs)

In this sense, Order 2.625 is grateful to all the previous religious movements in the U.S. (especially Protestants and Catholics) for creating this convenient loophole in the fundamental law of the state.

Do you still consider creating a religion an irrational strategy?

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: tread93 on July 26, 2023, 02:58:13 AM
If Bitcoin were to replace the current global financial system and achieve widespread adoption as a decentralized and reliable store of value, some enthusiasts might see Michael Saylor as a visionary or a pivotal figure. Similar to how Peter and Paul played crucial roles in spreading the teachings of Christianity, Saylor's active promotion and strategic investment in Bitcoin could be viewed as instrumental in driving its adoption.

The analogy suggests that just as the apostles were significant in the establishment and spread of Christianity, Saylor's dedication to advocating for Bitcoin and integrating it into his business strategies could be perceived as foundational for a potential future financial paradigm.

Comparing the work of Peter and Paul who went about spreading the good news of Christianity to that of what Michael Saylor is currently doing right now of his spread over the adoption of Bitcoin is kind of preposterous, because both are totally two different concepts, of which just as Peter and Paul offered a selfless service for the promotion of the kingdom of God, Michael Saylor is currently offering a service of which he stands to make huge profit if Bitcoin happens to skyrocket very high with mass adoption. Because I'm made to understand that Michael owns over 12,333 Bitcoin, worth over $369million with a current of approximately $30k per Bitcoin. So imagine how much profit he stands to gain if Bitcoin hit $100k, that is almost a billion dollars.

That is quite a bit of coin right there if it did go to 100k but strangely I feel like that can't be all Saylor and MS would stand to gain, I feel like it would have to be way more than that and it will be because they buy BTC like it's their job lol. On the note about comparing Saylor to the disciples is a heck of a stretch lol not even close m8 (OP) but good try....

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: Davidvictorson on July 26, 2023, 05:42:09 AM
If Bitcoin were to replace the current global financial system and achieve widespread adoption as a decentralized and reliable store of value, some enthusiasts might see Michael Saylor as a visionary or a pivotal figure. Similar to how Peter and Paul played crucial roles in spreading the teachings of Christianity, Saylor's active promotion and strategic investment in Bitcoin could be viewed as instrumental in driving its adoption.

The analogy suggests that just as the apostles were significant in the establishment and spread of Christianity, Saylor's dedication to advocating for Bitcoin and integrating it into his business strategies could be perceived as foundational for a potential future financial paradigm.

There is no comparison between the two of them.
We acknowledge Micheal Saylor being out there but he is not the only person. This goes to show that you still need to do your home work on bitcoin proponents. There are thousands of them out there...Michael Saylor may just be the one you watch the most... you know the internet thing where if you watch the video of someone so much the internet algorithm starts to show you more of that person? I think that may be what is happening in the OP's case.

Saylor is no where close

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: franky1 on July 26, 2023, 09:00:10 AM
firstly. MS doesnt always "buy low" he just buys when his business is flush with cash but doesnt want to claim it as taxable profits. thus nothing special

secondly he is not the largest investment.

thirdly his investments are corporate not personal

fourthly his promotions are not really about the bitcoin network but a different network claiming to be bitcoin, but is instead a subnetwork bridge playing with a different unit of measure and payments between users feel nothing like a bitcoin transaction confirmation method nor does this network he promotes even have a blockchain. thus his adverts are a system which doesnt teach people much about how bitcoin actually works or secures itself. its just a sub par(with flaws) network that pegs other unit to bitcoin in a credit swap of vaulted up(locked) reserves of middlemen (aka LN)

over all bitcoin is not suppose to replace global finance, its suppose to hedge against idea's of one world currency" things like the dollars domination, and no MS is not a messiah, prophet, apostle,  or any other religious messenger

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: Ale88 on July 26, 2023, 03:46:17 PM
If Bitcoin were to replace the current global financial system and achieve widespread adoption as a decentralized and reliable store of value, some enthusiasts might see Michael Saylor as a visionary or a pivotal figure. Similar to how Peter and Paul played crucial roles in spreading the teachings of Christianity, Saylor's active promotion and strategic investment in Bitcoin could be viewed as instrumental in driving its adoption.

The analogy suggests that just as the apostles were significant in the establishment and spread of Christianity, Saylor's dedication to advocating for Bitcoin and integrating it into his business strategies could be perceived as foundational for a potential future financial paradigm.

Are we really trying to mix religion and bitcoin over here?  ::) Saylor is buying a ton of bitcoin because besides actually believing in them, he also wants to make a big profit. As someone else pointed out eventually just some of the very first adopters can be seen somehow as people who really believed in bitcoin because back then everything could have failed at any moment; Saylor stepped in when everybody already knew what bitcoin was, he just bought a lot, that's it, he didn't revolutionize anything.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: Blitzboy on July 26, 2023, 05:48:41 PM
If Bitcoin were to replace the current global financial system and achieve widespread adoption as a decentralized and reliable store of value, some enthusiasts might see Michael Saylor as a visionary or a pivotal figure. Similar to how Peter and Paul played crucial roles in spreading the teachings of Christianity, Saylor's active promotion and strategic investment in Bitcoin could be viewed as instrumental in driving its adoption.

The analogy suggests that just as the apostles were significant in the establishment and spread of Christianity, Saylor's dedication to advocating for Bitcoin and integrating it into his business strategies could be perceived as foundational for a potential future financial paradigm.

It's important to remember that Bitcoin, while innovative, is simply one piece of global finance. Bitcoin has several appealing benefits, like as decentralization and a capped supply, but changing the financial system is difficult. Regulatory, scalability, and energy consumption difficulties hinder it.

Staking other cryptos allows you to earn interest on your assets and profit from the crypto industry. These gains, albeit tempting, can be significantly diminished by rapid market falls. Thus, market trend monitoring and diversification are essential

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: wiss19 on July 27, 2023, 01:19:10 PM
Aren't they already? So there is no need for Bitcoin to have a status like that ( the one you're saying ) but if that happens then many Bitcoin users are going to be happy about that. Bitcoin's adoption is already wide but it's still possible for it to become even wider. What is only unlikely is if it will replace the current global financial system. So many banks and financial institutions are against it, so they won't let that happen.

Maybe Peter and Paul played a big role in spreading Christianity but before it, I think we have Moses. I like Moses better to be the equivalent of Michael Saylor because like Moses who help the slaves, Saylor also help the people against the modern-day slavery through Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: KalOlak on July 27, 2023, 08:36:27 PM
Aren't they already? So there is no need for Bitcoin to have a status like that ( the one you're saying ) but if that happens then many Bitcoin users are going to be happy about that. Bitcoin's adoption is already wide but it's still possible for it to become even wider. What is only unlikely is if it will replace the current global financial system. So many banks and financial institutions are against it, so they won't let that happen.

Maybe Peter and Paul played a big role in spreading Christianity but before it, I think we have Moses. I like Moses better to be the equivalent of Michael Saylor because like Moses who help the slaves, Saylor also help the people against the modern-day slavery through Bitcoin.

If Michael Saylor invited me today for a 40-year-long walk through the Sinai Desert, I would agree to it, even though I am no longer young. Only 2% of people older than 26.25 years are capable of changing their worldview. The remaining 98% of individuals, raised on Marvel, DC, and parental guidance to keep the American dollar in banks or under the mattress, belong to the Liquidated Generation. Hence, in order for the last slave of the fiat system and the American dollar to die, Bitcoin plebs simply need such a 40-year-long journey. And are you ready to sustain yourself solely on heavenly manna for 40 years for the future of finance?

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: panganib999 on July 27, 2023, 11:32:06 PM
Gotta love these kinds of posts every now and again that paints bitcoin as the Jesus of the internet and its promoters the ever-faithful apostles of its doctrine. Fucking funny if you'll ask me. The fact that people go so far as to think that bitcoin is the end-all-be-all solution to every problem that this world has astounds me for the wrong reasons cause what in the hell are you guys thinking that bitcoin will solve all your problems? It can't even solve its own issues for crying out loud.

But yeah going back to your question, Put down the thinking cap and the tinfoil hat cause no, Michael Saylor isn't the apostle or whatnot and bitcoin is not the Jesus of the internet. Move on and use bitcoin in its full capacity but don't go thinking that it's the second coming of Christ cause you'll look stupid in your friend group.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: Bushdark on July 27, 2023, 11:45:33 PM
Aren't they already? So there is no need for Bitcoin to have a status like that ( the one you're saying ) but if that happens then many Bitcoin users are going to be happy about that. Bitcoin's adoption is already wide but it's still possible for it to become even wider. What is only unlikely is if it will replace the current global financial system. So many banks and financial institutions are against it, so they won't let that happen.

Maybe Peter and Paul played a big role in spreading Christianity but before it, I think we have Moses. I like Moses better to be the equivalent of Michael Saylor because like Moses who help the slaves, Saylor also help the people against the modern-day slavery through Bitcoin.
Bitcoin is an online digital currency and if it take over the global currency then it is going to aid the future adoption of Bitcoin as a digital and also a global currency. It is obvious that Michael Saylor is a Bitcoin optimist and alway agitate about the use and adoption of Bitcoin buying large holdings of it for the future. I don't see how Christianity is related to this although I don't really understand more about what op is trying to pass but I think this is a separate person that is different from the men of God in the Bible and there characters are different entirely.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: KalOlak on July 28, 2023, 07:10:11 AM
Aren't they already? So there is no need for Bitcoin to have a status like that ( the one you're saying ) but if that happens then many Bitcoin users are going to be happy about that. Bitcoin's adoption is already wide but it's still possible for it to become even wider. What is only unlikely is if it will replace the current global financial system. So many banks and financial institutions are against it, so they won't let that happen.

Maybe Peter and Paul played a big role in spreading Christianity but before it, I think we have Moses. I like Moses better to be the equivalent of Michael Saylor because like Moses who help the slaves, Saylor also help the people against the modern-day slavery through Bitcoin.
Bitcoin is an online digital currency and if it take over the global currency then it is going to aid the future adoption of Bitcoin as a digital and also a global currency. It is obvious that Michael Saylor is a Bitcoin optimist and alway agitate about the use and adoption of Bitcoin buying large holdings of it for the future. I don't see how Christianity is related to this although I don't really understand more about what op is trying to pass but I think this is a separate person that is different from the men of God in the Bible and there characters are different entirely.

Money's value is intricately tied to human belief, trust, and confidence in its ability to serve as a reliable medium of exchange and store of wealth. Without the collective faith in its worth, money would lose its effectiveness as a tool for economic transactions and societal functioning.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: franky1 on July 28, 2023, 08:20:30 AM
money is a broad  term of many things.. not all money is the same

fiat money is not just trust/faith .. its actually backed by laws of debt, fines, tax, minimum wage and other charges that keep it in circulation

other monies have other aspects. such as the old gold backed commercial bank money had laws of swaps for gold and bearers promissory contracts

bitcoins values(features and benefits) are based on math and cryptography that form the code of rule. where the economic value(number) is based on an underlying cost of the lowest acquisition cost of a period(wholesale) where the spot market then speculates above it

you do not need faith in bitcoin.. code is law. its does not need trust. it just has transparency
infact if people do start to trust and blindly believe in some entity to manage bitcoin. and pray to them like gods.. bitcoin has failed as a decentralised currency.. no one should be trying to hold anyone up as a god in bitcoin, those that do, fail to understand how bitcoin should work

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: DapanasFruit on July 28, 2023, 08:25:17 AM

Well, some people might agree or disagree with the idea that Michael  Saylor can be considered as a modern apostle for the widespread adoption and eventual global take-over of Bitcoin but then maybe there is no doubt that he has contributed some weight for Bitcoin. However, I really doubt the idea that Bitcoin can be replacing our fiat-based financial system - for as long as we have established governments Bitcoin will remain as one of the solid alternative especially if one is investment-savvy and is looking to beat inflation into the future.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: tw0.625 on August 01, 2023, 08:10:41 PM
In July MicroStrategy acquired an additional 467 BTC for $14.4 million and now holds 152,800 BTC. What is his goal?

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: airbin on August 01, 2023, 09:13:17 PM
If such a thing exists in your head, it's your problem, not bitcoin's, the apostles are all of us who own and believe bitcoin, leave individualism out, it's useless, even if Michael Saylor is an apostle for you, check this name: RogerVer.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: tw0.625 on August 05, 2023, 09:32:57 AM
If such a thing exists in your head, it's your problem, not bitcoin's, the apostles are all of us who own and believe bitcoin, leave individualism out, it's useless, even if Michael Saylor is an apostle for you, check this name: RogerVer.

Furthermore, if you were familiar with the history of money, you would know that any goods in human history that have ever aspired to be money (from cowrie shells, Rai stones, tulip bulbs to gold) have gone through 1 to 3 stages, let's call them:
1 "gaming"
2 "religious"
2 "foundation of the global financial system"

For instance, gold went through all three stages. For example, in South America, gold got stuck at stage 2 (Aztecs, Maya), while in medieval Europe, it was already at stage 3 (which ultimately led to the downfall of numerous ancient South American civilizations). The Aztecs couldn't genuinely grasp why their golden religious trinkets were so important and why they needed to kill hundreds of thousands of people for them. Bitcoin is currently at stage 1 and is entering stage 2. But it might never leave stage 2, or it might, for example, if there are 6 to 8 million rational players in the world who have entered the market with 2.625 Bitcoin or if a different Nash equilibrium is found where Bitcoin enters stage 3.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: blckhawk on August 05, 2023, 10:00:31 AM
In July MicroStrategy acquired an additional 467 BTC for $14.4 million and now holds 152,800 BTC. What is his goal?
I don't think that there's a grand design as to why they want to acquire bitcoin, their ulterior motive is not something that we will know until they take action on it. Let your imagination run-free when it comes to speculating about their goal, it's a limitless endeavor but if we're basing what Saylor has to say in an interview ( by Bloomberg, Saylor said.

“We try to make sure that everything we do is always creative. We will acquire as much Bitcoin as we can, as long as market conditions allow us to do it in a creative way for our shareholders.”

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: gunhell16 on August 05, 2023, 12:12:56 PM
If Bitcoin were to replace the current global financial system and achieve widespread adoption as a decentralized and reliable store of value, some enthusiasts might see Michael Saylor as a visionary or a pivotal figure. Similar to how Peter and Paul played crucial roles in spreading the teachings of Christianity, Saylor's active promotion and strategic investment in Bitcoin could be viewed as instrumental in driving its adoption.

The analogy suggests that just as the apostles were significant in the establishment and spread of Christianity, Saylor's dedication to advocating for Bitcoin and integrating it into his business strategies could be perceived as foundational for a potential future financial paradigm.


Peter and Paul both are apostle's according to the Bible,they are both involved and engaged in religion belief in the christianity. In which is very irrelevant in Bitcoin due to this was a type of investment which is very far from the topic argument that we are discussing it here now.

Bitcoin is Bitcoin a peer to peer currency just simple as that to understand were it doesn't need to go beyond in our belief. This is clearly a kind of investment not a religion or any cult what you are trying to emphasize here.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: Primese on August 06, 2023, 03:34:24 AM
Both Peter and Paul were flawed followers of Jesus with their own self interests, so I think this is a pretty good analogy.

Let's assume Satoshi is Bitcoin Jesus.

Michael Saylor has his self interests and goals to spread Bitcoin adoption, regardless of whether his teachings align with Satoshi's. Similarly the Apostle Paul is the founder of Christianity, but his Christianity is noticeably different than Jesus's teachings. has a good summary of that.

Peter was mainly a follower of Jesus, but he was often skeptical of Jesus and denied Jesus 3 times right when Jesus needed him most. It wasn't until after Jesus died, that he became a stronger supporter. This is similar to how Saylor was somewhat anti-Bitcoin during its early years.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: airbin on August 26, 2023, 05:22:32 AM
If such a thing exists in your head, it's your problem, not bitcoin's, the apostles are all of us who own and believe bitcoin, leave individualism out, it's useless, even if Michael Saylor is an apostle for you, check this name: RogerVer.

Furthermore, if you were familiar with the history of money, you would know that any goods in human history that have ever aspired to be money (from cowrie shells, Rai stones, tulip bulbs to gold) have gone through 1 to 3 stages, let's call them:
1 "gaming"
2 "religious"
2 "foundation of the global financial system"

For instance, gold went through all three stages. For example, in South America, gold got stuck at stage 2 (Aztecs, Maya), while in medieval Europe, it was already at stage 3 (which ultimately led to the downfall of numerous ancient South American civilizations). The Aztecs couldn't genuinely grasp why their golden religious trinkets were so important and why they needed to kill hundreds of thousands of people for them. Bitcoin is currently at stage 1 and is entering stage 2. But it might never leave stage 2, or it might, for example, if there are 6 to 8 million rational players in the world who have entered the market with 2.625 Bitcoin or if a different Nash equilibrium is found where Bitcoin enters stage 3.

What the hell are you talking about, what ethnic reference is that, I ask you again and don't come out with schizophrenic deviations, you know why I referenced Roger Ver, because they use your type of answers, they are deceiving.

Title: Re: Is Michael Saylor a modern apostle like Peter and Paul?
Post by: Blitzboy on August 26, 2023, 05:29:35 AM
If such a thing exists in your head, it's your problem, not bitcoin's, the apostles are all of us who own and believe bitcoin, leave individualism out, it's useless, even if Michael Saylor is an apostle for you, check this name: RogerVer.

Furthermore, if you were familiar with the history of money, you would know that any goods in human history that have ever aspired to be money (from cowrie shells, Rai stones, tulip bulbs to gold) have gone through 1 to 3 stages, let's call them:
1 "gaming"
2 "religious"
2 "foundation of the global financial system"

For instance, gold went through all three stages. For example, in South America, gold got stuck at stage 2 (Aztecs, Maya), while in medieval Europe, it was already at stage 3 (which ultimately led to the downfall of numerous ancient South American civilizations). The Aztecs couldn't genuinely grasp why their golden religious trinkets were so important and why they needed to kill hundreds of thousands of people for them. Bitcoin is currently at stage 1 and is entering stage 2. But it might never leave stage 2, or it might, for example, if there are 6 to 8 million rational players in the world who have entered the market with 2.625 Bitcoin or if a different Nash equilibrium is found where Bitcoin enters stage 3.
Making comparisons between Bitcoin and the history of money is fascinating. Cowrie shells were once considered primitive, but they served as stepping stones in the development of trade. When you get to gold, you can see its enormous value in power dynamics as well as trade.

You make reference to the Aztecs' obsession with gold in a religious setting. Isnt that tragic? How they were blind to the impending catastrophe brought about by the Europeans who had already monetized gold. What a case of missing the big picture!

Bitcoin? Man, thats crazy. Its definitely moving between the "gaming" and "religious" stages, as you correctly point out. If it penetrates the core of our financial system, only time will tell. However, your claim that there are 6 to 8 million intelligent gamers using 2.625 Bitcoin seems a little random, doesnt it? Why that particular quantity? History is a nasty mistress, however. She just cares about the results and not our predictions.