Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Dictator69 on August 17, 2023, 06:52:07 AM

Title: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: Dictator69 on August 17, 2023, 06:52:07 AM
I am making this topic out of curiosity to know more, what actually driving all the powerful and non-powerful countries to be in the competition and why there is a competition in the first hand. Why just people cannot live together and care for each other not like by doing each other's bidding instead without fighting.

If, i took my own example then we used to rule subcontinent for so long then Englishmen and Indian took over, so we have to fight for another nation which is Pakistan (my history lessons do need sub retouch but as for now just take it as an example). Why we fought for new country the reason is same for each and every other country for which they fought to be independent and so they could follow their norms. Those norms could be based on many beliefs but most those are religious beliefs because we fought for religious beliefs so we could worship with full freedom.

I am not going to mention any other thoughts that could lead to many religious riots because in my time here i do understand that this platform does not tolerate that.

So, the point i was trying to make here is, even after getting our own country other countries are still interfering in governments rules and taking things over. I don't like to mention names but many already knew. And just to clear i am not saying these statements to put my problems (my means my country) in front of you guys instead i am just using it as an example.

The Thing that drives one person, or nation, or governments to make such bold moves is Desire because even when we were living together in subcontinent, we could make civilized nation and still follow our norms, Englishmen could follow their norms, Indian could follow their norms and Muslims could follow their norm. But the only thing that excites everyone to move ahead of other was Desire

Now what that desire is about that could of getting power in terms of Army, Nuclear Bombs, Economy, Central Currency mass adoption (etc.). and control over people's life.

Means if there were not riots and no financial recessions were occurred back in 2008 then i doubt today there would be any Crypto exists. But downfall of one lead one person to make another innovation in place of that. In today world people are working there ace off but still few are living a healthy and wealthy life. Those few are those who are only paying:
Governments taxes.
Those people do not pay:
Black Taxes.

What do you guys think really drive all the government and platform like this new Platform vanguard, BlackRock and some other companies which holds 88% of the market in US and they are almost in every market and now these platforms are coming into Crypto too. I know i started the topic from history lesson and end up at today's problems, but I have to link something to make my point clearer. Why Corona Virus made some people rich why there is a monopoly in the whole world civilization.

One thing is thirst of money because making millions is easy but making billions is not easy and we all know that how big the difference is. So, are these platforms and governments being only after money, or other power to control people's life they are already manipulating people's thought through internet like news of Fire in Lahaina and fire in Dubai and fire in Saudia Arabia. These might be consequences but back in time Ford Car company also took loan before 2008 recession and all other companies go bankrupt why they attract money just few months before recession and why big companies are after BTC and trying there hard best to collect BTC and still delaying the process? That's all my confusions are if anyone love to share their thoughts then i am grateful to you all.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: Jawhead999 on August 17, 2023, 07:22:48 AM
It's complex, but the short answer is money and power.

When you have money and power, you can control anyone else as you can do anything and the other people can't. Every human can live as long as they have food and a place to sleep, but due to current modern era where it make most of people trying to become rich, they started to become selfish and not care with the others.

Not everyone can win in the race to become rich, but everyone can survive.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: KiaKia on August 17, 2023, 08:21:01 AM
Harsh times creates great men, it's not always power-driven, I learnt to make bold decisions because of my hard past, I refused to keep living the same old way that I used to, I woke up one day and start making decisions, looking for solutions to my problem.

This was how I knew about crypto, even as my situations was very hard then, I still believe I will make something out of crypto, I started joining numbers of airdrops and claiming faucets for a whole year, the more I kept doing this the clearer it became to me.

After a year and a half, everything changed for me, I saved my brothers life when my parents couldn't, because they reached their limit, there was no family to help, it's just my junior ones, father and mother. 

Answer to Your Question.

There is something called SIN, right from the beginning, and that's why we can't always think the same way, there will always be evil and selfish thoughts amongst us, brothers will betray other brothers, son will plan evil against his father, some will forcefully take things from lands that doesn't belong to them, it's how the world is created.

War gives birth to PEACE, there is Good and Evil, since the days of ADAM and EVE it's how the world is created, but we are all given the chance or let me say the WILL to choose a side, Religion isn't even doing shit right now, it's just a bit better that religion exists, because this is what's keeping some people from going really bad.

As Evil as the Nuclear Bomb sounds, it's what is keeping some countries safe from other countries that can start their selfish interest in what other countries possess at any time, and when they think about the Nuclear Bomb, they will kill their inner selfish interest immediately, to protect your fence and walls from invaders and keep your people safe, you need to have some scary weapon of mass destruction, it keeps the invaders away.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: mirakal on August 17, 2023, 09:18:45 AM
It's complex, but the short answer is money and power.

When you have money and power, you can control anyone else as you can do anything and the other people can't. Every human can live as long as they have food and a place to sleep, but due to current modern era where it make most of people trying to become rich, they started to become selfish and not care with the others.

Not everyone can win in the race to become rich, but everyone can survive.
I have to agree with this. People tend to adopt new decisions because they want to take an edge over power and money. Whether we accept it or not, with money and power, our aims or desires will be most likely become feasible. Money and power can give us the freedom to do everything with our desires to control our own lives and its happiness. And with the type of government we have at the present, if you don’t have the money that makes you powerful in the society, you will never live your life to its fullest.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: YOSHIE on August 17, 2023, 02:27:49 PM
I am making this topic out of curiosity to know more, what actually driving all the powerful and non-powerful countries to be in the competition and why there is a competition in the first hand. Why just people cannot live together and care for each other not like by doing each other's bidding instead without fighting.
Are you sure that the devil and lust exist in the human body, that is why humans are given reason to think which is best and which is bad, the economy / money is one of the causes / factors that can create divisions and wars, If a human uses the devil and lust as a companion in his life, the worst things can happen and be done, that is if reason is used as a means of regret only. Use reason in every problem, surely peace will come true.

You can see animals, they only have lust and they only care about themselves and fight each other over territory, they have no sense to think which is bad and good and which are theirs and which are those of others.
but if humans have the nature of animals, meaning you can think so, their common sense is absent, divisions occur in every country.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: icalical on August 17, 2023, 02:50:09 PM
I know most people thing that government is all evil and cruel, but the truth is government is just like a big company. Each and everyone of them want to make profit for themself while at the same time maintain the government and the nation to survive and keep running. Government won't make a huge policy that will sink the nation, kill most of the citizen or make them very poor and stop working, they need to make the citizen able to work so the economy is not stop. Most of their decision will be made to increase productivity and nation income thus increase their own income, those decision will most likely dictate by the stakeholders or some of us call them Oligarch, some of the decision will be based on good research, but then again even if the decision is based on research the goal is still to increase productivity and income so the stakeholders get richer, and the government get more bonuses. In some special case, like in the country where I live, the Oligarch is also the government, most of the new laws that made are actually benefitting their business.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: Iroh on August 17, 2023, 03:23:04 PM
The Thing that drives one person, or nation, or governments to make such bold moves is Desire because even when we were living together in subcontinent, we could make civilized nation and still follow our norms, Englishmen could follow their norms, Indian could follow their norms and Muslims could follow their norm. But the only thing that excites everyone to move ahead of other was Desire

I think what motivates a government of a nation or a citizen to make bold decisions is the willingness to acquire and keep power. The urgency to acquire and retain power, I think lies in any government of a nation. With power in your hands, you could control the narrative to favor your agenda.
It’s a hard pill to swallow but the wealthy elites and sadly, the government wants the general public to remain majorly dependent on them. With dependency, whatever control you’ve got begins to recede. What government wouldn’t love a controlled, obedient citizenry?

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: Ucy on August 17, 2023, 04:06:33 PM
It's simply a battle to the top of the Matrix(or the World's system). Once you get to the top you do everything possible to maintain the position or some other country or someone takes it from you.

When you get to the top you rule over the rest. And those at the top tend to be more knowledgeable or see clearer those those below them. But it doesn't mean they are good people. No one is good in the Matrix. However, the top dwellers tend to be more moral than those below them, so it's necessary that they conquer and lead those below, but it's still the blind leading the blind phenomenon, as the morality is not genuine or reliable .. it's what they were programmed to be.

Now, there are few people outside of the system who greater than those in the system. They work like vigilante group, more like watchmen with the ability to come into the Matrix to influence things & then leave..
Those below the system are typically third world dwellers. Sometimes few people are taken from there to the top of the system and then used to rule over or influence their fellow third worlders after being brainwashed. It's part of the reasons migrants are brought to certain countries and then later used to convert their people to move up the Matrix rank(by being modern), or to evolve, otherwise be destroyed.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: pooya87 on August 17, 2023, 04:39:55 PM
Your question is too broad to answer because it depends on the decision, the government or group of people, the time frame and a lot of other factors. It is not one reason the derives all and it definitely is not always power and money.
For example from the little explanation you gave it sounds like you are in a region of conflict like Keshmir; almost all the conflicts in West Asia (our neighborhood) is the result of the past 300 years of colonizers meddling in our region and seeking their own interests. Otherwise before that for thousands of years we never had this kind of conflicts at this scale with these many complications and radicalism.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: Dictator69 on August 18, 2023, 07:18:25 AM
It's complex, but the short answer is money and power.

When you have money and power, you can control anyone else as you can do anything and the other people can't. Every human can live as long as they have food and a place to sleep, but due to current modern era where it make most of people trying to become rich, they started to become selfish and not care with the others.

Not everyone can win in the race to become rich, but everyone can survive.
That's true even in the race of becoming rich people do bad things they do not care about the work or words they make could put which type of impact on others. All they care about is Money and to live a life they dream of. TBH, i have no dream of buying sports cars, living in big houses in fact i fear big houses because there is so much loneliness in them. But i love games, love to sit in friends, love to talk with them how we can become rich one day (hehe) yeah but without dreams. Other than that, i am just passing my time here. Well, we should care about others because not everyone living the same life as we are.

I saved my brothers life when my parents couldn't, because they reached their limit, there was no fa....................

There is something called SIN,.................

War gives birth to PEACE, there is Good and Evil, since the days of ADAM and EVE ...............

As Evil as the Nuclear Bomb sounds...........
I am happy that BTC changes your life and helped you a lot and i think it will help me too because it really opens many doorways not only to finance but to innovation too. And i do know about sin and the biggest factor behind SIN is also desired to do things. You mentioned Adam and EVE, i have belief on them. DID you know what was the first murdered in this world it was the child of Adam and Eve one killed another for desire of girl if i am recalling the story right? Sorry if i did not recalled it right because i read it a long time ago. And in the last paragraph you talked about Atom bomb like you just watched Oppenheimer movie. Hehe i did not watched it but i think the answer is relatable because what urges Oppenheimer to make Atom bomb and what actually urges Nolan to make that movie which will work as salt in injuries for those who have bear pain and lose a lot. I did not watch the movie but from short clips on social media accounts i can say, they manipulated movie in a way that Oppenheimer did not actually want to make and instead he was forced. I might be wrong here too as i said i did not watched the movie.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: usekevin on August 18, 2023, 08:19:51 PM
I have to agree with this. People tend to adopt new decisions because they want to take an edge over power and money. Whether we accept it or not, with money and power, our aims or desires will be most likely become feasible. Money and power can give us the freedom to do everything with our desires to control our own lives and its happiness. And with the type of government we have at the present, if you don’t have the money that makes you powerful in the society, you will never live your life to its fullest.

Money and power plays huge role in decision making of the government.If the government is capitalist based means,the government policies will purely based on the capitalist ideology.The owners of the industries will influence the government policies favour to them.The land of poor also move to the rich by the influence of the government.And the people also free from the government influence,if they are rich with huge wealth.The people who don’t have enough money will suffer in that society.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: dothebeats on August 19, 2023, 07:20:34 AM
Money and power, those are two of the things that I immediately thought of. However, there are also connections. Many people and governments around the world adopt new and bold decisions and changes based on how much connection it will bring to them. Moreover, decisions in politics creates enemies and alies that are very important in various factors in governance such as social and economic aspects.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: Zlantann on August 19, 2023, 10:28:59 AM
I am making this topic out of curiosity to know more, what actually driving all the powerful and non-powerful countries to be in the competition and why there is a competition in the first hand. Why just people cannot live together and care for each other not like by doing each other's bidding instead without fighting.

Greed is making powerful nations make others poor. They assume that the only way they can maintain their wealth and power is to make other nations less developed. Poor nations depend on industrialized nations for many things and these powerful nations will always want this to continue. The world will always be unequal until humankind knows that we are all equal.

What do you guys think really drive all the government and platform like this new Platform vanguard, BlackRock and some other companies which holds 88% of the market in US and they are almost in every market and now these platforms are coming into Crypto too. I know i started the topic from history lesson and end up at today's problems, but I have to link something to make my point clearer. Why Corona Virus made some people rich why there is a monopoly in the whole world civilization.

Money and power are the two reasons why companies invest massively in a particular sector. BlackRock, Invesco, Wisdom Tree, Bitwise, and Fidelity applications for Spot Bitcoin ETF are because they want to make profit from the bitcoin market. Some of them might also have the intention of having some level of control in the market. It could be a rush to have a level of control over a part of the Bitcoin market.

One thing is thirst of money because making millions is easy but making billions is not easy and we all know that how big the difference is. So, are these platforms and governments being only after money, or other power to control people's life they are already manipulating people's thought through internet like news of Fire in Lahaina and fire in Dubai and fire in Saudia Arabia. These might be consequences but back in time Ford Car company also took loan before 2008 recession and all other companies go bankrupt why they attract money just few months before recession and why big companies are after BTC and trying there hard best to collect BTC and still delaying the process? That's all my confusions are if anyone love to share their thoughts then i am grateful to you all.

There seems to be a kind of misconception here. Private companies like Black Rock and others are the ones applying for approval for Spot Bitcoin ETF and the SEC is the one that will do the approval. They have just started the process of considering the applications and have fixed next year for approval. From the current happenings, it is assumed that Biden's government is anti-Bitcoin. The administration is during everything possible to undermine Bitcoin.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: @sriyan on August 19, 2023, 11:35:40 AM
I am making this topic out of curiosity to know more, what actually driving all the powerful and non-powerful countries to be in the competition and why there is a competition in the first hand. Why just people cannot live together and care for each other not like by doing each other's bidding instead without fighting.

If, i took my own example then we used to rule subcontinent for so long then Englishmen and Indian took over, so we have to fight for another nation which is Pakistan (my history lessons do need sub retouch but as for now just take it as an example). Why we fought for new country the reason is same for each and every other country for which they fought to be independent and so they could follow their norms. Those norms could be based on many beliefs but most those are religious beliefs because we fought for religious beliefs so we could worship with full freedom.

I am not going to mention any other thoughts that could lead to many religious riots because in my time here i do understand that this platform does not tolerate that.

So, the point i was trying to make here is, even after getting our own country other countries are still interfering in governments rules and taking things over. I don't like to mention names but many already knew. And just to clear i am not saying these statements to put my problems (my means my country) in front of you guys instead i am just using it as an example.

The Thing that drives one person, or nation, or governments to make such bold moves is Desire because even when we were living together in subcontinent, we could make civilized nation and still follow our norms, Englishmen could follow their norms, Indian could follow their norms and Muslims could follow their norm. But the only thing that excites everyone to move ahead of other was Desire

Now what that desire is about that could of getting power in terms of Army, Nuclear Bombs, Economy, Central Currency mass adoption (etc.). and control over people's life.

Means if there were not riots and no financial recessions were occurred back in 2008 then i doubt today there would be any Crypto exists. But downfall of one lead one person to make another innovation in place of that. In today world people are working there ace off but still few are living a healthy and wealthy life. Those few are those who are only paying:
Governments taxes.
Those people do not pay:
Black Taxes.

What do you guys think really drive all the government and platform like this new Platform vanguard, BlackRock and some other companies which holds 88% of the market in US and they are almost in every market and now these platforms are coming into Crypto too. I know i started the topic from history lesson and end up at today's problems, but I have to link something to make my point clearer. Why Corona Virus made some people rich why there is a monopoly in the whole world civilization.

One thing is thirst of money because making millions is easy but making billions is not easy and we all know that how big the difference is. So, are these platforms and governments being only after money, or other power to control people's life they are already manipulating people's thought through internet like news of Fire in Lahaina and fire in Dubai and fire in Saudia Arabia. These might be consequences but back in time Ford Car company also took loan before 2008 recession and all other companies go bankrupt why they attract money just few months before recession and why big companies are after BTC and trying there hard best to collect BTC and still delaying the process? That's all my confusions are if anyone love to share their thoughts then i am grateful to you all.

There are a few points that need to check :

1. Opportunity
2. Crisis or Urgency
3. Public opinion and support
4. External Pressures
5. Global trends and practices

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: Stepstowealth on August 19, 2023, 12:04:34 PM
I am making this topic out of curiosity to know more, what actually driving all the powerful and non-powerful countries to be in the competition and why there is a competition in the first hand. Why just people cannot live together and care for each other not like by doing each other's bidding instead without fighting.
Competition is driven by the need to be superior to another person, that is why most countries are in competition with themselves so as to be superior to the other. There will never be a competition free environment because it is something that is a part of out nature. Competition is not always bad because competition drives change that is somethings good. Because when two countries are in competition, they will each try to make decisions better than what the other country has made to remain superior to them, in doing so. the country will be steadily advancing.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: Gozie51 on August 19, 2023, 12:43:13 PM

Means if there were not riots and no financial recessions were occurred back in 2008 then i doubt today there would be any Crypto exists. But downfall of one lead one person to make another innovation in place of that. In today world people are working there ace off but still few are living a healthy and wealthy life.

At a point in reading your essay, on this paragraph I was seeing the creation of bitcoin in my mind. Are you saying "necessity is the mother of invention"? Are you saying it was apt for satoshi to begin the creation of bitcoin at the time or he had the idea earlier?

Well apart from recession that is looked at on the paragraph, making analysis of the whole post, I see the interplay of money (that is fiat) and the control over people and their situation and overall well being including war. Fiat was identified as a major necessity to life and death, which is why when a country goes to tribal war in the past, the seizure of their fiat was as good as winning the war because there won't be other means of buying and selling or other financial transactions and that will cripple the economy of the weaker opponent. So the creation of bitcoin is indeed a liberation of human society in general. A scenario like that happened in Nigeria during the #Endsars saga, the conveners of the rallies across Nigeria used bitcoin as a means of payment to get necessities to endure protesters got food, water and other necessities while on the streets for days spanning to weeks. This same scenario is happening in Russia and Ukraine war when Russia began to prepare for legislations about legalizing the use of bitcoin while prior to the war and attendant economic sanctions, they never saw alternative payment system like bitcoin as an option or priority.  So it is necessities that drives people and government to take certain bold decisions and the importance of robust financial system will not be overemphasized.

When you have money and power,

In actual fact, when you have power, you can control people or money. That means with political power then you can make policies that can increase people's wealth or reduce it. Therefore a government (head of government) can decide to roll out policies that will affect some areas of business because of certain individuals they want to pull down. So power rules over money, that is why some people gun for political power after they have made money because they want to also protect their business.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: DeathAngel on August 19, 2023, 12:54:18 PM
People and governments often have to adopt new and bold decisions because of a combination of factors which might include a desire for progress and innovation, the need to address pressing challenges or crises, the influence of public opinion, the pursuit of economic or political advantage & even personal motivations and beliefs.

External factors such as technological advancements, changes in societal values & world events can also play a role in inspiring & driving new decisions. It’s a complex mixture of various factors that shape and motivate individuals & governments to embrace change & make bold decisions.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: Hydrogen on August 19, 2023, 01:07:26 PM

What do you guys think really drive all the government and platform like this new Platform vanguard, BlackRock and some other companies which holds 88% of the market in US  

How the East India Company Became the World’s Most Powerful Monopoly
The massive British corporation was founded under Queen Elizabeth I and rose to exploit overseas trade and become a dominating global player.
One of the biggest, most dominant corporations in history operated long before the emergence of tech giants like Apple or Google or Amazon. The English East India Company was incorporated by royal charter on December 31, 1600 and went on to act as a part-trade organization, part-nation-state and reap vast profits from overseas trade with India, China, Persia and Indonesia for more than two centuries. Its business flooded England with affordable tea, cotton textiles and spices, and richly rewarded its London investors with returns as high as 30 percent.

“At its peak, the English East India Company was by far the largest corporation of its kind,” says Emily Erikson, a sociology professor at Yale University and author of Between Monopoly and Free Trade: The English East India Company. “It was also larger than several nations. It was essentially the de facto emperor of large portions of India, which was one of the most productive economies in the world at that point.”

But just when the East India Company’s grip on trade weakened in the late 18th century, it found a new calling as an empire-builder. At one point, this mega corporation commanded a private army of 260,000 soldiers, twice the size of the standing British army. That kind of manpower was more than enough to scare off the remaining competition, conquer territory and coerce Indian rulers into one-sided contracts that granted the Company lucrative taxation powers. (

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: AicecreaME on August 19, 2023, 01:45:22 PM
In government, most of the time, the reason is either because of power or money. Government will do anything just to have power over any countries as much as possible, to have control over and to have so much money.

In people, the reason is because of hard times, they need to make a bold decision to change their life, either it's going to be a bad change or good change. Sometimes we need to get out of our comfort zone to have something more, or to grow even more, for better future.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: Fortify on August 19, 2023, 06:46:40 PM
I am making this topic out of curiosity to know more, what actually driving all the powerful and non-powerful countries to be in the competition and why there is a competition in the first hand. Why just people cannot live together and care for each other not like by doing each other's bidding instead without fighting.

If, i took my own example then we used to rule subcontinent for so long then Englishmen and Indian took over, so we have to fight for another nation which is Pakistan (my history lessons do need sub retouch but as for now just take it as an example). Why we fought for new country the reason is same for each and every other country for which they fought to be independent and so they could follow their norms. Those norms could be based on many beliefs but most those are religious beliefs because we fought for religious beliefs so we could worship with full freedom.

I am not going to mention any other thoughts that could lead to many religious riots because in my time here i do understand that this platform does not tolerate that.

So, the point i was trying to make here is, even after getting our own country other countries are still interfering in governments rules and taking things over. I don't like to mention names but many already knew. And just to clear i am not saying these statements to put my problems (my means my country) in front of you guys instead i am just using it as an example.

What do you expect to happen? The world to stand still and not adapt to new technology? Should the government still mandate that everyone use a horse and cart instead of motor vehicles? The most successful countries in the world arguably have the fairest rules which are enforced equally, but are adapted to new conditions or moral norms. Many countries in the world had criminalized being gay many decades ago, but have obviously abolished these awful laws since. The government is not deaf and will often build their policies based on changing public opinions over time. Now, you mention religion but that is a whole other area but can often, usually for the worse, influence government policy and can take much longer to change.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: Gyfts on August 19, 2023, 08:16:50 PM
What do you guys think really drive all the government and platform like this new Platform vanguard, BlackRock and some other companies which holds 88% of the market in US and they are almost in every market and now these platforms are coming into Crypto too. I know i started the topic from history lesson and end up at today's problems, but I have to link something to make my point clearer. Why Corona Virus made some people rich why there is a monopoly in the whole world civilization.

The studies are out there and I can provide them if you wish (I assume this is common knowledge) -- COVID was the biggest transfer transfer of wealth away from the middle class to the elites (not the rich, but the ultra elite). It was entirely government induced. When the government began printing away trillions in cash, the new money that circulated the economy was spent at large corporations which only made the elite wealthier. When these new dollars caused inflation, it disproportionately affected those who are lower income.

When businesses were forced to comply with government mandated restrictions, the larger corporations had the capital to comply, whereas smaller businesses shut down. Businesses with e-commerce platforms particularly excelled, whereas smaller businesses that relied on physical customers suffered.

Again, the elites were not closely involved in the decision making process when it came to COVID. It was mostly politicians who felt too afraid of making the right decision in fear of political ramifications.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: Dictator69 on August 20, 2023, 06:41:11 AM
What do you expect to happen? The world to stand still and not adapt to new technology? Should the government still mandate that everyone use a horse and cart instead of motor vehicles? ........
Exactly, why they stand still while people with unique IQ (unique means high) tend not to live a life of dumb one obviously. Everyone wants to make new innovations, startups, new technologies will keep coming until the end of life. That's what I am saying, because everyone has some desire some purpose.

The studies are out there and I can provide them if you wish (I assume this is common knowledge) -- COVID was the biggest transfer transfer of wealth away from the middle class to the elites (not the rich, but the ultra elite). It was entirely government induced.
I would love to read those studies and looking forward to your reply with data. And that's for sure that only the elites have filled their bags with money while only the middle ones suffered because I watched a video on IG, in which a long hair dude was explaining how the big organizations like the medical ones made billions of dollars.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: franky1 on August 20, 2023, 10:07:05 AM
governments act like businesses..

the problems stem from things like land acquisition. and then disputes, and also where suffering countries take out loans from other countries or do initially friendly trade deals that go bad.

 when countries borrow/owe money to each other. the creditor country becomes a stake holder in the debt country. thus then gains power over economic decisions to ensure the creditor country gets a return on investment. sometimes its just land ownership rights that give political power

we see it throughout history..
a war begins in rivalling middle eastern countries.. a western country enquires if they can help support a resource rich country defend its borders. that help is accepted.. but ofcourse the western country is not doing it for free..
suddenly deals are done to take over land, resources and control politics to repay the debt, friendly at first. but once power vaccuums are formed. then it turns nasty

we will see this occur with Ukraine in a decade.. ukraine was not donated military support. and in a decade ukraine will do trade deals and align its politics with western regimes to repay for all the support, friendly at first. but who knows what demands EU/nato will make on Ukraine later on

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: flyingcarpet on August 20, 2023, 04:01:09 PM
It's complex, but the short answer is money and power.

When you have money and power, you can control anyone else as you can do anything and the other people can't. Every human can live as long as they have food and a place to sleep, but due to current modern era where it make most of people trying to become rich, they started to become selfish and not care with the others.

Not everyone can win in the race to become rich, but everyone can survive.
I have to agree with this. People tend to adopt new decisions because they want to take an edge over power and money. Whether we accept it or not, with money and power, our aims or desires will be most likely become feasible. Money and power can give us the freedom to do everything with our desires to control our own lives and its happiness. And with the type of government we have at the present, if you don’t have the money that makes you powerful in the society, you will never live your life to its fullest.

When we look at the behavior of people after they have money and power, they never want to lose this advantage. Because these are the things that most people want to achieve in today's conditions. In fact, countries are doing everything to achieve this. The problem is not just living. It's about being able to do what you want with money and having power in the meantime, so I agree with your answer.

Money and power are the main factors that trigger people or governments in their decisions. Because when they have them they can do anything they want. Whether this is true or not is debatable, but this is the situation today.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: Joshapat on August 22, 2023, 02:03:59 PM
A lot of history is often changed and adapted to government policies, I live in a country that has experienced many problems, and history is certainly different from before, and in my opinion this is to protect the interests of the government, they want to look better than before so they carry out various policies that new and looks different from the previous decicions.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: slapper on August 23, 2023, 02:46:20 PM
Nations, corporations like Vanguard and BlackRock, they're not just chasing money; they're chasing power. Money is just a tool to get there. What you're not getting is that these entities see opportunity where others see crisis. Yes, they're in crypto now because crypto is the future of money, the future of control

You're talking about governments and companies holding 88% of the market. That's no coincidence. They want to centralize everything, make it easier for them to control. Take a look at the major tech companies; they're all hoarding data. Why? To manipulate thought, to direct behavior. It's not just about the Benjamins; it's about the very fabric of society

You touched on religious beliefs and norms. That's child's play, my friend. The real war is ideological. Look at how your information is being manipulated every day by the media, by social media, by the very platforms you rely on for information. Are you starting to get the picture?

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: Unbunplease on August 23, 2023, 09:03:59 PM
A lot of history is often changed and adapted to government policies, I live in a country that has experienced many problems, and history is certainly different from before, and in my opinion this is to protect the interests of the government, they want to look better than before so they carry out various policies that new and looks different from the previous decicions.

In one country there was a rule: the new king overruled all the decisions of the old one, even if they were correct. This may be right, but it does not add confidence in the future. And every government thinks only about the interests of certain groups, hiding behind concern for the people. There must always be poor, otherwise who will feed the rich?

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: Bushdark on August 23, 2023, 09:13:14 PM
A lot of history is often changed and adapted to government policies, I live in a country that has experienced many problems, and history is certainly different from before, and in my opinion this is to protect the interests of the government, they want to look better than before so they carry out various policies that new and looks different from the previous decicions.
Most countries keep creating unnecessary laws that keep hunting citizens and making things hard for people. There are some laws that are not too good for people and the government may not be interested to help at any point.
When we look at the ways government keep creating policies that crumbles businesses making it very hard for people to get loans with reasonable interest rate to curb some expenses. Inflation is there and there is nothing we can do about that. We keep struggling and the government keep taking us to drain our small profits.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: stomachgrowls on August 23, 2023, 10:30:02 PM
A lot of history is often changed and adapted to government policies, I live in a country that has experienced many problems, and history is certainly different from before, and in my opinion this is to protect the interests of the government, they want to look better than before so they carry out various policies that new and looks different from the previous decicions.
Most countries keep creating unnecessary laws that keep hunting citizens and making things hard for people. There are some laws that are not too good for people and the government may not be interested to help at any point.
When we look at the ways government keep creating policies that crumbles businesses making it very hard for people to get loans with reasonable interest rate to curb some expenses. Inflation is there and there is nothing we can do about that. We keep struggling and the government keep taking us to drain our small profits.
Depends on where you do live but in speaking about economic matters in general scale then we can actually say that inflation becomes more worst in some places or in most although there might be some exemptions on other places which we know that it isnt really that much affected and considered to those countries are rich ones. This is why i dont really care about on what are the government plans and steps that they would be making because the main priority i do have in mind is on how to sustain myself with these economic problems on which it would really be causing for you to live a miserable life or really that very struggling in terms  of expenses and other daily living needs and necessities. As for government decisions which laws and regulations been applied, then as a citizen then there's nothing we can do whether it would really be totally opposing with your interest
or not but still it would really be that final. They are the ones who had the power on imposing rules and regulations which they do thought that it would really be for the better good but there are ones which are good calls and there are ones which are totally shit.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: Wimex on August 23, 2023, 11:57:03 PM
Nations, corporations like Vanguard and BlackRock, they're not just chasing money; they're chasing power. Money is just a tool to get there. What you're not getting is that these entities see opportunity where others see crisis. Yes, they're in crypto now because crypto is the future of money, the future of control

You're talking about governments and companies holding 88% of the market. That's no coincidence. They want to centralize everything, make it easier for them to control. Take a look at the major tech companies; they're all hoarding data. Why? To manipulate thought, to direct behavior. It's not just about the Benjamins; it's about the very fabric of society

You touched on religious beliefs and norms. That's child's play, my friend. The real war is ideological. Look at how your information is being manipulated every day by the media, by social media, by the very platforms you rely on for information. Are you starting to get the picture?

This is true, most of the media through which we receive information manipulate this data in order to take advantage of it and favor those powerful who have managed to have a fairly influential position in this world and direct practically everything that happens whether it is good or bad. It is ironic how money can change people so much to such a degree that they are capable of destroying others with less influence in order to climb in a few words, these people are the ones who in theory prevent equality from being found and equality ceases to exist. poverty because they need those with these conditions of need to be able to control them and to do what they want…work hard with low salaries, obtaining the best part of the profits to continue growing…This is a reality that always it has existed, not only today, it's just that in these times you can see more clearly the manipulation of these powerful towards the rest of society.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: noorman0 on August 24, 2023, 01:48:56 AM
So, the point i was trying to make here is, even after getting our own country other countries are still interfering in governments rules and taking things over. I don't like to mention names but many already knew. And just to clear i am not saying these statements to put my problems (my means my country) in front of you guys instead i am just using it as an example.
Actually there are many possibilities, some of them:

Your country may be one of the independent countries that are not truly sovereign, usually its independence is based on gifts from the former colonialists who have unlimited conditions that they can even dictate after years.

Your country is affiliated with an international organization, instead they can intervene in your country's policies on the basis of solidarity with members of the organization.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: bittraffic on August 24, 2023, 02:38:48 AM
So, the point i was trying to make here is, even after getting our own country other countries are still interfering in governments rules and taking things over. I don't like to mention names but many already knew. And just to clear i am not saying these statements to put my problems (my means my country) in front of you guys instead i am just using it as an example.
Actually there are many possibilities, some of them:

Your country may be one of the independent countries that are not truly sovereign, usually its independence is based on gifts from the former colonialists who have unlimited conditions that they can even dictate after years.

Your country is affiliated with an international organization, instead they can intervene in your country's policies on the basis of solidarity with members of the organization.

The majority of the countries around the world are like this. Just look at Africa, they were declared independent but the politics inside the country are governed by their former colonist. Countries you don't expect to be that submissive like Germany or Japan who were once mighty. Not to mention those poor once in Africa.

The Slave Trade saved the big countries which are still trying to enslave to this day through the sanctions they impose on countries but you guess it is a necessity for those countries because if they don't grab lands and colonize countries, it's them that are going to be colonized. 

Necessity is what makes governments adopt technology and they could burn cities or kill politicians in broad daylight to survive.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: xSkylarx on August 24, 2023, 04:30:14 AM
A lot of history is often changed and adapted to government policies, I live in a country that has experienced many problems, and history is certainly different from before, and in my opinion this is to protect the interests of the government, they want to look better than before so they carry out various policies that new and looks different from the previous decicions.
Most countries keep creating unnecessary laws that keep hunting citizens and making things hard for people. There are some laws that are not too good for people and the government may not be interested to help at any point.
When we look at the ways government keep creating policies that crumbles businesses making it very hard for people to get loans with reasonable interest rate to curb some expenses. Inflation is there and there is nothing we can do about that. We keep struggling and the government keep taking us to drain our small profits.

I don't have a problem with new laws because they really debated them, but what I want is to prioritize those laws that can help all people. What I mean is that they ease the burden of people, like subsidies or financial aid, because prices right now keep increasing, or they will find a way to stop the increase of prices by putting some subsidies on them, which can greatly help us. Right now, we have nothing to do but work hard and smartly by finding another source of income to cope with this difficult life.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: dothebeats on August 24, 2023, 05:49:10 AM
So, the point i was trying to make here is, even after getting our own country other countries are still interfering in governments rules and taking things over. I don't like to mention names but many already knew. And just to clear i am not saying these statements to put my problems (my means my country) in front of you guys instead i am just using it as an example.
Actually there are many possibilities, some of them:

Your country may be one of the independent countries that are not truly sovereign, usually its independence is based on gifts from the former colonialists who have unlimited conditions that they can even dictate after years.

Your country is affiliated with an international organization, instead they can intervene in your country's policies on the basis of solidarity with members of the organization.

I believe that is what a lot of people forget, most countries are part of an international organization that has the authority to influence and intervene in a country's decisions and policies. Moreover, going against the policies there international organizations have may lead to cutting connections and good partnerships with other countries that are essential in maintaining security and economic power.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: uswa56 on August 24, 2023, 05:59:38 AM
A lot of history is often changed and adapted to government policies, I live in a country that has experienced many problems, and history is certainly different from before, and in my opinion this is to protect the interests of the government, they want to look better than before so they carry out various policies that new and looks different from the previous decicions.
Most countries keep creating unnecessary laws that keep hunting citizens and making things hard for people. There are some laws that are not too good for people and the government may not be interested to help at any point.
When we look at the ways government keep creating policies that crumbles businesses making it very hard for people to get loans with reasonable interest rate to curb some expenses. Inflation is there and there is nothing we can do about that. We keep struggling and the government keep taking us to drain our small profits.

I don't have a problem with new laws because they really debated them, but what I want is to prioritize those laws that can help all people. What I mean is that they ease the burden of people, like subsidies or financial aid, because prices right now keep increasing, or they will find a way to stop the increase of prices by putting some subsidies on them, which can greatly help us. Right now, we have nothing to do but work hard and smartly by finding another source of income to cope with this difficult life.
Sometimes there are indeed many policies from the government that do not benefit the small community, but it all returns to dirty politics carried out by a handful of individuals for personal gain, so that many people are at a disadvantage, I think in poor countries or developing countries it is difficult to overcome, because many governments are corrupt so that laws like this are born.
And even if we work hard, we still depend on government policies regarding wages and also the price of basic commodities which will affect whether or not the people at the bottom are adequacy, that is a problem, I think, that has no solution.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: Kakmakr on August 24, 2023, 06:07:33 AM
We live in a world with a growing population and diminishing resources. A lot of governments and powerful people realize that and they are trying to find ways to feed their "voters" and also to provide energy and water.

The people (voters) keep them in power and they pay taxes.... the taxes pay their salaries, so they will do anything to keep the voters happy, so that they can benefit from that. (The powerful people behind them, want to make money from the resources that are provided... and some even pay huge bribes to the government officials to gain access to those resources)  ::)

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: Latviand on August 24, 2023, 06:53:38 AM
I think that these two have pretty much the same reason that drives them to adopt new things which is benefit of the change to them, the only difference I think is that the government needs to make sure that to some degree, the benefit should be cost efficient and that it can line their pockets well if they're the corrupt kind. Now others say it's money and power or something tangible but I think it all boils down to just benefits imo, it's not worth adopting or embracing if we know that it's not going benefit us right?

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: adzino on August 25, 2023, 06:01:23 PM
Everything kind of a boils down to money to be honest. People, countries, big corporations, governments – all chasing the same one thing, money. Money that gives you power and lets you control everything. It's like we're hardwired to compete and dominate, especially when dollar signs are involved. Sure, there's politics, power, and all that jazz, but money's the main tune. If these people hear that there is opportunity in making some quick bucks, they will all run towards there and compete with each other. They will be the first one to take bold decisions. Why do you think most people are trying to adopt crypto currencies? It's because people can make nice profit by investing in crypto or working with crypto. If all crypto currencies were stable coins, I doubt we would be seeing more people interested/using crypto. They would all stick to fiat currency.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: Gyfts on August 26, 2023, 09:25:55 PM
The studies are out there and I can provide them if you wish (I assume this is common knowledge) -- COVID was the biggest transfer transfer of wealth away from the middle class to the elites (not the rich, but the ultra elite). It was entirely government induced.
I would love to read those studies and looking forward to your reply with data. And that's for sure that only the elites have filled their bags with money while only the middle ones suffered because I watched a video on IG, in which a long hair dude was explaining how the big organizations like the medical ones made billions of dollars.

World Inequality Report shows an increase in the total wealth of top income earners globally over the last few years. The increase in wealth was more evidence in 2021, of course, as there was more money circulating in the economy. Nonetheless, the trend continued for 2022:

In summary: Global wealth inequality exists and has existed for centuries. It was only over the last century that a robust middle class began to form globally. And in 2020-2021, the middle class regressed, as evident by the increase in total global wealth that billionaires own (up 1.5% from 2% at the start of 2020, which is to say that billionaires owned 3.5% of total global household wealth post COVID-19)

Pharma, e-commerce platforms like Amazon, etc. all escaped the pandemic with middle class wealth.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: dothebeats on August 27, 2023, 03:55:05 AM
Everything kind of a boils down to money to be honest. People, countries, big corporations, governments – all chasing the same one thing, money. Money that gives you power and lets you control everything. It's like we're hardwired to compete and dominate, especially when dollar signs are involved. Sure, there's politics, power, and all that jazz, but money's the main tune. If these people hear that there is opportunity in making some quick bucks, they will all run towards there and compete with each other. They will be the first one to take bold decisions. Why do you think most people are trying to adopt crypto currencies? It's because people can make nice profit by investing in crypto or working with crypto. If all crypto currencies were stable coins, I doubt we would be seeing more people interested/using crypto. They would all stick to fiat currency.

You are pretty much right here. The very reason why influential countries are influential and strong is due to the wealth of that country. The wealthier the country is the higher their status gets, putting other countries that are below them to look up to them and be influenced by them. Politics and power even relate to wealth if you think about it.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: marcous on August 27, 2023, 11:26:30 AM
The ultimate goal is to maintain its existence, either as an individual or a country. Money and power are the tools used to achieve these goals, regarding competition and domination over others are an integral part of achieving goals. Some Individuals and Countries will put peace first, they prioritize their ambition to rule and gain profits.

All these complex problems, can only be overcome by holding back a little ambition to dominate others and put peace first, that's better.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: bestcoins1 on August 27, 2023, 01:31:47 PM
The ultimate goal is to maintain its existence, either as an individual or a country. Money and power are the tools used to achieve these goals, regarding competition and domination over others are an integral part of achieving goals. Some Individuals and Countries will put peace first, they prioritize their ambition to rule and gain profits.
Power and money are also still the goals of many people today, so everyone will use various ways to achieve them in their life. But some people would prefer to achieve this in good ways so as not to destroy other people because power is part of human existence in this world, while money is part of human strength in life so that these two things are still the main goal of every human being in this world.

All these complex problems, can only be overcome by holding back a little ambition to dominate others and put peace first, that's better.
Everyone has ambition and not everyone can hold it because everyone has targets and goals that they must achieve in their life. But if there are people who want to reduce the dominance of their ambitions in life, it is people who are very wise by not setting power goals for their lives even though they are still looking for money to make ends meet.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: Pingrapole on August 27, 2023, 01:57:53 PM
Bitcoin is viewed negatively by any government at first As a result, there was a conflict between the people and the government, and many steps were taken to stop Bitcoin. Later, when the people were able to earn a lot, the government declared Bitcoin legal and accelerated its development By making Bitcoin profits, different countries are considering Bitcoin as the source of various problems, but actually it is not true. To run the country, the government and the people should have a good idea about Bitcoin.The trend of getting rich is making people selfish day by day, resulting in inequality between the rich and the poor
Between the rich and the poor, it is natural that the rich will win because they have more money

There are a lot of things to accept to stay and everyone should think something according to the situation.All government is bad this is wrong because government thinks of whole, but we think of individual that's why we tell ourselves that government is not doing anything for us when actually government is thinking of whole

One should always try to improve oneself because the improvement in oneself will reflect the improvement in the government
Money and power are inextricably linked without each other progress is not possible and unimaginable as money is as important as power through money we gain power.Economic and social factors must be considered before every decision is taken, then success is possible sooner

To meet the challenge, the government always takes innovative and bold steps which are water welfare
Digital technology and values ​​enable new decision-making

Any development can be accelerated by effective decision making between government and people.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: JeffBrad12 on August 27, 2023, 11:36:22 PM
when there's impending doom of course it will force to make drastic decisions, i could foresee the upcoming climate change might force drastic decision when the impact finally showing more clearly.
right now its just showing slowly.
same thing with money, if a country could increase income drastically they'd even take advantage of their own resources, selling raw material, for the sake of getting more income, its even worst when it comes to third world country, they would take advantage of their natural resources, without thinking the aftermath, what matter for them is right now and filling their own pocket. don't even care even if their country is doomed in the future, as long as they could buy that lambo.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: Vaculin on August 28, 2023, 09:38:04 AM
Most likely, people tend to adopt new and bold decisions whenever they want some positive changes in their lives. Maybe they have been living a miserable life because of financial struggles, so by taking risk into new things that could make their lives greatly changed, could be a good decision that they’ll never regret in the end. It could be money and power as that’s the mostly seen highly important to people nowadays, because without it, survival could be put at a high risk.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: KingsDen on August 28, 2023, 11:10:23 PM
What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
It is not only the government that do hesitate to make or implement new decisions. It is the nature of man to always continue with what he knows how to do whether it is bringing the best result or not. Man by nature hates changes, especially when they don't know the outcome of that change.
This is the reason why even in organisations and families, it takes an extra mind to implement any decisions.  We are willing to rely and continue doing what we know how to do without having issues.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: slapper on August 30, 2023, 02:58:45 PM
What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
It is not only the government that do hesitate to make or implement new decisions. It is the nature of man to always continue with what he knows how to do whether it is bringing the best result or not. Man by nature hates changes, especially when they don't know the outcome of that change.
This is the reason why even in organisations and families, it takes an extra mind to implement any decisions.  We are willing to rely and continue doing what we know how to do without having issues.
We, including myself, are fond of the familiar. Comparable to ordering the same dish every time you dine out. Why? Because we recognise it and enjoy it

But here's the problem - and I've witnessed this in real estate, businesses, and everywhere else - there is a fear of the unknown. Now, it's not completely baseless; it has some foundation. In organisations and families, a constant equilibrium exists, correct? You are balancing the known with the unknown. But, and this is where I believe we part ways, I believe that the unknown can sometimes be... exciting? A challenge? You choose the term

However, decisions are difficult. People have made countless decisions. But perhaps the time has come for us to view change not as a dark cloud, but as a golden opportunity pounding on our doors

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: dothebeats on August 31, 2023, 05:53:27 AM
What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
It is not only the government that do hesitate to make or implement new decisions. It is the nature of man to always continue with what he knows how to do whether it is bringing the best result or not. Man by nature hates changes, especially when they don't know the outcome of that change.
This is the reason why even in organisations and families, it takes an extra mind to implement any decisions.  We are willing to rely and continue doing what we know how to do without having issues.
We, including myself, are fond of the familiar. Comparable to ordering the same dish every time you dine out. Why? Because we recognise it and enjoy it

But here's the problem - and I've witnessed this in real estate, businesses, and everywhere else - there is a fear of the unknown. Now, it's not completely baseless; it has some foundation. In organisations and families, a constant equilibrium exists, correct? You are balancing the known with the unknown. But, and this is where I believe we part ways, I believe that the unknown can sometimes be... exciting? A challenge? You choose the term

However, decisions are difficult. People have made countless decisions. But perhaps the time has come for us to view change not as a dark cloud, but as a golden opportunity pounding on our doors

I do agree with you. The thing is both ways have pros and cons. For example, if we decide to stay with what we are comfortable is (which let's be real here, a lot of people do due to the safety we feel from being familiar with it and knowing what's to come) then there is the cons and risk of losing an opportunity that brings a change that could have made things better. However, if we decide to take the risk of change and welcome it, there is the negative side of bad outcomes and danger that could have been avoided if we just stick with what we know.

Hence, in this situation wherein it is difficult to make a decision by choosing, analyzing, and laying out possible outcomes for both gives a better understanding of the options you have.

Nonetheless, I'm sure there are other factors that influence people's decisions on whether or not they wanna stick with what they know or learn something new.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: livingfree on August 31, 2023, 09:22:38 AM
The ultimate goal is to maintain its existence, either as an individual or a country. Money and power are the tools used to achieve these goals, regarding competition and domination over others are an integral part of achieving goals. Some Individuals and Countries will put peace first, they prioritize their ambition to rule and gain profits.
Well, peace is underrated but we have to accept the truth that this world is being run by greed, money and power. That's it.

All these complex problems, can only be overcome by holding back a little ambition to dominate others and put peace first, that's better.
We want peace but peace means money for the majority. It's like it's going to need a century again so that we'll be back into the ancient times where some communities and countries have lived in peace and harmony.

But then, can't also remove the fact that wars were there. We people just want all the best for us and that mindset coming from people to government is upgrading and coming to the point of dominating other lands too.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: irhact on August 31, 2023, 11:20:59 AM
Most likely, people tend to adopt new and bold decisions whenever they want some positive changes in their lives. Maybe they have been living a miserable life because of financial struggles, so by taking risk into new things that could make their lives greatly changed, could be a good decision that they’ll never regret in the end. It could be money and power as that’s the mostly seen highly important to people nowadays, because without it, survival could be put at a high risk.

I was about giving my answer as change is the reason why we adopt new decisions that sometimes goes against what we already are used to. Change is good because it gives us another ideology of things we thought we knew. Influence is another reason why we choose to accept new ideas because influence form those we adore can change our minds when we didn't have plans to accept the new ideas. Influence can come in different ways like through power or money.

We're humans and we have emotions that can be easily influenced by what the masses what, for example not everyone is okay with some of the new rules that are been passed in their country but because the masses are accepting the changes, they too have to join them.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: jrrsparkles on August 31, 2023, 03:28:55 PM
There is no single country in the world that can be completely independent which is why there is international trade. allies, helping the underdeveloped country financially and thousands of others which all nothing means they need one other to keep running their government but the influence of one country depends on their financial and military state.

Now, talking about the people what else choice do they have?

If you are against the policy you can vote against it but it is not going to stop them from ruling which is the power/flaw of democracy. And people are even tired of their day-to-day life by chasing money to pay their bills and meet financial requirements so they don't actually have time to think beyond themselves.

In case there are some people go intense then they will be badged as terrorist groups by the government.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: Alpha Marine on September 01, 2023, 09:25:27 PM
I know most people thing that government is all evil and cruel, but the truth is government is just like a big company. Each and everyone of them want to make profit for themself while at the same time maintain the government and the nation to survive and keep running. Government won't make a huge policy that will sink the nation, kill most of the citizen or make them very poor and stop working, they need to make the citizen able to work so the economy is not stop. Most of their decision will be made to increase productivity and nation income thus increase their own income, those decision will most likely dictate by the stakeholders or some of us call them Oligarch, some of the decision will be based on good research, but then again even if the decision is based on research the goal is still to increase productivity and income so the stakeholders get richer, and the government get more bonuses. In some special case, like in the country where I live, the Oligarch is also the government, most of the new laws that made are actually benefitting their business.

I wish this were true, but it can only be true in some countries. There are countries where the leaders do not care if the country or its citizens get better. The whole country can be burning for all they care as far as their accounts will get fat.

Illiteracy and poverty is a very strong tool for politicians. They can country the masses if the masses don't need them so they make sure the masses are never free.
The leaders keep giving them crumbs so they keep coming back for more.
During campaigns, they promised them electricity and better transport systems and better education and security, blah blah blah. Now imagine if all these things are already what these people have and they have good jobs that pay them well, what would these politicians use as bargaining chips to win votes?

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: serjent05 on September 01, 2023, 10:58:07 PM
There is no single country in the world that can be completely independent which is why there is international trade. allies, helping the underdeveloped country financially and thousands of others which all nothing means they need one other to keep running their government but the influence of one country depends on their financial and military state.

True that since different resources are scattered in the world, not a single nation has it as have them all.  So a country can either invade or have trade to other country in order to have access to its natural resources.

Now, talking about the people what else choice do they have?

If you are against the policy you can vote against it but it is not going to stop them from ruling which is the power/flaw of democracy. And people are even tired of their day-to-day life by chasing money to pay their bills and meet financial requirements so they don't actually have time to think beyond themselves.

Voting? LOL, is it really effective?  Most corrupt politician cheats.  They ensure their dominance through cheating.  These corrupt official make it easier to cheat when the digital system is implemented.  Honestly, I believe the true result of national election has never been published, it is always been modified by "add and omit" system.

In case there are some people go intense then they will be badged as terrorist groups by the government.

Intensely aggressive resulting in damage to human lives and properties, being intense alone should not label people as terrorists as long as they don't have a negative impact on the government and its sovereignty.

As for the government and people, oftentimes times it is the calculated benefits that make them bold in their decisions.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: icalical on September 02, 2023, 01:59:07 PM
I know most people thing that government is all evil and cruel, but the truth is government is just like a big company. Each and everyone of them want to make profit for themself while at the same time maintain the government and the nation to survive and keep running. Government won't make a huge policy that will sink the nation, kill most of the citizen or make them very poor and stop working, they need to make the citizen able to work so the economy is not stop. Most of their decision will be made to increase productivity and nation income thus increase their own income, those decision will most likely dictate by the stakeholders or some of us call them Oligarch, some of the decision will be based on good research, but then again even if the decision is based on research the goal is still to increase productivity and income so the stakeholders get richer, and the government get more bonuses. In some special case, like in the country where I live, the Oligarch is also the government, most of the new laws that made are actually benefitting their business.

I wish this were true, but it can only be true in some countries. There are countries where the leaders do not care if the country or its citizens get better. The whole country can be burning for all they care as far as their accounts will get fat.

Illiteracy and poverty is a very strong tool for politicians. They can country the masses if the masses don't need them so they make sure the masses are never free.
The leaders keep giving them crumbs so they keep coming back for more.
During campaigns, they promised them electricity and better transport systems and better education and security, blah blah blah. Now imagine if all these things are already what these people have and they have good jobs that pay them well, what would these politicians use as bargaining chips to win votes?

Well yeah the sad truth, just like companies, not all companies is good companies, not all government is good government, and I don't mean good like in decent, I just mean that some government do not really know how to be more profitbale and be sustainable. Any government that don't invest in education to make their people more intelligence will be left behind by other country, and they will not survive so long, people will be poor and extremely dissatisfied to the state that they want a revolution.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: South Park on September 02, 2023, 09:37:33 PM
Well yeah the sad truth, just like companies, not all companies is good companies, not all government is good government, and I don't mean good like in decent, I just mean that some government do not really know how to be more profitbale and be sustainable. Any government that don't invest in education to make their people more intelligence will be left behind by other country, and they will not survive so long, people will be poor and extremely dissatisfied to the state that they want a revolution.
That would be true if the government in turn had as a goal the progress of their nation and its people, however the goal of many politicians out there is simply to keep themselves in power, and in that case keeping their citizens ignorant and poor works best for them, this is why the literacy rate was so low back on the Medieval age, books were expensive and almost no one could read them as they were written in a different language than the one people spoke, and this is why as soon as this changed thanks to the movable type printing press people began to aks questions and change their way of thinking, which lead to the Renaissance.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: icalical on September 03, 2023, 12:31:34 PM
Well yeah the sad truth, just like companies, not all companies is good companies, not all government is good government, and I don't mean good like in decent, I just mean that some government do not really know how to be more profitbale and be sustainable. Any government that don't invest in education to make their people more intelligence will be left behind by other country, and they will not survive so long, people will be poor and extremely dissatisfied to the state that they want a revolution.
That would be true if the government in turn had as a goal the progress of their nation and its people, however the goal of many politicians out there is simply to keep themselves in power, and in that case keeping their citizens ignorant and poor works best for them, this is why the literacy rate was so low back on the Medieval age, books were expensive and almost no one could read them as they were written in a different language than the one people spoke, and this is why as soon as this changed thanks to the movable type printing press people began to aks questions and change their way of thinking, which lead to the Renaissance.

That's what I mean as a not good government, if they want to keep themselves in power the only way to do is to keep the people work for them, and also make the people work harder and better. If they don't do that, eventually there will be no country to rule, no one to be exploited, and there will be no power to be held anymore, they will not sustain. A good government will keep most of the profit of their country to themselves, while sharing small amount of the money just enough to keep the people working and earning more profit for the government.

If the government succeed in doing this, they will keep generating wealth and much more, while their people will trap in the middle-class, but these middle class will still happy with their life and keep working for the government.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: Juse14 on September 03, 2023, 01:12:25 PM
The ultimate goal is to maintain its existence, either as an individual or a country. Money and power are the tools used to achieve these goals, regarding competition and domination over others are an integral part of achieving goals. Some Individuals and Countries will put peace first, they prioritize their ambition to rule and gain profits.

All these complex problems, can only be overcome by holding back a little ambition to dominate others and put peace first, that's better.
Human ambition and greed, this can encourage an individual or a country to continue to expand its power and continue to intervene against other countries whose power is lower than their own. And money is a tool used to expand or seize existing power.

Through money an individual or a state can seize power. and through power a country can intervene against other countries. and we can see for ourselves what is done by large countries which continue to intervene and manipulate other countries to obtain the natural resources they have. For example, in the Middle East, they continue to receive interception so that big countries can get the oil in that country. and likewise, countries in Southeast Asia continue to receive intervention from other countries so that large countries/superpowers can obtain natural resources in the Southeast Asia region.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: hafiztalha on September 17, 2023, 01:25:06 PM
It's complex, but the short answer is money and power.

When you have money and power, you can control anyone else as you can do anything and the other people can't. Every human can live as long as they have food and a place to sleep, but due to current modern era where it make most of people trying to become rich, they started to become selfish and not care with the others.

Not everyone can win in the race to become rich, but everyone can survive.
Government is scammer, it makes rules for its benefit . Government does not care public situation. After COVID  many government blamed COVID, they did not change their policies. They take a debt from IMF  and IMF said that you have to increase prices of things if you want to give debt to me. Political people make their houses big, they cut agricultural land and cut into plots , they make a calonies, they build a huge huge factories for their own purpose, they do not concern with poor people or who give vote to them. They came into politics only for power and money. They make all type of sins. They are involved in all type of corruption. Many of the government employees are in power, they are because of political persons. Political persons take money and give high level post to a person who is not eligible for this.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: Viscore on September 17, 2023, 03:06:00 PM
The ultimate goal is to maintain its existence, either as an individual or a country. Money and power are the tools used to achieve these goals, regarding competition and domination over others are an integral part of achieving goals. Some Individuals and Countries will put peace first, they prioritize their ambition to rule and gain profits.

All these complex problems, can only be overcome by holding back a little ambition to dominate others and put peace first, that's better.
Yes, with money and power, survival will always be possible. Not just for an individual, but for the whole country’s government. And wherein people achieved money and power, thus making them controlled their lives, even the lives of other people. That’s why with money and power, I personally think peace is mostly overlook. But it comes with greed and selfish desires where manipulation comes next to it.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: Unbunplease on September 17, 2023, 06:57:18 PM
Government is scammer, it makes rules for its benefit . Government does not care public situation. After COVID  many government blamed COVID, they did not change their policies. They take a debt from IMF  and IMF said that you have to increase prices of things if you want to give debt to me. Political people make their houses big, they cut agricultural land and cut into plots , they make a calonies, they build a huge huge factories for their own purpose, they do not concern with poor people or who give vote to them. They came into politics only for power and money. They make all type of sins. They are involved in all type of corruption. Many of the government employees are in power, they are because of political persons. Political persons take money and give high level post to a person who is not eligible for this.

A priori, most politicians steal from the budget by inventing various fictitious activities. Therefore, many of them go into politics to be at the trough. If a person goes against the system, the system absorbs him. This applies to any state and any political system

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: KingsDen on September 17, 2023, 08:46:32 PM
So, the point i was trying to make here is, even after getting our own country other countries are still interfering in governments rules and taking things over. I don't like to mention names but many already knew. And just to clear i am not saying these statements to put my problems (my means my country) in front of you guys instead i am just using it as an example.

When something happens and continue to happen in government even after successive administrations, it will begin to look like norms to people. It will become a way of life even if is bad. If a government transfers impunity to the government, impunity continues to linger and at a time it will look as if impunity is part of the government. At this point it is near impossible for anyone to make laws that will fight this impunity that rather look foundational.
However, a time like now will come as it is seen in some West African countries as military coup. It is at this point you have to make the bold decision as seen in the title of this thread. Just a few countries is totally independent, the majority are still dependent on other countries who manipulate them knowingly and unknowingly.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: BitcoinPanther on September 17, 2023, 09:19:06 PM

So, the point i was trying to make here is, even after getting our own country other countries are still interfering in governments rules and taking things over. I don't like to mention names but many already knew. And just to clear i am not saying these statements to put my problems (my means my country) in front of you guys instead i am just using it as an example.

Developing country are often guided by the developed and stronger country especially when the country have debt to that country.  I am sure there is an agreement that those interfering with your government has been allowed by this agreement.  One example is forbidding a country to manufacture military items.  There is always a catch whenever a country is helping another country.

As far as I understand, people and government are driven to adopt new Ideas and bold decision if it will benefits them or  one of the requirement of a country that will grant the government  the help it needed.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: Ryu_Ar1 on September 17, 2023, 09:21:52 PM
It's complex, but the short answer is money and power.

When you have money and power, you can control anyone else as you can do anything and the other people can't. Every human can live as long as they have food and a place to sleep, but due to current modern era where it make most of people trying to become rich, they started to become selfish and not care with the others.

Not everyone can win in the race to become rich, but everyone can survive.
It may sound a bit clichéd but I agree with what you're saying because in the end it all comes down to how money and power monopolise everything.
As long as we have money and power then everything will be easy, although in this case there will definitely be many opinions and arguments that blame each other, still when we draw a big line when someone has a very good financial condition then power will be easy for him to achieve and when power and money are already used then no matter how difficult such problems will become easy to do.

On the other hand, in this case, of course, the privilege of differences in each strata also applies, indeed everyone can survive but not all will get their portion according to them because again money and power remain the difference in this case.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: molsewid on September 17, 2023, 09:33:04 PM
It may sound a bit clichéd but I agree with what you're saying because in the end it all comes down to how money and power monopolise everything.
As long as we have money and power then everything will be easy, although in this case there will definitely be many opinions and arguments that blame each other, still when we draw a big line when someone has a very good financial condition then power will be easy for him to achieve and when power and money are already used then no matter how difficult such problems will become easy to do.

On the other hand, in this case, of course, the privilege of differences in each strata also applies, indeed everyone can survive but not all will get their portion according to them because again money and power remain the difference in this case.
Yes, because money is so much equivalent to power. Many people tend to go wrong in their decision because they did not see the consequences they only thought that they need to do that thing for the sake of money and power. We need to be ahmmm aware to those little things because sometimes it can fool us, the higher the effort that we want to have money and power the more greedy we become.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: 348Judah on September 17, 2023, 09:52:25 PM
It may sound a bit clichéd but I agree with what you're saying because in the end it all comes down to how money and power monopolise everything.
As long as we have money and power then everything will be easy, although in this case there will definitely be many opinions and arguments that blame each other, still when we draw a big line when someone has a very good financial condition then power will be easy for him to achieve and when power and money are already used then no matter how difficult such problems will become easy to do.

On the other hand, in this case, of course, the privilege of differences in each strata also applies, indeed everyone can survive but not all will get their portion according to them because again money and power remain the difference in this case.
Yes, because money is so much equivalent to power. Many people tend to go wrong in their decision because they did not see the consequences they only thought that they need to do that thing for the sake of money and power. We need to be ahmmm aware to those little things because sometimes it can fool us, the higher the effort that we want to have money and power the more greedy we become.

There's nothing that money and power cannot drive, people believed that when they are in power, it drives their motives to a realistic experience to being fulfilled, there are more other things that can hasten the people's decision but oney and power are the major key factors that triggers these, sometimes when we do not have money, we become so obsolete that the way we think is being affected and the way people view our opinion becomes less effective that they give priority to them just because we aren't with money or in power.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: macson on September 17, 2023, 10:09:27 PM

There's nothing that money and power cannot drive, people believed that when they are in power, it drives their motives to a realistic experience to being fulfilled, there are more other things that can hasten the people's decision but oney and power are the major key factors that triggers these, sometimes when we do not have money, we become so obsolete that the way we think is being affected and the way people view our opinion becomes less effective that they give priority to them just because we aren't with money or in power.
money is absolute power in this era, with money you can move the government of a region, you can change history and you can disrupt or improve the world.  Look around you, do poor groups get good respect? Of course, that will never happen, whether individuals, groups or even countries compete to become rich and have influence over those around them.  anyway, dissatisfaction is one of human nature, maybe there are some who are satisfied with what they have achieved today, but some don't feel enough because their ambitions haven't been achieved or they have other big dreams, so we will never stop see people trying to control other people.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: panganib999 on September 17, 2023, 11:35:47 PM
Desperation for people and government mostly.

For the most part, people will remain with what's comfortable for them. For a while people are happy with the MBS (mortgage-backed securities), when things went to shitter everyone panicked and agreed that something like MBS shouldn't be done anymore not for any reason. People agreed to not have anymore world wars after the second war obliterated Japan's cities. It's through these desperate measures that we see the most change in legislations and how the government attacks things.

With crypto it couldn't be any more similar. For a while they are letting it run free, some countries even supporting it, but when things go south and government finds out how it undermines the profit streams of the richest, they are trying to circumvent the process and ban it. yet another sign of desperate times calling for desperate measures.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: Gozie51 on September 18, 2023, 09:15:28 AM

So, the point i was trying to make here is, even after getting our own country other countries are still interfering in governments rules and taking things over. I don't like to mention names but many already knew. And just to clear i am not saying these statements to put my problems (my means my country) in front of you guys instead i am just using it as an example.

If your country is a sovereign nation with all the paraphernalia that makes it independent country and it is still having such interference, that makes your country is being recolonized and that is called neocolonialism. I think the reason is that your leaders have kept being stooge to other countries who are mingling with the affairs of your country and that means your country will not experience a total freedom and your growth rate economically, technologically and otherwise will be limited. Your country need to experience real freedom to grow.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: dothebeats on September 18, 2023, 10:07:44 AM
Desperation for people and government mostly.

For the most part, people will remain with what's comfortable for them. For a while people are happy with the MBS (mortgage-backed securities), when things went to shitter everyone panicked and agreed that something like MBS shouldn't be done anymore not for any reason. People agreed to not have anymore world wars after the second war obliterated Japan's cities. It's through these desperate measures that we see the most change in legislations and how the government attacks things.

With crypto it couldn't be any more similar. For a while they are letting it run free, some countries even supporting it, but when things go south and government finds out how it undermines the profit streams of the richest, they are trying to circumvent the process and ban it. yet another sign of desperate times calling for desperate measures.
I agree. Desperation to survive and be backed up by a stronger and more powerful country. In my country we are always trying to be updated and follow what is trending in the West for reasons that be believe that they are the ones that can help us lead the country to a better status. Moreover, there is still the underlying effect of the colonialism that happened years ago, hence the influence of those powerful countries that took control of the country I live is still present in various aspects, especially in political matters. Hence, it doesn't take much for our government to adapt changes and practices provided by these countries.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: Wiwo on September 18, 2023, 01:44:39 PM

So, the point i was trying to make here is, even after getting our own country other countries are still interfering in governments rules and taking things over. I don't like to mention names but many already knew. And just to clear i am not saying these statements to put my problems (my means my country) in front of you guys instead i am just using it as an example.

If your country is a sovereign nation with all the paraphernalia that makes it independent country and it is still having such interference, that makes your country is being recolonized and that is called neocolonialism. I think the reason is that your leaders have kept being stooge to other countries who are mingling with the affairs of your country and that means your country will not experience a total freedom and your growth rate economically, technologically and otherwise will be limited. Your country need to experience real freedom to grow.

For the fact that we have one cardinal meeting point makes it important for leaders of various countries to take conscious steps toniodate themselves and using acceptable economic tools to take advantage and negotiate the interest pf the country in the international communities, so the bottom line is that,  leaders of most third world countries such as countries from Africa struggle so much with neo colonialism and that have left the to depend on the west for economic supports meanwhile those elies are mostly their former colonial masters,  so this have made it very obvious and clear that there is a deliberate attempt to saburtsge the economic potential of most former colonized countries,  this also give birth to corruption because the reason why most countries who have experienced that level of economic meltdown and recessions to the point that the country now survive on importation and heavily indebted this are all features of a failing country.

Trades are determine by the amount of a countries GDP and if anyone failed to meet up with that GDP demand am afraid that such countries will experience all the crisis that we have all pointed out,  so that lead us to the question as to what make up for an independent country,  and how far have those countries who just got independent have done in term of developments.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: bayu7adi on September 18, 2023, 05:48:25 PM
One thing is thirst of money because making millions is easy but making billions is not easy and we all know that how big the difference is. So, are these platforms and governments being only after money, or other power to control people's life they are already manipulating people's thought through internet like news of Fire in Lahaina and fire in Dubai and fire in Saudia Arabia. These might be consequences but back in time Ford Car company also took loan before 2008 recession and all other companies go bankrupt why they attract money just few months before recession and why big companies are after BTC and trying there hard best to collect BTC and still delaying the process? That's all my confusions are if anyone love to share their thoughts then i am grateful to you all.
Wherever they may be, governments must always possess the authority to regulate their populace, as they bear the responsibility for the welfare of their citizens. In my view, this isn't a significant issue as long as the government effectively manages its duties by ensuring fairness while leading and maintaining a commendable vision. However, in practice, the lack of transparency often leads to disappointing abuses of power.

The strength of a nation comprises various elements, but governance stands as the most crucial element, which must take the forefront when engaging in collaborations or relations with other countries. Leadership's power must be present and capable of fostering a populace that adheres to the government.

Perhaps this is one reason why governments or large corporations aspire to dominate the market. It all ties back to strength and authority.

Title: Re: What Actually Drives People/Gov to Adopt New and Bold Decisions
Post by: Casdinyard on September 18, 2023, 05:49:45 PM
Desperation for people and government mostly.

For the most part, people will remain with what's comfortable for them. For a while people are happy with the MBS (mortgage-backed securities), when things went to shitter everyone panicked and agreed that something like MBS shouldn't be done anymore not for any reason. People agreed to not have anymore world wars after the second war obliterated Japan's cities. It's through these desperate measures that we see the most change in legislations and how the government attacks things.

With crypto it couldn't be any more similar. For a while they are letting it run free, some countries even supporting it, but when things go south and government finds out how it undermines the profit streams of the richest, they are trying to circumvent the process and ban it. yet another sign of desperate times calling for desperate measures.
I agree. Desperation to survive and be backed up by a stronger and more powerful country. In my country we are always trying to be updated and follow what is trending in the West for reasons that be believe that they are the ones that can help us lead the country to a better status. Moreover, there is still the underlying effect of the colonialism that happened years ago, hence the influence of those powerful countries that took control of the country I live is still present in various aspects, especially in political matters. Hence, it doesn't take much for our government to adapt changes and practices provided by these countries.
Especially if you're a developing country, you can't really blame your country for relying upon these outside forces for protection and help. For one it's so tough to make it out of the poverty hole for a country, since you can't expect every politician with the power to change the country to be inherently honest and good enough to put the people's welfare above others. It's just one of those things really. Another would be the fact that most countries (I'm not sure where you particularly live but this goes for every country who asks for aid in the west) are either marginalized by private companies abusing their manpower or their resources for personal benefit, or they are just flat-out resource-dry.