Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Fivestar4everMVP on July 26, 2023, 05:32:25 PM

Title: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on July 26, 2023, 05:32:25 PM
If you are still trying to find a good reason to buy some bitcoin, Well, over the night, I was watching some crypto related videos on YouTube, and while going through the comment section, I found this comment which really made a lot of sense to me, and I thought to share it here..

The dude, who ever he is said, "if he can spend a $100 to $200 dollars daily on food and drink, and wake up the next day to piss and shit it out without bothering whether there be profit or not, then not a bad idea to spend some of that money buying an asset that has the potentials of earning you some profit, no matter how small".

Sure nothing special about this statement, but I just find the analogy interesting, maybe its because this is something we do everyday and have come to terms with it as the basics of life and existence, many of us tend to easily without looking back, spend good amount of money on things that add very little to no profit or value on our financial lives, like eating out in an expensive hotel or restaurant, but when it comes to spending on that one thing that has the potential to add some positive figures into our finances, we begin to do a lot of calculating and analyzing  ;D, is this not us indirectly cheating ourselves?

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: coolcoinz on July 26, 2023, 05:57:52 PM
I keep telling people that it doesn't really matter how much bitcoin you have, but at this point having no bitcoin is plain stupid.

You know it has potential and a disruptive technology that is changing world finance as we speak. Because of bitcoin governments are spending money on developing CBDCs because they know how important it is to counter the trend of private cashless and global payments. Their only idea is to make a system that offers global cashless payments that aren't private, but endorsed by them and with higher acceptance rate.

You know it's safe to buy and that it's not a scam, so why not have some of it? Just skip one beer a day, stop smoking, walk or take a bicycle to work instead of driving there, at least once a week. Maybe stop buying unhealthy snacks, or sweet drinks. Do yourself a favor and spend that money on bitcoin, even if it means saving $10 a week. By next halving you're going to have some bits saved up.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: mk4 on July 26, 2023, 06:20:45 PM
This pretty much applies to investing in general and saving money in general. But a huge majority of people aren't really interested in investing (or worse, saving) unfortunately.

Just a heads up that eating a good pricey meal is great once in a while though. Don't deprive yourself too much of your happiness.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: Wiwo on July 26, 2023, 06:44:15 PM
This pretty much applies to investing in general and saving money in general. But a huge majority of people aren't really interested in investing (or worse, saving) unfortunately.

Just a heads up that eating a good pricey meal is great once in a while though. Don't deprive yourself too much of your happiness.
I agree with you, i most financially stable people will rather spend that money on food and drinks rather than invest it.

Good food is a healthy habit and health is wealth they say!

Anyways for a middle-class individual looking to build a financial stability, investing bits of their earnings in saving or buying assets that have some future profits guarantee like bitcoin is also a smart way to build a financial cashflow for future foods and drinks at least a retirement plan.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: Eternad on July 26, 2023, 06:49:59 PM
I value food over anything since my parents and culture teach me how to show respect on it since we are all striving to earn money just to eat since we can’t leave without food while we can leave without anything else except food/water alone.

This a good motivation if you are wasting money on fancy restaurants that serves an OP dish while you can eat the same on other restaurants for lower price with a little bit low quality. But if you are sacrificing food in general than to invest, I think I will not do this kind of motivation.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: GiftedMAN on July 26, 2023, 07:11:29 PM
This is a good motivation and I think it is really nice to realize that one can save out some cash from food and drinks just to think of the getting some bitcoin weekly or monthly depending on the income of the person not just saving to get some bitcoin but other things that will be of good profit in the future. This post reminds me of a man on YouTube who talks about how getting bitcoin everyday makes him happy regardless of what people think or say about it. I think this is the right approach and everyone who thinks about the future too should consider getting bitcoin probably every day no matter how little the amount will cost.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: m2017 on July 26, 2023, 07:16:26 PM
This pretty much applies to investing in general and saving money in general. But a huge majority of people aren't really interested in investing (or worse, saving) unfortunately.
If there are no inherent skills in thrift, then there will be no inclination to invest.
Most of the people around you are spenders and they will never be able to afford even a share of bitcoin.

Just a heads up that eating a good pricey meal is great once in a while though. Don't deprive yourself too much of your happiness.
Good food doesn't have to be expensive. 100$-200$ food, what's so unique about it in terms of the enjoyment that food can give? Undoubtedly, this food is overpriced, because the owner of the establishment wants to cash in on you. The same applies to other pleasures and entertainments. A lot of things in this life are overpriced and a lot of good things, like good food, can be had for less.

By the way, it is not the price that makes the food good and tasty.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: Stedsm on July 26, 2023, 07:19:49 PM
TBH, not everyone in this world can afford that much in a day because then, he'd need at least $3k-$6k a month just for the sake of food and drinks and rest expense isn't calculated. And it's literally not possible for anyone to earn that much a month because if you can, I don't think you need an extra source of income because you're already living a luxurious life as you can definitely visit countries if you earn that much a day or a month whichever relates.
However, the example is nice but he tried to set the tempo high of his comment, but I'd definitely say that it's actually motivating for those who spend a lot behind food and especially beverages (my dear heavy drinkers, yes I'm talking about you people) :D

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: Nwada001 on July 26, 2023, 07:21:04 PM
This is just human nature, and there is literally little to nothing that can be done about it unless one changes his own mindset. At some point, investment decisions should also be added to one's list of needs and not wants, as they are also important parts of one's life.
People are just fine. It is very easy to spend money on their wants and pleasures without giving it a second thought, with the belief that those things are contributing to their happiness, which gives them a rest of mind that can equally guarantee their health and safety. When it comes to investments, you and I (Op) know that those are not easy decisions to make. The guy on YouTube used the illustration based on his own financial status, so those 100–200 dollars could just be like a dollar to him. But for an average earner, he needs to consider where his money is going,  the risk involved in it, if it's worth it or not, and if he is unsure of it. Sometimes it is better for them to spend it on things they think will add to their nourishment than put money on things they don't know what the outcome will be.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: mindrust on July 26, 2023, 07:23:53 PM
If you are still trying to find a good reason to buy some bitcoin, Well, over the night, I was watching some crypto related videos on YouTube, and while going through the comment section, I found this comment which really made a lot of sense to me, and I thought to share it here..

The dude, who ever he is said, "if he can spend a $100 to $200 dollars daily on food and drink, and wake up the next day to piss and shit it out without bothering whether there be profit or not, then not a bad idea to spend some of that money buying an asset that has the potentials of earning you some profit, no matter how small".

Enjoying food and drinks is a whole different concept than making an investment. You shouldn't limit your entertainment too much just to make investments imo. It is always OK to save money to buy bitcoin but living like a plant will harm you mentally in the long run. I would never advise this to any of my friends. If you are not going to enjoy a good meal and some drinks every once in a while, I can't call that "living". It is more like being a slave to me and I can't live like that. Nobody should because we are all people. Obviously that doesn't mean that we should spend all of our monthly income on booze. I don't mean that. There should be a balance.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: prosmmservice on July 26, 2023, 07:33:49 PM
not just buying bitcoin  it is motivating for doing any investment. I am gonna save it and read it everyday.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: darkv0rt3x on July 26, 2023, 07:35:42 PM
Sometimes I need motivation. I live in a small town where Bitcoin is not very wide spread and sometimes I would also wish to find sources of motivation to keep working in small projects I like to start, but then, I end up giving up on them because new things came up! That shoul be solved with some motivation, for sure!

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: mendace on July 26, 2023, 07:47:22 PM
I keep telling people that it doesn't really matter how much bitcoin you have, but at this point having no bitcoin is plain stupid.

You know it has potential and a disruptive technology that is changing world finance as we speak. Because of bitcoin governments are spending money on developing CBDCs because they know how important it is to counter the trend of private cashless and global payments. Their only idea is to make a system that offers global cashless payments that aren't private, but endorsed by them and with higher acceptance rate.

You know it's safe to buy and that it's not a scam, so why not have some of it? Just skip one beer a day, stop smoking, walk or take a bicycle to work instead of driving there, at least once a week. Maybe stop buying unhealthy snacks, or sweet drinks. Do yourself a favor and spend that money on bitcoin, even if it means saving $10 a week. By next halving you're going to have some bits saved up.

I agree with you, some know that Bitcoin has made some people millionaires yet they don't do anything to be able to invest in it or when they do they start shaking their heads and saying they don't understand anything and don't know how to do it.  It's absurd because it's not true that they don't understand but the truth is that they don't want to understand.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: bamboostic on July 26, 2023, 07:53:14 PM
The transaction volume limitation on Bitcoin heavily limits its long-term positive potential. The average global salary is something like $7,000 USD per year, and so a 20% savings rate would be $3.84 per day.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: bayu7adi on July 26, 2023, 07:54:42 PM
Indeed, there are two points we can discuss regarding the comments embedded in that picture.

Every individual eats and drinks daily, not only to fulfill basic needs but also because some do it for pleasure. This context is quite fitting when applied to a situation where investing in Bitcoin takes precedence over indulging in temporary delights of food and drinks.

I perceive the order of priority from the three contexts above as follows:

1. Eating and drinking for sustenance and nourishment.
2. Bitcoin investment.
3. Eating and drinking for leisurely enjoyment.

Moreover, investing in Bitcoin not only holds great potential for profits but also, under unfavorable circumstances, can deplete one's funds. The money that could have been spent on creating momentary happiness ends up lost due to weak investment strategies in Bitcoin.

Regardless of the perspective, I concur that Bitcoin investment should take precedence over eating, drinking, and reveling in fleeting festivities. We can celebrate and enjoy ourselves later, once we reap the benefits from Bitcoin, which deserves top priority.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: Pokapoka124 on July 26, 2023, 07:57:22 PM
For me, it’s about scale of preference. The difference between wants and needs is basic economics but unfortunately it is a concept that many fail to acknowledge in their lives. People will spend money on things they consider important, for some going on dates and expensive vacations may be their priority, and bitcoin investment may not be on their list of preference, this could be because they do not have knowledge of how bitcoin works.  

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: Queentoshi on July 26, 2023, 08:13:29 PM
The dude, who ever he is said, "if he can spend a $100 to $200 dollars daily on food and drink, and wake up the next day to piss and shit it out without bothering whether there be profit or not, then not a bad idea to spend some of that money buying an asset that has the potentials of earning you some profit, no matter how small".
The profit in eating is nutrition for the body, so the food is not a complete waste as the person who made the comments makes it. His point is that it is important to try to get the attitude and habit of investing daily in assets as you eat and drink daily. investing little by little may not look like you are doing enough, but little gets to much with a consistent habit of gathering little. Also, we can also say that as you try to consistently invest, do not do it at the expense of food, that is you skip meals and eat less nutritious meals just because you want to invest. Good food is necessary for good health.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: Z-tight on July 26, 2023, 08:28:25 PM
Eating and drinking is part of the basic needs of life, and it does not mean that everyone who can afford to buy what to eat or drink can afford to buy BTC. Before one can invest in assets they must have first taken care of the most basic things in their life like food, drinks and shelter, the post in the op is not a motivation in my honest opinion. Buying BTC is a good plan, but for the people who can afford it, so i believe the post is for people who live comfortably but spend their money lavishly and have no investment.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: nelson4lov on July 26, 2023, 08:38:42 PM

Just a heads up that eating a good pricey meal is great once in a while though. Don't deprive yourself too much of your happiness.

This makes a lot of sense. At the end of the day, we have to strike a balance in our financials. As much as our investment portfolio should be booming, we should also take time to take care of ourselves. That's what matters at the end of the day and it's the reason we even work or hustle in the first place.

This is a good motivation and I think it is really nice to realize that one can save out some cash from food and drinks just to think of the getting some bitcoin weekly or monthly depending on the income of the person not just saving to get some bitcoin but other things that will be of good profit in the future. This post reminds me of a man on YouTube who talks about how getting bitcoin everyday makes him happy regardless of what people think or say about it. I think this is the right approach and everyone who thinks about the future too should consider getting bitcoin probably every day no matter how little the amount will cost.

The motivation doesn't apply to everyone. I believed it's mostly for people who lavishly spend their earnings unnecessarily when they could have devoted most of those spare money to investment/Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: Lida93 on July 26, 2023, 08:41:13 PM
To say the least there are people that spends so much on luxuries like clothes, fancy shoes and cars, embarking on series of vacations, spends a lot at the bar on bitches but talk to them about investing in bitcoin they can come up with countless excuses as why they don't trust the digital coin.

How does it feel spending money on things that has nothing  profitable not even a 0.1% of a chance of profit in contrast to putting your money into something that has the potent and capacity to yield you substantial profit hereafter.

In today's world anyone that knows how to make use of the internet and doesn't own sowm amount of bitcoin no matter how little or is still contemplating about it is taking a bigger risk to staying hungering.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: The Cryptovator on July 26, 2023, 08:47:12 PM
The concept is quite impressive. Imagine if you had embraced this idea a decade ago and held onto your investments without selling. By now, you would likely be one of the wealthiest individuals in the world. This thought experiment is something I occasionally indulge in.

For instance, today someone paid me $1000 worth of ETH, which is more than 0.5 ETH. To capitalize on the opportunity, I decided to purchase an additional 1.5 ETH, bringing my total holdings to 2 ETH. Without any intention of engaging in short-term trading, I securely transferred the purchased ETH to my Ledger wallet. The same strategy could be applied to Bitcoin as well.

The idea is to hold onto these assets with a long-term perspective, potentially reaping significant benefits over time due to their appreciation in value. It's fascinating to ponder how such a simple yet powerful strategy could lead to substantial wealth accumulation.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: Japinat on July 26, 2023, 08:48:21 PM
This pretty much applies to investing in general and saving money in general. But a huge majority of people aren't really interested in investing (or worse, saving) unfortunately.

Just a heads up that eating a good pricey meal is great once in a while though. Don't deprive yourself too much of your happiness.
It’s certain that when people enter any investment, there will always be doubts and hesitations before one can finally realize that investing is the best option. However, not all have the same mindset when it comes to bitcoin investing, that’s why a lot would not dare to spend on bitcoin but spend a lot of money on eating at expensive restaurants. Even myself I was like that before, and I think treating yourself somehow is not that bad at all.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: JoyMarsha on July 26, 2023, 08:59:52 PM
Due to my own experience with this line of thinking, I can relate to this better. I've learned to live a less extravagant lifestyle ever since I learned what the future of my Bitcoin investment holds. I am more frugal with my money and have been thoughtful in my life's financial transactions. No matter how little money I have, my goal is always to invest more in bitcoin rather than filling my stomach with food that won't keep me full for more than a day. This is what Bitcoin can do to those who believe it holds the key to their future. They are prepared to alter their lifestyle in order to achieve their goals, even if it means investing in Bitcoin once a week or once a month.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: darkangel11 on July 27, 2023, 08:06:58 PM
The concept is quite impressive. Imagine if you had embraced this idea a decade ago and held onto your investments without selling. By now, you would likely be one of the wealthiest individuals in the world. This thought experiment is something I occasionally indulge in.

For instance, today someone paid me $1000 worth of ETH, which is more than 0.5 ETH. To capitalize on the opportunity, I decided to purchase an additional 1.5 ETH, bringing my total holdings to 2 ETH. Without any intention of engaging in short-term trading, I securely transferred the purchased ETH to my Ledger wallet. The same strategy could be applied to Bitcoin as well.

The idea is to hold onto these assets with a long-term perspective, potentially reaping significant benefits over time due to their appreciation in value. It's fascinating to ponder how such a simple yet powerful strategy could lead to substantial wealth accumulation.

Many long-term bitcoin holders focus on securing as much as they can and saving for 10 years and more. You can hear some of the interviews with these people on youtube channels, especially the ones that promote self -custody and holding like Swan Bitcoin. What it comes down to, these people aren't interested in this cycle and the profits it might bring. They're interested in a cycle that comes 8 years from now, or 12 years... It's amazing that we're witnessing the rise of a new group of investors. Essentially gold bugs in the cyber realm, who know how important this technology is for our freedom and independence.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: Falconer on July 27, 2023, 08:16:41 PM

Many long-term bitcoin holders focus on securing as much as they can and saving for 10 years and more. You can hear some of the interviews with these people on youtube channels, especially the ones that promote self -custody and holding like Swan Bitcoin. What it comes down to, these people aren't interested in this cycle and the profits it might bring. They're interested in a cycle that comes 8 years from now, or 12 years... It's amazing that we're witnessing the rise of a new group of investors. Essentially gold bugs in the cyber realm, who know how important this technology is for our freedom and independence.
OP's mindset is fine to adopt, but I don't know how many people actually spend $100 - $200 a day consistently just to feed their stomachs specially those who know about bitcoin. That was the question that was on my mind right now, but obviously some rich people spend a lot more than that.

$100 to $200 is what my family and I spend in a month to eat needed, that's too much to spend in a day. But the investment idea based on thrift is a good one, even if they can only save $10 a week by not spending it on things they don't really need.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: _BlackStar on July 27, 2023, 08:52:10 PM
It’s certain that when people enter any investment, there will always be doubts and hesitations before one can finally realize that investing is the best option. However, not all have the same mindset when it comes to bitcoin investing, that’s why a lot would not dare to spend on bitcoin but spend a lot of money on eating at expensive restaurants. Even myself I was like that before, and I think treating yourself somehow is not that bad at all.
It seems true that not everyone is aware that bitcoin is one of the investment assets that has the potential to generate profits for its investors. Only people who are aware of bitcoin will invest in bitcoin - so the idea mentioned by the OP is only suitable for those who are aware of bitcoin.

People can save money - but not all of them will invest it in highly volatile assets like bitcoin. This advice is good for anyone who is prepared for the consequences of risk with bitcoin - that includes its price volatility as well as the security of your storage wallet. Spending $100 to $200 in one day to eat is bad - I think it's wasted money, even if you're a tycoon.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: Kelvinid on July 27, 2023, 11:28:25 PM
Because we never think about the future but rather choose to enjoy our life today and spend money as much as we can. Well, rich people can do that because they already have financial freedom and it was okay. But for those who are not, the idea of spending more on things that give back nothing like just spending on fancy things was a huge mistake. It was very unfortunate but can't force people to rethink their wrongdoings because what it is in their mind is that they only live once, - and they just wanted to enjoy and reward themselves for working hard even if it drains their savings.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: hatshepsut93 on July 27, 2023, 11:40:48 PM
Most people in this world don't typically spend hundreds of dollars on restaurants, so this wise advice is not applicable to them. And those that do are either so financially secure, that they can easily afford that, or are so bad with money, that they need to address that before investing in Bitcoin.

Bitcoin is just a saving/investing method, there's nothing special about it in this context. You could as well advice people to put their money in stocks, instead of spending it on luxury.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: CryptSafe on July 28, 2023, 11:40:41 AM
I have had this experience years past when I was a student. During my undergraduate days at the University. I go club every friday and you know what that means. Spending money on drinks and other stuffs friday nights was a habitual thing although the money was not the issue but it was just for fun. I did this until one day the thought came over me to do some calculations on my weekend expenses at the club. I noticed the money I spend on weekly basis for clubbing with my friends was  enough to buy some shares and to start some little business engagement as at then.  I had no knowledge of Bitcoin because if I have heard about it then possibly, I would have bought some Bitcoin and possibly I would have made some big fortune from it then but  the knowledge about it wasn't there.

What am I  trying to say is that sometimes the money is not the issue but knowledge about the investment. Just like what I have read from the post about the  money people spend on luxury, some do it at their own merriment while some that can afford it do invest in it. It is all a personal perspective. To some the bucks is a million times important for them while for some it is just a trash to them. Different folks with different lifestyle and business orientation.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: aoluain on July 28, 2023, 01:31:37 PM
Most people in this world don't typically spend hundreds of dollars on restaurants, so this wise advice is not applicable to them. And those that do are either so financially secure, that they can easily afford that, or are so bad with money, that they need to address that before investing in Bitcoin.

Bitcoin is just a saving/investing method, there's nothing special about it in this context. You could as well advice people to put their money in stocks, instead of spending it on luxury.

I suppose the analogy used in the OP can be taken as a lesson in prioritising where
and on what anyone can spend their money on, as coolcoinz points out on the
first reply on page 1 - its just stupid at this stage not to have Bitcoin if you can afford
to spend a $100 or more at a restaurant.

Then again most people dont go around flaunting their Bitcoin hodlings and those that
spend that kind of money at a restaurant could possibly have Bitcoin too!

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: hugeblack on July 28, 2023, 02:14:37 PM

The dude, who ever he is said, "if he can spend a $100 to $200 dollars daily on food and drink, and wake up the next day to piss and shit it out without bothering whether there be profit or not, then not a bad idea to spend some of that money buying an asset that has the potentials of earning you some profit, no matter how small".

I agree with you in principle, but it is difficult to find individuals who have the luxury of saving 100 to 200 dollars for several years and then waiting for several years to achieve wealth. Most people do not have enough money for food and drink expenditures.
The solution can be to try to reduce it to a minimum and then try to have a surplus, but this requires severe discipline, as human nature loves spending a lot.

This is if we ignore problems such as unemployment, high taxes, customs duties, inflation, exchange rate problems, insurance, etc.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: xSkylarx on July 28, 2023, 02:22:13 PM
I am the kind of person who really gets into motivational quotes that really hit me hard and make me think something, which is the same with the statement that you can ponder since it is true. The problem really is that when it comes to investing, we are always thinking of profit, but when eating at expensive restaurants, we are just expecting good food, and again, you are just going to spit it out by tomorrow. I would be downloading this image just to remind me whenever I needed it.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: bitzizzix on July 28, 2023, 02:30:32 PM
Most people in this world don't typically spend hundreds of dollars on restaurants, so this wise advice is not applicable to them. And those that do are either so financially secure, that they can easily afford that, or are so bad with money, that they need to address that before investing in Bitcoin.

Bitcoin is just a saving/investing method, there's nothing special about it in this context. You could as well advice people to put their money in stocks, instead of spending it on luxury.
You're right, and I think hundreds of dollars just to go to a restaurant or spend it in a day can be considered rich. And they can spend it because they have more money or have a large income, so it doesn't apply to those who only spend $10/$20 a day on their needs because they think hard and put their needs first to survive.
and people like that who can spend hundreds of dollars to invest in bitcoin or other investments but i think they do or do any other business that supports it to do anything because of financial support.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: komisariatku on July 28, 2023, 02:49:16 PM
About a month ago I ran into an old friend. We chatted a lot until he told me about his interest in learning stocks and had started setting aside 10% of his monthly salary while learning stocks. He planned that when he understood the stock business, he would increase his stock savings by 30% of his monthly salary. We had several discussions about stocks, future prospects and risks.

Then I asked him if he knows bitcoin? he said he knew a little but had no interest in bitcoins. I explained about bitcoin and its price movement from 2009 until now. Then he was quite enthusiastic about the fantastic increase in the price of bitcoin. Until finally I recommend 5% of his salary for bitcoin. I explained the risks and he had to be prepared if the money was lost. He agreed and for him 5% of the salary is not a serious problem as he is still single.

I usually don't dare to recommend someone to invest in bitcoin, because the risk is big. It's just that he has good finances and is an old friend, so I dare to give a recommendation to buy bitcoins and hold them.

I think what I did is almost similar to the quote you attached

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: dothebeats on July 28, 2023, 02:57:16 PM
Well this is one way to motivate someone. It is also a good way to attract people on why it is not necessarily a waste of money to invest in general. It's like saying if you can spend a few hundred dollars over something that will only give you temporary enjoyment I'm sure you have some change in your pocket to invest on something that may double the money back. It's a good way to persuade people without offering false expectations.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: Lorence.xD on July 28, 2023, 03:09:24 PM
Most people in this world don't typically spend hundreds of dollars on restaurants, so this wise advice is not applicable to them. And those that do are either so financially secure, that they can easily afford that, or are so bad with money, that they need to address that before investing in Bitcoin.

Bitcoin is just a saving/investing method, there's nothing special about it in this context. You could as well advice people to put their money in stocks, instead of spending it on luxury.

That statement for sure has a target audience because typically people who can afford to spend hundreds of dollars in a restaurant would be rich people or successful people. So maybe that statement is for people who would go to a expensive restaurant despite the budget and impracticality just to show that you can afford the food. We need first to have a good investment to secure your financial status which we can apply in investing in Bitcoin. If you can afford something expensive which cost almost all of your salary why not just invest some into Bitcoin right? There might not be special in this context but it's hilariously motivational to people who would spend all their money in temporary things.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: KiaKia on July 28, 2023, 03:32:08 PM
It is no point eating comfortably every day if you do not invest money. I use to tell my younger ones too, if you do not do anything, 10 years will still pass you by and you will have nothing to show for it. There's nothing wrong with investing most of your money into Bitcoin and using the rest to survive.

Those who live their life base of risky investments are always the ones who take the top, and trust be told, Bitcoin is now on a journey of becoming a less risky investment, it's riskier not to have any Bitcoin right now because if in near future the US embrace Bitcoin completely, that will be a game changer and loads of people will then start rushing in, not to miss out but they have already missed out because they fail to accumulate when no one cares.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: SamReomo on July 28, 2023, 03:40:40 PM
It is one of the best ways for Motivation ever and it's true at the same time. The comment is very true and we all know that, and yes instead of wasting a lot of money on our eating habits we can save a little amount of money each day or week and spend that on Bitcoin. I know that no body will get rich by investing such amount of money on Bitcoin, but still something is always better than nothing, and the ones who invest some amount of their money on Bitcoin will have a better future as compare to the ones who spends that money on unnecessary things.

I know that there are people who won't be spending more than $2 to $5 per day on the food or other items because they live in areas where they don't earn a lot of money and that's why they can't spend a lot of on food or other items, but the ones who spend $10 or more per day on their food should learn a good lesson from this comment, and they should try to reduce their eating expenses and invest a little amount of their money on Bitcoin at least.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: gunhell16 on July 28, 2023, 03:44:38 PM
I remembered something in that quote, which is when a person has a vice and spends it every day like being a smoker, a pack of cigarettes here is now worth 2.3$, there are other smokers who gets 2 packages a day and the equivalent of that is 5.6$ daily which in a week is in the amount of 39.2$, if he shifts his habit of investing in Bitcoin it is possible that this person will be lucky in the future.

than the price of cigarettes daily which is damaging to his health is not a good habit, at least if this is what the person will do, it will be profitable for him to spend every day on his Bitcoin habit. But this is just an example of my illustration.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: Die_empty on July 28, 2023, 04:40:16 PM
It is no point eating comfortably every day if you do not invest money. I use to tell my younger ones too, if you do not do anything, 10 years will still pass you by and you will have nothing to show for it. There's nothing wrong with investing most of your money into Bitcoin and using the rest to survive.
You have to eat a balanced diet every day to live a healthy life. If you don't eat well, you might become sick and even die. There are some basic needs that we cannot compromise because we want to invest. I don't support cutting or managing our budget on essential needs because we want to save money. But it's important not to waste money on unnecessary things, especially things that one can do without. Spending money on alcohol, cigarettes, designer clothing, and other luxury should be cut and such funds should be transferred to investments.

Some people have wasted their fortune on some trivial matters that should have been avoided. For one to be able to save and invest in these current harsh economic conditions, one needs to sacrifice pleasure and luxury. No matter how little we earn, we must keep saving and investing because the future is unpredictable.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: michellee on July 28, 2023, 04:45:06 PM
If people could see that the biggest reason for buying Bitcoin was to make a profit, that would be enough for them to start buying Bitcoin. But unfortunately, many of them have heard that Bitcoin can deceive them and cause them to lose and lose all their money.

They need the right knowledge about Bitcoin to change their minds. It depends on the users themselves. If users want to use Bitcoin for their own good in the sense of making a profit, they can certainly do so but on condition that they learn more about Bitcoin.

Meanwhile, other people still think that Bitcoin is too high to buy right now, so they want to wait a while for the price to drop and then buy. But when the price drops, they don't buy either and say they want to keep waiting. But what happens is that the price can immediately go up and they don't buy Bitcoin. And that led to disappointment for them. And when they decided to buy at that time, the price was already above and caused panic when they saw the price was corrected so they sold it at a loss. That's what happened so far.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: Yatsan on July 28, 2023, 04:47:44 PM
If you are still trying to find a good reason to buy some bitcoin, Well, over the night, I was watching some crypto related videos on YouTube, and while going through the comment section, I found this comment which really made a lot of sense to me, and I thought to share it here..

The dude, who ever he is said, "if he can spend a $100 to $200 dollars daily on food and drink, and wake up the next day to piss and shit it out without bothering whether there be profit or not, then not a bad idea to spend some of that money buying an asset that has the potentials of earning you some profit, no matter how small".

Sure nothing special about this statement, but I just find the analogy interesting, maybe its because this is something we do everyday and have come to terms with it as the basics of life and existence, many of us tend to easily without looking back, spend good amount of money on things that add very little to no profit or value on our financial lives, like eating out in an expensive hotel or restaurant, but when it comes to spending on that one thing that has the potential to add some positive figures into our finances, we begin to do a lot of calculating and analyzing  ;D, is this not us indirectly cheating ourselves?
It is indeed a great idea to share especially with non-crypto investors. But if we would dig down the idea, what's pushing people away from investing to this technokogy? One reason is impression. There is an impression that investment amount should be huge in order to generate bigger profit but in reality, there's no minimum or maximum amount to invest, only an amount you can afford losing. Ofcourse  we would envy those who have the privilege to invest and earn big but what can we do about it? Just go with something inside yoyr capacity and you're good to go. No matter how big or small it is, the fact that you have tried is alrwady something big. If you have invested a small amount right now  what more eventually right? First step is the biggest.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: Nheer on July 28, 2023, 05:16:26 PM
The concept is quite impressive. Imagine if you had embraced this idea a decade ago and held onto your investments without selling. By now, you would likely be one of the wealthiest individuals in the world. This thought experiment is something I occasionally indulge in.
I sometimes engage in the same, and it makes me feel so bad because, looking back, I had the chance to be one when I earned my first cryptocurrency, but because I didn't understand it well enough at the time, all I cared about was selling and getting my meagre payout. I still resent what I did up until this point and am angry with myself. I am aware that I previously abused the chance, but this time it won't happen because I now grasp the advantages of long-term investing and have learned more about cryptocurrencies. I have so far been saving up a portion of my weekly income to enable me to hold onto bitcoin for an extended period of time.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: Sandra_hakeem on July 28, 2023, 05:48:03 PM
200 Dollar for just a one-time dinner?? Shittt!! That's luxury right?? Somebody tell me what I really need to Know. ??? Cus I'd better be thinking from my country's perspective.. i sure hope the cost of daily meals aren't as big as that.
Yeahh... It's quite a good motivation for alot of peeps that thinks it's best to save up than investing - when investing, you tend to make profits at the end of the day, with your Capital untouched but Saving up doesn't make any difference. I still feel that motivations are the highest you can do for neighsayers - as long as they keep doubting, let them be.

Sandra 🧑‍🦰

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: Wimex on July 28, 2023, 11:00:02 PM
I value food over anything since my parents and culture teach me how to show respect on it since we are all striving to earn money just to eat since we can’t leave without food while we can leave without anything else except food/water alone.

This a good motivation if you are wasting money on fancy restaurants that serves an OP dish while you can eat the same on other restaurants for lower price with a little bit low quality. But if you are sacrificing food in general than to invest, I think I will not do this kind of motivation.

It is that in theory said motivation that the op intends to carry out, is directed towards those people whose pocket is considerably stable, it is recognized that for a person who lives from day to day this is not an option that can be taken lightly, but for those that do not make good use of their assets having the possibilities of growing with it, is a good point of view. In the times we live in no person with the ability to grow economically should waste their money, because their situation could change, so you have to make sure before having a good time and take advantage of investment opportunities such as bitcoin to face future crises. The problem with these individuals is their financial immaturity, which leads them to think that their money will last forever and they find out when they go bankrupt just when it is too late.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: panganib999 on July 28, 2023, 11:25:20 PM
It does make sense. Some of us out here spending so much on food and other stuff that wouldn't really last nor provide us with the security in life that we need soon as we retire and we're shying out on investing, not even with bitcoin but with investing in general cause we have more excuses and less reasons to do it. I get that some of us out here's not that fortunate when it comes to upbringing as well as with the income level which disallows us to invest money but for those who are able to but aren't doing so, what is your excuse really? What's not clicking my friend?

I think OP doesn't mean to make you think that should cheap out on important shit like food and utilities, but what this boils down to is you having enough motivation to invest for your future as much as you have motivation to buy that daily starbucks coffee, or that weekly food trip you go out to with your friends.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: Asuspawer09 on July 28, 2023, 11:38:30 PM
If you are still trying to find a good reason to buy some bitcoin, Well, over the night, I was watching some crypto related videos on YouTube, and while going through the comment section, I found this comment which really made a lot of sense to me, and I thought to share it here..

The dude, who ever he is said, "if he can spend a $100 to $200 dollars daily on food and drink, and wake up the next day to piss and shit it out without bothering whether there be profit or not, then not a bad idea to spend some of that money buying an asset that has the potentials of earning you some profit, no matter how small".

Sure nothing special about this statement, but I just find the analogy interesting, maybe its because this is something we do everyday and have come to terms with it as the basics of life and existence, many of us tend to easily without looking back, spend good amount of money on things that add very little to no profit or value on our financial lives, like eating out in an expensive hotel or restaurant, but when it comes to spending on that one thing that has the potential to add some positive figures into our finances, we begin to do a lot of calculating and analyzing  ;D, is this not us indirectly cheating ourselves?

For sure I mean when I budget my salary I already put around 40% just on savings and investment, because you need to save more than your spend if you spend more than your saving it is just going to be a difficult thing to do. I'm watching a lot of podcasts about financial stuff and how can I become rich and I really learn a lot, It doesnt really matter if you have a very high salary in my country the minimum salary was around 13k PHP, even though your salary was around 50k PHP it doesnt make you rich if your spending is really high, What matter here is how you save, if you're just gonna spend all of the 50k PHP, in the end, it was just useless. There are times that even though you have a high salary already you think that it still wasn't enough because you keep increasing your lifestyle instead of increasing your investment and saving.

So yes in my opinion investing is something that is not a waste and you could easily do that for your future, that make a lot of sense since we did spend on a lot of things without wanting some kind of profit or return, but when it comes to investment that could potentially give us profit we just doesnt want to.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: Blitzboy on July 29, 2023, 12:09:59 PM
The constant tug-of-war between having fun and making money. On one side, the smell of a juicy steak is enticing. On the other hand, there is Bitcoin's cold, hard promise.

We people are strange, wouldn't you say? We're happy to spend money on a one-time meal, but we're not so sure about things that could help us get ahead financially. You know, because "risky" Bitcoin is. Like when it fell... and got back up. Then it fell... and got back up

If you are ready to bet on a meal that will be gone by tomorrow, why not bet on Bitcoin? It doesn't always go up, but every time it falls, it always goes back up. Now, if only my diet worked as well as that one...

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: avp2306 on July 29, 2023, 12:19:42 PM
If you are still trying to find a good reason to buy some bitcoin, Well, over the night, I was watching some crypto related videos on YouTube, and while going through the comment section, I found this comment which really made a lot of sense to me, and I thought to share it here..

I think this is applicable when bitcoin is so early since by now that amount will became a lot of money even if you buy 1 bitcoin when this is at early phase. But now er can still able to buy it but not the whole one since its expensive especially for people who earn low and for sure the only amount they can afford is less. But who knows even if they bought 0.001 maybe this figure will be lift since bitcoin supply is limited and we don't know what will happen to it in future.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: Hypnosis00 on July 29, 2023, 01:18:09 PM
That was a sort of encouraging us people to spend money wisely rather than spending it on useless stuff that gives us nothing. Even though we have enough money to buy luxury things and eat in expensive restaurants, still we think that this can't be forever and we need to prepare for the future as well and most especially, as inflation continues. Savings is very important even we are rich because not all are within our control and the situation educates us how to be mindful on our spending habits.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: demonica on July 29, 2023, 01:41:12 PM
If you really have the right mindset, it doesn't matter how big or small the amount of money you invested in Bitcoin because you'd still make some profit from it. And I agree on what he said. We sometimes get scared of risking our money on investments, but why do we have to be scared to lose an amount of money that we don't even doubt spending on expensive random or unnecessary stuff that we buy on our daily basis. If we can afford to lose some funds on things with no return, why would we be scared of losing money on something where we can expect a gain?

Well I guess, it's just that others don't have the rich mindset or doesn't really think of spending in a smart way.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: tbct_mt2 on July 29, 2023, 02:01:20 PM
I agree with you in principle, but it is difficult to find individuals who have the luxury of saving 100 to 200 dollars for several years and then waiting for several years to achieve wealth. Most people do not have enough money for food and drink expenditures.
The solution can be to try to reduce it to a minimum and then try to have a surplus, but this requires severe discipline, as human nature loves spending a lot.
Life is not always rosy and we must have savings as our plan B when we lose our jobs or our salary drops or for emergency. Using all money we receive each month is risky for our future because when emergencies come, we have no savings to deal with such.

It is more popular in GenZ as I read many articles on newspaper that they use all money because they see it as how they enjoy their lives. They follow YOLO, You Only Live Once, buy luxuries, traveling and don't care about future.

This is if we ignore problems such as unemployment, high taxes, customs duties, inflation, exchange rate problems, insurance, etc.
The pandemic gives them lot of warnings because many people lost jobs during pandemic and after that. I believe many people did not imagine such terrible things will come to their life.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: Negotiation on July 29, 2023, 02:19:11 PM
Pandemic has taught many lessons to every person who has gone through the most difficult time of life. Hence our conscious approach to finances means clear planning of purchases and avoidance of hasty spending. Only the minimum cost includes products that need to be implemented at extremely low prices by doing this it is possible to save a little for the future. To increase the saving rate income must increase or expenditure must decrease if expenditure is greater than income saving is not possible. And if someone can do both even better the spending areas should be specified if one can specify the spending areas, then it becomes easier for him to take control of the money.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: alastantiger on July 29, 2023, 02:22:02 PM
Sure nothing special about this statement, but I just find the analogy interesting, maybe its because this is something we do everyday and have come to terms with it as the basics of life and existence, many of us tend to easily without looking back, spend good amount of money on things that add very little to no profit or value on our financial lives, like eating out in an expensive hotel or restaurant, but when it comes to spending on that one thing that has the potential to add some positive figures into our finances, we begin to do a lot of calculating and analyzing  ;D, is this not us indirectly cheating ourselves?
As hilarious as this sounds, I like the logic behind it. It is letting the procrastinators or know that they have no excuse for not investing in Bitcoin or something making an investment in something that would drastically turn their lives around. This same logic can be applied to learning a skill and increasing your earning potential. For instance instead of spending 2 hours with the boys, that 2 hours can be spent on learning cryptocurrency trading or Blockchain development. Simply put, no excuses for not making one's life better as there's always something we can do improve on our conditions and earnings.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: Mauser on July 29, 2023, 03:06:45 PM
Sure nothing special about this statement, but I just find the analogy interesting, maybe its because this is something we do everyday and have come to terms with it as the basics of life and existence, many of us tend to easily without looking back, spend good amount of money on things that add very little to no profit or value on our financial lives, like eating out in an expensive hotel or restaurant, but when it comes to spending on that one thing that has the potential to add some positive figures into our finances, we begin to do a lot of calculating and analyzing  ;D, is this not us indirectly cheating ourselves?

Spending 200 USD per day on food seems crazy to me, if you do this 2 times per week it would be 1600 USD. On top of that comes all your normal food that you eat the rest of the month. Maybe I just have a bad job, but spending 2k per month on food and drinks seems really high. In case you make 10k a month then you can clearly afford it, but he must be a lucky guy. Eating out in a fancy restaurant is luxury that only happens a few times a year for me on birthdays. I couldn't even afford it if I wanted to do it more regularly. Cutting back on those luxury items and invest the money instead seems like a good choice that I would recommend anybody. Also eating at such expensive places regularly, doesn't it make it less appealing? Getting used to caviar and champagne is not a good idea, better to stick to a well cooked home meal.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: kryptqnick on July 29, 2023, 03:12:41 PM
If someone can afford $100-200 daily on food and beverages, it's certainly better to put the money into Bitcoin instead. It can bring profit, as well as be a positive health influence because that kind of money on food and drinks isn't likely to be healthy. But I'm not sure how many people can relate to that, to be honest, as it can easily be 10, 20, 30 times more than many of us spend on food per day.
But occasionally eating out at a nice restaurant, especially if it's with the people close to you, is IMO better than putting away everything to invest in Bitcoin because pleasurable experiences are worth having once in a while.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: lizarder on July 29, 2023, 03:17:29 PM
If you are still trying to find a good reason to buy some bitcoin, Well, over the night, I was watching some crypto related videos on YouTube, and while going through the comment section, I found this comment which really made a lot of sense to me, and I thought to share it here..

The dude, who ever he is said, "if he can spend a $100 to $200 dollars daily on food and drink, and wake up the next day to piss and shit it out without bothering whether there be profit or not, then not a bad idea to spend some of that money buying an asset that has the potentials of earning you some profit, no matter how small".
That's the case for people who have stable financial resources and the only other reason why investing in bitcoins is so much more profitable is for reasons of volatility, regardless of how much risk the volatility itself carries. At one level people will begin to understand why investing in bitcoin is the right choice, although buying certain assets and properties is also an important part to try, there are many reasons why bitcoin is a much better priority.

It is a lifestyle for people who have big opinions and when their life is used to this pattern it will be difficult for them to get rid of the habit. People like this never think about how much money they always spend and maybe it's because the income they earn is large that the expenses incurred are not really taken into account and are never felt for them.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: TheGhostMan on July 29, 2023, 03:42:46 PM
     Like many here, that comment caught my attention because it is true... but one factor that we do not take into account is that, not everyone has the financial means to invest in cryptocurrencies, especially if the person has difficulties to cover their most basic expenses, such as food and services, because not everyone has the joy of spending $100 or $200 on food. With that in mind due to those kinds of financial constraints, it would be a challenge to get into the world of investing with BTC. unlike those who have a solid financial footing and can afford to put more money into investments. Since There is the possibility of obtaining considerable profits in the future, although the profits may vary.
     In my opinion, I think it is of the utmost importance to carefully assess the financial situation we currently find ourselves in before entering the world of BTC or cryptocurrencies in general. If our resources are limited, it might be wiser to look for additional income streams that allow us to save enough money to invest in the market while taking into account our risk tolerance, among other important factors.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: tjtonmoy on July 29, 2023, 07:55:25 PM
This is interesting. This proves how ignorant we are. Everything is in front of us and yet we ignore it or don't pay enough attention to see it. People are buying this and that and saving up to buy it in many cases. What they do is, they buy it immediately after they have saved enough for it. For me, the concept is different. When I am able to buy two of that same thing, then I will buy one. I will save until I am capable of buying two.
To do that, what's the best way besides investing? This is why we should always keep in mind what we use every day and what it costs, if we can manage to bring the cost down and save some from it, we can invest it later.

There are so many small things that we can do in order to save some money. But we choose to ignore it.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: Alpha Marine on July 29, 2023, 08:37:41 PM
It's interesting when you look at it from this angle. Most times people feel that a certain amount of money is too small to invest with. This may be true in most investment, but not Bitcoin. Just saving your money in Bitcoin is an investment.
Saving money in any other fiat currency is just savings, because in three years time, you'll still have just the amount of money invested with lower value due to inflation, but with Bitcoin, your savings may have increased by a certain percentage. And even if it does not increase, all you have to do is leave it for more time and it will increase

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: GigaBit on July 29, 2023, 09:04:04 PM
If you are still trying to find a good reason to buy some bitcoin, Well, over the night, I was watching some crypto related videos on YouTube, and while going through the comment section, I found this comment which really made a lot of sense to me, and I thought to share it here..

The dude, who ever he is said, "if he can spend a $100 to $200 dollars daily on food and drink, and wake up the next day to piss and shit it out without bothering whether there be profit or not, then not a bad idea to spend some of that money buying an asset that has the potentials of earning you some profit, no matter how small".
Some spend more than that. If someone tries to put a small amount of money from such expenses into bitcoins, I would say that he can turn his expenses into a big asset at some point. All that is required here is to raise a little awareness. If he puts in much less than $100 or $200 a day on a daily basis, I think he's a good investor for holding Bitcoin. What seems trivial to me today may not be tomorrow, especially in the case of Bitcoin holdings. Those who have more money have the opportunity to profit more from Bitcoin. But many fail to utilize this opportunity.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: Silberman on July 30, 2023, 05:00:07 AM
If you are still trying to find a good reason to buy some bitcoin, Well, over the night, I was watching some crypto related videos on YouTube, and while going through the comment section, I found this comment which really made a lot of sense to me, and I thought to share it here..

The dude, who ever he is said, "if he can spend a $100 to $200 dollars daily on food and drink, and wake up the next day to piss and shit it out without bothering whether there be profit or not, then not a bad idea to spend some of that money buying an asset that has the potentials of earning you some profit, no matter how small".

Sure nothing special about this statement, but I just find the analogy interesting, maybe its because this is something we do everyday and have come to terms with it as the basics of life and existence, many of us tend to easily without looking back, spend good amount of money on things that add very little to no profit or value on our financial lives, like eating out in an expensive hotel or restaurant, but when it comes to spending on that one thing that has the potential to add some positive figures into our finances, we begin to do a lot of calculating and analyzing  ;D, is this not us indirectly cheating ourselves?
This is a nice observation, people have become consumers and most of the time they do not think too much about the money they spend to try to get the experiences that they crave, however it is precisely in those instances in which people should really think if what they are getting for their money is actually worth it, as most of the time this is not the case, and by having such a lax posture regarding their expenses this causes them to have very little savings, which they could later be used to invest in assets with a high probability of turning profitable during the next years.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: Blitzboy on July 30, 2023, 06:24:54 AM
If you are still trying to find a good reason to buy some bitcoin, Well, over the night, I was watching some crypto related videos on YouTube, and while going through the comment section, I found this comment which really made a lot of sense to me, and I thought to share it here..

The dude, who ever he is said, "if he can spend a $100 to $200 dollars daily on food and drink, and wake up the next day to piss and shit it out without bothering whether there be profit or not, then not a bad idea to spend some of that money buying an asset that has the potentials of earning you some profit, no matter how small".
Some spend more than that. If someone tries to put a small amount of money from such expenses into bitcoins, I would say that he can turn his expenses into a big asset at some point. All that is required here is to raise a little awareness. If he puts in much less than $100 or $200 a day on a daily basis, I think he's a good investor for holding Bitcoin. What seems trivial to me today may not be tomorrow, especially in the case of Bitcoin holdings. Those who have more money have the opportunity to profit more from Bitcoin. But many fail to utilize this opportunity.
Saving by spending, as it were. I can already see the skeptics rolling their eyes at the thought. But let's entertain this for a moment, shall we? Suppose, hypothetically, instead of buying that overpriced cup of artisan coffee, one decides to invest the money in Bitcoin instead. Boom! Instantly, an expense turns into a potential asset.

Yes, it's not as refreshing or tasty as that morning brew, but I dare say it has a certain intoxicating allure to it. You never know, that meager amount today could turn into a golden goose in the future. And in the end, isn't it all about delayed gratification? Suffer now, profit later? Not a bad strategy, if you ask me!

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: microsurfer on July 30, 2023, 06:42:02 AM
This analogy is relevant for people in 1st world countries. Rest of the world don't spend so much on food

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: mvdheuvel1983 on July 30, 2023, 10:28:35 AM
This analogy is relevant for people in 1st world countries. Rest of the world don't spend so much on food
True that...the rest of the world like you say have people who live on less than a dollar per day. Eating for this people is a luxury. We get it but this doesn't mean that people in these countries don't have their own form of guilty pleasure which they engage in once in awhile despite their harsh economic conditions. Also wanted to point out that with the Dollar cost averaging method of Bitcoin investment they can invest less than a dollar weekly, monthly or whatever period of time works for them. Where there is a will, there is a way.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: Lorence.xD on July 30, 2023, 10:35:44 AM
This analogy is relevant for people in 1st world countries. Rest of the world don't spend so much on food

Nah I think it's still applicable to some countries not only in the 1st world countries. I'm in middle class living in the PH, and based on my experience there's still people would spend a lot of money for foods just to prove that they could afford it, despite the financial status. Yeah of course they would post it in social media to show that "We and my family ate in this expensive restaurant", of course I know that person is not that financially stable since he's asking to borrow some money for me sometimes. I think the problem here is the comparison to others or they don't like to be judged that they couldn't afford such expensive restaurant. Maybe occasionally is fine but bruh spending all of your money to cafe, fastfood and restaurant usually would make you broke.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: xSkylarx on July 30, 2023, 10:41:26 AM
This analogy is relevant for people in 1st world countries. Rest of the world don't spend so much on food
True that...the rest of the world like you say have people who live on less than a dollar per day. Eating for this people is a luxury. We get it but this doesn't mean that people in these countries don't have their own form of guilty pleasure which they engage in once in awhile despite their harsh economic conditions. Also wanted to point out that with the Dollar cost averaging method of Bitcoin investment they can invest less than a dollar weekly, monthly or whatever period of time works for them. Where there is a will, there is a way.

For sure, in your entire life, you've already spent this amount in life. Why why still going to be a hater on this? I think it is better to think of positive things about it. I know and I can relate to the fact that all of us can't spend those amounts, even myself. I haven't spent a total of $100 in my entire life, but the context is that you've spent, let's say, $25 on a dinner, but that is worth like $100 because it's too huge for you. Numbers are irrelevant, but the context of them As you end your sentence, when there is a will, there is a way. Just imagine you've spent 1 bottle of alcoholic drink that you've just pissed off, but you've been regerting investing a dollar in bitcoin.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: livingfree on July 30, 2023, 10:47:48 AM
It is not cheating yourself if you're eating out and enjoying the good food or anything where you spend your money you are happy with because you've worked hard on it and you deserve it. People desires, decisions and realizations varies. I do understand that spending less on food is a good thing and to invest some of it into assets like Bitcoin.

As long as you can afford to do so, there's no problem with that. Each of us has their own strategy if it's about investing. If it is comfortable to you to less your spending budget in eating out then that's good.

While the others don't really have budget on investing because that's how they value themselves. No need to debate on this matter, it's a good motivation out of nowhere that there's random person giving his opinion and became an inspiration to the others.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: Yamifoud on July 30, 2023, 12:15:15 PM
It is not cheating yourself if you're eating out and enjoying the good food or anything where you spend your money you are happy with because you've worked hard on it and you deserve it. People desires, decisions and realizations varies. I do understand that spending less on food is a good thing and to invest some of it into assets like Bitcoin.

As long as you can afford to do so, there's no problem with that. Each of us has their own strategy if it's about investing. If it is comfortable to you to less your spending budget in eating out then that's good.

While the others don't really have budget on investing because that's how they value themselves. No need to debate on this matter, it's a good motivation out of nowhere that there's random person giving his opinion and became an inspiration to the others.
Each and everyone deserved to have an expensive meal as long as we afford it. But that person that OP had talked about is a person who had thinking about the future, not just today. He chooses not to spend his money on an expensive meal but he chooses to put into something that gives him more. It is not really about if we can afford it or not but what I see is that this person showing something to us that we have to be smart in spending our money. Foods are still there but losing an opportunity can never be back again.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: Russlenat on July 30, 2023, 05:34:11 PM
It does make sense. Some of us out here spending so much on food and other stuff that wouldn't really last nor provide us with the security in life that we need soon as we retire and we're shying out on investing, not even with bitcoin but with investing in general cause we have more excuses and less reasons to do it. I get that some of us out here's not that fortunate when it comes to upbringing as well as with the income level which disallows us to invest money but for those who are able to but aren't doing so, what is your excuse really? What's not clicking my friend?

I think OP doesn't mean to make you think that should cheap out on important shit like food and utilities, but what this boils down to is you having enough motivation to invest for your future as much as you have motivation to buy that daily starbucks coffee, or that weekly food trip you go out to with your friends.
Perhaps investing is really hard especially for those who are not used to save or invest, not because they can’t afford the risk, but they don’t trust the idea of investment that it can be very crucial in the future. Some would even waste their funds on luxury and unnecessary expenses without any doubt or hesitation, but when it comes to investing, it will still take a lot of time thinking whether it’s a good decision to invest or just another waste of time.

However, OP is right. We don’t need deep motivation and thousands of analysis. Investing will always be profitable in the future especially if it has high potentials like bitcoin.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: macson on July 30, 2023, 06:23:55 PM

Sure nothing special about this statement, but I just find the analogy interesting, maybe its because this is something we do everyday and have come to terms with it as the basics of life and existence, many of us tend to easily without looking back, spend good amount of money on things that add very little to no profit or value on our financial lives, like eating out in an expensive hotel or restaurant, but when it comes to spending on that one thing that has the potential to add some positive figures into our finances, we begin to do a lot of calculating and analyzing  ;D, is this not us indirectly cheating ourselves?
i also heard from one of my uncles who is quite wealthy at the moment, he said not to splurge on things that are not important at a young age, try to invest as early as possible and enrich yourself with knowledge and investment.  and right now i think bitcoin is still very early days, just imagine in the next few decades, when more and more people want bitcoin, the price will rise dramatically, collecting Bitcoin every month, the investment value will definitely increase in the future. 

with the reputation and popularity of bitcoin, investing in bitcoin as early as possible is a wise deed, its value will not decrease, price fluctuations may continue to occur, this is a reasonable market condition.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: AnonBitCoiner on July 30, 2023, 06:24:32 PM
Sure nothing special about this statement, but I just find the analogy interesting, maybe its because this is something we do everyday and have come to terms with it as the basics of life and existence, many of us tend to easily without looking back, spend good amount of money on things that add very little to no profit or value on our financial lives, like eating out in an expensive hotel or restaurant, but when it comes to spending on that one thing that has the potential to add some positive figures into our finances, we begin to do a lot of calculating and analyzing  ;D, is this not us indirectly cheating ourselves?

Having bitcoin is one of the advantageous things and I think everyone should buy it as it will surely gives you profit when accurate time appears. People should use money in that asset which provide profit instead of spending it on eating because if you Put money as investment you will become able to eat more better than this but if you spend money on eating and didn't make investment then neither you will make investment not you will eat better.

If a person try and save some amount for bitcoin investment then he will be rewarded with good sum of money, I am not saying that eating in restaurants is bad activities everyone can go with family but not on daily basis therefore you can save this amount which you spend on expensive restaurants so you will be a wealthy person one day.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: TimeTeller on July 30, 2023, 06:44:09 PM
Sure nothing special about this statement, but I just find the analogy interesting, maybe its because this is something we do everyday and have come to terms with it as the basics of life and existence, many of us tend to easily without looking back, spend good amount of money on things that add very little to no profit or value on our financial lives, like eating out in an expensive hotel or restaurant, but when it comes to spending on that one thing that has the potential to add some positive figures into our finances, we begin to do a lot of calculating and analyzing  ;D, is this not us indirectly cheating ourselves?

Having bitcoin is one of the advantageous things and I think everyone should buy it as it will surely gives you profit when accurate time appears. People should use money in that asset which provide profit instead of spending it on eating because if you Put money as investment you will become able to eat more better than this but if you spend money on eating and didn't make investment then neither you will make investment not you will eat better.

If a person try and save some amount for bitcoin investment then he will be rewarded with good sum of money, I am not saying that eating in restaurants is bad activities everyone can go with family but not on daily basis therefore you can save this amount which you spend on expensive restaurants so you will be a wealthy person one day.

Maybe not everyone should buy it, but for those who are understanding the advantages of buying assets with potential in the market.
Also, if the person knows what he's getting involved with. Because if the person doesn't know about crypto market, hard to take plunge on unknown.
So invest only on things that you have knowledge of and familiar with the risks that you are about to tackle with.
Because at the end of the day, you are the one taking care of your assets and not others. It is your responsibility wherever you want your money will be put into.
But the analogy from the OP has a point, it is like, if you can spend money on some unnecessary things, why not start thinking of possible assets that can improve your financial status?

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: Smartvirus on July 30, 2023, 07:46:33 PM
In all the facts laid out in OP, I’ll like to at least credit the fact that, not everything eaten is been sent down the toilet. Good is life and you very much need food to survive every passing day. It’s of note that, some of the consumed food is being assimilated into the body to nourish the body.

Still, having to take a page out of the tweet is of great importance. This is due to the fact that, for you to even be able to afford or get a daily meal, you need to have a source to generate the needed money to put food on the table and satisfy other needs. It won’t cost you much to take a page to investing.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: Oilacris on July 30, 2023, 08:07:35 PM

Sure nothing special about this statement, but I just find the analogy interesting, maybe its because this is something we do everyday and have come to terms with it as the basics of life and existence, many of us tend to easily without looking back, spend good amount of money on things that add very little to no profit or value on our financial lives, like eating out in an expensive hotel or restaurant, but when it comes to spending on that one thing that has the potential to add some positive figures into our finances, we begin to do a lot of calculating and analyzing  ;D, is this not us indirectly cheating ourselves?
Nothing special since this had been part of daily living on which there are things or allocation for those leisure times like eating on a restaurant or spending with leisure things which people doesnt mind

about those potential profits or additional investment or whatsoever because we know that when it comes to contentment then we do know that each person does have their own preferences.
We know that eating is part of living and survival and it wont matter if we do speak about being expensive or what but actually that person above did really have a good point in terms of investment decisions on which spending up more on eating is something that not necessary on which part of those amounts would be ideal to be spend out on having some investment specially on Bitcoin.
It would really be giving out that kind of chance for those allocation to have some good profits in the future if it turns out to be positive. We do know that there's no way that we could be able to know
on what would be the future looks like but at least we are doing something for us to make out some advantages through it. Peoples success would really be determining on how you would
really be able to make yourself handle out and make rightful decisions.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: BD Crypto on July 30, 2023, 08:45:19 PM
You just shared one of a great idea to have some motivation to invest in Bitcoin. I can remember I was a Bitcoin holder because people had trust on it for long term. Then I converted to Altcoins for faster growth of my assets. Then I realized that without Bitcoin all the Cryptocurrencies are just like a flying fish.

Again I motivated when I saw some users here too much trust on it that they are storing their pocket money, extra expenses and also some are selling properties to invest in it ( though they aren't suggested). But their passion is really appreciate able. So I again started to invest in Bitcoin. And I hope very soon I will see new comers are also involving in Bitcoin though they have little investments. As soon as they will have some opportunities I hope they will adopt it earlier.
So there are many good source of motivations are surrounding with you and you just need to follow them wisely.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: livingfree on July 31, 2023, 03:20:41 PM
It is not cheating yourself if you're eating out and enjoying the good food or anything where you spend your money you are happy with because you've worked hard on it and you deserve it. People desires, decisions and realizations varies. I do understand that spending less on food is a good thing and to invest some of it into assets like Bitcoin.

As long as you can afford to do so, there's no problem with that. Each of us has their own strategy if it's about investing. If it is comfortable to you to less your spending budget in eating out then that's good.

While the others don't really have budget on investing because that's how they value themselves. No need to debate on this matter, it's a good motivation out of nowhere that there's random person giving his opinion and became an inspiration to the others.
Each and everyone deserved to have an expensive meal as long as we afford it. But that person that OP had talked about is a person who had thinking about the future, not just today. He chooses not to spend his money on an expensive meal but he chooses to put into something that gives him more. It is not really about if we can afford it or not but what I see is that this person showing something to us that we have to be smart in spending our money. Foods are still there but losing an opportunity can never be back again.
That's on point.

Like what you are saying, all of us deserve to each in fancy restaurants to reward ourselves but if you want to reward yourself better then this is what one has to do.

Planning for the future because you're not just going to eat a few times daily and this mindset of investing the money you should allocate there is uncontested.

You're right that opportunity can knock once and it's up to us how we're going to approach it.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: PeRo on July 31, 2023, 04:01:58 PM
I've always been in a similar mindset and I think most people should be as well. This shouldn't be taken too literal though, as some people can because we should give ourselves some "treats" - stuff we enjoy, like going out for a drink or going for a pricy dinner at a restaurant. For me, a great example would be smoking as I do not enjoy it at all yet some people I know give from 100-300 euros monthly for that stuff. If they can give money daily for that then I can definitely stack some money monthly and invest it, no matter if it is Bitcoin or something else.

Just make a balance and you can both enjoy those kind of days every once in a while and you could also make a good investment in Bitcoin and earn some money later on.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: TheUltraElite on July 31, 2023, 04:30:03 PM
Well I prefer food over alcohol, but I know many of the fellow members might feel disgusted by this idea.

So with that background I would definitely allocate more money to investments rather than wasting it on food (or drinks) that I can avoid or are unhealthy to me. I usually keep a 2/month quota on eating out which I feel is a humble one. Too much or too little of anything is bad and that is I believe in balance and moderation of spending and saving.

While we should strive to buy more bitcoin, just dont forget to enjoy the life while doing so.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: imamusma on July 31, 2023, 04:46:37 PM
I like the analogy the OP described, but in a certain capacity and with a certain amount of budget. I don't save 1/2 of my monthly income for investments, but I can still save 1/4 of it. Investment is indeed important, but it doesn't have to be a top priority, meaning that there are still more important things that must be prioritized, namely the quality of life for yourself and your family.

To support a good and healthy quality of life, we all need healthy food. The needs for clothing, food and shelter are his priority, and the rest is for investment. Nice to have an idea like the OP, but I wouldn't be that strict when it comes to investing.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: Blitzboy on July 31, 2023, 08:41:08 PM
You just shared one of a great idea to have some motivation to invest in Bitcoin. I can remember I was a Bitcoin holder because people had trust on it for long term. Then I converted to Altcoins for faster growth of my assets. Then I realized that without Bitcoin all the Cryptocurrencies are just like a flying fish.

Again I motivated when I saw some users here too much trust on it that they are storing their pocket money, extra expenses and also some are selling properties to invest in it ( though they aren't suggested). But their passion is really appreciate able. So I again started to invest in Bitcoin. And I hope very soon I will see new comers are also involving in Bitcoin though they have little investments. As soon as they will have some opportunities I hope they will adopt it earlier.
So there are many good source of motivations are surrounding with you and you just need to follow them wisely.
Its fascinating how Bitcoin faith fluctuates with its price. Altcoins are used to obtain money back faster, although people usually return to Bitcoin, the cryptocurrency leader. Altcoins, no matter how promising, struggle to compete with Bitcoin's natural trust and longevity.

Your narrative of selling homes for Bitcoin proves this. They risk it because they trust in Bitcoin's future. Youre right - this zeal inspires. It reminds me of the early internet, which changed the world.

Your narrative can educate newcomers. Bitcoin is sturdy and will outlast cryptocurrency trends.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: Casdinyard on July 31, 2023, 10:06:51 PM
Well, that's one way to think about it. If you can spend stupendous amounts of money on experience and stuff that wouldn't last you, why not spend over something that will last you for a lifetime, maybe even something you can pass on to your subjects right? It's a pretty skewed concept but it drives the importance of investing and preparing for your future even more which is massive especially nowadays when people are finding it even hard to invest money thanks to inflation, but are not going to think twice about buying the latest iPhone, or going on that trip to Bali on a haphazard budget.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you should conduct frugality and become a miser just so you can earn more money, but there has to be a balance and a lack of bias between spending for experiences and nice stuff, and investing for yourself so you can buy more of those nice stuff right?

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: Mr.suevie on July 31, 2023, 10:09:57 PM
You just shared one of a great idea to have some motivation to invest in Bitcoin. I can remember I was a Bitcoin holder because people had trust on it for long term. Then I converted to Altcoins for faster growth of my assets. Then I realized that without Bitcoin all the Cryptocurrencies are just like a flying fish.

Again I motivated when I saw some users here too much trust on it that they are storing their pocket money, extra expenses and also some are selling properties to invest in it ( though they aren't suggested). But their passion is really appreciate able. So I again started to invest in Bitcoin. And I hope very soon I will see new comers are also involving in Bitcoin though they have little investments. As soon as they will have some opportunities I hope they will adopt it earlier.
So there are many good source of motivations are surrounding with you and you just need to follow them wisely.
Its fascinating how Bitcoin faith fluctuates with its price. Altcoins are used to obtain money back faster, although people usually return to Bitcoin, the cryptocurrency leader. Altcoins, no matter how promising, struggle to compete with Bitcoin's natural trust and longevity.

Your narrative of selling homes for Bitcoin proves this. They risk it because they trust in Bitcoin's future. Youre right - this zeal inspires. It reminds me of the early internet, which changed the world.

Your narrative can educate newcomers. Bitcoin is sturdy and will outlast cryptocurrency trends.

Well no one is surprised of how Bitcoin has come to gather such trust among lots of folks in the Bitcoin world. Bitcoin over the years has proven that it's very reliable when it comes to market price value and also lots of people have also benefited from it over the years and that's why no matter how any altcoins shows potentials in growth crypto enthusiast still always come back to the number crypto asset @BITCOIN.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: milewilda on July 31, 2023, 11:49:12 PM
You just shared one of a great idea to have some motivation to invest in Bitcoin. I can remember I was a Bitcoin holder because people had trust on it for long term. Then I converted to Altcoins for faster growth of my assets. Then I realized that without Bitcoin all the Cryptocurrencies are just like a flying fish.

Again I motivated when I saw some users here too much trust on it that they are storing their pocket money, extra expenses and also some are selling properties to invest in it ( though they aren't suggested). But their passion is really appreciate able. So I again started to invest in Bitcoin. And I hope very soon I will see new comers are also involving in Bitcoin though they have little investments. As soon as they will have some opportunities I hope they will adopt it earlier.
So there are many good source of motivations are surrounding with you and you just need to follow them wisely.
Its fascinating how Bitcoin faith fluctuates with its price. Altcoins are used to obtain money back faster, although people usually return to Bitcoin, the cryptocurrency leader. Altcoins, no matter how promising, struggle to compete with Bitcoin's natural trust and longevity.

Your narrative of selling homes for Bitcoin proves this. They risk it because they trust in Bitcoin's future. Youre right - this zeal inspires. It reminds me of the early internet, which changed the world.

Your narrative can educate newcomers. Bitcoin is sturdy and will outlast cryptocurrency trends.

Well no one is surprised of how Bitcoin has come to gather such trust among lots of folks in the Bitcoin world. Bitcoin over the years has proven that it's very reliable when it comes to market price value and also lots of people have also benefited from it over the years and that's why no matter how any altcoins shows potentials in growth crypto enthusiast still always come back to the number crypto asset @BITCOIN.
Trust and confidence would really be solely on Bitcoin and this is why it is really just that sitting on #1 on entire market space but since there are tons of coins that existing too then it is really dividing such marketshare which it isnt something new or something that shocking anymore. If you do find out that it would really be worth on spending up on investing on Bitcoin rather than on going to those expensive restaurants or spending on hanging out on those places then its up to your choice because there are things which turns out to be that in default or something that you would  really be doing without minding on the amount you would gonna spend.
Not everything would really be pertaining about investment or money specially when it comes to peoples contentment and preference or the things that it would make them happy. This is why these kind of talks would really be that optional whether there are people who would changed up their decisions and would be switching up their investment on Bitcoin or there would really be those people who would really be just sticking
on the things that they've been getting used to and just making some additional allocation for them to invest with Bitcoin without disrupting their interest and previous behaviors when it comes to spending.
It would really vary on each person though.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: savetheFORUM on August 01, 2023, 10:45:45 AM
Sure nothing special about this statement, but I just find the analogy interesting, maybe its because this is something we do everyday and have come to terms with it as the basics of life and existence, many of us tend to easily without looking back, spend good amount of money on things that add very little to no profit or value on our financial lives, like eating out in an expensive hotel or restaurant, but when it comes to spending on that one thing that has the potential to add some positive figures into our finances, we begin to do a lot of calculating and analyzing  ;D, is this not us indirectly cheating ourselves?
Having bitcoin is one of the advantageous things and I think everyone should buy it as it will surely gives you profit when accurate time appears. People should use money in that asset which provide profit instead of spending it on eating because if you Put money as investment you will become able to eat more better than this but if you spend money on eating and didn't make investment then neither you will make investment not you will eat better.

If a person try and save some amount for bitcoin investment then he will be rewarded with good sum of money, I am not saying that eating in restaurants is bad activities everyone can go with family but not on daily basis therefore you can save this amount which you spend on expensive restaurants so you will be a wealthy person one day.
Well, not everyone can have the privilege of buying and having Bitcoins because a very large percentage of the global population doesn't earn enough money to either save for their future or make investments with it, all they earn goes for their daily needs and might even be less for that. Such people might know and understand everything about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, but unfortunately, they can't be a part of it because they can't afford to buy it nor save any money for it.

Those of us who have got this privilege should consider ourselves lucky because it is something that will be too expensive and even people that have money won't be able to get a lot of it because of how valuable it will have become by then, that's when we will realize that how cheap the price was back in the day.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: rikybrosh on August 01, 2023, 11:43:33 AM
that comment was make sense, we should think about future. I think we should set aside some money for investment, it is okay to buy some fancy food sometime as long as we have some investment. even some people prefer like to buy fancy stuff rather than fancy food because food don't last long. when our financial improved, we can afford better food, better stuff and better quality of life. we should accumulate more bitcoin now.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: justdimin on August 02, 2023, 05:55:14 PM
not everyone can have the privilege of buying and having Bitcoins because a very large percentage of the global population doesn't earn enough money to either save for their future or make investments with it, all they earn goes for their daily needs and might even be less for that. Such people might know and understand everything about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, but unfortunately, they can't be a part of it because they can't afford to buy it nor save any money for it.

Those of us who have got this privilege should consider ourselves lucky because it is something that will be too expensive and even people that have money won't be able to get a lot of it because of how valuable it will have become by then, that's when we will realize that how cheap the price was back in the day.
This is such a good point to look at. I mean I do have a lot of debt and I am not as rich as I would like to be, most of the things in this world is unaffordable to me, but when you look at it that way there are so many people who do not have even half of what I have.

And if I could find like 3-4 thousand dollars to cover all my debt, I would be living a very very rich life compared to average of the world. This is why it's quite important to remember that maybe you are not as rich as you want to, but you are still richer than most of the world. Go to one of those ranking websites where you enter your monthly salary, and see how much richer you are than most of the world. That should be something to be happy about without a doubt.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: bussybuddy on August 02, 2023, 06:27:26 PM
People often say "Fine words butter no parsnips" to express the importance of food. So spending money on food is an investment in the health and nourishment of yourself and your family.

Of course, spending money on expensive and luxurious food is not always a good choice. As we seek maximum benefit from the money we spend, it is important to use it wisely and sparingly. Sometimes, finding better value food options, like eating at affordable restaurants that still offer quality, is a good way to save money.

Furthermore, if you sacrifice too much for investments and don't meet your basic needs, you are hurting and causing stress that affects your health and quality of life. This is counterproductive because the purpose we make money is to serve ourselves, not to run after money.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: Silberman on August 03, 2023, 06:05:55 AM
This analogy is relevant for people in 1st world countries. Rest of the world don't spend so much on food
Analogies do not really need to be perfect to serve their function, the post quoted by the OP has as a message that if we spend money in all kind of luxuries and we do not think too much about it, then why do so with bitcoin and other potential investments which could in theory be way more beneficial than a luxury good? So even if the amounts are smaller and the luxury goods are different at the end the idea is the same, save some money and invest in bitcoin, maybe nothing comes up out of it, but if it does then that will be money very well spent.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: Dzwaafu11 on August 03, 2023, 06:43:39 AM
The dude, who ever he is said, "if he can spend a $100 to $200 dollars daily on food and drink, and wake up the next day to piss and shit it out without bothering whether there be profit or not, then not a bad idea to spend some of that money buying an asset that has the potentials of earning you some profit, no matter how small".

I agree with this guy's assertion, however you have to understand that just because someone spends a lot of money on food, it doesn't mean they should try to hodl bitcoin because we have no idea how they are running their daily needs or how many people they are feeding. Perhaps there are plenty, in which case you can see that it makes little difference if he spends the money you suggest here on food. I think some people spend a lot of money feeding those around them, some of them aren't even consuming the food they purchased. All they require is for their family to have a nutritious diet. When your family is battling to get enough food, it is impossible to think about investing.

Well I prefer food over alcohol, but I know many of the fellow members might feel disgusted by this idea.

The OP does not necessarily mean alcohol when he says "drinks." There are several beverages available that we consume for our personal benefit. Everyone enjoys eating healthy cuisine, though. We usually plan for everything when it comes to situations like this, but don't forget to provide food for those around you.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: Reatim on August 03, 2023, 07:30:10 AM
If you are still trying to find a good reason to buy some bitcoin, Well, over the night, I was watching some crypto related videos on YouTube, and while going through the comment section, I found this comment which really made a lot of sense to me, and I thought to share it here..

The dude, who ever he is said, "if he can spend a $100 to $200 dollars daily on food and drink, and wake up the next day to piss and shit it out without bothering whether there be profit or not, then not a bad idea to spend some of that money buying an asset that has the potentials of earning you some profit, no matter how small".

Sure nothing special about this statement, but I just find the analogy interesting, maybe its because this is something we do everyday and have come to terms with it as the basics of life and existence, many of us tend to easily without looking back, spend good amount of money on things that add very little to no profit or value on our financial lives, like eating out in an expensive hotel or restaurant, but when it comes to spending on that one thing that has the potential to add some positive figures into our finances, we begin to do a lot of calculating and analyzing  ;D, is this not us indirectly cheating ourselves?
actually it is not only interesting but also inspiring , because he have mentioned it perfectly when after you shit the food and drinks are done , but in bitcoin? even if you hold it for years , it will stay intact and may bring you more return actually .
that is the best thing about investing in crypto like this.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: sesterceshop on August 03, 2023, 08:29:00 AM
Great analogy LOL. I think it's definitely true that we tend to be more willing to spend money on things that give us immediate gratification, like food or entertainment. But when it comes to investing in something that could have long-term financial benefits, we're more likely to hesitate.

I think the reason for this is that we're naturally risk-averse. We don't want to spend money on something that might not pan out. But the reality is, there's always some risk involved in any investment.

Volatility is the price you MUST pay for a brighter future.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: fuguebtc on August 03, 2023, 09:27:14 AM
Great analogy LOL. I think it's definitely true that we tend to be more willing to spend money on things that give us immediate gratification, like food or entertainment. But when it comes to investing in something that could have long-term financial benefits, we're more likely to hesitate.

I think the reason for this is that we're naturally risk-averse. We don't want to spend money on something that might not pan out. But the reality is, there's always some risk involved in any investment.

Volatility is the price you MUST pay for a brighter future.
You are right, many people prefer instant gratification and the risk is something that many are still not ready to accept. I once mentioned bitcoin investment to a close friend of mine, when I said profit he was excited and wanted to invest, but when it came to risk he hesitated and was scared. In the end, he didn't want to risk that money to invest in bitcoin for fear of losing everything, instead he used the money to buy himself an iphone and was very excited about it. Not everyone will think like we do, and it's everyone's right, we won't be able to do anything else.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: RockBell on August 03, 2023, 09:51:33 AM
Well, that's one way to think about it. If you can spend stupendous amounts of money on experience and stuff that wouldn't last you, why not spend over something that will last you for a lifetime, maybe even something you can pass on to your subjects right? It's a pretty skewed concept but it drives the importance of investing and preparing for your future even more which is massive especially nowadays when people are finding it even hard to invest money thanks to inflation, but are not going to think twice about buying the latest iPhone, or going on that trip to Bali on a haphazard budget.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you should conduct frugality and become a miser just so you can earn more money, but there has to be a balance and a lack of bias between spending for experiences and nice stuff, and investing for yourself so you can buy more of those nice stuff right?

you have made a good point stating that you invest in what you can benefit from in the future, and the possibility of passing it on to your children, education is one good investment you can eat from its benefit in the future but can not be passed down to your children, aside learning how to read and write education just have its own way of impacting someone's life talk about discipline, creativity and many more, and inflation been around the corner have cost plenty people either in their living or their business,  investing in any kind of business in his economy is very risky, the issue of buying an iPhone if it's beyond budget or what you earn is not advisable likewise, majority of people doing thing above their budget is peer pressure want to also do what others are doing, the way the economy and everything is it is better to think twice before making any financial decision.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: Lorence.xD on August 03, 2023, 10:13:36 AM
Well, that's one way to think about it. If you can spend stupendous amounts of money on experience and stuff that wouldn't last you, why not spend over something that will last you for a lifetime, maybe even something you can pass on to your subjects right? It's a pretty skewed concept but it drives the importance of investing and preparing for your future even more which is massive especially nowadays when people are finding it even hard to invest money thanks to inflation, but are not going to think twice about buying the latest iPhone, or going on that trip to Bali on a haphazard budget.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you should conduct frugality and become a miser just so you can earn more money, but there has to be a balance and a lack of bias between spending for experiences and nice stuff, and investing for yourself so you can buy more of those nice stuff right?

For sure one main reason for that is people doesn't have financial knowledge or mentor. That once they have some amount of money they would just spend it to a temporary things or unnecessary. Why do you think people despite the fact that they could get rich with the amount of money they received from their salaries? Of course they don't have an idea about investing as they just providing all their satisfaction by just buying things which that feeling wouldn't even last. Investing is really a good as it could secure your future in a long run, also remember that inflation also increases in a long period of time.

You do actually have a point as those temporary experiences, you could still experience them and more financially stable in the future. I think maybe the difference is the age that people would just go YOLO since they don't have much time left.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: sokani on August 03, 2023, 10:58:15 AM
If you are still trying to find a good reason to buy some bitcoin, Well, over the night, I was watching some crypto related videos on YouTube, and while going through the comment section, I found this comment which really made a lot of sense to me, and I thought to share it here..

The dude, who ever he is said, "if he can spend a $100 to $200 dollars daily on food and drink, and wake up the next day to piss and shit it out without bothering whether there be profit or not, then not a bad idea to spend some of that money buying an asset that has the potentials of earning you some profit, no matter how small".
There's nothing wrong in taking some time to enjoy the money you worked hard for like eating in a fancy restaurant, buying exotic cars and jewelries, going shopping or vacations. But it would be rather too bad for such a person to be living for the moment, not considering tomorrow or not having a good investment like real estate, auto sales and repairs etc to support one's exquisite taste.

In life there's always going to be challenges and tough times and sometimes it could be that wise decision you took to save for the rainy days, that might be your lifesaver in that ugly situation. Not every money should be eaten, we should cultivate the the habit of saving and investing in profitable businesses.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: lienfaye on August 03, 2023, 11:13:45 AM
This pretty much applies to investing in general and saving money in general. But a huge majority of people aren't really interested in investing (or worse, saving) unfortunately.
True. Many people are not into investing/saving and just want to spend their money on other things which they think would matter more. Thus even it's a wise thing to invest (regardless of how much you can afford), it still depends if the person is interested specially there's still people who are not aware of Bitcoin's existence.

Nevertheless, if you value your hard-earned money and would like to gain even it takes longer, why not try to invest? If we can spend our money on leisure, maybe it's time to also allocate funds for investment. Anyway, we have our own way of thinking so it's understandable if we can't please everyone.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: dothebeats on August 03, 2023, 11:37:26 AM
Well, that's one way to think about it. If you can spend stupendous amounts of money on experience and stuff that wouldn't last you, why not spend over something that will last you for a lifetime, maybe even something you can pass on to your subjects right? It's a pretty skewed concept but it drives the importance of investing and preparing for your future even more which is massive especially nowadays when people are finding it even hard to invest money thanks to inflation, but are not going to think twice about buying the latest iPhone, or going on that trip to Bali on a haphazard budget.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you should conduct frugality and become a miser just so you can earn more money, but there has to be a balance and a lack of bias between spending for experiences and nice stuff, and investing for yourself so you can buy more of those nice stuff right?

For sure one main reason for that is people doesn't have financial knowledge or mentor. That once they have some amount of money they would just spend it to a temporary things or unnecessary. Why do you think people despite the fact that they could get rich with the amount of money they received from their salaries? Of course they don't have an idea about investing as they just providing all their satisfaction by just buying things which that feeling wouldn't even last. Investing is really a good as it could secure your future in a long run, also remember that inflation also increases in a long period of time.

You do actually have a point as those temporary experiences, you could still experience them and more financially stable in the future. I think maybe the difference is the age that people would just go YOLO since they don't have much time left.

People always feel like they are running out of time hence they spend whatever amount of money they have buying the things they want and for the "experience" while they are still young. However, what they forget is that if you work hard now and invest, you will be able to enjoy those things in the future without having to think if you will still have the means to survive the next days.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: Rabata on August 03, 2023, 12:57:04 PM
that comment was make sense, we should think about future. I think we should set aside some money for investment, it is okay to buy some fancy food sometime as long as we have some investment. even some people prefer like to buy fancy stuff rather than fancy food because food don't last long. when our financial improved, we can afford better food, better stuff and better quality of life. we should accumulate more bitcoin now.
Those who anticipate about the future are the wise. No one knows what the future will be like the time you are going through now. Inflationary pressures around the world are hurting the entire economy. A reliable and accurate investment medium is required to survive in such a situation. Which is able to provide financial relief to an investor after a long period of time. Considering these things, we can definitely make a decision to invest in Bitcoin. There is no alternative to investing in Bitcoin to lead a secure life in the future by protecting our economy at least from inflation.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: hyudien on August 03, 2023, 01:05:03 PM
There's nothing wrong in taking some time to enjoy the money you worked hard for like eating in a fancy restaurant, buying exotic cars and jewelries, going shopping or vacations. But it would be rather too bad for such a person to be living for the moment, not considering tomorrow or not having a good investment like real estate, auto sales and repairs etc to support one's exquisite taste.

In life there's always going to be challenges and tough times and sometimes it could be that wise decision you took to save for the rainy days, that might be your lifesaver in that ugly situation. Not every money should be eaten, we should cultivate the the habit of saving and investing in profitable businesses.
You are right, there is nothing wrong with taking advantage of the hard work that we have been fighting for. It's just that there needs to be a limit that is issued, not to cause ambition to feel excessive. Sometimes it's normal to spend money on yourself, as long as you can control it afterward. Profiting from investing or trading is the dream of many people like us working in the crypto world, and showing these results always varies depending on individual needs. Because once again, enjoying the results is proof that what we do has a satisfactory output.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: mirakal on August 03, 2023, 01:23:00 PM
This is a common attitude of every person I know, even myself is not an exception. Maybe that’s because we are not perfect and that we don’t know everything that others expect us to notice and learn especially in high risk asset like bitcoin. So having doubts and hesitations at first is very normal. And once we feel that, perhaps it’s a sign to study about it first so that we will know if that investment has high potentials to succeed or just like any other investment that is only good and profitable at first and may lost its value afterwards.

Knowledge is power. So invest in yourself first and be knowledgeable as you can. That is the only way to avoid making regrets from your wrong decision making.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: bitzizzix on August 03, 2023, 01:24:29 PM
There's nothing wrong in taking some time to enjoy the money you worked hard for like eating in a fancy restaurant, buying exotic cars and jewelries, going shopping or vacations. But it would be rather too bad for such a person to be living for the moment, not considering tomorrow or not having a good investment like real estate, auto sales and repairs etc to support one's exquisite taste.

In life there's always going to be challenges and tough times and sometimes it could be that wise decision you took to save for the rainy days, that might be your lifesaver in that ugly situation. Not every money should be eaten, we should cultivate the the habit of saving and investing in profitable businesses.
You are right, there is nothing wrong with taking advantage of the hard work that we have been fighting for. It's just that there needs to be a limit that is issued, not to cause ambition to feel excessive. Sometimes it's normal to spend money on yourself, as long as you can control it afterward. Profiting from investing or trading is the dream of many people like us working in the crypto world, and showing these results always varies depending on individual needs. Because once again, enjoying the results is proof that what we do has a satisfactory output.
Of course we must be able to enjoy the fruits of our own work or hard work, and what we want we must have so that we also have the enthusiasm to work because there are results. But that only applies to what we really want, let alone really need and must have.
and we also don't need to hold back something we want and work to have income for needs and also realize what we want what else is very important or can make us happy.
Having investments or savings is also important and this will be a secondary priority to having additional money or budgeted for and intended for the long term, and savings serves for unexpected funds or urgent needs without involving investment.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: khiholangkang on August 03, 2023, 01:49:28 PM
This is a common attitude of every person I know, even myself is not an exception. Maybe that’s because we are not perfect and that we don’t know everything that others expect us to notice and learn especially in high risk asset like bitcoin. So having doubts and hesitations at first is very normal. And once we feel that, perhaps it’s a sign to study about it first so that we will know if that investment has high potentials to succeed or just like any other investment that is only good and profitable at first and may lost its value afterwards.

Knowledge is power. So invest in yourself first and be knowledgeable as you can. That is the only way to avoid making regrets from your wrong decision making.
I agree with you, basically don't trust anyone but yourself, even in the financial world, whether it's a business or an investment, we need to know the real reasons why we should invest in bitcoin, not because people assume we are interested and then buy, that's a fatal mistake in you, of course we have to study it first in order to find an understanding that leads us to reason to buy bitcoin.
Doubts come because of ignorance, so it's better to invest in yourself first before doing anything, if you understand it there you will find why it is important to buy bitcoin. ;)

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: isaac_clarke22 on August 03, 2023, 03:47:26 PM
I can recall plenty of gatekeepers that would frown upon you when you don't have that much of BTC being stored or held. Even when I was day trading, I just started quite small capital since I was still trying to test the waters before I fully commit into it. I quit day trading not because I wasn't just winning but also but because it is just not worth my time at all.

Going back to the topic, start on how much you want. Fuck the gatekeepers. People gotta start somewhere and not all people were privileged to have too much capital to start with.  $1 or $2, as long as you're okay losing that amount, go buy some assets.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: Promocodeudo on August 04, 2023, 08:07:09 AM
Having a bitcoin is good, investing in different business is pretty nice, but the major thing is, discipline, it takes a disciplinarian to invest with the money they map out for pleasure, for a person to channel money to the right direction is not an easy stuff, it requires determination and focused mindset to achieve, saving and investing is an individual decision, let's us know that, the friends we mingle with has a great impact on us either good or bad, just imagine if you have a friend that owns a digital investment, they advice and idea you get from such a friend might help you to start investing or saving no matter how small.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: lizarder on August 04, 2023, 09:43:42 AM
I can recall plenty of gatekeepers that would frown upon you when you don't have that much of BTC being stored or held. Even when I was day trading, I just started quite small capital since I was still trying to test the waters before I fully commit into it. I quit day trading not because I wasn't just winning but also but because it is just not worth my time at all.
And also I can see how complicated the life of workers is, every day they pick up and deliver goods from one shop to another and never care about how much their daily salary is. I got out of trading because I didn't have good analytical skills, so I tried to invest regularly with my financial capabilities and to this day I still consistently maintain it.

Going back to the topic, start on how much you want. Fuck the gatekeepers. People gotta start somewhere and not all people were privileged to have too much capital to start with.  $1 or $2, as long as you're okay losing that amount, go buy some assets.
The amount is not a problem when a person can invest regularly and slowly the investment will surely increase. Consistency and continuing to try to do it is an effort to create financial freedom because in the end we have to create many baskets to make a profit. Start with our own way and don't force an amount of money that can't be accounted for and even though it's small if it's done regularly it will definitely increase slowly.

Title: Re: Just Another Good Source Of Motivation For You ...
Post by: Agbe on August 04, 2023, 04:57:22 PM
 Body satisfaction: That is a necessary need in the body and you can't deprived it from the body. One thing you have to know is that, health is wealth, so you have to look healthy to be wealthy and what you eat gives you the health. The body needs good foods to nourish the entire system so what you eat should not be compared to what you are to invest. Investment is good but you can't invest when you have not satisfied yourself. Even though it is small amount to spend for the benefit of the body, you have to spend it. You cannot starve yourself because of investment. If die along the line when investing to starve yourself, relatives will still take your investment so you have to eat your money when you are alive. But always have a budget to spend every day and every week.